Catalogue Water Cooled Screw ENG F

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R : Korea (R134a) W: Water-cooled Nominal ton: Water working pressure:

M : China (R134a) (Cooling only) 100RT ⇨ 010 A: Chilled water : 10kgf/cm²G
380RT ⇨ 038 Cooling water : 10kgf/cm²G
B: Chilled water : 16kgf/cm²G
Cooling water : 16kgf/cm²G
C: Chilled water : 20kgf/cm²G
Cooling water : 20kgf/cm²G

R C W W 030 A A 1 A

W: Screw A: Flooded type Number of ment
C: Chiller compressor C: Falling film type compressors sequence


02 Nomenclature
03 Line up & Introduction
04 Equipment overview
06 Control
08 Accessories and options
09 Specification
13 Performance data
19 Electrical data
26 Outline drawing
28 Foundation
30 Piping diagram
32 Control wiring
34 Power wiring
36 Guide specification

02 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Line up Introduction

Line up
Model 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

60Hz 74RT 373RT


50Hz 75RT 364RT

* The above range is based on the nominal tonnage.

LG’s latest Water cooled screw chiller offers excellent operational efficiency
thanks to the company’s advanced technologies and unrivalled air conditioning
expertise. The new model’s advanced capacity control system valve help to
improve performance and efficiency. LG’s proprietary PID (Proportional, Integral,
Differential control), which controls hydraulic-head loss rate, helps to minimize
energy loss even further.

• High-performance compressor manufactured by specialized can gain the highest efficiency with low power consumption.
manufacturer is adopted to ensure that the chiller is Besides, different winding for specific voltage and frequency
economical and durable with low vibration and low noise. requirement contributes to the best power factor and
excellent performance.
• Highly integrated motherboard is adopted and hence the
function is strong and reliable.
• Advanced control algorithm is adopted to control chiller in
Constructional design of
advance and hence avoid frequent stoppage protection of chiller. dedicated screw compressor
• We have set complete safety protection function in order to The screw compressor is characterized by a very compact
make chiller safely and reliably run. design. Most of inner dimensions have been totally modified
considering displacement volume, size of compression
• The linkage control and remote monitoring function of
chamber, length & profile of rotors, oil separator specification
peripheral equipment ensure that the chiller can run safely and oil piping rearrangement, etc. to ensure consistency and
and the operation and monitoring are convenient. cost effectiveness of the compressor.
• The selection of excellent raw materials and fittings is the key
to guaranteeing chiller quality. Compressor
• Semi-hermetical twin-rotor screw compressor.
High efficiency, High reliability • Direct-drive, low speed/RPM for high efficiency and high reliability.
The RCWW & MCWW series is a kind of water-cooled spray • Only three moving parts, resulting in high reliability with
screw chiller produced by LGE Corporation. Because of the simple solution.
special structure design, the chiller has high efficiency and • Field serviceable compressor and easy maintenance.
high reliability. • Precise rotor tip clearance.
• The world’s advanced patent screw tooth with low noise,
smooth operation long life advantages.
Optimized dedicated motor • A refrigerant dispersing cooling device is set internally for
R134a with high efficiency compressor cooling, which uses return-refrigerant cooling.
Made of premium grade, low-loss core steel with the special • Years of research and testing. The LG screw chiller has
slot design, the motors of R134a dedicated compressors amassed thousands of hours of testing, and conditions

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 03

Features Equipment overview

beyond normal air conditioning applications. oil pressure differential switch and other accessories. The
complete accessories and their new designs guarantee the
Unit performance testing compressor has the best reliability, longest bearing life during
heavy duty running and strict operating conditions.
LG began promoting factory performance tests for air-cooled
chillers and water-cooled chillers, to show we stand behind the
The slide valve for capacity control is located in the compressor
products we design and build.
chamber. The slide valve is actuated by injection of pressurized
The benefits of a performance test include verification of perfor-
oil into the cylinder from the oil sump as well as bypass of
mance, prevention of operational problems, and assurance of a
oil through solenoid valves in each oil lines with pressure
smooth start-up.
Only a performance test conducted in a laboratory or laboratory
grade facility will confirm both performance and operation of a
The screw compressors are equipped with either 3-step/4-
specific chiller.
step capacity control system or continuous (stepless) capacity
Mostly factory performance tests go smoothly. If a problem
control system. Both of the capacity control systems consist
occurs, LG personnel easily correct them and chiller is shipped
of a modulation slide valve, piston rod, cylinder, piston and
to job site.
piston rings. The slide valve and the piston are connected by a
When a factory performance test is requested, the test can be
piston rod. The principle of operation is using the oil pressure
conducted at the specified, design conditions. The test facility
to drive the piston in the cylinder. The lubrication oil flows from
has the capability to control ambient test conditions to assure
the oil sump through the oil filter cartridge and capillary then
our customers that our chillers will perform as predicted.
fills into the cylinder due to the positive oil pressure bigger
than the right side of spring force plus the high pressure
AHRI certification program gas. The positive pressure differential causes the piston to
and standards and codes move toward the right side in the cylinder. When the slide
Chillers conform to the following Standards and Codes: valve moves toward the right side, the effective compression
volume in the compression chamber increases. This means the
• AHRI 550/590 - water chilling displacement of refrigerant gas also increases, as a result the
packages using the vapor refrigeration capacity also increases.
compression cycle.
• ANSI/ASHRAE 34 - However, when any of the step solenoid valve (for 4-step
number designation and safety capacity control system) is opened, the high pressure oil in the
classification of refrigerants. cylinder bypasses to the suction port, which causes the piston
• ASME Section VIII (Option) - boiler and pressure vessel. and the slide valve to move toward the left side, and then
• GB/T 18430.1 - water chilling (heat pump) packages using the some of the refrigerant gas bypasses from the compression
vapor compression cycle - part 1: water chilling (heat pump) chamber back to the suction end. As a result, the refrigeration
packages for industrial & commercial and similar applications. capacity decreases because of the reduction of displacement
(This code is only applied to product manufactured in China) of refrigerant gas flowing in the system. The piston spring
is used to push the piston back to its original position, i.e.
minimum load position in order to reduce the starting current
Equipment Overview for the next starting.

Semi-hermetic twin compressor

The semi-hermetic screw compressor is developed especially
for applications in air-conditioning and refrigeration. With high
operating load design, each compressor is of high efficiency
and reliability in all operating conditions. Each compressor has
the latest and advanced 5-to-6 Patented Screw Rotor Profile
designed to ensure high capacity and efficiency in all operating

The compressor is equipped with separated radial and axial

bearings, liquid injection and economizer connection, PTC
motor temperature thermistors and discharge temperature
thermistors, a motor protector, and oil level switch and 4-steps capacity control

04 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Features Equipment overview

No Component No Component tube sheets and copper heat exchange tubes. Removable steel
1 Suction filter 10 Lubricant water boxes at both ends of the cooler allow tube cleaning
2 Gas in (low pressure) 11 Oil separator catridge without disturbing the refrigerant circuit.
Gas out Tubes are mechanically expanded into tube sheets with double
3 Motor 12
(high pressure without oil) grooves to ensure leak tight and trouble free operation.
4 Oil filter catridge 13 Capillary Multiple compressor/ circuit chillers have coolers with separate
5 Suction bearings 14 Solenold valve, SV2 refrigeration circuits for each compressor.
6 Male rotor 15 Solenold valve, SV1
7 Discharge bearings 16 Orifice Each refrigeration circuit is provided with its own pressure
8 Oil separator baffle 17 Slide valve relief valve. All chillers are fitted with drain valves on the
9 Gas out (high pressure with oil) removable heads and shell. All coolers are factory insulated
with 19mm of closed cell expanded synthetic rubber with all
joints vapor sealed.

Expansion device
Expansion unit consists of butterfly valve and orifice. At 100%
load situation, the pressure loss at the orifice is smaller than
the refrigerant pressure loss in the condenser, thus the super-
cooled refrigerant passes through the orifice.

