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DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998


6 By R. Jan Stevenson, University of Louisville, and

Loren L. Bahls, University of Montana

Benthic algae (periphyton or phytobenthos) are primary producers and an important foundation of
many stream food webs. These organisms also stabilize substrata and serve as habitat for many other
organisms. Because benthic algal assemblages are attached to substrate, their characteristics are
affected by physical, chemical, and biological disturbances that occur in the stream reach during the
time in which the assemblage developed.

Diatoms in particular are useful ecological indicators because they are found in abundance in most
lotic ecosystems. Diatoms and many other algae can be identified to species by experienced
algologists. The great numbers of species provide multiple, sensitive indicators of environmental
change and the specific conditions of their habitat. Diatom species are differentially adapted to a wide
range of ecological conditions.

Periphyton indices of biotic integrity have been developed and tested in several regions (Kentucky
Department of Environmental Protection 1993, Hill 1997). Since the ecological tolerances for many
species are known (see section 6.1.4), changes in community composition can be used to diagnose the
environmental stressors affecting ecological health, as well as to assess biotic integrity (Stevenson
1998, Stevenson and Pan 1999).

Periphyton protocols may be used by themselves, but they are most effective when used with one or
more of the other assemblages and protocols. They should be used with habitat and benthic
macroinvertebrate assessments particularly because of the close relation between periphyton and these
elements of stream ecosystems.

Presently, few states have developed protocols for periphyton assessment. Montana, Kentucky, and
Oklahoma have developed periphyton bioassessment programs. Others states are exploring the
possibility of developing periphyton programs. Algae have been widely used to monitor water quality
in rivers of Europe, where many different approaches have been used for sampling and data analysis
(see reviews in Whitton and Rott 1996, Whitton et al. 1991). The protocols presented here are a
composite of the techniques used in Kentucky, Montana, and Oklahoma (Bahls 1993, Kentucky
Department of Environmental Protection 1993, Oklahoma Conservation Commission 1993).

Two Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for periphyton are presented. These protocols are meant to
provide examples of methods that can be used. Other methods are available and should be considered
based on the objectives of the assessment program, resources available for study, numbers of streams
sampled, hypothesized stressors, and the physical habitat of the streams studied. Examples of other
methods are presented in textboxes throughout the chapter.

The first protocol (6.1) is a standard approach in which species composition and/or biomass of a
sampled assemblage is assessed in the laboratory. The second protocol (6.2) is a field-based rapid
survey of periphyton biomass and coarse-level taxonomic composition (e.g., diatoms, filamentous
greens, blue-green algae) and requires little taxonomic expertise. The two protocols can be used
together. The first protocol has the advantage of providing much more accuracy in assessing biotic

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-1
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

integrity and in diagnosing causes of impairment than the second protocol, but it requires more effort
than the second protocol. Additionally, the first protocol provides the option of sampling the natural
substrate of the stream or placing artificial substrates for colonization.


6.1.1 Field Sampling Procedures: Natural Substrates

Periphyton samples should be collected during periods of stable stream flow. High flows can scour the
stream bed, flushing the periphyton downstream. Recolonization of substrates will be faster after less
severe floods and in streams with nutrient enrichment. Peterson and Stevenson (1990) recommend a
three-week delay following high, bottom-scouring stream flows to allow for recolonization and
succession to a mature periphyton community. However, recovery after high discharge can be as rapid
as 7 days if severe scouring of substrata did not occur (Stevenson 1990).

Two sampling approaches are described for natural substrate sampling. Multihabitat sampling best
characterizes the benthic algae in the reach, but results may not be sensitive to subtle water quality
changes because of habitat variability between reaches. Species composition of assemblages from a
single habitat should reflect water quality differences among streams more precisely than multi-habitat
sampling, but impacts in other habitats in the reach may be missed.

The length of stream sampled depends upon the objectives of the project, budget, and expected results.
Multihabitat sampling should be conducted at the reach scale (30-40 stream widths) to ensure sampling
the diversity of habitats that occur in the stream. Ideally, single habitat sampling should also be
conducted at the reach scale. A shorter length of stream can probably be sampled for single habitat
samples than multihabitat samples because the chosen single habitat (e.g., riffles) is usually common
within the study streams. Multihabitat Sampling

The following procedures for
multihabitat sampling of algae C stainless steel teaspoon, toothbrush, or similar brushing and
have been adapted from the scraping tools
Kentucky and Montana protocols C section of PVC pipe (3" diameter or larger) fitted with a
(Kentucky DEP 1993, Bahls rubber collar at one end
1993). These procedures are C field notebook or field forms*; pens and pencils
recommended when subsequent C white plastic or enamel pan
laboratory assessments of species C petri dish and spatula (for collecting soft sediment)
composition of algal assemblages C forceps, suction bulb, and disposable pipettes
will be performed. C squeeze bottle with distilled water
C sample containers (125 ml wide-mouth jars)
C sample container labels
1. Establish the reach for C preservative [Lugol's solution, 4% buffered formalin, "M3"
multihabitat sampling as per fixative, or 2% glutaraldehyde (APHA 1995)]
the macroinvertebrate C first aid kit
protocols (Chapter 7). In C cooler with ice
most cases, the reach required
for periphyton sampling will * During wet weather conditions, waterproof paper is useful or
be the same size as the reach copies of field forms can be stored in a metal storage box
required for (attached to a clip-board).

6-2 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

macroinvertebrate or fish sampling (30-40 stream widths) so that as many algal habitats can be
sampled as is practical.

2. Before sampling, complete the physical/chemical field sheet (see Chapter 5; Appendix A-1, Form
1) and the periphyton field data sheet (Appendix A-2, Form 1). Visual estimates or quantitative
transect-based assessments can be used to determine the percent coverage of each substrate type
and the estimated relative abundance of macrophytes, macroscopic filamentous algae, diatoms and
other microscopic algal accumulations (periphyton), and other biota (see section 6.2).

3. Collect algae from all available substrates and habitats. The objective is to collect a single
composite sample that is representative of the periphyton assemblage present in the reach. Sample
all substrates (Table 6-1) and habitats (riffles, runs, shallow pools, nearshore areas) roughly in
proportion to their areal coverage in the reach. Within a stream reach, light, depth, substrate, and
current velocity can affect species composition of periphyton assemblages. Changes in species
composition of algae among habitats are often evident as changes in color and texture of the
periphyton. Small amounts (about 5 mL or less) of subsample from each habitat are usually
sufficient. Pick specimens of macroalgae by hand in proportion to their relative abundance in the
reach. Combine all samples into a common container.

Table 6-1. Summary of collection techniques for periphyton from wadeable streams (adapted from
Kentucky DEP 1993, Bahls 1993).
Substrate Type Collection Technique

Removable substrates (hard): gravel, pebbles, Remove representative substrates from water; brush
cobble, and woody debris or scrape representative area of algae from surface
and rinse into sample jar.

