White Necromancer Arcane Tradition
White Necromancer Arcane Tradition
White Necromancer Arcane Tradition
spellcasters who choose to embrace the restor-
ative aspects of necromancy. Unlike clerics and
other, more traditional necromancers, White
Necromancers have learned a mastery over the
manipulation of a creature’s animus that does not
entail an infusion of debilitating energy from the
Shadow Plane.
Instead, through years of arduous and ambi-
tious study, these wizards have discovered how
to channel their own animus and the residual animating animus’ of
the undead to fortify and strengthen the spirits of the living.
At 2nd level, a wizard gains the Arcane Tradition feature. The
White Necromancy option is available to a wizard, in addition
to the options offered in the Player’s Handbook, provided your DM
allows for its inclusion.
The School of White Necromancy is a closely guarded secret often
passed down through hereditary or cabalistic means. Its practicion-
ers are rare and focus their study on manipulating their individual
life force, or animus, and using it to lend curative aid to those in
need. While many believe white necromancers derive their powers
soley from manipulating their own energies, more advanced teach-
ings within the tradition allow true masters to tap into and absorb
the flickering remnants of an undead creature’s animus to fuel their
restorative powers. RESTRICTION: NONEVIL ONLY
White necromancers are most often found in societies that Only creatures with a non evil alignment can choose the white
revere and honor the dead. Places where ancestor worship, cults necromancy arcane tradition. The powers and abilities possessed by
that center around the divination of its deceased leaders and trib- white necromancers are closely guarded secrets of those who revere
alistic humanoid societies are typically where white necromancy is and respect the living and the dead.
practiced. While perhaps not members of a religious organization Your DM can lift this restriction to better suit the campaign.
themselves, white necromancers are usually found aiding such insti- Certain groups may discover the power of white necromancy even
tutions and often have strong ties within a communities healers. if their society is not entirely bound to traditional reverence.
Where a tribe’s members may seek out a priest for spiritual guid-
ance, they would turn to their white necromancer for practical aid.
Within such a society, these wizards are often charged with various GUARDIAN OF THE LIVING
tasks relating to the recently deceased: creating benign sentries from At 2nd level, you add the spare the dying cantrip to your spellbook
the bodies of respected and aged warriors who continue watching which counts as a wizard cantrip for you.
over the domains of their living kin, animating recently departed
members of a family to engage in one final honorary celebration
and in times of war returning fallen soldiers to the ranks of their BOND BETWEEN LIFE
brethen until a threat is overcome.
WHITE NECROMANCY FEATURES At 2nd level, you gain the ability to siphon away the animating
force that powers the undead.
Wizard Level Feature As an action, you can force 1 undead creature that you can see
2nd Guardian of the Living, Bond within 30 feet of you to make a Constitution saving throw. If
Between Life and Undeath
6th Benign Undead
10th Reservoir of Life
The belief in servant and master is a sacred concept.
14th True Invigoration To poison it with an ounce of respect in the unin-
tended direction is to invite disaster. One does not
consider their dog an equal, nor draw strength from
A-3 them. Why do so with the undead?
-Alistair Lurcock
the creature fails its saving throw, it takes an amount of necrotic UNDEATH UNTO DEATH
damage equal to 1d4 plus your Intelligence modifier. In addition, 6th level necromancy
once a creature has failed this saving throw, as part of this action,
you may immediately choose a living creature within 30 feet of you Casting Time: 1 action
that you can see to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to Range: 60 feet
amount of damage dealt to the undead targeted by this action. You Components: V, S, M (diamond powder worth 500 gp)
may choose to have any undead creature your control automatically Duration: Instantaneous
fail this saving throw. Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard
The amount of damage an undead creature takes from this action
increases to 2d4 at 6th level, 3d4 at 10th level and 4d4 at 14th level. This spell attempts to destroy the undead. Roll 10d8; the
total is how many hit points of undead creatures this spell
can affect. Undead creatures within 20 feet of a point you
BENIGN UNDEAD choose within range are affected in ascending order of
At 6th level, you add the animate dead spell to your spellbook if it is their current hit points. Starting with the undead crea-
not there already. Whenever you create an undead using a necro- ture that has the lowest current hit points, each creature
mancy spell it has additional benefits: affected by this spell is instantly destroyed. Subtract each
• The creature’s alignment matches your own. creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to
• The creature gains resistance to necrotic damage. the undead creature with the next lowest hit points. An
• The creature remains under your control for twice the normal undead creature’s hit points must be equal to or less than
duration it would normally be under your control. the remaining total for that creature to be affected. Living
• When you cast a spell from the school of necromancy with a creatures and constructs aren’t affected by this spell.
range of touch, you can choose to have the creature deliver
the spell as if it had cast the spell. The creature must be within
60 feet of you, and it may not act again until the beginning of that roll. You can do this a number of times equal to your Intelli-
your next turn. gence modifier (minimum 1). You regain all expended uses of this
• When the creature drops to 0 hit points, one other feature after you finish a long rest.
creature you can see within 60 feet of you gains a number of
temporary hit points equal to your wizard level.
Starting at 14th level when you cast a spell from the school of nec-
RESERVOIR OF LIFE romancy that grants you or another creature temporary hit points,
Beginning at 10th level, when you or an ally you can see makes a you may use your reaction to alter that spell to allow its targets to
death saving throw, you can use your reaction to grant advantage to
regain hit points equal to the amount of temporary it hit points
normally gained instead.
In addition, starting at 14th level, as an action you may reduce an d6 Ethic
undead creature within 30 feet of you under your control to zero hit 1 You refuse to animate the body of any humanoid
points, instantly destroying it. If you do so, you may choose a living creature unless that creature was engaged in some
creature you can see to regain a number of hit points equal to its type of violent profession, such as that of a soldier,
challenge rating (minimum 1) plus your wizard level. warrior, bodyguard or similar lifestyle.
2 Once you become aware of other beings who
engage in the practice of necromancy or animating
the dead and who do not come from you tradition’s
background, you feel compelled to seek out and
White necromancers are fond of using arcane focuses that embody
the importance of the dead in their society. They typically create destroy them at all costs.
wands and staves with historical or religious significance. These 3 You insist any undead creature under your control
outward displays showcase their cultural origins in ways meant to is dressed in immaculate clothing that reflects your
honor their traditions and instill awe and respect in their allies and cultural background and beliefs about how to best
adversaries alike. honor the departed.
4 You always feel compelled to visit any cemetery,
graveyard or other sacred burial ground whenever
WHITE NECROMANCER ARCANE FOCUS you become aware of such a site and you have not
d6 Focus been there before. Your visit always involves a pe-
1 An ancient wooden walking staff belonging to one riod of reverence for those who are interred on the
of the legendary founders of your nation or tribe. grounds, regardless of the beings’ natures’ or their
2 A wooden staff constructed from a tree that grows histories.
on the grave of a fabled warrior in your society. 5 You always feel compelled to say a minor prayer or
3 A metallic staff constructed from the smelted bits conduct a short ritual over the body or bodies of
of armor from a deceased warlord in your home the recently deceased, even if they were hostile in
land. life.
4 The mummified antler to a deer slain by a 6 You feel compelled to adorn the bodies of any
legendary hunter from your tribe or nation. undead creature under your control with specific
5 A silver wand constructed from the smelted crown decorum or affectations such as unique incense,
of a deceased and revered prince in your homeland. flowery arrangements, elaborate wigs, sacred wrap-
6 A wand refashioned from a sword hilt that be- pings, jewelry or other significant trappings native
longed to a famous warrior. to your culture.
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