At this stage the maximum amount of refrigerant is flowing

into the evaporator. As the load reduces gradually, the
circulating amount of refrigerant also reduces and accordingly
the refrigerant level in the condenser is getting low.
Step-less capacity control
When the amount of liquid refrigerant reduces, the gas
No Component No Component amount in the orifice is getting larger, raising the resistance
1 Suction filter 10 Lubricant thus controlling the flow rate.
2 Gas in (low pressure) 11 Oil separator demister
Oil filter catridge
Gas out (high pressure without oil)
5 Suction bearings 14
Solenold valve (min. %), Control Panel Layout
SV 25% / 33%
Solenold valve
6 Male rotor 15 HMI with 7 inch Color LCD is composed as a graphic type. There
(50% of full load), SV 50%
Solenold valve (75% / 66% of are start/stop, control valve 2 and Compressor 2, compressor,
7 Discharge bearings 16
full load), SV 75% / 66% lead/lag lamp, and chilled water / coolant flow lamp keys.
8 Oil separator baffle 17 Slide valve There are ‘function keys’ at the bottom of the screen that
9 Gas out (high pressure with oil) * For RC2-100, 140 & 180 the SV50% omitted change according to the current screen to be able to access
lower categories.
Heat exchanger The Display of screw chiller's control unit consists of; basic screen
Evaporator where present operation can be checked, and main menu which
user can use conveniently for user setting, problem/warning
Falling film type information check, and system menu which is for sensor setting
“Falling film” shell and tube type evaporator having refrigerant and system pertain item setting.
in the shell and chilled water inside the tubes.
Advantage of this type evaporator is higher heat transfer
performance and reduced refrigerant charge.
Distributer located on the top side of inside shell makes
uniform flow of refrigerant, this refrigerant flows downward
by gravity as a continuous film.
The shell is of welded carbon steel construction with steel

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 05

Features Control

the high reliability chiller operation using LG's unique optimum

control algorithm.
LCD Screen
Our controller unit has the following features.
1. 7 inch Color wide LCD Display (800x480 Graphic)
2. R emote operation/stop function which allows the chiller to
be operated remotely.
Menu operation
3. Scheduled operaton function which allows setting the
Run/Stop operation time period in holiday and weekdays.
Alarm lamp 4. Soft loading function for the low load startup
Flow control valve
maual operation
5. Various preventive control function for preventing overload,
lamp key condenser high pressure, evaporator low pressure, surge, etc.
Compressor 2
run stop key 6. Advanced control function for the optimum control
Interlock 7. Improved control function to protect the chiller
operation manual
operation key 8. Self diagnosis function for easy checking of abnormal situation
9. Help function describing actions to take when problem occurs
Controller front view 10. O  peration data and operaton status (error and control
action) saving function
11. Automatic sensor setting function to set the sensors
Names of operation unit automatically (set by software)
Name Description 12. Automatic repeat key function for setting values easily
It is the color LCD(Liquid Crystal Display) showing operation 13.  Modbus protocol communication function for remote
LCD screen information and status as in text(Korean, English, Chinese) or
animation graphic. surveillance control
It is the key to operate menu displayed on the LCD, such as, - RS485: Standard installation
selection of the displaying screen or setting of operation - BACnet & RS232C: Optional
condition, etc. The functions of the oepration keys are is
operation key
displayed at the bottom of the LCD screen, and the functhions 14. Graphictrend function showing the chilled water outlet
of the operation key changes as with the screens selected. temperature and operation current change in real time.
Flow control It is the key to operate(open/close) the solenoid valve 15. Print function for printing operation or problem data
manually. When "Valve manual" indicator lamp is on, it is the
valve manual
state where that manual operation is possible. Open/close key (Optional)
operation key operates only when the key is pressed down. 16. Cooling tower fan control function for keeping stable
Interlock It is the key to Run/Stop interlock control manually. When cooling water temperature
"interlock control status" indicator lamp is off, it is the state
control manual
that manual operation is possible, and it starts to operate
17.  Interlock check function for checking peripherals and
operation key when it is pressed down for about 1.5 seconds or longer. malfunction
When a problem or caution warning occurs the alram lamp is 18. Time display function showing number of operations and
turned on. When the alarm lamp is on, the message on about
the alarm is displayed on the message display line tin the LCD
total run time of the pump and motor which are attached
Alarm lamp screen. At this time, therealease key shows up and buzzer will to main body.
sounds. If you press the release ky at this time, the buzzer
will stop and the release key will disappears. And when the
problem alarm disappears, the message will also disappears. Controller system composition diagram
It is the key to Run/Stop the chiller. It works when you press it
down for about 1.5 seconds or longer, and run indicator lamp Master, slave, HMI, Relay board communicates with RS485, and
Run/Stop key
is on during running, and stop indicator lamp is on when it is in one master/slave board, there are analog input (temp. 12
channel, current 10 channel), analog output (current 4 channel),
It is used when 2 compressors are operated. It is the key to
Run/Stop the second compressor. In the product where 2 digital input (20 channel), digital output (16 channel). Relay
Compressor 2
compressors are installed, it is used as the Run/Stop key of board controls Solenoid valve in 2 comp.
the compressor 2. It displays the Run/Stop status of the chiller
Run/Stop key
and devices attached to the chiller and as well as status of the
chilled water, cooling water, and flow rate. The indicator lamp
is on when it is operated.
BMS support function
Screw chiller’s basic communication protocol is Modbus protocol,
and it is compatible with the higher level communication methods.
Features of control unit Communication protocol support
• Communication method
The Control unit of LG chiller controls temperature, pressure,
- Basic: RS-485, Ethernet(Optional)
flow rate, current, voltage, power and capacity control valve
• Protocol
using high capacity microprocessor. It is constructed to provide
- Basic: MODBUS
06 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw
Features Control

- Option: BACnet, TCP/IP Provide equipment with power factor correction capacitors as
required to maintain a displacement power factor of 95% at all
load conditions.

NFB (Non-Fused Breaker)
power disconnect switch
RS485 A non-fused disconnect is available as a factory-installed option
Serial to LAN Converter
converter for all units with single point power connection units. This
option is that power supply is disconnected during service &
repair work as well as door interlock.
Protocol Connecting to max 8 units
The chillers can be managed up to 255 units when using communication of RS485 or TCP/IP.
Suction service isolation valve
Service suction isolation valve is installed with unit for each
Detailed diagrams of BMS refrigerant circuit as a standard.

Accessories and options

Compressor acoustic enclosure
The compressor acoustic enclosure can be provided as an
option to reduce compressor sound levels. This enclosure is
constructed of painted panels and sound absorbing insulation
for maximum sound attenuation.
The panels and the sound foam, provide sound damping
effect. This panel fastened with bolt for service The enclosure
is factory installed option.

Evaporator options
Double thickness insulation
As a standard, the evaporator shell is insulated with 3/4”(19mm).
As an option, it can be insulated with 1-1/2” (38mm).

General options
Flow switch accessory
Water flow detection switch is should be installed to detect
water flow. The water flow switch comes with SPDT(Single
Pole Double Throw) output function, 1.6MPa (232 psi) working
pressure, -10°C to 120°C (-14°F to 248°F) with 1” NPT
connection for upright mounting in horizontal pipe (This flow
switch or equivalent must be furnished with each unit). Field

Vibration isolation
For installation on building roofs or in sensitive noise areas
(hospitals, studios and some residential areas) pre-selected
spring type isolators with 1” or 2” deflection are available as a
factory option – shipped loose part for field installation.

Power factor correction

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 07

Features Accessories and options

Category Optional list Standard Option Remark

Refrigerant Factory charging √

Leaving chilled water √ 5~15°C

Operation temperature
Entering cooling water √ 18~35°C

Modbus √
BMS Interface
BACnet √

Higher pressure water side construction (150psig) √

Higher pressure water side construction (300psig) √

Heat exchangers Flange √ Exclude counter flange

Victaulic √ Exclude coupling

ASME pressure vessel codes certification √

Compressor acoustic enclosure √

Double thickness insulation √

Step-less control √

Soft starter √

Suction service isolation valve √

Single power point connection √

Others NFB (Non-Fused Breaker) power disconnect switch √

Power factor correction √

Spring isolator √

Flow switch (Pedal type) √

Flow switch (Differential pressure switch) √

08 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Specification 60Hz

R134a (60Hz)
kW 261 318 359 386 453 542 608 638
Cooling capacity
Standard usRT 74.2 90.4 102.1 109.7 128.7 154.2 172.8 181.3
Condition Input Power kW 55.67 67.41 75.99 82.56 91.38 113.77 120.42 134.42
COP 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 5 4.8 5 4.7
kW 263.88 321.43 363.25 390.27 457.96 548.39 614.64 645.48
Cooling capacity
usRT 75 91.4 103.3 111 130.2 155.9 174.8 183.5
Input Power kW 53.44 64.7 72.94 79.23 87.72 109.19 115.58 128.99
COP 4.9 5 5 4.9 5.2 5 5.3 5
IPLV 5.41 5.42 5.45 5.43 5.8 5.61 5.92 6.39
Number of Circuits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
General Unit Refrigerant,
kg 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 80 / 80
Data R-134a
Oil Charge ℓ 16 16 18 20 20 28 28 16 / 16
Shipping Weight kg 2,190 2,360 2,450 2,440 2,730 3,060 3,180 4,140
Operating Weight kg 2,330 2,520 2,620 2,620 2,960 3,310 3,460 4,410
Compressor type Semi-hermetic twin screw
Quantity EA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
Evaporator type kW Shell and Tube
Water Volume kW 29 30 32 32 44 46 50 46
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Condenser Pressure
Min. Cooling Water
ℓ/s 6.6 7.5 8.5 8.5 10.8 12 13.6 12
Flow Rate
Max. Cooling
ℓ/s 26.5 30 34.2 34.2 43.2 48.1 54.4 48.1
Water Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125
Evaporator type Shell and Tube
Water Volume ℓ 42 47 47 48 63 65 67 65
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaporator Pressure
Min. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 5.6 7.7 7.7 8.4 10.1 11.2 12.6 11.2
Flow Rate
Max. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 22.3 30.7 30.7 33.5 40.5 44.6 50.2 44.6
Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 100 100 100 100 125 125 125 125
Length mm 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 3,050 3,630
Dimension Width mm 1,450 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,480 1,480 1,455
Height mm 1,760 1,810 1,810 1,840 1,890 1,945 1,950 1,890

1. 1usRT = 3,024kcal/hr = 3.517kW, 1mH2O = 9.8kPa
2. Standard conditions :
Entering / leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7 ˚C (53.6 / 44.6 ˚F).
Entering / leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37 ˚C (89.6 / 98.6 ˚F).
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
3. AHRI conditions :
Leaving chilled water temperature is 6.7 ˚C (44 ˚F). Water flow is 0.043 L/s per kW (2.4 gpm/ton)
Entering cooling water temperature is 29.4 ˚C (85 ˚F). Water flow is 0.054 L/s per kW (3.0 gpm/ton)
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
4. Due to our policy of innovation some sppecifications may be changed without prior notification.

