Indian Auto Component Industry Challenges Ahead

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Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges Ahead

Article · January 2010

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Sachin Borgave
Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Computer Applications


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International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010, PP-01-11

Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges Ahead

Sachin Borgave* and Chaudhari J.S.
*Commerce & Management Research Unit, Shivaji University, Kolhapur, MS, India
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract- Indian Automobile industry is flourishing its twigs worldwide and is close to a fruition of triumph in
the global competition. The spine of the industry is its suppliers of auto components and accessories which
is also an exclusive industrial segment. Today auto industry is enjoying the benefits while the auto
component sector is in its gloom despite of hard efforts of survival. The factors making the differences are
unavailability of resources like skilled labour and technology, high cost of production due to inflation and
Government policies of indirect taxes such as customs and excise. The paper highlights the challenges
faced by Indian auto component industry in domestic and global market.
Keywords- Auto Components, Accessories, International Trade, Exports, Imports, Automobiles

1.1 Introduction
The later globalization period enhanced the trade b. To review the international trade and
in all sectors which includes automobile and auto assess the status of Indian auto
components in top trading commodities. The new component industry.
auto policy helped to promote the auto sector c. To identify the barriers and the challenges
worldwide. The cheap labour and resources in for Indian auto component industry in
India has captivated the attention of developed international trade.
countries from long years back. Only on the
globalization the trade benefits came into clear 1.2.2 Scope of the Study
picture and also India realized the potential of the a. Geographical Scope:
world market. Despite of free trade agreement, The Area selected for the research is Pune as
the preferential and regional trade agreements the maximum auto component Industries,
brought the higher potential markets closer to Foundries, Forging Industries lie in Pune the
India to develop the international trade and newly established R& D for Auto Cluster located
flourish the Indian presence. Today the at Chinchwad Pune (Promoted by Gov. of India,
international markets are so saturated and the MCCIA & PCMC), provides the facilities of
cut throat competition is spread all over the globe designing, tooling and validation testing for SSI.
as the whole world has become a single market.
The rule of ‘survival of the fittest’ is applied at b. Conceptual Scope:
every stage and in all the sectors. This enabled The auto component sector having a higher
Indian auto industry to grow at certain extent. The potentiality to develop its roots, while due to
threat of other competitive countries and the several reasons and forged application the
internal country policies affecting the sector industry is shrinking. The study emphasis to
directly or indirectly, the loop holes are stretching overcome the barriers and triumph over the
the limbs behind and withdrawing its roots of challenges nailed in developing international
development. On one side the automobile trade.
industry is flourishing while on the other side the
Indian auto component/ parts which is a spine of 1.2.3 Data collection and Sampling
Indian automobile industry is shrinking. The study The primary and secondary data required for the
envisages the real problems faced by Indian auto study is collected systematically. Primary data is
component sector in international trade and the collected through a questionnaire and a census
challenges to meet ahead. of auto component exporters from Pune is
considered. According to the information
1.2 Research Methodology obtained through District Industrial Centre and
The industrial area of Pune selected for study is a Maratha Chamber of Commerce, Industries and
major hub of Indian auto component industry, the Agriculture Pune there are 2031 working units in
study focused on micro as well as macro level Pune & Pune periphery. Out of these 2031 units
analyses and hence the primary data is collected only 199 units are registered under the heading-
from exporters situated in Pune region and “Vehicle, Parts and accessories” and out of these
secondary data from international and national 199 units only 61 units are regular exporters.
databases. Hence the universe for the research study is 61
industries and it is decided to study all the 61
1.2.1 Objectives of the Study industries considering it as a sample size.
a. To study the SWOT analysis of Indian Auto Secondary data playing a prominent role in the
Component Industry study is collected through various departments
like Directorate General of Foreign Trade,
Ministry of Commerce, Engineering Export

