IV. Socio Economic, Cultural and Environmental Assessment
IV. Socio Economic, Cultural and Environmental Assessment
IV. Socio Economic, Cultural and Environmental Assessment
This Chapter gives a more detailed background about the family regarding their
income and expenditures, working hours, ethnic background and religious affiliation,
other’s significant role in their family life, health habits related to health, family’s
involvement and utilization of the community’s resources, and housing condition.
A. Type of Family
The Rainbow Family is an extended type of family wherein Mr. Red and
his family are living with his nieces and nephew.
B. Decision-making
With regards to major decision making in the family, Mr. Red’s sister is
the one taking charge of everything especially when it comes to decision making.
Since his sister is the eldest among them siblings and she is just residing near
their place, the family is dependent with his eldest sister. When it comes to health
and finances, still Mr. Red’s eldest sister is the dominant decision maker in the
family since she is the eldest and both of their parents had already passed away.
She is the one who often budgets the money for their daily expenses.
The family’s main source of income is from the given financial support of
Mr. Red’s eldest sister. Unfortunately, his family is solely dependent to his sister.
The story behind it is that Mr. Red is very sickly; his body is not capable of
performing heavy duty works every time he tries his asthma attack would persist
so his family in turn decided that he should just stay home instead of earning just
to avoid compromising his health, though Mr. Red would also do part time jobs
sometimes to add in the financial support coming from her sister.
The total amount that the family of Mr. Red is earning per month is
20,400Php which is further distributed to 10 individuals including Mr. Red’s
brother-in-law, eldest sister and younger brother. Each individual only receives
2,040Php per month which indicates that the family is poor. Although the family’s
income does not meet the suggested monthly income per individual which is
2,768.60Php, the ones that they are making every month is budgeted to be
sufficient to support their daily needs. If ever there will be excess from their daily
budget it would be saved for emergency purposes or in paying their regular
monthly bills.
D. Working Hours
Whenever Mr. Red does part time job, he would often start his day at 7am
up until 8pm. On the other hand Mrs. Orange also starts her day early; she would
take care of her daughter, clean the house and wash clothes. On the weekdays,
their nieces and nephew goes to school specifically Yellow, Green and Blue
while Indigo stays with Mrs. Orange together with her daughter Violet.
E. Religious beliefs
The Mr. Red, Mrs. Orange and their daughter Violet is affiliated under the
Born Again church. Before Mr. Red is affiliated under the Catholic Church but
when he married Mrs. Orange he converted from being a Catholic to Born Again.
Mrs. Orange verbalized that they attend to their church at least twice a week.
G. Health Habits/beliefs
The family seldom utilizes the heath center of the baranggay since the
family would go directly to a hospital. The family believes in the concept of
“tawas”, “usog” and herbolarios. They believe at these concepts and never
disregarded the importance of seeking a professional help when it comes to
illnesses, but before that the family would first consult to herbolarios but after
some time if the child does not recover from a herbolario then they will consult a
physician. They also do believe in the effectiveness and usefulness of herbal
plants. They use lagundi for treating asthma by boiling its leaves and drinking
one glass per day.
The family is often active and participates about the different activities in
the community such as mother’s class, medical mission and different meetings
and seminars because they believe that it will benefit them.
Before, the family used to utilize the programs of the Health Center like
the Expanded Program on Immunization however due to lack of finances the
family could not avail of the services of the health center and often times they are
lazy to go to the Health Center.
J. Housing Condition
The family lives on a 60 sq. m lot and the floor area of the house is 11.15
sq. m. The house is made up of bamboo tree; literally the house is a nipa hut. It
is a crowded house, with the combination of living room, bedroom, and kitchen
while the wash room is outside. The house is not adequate for all the family
members since the criteria is that it should be at least 3.5 sq. m per individual.
There required length should be 22 sq. m for it to be considered adequate but the
results showed that the family only utilizes 11.15sq. m.
Computation for Floor Area of living room: Length: 2.58 meters
Width X 2.67 meters
TOTAL 6.89sq.m
Computation for Floor Area of bed room: Length: 1.80 meters
Width X 2.46 meters
TOTAL 4.26sq.m
Total Floor Area: 11.15sq.m
Mr. Red’s eldest sister usually is the one who buys food because she is
the only one accessible and has the resources. She usually buys cooked food at
the near by neighbor or sometimes at the wet market if there is extra money
coming from their daily income. After buying the family would then eat or she
cooks it and if there are leftover of the food they will save it for the other meal.
Their form of storage is through covering plates which is not safe because of the
presence of rodents in the vicinity. The cooking facilities are inadequate and are
not in good condition.
