How To Master Any Skill - Abhishek Tiwari
How To Master Any Skill - Abhishek Tiwari
How To Master Any Skill - Abhishek Tiwari
I have read dozens of personal development books in the search for a better me. I
always thought that they were helping me. But I was wrong.
These books gave me a false sense of accomplishment. A hope that I was becoming a
better person.
But that didn’t happen. Nothing changed inside me.
Reading about success is awesome, and I enjoyed every book that I read. But I wasn’t
really learning any skills that I could apply to my own life.
I was just procrastinating by reading those books. Taking action is what leads to a good
skill set. I’m sure that you’ve been there and know what I’m talking about.
This guide will show you how to and master any skill you want by taking the right action.
Let’s get started.
4. Get a Coach
There are two ways to learn anything. Through trial and error or through someone who
has already gone through the process of trial and error. You can learn from their work,
their books, videos, etc. But the best way to learn is direct coaching.
A coach can shorten the amount of time you would take to learn a skill. Since that
person has been through it before, they can help you in avoiding the pitfalls.
Now the question is how to find someone who would want to be your coach?
It’s simple, just go any social media site, then search for your skill. You’ll find numerous
people who are interested in what you’re interested in. The next step is to message
them, but please don’t spam them.
The trick to getting a coach is to offer them some value in return for your coaching.
Don’t just beg for them to be your guide. Nobody likes a freeloader.
8. Do It with a Friend
Accountability - A persuader like nothing else.
While it’s totally possible to master any skill by yourself, doing it with a friend is always
more fun and motivating.
When you’re accountable to someone, you are less likely to procrastinate. A healthy
sense of competition and support will take you a long way.
Your friend can help you out if you’re stuck at some point. You’ll also compete with each
other which is a very natural way to solidify your skills.
So go grab your buddy and make them your accountability partner and enjoy the
process together.