Copyright © 2010, Bioinfo Publications

International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges Ahead

Promotional Council, MVRDC, Maratha Chamber certification, and 83 companies with TS 16949. In
of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture etc. the past years, this industry has contributed 10 -
12 percent to the total auto production. By the
2. An Overview of Indian Auto Component end of the third quarter in 2005, exports
Industry accounted for 15 percent of the total volumes in
2.1 A progression of Indian Auto Industry the auto components industry. In 2004-05, the
The Auto Industry comprising of Automobile value of auto component exports is estimated to
manufacturers and Auto component be Rs. 56,475 million.
manufacturers, the industry is a prime driver to
boost up the Indian economy contributing 4.7% of 2.2 Classification and Structure of Auto
country’s GDP in the year 2003-04.The industry Component Industry
has sustained a longer struggle behind its An auto component industry can be segmented
admirable way of detonating success. Presently on the basis of the production of component
we see the Joint ventures or own foreign types as below
subsidiaries in automobile as well as auto • Engine Parts
component industry, the foundation for Indian • Drive Transmission and Steering Parts
Automobile industry laid by Hindustan Motors • Suspension and Brake Parts
and Premier Automobiles Ltd in 1942 and 1944 • Electrical Parts
and further various manufacturers clustered the • Equipments
industry such as Automobile Products of India Ltd • Other Parts
(APL), Mahindra & Mahindra, Tata Motors, Ashok In India the auto component industry is structured
Leyland in 1970’s till then the policy framework in three basic categories.
for the industry was very stringent, and there was • Indian companies without any
very limited scope for expansion, the Research collaboration or having very minimal
and Development was also far behind, the collaboration with any foreign
Industry was less complicated in technology, companies for e.g. Sundram Brake
hence there was low investment in Research Lining, Sundram Fastners.
and development, the Joint venture of Maruti and
• Indian companies with foreign
Suzuki initiated a substantial growth in the
collaboration, such as Indian Nippon
industry and after the liberalization policy
Electricals, Hinoday etc.
adopted by India in 1990, the scenario of industry
• MNCs completely owned subsidiaries or
went on changing, the industry gained a up-thrust
the units in which they have major
impetus. The liberalization allowed MNC’s such
control. For e.g. Delphi, Visteon, Denso,
as Ford, Toyota, and Hyundai to set up facilities
MICO etc.
in India. However the arrival of MNC auto
manufacturers revealed the incapability of local
2.3 Evolution of Auto Components industry
auto component suppliers to the global players,
The Auto component Industry is directly
due to lack of technology and change in
dependent on Auto industry; the industry was of
requisites. On other side the import of auto
very small size in the period of 1970s, the growth
components were highly price sensitive and the
initiated after the entry of Maruti Udyog Ltd. Many
huge import tariffs, this intended the MNCs to
new auto component manufacturers emerged in
convey their traditional suppliers to set up in
1980s. The Indian auto industry has evolved
India. As Delphi followed General Motors in 1995
around three major clusters geographically West,
and set up the facility in Gujarat, Visteon followed
North & South of India Major automotive clusters
Ford, further many of the local players auto and
– West- Mumbai, Pune, Nasik, and Aurangabad.
auto component manufacturers seek assistance
South - Chennai Bangalore, Hosur and North-
from the global manufacturers especially for
Delhi, Gurgaon, Faridabad. The set up of Tata
complicated and higher technical jobs, many of
motors, Bajaj, Mahindra & Mahindra, Skoda,
the automotive companies managing there own
General Motors etc. and auto component
subsidiaries without any such collaborations,
manufacturers like Bharat Forge, DGP Hinoday,
manufacturing low end products such as casting
Kirloskar Brothers, SKF Bearings, Kalyani Brakes
and forging, Brake linings, Sheet metals, pistons,
etc. in the west region. Maruti Suzuki during
piston rings etc. The industry is fragmented in the
1990s created a base in the North accordingly
several levels of supplying categories, from Tier 4
the other auto industry like Honda, Eicher etc.,
to tier 1, the larger companies moving the value
and auto component companies like Delphi,
chain as tier1 companies, while SME’s are
Denso India, Lumax, Minda, Sona Koyo, Shriram
identifying in tier 2 and tier 3 slots. The Indian
Pistons etc., setup a hub in the central North. In
auto components industry has over 420 players
the South region the auto & auto component
in the organized sector and over 10000 players in
industries are Ashok Leyland, Ford, Toyota
the unorganized sector. Around 390 auto
Kirloskar, Hyundai, TVS Motors, Brakes India,
component manufacturers have ISO 9000
MICO, Lucas-TVS, Rane Brakes, Sundram
certification, 223 companies with QS-9000
Fasteners etc. constituting a major hub. The

