Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the significant people
around them as they make important decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key concern in personal development.
Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their development. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures
help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories and tools in different areas in psychology.
Culminating Performance Standard: Identify ways to communicate and manage emotions in a healthy manner.
Unit One: Self-Development
Highest enabling strategy to use in
Performance Learning Competencies Highest thinking skill to assess developing the Highest thinking skill
Standards to assess
Content Content (for the
Assessment Technique
Standards Quarter) Enabling
M KUD RBT General Teaching Strategy
Minimum WW QA PC
1. Knowing The Learners The learners The learners… Self- Interactive Lecture
Oneself: demonstrate an shall be able 1. Explain that knowing oneself Portraits
Understanding understanding of… to… can make a person accept K Und. Activity Representation Clarification Pauses
Written Exam
oneself during his/her strengths and limitations
middle and late Himself/herself Quiz Gallery Walk
and dealing with others better.
adolescence during middle and (1) 2. Share his/her unique
late adolescence. Communicate characteristics, habits and K Und. Representation
ways to experiences.
manage 3. Maintain a journal. D Create My Problem-solving
emotions in a Journal
5. Developing the The various aspects healthy way. 4. Discuss the relationship among
Whole Person of holistic physiological, cognitive, Quiz/Tab
development: psychological, spiritual, and le
K Und. Representation Discussion
physiological, social development to Complet
cognitive, understand his/her thoughts, ion Play
psychological, feelings and behaviors. Presenta
Group Evaluation
spiritual and social 5. Evaluate his/her own thoughts, tion Reasoning and
U Eval.
development. feelings and behaviors. Proof
My Role Playing
6. Show the connections between
thoughts, feelings and behaviors U App. Connections
in actual life situations.
8. Developmental The skills and tasks 7. Classify various developmental Chart
Stages in appropriate for tasks according to U Ana. Complet
Middle and middle and late developmental stage. ion
Interactive Lecture
Late adolescence, and 8. Evaluate one’s development in
Adolescence preparatory to early comparison with persons of the U App. Connections
Presenta Clarification Pauses
adulthood. same age group.
9. List ways to become a
Group Evaluation
responsible adolescent prepared My
K Und. Representation
for adult life. Journal
Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the
significant people around them as they make important decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key
concern in personal development. Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their
development. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories and tools in different areas in
Core Subject Description: This course makes senior high school aware of the developmental stage that they are in, for them to better understand themselves and the
significant people around them as they make important decisions as adolescents. The course consists of modules, each of which addresses a key
concern in personal development. Using the experiential learning approach, each module invites students to explore specific themes in their
development. Personal reflections, sharing, and lectures help reveal and articulate relevant concepts, theories and tools in different areas in
Lesson 1 Per Week Per Session
1. Introduction 10 mins. 5 mins. Familiarize the objectives of the lesson and draw out the importance of the topic and the expected output.
2. Motivation 30 mins. 15 mins. Relate the topic with a Johari’s Window Activity.
1. Define the word self.
3. Instruction/Delivery 120 mins. 60 mins.
2. Expound the dimensions of the self, attitudes and its components and self-concept and self-esteem.
4. Practice 50 mins. 25 mins. Use this knowledge in making your own self-portrait.
5. Enrichment 10 mins. 5 mins. Answer the focus question on p. 13 of LM and write your first entry of the journal requirement.
6. Evaluation 20 mins. 10 mins. Answer Assessment A and B of LM p. 11. *Teacher facilitate in answering.
Lesson 2 Per Week Per Session
1. Introduction 10 mins. 5 mins. Familiarize the objectives of the lesson and draw out the importance of the topic and the expected output.
2. Motivation 30 mins. 15 mins. Relate topic with personification activity. *Refer to LM, p. 15
1. Expound the holistic development through understanding:
a. Thoughts
b. Feelings
c. Behaviors
3. Instruction/Delivery 120 mins. 60 mins. 2. Discuss the aspects of development:
a. Physical and Neurobiological Development
b. Piaget’s Cognitive Development
c. Kholberg’s Moral Development
d. Socio-emotional Development
4. Practice 50 mins. 25 mins. Present a play that show the connections between thoughts, feelings and behaviors in actual life situations.
5. Enrichment 10 mins. 5 mins. Answer the Assessment B in LM p. 24 and answer focus question and write journal entry.
6. Evaluation 20 mins. 10 mins. Quiz found in LM p. 24 Assessment A.
Lesson 3 Per Week Per Session
1. Introduction 10 mins. 5 mins. Familiarize the objectives of the lesson and draw out the importance of the topic and the expected output.
2. Motivation 30 mins. 15 mins. Relate topic with Expectation versus Reality. *Refer to LM, p. 27
1. Expound the theory of Development:
a. Identity Formation vs. Identity Confusion
3. Instruction/Delivery 120 mins. 60 mins.
b. Havighurst’s Developmental Tasks for Adolescents
c. Piaget’s Cognitive Development: Formal Operators
Make a video presentation featuring ways to become responsible adolescents using the knowledge of
4. Practice 50 mins. 25 mins.
Piaget’s, Havighurst’s and Erikson’s Developmental Theories.
Answer the focus question and write a journal entry that elaborates ways for you to become a responsible
5. Enrichment 10 mins. 5 mins.
adolescent prepared for adult life based on the things you have learned for this lesson.
6. Evaluation 20 mins. 10 mins. Prepare ¼ sheet of paper for a short quiz. *Refer in LM, p. 34 Assessment A and B.
Lesson 4 Per Week Per Session
1. Introduction 10 mins. 5 mins. Familiarize the objectives of the lesson and draw out the importance of the topic and the expected output.
2. Motivation 30 mins. 15 mins. Relate topic Relevant Questions activity. *Refer to LM, p. 37
1. Discuss the possible challenges an adolescent faces:
A. Physic Appearance
B. Identity Development
C. Gender Identity
3. Instruction/Delivery 120 mins. 60 mins. D. Social Cognition: Personal Fable and Imaginary Audience
E. Impulsivity and Risk-Taking or Thrill-Seeking Behaviors
F. Sexual Behaviors
G. Anti-Social and Delinquency Behvaiors
2. Relate the management of these possible challenges.
4. Practice 50 mins. 25 mins. Make a collage using old magazines and pictures that describe the demands and challenges a teen faces.
Answer the focus question and write a journal entry that expresses your feelings on the expectations of the
5. Enrichment 10 mins. 5 mins.
significant people around you such as your parents, siblings, friends and community leaders.
Choose three from the given items in the LM p. 43. Then write an essay for each chosen item. Use the
6. Evaluation 20 mins. 10 mins.
rubric as guide.