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 09

Specification 60Hz

R134a (60Hz)
kW 726 783 849 912 1,095 1,217 1,298
Cooling capacity
Standard usRT 206.4 222.5 241.5 259.3 311.4 346.1 369.1
Condition Input Power kW 151.87 164.01 177.89 182.51 227.03 240.05 261.89
COP 4.8 4.8 4.8 5 4.8 5.1 5
kW 734.53 791.98 859.6 922.88 1,108.64 1,231.96 1,314.09
Cooling capacity
usRT 208.9 225.2 244.4 262.4 315.2 350.3 373.6
Input Power kW 145.73 157.38 170.67 175.14 217.82 230.33 251.25
COP 5 5 5 5.3 5.1 5.3 5.2
IPLV 6.44 6.43 6.47 6.74 6.53 6.85 6.73
Number of Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
General Unit Refrigerant,
kg 95 / 95 100 / 100 110 / 110 115 / 115 145 / 145 160 / 160 175 / 175
Data R-134a
Oil Charge ℓ 18 / 18 20 / 20 23 / 23 20 / 20 28 / 28 28 / 28 28 / 28
Shipping Weight kg 4,460 4,600 4,720 4,770 5,580 5,910 5,930
Operating Weight kg 4,780 4,940 5,080 5,150 6,040 6,430 6480
Compressor type Semi-hermetic twin screw
Quantity EA 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Evaporator type kW Shell and Tube
Water Volume kW 59 61 61 65 80 86 86
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Condenser Pressure
Min. Cooling Water
ℓ/s 13.6 14.6 14.6 16.9 19 21.6 21.6
Flow Rate
Max. Cooling
ℓ/s 54.4 58.6 58.6 67.7 76 86.5 86.5
Water Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 150 150 150 150 200 200 200
Evaporator type Shell and Tube
Water Volume ℓ 67 83 83 87 92 112 112
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaporator Pressure
Min. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 12.6 13.8 13.8 15.7 18 20.2 20.2
Flow Rate
Max. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 50.2 55.1 55.1 62.8 71.8 80.9 80.9
Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 150 150 150 150 200 200 200
Length mm 3,685 3,800 3,900 3,860 4,295 4,380 4,380
Dimension Width mm 1,455 1,485 1,485 1,485 1,485 1,515 1,515
Height mm 1,890 1,995 2,005 1,995 2,055 2,105 2,105

1. 1usRT = 3,024kcal/hr = 3.517kW, 1mH2O = 9.8kPa
2. Standard conditions :
Entering / leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7 ˚C (53.6 / 44.6 ˚F).
Entering / leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37 ˚C (89.6 / 98.6 ˚F).
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
3. AHRI conditions :
Leaving chilled water temperature is 6.7 ˚C (44 ˚F). Water flow is 0.043 L/s per kW (2.4 gpm/ton)
Entering cooling water temperature is 29.4 ˚C (85 ˚F). Water flow is 0.054 L/s per kW (3.0 gpm/ton)
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
4. Due to our policy of innovation some sppecifications may be changed without prior notification.

010 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Specification 50Hz

R134a (50Hz)
kW 262 323 352 393 454 537 626
Cooling capacity
Standard usRT 74.5 91.8 100.1 111.7 129.1 152.7 177.9
Condition Input Power kW 56 68.6 73.8 82.9 94.4 112.5 128.5
COP 4.7 4.7 4.8 4.7 4.8 4.8 4.9
kW 264.8 326.7 356.2 397.4 459.1 543.3 632.7
Cooling capacity
usRT 75.3 92.9 101.3 113 130.5 154.5 179.9
Input Power kW 53.8 65.8 70.8 79.5 90.6 107.9 123.4
COP 4.9 5 5 5 5.1 5 5.1
IPLV 5.39 5.45 5.5 5.52 5.57 5.54 5.68
Number of Circuits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
General Unit Refrigerant,
kg 70 80 90 100 120 140 160
Data R-134a
Oil Charge ℓ 16 20 23 23 28 28 28
Shipping Weight kg 2,320 2,410 2,490 2,530 3,020 3,140 3,220
Operating Weight kg 2,460 2,570 2,660 2,710 3,250 3,390 3,500
Compressor type Semi-hermetic twin screw
Quantity EA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaporator type kW Shell and Tube
Water Volume kW 29 30 32 32 44 46 50
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Condenser Pressure
Min. Cooling Water
ℓ/s 6.6 7.5 8.5 8.5 10.8 12 13.6
Flow Rate
Max. Cooling
ℓ/s 26.5 30 34.2 34.2 43.2 48.1 54.4
Water Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 100 100 100 100 125 125 125
Evaporator type Shell and Tube
Water Volume ℓ 42 47 47 48 63 65 67
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaporator Pressure
Min. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 5.6 7.7 7.7 8.4 10.1 11.2 12.6
Flow Rate
Max. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 22.3 30.7 30.7 33.5 40.5 44.6 50.2
Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 100 100 100 100 125 125 125
Length mm 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 2,940 3,050 3,120
Dimension Width mm 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,470 1,480 1,480 1,480
Height mm 1,815 1,850 1,855 1,855 1,890 1,895 1,950

1. 1usRT = 3,024kcal/hr = 3.517kW, 1mH2O = 9.8kPa
2. Standard conditions :
Entering / leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7 ˚C (53.6 / 44.6 ˚F).
Entering / leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37 ˚C (89.6 / 98.6 ˚F).
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
3. AHRI conditions :
Leaving chilled water temperature is 6.7 ˚C (44 ˚F). Water flow is 0.043 L/s per kW (2.4 gpm/ton)
Entering cooling water temperature is 29.4 ˚C (85 ˚F). Water flow is 0.054 L/s per kW (3.0 gpm/ton)
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
4. Due to our policy of innovation some sppecifications may be changed without prior notification.

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 011

Specification 50Hz

R134a (50Hz)
kW 649 713 798 915 1,087 1,266
Cooling capacity
Standard usRT 184.5 202.6 226.9 260.3 309 360
Condition Input Power kW 136.44 147.07 164.17 188.09 223.83 255.59
COP 4.8 4.8 4.9 4.9 4.9 5
kW 656.92 721.28 807.83 926.52 1,099.94 1,281.75
Cooling capacity
usRT 186.8 205.1 229.7 263.4 312.7 364.4
Input Power kW 130.92 141.13 157.52 180.48 214.75 245.22
COP 5 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.2
IPLV 6.42 6.52 6.55 6.56 6.57 6.72
Number of Circuits 2 2 2 2 2 2
General Unit Refrigerant,
kg 85 / 85 90 / 90 105 / 105 120 / 120 140 / 140 165 / 165
Data R-134a
Oil Charge ℓ 20 / 20 23 / 23 23 / 23 28 / 28 28 / 28 28 / 28
Shipping Weight kg 4,220 4,520 4,780 5,360 5,710 5,990
Operating Weight kg 4,500 4,830 5,130 5,750 6,160 6,520
Compressor type Semi-hermetic twin screw
Quantity EA 2 2 2 2 2 2
Evaporator type kW Shell and Tube
Water Volume kW 46 59 61 65 80 86
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1
Condenser Pressure
Min. Cooling Water
ℓ/s 12 13.6 14.6 16.9 19 21.6
Flow Rate
Max. Cooling
ℓ/s 48.1 54.4 58.6 67.7 76 86.5
Water Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 125 150 150 150 200 200
Evaporator type Shell and Tube
Water Volume ℓ 65 67 83 87 92 112
Max. Water
MPa 1 1 1 1 1 1
Max. Refrigerant
Mpa 1 1 1 1 1 1
Evaporator Pressure
Min. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 11.2 12.6 13.8 15.7 18 20.2
Flow Rate
Max. Chilled Water
ℓ/s 44.6 50.2 55.1 62.8 71.8 80.9
Flow Rate
Water Connections DN 125 150 150 150 200 200
Length mm 3,800 3,900 4,268 4,295 4,380 4,520
Dimension Width mm 1,455 1,455 1,485 1,485 1,515 1,545
Height mm 1,960 1,970 2,005 2,050 2,060 2,075

1. 1usRT = 3,024kcal/hr = 3.517kW, 1mH2O = 9.8kPa
2. Standard conditions :
Entering / leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7 ˚C (53.6 / 44.6 ˚F).
Entering / leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37 ˚C (89.6 / 98.6 ˚F).
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
3. AHRI conditions :
Leaving chilled water temperature is 6.7 ˚C (44 ˚F). Water flow is 0.043 L/s per kW (2.4 gpm/ton)
Entering cooling water temperature is 29.4 ˚C (85 ˚F). Water flow is 0.054 L/s per kW (3.0 gpm/ton)
Fouling factor of water in evaporator is 0.018 m²·˚C/kW (0.00001 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
Fouling factor of water in condenser is 0.044 m²·˚C/kW (0.00025 h·ft2·˚F/Btu)
4. Due to our policy of innovation some sppecifications may be changed without prior notification.