2 International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling

ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Sachin Borgave and Chaudhari JS

quality consciousness, value chain inherited manufacturers have already set up. The sector
through the automobile companies towards the will grow at 15 percent CAGR till the year 2012
suppliers. Further the entry of more MNC’s & and will achieve the position among the top five
giant domestic auto manufacturers prompted auto component economies by 2025. The
supply chain developments to enhance the Industry is perceived tremendous potential for
productivity and responsiveness towards both the foreign direct investments. The exports of auto
ends suppliers as well as automobile companies. components in 2006-07 soared to the US$ 3
The auto component industry can also be billion, which is remarkable, & the investments
segmented through the supply chain tierization continuing the rise. The ACMA estimates the
like first tier, second tier, third tier and fourth tier global sourcing of components from the country
as the levels of supply category and involvement to double from US$ 2.95 to U.S$ 5.9 billion in
in the supply chain of automobile company. The 2008-09, and touch US$ 20 billion within next
fourth tier suppliers supplies raw material as a seven years with the expansion of operations
small jobs while a second tier suppliers produces domestically and overseas. The ACMA-Mckinsey
a full auto components further the first tier tie-up vision anticipates the potential for the
suppliers identified as a OEMS/ Assemblers Indian auto component industry to grow at US$
(Original equipment manufacturers). There are 40- 45 billion by 2015. The global auto
new direct suppliers, who design systems and manufacturers look India as a salient
coordinate almost the entire chain encompassing manufacturing hub for auto components and
the manufacturing and assembly process and which rapidly gaining up the values of component
these are the Tier 1 and 0.5 who have major they source from India.
involvement as a supplier in manufacturing of
automobiles, they provide semi – assembled 2.5 The SWOT Analysis can be made as below
modules of automobiles like steering system, rear 2.5.1 STRENGTHS
axle system etc. which can be directly fixed on The major strengths of the Indian auto
the final assembly of the cars. The risks and component sector to grow globally are
challenges are being transferred to the tier 1 & 1. Cost competitiveness in terms of Labour
0.5 suppliers. and Raw material
2. Established manufacturing base
2.4 Supply Side Scenario 3. Qualified and skilled man power
The total turnover of the Indian auto component 4. Growing domestic automotive industry
industry is estimated at US$9 billion in 2006. The 5. Manufacturing capabilities with
industry has the resources to manufacture the international quality standards
entire range of auto products required for vehicle 6. High operational efficiency
manufacturing, approximately 20,000
components. The entry of global manufacturers 2.5.2 OPPORTUNITIES
into India during the 1990s enabled initiation of 1. The growing need to outsource
new technologies, new products, improved 2. Huge opportunity in the tier- 1 and tier
quality and better efficiencies in operations. This 0.5
obviously acted as a catalyst to the local 3. Continuous pressure on global OEMs
development of the auto component industry. and Tier 1s to reduce cost and source
The Indian auto component industry is from low cost countries
widespread and highly fragmented. Estimates by 4. Higher frequency of introducing of
the Department of Heavy Industries, Government newer models by automakers
of India, indicate that there are over 400 large 5. Global market opportunity itself is the
firms who are part of the organized sector and ultimate opportunity provided by auto
cater largely to the Original Equipment industry.
Manufacturers (OEMs). Approximately 10,000 6. Leverage on product engineering
firms exist in the unorganized sector that expertise to improve the worthiness and
operates in a tier-format. The firms in this exports of auto component.
segment operate in low technology products and 7. Acquisition in foreign markets.
cater to Tier I and Tier II suppliers and also serve The strengths & opportunities above enabled the
the replacement market. Around 4% of the growth of Indian auto component industry in
companies operating in the auto component extent of global outsourcing; the following are the
segment cater to 80% of the demand emanating positive indications.
from OEMs. Within the unorganized segment, • The fine quality of components
apart from supplying in the aftermarket, a number manufactured in India is used as original
of players are also involved in job work and components for vehicles made by
contract manufacturing. The Auto Component General Motors, Mercedes, IVECO, etc.
Manufacturers Association (ACMA) asserted the • The Japanese and British component
sector is working towards the open market, a manufacturers are seeking joint
large number of joint ventures with leading global ventures in India.
Copyright © 2010, Bioinfo Publications 3
International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges Ahead

