K. Sam Shanmugan, Arthur M. Breipohl-Random Signals - Detection, Estimation and Data Analysis-Wiley (1988) PDF

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The document provides an overview of a book on random signals and stochastic processes.

The book is about random signals, including topics like signal detection, estimation theory, and stochastic processes.

Chapter 2 reviews probability, random variables, transformations of random variables, bounds and approximations, sequences of random variables, and convergence.



K. Sam Shanmugan
University o f Kansas

Arthur M. Breipohl
University o f Oklahoma


John W iley & Sons,

N ew York ■ Chichester • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore
Copyright © 1988, by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Library o f Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Shanmugan, K. Sam, 1943-
Random signals.

Includes bibliographies and index.

1. Signal detection. 2. Stochastic processes.
3. Estimation theory. I. Breipohl, Arthur M.
II. Title
TK5102.5.S447 1988 621.38’043 87-37273
ISBN 0-471-81555-1

Printed and bound in the United States o f America

by Braun-Brumfield, Inc.

10 9 8 7
CHAPTER 1 Introduction

1.1 Historical Perspective 3

1.2 Outline of the Book 4

1.3 References 7

CHAPTER 2 Review of Probability and Random Variables

2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Probability 9
2.2.1 Set Definitions 9
2.2.2 Sample Space 12
2.2.3 Probabilities of Random Events 12
2.2.4 Useful Laws of Probability 14
2.2.5 Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Probabilities 15

2.3 Random Variables 21

2-3,1 Distribution Functions 22
2.3.2 Discrete Random Variables and Probability Mass
Function 24
2.3.3 Expected Values or Averages 26
2.3.4 Examples of Probability Mass Functions 29

2.4 Continuous Random Variables 33

2.4.1 Probability Density Functions 33
2.4.2 Examples of Probability Density Functions 43
2.4.3 Complex Random Variables 46

2.5 Random Vectors 47

2.5.1 Multivariate Gaussian Distribution 50
2.5.2 Properties of the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution 50
2.5.3 Moments of Multivariate Gaussian pdf 53

2.6 Transformations (Functions) of Random Variables 55

2.6.1 Scalar Valued Function of One Random Variable 57
2.6.2 Functions of Several Random Variables 61

2.7 Bounds and Approximations 76

2.7.1 Thebycheff Inequality 77
2.7.2 Chernoff Bound 78
2.7.3 Union Bound 79
2.7.4 Approximating the Distribution of Y = g { X u . , X„) 81

A 2.7.5 Series Approximation of Probability Density Functions 83

2.7.6 Approximations of Gaussian Probabilities 87
2.8 Sequences of Random Variables and Convergence 88
2.8.1 Convergence Everywhere and Almost Everywhere 88
2.8.2 Convergence in Distribution and Central Limit Theorem 89
i 2.8.3 Convergence in Probability (in Measure) and the Law of
Large Numbers 93
2.8.4 Convergence in Mean Square 94

2.8.5 Relationship Between Different Forms of Convergence 95


2.9 Summary 95

2.10 References 96
2.11 Problems 97

CHAPTER 3 Random Processes and Sequences
3.1 Introduction 111

1 3.2 Definition of Random Processes 113

A 3.2.1 Concept of Random Processes 113

3.2.2 Notation 114
A 3.2.3 Probabilistic Structure 116
3.2.4 Classification of Random Processes 117
A 3.2.5 Formal Definition of Random Processes 119
■ i
3.3 Methods of Description 119
3.3.1 Joint Distribution 119
4 3.3.2 Analytical Description Using Random Variables 121
3.3.3 Average Values 121
% 3.3.4 Two or More Random Processes 124
3.4 Special Classes of Random Processes 125
3.4.1 More Definitions 126
n 3.4.2 Random Walk and Wiener Process 127
3.4.3 Poisson Process 131
\% 3.4.4 Random Binary Waveform 132

% 3.5 Stationarity 135

3.5.1 Strict-sense Stationarity 135
!| 3.5.2 Wide-sense Stationarity 136
3.5.3 Examples 137
n 3.5.4 Other Forms of Stationarity 141
3.5.5 Tests for Stationarity 142

3.6 Autocorrelation and Power Spectral Density Functions of Real

WSS Random Processes 142

3.6.1 Autocorrelation Function of a Real WSS Random

Process and Its Properties 143
3.6.2 Cross correlation Function and its Properties 144
3.6.3 Power Spectral Density Function of a WSS Random
Process and Its Properties 145
3.6.4 Cross-power Spectral Density Function and Its
Properties 148
3.6.5 Power Spectral Density Function of Random Sequences 149

3.7 Continuity, Differentiation, and Integration 160

3.7.1 Continuity 161

3.7.2 Differentiation 162
3.7.3 Integration 165

3.8 Time Averaging and Ergodicity 166

3.8.1 Time Averages 168

3.8.2 Ergodicity 176

3.9 Spectral Decomposition and Series Expansion of Random

Processes 185

3.9.1 Ordinary Fourier Series Expansion 185

3.9.2 Modified Fourier Series for Aperiodic Random Signals 187
3.9.3 Karhunen-Loeve (K-L) Series Expansion 188

3.10 Sampling and Quantization of Random Signals 189

3.10.1 Sampling of Lowpass Random Signals 190

3.10.2 Quantization 196
3.10.3 Uniform Quantizing 197
3.10.4 Nonuniform Quantizing 200

3.11 Summary 202

3.12 References 203

3.13 Problems 204

CHAPTER 4 Response of Linear Systems to Random inputs

4.1 Classification of Systems 216

4.1.1 Lumped Linear Time-invariant Causal (LLTIVC) System 216

4.1.2 Memoryless Nonlinear Systems 217

4.2 Response of LTIVC Discrete Time Systems 218

4.2.1 Review of Deterministic System Analysis 218



4.2.2 Mean and Autocorrelation of the Output 221

[ 4.2.3 Distribution Functions 222
i 4.2.4 Stationarity of the Output 222
s 4.2.5 Correlation and Power Spectral Density of the Output 223
j 4.3 Response of LTIVC Continuous Time Systems 227

4.3.1 Mean and Autocorrelation Function of the Output 228

4.3.2 Stationarity of the Output 229
4.3.3 Power Spectral Density of the Output 230
4.3.4 Mean-square Value of the Output 234
| 4.3.5
Multiple Input-Output Systems
4.4 Summary 242

4.5 References 243

4.6 Problems 244

CHAPTER 5 Special Classes of Random Processes

5.1 Introduction 249

5.2 Discrete Linear Models 250

5.2.1 Autoregressive Processes 250

5.2.2 Partial Autocorrelation Coefficient 262
5.2.3 Moving Average Models 265
5.2.4 Autoregressive Moving Average Models 271
5.2.5 Summary of Discrete Linear Models 275

5.3 Markov Sequences and Processes 276

5.3.1 Analysis of Discrete-time Markov Chains 278

5.3.2 Continuous-time Markov Chains 289
5.3.3 Summary of Markov Models 295

5.4 Point Processes 295

5.4.1 Poisson Process 298

5.4.2 Application of Poisson Process— Analysis of Queues 303
5.4.3 Shot Noise 307
5.4.4 Summary of Point Processes 312

5.5 Gaussian Processes 312

5.5.1 Definition of Gaussian Process 313

5.5.2 Models of White and Band-limited Noise 314
5.5.3 Response of Linear Time-invariant Systems 317

5.5.4 Quadrature Representation of Narrowband (Gaussian)

Processes 3 1 7

5.5.5 Effects of Noise in Analog Communication Systems 322

5.5.6 Noise in Digital Communication Systems 330
5.5.7 Summary of Noise Models 331

5.6 Summary 331

5.7 References 332

5.8 Problems 333

CHAPTER 6 Signal Detection

6.1 Introduction 34^

6.2 Binary Detection with a Single Observation 343

6.2.1 Decision Theory and Hypothesis Testing 344

6.2.2 MAP Decision Rule and Types of Errors 345
6.2.3 Bayes' Decision Rule— Costs of Errors 348
6.2.4 Other Decision Rules 351

&3 Binary Detection with Multiple Observations 352

6.3.1 Independent Noise Samples 353

6.3.2 White Noise and Continuous Observations 355
6.3.3 Colored Noise 3g1

6.4 Detection of Signals with Unknown Parameters 364

6.5 M-ary Detection 355

6.6 Summary 339

6.7 References 370

6.8 Problems 370

CHAPTER 7 Linear Minimum Mean-Square Error Filtering

7.1 Introduction 377

7.2 Linear Minimum Mean Squared Error Estimators 379

7.2.1 Estimating a Random Variable with a Constant 379


pt 7.2.2 Estimating S with One Observation X 379

7.2.3 Vector Space Representation 383
pi 7.2.4 Multivariable Linear Mean Squared Error Estimation 384
.w 7.2.5 Limitations of Linear Estimators 391
ym 393
7.2.6 Nonlinear Minimum Mean Squared Error-Estimators
7.2.7 Jointly Gaussian Random Variables 395

7.3 Innovations 397

m 7.3.1 Multivariate Estimator Using Innovations 400

7.3.2 Matrix Definition of Innovations 401

7.4 Review 406

N Digital Wiener Filters 407

( 7.5
N 7.5.1 Digital Wiener Filters with Stored Data 407
7.5.2 Real-time Digital Wiener Filters 411

IN 7.6 Kalman Filters 419

N 7.6/1 Recursive Estimators 420

»—d 7.6.2 Scalar Kalman Filter 421
7.6.3 Vector Kalman Filter 432

7.7 Wiener Filters 442

N 7.7.1 Stored Data (Unrealizable Filters) 444

H 7.7.2 Real-time or Realizable Filters 448

n 7.8 Summary 465

7.9 References 466
7.10 Problems 467

CHAPTER 8 Statistics

8.1 Introduction 475

8.2 Measurements 476

8.2.1 Definition of a Statistic 478

8.2.2 Parametric and Nonparametric Estimators 478

8.3 Nonparametric Estimators of Probability Distribution and Density

Functions 479

8.3.1 Definition of the Empirical Distribution Function 479

8.3.2 Joint Empirical Distribution Functions 480
8.3.3 Histograms 481
8.3.4 Parzen's Estimator for a pdf 484

Point Esti mators of Parameters 485

8.4.1 Estimators of the Mean 486
8.4.2 Estimators of the Variance 486
8.4.3 An Estimator of Probability 487
8.4.4 Estimators of the Covariance 487
8.4.5 Notation for Estimators 487
8.4.6 Maximum Likelihood Estimators 488
8.4.7 Bayesian Estimators 491

Measures; of the Quality of Estimators 493

8.5.1 Bias 493
8.5.2 Minimum Variance, Mean Squared Error, RMS Error,
and Normalized Errors 496
8.5.3 The Bias, Variance, and Normalized RMS Errors of
Histograms 497
8.5.4 Bias and Variance of Parzen's Estimator 501
8.5.5 Consistent Estimators 502
8.5.6 Efficient Estimators 502

Brief Introduction to Interval Estimates 503

Distributi on of Estimators 504

8.7.1 Distribution of X w ith Known Variance 504
8.7.2 Chi-square Distribution 505
8.7.3 (Student's) f Distribution 508
8.7.4 Distribution of S2 and Xw ith Unknown Variance 510
8.7.5 F Distribution 511

Tests of Hypotheses 513

8 .8.1 Binary Detection 514
8 .8.2 Composite Alternative Hypothesis 517
8.8.3 Tests of the Mean of a Normal Random Variable 518
8.8.4 Tests of the Equality of Two Means 520
8.8.5 Tests of Variances 522
8 .8.6 Chi-Square Tests 523
8.8.7 Summary of Hypothesis Testing 528

Simple Linear Regression 529

8.9.1 Analyzing the Estimated Regression 536
8.9.2 Goodness of Fit Test 538

Multiple Linear Regression 540

8.10.1 Two Controlled Variables 541
8 .10.2 Simple Linear Regression in Matrix Form 542
8.10.3 General Linear Regression 543
8.10.4 Goodness of Fit Test 545
8.10.5 More General Linear Models 545

Summary 547


8.12 References 548

8.13 Appendix 8-A 549

8.14 Problems 552

CHAPTER 9 Estimating the Parameters of Random Processes

from Data
9.1 Introduction 560

9.2 Tests for Stationarity and Ergodicity 561

9.1.1 Stationarity Tests 562

9.2.2 Run Test for Stationarity 562

9.3 Model-free Estimation 565

9.3.1 Mean Value Estimation 565

9.3.2 Autocorrelation Function Estimation 566
9.3.3 Estimation of the Power Spectral Density (psd)
Functions 569
9.3.4 Smoothing of Spectral Estimates 579
9.3.5 Bias and Variance of Smoothed Estimators 584

9.4 Model-based Estimation of Autocorrelation Functions and Power

Spectral Density Functions 584

9.4.1 Preprocessing (Differencing) 587

9.4.2 Order Identification 590
9.4.3 Estimating the Parameters of Autoregressive Processes 594
9.4.4 Estimating the Parameters of Moving Average
Processes 600
9.4.5 Estimating the Parameters of ARMA (p, q) Processes 605
9.4.6 ARIMA Preliminary Parameter Estimation 606
9.4.7 Diagnostic Checking 608

9.5 Summary 613

9.6 References 614

9.7 Problems 615

A. Fourier Transforms 626
B. Discrete Fourier Transforms 628
C. Z Transforms 630
D. Gaussian Probabilities 632
E. Table of Chi-Square Distributions 633
F. Table of Student's f Distribution 637
G. Table of F Distributions 639
H. Percentage Points of Run Distribution 649
I. Critical Values of the Durbin-Watson Statistic 650
Index 651
About The Authors

Dr. Arthur M. Breipohl is currently the OG&E Professor of Electrical En­

gineering at the University of Oklahoma. He received his Sc. D. from the
University of New Mexico in 1964. He has been on the electrical engineering
faculties o f Oklahoma State University and the University of Kansas, where he
was also Chairman for nine years. He was a Visiting Professor in the Department
o f Engineering-Economic Systems at Stanford and has worked at Sandia Lab­
oratory and Westinghouse. His research interests are in the area o f applications
o f probabilistic models to engineering problems, and he is currently working on
power system planning. He has published approximately 40 papers, and is the i
author of the textbook, Probabilistic Systems Analysis (Wiley, 1970), w'hich is
currently in its fifteenth printing.

Dr. K. Sam Shanmugan is currently the J. L. Constant Distinguished Professor

of Telecommunications at the University of Kansas. He received the Ph. D.
degree in Electrical Engineering from Oklahoma State University in 1970. Prior
to joining the University o f Kansas, Dr. Shanmugan was on the faculty of Wichita
State University and served as a visiting scientist at AT& T Bell Laboratories.
His research interests are in the areas of signal processing, satellite com m uni-;
cations, and computer-aided analysis and design of communication systems. He
has published more than 50 technical articles and is the author of a textbook on '
digital and analog communication systems (Wiley, 1979). ;
Dr. Shanmugan is a Fellow of the IEEE and has served as the editor o f the
IEEE Transactions on Communications. 1
Most electrical engineering curricula now require a course in probabilistic sys­
tems analysis and there are a number of excellent texts that are available for an
introductory level course in applied probability. But these texts often ignore
random processes or, at best, provide a brief coverage of them at the end.
Courses in signal analysis and communications require students to have a
background in random processes. Texts for these courses usually review random
processes only briefly.
In recent years most electrical engineering departments have started to offer
a course in random processes that follows the probability course and precedes
the signal analysis and communications courses. Although there are several
advanced/graduate level textbooks on random processes that present a rigorous
and theoretical view of random processes, we believe that there is a need for
an intermediate level text that is written clearly in a manner which appeals to
H senior and beginning graduate students (as well as to their instructor).
This book is intended for use as a text for a senior/beginning graduate level
course for electrical engineering students who have had some exposure to prob­
ability and to deterministic signals and systems analysis. Our intent was to select
the material that would provide the foundation in random processes which would
be needed in future courses in communication theory, signal processing, or
We have tried to present a logical development of the topics without emphasis
on rigor. Proofs o f theorems and statements are included only when we believed
that they contribute sufficient insight into the problem being addressed. Proofs
are omitted when they involve lengthy theoretical discourse of material that
requires a level of mathematics beyond the scope of this text. In such cases,
outlines o f proofs with adequate reference are presented. We believe that it is
often easier for engineering students to generalize specific results and examples
than to specialize general results. Thus we devote considerable attention to
examples and applications, and we have chosen the problems to illustrate further
application of the theory.
The logical relation of the material in this text is shown in Figure i. The
material in Chapters 2 to 4, 6, and 7 can be found in many other electrical
engineering texts, which are referenced at the end of each chapter. This book
differs from these other texts through its increased emphasis on random se­
quences (discrete time random processes), and of course by its selection o f
specific material, type o f presentation, and examples and problems. Some of
the material in Chapter 5, for example, has not usually been included in textbooks
at this level, and (of course) we think that it is increasingly important material
for electrical engineers. Chapter 8 is material that might be included in an
engineering statistics course. We believe that such material is quite useful for
practicing engineers and forms a basis for estimating the parameters o f random
processes. Such estimation is necessary to apply the theory of random processes
to engineering design and analysis problems. Estimating random process param­
eters is the subject o f Chapter 9. This material, though available in some text­
books, is often neglected in introductory texts on random processes for electrical

Some special features of the individual chapters follows. Chapter 2 is designed

to he a very brief review o f the material that is normally covered in an intro­
ductory probability course. This chapter also covers in more detail some aspects
of probability theory that might not have been covered in an introductory level
course. Chapters 3 and 4 are designed to balance presentation of discrete and
continuous (in time) random processes, and the emphasis is on the second-order
characteristics, that is, autocorrelation and power spectral density functions of
random processes, because modern communication and control system design
emphasizes these characteristics. Chapter 6 develops the idea of detecting a
known signal in noise beginning with a simple example and progressing to more
complex considerations in a way that our students have found easy to follow.
Chapter 7 develops both Kalman and Wiener filters from the same two basic
ideas: orthogonality and innovations. Chapter 9 introduces estimation of param­
eters of random sequences with approximately equal emphasis on estimating
the parameters of an assumed model of the random sequence and on estimating

Figure i. Relationship between the materials contained in various chapters.


more general parameters such as the autocorrelation and power spectral density
function directly from data without such a specific model.
There are several possible courses for which this book could be used as a

1. A two-semester class that uses the entire book.

2. A one-semester class for students with a good background in probability,
which covers Chapters 3, 4, 6, 7, and selected sections of Chapter 5.
This might be called a course in “ Random Signals” and might be desired
as a course to introduce senior students to the methods o f analysis of
random processes that are used in communication theory.
3. A one-semester class for students with limited background in probability
using Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5. This course might be called “ Introduction
to Random Variables and Random Processes.” The instructor might
supplement the material in Chapter 2.
4. A one-semester course that emphasized an introduction to random proc­
esses and estimation of the process parameters from data. This would
use Chapter 2 as a review, and Chapters 3, 4, 5.2, 8, and 9. It might be
called “ Introduction to Random Processes and Their Estimation.”

From the dependencies and independencies shown in Figure i, it is clear that

other choices are possible.
We are indebted to many people who helped us in completing this book. We
profited immensely from comments and reviews from our colleagues, J. R. Cruz,
Victor Frost, and Bob Mulholland. We also made significant improvements as
a result of additional reviews by Professors John Thomas, William Tranter, and
Roger Ziemer. Our students at the University of Kansas and the University of
Oklahoma suffered through earlier versions of the manuscript; their comments
helped to improve the manuscript considerably.
The typing o f the bulk of the manuscript was done by Ms. Karen Brunton.
She was assisted by Ms. Jody Sadehipour and Ms. Cathy Ambler. We thank
Karen, Jody, and Cathy for a job well done.
Finally we thank readers who find and report corrections and criticisms to
either of us.
K. Sam Shanmugan
Arthur M. Breipohl


Models in which there is uncertainty or randomness play a very important role

in the analysis and design of engineering systems. These models are used in a
variety of applications in which the signals, as well as the system parameters,
may change randomly and the signals may be corrupted by noise. In this book
we emphasize models o f signals that vary with time and also are random (i.e., <
uncertain). As an example, consider the waveforms that occur in a typical data
communication system such as the one shown in Figure 1.1, in which a number
of terminals are sending information in binary format over noisy transmission i
links to a central computer. A transmitter in each link converts the binary data
to an electrical waveform in which binary digits are converted to pulses of
duration Tand amplitudes ±1. The received waveform in each link is a distorted i
and noisy version of the transmitted waveform where noise represents interfering
electrical disturbances. From the received waveform, the receiver attempts to
extract the transmitted binary digits. As shown in Figure 1.1, distortion and ;
noise cause the receiver to make occasional errors in recovering the transmitted
binary digit sequence. '
As we examine the collection or “ ensemble” of waveforms shown in Figure ,
1.1, randomness is evident in all of these waveforms. By observing one wave­
form, or one member of the ensemble, say x;(r), over the time interval [f1; t2\ '
we cannot, with certainty, predict the value of x,(f) for any other value o f t {
outside the observation interval. Furthermore, knowledge o f one member func­
tion, xffy, will not enable us to know the value of another member function, 1
Xj(t). We will use a stochastic model called a random process to describe or j

Transmitted Transmitted Received Recovered 2
sequence waveform waveform data sequence
Z ~ i a i(M ( “ “ I x xm (— “ I y i U) I " : I bi i k)
Terminal ^ Transmitter Transmission ^ Receiver
n ...1001011... link #1 #1

(b) Ensemble of transmitted waveforms (c) Ensemble of received waveforms


characterize the ensemble o f waveforms so that we can answer questions such

1. What are the spectral properties o f the ensemble o f waveforms shown

in Figure 1.1?
2. How does the noise affect system performance as measured by the re­
ceiver’s ability to recover the transmitted data correctly?
3. What is the optimum processing algorithm that the receiver should use?
4. How do we construct a model for the ensemble?

Another example of a random signal is the “ noise” that one hears from an
A M radio when it is tuned to a point on the dial where no stations are broad­
casting. If the speaker is replaced by an oscilloscope so that it records the output
voltage of the audio amplifier, then the trace on the oscilloscope will, in the
course of time, trace an irregular curve that does not repeat itself precisely and
cannot be predicted.
Signals or waveforms such as the two examples presented before are called
random signals. Other examples of random signals are fluctuations in the in­
stantaneous load in a power system, the fluctuations in the height o f ocean waves
at a given point, and the output o f a microphone when someone is speaking
into it. Waveforms that exhibit random fluctuations are called either signals or
noise. Random signals are waveforms that contain some information, whereas
noise that is also random is usually unwanted and interferes with our attempt to
extract information.
Random signals and noise are described by random process models, and
electrical engineers use such models to derive signal processing algorithms for
recovering information from related physical observations. Typical examples
include in addition to the recovery o f data coming over a noisy communication
channel, the estimation o f the “ trend” o f a random signal such as the instan­
taneous load in a power system, the estimation of the location of an aircraft
from radar data, the estimation o f a state variable in a control system based on
noisy measurements, and the decision as to whether a weak signal is a result of
an incoming missile or is simply noise.


The earliest stimulus for the application o f probabilistic models to the physical
world were provided by physicists who were discovering and describing our
physical world by “ laws.” Most o f the early studies involved experimentation,
and physicists observed that when experiments were repeated under what were
assumed to be identical conditions, the results were not always reproducible.
Even simple experiments to determine the time required for an object to fall
through a fixed distance produced different results on different tries due to slight
changes in air resistance, gravitational anomalies, and other changes even though

the conditions o f the experiment were presumably unchanged. With a sufficiently

fine scale of measurement almost any experiment becomes nonreproducible.
Probabilistic models have proven successful in that they provide a useful de­
scription of the random nature o f experimental results.
One of the earliest techniques for information extraction based on proba­
bilistic models was developed by Gauss and Legendre around 1800 [2], [5]. This
now familiar least-squares method was developed for studying the motion of
planets and comets based upon measurements. The motion o f these bodies is
completely characterized by six parameters, and the least-squares method was
developed for “ estimating” the values o f these parameters from telescopic
The study of time-varying and uncertain phenomena such as the motion of
planets or the random motion o f electrons and other charged particles led to
the development of a stochastic model called a random process model. This
model was developed in the later part o f the nineteenth century. After the
invention of radio at the beginning o f the twentieth century, electrical engineers
recognized that random process models can be used to analyze the effect o f
“ noise” in radio communication links. Wiener [6] and Rice formulated the theory
o f random signals and applied them to devise signal processing (filtering) al­
gorithms that can be used to extract weak radio signals that are masked by noise
(1940-45). Shannon [4] used random process models to formulate a theory that
has become the basis o f digital communication theory (1948).
The invention of radar during World War II led to the development o f many
new algorithms for detecting weak signals (targets) and for navigation. The most
significant algorithm for position locating and navigation was developed by Kal­
man [3] in the 1960s. The Kalman filtering algorithm made it possible to navigate
precisely over long distances and time spans. Kalman’s algorithm is used exten­
sively in all navigation systems for deep-space exploration.


This book introduces the theory of random processes and its application to the
study o f signals and noise and to the analysis o f random data. After a review
of probability and random variables, three important areas are discussed:

1. Fundamentals and examples o f random process models.

2. Applications o f random process models to signal detection and filtering.
3. Statistical estimation-analysis o f measurements to estimate the structure
and parameter values of probabilistic or stochastic models.

In the first part o f the book, Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5, we develop models for
random signals and noise. These models are used in Chapters 6 and 7 to develop
signal-processing algorithms that extract information from observations. Chap­
ters 8 and 9 introduce methods o f identifying the structure of probabilistic mod-

els, estimating the parameters o f probabilistic models, and testing the resulting
model with data.
It is assumed that the students have had some exposure to probabilities and,
hence, Chapter 2, which deals with probability and random variables, is written
as a review. Important introductory concepts in probabilities are covered thor­
oughly, but briefly. M ore advanced topics that are covered in more detail include
random vectors, sequences o f random variables, convergence and limiting dis­
tributions, and bounds and approximations.
In Chapters 3, 4, and 5 we present the basic theory o f random processes,
properties o f random processes, and special classes o f random processes and
their applications. The basic theory o f random processes is developed in Chapter
3. Fundamental properties o f random processes are discussed, and second-order
time domain and frequency domain models are emphasized because o f their
importance in design and analysis. Both discrete-time and continuous-time models
are emphasized in Chapter 3.
The response of systems to random input signals is covered in Chapter 4.
Time domain and frequency domain methods o f computing the response o f
systems are presented with emphasis on linear time invariant systems. The con­
cept o f filtering is introduced and some examples of filter design for signal
extraction are presented.
Several useful random process models are presented in Chapter 5. The first
part o f this chapter introduces discrete time models called autoregressive moving
average (A R M A ) models which are becoming more important because of their
use in data analysis. Other types o f models for signals and noise are presented
next, and their use is illustrated through a number o f examples. The models
represent Markov processes, point processes, and Gaussian processes; once
again, these types o f models are chosen because o f their importance to electrical
Chapters 6 and 7 make use o f the models developed in Chapter 5 for de­
veloping optimum algorithms for signal detection and estimation. Consider the
problem of detecting the presence and estimating the location of an object in
space using a radar that sends out a packet of electromagnetic energy in the
direction of the target and observes the reflected waveform. We have two prob­
lems to consider. First we have to decide whether an object is present and then
we have to determine its location. If there is no noise or distortion, then by
observing the peak in the received waveform we can determine the presence of
the object, and by observing the time delay between the transmitted waveform
and the received waveform, we can determine the relative distance between the
radar and the object.
tn the presence o f noise (or interference), the peaks in the received waveform
may be masked by the noise, making it difficult to detect the presence and
estimate the location of the peaks. Noise might also introduce erroneous peaks,
which might lead us to incorrect conclusions. Similar problems arise when we
attempt to determine the sequence o f binary digits transmitted over a commu­
nication link. In these kinds o f problems we are interested in two things. First
of all, we might be interested in analyzing how well a particular algorithm for

signal extraction is performing. Second, we might want to design an “ optimum”

signal-extraction algorithm.
Analysis and design o f signal-extraction algorithms are covered in Chapters
6 and 7. The models for signals and noise developed in Chapters 3 and 5 and
the analysis o f the response of systems to random signals developed in Chapter
4 are used to develop signal-extraction algorithms. Signal-detection algorithms
are covered in Chapter 6 from a decision theory point of view. Maximum A
Posterori (M A P), Maximum Likelihood (M L), Neyman Person (NP), and Min-
max decision rules are covered first, followed by the matched filter approach
for detecting known signals corrupted by additive white noise. The emphasis
here is on detecting discrete signals.
In Chapter 7 we discuss the problem of estimating the value of a random
signal from observations of a related random process [for example, estimating
(i.e., filtering) an audio signal that is corrupted with noise]. Estimating the value
o f one random variable on the basis o f observing other random variables is
introduced first. This is followed by the discrete Weiner and the discrete Kalman
filter (scalar and vector versions), and finally the classical continuous Wiener
filter is discussed. All developments are based on the concepts of orthogonality
and innovations. A number of examples are presented to illustrate their appli­
In order to apply signal extraction algorithms, we need models of the un­
derlying random processes, and in Chapters 6 and 7, we assume that these models
are known. However, in many practical applications, we might have only a
partial knowledge of the models. Some aspects o f the model structure and some
parameter values might not be known.
Techniques for estimating the structure and parameter values of random
process models from data are presented in Chapters 8 and 9. Parameter esti­
mation is the focus of Chapter 8, where we develop procedures for estimating
unknown parameter(s) of a model using data. Procedures for testing assumptions
about models using data (i.e., hypothesis testing) are also presented in Chap­
ter 8.
Chapter 9 deals with estimating the time domain and frequency domain
structure of random process models. A treatment of techniques that are relatively
model-free, for example, computing a sample autocorrelation function from a
sample signal, is followed by a technique for identifying a model of a certain
type and estimating the parameters of the model. Here, we rely very heavily on
the A R M A models developed in Chapter 5 for identifying the structure and
estimating the parameters of random process models. Digital processing tech­
niques for data analysis are emphasized throughout this chapter.
Throughout the book we present a large number of examples and exercises
for the student. Proofs of theorems and statements are included only when it is
felt that they contribute sufficient insight into the problem being addressed.
Proofs are omitted when they involve lengthy theoretical discourse of material
at a level beyond the scope of this text. In such cases, outlines of proofs with
adequate references to outside materials are presented. Supplementary material
including tables of mathematical relationships and other numerical data are
included in the appendices.


[1] Davenport, W. B., and Root, W. L., Introduction to Random Signals and Noise,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958.
[2] Gauss, K. G., Theory o f Motion o f the Heavenly Bodies (translated), Dover, New
York, 1963.
[3] Kalman, R. E., “ A New Approach to Linear Filtering and Prediction Problems,”
J. Basic Eng., Vol. 82D, March 1960, pp. 35-45.

[4] Shannon, C. E., “ A Mathematical Theory of Communication,” Bell Systems Tech

J., Vol. 27, 1948, pp. 379-423, 623-656.

[5] Sorenson, H. W., Least-Squares Estimation: From Gauss to Kalman,” Spectrum,

July, 1970, pp. 63-68.
[6] Wiener, N., Cybernetics, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1948.

Review of Probability and

Random Variables


The purpose of this chapter is to provide a review of probability for those

electrical engineering students who have already completed a course in prob­
ability. We assume that course covered at least the material that is presented
here in Sections 2.2 through 2.4. Thus, the material in these sections is partic­
ularly brief and includes very few examples. Sections 2.5 through 2.8 may or
may not have been covered in the prerequisite course; thus, we elaborate more
in these sections. Those aspects of probability theory and random variables used
in later chapters and in applications are emphasized. The presentation in this
chapter relies heavily on intuitive reasoning rather than on mathematical rigor.
A bulk of the proofs of statements and theorems are left as exercises for the
reader to complete. Those wishing a detailed treatment of this subject are re­
ferred to several well-written texts listed in Section 2.10.
We begin our review o f probability and random variables with an introduction
to basic sets and set operations. We then define probability measure and review
the two most commonly used probability measures. Next we state the rules
governing the calculation of probabilities and present the notion of multiple or
joint experiments and develop the rules governing the calculation of probabilities
associated with joint experiments.
The concept of random variable is introduced next. A random variable is
characterized by a probabilistic model that consists of (1) the probability space,
(2) the set of values that the random variable can have, and (3) a rule for
computing the probability that the random variable has a value that belongs to
a subset of the set of all permissible values. The use of probability distribution

functions and density functions are developed. We then discuss summary meas­
ures -(averages or expected values) that frequently prove useful in characterizing
random variables.
Vector-valued random variables (or random vectors, as they are often re­
ferred to) and methods of characterizing them are introduced in Section 2.5.
Various multivariate distribution and density functions that form the basis of
probability models for random vectors are presented.
As electrical engineers, we are often interested in calculating the response
of a system for a given input. Procedures for calculating the details of the
probability model for the output of a system driven by a random input are
developed in Section 2.6.
In Section 2.7, we introduce inequalities for computing probabilities, which
are often very useful in many applications because they require less knowledge
about the random variables. A series approximation to a density function based
on some o f its moments is introduced, and an approximation to the distribution
o f a random variable that is a nonlinear function o f other (known) random vari­
ables is presented.
Convergence of sequences of random variable is the final topic introduced
in this chapter. Examples of convergence are the law of large numbers and the
central limit theorem.


In this section we outline mathematical techniques for describing the results of

an experiment whose outcome is not known in advance. Such an experiment is
called a random experiment. The mathematical approach used for studying the
results o f random experiments and random phenomena is called probability
theory. We begin our review of probability with some basic definitions and

2.2.1 Set Definitions

A set is defined to be a collection o f elements. Notationally, capital letters A ,
B, . . . , will designate sets; and the small letters a, b, . . . , will designate
elements or members of a set. The symbol, e , is read as “ is an element o f,”
and the symbol, £ , is read “ is not an element o f.” Thus x e A is read “x is an
element o f A .”
Two special sets are of some interest. A set that has no elements is called
the empty set or null set and will be denoted by A set having at least one
element is called nonempty. The whole or entire space S is a set that contains
all other sets under consideration in the problem.
A set is countable if its elements can be put into one-to-one correspondence
with the integers. A countable set that has a finite number of elements and the

null set are called finite sets. A set that is not countable is called uncountable.
A set that is not finite is called an infinite set.

Subset. Given two sets A and B, the notation


or equivalently


is read A is contained in B, or A is a subset of B, or B contains A . Thus A is

contained in B or A C B if and only if every element of A is an element o f B.
There are three results that follow from the foregoing definitions. For an
arbitrary set, A

A <1S
l C A

Set Equality. Two arbitrary sets, A and B, are called equal if and only if they
contain exactly the same elements, or equivalently,

A = B if and only if A C B and B C A

Union. The Union o f two arbitrary sets, A and B, is written as


and is the set o f all elements that belong to A or belong to B (or to both). The
union o f N sets is obtained by repeated application o f the foregoing definition
and is denoted by

A , U A 2 U ••■U A n U A,

Intersection. The intersection o f two arbitrary sets, A and B, is written as


and is the set o f all elements that belong to both A and B. A n B is also written
A B . The intersection o f N sets is written as

A i (~l A 2 (~l ■ 0 * O Aft na1

Two sets are called mutually exclusive (or disjoint) if they

Mutually Exclusive.
have no common elements; that is, two arbitrary sets A and B are mutually
exclusive if

A n B = AB = l

where j is the null set.

The n sets A u A 2, . . . , A„ are called mutually exclusive if

Aj D A ; = ^ for all i, j, iA j

Complement. The complement, A , o f a set A relative to S is defined as the

set of all elements of S that are not in A.
Let S be the whole space and let A , B, C be arbitrary subsets of S. The
following results can be verified by applying the definitions and verifying that
each is a subset of the other. Note that the operator precedence is (1) paren­
theses, (2) complement, (3) intersection, and (4) union.

Commutative Laws.

A n B = B n A

Associative Laws.

(i4 U B ) U C = A U (B U C) = A U B U C
(A nB )nc = A n ( B n c ) = A fiB n c

Distributive Laws.

A n (B u C) = (a n b ) u (A n c )

AU(BnC) = (AUB)n(AUC)

DeMorgan’s Laws.

(A U B ) = A D B
(A n B ) = A U B

2.2.2 Sample Space

When applying the concept of sets in the theory o f probability, the whole space
will consist o f elements that are outcomes o f an experiment. In this text an
experiment is a sequence o f actions that produces outcomes (that are not known
in advance). This definition of experiment is broad enough to encompass the
usual scientific experiment and other actions that are sometimes regarded as
The totality o f all possible outcomes is the sample space. Thus, in applications
of probability, outcomes correspond to elements and the sample space corre­
sponds to S, the whole space. With these definitions an event may be defined
as a collection o f outcomes. Thus, an event is a set, or subset, o f the sample
space. An event A is said to have occurred if the experiment results in an outcome
that is an element o f A .
For mathematical reasons, one defines a completely additive family o f subsets
of S to be events where the class, S, of sets defined on S is called completely
additive if S. ,
1. s c s

2. If A k C S for k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , then U A k C S for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .

k= 1

3. If A C S, then A C S , where A is the complement o f A

2.2.3 Probabilities of Random Events

Using the simple definitions given before, we now proceed to define the prob­
abilities (of occurrence) o f random events. The probability of an event A , de­
noted by P (A ), is a number assigned to this event. There are several ways in
which probabilities can be assigned to outcomes and events that are subsets of
the sample space. In order to arrive at a satisfactory theory o f probability (a
theory that does not depend on the method used for assigning probabilities to
events), the probability measure is required to obey a set of axioms.

Definition. A probability measure is a set function whose domain is a com­

pletely additive class S of events defined on the sample space S such that the
measure satisfies the following conditions:

L P(S) = 1 ( 2 . 1)

2. P(A)>0 for all ACS ( 2 .2)


if A, n A, = $ for i A j,
and A' may be infinite
(0 is the empty or null set)

A random experiment is completely described by a samp Ice space, a probability

measure (i.e., a rule for assigning probabilities), and the class o f sets forming
the domain set of the probability measure. The combination of these three items
is called a probabilistic model.
By assigning numbers to events, a probability measure distributes numbers
over the sample space. This intuitive notion has led to tike use o f probability
distribution as another name for a probability measure. W e now present two
widely used definitions of the probability measure.

Relative Frequency Definition. Suppose that a random experiment is repeated

n times. If the event A occurs nA times, then its probability P (A ) is defined as
the limit of the relative frequency nAln o f the occurrence o f A . That is

P ( A ) = lim — (2.4)
/.-» n

For example, if a coin (fair or not) is tossed n times and heads show up nH
times, then the probability of heads equals the limiting value of nHln.

Classical Definition. In this definition, the probability P { A ) o f an event A is

found without experimentation. This is done by counting the total number, N,
o f the possible outcomes of the experiment, that is, the number o f outcomes in
S ( S is finite). If NA of these outcomes belong to event A , then P { A ) is defined
to be


If we use this definition to find the probability o f a tail when a coin is tossed,
we will obtain an answer o f |. This answer is correct when we have a fair coin.
If the coin is not fair, then the classical definition will lead to incorrect values
for probabilities. We can take this possibility into account and modify the def­

inition as: the probability of an event A consisting of NA outcomes equals the

ratio Na/N provided the outcomes are equally likely to occur.
The reader can verify that the two definitions of probabilities given in the
preceding paragraphs indeed satisfy the axioms stated in Equations 2.1-2.3. The
difference between these two definitions is illustrated by Example 2.1.

EXAMPLE 2.1. (Adapted from Shafer [9]).

DIME-STORE DICE: Willard H. Longcor of Waukegan, Illinois, reported in

the late 1960s that he had thrown a certain type of plastic die with drilled pips
over one million times, using a new die every 20,000 throws because the die
wore down. In order to avoid recording errors, Longcor recorded only whether
the outcome o f each throw was odd or even, but a group o f Harvard scholars
who analyzed Longcor’s data and studied the effects of the drilled pips in the
die guessed that the chances of the six different outcomes might be approximated
by the relative frequencies in the following table:

Upface 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Frequency .155 .159 .164 .169 .174 .179 1.000
1 1 1 1 1 1
Classical 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.000

They obtained these frequencies by calculating the excess of even over odd in
Longcor’s data and supposing that each side o f the die is favored in proportion
to the extent that is has more drilled pips than the opposite side. The 6, since
it is opposite the 1, is the most favored.*1

2.2.4 Useful Laws o f Probability

Using any of the many definitions of probability that satisfies the axioms given
in Equations 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, we can establish the following relationships:

1. If $ is the null event, then


2. For an arbitrary event, A

P(A) < 1 (2.7)

3. If A U A = S and A fl A = 0 , then A is called the complement of A

P(A) = 1 - P{A) (2 . 8)

4. If A is a subset o f B, that is, A C B, then

P ( A ) < P( B) (2.9)
5. P( A U B) = F(^4) + P(B) - P(A n B) (2.10.a)
6. P (/l U B ) < P ( A ) + P(B) (2.10.b)
7. If A ly A 2, . ■ . , A n are random events such that
A t fl A } = 0 for iA j (2.10.C)
A 1U A 2 U • • • U An = S (2.10.d)

P ( A ) = P ( A n 5) = P[A fl {Ax U A ; U • • • U A n)\
= p [(a n A i) u (A n a 2) u • • • u (A n a „)]
= F ( A n ^ j ) + P (A n a 2) + • • ■ + P (A n A n) (2.10.e)
The sets A ,, A 2, . . . , A n are said to be mutuallyexclusive and exhaustive
if Equations 2.10.C and 2.10.d are satisfied.

8. = P { A l) + P { A 2A 2) + P { A lA1A 2) + ■ ■ •

( 2 . 11)

Proofs o f these relationships are left as an exercise for the reader.

2.2.5 Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Probabilities

In many engineering applications we often perform an experiment that consists
of many subexperiments. Two examples are the simultaneous observation of the
input and output digits of a binary communication system, and simultaneous
observation o f the trajectories of several objects in space. Suppose we have a
random experiment E that consists o f two subexperiments E { and E2 (for ex­
ample, E: toss a die and a coin; £j: toss a die; and E2: toss a coin). Now if the
sample space 51, o f E t consists o f outcomes a,, a2, . . . , and the sample space

S2 o f Ez consists o f outcomes b\, b2, . . . , b„2, then the sample space S of the
combined experiment is the Cartesian product o f Si and S2. That is

S = Si x S2
= {(a „ bj): i — 1,2, , nu j = 1, 2, . . . , n-h

We can define probability measures on 51; S2 and S = S2 X S2. If events A u

A 2, .. . , A„ are defined for the first subexperiment £j, and the eve
B2, .. . , B mare defined for the second subexperiment E2, then even
an event o f the total experiment.

Joint Probability. The probability o f an event such as A, n By that is the

intersection o f events from subexperiments is called the joint probability o f the
event and is denoted by B(A, H By). The abbreviation A,By is often used to
denote A, fl By.

Marginal Probability. If the events A u A 2, . . . , A„ associated with subex­

periment E j are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, then

P(Bj) = P{Bj n S) = P[Bj 0 (Ai U A 2 U • • • U A n)\

= £ P(A,B,) ( 2 . 12)

Since By is an event associated with subexperiment E2, B(B;) is called a marginal


Conditional Probability. Quite often, the probability of occurrence o f event

By may depend on the occurrence of a related event A,. For example, imagine
a box containing six resistors and one capacitor. Suppose we draw a component
from the box. Then, without replacing the first component, we draw a second
component. Now, the probability of getting a capacitor on the second draw
depends on the outcome o f the first draw. For if we had drawn a capacitor on
the first draw, then the probability of getting a capacitor on the second draw is
zero since there is no capacitor left in the box! Thus, we have a situation where
the occurrence o f event B; (a capacitor on the second draw) on the second
subexperiment is conditional on the occurrence of event A, (the component
drawn first) on the first subexperiment. We denote the probability of event By
given that event A, is known to have occurred by the conditional probability
A n expression for the conditional probability B(B|A) in terms of the joint
probability P ( A B ) and the marginal probabilities B (A ) and B (B ) can be ob­
tained as follows using the classical definition of probability. Let NA, Ns , and

N ab be the number o f outcomes belonging to events A, B, and AB, respectively,

and let A' be the total number o f outcomes in the sample space. Then,


Given that the event A has occurred, we know that the outcome is in A. There
are NA outcomes in A. Now, for B to occur given that A has occurred, the
outcome should belong to A and B. There are NaB outcomes in AB. Thus, the
probability o f occurrence o f B given A has occurred is

The implicit assumption here is that NA A 0. Based on this motivation we define

conditional probability by

P(B\A) - (2.14)

One can show that P(B\A) as defined by Equation 2.14 is a probability measure,
that is, it satisfies Equations 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3.

Relationships Involving Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Probabilities. The

reader can use the results given in Equations 2.12 and 2.14 to establish the
following useful relationships.

1. P(AB) = P(A\B)P(B) = P(B\A)P(A) (2.15)

2. If AB = 0, then P(A U B\C) = P(A\C) + P(B\C) (2.16)
3. P{ABC) - P{A)P(B\A)P(C\AB) {Chain Rule) (2.17)
4. If B2, . . . , B.m are a set of mutually exclusive and exhaustive
events, then

P { A ) = 2 F(A|B/)P (B /) (2.18)


An examination o f records on certain components showed the following results

when classified by manufacturer and class o f defect:

Class of Defect
Si — B2 — B3 — 64 = 65 —
Manufacturer none critical serious minor incidental Totals
A4, 124 6 3 1 6 140
m2 145 2 4 0 9 160
m3 115 1 2 1 1 120
M4 101 2 0 5 2 110
Totals 485 11 9 7 18 530

What is the probability o f a component selected at random from the 530 com ­
ponents (a) being from manufacturer M2 and having no defects, (b) having a
critical defect, (c) being from manufacturer M,, (d) having a critical defect given
the component is from manufacturer M2, (e) being from manufacturer M u given
it has a critical defect?

(a) This is a joint probability and is found by assuming that each component
is equally likely to be selected. There are 145 components from M 2
having no defects out of a total of 530 components. Thus

/><«,«,) =i
(b) This calls for a marginal probability.
P ( B 2) = P ( M i B2) + P (M 2B2) + P (M 3B2) + P ( M 4B2)
6 2 1 2 11
~ 530 + 530 + 530 + 530 ~~ 530
Note that P ( B 2) can also be found in the bottom margin o f the table,
that is

(c) Directly from the right margin

W ) 530

(d) This conditional probability is found by the interpretation that given the
component is from manufacturer M2, there are 160 outcomes in the
space, two o f which have critical defects. Thus

P (B 2\M2) =

or by the formal definition, Equation 2.14

P (B 2M2) 530 2
P (B 2\M2)
P (M 2) 160 160

p {m ,\b 2) = Y\

Bayes’ Rule. Sir Thomas Bayes applied Equations 2.15 and 2.18 to arrive at
the form

P(Bj\A) = (2.19)
£ P(A\B^P{B,)
i= i

which is used in many applications and particularly in interpreting the impact

of additional information A on the probability of some event P{Bj). An example
illustrates another application of Equation 2.19, which is called Bayes’ rule.


A binary communication channel is a system that carries data in the form of

one of two types of signals, say, either zeros or ones. Because of noise, a
transmitted zero is sometimes received as a one and a transmitted one is some­
times received as a zero.
We assume that for a certain binary communication channel, the probability
a transmitted zero is received as a zero is .95 and the probability that a transmitted

one is received as a one is .90. We also assume the probability a zero is transmitted
is .4. Find

(a) Probability a one is received.

(b) Probability a one was transmitted given a one was received.

SOLUTION: Defining

A — one transmitted
A = zero transmitted
B = one received
B = zero received

From the problem statement

P ( A ) = .6, P(B\A) = .90, P(B\A) = .05

(a) With the use of Equation 2.18

P ( B ) = P (B \ A )P (A ) + P {B \ A )P (A )
= .90(.6) + ,05(.4)
= .56.
(b) Using Bayes’ rule, Equation 2.19

P(A\B) = = (-90X-6) _ 27
' P (B ) .56 28

Statistical Independence. Suppose that Aj and Bj are events associated with

the outcomes o f two experiments. Suppose that the occurrence o f Aj does not
influence the probability of occurrence of B, and vice versa. Then we say that
the events are statistically independent (sometimes, we say probabilistically in­
dependent or simply independent). More precisely, we say that two events A t
and Bj are statistically independent if

PiAtBj) = P (A i)P (B j) (2.20.a)

or when

PiA^Bj) = P ( A t) (2.20.b)

Equation 2.20.a implies Equation 2.20.b and conversely. Observe that statistical
independence is quite different from mutual exclusiveness. Indeed, if A t and Bj
are mutually exclusive, then P{AiBj) = 0 by definition.

2.3 R A N D O M V A R IA B L E S

It is often useful to describe the outcome of a random experiment by a number,

for example, the number o f telephone calls arriving at a central switching station
in an hour, or the lifetime o f a component in a system. The numerical quantity
associated with the outcomes of a random experiment is called loosely a random
variable. Different repetitions o f the experiment may give rise to different o b ­
served values for the random variable. Consider tossing a coin ten times and
observing the number o f heads. If we denote the number of heads by X , then
X takes integer values from 0 through 10, and X is called a random variable.
Formally, a random variable is afunction whose domain is the set of outcomes
X E S, and whose range is R iy the real line. For every outcome X E S, the
random variable assigns a number, Z (X ) such that

1. The set {X: JcT(X) ^ x} is an event for every x E R x.

2. The probabilities of the events {X:Z(X) = oo}; and (X:Z(X) = —» } equal
zero, that is,
P ( X = co) = p ( x = -oo) = o

Thus, a random variable maps S onto a set of real numbers Sx C R x, where Sx

is the range set that contains all permissible values o f the random variable. Often
Sx is also called the ensemble o f the random variable. This definition guarantees
that to every set A C S there corresponds a set T C Rx called the image (under
X ) of A . Also for every (Borel) set T C Rx there exists in S the inverse image
X ~ \ T ) where

x~\T) = {x e S :Z (x ) e t }

and this set is an event which has a probability, i3[Af_1( 2")].

We will use uppercase letters to denote random variables and lowercase
letters to denote fixed values of the random variable (i.e., numbers).
Thus, the random variable X induces a probability measure on the real line
as follows

P(X = x) = P (X:Z(X) = x)
P (Z < x) = P (X:Z(X) < x\
P{xx < X s x2) = P {X:jc, < Z(X) s x j

F ig u r e 2 .1 M a p p i n g o f t h e s a m p l e s p a c e b y a r a n d o m v a r ia b le .


Consider the toss o f one die. Let the random variable X represent the value of
the up face. The mapping performed by X is shown in Figure 2.1. The values
of the random variable are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

2.3.1 Distribution Functions

The probability P { X s x ) is also denoted by the function Fx (x), which is called
the distribution function o f the random variable X. Given Fx (x), we can compute
such quantities as P ( X > ^t), P { x x s X :£ x 2), and so on, easily.
A distribution function has the following properties

1. Fx {-* > ) = 0

2. Fx (« ) = 1

3. lim Fx {x + e) = Fx (x)

4. Fx {xi) s F x ( x 2) if Xi < x 2

5. P [ x x < X £ x 2] = F x { x 2) - Fx (*,)


Consider the toss o f a fair die. Plot the distribution function of X where X is a
random variable that equals the number o f dots on the up face.

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 T----------------------------------------
r r1 — 1
h 1
* W 3/6 t— 1
2/6 ■ """

- T---------1

1 i i i I l l_____ 1______1______
00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 2.2 D is t r ib u t io n f u n c t i o n o f th e r a n d o m v a r ia b le X s h o w n in F ig u r e 2 .1 .

SOLUTION: The solution is given in Figure 2.2.

Joint Distribution Function. We now consider the case where two random
variables are defined on a sample space. For example, both the voltage and
current might be of interest in a certain experiment.
The probability o f the joint occurrence o f two events such as A and B was
called the joint probability P (A IT B). If the event A is the event { X < x) and
the event B is the event (Y < y), then the joint probability is called the joint
distribution function o f the random variables X and Y ; that is

f x .A.x , y) = =£ * ) n (Y =£ y)}

From this definition it can be noted that

Fx,y{ —K, —°°) = 0, F:r,y( —co, t ) = 0, FXyY(y°, y) = FY( y ),

FXY( x , -oo) = 0, FX'y (*>, °°) = 1, Fx x (x, °°) = Fx (x) (2.21)

A random variable may be discrete or continuous. A discrete random variable

can take on only a countable number of distinct values. A continuous random
variable can assume any value within one or more intervals on the real line.
Examples of discrete random variables are the number of telephone calls arriving

at an office in a finite interval o f time, or a student’s numerical score on an

examination. The exact time o f arrival o f a telephone call is an example o f a
continuous random variable.

2.3.2 Discrete Random Variables and Probability Mass Functions

A discrete random variable X is characterized by a set o f allowable values x u
Xi, . . . , x n and the probabilities o f the random variable taking on one o f these
values based on the outcome of the underlying random experiment. The prob­
ability that X = xt is denoted by P ( X = x t) for i = 1 ,2 , . . . ,n , and is called
the probability mass function.
The probability mass function o f a random variable has the following im­
portant properties:

1. P ( X = Xi) > 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , n (2.22.a)

2. 2 P ( x = X,) = 1 (2.22.b)
/ =1
3. P { X s x ) = Fx { x ) = X P ( X = Xi) (2.22.c)
all x{£x

4. P ( X = Xi) = lim [Fx {Xi) - Fx (Xi - e)] (2.22.d)


Note that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the probability distri­

bution function and the probability mass function as given in Equations 2.22c
and 2.22d.


Consider the toss o f a fair die. Plot the probability mass function.

SOLUTION: See Figure 2.3.

Two Random Variables— Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Distributions and

Independence. It is o f course possible to define two or more random variables
on the sample space o f a single random experiment or on the combined sample
spaces of many random experiments. If these variables are all discrete, then
they are characterized by a joint probability mass function. Consider the example
of two random variables X and Y that take on the values x i7 x 2, . ■ ■ , x n and
Ti» y2, • • ■ , These two variables can be characterized by a joint probability

P ( X = x i)


Number of dots showing up on a die

Figure 2.3 P r o b a b ilit y m a s s f u n c t i o n f o r E x a m p l e 2 .6 .

mass function P ( X = x „ Y = yt), which gives the probability that X = x, and

Y = yr
Using the probability rules stated in the preceding sections, we can prove
the following relationships involving joint, marginal and conditional probability
mass functions:

1. P ( X < x, Y =£ y ) = Z Z p (x = Y = y,) (2.23)

*{sjr y^y
2. p {x = Xi) = Z p (x = y = yj)
= Z p (x = x ^Y = yi)p (Y = y<) (2 -24)

3. P (X = x,|Y = = P ( X p ( Y = Yyj) ~ ’ P (Y = y ) # °

- ° *1* = ...fi) , (Bayes> rule)

Z p (Y = y,\x = Xj)P(X = Xj)

4. Random variables X and Y are statistically independent if

P ( X = x h Y = y,) = P ( X = Xj)P(Y = yj)

i = 1, 2, . . . , n\ j = 1, 2, . . . , m (2.27)


Find the joint probability mass function and joint distribution function of X , Y
associated with the experiment o f tossing two fair dice where X represents the

4 number appearing on the up face o f one die and Y represents the number
appearing on the up face of the other die.

i 1
P ( X = i, Y = / ) = — , i = 1 ,2 , . . . ,6 ; j = 1, 2, . . - , 6

i x y i
f x .y ( x , y) = X X * = i >2 , . . . ,6 ; y = 1, 2, . . . , 6
t 1=1 /=i do
i xy

^ If jc and y are not integers and are between 0 and 6, Fx x (x, y ) = FXiy([^], [y])
^ where [a:] is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. Fx Y(x, y) — 0 for x <
4 1 or y < 1. Fx x {x, y ) = 1 for x s 6 and y > 6. Fx x (x, y ) = Fx {x) for y > 6.
Fx x {x, y ) = F y(y) for x > 6 .
I -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

jl 2.3.3 Expected Values or Averages
] The probability mass function (or the distribution function) provides as complete
a description as possible for a discrete random variable. For many purposes this
^ description is often too detailed. It is sometimes simpler and more convenient
f to describe a random variable by a few characteristic numbers or summary
measures that are representative of its probability mass function. These numbers
1 are the various expected values (sometimes called statistical averages). The ex-
I pected value or the average o f a function g (X ) o f a discrete random variable X
is defined as

, E {g {X ) } = 2 g ( x d P ( X = x,.) (2.28)
i ;=i

j It will be seen in the next section that the expected value of a random variable
is valid for all random variables, not just for discrete random variables. The
I form o f the average simply appears different for continuous random variables.
Two expected values or moments that are most commonly used for characterizing
a random variable X are its mean p.A- and its variance ux . The mean and variance
! are defined as

r E {X } = p* = ^ x ,P { X = x,) (2.29)
1= 1

£ {(Z - ixxf } = a l = i (x, - ilx?P (X = x.-) (2.30)


The square-root o f variance is called the standard deviation. The mean of a

random variable is its average value and the variance of a random variable is a
measure of the “ spread” of the values of the random variable.
We will see in a later section that when the probability mass function is not
known, then the mean and variance can be used to arrive at bounds on prob­
abilities via the Tchebycheff’s inequality, which has the form

P[|X - fixl > k] (2.31)

The Tchebycheff’s inequality can be used to obtain bounds on the probability

o f finding X outside of an interval p* ± k<jx .
The expected value of a function of two random variables is defined as

E {g (X , Y)} = 2 X g ( x „ y - )P {X = x(, Y = y,) (2.32)

; =i j=i

A useful expected value that gives a measure of dependence between two random
variables X and Y is the correlation coefficient defined as

E { { X - p ^ )(F - p y)} &XY (2.33)


The numerator of the right-hand side of Equation 2.33 is called the covariance
(<Tsr) o f X and Y. The reader can verify that if X and Y are statistically inde­
pendent, then PxY = 0 and that in the case when Wand Y are linearly dependent
(i.e., when Y = (b + kX), then |pxy| = 1. Observe that pXY = 0 does not imply
statistical independence.
Two random variables X and Y are said to be orthogonal if

E {X Y } = 0

The relationship between two random variables is sometimes described in

terms of conditional expected values, which are defined as

E {g {X , Y)\Y = yft = X £(*/> yi)p (x = X‘\Y = tt) (2-34.a)


E {g (X , Y)\X = X,} = X g(*i> J';)p ( y = yi\x = x ‘)


The reader can verify that

E {g {X , Y)} = EXiY{ g ( X , Y)}

= E A E ^ l g i X , Y)\X\} (2.34.C)

where the subscripts denote the distributions with respect to which the expected
values are computed.
One o f the important conditional expected values is the conditional mean:

E {X ]Y = y,} = 2 x ,P ( X = x,\Y = y,) (2.34.d)


The conditional mean plays an important role in estimating the value o f one
random variable given the value o f a related random variable, for example, the
estimation of the weight o f an individual given the height.

