How To Master Any Skill - Abhishek Tiwari

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How to Master Any Skill 

I have read dozens of personal development books in the search for a better me. I 
always thought that they were helping me. But I was wrong. 
These books gave me a false sense of accomplishment. A hope that I was becoming a 
better person. 
But that didn’t happen. Nothing changed inside me.  
Reading about success is awesome, and I enjoyed every book that I read. But I wasn’t 
really learning any skills that I could apply to my own life.  
I was just procrastinating by reading those books. Taking action is what leads to a good 
skill set. I’m sure that you’ve been there and know what I’m talking about. 
This guide will show you how to and master any skill you want by taking the right action. 
Let’s get started. 

Why Would I Even Want to Learn Any Skills? 

There are millions of people graduating from college every year. What makes you stand 
out from the crowd? What value do you bring to the marketplace that other people 
Every person who graduates with a degree in software engineering has the same 
qualifications. It's the skill set you develop that increases your chances of being 
successful in today’s world. 
As your skill increases at doing something, your demand and respect increase as well. 
The world rewards people who took the time to get exceptionally good at their craft. 
Moreover, your skills define who you are. They form your identity. 
“Oh, she's an interior designer.” 
“Yes, I've known him for 9 years now, he's a very talented singer.” 
The moment people start talking about you because of your work, your value increases. 
Higher value leads to great opportunities.  
And opportunities are the whole point of developing a dope skill set. 
Now, let's dive into how you can master any skill in a step by step method. 

Step by Step Method of Mastering Any Skill 

1. Get the Fundamentals Right 

The first step is to make sure that you are building your skills on a solid foundation. 
Fundamentals work no matter what the application of the skill is.  
There’s always a basic way to do a task and a more complex way to do it. You need to 
focus and master the basics.  
The reason I was so hooked on reading self-help books was that I thought that they’ll 
give me some magic way. Some secret that others don’t know about. Something that’ll 
change my life.  
But none of that happened. Every other book presented the same idea in a more nicely 
packaged way. You don’t need fancy ideas. All you need is the grit to follow the 
For example, if you’re trying to improve your video editing skills, then make sure that you 
know your video editing software from top to bottom. 

2. Small Chunk the Learning 

Whenever you get into something new, you get all excited about it and try to learn 
everything in a single day. Don’t you? 
That’s a recipe for burning out and giving up in a week. 
Instead, break the skill you are trying to master into several small chunks. Then learn a 
few chunks every day.  
We don’t learn a skill by doing it for 10 hours a day for a week. We learn a skill by doing 
it for about 30 minutes for several days. Repetition is the key. 
So right now, if you’re trying to learn Photoshop, then practice it every day for just a few 
minutes. Don’t try to do it all in a single day, please! 

3. Avoid Information Overload and Take Action Immediately 

An always accessible internet connection has given us access to unlimited information. 
This is a blessing and a curse.  
Often times what happens is that you start learning about something and the endless 
information keeps you engaged. This is what leads to action paralysis. It can become a 
form of procrastination. I'm guilty of doing this. 
To avoid information overload, you need to start applying the things in your life as soon 
as you learn about them.  
The people who get ahead in life take action and apply something they learn 
immediately. Don't learn about something just for the sake of learning. There should be 
a real-life application to your study.  
Take it one step at a time. Learn a particular tip and apply it before moving on to the 
next step.  
Always remember: Information is not the true power, application of that information is. 

4. Get a Coach 
There are two ways to learn anything. Through trial and error or through someone who 
has already gone through the process of trial and error. You can learn from their work, 
their books, videos, etc. But the best way to learn is direct coaching. 
A coach can shorten the amount of time you would take to learn a skill. Since that 
person has been through it before, they can help you in avoiding the pitfalls.  
Now the question is how to find someone who would want to be your coach? 
It’s simple, just go any social media site, then search for your skill. You’ll find numerous 
people who are interested in what you’re interested in. The next step is to message 
them, but please don’t spam them. 
The trick to getting a coach is to offer them some value in return for your coaching. 
Don’t just beg for them to be your guide. Nobody likes a freeloader. 

5. Take Courses and Read Books About It 

If you can’t get access to a coach then you can learn via courses and books from the 
people who have done it before. A key point to remember here is to only take courses 
and read books that directly help you in building your skills. 
I made the mistake of getting hooked on the information. I was learning a lot while 
reading various business and personal development books. But the information I gained 
wasn't directed towards my goals. So naturally, it was just a delusion of progress. 
Now I read books and take courses only on what's relevant to me at the moment. You 
don't need to read the books that the top CEOs are reading. They are in a different 
position in their life. 
Don't get on the hype train of reading whatever is trending.  
If you are trying to learn video editing then take courses on that. Invest your time in 
learning your skill rather than reading about meditation just because Bill Gates is 
reading about it. 

6. Practice All the Time 

There are painters in the world who don't paint. Writers who don't write. Filmmakers 
who don't shoot a video. Creators who don't create anything. 
I was a writer who didn't write for a long time. Don't be that person.  
Practice your craft. Repetition is the only shortcut to learning any skill. 
You won't magically shoot a phenomenal photograph until you've shot countless bad 
ones. You have to go through your bad work to get to your good work. 
Nothing can be mastered overnight. But with right practice, you can get good at 
anything eventually. Persevere and keep honing your skills at every chance you get. 
Hard work leads to talent.  
There are no gifted people. They just practiced their craft enough times to get 
immensely good at it.  

7. Have a Strong Why 

Don't practice a skill just because your friend or co-worker is learning it. You have to 
have a reason for learning anything.  
Maybe the skill is required in your current job. Maybe this skill will take your business to 
the next level. Maybe you're learning it for your own happiness and fulfillment.  
Have a strong reason why you need to learn a particular skill. Don't learn anything just 
for the sake of learning it.  
Moreover, learning is always more enjoyable if you have a strong passion for the topic. 

8. Do It with a Friend 
Accountability - A persuader like nothing else.  
While it’s totally possible to master any skill by yourself, doing it with a friend is always 
more fun and motivating. 
When you’re accountable to someone, you are less likely to procrastinate. A healthy 
sense of competition and support will take you a long way.  
Your friend can help you out if you’re stuck at some point. You’ll also compete with each 
other which is a very natural way to solidify your skills. 
So go grab your buddy and make them your accountability partner and enjoy the 
process together. 

Some Skills that have Real World Application 

● Coding 
● Web development 
● Graphics Designing 
● Video Editing 
● Photo Editing 
● Filmmaking 
● Digital Marketing 
● Copywriting 
● Public Speaking 

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