• Robert Bosch, auto parts maker of 2. Free Trade Agreements / Preferential

Germany has relocated manufacture of Trade Agreements ( FTA’s)
certain products to MICO, India. 3. Expansion of the European Union-
• Crosslink International Wheels, inclusion of Hungary, Czech Republic
Malaysia’s leading automobile security Poland etc which are major exporting
provider has set up its unit at Baddi, countries to western Europe.
Himachal Pradesh, India to make India 4. Appreciation of Rupee
as export hub for the SAARC region. 5. Developments of new technologies like
Some of the key outsourcing deals announced by fuel cell, hydrogen powered vehicles,
the major players is as follows which may affect the auto component
• Ford – Plan - to outsource engines industry.
worth US$ 100 million in 2004, which 6. Large number of OEMs entering in
may further be scaled up to US$ 500 Indian market may result into migration
million. of talents from supplier to OEMs
• Delphi – Plan- to outsource components To overcome the weaknesses & threats the best
worth US$ 410 million way the manufacturers to remain competitive and
• Volvo – Plan- to increase its outsourcing improve growth prospects. The manufacturers
to US$ 150 million are to be innovative with appropriate R & D
• Fiat – Plan- to outsource components budgets. The product specialization and their
worth US$ 200 million, to its ability to integrate operations across several
international operations which is related areas of specialization could be an
exporting cars to Sri Lanka, Bangladesh eventual key of progress. Domestic
and Nepal. manufacturers need to increase their investments
The foreign automakers like General Motors, in companies in the US and Europe to go closer
Toyota Motor Co., Ford Motor Co., Honda to global markets.
Motor Co., Diamler Chrysler AG and
Hyundai Motor Co., seem to make India as 2.6 Developmental Prognosis
export hub by expanding their operations The industry globally is taking over a rapid
here. expansion of automotive component investment
India as a International Manufacturing Hub worldwide especially in developing countries like
• Ford Exporting CKDs (Completely Brazil and India, the large first tier auto
Knockdown Vehicles) to South Africa component industries are setting up their owned
and other countries subsidiary operations next to the OEM customer
so as to secure the global supply of their
• Hyundai – Exports Base for Small Cars
products. A pressure is on OEMs and first tier
• HMSI – Hub for Two Wheeler Export
auto component suppliers to improve on their
• Skoda – Hub for exporting cars to competitiveness in order to survive in domestic
neighbouring countries as well as international markets with the
• Visteon exporting India worldwide improved and compatible products in changing
• Toyota Motors- global Hub for patterns with respect to the requirements.
• Daimler Chrysler sourcing more than
100 million Euro
• Delphi, USA- International Purchase
Office located

1. Low investment in Research and
2. Limited knowledge of product liability
and offshore warranty handling
3. Limited domestic market for various Fig 2.1 Flowchart of Developmental Prognosis
components inhibiting capacity
creations. Presently top 100 companies contribute over 40
4. Comparatively poor infrastructure for percent of the industry revenue, the OEMs
supply chain and exports focusing on designing, assembly, outsourcing for
5. Lack of experience in system integration increasing competitiveness and marketing. The
component industry is globally going in a phase
2.5.4 THREATS of consolidation and tierization, on the basis of
1. Competition from other low cost global purchases by leading automobile
countries like China, Taiwan, Thailand companies worldwide in 2002, it has been
etc. projected that the very few tier 1 companies may