Removable substrates (soft): mosses, macroalgae, Place a portion of the plant in a sample container
vascular plants, root masses with some water. Shake it vigorously and rub it
gently to remove algae. Remove plant from sample

Large substrates (not removable): boulders, bedrock, Place PVC pipe with a neoprene collar at one end
logs, trees, roots on the substrate so that the collar is sealed against
the substrate. Dislodge algae in the pipe with a
toothbrush, nail brush, or scraper. Remove algae
from pipe with pipette.

Loose sediments: sand, silt, fine particulate organic Invert petri dish over sediments. Trap sediments in
matter, clay petri dish by inserting spatula under dish. Remove
sediments from stream and rinse into sampling
container. Algal samples from depositional habitats
can also be collected with spoons, forceps, or

4. Place all samples into a single water-tight, unbreakable, wide-mouth container. A composite
sample measuring four ounces (ca. 125 ml) is sufficient (Bahls 1993). Add recommended amount
of Lugol's (IKI) solution, "M3" fixative, buffered 4% formalin, 2% glutaraldehyde, or other
preservative (APHA 1995).

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-3
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

5. Place a permanent label on the outside of the sample container with the following information:
waterbody name, location, station number, date, name of collector, and type of preservative.
Record this information and relevant ecological information in a field notebook or on the
periphyton field data sheet (Appendix A-2, Form 1). Place another label with the same information
inside the sample container. (Caution! Lugol's solution and other iodine-based preservatives will
turn paper labels black.)

6. After sampling, review the recorded information on all labels and forms for accuracy and

7. Examine all brushing and scraping tools for residues. Rub them clean and rinse them in distilled
water before sampling the next site and before putting them away.

8. Transport samples back to the laboratory in a cooler with ice (keep them cold and dark) and store
preserved samples in the dark until they are processed. Be sure to stow samples in a way so that
transport and shifting does not allow samples to leak. When preserved, check preservative every
few weeks and replenish as necessary until taxonomic evaluation is completed.

9. Log in all incoming samples (Appendix A-2, Form 2). At a minimum, record sample identification
code, date, stream name, sampling location, collector's name, sampling method, and area sampled
(if it was determined).

1. Chlorophyll a subsamples should be taken as soon as
Variability due to differences in habitat possible (< 12 hours after sampling). Generally, if
between streams may be reduced by chlorophyll subsamples can not be taken in the lab on
collecting periphyton from a single the day of collection, subsample in the field.
substrate/habitat combination that
characterizes the study reach (Rosen 2. Homogenize samples. In the field, shake vigorously. In
1995). For comparability of results, the lab, use a tissue homogenizer.
the same substrate/habitat combination
3. Record the initial volume of sample on the periphyton
should be sampled in all reference and sample log form.
test streams. Single habitat sampling
should be used when biomass of 4. Stir the sample on a magnetic stirrer and subsample.
periphyton will be assessed. When subsampling, take at least two aliquots from the
sample for each chlorophyll sample (two aliquots
1. Define the sampling reach. The provides a more representative subsample than one).
area sampled for single habitat Record the subsample volume for chlorophyll a on the
sampling can be smaller than the periphyton sample log form.
area used for multihabitat
5. Concentrate the chlorophyll subsample on a glass fiber
sampling. Valuable results have
filter (e.g., Whatman® GFC or equivalent).
been achieved in past projects by
sampling just one riffle or pool. 6. Fold the filter and wrap with aluminum to exclude light.

2. Before sampling, complete the 7. Store the filter in a cold cooler (not in water) and
physical/chemical field sheet (see eventually in a freezer.
Chapter 5; Appendix A-1, Form 1)
and the periphyton field data sheet

6-4 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

(Appendix A-2, Form 1). Complete habitat assessments as in multihabitat sampling so that the
relative importance of the habitats sampled can be characterized.

3. The recommended substrate/habitat combination is cobble obtained from riffles and runs with
current velocities of 10-50 cm/sec. Samples from this habitat are often easier to analyze than from
slow current habitats because they contain less silt. These habitats are common in many streams.
In low gradient streams where riffles are rare, algae on snags or in depositional habitats can be
collected. Shifting sand is not recommended as a targeted substrate because the species
composition on sand is limited due to the small size and unstable nature of the substratum.
Phytoplankton should be considered as an alternative to periphyton in large, low gradient streams.

4. Collect several subsamples from the same substrate/habitat combination and composite them into a
single container. Three or more subsamples should be collected from each reach or study stream.

5. The area sampled should always be determined if biomass (e.g., chlorophyll) per unit area is to be

6. If you plan to assay samples for chlorophyll a,

do not preserve samples until they have been
subsampled (see textbox entitled “Chlorophyll
a Subsampling”).
1. Sample labels must be accurately and
7. Store, transport, process, and log in samples as thoroughly completed, including the sample
in steps 4-9 in section identification code, date, stream name,
sampling location, and collector's name.
6.1.2 Field Sampling Procedures: The outside and any inside labels of the
container should contain the same
Artificial Substrates information. Chain of custody and sample
log forms must include the same
Most monitoring groups prefer sampling natural information as the sample container labels.
substrates whenever possible to reduce field time Caution! Lugol's solution and iodine-based
and improve ecological applicability of information. preservatives will turn paper labels black.
However, periphyton can also be sampled by
collecting from artificial substrates that are placed 2. After sampling has been completed at a
in aquatic habitats and colonized over a period of given site, all brushes, suction and scraping
time. This procedure is particularly useful in devices that have come in contact with the
sample should be rubbed clean and rinsed
non-wadeable streams, rivers with no riffle areas,
thoroughly in distilled water. The
wetlands, or the littoral zones of lentic habitats.
equipment should be examined again prior
Both natural and artificial substrates are useful in to use at the next sampling site, and rinsed
monitoring and assessing waterbody conditions, and again if necessary.
have corresponding advantages and disadvantages
(Stevenson and Lowe 1986, Aloi 1990). The 3. After sampling, review the recorded
methods summarized here are a composite of those information on all labels and forms for
specified by Kentucky (Kentucky DEP 1993), accuracy and completeness.
Florida (Florida DEP 1996), and Oklahoma
(Oklahoma CC 1993). 4. Collect and analyze one replicate sample
from 10% of the sites to evaluate precision
Although glass microslides are preferred, a variety
or repeatability of sampling technique,
of artificial substrates have been used with success
collection team, sample analysis, and
(see #2 below and textbox on p 6-6). taxonomy.

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-5
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

1. Microslides should be thoroughly cleaned before placing in periphytometers (e.g., Patrick et al.
1954). Rinse slides in acetone and clean with Kimwipes®.

2. Place surface (floating) or benthic (bottom) periphytometers fitted with glass slides, glass rods,
clay tiles, plexiglass plates or similar substrates in the study area. Allow 2 to 4 weeks for
periphyton recruitment and colonization.
3. Replicate a minimum of 3 periphytometers at each site to account for spatial variability. The total
number should depend upon the study design and hypotheses tested. Samples can either be
composited or analyzed individually.

