Volatile Organic Compounds Removal Methods - A Review (2012)

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American Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2012, 8 (4), 220-229

ISSN: 1553-3468
© 2012 A. Berenjian et al., This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution
(CC-BY) 3.0 license
doi:10.3844/ajbbsp.2012.220.229 Published Online 8 (4) 2012 (http://www.thescipub.com/ajbb.toc)

Volatile Organic Compounds Removal Methods: A Review

Aydin Berenjian, 1Natalie Chan and 2Hoda Jafarizadeh Malmiri
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran

Received 2012-09-24, Revised 2012-10-04; Accepted 2012-10-17

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are among the most toxic chemicals which are detrimental to humans
and environment. There is a significant need of fully satisfactory method for removal of VOCs. There are
several methods including physical, chemical and biological treatments available to remove VOCs by either
recovery or destruction. The aim of the present study is to summarize the available methods for VOC
removal; trying to find a promising method among the available techniques. A wide range of VOCs can be
treated biologically in which it offers advantages over more traditional processes including lower operating
and capital costs and a smaller carbon footprint. However, due to a complex nature and diversity of VOCs it
is hard to find a simple and promising method. Treatment still requires more research to solve the associate
problems with available VOC elimination techniques.

Keywords: Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Removal Techniques, Bio-Treatment

1. INTRODUCTION 2012). Most VOCs are photo-chemically sensitive and

when exposed to oxides of nitrogen and sunlight, would
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are man-made form ozone and other products as represented in Equation 1:
and/or naturally occurring highly reactive hydrocarbons.
World Health Organisation defined VOCs as any organic NO x + VOC + Sunlight → O3 + NO x + other products (1)
compound whose boiling point is in the range from (50-
100°C) to (240-260°C), corresponding to having The reactions represented by Equation 1, involve VOCs
saturation vapour pressures greater than 102 kPa at 25°C oxidation with NOx, hydroxyl catalysing some of the key
(ISO16000-6, 1989). Many types of VOCs are toxic or reactions including other chemical compounds. Ozone
even deadly to humans and can be detrimental to the formation is thus primarily driven by available nitrogen
environment. Therefore a multitude of definitions exist oxides and VOCs. Resulting ground level ozone formation
globally depending on the context frame used by and carcinogenic smog is the main cause of concern. As the
different organisations such as United Nations Economic wide range of VOCs implies a broad range of reaction rates,
Commission for Europe (UNECE) and U.S. VOCs are capable of long range distribution and
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). accumulation in components of environment. Efficiency of
Natural origins of VOCs include wetlands, forests, ozone formation varies with the ratio of nitrogen oxides to
oceans and volcanoes with the estimated global VOCs VOCs with higher NOX -FQUOTE NOx emissions resulting
biogenic emission rate at about 1150Tg/yr (Guenther et al., in reduced ozone production efficiency (Finlayson-Pitts and
1995). A majority of VOCs are created from anthropogenic Pitts, 1986; 1999; Chanin, 1993). The isopleth plot in Fig. 1
activities consisting of manufacturing industries, illustrates the relation between O3, NOx and VOC with clear
petrochemical industries and vehicular emissions (EPA, regimes of different O3-NOx-VOC-sensitivity.
Corresponding Author: Aydin Berenjian, School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

