Thermal Insulation Roll

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A mid-density insulation designed for use in lofts

ROCKWOOL Thermal Insulation Roll is
designed to increase home comfort and
save energy, by insulating one of the
most cost-effective areas; the loft.
Keeping the heat in during the winter,
and out in the summer. Thermal Roll can
be used to insulate from scratch or be
used as a top up in older homes.


• Keeps homes warm in the winter and cool in
the summer

• Non-combustible

• Sound absorbent

• Quick and easy to install

• Maintains performance over time

• Produced from sustainable, renewable

volcanic rock

ROCKWOOL Thermal Insulation Roll 1,000°C - acting as a barrier to fire. In
has been designed to maximise home the event of a fire this can help provide
energy efficiency by reducing heat extra time for occupants to escape,
transfer through the roof. Thermal Roll and enable the emergency services to
has the effect of both helping to reduce contain the fire, minimising damage to
heating bills and improving home property and contents.
comfort, keeping occupants warm in the
winter and cool in the summer. ROCKWOOL insulation also enhances
home comfort as it absorbs sound and
Thermal Roll also provides several reduces sound vibrations. The density,
additional benefits. Being made from non-directional fibre orientation, and
volcanic rock means ROCKWOOL its open porous structure trap sound
insulation is non-combustible, able waves and prevent them from traveling
to withstand temperatures of up to through it.


Designed for use in horizontal loft applications, the “Twin Roll” feature of
ROCKWOOL Thermal Roll means it is pre-split at 100mm and 200mm thicknesses,
for quick and easy installation. 100mm thickness for laying between the joists, and
200mm cross layered over the top of the joists - to give the recommended 300mm
total coverage to meet thermal performance set out in Part L (Conservation of Fuel
and Power) of the building regulations.

Thermal Roll crossed laid

over the top of the joists
at 200mm thickness

Thermal Roll laid at

100mm thickness in
between the joists

Part L: 2013 of the Building Regulations requires new pitched roofs with loft spaces
to achieve U-values of between 0.16 and 0.11W/m²K. Laying 100mm Thermal Roll
between the joists and overlaying the joists with 200mm Thermal Roll provides a
U-value of 0.14 W/m²K, which exceeds the minimum U-value of 0.16 W/m²K.

To maximise performance, Thermal Roll should be cross-layered between and over

the ceiling joists, with all joints closely butted, to reduce thermal bridging and
eliminate performance reducing gaps.

U-value Between Joists Over Joists (cross laid) Total Thickness

(W/mK2) (mm) (mm) (mm)
0.14 100 200 300

Technical Information
Non-hygroscopic (does not attract water), highly durable and inorganic. Provides no
food source to sustain vermin, and does not encourage growth of mould, fungi or

Water repellence and vapour resistivity

ROCKWOOL Insulation products work with the fabric of the building, preventing
water from penetrating, but allowing moisture vapour to pass through. Vapour
resistivity of 5.9 MNs/gm.


Upgrading existing loft insulation
When upgrading loft insulation, a check should be performed to make sure
existing insulation material between joists is tightly jointed to the sides of the
timber, and that it has not slumped or sagged. If not tightly jointed and, or, the
insulation is sagging, remove and replace with new. If the existing insulation is in
good condition, cross layer over the top of the rafters with 200mm of ROCKWOOL
Thermal Roll.


• Water tanks:
Insulation should not be placed directly under cold water tanks. Where access
is required to water tanks, supports should be provided for a raised walkway.

• Loft hatches:
To preserve the continuity of insulation, loft hatch covers should be insulated
with a minimum 100mm thickness of ROCKWOOL Thermal Roll. Double-sided
adhesive tape may be used to hold the insulation in place.

• Electrical cables:
The IEE Wiring Regulations, 17th edition and British Standard BS 7671: 2008
provide guidance on the correction factors to be applied in downrating
cables. Each case should be separately assessed. Where possible, all cables
should be lifted free of the insulation.


Sustainability Environment
ROCKWOOL stone wool is produced ROCKWOOL Insulation is made from
from diabase rock, which is naturally natural, sustainable and recyclable
and continually replenished from within resources. Our high-tech production
the earth at a higher rate than it is process utilises filters, pre-heaters, after-
used. ROCKWOOL have invested to burners and other cleaning collection
make sure recycling is a key part of our systems to ensure an environmentally
business. Waste material, refurbishment responsible approach.97% recyclable
and demolition waste, along with and with a zero Ozone Depletion
off-cuts, can all be transformed into Potential and zero Global Warming
ROCKWOOL insulation briquettes Potential, ROCKWOOL insulation
and used in our furnaces. In fact, more products represent no known threat to
than 75% of our stone wool waste is the environment.
recycled. ROCKWOOL also runs a
product recycling program from our
recycling centre in Bridgend.

Fire resistance
Acoustic comfort
Sustainable materials

Health & Safety

The safety of ROCKWOOL stone
wool is confirmed by current UK and
Republic of Ireland health & safety
regulations and EU directive 97/69/EC:
ROCKWOOL fibres are not classified
as a possible human carcinogen. A
Material Safety Data Sheet is available
and can be downloaded from www. to assist in the
preparation of risk assessments, as
required by the control of Substances
Hazardous to Health Regulations

For further information, contact the Technical Solutions Team on 01656 868490
or email [email protected]
Visit to view our complete range of products and services.
Copyright ROCKWOOL August 2018.

ROCKWOOL Limited reserves the right to alter or amend the specification of products The above applications do not necessarily represent an exhaustive list of applications for
without notice as our policy is one of constant improvement. The information contained in ROCKWOOL Sound Insulation Slab.
this data sheet is believed to be correct at the date of publication. ROCKWOOL Limited does not accept responsibility for the consequences of using
Whilst ROCKWOOL will endeavour to keep its publications up to date, readers will appreiate ROCKWOOL Sound Insulation Slab in applications different from those described within
that between publications there may be pertinent changes in the law, or other developments this data sheet. Expert advice should be sought where such different applications are
affecting the accuracy of the information contained in this data sheet. contemplated, or where the extent of any listed application is in doubt


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August 2018

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