LP Network Cabling

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Detailed Lesson Plan in CSS 11 (Computer Hardware Servicing)

(Network Cabling)


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. identify the steps in making network cable;
2. describe the difference between straight through and cross-over network cable;
3. show how to create functional T568A/T568B and Cross-over network cable; and
4. give the importance of network cabling in Computer Hardware Servicing.


A. Topic: Network Cabling

B. References:
 https://www.google.com.ph/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=jDDPVLWBEciJ8QfLx4CoCQ&gws_rd=ssl#q=crimp+
 http://fcit.usf.edu/network/chap4/chap4.htm
 http://www.techopedia.com/definition/25597/computer-network\

C. Materials: RJ45, UTP Cables, Crimping tools, LAN Tester, Laptop, Marker, Bond Papers, LCD Projector, and Power
Point Presentation,

D. Skills to be develop: Working with hand tools and Networking

E. Concept: Cable is the medium through which information usually moves from one network device to another. There
are several types of cable which are commonly used with LANs. In some cases, a network will utilize only one type of
cable, other networks will use a variety of cable types. The type of cable chosen for a network is related to the
network's topology, protocol, and size. Understanding the characteristics of different types of cable and how they relate
to other aspects of a network is necessary for the development of a successful network.

F. Values Integration: Patience and Discovery

G. Duration: 60 min

H. Strategy: 3I’s (Introduction, Interaction, Integration)


Time Instructional
Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Frame Materials
5 min. A. Preliminary

1. Greetings Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am!

2. Prayer Everybody please stand for our (Students will stand for the prayer.)
opening prayer.
______ lead the prayer.

Before you take your seats, The students pick up the pieces of
3. Securing the kindly pick-up the pieces of paper/plastic scattered around them
Cleanliness paper/plastic around you and and arrange their chairs properly.)
arrange your chairs properly.
(The class secretary will give the
Class secretary kindly check the list of absentees for the session)
attendance for today and give it
4. Checking of to me later.
Thank you!

I told you to memorize the cable

sequence for Straight through
A/Straight through B and Cross-
5. Checking of over cable connector. Were you
Assignment able to memorize it?
Yes, Ma’am.
I hope you really memorized the
sequences because we will use it

Before we start our lesson. Let us

have a review about our topic
last meeting which is changing
the workgroup and computer

What are the steps in changing

workgroup/ computer name? Yes
_____? Ma’am, the steps are:
Start > Settings > Control Panel >
System > Change Tab > Type New
Computer Name and Workgroup >
6. Recall of the OK, OK ,OK > Restart
previous lesson Thank you very much!

4 min. B. Motivation Before we proceed with our Bond Paper and

lesson. Let’s play a game. This Marker
game called “Whispering Game”.

A message will be given to the (The students will listen
1st student. Then the 1st student attentively.)
will transfer the message to the
next and the same procedure will
be followed until to the last.

So, are you now ready?

What is the message given? Yes

_____. Yes Ma’am!

Ma’am, this is the given message:



C. Presentation of the As you have said the message is

Lesson all about having a good
communication. But how is it

In channels of communication It
is possible through having the Yes, Ma’am!
sender and the receiver. Right

How about in CSS?

In CSS it is possible through the
use of a connecting media just
like air and network cables.
Right now we will focus on

2 min. D. Presentation of the Before we proceed these are the Power Point
Lesson Objectives things that we must achieve after Presentation
this lesson.


1. identify the steps in making

network cable;
2. describe the difference
between straight through
and cross-over network
3. show how to create
functional T568A/T568B
and Cross-over network
cable; and
4. give the importance of
cabling in Computer System
2 min. E. Unlocking of These are the terms that we will Power Point
Difficulties encounter for this lesson. Presentation

_________ please read Category

5 cable (cat 5) Category 5 cable (cat 5) is
a twisted pair cable for
carrying signals. This type
of cable is used in structured
cabling for computer such
as Ethernet.
How about Ethernet? Yes,
Ethernet is a physical and data link
layer technology for local area
networks (LANs).
How about networking cables?
Networking cables are used to
connect one network device to other
network devices or to connect two
or more computers to
share printer, scanner etc.