012 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Performance data 60Hz

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 267.0 46.0 262.3 47.5 257.4 49.2 252.4 51 247.3 53.0 242.1 55.1
12/7 287.6 46.5 282.5 48.1 277.3 49.8 272 51.6 266.5 53.6 260.9 55.7
14/9 309.3 47.0 303.8 48.6 298.3 50.3 292.6 52.2 286.8 54.1 280.9 56.3

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 325.5 55.7 319.6 57.5 313.6 59.6 307.5 61.8 301.2 64.1 294.8 66.7
12/7 350.6 56.3 344.3 58.2 337.9 60.3 331.3 62.5 324.7 64.9 317.8 67.4
14/9 377.2 56.9 370.4 58.8 363.6 60.9 356.6 63.2 349.4 65.6 342.1 68.1

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 367.7 62.8 361.1 64.9 354.4 67.2 347.5 69.6 340.5 72.3 333.3 75.1
12/7 395.9 63.5 388.9 65.6 381.7 67.9 374.4 70.4 366.9 73.1 359.2 76
14/9 425.8 64.2 418.3 66.3 410.6 68.7 402.7 71.2 394.7 73.9 386.6 76.8

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 395.2 68.1 388.1 70.4 380.9 72.9 373.4 75.6 365.9 78.5 358.1 81.6
12/7 425.5 68.9 417.9 71.2 410.2 73.8 402.2 76.5 394.1 79.4 385.8 82.6
14/9 457.6 69.7 449.4 72.1 441.1 74.6 432.7 77.4 424.1 80.3 415.2 83.5

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 463.7 75.5 455.4 78 446.9 80.8 438.1 83.7 429.2 86.9 420.1 90.4
12/7 499.4 76.3 490.5 78.9 481.4 81.7 472.1 84.7 462.5 87.9 452.8 91.4
14/9 537.2 77.2 527.6 79.8 517.8 82.6 507.9 85.6 497.8 88.9 487.4 92.4

1. PI - Comperssor power input
2. Interpolation between points is permissible. Extrapolation is not permitted.
3. Due to our policy of innovation, some specification may be changed without prior notification.

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 013

Performance data 60Hz

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 555.2 93.9 545.3 97.1 535.1 100.5 524.8 104.2 514.1 108.2 503.2 112.5
12/7 597.8 95.0 587.1 98.2 576.3 101.7 565.2 105.4 553.8 109.5 542.2 113.8
14/9 642.7 96.0 631.3 99.3 619.7 102.8 607.9 106.6 595.8 110.7 583.4 115.1

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 622.4 99.4 611.2 102.7 599.8 106.4 588.2 110.3 576.2 114.5 564 119
12/7 670.1 100.5 658.1 103.9 645.9 107.6 633.5 111.6 620.7 115.9 607.7 120.4
14/9 720.5 101.7 707.6 105.1 694.6 108.8 681.3 112.9 667.7 117.2 653.9 121.8

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 653.2 111.0 641.5 114.8 629.5 118.8 617.3 123.2 604.7 127.9 591.9 132.9
12/7 703.2 112.3 690.7 116.1 677.9 120.2 664.8 124.6 651.4 129.3 637.8 134.4
14/9 756.1 113.5 742.7 117.3 729.0 121.5 715.1 126 700.8 130.8 686.3 135.9

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 743.3 125.4 730 129.6 716.4 134.2 702.5 139.2 688.2 144.5 673.6 150.2
12/7 800.2 126.8 786 131.1 771.4 135.8 756.5 140.8 741.3 146.1 725.7 151.9
14/9 860.4 128.2 845.1 132.6 829.5 137.3 813.6 142.3 797.4 147.7 780.9 153.5

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 801.5 135.5 787.1 140 772.4 145.0 757.4 150.3 742.0 156.0 726.2 162.2
12/7 862.9 137.0 847.5 141.6 831.7 146.6 815.7 152 799.3 157.8 782.5 164
14/9 927.8 138.5 911.3 143.2 894.5 148.2 877.4 153.7 859.9 159.5 842 165.8

1. PI - Comperssor power input
2. Interpolation between points is permissible. Extrapolation is not permitted.
3. Due to our policy of innovation, some specification may be changed without prior notification.

014 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Performance data 60Hz

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 870.0 146.8 854.4 151.7 838.5 157.1 822.2 162.9 805.5 169.2 788.4 175.8
12/7 936.3 148.5 919.6 153.5 902.6 159.0 885.2 164.8 867.4 171.1 849.2 177.9
14/9 1,006.3 150.2 988.4 155.3 970.3 160.8 951.7 166.7 932.8 173.1 913.4 179.9

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 934.2 150.8 917.3 155.8 900.2 161.3 882.6 167.3 864.7 173.6 846.3 180.5
12/7 1,005.7 152.5 987.6 157.6 969.3 163.2 950.5 169.2 931.4 175.6 911.8 182.5
14/9 1,081.2 154.1 1,061.9 159.3 1,042.3 165.0 1,022.3 171 1,001.9 177.6 981.1 184.5

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 1,122.1 187.4 1,102 193.7 1,081.4 200.6 1,060.4 208 1,038.9 215.9 1,016.8 224.4
12/7 1,207.7 189.5 1,186.1 195.9 1,,164.1 202.9 1,141.7 210.4 1,118.8 218.4 1,095.3 227
14/9 1,298.1 191.7 1,275 198.2 1,251.5 205.2 1,227.6 212.8 1,203.1 220.9 1,178.2 229.6

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 1,247.1 198.2 1,224.6 204.9 1,201.7 212.1 1,178.3 219.9 1,154.4 228.3 1,129.8 237.3
12/7 1,342.3 200.5 1,318.2 207.2 1,293.7 214.6 1,268.8 222.5 1,243.2 231.0 1,217.1 240
14/9 1,442.8 202.7 1,417.1 209.6 1,390.9 217.0 1,364.3 225 1,337.1 233.6 1,309.3 242.7

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 1,330.1 216.0 1,306.3 223.3 1,281.9 231.3 1,257.1 239.8 1,231.6 249.0 1,205.5 258.8
12/7 1,431.2 218.6 1,405.7 226 1,379.7 234.0 1,353.1 242.7 1,326.0 252.0 1,298.2 261.9
14/9 1,537.9 221.1 1,510.6 228.6 1,482.8 236.7 1,454.5 245.5 1,425.6 254.9 1,396.1 264.9

1. PI - Comperssor power input
2. Interpolation between points is permissible. Extrapolation is not permitted.
3. Due to our policy of innovation, some specification may be changed without prior notification.

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 015

Performance data 50Hz

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 268.4 46.1 263.6 47.7 258.7 49.4 253.7 51.2 248.6 53.1 243.3 55.2
12/7 289.0 46.7 283.9 48.2 278.7 49.9 273.3 51.8 267.8 53.7 262.2 55.9
14/9 310.8 47.2 305.3 48.8 299.8 50.5 294 52.3 288.2 54.3 282.3 56.5

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 331.3 56.5 325.3 58.4 319.2 60.5 313 62.7 306.6 65.1 300.1 67.6
12/7 356.8 57.1 350.4 59.1 343.9 61.2 337.2 63.4 330.4 65.8 323.4 68.4
14/9 383.8 57.8 377 59.7 370.0 61.8 362.9 64.1 355.6 66.6 348.2 69.2

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 361.1 60.8 354.6 62.8 348.0 65.1 341.3 67.5 334.3 70.0 327.3 72.8
12/7 388.8 61.5 381.9 63.5 374.9 65.8 367.6 68.2 360.3 70.8 352.7 73.6
14/9 418.2 62.1 410.8 64.2 403.3 66.5 395.6 69 387.7 71.6 379.7 74.4

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 403.1 68.2 395.8 70.5 388.5 73.0 380.9 75.7 373.1 78.6 365.2 81.7
12/7 434.0 69.0 426.2 71.3 418.3 73.9 410.2 76.6 402.0 79.5 393.5 82.6
14/9 466.6 69.8 458.3 72.1 449.9 74.7 441.2 77.5 432.4 80.4 423.4 83.6

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 465.5 77.8 457.1 80.4 448.6 83.2 439.9 86.3 430.9 89.6 421.8 93.1
12/7 501.3 78.7 492.4 81.3 483.2 84.2 473.9 87.3 464.4 90.6 454.6 94.2
14/9 539.2 79.5 529.6 82.2 519.8 85.1 509.9 88.2 499.7 91.6 489.3 95.2

1. PI - Comperssor power input
2. Interpolation between points is permissible. Extrapolation is not permitted.
3. Due to our policy of innovation, some specification may be changed without prior notification.