Probability Generating Functions. When a random variable takes on values

that are uniformly spaced, it is said to be a lattice type random variable. The
most common example is one whose values are the nonnegative integers, as in
many applications that involve counting. A convenient tool for analyzing prob­
ability distributions o f non-negative integer-valued random variables is the prob­
ability generating function defined by

Gx { z ) = 2 z kP { X = k) (2.35.a)
k = 0

The reader may recognize this as the z transform o f a sequence o f probabilities

{/>*}, p k = P ( X = k), except that z _1 has been replaced by z. The probability
generating function has the following useful properties:

1. Gx { 1) = X P ( X = k) = 1 (2.35.b)
k =0
2. If Gx (z ) is given, p k can be obtained from it either by expanding it in a
power series or from

P ( X - k) - ^ [Gx ( z )]|r_0 (2.35.c)

3. The derivatives of the probability generating function evaluated at z =

1 yield the factorial moments C„, where

Cn = E { X ( X - l X * - 2) ■ • • ( X - n + 1)}

-£ lO A z)iU (2.35.d)

From the factorial moments, we can obtain ordinary moments, for example, as

M-x —


o-x = C2 + Q - Cl

2.3.4 Examples of Probability Mass Functions

The probability mass functions of some random variables have convenient an­
alytical forms. Several examples are presented. We will encounter these prob­
ability mass functions very often in analysis o f communication systems.

The Uniform Probability Mass Function. A random variable X is said to have

a uniform probability mass function (or distribution) when

P ( X = xi) = 1In, i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n (2.36)

The Binomial Probability Mass Function. Let p be the probability of an event

A , of a random experiment E. If the experiment is repeated n times and the n
outcomes are independent, let X be a random variable that represents the num­
ber o f times A occurs in the n repetitions. The probability that event A occurs
k times is given by the binomial probability mass function

P ( X = k) = (") />*( 1 - Py - k, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , n (2.37)


Ck) = A\{n ~~k ) \ and ml ^ m('m ~ ■ ■ ■ t3) ^ 1)'’ 0! = !■

The reader can verify that the mean and variance of the binomial random variable
are given by (see Problem 2.13)

l^x = nP (2.38.a)

u\ = tip{l - p ) (2.38.b)

Poisson Probability Mass Function. The Poisson random variable is used to

model such things as the number o f telephone calls received by an office and

the number o f electrons emitted by a hot cathode. In situations like these if we

make the following assumptions:

1. The number o f events occurring in a small time interval At —> X'At as

At —> 0.
2. The number o f events occurring in nonoverlapping time intervals are

then the number o f events in a time interval o f length T can be shown (see
Chapter 5) to have a Poisson probability mass function o f the form

P ( X = k) * = 0, 1, 2, (2.39.a)

where X — X'T. The mean and variance of the Poisson random variable are
given by

M-x = X. (2.39.b)

oi = X (2.39.c)

Multinomial Probability Mass Function. Another useful probability mass func­

tion is the multinomial probability mass function that is a generalization of the
binomial distribution to two or more variables. Suppose a random experiment
is repeated n times. On each repetition, the experiment terminates in but one
of k mutually exclusive and exhaustive events A u A 2, . . . , A k. Let /?,■ be the
probability that the experiment terminates in A, and let p, remain constant
throughout n independent repetitions of the experiment. Let X h i = 1,2, ,
k denote the number o f times the experiment terminates in event A,. Then

P (X i — X 2 — x2, X k — xk)
P\pxi ■ ■ ' PT (2.40)
Xllx2l x k-i\xk\

where x, -I- x2 + • • • + x k = n, p, + p 2 + •••/ >*= 1, and x,- = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,

n. The probability mass function given Equation 2.40 is called a multinomial
probability mass function.
Note that with A j = A , and A 2 = A , p x = p , andp 2 = 1 — p, the multinomial
probability mass function reduces to the binomial case.
Before we proceed to review continuous random variables, let us look at
three examples that illustrate the concepts described in the preceding sections.

E X A M PLE 2.8.

The input to a binary communication system, denoted by a random variable X ,

takes on one of two values 0 or 1 with probabilities f and l, respectively. Due
to errors caused by noise in the system, the output Y differs from the input X
occasionally. The behavior of the communication system is modeled by the
conditional probabilities

P ( Y = 1\X = 1) = | and P (Y = 0|* = 0) = g

(a) Find P ( Y = 1) and P { Y = 0).

(b) Find P ( X = 1|Y = 1).

(Note that this is similar to Example 2.3. The primary difference is the
use of random variables.)

(a) Using Equation 2.24, we have
P (Y = 1) = P { Y = 1|AT = 0)P(AT = 0)
+ P ( Y = 1\X = 1) P ( X = 1)

P ( Y = 0) = 1 — P { Y = 1) =

(b) Using Bayes’ rule, we obtain-

P ( Y = 1\X = 1) P ( X = 1)
P { X = 1| Y = 1) =
P (Y = 1)

JL 3

P ( X = 1|Y = 1) is the probability that the input to the system is 1

when the output is 1.


Binary data are transmitted over a noisy communication channel in blocks of

16 binary digits. The probability that a received binary digit is in error due to
channel noise is 0.1. Assume that the occurrence of an error in a particular digit
does not influence the probability of occurrence o f an error in any other digit
within the block (i.e., errors occur in various digit positions within a block in a
statistically independent fashion).
(a) Find the average (or expected) number of errors per block.
(b) Find the variance of the number o f errors per block.
(c) Find the probability that the number of errors per block is greater than
or equal to 5.

(a) Let X be the random variable representing the number o f errors per
block. Then, X has a binomial distribution

P ( X = k) = ( l 6)(.l)* (-9 )l(i-*, k = 0, 1, . . . , 16

and using Equation 2.38.a

E {X } = np = (1 6 )(.l) = 1.6
(b) The variance of X is found from Equation 2.38.b:
cri = rip(l - p) = (16)(.1)(.9) = 1.44
(c) P ( X > 5) = 1 - P { X < 4)

= 1 - 2 d V l ) * ( 0 . 9 ) 16-*
*=o K
= 0.017


The number N o f defects per plate of sheet metal is Poisson with X = 10. The
inspection process has a constant probability of .9 o f finding each defect and
the successes are independent, that is, if M represents the number of found

P ( M = i\N = n) = (” )(.9 ) '( .l)" - ', i < n


(a) The joint probability mass function o f M and N.
(b) The marginal probability mass function o f M.
(c) The condition probability mass function of N given M.
(d) E{M\N}.
(e) E{M } from part (d).

n = 0, 1, .
e' 10 n
(a) P (M = i, N = « ) = (10)"(^)(-9)£(.1)"_ i = 0, 1, . •, n

»! ,.9 y u r ,
(b) P(M ' n! i\{n — i)!

g - 10( 9 ) ' ^ 1

i! n=, (n - /)!

i = 0, 1,

(c) P(7V = n|M = i) - nl (j )(-9)'(-l)" ' e- 9(9y

= e ' ll(n - i)l, n = i, i + 1, . ■ •
i = 0, 1, . . .

(d) Using Equation 2.38.a

E{M\N = n) = .9 n

E{M\N} = .9N

(e) E {M } = E n{E{M\N}} = E n(.9N) = (.9)E n{N} - 9

This may also be found directly using the results of part (b) if these results are


2.4.1 Probability Density Functions

A continuous random variable can take on more than a countable number of
values in one or more intervals on the real line. The probability law for a

continuous random variable X is defined by a probability density function (pdf)

f x ( x ) where

= dFx {x)

With this definition the probability that the observed value of X falls in a small
interval of length A x containing the point x is approximated by )> (x)A x. With
such a function, we can evaluate probabilities of events by integration. As with
a probability mass function, there are properties that f x ( x ) must have before it
can be used as a density function for a random variable. These properties follow
from Equation 2.41 and the properties of a distribution function.

1. fx (x ) & 0 (2.42.a)

2. J f x ( x ) dx = 1 (2.42.b)

3. P ( X < a) = Fx {a) = f f x (x) dx (2.42.c)

J —X

4. P(a < X < b) = f f x (x) dx (2.42.d)


Furthermore, from the definition of integration, we have

P ( X = a) = f f x(x) dx = lim f x {a) Ax = 0 (2.42.e)

Ja Aat—

for a continuous random variable.

F ig u r e 2 .4 D i s t r ib u t i o n f u n c t i o n a n d d e n s it y fu n c t i o n f o r E x a m p le 2 .1 1 .


Resistors are produced that have a nominal value of 10 ohms and are ±10%
resistors. Assume that any possible value of resistance is equally likely. Find the
density and distribution function o f the random variable R, which represents
resistance. Find the probability that a resistor selected at random is between 9.5
and 10.5 ohms.

SOLUTION: The density and distribution functions are shown in Figure 2.4.
Using the distribution function,

P ( 9.5 < R s 10.5) = F*(10.5) - FR( 9.5) = ^ - i = i

or using the density function,

10.5 - 9.5 _ 1
9.5 2 2 ~ 2

Mixed Random Variable. It is possible for a random variable to have a dis­

tribution function as shown in Figure 2.5. In this case, the random variable and
the distribution function are called mixed, because the distribution function
consists of a part that has a density function and a part that has a probability
mass function.

F x k)


Figure 2 . 5 E x a m p l e o f a m i x e d d is t r ib u t io n fu n c t io n .

Two Random Variables—Joint, Marginal, and Conditional Density Functions

and Independence. If we have a multitude o f random variables defined on one
or more random experiments, then the probability model is specified in terms
of a joint probability density function. For example, if there are two random
variables X and Y, they may be characterized by a joint probability density
function f Xyy(x, y). If the joint distribution function, Fx, y, is continuous and
has partial derivatives, then a joint density function is defined by

d2Fx,Y(x, y)
f x A x >y)
dx dy

It can be shown that

f x A x >31) - 0

From the fundamental theorem of integral calculus

F x A x ’ y) /x,y (F , v) d\x dv

Since Fx, y(°°, °°) = 1

f x A P ; v) d\X dv 1

A joint density function may be interpreted as

lim P[(x < X :£ x + dx) ft ( y < Y s y + dy)\ — f x y(x, y) dx dy

d x -* 0
dy— *Q

From the joint probability density function one can obtain marginal proba­
bility density functions f x (x), f r(y), and conditional probability density func­
tions /Ar|y(^|y) and f y\x(.y\x ) as follows:

f x i x) = J fx,y(x, y ) dy (2.43.a)

fy(y) = [ fx .rix , y) dx (2.43.b)

J -C O

U r{x \ y ) = M y)> « (2.44.a)

/* * (> !* ) = /x W > 0 (2.44.b)

f Y i xi y \x ) = f r r ( * | y ) / y ( y ? ..... Bayes, rule (2 .44.c)

J /;r|y(*|k).fy(k) ^

Finally, random variables X and Y are said to be statistically independent if

f x ,r ( x >y) = f x ( x ) f r ( y ) (2-45)


The joint density function o f X and Y is

fx .r (x , y) = axy, l < r s 3 , 2 < j < 4

= 0 elsewhere

Find a, f x (x), and FY{y)

SOLUTION: Since the area under the joint pdf is 1, we have

The marginal pdf o f X is obtained from Equation 2.43.a as

fx(x) = m xydy = :k [ 8 ~ 2 ] = = ~4’ 1 - X~ 3

= 0 elsewhere

And the distribution function of Y is

F Y( y ) = 0, y< 2
= 1, y > 4
1 P dv
= h l j [ xvdxdv 6L v

= 12 “ 4^’ 2 - ^ - 4

Expected Values. As in the case o f discrete random variables, continuous

random variables can also be described by statistical averages or expected values.
The expected values o f functions o f continuous random variables are defined

E {g {X , Y)} = J J g(x, y ) f x ,y ( x , y) dx dy (2.46)

\xx = E {X } = J x f x (x) dx (2.47.a)

°i = E {( X - p * )2} = J (x - n-x )2fx(x) dx (2.47.b)

°Ar = E { ( X —p.Ar)(V — P-r)} (2.47.c)

~ J j (x ~ tArXy ~ ^y)fx,y(x, y) dx dy

E {(X - p ^ X Y - p,y)}
Px y = (2.47.d)

It can be shown that —I s pXY < 1. The Tchebycheff’s inequality for a contin­
uous random variable has the same form as given in Equation 2.31.
Conditional expected values involving continuous random variables are de­
fined as

E{g{X, P)|y = y} = f g(x, y)fxir{x\y) dx (2.48)

J — CO

F'umhy, if X and Y are independent, then

E {g (X ) h ( Y )} = E {g (X ) }E { h ( Y )} (2.49)

It should be noted that the concept of the expected value o f a random variable
is equally applicable to discrete and continuous random variables. Also, if gen­
eralized derivatives of the distribution function are defined using the Dirac delta
function S(jc), then discrete random variables have generalized density functions.
For example, the generalized density function o f die tossing as given in Example
2.6, is

/r W = g [&(x - 1) + s(x - 2) + 5(* - 3)

+ S(x — 4) + S(x — 5) + 8(x — 6)]

If this approach is used then, for example, Equations 2.29 and 2.30 are special
cases o f Equations 2.47.a and 2.47.b, respectively.

Characteristic Functions and Moment Generating Functions. In calculus we

use a variety of transform techniques to help solve various analysis problems.
For example, Laplace and Fourier transforms are used extensively for solving
linear differential equations. In probability theory we use two similar “ trans­
forms” to aid in the analysis. These transforms lead to the concepts o f charac­
teristic and moment generating functions.
The characteristic function ^ ( w ) of a random variable X is defined as the
expected value of exp(jwX)

T a-(m) = E{exp(;'coX)}, = V^T

For a continuous random variable (and using 8 functions also for a discrete
random variable) this definition leads to


which is the complex conjugate o f the Fourier transform of the pdf of X . Since
|exp(;W)| < 1,

and hence the characteristic function always exists.


Using the inverse Fourier transform, we can obtain f x (x) from T x(co) as

f x (x ) = ^ J y x ( u ) e x p ( -ju>x) dco (2.50.b)

Thus, f x (x) and T x (co) form a Fourier transform pair. The characteristic function
of a random variable has the following properties.

1. The characteristic function is unique and determines the pdf of a random

variable (except for points o f discontinuity of the pdf). Thus, if two
continuous random variables have the same characteristic function, they
have the same pdf.
2. ¥ *(0) = 1, and

E { X k} at co = 0 (2.51.a)

Equation (2.51. a) can be established by differentiating both sides of

Equation (2.50.a) k times with respect to co and setting co = 0.

The concept o f characteristic functions can be extended to the case of two

or more random variables. For example, the characteristic function o f two ran­
dom variables X x and X 2 is given by

'*fA-1,x2(“ i> “ 2) = £{exp(y'co1AT1 + j<a2X 2)} (2.51.b)

The reader can verify that

n . x 2(0, 0) = 1


E{XTXa = [¥ * „ * (» ,, co2)] at (co,, co2) = (0, 0) (2.51.C)

The real-valued function Mx {t) = £ {exp (fX )} is called the moment generating
function. Unlike the characteristic function, the moment generating function
need not always exist, and even when it exists, it may be defined for only some
values of t within a region o f convergence (similar to the existence of the Laplace
transform). If Mx {t) exists, then M x {t) = tyx (t/j).
We illustrate two uses o f characteristic functions.


X j and X 2 are two independent (Gaussian) random variables with means p t and
p 2 and variances a} and cr2. The pdfs of X x and X 2 have the form

1 (x, ~ p ,)2]
fx,(xd exp 1 ,2
V 2 tr cr; 2cr} J’

(a) Find T X|(to) and T x,(to)

(b) Using T x ( oj) find E {X A} where X is a Gaussian random variable with
mean zero and variance cr2.
(c) Find the pdf of Z = axX x + a2X 2

p» 1
(a) = —i==— e x p [ - ( ^ t - Pi)2/2cri]exp(/co^1) dxx
J V 2 tt (Tx

We can combine the exponents in the previous equation and write it as

exp[;p!Co + (cri;'co)2/2 ] e x p { - [xx - (p[ + cr2/co)]2/2cri}

and hence

= exP[/M-i“ + (cri/co)2/,2] •J -
x exp[—( x x — p [)2/2cr2] dxt

where pj = Pi + cr2/co.
The value of the integral in the preceding equation is 1 and hence
¥ * ,(«) = exp[/p!co + (cr1/u ) 2/2]

= exp[yp2co + (cr2/co)2/ 2]

(b) From part (a) we have

Tc*(co) = exp( —cr2co2/2)

and from Equation 2.51.a

E{X*} = Ji {Fourth derivative of 1T'^(oj) at co = 0}

= 3cr4
Following the same procedure it can be shown for X a normal random
variable with mean zero and variance cr2 that

n = 2k + 1
s m - {;.3 1K n = 2k, k an integer.

(c) ¥ z (<o) = £ {exp (/toZ )} = E{exp(j(li[alX l + a2X 2])}

= E{exp(j(DalX 1)exp(j<j>a2X 2)}
= E{exp(ju>ai X 1)}E{exp(j(j)a2X 2)}
since X 2 and X 2 are independent. Hence,

exP[/(aiM-i + « 2p 2)“ + (a-jal + (J2a2)(ja)2/ 2]

deUfm ed b yGeneratin8 FUnCti° n' ^ CUmU‘ant Senerating Unction Cx o f X is

Uat( w) — In Tpx(w) (2.52.a)


expfC^w )} = ¥ * ( 10)

Using series expansions on both sides of this equation results in

- 1 + E[X](ju>) + E [ X 2] + ■ • • + E [ X n]
+ • • • (2.52.b)
2- n\

defined by the identity in co given in Equation 2.52.b

Expanding the left-hand side of Equation 2.52,b as the product o f the Taylor
series expansions of

2 nl

and equating like powers of o> results in

E [X ] = K x
E [ X 2] = K 2 + K\
E [ X 3] = K 3 + 3K2K, + K\
E [ X 4] = K4 + 4K 3K, + 3 K\ + 6 K 2K\ + K\ (2.52.f)

r,artRefr T Ce ^ c°n tains more information on cumulants. The cumulants are

particularly useful when independent random variables are summed because the
individual cumulants are directly added.

2.4.2 Examples of Probability Density Functions

We now present three useful models for continuous random variables that will
be used later. Several additional models are given in the problems included at
the end o f the chapter.

Uniform Probability Density Functions. A random variable X is said to have

a uniform pdf if

f Y(x ) = 1 1 ,(b - a)> a<x

[0 elsewhere (2.53.a)

The mean and varianpe o f a uniform random variable can be shown to be

b + a
~ ~Y~ (2.53.b)

2 (b - a f
x ~ 12 (2.53.C)

Gaussian Probability Density Function. One of the most widely used pdfs is
the Gaussian or normal probability density function. This pdf occurs in so many
applications partly because o f a remarkable phenomenon called the central limit
theorem and partly because o f a relatively simple analytical form. The central
limit theorem, to be proved in a later section, implies that a random variable
that is determined by the sum o f a large number o f independent causes tends
to have a Gaussian probability distribution. Several versions o f this theorem
have been proven by statisticians and verified experimentally from data by en­
gineers and physicists.
One primary interest in studying the Gaussian pdf is from the viewpoint of
using it to model random electrical noise. Electrical noise in communication


Figure 2.6 Gaussian probability density function.

systems is often due to the cumulative effects of a large number of randomly

moving charged particles and hence the instantaneous value of the noise will
tend to have a Gaussian distribution— a fact that can be tested experimentally.
(The reader is cautioned that there are examples of noise that cannot be modeled
by Gaussian pdfs. Such examples include pulse type disturbances on a telephone
line and the electrical noise from nearby lightning discharges.)
The Gaussian pdf shown in Figure 2.6 has the form

1 O - fxx) 2
fx(x) = exp (2.54)
V 2t 2<

The family of Gaussian pdfs is characterized by only two parameters, \lx and
a x2, which are the mean and variance of the random variable X . In many ap­
plications we will often be interested in probabilities such as

l (x ~ P x ) 2
P ( X > «) = f exp dx
Ja V 2 ttcrl 2oi

By making a change o f variable z = (x - \ix) la x , the preceding integral can

be reduced to

P (X > a ) = r exp( - z 2/2) dz
P-x)/ax V 2 tt

Unfortunately, this integral cannot be evaluated in closed form and requires

numerical evaluation. Several versions of the integral are tabulated, and we will
use tabulated values (Appendix D ) o f the Q function, which is defined as

Q ( y) = J' e x p ( - z 2/2) dz, y> 0 (2.55)

In terms o f the values of the Q functions we can write P ( X > a) as

P ( X > a) = Q[(a - p * ) / ^ ] (2-56)

Various tables give any of the areas shown in Figure 2.7, so one must observe
which is being tabulated. However, any of the results can be obtained from the
others by using the following relations for the standard (p = 0, cr = 1) normal
random variable X:

/ > ( * < * ) = 1 - g (x )
P ( - a < X < a) = 2 P ( - a < I < 0 ) = 2F(0 < AT < a)

P ( X < 0) = ^ = g (0 )


The voltage X at the output o f a noise generator is a standard normal random

variable. Find P ( X > 2.3) and P( 1 < AT < 2.3).

SOLUTION: Using one of the tables of standard normal distributions

P ( X > 2.3) = 2 (2 .3 ) = .011

P(1 £ X s 2.3) = 1 - 2 (2 .3 ) - [1 - 2 (1 )] = 2 (1 ) - 2 (2 .3 ) » .148



The velocity V of the wind at a certain location is normal random variable with
|jl = 2 and cr = 5. Determine P( —3 < V < 8).


i f («-2)n
P( - 3 < V : exp
V2ir(25) L 2(25) J
( 8 - 2 ) /5 1

-I ( —3 —2)/5 V Z r r
H] dx

1 - <2(1.2) - [1 - Q ( - 1)] » -726

Bivariate Gaussian pdf. We often encounter the situation when the instanta­
neous amplitude of the input signal to a linear system has a Gaussian pdf and
we might be interested in the joint pdf o f the amplitude o f the input and the
output signals. The bivariate Gaussian pdf is a valid model for describing such
situations. The bivariate Gaussian pdf has the form

1 ■1
f x A x>y) exp
2'irCTA-cryVl — p 2(1 - p*)
2p(* - - |xy)~
ux u Y (2.57)

The reader can verify that the marginal pdfs o f X and Y are Gaussian with
means \lx , Py, and variances cr\, u\, respectively, and

E {(X P a) ( T ~ py)} O 'A T

P Pa t —
o X&Y OyO y

2.4.3 Complex Random Variables

< ^

complex random variable Z is defined in terms o f the real random variables

and T b y

Z = X + jY

The expected value o f g ( Z ) is defined as

E{ g ( Z) } = | | g ( z ) f X:Y(x, y) dx dy

Thus the mean, p.z , o f Z is

V-z = -E{^} = E { X } + j E { Y } = [xx + j\xy

The variance, a\, is defined as

oi = E{\Z - p.z |2}

The covariance of two complex random variables Zmand Z„ is defined by

CZmz„ = E {(Z m - p.Zm)*(Z „ - p*.)}

where * denotes complex conjugate.


In the preceding sections we concentrated on discussing the specification of

probability laws for one or two random variables. In this section we shall discuss
the specification of probability laws for many random variables (i.e., random
vectors). Whereas scalar-valued random variables take on values on the real
line, the values of “ vector-valued” random variables are points in a real-valued
higher (say m) dimensional space ( Rm). An example o f a three-dimensional
random vector is the location of a space vehicle in a Cartesian coordinate system.
The probability law for vector-valued random variables is specified in terms
of a joint distribution function

FXl...xm(x i> •••>*<-.) = ? [ ( * ! xO . . . ( X m < xm)]

or by a joint probability mass function (discrete case) or a joint probability-

density function (continuous case). We treat the continuous case in this section
leaving details of the discrete case for the reader.
The joint probability density function of an m-dimensional random vector
is the partial derivative of the distribution function and is denoted by

f x t,X2....... x S Xl ’ X2’ ‘ ‘ ' ’ ■ *"■ )


From the joint pdf, we can obtain the marginal pdfs as

f x , ( x l) = J j . ■ ■j f x 1,X2,...,X„(x 1 ’ x 2’ • ■ ■ ’ x m) dx2 • ■ ■ dxm

m — 1 integrals


fx,,X2(XU x 2)
= J J ■ ■ ■J fx „x 2....,xJx 1 , x 2>x 3, ■ ■ ■ , x m) dx3 dxA ■ ■ • dxm (2.58)

m — 2 integrals

Note that the marginal pdf of any subset o f the m variables is obtained by
“ integrating out” the variables not in the subset.
The conditional density functions are defined as (using m = 4 as an example),

r r \ \ fx,.X,.X,.xAXl’ X2>x 3 j x 4)
fx„X2.X3\xAXl’ X2,*3l*4) = -.J...*■ , , -------------- (2.59)


f x ,. X - , .X ,. x A X l ’ X 2i X 3i * 4 )
/ v 1.A’2|A’3.V4(-':1> -^-2!35 * 4) — (2.60)
f x 3.xXXl’ x*)

Expected values are evaluated using multiple integrals. For example,

E { g ( X u X 2, X 3, X ,) }

= J J J J g(x t, x 2, x 3 , x j f x t . x ^ . x & i , x 2, X}, xd dXi dx2 dx2 dxA


where g is a scalar-valued function. Conditional expected values are defined for

example, as

E { g { X u X 2, X 3, X,)\X3 = x3, X A = x4}

= I I g ( * l , x 2, X 3, x J f x ^ . X i X ^ x S X u X^ X 3i X * ) d x \ d x 2 ( 2 -6 2 )
J — CO J — =0

Important parameters o f the joint distribution are the means and the co-

*x, = E{X,}


o x,x, — E { X i X j } — (J-x M-a-,

Note that a XXi is the variance of AT,-. We will use both <JX X , and ux . to denote
the variance o f X r Sometimes the notations EXi, Ex .x ., Ex .x . are used to denote
expected values with respect to the marginal distribution o f X h the joint distri­
bution of X t and X h and the conditional distribution o f A", given Xjt respectively.
We will use subscripted notation for the expectation operator only when there
is ambiguity with the use o f unsubscripted notation.
The probability law for random vectors can be specified in a concise form
using the vector notation. Suppose we are dealing with the joint probability law
for m random variables X lt X 2, . ■ ■ , X m. These m variables can be represented
as components of an m x 1 column vector X ,

x 2
X == or X T = { X „ X 2, . . . , X m)


where T indicates the transpose of a vector (or matrix). The values of X are
points in the m-dimensional space Rm. A specific value o f X is denoted by

X T = (*!, x 2, . . . , X m)

Then, the joint pdf is denoted by

/x ( x) = i X 1,X i > .. ., X m { X u x2, . ■ ■ , x m)

The mean vector is defined as

E(X, ) '
E ( X 2)
M-x = £ (X ) =
E { X m)

and the “ covariance-matrix” , 2 X, an m x m matrix is defined as

2X = UjXX7} - P 'X P 'X

°> ,* 2 ■" V x ,x „

UX X22 <*x2x 2 ••• <JX X m2

J*X „X 2 ® x mx 2 "■ O ’X „ x m_

The covariance matrix describes the second-order relationship between the com­
ponents of the random vector X . The components are said to be “ uncorrelated”

<rx,x, = <T; = 0, i j

and independent if

f x l,x2,...,xm(x i> X2 , ■ ■ ■ , x m) - fx<(x i) (2.63)

2.5.1 Multivariate Gaussian Distribution

An important extension of the bivariate Gaussian distribution is the multivariate
Gaussian distribution, which has many applications. A random vector X is mul­
tivariate Gaussian if it has a pdf of the form

Jx(x) = [(2TT)m/2|2 x|1/2] _1eXp 4 (x fLx )r2 x 1(x M'x) (2.64)

where |xx is the mean vector, 2 x is the covariance matrix, 2 X* is its inverse, |2 X|
is the determinant of 2 X, and X is of dimension m.

2.5.2 Properties of the Multivariate Gaussian Distribution

We state next some of the important properties of the multivariate Gaussian
distribution. Proofs o f these properties are given in Reference [6].

1. Suppose X has an m-dimensional multivariate Gaussian distribution. If

we partition X as

”x ,
~x; ~xt+1~
x2 x k+2
X = x t = x2=
x 2
_Xk_ _X„ _

X 12
d. i
M'X = * 1 Xx —
1 X2i X22

where |xXj is k x 1 and X n is k x k, then X ! has a fc-dimensional

multivariate Gaussian distribution with a mean p Xl and covariance X n .
2. If X x is a diagonal matrix, that is,

0 0 •■ 0
0 0 •• 0
0 0 0 ■■

then the components of X are independent (i.e ., uncorrelatedness implies

independence. However, this property does not hold for ofher distri­
3. If A is a it x m matrix of rank k, then Y = A X has a fc-variate Gaussian
distribution with

P y — A|xx (2.65.a)

XY = A X xA r (2.65.b)

4. With a partition of X as in (1), the conditional density of Xi given X 2 =

x2 is a ^-dimensional multivariate Gaussian with

H'xjxj = £ [ X i|X2 = x2] = p Xl + Xi 2X 22‘ (x 2 — p X2) (2.66.a)


Xx,|x2 — Xn X 12X 22‘ X 21 (2 .66.b)

Properties (1), (3), and (4) state that marginals, conditionals, as well as linear
transformations derived from a multivariate Gaussian distribution all have mul­
tivariate Gaussian distributions.


Suppose X is four-variate Gaussian with



6 3 2 1
3 4 3 2
2 3 4 3
1 2 3 3


X2 = *3

(a) Find the distribution of X ,.

(b) Find the distribution of

Y = X x + 2X2
X3 + X4

(c) Find the distribution of X ! given X 2 = (x$, x^)T.

(a) X j has a bivariate Gaussian distribution with

2 6 3
M-x, = and ^Xj
1 3 4

(b) We can express Y as

2 0 0 0
Y = 1 2 0 0 = AX
X ,3
0 0 1 1

Hence Y has a trivariate Gaussian distribution with

"2 0 0 o' ~4~
|Ay — A|XX — 1 2 0 0 = 4
0 0 1 1 1


2 y = A 2 XA 7
"2 1 o'
2 0 0 0
0 2 0
1 2 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 11
0 0 1
24 24 6
24 34 13
6 13 13

(c) Xj given X 2 = (x3, x 4) T has a bivariate Gaussian distribution with

2 1 4 3 *3 - 1
J-Lx.x, — 3 3
3 2 x4 — 0

*3 “ 3 *4 + 1

3 **

'4 3" '2 3"
-X ,| X 2
3 l\ -\ _3 3_ _! 2_
14/3 4/3
4/3 5/3

2.5.3 Moments o f Multivariate Gaussian pdf

Although Equation 2.65 gives the moments of a linear combination of multi­
variate Gaussian variables, there are many applications where we need to com­
pute moments such as E {XjXfy, E{X-iX 1X iX a} , and so on. These moments can

be calculated using the joint characteristic function of the multivariate Gaussian

density function, which is defined by

o>2, • • • , w*) = E{exp[j((x}1X 1 + o>2X 2 + • • • co„X„)]}

= exp | ^ <»T2x*» (2.67)

where <aT = (coj, o)2, . . . , o)„). From the joint characteristic function, the
moments can be obtained by partial differentiation. For example,

V d4,Px(a>i, Q)2, 0)3, 0)4)

E IX ^ X .X ,} at w = ( 0) ( 2 . 68)

To simplify the illustrative calculations, let us assume that all random variables
have zero means. Then,

* x ( 0)i, to2, to3, a>4) = exp

Expanding the characteristic function as a power series prior to differentiation,

we have

^ ( “ i , w 2, u>3, co4) = 1 - - w r S x to

+ i (t» T2 x o>)2 + R

where R contains terms o f o) raised to the sixth and higher power. When we
take the partial derivatives and set 0)3 = o>2 = o)3 = co4 = 0, the only nonzero
terms come from terms proportional to co1a>2a>3co4 in

- (w TS x w )2 = - + c r 22c o l + O 33 0)^ + 0 -4 4 ^

+ 2 ct12( 0 1C02 + 2 ( J 13COi O)3 + 20-340)30)4

+ 20-^0)20)3 + 2cr240)20)4 + 20340)30)4}2


When we square the quadradic term, the only terms proportional to (j) 1w2oj3co4
will be

{ 8 (1 -2 (1 5 4 ( 0 1 (O n t o . OJ4 + 8 c 7 ;,C 7 : .; t o 2 ^0 ', t o ; W.J + 8 ( 7 3 1 7 7 ;. tiJ37l)4 0 ) ^ }


Taking the partial derivative o f the preceding expression and setting to = (0),
we have

E {X 1X 2X 3X 4} = ct12ct34 + ct23 ct I4 + ct24CT|3

= E { X 1X 2} E { X 3X 4} + E { X 2X 3} E { X 1X 4}
+ E {X 2X A} E { X l X 7} (2.69)

The reader can verify that for the zero mean case

E{X\Xi) = E{X\}E{Xfs + 2 [ E { X , X 2} f (2.70)



In the analysis of electrical systems we are often interested in finding the prop­
erties of a signal after it has been “ processed” by the system. Typical processing
operations include integration, weighted averaging, and limiting. These signal
processing operations may be viewed as transformations of a set of input variables
to a set of output variables. If the input is a set of random variables, then the
output will also be a set of random variables. In this section, we develop tech­
niques for obtaining the probability law (distribution) for the set o f output
random variables given the transformation and the probability law for the set
o f input random variables.
The general type of problem we address is the following. Assume that X is
a random variable with ensemble Sx and a known probability distribution. Let
g be a scalar function that maps each x G Sx to y = g(x). The expression

^ = g (X )

Sample space Range set S x C R x Range set S y C

F ig u r e 2 .8 T r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f a r a n d o m v a r ia b le .

defines a new random variable* as follows (see Figure 2.8). For a given outcome
k, X(k) is a number x, and g[X(X.)] is another number specified by g(x). This
number is the value o f the random variable Y, that is, Y(k) = y = g(x). The
ensemble SY of Y is the set

s Y = {y = sM '■x e sx}

We are interested in finding the probability law for Y.

The method used for identifying the probability law for Y is to equate the
probabilities of equivalent events. Suppose C C SY. Because the function g(x)
maps Sx —* SY, there is an equivalent subset B, B C Sx , defined by

B = {* :g (* ) S C}

Now, B corresponds to event A , which is a subset of the sample space S (see

Figure 2.8). It is obvious that A maps to C and hence

P (C ) = P (A ) = P (B )*1

*For Y to be a random variable, the function g : X —> Y must have the following properties:

1. Its domain must include the range o f the random variable X .

2. It must be a Baire function, that is, for every y , the set / , such that g(;t) s y must consist
o f the union and intersection o f a countable number o f intervals in S x . Only then {Y s y}
is an event.
3. The events {X : g(/Y (X )) = ± » } must have zero probability.

Now, suppose that g is a continuous function and C = y]. If B -

{x : g(x) s y}, then

P(C ) = P ( Y ^ y ) = Fy(y)

= [ f x (x ) dx

which gives the distribution function o f Y in terms of the density function of X.

The density function of Y (if Y is a continuous random variable) can be obtained
by differentiating FY(y).
As an alternate approach, suppose Iy is a small interval of length Ay con­
taining the point y. Let Ix = {x : g(x) E Iy}. Then, we have

P (Y E l y) - f Y(y ) Ay

= J f x (x ) dx

which shows that we can derive the density o f Y from the density of X.
We will use the principles outlined in the preceding paragraphs to find the
distribution of scalar-valued as well as vector-valued functions of random vari­

2.6.1 Scalar-valued Function o f One Random Variable

Discrete Case. Suppose A is a discrete random variable that can have one
of n values x u x 2, . . - , x n. Let g(x) be a scalar-valued function. Then Y =
g(X ) is a discrete random variable that can have one of m, m s n, values yi,
y2, . . . , y m. I f g ( X ) isaone-to-one mapping, thenmwill be equal ton. However,
if g(x) is a"many-to-one mapping, then m will be smaller than n. The probability
mass function of Y can be obtained easily from the probability mass function of
X as

P { Y = yi) = £ P { X = x,)

where the sum is over all values o f x, that map to y;.

Continuous Random Variables. If X is a continuous random variable, then the

pdf of y = g (V ) can be obtained from the pdf o f X as follows. Let y be a
particular value of Y and let * « , x(2), . . • , xF> be the roots of the equation y =
g(x). That is y = g ( x « ) = . . . = g (* w)- (For example, if y = *2, then the

two roots are x® — + V y and x® = —V y ; also see Figure 2.9 for another
example.) We know that

P ( y < Y < y + Ay) = f Y(y) Ay as Ay - » 0

Now if we can find the set of values of x such that y < g(x) < y + Ay, then
we can obtain f Y(y ) Ay from the probability that X belongs to this set. That is

P { y < Y < y + Ay) = P [{x:y < g(x) < y + Ay}]

For the example shown in Figure 2.9, this set consists o f the following three

x® < x £ x® + Ax®
x® + A x(2) < x s x®
x® < x :£ x® + Ax®

where Ax® > 0, Ax® > 0 but Ax® < 0. From the foregoing it follows that

P (y < Y < y + Ay) = P(x® < X < x® + A x(l))

+ P(x® + Ax® < X < x®)
+ P(x® < AT < x® + Ax®)

We can see from Figure 2.9 that the terms in the right-hand side are given by

P(x® < AT < X ® + Ax®) = /* (x ® ) Ax®

P(x® + Ax® < X < x® ) = /x(x®)|Ax®|

P(x® < X < x® + Ax®) = f x (x®) Ax®

Since the slope g'(x) of is Ay/Ax, we have

A x(1) = A y/g'(x(1))
Ax® = Ay /g '(x ® )

A x® = A y/g'(x® )

Hence we conclude that, when we have three roots for the equation y = g(x),

/ x ( * (1)) x(*(2)) /x (* (3))

JV(y)Ay Ay + + Ay
g'(*(1)) |g'(x®)| g '(x (3))

Canceling the Ay and generalizing the result, we have

^ lx (£ ^ (2.71)
h ig'(^(0)l

g'(x) is also called the Jacobian of the transformation and is often denoted by
J{x). Equation 2.71 gives the pdf of the transformed variable Y in terms of the
pdf o f X , which is given. The use of Equation 2.71 is limited by our ability to
find the roots o f the equation y = g(x). If g(x) is highly nonlinear, then the
solutions of y = g(x) can be difficult to find.


Suppose X has a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0 and variance of 1 and

Y = X 1 + 4. Find the pdf of Y.

SOLUTION: y = g(x) = x 2 + 4 has two roots:

x (1) = + V y — 4
x (2) = —V y — 4

and hence

g '( * (1)) = 2 V_y - 4

g '( * (2)) = - 2 V y - 4

The density function of Y is given by

f x ( x m) f x ( * <2))
|g'(*(1>)l |g'(*(2,)l

With f x (x) given as

/* (* ) = x 2/2),

we obtain

e x p ( - ( y - 4)/2), y > 4
V 2 -ir(_y — 4)
fr(y) =
0 y < 4

Note that since y = x 2 + 4, and the domain of X is ( — °°), the domain of Y

is [4, o°).


Using the pdf of X and the transformation shown in Figure 2.10.a and 2.10.b,
find the distribution o f Y.

F ig u r e 2 .1 0 T r a n s fo r m a t io n d is c u s s e d in E x a m p le 2 .1 7 .

SOLUTION: For - 1 < x < 1, y = x and hence

fr(y) = fx(y) = g. - i < y < i

All the values of jc > 1 map to y = 1. Since x > 1 has a probability o f §, the
probability that Y = 1 is equal to P ( X > 1) = l Similarly P (Y = - 1 ) = i.
Thus, Y has a mixed distribution with a continuum of values in the interval
( - 1 , 1) and a discrete set of values from the set { - 1 , 1}. The continuous
part is characterized by a pdf and the discrete part is characterized by a prob­
ability mass function as shown in Figure 2.10.C.

2.6.2 Functions of Several Random Variables

We now attempt to find the joint distribution of n random variables T . } ~,
. . . , Y„ given the distribution of n related random variables X u X 2, ■ ■ ■ , X n

and the relationship between the two sets o f random variables,

Yi = gi{X u X 2, . . . , X n), 1 , 2,

Let us start with a mapping o f two random variables onto two other random

Yi = Si(Xi, X2)
Y = g2( x u X 2)

Suppose (x, , x 2 ), i - 1 , 2 , . . . , k are the k roots of yi = x 2) and y2 =

&''X*’ x}'- Proceeding along the lines o f the previous section, we need to find
the region in the x ly x 2 plane such that

Ti < x 2) < y, + Ayj


y 2 < g i(x i, x 2) < y 2 + Ay 2

There are k such regions as shown in Figure 2.11 (k = 3). Each region consists
o a parallelogram and the area o f each parallelogram is equal to Ay,Ay,/

l-7(■xri°7 4 ° ) I Where J (xt, x 2) is the Jacobian o f the transformation defined as

dgi dgi
dxi dx2
J(xi, x 2) = (2.72)
dgi dg2
dx2 dx2

By summing the contribution from all regions, we obtain the joint pdf of Yj and
Y2 as

f Xl,Xl{x f , 4 ° )
y2) = z l7 (4°> 4 '))|

Using the vector notation, we can generalize this result to the n-variate case as

/ x ( x ( ->)
/v (y ) = X |/(x « )| (2.74.a)
i= l

where x<f> = [4 °, 4 °, . . . ,x^>]T is the fth solution to y = g(x) = [gi(x), g 2(x),

. . . , g „ ( x ) ] / and the Jacobian J is defined by

dgi dgi dgi

dxi dx2 dx„

dgn dgn dgn

dxi dx2 dxn

Suppose we have n random variables with known joint pdf, and we are
interested in the joint pdf o f m < n functions o f them, say

yi = gi(xu X2, . . . , x„), i = 1, 2, . . . , m

Now, we can define n — m additional functions

yj = gj(x i, x 2, , x„), j = m + 1, . . . , n

in any convenient way so that the Jacobian is nonzero, compute the joint pdf
of Yi, Y2> • • ■ > Yn, and then obtain the marginal pdf o f Yj, Y2, . . . , Ym by

integrating out Ym+l, . . . , Y„. If the additional functions are carefully chosen,
then the inverse can be easily found and the resulting integration can be handled,
but often with great difficulty.


Let two resistors, having independent resistances, X 1 and X 2, uniformly distrib­

uted between 9 and 11 ohms, be placed in parallel. Find the probability density
function of resistance Yx o f the parallel combination.

SOLUTION: The resistance o f the parallel combination is

* 1*2

(*1 + * 2)

Introducing the variable

y2 = *2

and solving for *1 and x 2 results in the unique solution

Thus, Equation 2.73 reduces to


*2 *1
(*1 + *2? (*1 + * 2)2
T ( * i, *2) = 0 1
(*1 + * 2)2

(yi - y 1)2

We are given

fx^xfou *2) — f X,(Xl)fX2(X2) ^’ 9 =s *! < 11, 9 < ;c2 < 11

= 0 elsewhere


1 yi
fyt,r2(yu yi) yi,y 2 = ?
4 (y2 - y 1 ) 2 ’

= 0 elsewhere

We must now find the region in the y u y 2 plane that corresponds to the region
9 < * < 1 1 ; 9 < *2 < 1 1 . Figure 2.12 shows the mapping and the resulting
region in the y lt y 2 plane.
Now to find the marginal density o f Yu we “ integrate out” y 2.

, 19
frjyi) = J99
r■9n'V-r1) ____y|
4 (y 2 - y j
2 dy 2 , 2
v, < 4 —
71 20
yi dy 2)
4 — < v, < 5 -
)nv(ii-r.> 4(tt “ y i):
20 71 2
= 0 elsewhere

yi = 9yi/(9-yi)

9— ?2 = ll>i/(U -^ 1)

4Y2 4 % 5 V2

yl=xix2Hxi + x2)

(a )
F ig u r e 2 .1 2 T r a n s f o r m a t io n o f E x a m p l e 2 .1 8 .

Carrying out the integration results in

yi + y 2 In yi , 1 19
4 ~ — y i — 4
2 + 2(9 - y t) 9 - y / 20
11 - yi yf 11 - yi 19 .1
+ y 1 In yx
2 (H - yO y\ 20
= 0 elsewhere

Special-case: Linear Transformations. One of the most frequently used type

of transformation is the affine transformation, where each o f the new variables
is a linear combination of the old variables plus a constant. That is

Yi — al<lX l + ah2X 2 + ••• + alrnX n + bi

Y2 — a2AXi + a2i2X 2 + + a2„X n + b2

= a„'lX l + an2X 2 + ■■■ + a„inX n + bn

where the atJ s and £>,•’s are all constants. In matrix notation we can write this
transformation as

yr « 1,1 01,2 ’’ 01,n ~x; V

= 02,1 02,2 ‘‘ « 2 ,n x2 + b2

_Yn _ 0 n ,l 0/1,2 ' &n,n bn

Y = AX + B (2.75)

where A is n x n, Y , X , and B are n X 1 matrices. If A is nonsingular, then

the inverse transformation exists and is given byX

X = A - 'Y - A -1B

The Jacobian of the transformation is

01,1 01,2 01,n

J = 02,1 02,2 ^ l,n

0/i,l 0/i,2 ■ a n ,n

Substituting the preceding two equations into Equation 2.71, we obtain the pdf
of Y as

/v (y ) = /x (A -* y - A - 1B)||A||-1 (2.76)

Sum o f Random Variables. We consider Yi = + X 2 where X t and X 2 are

independent random variables. As suggested before, let us introduce an addi­
tional function Y2 = X 2 so that the transformation is given by

~YT "1 r ~Xi~

0 i_ _ * 2_

From Equation 2.76 it follows that

fr,,r2(y u y 2) = fx,,x2( y i ~ yi, yi)

— fx,(y i —y i i f x X y i )

since X\ and X 2 are independent.

The pdf of Yt is obtained by integration as

= f f x 2{yi - yi)fx 2{yi) dy2 (2.77.a)

J — CO

The relationship given in Equation 2.77.a is said to be the convolution of f Xl

and f y: . which is written symbolically as

/y, — f x 2 * f x 2 (2.77.b)

Thus, the density function of the sum of two independent random variables is
given by the convolution of their densities. This also implies that the charac-

teristic functions are multiplied, and the cumulant generating functions as well
as individual cumulants are summed.


Xi and X 2 are independent random variables with identical uniform distributions

in the interval [ —1, 1]. Find the pdf of Y2 = X x + X 2.

SOLUTION: See Figure 2.13


( 6)
I f x ( 0 . 5 - y 2 ) f X2( , y 2 )

V M /J/A


-2 0 .5 2

Figure 2.13 Convolution of pdfs-Example 2.19.



Let Y = X x + X 2 where X x and X 2 are independent, and

f Xi(x,) = e x p ( - x x), x x s 0; f Xl(x2) = 2 e x p ( - 2 x 2), x 2 > 0,

= 0 X! < 0 =0 < 0.

Find the pdf of Y.

SOLUTION: (See Figure 2.14)

f y(y) = P exp(-Ac 02 e x p [ - 2 (y - * 0 ] d xx

= 2 exp (—2 y) \ exp(jc,) dxx = 2 e x p ( - 2 y)[exp(y) - 1 ]

f y (y ) = 2 [exp(—y) - exp[ —2y], y 2 0
= 0 y < 0


X has an n-variate Gaussian density function with E{Xt} = 0, and a covariance

matrix of I x . Find the pdf o f Y = A X where A is an n x n nonsingular matrix.

SOLUTION: We are given

/x (x ) = [( 2 tt)'i/ 2|Sx I1/2] exp - ^ x 7^ 1*

With x = A !y, and J = \A\, we obtain

/v(y) = [(2ir)»/2|2x|1/2] - 1exp —^ yrA _irSx1A"'1y ||A||-2

Now if we define S Y = A 2 xA r, then the exponent in the pdf of Y has the form

which corresponds to a multivariate Gaussian pdf with zero means and a co-
variance matrix o f 2 Y. Hence, we conclude that Y, which is a linear transforma­
tion of a multivariate Gaussian vector X, also has a Gaussian distribution. (Note:
This cannot be generalized for any arbitrary distribution.)

Order Statistics. Ordering, comparing, and finding the minimum and maximum
are typical statistical or data processing operations. We can use the techniques
outlined in the preceding sections for finding the distribution of minimum and
maximum values within a group of independent random variables.
Let X lt X 2, X 3, . . . , X n be a group of independent random variables having
a common pdf, f x (x ) , defined over the interval (a, b). To find the distribution
of the smallest and largest o f these Xfi, let us define the following transformation:

Let Yj = smallest o f (X x, X 2, . . . , X„)

Y2 = next X i in order o f magnitude

Y„ = largest of (X u X 2, . . . , X„)

That is Yi < Y2 < ••• < Y„ represent X i , X 2,. . . , X nwhen the latter are arranged
in ascending order o f magnitude. Then Yt is called the ith order statistic of the

group. We will now show that the joint pdf of Yu Y2, ■ . . , Yn is given by

j V i , y 2,...,y „ ( y i> yi, ■ ■ ■ , yn) = « / / x ( y , ) / x ( y 2) - f x(yn)

a < y i < y 2 < ■■■ < y n < b

We shall prove this for n = 3, but the argument can be entirely general.
With n = 3

/ a:t,x2,x3( x u x 2 , x 3) = f x ( x 1) f x ( x 2) f x ( x 3)

and the transformation is

Yj = smallest of ( X 3, X 2, X 3)

Y2 = middle value of ( A j, X 2, X 3)

Y3 = largest o f { X u X 2, X 3)

A given set of values x u x 2, x 3 may fall into one of the following six possibilities:

Xi < X2 < X3 or yi = yi = x 2,
xu y3 = x 3
Xi < X 3< X 2 or yi = yi = x 3,
X u y3 = x 2
x2< Xi < X 3 or yi = X 2, yi = X u y3 = x 3
x 2 < X 3< Xi or yi = X2, yi = x 3, y3 = X i
x3 < X i < X 2 or yi = x 3, yi = X u y3 = X 2
x3< x2< Xi or y i = X 3, y z = x 2, y3 = X 1

(Note that x x = x 2, etc., occur with a probability of 0 since X u X 2, X 3 are

continuous random variables.)
Thus, we have six or 3! inverses. If we take a particular inverse, say, y x =
x 3, y 2 = x u and y 3 = x 2, the Jacobian is given by

0 0 1
J = 1 0 0 1
0 1 0

The reader can verify that, for all six inverses, the Jacobian has a magnitude of
1, and using Equation 2.71, we obtain the joint pdf of Y1; Y2, Y3 as

/y1.y2.y3(yi, y2, y3) = 3 ! f x ( y i ) f x ( y 2 ) f x ( y 3) , a < yi < y 2 < y3 < b


Generalizing this to the case o f n variables we obtain

/y1,y2,...,y„(>'i> y2> • ■ • >y«) = n!fx(yi)fx(y2) fx(yn)

a < y x < y 2 < ■■■ < y n < b (2.78.a)

The marginal pdf o f Y„ is obtained by integrating out y x, y2> • • • >yn-i,

fr„(yn) = p” P"‘ - P3Jpa n!fx(yi)fx{yi) ••• dy2 ■■■ dyn_!

Ja Ja Ja

The innermost integral on y 2 yields Fx ( y 2), and the next integral is

P 3 Fx ( y 2) f x ( y 2) dy2 = p 3 F *(y 2)d[F*(y2)]

Ja Ja
= [F y(y 3)]2

Repeating this process (n — 1) times, we obtain

/y„(>V) = «[F ^ (y„)]n' 1/^ ( y n), a < yn < b (2.78.b)

Proceeding along similar lines, we can show that

/y .O t) = «[1 - FxiyOY xf x { y d , a < y 1< b (2.78.c)

Equations 2.78.b and 2.78.C can be used to obtain and analyze the distribution
of the largest and smallest among a group o f random variables.


A peak detection circuit processes 10 identically distributed random samples

and selects as its output the sample with the largest value. Find the pdf of the
peak detector output assuming that the individual samples have the pdf

f x ( x ) = ae “, x > 0
= 0 x <0

SOLUTION: From Equation 2.78.b, we obtain

fr„(y) = 10[1 - e-oYae-v, T — 0

=0 y <0

Nonlinear Transformations. While it is relatively easy to find the distribution

of Y = g(X ) when g is linear or affine, it is usually very difficult to find the
distribution of Y when g is nonlinear. However, if X is a scalar random variable,
then Equation 2.71 provides a general solution. The difficulties when X is two-
dimensional are illustrated by Example 2.18, and this example suggests the
difficulties when X is more than two-dimensional and g is nonlinear.
For general nonlinear transformations, two approaches are common in prac­
tice. One is the Monte Carlo approach, which is outlined in the next subsection.
The other approach is based upon an approximation involving moments and is
presented in Section 2.7. We mention here that the mean, the variance, and
higher moments of Y can be obtained easily (at least conceptually) as follows.
We start with

£ {h (Y )]} = f h ( y ) f Y(y)dy

However, Y = g(X ), and hence we can compute £ {h (Y )} as

£ Y{h(Y )} = £ x{h(g(X )}

Since the right-hand side is a function of X alone, its expected value is

£ x{/i(g(X ))} = J h (g (x ))fx(x) dx (2.79)

Using the means and covariances, we may be able to approximate the dis­
tribution of Y as discussed in the next section.

Monte Carlo (Synthetic Sampling) Technique. We seek an approximation to

the distribution or pdf of Y when

Y = g ( Z 1; . . . , X n)

F ig u r e 2 .1 5 S im p le M o n t e C a r l o s im u la t io n .

It is assumed that Y = g ( X lz . . . , X n) is known and that the joint density

f x t,xz....x„ is known. Now if a sample value o f each random variable were known
(say X x = x u , X 2 = x l2, . . . , X„ = x ln), then a sample value of Y could be
computed [say y t = g (x u , x U2, . . . , x, „)]. If another set of sample values were
chosen for the random variables (say X l = x 2,i. ■ ■ . , X n = x 2i„), then y 2 =
g(x 21 , x 2t2, . . . , x2,„) could be computed.
Monte Carlo techniques simply consist of computer algorithms for selecting
the samples x; l , . . . , x in, a method for calculatingy, = g ( x u , . . . , x i n), which
often is just one or a few lines of code, and a method of organizing and displaying
the results of a large number of repetitions o f the procedure.
Consider the case where the components of X are independent and uniformly
distributed between zero and one. This is a particularly simple example because
computer routines that generate pseudorandom numbers uniformly distributed
between zero and one are widely available. A Monte Carlo program that ap­
proximates the distribution of Y when X is o f dimension 20 is shown in Figure
2.15. The required number of samples is beyond the scope of this introduction.
However, the usual result of a Monte Carlo routine is a histogram, and the
errors of histograms, which are a function of the number of samples, are discussed
in Chapter 8 .
If the random variable X t is not uniformly distributed between zero and one,
then random sampling is somewhat more difficult. In such cases the following
procedure is used. Select a random sample of U that is uniformly distributed
between 0 and 1. Call this random sample u2. Then Fx^(ux) is the random sample
o f Xj.

O f
6£ '
8£ '
62 '
82 '
61 '
81 '
S I'

R e s u lt s o f a M o n t e C a r lo s im u la t io n .
60 '
80 '
90 '
fO '
£ 0'
£ 0' -
S O '-
F ig u r e 2 .1 6

s3|diues jojsquinN

For example, suppose that X is uniformly distributed between 10 and 20.


Fx.(x) = 0 x < 10
= (x - 10 ) / 10 , 10 < x < 20
= 1 x > 20

Notice FxHu) = 10m + 10. Thus, if the value .250 were the random sample
of U, then the corresponding random sample of X would be 12.5.
The reader is asked to show using Equation 2.71 that if X t has a density
function and if X t = F r 1(U) = g(U) where U is uniformly distributed between
zero and one then Fp 1 is unique and

fx ,(x ) where Ft = (F r T 1

If the random variables X t are dependent, then the samples of X 2, . . . , X n

are based upon the conditional density function f Xl\xt, ■ • • ,
The results of an example Monte Carlo simulation of a mechanical tolerance
application where Y represents clearance are shown in Figure 2.16. In this case
Y was a somewhat complex trigonometric function o f 41 dimensions on a pro­
duction drawing. The results required an assumed distribution for each o f the
41 individual dimensions involved in the clearance, and all were assumed to be
uniformly distributed between their tolerance limits. This quite nonlinear trans­
formation resulted in results that appear normal, and interference, that is, neg­
ative clearance, occurred 71 times in 8000 simulations. This estimate of the
probability of interference was verified by results of the assembly operation.


In many applications requiring the calculations of probabilities we often face

the following situations:

1. The underlying distributions are not completely specified— only the

means, variances, and some of the higher order moments E {{X — |Xa-)*}>
k > 2 are known.
2. The underlying density function is known but integration in closed form
is not possible (example: the Gaussian pdf).