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Dependencies vary on assumptions and conditions used 1.1. Common VOCs Removal Methods
during plot generation. When NOx is limited, O3
increases with increasing NOx with relatively minimal There are physical, chemical and biological
response to increasing VOC. Thus VOC control could treatments available to remove VOCs from air by either
be less effective in reducing O3 in NOx sensitive areas recovery or destruction. The contaminated liquid can be
e.g., rural areas and downwind from the source aerated either via packed tower aeration or mechanical
(Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts, 1986). surface aeration with VOC emissions captured and
In the limited VOC regime to the left of the ridge treated. Traditional primary removal solutions for VOC-
line, lowering VOC concentrations result in lower peak contaminated liquids are liquid-phase activated carbon
ozone concentrations. Contradictory lowering NOx at adsorption or air stripping. For soil VOC contamination
constant VOC concentrations predicts increased peak remediation, Soil Vapour Extraction (SVE) is used (EPA,
ozone concentrations to the ridge line. This is due to 1991; Tchobanoglous and Kreith, 2002). These methods
more hydroxyl radicals available to react with VOCs due allow for the extraction of VOCs into another phase.
to reduced NOx-hydroxyl reactions. Only past the ridge In liquid-phase activated carbon adsorption, the
line does the ozone concentration begin to decease. Ozone treated liquid is put in physical contact with activated
concentrations are also lowered by proportionately carbon to allow dissolved organic contamination to bind
decreasing both VOCs and NOx concentrations to it. The activated carbon can be either regenerated or
simultaneously (Dodge, 1977; Finlayson-Pitts and Pitts, removed after treatment (DOE, 1994). Reactors
1986). Thus, Fig. 1 emphasises there is greater benefit in commonly used for this process are the fixed bed and the
reducing VOC concentrations over NOx for optimal ozone pulsed/moving bed. When dealing with halogenated
control strategies closer to the source of emission. VOCs and pesticides, this carbon method has limited
VOCs are not only outdoor pollutants as high effectiveness. Economical and logistical issues would
concentrations have been recorded indoors as well. arise from disposing or decontaminating the spent
Indoor sources include solvents used in the production carbon, hence carbon adsorption is applied more
and maintenance of building materials, furnishings or effectively for “polishing” post-treated liquid discharges
equipment e.g., paint, carpets, plastics and photocopying with low VOC concentrations (EPA, 1990; 1993; 1995).
machines. The National Health and Medical Research Similarly VOCs in air emission can be treated with
Council (NHMRC) interim national indoor air quality
activated carbon by pumping it through activated carbon
recommends a maximum hourly average total VOC level
packed bed reactors. However, problems with spent
of 500 µg m−3, where each compound should not
contribute more than 50% of the total (NHMRC, 2002). carbon are the same as the liquid-phase carbon method.
In a study investigating VOC emissions from office Common permanent solutions to treat extracted VOC
furniture, a range of major VOCs emitted over time was emissions would be through oxidation by thermal,
found to be in excess of the NHMRC recommendation. internal combustion engine, catalytic or UV. Essentially
Formaldehyde was found to be emitted in high VOCs are broken down into less harmful compounds
concentrations from furnishings using reconstituted such as carbon dioxide, water and hydrochloric gas.
wood-based panels e.g., particleboards, medium-density Thermal oxidation units are generally single
fibreboard (NHMRC, 2002). Table 1 details the results chambers with ceramic blanket refractory lining the
for major VOCs emitted by new office furniture. oxidisers, equipped with a propane or natural gas burner
Indoor levels of VOC can be regulated by selecting and a stack. In the chamber, burner capacities range
low-emission materials for furnishing, cleaning and between 0.4 to 2 (mil BTUs)/hr with operating
construction. This approach is impractical as many of temperatures from 760 to 870°C and a maximum gas
the materials emitting VOCs are considered standard residence time of 1 sec. The internal combustion engine
fixtures and attempting to replace them could prove works in the same way; however, it is adapted to high
costly. Furthermore, proper ventilation with outdoor air VOC concentrations to allow the organic compounds to
can help in managing air pollutants indoors by means of be used as fuel. Auxiliary fuel is only added to enhance
dilution. However with the increasing number of high- oxidation. To reduce the need for auxiliary fuel, air to
rise buildings developing in major cities, the problem of air heat exchangers can be used to transfer heat from the
VOC pollution becomes both an indoors and outdoors exhaust gases to the incoming feed. In treating
issue that requires a permanent solution (Guo et al., halogenated VOCs, the exhaust stream would require a
2004; Alvarez-Hornos et al., 2008). gas scrubber to control the acid vapour (Benitez, 1993).
Various traditional VOCs removal and elimination Oxidation is deemed inefficient for low VOCs
technologies exist. In the present study we summarize concentrations in the range of between 0.1 to 10g Mm−3
the available methods for VOCs removal; try to find a as continuous oxidation is difficult to maintain unless
promissing technique. with more supporting fuel (Rao, 2007).