016 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Performance data 50Hz

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 550.9 92.6 541 95.7 530.9 99.1 520.6 102.7 510.1 106.7 499.2 110.9
12/7 593.1 93.6 582.5 96.8 571.8 100.2 560.7 103.9 549.5 107.9 537.9 112.2
14/9 637.7 94.7 626.4 97.9 614.9 101.4 603.1 105.1 591.1 109.1 578.9 113.4

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 641.8 105.7 630.3 109.3 618.5 113.2 606.5 117.4 594.2 121.9 581.5 126.7
12/7 690.9 107.0 678.5 110.6 665.9 114.5 653.1 118.8 640.0 123.3 626.5 128.2
14/9 742.7 108.2 729.5 111.9 716.0 115.8 702.3 120.1 688.3 124.7 674 129.6

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 664.8 112.7 652.8 116.5 640.7 120.6 628.2 125 615.5 129.8 602.4 134.9
12/7 715.7 114.0 702.9 117.8 689.9 122.0 676.6 126.4 663.0 131.3 649.1 136.4
14/9 769.4 115.2 755.7 119.1 741.8 123.3 727.6 127.8 713.2 132.7 698.4 137.9

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 729.9 121.5 716.8 125.6 703.4 130.0 689.8 134.8 675.8 139.9 661.4 145.4
12/7 785.9 122.9 771.8 127 757.5 131.5 742.9 136.3 728.0 141.5 712.7 147.1
14/9 845.0 124.2 830 128.4 814.7 132.9 799.1 137.8 783.2 143.1 766.9 148.7

1. PI - Comperssor power input
2. Interpolation between points is permissible. Extrapolation is not permitted.
3. Due to our policy of innovation, some specification may be changed without prior notification.

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 017

Performance data 50Hz

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 817.6 135.6 802.9 140.1 787.9 145.1 772.6 150.4 756.9 156.2 740.8 162.3
12/7 880.2 137.1 864.4 141.7 848.4 146.7 832 152.1 815.3 158.0 798.1 164.2
14/9 946.3 138.6 929.5 143.3 912.3 148.4 894.8 153.8 877.0 159.7 858.8 166

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 937.7 155.3 920.8 160.6 903.6 166.2 886.1 172.4 868.1 178.9 849.6 186
12/7 1,009.5 157.1 991.4 162.4 973.0 168.1 954.2 174.3 935.1 181.0 915.4 188.1
14/9 1,085.3 158.8 1066 164.2 1,046.3 170.0 1,026.3 176.3 1,005.8 183.0 984.9 190.2

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 1,113.3 184.8 1,093.3 191 1,072.9 197.8 1052 205.1 1,030.7 212.9 1,008.8 221.3
12/7 1,198.2 186.9 1,176.8 193.2 1,155.0 200.0 1,132.7 207.4 1,110.0 215.4 1,086.7 223.8
14/9 1,288.0 189.0 1,265.1 195.4 1,241.8 202.3 1,218 209.8 1,193.8 217.8 1,169 226.4

Cooling water Inlet/Outlet
Chilled Water
22 / 27 24 / 29 26 / 31 28 / 33 30 / 35 32 / 37
(°C) Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI Capa. PI
(kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW) (kW)
10/5 1,297.6 210.9 1,274.3 218 1,250.4 225.8 1,226.1 234.1 1,201.2 243.1 1,175.7 252.6
12/7 1,396.4 213.3 1,371.4 220.6 1,345.9 228.4 1,320 236.8 1,293.4 245.9 1,266.2 255.6
14/9 1,500.6 215.8 1,473.9 223.1 1,446.8 231.0 1,419.1 239.6 1,390.8 248.7 1,361.9 258.5

1. PI - Comperssor power input
2. Interpolation between points is permissible. Extrapolation is not permitted.
3. Due to our policy of innovation, some specification may be changed without prior notification.

018 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Electrical data 380V / 60Hz

380V / 60Hz
Total Recommend
Model Voltage Start Max Current MCA MOCP
LRA RLA RLA Fuse size
RCWW008CA1A Circuit 1 810 99 270 99 270 131 236 158

RCWW010CA1A Circuit 1 820 117 273 117 273 155 279 186

RCWW011CA1A Circuit 1 985 133 328 133 328 175 315 210

RCWW012CA1A Circuit 1 985 144 328 144 328 189 340 227

RCWW014CA1A Circuit 1 1,115 159 372 159 372 210 378 252

RCWW016CA1A Circuit 1 1,750 197 583 197 583 259 466 311

RCWW018CA1A Circuit 1 1,930 215 643 215 643 284 511 341

Circuit 1 820 117 273

RCWW020CA2A 234 390 279 403 310
Circuit 2 820 117 273

Circuit 1 985 133 328

RCWW022CA2A 266 461 315 455 350
Circuit 2 985 133 328

Circuit 1 380 985 143 328

RCWW024CA2A 286 471 340 491 378
Circuit 2 985 143 328

Circuit 1 1,115 155 372

RCWW026CA2A 310 527 367 530 408
Circuit 2 1,115 155 372

Circuit 1 1,115 159 372

RCWW028CA2A 318 531 378 546 420
Circuit 2 1,115 159 372

Circuit 1 1,750 196 583

RCWW032CA2A 392 779 466 673 518
Circuit 2 1,750 196 583

Circuit 1 1,930 215 643

RCWW036CA2A 858 511 738 568 470
Circuit 2 1,930 215 643

Circuit 1 2,185 234 728

RCWW040CA2A 962 554 800 615 508
Circuit 2 2,185 234 728

1. Standard conditions :
Entering chilled water / Leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7°C
Entering cooling water / Leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37°C
2. Symbols :
LRA : Locked Rotor Amphere
RLA : Rated Load Amphere
MCA : Minimum Circuit Amphere
MOCP : Maximum OverCurrent Protection
Total RLA : Current when all compressor running
Start Current : Starting current of one compressor
Max current : Start current(Circuit 1) + RLA(Circuit 2)

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 019

Electrical data 380V / 50Hz

380V / 50Hz
Total Recommend
Model Voltage Start Max Current MCA MOCP
LRA RLA RLA Fuse size
RCWW008CA1A Circuit 1 700 98 233 98 233 130 234 156

RCWW010CA1A Circuit 1 810 120 270 120 270 159 286 191

RCWW011CA1A Circuit 1 875 129 292 129 292 171 308 206

RCWW012CA1A Circuit 1 1,220 146 407 146 407 191 344 230

RCWW014CA1A Circuit 1 1,340 166 447 166 447 219 394 263

RCWW016CA1A Circuit 1 1,565 198 522 198 522 260 468 312

RCWW018CA1A Circuit 1 1,990 225 663 225 663 294 529 353

Circuit 1 810 120 270

RCWW020CA2A 240 390 286 413 318
Circuit 2 810 120 270

Circuit 1 415 875 129 292

RCWW022CA2A 258 421 308 445 343
Circuit 2 875 129 292

Circuit 1 1,220 145 407

RCWW024CA2A 290 552 344 497 383
Circuit 2 1,220 145 407

Circuit 1 1,340 166 447

RCWW028CA2A 332 613 394 569 438
Circuit 2 1,340 166 447

Circuit 1 1,565 198 522

RCWW032CA2A 396 720 468 676 520
Circuit 2 1,565 198 522

Circuit 1 1,990 224 663

RCWW036CA2A 448 887 529 764 588
Circuit 2 1,990 224 663

1. Standard conditions :
Entering chilled water / Leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7°C
Entering cooling water / Leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37°C
2. Symbols :
LRA : Locked Rotor Amphere
RLA : Rated Load Amphere
MCA : Minimum Circuit Amphere
MOCP : Maximum OverCurrent Protection
Total RLA : Current when all compressor running
Start Current : Starting current of one compressor
Max current : Start current(Circuit 1) + RLA(Circuit 2)

020 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Electrical data 400V / 50Hz

400V / 50Hz
Total Recommend
Model Voltage Start Max Current MCA MOCP
LRA RLA RLA Fuse size
RCWW008CA1A Circuit 1 665 93 222 93 222 124 223 149

RCWW010CA1A Circuit 1 770 114 257 114 257 151 272 182

RCWW011CA1A Circuit 1 831 123 277 123 277 163 293 195

RCWW012CA1A Circuit 1 1,159 139 386 139 386 181 326 218

RCWW014CA1A Circuit 1 1,273 158 424 158 424 208 374 249

RCWW016CA1A Circuit 1 1,487 188 496 188 496 248 446 297

RCWW018CA1A Circuit 1 1,891 214 630 214 630 279 502 335

Circuit 1 770 114 257

RCWW020CA2A 228 371 272 393 303
Circuit 2 770 114 257

Circuit 1 400 831 123 277

RCWW022CA2A 246 400 293 423 325
Circuit 2 831 123 277

Circuit 1 1,159 138 386

RCWW024CA2A 276 524 326 471 363
Circuit 2 1,159 138 386

Circuit 1 1,273 158 424

RCWW028CA2A 316 582 374 540 415
Circuit 2 1,273 158 424

Circuit 1 1,487 188 496

RCWW032CA2A 376 684 446 644 495
Circuit 2 1,487 188 496

Circuit 1 1,891 213 630

RCWW036CA2A 426 843 502 725 558
Circuit 2 1,891 213 630

1. Standard conditions :
Entering chilled water / Leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7°C
Entering cooling water / Leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37°C
2. Symbols :
LRA : Locked Rotor Amphere
RLA : Rated Load Amphere
MCA : Minimum Circuit Amphere
MOCP : Maximum OverCurrent Protection
Total RLA : Current when all compressor running
Start Current : Starting current of one compressor
Max current : Start current(Circuit 1) + RLA(Circuit 2)