4. Attach periphytometers to rebars pounded into the stream bottom or to other stable structures.
Periphytometers should be hidden from view to minimize disturbance or vandalism. Avoid the
main channel of floatable, recreational streams. Each periphytometer should be oriented with the
shield directed upstream.

5. If flooding or a similar scouring event

occurs during incubation, allow waterbody PERIPHYTON SAMPLING--
to equilibrate and reset periphytometers ARTIFICIAL SUBSTRATES
with clean slides.
C periphytometer (frame to hold artificial substrata)
6. After the incubation period (2-4 weeks), C microslides or other suitable substratum (e.g.,
collect substrates. Remove algae using clay tiles, sanded Plexiglass® plates, or wooden
rubber spatulas, toothbrushes and razor or acrylic dowels)
blades. You can tell when all algae have C sledge hammer and rebars
been removed from substrates by a change C toothbrush, razor blade, or other scraping tools
C water bottle with distilled water
from smooth, mucilaginous feel (even
C white plastic or enamel pan
when no visible algae are present) to a C aluminium foil
non-slimy or rough texture. C sample containers
C sample container labels
7. Store, transport, process, and log in C field notebook (waterproof)
samples as in steps 4-9 in section C preservative [Lugol's solution, 4% buffered
formalin, "M3" fixative, or 2% glutaraldehyde
8. One advantage of using artificial (APHA 1995)]
substrates is that containers (e.g., C cooler with ice
whirl-pack bags or sample jars) can be
purchased that will hold the substrates so
that substrates need not be scraped in the field. Different substrates can be designated for
microscopic analysis and chlorophyll assay. Then algae and substrates can be placed in sampling
containers and preserved for later processing and microscopic analysis or placed in a cooler on ice
for later chlorophyll a analysis. Laboratory sample processing is preferred; so if travel and holding
time are less than 12 hours, it is not necessary to split samples before returning to the lab.

6.1.3 Assessing Relative Abundances of Algal Taxa: Both "Soft" (Non-Diatom)

Algae and Diatoms

The Methods summarized here are a modified version of those used by Kentucky (Kentucky DEP
1993), Florida (Florida DEP 1996), and Montana (Bahls 1993). For more detail or for alternative
methods, see Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater (APHA 1995).

Many algae are readily identifiable to species level by trained personnel who have a good library of

6-6 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

literature on algal taxonomy (see section 6.3). All algae can not be identified to species because: the
growth forms of some algal species are morphologically indistinguishable with the light microscope
(e.g., zoospores of many green algae); the species has not been described previously; or the species is
not in the laboratory’s literature. Consistency in identifications within a laboratory and program is
very important, because most bioassessment are based on contrasts between reference and test sites.
Accuracy of identifications becomes most important when using autecological information from other
studies. Quality assurance techniques are designed to ensure "internal consistency" and also improve
comparisons with information in other algal assessment and monitoring programs. "Soft" (Non-Diatom) Algae Relative Abundance and Taxa Richness

1. Homogenize algal samples with a tissue homogenizer or blender.

2. Thoroughly mix the homogenized sample and pipette into a Palmer counting cell (see textbox for
alternative methods). Algal suspensions that produce between 10 and 20 cells in a field provide
good densities for counting and identifying cells. Lower densities slow counting. Dilute samples if
cells overlap too much for counting.

3. Fill in the top portion of the benchsheet for "soft" algae (Appendix A-2, Form 3) with enough
information from the sample label and other sources to uniquely identify the sample.

4. Identify and count 300 algal "cell units" to the lowest possible taxonomic level at 400X
magnification with the use of the references in Section 6.3.

! Distinguishing cells of coenocytic algae (e.g., Vaucheria) and small filaments of blue-green
algae is a problem in cell counts. "Cell units" can be defined for these algae as 10mm sections
of the thallus or filament.
! For diatoms, only count live diatoms and do not identify to lower taxonomic levels if a
subsequent count of cleaned diatoms is to be undertaken (See section
! Record numbers of cells or cell units observed for each taxon on a benchsheet.
! Make taxonomic notes and drawings on benchsheets of important specimens.

5. Optional - To better determine non-diatom taxa richness, continue counting until you have not
observed any new taxa for 100 cell units or about three minutes of observation. Diatom Relative Abundances and Taxa Richness

1. Subsample at least 5-10 mL of concentrated preserved sample while vigorously shaking the sample
(or using magnetic stirrer). Oxidize (clean) samples for diatom analysis (APHA 1995, see textbox
entitled “Oxidation Methods for Cleaning Diatoms”).

2. Mount diatoms in Naphrax® or another high refractive index medium to make permanent slides.
Label slides with same information as on the sample container label.

3. Fill in the top portion of the bench sheet for diatom counts (Appendix A-2, Form 4) with enough
information from the sample label to uniquely identify the sample.

4. Identify and count diatom valves to the lowest possible taxonomic level, which should be species
and perhaps variety level, under oil immersion at 1000X magnification with the use of the

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-7
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

references in Section 6.3. At minimum, count 600 valves (300 cells) and at least until 10 valves of
10 species have been observed. Be careful to distinguish and count both valves of intact frustules.
The 10 valves of 10 species rule ensures relatively precise estimates of relative abundances of the
dominant taxa when one or two taxa are highly dominant. Six hundred valve counts were chosen
to conform with methods used in other national bioassessment programs (Porter et al. 1993).
Record numbers of valves observed for each taxon on the bench sheet. Make taxonomic notes and
drawings on benchsheets and record stage coordinates of important specimens.

5. Optional - To estimate total diatom taxa richness, continue counting until you have not observed
any new species for 100 specimens or about three minutes of observation. Calculating Species Relative Abundances and Taxa Richness

1. Relative abundances of "soft" algae are determined by dividing the number of cells (cell units)
counted for each taxon by the total number of cells counted (e.g., 300). Enter this information on
Appendix A-2, Form 3.

2. Relative abundances of diatoms have to be corrected for the number of live diatoms observed in the
count of all algae. Therefore, determine the relative abundances of diatom species in the algal
assemblage by dividing the number of valves counted for each species by the total number of
valves counted (e.g., 600); then multiply the relative abundance of each diatom taxon in the diatom
count by the relative abundance of live diatoms in the count of all algae. Enter this information on
Appendix A-2, Form 4. Some analysts prefer to treat diatom and soft algal species composition
separately. In this case, determine the relative abundances of diatom species in the algal
assemblage by dividing the number of valves counted for each species by the total number of
valves counted (e.g., 600).