4 International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling

ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Sachin Borgave and Chaudhari JS

survive in future and most of the work as nearly Indian auto component industry, the effect of this
50% of vehicle development would take over by phase may be for longer period as up to
the vendors. The stiff competition amongst the minimum next five years.
OEMs world wide led to focus on cost
rationalization despite of rise in the input costs 3. International Trade of Indian Auto
and quality improvements, component prices Components
have declined three to five percent every year. Exports and Imports of Auto sector
Total Exports
Total mports
However it is believed that the industry efforts on 200
Exports of auto components

volume growth, increase in exports and cutting 180 170.4


the costs through value engineering will place the 160

health growth. Companies with superior 140

technologies and intensive research and

Rs. in Billions

developments like Bharat Forge, MICO may 100

enjoy bargaining power with OEMs. 60 62.62


2.7 Global Trends in Outsourcing 20

The global trends in outsourcing amongst the 0

2006-07 Year 2007-08

auto & auto component industries can be divided

Fig 3.1 Exports and Imports of Auto Components
into three phases (Source: Ministry of Commerce,
2.7.1 Phase- I: It is observed that the total exports of auto sector
The OEMs and Tier 1 companies in developed are dominating over the imports which is almost
countries like U.S, Japan and in Europe, seek out double of the imports and is growing at the
neighboring countries to set up a low cost growth rate of 6 percent. However the auto
manufacturing base, this led US companies like components share in the total exports of auto
G.M, Ford, Chrysler along with its suppliers in sector is only one third part while its growth rate
Tier -1 companies like Delphi, Visteon, Dana look is of 4 % over a year. This indicates that the
out for tier 2 and tier 3 suppliers in South America automobile sector is doing very well in
and Mexico, similarly European companies international market while the auto components
looked at Spain and East Europe. The Japanese are still lagging behind in export market. On the
pulled at ASEAN free trade zone to establish the other side the overall growth rate of imports of
set ups in Thailand and Malaysia. The phase was auto sector is 52 percent which is very high as
up to the year 2000. compare to the growth in exports. However
considering the deemed exports of auto
2.7.2 Phase II: components in addition to the physical exports to
After the phase I, In the time ahead the costs in various destinations the exports figure is reached
the LDC,s like Mexico, Spain and brazil were to $ 3 billion which is equivalent to approx. Rs.
continuously went on increasing and were unable 125 billions
to match the costs with other developing
countries like China and India, the wages in such
countries were very low while the costs of inputs
were also ate the lower ends, this shifted the
focus of global OEMs and Tier1 companies of
developed market towards exploring the
outsourcing, especially from these regions to take
advantage of low cost manufacturing facilities
through mobilizing the purchase offices in India
and china.

2.7.3 Phase III:

In the third phase it is expected to grow the
foreign owned subsidiaries and joint ventures of
established automotive companies and OEMs Fig 3.2 Imports of Automobiles and Auto components
along with their Tier 1 suppliers with the
companies from the place of outsourcing and The imports of Auto sector have risen from 36
other low cost countries, the focus is to shift the percent in 2006 to 53 percent in 2007.the total
manufacturing base to the low cost share of automobiles and auto components is in
manufacturing destinations and making it as a the ratio of 1:3 parts. This indicates that an import
export hub. We believe that India is in the third of auto components by Indian automobile
phase as many of the global players like Suzuki, companies is increased substantially while the
Hyundai, Ford, Toyota , Honda etc., already have import of automobile has been forbidden. There
made India as an export hub, this benefited the can be various aspects to be studied to see the
Copyright © 2010, Bioinfo Publications 5
International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges Ahead