F. Lesson Proper Common network cable types Power Point

 Coaxial cable Crimping Tool,
 Unshielded RJ45, UTP Cable
twisted pair and LAN Tester,
 Fiber optic

UTP characteristics

Twisted (why?) pairs of insulated
Covered by
insulating sheath

In making connections we need

the following:

Making connections – Tool &

 Cat5/Cat5e cable
 RJ45 connectors
 Cable stripper
 Crimping tool
Making connections – Steps

 Strip cable end

 Untwist wire ends
 Arrange wires
 Trim wires to size
 Attach connector
 Check
 Crimp
 Test

(The Teacher will show how to

create a Cable sequence)

Step 1 – Strip cable end

Strip 1 – 1½” of insulating sheath

Avoid cutting into conductor

Step 2 – Untwist wire ends

Sort wires by insulation colors Ma’am the sequence in TIA/EIA

568A: WG-G WO-BL- WBL-O-
So, what is the cable sequence of WBr-Br
T568A/T568B. TIA/EIA 568B: WO-O WG-BL-
Step 3 – Arrange wires

Side Notes

T568A/ T568B are also called

Straight Thru connections which
are used in connecting different

A Cross-over connection on the

other hand is a combination of
both connection TIAs that is used
to connect similar devices.

In cross-over we have cable

sequence. Yes, _________.
Step 4 – Trim wires to size

Trim all wires evenly

Leave about ½” of wires exposed

Step 5 – Attach connector

Maintain wire order, left-to-right,

with RJ45 tab facing downward

Step 6 – Check
Do all wires extend to end?
Is sheath well inside connector?
Step 7 – Crimp
Squeeze firmly to crimp
onto cable end

Step 8 – Test
Does the cable work?

How to check

Straight Thru
(Any of the 2)


Is there any questions? None, Ma’am!

10 min. INTEGRATION Class let us have an activity.

 Ready your UTP cable
and RJ45

 Please pass these activity

sheets. You will notice
that there is a unique
watermark for every
activity sheets. For those
who got the activity
sheets with letter A
watermark you will
perform Straight thru
A/TIA 568A cable
sequence and with letter
B watermark you will
perform Straight Thru
B/TIA 568B and for those
who got the sheets with
letter C watermark you
will perform Cross Over
cable sequence.
 Make sure it is working
by testing it using the
LAN Tester.

 Make sure that when you

pass your UTP cables has
names on it. You may use
pieces of paper to write
your names and stick it to
the cable using tape.

You only have 10 minutes to

work on this.

Your UTP cables will be graded

based on these categories.

(I will show them the Rubrics

and explain how they will be
going to rate.)

You can now begin!

Time is up. Please pass first the
activity sheet. Then pass next
your UTP cables.
5 min. GENERALIZATION How did you find the activity? Is
it easy or difficult?

It will be difficult at first but if

you practice frequently it will be
an easy task.

Again what was our topic all Ma’am, our topic is about Network
about? Cabling.

One last question. I did not We need to network our computers

mention it directly but why do to access the other computers and
we need to network our for the purpose also of sharing
computers? Yes____? information and resources.

Very good! Class, have you

learned something today?

Very good, are there any


You can now pass the UTP cable

you worked on.

Class before anything else let us

go back to our objectives, were
we able to:
1. identify the steps in making
network cable;
2. describe the difference
between straight through
and cross-over network
3. demonstrate how to create
functional T568A/T568B
and Cross-over network
cable; and
4. give the importance of
cabling in Computer System

Very well then, I think that is None, Ma’am!

enough for this day.
Is there any questions?

IV. EVALUATION (15 minutes)

Direction: Rearrange the following procedures in their proper order. Use numbers to indicate their order of priority.

_____ 1. Strip cable end

_____ 2. Untwist wire ends
_____ 3. Arrange wires
_____ 4. Trim wires to size
_____ 5. Attach connector
_____ 6. Check
_____ 7. Crimp
_____ 8. Test
Give at least two importance of cabling in Computer Hardware Servicing. (2 points)

NETWORK CABLING (This will be evaluated by the teacher do not answer this)
Create a functional UTP TIA 568A/TIA 568B and Cross-over network cable. (5 points)
Note: Activity output will do.


Do all wires extend to end? 20% 5 4 3 2 1
Is sheath well inside connector? 20% 5 4 3 2 1
Proper arrangement wires 10% 5 4 3 2 1
Does the cable work? 50% 5 4 3 2 1

V. ASSIGNMENT (2 minutes)

1. What is booting?
2. What is the importance of boot sequencing?
3. How will you change the boot sequence?
4. How will you apply the changes in boot sequence?

[PDF]CMOS SETU UTILITY – FTP –Tyan ftp://ftp.tyan.com/manuals/TYN430TX.PDF
The CMOS http://philipstorr.id.au/pcbook/book5/cmos.htm

Prepared by:

TLE-ICT Teacher

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