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Fig. 1. General ozone isopleth used in EPA’s, Empirical Kinetic Modelling Approach (EKMA) modelled against ratios found in
cities (Dodge, 1977)

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a biofilteration unit (Delhomenie and Heitz, 2005)

Catalytic oxidation involves the addition of a oxidiser. The direct pre-heating of feed to the
catalyst to a thermal oxidiser to accelerate oxidation reaction temperature is required to initiate catalytic
via the adsorption and reaction of oxygen and organic oxidation when passed through a solid catalyst bed.
compounds on the catalyst surface. This lowers the Catalysts may contain various metal oxides such as
reaction temperature to a range between 320 to 540°C chromium oxide or nickel oxide and may even contain
compared to that required in a conventional thermal noble metals e.g., palladium.

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Table 1. Formaldehyde and VOC concentrations and emission factors from new office furniture (Brown, 1999)
Concentration (µg/m3) Emission Factor (µg/m2.h)
------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
VOC 4h 24 h 4h 24 h
Formaldehyde 190 230 240 290
Freon 22 42 700 530 890
Methanol 4000 2700 5000 3400
Acetone 450 254 560 320
Butanal 290 220 360 280
Ethylacetate 660 580 830 730
Methyl isobutyl ketone 200 210 250 260
Hexanal 28 23 35 29
m- and p-Xylene 59 48 74 60
Cyclohexanone 55 54 69 68
Phenol 180 90 230 110
Total VOC 970 820 200 1030

Thermal oxidisers can be used as pre-treatment to organisms matched to the type of VOC to be destroyed.
catalytic units for high VOC concentrations (EPA, 1987; Some easily biodegradable VOCs are esters, benzene,
Benitez, 1993; Rao, 2007; Berenjian and Khodiev, 2009; toluene and phenols. Due to future growth potentials for
Berenjian et al., 2011). the use of biofiltration methods, these methods are
UV oxidation method has been used to oxidise detailed and expanded upon in the following sections.
organic and explosive compounds in wastewater. Strong 1.2. Bio-Treatment
chemical oxidisers directly react to the contaminants
with UV photolysis achieved through synergistic UV Bio-technologies effectively and economically treat
irradiation combined with ozone and/or hydrogen contaminated air flows from 60 to 150,000m3/h with
peroxide (Christman and Collins, 1990; EPA, 1990). lower VOC concentrations than most other available
Generally low pressure 65W lamps are used for ozone technologies. This advantage enables it to be applied to
treatment systems and 15-60W lamps are used in smaller scale projects such as possibly retro-fitting
hydrogen peroxide treatment. Final products of UV building ventilations with a compact VOC treatment
oxidation are carbon dioxide, water and salts. Although, system. Existing bio-treatment of VOCs used in gas
able to treat a wide range of VOCs, certain contaminants treatment revolves around the concept of bio-filtration.
may be volatilised rather than destroyed e.g., TCA. In There are various other bio-filtration processes available
such a case, post treatment by activated carbon such as Bio-Trickling Filters (BTFs), bio-scrubbers and
adsorption may be required (Zappi et al., 1992). newer technology e.g., bio-membrane bioreactors (Cox
Bio-treatment of VOCs is a relatively less established and Deshusses, 1998; Doble and Kumar, 2005). Bio-
VOC removal method; however, it offers possible filtration is generally based on two principals: firstly, the
advantages over more traditional processes with lower transfer of pollutants from the air feed to the support
operating and capital costs and a smaller carbon
medium. Secondly, the contaminants are bio-catalysed to
footprint. This is due to lower energy requirements as
biomass, carbon dioxide, water and other by-products
microorganisms are used to metabolise organic
compounds at ambient temperature instead being (Miller and Allen, 2004). Schematic diagram of a
dependent on heat or radiation. Since 1923, gas bio- biofilteration unit is shown in Fig. 2.
filtration has been applied to treat various VOC exhaust The traditional bio-filteration system is essentially a
contaminants (Leson and Smith, 1997; Wieczorek, fixed-bed bioreactor where the bio-catalyst or
2005). Biological methods include bio-filters, bio- microorganism is immobilised to an inert supporting
trickling filters, bio-scrubber, suspended growth reactors medium to develop biofilms. Ideal packing bed materials
and membrane bio-reactors (Doble and Kumar, 2005). have high void fraction, light weight, low pressure drop,
Key parameters across bio-systems are identified as hydrophilic and low bulk density. Occasional irrigation of
moisture content in the medium, temperature, pH and nutrient solution onto the packing bed and humidity
availability of essential and non-carbon nutrients (Leson control maintains the biofilms. Polluted air is fed from the
and Winer, 1991; Swanson and Loehr, 1997; Sidkar and bottom through the porous biologically-active media,
Irvine, 1998). As a wide range of VOCs are where pollutants diffuse into the aqueous-phase or are
biodegradable, they can be treated biologically with absorbed directly by the biofilm with treated air emitted