cause of the increased imports of auto suitable comportment. The over all exports of
components. auto components from Pune hub considered in
mapping above figure are direct exports, the
deemed exports are not considered for further
convenience. Very les suppliers are in organized
sector but contributing 80 percent of exports of
auto components, the unorganized sector is
widely spread which contribute very less to the
exports while have more focus on after market
services. The maximum exports are towards US,
Germany, UAE, U.K and Italy. The European
countries are been attracted to import from India
due to the availability of cheap labour and the
quality products. The other competitive countries
like China, Thailand, and Brazil are also
Fig 3.3 Pune’s Share in Exports of Auto Components importing/ sourcing countries from India, this is
not only because of the Indian competitiveness
The exports of auto components from Pune has but the unique quality of the components which
reached to 20 Billion INR in 2006, which is 33 may not have substitutes. The new markets like
percent of total direct exports of components Spain, Belgium, Costa Rica, Ireland, Finland and
from the country and 15 % of the total exports of France are been tapped by Pune exporters and
auto component (direct & deemed exports) which find more potentiality in those markets in future.
is 135 Billion INR ($ 3 bln). The total exports of The overall exports of auto components is
auto components are expected to reach 180 presently marked to US $ 3 billions and is
Billion INR while the exports of components from expected to increase to US $ 20- 25 Billions by
Pune are expected to reach 40 billion INR in 2020 this can be only possible if the Indian
2009. Pune being a major hub of auto industry is companies become more sustained to reduce
attracting the new investors in both, automobile their costs and develop their competitiveness
as well as components. The tier 1 suppliers are than other low cost counties like China, Thailand
increasing significantly and are contributing the and Brazil. If we compare these countries
exports as well as local sales enormously. The competitiveness with India in terms of production
above listed are the companies contributing costs and other determinants like power, Fuel,
surplus to the exports of auto components from labour and other variables like taxes and
Pune sector. Kirloskar oil engines Ltd is a economies of scale etc. India needs to develop
dominant exporter of engines while Bharat Forge strategically. Undoubtedly India is more reliable
Ltd is outstanding performer in achieving higher for cheap labour than that of Brazil. However it is
exports of components and castings. very less competitive in offering lower labour
costs as compared with China and Thailand. The
labour cost of Thailand is actually more than
Indian labour cost though it is considered
cheaper in Thailand because of the productivity
index which is on a higher side. The total
productivity adjusted labour cost of Thailand is
less than that of India and china. The Indian
labour cost is similar to the china’s one. In
comparison of power cost with other low cost
countries, India stands for the highest cost of
power as Rs. 7 per kWh, the power rates are
varying state wise in India from Rs. 5 to Rs. 7 the
lowest are in Maharashtra state. China and Brazil
Fig 3.4 Exports of Auto Component from Pune
are more competitive in providing power to the
with Segmentation
manufacturers, also Thailand offers slight less
cost of power than of India. The interest rates in
It has been observed that the Pune hub is a India are very high however less than that of
dominating in the exports of engine parts this Brazil. These rates are expected to soften in near
may be due to the existence of Tier 2 and Tier 1 future by looking over the RBI’s action plans. The
companies involved in producing engines and china and Thailand are more efficient in lending
engine parts in Pune region. However the low interest rates to their manufacturers. Thailand
maximum exports that is 60 percent of total has gained most competitive advantage in auto
exports of Pune falls in the category of other components as compare to India, Brazil and
parts and equipments, this suggests that yet the China. India has a most awful situation in tax
industry is scattered and not organized in a structure especially for auto component

6 International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling

ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Sachin Borgave and Chaudhari JS

industries declared in the union budget of 2009, Inputs – Steel, Auto Components Automobiles(CKDs
Rubber etc & SKDs)
the cascading effect of tax has hit to a height, so Protected Protected
peak that the cost of item is not only doubled but
may raise to 2.5 times of its original cost while
china may provide the same component in half
price of Indian component and Thailand even On one side inputs which are becoming costlier
less than that. The components if manufactured due to the cascading effects of taxes and duties,
by using indigenous raw material may not give similarly duty exemption schemes are being
that much variation in the prices but despite of under utilized so as export obligation may not be
this if we compare the indigenous manufacturing fulfilled due to the intermittent demand. On the
with other given countries’ international buying other hand, fulfillment of orders towards
practices and manufacturing, china and Thailand automobile companies has become very
are more competitive than that of India. competitive. This may divert or loose the orders
towards foreign suppliers from low cost countries
like china, and Thailand due to the lower custom
Declinine in Cutoms Tariff on Auto Components
duty on auto components. Both the links forward
and backward are well protected while an auto
component sector is in jeopardy.
25 Customs Tarriff in Percentage
15 4. Conclusion
15 12.5
The auto component industry was growing
10 7.5
gradually and was making significant
developments in domestic as well as in
2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08
international market till 2006-07. The internal
barriers in the country and constraints at
Fig 3.5 Decline in Import Tariff (Import Duty) in international level had sluggish down the industry
Percentage growth, these barriers predominantly are
To align with the world trade organization and hindrances like – Tax structure especially the
altogether preferential trade agreements while disparity in custom and excise duties on the raw
taking the benefits of potential exports of auto material of auto components, and automobiles.
components, the tariffs on auto components are The unavailability of resources at reasonable cost
continuously slashed down from 30 percent in for example- Power, Skilled Labour, Technology
2001 to 7.5 percent in 2007-08. While an across- etc is also a major constraint. The challenges are
the-board lower tariff regime is beneficial to mainly to overcome with these hindrances and
country’s competitiveness, however there must sustain into international competition with other
be in place an effective and fast-responsive trade low cost countries. Adding up the extra values to
defense mechanism to provide protection to the the products and seeking government active
domestic industry, as and when it faces unfair participation in the meager resources may help to
trade practices. The cost of inputs for auto sector break the barriers. The active participation is also
and automobile sector varies through the needed in making the goods cost effective by
economies of scale, the advantage is inclined considering various parameters like providing
towards the automobile sector due to bulk extended help to bring overall sector under
requirement, even though the import duties on organized platform, liberalized policies, SEZ
inputs are on a higher side the advantages can assistance and marketing assistance.
be taken by automobile sectors and fewer auto
components sector by availing Advanced References
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gives an immense setback to the auto United Kingdom. September 2006.
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Copyright © 2010, Bioinfo Publications 7