In these cases we use several approximation techniques that yield upper and/or
lower bounds on probabilities.

2.7.1 Tchebycheff Inequality

If only the mean and variance of a random variable X are known, we can obtain
upper bounds on P(\X\ > e) using the Tchebycheff inequality, which we prove
now. Suppose X is a random variable, and we define

if |*| s e
Yt =
( if |*1 < e

where e is a positive constant. From the definition of Y( it follows that

X 2 > X 2Yt s e2y e

and thus

E {X 2} > E {X 2Yt) > e2E{Yt} (2.80)


£ { y j = 1 • P(|*| s e) + 0 • P(l*| < e) = P(|*| s e) (2.81)

Combining Equations 2.80 and 2.81, we obtain the Tchebycheff inequality as

P(|*| > e) s ^ E [X 2] (2.82.a)

(Note that the foregoing inequality does not require the complete distribution
o f X , that is, it is distribution free.)
Now, if we let X = {Y - p,y), and e = k, Equation 2.82.a takes the form

P(\(Y - |xy)l s k o Y) ^ p (2.82.b)


p (|y - ^1 > *) < ^ (2.82.C)


Equation 2.82.b gives an upper bound on the probability that a random variable
has a value that deviates from its mean by more than k times its standard
deviation. Equation 2.82.b thus justifies the use o f the standard deviation as a
measure o f variability for any random variable.

2.7.2 Chernoff Bound

The Tchebycheff inequality often provides a very “ loose” upper bound on prob­
abilities. The Chernoff bound provides a ‘tighter” bound. To derive the Chernoff
bound, define

X a e
W< e

Then, for all ( 2 0, it must be true that


and, hence,

E{e,x} a euE{Yf} = e“P ( X a e)


P ( X a e) < e - KE{e,x}, ta 0


P ( X a e) < min e ,lE{e‘x }

^ min exp[ —re + In E{e,x}] (2.83)

Equation 2.83 is the Chernoff bound. While the advantage of the Chernoff
bound is that it is tighter than the Tchebycheff bound, the disadvantage of the
Chernoff bound is that it requires the evaluation of E{e'x } and thus requires
more extensive knowledge o f the distribution. The Tchebycheff bound does not
require such knowledge o f the distribution.

2.7.3 Union Bound

This bound is very useful in approximating the probability of union of events,
and it follows directly from

P(A U B) = P (A ) + P (B ) - P (A B ) < P (A ) + P(B)

since P (A B ) s 0. This result can be generalized as


We now present an example to illustrate the use o f these bounds.


X x and X 2 are two independent Gaussian random variables with p*, = p *2 =

0 and a \ = 1 and cr%2 = 4.

(a) Find the Tchebycheff and Chernoff bounds on P(X, > 3) and compare
it with the exact value o f P (X x == 3).
(b) Find the union bound on P (X x > 3 o r X 2 > 4 ) and compare it with the
actual value.

(a) The Tchebycheff bound on P (X x > 3) is obtained using Equation 2.82.C

P (X x — 3) — P(|X,| s 3) < i = 0.111

To obtain the Chernoff bound we start with



P(Xi £ e) < min exp

r>0 -f c + 2

The minimum value o f the right-hand side occurs with t = e and

P { X l £ e) < e~*2'2

Thus, the Chernoff bound on P (X { £ 3) is given by

P ( X t £ 3) < e~912 « 0.0111

From the tabulated values of the Q ( ) function (Appendix D ), we

obtain the value o f P { X x £ 3) as

P ( X x > 3) = Q (3) = .0013

Comparison of the exact value with the Chernoff and Tchebycheff

bounds indicates that the Tchebycheff bound is much looser than the
Chernoff bound. This is to be expected since the Tchebycheff bound
does not take into account the functional form of the pdf.

(b) P(Xi £ 3 or X 2 £ 4)
= P(Xt £ 3) + P (X 2 £ 4) - P ( X t £ 3 and X 2 £ 4)
= P { X l £ 3) + P {X 2 £ 4) - P ( X Y£ 3) P (X 2 £ 4)

since X x and X 2 are independent. The union bound consists o f the sum
o f the first two terms o f the right-hand side o f the preceding equation,
and the union bound is “ off” by the value of the third term. Substituting
the value o f these probabilities, we have

P {X , £ 3 or X 2 £ 4) ~ (.0013) + (.0228) - (,0013)(.0228)

== .02407

The union bound is given by

P(X, £ 3 or X 2 £ 4) < P ( X t £ 3) + P(X 2 £ 4) = .0241


The union bound is usually very tight when the probabilities involved
are small and the random variables are independent.

2.7.4 Approximating the Distribution of Y = g { X 2, X 2, . . . , X n)

A practical approximation based on the first-order Taylor series expansion is
discussed. Consider

Y — g (X i, X 2, , X n)

II Y is represented by its first-order Taylor series expansion about the point p.L,
P '2 , ■ ■ . , |A„

Y dg
g( Pl , Pi, ■■■ , Pi.) + s (Pi, p 2, ■ • • , Pi.) [X, - P,]
i=1 dXj


^'l^l = g( Pi , p2, • - • , P„)

E [(Y - p Yy]
s ( p i, . - •, p „)
1= 1 dXi
n n

i=l ;=l dAj



P; = E[Xi]
vl, = E[X, - P,)2]
_ E\(X, - p )(A - |x,)]

II the random variables, X 2, . . . , X n, are uncorrelated ( Px,xt = 0), lhen

die double sum is zero.
Furthermore, as will be explained in Section 2.8.2, the central limit theorem

suggests that if n is reasonably large, then it may not be too unreasonable to

assume that Y is normal if the W,s meet certain conditions.


y = § 2 + X 3X 4 - X I

The X;S are independent.

p*! = 10 = 1

Px2 = 2 (j-2x 2 — -2

Px3 = 3 tri
*3 = 4

P*4 = 4 CTx = -
x4 3

Px5 = 1 (Tx = -
*5 5

Find approximately (a) py, (b) a\, and (c) P (Y < 20).


(a) py « y + (3)(4) -

00 ^ “ (^)2(l) + (
= 11.2

(c) With only five terms in the approximate linear equation, we assume,
for an approximation, that Y is normal. Thus

exp( —z2/2) dz = 1 - 2(1.2) = .885

n Y S 2 0 )~ \ l ^ k

-2-7-5 Series Approximation o f Probability Density Functions

In some applications, such as those that involve nonlinear transformations, it
will not be possible to calculate the probability density functions in closed form.
However, it might be easy to calculate the expected values. As an example,
consider Y = X \ Even if the pdf of Y cannot be specified in analytical form,
it might be possible to calculate E {Y k} = E {X 3k} for k < m. In the following
paragraphs we present a method for approximating the unknown pdf f Y(y) of
a random variable Y whose moments E {Y k} are known. To simplify the algebra,
we will assume that E {Y} = 0 and a\ - 1.
The readers have seen the Fourier series expansion for periodic functions.
A similar series approach can be used to expand probability density functions.
A commonly used and mathematically tractable series approximation is the
Gram-Charlier series, which has the form:

fr(y) = Ky) 2 CjHj(y) (2.85)


(2 . 86)

and the basis functions o f the expansion, Hj(y), are the Tchebycheff-Hermite
( T-H) polynomials. The first eight T-H polynomials are

H0(y) = 1
tfi(y) = y
H2(y) = / ~ 1
H3(y) = / - 3y
H ly ) = / - 6/ + 3
Hs(y) = / - 1 0 / + 15y
H6(y) = y 6 - 15y4 + 4 5 / - 15
H-ly) - / - 2 1 / + 105/ - 105y
Hs(y) = y s - 2 8 / + 210 / - 4 2 0 / + 105 (2.87)

and they have the following properties:

d(Hk-i(y )h (y ))
1. Hk(y)h(y) = -

2. H k(y) - yH k_1(y) + {k - 1)H k_2(y) = 0, k > 2

3. J Hm(y )H n(y)h(y) dy = 0 , m ^n
( 2 . 88)
= nl, m - n
The coefficients o f the series expansion are evaluated by multiplying both
sides of Equation 2.85 by H k(y) and integrating from — co to <». By virtue o f the
orthogonality property given in Equation 2.88, we obtain

Ck H k{y)fr(y)dy
h i:
i JfcM m
l\ *■ ( 2 ) 1 ! ^ ~ 2 + 2 Z2 ! * k~4


= E {Y m}


^ = (k - m)\ = k{k ~ 1} [k ~ (m _ ^ k ~ m

The first eight coefficients follow directly from Equations 2.87 and 2.89.a and
are given by

C0 = 1
Cl = P-!

C2 = \ ( p* - 1)

c3 = g (p3 - 3p.i)

c 4 = ~ (p -4 - 6 p.2 + 3)

C5 = 1^0 “ 10^3 + ^ l )

c6 = ~ ( m-6 - 15 |X4 + 45 p-2 - 15)

c7 = ( m*7 - 21(X5 + 105p,3 - 105p.^

c 8 = ^ 2 0 (fls ~ 281X6 + 210fl* " 420^ + 105> (2.89.b)


Substituting Equation 2.89 into Equation 2.85 we obtain the series expansion
for the pdf of a random variable in terms o f the moments of the random variable
and the T-H polynomials.
The Gram-Charlier series expansion for the pdf of a random variable X with
mean | jla- and variance crA has the form:

where the coefficients C, are given by Equation 2.89 with |a[ used for |xt where


For a random variable X

P-! = 3 , p.2 = 13, p,3 = 59, p,4 = 309

Find P (X < 5) using four terms of a Gram-Charlier series.


o x2 = E ( X 2) - [ £ ( X )]2 = p.2 - (x? = 4

Converting to the standard normal form

Then the moments of Z are

^ = 1
9|x2 + 27 (jlj — 27
12p,3 + 54|x2 — 108(Xj 81
= 3.75

Then for the random variable Z , using Equation 2.89,

Co — 1
Cx = 0
C2 = 0

C3 = 2 ( - . 5 ) = -.0 8 3 3 3

c * = h (3 -75 - 6 + 3) = .03125

Now P { X < 5) = P ( Z < 1)

■ /C' .. vv 5f e exp (' z’ ,2) [ | C'"'W

ft 1
= f \ e x p ( - z 2/2 ) rfz + J1 ( - . 0 8 3 3 )h(z)H3(z) dz

+ J 1 .03l25h{z)Hi(z) dz

Using the property (1) of the T-H polynomials yields

P{Z < 1)
= .8413 + .0833/z(1)//2(1) - .03125/i(l)tf3(l)

- + 0833^ ; “ p ( 4 ) <°> - -03125 < - 2>

= .8413 + .0151 = .8564

Equation 2.90 is a series approximation to the pdf of a random variable X

whose moments are known. If we know only the first two moments, then the
series approximation reduces to

fx(x ) exPt (x mr)2/2cr^-]

which says that (if only the first and second moments of a random variable are
known) the Gaussian pdf is used as an approximation to the underlying pdf. As

we add more terms, the higher order terms will force the pdf to take a more
proper shape.
A series of the form given in Equation 2.90 is useful only if it converges
rapidly and the terms can be calculated easily. This is true for the Gram-Charlier
series when the underlying pdf is nearly Gaussian or when the random variable
X is the sum of many independent components. Unfortunately, the Gram-
Charlier series is not uniformly convergent, thus adding more terms does not
guarantee increased accuracy. A rule of thumb suggests four to six terms for
many practical applications.

2.7.6 Approximations of Gaussian Probabilities

The Gaussian pdf plays an important role in probability theory. Unfortunately,
this pdf cannot be integrated in closed form. Several approximations have been
developed for evaluating

and are given in the Handbook o f Mathematical functions edited by Abramowitz

and Stegun (pages 931-934). For large values of y, (y > 4), an approximation
for Q (y) is


For 0 < y, the following approximation is excellent as measured by |e(y)|, the

magnitude of the error.

Q(y) = Ky)(bi{ + V 2 + b3t3 + h4f 4 + bsts) + e(y) (2.91.b)


b2 = - .356563782
1 + py
|e(y)| < 7.5 x 10“8 b3 = 1.781477937

p = .2316419 b4 = -1.821255978

b, = .319381530 b5 = 1.330274429



One of the most important concepts in mathematical analysis is the concept of

convergence and the existence o f a limit. Fundamental operations of calculus
such as differentiation, integration, and summation of infinite series are defined
by means of a limiting process. The same is true in many engineering applications,
for example, the steady state of a dynamic system or the asymptotic trajectory
of a moving object. It is similarly useful to study the convergence o f random
With real continuous functions, we use the notation

x (t) —» a as f— or lim x(t) = a


to denote that x(t) converges to a as t approaches t0 where t is continuous. The

corresponding statement for t a discrete variable is

x (t„) —> a as tn —* t0 or lim x (t„) = a


for any discrete sequence such that

t „ —* t 0 as n —> “

With this remark in mind, let us proceed to investigate the convergence of

sequences of random variables, or random sequences. A random sequence is
denoted by X i7 X 2, . . . , X n, . . . . For a specific outcome, X, X n(\) = x n is a
sequence of numbers that might or might not converge. The concept o f con­
vergence of a random sequence may be concerned with the convergence of
individual sequences, X „(\) = x„, or the convergence of the probabilities of
some sequence o f events determined by the entire ensemble o f sequences or
both. Several definitions and criteria are used for determining the convergence
o f random sequences, and we present four o f these criteria.

2.8.1 Convergence Everywhere and Almost Everywhere

For every outcome X, we have a sequence o f numbers

X i(X ), X 2(X), . . . , X „(X ), . . .

and hence the random sequence X i, X 2, . . . , X„ represents a family of se­

quences. If each member o f the family converges to a limit, that is, -X j(X ),X 2(X),

, converges for every X. e S, then we say that the random sequence converges
everywhere. The limit of each sequence can depend upon X, and if we denote
the limit by X , then X is a random variable.
Now, there may be cases where the sequence does not converge for every
outcome. In such cases if the set o f outcomes for which the limit exists has a
probability of 1 , that is, if

P{\ : lim X n(\) = X (X )} = 1


then we say that the sequence converges almost everywhere or almost surely.
This is written as

P { X n —> AT} = 1 as n -» “ (2.92)

2.8.2 Convergence in Distribution and Central Limit Theorem

Let F„(x) and F(x) denote the distribution functions o f X„ and X , respectively.

F„(x) - » F (x) as n -» » (2.93)

for all x at which F(x) is continuous, then we say that the sequence X„ converges
in distribution to X .

Central Limit Theorem. Let X i, X 2, . . . , X„ be a sequence of independent,

identically distributed random variables, each with mean |jl and variance cr2. Let

Zn = 2 (Xi - M.)/VmT2

Then Z„ has a limiting (as ti —* °°) distribution that is Gaussian with mean 0 and
variance 1 .
The central limit theorem can be proved as follows. Suppose we assume that
the moment-generating function M(t) of X^ exists for |f| < h. Then the function

m(t) = E{exp[t(X* - p.)]} = e x p (-p r )M (r )

exists for - h < t < h. Furthermore, since X k has a finite mean and variance,
the first two derivatives o f M(t) and hence the derivatives of m(t) exist at t =

0. We can use Taylor’s formula and expand /22(f) as

m{t) = m ( 0) + m'{Q)t + m”( Q t 2l2, 0 < £< t

= i [m ’\ Q - cr2]f2
2 2

Next consider

t ) = £ {e x p (T Z „ )}

exp - M. *2 - \l - M -
l t exp I t
= E{ aVn f fV « j ' ' 6XP cr's/rt
- M-'

E'|explT^ f)}
* .r h < ---- 7= < h
c r V /2 / o -V /2

In /22(f), replace t by r /(a V n ) to obtain

^ i + l ! + [m 'U ) - j 2] t 2

Ct V h / 2/2 2 / 2 (7 2

where now £ is between 0 and t/ ( a V n ). Accordingly,

0< 5<

Since m”(t) is continuous at t = 0 and since $ -»• 0 as n - » oo, we have

lim[m"(^) — a2] = 0


lim M „( t) = lim j 1 + — }
n—** n~♦* 2/2 J
= e x p (T2/2) (2.94)

(The last step follows from the familiar formula o f calculus l i n v ,4 l + a!n\" =
e“). Since exp(i-2/2) is the moment-generating function o f a Gaussian random
variable with 0 mean and variance 1 , and since the moment-generating function
uniquely determines the underlying pdf at all points o f continuity, Equation
2.94 shows that Z n converges to a Gaussian distribution with 0 mean and vari­
ance 1 .
In many engineering applications, the central limit theorem and hence the
Gaussian pdf play an important role. For example, the output of a linear system
is a weighted sum of the input values, and if the input is a sequence o f random
variables, then the output can be approximated by a Gaussian distribution.
Another example is the total noise in a radio link that can be modeled as the
sum o f the contributions from a large number of independent sources. The
central limit theorem permits us to model the total noise by a Gaussian distri­
We had assumed that X -s are independent and identically distributed and
that the moment-generating function exists in order to prove the central limit
theorem. The theorem, however, holds under a variety of weaker conditions
(Reference [6]):

1. The random variables X L, X 2, . ■ ■ , in the original sequence are inde­

pendent with the same mean and variance but not identically distributed.
2. X u X 2, . . . , are independent with different means, same variance, and
not identically distributed.
3. Assume X 2, X 2, X 3, . . . are independent and have variances cr?, rn,
0-3, . . . . If there exist positive constants e and £ such that e < uj < t,
for all i, then the distribution o f the standardized sum converges to the
standard Gaussian; this says in particular that the variances must exist
and be neither too large nor too small.

The assumption of finite variances, however, is essential for the central limit
theorem to hold.

Finite Sums. The central limit theorem states that an infinite sum, Y, has a
normal distribution. For a finite sum of independent random variables, that is,

Y = 2 X>
1= 1


f y — f x t * fxt * ■ ■ • * fx„

>M“ ) = IT ‘M 03)


Cy(w) - ^ C^.(w)

where 'P is the characteristic function and C is the cumulant-generating function.

A lso, if K t is the jth cumulant where K , is the coefficient of (yw)'//! in a power
series expansion of C, then it follows that

K,y = 2 K-lx,

and in particular the first cumulant is the mean, thus

M-r = 2 Mw,

and the second cumulant is the variance

cry = 2 ar

and the third cumulant, K 3yX is E { ( X - p,*)3}, thus

E {(Y - p.y)3} = ^ E { ( X t - p.*,)3}

and AT4 is E { { X - p *)4} - 3 K ltX, thus

M = 2 K ^t = 2 (M X - p *)4} - 3 K xx)

For finite sums the normal distribution is often rapidly approached; thus a
Gaussian approximation or aGram-Charlier approximation is often appropriate.
The following example illustrates the rapid approach to a normal distribution.

9.70 9.75 9.80 9.85 9.90 9.95 10.00 10.05 10.10 10.15 10.20 10.25

Figure 2.17 Density and approximation for Example 2.26.


Find the resistance of a circuit consisting of five independent resistances in series.

All resistances are assumed to have a uniform density function between 1.95
and 2.05 ohms (2 ohms ± 2.5% ). Find the resistance of the series combination
and compare it with the normal approximation.

SOLUTION: The exact density is found by four convolutions of uniform density

functions. The-mean value of each resistance is 2 and the standard deviation is
(20 V 3 ) -1. The exact density function of the resistance o f the series circuit is
plotted in Figure 2.17 along with the normal density function, which has the
same mean (10) and the same variance (1/240). Note the close correspondence.

2.8.3 Convergence in Probability (in Measure) and the Law of Large

The probability P{\X - X n\> e} of the event (|Z - X„| > e} is a sequence of
numbers depending on n and e. If this sequence tends to zero as n —>■ that

is, if

P{|X - X n\> e} —» 0 as n —» oo

for any e > 0, then we say that X„ converges to the random variable X in
probability. This is also called stochastic convergence. An important application
of convergence in probability is the law of large numbers.

Law o f Large Numbers. Assume that X u X 2, . . . , X„ is a sequence o f in­

dependent random variables each with mean p, and variance cr2. Then, if we

X» = - S X, (2 .95.a)
n i

lim P{\Xn - p,| > e} = 0 for each e > 0 (2.95.b)

The law of large numbers can be proved directly by using Tchebycheff’s ine­

2.8.4 Convergence in Mean Square

A sequence X„ is said to converge in mean square if there exists a random

variable X (possibly a constant) such that

E [ { X n - X ) 2] *0 as n -» (2.96)

If Equation 2.96 holds, then the random variable X is called the mean square
limit of the sequence X„ and we use the notation

l.i.m. X n = X

where l.i.m. is meant to suggest the phrase dmit in me an (square) to distinguish

it from the symbol lim for the ordinary limit of a sequence o f numbers.
Although the verification o f some modes of convergences is difficult to es­
tablish, the Cauchy criterion can be used to establish conditions for mean-square
convergence. For deterministic sequences the Cauchy criterion establishes con­
vergence of x„ to x without actually requiring the value o f the limit, that is, x.
In the deterministic case, x„ x if

|x„+m — x a\—» 0 as n —» for any m > 0


Figure 2.18 Relationship between various modes of convergence.

For random sequences the following version of the Cauchy criterion applies.

E { ( X n - X ) 2} 0 as n —» cc

if and only if

E{\Xn+m — X„\2} —> 0 as for any m > 0 (2.97)

2.8.5 Relationship between Different Forms of Convergence

The relationship between various modes of convergence is shown in Figure 2.18.
If a sequence converges in MS sense, then it follows from the application of
Tchebycheff’ s inequality that the sequence also converges in probability. It can
also be shown that almost everywhere convergence implies convergence in prob­
ability, which in turn implies convergence in distribution.

The reviews of probability, random variables, distribution function, probabil­
ity mass function (for discrete random variables), and probability density
functions (for continuous random variables) were brief, as was the review of
expected value. Four particularly useful expected values were briefly dis­
cussed: the characteristic function £ {ex p (/o)X )}; the moment generating func­
tion £ {exp (fX )}; the cumulative generating function In £ {e x p (fX )}; and the
probability generating function E {zx } (non-negative integer-valued random

The review o f random vectors, that is, vector random variables, extended the
ideas of marginal, joint, and conditional density function to n dimensions,
and vector notation was introduced. Multivariate normal random variables
were emphasized.

Transformations o f random variables were reviewed. The special cases o f a

function o f one random variable and a sum (or more generally an affine
transformation) of random variables were considered. Order statistics were
considered as a special transformation. The difficulty o f a general nonlinear
transformations was illustrated by an example, and the Monte Carlo tech­
nique was introduced.

We reviewed the following bounds: the Tchebycheff inequality, the Chernoff

bound, and the union bound. We also discussed the Gram-Charlier series ap­
proximation to a density function using moments. Approximating the distribu­
tion of Y = g { X x, . . . , A „) using a linear approximation with the first two
moments was also reviewed. Numerical approximations to the Gaussian distri­
bution function were suggested.

Limit concepts for sequences o f random variables were introduced. Conver­

gence almost everywhere, in distribution, in probability and in mean square
were defined. The central limit theorem and the law o f large numbers were
introduced. Finite sum convergence was also discussed.

These concepts will prove to be essential in our study o f random signals.


The material presented in this chapter was intended as a review of probability and random
variables. For additional details, the reader may refer to one of the following books.
Reference [2], particularly Vol. 1, has become a classic text for courses in probability
theory. References [8] and the first edition of [7] are widely used for courses in applied
probability taught by electrical engineering departments. References [1], [3], and [10]
also provide an introduction to probability from an electrical engineering perspective.
Reference [4] is a widely used text for statistics and the first five chapters are an excellent
introduction to probability. Reference [5] contains an excellent treatment of series ap­
proximations and cumulants. Reference [6] is written at a slightly higher level and presents
the theory of many useful applications. Reference [9] describes a theory of probable
reasoning that is based on a set of axioms that differs from those used in probability.
[1] A. M. Breipohl, Probabilistic Systems Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
[2] W. Feller, An Introduction to Probability Theory and Applications, Vols. I, II,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1957, 1967.
[3] C. H. Helstrom, Probability and Stochastic Processes for Engineers, Macmillan,
New York, 1977.
[4] R. V. Hogg and A. T. Craig, Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, Macmillan,
New York, 1978.

[5] M. Kendall and A. Stuart, The Advanced Theory o f Statistics, Vol. 1, 4th ed.,
Macmillan, New York, 1977.
[6] H. L. Larson and B. O. Shubert, Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences,
Vol. I, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979.
[7] A. Papoulis, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1984.
[8] P. Z. Peebles, Jr., Probability, Random Variables, and Random Signal Principles,
2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1987.
[9] G. Shafer, A Mathematical Theory o f Evidence, Princeton University Press, Prince­
ton, N.J., 1976.
[10] J. B. Thomas, An Introduction to Applied Probability and Random Processes, John
Wiley & Sons, New York, 1971.

2.1 Suppose we draw four cards from an ordinary deck o f cards. Let
A x: an ace on the first draw

A 2: an ace on the second draw

A }\ an ace on the third draw

A 4: an ace on the fourth draw.

a Find P { A X (T A 2 (~l A 3 0 A f) assuming that the cards are drawn
with replacement (i.e., each card is replaced and the deck is reshuffled
after a card is drawn and observed).
b. Find P { A X IT A 2 (T A 3 0 A f) assuming that the cards are drawn
without replacement.

2.2 A random experiment consists of tossing a die and observing the number
of dots showing up. Let
A x: number of dots showing up = 3

A 2: even number of dots showing up

Ay. odd number of dots showing up

a. Find P ( A X) and P ( A x D A 3).

b. Find P ( A 2 U A 3), P { A 2 fT A 3), P { A X\A3).

c. Are A 2 and A 3 disjoint?

d. Are A 2 and A 3 independent?

2 3 A box contains three 100-ohm resistors labeled R x, R2, and R3 and two
1000-ohm resistors labeled R 4 and Rs. Two resistors are drawn from this
box without replacement.

a. List all the outcomes of this random experiment. [A typical outcome

may be listed as ( R 3, Ry) to represent that R t was drawn first followed by

b. Find the probability that both resistors are 100-ohm resistors.

c. Find the probability o f drawing one 100-ohm resistor and one 1000-
ohm resistor.

d. Find the probability of drawing a 100-ohm resistor on the first draw

and a 1000-ohm resistor on the second draw.

Work parts (b), (c), and (d) by counting the outcomes that belong to the
appropriate events.

2.4 With reference to the random experiment described in Problem 2.3, define
the following events.

A 1: 100-ohm resistor on the first draw

A 2: 1000-ohm resistor on the first draw

5 ,: 100-ohm resistor on the second draw

B 2: 1000-ohm resistor on the second draw

a. Find P { A lB l), P ( A 2B l), and P { A 2B2).

b. Find P { A i ) , P ( A 2), F(Bi|Aj), and P ( B 1\A2). Verify that

P ( B 0 = P i B ^ A O P i A J + P (B 1|A2)P (A 2).

2.5 Show that:

a. P {A U S U C ) = P ( A ) + P (B ) + P {C ) - P { A B ) - P (B C )
- P ( C A ) + P {A B C ).
b. P(A\B) = P { A ) implies P(B\A) = P(B).
c. P ( A B C ) = P (A )P (B \ A )P (C \ A B ).

2.6 A u A 2, A 2 are three mutually exclusive and exhaustive sets of events as­
sociated with a random experiment E u Events Blt B2, and B3 are mutually

- r '" - B

---- ^ ^ ___
Figure 2.19 Circuit diagram for Problem 2.8.

exclusive and exhaustive sets o f events associated with a random experiment

£ 2. The joint probabilities of occurrence of these events and some marginal
.probabilities are listed in the table:

\ B,
A \ e, b2 e3
4, 3/36 * 5/36
A2 5/36 4/36 5/36
A3 * 6/36 *
P[B,) 12/36 14/36 *

a. Find the missing probabilities (*) in the table.

b. Find P (B 3|Aj) and P ( /f 1|B3).
c. Are events A x and B l statistically independent?

2.7 There are two bags containing mixtures o f blue and red marbles. The first
bag contains 7 red marbles and 3 blue marbles. The second bag contains 4
red marbles and 5 blue marbles. One marble is drawn from bag one and
transferred to bag two. Then a marble is taken out of bag two. Given that
the marble drawn from the second bag is red, find the probability that the
color of the marble transferred from the first bag to the second bag was

2.8 In the diagram shown in Figure 2.19, each switch is in a closed state with
probability p, and in the open state with probability 1 — p. Assuming that
the state o f one switch is independent of the state o f another switch, find
the probability that a closed path can be maintained between A and B
(Note: There are many closed paths between A and B.)

2.9 The probability that a student passes a certain exam is .9, given that he
studied. The probability that he passes the exam without studying is ,2.
Assume lhat the probability that the student studies for an exam is .75 (a
somewhat lazy student). Given that the student passed the exam, what is
the probability that he studied?

2.10 A fair coin is tossed four times and the faces showing up are observed.
a. List all the outcomes o f this random experiment.
b. If Al is the number of heads in each of the outcomes of this ex­
periment, find the probability mass function o f X.


2.11 Two dice are tossed. Let X be the sum o f the numbers showing up. Find
the probability mass function o f X .

2.12 A random experiment can terminate in one of three events A , B, or C

with probabilities 1/2, 1/4, and 1/4, respectively. The experiment is re­
peated three times. Find the probability that events A , B, and C each
occur exactly one time.

2.13 Show that the mean and variance o f a binomial random variable X are
M-v = nP and &x = npq, where q = 1 — p.

2.14 Show that the mean and variance o f a Poisson random variable are p x =
X. and o * = X..

2.15 The probability mass function o f a geometric random variable has the form
P ( X = k ) = pq*~\ k = 1, 2, 3, . . . ; p, q > 0, p + q = 1.
a. Find the mean and variance of X .
b. Find the probability-generating function o f X.

2.16 Suppose that you are trying to market a digital transmission system (m o­
dem) that has a bit error probability of 10 ~4 and the bit errors are inde­
pendent. The buyer will test your modem by sending a known message of
104 digits and checking the received message. If more than two errors
occur, your modem will be rejected. Find the probability that the customer
will buy your modem.

2.17 The input to a communication channel is a random variable X and the

output is another random variable Y. The joint probability mass functions
of X and Y are listed:

Y\ -1 0 1

-1 1 1 0
4 8
0 0 4 0
1 0 1
i 4

a. Find P (Y = 1\X = 1).

b. Find P ( X = l|Y = 1).

c. Find pxy -

2.18 Show that the expected value operator has the following properties.
a. E{a + b X } = a + b E {X }
b. E {a X + b Y } = aE {X } + b E {Y }
c. Variance o f a X + b Y = a1 Var[V] + b 2 Var[Y]
+ lab Covar[X, Y]

2.19 Show that Ex,Y{g (X , Y )} = Ex { E Y<x[g(X, Y )]} where the subscripts

denote the distributions with respect to which the expected values are

2.20 A thief has been placed in a prison that has three doors. One o f the doors
leads him on a one-day trip, after which he is dumped on his head (which
destroys his memory as to which door he chose). Another door is similar
except he takes a three-day trip before being dumped on his head. The
third door leads to freedom. Assume he chooses a door immediately and
with probability 1/3 when he has a chance. Find his expected number of
days to freedom. {Hint: Use conditional expectation.)

2.21 Consider the circuit shown in Figure 2.20. Let the time at which the ith
switch closes be denoted by X t. Suppose X x, X 2, X 3, X 4 are independent,
identically distributed random variables each with distribution function F.
As time Increases, switches will close until there is an electrical path from
A to C. Let
U = timewhen circuit is first completed from A to B
V = time when circuit is first completed from B to C
W = timewhen circuit is first completed from A to C
Find the following:
a. The distribution function o f U.

b. The distribution function of W.

c. If F(x) = x, 0 s x s 1 (i.e., uniform), what are the mean and
variance o f X h U, and W1

------------- 0 ^ 0 -------------

------------- c C ^ o ------------- ------------- 0 - ^ 0 ------------

F ig u r e 2 .2 0 C ir c u it d ia g r a m f o r P r o b l e m 2 .2 1 .

2.22 Prove the following inequalities

a. ( E { X Y })2 s E { X 2} E { Y 2} (Schwartz or cosine inequality)
b. V E { ( X + Y )2} s \/E{X2} + V £ { Y 2} (triangle inequality)

2.23 Show that the mean and variance of a random variable X having a uniform
distribution in the interval [a, b] are p.* = (a + b )l 2 and = (b —
a fm .

2.24 X is a Gaussian random variable with p,* = 2 and <

j \ = 9. Find P ( —4 <
X s 5) using tabulated values of Q ( ).

2.25 X is a zero mean Gaussian random variable with a variance o f <j \ . Show

£ { * " } = [ ( * * ) " 1 • 3 •5 • • • ( « - 1), n even

n odd

2.26 Show that the characteristic function o f a random variable can be expanded

**(<■ >) =
k =
i 0

e w

(Note: The series must be terminated by a remainder term just before the
first infinite moment, if any exist).

2.27 a. Show that the characteristic function of the sum of two independent
random variables is equal to the product of the characteristic functions of
the two variables.
b. Show that the cumulant generating function of the sum of two
independent random variables is equal to the sum o f the cumulant gen­
erating function of the two variables.
c. Show that Equations 2.52.C through 2.52.f are correct by equating
coefficients of like powers o f / o> in Equation 2.52.b.

2.28 The probability density function of Cauchy random variable is given by

fx 0 ) = a > 0,
tt( x 2 + a 2) ’
a. Find the characteristic function of X.
b. Comment about the first two moments of X.

2.29 The joint pdf o f random variables X and Y is

f x A x > >') = i 0 < x < y, 0 < y < 2


a. Find the marginal pdfs, f x (x) and f Y(y).

b. Find the conditional pdfs f x\Y(x\y) and f Y\x (y\x).
c. Find E{X\Y = 1} and E{X\Y = 0.5}.
d. Are X and Y statistically independent?
e. Find pXY.

2.30 The joint pdf of two random variables is

f x „ x 2(xi x 2) = 1, O s r ^ l , 0 < x 2 =S 1
Let = X yX 2 and Y2 = X t
a. Find the joint pdf of f YhY2( y u y 2) ; clearly indicate the domain of
yu y2-
b. Find / yi(yi) and f Yl( y 2).

c. Are and Y2 independent?

2.31 X and Y have a bivariate Gaussian pdf given in Equation 2.57.

a. Show that the marginals are Gaussian pdfs.
b. Find the conditional pdf f x\Y(x\y). Show that this conditional pdf
has a mean

E{X\Y = y} = p-* + p — ( y - p.y)

and a variance
VxO- - P2)

2.32 Let Z = X + Y — c, where X and Y are independent random variables

with variances ux and crYand c is constant. Find the variance o f Z in terms
o f a x , cry, and c.

2.33 X and Y are independent zero mean Gaussian random variables with
variances &x , and crY. Let

Z = i (X + T) and W - %(X — Y)
a. Find the joint pdf f z,w (z, w).
b. Find the marginal pdf / Z(z).
c. Are Z and W independent?

2.34 X 2, X 2, . . . , X n are n independent zero mean Gaussian random variables

with equal variances, crx. = a 2. Show that

Z = - [X, + X 2 + • • • + X„]

is a Gaussian random variable with p.z = 0 and = a 2ln. (Use the result
derived in Problem 2.32.)

2.35 X is a Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and variance Find the
pdf of Y if:
a. Y = X2

b- Y = |A1
c. Y = i [ X + l*|]

f 1 if X > crx
d. Y = \ X if |*| £ a x
1 -1 if * < —<jx

2.36 A" is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable with a variance o x2 . Let Y =

a X 2.
a. Find the characteristic function of Y, that is, find
■'I'Y(a)) = £ {exp (/a )Y )} = £ {e x p ( /w « * 2)}

b. Find f Y( y ) by inverting 'IV(w).

2.37 Xi and X 2 are two identically distributed independent Gaussian random

variables with zero mean and variance Let
R = V X ] + X\
© = tan"1 [X 2I X x]
a. Find f R,e (r, 6).
b. Find f R(r), and f e(6).
c. Are R and 0 statistically independent?

2.38 Xi and X 2 are two independent random variables with uniform pdfs in the
interval [0, 1], Let

Yi = Xi + X 2 and Y2 = X x - X 2

a. Find the joint pdf f y lrY2( y i, Yz) and clearly identify the domain
where this joint pdf is nonzero.
b. Find py,y2 and E{Yi\Y2 = 0.5).

2.39 X x and X 2 are two independent random variables each with the following
density function:

/* ,(* ) = e x, x > 0
= 0 x < 0

Let Fj = Xi + X 2 and Y2 = X J ( X 2 + X 2)

a. Find f Yi,r2( y u JzY

b. Find f Y,{y\), frjiyi) and show that F, and F 2 are independent.

2.40 X }, X 2, X 3, . . . , X n are n independent Gaussian random variables with

zero means and unit variances. Let

Y= t x j
i= 1

Find the pdf of F.

2.41 X is uniformly distributed in the interval [ —or, -rr]. Find the pdf of
Y - a sin(AT).

2.42 X is multivariate Gaussian with

" i i i ”
"6 " 2 4 3
i O 2
|J-X = 0 2 x — 4 - ^ 3
I 2 1
8 3 3 1

Find the mean vector and the covariance matrix of Y = [F l5 F2, F3]r,
Fi = X 1 — X 2
Y2 = Xi + X 2 - 2 X 3
F3 = X x + X 3

2.43 X is a four-variate Gaussian with

"o ' "4 3 2 r

0 3 4 3 2
and £x =
0 2 3 4 3
0 1 2 3 4

Find E{Xi\X2 = 0.5, X 3 = 1.0, X 4 = 2.0} and the variance of X l given

X 2 = X 3 = X 4 = 0.

2.44 Show that a necessary condition for 2 X to be a covariance matrix is that

for all

y = VJ

v r 2 xv s o
(This is the condition for positive semidefiniteness of a matrix.)

2.45 Consider the following 3 x 3 matrices

io 3 r 10 5 2 10 5 2
2 5 0 , B = 5 3 1 , c= 5 3 3
1 0 2 2 1 2 2 3 2

Which o f the three matrices can be covariance matrices?

2.46 Suppose X is an n-variate Gaussian with zero means and a covariance

matrix Xx . Let X1; \2, ■ . ■ , be n distinct eigenvalues of Xx and let V i,
V 2, . . . , V„ be the corresponding normalized eigenvectors. Show that

Y = AX

A [V 1; v 2, v 3, . . . , v„] n x n

has an n variate Gaussian density with zero means and

\2 0

Xy =

o K

2.47 X is bivariate Gaussian with

0 3 1
M-x = and £x
0 1 3

a. Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors o f £ x .

b. Find the transformation Y = [Y ,, Y2] r = A X such that the com­
ponents of Y are uncorrelated.

2.48 If U(x) 2: 0 for all x and U(x) > a > 0 for all x E. t, where £ is some
interval, show that


2.49 Plot the Tchebycheff and Chernoff bounds as well as the exact values for
P ( X > a), a > 0 , if W is

a. Uniform in the interval [0, 1].

b. E x p o n e n tia l,/^ * ) = exp( —* ), * > 0.
c. Gaussian with zero mean and unit variance.

2.50 Compare the Tchebycheff and Chernoff bounds on P ( 7 > a) with exact
values for the Laplaeian pdf

fr(y) = |e x p (-|y |)

2.51 In a communication system, the received signal Y has the form

Y = X + N
where X is the “ signal” component and N is the noise. X can have one
of eight values shown in Figure 2.21, and N has an uncorrelated bivariate
Gaussian distribution with zero means and variances o f 9. The signal X
and noise N can be assumed to be independent.
The receiver observes Y and determines an estimated value X of X
according to the algorithm
if y G Aj then X = x;
The decision regions A, for i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 8 are illustrated by A , in
Figure 2.21. Obtain an upper bound on P ( X # X ) assuming that P ( X =
x,) = s for i = 1 , 2 , . . . , 8 .

1. P ( X # X ) = ^ P ( X ^ X\X = x ,)P (X = x,.)

2. Use the union bound.

Figure 2.21 Signal values and decision regions for Problem 2.51.

2.52 Show that the Tchebycheff-Hermite polynomials satisfy

= H k( y ) h ( y ) , *= 1, 2, . . .

2.53 X has a triangular pdf centered in the interval [ - 1 , 1], Obtain a Gram-
Charlier approximation to the pdf o f X that includes the first six moments
o f X and sketch the approximation for values o f X ranging from —2 to 2.

2.54 Let p be the probability of obtaining heads when a coin is tossed. Suppose
we toss the coin N times and form an estimate of p as

where NH = number o f heads showing up in N tosses. Find the smallest

value of N such that

P[\p — p\ s O.Olp) £ 0.1

(Assume that the unknown value of p is in the range 0.4 to 0.6.)

2.55 X x, X 2, . . . , X„ are n independent samples of a continuous random

variable X , that is

f x hX 2 X„(*l> X 2, , X „) — fx (X i )
Assume that p.x = 0 and <j 2 xis finite,
a. Find the mean and variance of

n fr,

b. Show that X converges to 0 in MS, that is, l.i.m. X = 0.

2.56 Show that if A,s are o f continuous type and independent, then for suffi­
ciently large n the density of sin(A"! + X 2 + • • • + X n) is nearly equal
to the density o f sin(A') where X is a random variable with uniform dis­
tribution in the interval ( —it, it).

2.57 Using the Cauchy criterion, show that a sequence X n tends to a limit in
the MS sense if and only if E { X mX n} exists as m, n —* °o.

2.58 A box has a large number o f 1000-ohm resistors with a tolerance of ±100
ohms (assume a uniform distribution in the interval 900 to 1100 ohms).
Suppose we draw 10 resistors from this box and connect them in series

and let R be the resistive value o f the series combination. Using the Gaus­
sian approximation for R find
P[9000 < R < 11000]

2.59 Let

where X :, i = 1, 2, . . . , n are statistically independent and identically

distributed random variables each with a Cauchy pdf

a. Determine the characteristic function Y„.

b. Determine the pdf o f Yn.
c. Consider the pdf o f Y„ in the limit as n —» oo. Does the central limit
theorem hold? Explain.

2.60 Y is a Guassian random variable with zero mean and unit variance and
sin (Y /n) ify>0
cos( Y /n ) if y s 0

Discuss the convergence o f the sequence X„. (Does the series converge,
if so, in what sense?)

2.61 Let Y be the number of dots that show up when a die is tossed, and let
X n = e x p [ - n ( Y - 3)]
Discuss the convergence o f the sequence X n.

2.62 Y is a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and unit variance and
X n = ex p (— Y/n)
Discuss the convergence o f the sequence X„.

Random Processes
and Sequences

In electrical systems we use voltage or current waveforms as signals for collecting,

transmitting and processing information, as well as for controlling and providing
power to a variety of devices. Signals, whether they are voltage or current
waveforms, are functions of time and belong to One of two important classes:
deterministic and random. Deterministic signals can be described by functions
in the usual mathematical sense with time t as the independent variable. In
contrast with a deterministic signal, a random signal always has some element
o f uncertainty associated with it and hence it is not possible to determine exactly
its value at any given point in time.
Examples of random signals include the audio waveform that is transmitted
over a telephone channel, the data waveform transmitted from a space probe,
the navigational information received from a submarine, and the instantaneous
load in a power system. In all of these cases, we cannot precisely specify the
value of the random signal in advance. However, we may be able to describe
the random signal in terms of its average properties such as the average power
in the random signal, its spectral distribution on the average, and the probability
that the signal amplitude exceeds a given value. The probabilistic model used
for characterizing a random signal is called a random process (also referred to
as a stochastic process or time series). In this and the following four chapters,
we will study random process models and their applications.
Basic properties o f random processes and analysis of linear systems driven
by random signals are dealt with in this chapter and in Chapter 4. Several classes
o f random process models that are commonly used in various applications are
presented in Chapter 5. The use of random process models in the design of.
communication and control systems is introduced in Chapters 6 and 7. Finally,

techniques for deriving or building random process models by collecting and

analyzing data are discussed in Chapters 8 and 9. We assume that the reader
"has a "background in deterministic systems and signal analysis, including analysis
in the frequency domain.


In many engineering problems, we deal with time-varying waveforms that have

some element of chance or randomness associated with them. As an example,
consider the waveforms that occur in a typical data communication system such
as the one shown in Figure 3.1 in which a number of terminals are sending
information in binary format over noisy transmission links to a central computer.
A transmitter in each link converts the binary data to an electrical waveform in
which binary digits are converted to pulses of duration T and amplitudes ±1.
The received waveform in each link is a distorted and noisy version o f the
transmitted waveform where noise represents interfering electrical disturbances.
From the received waveform, the receiver attempts to extract the transmitted
binary digits. As shown in Figure 3.1, distortion and noise cause the receiver to
make occasional errors in recovering the transmitted binary digit sequence.
As we examine the collection or “ ensemble” o f waveforms shown in Figure
3.1, randomness is evident in all of these waveforms. By observing one wave­
form, say over the time interval [/,, l2] we cannot, with certainty, predict
the value o f x,(f) for any other value o f t $ [ t u t2]. Furthermore, knowledge of
one member function x,(f) will not enable us to know the value of another
member function X j ( t ) . We will use a probabilistic model to describe or char­
acterize the ensemble of waveforms so that we can answer questions such as:

1. What are the spectral properties of the ensemble o f waveforms shown

in Figure 3.1?
2. How does the noise affect system performance as measured by the re­
ceiver’s ability to recover the transmitted data correctly?
3. What is the optimum processing algorithm that the receiver should use?

By extending the concept of a random variable to include time, we can build

a random process model for characterizing an ensemble o f time functions. For
the waveforms shown in Figure 3.1, consider a random experiment that consists
o f tossing N coins simultaneously and repeating the N tossings once every T
seconds. If we label the outcomes o f the experiment by “ 1” when a coin flip
results in a head and “ 0” when the toss results in a tail, then we have a prob­
abilistic model for the bit sequences transmitted by the terminals. Now, by
representing Is and Os by pulses o f amplitude ±1 and duration T, we can model
the transmitted waveform x,-(t). If the channel is linear, its impulse response
h(t) is known, and the noise is additive, then we can express y,(f) as x,(t) * h,(t)
+ n,(t), where n,-(f) is the additive channel “ noise,” and * indicates convolution.

(6) Ensemble of transmitted waveforms (c) Ensemble of received waveforms


By processing y,(f) the receiver can generate the output sequence b t(k). Thus,
by extending the concept o f random variables to include time and using the
results from deterministic systems analysis, we can model random signals and
analyze the response of systems to random inputs.
The validity of the random-process model suggested in the previous para­
graph for the signals shown in Figure 3.1 can be decided only by collecting and
analyzing sample waveforms. Model building and validation fall into the realm
o f statistics and will be the subject of coverage in Chapters 8 and 9. For the
time being, we will assume that appropriate probabilistic models are given and
proceed with the analysis.
We start our study of random process models with an introduction to the
notation, terminology, and definitions. Then, we present a number of examples
and develop the idea o f using certain averages to characterize random processes.
Basic signal-processing operations such as differentiation, integration, and lim­
iting will be discussed next. Both time-domain and frequency-domain techniques
will be used in the analysis, and the concepts of power spectral distribution and
bandwidth will be discussed in detail. Finally, we develop series approximations
to random processes that are analogous to Fourier and other series represen­
tations for deterministic signals.


3.2.1 Concept of Random Processes

A random variable maps the outcomes o f a random experiment to a set of real
numbers. In a similar vein, a random process can be viewed as a mapping of
the outcomes of a random experiment to a set of waveforms or functions of
time. While in some applications it may not be possible to explicitly define the
underlying random experiment and the associated mapping to waveforms, we
can still use the random process as a model for characterizing a collection of
waveforms. For example, the waveforms in the data communication system
shown in Figure 3.1 were the result of programmers pounding away on terminals.
Although the underlying random experiment (what goes through the minds of
programmers) that generates the waveforms is not defined, we can use a hy­
pothetical experiment such as tossing N coins and define the waveforms based
on the outcomes of the experiment.
By way of another example of a random process, consider a random exper­
iment that consists o f tossing a die at t = 0 and observing the number of dots
showing on,the top face. l i e sample space .of the experiment consists o f the
outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 . For each outcome of the experiment, let us
arbitrarily assign the following functions of time, t, 0 t < «.

Outcome Waveform

1 * i( 0 = - 4
2 x 2(t) = - 2

Outcome Waveform

3 x 3(t) = + 2
4 x 4(t) = + 4
5 x 5(t) = — r/2
6 x 6(t) = t/2

The set o f waveforms { jcx(f), x 2(t), . . . , * 6(r)}, which are shown in Figure
3.2, represents this random process and are called the ensemble.

3.2.2 Notation
A random process, which is a collection or ensemble o f waveforms, can be
denoted by X(t, A ), where t represents time and A is a variable that represents
an outcome in the sample space S of some underlying random experiment E.
Associated with each specific outcome*, say X.,, we have a specific member
function xf t ) of the ensemble. Each member function, also referred to as a
sample function or a realization of the process, is a deterministic function of
time even though we may not always be able to express it in closed form.

F ig u r e 3 .2 Example of a random process.

*If the number o f outcomes is countable, then we will use the subscripted notation X, and x , ( f ) to
denote a particular outcom e and the corresponding member function. Otherwise, we will use X and
x ( t ) to denote a specific outcom e and the corresponding member function.

For a specific value o f time t = X ( l Q, A) represents a collection of

numerical values o f the various member functions at t = t0. The actual value
depends on the outcome of the random experiment and the member function
associated with that outcome. Hence, X ( t 0, A) is a random variable and the
probability distribution o f the random variable, X ( t 0, A), is derived from the
probabilities o f the various outcomes o f the random experiment E.
When t and A are fixed at say t - ta, and A = X,-, then X (t0, X,) represents
a single numerical value of the rth member function of the process at t = t0.
That is X ( t 0, X,) = x,(r0). Thus, X{t, A) can denote the following quantities:

1. X(t, A) = {X (f, Xj)|Xi E S} = { * ,( 0 , x 2( 0 , • ' a collection of

functions of time.
2. X(t, X,) = Xj(t), a specific member function or deterministic function
of time.
3. X ( t 0, A) = {X ( t a, X,)|X, E S} = { x !(t 0), x 2(t0), . . .}, a collection of
the numerical values of the member functions at t = tg, that is, a random
4. X ( t 0, X,) = x,(t0), numerical value of the ;'th member function at
t = t0.

While the notation given in the preceding paragraphs is well defined, con­
vention adds an element of confusion for the sake o f conformity with the notation
for deterministic signals by using X(t) rather than X(t, A) to denote a random
process. X(t) may represent a family o f time functions, a single time function,
a random variable, or a single number. Fortunately, the specific interpretation
o f X(t ) usually can be understood from the context.


For the random process shown in Figure 3.2, the random experiment E consists
of tossing a die and observing the number of dots on the up face.

A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } = {X ^ X2, X3, X4, X5, X6}

X[t, X,) = X{ t ,A = 1) = Xl(t) = - 4 , 0 < t

X{t, X5) = X(t, A = 5) = x 5{t) = ~ \ t , 0 < t

X (6 , A) = ^ ( 6) is arandom variable thathas values from the set

{ - 4 , - 3 , - 2 , 2, 3 ,4 }
A"(f = 6 , A = 5) = —3, a constant

3.2.3 Probabilistic Structure

The probabilistic structure o f a random process comes from the underlying
random experiment E. Knowing the probability o f each outcome o f E and the
time function it maps to, we can derive probability distribution functions for
P [ X { h ) < a^\, P[AT(f!) s a x and X ( t 2) s a2], and so on. If A x is a subset of
the sample space S of E and it contains all the outcomes X for which X ( t u X)
£ alt then

PiX Q O ^aJ = P(A0

Note that A x is an event associated with E and its probability is derived from
the probability structure o f the random experiment E. In a similar fashion, we
can define joint and conditional probabilities also by first identifying the event
that is the inverse image of a given set of values of X ( t ) and then calculating
the probability of this event.


For the random process shown in Figure 3.2, find (a) P [ X { 4) = - 2 ] ; (b) P[W(4)
< 0]; (c) P[W(0) = 0, X(4) = - 2 ] ; and (d) P [ X ( 4) = —2|AT(0) = 0],


(a) Let A be the set of outcomes such that for every X/ £ A, X{4, X,) =
- 2 . It is clear from Figure 3.2 that A = {2, 5}. Hence, P [ X ( 4) =
-2] = P(A) = I = i
(b) P [ X ( 4) £ 0 ] = P[set of outcomes such that W(4) < 0] = § =
(c) Let B be the set of outcomes that maps to W(0) = 0 and X(4) = - 2 .
Then B = {5}, and hence P [X (0 ) = 0, X{4) = - 2 ] = P( B) = g.

(d) P [ X ( 4) = -2 | X (0 ) = 0] = = - 2 : * l ° > = °1
w L w 1 w J P [Jf(0) = 0]

( 1/ 6) 1
( 2/ 6) 2

We can attach a relative frequency interpretation to the probabilities as follows.

In the case of the previous example, we toss the die n times and observe a time
function at each trial. We note the values of these functions at, say, time t =
4. Let k be the total number of trials such that at time t = 4 the values of the

functions are equal to —2. Then,

P [ X { 4) = - 2 ] = l i m -
n—*<x f t

We can use a similar interpretation for joint and conditional probabilities.

3.2.4 Classification of Random Processes

Random processes are classified according to the characteristics of t and the
random variable X (t ) at time t. If t has a continuum o f values in one or more
intervals on the real line R 1; then X ( t ) is called a continuous-time random
process, examples of which are shown in Figures 3.1 and 3.2. If t can take on
a finite, or countably infinite, number of values, say {• • • , f_ 2, f - i , to, *i, t2,
• ■ •} then X ( t ) is called a discrete-time random process or a random sequence,
an example of which is the ensemble of random binary digits shown in Figure
3.1. We often denote a random sequence by X(n) where n represents f„.
X(t ) [or X(n)] is a discrete-state or discrete-valued process (or sequence) if
its values are countable. Otherwise, it is a continuous-state or continuous-valued
random process (or sequence). The ensemble of binary waveforms X ( t ) shown
in Figure 3.1 is a discrete-state, continuous-time, random process. From here
on, we will use a somewhat abbreviated terminology shown in Table 3.1 to refer
to these four classes o f random processes. Note that “ continuous” or “ discrete”
will be used to refer to the nature of the amplitude distribution of X( t ), and
“ process” or “ sequence” is used to distinguish between continuous time or
discrete time, respectively. Additional classification of random processes given
in the following sections apply to both random processes and random sequences.
Another attribute that is used to classify random processes is the dependence
of the probabilistic structure of X(t ) on t. If certain probability distributions or
averages do not depend on t, then the process is called stationary. Otherwise it
is called nonstationary. The random process shown in Figure 3.1 is stationary if


V\ t
Continuous Discrete
Continuous Continuous random Continuous random
process sequence
Discrete Discrete random Discrete random
process sequence

the noise is stationary, whereas the process shown in Figure 3.2 is nonstationary,
that is, A'(O) has a different distribution than X(4). More concrete definitions
of stationarity and several examples will be presented in Section 3.5 of this
A random process may be either real-valued or complex-valued. In many
applications in communication systems, we deal with real-valued bandpass ran­
dom processes o f the form

Z(t) = A(t)cos[2irfct + 6 ( 0 ]

where f c is the carrier or center frequency, and A {t ) and 6 ( 0 are real-valued

random processes. Z ( f ) can also be written as

Z ( 0 = Real part of {A (r )e x p [;6 (0 ] exp(/2ir/ct)}

= Real part o f { W (r)exp(;2ir/Ct)}

where the complex envelope W(t) is given by

W (0 = A (0 c o s 6 ( 0 + j A (Osin 6 ( 0
= Z ( 0 + ;Y (0

VF(0 is a complex-valued random process whereas X(t), Y(t), and Z ( 0 are

real-valued random processes.
Finally, a random process can be either predictable or unpredictable based
on observations of its past values. In the case of the ensemble of binary wave­
forms X (t ) shown in Figure 3.1, randomness is evident in each member function,
and future values of a member function cannot be determined in terms of past
values taken during the preceding T seconds, or earlier. Hence, the process is
unpredictable. On the other hand, all member functions o f the random process
X{t) shown in Figure 3.2 are completely predictable if past values are known.
For example, future values o f a member function can be determined completely
for t > t0 > 0 if past values are known for 0 < t < t0. We know the six member
functions, and the uncertainty results from not knowing which outcome (and
hence the corresponding member function) is being observed. The member
function as well as the outcome can be determined from two past values. Note
that we cannot uniquely determine the member function from one observed
value, say at t = 4, since X(4) = 2 could result from either x 3(t) or x 6(t). If
we observe X { t ) at two values of t, then we can determine the member function

3.2.5 Formal Definition o f Random Processes

Let 5 be the sample space of a random experiment and let t be a variable that
can have values in the set Y C R x, the real line. A real-valued random process
X{t ) , t E F, is then a measurable function’ on F x S' that maps F x S onto
R l . If the set F is a union of one or more intervals on the real line, then X(t)
is a random process, and if T is a subset o f integers, then X ( t ) is a random
A real-valued random process X ( t ) is described by its nth order distribution

X(t2), . . . . X (r „) ( * 1 j X 2, • • ■ , X„)

= p [ X ( tl) ^ Xl, . . .
for all n and tx, . . . , tn E T (3.1)

These functions satisfy all the requirements of joint probability distribution

Note that if T consists o f a finite number of points, say tx, t2, . . . , tn, then
the random sequence is completely described by the joint distribution function
of the n-dimensional random vector, [A"(ti), X ( t 2), . . . , A (r„)]r, where T
denotes the transpose of a vector.


A random process can be described in terms of a random experiment and the

associated mapping. While such a description is a natural extension of the concept
of random variables, there are alternate methods of characterizing random proc­
esses that will be of use in analyzing random signals and in the design of systems
that process random signals for various applications.