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from the top. Unfortunately, VOCs containing sulphates, contaminants are pressurised to induce diffusion over the
chlorides and nitrates have acidic by-products that can partition into the aqueous solution. The membranes can be
adversely affect the ecosystem and reduce the further treated to have various advantageous properties e.g.,
effectiveness of the bioreactor (Garner and Barton, 2002). hydrophobic and microporous. Membrane bioreactors for
The biotrickling filter has gas flowing through a fixed VOC treatment still require more research to minimise
bed with microorganisms immobilised through it. Ideal fouling and high cost (Artiga et al., 2005).
packing material is similar to the traditional set up.
Nutrient solution is continuously irrigated from the top, 1.3. Operating Parameters
collected at the bottom and recycled back up. Co-current The operations of biofilters involve a series of steps
or counter-current flow between the gaseous and beginning with the transfer of the pollutant air to the
aqueous phases was found to have no influence on the aqueous phase, followed by its adsorption onto the medium
degradation performance (Cox and Deshusses, 1998). or absorption into the biofilm and then biodegradation of
The biotrickling system allows for more efficient VOCs within the biofilm (Kumar et al., 2011). The
removal of soluble VOCs from the air stream as well as biodegradation of pollutants by biofilms in biofiltration
enabling feedback control for nutrient levels and pH. As sytem is a combination of physicochemical and
there is a constant feed of nutrients to the system, excess biological phenomena. Basically these three mechanisms
biomass builds up quickly and can lead to performance are responsible for the transfer and subsequent
loss and pressure drops from uneven biomass biodegradation within the bed (Doble and Kumar, 2005;
distribution (Cohen, 2001). Mathur et al., 2006).
Bioscrubbers consist of an absorption tower and a Governing control parameters across all bio-
bioreactor. In the absorption tower, gas phase reactors includes packing material, air flow rate,
contaminants are diffused into an aqueous solution via temperature (Darlington et al., 2001), pH, humidity
means of counter-current gas-liquid flows through inert and non-carbon nutrients e.g., nitrogen, phosphate and
packing. The washed gas is emitted from the top and the
potassium (VanLith et al., 1997; Devinny et al.,
contaminated liquid pumped towards an aerated
1999). However, as the type of microorganism used is
bioreactor. The microorganism or activated sludge in the
dependent on the type of VOC to be destroyed,
reactor is suspended in a nutrient-rich media and
residence time for treatment varies according to the type treating a wide range of VOCs in indoor air would result
and concentration of VOCs in the feed. After completed in a diverse ecology of mixed fungal and bacterial
degradation of contaminants, the medium is filtered and populations (Khammar et al., 2005). This diversity
biomass left to sediment with portions being recycled creates complex interactions within the bioreactors
through the bioscrubbing process again. An aqueous which require research into the ecology of the biomass to
system with no high pressure drops allows for more optimise overall management of the ecosystem.
evenly distributed temperature, nutrient and pH controls. 1.4. Packing/Filter Bed
System limitations are due to the narrow band of VOCs
treatable. This range is limited by water solubility of As the filter bed physically supports the entire
contaminants thus only applying to organics with low biosystem, some of the criteria required to achieve
Henry’s coefficient (<0.01) at low concentrations optimal conditions are high-specific surface area which
(<5g/m3). Compared to other bioreactors considered, the is excellent for microbial activity, decent water retention
bioscrubber requiring two sub-units could be a space capacity and high porosity. Basic traditional organic
limitation; especially when multiple systems in series or materials used for packing are peats, composts and soils
parallel are required to process higher VOC volumes. because of their stability, low cost and effectiveness
Bioscrubbers, however, are not as well-utilised within (Doble and Kumar, 2005). Modern approaches enable
the biotechnology market compared to biofilters and beds to have evenly-distributed rigid structures
biotricklers (Swanson and Loehr, 1997). To treat less- preventing bed compaction. Furthermore, biocatalysts
soluble pollutants, silicon oil could be added to aqueous can be immobilised within a porous structure (polymer
systems as an emulsifying agent to favour the VOC mass beads) to allow for easier maintenance and preservation
transfer from gas to liquid phases. of specific microorganisms (Lu et al., 2002). Pressure
Finally, membrane bioreactors involve a membrane drop of the filter bed is an important biofiltration
partitioning the liquid and gas phases. The nutrient and parameter which drastically effects on operating cost.
biomass growth is within the liquid side whilst the gaseous Filter beds including small particles have high specific

