A Review On Optimization of Turningparameter For Aisi 4140 by Grey Relation Analysis

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© 2019 IJRAR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

Sourabh Shrivastav 1, Raghvendra Kashyap2
M.Tech Scholar, Dr. C V Raman Institute of Science and Technology
Asst.Professor Department of M.E., Dr. C V Raman Institute of Science and Technology
design Expert in order to express the influence
ABSTRACT degree of the main cutting variables such as cutting
The aim of this work is to explore and evaluate the speed, feed rate and depth of cut on MRR, SR and
process parameter of turning operation on CNC lathe Flank wear.
so as to minimize the input of the resources and to
maximize the responses. It is a valuable addition to Key Words: - MRR, SR, FW,ANOVA,CNC, Design
the suite of tools available to the researcher.The Expert.
present work concerned an experimental study of
turning on chromium – molybdenum case hardening I INTRODUCTION
alloy steel of AISI 4140grade. The purpose of this Metal cutting process forms the premise of the
thesis is to study the effect of speed, feed, and depth engineering industry and is concerned either directly
of cut on material removal rate, metal surface and or indirectly within the manufacture of nearly every
tool wear in machining AISI 4140 alloy steel using product of our modern civilization. The cutting tool
tungsten carbide tipped cutting tool.Experimental is one of the vital components in realizing the total
were conducted on CNC and the influence of potential out of any metal cutting operation. Over
turningparameter wasconsidered using analysis of the years the demands of economic competition have
variance (ANOVA)based on accustomed approach. actuated plenty of research in the field of metal
Based on the main effects plots obtained through cutting resulting in the evolution of new tool
Taguchi Analysis, a total of 16 tests were carried materials of outstanding performance and vast
out, optimum level for MRR, Surface roughness and potential for an impressive increase in productivity.
depth of cut were chosen from the four
Turning is an important machining process within
which a single point cutting tool removes unwanted
levels of cutting parameters considered. The range material from the surface of a rotating cylindrical
of each parameter is set at four different levels. work piece. Turning is employed to reduce the
Mathematical models were deduced by software diameter of the work piece, typically to a nominative

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© 2019 IJRAR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 2 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
dimension, and to produce a smooth finish on the of the all manufactured products in all industrial
metal. Usually the work piece is turned in order that countries.
adjacent sections have different diameters. Turning CHALLENGES IN METAL CUTTING:
is the machining operation that produces cylindrical High speed machining has been the main objective
components. of the Mechanical Engineering through ages. The
range of materials which one can use for cutting has
In order to attain desired results, optimisation is been in a continuous state of development .Any
required. Optimization is the science of obtaining machining operation which involves the removal of
best results subjected to many resource constraints. metal by a cutting action requires that the material
in the present world scenario, optimisation is of used for cutting will stand up to the rigors of that
utmost importance for organizations and researchers cutting action. The main properties which any
to fulfill the growing demand for improved product cutting material must possess in order to carry out its
quality together with lesser production costs and function are:
faster rates of production. Statistical design of  Hardness to overcome wearing action
experiments is employed quite extensively in  Hot strength to overcome the heat involved
optimisation processes. statistical design of  Sufficient toughness to withstand vibration
experiments refers to the process of planning the In general, increasing hardness brings with it
experiments so appropriate information is analyzed a reduction in toughness and so those materials in
by statistical methods, leading to valid and objective the higher hardness region of the list will fail by
conclusions strategies of design like Response breakage if used for heavy cuts, particularly with
Surface Methodology (RSM), Taguchi’s technique, work pieces which have holes or slots in them which
factorial styles etc., find unbound use these days give rise to interruption it the cut.
replacement the erstwhile one factor at a time
experimental approach that more expensive as well II LITERARURE REVIEW
as time-consuming. Here we are using Taguchi’s Specifically, theory and information relating to the
Analysis technique experiment and the turning process is presented. The
SIGNIFICATION OF MACHINING scope of the review also extends to various
Metal cutting is the removal of metal from work optimization techniques that are used to obtain
piece in the form of chips in order to obtain a optimal solution mainly focusing on the Taguchi’s
finished product with desired size, shape and surface Analysis. The turning operation is a basic metal
finish. In virtually all producing sectors for example machining operation that is used widely in industries
automobiles, railways, shipbuilding, aircraft dealing with metal cutting [1]. In a turning
manufacture, home appliance , consumer electronics operation, a high-precision single point cutting tool
and construction industries etc one finds large shops is rigidly held in a tool post and is fed past a rotating
with many thousands of machining .The cost of work piece in a direction parallel to the axis of
machining amounts to more than 15% of the value rotation of the work piece, at a constant rate, and
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unwanted material is removed in the form of chips
giving rise to a cylindrical or more complex profile
[12, 13]. This operation is carried out in a Lathe
Machine either manually under an operator’s
supervision, or by a controlling computer program.
There are two types of motion in a turning operation.
One is the cutting motion which is the circular
motion of the work and the other is the feed motion
which is the linear motion given to the tool. The
basic turning operation with the motions involved is
shown in Fig 1 and Fig 2, figures from [14]. Fig 3
from [15] shows a single point cutting tool and its