L. Water Supply
Their water supply comes from the local water district (Angeles Water
District), though they do not have their own the faucet they only share with their
neighbor as well as the payment. They drink their water directly from the faucet
and store it in a pitcher except for the youngest child they boil the water that she
drinks and stores it in an another glass.
M. Toilet facility
The family does not have their own toilet bowl they only have a place to
bathe which is in poor sanitary condition; because there are parts of the
bathroom is totally dirty especially the surrounding area there are presence of
mud and dried leaves. They defecate in the house of Mr. Red’s eldest sister.
N. Drainage system
The family does not have any drainage system, often times they would
just throw the water everywhere knowing that the soil would absorb it leaving the
place muddy. It is considered to have a poor environmental sanitation.
There are available facilities in the community such as the health center,
the public elementary school and the barangay hall. There is also presence of
business establishments which means that Brgy. Sapalibutad is a well developed
Criteria Computation Score Justification
The problem has been present for
even before the student nurses have
intervene. The colds of Indigo and
Violet have been present for weeks.
Moreover, Microbes that cause colds
are self-limiting which eventually
makes the illness disappear after a
number of days.
The family’s usual management of the
illness is to increase the affected
member’s fluid intake and provide
adequate rest.
Mr. Red’s sister is properly budgeting their
monthly income. As a form of management
she also does part time job by selling
condoms. As well as with Mr. Red and his
brother, they also do part time job whenever
they have the opportunity to, in order to add
in the total income of the family.
Criteria Computation Score Justification
The type of intervention that the family is
using to clean the wound is through the use
of soap and water only which is not enough
to make the healing process faster.
The family members specifically the old ones
are consistently reminding the children of
avoiding coming in contact with the exposed
electrical cord to avoid accidents.
Presently the family has no management to
address the problem. They continuously
stick to their practice of eating unhealthy
Current Management.
The family does not give emphasis to
eradicate the rodents and mosquitoes
though health teachings were given
but due to prioritization of other basic
needs this problem is being the last
priority of the family so they just
resulted to the utilization of pet
This problem has been present for
years. The family does not provide
covered containers or even close the
containers for the garbage and do
not practice proper garbage disposal
specifically segregating their garbage
and throwing their garbage into
garbage bags.
The family does not perform any
interventions since the family does
not consider this as a serious
problem needing intervention. They
don’t make effort to clear up the
environment of the house of garbage
thus making the house not conducive
to health maintenance.
There are measures done by the family such
as taking a bath but not does it on a regular
basis, and does not maintain it.
Current Management.
The family does not perform any
interventions since they are not
aware of the possible illnesses the
identified problem could lead to. They
don’t take the initiative of protecting
their feet by wearing slippers and do
not strictly enforce regular wearing of
Second Level Assessment: Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health action due to inability to make decisions
with respect to taking appropriate health action
S: “Awa Presence of Short term: > Assess the -To attain and - Knowledge of Short term:
sisipun ku Cough and After 2 hours condition of the use baseline -Home visits the student The family
ampo Colds as of student patients. data and to nurse about shall have
manguku.” as health deficit nurse-family prepare for cough and verbalized
verbalized by DUE TO: interaction, the appropriate colds. understanding
Sister India -Inability to family will be nursing care of the
O: make able to >Explain to the -For the family - Cooperation importance of
- Presence of decisions with verbalize family the to gain of the family. strong immune
clear nasal respect to understanding factors that knowledge system by
secretion taking of the cause the about the - Resources of repeating the
-Productive appropriate importance of problem and causes and the community health
cough health action strong immune consequences consequences health center teachings
due to: system by of cough and of the problem like free given by the
-Abnormal >Inaccessibility repeating the colds to the and for them to medicines. students.
breathing of appropriate health family’s health gain
pattern resources for teachings status awareness.
cure especially given by the
-Adventitious lost constraints students. >Discuss the -To increase Long term:
breath sounds or economic/ importance of the body’s The affected
upon financial Long Term: preventive resistance and family
auscultation inaccessibility. After 5 days of measures such improve members shall
(rales) -Inability to home visits, as boosting prognosis of have
provide home the affected immune the problem. demonstrated
environment family system and complied
which is members will through proper with the
conducive to be able to nutrition. treatment
health demonstrate regimen given
maintenance and comply > Encourage - To replace by the student
and personal with the to continue lost body fluids nurses to
development treatment water therapy. and liquefy eradicate the
due to limited regimen given secretions. problem.
physical by the student
resources and nurses to >Instruct the - To build up
inadequate eradicate the affected family resistance and
knowledge of problem. members to provide source
importance of drink of Vitamin C.
hygiene and Calamansi
sanitation. juice.
>Reinforces - To ensure
family proper
members to allocation of
practice proper their scarce
utilization of resources in
finances by meeting the
avoidance of needs of the
purchasing family
unnecessary members.