3. Total taxa richness can be estimated by adding the number of "soft" algal taxa and diatom taxa. Alternative Preparation Techniques

Palmer counting cells are excellent for identifying and counting soft-algae in most species assemblages.
When samples have many very small blue-green algae or a few, relatively important large cells, other
slide preparation techniques may be useful to increase magnification and sample size, respectively.
Because accurate diatom identification is not possible in Palmer cells, we have recommended counting
cleaned diatoms in special mounts. However, if the taxonomy of algae in samples is well known,
preparation and counting time can be reduced by mounting algae in syrup. In syrup, both soft algae
and diatoms can be identified, but resolution of morphological details of diatoms is not as great as in
mounts of diatoms in resins (e.g., Naphrax®).

Assemblages with many small cells: We recommend a simple wet mount procedure when samples
contain many small algae so samples can be observed at 1000X. A small volume of water under the
coverglass prevents movement of cells when adjusting focus and using oil immersion. These
preparations usually last several days if properly sealed (see below).

Wet mounts:
1. Clean coverglasses and place on flat surface.

2. Pipette 1.0 mL of algal suspension onto the coverglass.

6-8 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

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3. Dry the algal suspension on the

coverglass. For convenience, the OXIDATION (CLEANING) METHODS FOR
evaporation of water can be DIATOMS
increased on a slide-warmer or
slowed by drying the sample in a Concentrated Acid Oxidation:
vapor chamber (as simple as a 1. Place a 5-10 mL subsample of preserved algal sample in
cake pan or aluminum foil hood a beaker.
placed over samples).
2. Under a fume hood, add enough concentrated nitric or
sulfuric acid to produce a strong exothermic reaction.
4. As soon as the algal suspension
Usually equal parts of sample and acid will produce such
dries, invert the coverglass into a reaction.
the 0.02 mL of distilled water on a (Caution! With some preservatives and samples from
microscope slide. hard water, adding concentrated acid will produce a
violent exothermic reaction. Use a fume hood, safety
5. Seal the water under the glasses, and protective clothing. Separate the sample
microscope slide with fingernail beakers by a few inches to prevent
polish or polyurethane varnish. cross-contamination of samples in the event of
Assemblages with a few large cells:
3. Allow the sample to oxidize overnight.
Sedgewick-Rafter counting chambers,
which are large modified microscope 4. Fill the beaker with distilled water.
slides with 1.0 mL wells, increase
sample size. Counts in 5. Wait 1 hour for each centimeter of water depth in the
Sedgewick-Rafter counting cells beaker.
should be done after counts in Palmer
cells or wet mounts so that the relation 6. Siphon off the supernatant and refill the beaker with
between sample proportions with the distilled water. Siphon from the center of the water
two methods can be determined. column to avoid siphoning light algae that have
While keeping track of the proportion adsorbed onto the sides and surface of the water column.
of sample observed, identify and count
large algae in transects at 200X or 7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 until all color is removed and
100X magnification in the counting the sample becomes clear or has a circumneutral pH.
Hydrogen Peroxide/Potassium Dichromate Oxidation:
Syrup mounts: 1. Prepare samples as in step 1 above, but use 50% H2O2
1. Prepare Taft's syrup medium instead of concentrated acid.
(TSM) by mixing 30 mL of clear
corn syrup (e.g., Karo's® Corn 2. Allow the sample to oxidize overnight, then add a
Syrup) with 7 mL of microspatula of potassium dichromate.
(Caution! This will cause a violent exothermic
formaldehyde and 63 mL of
reaction. Use a fume hood, safety glasses, and
distilled water. Dilute a 10 mL protective clothing. Separate the sample beakers by
proportion of this 100% TSM a few inches to prevent cross-contamination in the
with 90 mL of distilled water to event of overflow.)
make 10% TSM.
3. When the sample color changes from purple to yellow
2. Place 0.2 mL of 10% TSM on and boiling stops, fill the beaker with distilled water.
4. Wait 4 hours, siphon off the supernatant, and refill the
beaker with distilled water. Siphon from the center of

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-9
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

3. Place 1.0 mL of algal suspension on coverglass. Consider using several dilutions.

4. Let dry for 24 hours. Alternatively, dry on slide warmer on low setting. Do not overdry or cells
will plasmolyze.
5. Place another . 1.0 mL of 10% TSM on cover glass and dry (overnight or 4 hours on a slide
warmer). Apply 10% TSM quickly to avoid patchy resuspension of the original layer of TSM and

6. Invert coverglass onto microscope slide; place slide on hot plate to warm the slide and syrup. Do
not boil, just warm. Press coverglass gently in place with forceps, being careful to keep all syrup
under the coverglass. The syrup should spread under coverglass.

7. Remove the slide from the hotplate. Cooling should partially seal the coverglass to the slide.

8. More permanently seal the syrup under slides by painting fingernail polish around the edge of the
cover glass and onto the microscope slide.

Note: Preserve color of chloroplasts by keeping samples in dark.

Special Note: If slides get too warm in storage, syrup will loose viscosity and become runny. Algae
and medium may then escape containment under coverglass. Store slides in a horizontal position.

6.1.4 Metrics Based on Species Composition

The periphyton metrics presented here are used by several states and environmental assessment
programs throughout the US and Europe (e.g., Kentucky DEP 1993, Bahls 1993, Florida DEP 1996,
Whitton et al. 1991, Whitton and Kelly 1995). Each of these metrics should be tested for response to
human alterations of streams in the region in which they are used (see Chapter 9, Biological Data
Analysis). In many cases, diatom and soft algal metrics have been determined separately because
changes in small abundant cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) can numerically overwhelm metrics based
on relative abundance and because green algae with large cells (e.g., Cladophora) may not have
appropriate weight. However, attempts should be made to integrate diatoms and soft algae in as many
metrics as possible, especially in cases such as species and generic richness when great variability in
relative abundance is not an issue.

6-10 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

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Many metrics can be calculated based on

presence/absence data or on relative ANALYSES
abundances of taxa. For example, percent
Pollution Tolerant Diatoms can be calculated • We recommend that all algae (soft and diatom)
as the sum of relative abundances of pollution be identified and counted. Information may be
tolerant taxa in an assemblage or as the lost if soft algae are not identified and counted
number of species that are tolerant to pollution because some impacts may selectively affect soft
in an assemblage. Percent community algae. Most of the species (and thus
similarity can be calculated as presented information) in a sample will be diatoms. Costs
below, which quantifies the percent of of both analyses are not that great.
organisms in two assemblages that are the
• Costs can be reduced by only counting diatoms
same. Alternatively, it can be calculated as the or soft algae. Since diatoms are usually the
percent of species that are the same by making most species-rich group of algae in samples and
all relative abundances greater than 0 equal to most metrics are based on differences in
1. The following metrics can also be taxonomic composition, we recommend that
calculated with presence/absence data instead diatoms be counted. In addition, permanently
of species relative abundances: % sensitive preserved and readily archived microslides of
taxa, % motile taxa, % acidobiontic, % diatoms can serve as a historic reference of
alkalibiontic, % halobiontic, % saprobiontic, ecological conditions.
% eutrophic, simple autecological indices, and
• In general, identifying algae to species is
change in inferred ecological conditions.
recommended for two reasons: (1) to better
Although we may find that metrics based on characterize differences between assemblages
species relative abundances are more sensitive that may occur at the species level and (2)
to environmental change, metrics based on because large differences in ecological
presence/absence data may be more preferences do exist among algal species within
appropriate when developing metrics with the same genus.
multihabitat samples and proportional
sampling of habitats is difficult. In the latter • However, substantial information can be gained
case, presence/absence of species should by identifying algae just to the genus level.
remain the same, even if relative abundance of Whereas identifying algae only to genus may
loose valuable ecological information, costs of
taxa differs with biases in multihabitat
analyses can be reduced, especially for
sampling. inexperienced analysts.