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 021

Electrical data 415V / 50Hz

415V / 50Hz
Total Recommend
Model Voltage Start Max Current MCA MOCP
LRA RLA RLA Fuse size
RCWW008CA1A Circuit 1 641 90 214 90 214 119 214 143

RCWW010CA1A Circuit 1 742 110 247 110 247 145 261 174

RCWW011CA1A Circuit 1 801 118 267 118 267 156 281 188

RCWW012CA1A Circuit 1 1,117 134 372 134 372 175 315 210

RCWW014CA1A Circuit 1 1,227 152 409 152 409 200 360 240

RCWW016CA1A Circuit 1 1,433 181 478 181 478 238 428 285

RCWW018CA1A Circuit 1 1,822 206 607 206 607 269 484 323

Circuit 1 742 110 247

RCWW020CA2A 220 357 261 377 290
Circuit 2 742 110 247

Circuit 1 415 801 118 267

RCWW022CA2A 236 385 281 406 313
Circuit 2 801 118 267

Circuit 1 1,117 133 372

RCWW024CA2A 266 505 315 455 350
Circuit 2 1,117 133 372

Circuit 1 1,227 152 409

RCWW028CA2A 304 561 360 520 400
Circuit 2 1,227 152 409

Circuit 1 1,433 181 478

RCWW032CA2A 362 659 428 618 475
Circuit 2 1,433 181 478

Circuit 1 1,822 205 607

RCWW036CA2A 410 812 484 699 538
Circuit 2 1,822 205 607

1. Standard conditions :
Entering chilled water / Leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7°C
Entering cooling water / Leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37°C
2. Symbols :
LRA : Locked Rotor Amphere
RLA : Rated Load Amphere
MCA : Minimum Circuit Amphere
MOCP : Maximum OverCurrent Protection
Total RLA : Current when all compressor running
Start Current : Starting current of one compressor
Max current : Start current(Circuit 1) + RLA(Circuit 2)

022 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Electrical data 440V / 60Hz

440V / 60Hz
Total Recommend
Model Voltage Start Max Current MCA MOCP
LRA RLA RLA Fuse size
RCWW008CA1A Circuit 1 700 86 233 86 233 114 205 137

RCWW010CA1A Circuit 1 708 101 236 101 236 134 241 161

RCWW011CA1A Circuit 1 851 115 284 115 284 151 272 182

RCWW012CA1A Circuit 1 851 124 284 124 284 163 293 195

RCWW014CA1A Circuit 1 963 137 321 137 321 181 326 218

RCWW016CA1A Circuit 1 1,511 170 504 170 504 224 403 269

RCWW018CA1A Circuit 1 1,667 186 556 186 556 245 441 294

Circuit 1 708 101 236

RCWW020CA2A 202 337 241 348 268
Circuit 2 708 101 236

Circuit 1 851 115 284

RCWW022CA2A 230 399 272 393 303
Circuit 2 851 115 284

Circuit 1 440 851 124 284

RCWW024CA2A 248 408 293 423 325
Circuit 2 851 124 284

Circuit 1 963 134 321

RCWW026CA2A 268 455 317 458 353
Circuit 2 963 134 321

Circuit 1 963 137 321

RCWW028CA2A 274 458 326 471 363
Circuit 2 963 137 321

Circuit 1 1,511 169 504

RCWW032CA2A 338 673 403 582 448
Circuit 2 1,511 169 504

Circuit 1 1,667 186 556

RCWW036CA2A 372 742 441 637 490
Circuit 2 1,667 186 556

Circuit 1 1,887 202 629

RCWW040CA2A 831 477 689 530 488
Circuit 2 1,887 202 629

1. Standard conditions :
Entering chilled water / Leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7°C
Entering cooling water / Leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37°C
2. Symbols :
LRA : Locked Rotor Amphere
RLA : Rated Load Amphere
MCA : Minimum Circuit Amphere
MOCP : Maximum OverCurrent Protection
Total RLA : Current when all compressor running
Start Current : Starting current of one compressor
Max current : Start current(Circuit 1) + RLA(Circuit 2)

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 023

Electrical data 460V / 60Hz

460V / 60Hz
Total Recommend
Model Voltage Start Max Current MCA MOCP
LRA RLA RLA Fuse size
RCWW008CA1A Circuit 1 669 82 223 82 223 109 196 131

RCWW010CA1A Circuit 1 677 97 226 97 226 128 230 153

RCWW011CA1A Circuit 1 814 110 271 110 271 145 261 174

RCWW012CA1A Circuit 1 814 119 271 119 271 156 281 188

RCWW014CA1A Circuit 1 921 131 307 131 307 174 313 209

RCWW016CA1A Circuit 1 1,446 163 482 163 482 214 385 257

RCWW018CA1A Circuit 1 1,594 178 531 178 531 235 423 282

Circuit 1 677 97 226

RCWW020CA2A 194 323 230 332 255
Circuit 2 677 97 226

Circuit 1 814 110 271

RCWW022CA2A 220 381 261 377 290
Circuit 2 814 110 271

Circuit 1 460 814 118 271

RCWW024CA2A 236 389 281 406 313
Circuit 2 814 118 271

Circuit 1 921 128 307

RCWW026CA2A 256 435 304 439 338
Circuit 2 921 128 307

Circuit 1 921 131 307

RCWW028CA2A 262 438 313 452 348
Circuit 2 921 131 307

Circuit 1 1,446 162 482

RCWW032CA2A 324 644 385 556 428
Circuit 2 1,446 162 482

Circuit 1 1,594 178 531

RCWW036CA2A 356 709 423 611 470
Circuit 2 1,594 178 531

Circuit 1 1,805 193 602

RCWW040CA2A 386 795 457 660 508
Circuit 2 1,805 193 602

1. Standard conditions :
Entering chilled water / Leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7°C
Entering cooling water / Leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37°C
2. Symbols :
LRA : Locked Rotor Amphere
RLA : Rated Load Amphere
MCA : Minimum Circuit Amphere
MOCP : Maximum OverCurrent Protection
Total RLA : Current when all compressor running
Start Current : Starting current of one compressor
Max current : Start current(Circuit 1) + RLA(Circuit 2)

024 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Electrical data 480V / 60Hz

480V / 60Hz
Total Recommend
Model Voltage Start Max Current MCA MOCP
LRA RLA RLA Fuse size
RCWW008CA1A Circuit 1 641 78 214 78 214 104 187 125

RCWW010CA1A Circuit 1 649 93 216 93 216 123 221 147

RCWW011CA1A Circuit 1 780 105 260 105 260 139 250 167

RCWW012CA1A Circuit 1 780 114 260 114 260 150 270 180

RCWW014CA1A Circuit 1 883 126 294 126 294 166 299 200

RCWW016CA1A Circuit 1 1,385 156 462 156 462 205 369 246

RCWW018CA1A Circuit 1 1,528 170 509 170 509 225 405 270

Circuit 1 649 93 216

RCWW020CA2A 186 309 221 319 245
Circuit 2 649 93 216

Circuit 1 780 105 260

RCWW022CA2A 210 365 250 361 278
Circuit 2 780 105 260

Circuit 1 480 780 113 260

RCWW024CA2A 226 373 270 390 300
Circuit 2 780 113 260

Circuit 1 883 123 294

RCWW026CA2A 246 417 290 419 323
Circuit 2 883 123 294

Circuit 1 883 126 294

RCWW028CA2A 252 420 299 432 333
Circuit 2 883 126 294

Circuit 1 1,385 155 462

RCWW032CA2A 310 617 369 533 410
Circuit 2 1,385 155 462

Circuit 1 1,528 170 509

RCWW036CA2A 340 679 405 585 450
Circuit 2 1,528 170 509

Circuit 1 1,730 185 577

RCWW040CA2A 370 762 439 634 488
Circuit 2 1,730 185 577

1. Standard conditions :
Entering chilled water / Leaving chilled water temperature is 12 / 7°C
Entering cooling water / Leaving cooling water temperature is 32 / 37°C
2. Symbols :
LRA : Locked Rotor Amphere
RLA : Rated Load Amphere
MCA : Minimum Circuit Amphere
MOCP : Maximum OverCurrent Protection
Total RLA : Current when all compressor running
Start Current : Starting current of one compressor
Max current : Start current(Circuit 1) + RLA(Circuit 2)

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 025

Outline drawing 1 Compressor model

Frequency Model L W H A B C D E
RCWW008CA1A 2,940 1,450 1,760 505 275 530 250 560
RCWW010CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,810 505 275 530 250 560
RCWW011CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,810 505 275 530 250 560
60 Hz RCWW012CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,840 505 275 530 250 560
RCWW014CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,890 530 300 555 275 623
RCWW016CA1A 2,940 1,480 1,945 530 300 555 275 623
RCWW018CA1A 3,050 1,480 1,950 530 300 555 275 623
RCWW008CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,815 505 275 530 250 560
RCWW010CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,850 505 275 530 250 560
RCWW011CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,855 505 275 530 250 560
50Hz RCWW012CA1A 2,940 1,470 1,855 505 275 530 250 560
RCWW014CA1A 2,940 1,480 1,890 530 300 555 275 623
RCWW016CA1A 3,050 1,480 1,895 530 300 555 275 623
RCWW018CA1A 3,120 1,480 1,950 530 300 555 275 623

