UNFCU Foundation Grant Application 2019
UNFCU Foundation Grant Application 2019
UNFCU Foundation Grant Application 2019
General Information
Date of application:__________________________________________
Contact person for this application (If not the CEO or Executive Director):
____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Name Title
____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________
Phone number Email address
Organizational Information
*UNFCU Foundation only issues grants to non-profit organizations that have one of the above stated tax exempt status.
Please indicate if the basis of your program pertains to providing one or more of the following for women and children:
Livelihood and vocational training
All of the above
None of the above
Program/project description:
A. Describe briefly what the grant will be used for and how many individuals will benefit:
Financial Information
B. Provide budget information for the overall program or project providing services:
Will the UNFCU Foundation grant provide all the funds required to administer the program or project? Yes No
If the answer is NO, please provide details of the services and funding required to support the entire program or project.
Please submit the below items on a separate document Word or PDF format. Maximum of three pages.
Please type and single-space your narrative proposal.
A. Organizational Background
2. The need or problem that your organization works to address, and the population it serves, including geographic location,
socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical ability, and language.
B. Funding Request
Please describe the purpose of the grant for which you seek funding, by addressing each of the following:
The population that you plan to serve and how this population will benefit from the project
The proposed staffing pattern for the project, and the names and titles of the individuals who will direct the project
C. Evaluation
Please explain how you will measure the effectiveness of your activities. Describe your criteria for a successful program and
the results you expect to have achieved by the end of the funding period.
By signing below, I certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
x ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________
CEO / Executive Director signature Date (DD Mon YYYY)