The metrics have been divided into two groups • If implementing a new program and only an
which may be helpful in developing an Index inexperienced analyst is available for the job,
of Biotic Integrity (IBI). Metrics in the first identifying diatom genera in assemblages can
group are less diagnostic than the second provide valuable characterizations of biotic
group of metrics. Metrics in the first group integrity and environmental conditions.
(species and generic richness, Shannon
diversity, etc.) generally characterize biotic • As analysts get more experience counting, the
taxonomic level of their analyses should
integrity ("natural balance in flora and
improve. The cost of an experienced analyst
fauna…." as in Karr and Dudley 1981) counting and identifying algae to species is not
without specifically diagnosing ecological much greater than analysis to genus.
conditions and causes of impairment. The
second group of metrics more specifically
diagnoses causes of impaired biotic integrity.
Metrics from both groups could be included in an IBI to make a hierarchically diagnostic IBI.
Alternatively, an IBI could be constructed from only metrics of biotic integrity so that inference of
biotic integrity and diagnosis of impairment are independent (Stevenson and Pan 1999).

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-11
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

Autecological information about many algal species and genera has been reported in the literature.
This information comes in several forms. In some cases, qualitative descriptions of the ecological
conditions in which species were observed were reported in early studies of diatoms. Following the
development of the saprobic index by Kolkwitz and Marsson (1908), several categorical classification
systems (e.g., halobian spectrum, pH spectrum) were developed to describe the ecological preferences
and tolerances of species (see Lowe 1974 for a review). Most recently, the ecological optima and
tolerances of species for specific environmental conditions have been quantified by using weighted
average regression approaches (see ter Braak and van Dam 1989 for a review). We have compiled a
list of references for this information in Section 6.4. These references will be valuable for developing
many of the metrics below.

Metrics of Biotic Integrity

1. Species richness is an estimate of the number of algal species (diatoms, soft algae, or both) in
a sample. High species richness is assumed to indicate high biotic integrity because many
species are adapted to the conditions present in the habitat. Species richness is predicted to
decrease with increasing pollution because many species are stressed. However, many habitats
may be naturally stressed by low nutrients, low light, or other factors. Slight increases in
nutrient enrichment can increase species richness in headwater and naturally unproductive,
nutrient-poor streams (Bahls et al. 1992).

2. Total Number of Genera (Generic richness) should be highest in reference sites and lowest in
impacted sites where sensitive genera become stressed. Total number of genera (diatoms, soft
algae, or both) may provide a more robust measure of diversity than species richness, because
numerous closely related species are within some genera and may artificially inflate richness

3. Total Number of Divisions represented by all taxa should be highest in sites with good water
quality and high biotic integrity.

4. Shannon Diversity (for diatoms). The Shannon Index is a function of both the number of
species in a sample and the distribution of individuals among those species (Klemm et al.
1990). Because species richness and evenness may vary independently and complexly with
water pollution. Stevenson (1984) suggests that changes in species diversity, rather than the
diversity value, may be useful indicators of changes in water quality. Species diversity,
despite the controversy surrounding it, has historically been used with success as an indicator
of organic (sewage) pollution (Wilhm and Dorris 1968, Weber 1973, Cooper and Wilhm
1975). Bahls et al. (1992) uses Shannon diversity because of its sensitivity to water quality
changes. Under certain conditions Shannon diversity values may underestimate water quality
e.g., when total number of taxa is less than 10. Assessments for low richness samples can be
improved by comparing the assemblage Shannon Diversity to the Maximum Shannon Diversity
value (David Beeson1, personal communication).

5. Percent Community Similarity (PSc) of Diatoms. The percent community similarity (PSc)
index, discussed by Whittaker (1952), was used by Whittaker and Fairbanks (1958) to
compare planktonic copepod communities. It was chosen for use in algal bioassessment
because it shows community similarities based on relative abundances, and in doing so, gives

David Beeson is a phycologist with Schafer & Associates, Inc.

6-12 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

more weight to dominant taxa than rare ones. Percent similarity can be used to compare
control and test sites, or average community of a group of control or reference sites with a test
site. Percent community similarity values range from 0 (no similarity) to 100%.

The formula for calculating percent community similarity is:

s s
PSc ' 100&.5Ei'1*ai&bi* ' Ei'1min(ai,bi)


ai = percentage of species i in sample A

bi = percentage of species i in sample B

6. Pollution Tolerance Index for Diatoms. The pollution tolerance index (PTI) for algae
resembles the Hilsenhoff biotic index for macroinvertebrates (Hilsenhoff 1987). Lange-
Bertalot (1979) distinguishes three categories of diatoms according to their tolerance to
increased pollution, with species assigned a value of 1 for most tolerant taxa (e.g., Nitzschia
palea or Gomphonema parvulum) to 3 for relatively sensitive species. Relative tolerance for
taxa can be found in Lange-Bertalot (1979) and in many of the references listed in section 6.4.
Thus, Lange-Bertalot’s PTI varies from 1 for most polluted to 3 for least polluted waters when
using the following equation:

Enit i

ni = number of cells counted for species i
ti = tolerance value of species i
N = total number of cells counted
In some cases, the range of values for tolerances has been increased, thereby producing a
corresponding increase in the range of PTI values.

7. Percent Sensitive Diatoms. The percent sensitive diatoms metric is the sum of the relative
abundances of all intolerant species. This metric is especially important in smaller-order
streams where primary productivity may be naturally low, causing many other metrics to
underestimate water quality.

8. Percent Achnanthes minutissima. This species is a cosmopolitan diatom that has a very
broad ecological amplitude. It is an attached diatom and often the first species to pioneer a
recently scoured site, sometimes to the exclusion of all other algae. A. minutissima is also
frequently dominant in streams subjected to acid mine drainage (e.g., Silver Bow Creek,
Montana) and to other chemical insults. The percent abundance of A. minutissima has been
found to be directly proportional to the time that has elapsed since the last scouring flow or
episode of toxic pollution. For use in bioassessment, the quartiles of this metric from a

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-13
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

population of sites has been used to establish judgment criteria, e.g., 0-25% = no disturbance,
25-50% = minor disturbance, 50-75% = moderate disturbance, and 75-100% = severe
disturbance. Least-impaired streams in Montana may contain up to 50% A. minutissima
(Bahls, unpublished data).