Fig 2.2 Basic turning operation in Lathe

Fig 2.1 Motions in turning operation

Fig2.3Single point cutting tool using in turning

and its nomenclature

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MACHINING PARAMETERS materials is the temperature achieved during
The turning operation is governed by geometry machining. The general idea is that energy expended
factors and machining factors. This study consists of in cutting is converted into heat and that a large
the three primary adjustable machining parameters fraction of it is taken away in the chip. This results
in a basic turning operation viz. speed, feed and in about 20% of the heat generated going into the
depth of cut. Fig 2.4 from [2] shows these three cutting tool. The following types of tool wear modes
parameters. Material removal is obtained by the can be observed [15]:
combination of these three parameters [14]. Other
input factors influencing the output parameters such (a) Flank
as material removal rate, surface roughness and tool (b) Notch
wear also exist [3, 13], but the latter are the ones that (c) Crater
can be easily modified by the operator during the (d) Edge rounding
course of the operation [15]. (e) Edge chipping
(f) Edge cracking
(g) Catastrophic failure
Some of these tool wear modes can be evident from
Fig 6 from [17].
Flank wear and Crater wear are the two
major types of wear which are present almost
instantaneously even for low machining times. This
study will be focusing on these two types only as our
machining time was chosen to be 1 min.

Fig 2.4 The adjustable machining



Tool wear is an inherent occurrence in every
conventional machining process. Bin Halim said that
the tool wear is analogous to the gradual wear of the
tip of a pencil [14]. It is the gradual failure of cutting
tools due to regular operation [17]. The tool wear
rate is dependent on the tool material itself, the tool Fig2.6: Different modes of tool wear

shape and geometry, work piece material etc.

The foremost important factors affecting the tool
wear which can be easily controlled are process
parameters. A key factor in the rate of tool wear of
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2.5.1 Flank Wear damage due to the use of a worn wheel resulting in
Flank wear (Fig 7, figure from [17]) is the wear that stress corrosion and fatigue failure. The most
occurs on the flank surface or flank faces of the important parameter describing surface integrity is
cutting tool. This occurs due to direct mechanical surface roughness.
abrasion and friction between the flank surface and
the work piece during the operation [21]. The width Surface roughness is a measure of the surface finish
of the wear land is a straightforward measure of the of a product and an index of the product quality
flank wear [14, 15]. The width is denoted as VB. [3,4]. Surface roughness is a measurement of the
The tool life is conventionally considered to be over small scale variations in the height of a physical
when the average flank wear land VB reaches 300 surface [14]. It is expressed in various ways and
μm or the maximum flank wear land VB max methods, like arithmetic mean or centre-line average
becomes 600 μm [21]. Choudhury and Srinivas [22], (Ra), Root-mean square average (Rq), maximum
found that cutting speed and diffusion coefficient peak (Ry), ten-point mean roughness (Rz),
index have the most notable effect on the flank wear, maximum valley depth (Rv), maximum height of
followed by feed and depth of cut. profile (Rt = Rp – Rv) etc. Out of all these, the most
commonly used indicator for surface roughness is
Ra, or the arithmetic mean value, previously known
as AA (Arithmetic Average) or CLA (Centre-Line
Average) is the arithmetic mean of deviations of a
series of points from the centre line or datum line.
The datum line is such that sum of the areas under
the profile above the datum will be equal to the sum
of areas below the datum. Generally, surface
roughness is expressed in microns (μm).

