Ims Afr User Guide

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Integrated Management

System (IMS) IMS


AFR Pre-Processing

User Guide

IMS Questionnaire and

Plant KPI Evaluation

Reporting Year 2005

Version 2005

Q:\CIE\ETPS\PEP\AFR Platform\Questionaire\IMS AFR User Guide.doc

Table of Contents




1. General Facility Data 5

2. Management Systems 5

3. OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety) Performance 6

4. Operational Performance 6

5. Environmental Performance 7

5.1 - 5.4 Emissions 7

5.5 Waste Water Management 7
5.6 Spill Prevention 7
5.7 Waste Management 8
5.8 Visual Appearance 8


IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 2
Introduction to the IMS Questionnaire for AFR Pre-Processing

This IMS questionnaire is based on an integrated management system. It is divided

into three main parts: Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S), Quality Management
and Environmental Management. It has been specifically developed to assess and
evaluate the situation of Holcim's AFR pre-processing plants with regard to OH&S,
environment and quality performance.

The purpose of the scheme is:

To provide Holcim’s AFR business units with a tool to perform a systematic

self-assessment of their management in the three areas mentioned above.
To provide Holcim’s AFR business units with a supporting tool for their
business planning processes.
To provide an adequate info base for reporting and communication both on
corporate and operating company level
To facilitate Group and Group company internal benchmarking.

The questionnaire applies to separate AFR pre-processing installations with various

treatment, blending or separation processes.

IMS Questionnaire
The IMS questionnaire is an Excel based spreadsheet consisting of five basic
sections in nine worksheets, i.e.:

General Facility Data

Management Systems
OH&S Performance
Operational Performance
Environmental Performance

In addition, a final worksheet contains the summary key performance indicators

derived from the answers to the questionnaire.

This User Guide to the questionnaire contains definitions and explanations to some
of the questions and is intended to give support in case of uncertainty. Please make
reference to the User Guide before you complete the questionnaire.

IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 3
Please Note:

When opening the Excel file, macros have to be enabled.

Electronic completion of the IMS questionnaire allows automatic calculation and data
transfer between the questionnaire and the KPI evaluation sheet. The IMS
questionnaire is password protected to prevent any changes in the formulas or in the
format, which would disable the automatic calculations.

Cells have different colours. The cell colour code is as follows:

Green cells: Answers or data have to be entered manually

Yellow cells: Calculations are carried out automatically
White Cells: Protected cells

If questions are "Not Applicable" to the site, please enter a comment (“N/A”) in the
foreseen "Remark" cell and explain why. Only short comments are allowed here. If
longer comments are made, please put a number into the respective cell and specify
in the separate "Remarks" worksheet.

Some cells contain radio buttons (dots) or check boxes (squares). With radio buttons,
only one answer is possible.

IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 4
1. General Facility Data

Plant Code: Please use the dropdown button in the upper right corner to select
your plant name. The yellow cells are then completed automatically.

1.3 “Outbound AFR” is AFR product classified with a PCS Code manufactured
on site and delivered to a customer. Not included are sorted out materials
for recycling or resale. Select the principal category from the drop-down
menu, and enter the volumes of the AFR produced together with the PCS
code (for reference to the PCS code, see the HARP Manual)
1.4 “Inbound waste” is the waste material entering the site. For codification,
please use the European Waste Code (or any other applicable code), and
attach a copy of your specific permits for every type of waste. “Storage
capacity” refers to the maximum capacity of waste which is permitted to
be stored on site.
1.5 Please list the names of all your customers to whom your AFR products
are delivered.
1.6 Please select the generic type of packaging from the drop-down menu the
inbound waste is delivered to the site?
1.7 Please select all the treatment processes that occur in your plant from the
drop-down menu. If there are additional processes applied which are not
listed in the menu, select other and specify in the “Remarks” cell.

2. Management Systems

2.1.2 Please enter the date of the last external OH&S management system
audit (OHSAS 18001 or Holcim internal audit). Use the specified date
2.1.5 Please list the regulatory non-compliance cases referring to OH&S in the
“Remarks” worksheet.
2.1.6 Total monetary amount of fines (in USD). Specify fines in the “Remarks”
2.2.2 Please enter the date of the last external quality management system
audit (ISO 9001). Use the specified date format.
2.2.5 “Offspec products” are products which do not correspond to specifications
given in standards or permit requirements.
2.2.6 Total monetary amount of fines (in USD.) Specify fines in the “Remarks”
2.3.2 Please enter the date of the last external environmental management
system audit (ISO 14001). Use the specified date format.
2.3.5 Please list the regulatory non-compliance cases referring to environment
in the “Remarks” worksheet.
2.3.6 Total monetary amount of fines (in USD). Specify fines in the “Remarks”
2.4 Refers to whether there is a system or procedure in place to identify new
regulatory developments or requirements referring to OH&S, environment
or quality applicable to the facility.

IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 5
2.5.1 Please enter the number of your green, yellow and red bricks in your
Holcim OH&S Pyramid and the overall achievement score in [%].

