Are Fidget Spinners Really Helpful?: Journal of The Pakistan Medical Association May 2018

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Are fidget spinners really helpful?

Article  in  Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association · May 2018

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3 authors, including:

Maha Jahangir Roha Saeed Memon

Dow University of Health Sciences Dow University of Health Sciences


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Are fidget spinners really helpful?
Maha Jahangir, Roha Saeed Memon, Maria Noor

Madam, the fidget spinners are devices/toys that have movements increases activity in the frontal and the
gained a lot of popularity recently amongst people of prefrontal areas of the brain that helps sustain attention.
different age groups, especially school going children. They But the fidget spinners do not involve gross body
are believed to be good for conditions like ADHD and movements which is why the question arises if they are
autism due to their fidgeting property.1-4 An attribute which really helpful for therapeutic purposes?
has been noted to dispel nervous energy or psychological
stress, since fidgeting with an object in the hand has been Incidence regarding kids choking on some of the spinner's
proven to be helpful in retaining and contributing to an small parts have been recently reported.4,5 Consumer
individual's attention while carrying out a long task. Product Safety Commission should look into the hazards of
However, there has not yet been a definitive study children choking on parts that pop out of a fidget spinner.
regarding the impact of these toys in the research world. Neither peer reviewed studies nor scientific evidences
prove the therapeutic evidences of fidget spinners up to
Fidget toys have been available for kids for quite some date. Fidgeting behavior and objects should be studied in
time. Some experts do believe that fidget items can detail by the researchers in order to provide enough
provide brain stimulation to the children, in order to evidences regarding its therapeutic usage.
counteract hyperactivity in the classroom, while other
experts are of the view that these spinners might be a Disclaimer: The article is not published or in process in
harmful distraction.2 "Things that are routine or have any other journal.
some demand, it's much harder for children with ADHD to Conflict of Interest: The author(s) declared no potential
be able to pay attention. And so, [the spinner] may well conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
make things worse for them," said Dr. Mark Wolraich, a authorship, and/or publication of this article.
behavioral pediatrician at Oklahoma University Health
Sciences Center.3 Funding Disclosure: The author(s) have no support or
funding to report.
The fidget spinners are visually distracting for the user as
well as the surrounding people, since hand-eye References
coordination is required to rotate and balance it on the 1. Isbister K. Fidget Toys Aren't Just Hype. [Online] 2017 [Cited 2017
thumb. Therefore, limiting its use by the ADHD affected July 11]. Available from URL:
students in the classrooms. This drives our attention to 2. Calfas J. Do Fidget Spinners Actually Help With ADHD? Probably
other fidget toys which serve the same purpose but are Not, Experts Say [Online] 2017 [Cited 2017 July 11]. Available from
less distracting and more classroom-friendly. These URL:
include fidget cubes, stress balls and other therapeutic anxiety-stress/.
3. Thielking M, Hogan A. Can fidget spinners actually relieve
fidget items that don't have this visual attention problem. symptoms of ADHD and autism? [Online] 2017 [Cited 2017 July
12]. Available from URL:
A 2015 study published in the Journal of Abnormal Child 19/fidget-spinners-adhd-autism/.
Psychology stated that those who participated in gross 4. Taylor K. A 10-year-old girl had to have the hottest toy in the US
motor activity performed better than those who sat still surgically removed from her throat [Online] 2017 [Cited 2017 July
during tasks involving working memory.5 Gross body 12]. Available from URL:
5. Sarver DE, Rapport MD. Kofler MJ, Raiker JS, Friedman LM.
Hyperactivity in attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):
Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi. Impairing deficit or compensatory behavior? J Abnorm Child
Correspondence: Maha Jahangir. Email: [email protected] Psychol. 2015; 43: 1219-32.

J Pak Med Assoc

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