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surface area which in turn make them suitable for medium can have direct effect on microorganisms and
microbial activity and increase their resistance to air microbial enzymes and also indirect influence on the
flow (Kumar et al., 2011). availability of required nutrients. In fact, depending on
the type of microorganism the pH has significant effect
1.5. Flow Rate
on the biofiltration efficiency (Clark et al., 2004;
In general, overall efficiency of biofilters is related to Delhomenie and Heitz, 2005). Fungi are able to grow
two main microscopic processes. The first process is under both neutral as well as acidic conditions and are
transfer rate of the VOCs from gas phase to biofilm and metabolically active over a wide pH range between
the second one is biodegradation rate of VOCs approximately 2 and 7. Whereas bacteria are usually
(Delhomenie and Heitz, 2005). The air flow rate is an considered to be less tolerant to pH fluctuations and
important parameter which can affect both of these require a near neutral environment for their activity
processes. In fact, by increasing the flow rate, the rates (Kennes and Veiga, 2004). Due to neutrophilic behaviour
of VOCs transfer to the biofilm and degradations of the most of microorganisms in biofilters, maximum
decrease. This can be explained by the fact that in degradation of VOCs would usually be achieved at pH
extremely high air flow rates, contact times between around 7 (Kumar et al., 2001). Veiga et al. (1999) studied
microorganisms and gases are too short and the the effect of pH on alkyl benzene degradation (between
biodegradation reaction cannot be completed (Cox and pH 3.5 and 7.0) and found that alkyl benzene degradation
Deshusses, 1997). The Empty Bed Residence Time increases with pH increase. Lu et al. (2002) reported the
(EBRT) is defined as a time that parcel of air will maximum degradation for BTEX between pH values of
remain in the biofilter and calculated as the empty 7.5 and 8.0. However, the ideal pH of the biofilter medium
bed filter volume divide by the air flow rate. Several depend on the pollutant being treated and the
studies have shown that to improve biofiltration
characteristics of the microbial ecosystem.
performance and better VOCs removal efficiency, the
EBRT should be greater than the time required for 1.8. Moisture
diffusion process (Doble and Kumar, 2005; Kumar et al.,
The moisture content of the filter bed plays an
2011). It has been reported that by increasing the size of
important role in biofilter performance because
particles in the filter beds, the resistance of filter beds microorganisms need water to attain their metabolic
decrease towards gas flow (Clark et al., 2004). activity (Kumar et al., 2011). Availability of excess
1.6. Temperature water hinders the transfer of oxygen and hydrophobic
pollutants to the biofilm, leading to the development of
Operating temperature is one important factor that anaerobic zones within the bed. It also leads to the
affects biofilter performance. The microorganisms that reduction of the specific surface available for gas/biofilm
most effectively degrade VOC compounds in biofilters exchanges, which in turn, causes bed compaction and
are mesothermic and their optimum activity temperatures increasing the pressure drop. Too low bed moisture
are between 30 and 40°C (Clark et al., 2004). In fact, the content leads to bed desiccation and gas flow channeling,
proper temperature increases the rate of biofilm which particularly affects the microflora (Delhomenie
development and biomass accumulation (Yang et al., and Heitz, 2005). The support of microbial populations
2010). Deeb and Alvarez-Cohen (1999) indicated that in sufficient to reduce VOCs requires that moisture levels
the optimum range of operating temperature, the in the filter medium be maintained between 40% and
degradation performance on biofilter can increase 2- 70% (w.b.) (Clark et al., 2004). The main factors
fold by 10°C increase in temperature. This can be affecting the bed moisture content are gas flow rate
explained by the fact that by rising the temperature, through the bed, water holding capacity of the filtering
VOCs and O2 solubilise in water decrease and materials, reaction exothermicity and inlet gas relative
diffusion transfer increases. Due to exothermic nature humidity (Devinny et al., 1999).
of the biodegradation reactions, the variation of 1.9. Microorganism
temperature in the filter bed is a consequence of
microbial activity (Hwang et al., 2002). Microorganisms including bacteria and fungi are used
in VOCs biodegradation methods. Researchers have
1.7. pH indicated that heterotrophic bacteria and fungi are the
For most bioreactors, pH has a significant impact on main microorganisms used in elimination of VOCs
biofiltration efficiency. The pH of the biofilteration (Delhomenie and Heitz, 2005). However, the main