026 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Outline drawing 2 Compressor model

Frequency Model L W H A B C D E
RCWW020CA2A 3,630 1,455 1,890 530 300 555 275 623
RCWW022CA2A 3,685 1,455 1,890 530 300 555 275 653
RCWW024CA2A 3,800 1,485 1,995 580 300 600 280 688
RCWW026CA2A 3,900 1,485 2,005 580 300 600 280 688
60 Hz
RCWW028CA2A 3,860 1,485 1,995 580 300 600 280 688
RCWW032CA2A 4,295 1,485 2,055 580 300 600 280 715
RCWW036CA2A 4,380 1,515 2,105 605 325 625 305 740
RCWW040CA2A 4,380 1,515 2,105 605 325 625 305 740
RCWW020CA2A 3,800 1,455 1,960 530 300 555 275 623
RCWW022CA2A 3,900 1,455 1,970 530 300 555 275 653
RCWW024CA2A 4,268 1,485 2,005 580 300 600 280 688
RCWW028CA2A 4,295 1,485 2,050 580 300 600 280 688
RCWW032CA2A 4,380 1,515 2,060 580 300 600 280 715
RCWW036CA2A 4,520 1,545 2,075 605 325 625 305 740

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 027

Foundation 1 Compressor model

1 Compressor model

Frequency Model A B C D
RCWW008CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW010CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW011CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW012CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW014CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW016CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW018CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW020CA1A 2,500 1,220 2,530 2,870
60 Hz
RCWW008CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW010CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW011CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW012CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW014CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW016CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW018CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW020CA1A 2,500 1,220 2,530 2,870
RCWW008CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW010CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW011CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
50 Hz RCWW012CA1A 2,500 965 2,530 2,870
RCWW014CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW016CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870
RCWW018CA1A 2,500 1,090 2,530 2,870

028 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Foundation 2 Compressor model

2 Compressor model

Frequency Model A B C D
RCWW020CA2A 3,100 1,090 3,128 3,468
RCWW022CA2A 3,100 1,090 3,128 3,468
RCWW024CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW026CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW028CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW032CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW036CA2A 3,100 1,325 3,128 3,468
RCWW040CA2A 3,100 1325 3,128 3,468
60 Hz
RCWW020CA2A 3,100 1,090 3,128 3,468
RCWW022CA2A 3,100 1,090 3,128 3,468
RCWW024CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW026CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW028CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW032CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW036CA2A 3,100 1,325 3,128 3,468
RCWW040CA2A 3,100 1,325 3,128 3,468
RCWW020CA2A 3,100 1,090 3,128 3,468
RCWW022CA2A 3,100 1,090 3,128 3,468
RCWW024CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
50 Hz
RCWW028CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW032CA2A 3,100 1,220 3,128 3,468
RCWW036CA2A 3,100 1,325 3,128 3,468

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 029

Piping diagram 1 Compressor model

030 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Piping diagram 2 Compressor model

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 031

Control wiring 1 Compressor model

032 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Control wiring 2 Compressor model

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 033

Power wiring 1 Compressor model

034 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Power wiring 2 Compressor model

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 035

Guide specification

Part 1 – General
1.01 Scope
1.02 System descriptions
1.03 Quality assurance
1.04 Delivery and handling

Part 2 – Products
2.01 General
2.02 Equipment description
2.03 Operating characteristics
2.04 Compressor
2.05 Heat exchanger
2.06 Expansion unit
2.07 Controller
2.08 Characteristics of the controller
2.09 Automatic safety device
2.10 Accessories and options

Part 3 - Execution
3.01 Installation

036 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw

Guide specification

Part 1 – General Unit shall be handled, transported and stored in accordance

with manufacturer’s instructions.
1.01 Scope
The requirements of the General Conditions, Supplementary Shipping: Unit shall ship in one piece and shall require installer
Conditions and Drawings apply to all work herein. to provide the evaporator and condenser inlet and outlet pipe
connections. If providing chiller model that ships in multiple
1.02 System descriptions pieces, bid shall include all the material and field labor costs
Microprocessor controlled water-cooled liquid chiller utilizing for factory authorized personnel to connect the pieces as well
screw compressor(s) and electronic expansion valves. as all interconnecting piping and wiring.

1.03 Quality assurance Part 2 – Products

• AHRI 550/590 - water chilling packages using the vapor
compression cycle. 2.01 General
• ANSI/ASHRAE 34 - number designation and safety classification The equipment shown on the drawings is based on the model
of refrigerants. RCWW and MCWW series water cooled liquid chiller as
• ASME Section VIII - boiler and pressure vessel. manufactured by the LG Electronics.
• GB/T 18430.1 - water chilling (heat pump) packages using the
vapor compression cycle - part 1: water chilling (heat pump) 2.02 Equipment description
packages for industrial & commercial and similar applications. Supply and install and commission as shown on the drawings
• GB25131 - Safety requirements for water chillers (heat pump) and schedules complete factory assembled, charged and
using the vapor compression cycle. operationally tested air cooled screw compressor chiller(s) as
• GB150/151 - steel pressure vessels / Tubular heat exchangers. specified herein. Chiller shall include one or more independent
• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 safety code. refrigeration circuits, semi hermetic twin screw compressors(s),
• Manufactured in an EN ISO 9001 accredited organization. shell and tube liquid cooler & condenser, Refrigerant R-134a,
lubrication system and oil, interconnecting piping and wiring
• The packaged chiller shall be pressure and leak test. and lockable control center housing safety, operating and
• Chiller manufacturer shall have factory trained and supported capacity controls necessary for the safe automatic operation
service organization local to the chiller installation to of the liquid chiller.
provide commissioning and service support throughout the
manufacturer’s warranty period.
• Manufacturer shall warrant all equipment and material of 2.03 Operating characteristics
its supply against defects in workmanship and material for - Chiller will be installed in an indoor location and shall be capable
a period of eighteen (18) months from date of shipment or of operating in room temperatures between 4.4°C and 15.6°C
twelve(12) months from initial start-up, whichever occurs (40F~60F)
first. - Provide capacity control system capable of reducing unit
capacity to min. 25% of full load.
1.04 Delivery and handling
Depending on the condition of the installation site, chiller is 2.04 Compressor
shipped as a single unit or as separated unit, and as charged The semi-hermetic twin screw compressor with precision
with refrigerant or with nitrogen. If shipped as separated units, machined cast iron housing and discharge shutoff valve.
contact the authorized LG Electronics dealers or LG Electronics Compressor motor is cooled down by refrigerants. The
directly. For single unit type, the unit will be delivered to the differential pressure type oil lubrication and a filter-
site as preassembled. Separated unit type will be delivered as integrated type should be used. A compressor integrated
2 or 3 separated main pieces. Confirm and record that it is the type oil separator is used, a check valve should be installed
correct unit and that it is properly equipped as the submitted at the discharge side to prevent the backward flowing of the
packing list. When refrigerant is charged, refrigerant and oil refrigerants. Design working pressure of entire compressor,
are charged together according to the specification of the suction to discharge shall be 30 bar (435 psig) 4-step or
chiller unit. It needs special attention to high pressure inside stepless control that can control the capacity from 25 % to
since the saturated refrigerant pressure is decided by the 100 % using a capacity control slide valve. A discharge/suction
external air temperature. When nitrogen is charged, the unit shut-off valve is installed.
is charged with 0.5kg/cm2 before shipment from the factory. To separate the oil from the refrigerant in which oil is mixed
If the pressure is “0”, please record the condition and check for together, the internal oil separator is designed to allow the oil
any leakage, since there is leak possibility. flow into the system to the minimum.
2015 LG HVAC Solution | 037
Guide specification