9. Percent live diatoms was proposed by Hill (1997) as a metric to indicate the health of the
diatom assemblage. Low percent live diatoms could be due to heavy sedimentation and/or
relatively old algal assemblages with high algal biomass on substrates.

Diagnostic Metrics that Infer Ecological Conditions

The ecological preferences of many diatoms and other algae have been recorded in the literature. Using
relative abundances of algal species in the sample and their preferences for specific habitat conditions,
metrics can be calculated to indicate the environment stressors in a habitat. These metrics can more
specifically infer environmental stressors than the general pollution tolerance index.

10. Percent Aberrant Diatoms is the percent of diatoms in a sample that have anomalies in striae
patterns or frustule shape (e.g, long cells that are bent or cells with indentations). This metric
has been positively correlated to heavy metal contamination in streams (McFarland et al.

11. Percent Motile Diatoms. The percent motile diatoms is a siltation index, expressed as the
relative abundance of Navicula + Nitzschia + Surirella. It has shown promise in Montana
(Bahls et al. 1992). The three genera are able to crawl towards the surface if they are covered
by silt; their abundance is thought to reflect the amount and frequency of siltation. Relative
abundances of Gyrosigma, Cylindrotheca, and other motile diatoms may also be added to this

12. Simple Diagnostic Metrics can infer the environmental stressor based on the autecology of
individual species in the habitats. For example, if acid mine drainage was impairing stream
conditions, then we would expect to find more acidobiontic taxa in samples. Calculate a
simple diagnostic metric as the sum of the percent relative abundances (range 0-100%) of
species that have environmental optima in extreme environmental conditions. For example (see
Table 6-2):

% acidobiontic + % acidophilic
% alkalibiontic + % alkaliphilic
% halophilic
% mesosaprobic + % oligosaprobic + % saprophilic
% eutrophic

13. Inferred Ecological Conditions with Simple Autecological Indices (SAI) - The ecological
preferences for diatoms are commonly recorded in the literature. Using the standard ecological
categories compiled by Lowe (1974, Table 6-2), the ecological preferences for different diatom
species can be characterized along an environmental (stressor) gradient. For example, pH
preferences for many taxa are known. These preferences (1i) can be ranked from 1-5 (e.g.,
acidobiontic, acidophilic, indifferent, alkaliphilic, alkalibiontic, Table 6-2) and can be used in
the following equation to infer environmental conditions (EC) and effect on the periphyton

6-14 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

SAIEC =E 1ipi

14. Inferred Ecological Conditions with Weighted Average Indices are based on the specific
ecological optima ($i) for algae, which are being reported more and more commonly in recent
publications (see Pan and Stevenson 1996). Caution should be exercised, because we do not
know how transferable these optima are among regions and habitats. Using the following
equation, the ecological conditions (EC) in a habitat can be inferred more accurately by using
the optimum environmental conditions ($i) and relative abundances (Di) for taxa in the habitat
(ter Braak and van Dam 1989, Pan et al., 1996) than if only the ecological categorization were
used (as above for the SAI). Optimum environmental conditions are those in which the highest
relative abundances of a taxon are observed. These can be determined from the literature or
from past surveys of taxa and environmental conditions in the study area (see ter Braak and
van Dam 1989). In a pH example, the specific pH in a habitat can be inferred if we know the
pH optima (Hi) of taxa in the habitat, and use the following general equation:

WAIEC = G$ipi

and modify for inferring pH:

WAIpH = G Hipi

15. Impairment of Ecological Conditions can be inferred with algal assemblages by calculating
the deviation ()EC) between inferred environmental conditions at a test site and at a reference

Compare inferred ecological conditions at the test site to the expected ecological conditions (ECex) of
regional reference sites by using either simple autecological indices (SAIEC) or weighted average indices

)EC = |SAIEC - ECex|

)EC = |WAIEC - ECex|

Table 6-2. Environmental definitions of autecological classification systems for algae (as modified or
referenced by Lowe 1974). Definitions for classes are given if no subclass is indicated.
Classification System/ Conditions of Highest Relative
Ecological Parameter Class Subclass Abundances
pH Spectrum Acidobiontic Below 5.5 pH
Acidophilic Above 5.5 and below 7 pH
Indifferent Around 7 pH
Alakaliphilic Above 7 and below 8.5 pH
Alkalibiontic Above 8.5 pH
Nutrient Spectrum - based on Eutrophic High nutrient conditions
P and N concentrations

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-15
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

Classification System/ Conditions of Highest Relative

Ecological Parameter Class Subclass Abundances
Mesotrophic Moderate nutrient conditions
Oligotrophic Low nutrient conditions
Dystrophic High humic (DOC) conditions
Halobion Spectrum - based Polyhalobous Salt concentrations > 40,000 mg/L
on chloride concentrations or
Euhalobous Marine forms: 30,000-40,000 mg/L
Mesohalobous Alpha range Brackish water forms: 10,000-30,000 mg/L
Mesohalobous Beta range Brackish water forms: 500-10,000 mg/L
Oligohalobous Halophilous Freshwater - stimulated by some salt
Oligohalobous Indifferent Freshwater - tolerates some salt
Oligohalobous Halophobic Freshwater - does not tolerate small
amounts of salt
Saprobien System - based on Polysaprobic Characteristic of zone of degradation and
organic pollution putrefication, oxygen usually absent or low
in concentration
Mesosaprobic Alpha range Zone of organic load oxidation — N as
amino acids
Beta range Zone of organic load oxidation — N as
Oligosaprobic Zone in which oxidation of organics
complete, but high nutrient concentrations
Saprophilic Usually in polluted waters, but also in
clean waters
Saproxenous Usually in clean waters, but also found in
polluted waters
Saprophobic Only found in unpolluted waters

6.1.5 Determining Periphyton Biomass

Measurement of periphyton biomass is common in many studies and may be especially important in
studies that address nutrient enrichment or toxicity. In many cases, however, sampling benthic algae
misses peak biomass, which may best indicate nutrient problems and potential for nuisance algal
growths (Biggs 1996, Stevenson 1996).

Biomass measurements can be made with samples collected from natural or artificial substrates. To
quantify algal biomass (chl a, ash-free dry mass, cell density, biovolume cm-2), the area of the substrate
sampled must be determined. Two national stream assessment programs sample and assess
area-specific cell density and biovolume (USGS-NAWQA, Porter et al. 1993; and EMAP, Klemm and
Lazorchak 1994). These programs estimate algal biomass in habitats and reaches by collecting
composite samples separately from riffle and pool habitats.