>Instruct - To give
mother to immediate
provide wound intervention
care or refer to and prevent
the health further harm.
center if
First Level Assessment: PRESENCE OF MALNUTRITION (2.67)
Second Level Assessment: Inability to make decisions with respect to taking appropriate health actions related to inaccessibility of
appropriate resources of care, specifically cost constraint and manpower
S: Ø Presence of Short term: >Establish -To gain trust -Home visits -Family’s Short term:
O: Malnutrition After1-24 Rapport and cooperation The family
-Two of the DUE TO: hours of home cooperation with the shall have
family Inability to visits, the from the interventions. verbalized
members are make family will family. -Student understanding
underweight decisions with verbalize >Assess the -To obtain nurses’ skills, on the
-Bony respect to understanding height and baseline data knowledge and importance of
prominence on taking on the weight of each and get their time. nutrition in
the cheek appropriate importance of family BMI to -weighing ones health.
-Skinny health actions nutrition in member. determine their scale and tape
appearance related to ones health. nutritional measure. Long term:
inaccessibility status. -Community -T he family
of appropriate Long term: program such members who
resources of After 4-6 days >Identify the -To provide as feeding are
care, of home visits, causes and information program. underweight
specifically the family consequences regarding the shall have
cost constraint members who of low body problem. complied with
and are weight. the diet
manpower. underweight regimen given
will comply >Discuss to -For the family to them.
with the diet the family to be aware of
regimen given about the the importance
to them. importance of of diet in their
balanced diet. health.
S: Ø Inability to Short Term: >Assess the -To obtain -Home Visit -Knowledge of Short term:
provide a After 2 hours severity and baseline data the student The family
O: home of home visit, possible about the nurses about shall have
-Presence of environment, the family will location of problem and the problem identified
stagnant water which is identify factors, breeding sites how to solve it and its con- factors which
near the conducive to which sequences contribute to
kitchen sink health contribute to >Discuss with -To make the poor
and comfort maintenance poor the family the family aware of -Cooperation environmental
room and personal environmental presence of the presence of the family sanitation such
development sanitation such the problem of the problem members as presence of
-Improper due to as presence of and discuss breeding sites
garbage inadequate breeding sites possible -Time and of rodents and
disposal due to family of rodents and solutions. effort of the mosquitoes.
lack of proper resources, mosquitoes. Student nurses
garbage specifically, >Explain the -For the and the family
collection financial Long Term: importance of family’s
within the constraints. After 5 days of having rodent- awareness, -Additional Long term:
community home visits, free thus promoting trash cans The family
the family will environment compliance shall have
-Presence of devise ways in and -Shovel and identified ways
rodents in the promoting maintenance sand in promoting
kitchen and good to prevent the good
living room environmental occurrence of environmental
sanitation as diseases sanitation as
evidence by evidence by
maintaining the maintaining the
whole house >Encourage -To prevent whole house
clean, proper the family to aggravation of clean, proper
garbage allot time in the situation. garbage
disposal and cleaning the disposal and
eradication of house. eradication of
stagnant stagnant
water. >Instruct the -Odor that water.
family to emanates from
dispose open trash
unnecessary containers
objects such attracts insects
as empty particularly
boxes, old tires flies by
which could covering it this
serve as could prevent
breeding sites. the occurrence
of rodents.
family to - To prevent
cooperate to further
the projects of aggravation of
barangay the problem.
family to go to -To make the
barangay officials aware
center and of the problem
consult to the that would lead
barangay to helping in
officials about solving the
the problem. problem.
Second Level Assessment: Inability to recognize the presence of a problem due to fear to consequences of disease or problem
specifically economic cost implications
S> Ø >Inability to Short Term: >Explain to the >Let them be >Home Visits >Knowledge of Short Term:
recognize the After the family the aware of the the student After the
O>Absence of presence of a initial home importance of disadvantages nurses initial home
refrigerator for problem due visit, the family adequate food of improper visit, the family
storage of their to: will be able to storage garbage >Time and shall have the
food a. Fear to understand the facilities disposal perseverance understanding
consequences importance of of the student regarding the
>Cooking of disease or proper food >Demonstrate >To prevent nurses importance of
facilities problem handling and proper ways to spreading proper food
located outside specifically food storage store foods microorganism >Participation handling and
of their house economic cost facility. s caused by of the family food storage
implications. insects facility.