3.3.1 Joint Distribution

Since we defined a random process as an indexed set of random variables, we
can obviously use joint probability distribution functions to describe a random
process. For a random process X( t ) , we have many joint distribution functions

*It is necessary only to assume that X ( t ) is measurable on S for every t e T. A random process is
sometimes also defined as a family o f indexed random variables, denoted by [ X ( t , •); t E T], where
the index set T represents the set o f observation times.

of the form given in Equation 3.1. This leads to a formidable description o f the
process because at least one «-variate distribution function is required for each
value of n. However, the first-order distribution function(s)P[A'(t1) s and
the second-order distribution function(s) P [ X (q ) £ ax, X ( t 2) ^ a2] are primarily
used. The first-order distribution function describes the instantaneous amplitude
distribution of the process and the second-order distribution function tells us
something about the structure o f the signal in the time-domain and thus the
spectral content of the signal. The higher-order distribution functions describe
the process in much finer detail.
While the joint distribution functions o f a process can be derived from a
description of the random experiment and the mapping, there is no technique
for constructing member functions from joint distribution functions. Two dif­
ferent processes may have the same nth order distribution but the member
functions need not have a one-to-one correspondence.


For the random process shown in Figure 3.2, obtain the joint probabilities
P[2f(0) and X ( 6)] and the marginal probabilities P[^f(0)] and P[Ar(6)].

SOLUTION: We know that X (0 ) and X(6) are discrete random variables and
hence we can obtain the distribution functions from probability mass functions,
which can be obtained by inspection from Table 3.2.


Values of Values of X(6)-

X(0) -4 -3 -2 2 3 4
-4 1/6 0 0 0 0 0 1/6
-2 0 0 1/6 0 0 0 1/6 Marginal
0 0 1/6 0 0 1/6 0 2/g probabilities
Or /\\U)
2 0 J ) 0 1/6 0 0 1/6
4 0 /o 0 0 0 1/6 1/6 J
1/6 /1 /6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6

'--------------- / -----------------------------------“------------------------------------------------------
I Marginal probabilities of X(6)

'Joint probabilities of X(0) and X(6)


Figure 3.3 Example of a broadcasting system.

3.3.2 Analytical Description Using Random Variables

We are used to expressing deterministic signals in simple analytical forms such
as x(t) = 20 sin(10r) or y { t) = e x p ( - t 2). It is sometimes possible to express a
random process in an analytical form using one or more random variables.
Consider for example an FM station that is broadcasting a “ tone,” x(l) = 100
cos( 108f), to a large number of receivers distributed randomly in a metropolitan
area (see Figure 3.3). The amplitude and phase o f the waveform received by
the ith receiver will depend on the distance between the transmitter and the
receiver. Since we have a large number o f receivers distributed randomly over
an area, we can model the distance as a continuous random variable. Since the
attenuation and the phase are functions o f distance, they are also random vari­
ables, and we can represent the ensemble o f received waveforms by a random
process Y (t) of the form

Y (0 = A cos(108f + 0 )

where A and © are random variables representing the amplitude and phase of
the received waveforms. It might be reasonable to assume uniform distributions
for A and 0 .
Representation o f a random process in terms of one or more random variables
whose probability law is known is used in a variety o f applications in commu­
nication systems.

3.3.3 Average Values

As in the case of random variables, random processes can be described in terms
o f averages or expected values. In many applications, only certain averages

derived from the first- and second-order distributions o f X ( f are o f interest.

For real- or complex-valued random processes, these averages are defined as

Mean. The mean of X ( t ) is the expected value of the random variable X (t )

M O = E { X ( t )} (3.2)
Autocorrelation. The autocorrelation of X( t ), denoted by R xx(tu h) , is
the expected value of the product X*(t { ) X ( t 2)

R x x( h, t2) = E { X * { t , ) X { t 2)} (3.3)

where * denotes conjugate.
Autocovariance. The autocovariance of X { t ) is defined as

Cxxih, t2) = R x x ( h , h ) ~ M O M tO (3.4)

Correlation Coefficient. The autocorrelation coefficient o f X(t) is defined
______ Cxx(fi, h )______
rxx{t\, t2) (3.5)
*^CXX(tu c ) Cxx(t2, t2)

The mean of the random process is the “ ensemble” average of the values o f all
the member functions at time t, and the autocovariance function Cxx(tu tt) is
the variance of the random variable X (tj). For tx A t2, the second moments
Rxx itx, h ) , CXx(t\i h)> and rxx{t{ , t2) partially describe the time domain
structure of the random process. We will see later that we can use these functions
to derive the spectral properties of X(t).
For random sequences the argument n is substituted for t, and n x and n2 are
substituted for t\ and t2, respectively. In this case the four functions defined
above are also discrete time functions.


Find ixx (t), R xx{tl , t2), Cxx(ti, t2), and rxx(tl, t2) for the random process
shown in Figure 3.2.

SOLUTION: We compute these expected values by averaging the appropriate

ensemble values.

MO = £{*(')} = 7 1 *,(0 = o
0 i=i

Rxx{t\, t2) - E { X ( t x) X ( t 2)} = X i ( h ) X j ( t 2)

0 i=l
16 + 4 + 4 + 16 + - ttt2 + ^ t^t-i
40+ j <a }

Note that because X is real, complex conjugates are omitted.

Cxx(t\> h ) = Rxx(h, h)


A random process X(t ) has the functional form

X{t) = A cos(100f + 0 )

where A is a normal random variable with a mean o f 0 and variance of 1 , and

0 is uniformly distributed in the interval [ —it, it]. Assuming A and 0 are
independent random variables, find (M O and Rxx(t>f + t).


M r ) = E { A } £{cos(100t + 0 ) } = 0

Rxx(f, t + t) = E { X ( t x) X ( t 2)} with tx = t and t2 - t + t

since £ {cos( 200f + 100t + 2 0 )} = 0

Note that Rxx (t, t + t) is a function only o f t and is periodic in t. In general,

if a process has a periodic component, its autocorrelation function will also have
a periodic component with the same period.

3.3.4 Two or More Random Processes

When we deal with two or more random processes, we can use joint distribution
functions, analytical descriptions, or averages to describe the relationship be­
tween the random processes. Consider two random processes X (t ) and Y(t)
whose joint distribution function is denoted by

P[X(ti) , X( t n) < xn, Y{t[) < y , , . . . , Y (C ) < y m]

Three averages or expected values that are used to describe the relationship
between X (t ) and Y(t) are

Cross-correlation Function.

R x r i t u h ) = E { X * { t , ) Y { t 2)} (3.6)

Cross-covariance Function.

h) = Rxy(U> h) ~ H 'y ^ ) (3.7)

Correlation Coefficient (Also called cross-correlation coefficient).

______ C xy^! , t2)______

rXY(t 1 ) h ) (3.8)
Using the joint and marginal distribution functions as well as the expected values,
we can determine the degree o f dependence between two random processes. As
above, the same definitions are used for random sequences with nl and n2
replacing the arguments t1 and t2.

Equality. Equality o f two random processes will mean that their respective
member functions are identical for each outcome X G S. Note that equality also
implies that the processes are defined on the same random experiment.
Uncorrelated. Two processes X(t ) and Y(t) are uncorrelated when

C xy(?i) h ) = 0, ti> h *= r (3.9)

Orthogonal. X (t ) and Y(t) are said to be orthogonal if

R xyQi > t2) = 0, ti, t2 <= r (3.10)

Independent. Random processes X ( t ) and Y(t) are independent if

W * i ) £ * > , . . . , X{tn) < x„, Y{t[) < y u . . . , Y ( Q < y m)

= P [ X { t 1) = £ * „ . . . , X( t n) < x„] P[Y(t[) < y u . . . , Y (t'm) < ym]
for all n, m and tu t2, . . . , t„, t{, t'2, . . . , t'm G T. (3.11)

A s in the case o f random variables, “ independent” implies uncorrelated but not



Let £ , be a random experiment that consists o f tossing a die at t = 0 and

observing the number o f dots on the up face, and let E 2 be a random experiment
that consists of tossing a coin and observing the up face. Define random processes
X(t ) , Y (f), and Z(t) as follows:

Outcome of Outcome of
Experiment m Y(t) Experiment Z(t)

Ei 0< t< ® 0 < t < «> e 2 0 < t < a>

x, *,(0 yM <li Z;(0
1 -4 2 1 (head) COS t

2 -2 -4 2 (tail) sin t
3 2 4
4 4 -2
5 -1/2 0
6 t!2 0

Random processes X{t) and Y (f) are defined on the same random experiment
E u However, X(t ) Z Y (f) since x,(t) Z y,(t) for every outcome, X,. These two
processes are orthogonal to each other since

£ W ( , ) H ' 2)} = 2 y,(t2) /*[X/]

- 0

They are also uncorrelated because C*y(*i, t2) = 0. However, X(t ) and Y(t)
are clearly not independent. On the other hand, X ( t ) and Z(t) are independent
processes since these processes are defined on two unrelated random experiments
E y and E 2, and hence for any pair o f outcomes X; G Si and q} G S2,

P(ki and q,) = R(X;) P(qj)


In deterministic signal analysis, we use elementary signals such as sinusoidal,

exponential, and step signals as building blocks from which other more com­
plicated signals can be constructed. A number o f random processes with special

properties are also used in a similar fashion in random signal analysis. In this
section, we introduce examples of a few specific processes. These processes and
their applications will be studied in detail in Chapter 5, and they are presented
here only as examples to illustrate some o f the important and general properties
o f random processes.

3.4.1 More Definitions

Markov. A random process X{t), t G T, is called a first-order Markov (or

Markoff) process if for all sequences o f times t1 < t2 < ■ • ■ < tk G T and k =
1 , 2 , . . . we have

P [ X ( t k) S: x k\X{tk_,), . . . , * ( * ! ) ]

= P [ X ( t k) < x*| Z (f,_,)] (3.12)

Equation 3.12 says that the conditional probability distribution o f X ( t k) given

all past values X( t i) = x lt . . . , X ( t k^l) — x k^.1 depends only upon the most
recent value ^ (f*..,) = x k-.y.

Independent Increments. A random process X( t ) , t G T is said to have

independent increments if for all times tl < t2 ■ ■ ■ < tk G r,
and k = 3, 4,
. . . , the random variables X { t 2) - X ( t t), ^f(r3) - X { t 2), . . . , and X ( t k) -
X ( t k_1) are mutually independent.

The probability distribution of a process with independent increments is

completely specified by the distribution o f an increment, X {t ) - X (t ' ) , for all
t' < t and by the first-order distribution P [A (r0) s x 0] at some single time
instant, t0 G T, since there is a simple linear relationship between X { t x), . . . ,
X { t k) and the increments X { t 2) - Z ( c ) , . . . , X ( t k) - X ( t and since the
joint distribution o f the increments is equal to the product o f the marginal
Two processes with independent increments play a central role in the theory
o f random processes. One is the Poisson process that has a Poisson distribution
for the increments, and the second one is the Wiener process with a Gaussian
distribution for the increments. We will study these two processes in detail later.

Martingale. A random process X{ t ) , t G T, is called a Martingale if

£{|A (t)|} < co for all t G T, and

£ { ^ 2) 1^ 0 , tx == t2} = A ( f ,) for all tx < t2 (3.13)

Martingales have several interesting properties such as having a constant

mean, and they play an important role in the theory o f prediction of future
values o f random processes based on past observations.

Gaussian. A random process X(r), t £ T is called a Gaussian process if all

its nth order distributionsFXl, x2.......x n(x u x 2 , ■ ■ • >x n) are n-variate Gaussian
distributions [(,, l2, T, and X t = X { t t)\.

Gaussian random processes are widely used to model signals that result from
the sum of a large number o f independent sources, for example, the noise in a
low-frequency communication channel caused by a large number o f independent
sources such as automobiles, power lines, lightning, and other atmospheric phe­
nomena. Since a fc-variate Gaussian density is specified by a set of means and
a covariance matrix, knowledge of the mean (f), t £ T, and the correlation
function R Xx ( h , t2), , f 2 6EF, are sufficient to completely specify the probability
distribution of a Gaussian process.
If a Gaussian process is also a Markov process, then it is called a Gauss-
Markov process.

3.4.2 Random Walk and Wiener Process

In the theory and applications of random processes, the Wiener process, which
provides a model for Brownian motion and thermal noise in electrical circuits,
plays a fundamental role. In 1905, Einstein showed that a small particle (of say
diameter 10 ~4 cm) immersed in a medium moves randomly due to the continual
bombardment of the molecules o f the medium, and in 1923, Wiener derived a
random process model for this random Brownian motion. The Wiener process
can be derived easily as a limiting operation on a related random process called
a random walk.

Random Walk. A discrete version o f the Wiener process used to model the
random motion o f a particle can be constructed as follows: Assume that a particle
is moving along a horizontal line until it collides with another molecule, and
that each collision causes the particle to move “ up” or “ down” from its previous
path by a distance “ d.” Furthermore, assume that the collision takes place once
every T seconds and that the movement after a collision is independent o f all
previous jumps and hence independent of its position. This model, which is
analogous to tossing a coin once every T seconds and taking a step “ up” if heads
show and “ down” if tails show, is called a random walk. The position of the
particle at t = nT is a random sequence X ( n ) where in this notation for a
sequence, X(n) corresponds with the process X { n T) , and one member function
of the sequence is shown in Figure 3,4. We will assume that we start observing
the particle at t = 0 , its initial location W(0) = 0 and that the jump o f ± d
appears instantly after each toss.
If k heads show up in the first n tosses, then the position o f the particle at
t = nT is given by

X ( n ) = kd + ( n — k) ( —d)
= (2k — n) d (3.14)


Figure 3.4 Sample function of the random walk process. Values of X(n) are shown

and X ( n ) is a discrete random variable having values md, where m equals —n,
—n + 2, . . . , n — 2, n. If we denote the sequence of jumps by a sequence of
random variables { /,} , then we can express X ( n ) as

X ( n ) — Jx + J2 + ■ ■ ■ + Jn

The random variables Jh i = 1, 2, . . . , n, are independent and have identical

distributions with

P ( Ji = d) = P(Ji = - d ) = |

E{J,} = 0 E{Jj } = d 2

From Equation 3.14 it follows that

, m + n
P [ X ( n ) = md] = P[ k heads in n tosses], k =

Since the number o f heads in n tosses has a binomial distribution, we have

k = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , n; m = 2k - n


E{X(n)} = 0

E { X { n f } = £ {[7 , + J2 + ■■ ■ + Jn\2}
= nd2

We can obtain the autocorrelation function o f the random walk sequence as

R x x ( n x, n2) - E { X ( n x) X { n 2)}
= E { X ( n x) [ X { n x) + X ( n 2) -
= E { X ( n iy } + E { X { n x) [ * ( « , ) - ^ ( hj)]}

Now, if we assume n2 > n x, then X ( n i) and \Xin-i) — A'(fJi)] are independent

random variables since the number of heads from the first to «ith tossing is
independent of the number o f heads from (n x + l)th tossing to the n2th tossing.

Rxx( n \ini) ~ E { X { n i Y } + E { X ( n x)} E { [ X ( n 2) — A '(n i)]}

= E { X { n x)2} = n xd 2

If « ! > n2, then RXx(n 1 , ni) = n 2 d2 and in general we can express R xx(nu
n2) as

Rxx(n i, n2) = min(nx, n2) d 2 (3.15)

It is left as an exercise for the reader to show that X { n ) is a Markov sequence

and a Martingale.

Wiener Process. Suppose we define a continuous-time random process Y{t),

tg r
= [o,
oo) from the random sequence X ( n ) as

A sample function o f Y(t) is shown as a broken line in Figure 3.4. The mean
and variance o f Y(t) at t = nT are given by

E {Y { t ) } = 0 and E { Y \ t )} = ~ = nd2 (3.16)

The Wiener process is obtained from Y(t) by letting both the time (T ) between
jumps and the step size (d) approach zero with the constraint d 2 = a T to assure
that the variance will remain finite and nonzero for finite values o f t. As a result
o f the limiting, we have the Wiener process W(t) with the following properties:

1. W(t) is a continuous-amplitude, continuous-time, independent-incre­

ment process.
2. E {W{ t )} = 0, and E { W 2(t)} = at.
3. W (/)^will have a Gaussian distribution since the total displacement or
position can be regarded as the sum o f a large number o f small inde­
pendent displacements and hence the central limit theorem applies. The
probability density function o f W is given by

U(w)' ^ib exp(irr)

4. For any value o f t', 0 < t' < t, the increment W{t) - W(t') has a
Gaussian pdf with zero mean and a variance o f a(t — t').
5. The autocorrelation o f W(t) is

R w w ( h , t2) = a m in(f,, t2) (3.17)

A sample function o f the Wiener process, which is also referred to as the W iener-
Levy process, is shown in Figure 3.5. The reader can verify that the Wiener
process is a (nonstationary) Markov process and a Martingale.

W (t)

F ig u r e 3 .5 S a m p l e f u n c t i o n o f t h e W ie n e r —L e v y p r o c e s s .


Figure 3.6 Sample function of the Poisson random process.

3.4.3 Poisson Process

The Poisson process is a continuous time, discrete-amplitude random process

that is used to model phenomena such as the emission o f photons from a light-
emitting diode, the arrival of telephone calls at a central exchange, the occur­
rence o f component failures, and other events. We can describe these events by
a counting function Q(t), defined for t E T = [0, » ) , which represents the
number o f “ events” that have occurred during the time period 0 to t. A typical
realization Q{t) is shown in Figure 3.6. The initial value g (0 ) of the process is
assumed to be equal to zero.
<2(0 is an integer-valued random process and is said to be a Poisson process
if the following assumptions hold:

1. For any times tly t2 G. T and t2 > the number o f events Q(t2) —
Q ( t r) that occur in the interval tx to t2 is Poisson distributed according
to the probability law

PlQih) - <2 (M = k] = - ^ - 2 ~ fl) 1' exp [ - ^ 2 - h)]

k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (3.18)

2. The number o f events that occur in any interval o f time is independent

o f the number of events that occur in other nonoverlapping time inter­

From Equation 3.18 we obtain

P[Q(t) = k] = ^ - e x p ( - \ r ) , k = 0, 1 , 2 , . . .

and hence the mean and variance of Q(t) are

E { Q { t ) } = \f, v a r{0(r)} = \t (3.19)

Using the property o f independent increments, we find the autocorrelation of

Q(t) as

R qqU i ’ h ) = E { Q ( t i) <2(^2)}
= E { Q ( h ) [ QUi) + Q{t 2) - Q (ti)]} for t2 s h
= E{Q2
3tx)} + E {Q( t O} E { Q ( t 2) - Q { t x)}
= [\f! + \2tl] + - fO]
= \ fi[l + \t2] for t2 s rt
= \2 ti t2 + \ ■ min(r1; t2) for all tl712 E T (3.20)

The reader can verify that the Poisson process is a Markov process and is
nonstationary. Unlike the W iener-Levy process, the Poisson process is not a
Martingale since its mean is time varying. Additional properties of the Poisson
process and its applications are discussed in Chapter 5.

3.4.4 Random Binary Waveform

Waveforms used in data communication systems are modeled by a random
sequence o f pulses with the following properties:

1. Each pulse has a rectangular shape with a fixed duration o f T and a

random amplitude of ± 1 .
2. Pulse amplitudes are equally likely to be ± 1.
3. All pulse amplitudes are statistically independent.
4. The start times of the pulse sequences are arbitrary; that is, the starting
time o f the first pulse following t = 0 is equally likely to be any value
between 0 and T.


The random sequence o f pulses shown in Figure 3.7 is called a random binary
waveform, and it can be expressed as

X(t) = 2 A kP(t - k T - D )

where p (r) is a unit amplitude pulse of duration T, A k is a binary random variable

that represents the amplitude o f the fcth pulse, and D is the random start time
with a uniform distribution in the interval [0, T}. The sample function of X(t)
shown in Figure 3.7 is defined by a specific amplitude sequence {- - ■ 1, - 1 , 1 ,
—1, —1, 1, 1, —1, • • •} and a specific value of delay D = TI4.
For any value of t, X { t ) has one o f two values, ± 1 , with equal probability,
and hence the mean and variance of X{t ) are

E{X(t)} = 0 and E { X 2(t)} = 1 (3.21)

To calculate the autocorrelation function of X(t), let us choose two values of

time t x and t2 such that 0 < tx < t2 < T. After finding R xx(tx, t 2) with 0 <
tx < t2 < T, we will generalize the result for arbitrary values o f tx and t2.
From Figure 3.8 we see that when 0 < D < tx or t2 < D < T, tx and t2 lie
in the same pulse interval and hence X ( t x) = X ( t 2) and the product X ( t {)
X { t 2) = 1. On the other hand, when tx < D < t2, tx and t2 lie in different pulse
intervals and the product of pulse amplitudes X ( t x) X ( t 2) has the value + 1 or
—1 with equal probability. Hence we have

1 if 0 < D < tx or t2 < D < T

X ( h ) X ( t 2) =
±1 if tx < D < t2

n i
1 1 OzsDst!
1 i i 1 1 and t 2 belong to the
0 D tl h T same pulse interval and
X (fi)X (t2) = 1

1 fi and t 2 belong to the
0 h 1 f2l D T same pulse interval and
X (t!)X ((2) = 1
i \
i 1

1 ti <£><(2
1 i tiand t 2 belong to different
h\ D h T pulse intervals and
X U i ) X l t 2) = ± 1

F ig u r e 3 .8 C a lc u la t io n o f RXx(tt, h)-

The random variable D has a uniform distribution in the interval [0, T] and
hence P[0 < D < tl or t2 < D < T] = 1 - (t2 - tJ/T, and P( t t < D < t2)
~ (h — h)!T. Using these probabilities and conditional expectations, we obtain

R x x i f u h ) = E { X ( t , ) X { t 2)}
= ATft2)|0 < D < t x or t2 < D < T }
■ P[0 < D < t 1 or t2 < D < T]
+ W i ) ^ 2)|fi =s D < t2} • P(r, < D < t2)

4- 1 . - . ^ 2 _ i . 1 . ft 2 h)
2 T 'l T
_ 2 _ (f2 f l)

To generalize this result to arbitrary values of ^ and t2, we note that

Rxx(h-> h ) — Rxxih, fi)> and that RXx(h, h) = 0 when \t2 — fj| > T. Fur-

thermore, R xx{tx + kT, t2 + k T) = R xx(tu h), and hence

1*2 ~ *i|
T 1*2 ~ *i |< T
Rxx{t\, h ) (3.22)
0 elsewhere

The reader can verify that the random binary waveform is not an independent
increment process and is not a Martingale.
A general version of the random binary waveform with multiple and cor­
related amplitude levels is widely used as a model for digitized speech and other
signals. We will discuss this generalized model and its application in Chapters
5 and 6.


Time-invariant systems and steady-state analysis are familiar terms to electrical

engineers. These terms portray certain time-invariant properties o f systems and
signals. Stationarity plays a similar role in the description of random processes,
and it describes the time invariance of certain properties of a random process.
Whereas individual member functions of a random function may fluctuate rapidly
as a function of time, the ensemble averaged values such as the mean o f the
process might remain constant with respect to time. Loosely speaking, a process
is called stationary if its distribution functions or certain expected values are
invariant with respect to a translation of the time axis.
There are several degrees of stationarity ranging from stationarity in a strict
sense to a less restrictive form o f stationarity called wide-sense stationarity. We
define different forms of stationarity and present a number of examples in this

3.5.1 Strict-sense Stationarity

A random process X(t) is called time stationary or stationary in the strict sense
(abbreviated as SSS) if all o f the distribution functions describing the process
are invariant undera -translation of time. That is, for all tu t2, . . . , tk, tx -hr,
l2 + t, + t 6 T and all A: = 1 , 2 , . . . ,

^D[A (t1) £ x t, X ( t 2) ^ x 2, . . . , X ( t k) £ x k]
= P [ X ( t x + t) £ x 1; X ( t 2 + t) £ x 2, . . . , X ( t k + t) £ x k] (3.23)

If the foregoing definition holds for all M i order distribution functions k =


1 , . . . , N but not necessarily for k > N, then the process is said to be Nth
order stationary.
From Equation 3.23 it follows that for a SSS process

P [A (t) < x] = P [A (t + t) < jc] (3.24)

for any t . Hence, the first-order distribution is independent o f t. Similarly

P[X(rO < X ( t 2) ^ x 2] = + t) < JC,, X ( t 2 + t) < x 2] (3.25)

for any t implies that the second-order distribution is strictly a function o f the
time difference t2 - tx. As a consequence of Equations 3.24 and 3.25, we
conclude that for a SSS process

E{ X( t )} = ix* = constant (3.26)

and the autocorrelation function will be a function of the time difference t2 —

q. We denote the autocorrelation of a SSS process by Rxx(t2 ~ ti), defined as

£ {X * (t O * (f 2)} = R xx{t2 - tx) (3.27)

- - It should be noted here that a random process with a constant mean and an
autocorrelation function that depends only on the time difference t2 — q need
not even be first-order stationary.
Two real-valued processes X(t ) and Y(t) are jointly stationary in the strict
sense if the joint distributions of X(t) and Y(t) are invariant under a translation
of time, and a complex process Z{t) = X(t ) + jY(t) is SSS if the processes
X(t ) and Y (f) are jointly stationary in the strict sense.

3.5.2 Wide-sense Stationarity

A less restrictive form of stationarity is based on the mean and the autocorre­
lation function. A process X(t) is said to be stationary in the wide sense (WSS
or weakly stationary) if its mean is a constant and the autocorrelation function
depends only on the time difference:

E { X ( t ) } = p* (3.28.a)

E{X*(t)X(t + t)} = Rxx( t) (3.28.b)


Two processes X(t) and Y(t) are jointly WSS if each process satisfies Equation
3.28 and for all t G T.

E [X *( t) Y ( t + t)] = R xy( j) (3.29)

For random sequences, the conditions for WSS are

E{X(k)} = (3.30.a)


E { X * ( n ) X ( n + k)} = R xx( k) (3.30.b)

It is easy to show that SSS implies WSS; however, the converse is not true in

3.5.3 Examples


Two random processes X(t) and Y{t) are shown in Figures 3.9 and 3.10. Find
the mean and autocorrelation functions of X(t) and Y{t) and discuss their sta­
tionarity properties.

* i (r i = 5

Xi it) = 3

*3(0 = 1
------------------------- ---- ------------------------ t
*4 (f) = ~ 1

x 5U) = - 3

x 6( t ) = - 5

Figure 3.9 Example of a stationary random process. (Assume equal probabilities of

occurrence for the six outcomes in sample space.)

Figure 3.10 Example of a nonstationary random process. (Member function are

assumed to have equal probabilities.)


E{X(t)} = 0 for all t G Y = (-« > , ®)

Rxxih, h) — g (25 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 25) = —

Furthermore, a translation of the time axis does not result in any change in any
member function, and hence, Equation 3.23 is satisfied and X(t) is stationary
in the strict sense.
For the random process Y (f), £ {Y (f)} = 0, and

R yyO u n) = - {36 + 9 sin fj sin t7 + 9 sin h sin U

+ 9 cos t! cos t2 + 9 cos cos f2 + 36}

= 7 {72 + 18 cos(f 2 — fi)}

= /?ry(f 2 ~ fi)

Since the mean of the random process Y (f) is constant and the autocorrelation
function depends only on the time difference f2 — tu Y(t) is stationary in the
wide sense. However, Y(r) is not strict-sense stationary since the values that
Y(t) can have at t = 0 and t = rr/4 are different and hence even the first-order
distribution is not time invariant.


A binary-valued Markov sequence X ( n ) , n E I - {. . . , —2, - 1 , 0, 1, 2, . . .}

has the following joint probabilities:

P[X(n) = 0, X ( n + 1) = 0] = 0.2,
P [A (n ) = 0, X ( n + 1 ) = 1 ] = 0.2

P[X(n) = 1, X ( n + 1) = 0] = 0.2,
P[X{n) = 1, X ( n + !) = !] = 0.4

Find |x^(n), R Xx ( n , n + 1), R x x ( n , n + 2 ), . . . , and show that the sequence

is wide-sense stationary.


P [ X { n ) = 0] = P [ X ( n ) = 0, X ( n + 1) = 0]
+ P [ X { n ) = 0, X { n + 1) = 1]
= 0.4

P [ X { n ) = 1] = 0.6

Hence, E{X( n) } = 0.6, and E{ [ X{n) ] 2} = 0.6.

E { X ( n ) X ( n + 1)} = 1 •P [ X { n ) = 1, X {n + 1) = 1] = 0.4
E { X ( n ) X { n + 2)} = 1 •P [ X ( n ) = 1, X ( n + 2) = 1]
= 1 •P[.Y(n) = 1, X ( n + 1) = 1, X ( n + 2) = 1]
+ 1 • P [ X ( n ) = 1, X( n + 1) = 0, X (n + 2) = 1]
= 1 • P [ X ( n ) = 1] P [ X ( n + 1) = 1|X ( n ) = 1]
x P [ X { n + 2) = ljA (n ) = 1, X (n + 1) = 1]
+ 1 • P [ X ( n ) = 1] P[ X( n + 1) = 0|X ( n ) = 1]
x P [ X ( n + 2) = 1|X (n ) = 1, X( n + 1) = 0]

The Markov property implies that

P [ X{ n + 2) = 1|X { n ) = 1, X (n + 1) = 1]
= P [ X { n + 2) = 1 |X ( n + 1) = 1]
P [ X{ n + 2) = l\X(n) = 1, * ( « + 1) = 0]
= P[ X{ n + 2) = l|AT(/i + 1) = 0]

and hence

£ W „ W „ + 2 ) ) . ( 0 .6) ( ^ ) ( ^ + (0.6)
« 0.367

Thus we have

E { X { n ) } = 0.6

Rxx(n, « ) = 0.6 all independent of n

Rxx{n, n + 1) = 0.4

R xx(n, n + 2) ~ 0.367 ,

Proceeding in a similar fashion, we can show that Rxx(n, n + k) will be in­

dependent of n, and hence this Markov sequence is wide-sense stationary.


A, and Bt, i = 1, 2, 3, is a set of 2n random variables that are uncor­

related and have a joint Gaussian distribution with E{A,} = £{B ,} = 0, and
E{ Aj } = E{Bfs = ct2. Let

X ( t ) = ^ (■'4.- cos co,f + Bj sin w,f)

i= i

Show that X (t ) is a SSS Gaussian random process.



E { X ( t ) } = 2 [£ {A ,} cos o),f + E{Bj} sin w,f] = 0

i= 1

E { X { t ) X { t + t)} = E { £ £ [A ; cos co,f + B; sin o),f]

Li = 1 j = l

[Aj cos oj;(f + t) + By sin <o,-(f + t)]

Since E{AjAj}, £ {/l,B ,}, £{A;By}, and £(B,By}, i A j are all zero, we have

E{X(t)X(t + t)} = ^ [ E { A ]} cos cos a);(f + t)

+ E { B ■} sin sin w,-(f + t)]
= CT2 ^ COS CO/T = R xx{T)

Since E{X{t)} and E { X { t )X (t + t)} do not depend on t, the process X{t) is

This process X(t ) for any values o f tlt t2, ■ . . , tk is a weighted sum of In
Gaussian random variables, A, and B,, i = 1, 2 Since A ,’s and B,’s
have a joint Gaussian distribution, any linear combinations of these variables
will also have a Gaussian distribution. That is, the joint distribution of AT(fi),
X ( t 2), . . . , X( t k) will be Gaussian and hence X(t) is a Gaussian process.
The /:th-order joint distribution o f A '(f1), X( t 2), . . . , X (t k) will involve the
parameters E { X ( t ) } = 0, and E { X ( t ) X ( t j ) } = Rxx{\tj - fy|), which depends
only on the time difference f, — fy. Hence, the joint distribution of AT(f[),
X ( t 2), ■ ■ . , X( t k), and the joint distribution o f X ( t x + t), X ( t 2 + t), . . . ,
X{ t k + t) will be the same for all values of t and f, E T, which proves that X(t)
is SSS.

A Gaussian random process provides one of the few examples where WSS
implies SSS.

3.5.4 Other Forms o f Stationarity

A process X(t) is asymptotically stationary if the distribution of X i p + t),
X(t2 + t ) , , X(t„ + t) does not depend on t when t is large.

A process X (t ) is stationary in an interval if Equation 3.23 holds for all t for

which t, + t, t2 + t, . . . , tk + t lie in an interval that is a subset o f T.
A process X (t ) is said to have stationary increments if its increments Y(t) =
X { t + t) - X (t ) form a stationary process for every t. The Poisson and Wiener
processes are examples of processes with stationary increments.
Finally, a process is cyclostationary or periodically stationary if it is stationary
under a shift o f the time origin by integer multiples o f a constant T0 (which is
the period of the process).

3.5.5 Tests for Stationarity

If a fairly detailed description of a random process is available, then it is easy

to verify the stationarity of the process as illustrated by the examples given in
Section 3.5.3. When a complete description is not available, then the stationarity
of the process has to be established by collecting and analyzing a few sample
functions o f the process. The general approach is to divide the interval of ob­
servation into N nonoverlapping subintervals where the data in each interval
may be considered independent; estimate the parameters o f the process using
the data from nonoverlapping intervals; and test these values for time depend­
ency. If the process is stationary, then we would not expect these estimates from
the different intervals to be significantly different. Excessive variation in the
estimated values from different time intervals would indicate that the process is
Details of the estimation and testing procedures are presented in Chapters
8 and 9.



Frequency domain descriptions of deterministic signals are obtained via their

Fourier transforms, and this technique plays an important role in the charac­
terization of random waveforms. However, direct transformation usually is not
applicable for random waveforms since a transform of each member function
of the ensemble is often impossible. Thus, spectral analysis of random processes
differs from that o f deterministic signals.
For stationary random processes, the autocorrelation function Rxx{ t) tells
us something about how rapidly we can expect the random signal to change as
a function o f time. If the autocorrelation function decays rapidly to zero it
indicates that the process can be expected to change rapidly with time. And a
slowly changing process will have an autocorrelation function that decays slowly.
Furthermore if the autocorrelation function has periodic components, then the
underlying process will also have periodic components. Hence we conclude,
correctly, that the autocorrelation function contains information about the ex­
pected frequency content of the random process. The relationship between the

autocorrelation function and the frequency content o f a random process is the

main topic o f discussion in this section.
Throughout this section we will assume the process to be real-valued. The
concepts developed in this section can be extended to complex-valued random
processes. These concepts rely heavily on the theory of Fourier transforms.

3.6.1 Autocorrelation Function of a Real WSS Random Process and

Its Properties

The autocorrelation function o f a real-valued WSS random process is defined


Rxx( t) = E { X ( t ) X {t + t)}

There are some general properties that are common to all autocorrelation func­
tions o f stationary random processes, and we discuss these properties briefly
before proceeding to the development o f power spectral densities.

1. If we assume that X(t) is a voltage waveform across a 1-0 resistance,

then the ensemble average value of X 2(t) is the average value of power
delivered to the 1-0 resistance by X{t):

E { X 2(t)} = Average power

= Rxx(0) £ 0 (3.31)
2. Rxx(t) is an even function of t

Rxxiy) = Rxx( ~ t) (3.32)

3. RXx ( t) is bounded by Rxx( 0)

IK^OOI s Rxx(0)
This can be verified by starting from the inequalities
E{[ X{t + t) - A (r)]2} £ 0

E{[ X{t + T) + A (t)]2} £ 0

which yield

E { X \ t + t)} + E { X \ t ) } - 2R xx( t) > o'

E { X \ t + t)} + E { X \ t ) } + 2R xx( t) > 0

Since E { X \ t + t)} - E { X 2(t)} = ^ ^ ( 0 ) , we have

2 R « (0 ) — 2R xx( t) s 0

2f?jrjr(0) + 2R xx( j) > 0


4. If Z (t) contains a periodic component, then Rxx{T) will also contain a

periodic component.
5. If lim R Xx(f) — C, then C = pj(.

6. If Rxx(T0) = RXx{0) for some T0 ¥= 0, then R xx is periodic with a period

T0. Proof of this follows from the cosine inequality (Problem 2.22a)
[E{[X(t + t + r„) - X { t + T)]Z(r )}]2
< E{ [ X(t + T + r0) - X( t + T ) f } E { X 2(t)}

+ T0) - R x x W ] 2 ^ 2 ( ^ ( 0) - R Xx(To)]Rxx(0)
for every t and To- If Rxx(To) — Rxx(0), then Rxx{^ + Ta) — R Xx(T)
for every t and R Xx(t) is periodic with period T0.
7. If 7?xa-(0) < 00 and R Xx(t) is continuous at t = 0, then it is continuous
for every t .

Properties 2 through 7 say that any arbitrary function cannot be an autocorre­

lation function.

3.6.2 Cross-correlation Function and Its Properties

The cross-correlation function of two real random processes X(t) and Y(t) that
are jointly WSS will be independent of t, and we can write it as

R xy(t ) = E{ X( t )Y(t + t)}

The cross-correlation function has the following properties:

!• Rxy{t ) — R yx(~ t ) (3.33)

2. |I?xy (t )| — R xx(0) R yy(0) (3.34)

3. |R«-(t )| ^ | [K « ( 0 ) + flyy(O)] (3.35)

4. f?xy(T) = 0 if the processes are orthogonal, and

R xy(^) = p-xM-y if the processes are independent.

Proofs o f these properties are left as exercises for the reader.


3.6.3 Power Spectral Density Function of a WSS Random Process and

Its Properties
For a deterministic power signal, x(t), the average power in the signal is defined

Px = lim f x 2(t) dt (3.36)

r -> ~ x L J _ T

If the deterministic signal is periodic with period T0, then we can define a time-
averaged autocorrelation function { / ^ ( t))^ as*

(«*(T))r„ = \T° x(t)x(t + t) dt (3.37)

■to Jo

and show that the Fourier transform Sxx(f) of (R xx( t) ) Toyields

Px = f S J j ) df (3.38)

In Equation 3.38, the left-hand side represents the total average power in the
signal, / is the frequency variable expressed usually in Hertz (Hz), and Sxx(f)
has the units of power (watts) per Hertz. The function Sxx(f) thus describes the
power distribution in the frequency domain, and it is called the power spectral
density function of the deterministic signal x(t).
The concept of power spectral density function also applies to stationary
random processes and the power spectral density function of a WSS random
process X(t) is defined as the Fourier transform o f the autocorrelation function

Sxx(f) = F { /? ^ ( t)} = R ^ ( T ) e x p ( - j 2 rr/T) dj (3.39)

Equation 3.39 is called the Wiener-Khinchine relation. Given the power spectral
density function, the autocorrelation function is obtained as

Rxx(T) = F - ‘M } = r Sxx(f)exp(j2TTfT) df (3.40)

J —30

*The notation ( )ro denotes integration o r averaging in the time domain for a duration of T0 seconds
whereas E { } denotes ensemble averaging.

The power spec,ral density

i? ? ' ’ W " Ch IS a “ called lhe sl’ ecliLlm o f x(l), rpossesses a numbej
ot important properties:

1 * $xx(f) is real and nonnegative.

2. The average power in X ( t ) is given by

W M ) = R x x ( 0) = f X Sxx( f ) df ■ (3.41)

Note that if X{t ) is a current or voltage waveform then E{X*{t)} is the average
power delivered to a one-ohm load. Thus, the left-hand side o f the equation
represents power and the integrand Sx x (f) on the right-hand side has the units
of fr e T e lT ^ ^ * ( /) glV6S the distribution o f power as a function
o f frequency and hence is called the power spectral density function o f the
stationary random process X(t).

3 T h a t ^ rea1’ ’ S a0 6Ven function and hence Sxx( f) is also even.

s xX( ~ f ) = Sxx( f ) (3.42)

4. If X(t) has periodic components, then Sxx( f) will have impulses.

Lowpass and Bandpass Processes. A random process is said to be lowpass if

psd is zero for |/| > B, and B is called the bandwidth of the process. On the
other hand, a process ,s said to be bandpass if its psd is zero outside the band

f - ~2 If I +

m ocesf “ " " “ " f trequency M d * ls ,he bandwidth o f the

p cess. Examples o f lowpass and bandpass spectra are shown in Figure 3 11
Notice that we are using positive and negative values of frequencies and the

itlsidlTpsd. Sid6S ° f f = 0- SUCh 3 Sp6CtraI cbaracterization is called

fhe usd funct , Ulat' 0nS- A s stated in Equation 3.41, the area under
the psd function gives the total power in X(t ) . The power in a finite band of
requencies, / , to f 2, 0 < f l < f 2 ls the area under the psd from - f 2 to
plus the area betw een /! t o / 2, and for real A (f) 1 h

p X[fi, f 2] = 2 P Sxx(f) df (3.43)





Total average power in the

signal X U ) Average power in the
frequency range to h
Figure 3.11 E x a m p le s o f p o w e r s p e c tr a l d e n s it ie s .

The proof of this equation is given in the next chapter. Figure 3.11.C makes it
seem reasonable The factor 2 appears in Equation 3.43 since we are using a
^wo-sided psd and Sxx(f) is an even function (see Figure 3.11.c and Equation

Some processes may have psd functions with nonzero values for all finite
values,of./., Fox ..example, ,Sxx( f) = eXp ( - . f / 2 ) . For such processes, several
indicators are used as measures of the spread of the psd in the frequency domain.
One popular measure is the effective {or equivalent) bandwidth B,„. For zero
mean random processes with continuous psd, BcSt is defined as

^ j Sxx(f) df

2 m a x [5 ^ (/)] (3.44)


Figure 3.12 Definition of effective bandwidth for a lowpass signal.

(See Figure 3.12.) The effective bandwidth is related to a measure of the spread
of the autocorrelation function called the correlation time tc, where

Rxx( 0)

If SXx{ f) is continuous and has a maximum at / = 0, then it can be shown that


Other measures of spectral spread include the rms bandwidth defined as the
standard deviation of the psd and the half-power bandwidth (see Problems 3.23
and 3.24).

3.6.4 Cross-power Spectral Density Function and Its Properties

The relationship between two real-valued random processes X(t ) and Y(t) is
expressed in the frequency domain via the cross-power spectral density (cpsd)
function Sxy(f), which is defined as the Fourier transform of the cross-correlation
function R x y ( t ) ,

S x v if) = J R r r ( T)^x P ( - j l r r f r ) d t (3.47)



Rxy{t) = J Sxy( f) exp( j2ir f- ) df (3.48)

Unlike the psd, which is a real-valued function of / , the cpsd will, in general,
be a complex-valued function. Some of the properties of cpsd are as follows:

1. SXY(f) = S*yX(f)
2. The real part of SXY(J) is an even function o f f , and the imaginary part
of / is an odd function of f.
3. Sxrif) = 0 if X ( t ) and Y(t) are orthogonal and Sxy(f) = p-A-P-r&Cf) if
X(t ) and Y(t) are independent.

In many applications involving the cpsd, a real-valued function

i (3.49)
Pxr(f) =

called the coherence function is used as an indicator o f the dependence between

two random processes X(t) and T(r). When pAry(/0) = 0 at a particular fre­
quency, / 0, then X(t) and Y(t) are said to be incoherent at that frequency, and
the two processes are said to be fully coherent at a particular frequency,
when pXy(f0) = 1. If X(t) and Y(t) are statistically independent, then
Pxy(f) = 0 at all frequencies except at / = 0.

3.6.5 Power Spectral Density Function of Random Sequences

The psd of a random sequence X{nTf) with a uniform sampling time of one
second (7) = 1) is defined by the Fourier Transform of the sequence as

Sxx(f) = X e x p ( - / 2 'ir /n )R ^ (n ), (3.50.a)

The definition implies that SXx(J) is periodic in f with period 1. We will only
consider the principal part, —1/2 < / < 1/2. Then it follows that

R x x (n ) Sxx(f) exp(/ 2 —/ « ) df (3.50.b)


It is important to observe that if the uniform sampling time ( T.) is not one seeond

i o t ' l buU s 1 /r , mS,e“d ° f "> ,hen ‘he aCtual trefl“ »cy range is
If X{n) is real, then Rxx{n) will be even and

Sxxif) ~ cos 2vfn Rxx(n), |/| < ± (3.50.c)

which implies that Sxx(f) is real and even. It is also nonnegative. In fact, Sxx(f)
o f r n ^ UenCeH r of Soamg£Pr0pCrtieS as - M / ) of a continuous process except
course, as defined, Sxx{f ) o f a sequence is periodic.
fn r ^ n f ?hSh ^ ^ f 3 random secIuence can be defined as the Fourier trans-
form o f the autocorrelation function Rxx(n) as in Equation 3.50.a, we present
a shghdy modified version here that will prove quite useful later on. To simplify
the derivation, let us assume that E{X(n)} = 0. P y
We start with the assumption that the observation times of the random
equence are uniformly spaced in the time domain and that the index n denotes

I n f o r m 0"1 13 S6qUenCe We Create 3 rand0m process * , ( ' )

X p(0 - 2 x (n)p{t - nT - D)
n = —co
S I 'T "T
el 2 I e/2 XWIle

T~l f m\ X ( n + k)/e

I i I
n I ~*1 p —[ e/2 —( t'—D )

W ----- v W - '
t \ —n T nT+D [ n + k )) T U2=
t = *In
{ n++ bk l) T j+. T '
(n + k ) T + D

F ig u r e 3 .1 4 D e t a ils o f c a lc u la t io n s f o r RXpXp (k T + t ') .

where p{t) is a pulse o f height 1/e and duration e « T, and D is a random

delay that has a uniform probability density function in the interval [ -7 7 2 ,
772] (see Figure 3.13). Except for its width and varying height, X p{t) is similar
in structure to the random binary waveform discussed earlier. It is fairly easy
to verify that X p{t) will be WSS if X(n) is WSS.
To find the autocorrelation function o f X p(t), let us arbitrarily choose r, =
«T , and t2 = nT + kT + t', 0 < t' < e (see Figure 3.14). Following the line
o f reasoning used in the derivation of the autocorrelation function of the random
binary waveform, we start with

E{XP(h)Xp(h)} = E{Xp(nT)Xp(nT + kT + t ') }

= Rxpxp{kT + t')

From Figure 3.14, we see that the value o f the product X p(t}) X p(t2) will depend
on the value of D according to

X{n)X{n + k)
X p(li)Xp(l2)

and Rxpxp{kT + t') is given by

RxpXp{kT + t') = E \ X p(tl) X p(t2)^

E { X ( n ) X ( n + * )} 0 < t' < e

When t ' > e, then irrespective of the value o f D, t2 will fall outside of the pulse
at t = kT and hence X { t 2) and the product W(r1)W(t2) will be zero. Since X p{t)
is stationary, we can generalize the result to arbitrary values o f t ' and k and
write RxApAp
x as

R x x ik ) |t '| < e
R x Px p { k T + t ') =
0 e < |t '| < T —e


R m 6 ~ KT ~ k T )\ |kT - t|< e
RxpXp{ T) = R x x ^k ) TV1
l o elsewhere

. 2 Rxx{k)q{y — kT) (3.51)

where q{t) is a triangular pulse o f width 2g and height 1/e. An example of

R xpx ( j ) is shown in Figure 3.15. Now if we let e -> 0, then both p(t) and
q{t) —» 8(t) and we have

X p(t) = 2 X(n)&(t - nT - D) (3.52.a)


R> ,(T) = T s Rxxik)5(t - kT) (3.52.b)

The psd of the random sequence X ( n ) is defined as the Fourier transform of

R xpxp(t), and we have

SXpxp(f) = F{ RXfXr( t ) }
_ 1
Rxx(0) + 2 2 Rxxik) cos lnkfr (3.53)
~ T k= 1

Note that if T — 1, this is the Fourier transform of an even sequence as defined

in Equation 3.50.a, except the spectral density given in Equation 3.53 is valid
for ~co < f < co.

i /J ,,(0 )/er

R x x d V 'T
R xx(3)U T

- 2 T
Z \ 2 T

T 3 T

Figure 3.15 Autocorrelation function of Xp(t).

If the random sequence X{n) has a nonzero mean, then SXx{f) will have
discrete frequency components at multiples o f 1IT (see Problem 3.35). Other­
wise, SXx(f) will be continuous in / .
The derivation leading to Equation 3.53 seems to be a convoluted way of
obtaining the psd of a random sequence. The advantage of this formulation will
be explained in the next chapter.


Find the power spectral density function o f the random process X(t) =
10 cos( 2000iTt + 0 ) where 0 is a random variable with a uniform pdf in the
interval [ - t r, i t ] .


Rxx(t) — 50 cos(2000ttt)

and hence

Sxxif) = 25[8(f - 1000) + 8( / + 1000)]

The psd of Sxx{fy shown in Figure 3ul6 has two discrete components in the
frequency domain at / = ± 1000 Hz. Note that

Rxx(0) - average power in the signal


25 6 (/■+1000) 25 &if- 1000)

-1 0 0 0 Hz 0 1000 Hz
Figure 3.16 Psd of 10 cos(2000tt( + 0) and 10 sin(2000ir/ + 0).

Also, the reader can verify that Y{t) = 10 sin(2000irt + 0 ) has the same psd
as X( t ), which illustrates that the psd does not contain any phase information.


A WSS random sequence X { n ) has the following autocorrelation function:

Rxx(k) = 4 + 6 exp( —0.5|fc|)

Find the psd of Xp(t) and o f X(n).

SOLUTION: We assume that as k —» <», the sequence is uncorrelated. Thus

Rxx(k) = [E{X(n)}]2 = 4. Hence E { X ( n) } = ±2. If we define X { n ) =
Z{n) + Y(n), with Y(n) = ± 2 , then Z(n) is a zero mean stationary sequence
with Rzz(k) = Rxx(k) — 4 = 6 exp( —0.5|fc|), and R yy(k) = 4.
The autocorrelation functions o f the continuous-time versions of Z (n ) and

R X p X p M

Figure 3.17 Autocorrelation function of the random sequence X (n ).


Y(n) are given by

Rz, z,( t) 4 i
■* fc= — *
6 exP( 0.5|/r|)5(t - kT)

Rr,Y,<?) = \ i 45(t - *70

■* *= —00

and 7?* * (t) = 7?ZjjZ (t) + (see Figure 3.17). Taking the Fourier transform,
we obtain the psd’s as

^ZpZJ f ) - j 6 + X 12 exp (-0 .5fc) cos 2-nkfT

k = l

-1 + X e x p {-(.5 + /2 ir/7 0 * } + 2 e x p {-(.5 - / 2 u /r)* }"|

k=0 *=0 J

= - [ - 1 + 1/(1 - exP( —(-5 + /2 i t /r ) } ) + 1/(1 - exp{ —(.5 - y 2 u /r)})]

= ^ [(1 —e -1) / ( l - 2 e - -5 cos 2 r r /r + e -1)]

Sy'Y'V) = £ I 45 ( / - |


Sxrx,{f) = Sz,Z'(f) + Sypvp(f)

The psd o f X p(t) has a continuous part SZpZp(f) and a discrete sequence of
impulses at multiples o f 1IT.
The psd o f X (n ) is the Fourier transform of R zz{k) plus the Fourier transform
of R Yy{k) where

Syy(f) = 4 8(/), \f\<\


Szz(f) = 6 2 e x p (- ,5|fc|)exp(—/2 ir/* )

_* = - a

= 6[(1 - e _1) / ( l — 2e 5 cos 2tt/ + e ')]>



Sxx(f) = 4 5 (/) + 6[(1 - e - ') / ( l - 2 e - 5 cos 2 + e~% |/| < \

Note the similarities and the differences between SXpX and Sxx. Essentially
Sxx( f) is the principal part o f SXpX/i (i.e. the value of SXpX(f) for — < f < '-)
and it assumes that T is 1 .


Find the psd of the random binary waveform discussed in Section 3.4.4.

SOLUTION: The autocorrelation function o f X(t ) is

M < T
0 elsewhere

The psd o f X ( t ) is obtained (see the table o f Fourier transform pairs in Appendix
A ) as

s xx{f) T

A sketch o f Sxx(f) is shown in Figure 3.18b. The main “ lobe” of the psd extends
from - 1/T to 1/T Hz, and 90% of the signal power is contained in the main

Rxx M

Figure 3.18a Autocorrelation function of the random binary waveform.


t \


Figure 3.186 Power spectral density function of the random binary waveform.

lobe. For many applications, the “ bandwidth” o f the random binary waveform
is defined to be l/7\


The autocorrelation function Rxxij) of a WSS random process is given by

R xx( t) = A exp( —oi|t | ); A, a > 0

Find the psd and the effective bandwidth of A'(r).


a 2 + ( 2 ir/ ) 2

The effective bandwidth o f X(t) is calculated from Equation 3.44 as

2 max[Sxr(/)] 2 5^(0)

I . _ d _ = ^H z
2 ’ 2 Al a 4


The power spectral density function o f a zero mean Gaussian random process
is given by (Figure 3.19)

|/| < 500 Hz

$ x x (f) - j q’

Find Rxx(t) and show that X(t) and X (t + 1 ms) are uncorrelated and, hence
independent. ’


IDUU exp(/2rr/T)
R x x ( t) = I exp(;'2n-/T) df =
/2 ttt

sin 2-nB-r
= (2 B) B = 500 Hz
2 ttB t

To show that X(t ) and X ( t + 1 ms) are uncorrelated we need to show that
E { X ( t ) X (t + 1 ms)} = 0.

E { X ( t ) X ( t + 1 ms)} = R xx( 1 ms)

2 5 ^ = 0

Hence, X(t ) and X ( t + 1 ms) are uncorrelated. Since X (t ) and X ( t + 1 ms)

have a joint Gaussian distribution, being uncorrelated implies their indepen­


-------- f W z )
-5 0 0 0 500
Figure 3.19a Psd of a lowpass random process X (t).



X(t) is a stationary random process with a psd

1, l/l < B
Sxx(f) - 0 elsewhere

X{t) is multiplied by a random process Y(t) of the form Y(t) = A cos

(2irf ct + 0 ), f c » B, where 0 is a random variable with a uniform distribution
in the interval [ - t t , -it] . Assume that X(t) and Y(t) are independent and find
the psd of Z(t) = X(t)Y(t).


R y y {t ) C 0 s ( 2 tt/ c7 )


Rzz( t) = E { X ( t ) Y ( t ) X ( t + t) Y{ t + t )}

= E{ X{ x)X{ t + -r)}E{Y(t)Y(t + r)}

— Rxx(J)R y y ( 7 )

= Rxxi7) ■ y cos(2 tt/ ct)

= Rxxi7) — [exp(2 'rr;'/c7) + e x p ( - 2 Tr;/c7 )]

Sxx^fi Szz(f)
1 1 A 2/4 1
1 1 1
-* -2 B -» - l
I 1 1 * Lowpass Modulated i A 1A i
- B O B ‘ signal X(t) signal Z(t) fc

Carrier Y { t ) - A pos (2 * f et + B)

{A*/4)d{f+fc)\ I (A 2/4)5 ( f - f c)

A v
t- 0
v f'

Figure 3.20 Psd of X(t), Y(t), and X(t)Y(t).

Szzif) = F { R zz{t ) }
= A* '
j R x x ( f ) e w ( ; '2 T T / c T ) e x p ( - ; ' 2 tt/ t ) d~

+ j R x x ( ' r ) e x p ( - j 2 T r f cT ) e x p ( - j 2 T T f r ) d j

j ^ j r j f ( T ) e x p [ — ; ‘2 tt ( / - / c) t ] d i

J_ ^j«r(T)exp[ —; 2 tt( / + / c) t ] di

[ £ * * ( / - fc) + Sxxif + fc)]

The preceding equations shows that the spectrum of Z(t) is a translated version
o f the spectrum o f X(t ) (Figure 3.20). The operation of multiplying a “ message”
signal X(t) by a “ carrier” Y(t) is called “ modulation” and it is a fundamental
operation in communication systems. Modulation is used primarily to alter the
frequency content o f a message signal so that it is suitable for transmission over
a given communication channel.


Many dynamic electrical systems can be considered linear as a first approximation

and their dynamic behavior can be described by linear differential or difference

equations. In analyzing the response o f these systems to deterministic input

signals, we make use of rules of calculus as they apply to continuity, differen­
tiation, and integration. These concepts can be applied to random signals also,
either on a sample-function-by-sample-function basis or to the ensemble as a
whole. When we discuss any o f these concepts or properties as applying to the
whole ensemble, this will be done in terms o f probabilities.
Consider, for example, the continuity property. A real (deterministic) func­
tion x (t) is said to be continuous at t = t0 if

lim x(t) = .x(fo)


We can define continuity of a random process X(t) at t0 by requiring every

member function of the process to be continuous at f0 (sample continuity) or by
requiring continuity in probability,

P[ X( t ) is continuous at t0] = 1 (3.54)

or in a mean square (MS) sense by requiring

U.m. X { t ) •= X { t „)

where l.i.m. denotes mean square (MS) convergence, which stands for

lim E{[X(t) - A (f0)]2} = 0 (3.55)

While sample continuity is the strongest requirement, MS continuity is most

useful since it involves only the first two moments o f the process and much of
the analysis in electrical engineering is based on the first two moments.
In the following sections we will define continuity, differentiation, and in­
tegration operations in a MS sense as they apply to real stationary random
processes, and derive conditions for the existence o f derivatives and integrals
of random processes.

3.7.1 Continuity
A stationary, finite variance real random process X( t ), t G T, is said to be
continuous in a mean square sense at tB G T if

lim E{[ X( t ) - A (t0)]2} = 0


Continuity of the autocorrelation function R Xx ( t ) at t = 0 is a sufficient condition

for the MS continuity o f the process.
The sufficient condition for MS continuity can be shown by writing
E{[X(t) - X (f0)]2} as

E { [ X{ t ) - * ( f 0)]2} = £ { * * ( 0 } + E { X \ t 0)} - 2 E{ X { t ) X { t 0)}

= Rxx(0) + £;or(0) — 2 R xx(t — t0)

and taking the ordinary limit

lim £ { [ * ( 0 - X ( t 0) f } = £ ^ ( 0 ) + £ ^ ( 0 ) - 2 lim R xx(t - t0)

'-»<o ,- " o

Now, since Rxx(0) < and if we assume R xx( t) to be continuous at t = 0,


lim R xx(t — ta) — R xx(to to) — £^ x( 0)


and hence

lim E{ [ X ( t ) - X (f0)]2} = 0

Thus, continuity of the autocorrelation function at t = 0 is a sufficient condition

for MS continuity of the process.
MS continuity and finite variance guarantee that we can interchange limiting
and expected value operations, for example

lim E { g ( X m = £ { g ( I ( /0)))

when g(-) is any ordinary, continuous function.