Fig 2.7: Flank wear


-------------- (4)
Surface topography is of great importance in
specifying the function of a surface. A significant
proportion of component failure starts at the surface
due to either an isolated manufacturing discontinuity
or gradual deterioration of the surface quality.
Typical of the former are the laps and folds which
cause fatigue failures and of the latter is the grinding
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Fig 2.9: Co-ordinates used for Surface Roughness

Fig 2.10: MitutoyoSURFTEST SJ-410 Series
Measurement using Equation 4
Machining is practically a material removal process
Studies by Sahin Y. and Motorcu A.R., have shown
from a given workpiece material to get desired shape
that surface roughness is mostly dependent on feed
with high dimensional accuracy and surface
rate which is the dominating factor [24].
integrity. Machining generallyinvolves gradual
The surface roughness is usually measured in a
removal of material in form of chip. Machining at
direct way by the use of devices called Surface
variable condition and different workpiece may
roughness tester. Here we are using MitutoyoSurfest
yield different pattern and types of chips.Need for
SJ-410 device.
studying chip formation mechanism. The attribute
The MitutoyoSurftest SJ-410, has a 4 Pa Measuring
chip developed during machining may indirectly or
Force & 25mm Evaluation Range. This Series of
directly indicate:
Surface Roughness Testers feature the ability to do
 Workpiece material nature
both skidded and skid-less measurements. Equipped
 Cutting temperature level
with 46 roughness parameters with the resolution
 Degree and nature of tool-chip interaction
0.000125 micrometer that conform to the latest ISO,
 Conditions of the cutting edge of tool
DIN, ANSI and JIS standards. These have a wide-
 Influence of various machining parameters
range, high-resolution detector and a drive unit that
 Application of cutting fluid
provide superior high-accuracy measurement in its
class. By using the skid-less measurement function
we can obtain ultra-fine steps, straightness and
From the available literature, it can be seen that
waviness. Also has a handheld data processing unit
though some work has been reported on influence of
turning parameters on material removal rate , surface
roughness measurement of the machined surface
and Tool wear measurement, no attempt has so far
been made to systematically to optimize the process
variables with a view to obtain favorable responses.
Therefore, there should be research endeavor to
apply multi-objective optimization techniques in
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order to achieve reasonably low value of SR, MRR combination so as to minimize the tool wear
and Flank Wear. and surface roughness using grey analysis
IV METHODLOGY 4. To develop an empirical model for the
The aim of the present study is, thus, to develop a Surface Roughness and the Tool Wear for
statistical model for using the main cutting the chosen tool/work combination within the
parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth specified domain of parameters.
of cut on Alloy Tool steel AISI 4140. Machining
tests were carried out under different conditions with 5. The influence of cutting parameters (speed,
tipped Tungsten carbide cutting tool. To calculate feed, and depth of cut) on MRR, surface
constants and coefficients of these models, the finish and Tool wear has been analyzed.
software Minitab characterized by analysis of Under the different cutting conditions.
variance (ANOVA) and Taguchi’s Analysis. This
objective requires better management of the 6. 16 experiment based mixed level design was
machining system. This literature includes used to study Material removal Rate (MRR),
information on hard materials, soft materials, and Surface Roughness (SR) & Tool Wear (TW)
soft and abrasive materials used in turning, coating of turning on alloy tool steel grade AISI
materials for cutting tools, wear observed during 4140 work-piece.
turning operations and surface finish of the
machined work piece. 7. To learn about machining equipment and the
metal cutting process.
Tool wear is an inherent occurrence in any
machining process. Wear affects tool life and 8. To better understand the relationship
product quality. Hence, improvements have to be between metal cutting parameters and other
made in order to increase tool life. Surface finish is process issues that impact workpiecesurface,
also an important aspect of a machined product. cutting tool geometry.

1. To study the influence/effect of machining V EXPECTED RESULT

parameters viz. speed, feed and depth of cut, ANOVA analysis was carried out. Based on the
on the tool wear of a cutting tool. experimental results presented and discussed, the
2. To study the influence/effect of machining following conclusions can be drawn on the effect of
parameters viz. speed, feed and depth of cut, cutting speed, feed and depth of cut on the
on the surface roughness of machined performance of Tungsten carbide tipped tools when
material. turning AISI 4140 steel. ANOVA Analysis was
3. To determine optimum machining parameter successfully applied in optimizing the Material
settings for the chosen tool/work removal rate, surface roughness and tool wear for

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