2.05 Heat exchanger screen or applies them for the equipment control. In addition,
| Falling Film Type | the RS-485/232C communication port is integrated to
Evaporator shall be of the falling film shell and tube type support customers’ remote monitoring. Customers can select
with removable heads and mechanically cleanable tubes of RS-485 or RS-232C with simple operation. Therefore, It can
seamless copper with internally and externally enhanced be responded to the building automation easily.
surface. Distributer located on the top side of inside shell,
this makes uniform flow of refrigerant. Through distributer | Display and operation key module |
refrigerant flows downward by gravity as a continuous film. The display and operation key module is composed of setting
Tubes shall be mechanically expanded into multiple grooves values needed for various operation data and equipment
in tube sheets. Cooler will incorporate one, two independent operation, a display unit that displays the malfunction
refrigerant circuits with a common chilled liquid multi-pass information in texts, a key input unit that enables operators
circuit arrangement. Coolers will be factory insulated with to input data or select menus, and a LED lamp display unit.
19mm (optional 38) closed cell insulation with all joints vapor In particular, the convenience for operators is enhanced by
sealed and water drain and vent taps in cooler heads. allowing them to use keys directly, if keys are used frequently,
or select menus. Operation keys are composed of four menu
| Condenser | handling keys, three manual control value handling keys, three
The shall is manufactured Shell & Tube and shell be constructed manual extraction pump handling keys and two run/stop keys
and tested in accordance with pressure vessel code for a to run or stop the equipment operation. If the operation keys
refrigerant and 10bar(150 psig) water-side pressure. are out of order, operators can handle the control valve and
To increase efficiency, sub-cooler is installed for over-cooling the refrigerant value using the text display unit and the menu
of condenser liquid refrigerant. selection key. In addition, the operation status (temperature,
running/stopping of the neighboring device, storage) can be
2.06 Expansion unit displayed in English, Chinese or Korean for users’ convenience.
Expansion unit consists of butterfly valve and orifice. At 100%
load situation, the pressure loss at the orifice is smaller than | I/O module |
the refrigerant pressure loss in the condenser, thus the super- The I/O module is composed of a digital input unit which
cooled refrigerant passes through the orifice. At this stage the checks the operational state of various switches, and a digital
maximum amount of refrigerant is flowing into the evaporator. output unit that controls the equipment operation. In addition,
As the load reduces gradually, the circulating amount of a photo coupler is installed at the I/O unit to block noises. All
refrigerant also reduces and accordingly the refrigerant level the I/O module data can be sent and received from the main
in the condenser is getting low. When the amount of liquid module. Therefore, the malfunction by the EMI, which can
refrigerant reduces, the gas amount in the orifice is getting occur when the data are transmitted using a regular cable, can
larger, raising the resistance thus controlling the flow rate. be prevented and high availability can be secured.

| Refrigerant isolation v/v: Option | 2.08 Characteristics of the controller

Refrigerant isolation valves shall be provided to isolate the | Convenient management of the operation data |
referent into the condenser for standard water chilling The 7.1inch color LCD shows much operation information on a
application. screen. The analog data (e.g., temperature data) can be saved
for 300 times by intervals defined by customers. The data can
2.07 Controller be used to keep operation logs or to perform maintenance
| Composition of the control panel | work. In addition, the temperature of the chilled water outlet
The control panel is composed of a Micom module (a main is displayed on a graph so that customers can understand the
module, an I/O module, a display and an operation key module), trend of temperature changes conveniently.
a power supply unit that provides stable power, and a breaker
that performs other control jobs or ensures safety, magnetic | Safety controller algorithm |
contact, and a relay for control. The major functions of these The safety parts such as high and low pressure sensor,
modules are as follows. discharge temperature, current sensor can help product
operation without shutdown. This algorithm can be minimized
| Main module | malfunction operations without manual reset.
A high-performance microprocessor is installed in the
main module and performs the control function optimized | Self-diagnosis and malfunction history saving |
to equipment. A high-precision analog/digital converter The microcomputer monitors the equipment state when
measures sensor values in real time and displays them on the the equipment is stopped or running, and informs the state
038 | 2015 LG Water Cooled Screw
Guide specification

to operators using text messages, alarm lamps and buzzers. 2.09 Automatic safety device
The advice function shows cause of malfunction and checking A double protection device that prevents reverse phase, phase
point and troubleshooting. It can be saved in USB memory loss and overcurrents is installed. Therefore, the compressor
with operation and malfunction history. can be completely protected against external electric shocks.
Chilled water and cooling water safety device
| Optimized artificial intelligent control algorithm | • A chilled water pump interlock contact
• Flexible Startup • A cooling water pump interlock contact
To prevent excessive shocks to the equipment due to any • A chilled /cooling water flow switch: chilled /cooling water
abrupt load at the time of startup, the input power will be level – under 50 %.
supplied gradually. • Chilled water temperature (low): Chilled water out temperature
– under 2.5°C.
| Advanced digital PID control | • Evaporator refrigerant temperature (low) – Refrigerant
A digital PID control together with its smooth start-up temperature – under 2.5°C.
minimizes unnecessary chiller shut-downs by recognizing the ※A run/stop signal and interlock contact of the chilled water
optimal PID control point automatically when the chiller is and cooling water pump is a very important safety device
started or the chiller operation mode is changed from manual that can prevent freezing and bursting and safety incidents.
to automatic, and applying the point to the control formula. Therefore, make sure to connect the line in such a way that
Compared with existing analog controls, more stable and the chiller, the chilled water pump and the cooling water
accurate temperature control is possible. pump can be linked at the time of operation.
※A digital transmitter to show and monitor the evaporator ※In addition, the automatic blocking value should be installed
pressure/condenser pressure/ differential oil pressure. to prevent the water flow on the cooling water pipe of
※A digital transmitter to show and monitor the current/voltage. the chiller if several cooling water pipes are connected
※PT 100 sensor a chilled water/Cooling water/Oil temperature in parallel. Then, the automatic blocking valve should be
PT 100 Sensor installation. operated in line with the LG control device. To link the
automatic blocking valve, the valve should be opened/
| Scheduled operation function | closed in synchronization with the cooling water pump run/
Customers can conveniently run the equipment using the stop signal provided by the control panel.
schedule operation function that allows customers to select • For more details, please contact LG service center in advance.
Run/Stop and control temperature setting values by weekday
or holiday for 11 times per day. | Chiller protection device |
• Evaporator low pressure
| Customer support function | • Condenser high pressure
• Communication function for building automation, remote • Differential oil pressure
surveillance and control The communication function • Low chilled water flow
(RS232C/RS485, users can select) is integrated so that the • Evaporator low temperature
equipment can be connected to customers’ monitoring system • Condenser high temperature
with ease. Also, no voltage I/O is provided so that customers • Overcurrent protection
can run/stop the equipment or remotely monitor the important • Compressor overheat protection
operation state using a simple electric wiring. MODBUS is basic | Motor/Compressor protector |
specification , BACnet and Modem is optional. • A reverse phase/phase loss protection relay
• Help function • A three-phase wire-wound temperature monitoring S/W
If a malfunction occurs, the details thereabout will be logged • A compressor discharge temperature monitoring sensor
and operators can take measures using the help function. 2.10 Accessories and options
• Three language support Some accessories and options supersede standard product
 sers can select Korean, Chinese or English languages from features. All options are factory-mounted unless otherwise
the operation menu. noted.
• Pump down function
If the operation stops, the pump-down operation will be | Gateway |
started automatically and the refrigerants will be gathered Provides communication for Building Automation Systems,
at the condenser. Therefore, the equipment can be operated including BACnet (MS/ TP), Modbus, (Field Commissioned by
cost-effectively by its improved operation stability and by BAS Manufacturer)
preventing the liquid suction during the operation.

2015 LG HVAC Solution | 039

Guide specification

| General Options | instructions. Adjust and level chiller on support structure.

1. Flow Switch: The water flow switch comes with SPDT output C. Components: installing contractor shall provide and install all
function, 1.6MPa (232 psi) working pressure, -10°C to auxiliary devices and accessories for fully operational chiller.
120°C (-14°F to 248°F) with 1” NPT connection for upright D. Electrical: coordinate electrical requirements and connections
mounting in horizontal pipe (This flow switch or equivalent for all power feeds with electrical contractor.
must be furnished with each unit). Field mounted. E. Controls: coordinate all control requirements and connections
2. Differential Pressure Switch: 0.2-3 bar (3-45 psig) range with controls contractor.
with 1/4” NPTE pressure connections. (Field Mounted by F. Finish: installing contractor shall paint damaged and abraded
Contractor.) factory finish with touch-up paint matching factory finish.

| Vibration Isolation (All Options Field Mounted by Contractor |

1” Deflection Spring Isolators: Level adjustable, spring and
cage type isolators for mounting under the unit base rails.

| Compressor acoustic enclosure |

The compressor acoustic enclosure can be provided as a option
to reduce compressor sound levels.

| Single power point connection |

For models installed with 2, 3 and 4 compressors, to minimize
job site installation cost and time, single point power
connection can be provided as an option about the following
models. If optional single point power connection is required,
terminal block connections will be supplied at the point of
incoming single point connection.

| Power factor correction |

Provide equipment with power factor correction capacitors as
required to maintain a displacement power factor of 95% at
all load conditions.

| Double thickness insulation |

As a standard, the evaporator shell is insulated with 19mm
(3/4”). As a option, it can be insulated with 38mm (1-1/2”).

| NFB (Non-Fused Breaker) power disconnect switch |

A non-fused disconnect is available as a factory-installed
option for all units with single point power connection units.
This option is that power supply is disconnected during service
& repair work as well as door interlock.
| Suction service isolation valve |
Service suction isolation valve is installed with unit for each
refrigerant circuit as a standard.
| Pressure vessel (options) |
The evaporator and condenser can be provided with either
ASME or PED pressure vessel codes certification.

Part 3 – Execution
3.01 Installation
A. General: rig and install in full accordance with manufacturer’s
requirements, project drawings, and contract documents.
B. Location: locate chiller as indicated on drawings, including
cleaning and service maintenance clearance per manufacturer
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Ver. 201504

LG Electronics, Home appliance & Air solution company

Two IFC, 10 Gukjegeumyung-ro, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul, 150-945, Korea.

For continual product development, LG reserves the right to

change specifications or designs without notice.
Distributed by
© 2015 LG Electronics. Printed in Korea. April. 2015

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