3.7.2 Differentiation
The derivative o f a finite variance stationary process X{t) is said to exist in a
mean square sense if there exists a random process X'{t) such that

X ( t + 6) - * ( Q
x '(0 (3.56)
»0 6

Note that the definition does not explicitly define the derivative random process
X'(t). To establish a sufficient condition for the existence of the MS derivative,
we make use o f the Cauchy criteria (see Equation 2.97) for MS convergence
which when applied to Equation 3.56 requires that

X ( t + 6,) - X {t ) X ( t + e2) - X(t)

lim E = 0 (3.57)
ei,e2-*0 el e2

Completing the square and taking expected values, we have for the first term

X( t + €l) - X (t )

Now, suppose that the first two derivatives of R Xx(~) exist at t = 0. Then, since
R xx( t) is even in t , we must have

R'xx{ 0) = 0


2 [R^-(e) - Rxx(0)]
Rxx(P) = lim
6—*0 6‘


X { t + e,) - X{t)
lim E R'xxi 0)

Proceeding along similar lines, we can show that the cross-product term in
Equation 3.57 is equal to 2RXX(Q), and the last term is equal to - R ' xx{0).

~X(t + eQ - X (t ) X ( t + e2) - AT(Q'

lim E
= 2 [ - « ^ ( 0) + / ? ^ ( 0)] = 0

if the first two derivatives of R xx( t) exist at t = 0, which guarantees the existence
of the MS derivative of X(t). This development is summarized by:

A finite variance stationary real random process X(t) has a MS derivative, Ai'(t),
if Rxx( t ) has derivatives o f order up to two at t = 0.

The mean and autocorrelation function of X'(t) can be obtained easily as

follows. The mean o f X ' ( 0 is given by

X ( t + e) - X ( Q
£ { * '( 0 1

= ]im E { X ( t + e)} - £ {* ( * )}
*o e
= m-KO

For a stationary process, is constant arid hence

E { X ’ {t)} = 0

To find the autocorrelation function o f AT'(f), let us start with

£ { * ( 0 * ' ^ ) } = Rxx'iti, h) = E \ X ( t J lim ^ (f2+ €)e Z (f2 )|

which yields

Rxxjtu h + e) ~ Rxxjt U (2) j

R x x 'ih , h ) = lim

The functions on the right-hand side of the preceding equation are deterministic
and the limiting operation yields the partial derivative of RXx({u h) with respect
to t2. Thus,

dRxxjtn t2)
Rxx'{ti> h)

Proceeding along the same lines, we can show that

dRxx'ih, h)
d2Rxx(.h, h)

For a stationary process X( t ) , p,x (r) = constant, and Rxx(k, h) - Rxx(h ~


q) = Rxxl'7) ’ an^ we have

E { X ’ {t)} = 0 (3.58)

Rxx'ir) (3.59)

Rx'x'ir) (3.60)

3.7.3 Integration
The Riemann integral of an ordinary function is defined as the limit of a summing

dr = lim ^ x(-Tj) At,
i= 0

where t0 < q < t2 < • • • < t„ = t is an equally spaced partition of the interval,
[f„, r], Ati *= ti +x — f,-, and-T, is a point in the ith interval, [th fi+1]. For a random
process X(t ) , the MS integral is defined as the process Y(t)

Y(r) = ' AT(t) = lim 2 AT(t,) At,- (3.61)

J r0 '■ - » i- 0

It can be shown that a sufficient condition for the existence of the MS integral
Y(t) of a stationary finite variance process X(t) is the existence of the integral

Rxx{ti — ^2) dti dt2

Note that finite variance implies that R**(()) < 10 and MS continuity implies
continuity of R xx (t) at t -- 0, which alsorimplies continuity for all values of r.
These two conditions guarantee the existence of the preceding integral and,
hence, the existence of the MS integral.
When the MS integral exists, we can show that

E { Y ( t ) } = ( t - t0) p x (3.62)




Discuss whether the random binary waveform is MS continuous, and whether

the MS derivative and integral exist.

SOLUTION: For the random binary waveform X(t ) , the autocorrelation func­
tion is

(a) Since Rxx(j) is continuous at t = 0, X(t) is MS continuous for all t.
(b) The derivative o f X(t ) does not exist on a sample-function-by-sample-
function basis and ^ **(0) and R^a-(O) do not exist. However, since their
existence is only a sufficient condition for the existence o f the MS de­
rivative of X(t), we cannot conclude whether or not X(t) has a MS
(c) Finite variance plus MS continuity guarantees the existence of the MS
integral over any finite interval [f0, f].

The MS integral o f a random process is used to define the moving average

of a random process X(t) as

{X(t))T is also referred to as the time average of X(t ) and has many important
applications. Properties of (X( t )) T and its applications are discussed in the fo l­
lowing section.


When taking laboratory measurements, it is a common practice to obtain mul­

tiple measurements of a variable and “ average” them to “ reduce measurement

Figure 3.21 A member function of signal + noise.

errors.” If the value of the variable being measured is constant, and errors are
due to “ noise” or due to the instability of the measuring instrument, then av­
eraging is indeed a valid and useful technique. Time averaging is an extension
of this concept and is used to reduce the variance associated with the estimation
o f the value of a random signal or the parameters of a random process.
As an example, let us consider the problem of estimating the amplitudes of
the pulses in a random binary waveform that is corrupted by additive noise.
That is, we observe Y(t) — X(t ) + N(t) where X(t) is a random binary wave­
form, N(t) is the independent noise, and we want to estimate the pulse ampli­
tudes by processing Y(t). A sample function of Y(t) is shown in Figure 3.21.
Suppose we observe a sample function y(t) with D = 0 over the time interval
(0, T), or from (k - 1)T to kT in general, and estimate the amplitude of x(t)
in the interval (0, T). A simple way to estimate the amplitude of the pulse is
to take one sample of y(t) at some point in time, say q £ ( 0 , T), and estimate
the value o f x(t) as

f +1 for 0 < t< T if y(ti) > 0 ; R £ (0, T)

1 -1 for 0 < t< T if y (ft) < 0 ; (, £ (0, T)

The “ on x(t) denotes that i ( f ) is an estimate of x(t).

Because of noise, y(t) has positive and negative values in the interval (0, T)
even though the pulse amplitude x(t) is positive, and whether we estimate the
pulse amplitude correctly will depend on the instantaneous value of the noise.
Instead o f basing our decision on a single sample of y(t), we can take m
samples-©! y (t) in The Interval fG, T), average the values, and decide

1 m
+1 for 0 < t< T if ~ 2 y ( t , ) > 0; f, e (0, T)
m - 1 "
-1 for 0 < t< T if f, £ (0, T)

If the distribution o f noise is assumed to be symmetrical about 0, then y(t) is

more likely to have positive values than negative values when x(t) = 1 , and
hence, the average value is more likely to be > 0 than a single sample of y(t).
And we can conclude correctly that a decision based on averaging a large number
of samples is more likely to be correct than a decision based on a single sample.
We can extend this concept one step further and use continuous time aver­
aging to estimate the value of x(t) as

x(t) = ■

The decision rule given above, which is based on time averaging, is extensively
used in communication systems. The relationship between the duration of the
integration and the variance of the estimator is a fundamental one in the design
of communication and control systems. Derivation of this relationship is one of
the topics covered in this section.
We have used ensemble averages such as the mean and autocorrelation
function for characterizing random processes. To estimate ensemble averages
one has to perform a weighted average over all the member functions o f the
random process. An alternate practical approach, which is often misused, in­
volves estimation via time averaging over a single member function of the proc­
ess. Laboratory instruments such as spectrum analyzers and integrating volt­
meters routinely use time-averaging techniques. The relationship between
integration time and estimation accuracy, and whether time averages will con­
verge to ensemble averages (i.e., the concept of ergodicity) are important issues
addressed in this section.

3.8.1 Time Averages

Definitions. The time average of a function of a random process is defined as

g [A (r)] dt (continuous case) (3.64.a)

— 2 g [^ (0 ] (discrete case) (3.64.b)

The corresponding ensemble average is given by

E {g [xm = r g ( a ) f x ( a ) da (continuous case) (3.65.a)



= 2 g ( X i ) P ( X = x t) (discrete case) (3.65.b)

Some time averages that are of interest include the following.

Time-averaged. Mean.

{ x { t ) ) T = (p.x ) T = 4 \m X(t ) dt (3.66)

* J- T il

Time-averaged. Autocorrelation Function.

( X ( t ) X ( t + t) ) T = ( R x x ( t) ) t = ^ r X ( t ) X ( t + t) dt (3.67)
* J- 772

Time-averaged Power Spectral Density Function or Periodogram.

i|<X(t)exp(-2Tr;70>rP = (Sxx( f ) ) T

= 4 [ X ( t ) e x p( - j 2t Tf t ) dt (3.68)
I J - T l 2

Interpretation of Time Averages. Although the ensemble average has a unique

numerical value, the time average of a function of a random process is, in general,
a random variable. For any one sample function of the random process, time
averaging produces a number. However, when all sample functions of a random
process are considered, time averaging produces a random variable. For ex­
ample, the time averaged mean o f the random process shown in Figure 3.9
produces a discrete random variable.

5 when XU) = XiU)

3 when X U ) = X2U)
1 cm 1 when X U ) = X 3( t )
( v-x ) t = r m dt =
-1 when
t J - 772 X U ) = x 4( t )
-3 when X U ) = X 5( t )
-5 when X U ) = X 6( t )

Notice that in this example, none of the values of (p-x)r equals the true ensemble
mean o f X ( t ) , which is zero.
The determination of the probability distribution function of the random
variable (g[26(r)])7 is in general very complicated. For this reason, we will focus
our attention only on the mean and variance of (g[A 70])r and use them to
analyze the asymptotic distribution of (g[A'(t)])T as T —> « . In the following
derivation, we will assume the process to be stationary so that the ensemble

averages do not depend on time. Finite variance and MS continuity will also be
assumed so that the existence of the time averages is guaranteed.

Mean and Variance o f Time Averages. If we define a random variable Y as

the average of m values of a real-valued stationary random process X{t)

Y = -Jw (iA ) (3.69)

where A is the time between samples, then we can calculate E { Y } and ay as

E{Y} = e \ - £ A (;A ) j = - £ £ {A (/A )}

lm itl J m i=1
= Px (3-70)


ffy = E { ( Y - v.x y-}

= S S fAT/A) - p.J[A(/A) - p-.vl j

= A
2 2
j j
c x x (\i - y|a ) (3.7i)

If the samples of X(t), taken A seconds apart, are uncorrelated, then

E { Y } = p.^- and cr\ — ~~ (3.72)

which shows that averaging of m uncorrelated samples of a stationary random

process leads to a reduction in the variance by a factor of m.
We can extend this development to continuous time averages as follows. To
simplify the notation, let us define

m = g [x(t)]


1 f T'2
Y = ■=.[ Z ( t ) dt
1 J - T12


1 [T il
= ~ E { Z( t ) } dt
1 J-T I2

1 fT /2
= ~ P-z dt = n-z (3.73)
7 7-272

To calculate the variance, we need to find E { Y 2}. By writing Y 2 as a double

integral and taking the expected value, we have

f 1 fra 1 rr /2 7
E { Y 2} = £ | - J ^ Z (tj) dt, - J ^ Z (t 2) dr2j

T il

= ^ || £ { Z ( r ,) Z ( r 2)} dt, dr,

-7 7 2
T il

— —2 J J Rzzih ~ h) dt, dr,

-T P .


Tl 2

cr2y = JJ Ezz(t, — r2) dr, dr2 (3-74)

-T 12

With reference to Figure 3.22, if we evaluate the integral over the shaded strip
centered on the line r, — r2 = t , the integrand Czz(r, — r2) is constant and
equal to Czz( t ) , and the area of the shaded strip is [T — | t |] dr. Hence, we
can write the double integral in Equation 3.74 as


Ji JJ c zz{tl - r2) dttdu = jr2 J T [J - M ]C zz (t ) dr

-T l 2


Y Czz(T) di (3.75.a)



— T - r

F ig u r e 3 .2 2 E v a l u a t i o n o f th e d o u b l e in t e g r a l g iv e n in E q u a t i o n 3 .7 4 .

It is left as an exercise for the reader to show that <

j \ can be expressed as the
following integral in the frequency domain:



S*z ( f) = F { C ZZ( t ) } = J e x p ( - ; 2 T r / T ) C z z (T) di

The advantages of time averaging and the use of Equations 3.71, 3.75.a, and
3.75.b to compute the variances of time averages are illustrated in the following


X ( t ) is a stationary, zero-mean, Gaussian random process whose power spectral

density is shown in Figure 3.23. Let Y = 1/10{T(A ) + X{2X) + • • • + A'(IOA)},
A = 1 p.s. Find the mean and variance o f Y.


-5 0 0 0 500
Figure 3.23 Psd of X(t) for Example 3.17.


E{Y} = - £ { Z ( A ) + X (2 A ) + + A (10A )}

= - [£{X(A)} + £{X(2A)} + • •• + £{X(10A)}]

= 0

E { Y 2} = E
hi 2 2 E { X ( i E ) X ( j E ) }

~ ^QQ 2 S E Xx(ji /l ^ )

Since RXx(k) = 0 for k # 0 (why?), and £ **(0 ) = crx = 1 , we obtain

1 1
£ { y ! > - I o o , ? , R “ (0) 10




A lowpass, zero-mean, stationary Gaussian random process X ( t ) has a power


spectral density of

A for |/| < B

0 for |/| > B


1 fT I 2

y = r X ( t ) dt
1 J- 772

Assuming that T » 1IB, calculate uy and compare it with a2



<*X = E { X 2} = Rxx(0) = J” Sxx( f ) df

= 2AB
1 fr /2
E{Y} = - \ E {X ( t ) } d t = 0
i J - T i l

= E{ Y2} = < //

From Figure 3.24, we see that the bandwidth or the duration of (sin vfT/'nfTf
is very small compared to the bandwidth of Sxx{f ) and hence the integral of
the product can be approximated as

sin itf T sin 77f f Y

d f ” SXM area under
vfT , TTf T j

Figure 3.24 Variance calculations in the frequency domain.




x 2AB
= 2 BT, B T » 1
a\ {AIT)

The result derived in this example is important and states that time averaging
of a lowpass random process over a long interval results in a reduction in variance
by a factor o f 2BT (when BT » 1). Since this is equivalent to a reduction in
variance that results from averaging 2BT uncorrelated samples of a random
sequence, it is often stated that there are 2BT uncorrelated samples in a T
second interval or there are 2 B uncorrelated samples per second in a lowpass
random process with a bandwith B.


Consider the problem of estimating the pulse amplitudes in a random binary

waveform X{t ) , which is corrupted by additive Gaussian noise N{t) with p.N =
0 and R NN{ t ) = exp( — |t |/<x ) . Assume that the unknown amplitude of X{t ) in
the interval (0, T) is 1, T = 1 ms, a = 1 p,s, and compare the accuracy of the
following two estimators for the unknown amplitude:

(a) S, = y ( q ) , q e (0, T)

where Y{t) = X { t ) + N(l)„


S, = X(q) + A(q) = 1 + A(q)

E{S,} = 1


var(51) = R nn( 0) = 1

E { $ 2} = ^ j T E{ 1 + N(t)} dt = 1


V”{ lf "‘'W
C NN( t) dr
f f_ J
1 J

If exp( —T/a) dr

2a 2a2
[1 - e x p (-7 7 a )]

Since a IT « 1, the second term in the preceding equation can be neglected

and we have

var{52} » y =

and standard deviation of S2 ~ 1/V 500 ~ 0.0447.

Comparing the standard deviation ( ct) o f the estimators, we find that a of
■$! is 1 , which is the same order o f magnitude o f the unknown signal amplitude
being estimated. On the other hand, cr o f £, is 0.0447, which is quite small
compared to the signal amplitude. Hence, the fluctuations in the estimated value
due to noise will be very small for S2 and quite large for S{. Thus, we can expect
S2 to be a much more accurate estimator.

3.8.2 Ergodicity

In the analysis and design of systems that process random signals, we often
assume that we have prior knowledge of such quantities as the means, auto­
correlation functions, and power spectral densities of the random processes
involved. In many applications, such prior knowledge will not be available, and

a central problem in the theory of random processes is the estimation of the

parameters o f random processes (see Chapter 9). If the theory o f random proc­
esses is to be useful, then we have to be able to estimate such quantities as the
mean and autocorrelation from data. From a practical point o f view, it would
be very attractive if we can do this estimation from an actual recording of one
sample function of the random process.
Suppose we want to estimate the mean |xA(t) of the random process X(t).
The mean is defined as an ensemble average, and if we observe the values of
X (t ) over several member functions, then we can use their average as an en­
semble estimate of |xA(t). On the other hand, if we have access to only a single
member function of X(t), say x(t), then we can form a time average (x(t))r

and attempt to use the time average as an estimate of the ensemble average,
^ (0-
Whereas the time average (x(t))T is a constant for a particular member
function, the set of values taken over all member functions is a random variable.
That is, ( X( t ) ) T is a random variable and (x(t))T is a particular value o f this
random variable. Now, if p.A(f) is a constant (i.e., independent of t), then the
“ quality” o f the time-averaged estimator will depend on whether E{ ( X( t )) rj —>
|aa- and the variance of {(Ar(t))r} - » 0 as T - » °°. If

lim E { ( X ( t ) ) rj = |aa


lim var{(W (f))r} = 0

then we can conclude that the time-averaged mean converges to the ensemble
mean and that they are equal. In general, ensemble averages and time averages
are not equal except for a very special class of random processes called ergodic
processes. The concept of ergodicity deals with the equality o f time averages
and ensemble averages.
The problem of determining the properties of a random process by time
averaging over a single member function of finite duration belongs to statistics
and is covered in detail in Chapter 9. In the following sections, we will derive
the conditions for time averages to be equal to ensemble averages. We will focus
our attention on the mean, autocorrelation, and power spectral density functions
of stationary random processes.

General Definition of Ergodicity. A stationary random process X ( t ) is called

ergodic if its ensemble averages equal (in a mean-square sense) appropriate time
averages. This definition implies that, with probability one, any ensemble av­
erage of X(t) can be determined from a single member function o f X(t). In
most applications we are usually interested in only certain ensemble averages
such as the mean and autocorrelation function, and we can define ergodicity
with respect to these averages. In presenting these definitions, we will focus our
attention on time averages over a finite interval ( —772, 772) and the conditions
under which the variances of the time averages tend to zero as T —>
It must be pointed out here that ergodicity is a stronger condition than
stationarity and that not all processes that are stationary are ergodic. Further­
more, ergodicity is usually defined with respect to one or more specific ensemble
averages, and a process may be ergodic with respect to some ensemble averages
but not others.

Ergodicity of the Mean. A stationary random process X(t ) is said to be ergodic

in the mean if

l.i.m. (q.A")r — Px

where l.i.m. stands for equality in the mean square sense, which requires

lim £ {(p ^ )r} = P*


lim var{(p^)r} = 0

Now, the expected value of (p *)? for a finite value of T is given by

- 7 /2 - 7 /2

and the variance of (|JL,v)r can be obtained from Equation 3.75.a as

var{{(xAr)7-} = j j\ - y j Cx x ( t ) d-r

If the variance given in the preceding equation approaches zero, then X ( t ) is

ergodic in the mean. Note that £'{(M-A')r} is always equal to (x* for a stationary
random process. Thus, a stationary process X(t ) is ergodic in the mean if

lim i j T^ ( l - Cxx(r) dr = 0 (3.77)

Although Equation 3.77 states the condition for ergodicity of the mean of
X (t), it does not have much use in applications involving testing for ergodicity
of the mean. In order to use Equation 3.77 to justify time averaging, we need
- prior knowledge of C x x ( t ) . However, Equation 3.77 might be o f use in some
situations if only partial knowledge o f Cxx( t ) is available. For example, if we
know that | C , o - ( t )| decreases exponentially for large values of |t |, then we can
show that Equation 3.77 is satisfied and hence the process is ergodic in the mean.

Ergodicity of the Autocorrelation Function. A stationary random process X(t )

is said to be ergodic in the autocorrelation function if

l.i.m. ( RXx ( a ))T = Rxxi®-) (3.78)

The reader can show using Equations 3.73 and 3.75.a that

■E{(^xx(a ))r} — R x x ( a ) (3.79)


va r{< /?^ (a ))r} = \ \ T y - ~ 7 f ) C zz(t) d-r (3.80)

where Z (f) = X ( t ) X ( t + a).

As in the case of the time-averaged mean, the expected value o f the time-
averaged autocorrelation function is equal to RXXW) irrespective o f the length
of averaging (T). If the right-hand side of Equation 3.80 approaches zero as
T —» oo, then the time-averaged autocorrelation function equals the true auto-

correlation function. Hence, for any given a

l.i.m. ( R xx( a ) ) T = R x x ( a )


«m \ (l - ^ [E{Z(t)Z(t + t )} - /? £ * («)] dr = 0 (3.81)

where Z(t) = X ( t ) X ( t + a).

Note that to verify ergodicity o f the autocorrelation function we need to
have knowledge o f the fourth-order moments o f the process.

Ergodicity of the Power Spectral Density Function. The psd o f a stationary

random process plays a very important role in the frequency domain analysis
and design o f signal-processing systems, and the determination of the spectral
characteristics of a random process from experimental data is a common engi­
neering problem. The psd may be estimated by taking the Fourier transform of
the time-averaged autocorrelation function.
A faster method of estimating the psd function involves the use of the time

( Sx x( f) )r — A (f)e x p (—/ 2 ir /t ) dt (3.82)

which is also called the periodogram o f the process. Note that the integral
represents the finite Fourier transform; the magnitude o f the Fourier transform
squared is the energy spectral density function (Parseval’s theorem); and 1/T is
the conversion factor for going from energy spectrum to power spectrum.
Unfortunately, the time average (5A-A- ( /) ) r does not converge to the ensemble
average Sx x( f ) as T —» =°. We will show in Chapter 9 that while

lim E{< $**(/)> r} = Sxx( f )

the variance of (Sxx( f ) ) T does not go to zero as T 00. Further averaging of

the estimator (Sxx( f ) ) Tin the frequency domain is a technique that is commonly
used to reduce the variance o f {Sx x ( f ) ) T. Although we will deal with the problem
of estimating psd functions in some detail in Chapter 9, we want to point out
here that estimation of psd is one important application in which a direct sub­
stitution of the time-averaged estimate (SxxU)) t for the ensemble average Sxx(f)
is incorrect.


For the stationary random process shown in Figure 3.9, find £ {< p x)r} and
var{(p*)r}. Is the process ergodic in the mean?

SOLUTION: has six values: 5, 3, 1, - 1 , - 3 , - 5 , and

= i{5 + 3 + l - l - 3-5} = 0

Variance of (p *)r can be obtained as

varK p^M = I {5> + 32 + l 2 + ( - 1 )2 + ( ~ 3 )2 + ( - 5 ) 2}

= 70/6

Note that the variance of {p _v}7 does not depend on T and it does not decrease
as we increase T. Thus, the condition stated in Equation 3.77 is not met and
the process is not ergodic in the mean. This is to be expected since a single
member function o f this process has only one amplitude, and it does not con­
tain any o f the other five amplitudes that X(t) can have.


Consider the stationary random process

X { t ) = 10 cos(100/ + 0 )

where 0 is a random variable with a uniform probability distribution in the

interval [ - i t , i t ] . Show that X{t ) is ergodic in the autocorrelation function.


^ ( t) = £{10 0 cos( 100 / + 0 ) cos( 100 / + 100t + 0 )}

= 50 cos(100t)
1 fTn , „ ,
{ R xx (t ) ) t = I X ( t )X( t + t) dt
! J - 772

1 fr /2
- 100 cos( 100 t + 0 ) cos( 100t + 100 t + 0 ) dt
T J-T/2

1 rr /2
- 50 c o s (IO O t ) dt
T J-T/2

1 [T/2
+ — I 50 cos(200r + 100t + 2 0 ) dt
T J-T/2

Irrespective o f which member function we choose to form the time-averaged

correlation function (i.e., irrespective of the value of 0 ), as T <», we have

(Rxx(t))t = 50 cos(100t )
= Rxx ( t )

Hence, •E{(/?A-A-(T))r} = R xx { t) and var{(/?Xx (T))r} = 0- Thus, the process is

ergodic in autocorrelation function.

Other Forms of Ergodicity. There are several other forms of ergodicity and
some of the important ones include the following:

Wide Sense Ergodic Processes. A random process is said to be wide-sense

ergodic (WSE) if it is ergodic in the mean and the autocorrelation function.
WSE processes are also called weakly ergodic.
Distribution Ergodic Processes. A random process is said to be distribution
ergodic if time-averaged estimates of distribution functions are equal to the
appropriate (ensemble) distribution functions.
Jointly Ergodic Processes. Two random processes are jointly (wide-sense)
ergodic if they are ergodic in their means and autocorrelation functions and
also have a time-averaged cross-correlation function that equals the ensemble
averaged cross-correlation functions.

Tests for Ergodicity. Conditions for ergodicity derived in the preceding sections
are in general of limited use in practical applications since they require prior
knowledge of parameters that are often not available. Except for certain simple
cases, it is usually very difficult to establish whether a random process meets
the conditions for the ergodicity of a particular parameter. In practice, we are
usually forced to consider the physical origin of the random process to make an
intuitive judgment of ergodicity.
For a process to be ergodic, each member function should “ look” random,
even though we view each member function to be an ordinary time signal. For
example, if we consider the member functions of a random binary waveform,
randomness is evident in each member function and it might be reasonable to

expect the process to be at least weakly ergodic. On the other hand, each of
the member functions of the random process shown in Figure 3.9 is a constant
and by observing one member function we learn nothing about other member
functions of the process. Hence, for this process, time averaging will tell us
nothing about the ensemble averages. Thus, intuitive justification of ergodicity
boils down to deciding whether a single member function is a “ truly random
signal” whose variations along the time axis can be assumed to represent typical
variations over the ensemble.
The comments given in the previous paragraph may seem somewhat circular,
and the reader may feel that the concept of ergodicity is on shaky ground.
However, we would like to point out that in many practical situations we are
forced to use models that are often hard to justify under rigorous examination.
Fortunately, for Gaussian random processes, which are extensively used in
a variety of applications, the test for ergodicity is very simple and is given below.


Show that a stationary, zero-mean, finite variance Gaussian random process is

ergodic in the general sense if

SOLUTION: Since a stationary Gaussian random process is completely speci­

fied by its mean and autocorrelation function, we need to be concerned only
with the mean and autocorrelation function (i.e., weakly ergodic implies ergod­
icity in the general sense for a stationary Gaussian random process). For the
process to be ergodic in mean, we need to show that

The preceding integral can be written as

Cxxi7} dv ^ ■



dx < co

To prove ergodicity o f the autocorrelation function, we need to show that, for

every a , the integral

V = j J ^ l - Czz( x) dx; Z ( 0 = * ( 0 * ( f + a)

approaches zero as T —> » .

The integral V can be bounded as

| C z z ( t )| d x


^zz(T) £{*(0-^'0 +
~ o t)* (f + x)*(t + a + x)} — R x x i 01- )

Now, making use o f the following relationship for a four-dimensional Gaussian

distribution (Equation 2.69)

£■{*,* 2 * 3 * 4} = £ { * ,* 2}£ {* 3 * 4} + £ { * ,* 3}£ { * 2 * 4}

+ £ { * , * 4} £ { * 2* 3}

we have

Czz(x) - Rxxi®-) + + Rxx{t + o'.)Rxx(i - a) - £ ^ ( a )


0 s F < - | ^ | £ ^ ( t )| dx + — | |£a-a-(x + a ) £ ^ ( x - a)| dx

s ^ aw(O) ^ J I*™OOI d j + — J + a)| dx|


Since J“ ^ |7? ^ ( t)| dr < <*, the upper bound approaches 0 as T —» °°, and hence
the variance (V) o f the time-averaged autocorrelation function —* 0 as t —»
Thus, if the autocorrelation function is absolutely integrable, then the stationary
Gaussian process is ergodic. Note that this is a sufficient (but not a necessary)
condition for ergodicity. Also note that dj < °° requires that



We have seen that a stationary random process can be described in the frequency
domain by its power spectral density function which is defined as the Fourier
transform o f the autocorrelation function o f the process. In the case o f deter­
ministic signals, the expansion o f a signal as a superposition of complex expo­
nentials plays an important role in the study of linear systems. In the following
discussion, we will examine the possibility of expressing a random process X(t)
by a sum of exponentials or other orthogonal functions. Before we start our
discussion, we would like to point out that each member function of a stationary
random process has infinite energy and hence its ordinary Fourier transform
does not exist.
We present three forms for expressing random processes in a series form,
starting with the simple Fourier series expansion.

3.9.1 Ordinary Fourier Series Expansion

A stationary random process that is MS periodic and MS continuous can be
expanded in a Fourier series of the form

X(t) = X Cx ( nf0)exp(j2-nnfat); (3.83.a)



and T is the period of the process and f 0 = 1IT. X (t ) converges to X {t ) in a

MS sense, that is,

lim E{\X(t) - X ( t )|2} = 0


for all values of t 6= ( —oo, co).

Note that the coefficients Cx ( nf0) of the Fourier series are complex-valued
random variables. For each member function of the random process these ran­
dom variables have a particular set of values.
The reader can easily verify the following:

1. E { C x ( n f 0)C*x ( m f 0)} = 0 , n ^ m;

that is, the coefficients are orthogonal

2. Rxx( t) = X “ „exp(/2TTrt/0T), where a„ = E{\Cx ( n f 0)\2}

rt = —oo

3. E{\X(t)\2} = ^ E{\CX(nfo)\2} (Parseval’s theorem)

The rate of convergence or how many terms should be included in the series
expansion in order to provide an “ accurate” representation of X{t ) can be
determined as follows: The MS difference between X(t ) and the series X ( t ) is
given by

E{\X(t) - x m = E x (t) - X C A-(«fo)exp(/2TTn/oO
n= - N

= E{|*(0|2} - £ £ {| C * («/0)|2}
n = —N

and the normalized MS error, which is defined as

= E{\X{t) - X(t)\i}
N E{\X(t)\2}

can be used to measure the rate of convergence and the accuracy of the series
representation as a function of N. As a rule of thumb, t?N is chosen to have a
value less than 0.05, which implies that the series representation accounts for
95% of the normalized MS variation of X ( t ).

3.9.2 Modified Fourier Series for Aperiodic Random Signals

A stationary MS continuous aperiodic random process X ( t ) can be expanded in
a series form as

X(t) = X C x ( n f 0)exp( J2Trnf 0t), (3.85)
n = - N /


C x ( n f 0) = f X ( t ) Sln- - - l'!rJ e x p (-/2 r r n /o O dt (3.86)

J-= TTt

The constants N and f 0 are chosen to yield an acceptable level of normalized

MS error defined in Equation 3.84. A s lV -+ ® and f 0 —* 0, X ( t ) converges in
MS sense to X ( t ) for all values of |t| « l / / 0. It can be shown that this series
representation has the following properties:

1. E { C x ( nf 0) C $ ( m f 0)} = 0, m ^ n
2. E{\X(t)\2} = £{|AT(0|2} a s n- >=o
f ( n + l /2)f0
3. E{\Cx ( nf 0)\2} = Sxx( f ) d f
J(«- I/2)/0

4. Sa(f) = £ E{ICx ( n f 0) m f - n f 0)

Figure 3.25 Error in the Fourier series approximation.


5. lim E{\X(t) - X (0|2}

„ f {n +■1/2)/0
= 2 X ^ (/)[1 - cos 2-nt(f - nfo)] d f
n=-°° *'(n-l/2)/0

6. For any finite value o f N, the MS error is the shaded area shown in
Figure 3.25.

The proofs of some of these statements are rather lengthy and the reader is
referred to Section 13-2 o f the first edition o f [9] for details.

3.9.3 Karhunen-Loeve (K-L) Series Expansion

The normalized mean squared error E{\X(t) - X ( t ) ] 2} between X (t ) and its
series representation X ( t ) depends on the number o f terms in the series and the
(basis) functions used in the series expansion. A series expansion is said to be
optimum in a MS sense if it yields the smallest MS error for a given number of
terms. The K-L expansion is optimum in a MS sense for expanding a stationary
random process X(t ) over any finite time interval [ - 7 7 2 , 772].
The orthonormal basis function, used in the K-L expansion are ob­
tained from the solutions o f the integral equation

72 T
Rxx(t ~ t )4 ( t ) dr = A<j>(r), |r| < - (3.87)
772 2

The solution yields a set o f eigenvalues A.] > A2 •> A3, . . . , and eigenfunctions
4i(0> 4*2( 0 * 4*3( 7), . . . , and the K-L expansion is written in terms of the
eigenfunctions as

m = 2 A nu t ) , k! < ? (3.88)
n =1



The K-L series expansion has the following properties:

1. l.i.m. X ( t ) = X(t)
m = n
2. 4>„(0<t>£(0 dt =
J—772 ■ f r

m — n
3. E{A„A*J = jj" ’
m ¥= n
4. E{X\t)} = Rx x (0) = s
n= 1

£ K
n= N + 1
5. Normalized MSE =

The main difficulty in the use of Karhunen-Loeve expansion lies in finding the
eigenfunctions of the random process. While much progress has been made in
developing computational algorithms for solving integral equations of the type
given in Equation 3.87, the computational burden is still a limiting factor in the
application of the K-L series expansion.


Information-bearing random signals such as the output o f a microphone, a TV

camera, or a pressure or temperature sensor are predominantly analog (contin­
uous-time, continuous-amplitude) in nature. These signals are often transmitted
over digital transmission facilities and are also processed digitally. To make these
analog signals suitable for digital transmission and processing, we make use of
two operations: sampling and quantization. The sampling operation is used to
convert a continuous-time signal to a discrete-time sequence. The quantizing
operation converts a continuous-amplitude signal to a discrete-amplitude signal.
In this section, we will discuss techniques for sampling and quantizing a
continuous-amplitude, continuous-time signalX(t). We will first show that, given
the values of X ( t ) at t = kTs, k = • • • - 3 , - 2 , —1, 0, 1, 2, 3, • • • , we can
reconstruct the signal X(t ) for all values of t If X(t ) is a stationary random
process with a bandwidth of B and Ts is chosen to be smaller than 1 /25 . Then
we will develop procedures for representing the analog amplitude of X { k T s) by
a finite set of precomputed values. This operation amounts to approximating a
continuous random variable A by a discrete random variable X q, which can take
on one of Q possible values such that E { ( X —X q)2} -*• 0 as Q —*■


f,'2 B ' u B B' + f 12

1/(2r’> 1U 2T,

Figure 3.26 Power spectral density of the signal being sampled.

3.10.1 Sampling o f Lowpass Random Signals

Let 3 real‘ valued stationary random process with a continuous power

spectra1 density function, Sxx( f ) , that is zero for |/| > B (Figure 3 26 Since
s Z l f ) as" " d0n ° f f ’ We ^ USe 311 0rdin- y F o u r ii series to r e p r i n t

sxx(f) - 2 Cx {nTs) ex p ( j 2 i m f Ts), |/| < B 0 (3.90)

n ~ —=o


jj 1
27” B


1 rb
Cx {nTs) = — j ^ Sx x ( f ) e x p ( - j 2 T t n f T s) d f (3.91)

Taking the inverse Fourier transform o f Sxx( f ) as given in Equation 3.90, we

Rxx(‘) — F 1 | 2 Cx (nTs)exp(j2-unfTs)\
i.n= j

= /-a ' C x («7 ’s)e x p (/2 r r „/ 1 7))e x p (/ 2 rr/ 17 ) B S B ’ s B0


- 2 ( [ ° Sx x ( f 2) e x p ( - j 2 - n n f 2Ts) d f 2
n= - * J - B ’ £ & 0 J ~ B 0

x 'exp[/2'ir/I(T + nTs)\ d f r
= Y r 1 - n T '*—L sin 2tt5 '( t + nTs)

If we choose the limits o f integration S ' to be equal to B, we have

Rxx{ t ) = 2 BTS ^ R x x (n T s)

It is convenient to state two other versions o f Equation 3.92 for use in deriving
the sampling theorem for lowpass random signals. With a an arbitrary constant,
the transform of R Xx {T ~ n) is equal to Sx x ( f ) e x p ( —j 2n f a) . This function is
also lowpass, and hence Equation 3.92 can be applied to R xx{ t - a) as

R xx ( t ~ a) = 2BTS £ R xx (nTs - a )s in c 2 S (T - nTs) (3.93)

n = —


Sin 7TX
sine x

Changing (t - a) to t in Equation 3.93, we have

R xx{t) = 2 BTS 2 R x x {n T s - a )sin c2£ (T + a - nTs) (3.94)

We now state and prove the sampling theorem for band-limited random pro­

The Uniform Sampling Theorem for Band-limited Random Signals. If a real

random process X { t ) is band-limited to B Hz, then X {t ) can be represented
using the instantaneous values X ( k T s) as

X N{t) = 2BTS ^ X(nTs)s\nc[2B{t - nTs)\, Ts < 1/(2 5 ) (3.95)

n= - N


and X N(t) converges to Z ( t ) in a MS sense. That is £ { [ ^ ( 0 - i ^ ( t ) ] 2} = 0,

as N —> «>.
To prove MS convergence o f X N(t) to X( t ), we need to show that

£ {[ -^ ( 0 - -^ v (0 ]2} = 0 as N c o (3.96)

Let N —> <*>, then

X { t ) = 2BTS 2 ) .r(n r,)sin c[2 B (f - nT,)], Ts < ±

n *= —oo Zt i J


E { [ X ( t ) - Z ( 0 ] 2} = E { [ X ( t ) - * ( 0 ] * ( t ) }
- £ { [ * ( 0 - * ( /)]* (* )} (3.97)

The first term on the right-hand side o f the previous equation may be written

E{[X{t) - X (t)]X(t)}

= R x x (0) - 2BTS 2 ) R XX(nTs - t)sinc[2B(t - nT,)]

From Equation 3.94 with t = 0 and a ~ t, we have

2BTS ^ Rx x (nTs - f)sinc[2B(t - nTs)] = Rx x {0)

n= —»

and hence

E{[X(t) - X(t)]X(t)} = 0 (3.98)

The second term in Equation 3.97 can be written as

E{[X(t) - X (t) ]X (t )}

= S E { [ X ( t ) - X { t ) ] X { m T s)}2BTs sinc[2£(t - mT,)]



E { [ * ( 0 - X ( t ) ] X ( m T , )}
= Rxx(t - mTs) - Y, 2BTsRxx{nTs - mTs)sinc[2B(t - nTs)\
n = —«

and from Equation 3.93 with t = t and a = mTs, we have

Rxx(t - rnT, ) = 2 BT, ^ Rxx(nTs - mTs)sinc[2B(t - nT,)]



E{[X(t) - X(t)]X(t)} = 0 (3.99)

Substitution of Equations 3.98 and 3.99 in Equation 3.97 completes the proof
of the uniform sampling theorem.
The sampling theorem permits us to store, transmit, and process the sequence
X {n Ts) rather than the continuous time signal X( t ) , as long as the samples are
taken at intervals less than 1/(2B ). The minimum sampling rate is 2B and is
called the Nyquist rate. If X ( t ) is sampled at rates lower than 2 B samples/second,
then we cannot reconstruct X (t ) from X ( n Ts) due to “ aliasing,” which is ex­
plained next.

Aliasing Effect. To examine the aliasing effect, let us define the sampling
operation as

XM) = X{t) •5(0

where X,(t) is the sampled version of a band-limited process X(t) and 5 (0 is

the sampling waveform. Assume that the sampling waveform 5(0 is an impulse
sequence (see Figure 3.27) of the form

S(0 = E 8(< - kT, - D)

where D is a random variable with a uniform distribution in the interval [0, 7)],
and D is independent o f X(t). The product 3^.(0 = X(t) ■ S(t) as shown in


---------------- X U )

\ *

(6) 1
S it)

" ■ r r r n i i f i n T i -
D Z)


X s(*) = XU)SU)

- x f f f T K
X > N u T, ‘
\ ,

__ z

-B B f

A I T ,2

:t s : -f,
-B C B
7 V

. > 2B


A /T s2 A <2B

... X , X X X , X , X ...
X \ I X \ [ X \ \ / \ X \
-2 7 , -f. 0 / A, If,
Figure 3.27 Sampling operation.

Figure 3.27c can be written as

X.(t) = S X{ t - kTa - D)5(f - * r , - D)

k= -*

Following the derivation in Section 3.6.5, the reader can show that the auto­
correlation function o f X s(t) is given by

= i 7 R*x(kTs) 8( t - kTs)
k =-* l s

= ^ Rxx{T) £ S(T - kTs)

The last step results from one of the properties of delta functions. Taking the
Fourier transform of Rx,x,(t) we obtain

sx,xXf) = y, S x A f ) * 8 (t ~

The reader can show that

*■ { £ S(t - * r , ) } = ^ £ 8( / - k fs)

where f s = 1/7) is the sampling rate, and hence

Sx,x,(f) = J i {£ Sxxif - */,) J

= Y {Sxx(J) + Sxx(f ~ fs) + Sxxif + fs)

+ s xx(f - 2/,) + Sxx(f + 2/ , ) + ■••} (3. 100)

The preceding equation shows that the psd of the sampled version X s(t) of X(t)
consists of replicates of the original spectrum Sxx( f ) with a replication rate of
f s. For a band-limited process X(t), the psd of X(t) and X s(t) are shown in
Figure 3.27 for two sampling rates f s > 2B and f, < 2B.
When f s > 2B or Ts < 1 /(2 S ), SXlx,{f) contains the original spectrum of
X{t ) intact and recovery of X(t') from X s(t) is possible. But when f s < 2B,
replicates of Sxx( f) overlap and the psd of X j t ) does not bear much resemblance
to the psd of X { t ) . This is called the aliasing effect, and it often prevents us from
reconstructing X(t) from X s(t) with the required accuracy.
When / , > (2J5), we have shown that X(t) can be reconstructed in the time
domain from samples of X(t) according to Equation 3.95. Examination of Figure
3.27e shows that if we select only that portion of Sx x f f ) that lies in the interval
[ —13, 13], we can recover the psd of X(t). This selection can be accomplished
in the frequency domain by an operation known as “ lowpass filtering,” which

will be discussed in Chapter 4. Indeed, Equation 3.95 is the time domain equiv­
alent of lowpass filtering in the frequency domain.

3.10.2 Quantization
The instantaneous value of a continuous amplitude (analog) random process
X{t) is a continuous random variable. If the instantaneous values are to be
processed digitally, then the continuous random variable X , which can have an
uncountably infinite number of possible values, has to be represented by a
discrete random variable with a finite number of values. For example, if the
instantaneous value is sampled by a 4-bit analog-to-digital converter, then X is
approximated at the output by a discrete random variable with one of 24 possible
values. We now develop procedures for quantizing or approximating a contin­
uous random variable X by a discrete random variable X q. The device that
performs this operation is referred to as a quantizer or analog-to-digital con­
An example of the quantizing operation is shown in Figure 3.28. The input
to the quantizer is a random process X(t), and we will assume that the random
signal X(t) is sampled at an appropriate rate and the sample values X(kTs) are
converted to one of Q allowable levels, mb m2, . . . , mQ, according to some
predetermined rule:

X q(kTs) = m, if *,_! < X(kTs) =£ x,

X0 = -°°, Xq = +°° (3.101)

The output o f the quantizer is a sequence o f levels, shown in Figure 3.28 as a

waveform X q(t), where

X q{t) = X q(kTs), kTs < t < (k + 1)7)

We see from Figure 3.28 that the quantized signal is an approximation to the
original signal. The quality o f the approximation can be improved by increasing
the number o f quantizing levels Q and for fixed Q by a careful choice o f x-’s
and m^s such that some measure of performance is optimized. The measure of
performance that is most commonly used for evaluating the performance of a
quantizing scheme is the normalized MS error,

2 = E m m - x a{kTs)f\
62 E{X\{kTs)}

We will now consider several methods of quantizing the sampled values of

a random process X(t). For convenience, we will assume X(t) to be a zero-

Figure 3.28 Q u a n t iz in g o p e r a t i o n ; m2, . . . , m-, a re t h e s e v e n o u t p u t le v e ls o f th e

q u a n t iz e r .

mean, stationary random process with a pdf We will use the abbreviated
notation, X to denote X{kTs) and X q to denote X q{kTs). The problem of quan­
tizing consists of approximating the continuous random variable ATby a discrete
random variable X q such that E{ ( X - X q)2} is minimized.

3.10.3 Uniform Quantizing /' ' 3

In this method o f quantizing, the range of the continuous random variable X is
divided into Q intervals o f equal length, say A. If the value of X falls in the ith
quantizing interval, then the quantized value o f X is taken to be the midpoint
o f the interval (see Figure 3.29). If a and b are the minimum and maximum
values o f X, respectively, then the step size or interval length A is given by

(b ~ a)
A = (3.102. a)

The quantized output X q is generated according to

X q = w, if < X < xh i = 1 , 2, . . . , Q (3.102.b)


Xi = a + iA (3.102.c)


x ,_ , + X i
m = ---------------- ;
2 (3.102.d)

The quantizing “ noise power” NQ for the uniform quantizer is given by

NQ = E { { x - x qy }

= [ (x ~ xq)2fx(x) dx

= 2 [ (x - mi)2f x( x) dx (3.103.a)
;=i V i

where x: = a + iA and m,■ = a + iA - A/2. The “ signal power” SQ at the

output o f the quantizer can be obtained from

Sq = E{{ Xqf }
S, rxi
= 2 (w <)2 / * 0 ) dx (3.103.b)
i= I Jx, .

The ratio NQ/SQ is e| and it gives us a measure of the MS error o f the uniform
quantizer. This ratio can be computed if the pdf o f A'is known.


The input to a Q-step uniform quantizer has a('uniform pdf over the interval
[ —a, a]. Calculate the normalized MS error as a function o f the number o f
quantizer levels.

SOLUTION: From Equation 3.103.a we have


-i i~ 1 J - a + 0-1
(i )4 \
x + a -
aV i
iA + - I ~ d x
2 / 2a

4 m 12/
QA3 A2
since QA = 2a
( 2 a) 12 12

Now, the output signal power SQ can be obtained using Equation 3.103.b 2as

SQ = 4 , ( " 0
,= 1 \2a
Q2 - l

and hence the normalized MS error is given by

No _ 1 1
sq Q2 - i Q2 w hen ^ > ;> 1

Equation 3.104 can be used to determine the number of quantizer levels needed
for a given application. In quantizing audio and video signals the ratio NQ/SQ
is kept lower than 10“ 4, which requires that Q be greater than 100. It is a common
practice to use 7-bit A /D converters (128 levels) to quantize voice and video

Figure 3.30 A n o n u n i f o r m q u a n t iz e r f o r a G a u s s ia n v a r ia b le . X„ = — XQ= °°,

2 = 8 , a n d A, = A e+ 1_ „ (i = 1, 2 , 3, 4 ).

3.10.4 Nonuniform Quantizing

The uniform quantizer is optimum (yields the lowest NQ/SQ for a given value
of Q) if the random process X(t) has uniform amplitude distribution. If the pdf
is nonuniform, then the quantizer step size should be variable, with smaller step
sizes near the mode of the pdf and larger step sizes near the tails o f the pdf.
An example o f nonuniform quantizing is shown in Figure 3.30. The input to the
quantizer is a Gaussian random variable and the quantizer output is determined
according to

X q = m, if < X :£ x h i = 1, 2, . . . , Q
X 0 = X q = °o (3.105)

The step size A, = x, — is variable. The quantizer end points x.-’s and the
output levels m^s are chosen to minimize NQ/SQ.
The design of an optimum nonuniform quantizer can be approached as fol­
lows. We are given a continuous random variable X with a pdf f x (x). We want
to approximate X b y a discrete random variable X q according to Equation 3.105.
The quantizing intervals and the levels are to be chosen such that NQ is mini­
mized. This minimizing can be done as follows. We start with

Nq = 2 (* - ™i)2f x( x) dx, x0 = -c o and xQ =


Since we wish to minimize Na for a fixed Q, we get the necessary* conditions

by differentiating NQ with respect to the x/s and mfs and setting the derivatives

‘ After finding all the x ’ s and m ’s that satisfy the necessary conditions, we may evaluate N a at these
points to find a set o f j:,’s and m ’ s that yield the absolute minimum value o f N Q . In most practical
cases we will get a unique solution for Equations 3.106.a and 3.106.b.

equal to zero:

= (xj - mj)2f x ( x - (Xj - m/+l)2f x (Xj) = 0
j = 1, 2 , . . . , Q - 1 (3.106.a)

^—2 = - 2 ( ' (x - nij)fx (x) dx = 0, / = 1, 2, . . . , Q (3.106.b)

dnij JXj_t

From Equation 3.106.a we obtain

Xj = ^ (m; + mj+i)

m\j = 2Xj-i - j = 2, 3, . . . , Q (3.107.a)

Equation 3.106.b reduces to

f 1' (x - mj)fx (x) dx = 0 , y = l ,2 (3.107.b)

which implies that is the centroid (or mean) of the /th quantizer interval.
The foregoing set of simultaneous equations cannot be solved in closed form
for an arbitrary f x (x). For a specific f x(x), a method of solving Equations 3.107.a
and 3.107.b is to pick m t and calculate the succeeding jc. ’ s and m ’s using Equa­
tions 3.107.a and 3.107.b. If m, is chosen correctly, then at the end of the
iteration, me will be the mean o f the interval °°]. If mQ is not the centroid
or the mean of the Qth interval, then a different choice of mx is made and the
procedure is repeated until a suitable set of x' s and m- s is reached. A computer
program to solve for the quantizing intervals and the means by this iterative
method can be written.

Quantizer for a Gaussian Random Variable. The end points o f the quantizer
intervals and the output levels for a Gaussian random variable have been com ­
puted by J. Max [15]. Attempts have also been made to determine the functional
dependence of N q on the number of levels Q. For a Gaussian random variable
with a variance o f 1, Max has found that N q is related to Q by

If the variance is a *, then the preceding expression becomes

N q ~ ( 2 . 2 M Q - 1-96 (3.108)

Now if we assume X to have zero mean, then SQ = E { X 2} = a 2

x , and hence

-1 .9 6

Equation 3.109 can be used to determine the number of quantizer levels needed
to achieve a given normalized mean-squared error for a zero-mean Gaussian
random process.

In this chapter, we introduced the concept o f random processes, which may
be viewed as an extension of the concept o f random variables. A random
process maps outcomes o f a random experiment to functions of time and is a
useful model for both signals and noise. For many engineering applications, a
random process can be characterized by first-order and second-order proba­
bility distribution functions, or perhaps just the mean and variance and auto­
correlation function. For stationary random processes, the mean and
autocorrelation functions are often used to describe the time domain structure
of the process in an average or ensemble sense. The Fourier transform of the
autocorrelation function, called the power spectral density function, provides
a frequency domain description of the random processes.

Markov, independent increments, Martingale, and Gaussian random pro­

cesses were defined. The random walk; its limiting version, the Wiener pro­
cess; the Poisson process; and the random binary waveform were introduced
as important examples of random processes, and their mean and autocorrela­
tion functions were found.

Different types of stationarity were defined and wide-sense stationarity (weak

stationarity) was emphasized because of its importance in applications. The
properties of the autocorrelation and the cross-correlation functions of real
wide-sense stationary (WSS) processes were presented. The Fourier trans­
forms of these functions are called the power spectral density function and
cross-power density function, respectively. The Fourier transform was used to
define the spectral density function of random sequences. Power and band-

width calculations, which are patterned after deterministic signal definitions,

were introduced.

The concepts of continuity, differentiation, and integration were introduced

for random processes. If all member functions of the ensemble have one of
these three properties, then the random process has that property. In addi­
tion, these properties were defined in the mean-square sense as they apply to
stationary (WSS) processes. It was shown that this extends these important
operations to a wider class o f random signals.

The time average of a random process or a function, for example (X(t) -

p.) , o f a random process is a random variable. This time average will have a
mean and a variance. For stationary processes, it was shown that the mean of
the time average equals the ensemble mean. In order for the time average to
equal the ensemble average, it was shown that it is necessary for the variance
of the time average to be zero. When this is the case, the stationary process is
called ergodic. Various definitions of ergodicity were given.

Series expansions of random processes were introduced. Fourier series and a

modified Fourier series were presented, and the Karhunen-Loeve series ex­
pansion, which is optimum in the MS sense for a specified number of terms,
was introduced.

The sampling theorem for a random process band-limited to B Hz was

proved. It shows that if the sampling rate /,. is greater than 2B, then samples
X(nTs) can be used to reproduce, in the MS sense, the original process. Such
sampling often requires quantization, which was introduced and analyzed in
Section 3.10. The mean-square error and normalized mean-square error were
suggested as measures o f performance for quantizers.


A n u m b e r o f texts a r e a v a ila b le t o th e in t e r e s te d r e a d e r w h o n e e d s a d d itio n a l m a te r ia l

o n th e t o p ic s d is c u s s e d in th is c h a p t e r . B a c k g r o u n d m a te r ia l o n d e t e r m in is t ic sig n a l
p r o c e s s in g m a y b e f o u n d in R e f e r e n c e s [7 ] a n d [1 0 ], I n t r o d u c t o r y t r e a tm e n t o f th e m a te r ia l
o f th is c h a p t e r m a y b e fo u n d in C o o p e r a n d M c G il l e m [1 ], G a r d n e r [4 ], H e ls t r o m [5 ],
P e e b le s [1 1 ], O F ly n n [1 2 ], a n d S c h w a r t z a n d S h a w [1 3 ], a n d a s lig h tly h ig h e r le v e l
t r e a tm e n t i s -c o n t a i n e d .in ..P a p o u lis ,.[9]..D a v e n p o r t .and .R o o t [3 ] is t h e c la s s ic a l b o o k in
this a r e a , w h e r e a s D o o b [2 ] is a p r im a r y r e fe r e n c e in th is fie ld f r o m th e m a th e m a tic a l
p e r s p e c t iv e . A d v a n c e d m a te r ia l o n r a n d o m p r o c e s s e s m a y b e f o u n d in te xts b y L a r s o n
a n d S h u b e r t [6 ], a n d W o n g a n d F la je k [1 4 ], a n d M o h a n t y [8 ].

[1 ] G . R . C o o p e r an d C . D . M c G ille m , Probabilistic Methods o f Signal and System

Analysis, 2 n d e d . , H o l t , R in e h a r t , a n d W in s t o n , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 8 6 . 2

[2 ] J. L . D o o b , Stochastic Processes, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 19 5 3 .


[3] W. B. Davenport, Jr. and W. L. Root, Introduction to Random Signals and Noise,
McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958.
[4] W. A. Gardner, Introduction to Random Processes: With Applications to Signals
and Systems, Macmillan, New York, 1986.

[5] C. W. Helstrom, Probability and Stochastic Processes fo r Engineers, Macmillan,

New York, 1984.
[6] H. J. Larson and B. O. Shubert, Probabilistic Models in Engineering and Science,
Vols. I and II, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979.
[7] C. D. McGillem and G. R. Cooper, Continuous and Discrete Signal and System
Analysis, 2nd ed., Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1984.

[8] N. Mohanty, Random Signals, Estimation and Identification, Van Nostrand, New
York, 1986.
[9] A. Papoulis, Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1965, 1984.
[10] A. Papoulis, Signal Analysis, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977.
[11] P. J. Peebles, Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles, 2nd
ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1986.
[12] M. O’Flynn, Probabilities, Random Variables and Random Processes, Harper and
Row, New York, 1982.
[13] M. Schwartz and L. Shaw, Signal Processing: Discrete Spectral Analysis, Detection
and Estimation, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1975.

[14] E. Wong and B. Hajek, Stochastic Processes in Engineering Systems, Springer-

Verlag, New York, 1971, 1985.
[15] Max, J., “Quantizing for Minimum Distortion,” IRE Transaction on Information
Theory, Vol. IT-6, 1960, pp. 7-12.


3.1 Define a random process X ( t ) based on the outcome k of tossing a die as

-2 k = 1
-1 k = 2
1 k = 3
X(t) =
2 k = 4
t k = 5
-t k = 6

a. Find the joint probability mass function of A'(O) and X ( 2 ) .

b. Find the marginal probability mass functions of 36(0) and X ( 2 ) .
c. Find £{*(0)}, E{X{2)}, and £{26(0)26(2)}.

Figure 3.31 Member functions of X(t) and Y(t).

3.2 The member functions of two random processes X(t ) and Y(t) are shown
in Figure 3.31. Assume that the member functions have equal probabilities
of occurrence.

a. Find fJ.x(t)> and Rxx(k 1 + t). Is * ( 0 WSS?

b. Find p.y(f), and Ryr ( f>f + T)- Is * ( 0 WSS?
c. Find R Xy(0, 1) assuming that the underlying random experiments
are independent.

3.3 X{t) is a Gaussian random process with mean p.jr(f) and autocorrelation
function Rxxi k, k)- Find £ {A '(f 2)|A'(fi)}, tx < t2.