International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges Ahead

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HDFC Securities - Invest Right India Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Research, HDFC Securities Limited
Mumbai. [20] Markus Bergmann, Ramesh
[8] Dave Leggett (2007) Aroq Limited, United Mangaleswaran, and Glenn A. Mercer
Kingdom, (2004) The Mickinsey Quarterly, 2004
[9] Dave Leggett (2008) Aroq Limited, United Special Edition: China Today.
Kingdom,. [21] Neelam Singh (2004) Discussion Paper
[10] ‘Export Import Data’ ministry of Commerce- RIS-DP # 82/2004, September 2004
a., RIS- Research and Information System
b. for the Non-Aligned and Other
nts.htm. Developing Countries, New Delhi.
[11] Visvesvaraya M. Industrial Research & [22] Paul Gao (2004) The Mickinsey Quarterly,
Development Centre (MVIRDC) World 2004 Special Edition: China Today.
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with Scope Marketing & Information Working Paper No. 0307, Department of
Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. Economics, National University of
[12] Export Statistics from the website of [24] Shashank Luthra, Ramesh Mangaleswaran,
Engineering Export Promotional Council and Asutosh Padhi (2005) The
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statistics.asp. Edition: Fulfilling India's promise.
[13] ‘Foreign Trade Policy’ 1st September 2004 [25] Task Force on Indirect Taxes (2002)
– 31st March 2009, w.e.f 1.4.2007 Consultation paper, Ministry of Finance
DGFT and Ministry of Commerce. & Company Affairs.
[14] ‘Foreign Trade Policy’ 1st September 2004 [26] ‘Vision 2015’ for the Indian supplier
– 31st March 2009, w.e.f 1.4.2008. industry: how achievable is it?’ A Report
DGFT and Ministry of Commerce. of ACMA-McKinsey.
[15] Global Competitiveness of Indian Auto [27] Viswanathan Krishnan. The University of
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Auto Component Manufacturer’s [28] Website of Society of Indian Automobile
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8 International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling

ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Sachin Borgave and Chaudhari JS

Table 1.1
S.No. Area No. of Working Units
1. Bhosari & Chinchwad MIDC 1586
2. Chakan MIDC 12
3. Talegaon MIDC 33
5. Ranjangaon MIDC 4
6. Jejuri MIDC 40
7. Baramati MIDC 110
8. Kurkumbh MIDC 34
9. Other than MIDC area 212
Total 2031

Table 3.1 Imports of Automobiles and Auto Components (Figs in Rs. Lakhs)
Imports 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
Total imports of Auto Sector (Chapter 87) 452,333.95 615,494.09 940046.23
Imports of Components (Accessories & Parts) 343252.71 457047.91 677619.96
Imports of Automobiles 109081.24 158446.18 262426.27
Total share of imports of Components 75.88 % 74.26 % 72.08 %
Total share of imports Automobiles 24.12 % 25.74 % 27.92 %
(Source: Ministry of Commerce-