>They do not Long Term:
cover leftover >Inability to After the final >Demonstrate >To prevent Long Term:
food provide a home visits, the proper transmission of The family
home the family will hand washing diseases shall have
environment be able to before and complied on
which is show after preparing the health
conducive for compliance on food teachings and
health the health maintained
maintenance teachings and >Demonstrate >To prevent proper
and personal maintain to the mother contamination handling
development proper on how to of food preparations
due to: handling proper store and presence
a. Inadequate preparations their food away of proper food
family and presence from dusts storage facility.
resources of food storage
specifically facility. >Enumerate to >To prevent
financial the mother food poisoning
constraints foods that
would easily
b. Failure to get spoiled
see benefits of
investments of
Second Level Assessment: Inability to recognize the presence of a problem related to lack of adequate knowledge of the importance of
hygiene and sanitation
S:Ø Unhealthful Short-term >Assess for -To note any -home visit -Cooperation Short-term:
O: Lifestyle and After 1-2 hours hygienic status deviations and of the family The family
-with dirty Personal of home visit, and have a have a member. shall have
finger nails Habits: Poor the family will thorough baseline data. -Time and verbalized
-presence of Personal verbalize assessment on effort by the understanding
body odor Hygiene understanding all the family student nurses of the
DUE TO: of the members. -Health importance
Inability to importance teachings that and the
recognize the and the >Assist in -To prevent are done by consequences
presence of a consequences trimming of accumulation the student of the problem.
problem of the problem. finger nails of dirt this may nurses.
related to lack and toe nails. result to a poor -Toiletries and
of adequate Long-term: hygiene. nail cutter. Long-term:
knowledge of After 4-6 days The family
the importance of home visits, >Demonstrate -Hand washing shall have
of hygiene and the family will to them the is still the best exhibited the
sanitation. be able to proper hand way in practice of
exhibit the washing preventing good personal
practice of technique. acquisition of hygiene
good personal various
hygiene diseases.
S: Ø Inability to Short term: >Discuss with -To make the -Home Visit -Knowledge of Short term:
recognize the After 2 hours of the family the family aware of the student -The family
O: presence of the nursing presence of the the presence of nurses about shall have
-Family problem due to intervention, problem the problem. the problem verbalized
members have inadequate the family will and its con- understanding
their slippers knowledge verbalize >Explain -To know the sequences of the
but they do not about its understanding importance of complications importance of
use them most consequences of the wearing and provide -Cooperation of health
of the time and due to the importance of slippers base line the family teachings given
fact that this is health information and members regarding
-All family a part of their teachings given acknowledge wearing
members are lifestyle. regarding the presence of -Time and effort slippers as
with dirty feet wearing the problem of the Student evidenced by
slippers as nurses and the the mother’s
-Toe nails of all evidenced by family verbalization of
of the family the mother’s -To understand the importance
members are verbalization of >Discuss the the importance -Additional of wearing
long and dirty the importance possible of wearing slippers and slippers.
of wearing untoward slippers and nail cutter
slippers. consequences prevent
of not wearing possible illness
Long term: slippers which can be Long term:
At the end of brought about -The family
the home visit by not wearing shall have
the family slippers complied on the
members will interventions
comply on the and health
interventions >Give -Proper teachings give
and health preventive wearing slipper as evidenced
teachings given measures such and trimming by the family
as evidenced as wearing of nails are members
by the family slippers, preventive wearing their
members washing hands, measures that slippers all the
wearing their and trimming will help control time and
slippers all the toe nails of getting some practice of
time and the complications proper foot
proper such as care.
observance of parasitism
foot care.
>Encourage the -To prevent any
mother to occurrence of
always keep microorganisms
her children’s .
fingernails and
toenails short
and clean
“The best helping hand is at the end of your own arm.”
We are all aware of the current problems of our country, one of which is extreme
poverty. In line with this, as students who are integrated in the community of
Sapalibutad, we were assigned to a specific family and tried to intervene with the
problems that the family is facing. Being a researcher of the Rainbow Family, I am
aware of the current problems of the family. There is really a need for a Public Health
Nurse to intervene with the family and as we go along with the home visits I came to
know the family better. The family’s main problem is that they are not doing anything to
fight poverty and the family lacks initiative to do things. They do not give importance to
education and rely solely with one provider. For me if you want to improve your living
you have to help yourself. The family members were so dependent to the eldest sister
where in fact the amount that she is earning is not even enough for them. The family
really does not practice good environmental sanitation as well as their personal hygiene
is considered poor. It doesn’t necessarily mean that if one person is suffering from
poverty he/she cannot even practice cleanliness. As we all know cleanliness starts from
our selves. Same is through with the other problems, if we want change we must first
start it with ourselves, with our own home by then you will see a difference.
Despite everything, they taught me a lot of things about life. They made me
realize the different realities of life. They taught me how to be a versatile in my craft. But
most of all, I came to realize that I am so fortunate because not all people have the
same life as I do.
Submitted by:
Basilio, Francis Jonell B.
Lagason, Ada Mae
Pinpin, Janella Jean G.
BSN IV – 2; Group 06
Submitted to:
Michael Cruz, RN MN
Clinical Instructor