6-16 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

Periphyton biomass can be estimated with chl

a, ash-free dry mass (AFDM), cell densities, LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FOR
and biovolume, usually per cm2 (Stevenson PERIPHYTON ANALYSIS
1996). Each of these measures estimates a
different component of periphyton biomass (see • compound microscope with 10X or 15X
oculars and 20X, 40X and 100X (oil)
Stevenson 1996 for discussion).
• tally counter (for species proportional count) Chlorophyll a • microscope slides and coverglasses
• immersion oil, lens paper and absorbent
Chlorophyll a ranges from 0.5 to 2% of total tissues
algal biomass (APHA 1995), and this ratio • tissue homogenizer or blender
varies with taxonomy, light, and nutrients. A • magnetic stirrer and stir bar
detailed description of chlorophyll a analysis is • forceps
beyond the scope of this chapter. Standard • hot plate
methods (APHA 1995, USEPA 1992) are • fume hood
• squeeze bottle with distilled water
readily available. The analysis is relatively
• oxidation reagents (HNO3, H2SO4, K2Cr2O7,
simple and involves: H2O2)
• 200-500 ml beakers
1. extracting chlorophyll a in acetone; • safety glasses and protective clothing
• drying oven for AFDM
2. measuring chlorophyll concentration in the • muffle furnace for AFDM
extract with a spectrophotometer or • aluminum weighing pans for AFDM
fluorometer; and • spectrophotometer or fluorometer for chl a
• centrifuge for chl a
3. calculating chlorophyll density on • graduated test tubes for chl a
• acetone for chl a
substrates by determining the proportion of
• MgCO3 for chl a
original sample that was assessed for
chlorophyll. Ash-Free Dry Mass

Ash-free dry mass is a measurement of the organic matter in samples, and includes biomass of
bacteria, fungi, small fauna, and detritus in samples. A detailed description of analysis is beyond the
scope of this chapter, but standard methods (APHA 1995, USEPA 1995) are readily available. The
analysis is relatively simple and measures the difference in mass of a sample after drying and after
incinerating organic matter in the sample. We recommend using AFDM versus dry mass to measure
periphyton biomass because silt can account for a substantial proportion of dry mass in some samples.
Ash mass in samples can be used to infer the amount of silt or other inorganic matter in samples. Area-Specific Cell Densities and Biovolumes

Cell densities (cells cm-2) are determined by dividing the numbers of cells counted by the proportion of
sample counted and the area from which samples were collected. Cell biovolumes (mm3 biovolume
cm-2) are determined by summing the products of cell density and biovolume of each species counted
(see Lowe and Pan 1996) and dividing that sum by the proportion of sample counted and the area from
which samples were collected.

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-17
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998 Biomass Metrics

High algal biomass can indicate
1. Upon delivery of samples to the laboratory, complete
eutrophication, but high algal entries on periphyton sample log-in forms (Appendix 2,
biomass can also accumulate in less Form 2).
productive habitats after long
periods of stable flow. Low algal 2. Maintain a voucher collection of all samples and diatom
biomass may be due to toxic slides. They should be accurately and completely labeled,
conditions, but could be due to a preserved, and stored in the laboratory for future
recent storm event and spate or reference. Specimens on diatom slides should be clearly
naturally heavy grazing. Thus, circled with a diamond or ink marker to facilitate
interpretation of biomass results is location. A record of the voucher specimens should be
maintained. Photographs of specimens improve
ambiguous and is the reason that
"in-house" QA.
major emphasis has not been placed
on quantifying algal biomass for 3. For every QA/QC sample (replicate sample in every 10th
RBP. However, nuisance levels of stream), assess relative abundances and taxa richness in
algal biomass (e.g., > 10 µg chl a replicate wet mounts and a replicate diatom slide to assess
cm-2, > 5 mg AFDM cm-2, > 40% variation in metrics due to variability in sampling within
cover by macroalgae; see review by reaches (habitats), sample preparation, and analytical
Biggs 1996) do indicate nutrient or variability.
organic enrichment. If repeated
measurements of biomass can be 4. QA/QC samples should be counted by another taxonomist
to assess taxonomic precision and bias, if possible.
made, then the mean and maximum
benthic chl a could be used to define 5. Common algal taxa should be the same for the two wet
trophic status of streams. Dodds et mount replicates. The percent community similarity
al. (1998) have proposed guidelines index (Whittaker 1952) (see Section 6.5.1) calculated
in which the from proportional counts of the two replicate diatom
oligotrophic-mesotrophic boundary slides should exceed 75%.
is a mean benthic chl a of 2 µg cm -2
or a maximum benthic chl a of 7 µg 6. If it is not possible to get another taxonomist in the lab to
cm-2 and the mesotrophic-eutrophic QA/QC samples, an outside taxonomist should be
boundary is a mean of 6 µg chl a consulted on a periodic basis to spot-check and verify
taxonomic identifications in wet mounts and diatom
cm-2 and a maximum of 20 µg chl a
slides. All common genera in the wet mount and all
cm-2. major species on the diatom slide (>3% relative
abundance) should be identified similarly by both analysts
6.2 FIELD-BASED RAPID (synonyms are acceptable). Any differences in
PERIPHYTON SURVEY identification should be reconciled and bench sheets
should be corrected.
Semi-quantitative assessments of
7. A library of basic taxonomic literature is an essential aid
benthic algal biomass and taxonomic in the identification of algae and should be maintained
composition can be made rapidly and updated as needed in the laboratory (see taxonomic
with a viewing bucket marked with a references for periphyton in Section 6.5). Taxonomists
grid and a biomass scoring system. should participate in periodic training to ensure accurate
The advantage of using this identifications
technique is that it enables rapid
assessment of algal biomass over
larger spatial scales than substrate sampling and laboratory analysis. Coarse-level taxonomic
characterization of communities is also possible with this technique. This technique is a survey of the

6-18 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

natural substrate and requires no laboratory proc essing, but hand picked samples can be returned to
the laboratory to quickly verify identification. It is a technique developed by Stevenson and Rier2.