Table – 3.2 Exports Share of Pune’s Auto Component Industry (Figures in INR Billions)
S.No Export Nodes Physical Exports
1. Pune Exports 20.155
2. Others (Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi 41.394
and other Areas)
3. Others (inclusive of deemed exports) 114.845

Table 3.3 Major players in exports of Auto Components from Pune (Values in INR Millions)
Company Exports Imports

Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd. 1285.85 2833.00

Bharat Forge Ltd. 6555.00 2822.00
Cummins India Ltd. 5312.50 2368.40
John Deere Equipment Pvt. Ltd. 4602.00 494.00
DGP Hinoday Industries Ltd 630.00 140.00
Kalyani Lemmerz Ltd. 500.00 unknown

Table 3.4 Pune Exports - Percentage Share of Classified Auto Parts

Percentage Share of
S.N Items
1. Drive Transmission & Steering Parts 1.0
2. Engine Parts 35.0
3. Equipments 3.0
4. Electrical Parts 1.0
5. Others 60.0
Total 100.0

Copyright © 2010, Bioinfo Publications 9

International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Indian Auto Component Industry: Challenges Ahead

Table 3.5 Exports of Pune Auto Component Industry to Various Countries

S.No. Countries of trade No. of Respondents Export
1. United States of America 24
2. Germany 18
3. United Arab Emirates 16
4. United Kingdom 16
5. Italy 14
6. Egypt 9
7. Sri Lanka 9
8. Bangladesh 8
9. Australia 7
10. China 5
11. Indonesia 5
12. Kenya 5
13. Africa 4
14. Canada 4
15. France 4
16. Malaysia 4
17. Singapore 4
18. South Africa 4
19. Thailand 4

Table 3.6a Labour and labour productivity in comparison with other low cost countries.(Figures in INR)
Particulars India Brazil China Thailand
Labour Cost(INR. Per day) 35.00 205.00 35.00 36.00
Labour Cost * (INR. Per day) 280.00 1640.00 280.00 288.00
Productivity Index** 1.0 2.0 1.00 1.2
Productivity adjusted labour cost
280.0 820.00 280.00 240.00
(INR. per day)
* Assumed 8hrs per shift per day
** Gross value added per person employed as compared to India; Source: IMaCS Report,

Table 3.6b Power Cost in comparison with other low cost countries (Figures in INR)
Country Cost per KWh in INR
India 7.00
Brazil 2.50
China 1.50
Thailand 5.50
Source: IMaCS Report,

Table 3.6c Annual Lending Rate in comparison with other low cost countries (Figures in INR)
Country Annual Lending
interest rate
India 10 – 14 %
Brazil 14 - 16 %
China 5–6%
Thailand 7–8%
Source: IMaCS Report, ,

10 International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling

ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010
Sachin Borgave and Chaudhari JS

Table 3.6d Tax Structure of India in comparison with other low cost countries
Particulars India Brazil China Thailand
Excise 14.00 % -- -- --
VAT 12.50 % 15.00 % 17.00 % 10.00%
Other Taxes 18.00 %
Corporate Taxes 34.00 % 28.00 % 33.00 % 30.00%
Total for Indigenous Mfg 60.50 % 61.00 % 50.00 % 40.00%
Import Duty on Rubber 25.00 % 16.00 % 8.00 % Free
Import Duty on Steel 35.00 % 4.00 % 2.00% 10.00%
Total 120.50 % 81.00 % 60.00 % 50.00 %
Source: IMaCS Report, ,

Table 3.7 Comparison of Import Duty Structures on Inputs for Auto Components and Automobile Industry

S.No. Inputs for Auto Inputs for Custom Duty on Preference of

Components Automobiles Imports % Buying
1. Steel Steel 10% to35% Indigenous
2. Rubber Rubber 10% to 25% Indigenous
Indigenous as well
3. Auto components 7.5% to 10% as International
Source: IMaCS Report,

Copyright © 2010, Bioinfo Publications 11

International Journal of Economics and Business Modeling
ISSN:0976–531X & E-ISSN:0976–5352, Vol. 1, Issue 2, 2010

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