3.4 Using the Markov property, show that if X(n) , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , is

Markov, then
E{ X{ n + 1 )|JVT( 1), * ( 2 ) , . . . , * ( « ) } = E {X ( n + l)|AT(n)}

3.5 For a Markov process X(t) show that, for t > tx > f0>

/x(/)|v(/,l)('t|'to) = /tr(i)|A-(!1)('t|'':i)/A-(/1)|tr(r„)(a:i|^o)
J dx\

(The preceding equation is called the Chapman-Kolmogoroff equation.)

3.6 Show that the Wiener process is a Martingale.

3.7 Consider the random walk discussed in Section 3.4.2. Assuming d = 1,

and T = 1 , find

a. P[ X( 2) = 0]
b. P [ X( 8) = 0|*(6) = 2]

c. £ { * ( 10 )}
d. £ {*(1 0 )| * (4 ) = 4}

3.8 A symmetric Bernoulli random walk is defined by the sequence S(n) as

S(n) = 2 X { k ) , X (0 ) = 0, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
k = 1

where X( n) , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . is a sequence of independent and identically

distributed (i.i.d) Bernoulli random variables with

P [ X ( n ) = 1] = P [ X ( n ) = - 1 ] = |

a. Show that S(n) is a Martingale sequence.

b. Show that Z( n) = S2(n) — n is also a Martingale.

3.9 Let X ( l ) , X(2), . . . , X ( n ) , . . . be a sequence of zero-mean i.i.d. random

variables with a pdf f x (x). Define Y(n) as

Y{n) = 2 X(k), n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
k= 1

a. Show that Y(n) is a Markov sequence and a Martingale.

b. Show that

/r„r2 v , ( y u y 2 , ■ ■■ , y n) = fx(yi)fx(yi - y 1) ••■ f x ( y n - y n- \)

c. Find the conditional pdf

3.10 Let N(t), f > 0 be the Poisson process with parameter X, and define

x{t) = f 1 1 !? M 0 isod d
v’ [- 1 if N{t) is even

A (t) is called a random telegraph signal.

a. Show that X(t) has the Markov property.

b. Find p-A-(f) and R Xx { h , L)-

3.11 X{t) is a real WSS random process with an autocorrelation function ft.o-(T)-
Prove the following:
a. If X(t ) has periodic components, then R xx (j ) will also have pe­
riodic components.
b. If Rxx(0) < oo, and if R xx{t) is continuous at t = 0, then it is
continuous for every t.

3.12 X(t) and Y(f) are real random processes that are jointly WSS. Prove the

a. |I?at( t)| < V r xx (())R yy(0)

b- R xy(t ) — 4[^^a-(0) + ^rr(O)]


3.13 X(t ) and Y{t) are independent WSS random processes with zero means.
Find the autocorrelation function of Z(t) when
a. Z{t) = a + bX{t) + cY(t)

b. Z(t) = aX(t)Y(t)

3.14 X(t ) is a WSS process and let Y(t ) = X ( t + a) - X ( t - a). Show that

a. R yy(t) = 2R xx{t) ~ R xx(t + 2a) - RXx (t - 2a)

b. Syy(f) = 4Sxx(f)sin2(2Traf)

3.15 Determine whether the following functions can be the autocorrelation

functions of real-valued WSS random processes: -
a. (1 + 2t2)~1
b. 2 sin 2tt(1000)t
sin 2tt/ 0t r ^n
c. ---- ------ , /o> U
/ ot
d. 8(t) + cos 2-tt/ oT

3.16 Determine whether the following functions can be power spectral density
functions of real-valued WSS random processes.
a. (1 + 10/2)" 1/2
sin 1000/-
b' 1000/
c. 50 + 205(/ - 1000)
d. 1 0 8 (f) + 55(/ + 500) + 55(/ - 500)
e. exp( - 200-rr/2)

f f ....-
i f 2 + 100)

3.17 For each of the autocorrelation functions below, find the power spectral
density function.
a. exp( —<i |t|), a > 0
sin 1000 t
’ 1000 t

c. i exp( —|t|) [cos t + sin |t|]

d. exp( —10~2/ oT2)

e. cos(1000t)

3.18 For each o f the power spectral density functions given below, find the
autocorrelation function.

a. (40 it2/ 2 + 35)/[(4 tt2/ 2 + 9)(4ir2/ 2 + 4)]

b. 1 /( 1 + 4it2/ 2)2
c. 1008(/) + 2ci/(ci2 + 4it2/ 2)

3.19 X( n) , n — ■ ■ ■ , —1, 0, 1, . . . is a real discrete-time, zero-mean, WSS

sequence. Find the power spectral density function for each of the following
a. X ( n ) is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with unit variance.
b. X ( n ) is a discrete time M arkov sequence with Rx x (m) —

c. X ( n ) is a sequence with Rxx(0) = 1, = - 1 / 2 and

Rxx(k) = 0 for |*| > 1 .

3.20 The psd o f a WSS random process X(t ) is shown in Figure 3.32.
a. Find the power in the DC term.

b. Find £ { Z 2(t)}.
c. Find the power in the frequency range [0, 100 Hz].

3.21 Let X and Y be independent Gaussian random variables with zero-mean

and unit variance. Define
Z (f) = X cos 2tt( 1000) t + y s in 2ir(1000)f

a. Show that Z (f) is a Gaussian random process.

b. Find the joint pdf o f Z ( l ) and Z(t2).

c. Is the process WSS?

d. Is the process SSS?

e. Find E { Z ( t 2)\Z(tl)}, t2 > 0-


-1 0 0 0 0 1000
Figure 3.32 Psd of X( c) for Problem 3.20.

Figure 3.33 Psd functions for Problem 3.23 and 3.44.

3.22 For a wide-sense stationary random process, show that

a. Rxx(0) = area under Sxx(f).

b. 5 ^ (0 ) = area under R xx(y).

3.23 For the random process X(t) with the psd’s shown in Figure 3.33, deter­
a. The effective bandwidth, and
b. The rms bandwidth which is defined as

f f S x x ( f ) df

f Sxx(f) df

[Note: The rms bandwidth exists only if SXX(J) decays faster than 1I f ]

3.24 For bandpass processes, the rms bandwidth is defined as

4 f (/ —f o ) 2S x x ( f ) df
f~ S x x ( f ) d f

where the mean or center frequency /„ is defined as

r / s XX(d df
r s xx( f) df
Find the rms bandwidth of
Sxx(f) A, B , f a > 0

Sxx^P Syyif)

Area = o Y2 //
By « By

~Bx 0 &x
■f JL
-By 0 By

Figure 3.34 Psd functions for Problem 3.26.

3.25 X ( t ) is a complex-valued WSS random process defined as

X{t ) = A exp( 2 -7r/Yf 4- jO)
where A , Y and 0 are independent random variables with the following

fA(a) = a exp (—a212 ), a> 0

= 0 elsewhere

f 1/1000 for 10,000 < y < 11,000

fy(y) to elsewhere

for —TT < 0 < TT

fo(0) - h
0 elsewhere

Find the psd of X(t).

3.26 X{t) and Y(t) are two independent WSS random processes with the power
spectral density functions shown in Figure 3.34. Let Z(t) = A '(f)F (t).
Sketch the psd of Z (f), and find Szz(0).

Figure 3.35 Autocorrelation function for Problem 3.27.

3.27 A WSS random process X{t) has a mean of 2 volts, a periodic component
^ ( f ) , and a random component A r( /) ‘, that is, A (r) = 2 4- X p(t) 4- X r(t).
The autocorrelation function o f X(t) is given in Figure 3.35.

a. What is the average power in the periodic component?

b. What is the average power in the random component?

3.28 A stationary zero-mean random process X(t) has an autocorrelation func­

Rxx(r) = 10 exp( —O.It 2)
a. Find the autocorrelation function of X'(t) if X ’ (t) exists.

b. Find the mean and variance of

3.29 Show that if a finite variance process is MS differentiable, then it is nec­

essarily MS continuous.

3.30 Show that for a lowpass process with a bandwidth B , the amount of change
from t to t 4- t is bounded by
a. EUA'ft 4- t) - A'UlR =£ (2 »S f)2K + p.2vl
b. Rxx{0) - tf.w(T) < (2TTBr):Rxxm/2

3.31 X (r) and Y(t) are two independent WSS processes that are MS continuous.
a. Show that the sum A(r) 4- Y(t) is MS continuous.
b. Show that the product X(t)Y(t) is also MS continuous.

3.32 Show that both MS differentiation and integration obey the following rules
of calculus:
a. Differentiating and integrating linear combinations,
b. Differentiating and integrating products of independent random

3.33 Show that the sufficient condition for the existence of the MS integral of
a stationary finite variance process X(t) is the existence of the integral

3.34 X(t) is WSS with E{X(t)} = 2 and Rxx(t) = 4 4- exp( - |t |/10)

a. Find the mean and variance of S = AT(t) rri

b. How large should T be chosen so that

P{\(^x ) t ~ 2 | < 0 . 1 } > 0.95

3.35 Let Z (t) = x(f) + Y (f) where x(f) is a deterministic, periodic power signal
with a period T and Y(t) is a zero mean ergodic random process. Find the
autocorrelation function and also the psd function of Z{t) using time av­

3.36 X(t) is a random binary waveform with a bit rate of IIT, and let

Y(t) = X { t ) X { t - 772)
a. Show that Y(r) can be written as Y{t) = v(t) ■+■ W(t) where v(t)
is a periodic deterministic signal and W(t) is a random binary waveform
of the form

for |f| < 772


b. Find the psd o f Y(r) and show that it has discrete frequency spectral

3.37 Consider the problem o f estimating the unknown value of a constant signal
by observing and processing a noisy version of the signal for T seconds.
Let X ( t ) = c + N(t) where c is the unknown signal value (which is assumed
to remain constant), and N(t) is a zero-mean stationary Gaussian random
process with a psd SNN(f) - N0 for |/| < B and zero elsewhere ( B »
1IT). The estimate of c is the time-averaged value

a. Show that E{c} = c.

b. Find the value of T such that P{\c — c| < 0.1c} > 0.999. (Express
T in terms of c, B, and Na.)

3.38 Give an example of a random process that is WSS but not ergodic in mean.

3.39 A stationary zero-mean Gaussian random process X(t) has an autocor­

relation function

Rxxi'f) = 1 0e xp (-|T |)
Show that X ( t ) is ergodic in the mean and autocorrelation function.

3.40 X(t) is a stationary zero-mean Gaussian random process.

a. Show that

b. Show that
E{(Sxx( f ))T} = Sxx(f), as T —» 00

V a r {(5 ^ (/))r} > [E{(Sxx( f ) ) T}]2

3.41 Define the time-averaged mean and autocorrelation function o f a real­

valued stationary random sequence as

= Jj i * (0


( Rxx(k))N = ^ £ X ( i ) X ( i + * )

a. Find the mean and variance of and (Rxx(E)}N

b. Derive the condition for the ergodicity of the mean.

3.42 Prove the properties of the Fourier series expansion given in section 3.9.1
and 3.9.2.

3.43 Let X = [ X u X 2, ■ ■ - , X n] T be a random vector with a covariance matrix

X x. Let X, > X.2 > • • • > K be the eigenvalues of X x. Suppose we want
to approximate X as
X = AiVi + A 2\2 + • • • + A m\m, m < n

such that £ {[X - X J^X - X]} is minimized.

a. Show that the basis vectors V[, v2, . . . , v „ are the eigenvectors of
Xx corresponding to X.b \ 2, . . . , \m, respectively.
b. Show that the coefficients A t are random variables and that A t =
X Tv,.
c. Find the mean squared error.

3.44 Suppose we want to sample the random processes whose power spectral
densities are shown in Figure 3.33. Find a suitable sampling rate using
the constraint that the ratio of Sxx(0) to the aliased spectral component
at / = 0 has to be greater than 100.

3.45 Show that a WSS bandpass random process can also be represented by
sampled values. Establish a relationship between the bandwidth B and the
minimum sampling rate.

3.46 The probability density function of a random variable X is shown in Figure


Figure 3.36 Pdf of X for Problem 3.46.

a. If X is quantized into four levels using a uniform quantizing rule,

find the MSE.
b. If X is quantized into four levels using a minimum MSE nonuniform
quantizer, find the quantizer end points and output levels as well as the

Response of Linear Systems to

Random Inputs

In many cases, physical systems are modeled as lumped, linear, time invariant
(LLTIV), and causal, and their dynamic behavior is described by linear differ­
ential or difference, equations with constant .coefficients. The response (i.e., the
output) of a LTIV (lumped is not a requirement if the impulse response is known)
system driven by a deterministic input signal can be computed in the time domain
via the convolution integral or in the transform domain via Fourier, Laplace,
or Z transforms. Although the analysis of LTIV systems follows a rather standard
and unified approach, such is not the case when the system is nonlinear or time
varying. Here, a variety of numerical techniques are used and the specific ap­
proach used will be highly problem dependent.
In this chapter, we develop techniques for calculating the response of linear
systems driven by random input signals. Regardless of whether or not the system
is linear, for each member function x(t) o f the input process W(r), the system
produces an output y(t) and the ensemble of output functions form a random
process Y(i), which is the response of the system to the random input signal
X(t). Given a description of the input process X(t ) and a description of the
system, we want to obtain the properties of T(r) such as the mean, autocorre­
lation function, and at least some of the lower order probability distribution
functions of Y(t). In most cases we will obtain just the mean and autocorrelation
function. Only in some special cases will we want to (and be able to) determine
the probability distribution functions.
We will show that the determination of the response of a LTIV system
responding to a random input is rather straightforward. However, the problem
of determining the output of a nonlinear system responding to a random input
signal is very difficult except in some special cases. No general tractable analytical

techniques are available to handle nonlinear systems. However, the analysis of

nonlinear systems can be carried out using Monte Carlo simulation techniques,
which were introduced in Chapter 2.
In the remaining sections o f this chapter, we will assume that the functional
relationship between the input and output is given and that the system parameters
are constants. Occasionally, there arises a need for using system models in which
some of the parameters are modeled as random variables. For example, the gain
of a certain lot of IC amplifiers or the resistance of a ±10% resistor can be
modeled as a random variable. In this chapter, we will consider only fixed-
parameter systems.


Mathematically, a “ system” is a functional relationship between the input x(t)

and the output y{t). We can write this input-output relationship as:

M ) = f[x(t)- -0° < t < a>], - c c < r 0 < QO (4.1)

Based on the properties o f the functional relationship given in Equation 4.1, we

can classify systems into various categories. Rather than listing all possible clas­
sifications, we list only those classes o f systems that we will study in this chapter
in some detail.

4.1.1 Lumped Linear Time-invariant Causal (LLTIVC) System

A system is said to be LLTIVC if it has all o f the following properties:

1. Lumped, A dynamic system is called lumped if it can be modeled by

a set o f ordinary differential or difference equations.
2. Linear. If

H (0 = / M O ; - 30 < 1 < ” ]

L:( 0 = / M O ; - * = < '< = « ]


/ M i (0 + a2x 2(t)] = a , / M O ] + ar / M 0 ]
(i.e., superposition applies).
3. Time Invariant. I f y ( 0 = /W O L then

y{t ~ C) = f[x(t - t„)], < t, t„ < ac


(i.e., a time shift in the input results in a corresponding time shift in the
4. Causal. The value of the output at t = t0 depends only on the past
values of the input x(t), t < r0, that is
y(t0) = f [x ( t) ; t < t0], -o c < t, to < «=

Almost all o f the systems analyzed in this chapter will be linear, time invariant,
and causal (LTIVC). An exception is the memoryless systems discussed in the
next subsection.

4.1.2 Memoryless Nonlinear Systems

Any system in which superposition does not apply is called a nonlinear system.
A system is said to be memoryless if the output at t = tn depends only on the
instantaneous value of the input at t = t0. A commonly used model for mem­
oryless nonlinear systems is the power series model in which

y( 0 = 2 M ( 0 ,

where the a,’ s are -known constants. Such systems can be analyzed using the
techniques o f Section 2.6, as illustrated by the following example.


Let X(t) be a stationary Gaussian process with

MO = o

M M = exp( - |TI)

Y(t) = A 0 0

Find ^y(t) and RyY(ti, h)-


Because E { X 2(t)}
* = Rxx(0)

M O = M -(O ) = 1

W i)r (0 ]
2'rrV'l — exp{ —2\tl — f3|}

(* i ) 2 - 2 x,.r2e x p {-| ft - t2|} + ( x2) 2

x exp dxi dx2
2[1 - e x p { - 2 |f! - t21}]

The evaluation of the integral is given in Equation 2.70 as

E{X\X\] = E{X\}E{X\} + 2E 2{ X lX 2]


R y vi t u h ) = E { Y ( tl) Y( t2)} = E { X 2(tl) X 2(t2)}

= E { X 2(tl) } E { X 2(t2)} + 2 £ 2{ * ( r 1) * ( o ) }
= Rxx(0)Rxx{0) + 2 R 2
xx(\t - t,|)

= 1 + 2 [exp(—|f! - r21)J2 = 1 + 2 e x p ( - 2 |r|)

where t = t2 - r,.


4.2.1 Review o f Deterministic System Analysis

The input-output relationship of a LTIVC system with a deterministic input can

be described by an M h order difference equation,

2 amy[(m + n)Ts] = 2 bmx[(m + n)Ts] (4.2)
m=0 ;n=0

where x(kTs) and y( kTs) are the input and output sequences, Ts is the time
between samples, and the a,’s and £>,’s are known constants. We will assume x,
y, a,’s, and £>,•’s to be real-valued and set Ts = 1. The last assumption is equivalent

to describing the system in terms of normalized frequency. Given a set of initial

conditions and the input sequence, the output sequence can be obtained using
a variety of techniques (see, for example, Reference [1]). If we assume zero
initial conditions, or that we are observing the output after the transients have
died out, then we can write the input-output response in the form of a con­

y(n) = x(n) * h(n)

= 2 h(n ~~ m)x(m) (4.3.a)

m= —»

= Yj h(m)x(n - m) (4.3.b)
m =-»

where * represents convolution.

The sequence h(k) in Equation 4.3.a and 4.3.b is the unit pulse (impulse)
response of the system, defined as the output y ( k ) at time k when the input is
a sequence of zeros except for a unit input at t = 0. Since we assume the system
to be causal, h(k) = 0 for k < 0 , and for a stable system (which yields a bounded
output sequence when the input sequence is bounded)

2 \h(k)\ < °°

The Fourier transform of the unit pulse response is called the transfer func­
tion, H ( f ) , and is

: / / ( / ) = F{h(n)) = X h(n)exp(—j2 im f), \f\ < ^ (4.4.a)

n = —^

where / i s the frequency variable. The unit pulse response can be obtained from
H ( f ) by taking the inverse transform, which is defined as

h(n) = F ~ l { / / ( / ) } = f H( f) ex p (j 2i mf ) df (4.4.b)
J- 1/2

If we assume that the Fourier transforms of x(n) and y(n) exist and are called
X F( f ) and YF( f ) , respectively, then the input-output relationship can be ex-

pressed in the transform domain as

Yfif) = 2 2 h{m)x{ n — m) exp (—jl-rmf)

If the system is stable, then the order of summation can be interchanged, and
we have

YF( f ) = 2 h im) 2 x(n - m ) e x p ( - j2-n(n - m ) f ) exp( —j2Tunf)


= £ h{m) E x (r i ) e x p ( —j2-nn'f) exp( - j2-mnf)

2 h{m) X Fif)Qxp{-j2Tsmf)

Now, since X F( f ) is not a function of m, we take it outside the summation and


YFi f ) = X Fi f ) H i f ) (4.5.a)

Equation 4.5.a is an important result, namely, the Fourier transform of the

convolution of two time sequences is equal to the product o f their transforms.
From YF( f ) we obtain y(n) as

>’(«) = F-' {YJf )} = [ Xr ( f ) H(/)exp( jlTrnf) df (4.5.b)

J - 1/:

The Z transform of a discrete sequence is also useful and is defined by

x z(z) = 2 xin)z~"

Hz (z) = 2 hin) z-"

n- 0

Note that there are two significant differences between the Z transform and the
Fourier transform. The Z transform is applicable when the sequence is defined
on the nonnegative integers, and with this restriction the two transforms are

equal if z = exp(/2ir/). Also the Z transform of a stable system will exist if

|z| > 1 .
It is easy to show that an expression equivalent to Equation 4.5.a is

Yz (z) = X z ( z) Hz (z) (4-6)

A brief table of the Z transform is given in Appendix C.

With a random input sequence, the response of the system to each sample
sequence can be computed via Equation 4.3. However, Equation 4.5.a cannot
be used in general since the Fourier transform of the input sequence x(n) may
or may not exist. Note that in a stable system, the output always exists and will
be bounded when the input is bounded. It is just that the direct Fourier technique
for computing the output sequences may not be applicable.
Rather than trying to compute the response of the system to each member
sequence of the input and obtain the properties of the ensemble of the output
sequences, we may compute the properties of the output directly as follows.

4.2.2 Mean and Autocorrelation of the Output

With a random input sequence X{n), the output of the system may be written

Y(n) = ^ h(m)X( n - m) (4.7.a)

Note that Y(n) represents a random sequence, where each member function is
subject to Equation 4.3.
The mean and the autocorrelation of the output can be calculated by taking
the expected values

E{Y(n)} = iLy(n) = £ h( m) E{ X( n - m)} (4.7.b)


R Yy(.Hi >n2) = E {F (n i)^ ( « 2)}

= X 2 h {m\)h(n'h)Rxx{n\ - m,, n2 - m2) (4.7.c)


4.2.3 Distribution Functions

t o o b t S ^ F v 011 fUntC.ti0nS ° f, the ° UtpUt Sequcnce are in §eneral very difficult

to obtain. Even in the simplest case when the impulse response has a finite
" L er ° f nonzero entries, Equation 4.7.a represents a linear transformation
he input sequence and the joint distribution functions cannot in general be
expressed in a closed functional form. One important exception here is the
eSSthenaw 7 Ut iS 3 discrete-time Gaussian process with finite vari­
ance, then Y(n) is a linear combination of Gaussian variables and hence is
Gaussian (see Section 2.5). All joint distributions of the output will be Gaussian
can^eobm ^nedf ^ C° vanance matrix o f the ioint Gaussian distributions
(Section 2 8
(Section 2.S.2) also suggests that Y{n) will 2'65-b
tend to' The Central Limit
be Gaussian for aTheorem
of other distributions of X(n).

4.2.4 Stationarity of the Output

If * ( « ) « wide-sense stationary (WSS), then from Equations 4.7.b and 4.7.c

Pr = £ { K ( « ) } = ^ = ^ X h{m)
= PxH{Q) (4.8.a)


R YY{nu «2) - X 2 h ( m x) h { m 2)
m\~ -» m2-
(4 8 .b)
x Rxx[{n2 - n ,) - (m2 - m x)]

The ripht 1 sh? wsf^ t the mean of Y does not depend on the time index
I " / I6 Equation 4.8.b depends only on the difference of and
of a TTIVT 6 Rt y(n-’ » l c lU be 3 functi0n of "2 ~ n t. Thus, the output Y[n)
of a LTIVC system is WSS when the input X(n) is WSS.

stationary (SSS), then the ^output ^will inpUt
also bel° SSS.
a L T IV C system is strict-sense

The assumption that we made earlier about zero initial conditions has an
londTi beaflnn ° n the Stationarity of the outPut- K we have nonzero initial

to 0 , then the outputin7 to the

will not be system is applied
stationary. at' in
However, (oreither
time case
index Y(n)
n) eciuai
be asymptotically stationary if the system is stable and the input is stationary

4.2.5 Correlation and Power Spectral Density of the Output

Suppose the input to a LTIVC system is a real WSS sequence X(n). To find the
psd of the output Y(n), let us start with the crosscorrelation function R yx(k)

Rvx(k) = E{ Y{ n) X{ n + k)}

= E Yj h(m)X(n - m) X( n + k)

= X h( m) E{ X( n - m) X( n + k)}

= X h(m)Rxx(k + m) = £ h( —n)RXx{k - n)
n = - X


Rrx(k) = h ( - k ) * Rxx(k) (4.9)

It also follows from Equation 3.33 that

Rxr{k) = h(k) * Rxx(k) (4.10)

Similarly, we can show that

Ryy(k) — Ryx(k) * h{k)

and hence

Ryy(k) = Rxx(k) * h(k) * h ( - k ) (4.11.a)

Defining the psd o f Y(n) as

S y r if ) = X Ryy( n) exp( -j 2i rnf ), \f\< \

we have

Syy(f) = F{RyY(k)}
= F{Rxx(k) * h(k) * h(- k)}

Since the Fourier transform of the convolution o f two time sequences is the
product of their transforms, we have

Syy(f) = F{Rx x ( k ) } F { h ( k ) } F { h ( - k ) }
= Sxx( f ) H ( f ) H ( - f )
= Sxx( f ) H( f ) H*( f ) _ ----- ,
= Sx x ( f) \ H ( f ) \ 2 C (4 . 1 1 .b)

Equation 4.11.b is the basis o f frequency domain techniques for the design of
LTIVC systems. It shows that the spectral properties of a signal can be modified
by passing it through a LTIVC system with the appropriate transfer function.
By carefully choosing H ( f ) we can remove or filter out certain spectral com­
ponents in the input. For example, suppose we have X {n ) = S(n) + N(n),
where S(n) is a signal of interest and N(n) is an unwanted noise process. Then,
if the psd of S(n) and N(n) are nonoverlapping in the frequency domain, the
noise N(n) can be removed by passing X (n ) through a filter H ( f ) that has a
response of 1 for the range of frequencies occupied by the signal and a response
of 0 for the range of frequencies occupied by the noise. Unfortunately, in most
practical situations there is spectral overlap and the design o f optimum filters
to separate signal and noise is somewhat difficult. We will discuss this problem
in some detail in Chapter 7. Also note that if X(n) is a zero-mean white noise
sequence, then SYY( f ) = cr2\H(f)\2, and RXY{k) = a 2h(k). Thus, white noise
might be used to determine h(k) for a linear time-invariant system.
From the definition of the Z transform, it follows that

7U[exp(/2rr/)] = H ( f )


S lv (z) = 2 2 - " R x x {n)

rt = 0

Then it follows that

^ , v[exp (/2 ^ /)] = Sxx(f)

And we can show that

S*YY{Z) = S*XX{ Z )\H { Z )\2 (4.12.a)

= S U z ) H ( z ) H ( z ~') (4.12.b)


The input to a LLTIVC system is a stationary random sequence X(n) with


for k = 0
for k 5^ 0

The impulse response of the system is

for k = 0 , 1
for k > 1

Find the mean, the autocorrelation function, and the power spectral density
function of the output Y(n).


|xK = 0 since q.* = 0

To find R YY(k), let us first find SYY( f ) from Equation 4.1 l.b. We are given that

H(f) = 2 h(k)exp( —j l v k f )

= 1 + e x p (-/2 -it/ )


Sx x ( f ) = F{Rx x (k)}

T < \


SYY{ f ) = (1) 11 + exp(-y'2ir / ) | 2

= 2 + 2 cos 2-it/, |/ | < ^


Taking the inverse transform, we obtain

flry(O) = 2
f ly y (± l) = 1
^yy(^) = 0 , \k\ > 1


The input X(n) to a certain digital filter is a zero-mean white noise sequence
with variance a 2. The digital filter is described by

a0 + QiZ 1* + a2z ~2
1 + b lZ~l

If the filter output is Y(n), find S f y(z), and the power spectral density of
Y in the normalized frequency domain.

SOLUTION: From the problem statement

a~, n = 0
P.v — 0 ; Rxx(n)
0 elsewhere

Using Equation 4. 8.a

P-y = 0( / / ( 0)) = 0

Using Equation 4.12

j au + a |Z 1 -I- a2z 2\ /a 0 + a,z -I- a ,z 2\ ,

S*YY(Z) =
v i + &,*-• A i + ‘ b , z J

cr2 + + a 2 + ai(ao + a 2 )(z + z ~ ‘ ) + a 0a 2(z 2 + z~ 2)

1 + b] + b x(z ■+- z ~')

Thus, substituting z = exp(;2iT/)

2 + a\ + a 2 + 2fli(fl0 + fl2) C0S ^ + 2fl0fl2 cos 4tt/

S y y (/)
1 + b\ + 2bi cos 2 tt/



The input-output relationship of a linear, time-invariant, and causal system

driven by a deterministic input signal x ( t ) can be represented by the convolution

y(t) = j x (t )Ii (! - t ) d-r (4.13.a)

= J h ( j ) x ( t — t ) (iT (4.13.b)

where /i(t) is the impulse response of the system and we assume zero initial
conditions. For a stable causal system

f | h (t ) | dr < =o


h (r ) = 0, t < 0

In the frequency domain, the input-output relationship can be expressed as

YF( f ) = H ( f ) X F( f ) (4.14)

and y(t) is obtained by taking the inverse Fourier transform of YF( f). The
forward and inverse transforms are defined as

Y fU ) = J y ( 0 exp ( - / 2^ f 0 dt

y{t) = F -• {* > (/)} = [ ’ YF( f ) e W (j2-nft) df

Note that the frequency variable /ranges from —oo to <» in the continuous time
When the input to the system is a random process X(t), the resulting output
process Y(t) is given by

Y(t) = X(t - t ) / i (t ) d-r (4.15.a)

X ( j ) h{t — t ) dj (4.15.b)

Note that Equation 4.15 implies that each member function o f X(t) produces a
member function of Y(t) according to Equation 4.13.
As with discrete time inputs, distribution functions of the process Y{t) are
very difficult to obtain except for the Gaussian case in which Y(t) is Gaussian
when A (r) is Gaussian. Rather than attempting to obtain a complete description
of Y(t), we settle for a less complete description of the output than we have for
deterministic problems. In most cases with random inputs, we find the mean,
autocorrelation function, spectral density function, and mean-square value of
the output process.

4.3.1 Mean and Autocorrelation Function

Assuming that h{t) and X(t ) are real-valued and that the expectation and in­
tegration order can be interchanged because integration is a linear operator, we
can calculate the mean and autocorrelation function of the output as

E { Y ( t )} = E ( X(t - t ) / i ( t ) dj

= E{X(t - t )}/ z (t ) di

P x(l - t )/i ( t ) d i (4.16)



Ryyitu 12) = E { y ( f , ) Y{t2)}

= E j f f — t 1)/ z( t1)AT(f2 - t2)/ t(t2) t/iq ch2 } (4.17)

/ ' ( T i ) ^ ( T 2 ) E A-A. ( f 1 - T l, f2 - t 2) dii dj 2

4.3.2 Stationarity o f the Output

From Equation 4.15.a we have

Y(t) = X{t - t ) / i (t ) dx


T (f + e) = * ( f + e - t ) / i (t ) dx

Now, if the processes X{t ) and X(t + e) have the same distributions [i.e., X(t)
is strict-sense stationary] then the same is true for Y(t) and Y(t + e) and hence
F(r) is strict-sense stationary.
If X(t) is WSS, then p ^ f ) does not depend on t and we have from Equation

E{Y{t ) } = J \xx h{ x) dx

= Ex f h ( j ) dx = \xx H ( 0 ) (4.18)

Thus, the mean of the output does not depend on time. The autocorrelation
function of the output given in Equation 4.17 becomes

R yy( ‘ i, h ) = { | h { i i ) h ( i 2) R x x [{t2 - / ) - (t2 - t,)] dx \ dx2 (4.19)

Since the integral depends only on the time difference t2 - tu R YY(t,, t2) will
also be a function of the difference t2 - f,. This coupled with the fact that p y

is a constant establishes that the output process Y(t) is WSS if the input process
X(t) is WSS.

4.3.3 Power Spectral Density of the Output

When X(t) is WSS it can be shown that

R y x ( t) = R x x { t) * h ( - t) (4.20 .a)

R x y ( t) = Rxx(-t) * K't) (4.20.b)


R y y (t ) = R y x (t) * h ( t) (4.21)

= Rxx( t) * /i ( t) * h ( - T ) (4.22)

where * denotes convolution. Taking the Fourier transform of both sides of

Equation 4.22, we obtain the power spectral density of the output as

Syy(f) = Sxx(f)\H(f)\l (4.23)

Equation 4.23, which is o f the same form as Equation 4.1 l.b, is a very important
relationship in the frequency domain analysis of systems that are driven by
random input signals. This equation shows that an input spectral component at
frequency / is modified according to \H(f)\2, which is sometimes referred to
as the power transfer function. By choosing H ( f ) appropriately, we can em­
phasize or reject selected spectral components of the input signal. Such oper­
ations are referred to as “ filtering.”
Note that in the sinusoidal steady-state analysis of electrical circuits we use
an input voltage (or current) of the form

x(t) = ztsin(2Tr/V)

as the input to the system and write the output voltage (or current) as

y(t) = A\H(f)\sm[2T7ft + angle of H( f ) }

Note that the preceding equation is a voltage to voltage relationship and it

involves the magnitude and phase of H ( f ) . In contrast, Equation 4.23 is a power
to power relationship defined by \H(f)\2.

Power Spectra] Density Function. The definition of psd given in Equation 3.43
can now be justified using Equation 4.23. If we have an ideal bandpass filter
which is defined by

H(f) = 1, / i s |/| < / 2

= 0 elsewhere

then because (Equation 3.41)

Using the definition of H { f ) and the fact that Sxx( f ) is even

E [ Y \ t ) } = 2 ff: Sx x ( f ) df

Because the average power of the output Y(t) of the ideal bandpass filter is the
integral of the power spectral density between —/ , and —f x and between / ,
and f 2, we say that the power of X(t) between the frequencies/! and / 2 is given
by Equation 3.43. Thus, we naturally call Sxx( f ) the power spectral density
The foregoing development also shows, because £ [K J(f)] a 0, that
Sxxif) s 0 for all/.


X ( t ) is the input voltage to the system shown in Figure 4.1, and Y ( t ) is the
output voltage. X ( t ) is a stationary random process with p.-V = 0 and R xx { t) =
exp( —a j t |). Find p.r , SYY{ f ) , and RYY{t).

SOLUTION: From the circuit in Figure 4.1

F ig u r e 4 .1 C ir c u it f o r E x a m p le 4 .1 .

H(f) = R + j2-nfL


SxxU) = e x p («T )e x p (r fr + exp (-a T )exp (-/2 T T /r) dj

a 2 + ( 2 tr/ ) 2

Using Equation 4.18

M-v = 0

Using Equation 4.23

2a R2
S yyU ) = a 2 + (2 tt / ) 2 R 2 + (2tr /L )2

Taking the inverse Fourier transform

R yy( t) exp( - a| t |) + exp


A differentiator is a system for which

HU) = i ^ f

If a stationary random process X(t ) is differentiated, find the power density

spectrum and autocorrelation function of the derivative random process X ’ (t).


Sx'x'U) = (2trf)2Sxx(f)


which agrees with Equation 3.60. Note that differentiation results in the mul­
tiplication of the spectral power density b y /2. If X(t) is noise, then differentiation
greatly magnifies the noise at higher frequencies and provides a theoretical
explanation for the practical result that it is impossible to build a differentiator
that is not “ noisy.”


An averaging circuit with an integration period T has an impulse response

= 0 elsewhere

Indeed it is called averaging because

K (0 = AT(f) * h(t)

Y ( t ) = j . I ' ^ X ( j ) ch

Find SYr(f) in terms of the input spectral density Sxx(f).


exp( ~ / 2 t: / t ) d- = exp ( - / tt / T )


which agrees with the result implied in Equation 3.75.b.


This result demonstrates, if X{t) is noise, how the higher frequency noise is
reduced by integration.

4.3.4 Mean-square Value of the Output

The mean square value of the output, which is a measure o f the average value
of the output “ power,” is o f interest in many applications. The mean-square
value is given by

E { Y -( t ) } — R yy(0) — f SYY( f ) df
J —■x.

= df (4.24)

Except in some simple cases, the evaluation o f the preceding integral is somewhat
If we make the assumption that Rxx( t) can be expressed as a sum of complex
exponentials [i.e., Sxx(f) is a rational function o f / ] , then the evaluation of the
integral can be simplified. Since Sxx( f ) is an even function, we can make a
transformation s = 2irjf and factor S.xx(f) as

^ , (_ L ) =
V - v j/ b ( s ) b ( ~ s )

where a(s)/b(s) has all of its poles and zeros (roots) in the left-half o f the s--
plane and a ( - s ) / b ( - s ) has all of its roots in the right half plane. No roots of
o(s) are permitted on the imaginary axis. We can factor [ / / ( / ) 12 in a similar
fashion and write Equation 4.24 as

J _ P° c 0 ) c ( - ^ )
2 ny J_y„ d ( s ) d ( - s ) (4.25)


Sx x if ) \f^ i = TFTJpX


/ 1 f'* c(s )c (-s )~ ~ ‘
2 tt/ J-,* d(s)d( —s) ° S

c(s ) = c „ ^ s - ' + c „ _ 2s " - 2 + •••• + Co

tf(s) = d „ s " + d ^ s " - ’ + • ••• + 4,

2 d 0 d,

^ _ c ,d 0 + C qd 2
2 2d0d,d2

/3 = C2^°dl + ~ 2 c0c?)d0d3 + cgd,d 3

2 d0d2[d] d2 — d:j d2)

c l( - d 2
ad3 + d0d,d2) + ( c l - 2 c , c 3) d 0d , d 4
/„ = + ~ 2c0c2)dad2dt + c j{ - d , d j + d2d2dd
*____ 2 dad A ~ d 0d 2 - d 2,d t + d ,d 2d3)

and c ( » and if 0 ) contain the left-half plane roots of 5 KK. Values of integrals of
the form given in Equation 4.25 have been tabulated in many books and an
abbreviated table is given in Table 4.1.
We now present an example on the use o f these tabulated values.


The input to an R-C lowpass filter with

1 + / ( / / 1000)

is a zero-mean stationary random process with

$ x x ( f ) = 10 12 watt/Hz

Find E{Y~(t)} where Y(t) is the output.




1 1
Syy( f ) = 10-
1 + /(//1 0 0 0 ) ' 1 - /(//1 0 0 0 )

Transforming to the s-domain with s = 2irjf, we can write the integral for
E {Y 1{/)} using Equation 4.25 as

io- io-
E { Y 2{t)} = J - f - ds
2 -tt/ J _/=0 1 + (s/2000-ir) 1 - (s/2000it)

With n = 1, c 0 = 10 6, dg = 1, and d t = l/(2000ir)> we find from Table 4.1

E { Y 2{t)} = c § /( 2 d 0d,) = 10 “12(IOOOtt)


A random (pulse) process F(r) has the form

F (0 = x A ( k ) p ( t - k Ts - D)
k= -x

where p{t) is an arbitrary deterministic pulse of known shape and duration less
than Ts, D is a random variable with a uniform distribution in the interval
[0, Ts], and A { k ) is a stationary random sequence (see Figure 4.2 for an example
where A (k ) is binary). Find the psd of Y(t) in terms of the autocorrelation (and
psd) function of A (A:) and Pf (f ) .

SOLUTION: Now, suppose we define a new process

X(t) = X A ( k ) H t - kTs - D)
k= -x

The only difference between Y(t) and X(t ) is the “ pulse” shape and it is easy
to see that if X{t) is passed through a linear time invariant system that converts
each impulse §(r) into a pulse p(t), the resulting output will be Y(l). Such a
system will have an impulse response o f p(t) and we can write

n o = x { t ) * P{t)

-Ts Ts

, X( t)

... r n ^ n ...
i 1 , 1 1 1 i i i
i 1 1 1 1 1

Note: *

LTIV system
h( t )=p( t)

(U )

F ig u r e 4 .2 R e la t io n s h ip b e t w e e n - Y ( 0 a n d Y(t) fo r E x a m p le 4 .8 .

and hence from Equation 4.23 we have

Syy(f) = Sxx(f)\PF(f)\2

From Equation 3.53

( / ) = J j/O a (0 ) + 2 X R aa W cos 2irkfTsj


and hence

Syy(f ) ~ + 22 R AA(k)cos 2 ~ k f T s^

N °te that the preceding equation, which gives the psd of an arbitrary pulse
process, has two parts. The first part \ P F( f ) \ 2 shows the influence of the pulse
shape on the shape of the spectral density and the second part, in brackets,
shows the effect of the correlation properties of the amplitude sequence. The
factor 1/7; converts energy distribution (or density) to power distribution.

4.3.5 Multiple Input-Output Systems

Occasionally we will have to analyze systems with multiple inputs and outputs.
Analysis of these systems can be reduced to the study of several single input-
single output systems (see Figure 4.3). Consider two such linear systems with
two inputs X t (t) and X 2{t) and impulse responses h ^ t ) and h , ( t ) as shown in
Figure 4.3.
Assuming the systems to be LTIVC, and the inputs to be jointly stationary,
we have

Y M ~ j ■X' i U ~ a) k i ( a ) da

Y2(t) = j ’ X 2(t - p)/t,(p) rfp

Y i(0 Y2(t + t ) = j Xx(t — a) Y2(t + t ) / i [ ( c t) da

X , ( t ) Y 2(t + t ) = f Xi( t ) X z{t + t - P)/i3(p) rfp

X t (t) Y-, U)

X 2 U) Y 2 U)

F ig u r e 4 .3 M u lt ip le i n p u t - o u t p u t s y s te m s .

Taking the expected values on both sides, we conclude

R r,r2( t ) = r x , y 2( t ) * / ii ( - t) (4.26.a)

R x , y2W = « at,x2( t) * h2( t) (4.26.b)

The Fourier transforms o f these equations yield

s y 1y 2 (/) = (4.27.a)

SXlY2( f ) = SXiX2( f ) H 2( f ) (4.27.b)


SY,Y2( f ) = SXlXi( f ) H t ( f ) H 2( f ) (4.27.c)

Equations 4.26 and 4.27 describe the input-output relationship for multiple
input-output systems in terms o f the joint properties o f the input signals and
the system impulse responses (or transfer functions).

4.3.6 Filters

Filtering is commonly used in electrical systems to reject undesirable signals and

noise and to select the desired signal. A simple example of filtering occurs when
we “ tune” in a particular radio or TV station to “ select” one o f many signals.
Filters are also used extensively to remove noise in communication links.
A filter has a transfer function H ( f ) that is selected carefully to modify the
spectral components of the input signal. Ideal versions o f three types of filters
are shown in Figure 4.4. In every case, the idealized system has a transfer function
whose magnitude is flat within its “ passband” and zero outside o f this band; its
midband gain is unity and its phase is a linear function of frequency.
The transfer function o f practical filters will deviate from their corresponding
ideal versions. The Butterworth lowpass filter, for example, has a magnitude
response of the form

1 +

where n is the order of the filter and B is a parameter that determines the
bandwidth o f the filter. For a detailed discussion o f filters, see Reference [1],


-B 0 \ B

la) ^ B ID
Lowpass filter


--- ^-J'_______
-B 0 B

Highpass filter ^ o(f)

F ig u r e 4 .4 Ideal filters.

To simplify analysis, it is often convenient to approximate the transfer func­

tion of a practical filter / / ( / ) by an ideal version H ( f ) as shown in Figure 4.5.
In replacing an actual system with an ideal one, the later would be assigned a
“ midband” gain and phase slope that approximate the actual values. The band­
width B n of the ideal approximation (in lowpass and bandpass cases) is chosen
according to some convenient basis. For example, the bandwidth of the ideal
filter can be set equal to the 3-dB (or half-power) bandwidth of the actual filter
or it can be chosen to satisfy a specific requirement. An example o f the latter
case is to choose BN such that the actual and ideal systems produce the same
output power when each is excited by the same source.

Ideal filter \ H ( f ) \ z

Consider an ideal and actual lowpass filter whose input is white noise, that
is, a noise process whose power spectral density has a constant value, say i\/2,
for all frequencies. The average output powers of the two filters are given by

E{Y-(C)} = \ H {f )V - df

for the actual filter and

E { Y \ t ) } = ( j ) \H{G)V-2Bn

for the ideal version. By equating the output powers, we obtain

\H(f)\2 df

Bn (4.28)

This value of BN is called the noise-equivalent bandwidth of the actual filter.

Extension of this definition to the bandpass case is obvious (see Figure 4.5).


Find the noise-equivalent bandwidth o f a first-order Butterworth filter with

IH ( f ) \ 2 = 1/[1 +

SOLUTION: Using Equation 4.28

Using Table 4.1

= B{ ti/2)

The reader can verify (Problem 4.18) that the noise equivalent bandwidth of an
«th order Butterworth filter is

B n = B[(-rr/2n)/sin (ir/2n)]

As n —* the Butterworth filter approaches the transfer function of an ideal

lowpass filter with a bandwidth B.

After reviewing deterministic system analysis for linear-time invariant causal
systems, we considered these systems when the input is a random process.

It was shown that when the input to a LTIVC system is a SSS (or WSS) ran­
dom process, then the output is a SSS (or WSS) random process. While the
distribution functions of the output process are difficult to find except in the
Gaussian case, simple relations were developed for the mean, autocorrelation

function, and power spectral density functions of the output process. These
are as follows:

Kyy(i) = Rxx{ t ) * h(T) * /i ( - t )

Syy( f ) = \H(f)V-SXX{ f )

where W(r) is the input process, Y(t) is the output process, h(t) is the im­
pulse response, and H ( f ) is the transfer function o f the system. The average
power in the output Y(t) can be obtained by integrating SYY( f ) using the ta­
ble of integrals provided in this chapter.

In the case of random sequences, the relation for power spectral density func­
tion was found using the Fourier transform and the Z transform and an appli­
cation to digital filters was shown. The relations for the mean, correlation
functions, and power spectral density functions for continuous random
processes were found to be of the same form as those for sequences.

The only nonlinear systems considered in this chapter were instantaneous

systems. Such systems with single inputs can be handled relatively easily as
illustrated by Example 4.1.


A la rg e n u m b e r o f t e x t b o o k s trea t the s u b je c t o f d e t e r m in is t ic sig n a ls a n d s y s te m s .

R e f e r e n c e s [ 1 ] , [3 ], [4 ], [6 ] a n d [8 ] are t y p ic a l u n d e r g r a d u a t e -le v e l t e x t b o o k s that p r o v i d e
e x c e lle n t tre a tm e n t o f d is c r e t e a n d c o n t in u o u s tim e s ig n a ls a n d sy s te m s .
R e s p o n s e o f s y s te m s t o r a n d o m in p u ts is t r e a te d in R e f e r e n c e s [ 2 ] , [5 ] a n d [7 ] w ith
[2 ] p r o v id in g an i n t r o d u c t o r y -l e v e l t r e a tm e n t a n d [5 ] p r o v i d i n g in - d e p t h c o v e r a g e .

[ lj N . A h m e d a n d T . N a t a r a ja n , Discrete-Time Signals and Systems, R e s t o n P u b lis h in g

C o . , R e s t o n , V a ., 19 8 3 .

[2 ] R . G . B row n , Random Signal Analysis and Kalman Filtering, J o h n W il e y & S o n s ,

N e w Y o r k , 1983.

[3 J R . A . G a b le an d R . A . R o b e r ts , Signals and Linear Systems, 2 n d e d . , J o h n W il e y

& S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1981.

[4 ] M . T. Jong, Discrete-Time Signals and Systems, M c G r a w - H i l l , N e w Y o r k , 19 8 2 .

[5 ] H . J. L a r s o n a n d B . O . S c h u b e r t , Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences, V o l.

2 , J o h n W ile y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 7 9 .

[6 ] C . D . M c G il l e m a n d G . R . C o o p e r , Continuous and Discrete Signal and System

Analysis, 2 n d e d . , H o l t , R in e h a r t a n d W in s t o n , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 8 4 .

[7 ] A . P a p o u lis , Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, 2n d e d ., M cG ra w -

H ill, N e w Y o r k , 1 9 8 4 .

[8] R . E . Z i e m e r , W . H . T r a n t e r , a n d D . R . F a n in , Signals and Systems, M a c m illa n ,

N e w Y o r k , 1983.

4.1 X ( t ) is a zero-mean stationary Gaussian random process with a power
spectral density function SXx( f) - Find the power spectral density function

no = x \ t )
4.2 Show that the output o f the LTIVC system is SSS if the input is SSS.

4.3 Show that in a LTIVC system

R YY{ k) — Ryx{k) * h(k)

4.4 The output of a discrete-time system is related to the input by

Y(n) = \ £ X( n - i)
K i= i
a. Find the transfer function of the system.
b. If the input X{n) is stationary with

E{X( n)} = 0
for k = 0
for k A 0

find SYY( f ) and E { Y 2(n)}.

4.5 Repeat Problem 4.4 with Y(n) = X(n) — X(n - 1).

4.6 The input-output relationship of a discrete-time LTIVC system is given

Y(n) = h{ 0) X {n ) + h{ 1) X(n - 1) + • • • + h (k ) X{ n - k )
The input sequence X(n) is stationary, zero mean, Gaussian with

E {X { n) X(n + j )} = | j ’

a. Find the pdf of Y{n).

b. Find /? Ky(n) and SYy{f)-


4.7 Consider the difference equation

X(n + 1) = V n X{n) + U(n), n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
with A (0) = 1, and U{n), n = 0, 1, . . . , a sequence of zero-mean,
uncorrelated, Gaussian variables.

a. Find p.*(n).
b. Find n), Rx*(1, 1), ^ aw( 1> 2), and Rxx(3, 1)-

4.8 An autoregressive moving average process (A R M A ) is described by

Y(t) = a ^ i t - T) + a2Y(t - 2T) + ■ • • + « mF(r - m l )
+ X { t ) + b xX(t - T) + ■ ■ ■ + bnX{t - nT)

Find SYY( f ) in terms o f Sxx( f ) and the coefficients of the model.

4.9 With reference to the model defined in Problem 4.8, find SYY( f ) for the
following two special cases:
a. X(t) is Gaussian with SXx { f ) — V 2 for a ll/, and
b2 = b} = ■■ ■ = b„ = 0

a{ = a2= •• • = am= 0

(first-order moving average process)

b. Same X(t ) as in (a), with
a2 = a} = ••.• = a,„ = 0

= b 2= •■ • — bn = 0

(first-order autoregressive process)

4.10 Establish the modified versions of Equations 4.20.a and 4.20,b when both
X(t ) and h(t) are complex-valued functions o f time.

4.11 Repeat Problem 4.10 for Equations 4.26.a, 4.26.b, and 4.27.c.

4.12 Consider an ideal integrator

Y(t) = ^ [ A'(a) da
* Jt-T

a. Find the transfer function of the integrator.

b. If the integrator input is a stationary, zero-mean white Gaussian
noise with

Sxx(f) = V 2
find E { Y 2(t)}.


4.13 Using the spectral factorization method, find E { Y 2(t)} where Y(t) is a
stationary random process with

( 2 rr/ ) 2 + 1
Syy(f) =
( 2 it/ ) 4 + 8(2 rr/ ) 2 + 16

4.14 Assume that the input to a linear time-invariant system is a zero-mean

Gaussian random process with

Sxxif) = V2
and that the impulse response of the system is

_ f exp(
ex —t), t> 0
~ to elsewhere

a. Find SYy( f) , where Y{t) is the output.

b. Find E { Y 2{t)}.

4.15 Let X{t ) be a random binary waveform of the form

X{t) = 2 A ( k ) p ( t - kTs - D)

where A ( k ) is a sequence of independent amplitudes, A { k ) = ±1 with

equal probability, l/Ts is the pulse rate,/?(t) is a unit amplitude rectangular
pulse with a duration Ts, and D is a random delay with a uniform distri­
bution in the interval [0, FJ. Let

YU) = S B(k)p(t - AT, - D)


where B(k) = 0 if A (A) = —1, otherwise 5(A ) takes on alternating values

of +1 and - 1 [i.e., the negative amplitude pulses in X(t) appear with 0
amplitude in Y(i), and the positive amplitude pulses in X(t) appear with
alternating polarities in Y(t)]. Y(t) is called a bipolar random binary wave­

a. Sketch a member function of X(t) and the corresponding member

function of Y(t).

b. Find the psd of Y(t) and compare it with the psd of X(t).

4.16 Consider a pulse waveform

Y(t) = 2 M k ) p ( t - k Ts - D)
k= -»

where p(t) is a rectangular pulse of height 1 and width TJ2, D is a random

variable uniformly distributed in the interval [0, Fs], and A ( k ) is a sta­
tionary sequence with

E{A(k)} = l E { A { k ) 2} = |

E { A { k ) A { k + /')} = for a l l 1

Find ./?n (T) and SYY(f) and sketch s YY(f).

4.17 Find the transfer function of a shaping filter that will produce an output

( W )2 + 1
Syy(f) =
(2tt/ ) 4 + 13(2tt/ ) 2 + 36

from an input spectrum

SxxU) = -n/2

4.18 a. Find the noise bandwidth of the nth order Butterworth filter with
the magnitude response

l « ( / ) l 2 = 1/[1 + (f/B)21
for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 .
b. From a noise-rejection point of view, is there much to be gained
by using anything higher than a third-order Butterworth filter?

4.19 Find the noise bandwidth of the filters shown in Figure 4.6.

4.20 The input to a lowpass filter with a transfer function

H (f) =
i + K m
is X(t) = S{t) + N(t). The signal S(t) has the form
S(t) = A sin (2ttf ct + 0 )
where A and f c are real constants and 0 is a random variable uniformly
distributed in the interval [ —tt, -rr]. The noise N(t) is white Gaussian noise
with SNN( f ) = t|/2.

--------- W W \-------

input .Y(f) R

o— ------------------


°----- W AV- o
11 'f L C * - 1
Input Output

R 'JCVL*-1
o o

F ig u r e 4 .6 C ir c u it s f o r P r o b l e m 4 .1 9 .

a. Find the power spectral density function of the output signal and

b. Find the ratio of the average output signal power to output noise

c. What value o f / 0 will maximize the ratio o f part (b)?


Special Classes of
Random Processes


In deterministic signal theory, classes o f special signals such as impulses and

complex exponentials play an important role. There are several classes of random
processes that play a similar role in the theory and application o f random proc­
esses. -In this chapter, we discuss four important classes of random processes:
autoregressive and moving average processes, Markov processes, Poisson proc­
esses, and Gaussian processes. The basic properties of these processes are de­
rived and their applications are illustrated with a number of examples.
We start with two discrete time processes that are generated by linear time-
invariant difference equations. These two models, the autoregressive and moving
average models are widely used in data analysis. A very useful application of
these two processes lies in fitting models to data and for model-based estimation
of autocorrelation and power spectral densities. We derive the properties of
autoregressive and moving average processes in Section 5.2. Detailed discussion
of their statistical application is contained in Chapter 9.
Markov sequences and processes are discussed next. Markov processes have
the property that the value of the process depends only on the most recent value,
and given that value, the random process is independent of all values in the
more distant past. Models in which output is independent of past input values
and past output values given the present output are common in electrical en­
gineering (for example, the output of a linear time-invariant causal system).
Properties and applications of Markov processes are discussed in detail in Section
The next class o f model that is developed in this chapter is the point-process
model with an emphasis on the Poisson process. Point processes are very useful

for modeling and analyzing queues, and for describing “ shot noise” in com ­
munication systems. In Section 5.4, we develop several point-process models
and illustrate their usefulness in several interesting applications.
By virtue of the central limit theorem, many random phenomena are well
approximated by Gaussian random processes. One of the most important uses
of the Gaussian process is to model and analyze the effects o f “ thermal” noise
in electronic circuits. Properties of the Gaussian process are derived and the use
of Gaussian process models to analyze the effects o f noise in communication
systems is illustrated in Section 5.5.


In this section, we introduce two stationary linear models that are often used
to model random sequences. These models can be “ derived” from data as is
shown in Chapter 9. Combinations o f these two models describe the output of
a LLTIVC system, and they are the most used empirical models o f random

5.2.1 Autoregressive Processes

An autoregressive process is one represented by a difference equation of the

X(n) = ^ <ty,-AT(« - 0 + e (n) (5.1)

/= 1

where X{n) is the real random sequence, i = 1, . . . , p, <bpp A 0 are

parameters, and e{n) is a sequence of independent and identically distributed
zero-mean Gaussian random variables, that is,

E{e{n)} = 0

' V2

The sequence e(n) is called white Gaussian noise. (See Section 5.5.2.) Thus,
an autoregressive process is simply another name for a linear difference equation
model when the input or forcing function is white Gaussian noise. Further, if
the difference equation is of order p (i.e., § p,p ¥= 0), then the sequence is called

a pth order autoregressive model. We now study such models in some detail
because of their importance in applications, primarily due to their use in creating
models of random processes from data. Autoregressive models are also called
state models, recursive digital filters, and all-pole models as explained later.
Equation 5.1 can be easily reduced to a state model (see Problem 5.1) of
the form

X ( « ) = <E>X(« - 1) + E ( h) (5.2)

In addition, models of the form of Equation 5.1 are often called recursive digital
filters. In this case, the <J>p I’s are usually called /i/s, which are terms o f the unit
pulse response, and Equation 5.1 is usually written as

X{n) = 2 hiX(n - i) + e(n)

and the typical block diagram for this model is shown in Figure 5.1.
Using the results derived in Chapter 4, we can show that the transfer function
of the system represented in Equation 5.1 and Figure 5.1 is

H{f) = p
1 - 2 4>f,.,exp(-/2TT//)

e(n) x{n) U nit ^ Unit x ^n Unit x(n-p)

delay delay delay

F ig u r e 5 .1 R e cu rsiv e filter (a u toregressive m o d e l).