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advantage of fomenting fungal rather than bacterial found to be significantly removed by biofilm
growth for the biofiltration of hydrophobic pollutants is (VanGroenestijn and Liu, 2002). Upon comparison,
their ability to degrade the substrates under extreme the α-pinene partitioning of biofilm containing
environmental conditions regarding pH, low water biomass and organics was also found to be greater
content and limited nutrient concentrations (Kennes and than biofilm in water (Miller and Allen, 2004).
Veiga, 2004). Generally, heterotrophic microbial strains As the dominant carbon source, the VOC gas supply
used in VOC bioreactors, can bio-catalyse VOCs via two for the biotrickling filter creates a gradient of high
pathways: (1) consuming organic compounds in the specific biomass growth rates starting from the feed inlet
course of catabolic pathway for energy or (2) using and tapering off towards the outlet (Song and Kinney,
1999). In a gas-phase biofilter, biomass accumulation
VOCs as a carbon source for anabolic processes. Species
rate is equal to the biofilm growth rate minus the biofilm
of Pseudomonas, Candida, Mycobacterium, Alcaligenes,
decay rate resulting from hydraulic scouring or
Exophiala, Acetinobacter, Fusarium, Cladosporium,
detachment. Thus, allowing for general modelling of
Rhodococus, Aspergillus and mucor are some of biofilm thickness over time to be calculated from
microorganisms which identified and used for bacterial growth and decay as shown in Equation 3 and 4
degradation of VOCs by biofiltration (Marek et al., (Alonso et al., 1997; 1998):
1999; Diehl et al., 2000; Christen et al., 2002; Qi et al.,
2002; Woertz et al., 2002). The filter bed inoculation ∂Lf ∂C Y
depends on both the nature of the filtering materials and = (rd D w f | x = L ) − Lf b (3)
∂t ∂x Xf
the VOC biodegradability level. Generally, a biofilter
contains between 106 and 1010 cfu of bacteria and
b = bs + b d (4)
actinomycetes per gram of bed, respectively. It can
also contains 103 to 106 spores of fungi per gram of
bed (Delhomenie and Heitz, 2005). Where:
Lf = Biofilm thickness
1.10. Biomass rd = Ratio between VOC diffusivities in biofilm and
Biofilm is a complex aggregation of microorganisms Dw = Contaminant diffusivity in water
(aerobic, anaerobic and facultative type bacteria, fungi, Cf = VOC concentration in biofilm
algae and protozoa) which attach themselves on the Y = Yield coefficient
surface of the packing media and forms a biological Xf = Film bacterial density
film or slim layer with a viscous slimy structure b = Specific shear/decay coefficient
(Kumar et al., 2011). There are three main biological bd = Specific decay coefficient
processes that occur in the biofiltration systems, bs = Specific shear rate
namely: attachment of microorganisms, growth of
microorganisms and decay and detachment of Other factors such as oxygen availability, carbon
microorganisms (Yang et al., 2010). source and biofilm activity all interact to affect the
Assuming the biofilm is built on water, Henry’s Law biofilm decay rate. Factors contributing to shear force
represented in Equation 2 roughly estimates maximum could result from calculating in fluid flow or particle
concentrations of aqueous pollutant ( C*aq ) available to be attrition as well. This general model of prediction would
enable biomass controls to be set in place to prevent a
bio-catalysed: drop in efficiency from excess biomass. There are five
methods of control including physical, chemical,
C*aq = (2) biological, improved biofilter designs and improved
Hi operation modes. Most physical treatments involve bed
stirring or backwashing to drain excess accumulated
where, pi represents the partial pressure of a specific biomass. Chemical controls can be put on the carbon and
pollutant in gaseous phase and Hi is Henry’s constant nutrient sources to starve the biofilm. Periodical
coefficient of the pollutant. This model of estimation , starvation does not affect removal performance in
however, does not in fact express the transport and biotrickle reactors as microorganisms degrade their own
reaction processes of the biomass itself. Water- extracellular polymers for energy (Zhang and Bishop,
insoluble compounds such as α-pinene have been 2003). Chemical washing of the biofilter to control