1. Fill in top of Rapid Periphyton Survey

(RPS) Field Sheet, Appendix A-2, FIELD EQUIPMENT FOR RAPID

2. Establish at least 3 transects across the • viewing bucket with 50-dot grid [Make the
habitat being sampled (preferably riffles viewing bucket by cutting a hole in bottom of
large ($0.5 m diameter) plastic bucket, but leave
or runs in the reach in which benthic
a small ridge around the edge. Attach a piece of
algal accumulation is readily observed
clear acrylic sheet to the bottom of the bucket
and characterized). with small screws and silicon caulk. The latter
makes water tight seal so that no water enters the
3. Select 3 locations along each transect bucket when it is partially submerged.
(e.g., stratified random locations on right, Periphyton can be clearly viewed by looking
middle, and left bank). down through the bucket when it is partially
submerged in the stream. Mark 50 dots in a 7 x
4. Characterize algae in each selected 7 grid on the top surface of the acrylic sheet with
location by immersing the bucket with a waterproof black marker. Add another dot
outside the 7 x 7 grid to make the 50 dot grid.]
50-dot grid (7 x 7 + 1) in the water.
• meter stick
! First, characterize macroalgal
• pencil
biomass. • Rapid Periphyton Survey Field Sheet
C Observe the bottom of the stream
through the bottom of the
viewing bucket and count the
number of dots that occur over macroalgae (e.g., Cladophora or Spirogyra) under which
substrates cannot be seen. Record that number and the kind of macroalgae under the dots
on RPS field sheet.
C Measure and record the maximum length of the macroalgae.
C If two or more types of macroalgae are present, count the dots, measure, and record
information for each type of macroalgae separately.
! Second, characterize microalgal cover.
C While viewing the same area, record the number of dots under which substrata occur that
are suitable size for microalgal accumulation (gravel > 2 cm in size).
C Determine the kind (usually diatoms and blue-green algae) and estimate the thickness
(density) of microalgae under each dot using the following thickness scale:
0 - substrate rough with no visual evidence of microalgae
0.5 - substrate slimy, but no visual accumulation of microalgae is evident
1 - a thin layer of microalgae is visually evident
2 - accumulation of microalgal layer from 0.5-1 mm thick is evident
3 - accumulation of microalgae layer from 1 mm to 5 mm thick is evident
4 - accumulation of microalgal layer from 5 mm to 2 cm thick is evident
5 - accumulation of microalgal layer greater than 2 cm thick is evident
Mat thickness can be measured with a ruler.
C Record the number of dots that are over each of the specific thickness ranks separately for
diatoms, blue-green algae, or other microalgae.

S.T. Rier is a graduate student at the University of Louisville.

Rapid Bioassessment Protocols for Use in Streams and Wadeable Rivers: Periphyton, Benthic
Macroinvertebrates, and Fish, Second Edition 6-19
DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

5. Statistically characterize density of algae on substrate by determining:

! total number of grid points (dots) evaluated at the site (Dt);
! number of grid points (dots) over macroalgae (Dm)
! total number of grid points (dots) over suitable substrate for microalgae at the site (dt);
! number of grid points over microalga of different thickness ranks for each type of microalga
! average percent cover of the habitat by each type of macroalgae (i.e., 100X Dm/Dt);
! maximum length of each type of macroalgae;
! mean density (i.e., thickness rank) of each type of macroalgae on suitable substrate (i.e.,
Ediri/dt); maximum density of each type of microalgae on suitable substrate.

6. QA/QC between observers and calibration between algal biomass (chl a, AFDM, cell density and
biovolume cm-2 and taxonomic composition) can be developed by collecting samples that have
specific microalgal rankings and assaying the periphyton.


A great wealth of taxonomic literature is available for algae. Below is a subset of that literature. It is
a list of taxonomic references that are useful for most of the United States and are either in English, are
important because no English treatment of the group is adequate, or are valuable for the good

Camburn, K.E., R.L. Lowe, and D.L. Stoneburner. 1978. The haptobenthic diatom flora of Long
Branch Creek, South Carolina. Nova Hedwigia 30:149-279.

Collins, G.B. and R.G. Kalinsky. 1977. Studies on Ohio diatoms: I. Diatoms of the Scioto River
Basin. Bull. Ohio Biological Survey. 5(3):1-45.

Cox, E. J. 1996. Identification of freshwater diatoms from live material. Chapman & Hall, London.

Czarnecki, D.B. and D.W. Blinn. 1978. Diatoms of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National
Park and vicinity. (Diatoms of Southwestern USA II). Bibliotheca Phycologia 38. J. Cramer. 181 pp.

Dawes, C. J. 1974. Marine Algae of the West Coast of Florida. University of Miami Press.

Dillard, G.E. 1989a. Freshwater algae of the Southeastern United States. Part 1. Chlorophyceae:
Volvocales, Testrasporales, and Chlorococcales. Bibliotheca, 81.

Dillard, G.E. 1989b. Freshwater algae of the Southeastern United States. Part 2. Chlorophyceae:
Ulotrichales, Microsporales, Cylindrocapsales, Sphaeropleales, Chaetophorales, Cladophorales,
Schizogoniales, Siphonales, and Oedogoniales. Bibliotheca Phycologica, 83.

Dillard, G.E. 1990. Freshwater algae of the Southeastern United States. Part 3. Chlorophyceae:
Zygnematales: Zygenmataceae, Mesotaeniaceae, and Desmidaceae (Section 1). Bibliotheca
Phycologica, 85.

Dillard, G.E. 1991. Freshwater algae of the Southeastern United States. Part 4. Chlorophyceae:
Zygnemateles: Desmidaceae (Section 2). Bibliotheca Phycologica, 89.

6-20 Chapter 6: Periphyton Protocols

DRAFT REVISION—September 25, 1998

Drouet, F. 1968. Revision of the classification of the oscillatoriaceae. Monograph 15. Academy of
Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Fulton Press, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Hohn, M.H. and J. Hellerman. 1963. The taxonomy and structure of diatom populations from three
North American rivers using three sampling methods. Transaction of the American Microscopal
Society 82:250-329.

Hustedt, F. 1927-1966. Die kieselalgen In Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-flora von Deutschland

Osterreich und der Schweiz VII. Leipzig, West Germany.

Hustedt, F. 1930. Bacillariophyta (Diatomae). In Pascher, A. (ed). Die suswasser Flora

Mitteleuropas. (The freshwater flora of middle Europe). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena, Germany.

Jarrett, G.L. and J.M. King. 1989. The diatom flora (Bacillariphyceae) of Lake Barkley. U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Nashville Dist. #DACW62-84-C-0085.

Krammer, K. and H. Lange-Bertalot. 1986-1991. Susswasserflora von Mitteleuropa. Band 2. Parts

1-4. Bacillariophyceae. Gustav Fischer Verlag. Stuttgart. New York.

Lange-Bertalot, H. and R. Simonsen. 1978. A taxonomic revision of the Nitzschia lanceolatae

Grunow: 2. European and related extra-European freshwater and brackish water taxa. Bacillaria

Lange-Bertalot, H. 1980. New species, combinations and synonyms in the genus Nitzschia.
Bacillaria 3:41-77.

Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1966. The diatoms of the United States, exclusive of Alaska and
Hawaii. Monograph No. 13. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Patrick, R. and C.W. Reimer. 1975. The Diatoms of the United States. Vol. 2, Part 1. Monograph
No. 13. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Prescott, G.W. 1962. The algae of the Western Great Lakes area. Wm. C. Brown Co., Dubuque,

Prescott, G.W., H.T. Croasdale, and W.C. Vinyard. 1975. A Synopsis of North American desmids.
Part II. Desmidaceae: Placodermae. Section 1. Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska.

Prescott, G.W., H.T. Croasdale, and W.C. Vinyard. 1977. A synopsis of North American desmids.
Part II. Desmidaceae: Placodermae. Section 2. Univ. Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska.

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