Figure 5.2 Sample function of the first-order autoregressive process: X(n) =

.48X{n - 1) + e{n).

and the autoregressive process X(n) is the output of this system when the input
is e(n). Note that there are no zeros in the transfer function given in Equation

First-order Autoregressive Model. Consider the model

X(n) = — 1) 4- e(n) (5.4)

where e(n) is zero-mean stationary white Gaussian noise. Note that Equation
5.4 defines X(n) as a Markov process. Also note that Equation 5.4 is a first-
order regression equation with X(n — 1) as the “ controlled” variable. (Regres­
sion is discussed in Chapter 8.) A sample function for X(n) when <|>u = .48 is
shown in Figure 5.2.
We now find the mean, variance, autocorrelation function, which is also the
autocovariance, correlation coefficient, and the power spectral density of this
Since we wish the model to be stationary, this requirement imposes certain
conditions on the parameters of the model. The mean of X(n) can be obtained

ixx = E{X{ n)} = - 1) + e(n)}

= ‘K iP * + 0

Thus, except for the case where 4>u = 1

M-at = 0

These models are sometimes used for « 5 0. In such cases, a starting or

initial condition for the difference equation at time 0 is required. In these cases
we require that 26(0) is Gaussian and

£ { * ( 0)} = 0 (5.5)

The variance o f X(n) is

o i = E {X ( n) 2}
= E{$\tlX(n - l )2 + e{n)2 + 2<j>u X { n - 1)e{n)} (5.6)

Because X(n — 1) consists o f a linear combination o f e(n - 1), e(n - 2),

. . . , it follows that X(n - 1) and e(n) are independent. If a starting condition
26(0) is considered, then we also assume that e{n) is independent of 26(0).
Returning to Equation 5.6 and using independence of X(n — 1) and e(n) plus
stationarity, we obtain

2 I2 1 i 2
&x = <PT.icrjr + cr-N

and hence


In order for cr\ to be finite and nonnegative, cj>u must satisfy

- 1 < <|>u < 1 (5.8)

The autocorrelation function of the first-order autoregressive process is given


Thus, Rxx(m) is the solution to a first-order linear homogeneous difference

equation, that is,

Rxx(m) = <i>uRxx(0) = 4>ucr;v, m > 0 (5.9)

The autocorrelation coefficient of the process is

rXx(m) 4>u m a 0 (5.10)
Rxx( 0)

This autocorrelation coefficient, for 4>u = 0.48 is pictured as a histogram in

Figure 5.3. When 4>u is negative, r X x ( m ) will decay in magnitude but oscillate
in sign.
Finally, the power spectral density is found using Equation 4.1 lb as

Sxx( f ) = m f W - s M )






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

F ig u r e 5 .3 C o r r e l a t i o n c o e f f i c i e n t o f t h e fir s t -o r d e r a u t o r e g r e s s iv e p r o c e s s : X(n) =
A8X(n - 1) + e(n).

The definition of e(n) implies that

SM) = \f\ <

A special case of Equation 5.3 is

H(f) = <
1 - <J>u e x p ( - / 2 T f/)’

and hence

1 — 2 <t>i,iCos 2 ttf -P (J)]j’


Sxx(f) l/l <■} (5.11)

1 - 24>uCOS 2 -rrf + 4>x.i’

Finally, using Equation 5.7 in Equation 5.11

o i ( i - 4>i.i )
Sxx(f) l/l < } (5.12)
1 — 2<)>u cos 2-Tr/ -P <t>pi

Equation 5.12 also can be found by taking the Fourier transform of Equation
5.9 (see Problem 5.5).
If we define z ^1 to be the backshift or the delay operator, that is,

z 1[A'(az)] = X(n - 1); z l[e(n)] = e(n - 1)

z ~k[X(n)] — X(n - k); z ~k[e(n)] = e(n - k)

then Equation 5.4 becomes

X ( n ) = 4>uz ‘[^ (n )] + e{ri) (5.13)



X(n) (5.14)
1 - 1

And recognizing that if |<J>U|< 1 as required by Equation 5.8, then

X(n) 2 <t>'uz ' e(n) S 4>uie (n - 0 (5.15)


(See Problem 5.20.) Thus, this first-order autoregressive model can be viewed
as a weighted infinite sum of white noise terms.

Second-order Autoregressive Model. The second-order autoregressive process

is given by

X(n) = ,iX(n - 1) + 4>2.iX(n - 2) + e(n) (5.16)

A typical sample function of a second-order autoregressive process is shown in

Figure 5.4.

Figure 5.4 Sample function of the second-order autoregressive model.


We now seek \xx , <rx , Rx x , rx x , and Sxx and sufficient conditions on 4>2,i
and <t>2,2 in order to ensure stationarity. Taking the expected value of Equation

M-A- - <f) 2,lM-A’ + 4>2,2P-A-

and hence

M-x = 0

if 4>2,i + <J>2,2 ^ 1, a required condition, as will be seen later. The variance can
be calculated as

= E{X( n)X(n) ] } = E{ ^u X { n ) X ( n - 1)
+ <t>2,2X ( n ) X ( n — 2) + X(n)e(n)}
= <|52,1^Aa (1) + $2.2Rxx (2) + <Jn

Substituting Rxx{k) — crx rxx(k) into the previous equation and solving for a-x ,
we have

1 4>2,IrA'A'(l) 4>2,2rxx(2)

In order for <j 2xto be finite and positive

<$>2,lrxx(l) + 4>2,2rxx(2) < 1 (5.18)

We now find Rxx(m) for m s 1:

Rx x {m) = E{X(n - m)X{n)}

= E{<t>2.,^ ( « - 1) X( n ~ m) + <t>2.2X{n - 2) X ( n - m)
+ X (n — m ) e ( n ) }


R x x ( m ) = 4>2,\Rxx(m - 1) + 4>2.zRxx{m - 2) (5.19)


This is a second-order linear homogeneous difference equation, which has the


Rxxim) = A tk? + if kL^ X2 (5.20.a)

= Z^X" + B2mkm if Xt = X2 (5.20.b)

where kr and X2 are the roots of the characteristic equation obtained by assuming
Rxx(m) = km, for m > 1, in Equation 5.19. This produces

X2 = + ^ 2,2


<t>2,i - Vr))^ + 4<J)2j2

Thus, Rx x{m) can be a linear combination of geometric decays (X[ and X2 real)
or decaying sinusoids (X[ and X2 complex conjugates) or o f the form, B{km +
B2mkm, where X] = X2 = X.
The coefficients A t and A 2 (or Bi and B2) must satisfy the initial conditions

^ aw(O) = <r2


^JHr(l) - <j>2,l^X2f(0) + (t)2.2^Arx( 1)

Furthermore, stationarity implies —1) = ^xw (l), thus

Rxx{l) = : .~ ~ 4 (5-22)
1 9 2 ,2

If ki and X2 are distinct, then

^ ( 0 ) = <Tl = A , + A 2 (5.23.a)

^ x ( l ) = -4iXi + A 2k2 = — crx (5.23.b)

1 92,2

Equations 5.23.a and 5.23.b can be solved simultaneously for A l and A 2.

Thus, Rxx{m) is known in terms of crx and <j>2>i and <f>2,2- Also

rxx(m) a,Xr + a2\? (5.24.a)


«/ = 2 f i = 1 ,2 (5.24.b)

We now find rH ( 1) and rXx(2) directly in order to find an expression for

a * in terms o f only the constants, 4>2,i and <i>2,2 - Using Equations 5.22 and 5.24.a,
we have

rxxO-) (5.25)
1 - 4*2,2

Now, using this in Equation 5.19 with m = 2 produces

4 * li
rXx(2) + 4*2,2 (5.26)
1 ~ 4*2,2

Substitution of Equations 5.25 and 5.26 in Equation 5.17 results in

_____________________ o ~ v ( l ~ 4>2.2)______________________
<*i = (5.27)
(1 + 4>2,2)(1 - 4*2,1 - <(>2 .2 )(1 + 4>2 ,1 - 4>2.2>

This will be finite if

4*2.2 A - 1

4*2,1 + 4*2.2 A 1

4*2.2 — 4*2.1 A 1

Furthermore, cry will be positive if

- 1 < 4>2,2 < 1

4*2,1 + 4*2,2 < 1

— 4*2,1 + 4*2,2 < 1

The power spectral density of the second-order autoregressive process is given


Sxxif) = |/| < \


___________________1___________________ 1
HU) = l/l<
1 - 4*2,,e x p (-/2 it/ ) - 4>2,2e x p ( - / 4i r / ) ’ 2


|1 - 4*2,lexp( —j l l t f ) - 4>2,2exp( —y4'ir/)|2’

which can also be found by taking the Fourier transform of Rxx(m) as given by
Equation 5.20.a. In this case it can be seen that

A 41 - X,-) ^,(1 - X?) 1

1 - 2X,cos 2tt/ + X; 1 - 2X,cos 2ttf + X? 1/1 < -2

Using Equations 5.21 and 5.23 one can show that the two expressions for
SxxU) are equivalent (see Problem 5.17).

General Autoregressive Model. Returning to Equation 5.1,


or again using z 1 as the backshift operator

X(n) = X 4>P,iZ~i[X(n)] + e(n) (5.28)


We now find the mean, variance, autocorrelation function, correlation coeffi­

cient, and power spectral density of the general autoregressive process.
We have, taking expected values

V-x = 0 (5.29.a)


t- x = E {X ( n )X (n ) } = E | * (/i) £ < ty,*(« - i) + X(n)e(n)

= £ 4>p.,•***(/) + <r& (5.29.b)

The autocorrelation coefficient is obtained from

RxAk) E{X{ n - k)X{ri)}

rx x ( k ) = ---- ;— = ------------ 1----- ------
V'X &X

Using Equation 5.28 for X(n), we obtain

rXx(k) = £ $ fJrxx(k - /), k > 1 (5.30)

i= 1

This is a pth order difference equation. Equation 5.30 for k = 1, 2, . . . , p,

can be expressed in matrix form as

' a-x (I)

rx x ( 2 )


1 r xx0-) r xx(2) rxx(p - 1)" 4yi

r xx( l ) 1 rx x ( l ) rA-A-(2) ■ rxx(p - 2) 4 > p ,2

Jxxip ~ 1) rxx(p - 2) 1


rxx = R <I> (5.31.b)

where R is the correlation coefficient matrix, rxx is the correlation coefficient

vector, and <E> is the autoregressive coefficient vector.
This matrix equation is called the Yule-Walker equation. Because R is in­
vertible, we can obtain

<t> = R 1 rxx (5.32)

Equation 5.32 can be used to estimate the parameters , o f the model from
the estimated values o f the correlation coefficient rxx{k), and this is of consid­
erable importance in data analysis.
The power spectral density of X ( n ) can be shown to be

Sxx(f) = See(f)\H(f)\2
i/l < ^ (5.33)
1 - 21 <t>P./ex p (—/ 2 tt/ i')

This power spectral density is sometimes called the all-pole model.

5.2.2 Partial Autocorrelation Coefficient

Consider the first-order autoregressive model

X(n) = - X(n 1 ) + e(n)

It is clear that this is a Markov process, that is given X(n - 1 ), the previous
A s that is, X(n - 2), X(n - 3 ) , . . . , are of no use in determining or predicting
X(n). But as we see from Equation 5.10, the correlation between X(n) and
X(n - . 2 ) is not zero, indeed:

Similarly X(n) and X(n — 3) are correlated:

rx x ( 3 ) —

We now suggest that the partial autocorrelation between X(n) and X(n - 2)
after the effect of X(n - 1 ) has been eliminated might be of some interest. In
fact, it turns out to be o f considerable interest when estimating models from
In order to define the partial autocorrelation function in general, we return
to the Yule-Walker equation, Equation 5.31. When p = 1 , Equation 5.31 re­
duces to

rx x ( l ) — 4 >1,1

When p = 2, Equation 5.31 becomes

rxx(l) 1 rxx(l) 4*2,1

X x x ( 2)_ 'Y yO) 1 4*2.2

and in general

rxx(l) l rx x ( l ) rx x ( 2 ) • rxx(p - 1)
r x x ( 2)
rxx(l) 1 rXx ( l ) • rxx(p - 2)


Jxx(p ~ 1) rx x ( p 3) • I


The coefficient found from the Yule-Walker equation when p = k, is

defined as the fcth partial autocorrelation coefficient. It is a measure of the effect
of X(n - k) on X(n). For example if p = 3, then rxx(3) = <\>xlrxx(2) +
<t>3,2Fi-.Y(l) + <t»3.3- The first two terms describe the effects of rxx(2) and ^ ( 1)
on rxx{3). The last term <t>3,3 describes that part of the correlation rxx( 3 ) after
these two effects .are .accaunted for; that is, <f>3>3 is the partial correlation of X{n)
and X(n - 3) after the intervening correlation associated with lag 1 and lag 2
have been subtracted.
In the case of k = 2

4*2,1 1 rxx(l) rx^r(l)

_<f>2,2_ rxx( 1 ) 1 Jxx{2)__



4*2,1 1 1 ~ r xx(l) rx x (l)

_4*2,2_ 1 - [rx x ( l ) ] 2 _ ~ r x x ( 1) 1 \_rx x { 2 ) \

Thus the second partial autocorrelation coefficient is

rxx(2) ~ r\x ( 1 )
4*2,2 (5.35)
1 - r%x (l)

For a first-order autoregressive process (Markov process)

rxx(m) = 4*u

Thus, Equation 5.35 produces

4>u - 4* 1.1
1 - 4*[,i

showing that for a first-order autoregressive process the partial correlation be­
tween X(n) and X(n — 2) is zero.
The partial autocorrelation function of a second-order autoregressive process

X(n) = c|)2AX(n - 1) + 4iiaX(n - 2) + e{n)

can be obtained as follows. Using Equations 5.25 and 5.34 with k = 1, the first
partial correlation coefficient is

4*u = rxx(l) =
1 — 4)2.2

Also using Equations 5.35, 5.25, and 5.26, we find the second partial correlation
coefficient for a second-order autoregressive model as

4*2,1 , \ 4*2,1

1 - 4*2.2 ^ 7 (1 - 4*2,2 )2
(1 ~ 4 *2 .2 )-

= 4 * 2 ,1 ~ 4 > 2 ,l4 > 2 ,2 + < t > 2 .2 (l ~ ~ < t> 2 ,l

(1 - < t > 2 ,2 ) 2 - < f> 2 ,l

= 4*2,2

This justifies the notation for the partial correlation coefficient agreeing with
the parameter in the autoregressive model. It can be shown that for a second-
order autoregressive process (see Problem 5.18)

<t*M = 0 , k > 2

In general, for a pth order autoregressive process,

4>w = 0 , k > p

In Chapter 9, this fact will be used to estimate the order of the model from

5.2.3 Moving Average Models

A moving average process is one represented by a difference equation

X'(« ) = 0,1e(n) + 0,e(« — 1 ) + Qze(n — 2 ) + • • • + - k)

Note that if 2 0, = 1 and 0, a 0, then this is the usual moving average of the
inputs e(n). We change the parameter limits slightly, and rewrite the preceding
equation as

X(n) = 2 0T, , “ 0 + e (n) = E ‘(e(n)) (5 .3 6 )

where 0,iO = 1 a n d - 0 ,¥=0. The model given in Equation 5.36 can be represented
in block diagram form as shown in Figure 5.5.
The reader can show that the transfer function of the system shown in Figure
5 .5 is

Figure 5.5 Moving average filter.

Note that this transfer function does not have any poles and hence is called an
all-zero model.

First-order Moving Average Models. Consider the model

X(n) = 0,.,e(n - 1) + e(n) (5.37)

A sample sequence is plotted in Figure 5.6. A different form of this model can
be obtained using the backshift operator

X(n) = + 1)e(n)


(1 + 0,.1z - 1) ‘ ‘3t'(n) = e(n)

And if

- 1 < 0U < 1


e{n) = (1 + 0u z ‘ ) 'X(n) 2 ( - e u ) - « - 'U ( " )

= 2 (-eu)'*(« - 0

0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure 5.6 S a m p le fu n c t io n o f th e fi r s t -o r d e r m o v in g a v e r a g e m o d e l : X (n ) =
ASe(n — 1) + e(n).

Rearranging the preceding equation, we have

X(n) = ( - 0 u ) ' ^ ( « - 0 + e(n) (5.38)


Thus, the first-order moving average model can be inverted to an infinite au­
toregressive model. In order to be invertible, it is required that - 1 < 0,, < 1.
Returning to Equation 5.37, we find p*, cr2
x , Rx x , rx x , the partial correlation
coefficients, and Sxx( f ) as

p,v = E{Qu e(n - 1) + e(n)} = 0 (5.39.a)

v x = ( 6i,i + 1)<J7/ (5.39.b)

Rxx(k) = E { X ( n ) X (n - *)}
= £ { [ 0 u e(n - 1 ) + e(n)]
x [0 ,Ae(n - k — 1) + e{n - A:)]}
= f 9i.icr^> k = 1
10 k > 1 (5.40.a)

and hence

rXx ( 1 )
1 + 0 i,i


rxx(k) = 0, k > 1 (5.40.b)

Note the important result that the autocorrelation function is zero for k greater
than one for the first-order moving average sequence.
The partial autocorrelation coefficients can be obtained from Equation 5.34

8 |,i
<t>u = rx x ( 1 ) (5.41.a)
1 + 9i,i
- pi ,i
rxx(2) — r2x x{\) (1 + 9i,i)2
<t>2.2 =
1 - r\x { 1 ) _ 9i.i
(1 + 0 i,i)2
= ~ 9U (5.41.b)
1 + 01.1 + 0 u

It can be shown that (see Problem 5.22)

_ ( ~ l ) * ~ ' 0 i . i ( l - Bj.i) (5.42)

<!)*.. - j _ 02(*+l)

Thus, the partial autocorrelation coefficients do not become zero as the corre­
lation coefficients do for this moving average process.
The spectral density function Sxx( f ) is

Sxx(f) = E exp( —j2xifk)Rxx(k)

k= - 1

= exp(/2Tr/)cr^0u + (0ia + l)cr2v + o i 0 laexp(-y2Tr/)

Sxx(f) = CTv[0I,i + 20 u cos 2 tt/ + 1 ], |/| < ^ (5.43)


Second-order Moving Average Models. The second-order moving average

process described by

X ( n ) = Q2,ie (n — 1) + — 2) + e(n)

has a mean

E{X( n)} = 0 (5.44. a)

and an autocorrelation function

RXx(k) = £ {[0 2,i^(« - 1) + 02,2e(n - 2) + e(n)][0 2,ie(n — k — 1)

+ 6 2,2e ( n - k - 2)) + e(n — A:)]}
= ( 02,1 + 02,2 + l)oiv, k = 0
= ( 02,1 + 02J 02,2) o' a/, k = 1
= 02,2u2
N, k = 2
= 0, k > 2 (5.44.b)


o* = ^A-A-(O) = (9ii + 02.2 + l)o 7 v (5.45.a)

■^ATv(f) _ 02.1 + 02.102,2

''Arv(l) (5.45.b)
CT*- 1 + 02.1 + 02.2

____________ -.2
^ ( 2 ) - ! + 02 , + (5.45.c)

rxx{k) = 0 , k > 2 (5.45.d)

The last result, that is, Equation 5.45.d, is particularly important in identifying
the order of models, as discussed in Chapter 9.
The power spectral density function of the second-order moving average
process is given by

S.rx(f) = ofvl'l + 02,iexp( —/ 2 tt/ ) + 0;.2exp(-y'4iT/)!2, |/| < ^

= CT,V[1 + 02,1 + 02.2 + 202,1 (1 + 02,2)COS 2 tT/

+ 202,2cos 4tt/ ] (5.46)

General Moving Average Model. We now find the mean, autocorrelation func­
tion, and spectral density function of a gth-order moving average process which
is modeled as

X(n) = 2 QqM n - 0 + e(n)

The mean and variance can be calculated as

M-a - = £ {* (« )} = 0 (5.47.a)


r q
o\Y E {X ( n ) X ( n ) } = E 2 0 2 Oq.jS(n
J L/=o

= 2 e?.'crv

= vl 1 + 2 01,
i= X (5.47.b)

The autocorrelation function is given by

R x x( m ) = E 2 - /) 2 0, ./<?(« - " ! - / )
L/ =0

N 1 + 2 e?./ > m = 0

0?.i + 2 1 /n = 1

0<,.2 + 2 0i/.;0</./-2 = 9
/ =3

In general

R\x{m) a~N 0,.™ + 2 e,./ q.j-m m < q
/ = rn + 1

o-T/0 '/•<7 »

o, > <7 (5.47.c)


Because Equation 5.47.C is a finite series, no restrictions on the 0 ,-’s are

necessary in order to ensure stationarity. However, some restrictions are nec­
essary on the 0, / s in order to be able to invert this model into an infinite
autoregressive model.
Taking the transform of RXx{k) we obtain the spectral density function of
the moving average process as

Sxx(f) — &N 1 + E 0,, 1e x p ( - / 2 rri/) l/l < \ (5-48)

Equation 5.48 justifies calling a moving average model an all-zero model.

5.2.4 Autoregressive Moving Average Models

An autoregressive moving average (A R M A ) model is of the form

x (n) = 2 $ P,iX{n - 0 + 2 0?.re(« ~ k) + e{n) (5.49)

i=i *=i

A block diagram representation of an A R M A (p , q) model is shown in Figure

5.7. This model can also be described using the backshift operator as

.,«z X{n) = e{n) (5.50)

r= i

Using Equation 5.50 to suggest the transfer function and using

Sxxif) = |tf(/)IVv, \f \<~

we obtain

1 + 2 6,.rexp(-;2TT/T)
SxxU) l/l< (5.51)
1 - 2 <fv.-exp(-;'2 tt/ 0

F ig u r e 5 .7 A n a u t o r e g r e s s iv e m o v in g a v e r a g e A R M A ( p , q) filt e r .

Note that the transfer function H( f ) and the power spectral density Sxx( f ) have
both poles and zeros. The autocorrelation function Rxx(m) of the A R M A proc­
ess is

Rxx(m) = E{ X( n - m)X{n)}

= E |[AT(« - m)] E 4 y ;^ 0 t - 0

+ E %.ke(n - k) + e{n)

E <bPj Rxx(m - 0 + E{ X( n - m)e(n)}

+ E Q<i.kE i x (n ~ m)e(n - k)}



E { X ( n — m)e(n)} = 0, m > 1

the preceding equation reduces to

Rxx(m) = 2 <S>P,iR xx(m - i), m > q + 1 (5.52)


Thus, for an A R M A (p , q ) model ^ aw(I), • • • , Rxx(q) will depend

upon both the autoregressive and the moving average parameters. The remainder
of the autocorrelation function, that is, Rx x ( k) , k > q is determined by the p th
order difference equation given in Equation 5.52.
The A R M A random process described by Equation 5.49 can also be written


X(n) = i + 2 i - 2 $p.iz ' e(n) (5.53)

k= 1

The expansion of the middle term in an infinite series shows that X(n) is an
infinite series in z ~ l. Thus, X(n) depends upon the infinite past and the partial
autocorrelation function will be nonzero for an infinite number of values.

The A R M A (1, 1) Process. The A R M A (1, 1) process is described by

X(n) = 4>laA (« — 1) + 0 u e(n - 1) + e(n)

A sample sequence with 4>u = .5, 0U = .5 is shown in Figure 5.8.

The mean of the process is

P a- = 4> u P a - + 0

and for stationarity it is required that 4>u 1. Thus

p.* = 0 (5.54.a)

The variance of X(n) is obtained from

cry = £ { A ( « ) 2} = + (1 + e i M + 24>u e u E { X ( n - 1)e(n - 1)}



F ig u r e 5 .8 S a m p le fu n c t i o n o f th e A R M A ( 1 , 1 ) m o d e l : X(n) = .5X(n - 1) +
.5 e{n - 1) + e(n).

which leads to

, _ [1 + 8ij + 2<j3|-!91i]crjv
" (1 -

Since a;Y > 0, <j>u should satisfy

- 1 < <(>u < +1 (5.55)

The autocorrelation function o f the first order A R M A process can be obtained


Thus using Equation 5.54.b

4»i,i(l + 9i,i) + 24>?,i0u 7 „ ! ■'- 4>u ,

Rxx{ 1) ---------- )-----
1 " 15-----------
Ou + 0u 1-----------
1 ~~ 9I Tu
(1 + 4>i.i9u)(4>n + 9u)gw
1 - 4>li (5.56.a)


Rxx(2) = E{X( n - 2) X( n) } = ^ . . ^ ( l ) (5.56.b)

Rxx{k) = *i>i,iRxx(k — 1), k s 2 (5.56.c)

Note that this autocorrelation function decays exponentially from that


Rxx(k) — *> k 2. 2 (5.57)

The decay may be either monotonic or alternating depending upon whether

4>, , is positive or negative. Because stationarity requires that < 1, the sign
o f R.v.vO) depends upon the sign o f (4), , + 0U).
The power spectral density of the first-order A R M A process can be shown
to be

= gyjl + 9u exp(—/2 tt/ ) 12

|1 - 4>u exp(-)2iT/)|2 ’

5.2.5 Summary of Discrete Linear Models

The primary application of autoregressive moving average (A R M A ) models is
their use as random process models that can be derived from data. Briefly, the
order of the model is identified (or estimated) from data using the sample
. autocorrelation function. For example, if the autocorrelation function, RXx{k)
is zero for k > 2, then Equation 5.45 suggests that an A R M A (0, 2) model is
appropriate. Similarly, if the partial autocorrelation coefficients, 4>u are zero
for i > 2, then, as shown in Section 5.2.2, an A R M A (2, 0) model is suggested.
If the autocorrelation coefficients were known (as opposed to estimated from
data), then equations such as Equation 5.32 and Equation 5.45 could be used
to determine the parameters in the model from the autocorrelation coefficients.
An extensive introduction to estimating these models is contained in Chapter
9. The purpose o f this section was to introduce the models themselves and explore
some of their properties.


The least complicated model of a random process is the trivial one in which the
value of the process at any given time is independent o f the values at all other
times. In this case, a random process model is not needed; a single random
variable model will suffice with no loss o f generality.
A more complicated model is one in which the value of the random process
depends only upon the one most recent previous value and given that value the
random process is independent o f all values in the more distant past. Such a
model is called a Markov model and is often described by saying that a Markov
process is one in which the future value is independent of the past values given
the present value.
Models in which the future depends only upon the present are common
among electrical engineering models. Indeed a first-order linear differential
equation or a first-order linear difference equation is such a model. For example,
the solution for i(t) that satisfies

— + a0i(t) = f (t )

for f > f0 requires only r(f0) and the solution cannot use knowledge of i(t) for
t < t0 when /(t0) is given. Even if f (t ) is random, values of f (t ) or i(t) for t <
t0 are of no use in predicting /(f) for t > t0 given
Higher order difference equations require more past values (an nth order
equation requires the present and n — 1 past values) for a solution. Similarly,
an nth order differential equation requires an initial value and n — 1 derivatives
at the initial time. An nth order difference equation can be transformed to n
first-order difference equations (a state variable formulation) and thus the de­
pendence on initial conditions at n different times is transformed to n values at
one time. Such models are analogous to an nth order Markov processes.
We have argued that Markov processes are simple and analogous to familiar
models. We present later several examples that have proved to be useful. Before
presenting these examples and discussing methods for analyzing Markov proc-


Continuous Discrete

Continuous Continuous random process Continuous random sequence

M a rk o v ^
\ p iL y
Discrete Discrete random process Discrete random sequence

Figure 5.9 State diagram of a Markov chain.

esses, we classify Markov processes and present a diagram called a state diagram
which will be useful for describing Markov processes!
The classification of Markov process is given in Table 5.1. Note that if the
values of X(t) are discrete, then Markov processes are called Markov chains.
In this section only Markov chains, including both sequences and continuous­
time processes, are discussed.
Markov chains, that is, Markov processes with discrete X(t), are usually
described by referring to their states. There are a finite or at most a countable
number of such states, and X(t) maps each state to a discrete value or number.
With the Markov concept, the next state is dependent only upon the present
state. Thus, a diagram like Figure 5.9 is often used to describe a Markov chain
that is a sequence and a similar diagram is used to describe a Markov chain in
which time is continuous. In Figure 5.9, each number adjacent to an arrow
represents the conditional probability o f the Markov chain making the state
transition in the direction o f the arrow, given that it is in the state from which
the arrow emanates. For example, given that the Markov chain of Figure 5.9 is
in state 1, the probability is .4 that its next transition will be to state 2.


For many communication systems it is desirable to “ code” messages into equi-

probable symbols in order to fully utilize available bandwidth. Such coding
requires knowledge of the probability of the various messages, and in particular
it may be desirable to know the probabilities of the letters o f the English alphabet
(26 letters plus a space). The probability of a letter obviously depends upon at

least the preceding letter (e.g., the probability of a “ u” is 1 given the preceding
letter is a “ q” ). If the probability o f a letter depended only upon the preceding
letter, then the sequence o f letters could be modeled as a Markov chain. However
the dependence in English text usually extends considerably beyond simply the
previous letter. Thus, a Markov model with a state space o f the 26 letters plus
a space would not be adequate. However, if instead o f a single symbol, the
states were to represent blocks of say 5 consecutive symbols, the resulting Mar­
kov model might be adequate. In this case there are approximately (27)5 states,
but this complexity is often compensated by the fact that a Markov chain model
may be used. With the expanded state model the message:

“ This-book-is-easy-for . . .”

would be transformed into the states:

This-;book-;is-ea;sy-fo; . . .

and we model each state as being dependent only upon the previous state.


This example differs from the preceding one in the sense that time is continuous,
while the preceding example consisted o f a sequence. A piece o f equipment,
for example, a communication receiver, can have two states, operable and non-
operable. The transitions from the operable to the nonoperable state occur at
a prescribed rate called the failure rate. The transitions from the nonoperable
to the operable state occur at the repair rate. If the rates of transition depend
only on the present state and not on the repair history, then a Markov model
can be used.

5.3.1 Analysis of Discrete-time Markov Chains

We model X(n) to be a random sequence that represents the state o f a system
at time n (time is discrete) and we assume that X (n ) can take on only a finite
or perhaps a countably infinite number of states. Thus, the general Markov

property can be described by the transition probabilities:

P[ X(m) = x m\X(m - 1) = x m- u X { m - 2) = x m. 2,
• • • , AT(0) = x„]
= P[ X( m) = x j X ( m - 1) = xm_,] (5.59)

In this section, we will develop, in matrix notation, a method for finding the
probability that a finite Markov chain is in a specified state at a specified time.
That is, we want to find the state probabilities

Pj(n) = P[X(n) = /] , j = 1, 2, . . . (5.60)

To find these probabilities we use the single-step (conditional) transition

probabilities defined by

Pi,j{m - 1, m) = P [ X ( m ) = j\X{m - 1) = i] ■ (5.61)

Now from Chapter 2, the joint probability is given by the product o f the
marginal and the conditional probability, that is

P{ [X{ m - 1) = ;'], [ X{ m) = /]} (5.62)

= P[ X( m - 1) = i ] P [ X { m ) = j\X(m - 1) = i]

Using the notation of Equations 5.60 and 5.61 in the preceding equation, we

P [ { X ( m - 1) = /), ( X ( m ) = /) ] = Pl(m - 1) P i,l{m - 1, m) (5.63)

The state probabilitiesPl( m ), j = 1 , 2 , . . . , may be found using the probability

laws given in Chapter 2 as

Pi(m) = E Pi(m - - !. rn) (5.64)

all i

To illustrate the use of Equation 5.64 consider the following example.


F ig u r e 5 .1 0 S ta te d ia g r a m f o r E x a m p l e 5 .3 .


Three possible messages, A, B, and C, can be transmitted, and sequences of

messages are Markov. The transition probabilities from the current message to
the next message are independent of when the transition occurs and are as

Current Message Next Message

A .5 .1 A
B .1 .6 .3
C .1 .2 .7

Note that the sum across each row is one, as it must be. If we assume that A
corresponds with message one, B corresponds with message two, and C corre­
sponds with message three, then the conditional probability in row i and column
j is - 1, m), i - 1, 2, 3, j = 1 ,2 , 3, for all m. For instance P2,i(m -
1, m) = .3. This example is displayed in the state diagram of Figure 5.10.
Assume that the probabilities of the three starting states are given as

p m = -5, p 2{o) = .3 , Pm = .2

We now want the probabilities of the next message. These are found using
Equation 5.64 as follows:

M i) = m o ) pu (o, i) + M 0 )M (0 , i) + M 0 )M (0 , i)
= (,5)(.5) + (,3 )(.l) + (,2 )(.l) = .30

M l ) = (-5X.1) + (,3)(.6) + (,2)(.2) = .27

p 3(l) = (.5)(;4) + (.3)(.3) + (,2)(.7) = .43

The state probabilities and the transition probabilities can be conveniently

expressed in matrix form (for a finite chain) with the following definitions:

P(m, n) = [Pjj(m, n)] (5.65)

where P (m, n) is a matrix, and

PT(n) = [p ,(n ), p 2(n), . . . , p k(n)] (5.66)

where p T(n) is a row vector, and k is the number of states.

Using this notation, Equation 5.64 can be expressed

p T(m) = p T(m - l)P (m - 1, m) (5.67)


We return to Example 5.3 to illustrate the use o f Equation 5.67.

.5 .1 .4
Pr( l) = [-5 -3 ■2] .1 .6 .3
.1 .2 .7

= [.3 .27 •43]

as found earlier.

Equation 5.67 can be used to find p (« ) from p(0) as follows:

p r(l) = p r(0)P(0, 1)
p r(2) = p r( l) P ( l, 2) = p r(0)P(0, 1)P(1, 2)
Pr(3) = PT(0)P(0, 1)P(1, 2)P(2, 3)

This procedure can be continued for values of n = 4, 5, 6 . . . .

Homogeneous Markov Chains. In many models of Markov chains the transi­

tion probabilities are independent o f when the transition occurs, that is, P, ;(m —
1, m) = Py(n - 1, n) for all i, j, m, and n. If this is the case then the chain
is called homogeneous and the state transition matrix is called stationary. (Note
that a stationary transition matrix does not imply a stationary random sequence).
If the transition probabilities are homogeneous, then Equation 5.67 becomes

p T{m) = p T(m — l) P ( l ) (5.68)


P (l) = P(n - 1, n) = P (m - 1, m) (5.69)

That is, because P(n — 1, n) = P (m - 1, m), the argument of the P matrix

may be reduced to the time difference between steps. In this case it follows that

p r(l) = p r(0 )P (l)

p r(2) = Pr(0 )P (l)P (l) = p r(0)P (ir- = p r(0)P(2)

• PT( " ) = PT(0 )P (l)n = p T(0 )P («) (5.70)

For this homogeneous case

P (") = P (l)" (5.71)

P (l)'*1is an rc-stage transition matrix, that is, the i, yth element of P (l)'1represents
the probability of transferring, in n time intervals, from state i to state j.


Find P(2), P(3), . . . , P(10) for the homogeneous Markov chain represented
by the matrix

.5 .1 .4
1 .6 .3
1 .2 .7

SOLUTION: By matrix multiplication we note that

.3 .19 .51
P(2) = P ( l ) 2 14 .43 .43
14 .27 .59
.220 .246 .534
P(3) = P ( l ) 3 .156 .358 .486
.156 .294 .550
.1880 .2764 .5356
P(4) = P ( l ) 4 = .1624 .3276 .5100
.1624 .3020 .5356
.17520 .29176 .53304
P(5) = P ( l ) 5 .16496 .31480 .52024
.16496 .30456 .53048
.1668 .3053 .5279
P(10) = P ( l ) 10 .1666 .3057 .5277
.1666 .3056 .5278

Note that the elements in each row seem to be approaching a constant value.

p r(10) = p r( 0 )P (l)10 * [.1667 .3055 .5278]

independent o f p(0), which indicates steady-state behavior.

The state probability vectors may be found from Equation 5.70. If p 7(0) =
[.5 .3 .2]

pr(l) = pT(0)P(l) = [.3 .27 .43]

p r(2) = p r(0 )P (l)2 = [.22 .278 .502]
p r(5) = p r(0 )P (l)5 « [.170 .301 .529]

Chapman-Kolmogorov Equation. We now show that for a homogeneous dis­

crete-time Markov chain with n{ < n2 < n3

p i,j(n3 ~ « i) = E p i,k(n 2 - ni)pk,j(n3 - n2) (5.72)


where Pitj{n) = P [A (m + n) = /lA '(m ) = /].

Proof: A two-dimensional marginal probability can be obtained by summing
the joint probabilities (see Equation 2.12). Thus

P [ ( X ( n x) = i), ( X ( n 3) = y)]
= E p [{X{ti.) = i), ( X ( n 2) = k), ( X ( n 3) = / ) ] (5.73)
all k

Since the X ( n ) are from a homogeneous Markov process, then

P [ W « i ) = i), ( X ( n 3) = y)] = Pi(ni)Pu (n3 - nx) (5.74)


P [ ( * ( « i ) = i), ( X ( n 2) = k), ( X ( n 3) = ;) ]
= Pi{ni)Pi,k{n2 - ni)P*,/(«3 - n2) (5.75)

Using Equations 5.74 and 5.75 in Equation 5.73 results in

P i(n l)P i,i(n3 ~ n l) = E P iin l ) Pi,k{n2 - n \ ) Pk,j{nl - n2)

all A

Dividing both sides by p f n f ) produces the desired result. Equation 5.72 is called
the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation and can be rewritten in matrix form for
finite chains as

P(«3 - Hi) = P (n2 - n ,)P (« 3 - n2)

Long-run (Asymptotic) Behavior of Homogeneous Chains. Example 5.5 sug­

gests, at least for the example, that a homogeneous Markov chain will reach
steady-state probability after many transitions. That is,

lim P ( n ) = lim P(n — 1) = P (5.76)


Then, using Equation 5.76 we have

lim p r(n) = irr = p r(0) lim P(n) = p r(0)P (5.77)

where it is called the limiting state probabilities and

Uj = lim p;(n)

Now if Equation 5.76 holds, then

Trr = p r(0) lim P (l)" = p r(0) lim P (l)" *P(1) (5.78)

n —»=° n—


TtT = TTrP (l) (5.79)

Equation 5.79 can be used to find the steady-state probabilities if they exist.
The solution'to Equation 5.79 is not unique because P is singular. However, a
unique solution can be obtained by using

S ■■= 1 (5-80)


Find the steady-state probabilities for Example 5.5.

SOLUTION: The steady-state probabilities may be found using Equation 5.79

as follows:

.5 .1 .4
.1 .6 .3
1 .2 .7


, "TT*! = .5TT, + .1 tT2 + .lTr3

Tr2 = -ITT! + .6 tT2 + .2 tT3

tt3 = An, + .3ir2 + .7tt3

These equations are linearly dependent (the sum of the first two equations is
equivalent to the last equation). However, any two of them plus Equation 5.80,
that is,

1Tl + TT2 + TT3 = 1

can be used to find the steady-state probabilities, which are

ir = [6/36 11/36 19/36] = [0.1667 0.3056 0.5278]

Limiting Behavior of a Two-state Discrete-time Homogeneous Markov Chain.

We now investigate the limiting-state probabilities of a general two-state discrete­
time homogeneous Markov chain. This chain can be described by the state
diagram of Figure 5.11. Because of homogeneity, we use Equation 5.71, that is

P(n) = P(l)"

where for 0 < a < 1 and 0 < b < 1


Now we show, using induction, that

b + a( 1 — a — b ) n a - a(l - a - b ) n
a + b a + b
P (l) (5.81)
b — b( 1 — a — b ) n a + b{ 1 — a — b ) n
a + b a + b

First the root of the induction follows by letting n = 1 in Equation 5.81; this
shows that

b + a — a1 — ab a - a + a2 + ab
a + b a + b
P (l) =
b — b + ab + b2 a + b — ab — b2
a + b a + b

We now assume P(n) is correct and show that P (n + 1) is consistent with

Equation 5.81;

1 —a a
P(n + 1) =
b 1 - b
b + a(l — a — b ) ” a - a( 1 - a — b y
a + b a + b
b — b(l — a - b)" a + b ( 1 - a — b) "
a + b a + b

Letting r = (1 — a - b)

1 b + ar" — ab — a~r" + ab — abrn

a + b b2 + abrn + b — br" — b2 + b2r"
a — ar" ~ a2+ a2rn + a2 + ab/-"
+ a + br" — ab — b 2r"
1 b + a r^ l — a —b) a — arn( 1 ~ a — b)
a + b b —br"( 1 - a —b) a + f>r"(l ~ a — b)
1 b + ar" +1 a — ar'l+1
a + b — f>rn+1 a + 6r'1+1

This completes the inductive proof o f Equation 5.81. Note that if 0 < a < 1 and
0 < b < 1, then |r| < 1. Thus

lim |r|" = lim |l — a — b\n = 0

n— n —* »

and the limiting transition matrix is

b a
lim P (« ) a + b a + b
b a
a + b a + b

Note that

b a
-nT = lim p T(n) = p r(0) lim P (« )
n— n—*■» a + b’ a + b

is independent of p(0).
Once again, steady-state or stationary-state probabilities have been achieved.
Note that if a = b = 0, then

1 0
p(«) = p(0) = P(0)
0 1

Also if a = b = 1, then

0 1 fp(°)> if n is even
p(n) = p(0)
1 0 IP(0) [? a, if n is odd

Note that in this last case, that is, a = b = 1, true limiting-state probabilities
do not exist.
We have observed in both Examples 5.5 and 5.6 that as n —* °°, the n-step
transition probabilities Pi:j{n) approach a limit that is independent o f i (all
elements in a given column of the P matrix are the same). Many, but not all,
Markov chains have such a limiting steady-state or long-term behavior. The
investigation and analysis of the limiting conditions o f different types o f Markov
chains is beyond the scope of this book. See the references listed in Section 5.7.

5.3.2 Continuous-time Markov Chains

Let X(t ) , t s 0 be a continuous-time Markov chain with homogeneous (tran­
sitions depend only on time difference) transition probability function

Pi,j{ t ) = P [ X { t + t) = j\X{t) = i] (5.82)

We assume Ptj{ t ) is continuous at t = 0; thus

lim Pu (e.) if i = i (5.83)

hi l if (' ^ /

Note that the Markov property implies that for t > 0

PiAt) = p[x(tn + t) = j\x(Q = i,

X (t „ - i ) = kn-i, . . . , A (fi) = &i]
for t > 0, t„ > tn. x > ■•■> tx (5.84)

Chapman-Kohnogorov Equation. The transition probabilities of a Markov chain

satisfy the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation for all 0 < t < t , that is

P i ,M = 2 P > A t)P k.j{ T - 0 (5.85)

all k

This is proved by the same steps used in proving Equation 5.72. (See Problem

Analysis of Continuous-time Markov Chains. In order to apply the Chapman-

Kolmogorov equations for analysis of continuous-time Markov chains we use
the following approach.
Transition intensities are defined in terms of the derivatives of the transition
probability functions evaluated at 0,

[^ ,;( t ) ] U o / 7^ j (5.86)
J 3t

These derivatives can be interpreted as intensities of passage; (X.^e) is approx­

imately the probability of transition from state i to a different state j in a very
small time interval e.

We now find the approximate probability of no transition from state i in a

very small increment of time e. Taking derivatives of both sides of

2 P ,^) = 1 (5.87)
all j

shows that

2 hi = 0 (5-88)
all j


x,„ - 2 hi (5.89)

For small e, the probability, P,-,•(«) of no transition to a different state is

P ,,(«) = 1 - P (transition to another state)

= 1 - 2 M = 1 + hi* (5-90)

Note that X,; , i # j will be positive or zero and thus by Equation 5.89, X,, will
be nonpositive.
Now we use the transition intensities to find the state probabilities. Using
the basic Markov property, that is

P,(t) = 2 P/(0)Py./(T) (5.91)

all j

we have

p,(t + e) - p,(t) = ^ P,(t)PiA*)


- liP M P'A e) (5.92)


because the first sum is the probability of changing from another state to state
i in time e whereas the second sum is the probability of changing from state i
to a different state in time e.
Dividing both sides o f Equation 5.92 by e and then taking the limit as e
approaches zero, we have, using Equation 5.86

= 2 biPii0 - 2 K k P M (5.93)
dt j*i k*i

Equation 5.93 is true for all i; thus using Equation 5.89 we have for finite chains

dp i(Q dpm(t)
[P l(0 ■ • •PmiO] (5.94)
dt dt

where m is the number o f states.

A Two-state Continuous-time Homogeneous Markov Chain. Example 5.7 il­

lustrates a general two-state continuous-time homogeneous Markov chain.


A communication receiver can have two states: operable (state 1) and inoperable
(state 2). The intensity o f transition from 1 to 2, Xu , is called the failure rate
and the intensity of transition from 2 to 1, \2.i is called the repair rate. To
simplify and to correspond with the notation commonly used in this reliability
model, we will call \L2 — X and \2.i = A Find

(a) Expressions for p t(t) and p 2(t).

(b) p i(0 and p 2(t) if p,(0) = 1.
(c) Steady-state values of P i ( t ) and p 2(t).

SOLUTION: With the notation introduced in this example, Equation 5.94 be­

[P i(0 Pi(0] = [P i(0 Pz(0] p. -p


p[{t) = - X p ,( t) + P p,(t)

= -x p .( 0 + p [i - P i( 0 ]

We can solve the preceding differential equation using Laplace transforms as

sP.is) - p ,(0) = - k P ^ s ) + * - pP,(s)


Solving for Pi(s) and using partial fractions

1^___ [\pi(0) - p p 2(0)]

(k + fO
S S + X + p

Taking inverse transforms, we solve for p 2(t) and p 2(t)

.. p r , N, [Xp,(0) — p p 2(0)l
‘ r h . + + ^ V + %

pM - 1 - pM - — 7— + e x p ( - ( \ + p)/] I m A j l A M O )]
X + p (X + p)

If Pi(0) = 1, then these equations reduce to the time-dependent probabilities

of a repairable piece of equipment being operable given that it started in the
operable state. Letting pi(0) = 1, and p 2(0) = 0, we have

Pi{‘ ) = — 7 — + exp[ — (X + p)r]

A ~r }X A T JX

Pi( 0 = e x p [-(X + p)<]

x + p x + p

As t becomes large, the steady-state values are

lim pi(r) =
X+ p

lim p 2(t) =
X -I- p

Birth and Death Process. Suppose that a continuous-time Markov chain takes
on the values 0, 1, 2, . . . and that its changes equal + 1 or - 1 . We say that

this Markov chain is a Birth-Death process, and

Birthrate (arrival rate) +l ^a,if i = 0, 1, . . .

Deathrate (departure rate) i = 1 ,2 , . . .

i = 1, 2, . . .

j 5^ i — 1, i, i + 1

(The state diagram for this process is shown in Figure 5.14.C (page 305) for the
case when the rates are independent of i.) Then for small e

P[X{t + e) = n\X(t) = n - 1]= X^^e

P[X(t + e) = n\X(t) = n + 1]= X,.„ +1e

P[X(t + e) = n\X(t) = n] = 1 - (X„,„ + X^Je

Using the notation P [ X ( t + e) = n\ = p „(f + e) we have

Pn{t + e) = + P „ (t)[l - (Xa.„ + Xd,„)e]

+ P « + r ( 0 [ X d,„+ie] (5 .9 5 )

Then for n s: 1

p „(r + e) - p „(Q
p',(<) = lim
<L—o e
= Xo,n- 1p „ - 1( 0 - (x0i„ + xd,„)/>„(t) + x^^+1p „+1( 0 (5.96.a)

and for « = 0

PoW = - K o P o ( t ) + X ^ p ^ t) (5.96.b)

which is deduced from the general equation by recognizing that p - i (t ) = 0 and

X,i,o = 0.
The solution o f this system of difference-differential equations is beyond the
scope of this book. However, in order to find the steady-state solution, we
assume p'„(t) = 0 and arrive at the equations

0 Xan_i _i (Xflrt T X^„ ) p n T X^n+j p n^j (5.97.a)

0 — X0ioPo + Kdipi (5.97.b)


Equation 5.97 is called the balance equation, which we now solve. From Equa­
tion 5.97.b we have

Pi ~ s P o
'V i

From Equation 5.97.a with n = 1

0 — ^-a.oPo (^-0,1 + P 1 + ^d,lP2 (5.98)

Rearranging Equation 5.98 we obtain

Pi ~ . [(^-0,1 + ^d,l) p 1 ^0,oFo]


Now using Equation 5.97.b in the preceding equation

Pi ~ [(^-0.1 F kdl) p l ^i.iPi]


^•0,1 ^-0.1 ^o.O

Pi = r — Pi = 7— 7— Fo
a-i/,2 A.j.2 Ajj

It is then easy to show that

^ -0 .0 -1 ^0 ,0 * ^0 ,1 * " * ^ 0 .0 -1
P rt ~~ . Pn- 1 — . p0 (5.99)
Kd,n *d,l ■ n-d,2 ■ ■ ■ A

Since /?* = 1

Po = (5.100)
i + z n
A=1 / =o

The birth-death process models are used in a number of important appli­

cations. In fact, this same process is analyzed in Section 5.4.2 for the case where
both j and kdi are independent of i. Such a model is useful in analyzing queues,
as illustrated in Section 5.4.2 and in Example 5.8 of that section.
P O IN T P R O C E S S E S 295

5.3.3 Summary o f Markov Models

We restricted our introduction of Markov models to Markov chains (the state

space is discrete). The reader should note that the matrix analysis we presented
is valid only for finite state spaces, and furthermore the limiting state behavior
is valid only for certain types of chains. For other types of chains one might be
interested in other analysis such as the mean time to absorption (in a certain
state) or the mean recurrence time (of a certain state). Classification o f chains
with different characteristics is discussed in References [5] through [10] listed in
Section 5.7.
We discussed both discrete- and continuous-time Markov chains. The em­
phasis was placed upon the Markov (future independent of the past given the
present) concept and analysis of certain chains using elementary matrix repre­
sentation of the difference equations (sequences) and the differential equations
(continuous-time). The birth-death process will be revisited in the next section.


Previously we have presented random processes as an ensemble o f sample func­

tions (of time) together with a probability distribution specifying probabilities
of events associated with the sample paths. In the case of random sequences,
the random variables X { n ) represent successive values at times . . . f_,,
tu , with the index n in X ( n ) representing f„. The time index set {f„} is fixed
(e.g., t„ +1 = tn + At for all n) and we studied models of X(t) or X{n).
There are, however, many practical situations where the random times of
occurrences of some specific events are of primary interest. For example, we
may want to study the times at which components fail in a large system or
analyze the times at which jobs enter the queue in a computer system. Other
examples include the arrival of phone calls at an exchange, or the emission of
electrons from the cathode of a vacuum tube. In these examples, our main
interest, at least for the initial phase of analysis, is not the phenomenon itself,
but the sequence of random time instants at which the phenomena occur. An
ensemble of collections of discrete sets of points from the time domain, called
a point process, is used as a model to analyze phenomena such as the ones just
A point process is a rather special kind o f random process that may be
described as an ensemble of sample paths, where each sample path is obtained
by performing the underlying random experiment once. Whereas the sample
path of an'ordinary-random process is a deterministic function o f time x(t), the
sample path of a point process is a list of time instants at which a specific
phenomenon such as a component failure occurred. A graphic example is shown
in Figure 5.12. If the point process is defined over the time domain T = ( - 30,
°°), the zth member function is defined by a sequence of times of occurrence

• • • rf( - 2 ) < f ' ( - l ) < 0 < F ( l) < t'(2) < • • ■ (5.101)


----------□ ----------- □ ------------------------ 1---------------O------------□ ------------------------------□ ----------------------□ ----------- Time

« -l) f(0) 0 f(l) t{2) t(3) t( 4)
Figure 5.12 Sample path of a point process.

Note that i denotes a particular member function and the argument 1 denotes
the first occurrence time after t = 0. Now, if T = (0, oo), then we specify the
fth member function by

0 < r ( l ) < r'(2) < • • • (5.102)

We can represent the ensemble or the collection of sample paths of a point

process by a random sequence

T{n), n = 1,2, , or n = ■ ■ ■ , - 1 , 0, 1, . . . (5.103)

For example, 7(5) is a random variable that represents the time of the fifth
occurrence after t = 0. If the point process has an uncountably infinite number
of sample paths, then we will use t(n) to denote a particular sample path. If
there are only a countable number of sample paths, then we will use t‘(n) to
denote the fth sample path.
A point process may also be described by a waiting (or interarrival) time
sequence W(n) where W{n) is defined as

W{n) = T(n + 1) - 7 (n )
« = 1, 0, 1, . . . if T = ( -o o , oo) (5.104)


W(n) = T(n + 1) - T(n), n = 1, 2, . . . if T = (0, oo)

W(0) = 7(1) (5.105)

The random variable W{n) represents the waiting time between the «th and
(n + l)st occurrences.
A third method of characterizing a point process is through the use of a
counting procedure. For example, we can define a process, X{ t ), t G T, such

For t > 0, X ( t ) = number of occurrences in the interval (0, t)

For t < 0, X ( t ) = —[number of occurrences in the interval ( t, 0)] (5.106)

-i— i ------------------ 1
— i --------------i — :---------------- i ---------- i -
« -i) (to) 0 <(1) f(2) i(3) M )

(o) Times of occurrence T in)

F ig u r e 5 .1 3 R e l a t io n s h ip b e t w e e n T(n), W(n), and X(t).

The relationship between T(n), W(n), and X (t ) is shown in Figure 5.13. It

is clear from Figure 5.13 that the times-of-occurrence sequence T (« ), the waiting­
time sequence W{n), and the counting process X(t), are equivalent in the sense
that each by itself provides a complete specification of the probability law of
the underlying point process and thus also of the other two processes. However,
the choice of T(n), W(n), or X(t ) will be dictated by the specific application
that is o f interest. For example, if one is interested in analyzing the waiting times
in queues, then W(n) is the appropriate model, whereas if queue length is of
interest, then X ( t ) may be more appropriate.
The theory o f point processes is built around a set o f reasonable assumptions
that we state here:

1. Times o f occurrences are distinct.

2. Any finite interval contains only a finite number o f occurrences.
3. Any infinite time interval contains an infinite number o f occurrences.
4. Events do not occur at predetermined times.

Although models that do not meet all the foregoing requirements have been
developed, they are beyond the scope of this text, and we will focus our attention
only on models that satisfy all four assumptions.
In the following sections we develop two point-process models and illustrate
their use in several interesting applications.

5.4,1 Poisson Process

A point process with the additional property that the numbers of occurrences
in any finite collection o f nonoverlapping time intervals are independent random
variables (i.e., an independent increment process) leads to a Poisson process.
The Poisson process is a counting process that arises in many applied problems
such as the emission o f charged particles from a radioactive material, times of
failures o f components of a system, and times of demand for services (queueing
problems). The Poisson process also serves as a basic building block for more
complicated point processes. In the following paragraphs, we derive the Poisson
process and its properties.
Suppose we have an independent increments point process with T = (0, °°)
in which the occurrence o f events is governed by a rate function \(t) with the
following properties in the limit as At —» 0:

1. P[1 occurrence in the interval (t, t + A/)] = \(r) At (5.107.a)

2. P[0 occurrence in the interval ( t, t + At)] = 1 - \(r) A/ (5.107.b)

3. P[2 or more occurrences in the interval ( t, t + At)] = 0 (5.107.c)

If \(t) does not depend on t, then the process is called a homogeneous process.
The counting process associated with this point process is called the Poisson
process, and we now show that for a homogeneous Poisson (counting) process,
the number o f occurrences in the interval (0, t) is governed by a Poisson dis­
Let us denote the probability that there are k occurrences in the time interval
(0, t) by P{k, t). Then the probability o f no occurrences in the time interval
(0, t) is P(0, t), and P( 0, t + A/) is related to P ( 0, t) by

P ( 0, t + At) = P[0 occurrences in the interval (0, t) and

0 occurrences in the interval (t, t + At)]

Using the independent increments assumption and Equation 5.107.b, we can

write P{ 0, t + At) as

P(0, t + At) = P(0, t)(l - X A 0


where X is the rate. We can rewrite the preceding equation as

At v

and taking the limit At —» 0, we have

dP (0, t)
- X P ( 0, t)

Solving this first-order differential equation with the initial condition P(0, 0) =
1, we have

P(0, t) = e x p (-X t) (5.108)

Proceeding in a similar manner, we can show that for any k > 0

P(k, f + At) = P(k, t)(l - X At) + P ( k - 1, f)X At

Rearranging and taking the limit

dP + XP(k, t) = \ P ( k - 1, f) (5.109)

This linear differential equation has the solution

P{k, t) = \ exp (-\f) f exp(\T) P ( k - 1, t) d-r (5.110)


Starting with P(0, t) = e x p (-X t), we can recursively solve Equation 5.110 for
P (l, t), P (2, t), and so on, as

P ( l , t) = \f exp( - \t)

P(2, t) = e x p ( -\ t )

P(k, 0 = e x p (-X f)


Since we define the counting process to have 3f(0) = 0, Equation 5.111 also
gives the probability that X ( t ) - 3f(0) = k. That is

P [ X { t ) - X ( 0 ) = *] = e x p (-X f), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . (5.112)

Since X is constant, we can show that for any t{, t2 E. T, f2 > h

P [ ( X ( t 2) - X ( tl)) = k) = -fl])* e x p (-X [f2 - /,])

When X is time dependent, then the distribution has the form

P [ ( * ( f 2) - X ( tl)) = *] = e x p (-[p .(t2) - p(r,)]) (5.113)


P-(E) - P-('i) = f ’ X( t) d-r (5.114)

Thus, the increments of a Poisson process have Poisson probability distributions.