3. OH&S (Occupational Health and Safety) Performance

3.2.2 Refers to whether there is a standardised labelling system used at the

facility. These labels should be present on all chemicals, equipment and
installations at the facility.
3.2.3 Refers to the use of Risk Assessment and Risk Management tools that the
facility uses to identify and manage hazards. These tools may include
HAZOPs, consequence analysis and failure mode analysis.
3.3.7 PPE = Personal Protective Equipment
3.4 For definitions, please refer to Holcim’s OH&S Handbook and
corresponding documents.
3.5 / 3.6 For details, please refer to Holcim’s OH&S Handbook, AFR H&S Manual
and corresponding documents.
3.6.3 Refers to the concentration of chemicals in exposure risk areas. The
chemicals present in exposure risk areas should be listed along with their

4. Operational Performance

4.1 Are all AFR activities carried out inside the facility area? Are storage and
treatment/process areas adequately covered, roofed, or enclosed (halls,
buildings etc.).
4.2.1 Please use one row for every waste type entering the facility and specify:
physical state, packaging mode, and volume. Indicate whether the waste
is considered “biomass”.
4.3.1 Refers to the transport mode used to deliver the wastes to the pre-
processing facility. This includes road, rail or waterways.
4.4.1 Please indicate whether the wastes can be easily tracked to their source
provider. If this is only possible for some, but not all types of waste, select
4.5.1 Refers to the transport mode used to deliver the AFR product from the
pre-processing facility to the cement plant (or other final customer). This
includes road, rail or waterways.
4.6.1 Please indicate the total amount of thermal energy consumption (in KJ/a)
for AFR processing (without fuel for transports).
4.6.2 Please indicate the total amount of electrical energy consumption (in
KWh/a) for the facility (including auxiliaries).
4.6.3 Please indicate the total volume of water consumption (in m3/a) for the
4.6.4 “Other consumables” may include spill absorbents, detergents, or other
4.6.5 “Traditional impregnation supports” are non-waste based, e.g. charcoal or
4.6.6 Chemical for inertization are mainly used at liquid waste storage or
blending installations, or at shredders etc.

IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 6
5. Environmental Performance

5.1 - 5.4 Emissions

5.1.1 Did you measure the ambient air quality prior to (or without)
operating the facility? / Please indicate potential or known sources or areas of emissions / 5.2.2/ and the technical solutions applied to minimize these emissions.
5.3.2 / 5.4.2 ff. Please list separately complaints by own personnel and by
external stakeholders (residents, communities), as received by the
facility and filed in complaints registers. In case of no complaints,
please enter 0 in both cells to ensure correct calculation of the
5.1.4 Please specify “other” emission component(s) in the “Remarks”
cell, e.g. dioxins/furans or other organic compounds.
5.2 “Fugitive” dust is dust from disperse sources, i.e. materials transfer
points, storage areas, technical installations etc.
5.2.3 ff. In case of no complaints, please enter 0 in both cells (“Internal”
and “ External”) to ensure correct calculation of the KPI.

5.5 Waste Water Management

5.5.1 Please indicate for every of the four different waste water categories
if you have separate collection systems
how you treat and discharge and
if you control effluent quality.
5.5.2 A public or engineered sewage systems is a treatment installation where
the sanitary waste water is at least mechanically and biologically treated
(e.g. state-of-the-art public sewage plant. septic tanks etc.).

5.6 Spill Prevention

5.6.1 / Did you measure groundwater and soil quality before the facility started its
5.6.2 operation?
5.6.3 / For example: metals, organics, BOD, COD etc.
5.6.5 Please give the number, the location and the cleanup measures for every
spill with effects on soil and/or groundwater. If you haven’t had any spills in
the reporting year, please enter 0 in the first row under “# of spills” to
ensure correct calculation of the KPI.
5.6.6 Please list any implemented technical solutions to prevent further spills.
5.6.7 Storage tanks have to be double-walled and should be equipped with
leakage detection and overfill protection systems.
5.6.11 For reference, see Holcim’s Technical Safety Guidelines on HolSpace
(CoP AFR).

IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 7
5.7 Waste Management / “Controlled” refers to waste handling (including disposal) in a well managed treatment and disposal facility. “Uncontrolled” refers to wastes
treated or disposed of without any environmental control. Includes laboratory, administrative, process and other special waste.

5.8 Visual Appearance

5.8.1 Please select if the upper two pictures or the lower two pictures represent
better the visual appearance of your facility, or if you are in between.

IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 8
Key Performance Indicators

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are automatically calculated based on the
answers given in the IMS questionnaire.

The KPIs are calculated on three different levels:

A) The "Overall Key Performance Indicator"

B) Four sectoral indicators (“scores”): Management Systems, OH&S

Performance, Operational Performance, and Environmental Performance

C) The sectoral indicator “Environmental Performance” is split up into five sub-

sectoral scores: Emissions, Waste Water Management, Spill Prevention,
Waste Management and Visual Appearance.

The five categories of the "Environmental Performance" indicator are weighted

differently and then aggregated into the sectoral score. The four sectoral scores are
all weighted equally and are then aggregated into the "Overall Key Performance
Indicator". All scores are calculated in an “on-line” process, and the final results can
be retrieved directly from the “KPI” worksheet.

In each section of the questionnaire the "Achieved Total" is automatically divided by

the "Maximum Achievable Total" and represents the respective Key Performance

Questions which cannot be answered due to lack of information (no measurements,

no statistics available) will be qualified as a worst case and will get therefore zero

Each facility is scored relative to a maximum of 100 points. A total score (“Overall
Key Performance Indicator") of 80 or more is considered very good, but may
nevertheless hide deficits in some areas of performance. A facility should therefore
have 20 or more points in each section to achieve “excellence”.

IMS Integrated Management System AFR Pre-Processing Plants User Guide Version 2005 9

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