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biomass could have a detrimental effect on performance 2005). Some disadvantages of using bioscrubbers are
and requires time to reacclimatise. It must be noted that treatment of only water soluble compounds, generation
to achieve higher bio-conversion efficiency, the bio-filter of liquid waste, need of extra air supply, need of excess
should be exposed to low VOC concentrations initially to sludge disposal and operation/maintenance complicities
allow culture adaption to utilising VOCs as a carbon (Kumar et al., 2011).
source. Following which, the organic loading can be
increased over time.
1.11. Overview of Using Biological Treatments
Based on the present study, biological methods
As previously detailed, the four most common types
(biofilter, biotrickling filter, membrane bioreactor and
of biological treatment units are biofilter, biotrickling
bioscrubber) can be used as potential methods for VOCs
filter, membrane bioreactor and bioscrubber. These
removal as compared to the other available elimination
systems have differences in their complexity, process
techniques. However, use of biological systems to remove
design, equipment dimensions and working parameters,
VOCs still have limitations and challenges. These systems
but they have unique advantages which make them
do not response well to sudden loading stresses and can
proper techniques to remove wide range of compounds.
fail. Due to detrimental nature of VOCs to humans and
Biofilters have advantages such as low initial investment
environment, more practical and more efficient VOC
and subsequently minimized operating cost, degradation
removal techniques are in demand. A combination of
a wide range of components, easy to operate and
existing treatments can be considered as another approach
maintain, no production of unnecessary waste streams
which may help to increase VOCs treatment effectiveness
and low pressure drop (Yang et al., 2010). Biotrickling
at higher concentrations, whilst reducing costs e.g.,
filters have less operating and capital constraints, less
biofiltration as a post-treatment to adsorption.
relation time/high volume through put and capability to
treat acid degradation product of VOCs (Cox and
Deshusses, 1998). In membrane bioreactors there are no 3. REFERENCES
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have some limitations. For example, limitations of using Alvarez-Hornos, F.J., C. Gabaldon, V. Martinez-Soria,
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concentrations of pollutants, extremely large size of of ethylbenzene vapours: Influence of the packing
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