Paper Valdivia

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Comparación del comportamiento físico de una pieza de transición de una

turbina a gas siemens SGT6-5000F(W501F) de una geometría nominal y

una geometría optimizada utilizando ANSYS Fluent.
Jorge Valdivia
Faculty of Mechanical and Energy
University of Engineering and
Lima, Peru
[email protected]

Abstract— The study considers a steady state three After these we complete our black box and identify whats
dimensional model using ANSYS FLUENT version 18.3, inside our transparent box.
applying the Computational Fluid Dynamics, the
velocity and temperature distribution are parametrized
and compared. The relevance of this comparison relies
on the velocity and temperature profiles at the outlet of temperature
the piece, these values have their impact in the first stage
of the blades of the turbine. In theory the results
obtained are validated with the data obtained in past
papers of geometry of optimization.
Keywords—CFD, lifetime, velocity and temperature geometry

1. INTRODUCTION velocity
Heat transfer
The transition piece is the one that ensures that the
velocity and temperature contours have a uniform
distribution, this is because and inadequate distribution of pressure Regenerative
even 15°C may reduce the lifetime 4 times [2]. The turbine flow
is operating at the maximum power condition, that’s why we
have to define our entry values like temperature and
efficiency [3]. For further work we can use the profiles to
obtain a better numerical approximation to study the heat
transfer and fluid dynamics of blades and vanes. The morphologic matrix help to understand why a
convergence divergence type of transition piece is needed,
2. OBJECTIVES our goal is to control the velocity and temperature
Compare the behavior of a real geometry of a transition distribution as values, also we decide which material is
piece and the optimized geometry by a genetic algorithm gonna be used, dimensions and price.
and identify the advantages and disadvantages of
implementing an optimized piece. The tool to compare the Transition piece
geometries and their physical behavior is Ansys Fluent, by The transition piece is made from a super alloy named
simulating the process and interpreting the values of the Nimonic 263. Is part of a set of 14 pieces in annular form,
velocity and temperature contours. belongs to the turbine 501F which is called nowadays sgt6-
3. DESIGN METHOD 5000F.The turbine characteristics and the dimensions of the
piece are arranged in the following tables respectively.
Before the design is necessary to identify what our
customer needs, that’s why we follow the steps since from a Table 1.
black box to our morphologic matrix and the specifications Turbine characteristics
Power 69MW
Hot air
Hot air into the Rotational speed 3600 rpm
Compressor stages 19
Combustor Turbine stages 4

Fig. 1. Example of a figure caption. (figure caption) Compressor pressure ratio 17

Compressor air flow 279.76 kg/s
Table 2.
Turbulence model(k-Є)
Piece dimensions
Zone value    t  k 
 kui         Gk  Gb     YM
Length 961.3 mm xi x j  k  x j 
From center to center 506.6 mm
        2
Circunferential inlet 291.3 mm   ui      t    C1  Gk   C2
xi x j  k  x j  k k
Exit mouth height 122.3 mm
Inlet área 66600 mm^2
t  C k 2 / 
Exit mouth área 41870 mm^2
Mínimum area 23680 mm^2 P  RT

4.2. Computational Domain

Design modeler was used to create the 2d model and

Autodesk Inventor to create the 3d model of the piece. The
governing equations are transformed to algebraic equations
inside the computational domain, this process is done by
doing a control volume balance in each control volume. The
figure x shows the structured grid used in the modeling for
the inlet and the outlet.

4.3. Boundary conditions

The velocity and temperature contours are set on the

surface of the circular section, pressure on the outlet and
natural convection on the outside wall of the transition piece
were considered as boundary conditions. there are no film
Fig. 2. Example of a figure caption. (figure caption) holes of cooling on the surface and the thermal properties of
the material were considered, the assumption of the solid
wall of the transition piece is modeled with the hypothesis
4. CFD MODEL that the thermal resistance by conduction is neglected sin it
is coated.
4.1. Mathematical formulation
These are the governing equations that we are going to use The working fluid is air, although it is an exhaust-air
such as conservation of mass, momentum and energy, with a composition the predominant mass is the air with 72% [10].
turbulence model k-Є and the equations of state. In the inlet temperatures a previous work [4] were used to
get the velocity and temperature contour and it is supplied to
Continuity equation the computational model.
 (  ui )
0 Tables 1 and 2 show the boundary conditions in the
xi transition piece and the thermal properties of the fluid,
Momentum equation
Table 1.
 (ui u j ) P ij Boundary conditions
   gi  Fi
xi xi x j
Boundary conditions Magnitude
Velocity contour _
Energy equation Temperature contour _
Turbulent intensity inlet 5 [%]
e q u Hydraulic diameter inlet 0.33002 [m]
(ui )   k P k  Pressure outlet 965575 [Pa]
xi xk xk Turbulent Intensity outlet 5 [%]
Hydraulic diameter outlet 0.471705 [m]
Convection coefficient 10[ W/m 2 K ]
Where ϕ is the viscous heating dissipation and the heat flux Temperature 273 [K]
is given by Fourier’s law

qk   k
Thermal properties of the fluid contours
Cm specific heat
C circumferential direction
e energy
F external forces
gi gravity
Gk turbulent kinetic energy generation
Gb turbulent kinetic energy generation due to flotability
k thermal conductivity, turbulent kinetic energy
P pressure
qk heat flux
R gas constant, radial direction
T temperature
ui, v velocity
YM fluctuation of expansion in turbulence
yþ dimensional parameter
Greek symbols
e dissipation rate
m viscosity
Fig. 3. Example of a figure caption. (figure caption) f viscous heating dissipation
mt turbulent viscosity
r density
sk turbulent Prandtl number by k
se Turbulent Prandtl number by e
sij Stress tensor


[1] A. Gallegos, V. Ayala, J.A. Alfaro and B.M. Toledo, “Optimization

of the transition piece applying genetic algorithms,” (2011) Applied
Thermal Engineering . Salamanca, Gto., Mexico.
[2] J.A. Alfaro-Ayala, A. Gallegos-Muñoz, A. Zaleta-Aguilar, A.
Campos-Amezcua, M. Zdzislaw, Thermal and Fluid Dynamic
Analysis of the Gas Turbine Transition Piece (2009) Proceeding of
the ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea and Air. Orlando,
Flo. USA.
[3] Ansys FLUENT, Version 18.2.
[4] J. Fernández. Tecnicas numericas en ingenieria de fluidos :
Fig. 4. Example of a figure caption. (figure caption) introducción a la dinamica de fluidos computacional (CFD) por el
metodo de volumenes finitos / Jesus Manuel Fernandez Oro . –
Barcelona: Reverté, 2012.
[5] F.M. White.”Mecánica de Fluidos”, 1979, ed. McGraw-Hill.

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