Properties of the Homogeneous Poisson Process. The Poisson counting process

X (t) is a discrete amplitude process with the first-order probability function

P [ X (t) = k ] = = 0, 1, . . . (5.115)

Higher-order probability functions of the process can be obtained as follows,

starting with the second-order probability function:

W ' i) = k u X ( t 2) = k2]
= P [ X ( t 2) = k2|AT(f,) = k ^ P l X i t , ) = * ,], h > h (5.116)

The conditional probability that X { t 2) = k2 given X ( t x) = k x is the probability

that there are k2 — k x occurrences between q and t2. Hence

P [ X { t 2) = k2\X{tx) = A,]
= P [ X ( t 2) - X ( t x) = k2 - A,]
(\[t2 - ti])*2-*'
e x p (-\ [f2 - f j ) , k2 > k x
{ k2 - k x)\
= 0 k2 < kx (5.117)

Combining Equations 5.115, 5.116, and 5.117, we obtain the second-order prob­
ability function as

P [ X ( tl) = A„ X ( t 2) = k2]

f - 'll)**'*1 e x p ( - \ f 2)
= kii(k2 - k xy. ’
1 0 k2 < k x (5.118)

Proceeding in a similar fashion we can obtain, for example, the third-order joint
probability function as

P[X(tx) = A,. * (/,) = k2, X ( td = X,]

- tij)*2-*1(X[f3~ h])k,~kl exp(-\r3)

k xl(k2 - *0!(*3 - k2)\
k x s k2 s k2
0 otherwise (5.119)

The reader can verify that

P[*(f,) = A3|*(r2) = A2, X( t x) = A,]

= P [* (/3) = k,\X{t2) = A,]

and thus show that the Poisson process has the Markov property. Recall also
that the Poisson process is an independent increments process.

In Chapter 3, the mean, autocorrelation, and autocovariance functions of

the Poisson process were derived as

= m-(0 = xr, t e r (5.120.a)

Rxx(ti, h) = X2^ + Xmin(q, t2) (5.120.b)
CXx ( h , h) = X min(q, t2), tu t2, e T (5.120.c)

Note that the Poisson process is nonstationary. The distribution of the waiting
or interarrival time of a Poisson process is o f interest in the analysis of queueing
problems. The probability that the interarrival time W is greater than w is
equivalent to the probability that no events occur in the time interval (0, w).
That is

P ( W > w) = P(0, w) = e x p (-X w ), w 5? 0


P ( W < w) = 1 — e x p (-X w ), w> 0

= 0 w < 0

Thus, W is an exponential random variable, and the probability density function

of W has the form

X e x p (-X w ), w a: 0
0 (5.121)

Note that the expected value of the waiting time has the value

= 1/X (5.122)

where X is the rate o f the process.

Superposition of Poisson Processes. The Poisson process has the very inter­
esting property that the sum of n independent Poisson processes with rate func-

tiOns Xi(t), X2(0> • • • , X„(r) is a Poisson process with rate function X(r) where

X(t) = X ,(0 + X2(0 + • • • + X„(f) (5.123)

(See Problem 5.44.)

5.4.2 Application of Poisson Processes—Analysis of Queues

Most of us have spent a considerable amount of time waiting for service at
checkout lines at supermarkets, banks, and airline counters. Arrival of customers
(who demand services) at these service locations is a random phenomenon that
can be modeled by a point process. The time it takes to serve a customer is also
a random quantity that can be modeled as a random variable. Several models
for arrival and service times have been developed and used to analyze average
queue lengths and the average time a customer has to wait for service. Such
models are used in analyzing time-shared computer and communication systems.
One of the most widely used model is the M /M /l* model.
In the M /M /l model, the arrival process is assumed to be a homogeneous
Poisson process with an arrival rate of X0. Customers wait in a queue for service,
and after they reach the top of the queue they depart from the line at a departure
rate of \d. It is assumed that the service time S has an exponential probability
density function

f s( s) = xrf e x p ( -X ds), s > 0

= 0 j < 0 (5.124)

Note that the average service time for a customer (after the customer reaches
the server) is

E{S} = f (5.125)

and the service times for different customers are assumed to be independent
random variables.
In the analysis of queues, one of the important quantities of interest is the
average number of customers waiting for service, that is, the average queue
length. This will be a function of the arrival (or “ birth” ) rate and the departure

"Queueing models are designated by three letters: A /R /S where the first letter denotes arrival
model (M for M arkov), the second letter denotes the service time distribution (M for M arkov), and
the last letter represents the number o f servers.

Poisson ^
arrival > 1 Server Departures X<f

Figure 5.14a M /M /l queue.

(or “ death” ) rate. We now find E { N } where N is the number of customers

waiting in a queue. (This analysis is similar to that given for the birth and death
process in Section 5.3.2.)
Because o f the Poisson assumptions involved, a simple way of analyzing the
queue is to focus on two successive time intervals t and t + At, At —> 0. With
reference to Figures 5.14a and 5.14b, suppose that there are n customers in the
queue at time t + At. With the Poisson arrival assumption, it is apparent that
the queue could have been at only one o f three states, n + 1, n, or n — 1, at
time t, At seconds prior. For in a Af-second interval no more than one customer
could have arrived and no more than one customer could have been served. If
we let p n(t) denote the probability that there are n customers in the queue at
time t, then we can derive the following relationship between p„(t) and p„(t + Ar).

p„{t + At) = p„(t) • P[0 arrivals and 0 departures or

1 arrival and 1 departure in (/, t + A/)]
+ p n+\(t) ’ P[0 arrivals and 1 departures in ( t, t + At)]
+ p„~i(t) ■ P[1 arrival and 0 departures in (t , t + At)]
= Pnit) ■ [(1 - K A f)(l - K At) + Ka At kd At]
+ P „^i(0 [l - K A t)\/ At]
+ P „ - M I K A/( 1 - K: A /)], n > 0 (5.126)

^ n+1


t t + At

Figure 5.146 Analysis of M/M/l queue.


1- \ aA t - \ dA t 1- \ aA t - \ dA t

Figure 5.14c State diagram of an M /M /l queue.

Subtractingp n(t) from both sides, dividing by At, and taking the limit as At —>
0 produces the derivative p'„{t). Now if we focus on the stationary behavior of
the queue after the queue has been operating for a while, we can assume that
p'n(t) = 0. Furthermore, if we assume that ka At and kd At are both « 1, then
as Af —> 0 we can ignore all terms involving At2 and rewrite Equation 5.126 as

( K + \d) p n = KdPn+l + K P n-U n > 1 (5.127)

Equation 5.126 is shown diagrammed in Figure 5.14c. Note that this defines a
continuous time Markov chain, and that

1 (5.128)

When n = 0, Equation 5.127 reduces to

Poka ~ ^dPl (5.129)

We can recursively solve for p u p 2, . . . , starting with

— P oP


< 1 (for a stable queue)


Substituting p x in Equation 5.127. we obtain p 2 as

• Pi = (P + 1) P i - Ppo = P2Po

Similarly, we can show that

P„ = P nP o

Finally, substituting p„ in Equation 5.128 we can solve for p 0 and show that

Pn = (1 - p)p" (5.130)

where p„ is the probability that there are n customers in the queue.

The average number of customers waiting in the queue can be obtained as

= X nPn

= (5.131)

Using the result given in Equation 5.131, it can be shown [11] that the average
waiting time W is

E { W] = Average queue length x average service time

per customer


Equations 5.131 and 5.132 are used extensively in the design of queueing systems.


Customers arrive at an airline ticketing counter at the rate of 30/hour. Assume

Poisson arrivals, exponential service-time distribution, and a single server queue
model (M|Mjl).
(a) If the average service time is 100 seconds, find the average waiting time
(before being served).
(b) If the waiting time is to be less than 3 minutes, what should be the
average service time?


(a) With = 30 and = 36, p = 30/36 and using Equation 5.132


(b) E { W } £ 3 requires

Or \rf a 44 departures per hour; thus a service time o f approximately

84 seconds is needed.

5.4.3 Shot Noise

Emission o f charged particles is a fundamental phenomenon that occurs in elec­
tronic systems. In lightwave communication systems, for example, the infor­
mation transmitted is represented by intensities of light and is detected by a.
photosensitive device in the receiver that produces current pulses in proportion
to the incident light. The current pulses result from photoelectrons emitted at
random times j k with an average rate \ proportional to the incident light energy.
The resulting waveform can be represented by a random process of the form

x{t) = 2 h{t - T*) (5.133)

fc= - «

where h(t) is the electrical pulse produced by a single photoelectron emitted at

t - 0 (see Figure 5.15). The emission times t* are assumed to form a Poisson
point process with a fixed rate \, and the Poisson process is assumed to be
continuous for all time, that is, T = ( — «=). Because X is constant and there
is no distinguishing origin of time, the process X(t) is stationary.
X{t) is called a shot noise process and has been used extensively to model
randomly fluctuating components of currents in electronic circuits containing
devices such as photodiodes and vacuum tubes. This process can also be used
to model phenomenon such as the background return (clutter) seen by radar.
Consider for example an airplane flying over a terrain and sending out radar
pulses. These pulses will be reflected by various objects in the terrain and the

Figure 5.15 Shot-noise process, (a) Single pulse. (b) Sample function of X(t).

radar receiver will receive a multitude of echoes of random amplitudes and

delays. The received signal can be modeled as a random process of the form

Y{t) = X A kh{t - t*) (5.134)

where h(t) is the shape of the reflected pulse, -rk is the time at which the £th
pulse reaches the receiver, and A k its amplitude which is independent o f t * . A k
and Aj, for j k, can be assumed to be independent and identically distributed
random variables with the probability density function f A(a).
We now derive the properties o f X(t) and Y (t). The derivation of the prob­
ability density functions o f X(t ) and Y (f) is in general a very difficult problem,
and we refer the interested reader to References [7] and [13] of Section 5.7.
Only the mean and autocorrelation function are derived here.

Mean and Autocorrelation of Shot Noise. Suppose we divide the time axis into
nonoverlapping intervals of length At, where At is so short that X At « 1. Let
Im be a random variable such that for all integer values of m

0 if no new pulse is emitted in m At < t < (m + 1) Af

1 if one new pulse is emitted in m At < t < (m + 1) At

Since X At « 1, we can neglect the probability of more than one new pulse in
any interval of tength At. Then, because of the Poisson assumption,

P ( I m = 0) = exp( —X At) « 1 - X At

P ( I m = 1) = X At e x p (-X At) « X At


E { I J = X At

E { I i } = X At

The process X(t ) can be approximated by A'(t), where

x (0 = E - tn At)
m =-»

This new process X(t) in which at most one new pulse can start in each interval
At approaches X (t ) as At —» 0, and we use X(t ) to derive the mean and auto­
correlation of X(t).
The mean of AT(f) is obtained as

E{ X( t )} - E{X( t )}

- S E { I m}h(t - m At)
m = —*

2) X At h{t — m At)

2) h(t - m At) At
_ m = —»

As At —> 0, the summation in the previous equation [which is the area under
h(t)] becomes an integral and we have

E { X( t) } = X h(u) du (5.135. a)

The autocorrelation function of X (t ) can be approximated the same way:

Rxxi h, h) = E { X ( t O X ( t 2)}
= E { X ( t x) X { t 2)} = R**(tu h)

Rxx(tu t2) = 2 2 E { I miIm2}h(ti - m, At)h{t2 - m2 At)

m j m2

Now, using independent increments

m} = X At,
E{I2 mx - m2 = m.
E { Im, L 2} =
£ { / mi} £ { / m;} = [X At]? m l ¥■ m2


R*x{t\, t2) - ^ X At h(tl - w At)h(t2 - m At)

+ 2 X At /i(ti — tfj] At) 2 X. At h(t2 — m2 At)

m, _rh2^rn(

and when At - » 0,

R x r(ti, t2) XJ h(tt v)h(t2 — v) dv + X J h(t — u) du

Since the process is stationary, the autocorrelation function can be written as

Rxx ( t) — X j h{u)h{i + u.) du + (5.135.b)

Equation 5.135.b is known as Cambell’s theorem. Recognizing the second term

in Equation 5.135.b as [ E{ X( t) } ] 2, we can write the autocovariance function of
X(t) as

Cxx('t) — X I h(u)h( t + u) du (5.135.C)

J — 30

Using the Fourier transform H ( f ) of h(r), we obtain

E { X ( t ) } = KH( 0) (5.136.a)


■ W / ) = [X^T(0)]2 S( / ) + X|//(/)|2 (5.136.b)

The reader can show that the process Y(t) given in Equation 5.134 has

£ { y ( t ) } = X £ {A } J ‘ 'h(u) du (5.137.a)




The pulses in a shot noise process are rectangles of height A k and duration T.
Assume-that >l*!s are independent and identically distributed with P [ A k = 1] =
1/2 and P [ A k = —1] = 1/2 and that the rate, X = 1/T. Find the mean, au­
tocorrelation, and the power spectral density o f the process.


= £ A kh(t - t*)

E {Y ( t ) } E { A k} J h(u) du

,= 0

The autocorrelation function is given by


and the power spectral density function has the form

Srr(f) =\ m m


H ( f ) = s in ( ir /r ) /i r /

The reader should note that both the autocorrelation function and the spectral
density function o f this shot noise process is the same as those of the random
binary waveform discussed in Section 3.4.4. These two examples illustrate that
even though the two processes have entirely different models in the time domain,
their frequency domain descriptions are identical. This is because the spectral
density function, which is the frequency domain description, and autocorrelation
function are average (second moment) descriptors and they do not uniquely
describe a random process.

5.4.4 Summary of Point Processes

Processes where the times (points) o f occurrences of events are o f primary
interest are called point processes. Such processes were defined by the times of
occurrence, waiting time, and the count (of the number of occurrences).
The Poisson process was introduced as an independent increments point
process, where the count was shown to be a Poisson random variable, and the
waiting time was shown to be an exponential random variable. The Poisson
process was applied to find the average queue length and the average waiting
time in a queue.
Finally, a model o f shot noise was developed using a Poisson process as a
model for emission times. The mean and autocorrelation function were found
and used in an example.


In this section we introduce the most common models of noise and of signals
used in analysis o f communication systems. Many random phenomena in physical
problems including noise are well approximated by Gaussian random processes.
By virtue o f the central limit theorem, a number of processes such as the Wiener
process as well as the shot-noise process can be approximated by a Gaussian

process. Furthermore, the output o f a linear system made up o f a weighted sum

of a large number of independent samples o f the input random process tends
to approach a Gaussian process. Gaussian processes play a central role in the
theory and analysis of random phenomena both because they are good approx­
imations to the observations and because multivariate Gaussian distributions are
analytically simple.
One o f the most important uses o f the Gaussian process is to model and
analyze the effects o f “ thermal” noise in electronic circuits used in communi­
cation systems. Individual circuits contain resistors, inductors, and capacitors as
well as semiconductor devices. The resistors and semiconductor elements contain
charged particles subjected to random motion due to thermal agitation. The
random motion of charged particles causes fluctuations in the current waveforms
(or information-bearing signals) that flow through these components. These,
fluctuations are called thermal noise and are often o f sufficient strength to mask
a weak signal and make the recognition of signals a difficult task. Models of
thermal noise are used to understand and minimize the effects of noise on signal
detection (or recognition).

5.5.1 Definition of a Gaussian Process

A real-valued random process X{t ) , t e T, is called a Gaussian process if all its
nth-order density functions are n-variate Gaussian. If we denote X(r,) by X h
then for any n

/* (* ) = [ W ^ I S x l 1'2] - 1 exp (x - H.x)r S x ‘ (x (5.138)


~xC •*i
X2 X ( t 2)
X = = X =

_Xn_ X(t„)_ Xn_

~ E { X { h)} H - x ( / i)
E {X ( t 2)}
P-X = :
E { X { t n)}_ _ F -x (0 _

' Cxx{tly r,) •••

2-x CXX(tj, 1/')

C x x iU : U) "■ C x x iC , tj) Cxx(t„, O



C x x ( t it tj) = E {X (t')X (tj)} - v A D P x U ,)

— R x x ( t i , tj) — Px(ti)v-x(tf)

The joint density function given in Equation 5.138 is a multivariate Gaussian

density function; its properties are given in Section 2.5.
If the process is WSS, then we have

E {X (t,)j = |xY


C x x ( li, tj) — R xxiV i tj\) p,Y

The nth-order distributions of a Gaussian process depend on the two functions

p.Y(f), and C x x ( t , t + t ) . When the process is WSS, then and C Xx ( t ,
t + t ) do not depend on t, which implies that

/x[*(<i), x ( t 2) , . . . , x { t n)\ = /x[*(*i + t), x ( t 2 F t) , . . . , x ( t n F t)]

That is, the process is strict-sense stationary. In this case p.Y(f) = p .* , C x x U ,

t F t ) = C x x { t ) , and R x x { t , t F t ) = R x x { t ) .

5.5.2 Models of White and Band-limited White Noise

Thermal noise generated in resistors and semiconductors is modeled as a zero-
mean, stationary Gaussian random process N ( t ) with a power spectral density
that is flat over a very wide range of frequencies. Such a process is called white
( Gaussian) noise in analogy to white light, whose spectral density is broad and
uniform over a wide frequency range. The power spectral density o f thermal
noise has been shown to have the value kTI2 Joules, where k is Boltzman’s
constant (1.38 x 10~23 Joules/°Kelvin) and T is the equivalent temperature in
“Kelvin of the noise source.
It is customary to denote the uniform spectral density of white noise by
q /2 , (or NJ2).

S nn( D — 2 (5 . 139)

Note that the spectral density given Equation 5.139 yields

A , v ,v ( t ) = ^ S ( t ) (5.140)

which implies that N(t) and N(t + x) are independent for any value o f x t4 0,
The spectral density given in Equation 5.139 is not physically realizable since
it implies infinite average power, that is

J S,w (f)

However, since the bandwidths of real systems are always finite, and since

S.w (f) df = t)B < *


for any finite bandwidth B , the spectral density given in Equation 5.139 can be
used over finite bandwidths.
Noise having a nonzero and constant spectral density over a finite frequency
band and zero elsewhere is called band-limited white noise. Figure 5.16 shows
such a spectrum where

l/l < B
0 elsewhere

The reader can verify that this process has the following properties:

1. E{N-{t)) = T,5
sin 2trfix
2. « W (T) = T,5 2^ 5 t

3. N(t) and N(t + k~a), where k is an integer (nonzero) and x(

are independent.

It should be pointed out here that terms “ white” and “ band-limited white”
refer to the spectral shape of the process. These terms by themselves do not
imply that the distributions associated with X(t ) are Gaussian. A process that
is not a Gaussian process may also have a flat, that is, white, power spectral


- B O B


For random sequences, white noise N(k) is a stationary sequence that has
a mean of zero and

E{N( n) N( m) } = 0, n ^ m
= o’y, n = m

If it is a stationary (zero-mean) Gaussian white noise sequence, then N(n) is


f S(n)(x ) nr- CXp( X“!2(T,v)

V ZTT a v


<t,v. n = 0
0, n A0

and thus

Sss(f) = cr.V.

5.5.3 Response of Linear Time Invariant Systems to White Gaussian Noise

The response of an LTIV system driven by a random process was derived in
Chapter 4. If the input is a zero-mean, white Gaussian process N(t), then the
output process Y ( t ) has the following properties:

1. E{Y(f)} = ^ nH ( 0) = 0 (5.140.a)

2. R ) =
yy{ t R nn( t) * K T) * h(-T) = j 8(t) * h ( t) * h { - t) (5.140.b)

3. Syy(f) = W /) | H ( /) | 2 = \ \H{f)\2 (5.140.C)

In Equations 5.140.a-c, h(t) and H ( f ) are the impulse response and transfer
function of the system, respectively.
Since the convolution integral given by

Y(t) = h(t - a) N( a) da

is a linear operation on the Gaussian process N(t), the output Y(t) will have
Gaussian densities and hence is a Gaussian process.

5.5.4 Quadrature Representation of Bandpass (Gaussian) Signals

In communication systems, information-bearing signals often have the form

X{t ) = R x (t)cos[2Trf0t + 0 *(O ] (5.141.3)

where X(t) is a bandpass signal; R x (t) and Qx(t) are lowpass signals. Rx (t) is
called the envelope of the bandpass signal X(t), Ox(t) is the phase, and /„ is
the carrier or center frequency. X ( t ) can also be expressed as

X (t ) = Rx (t)cos 0 *(f)co s 2ir/of - /?*(f)sin 0 A.(r)sin 2'rr/0f

= X c(t)cos 2ttf 0t - ^ (t)s in 2ttf 0t (5.141 .b)

X c(t) = Rx (t)cos 0 r (f) and X^t ) = /?A-(t)sin d x(t) are called the quadrature
components of X(t).
If the noise in the communication system is additive, then the receiver ob­
serves and processes X(t ) + N(t) and attempts to extract X(t). In order to
analyze the performance of the receiver, it is useful to derive a time domain

representation o f N(t) in envelope and phase, or in quadrature form. We now

show that any arbitrary bandpass stationary process N(t) with zero mean can
be expressed in quadrature (and in envelope and phase) form.
We start with the quadrature representation of a stationary, zero-mean

= Nc(t)cos 2iT/0r - iVs(r)sin 2irf 0t (5.142)

where iVc(/) and Ns(t) are two jointly stationary random processes. We now
attempt to find the properties of Nc(t) and Ns(t) such that the quadrature rep­
resentation yields zero mean of N(t) and the correct autocorrelation function
/ ? m v ( t ) (and hence the correct psd).

Taking the expected value on both sides o f Equation 5.142, we have

£ {N (t)} = E { N c(t)}cos 2ir/0r - E jA ^r^sin 2ttf ct

Since E{N(t)} = 0 for all t, the preceding equation requires that

£ {N c(0 ) = E { N s(t)} = 0 (5.143)

Also, using Equation 5.142 and starting with

N(t ) N( t + t) = [iVc(r)cos 2-n-f0t - iV,.(r)sin 2-7r/ar]

• [Wc(r + t)cos 2ir/0(r + T) - N s(t + x)sin 2-n-f0(t + t)]

we can show that

2E{N(t)N(t + t)} = [f?^ .(T ) + ^ W

jA/j(t)] cos 2tt/ 0t

+ - .R ^ C O js in 2 tt / 0t

+ [^ « c,v c( t ) - « ^ Nj ( t ) ] cos 2irf0(2t + t )

- [ ^ w/ t) + E ^ M J s in 2-ir/0(2t + t)

Since N(t) is stationary, the left-hand side of the preceding equation does not
depend on t. For the right-hand side to be independent of t, it is required that

R ncNc( t ) — (5.144)


R ncNs(J) ~ R nsNc(T) (5.145)


^.v.v(t) = E ^ £(t)cos 2tt/ 0t + ENj^(T)sin 2tt/ 0t (5.146)

Now, in order to find the relationship between R NcNf r ) , R NsNf ' r), and R NN( t),
we introduce the Hilbert transform N { t ) , where

rt(0 = - [ da = N(t) * — (5.147)

tt / - a -nt v '

and the corresponding analytic signal

N A(t ) = N ( t ) + j N ( t ) (5.148)

The reader can show that

1. N(t) is obtained from N(t) by passing N(t) through an LTIV system

(called a quadrature filter) with H { f ) = -/> / > o
+y. /< o
2. R nn{ t ) = R nn( t ) (5.149.a)
3 . 7?A', v ( t ) = - U * ( t ) (5.149.b)
4. R NaNa( t ) = 2 [ E iW ( t ) + jR ^ N( t ) ] (5.149.C)
- jS NN(f) , /> 0
5. -S\. s(/l (5.149.d)
/< o

Using iV(t) and iV(r), we can form the processes N c(t) and N s(t) as

N c(t ) = R e { N A( t ) e x p ( - j 2 v f 0t)}
= N ( t )cos 2ttf 0t + N ( t )sin 2-rrf 0t (5.150.a)


N s(t) = Im{N/1(r)ex p (-/2 T r/00 }

= N ( t )cos 2ir/0r - N(t)sin 2-n/„t (5.150.b)

(Multiplying Equation 5.150.a by cos 2-n-f0t and subtracting Equation 5.150.b

multiplied by sin 2-n-/0f will show these processes are the same as Nc and Ns as
defined in Equation 5.142.)
Starting with Equation 5.150.a and talcing E{Nc(t)Nc(t + t)}, we can show

R ncnc( t) = ^,V;V( t) cos 2tt/„ t + /?;v,v(T)sin 2tt/ 0t (5.151)

and inserting Equation 5.146 in Equation 5.151, we obtain

R vsvc( t) = -/?,v,v(T)sin 27t/ 0t + /?,v,v( t) cos 27r/„T (5.152)

Finally, combining Equations 5.149.C, 5.151, and 5.152, we have

R ncnc(t ) = | R e[K *„^ (T )exp(-y2ir/0T)] (5.153.a)


R nsnc( t) = ^ I m [ ^ ^ ( T ) e x p (- y 2 ir /0T)] (5.153.b)

In the frequency domain, the power spectral density o f the analytic signal
NA(t) can be obtained by taking the Fourier transform of Equation 5.149.C as

R N ANA( f ) = 2[5iV;V(/) + y'5,v,v(/)]

Substituting Equation 5.149.d in the previous equation, we can show that

SNaNaV ) = 4 Sm ( f ) U ( f ) (5.154)

where U(f) is the unit step function, that is

1, /> 0
U{f) =
0 / —o

Substituting Equation 5.154 in the transform o f Equation 5.153 we obtain the

following relationship between the power spectral density of N(t), which is

W /)

-B 0 B

S x w i-f + f o ) U (~ f+ f o )

Figure 5.17 Quadrature representation of a bandpass process.

assumed to be known, and the power spectral densities o f the quadrature com­
ponents o f Nc(t) and Ns(t).

S N cN c( f ) ~ ^ N sNs( f )

= W / + /o) U ( / + /o) + Sm ( - f + / „ ) [ / ( - / + /„) (5.155.3)



/W /) = S™ ( f + M W + /o) - Sm ( - f + + /o) (5.155.b)

An example o f the relationship between the spectra is shown in Figure

5.17. We note that if the positive part o f SNN( f) is symmetrical a b o u t/,, then
S,vjv.(./) = 0. In this case, Nc{t) and Ns(t) are uncorrelated.
Summarizing, a zero-mean stationary bandpass random process can be rep­
resented in quadrature form. The quadrature components are themselves zero
mean stationary lowpass random processes whose spectral densities are related
to the spectral density o f the parent process as given in Equation 5.155. In
general, the quadrature representation is not unique since we have specified
only the mean and the spectral density functions of Nc(t) and Ns(t).
Although we have not derived the distribution functions o f the quadrature
components, it is easy to show that for the Gaussian case, if N(t) is Gaussian
then Nc(t) and Ns(t) are also Gaussian.
Given the representation in quadrature form

N(t) ~ Nc(t)cos l-rify - N,(t)sin 2tt/ 0/

we can convert it easily to envelope and phase form as

N(t) = R N(t)cos[2Trf0t + 0 „(O ]


R n( t) = V N] (t ) + NKO (5.156)


0 N{t) = tan"1 (5.157)

Nc( 0i

It is left as an exercise for the reader to show that the envelope RNo f a bandpass
Gaussian process has a Rayleigh pdf and the phase 0 Whas a uniform pdf.

5.5.5 Effects of Noise in Analog Communication Systems

Successful electrical communication depends on how accurately the receiver in
a communication system can determine the transmitted signal. Perfect signal

A- /T-

Figure 5.18a Power spectral densities for Example 5.10.

extraction at the receiver might be possible in the absence of “ noise” and other
contaminations. But thermal noise is always present in electrical systems, and
it usually corrupts the desired signal in an additive fashion. While thermal noise
is present in all parts o f a communication system, its effects are most damaging
at the input to the receiver, because it is at this point in the system that the
information-bearing signal is the weakest. Any attempt to increase signal power
by amplification will increase the noise power also. Thus, the additive noise at
the receiver input will have a considerable amount of influence on the quality
of the output signal.

EXA M PLE 5.10.

The signal in a communication system is a deterministic “ tone” of the form

s(r) = A cos(2 ttf 0t) where A and / 0 are constants. The signal is corrupted by addi­
tive band-limited white Gaussian noise with the spectral density shown in
Figure 5.18. Using the quadrature representation for noise, analyze the effect of
noise on the amplitude and phase of s(t) assuming A 2I2 » E{N2(t)}

2 2
Figure 5.18b Spectral density of the quadrature components.

Figure 5.18c Phasor diagram for Example 5.10.

SOLUTION: The signal plus noise can be expressed as

s(t) + N(t) = A cos 2ttf 0t + Nc(t) cos 2Tr/0t — A^(r)sin 2irf 0t

Using the relationship shown in the phasor diagram (Figure 5.18c), we can
express s(t) + N(t) as

s(t) + N(t) = V[A + Nc(t)]2 + [^ (r)]2

We are given that ^42/2 > > E{N2(t)}, which implies

E{N%t)} = E{N%t)} « j

Hence we can use the approximations (see Figure 5.18c) A + Nc(t) = A, and
tan-1 0 = 0 when 0 « 1 and rewrite s(t) + N(t) as

s(t) + N(t) = ,4[1 + ^ w(r)]cos[2TT/0r + 0 „(r)]



are the noise-induced perturbations in the amplitude and phase of the signal
•s(0- The mean and variance o f these perturbations can be computed as

E {N M
E { A N{t)}

var{v4,v(7)} ~ var{/Vc(r)}



E { e N(t)} = o

var{0N(t)} =

Receiver Design— Analog Communication Systems. A simple model for an­

alog communication systems is shown in Figure 5.19. Here, the information­
bearing signal is modeled as a continuous-time random process S(t), which passes
through a communication channel with a transfer function Hc(f). Band-limited
thermal noise enters the receiver with the received signal X(t), and the receiver,
which is modeled as an LTIV system with a transfer function HR( f ) , produces
an estimate S(t) o f S(t) as shown in Figure 5.20.
To analyze the effects of noise, let us use a simpler model of an analog
communication system in which, the channel is assumed to be ideal except for
the additive noise (Figure 5.196). Now, the input to the receiver is

Y(t) = 5 (/) + N(t)

Signal Communication X lt) YU)

channel Receiver A
Sit) ) > SU )
n Rin

N it)
Figure 5.19a Model of an analog communication system.

S (t)

N (t)

Figure 5.196 Simplified model.

and the receiver output is given by

S(t) = Y(t) * hR(t)

where hR(t) is the impulse response of the receiver and * denotes convolution.
The receiver transfer function is chosen such that S(t) is a “ good” estimate of

sut+m t)

Figure 5.20 Example of signal extraction.


In analog communication systems the mean squared error (MSE)

MSE = E{[S(t) - S(t)]2}

can be used to judge the effectiveness of the receiver. The receiver output can
be written as

S(t) = 5(f) + D{t) + N0(t)

where D{t) is the signal distortion given by

D{t) = S{t) * [hR{t) - 1]

and N0(t) is the output noise

N0(t) = N(t) * hR(t)

Optimum receiver design consists of choosing hR(t) or HR( f ) so that the

MSE is minimized. In general, this minimization is a difficult task, and we present
optimal solutions in Chapter 7. Here, we illustrate a simpler suboptimal approach
in which a functional form for H R( f) is assumed and the parameters of the
assumed transfer function are chosen to minimize the MSE.


Given that 5(f) and N(t) are two independent stationary random processes with

Sss(f) and SNN( f ) = 1
(2i t / ) 2 + 1

(as shown in Figure 5.21.a), find the best first-order lowpass filter that produces
a minimum MSE estimator of 5(f) from 5 (f) + N(t), i.e., find the time constant
T of the filter H R( f) = 1/(1 + f lv f T) .

SOLUTION: Using Figure 5.216, we can show that the MSE is given by

MSE = E{[S(t) - S(f)]2} = E{e\t)} = Ree(0)


(a )

Figure 5.21 Filtering signal and noise: Example 5.11.


Ree(T) = E{[Y2{t) - r , ( 0 ] [ r 2(t + T) - y,(f + t)]}

= R y2Y2( t ) - R y,Y2( t ) - R y , y 2( - T ) + R YlY , ( t )

Using the results given in Section 4.3.5, we find

R y ^ it) = [/? s s ( t ) + /? w ( t ) J * hR(t) * hR( - j )

R y, y2(t ) = *J ir( - t)

^ r , r 2( - T ) = R ss ( t ) * / / r ( t )

R y2Y2( t ) = R ss{t)

and transforming to the frequency domain, we have

S M ) = [1 - / / « ( / ) ] [ ! - H*R(f)]Sss(f) + H R(f)H*R( f) Sm ( f)


MSE = E{e2(t)} = Ree( 0)

= f “ See{ f ) d f
J— so

Substituting the form of H R( f ) and using the integration technique given in

Section 4.3.4, we obtain

T J_
1 + T + 2T

The MSE can be minimized with respect to T by setting


The value o f T that minimizes the MSE is

(V 2 - 1)

and minimum value o f the MSE is equal to 0.914.

In some communication systems, it might be possible to introduce a filter at

the transmitting end as well as at the receiving end (Figure 5.22). With two
filters, called the transmitting (or preemphasis) filter and the receiving (or deem-

Noise Nit)

Preemphasis Channel: Deemphasis

filter: Hp( P Hdf) filter: H J f )

Figure 5.22 Preemphasis/deemphasis filtering. Note that Hp(f) Hc{f)Hd(f) = 1, and

5(r) = 5(0 + N0(t).

phasis) filter, both signal distortion and output noise can be minimized. Indeed
we can choose Hp( f ) and Hd( f ) such that the mean squared error

MSE = £{[5 - 5(f)]2}

is minimized subjected to the constraint that

Hp( f ) H c( f ) H d( f ) = 1 (5.158)

Equation 5.158 guarantees that the output can be written as

5(f) = 5(f) + JV0(f)

and minimizing the MSE is equivalent to minimizing £{fVo(f)}, where N0(t) is

the output noise or maximizing the signal-to-noise power ratio (S/N)0 at the
receiver output, where (S/N)0 is defined as


This design is extensively used in audio systems (for example, in commercial

FM broadcasting), and audio recording (Dolby type noise-reduction systems).
The interested reader is referred to Reference [14] for design details.

5.5.6 Noise in Digital Communication Systems

In binary digital communication systems (Figure 5.23), the transmitted infor­
mation is a random sequence Dk where the A:th transmitted symbol Dk takes on
one of two values (for example 0 or 1). The random sequence Dkis first converted
to a random process 5(f) using a transformation called modulation and 5(f) is
transmitted over the communication channel. The, receiver processes the re­
ceived signal plus noise and produces an estimate Dk of Dk. Because o f noise,


{Dt } lbk}

Figure 5.23 Model of a digital communication system.


the receiver occasionally makes an error in determining the transmitted symbol.

The end-to-end performance of the digital communication system is measured
by the probability o f error Pe

Pe = P{ Dk ^ Dk)

and the receiver structure and parameters are chosen to minimize Pe. Analysis
o f the effects of noise on the performance of digital communication systems and
the optimal designs for the receivers are treated in detail in the following chapter.

5.5.7 Summary o f Noise Models

This section introduced models o f noise and signals that are commonly used in
communication systems. First, Gaussian processes were described because o f
their general use and their use to model thermal noise. Next, white and band-
limited white noise were defined for continuous processes, and white noise was
defined for sequences. The response of LTIV systems to white noise was also
given. Narrowband signals were modeled using the quadrature representation
by introducing Hilbert transforms. Such a representation was used to analyze
the effect of noise on the amplitude and phase o f a narrowband signal plus noise.
The design of a receiver, that is, filter, to “ separate” the signal from the
noise was introduced when the form of the filter is fixed. This idea is expanded
in Chapter 7. Similarly, receiver design for digital systems was introduced and
will be expanded in Chapter 6.

This chapter presented four special classes of random processes. First, auto­
regressive moving average models were presented. Such models of random
processes are very useful when a model o f a random process is to be esti­
mated from data. The primary purpose o f this section was to familiarize the
reader with such models and their characteristics.

Second, Markov models were presented. Such models are often used in ana­
lyzing a variety of electrical engineering problems including queueing, filter­
ing, reliability, and communication channels. The emphasis in this chapter
was placed on finding multistage transition probabilities, probabilities of each
state being occupied at various points in time, and on steady-state probabili­
ties for Markov chains.

Third, point processes were introduced, and the Poisson process was empha-

sized. Applications to queueing and to modeling shot noise were suggested.

The time o f occurrence, time between occurrences, and number of occur­
rences were all suggested as possible events of interest. Probabilities of these
events were the primary focus of the analysis.

Finally, models o f noise and signals that are usually employed in analysis of
communication systems were introduced. In particular, Gaussian white noise
and bandlimited white noise models were introduced. The quadrature model
o f narrowband noise was also introduced. Analog communication system de­
sign was illustrated using an example o f minimizing the mean-square error.


R e f e r e n c e s a r e lis t e d a c c o r d i n g t o th e t o p ic s d is c u s s e d in this c h a p t e r .

Discrete Linear Models

R e f e r e n c e [2 ] is th e m o s t w id e ly u s e d f o r A R M A p r o c e s s e s . In f a c t , t h e s e p r o c e s s e s a re
o f t e n c a lle d B o x - J e n k i n s m o d e l s .

[1 ] O . D . A n derson , Time Series Analysis and Forecasting, The Box-Jenkins A p ­

proach, B u t t e r w o r t h , B o s t o n , 1976.

[2 ] G . E . P. B o x a n d G . M . J e n k in s , Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control,

H o ld e n -D a y , San F ra n c is c o , 1976.

[3 ] W . A . F u lle r , Introduction to Statistical Time Series, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k ,


[4 ] G . M . J e n k in s a n d D . G . W a tt s , Spectral Analysis and Its Applications, H o ld e n -

D a y , S a n F r a n c is c o , 1968.

Markov Chains and Processes

[5 ] R . B illin g t o n a n d R . A l l e n , Reliability Evaluation o f Engineering Systems: Concepts
and Techniques, P it m a n , L o n d o n , 19 83.

[6 ] D . Isa a cson a n d R . M a d s e n , Markov Chains Theory and Applications, J o h n W ile y

& S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1976.

[7 ] H . L a r s o n a n d A . S h u b e r t , Probabilistic Models in Engineering Sciences, V o l . I I ,

Random Noise Signals and Dynamic Systems, J o h n W il e y & S o n s . N e w Y o r k , 1 9 7 9 .
[8 ] R . M a r k la n d , Topics in Management Science, J o h n W il e y & S o n s . N e w Y o r k , 1 9 7 9 .

[9 ] E . P arzen , Stochastic Processes, H o l d e n - D a y , S an F r a n c is c o , 1962.

[1 0 ] K . T r i v e d i , Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queueing and Computer Sci­

ence Applications, P r e n t i c e -H a l l , E n g l e w o o d C liffs , N .J ., 1982.
Point Processes
[1 1 ] L . K lie n r o c k , Queueing Systems, V o l s . I a n d I I , J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k ,
19 7 5 .

[1 2 ] D . S n yd er, Random Point Processes, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 19 7 5 .


Gaussian Processes
[1 3 ] A . P a p o u lis , Probabilityr Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, M cG ra w -
H ill, N e w Y o r k , 1984.

[1 4 ] K . S. S h a n m u gan , Digital and Analog Communication Systems, J o h n W ile y &

S on s, N e w Y o r k , 1979.


5.1 Convert Equation 5.1 to a state model of the form

X (n ) = <J>X(n - 1) + E(n)

That is, find <l>.

5.2 Find the Z transform o f Equation 5.1, and the Z transform H z (z) o f the
digital filter shown in Figure 5.1. Assume that e(n) and X(n) are nonzero
only for n > 0, and that their Z transforms exist.

5.3 X(n) = (1/2)X( n - 1) + e(n), n = 0, 1, . . . , where e(n) is stationary

white Gaussian noise with zero mean and <j 2 n= 1. W(0) is a Gaussian
random variable, which is independent o f e(n), n s l . Find the mean and
variance o f Y (0) in order for the process to be stationary.

5.4 Refer to Problem 5.3, and assume stationarity. Find, for the sequence
X(tt), (a) \lx , (b) cry, (c) Rxx(k), (d) rxx(k), (e) Sxx( f).

5.5 Find the spectral density function of a random sequence that has the
autocorrelation function $7a<j 2
x , m z 0 by using the Fourier transform;
that is, show that

Sxx(f) = + 2 X oi4>f,,cos 2 ttk f , |/[ < ^

*=l Z

5.6 With cry = 1, plot Sxx( f ) for (a) 4>u = -8; (b) <t>u = ~-9.

5.7 Show that Equations 5.20.a and 5.20.b are possible solutions to Equation

5.8 Rxx{m) = A Rxx{m - 1) - .2Rxx(m - 2). Find Rxx(m) and rxx(m).

5.9 Rxx(tn) = 2Rxx(m - 1) - Rxx(m - 2). Find Rxx(m) and rxx(m) if


5.10 Show that if the inequalities following Equation 5.27 are true, then crx as
defined by Equation 5.27 will be positive. Is the converse true?

5.11 Find Sxx( f ) for Problem 5.8. Plot Sxx(f).


5.12 For the second-order autoregressive process, show that

1 - rxx(2) rxx(2) ~ r2xx(X)

4 * 2 ,1 rxx{ 1) 4 * 2 ,2
1 - rL r(l)’ 1 - r\x {1)

5.13 X{n) is a second-order autoregressive process with rxx(\) = .5, rxx(2) =

.1. Find (a) the parameters 4*2,1 and 4*2,2! (b) rxx(m), m s 2.

5.14 For a second-order autoregressive model with one repeated root of the
characteristic equation, find (a) the relationship between 4>2,i and ct>2,2; (b)
bx and b2 in the equation rxx(m) = blKm + b2m\m

5.15 Given that rxx{ 1) = f, rxx(2) = i, and rxx{3) = i, find the third-order
autoregressive model for X(n).

5.16 If (j)3 i = cj)32 = 0, 4>33 = —i in a third-order autoregressive model,

find Sxx( f).

5.17 For cj>2ii = .5, § 2,i - ■06 find Sxx(f) by the two methods given for second-
order autoregressive models.

5.18 Assume a second-order autoregressive process and show that 4*3,3 = 0.

5.19 For a third-order autoregressive process, find 4*1,1 , 4*2,2. 4*3,3. an<i 4*4,4-

5.20 Show that a first-order autoregressive model is equivalent to an infinite

moving average model.

5.21 AT(n) = 0.8e(n - 1) + e(n) where e(n) is white noise with <j 2n= 1 and
zero mean. Find (a) p.*, (b) a 2
x , (c) rxx(m), (d) SXX(J), (e) 4>,.,.

5.22 Show that Equation 5.42 is correct for A: = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

5.23 Verify Equation 5.43 by using

Sxx(f) = |W(/)|2^ ( / )
H ( f ) = 6 u e x p ( - j/'2TT/) + 1

5.24 For the gth order moving-average model, find (a) rxx(m) and (b) the Z
transform of Rxx{m).

5.25 Find the first three partial autocorrelation coefficients o f the A R M A

(1, 1) model.

5.26 Find RXx(k), rxx{k), and Sxx( j ) o f the following model:

X(n) = J X (n - 1) + .2e(n - 1) + e(n)

5.27 Find the Z transform of an A R M A (2, 3) model.

5.28 Find the digital filter diagram and the state model o f an A R M A (3, 1)

5.29 Describe the random walk introduced in Section 3.4.2 by a Markov proc­
ess. Is it a chain? Is it homogeneous? What is p(0)? What is P (l)?

5.30 A binary symmetric communication system consists of five tandem links;

in the ith link the error probability is <?,. Let A (0) denote the transmitted
bit, X(i) denote the output of the ith link and X (5) denote the received
bit. The sequence W (l), X (2 ) , . . . , X(5) then can be modeled as a discrete
parameter Markov chain. Show the ith transition matrix, i = 1, . . . , 5.
Is the chain homogeneous? Find P(0, 5).

5.31 Let X(n) denote the number o f messages waiting to be transmitted in a

buffer at time n. Assume that the time required for transmission is one
second for each message. Thus, if no new messages arrive in one second
and if X(n) > 0, then

X(n + 1) = X(n) - 1

Now consider that the message arrival rate is specified by U(n). If

P[U(n) = 0] = P[U(n) = 1] = P[U(n) = 2] = 4 for all n, describe P (l).
If W(0) = 1, find p (l) and p(2).

5.32 A communication source can generate one of three possible messages, 1,

2, and 3. Assume that the generation can be described by a homogeneous
Markov chain with the following transition probability matrix:

Current Next
Message Message
1 2 3

1 .5 .3 .2
2 .4 .2 .4
3 .3 .3 .4

and that p r(0) = [.3 .3 .4]. Draw the state diagram. Find p(4).

5.33 A two-state nonhomogeneous Markov process has the following one-

step transition probability matrix:

Pin - 1, n)

Find P(0, 2) and P(2, 4)

5.34 Assume that the weather in a certain location can be modeled as the
homogeneous Markov chain whose transition probability matrix is

Today's Tomorrow's
Weather Weather
Fair Cloudy Rain
Fair .8 .15 .05
Cloudy .5 .3 .2
Rain .6 .3 .1

If pr(0) = [.7 .2 .1], find p(l), p(2), p(4), lim _ p(«).

5.35 A certain communication system is used once a day. At the time o f use
it is either operative G or inoperative B. If it is found to be inoperative,
it is repaired. Assume that the operational state o f the system can be
described by a homogeneous Markov chain that has the following transition
probability matrix:

l - q q 1
r 1 - r\
Find P(2), P(4), lim„_«, P(n). If p r(0) = [a, 1 — a\, find p(n).

5.36 For a continuous-time homogeneous Markov chain, show that Equation

5.85 is true.

5.37 Starting with

lim Pk/(e) = \kJe, k^j


= 1 + \jjz, k ~ j
Show that as t approaches t , t< t

P ,.y (T ) = 2 p i.k(‘ )K.i(T ~ t) + Pi At)



p '( 0 = P (0 *
which has the solution

P (0 = p(0)exp(Xf)

5.38 For the two-state continuous-time Markov chain using the notation of
Example 5.7, find the probability o f being in each state, given that the
system started at time = 0 in the inoperative state.

5.39 For Example 5.7, find the average time in each state if the process is in
steady state and operates for T seconds.

5.40 For Example 5.7, what should pi(0) be in order for the process to be

5.41 The clock in a digital system emits a regular stream of pulses at the rate
o f one pulse per second. The clock is turned on at t - 0, and the first
pulse appears after a random delay D whose density is
f D{d) = 2 ( 1 - d), 0 < d. < 1

Describe the point process generated by the times o f occurrences o f the

clock pulses. Verify whether the assumptions stated on page 297 are sat­

5.42 Suppose the sequence of clock pulses is subjected to “ random jitter” so

that each pulse after the first one is advanced or retarded in time. Assume
that the displacement o f each pulse from its jitter-free location is uniformly
distributed in the interval ( - 0 . 1 , 0.1) independently for each pulse. De­
scribe the ensemble of the resulting point process and find its probability

5.43 Derive Equations 5.110 and 5.111.

5.44 (a) Show that the sum of two Poisson processes results in a Poisson process,
(b) Extend the proof to n processes by induction.

5.45 Assume that a circuit has an IC whose time to failure is an exponentially

distributed random variable with expected lifetime o f three months. If
there are 10 spare ICs and time from failure to replacement is zero, what
is the probability that the circuit can be kept operational for at least one

5.46 Assume that an office switchboard has five telephone lines and that starting
at 8 . M . on Monday, the time that a call arrives on each line is an

exponential random variable with parameter A.. Also assume that calls

arrive independently on the lines and show that the time of arrival of the
first call (irrespective of which line it arrives on) is exponential with pa­
rameter 5\.

5.47 Consider a point process on T = ( - 00, =°) such that for any 0 < t <

P[X (t) = k] = e x p ( - a t ) [ l — e x p ( -a t )] \ k = 0, 1, 2, . . .

where a > 0 is a constant. Find p,x (0 and the “ intensity function” of the
process \(f), where \(t) is defined as

= > 0

5.48 Jobs arrive at a computing facility at an average rate of 50 jobs per hour.
The arrival distribution is Poisson. The time it takes to process a job is a
random variable with an exponential distribution with a mean processing
time o f 1 minute per job.
a. Find the mean delay between the time a job arrives and the time
it is finished.
b. If the processing capacity is doubled, what is the mean delay in
processing a job?
c. If both the arrival rate and the processing capacity increase by a
factor o f 2 , what is the mean delay in processing a job?

5.49 Passengers arrive at a terminal for boarding the next bus. The times of
their arrival are Poisson with an average arrival rate of two per minute.
The times of departure of each bus are Poisson with an average departure
rate of four per hour. Assume that the capacity of the bus is large.

a. Find the average number o f passengers in each bus.

b. Find the average number o f passengers in the first bus that leaves
after 9 a .m .

5.50 A random process’ Y(t) starts at the value Y(0) = 1 at time t = 0. At

random times t 1; t 2 , . . . , t „ , . . . thereafter the process changes sign and
takes on alternating values of +1 or — L. Assuming the switching times
constitute a Poisson point process with rate find E{Y(t)} and CYY
(ft, A). [ Y(t) is called the random telegraph waveform.]

5.51 The individual pulses in a shot-noise process

x{t) = :> > (< - t*)


are rectangular
1, O< t < T
MO 0 elsewhere
Find P[X(t) = k}.

5.52 Verify the properties of band-limited white Gaussian noise (Page 315).

5.53 Verify Equations 5.149.a through 5.149.d.

5.54 N(t) is a zero-mean stationary Gaussian random process with the power
spectral density

c / n _ { 10~n for |/ - 10 7i < 106

mU) | o elsewhere

Find P{\N(t)\ > 5(10- 3)}-

5.55 Let RN(t) and 0N(Obe the envelope and phase o f N(t) described in Prob­
lem 5.54.
a. Find the joint pdf of R„, and 0 N.
b. Find the marginal pdfs of RN and QN.
c. Show that RN and 0 N are independent.

5.56 Let Z(t) = A cos(2irf ct) + N(t) where A and f c are constants, and N(t)
is a zero-mean stationary Gaussian random process with a bandpass psd
^v,v(/) centered at f c. Rewrite Z(t) as

Z(r) = R(t)cos[2-n f ct + 0 (0 ]

a. Find the joint pdf of R and 0 .

b. Find the marginal pdf of R.
c. Are 0 and R independent?

5.57 Let Y(l) = A cos(2Tr/cf + 0 ) + NU) where A is a constant and 0 is a

random variable with a uniform distribution in the interval [ — -t t , i t ] . N(t)
is a band-limited Gaussian white noise with a power spectral density

9 rn = f V 2 for |/ - / c| < B, fc> B

n n ( j ) | q elsewhere

Find and sketch the power spectral density function of F(f). [Assume that
N(t) and 0 are independent.]

5.58 The spectral density o f a narrowband Gaussian process N(t) is shown in

Figure 5.24. Find the following spectral densities associated with the quad­
rature representation o f N(t) using /„ = 106 Hz: (a) SKK( f ) and (b)
• W /).

5.59 X (t ) is a zero-mean lowpass process with a bandwidth o f B Hertz. Show


a. Rxx{0) - R xx(t) ^ IR xx(0)(2 v B t)2

b. E {[X(t + T) - A'(r)]2} < [iTTBifEiX1^)}

5.60 Consider a narrowband process

X (t) = X c(t)cos 2-nfct + A'J(r)sin 2irf ct

where X c(t) and A'j(r) are stationary, uncorrelated, lowpass processes with

g(/)> |/| < B, B < f c

Sx,x .U ) = Sx, x ,( f ) = 0 l/l > B

a. Show that Sxx( f ) = — ----- ^ | 8^ + ^

b. Show that the envelope R(t) o f X(t) satisfies

+ t) - « ( t ) ] 2} < (2TrBT)2E {R2(t)}

(which implies that the envelope varies slowly with a time constant of the
order o f 1 IB).

5.61 Show that if the process X (t) is bandlimited to B Hz, then

RXx(t) — Rxx(0) cos |t | < —

5.62 X (t) is zero-mean Gaussian process with

Rxx{ t ) = exp(-a|T|)
Show that 2f(r) is Markov.

Signal Detection


In Chapters 3 and 5 we developed random process models for signals and noise.
We are now ready to use these models to derive optimum signal processing
algorithms for extracting information contained in signals that are mixed with
noise. These algorithms may be used, for example, to determine the sequence
of binary digits transmitted over a noisy communication channel, to detect the
presence and estimate the location of objects in space using radars, or to filter
a noisy audio waveform.
There are two classes o f information-extraction algorithms that are consid­
ered in this book: (1) signal detection and (2) signal estimation. Examples of
signal detection and signal estimation are shown in Figure 6.1a and 6.16. In
signal detection (Figure 6.1a), the “ receiver” observes a waveform for T seconds
and decides on the basis of this observed waveform the symbol that was trans­
mitted during the time interval. The transmitter and the receiver know a priori
the set of symbols and the waveform associated with each of the symbols. In
the case of a binary communication system, the receiver knows that either a
“ 1” or “ 0” is transmitted every T seconds and that a “ 1” is represented by a
positive pulse and a “ 0” is represented by a negative pulse. What the receiver
does not know in advance is which one o f the two symbols is transmitted during
a given interval. The receiver makes this “ decision” by processing the received
waveform. Since the received waveform is usually distorted and masked by noise,
the receiver will occasionally make errors in determining which symbol was
present in an observation interval. In this chapter we will examine this “ decision”
(or detection) problem and derive algorithms that can be used to determine

sequence 1 0 1

I t

Y {t)'

sequence dk 1 o l
Figure 6.1a Signal detection.

Figure 6.16 Signal estimation.


which one of M “ waveforms” (whose “ shapes” are known a priori) is present

during an observation interval.
Signal estimation usually involves determining the value of an analog signal
for all values o f time (Figure 6.16). Examples of signal estimation include the
problem of estimating the value of an audio signal that has been transmitted
over a noisy channel or tracking the location of an object in space based on
noisy radar returns from the object. Unlike the detection problem in which the
receiver knows what to expect (within one o f M possibilities), in estimation
problems the signal to be estimated can have a continuum o f values for each
value of time. The receiver now has the unenviable task of estimating the values
o f a waveform that may be viewed as a sample function o f a random process.
We deal with the estimation problem, which is also referred to as the “ filtering”
problem, in the following chapter.
In this chapter, we will address both analysis and design of signal-processing
algorithms for detection. Analysis involves the evaluation of how well an al­
gorithm “ performs,” whereas design consists o f synthesizing an algorithm that
leads to an acceptable level of performance. In detection problems, a typical
performance measure is to minimize the probability o f an incorrect decision and
sometimes the cost of incorject decisions is included in the performance measure.
Mean squared error £ {[A (r ) — A'(r)]2} is normally used as the measure of
performance of estimation algorithms.
Some applications require both estimation and detection. For example, in
some detection problems, the value of one or more parameters might not be
known. These parameter values can be estimated from data and the estimated
values can be used in the detection algorithm.


There are many applications in which we have to make a choice or decision

based on observations. For example, in radar or sonar detection, the return
signal is observed and a decision has to be made as to whether a target was
present or not. In digital communication systems, the receiver has to make a
decision as to which one o f M possible signals is actually present based on noisy
observations. In each case the solution involves making a decision based on
observations or data that are random variables. The theory behind the solutions
for these problems has been developed by statisticians and falls under the general
area of statistics known as statistical inference, decision theory, or hypothesis
testing. We present here a brief review of the principles o f hypothesis testing
with a simple alternative hypothesis and apply these principles to solve detection
problems. Later, in Chapter 8 , we discuss hypothesis testing when the alternative
hypothesis is composite.
We start our discussion with the formulation of the binary detection problem
as one of hypothesis testing (i.e., choosing between two possibilities), and derive
a decision rule that maximizes a performance measure based on the probabilities

of correct and incorrect decisions. The decision rule is then applied to the
detection problem when decisions are based on single or multiple observations.
Finally, we extend the results to the case o f M-ary detection (choosing between
one o f M possibilities) and continuous observations.

6.2.1 Decision Theory and Hypothesis Testing

In hypothesis testing, a decision has to be made as to which o f several hypotheses
to accept. The two hypotheses in the binary data transmission example are “ 0”
transmitted, and “ 1” transmitted. We label these hypotheses as

Hq\ “ 0” was transmitted

He. “ 1 ” was transmitted

In the language o f hypothesis testing, H0 is called the “ null” hypothesis and / / ,

is called the “ alternate” hypothesis. In the case o f target detection, the hy­
potheses are

H 0: target not present

He. target present

Corresponding to each hypothesis, we have one or more observations that

are random variables, and the decision is made on the basis o f the observed
values of these random variables. The rule that is used to form the decision is
called the decision rule, and it is derived by maximizing some measure o f per­
Let us first consider the case where we have to make a choice between H 0
and Hi based on a single observation Y. Note that Y is a random variable and
y is a particular value. The probability density functions of Y corresponding to
each hypothesis,/y|Wo(y|H0) and/Y|h10 '| H i), are usually known. If P (H ;|y),
i = 0 , 1 , denotes the a posteriori probability that //, was the true hypothesis
given the particular value o f the observation y , then we can decide in favor o f
H 0 or Hi based on whether P (H 0\y) or P(Hi\y) is larger. That is, we choose
a decision that maximizes the probability of correct decision, and such a decision
rule can be stated as

choose H 0 if P (H 0 \y) > P(Hi |y) and

choose Hi if P ( H t \y) > P (H 0 |y)

or, in a concise form,

( 6 . 1)
P ( H 0\y) h.

which means choose Hi when the ratio is > 1 , and choose H 0 when the ratio is
< 1.

6.2.2 M A P Decision Rule and Types of Errors

The conditional probability P(H :\y) is called an a posteriori probability, that is,
a probability that is computed after an observation has been made, and the
decision criterion stated in Equation 6.1 is called the maximum a posteriori
probability (M AP) criterion. This decision rule usually leads to a partition o f
the observation space into two regions R0 and R it and H 0 or H , is chosen
depending on whether a given observation y 6 Rg or Ri.
Using Bayes’ rule we can write P(Hj\y) as


and the decision rule given in Equation 6.1 can be rewritten as

P ( H i ) f y ]Hl( y l » l ) "■
P(.Ho)fY\Ha(y\Ho) «o


£ P (H o)
fr\H.(y\H 0) h0 P {H {)

(Note that the equal sign may be included in favor o f either H y or Hn). The

fy\H,(y \H i) (6.3)
L(y) =
fy\Ha(y I^ o)

is called a likelihood ratio and the M AP decision rule consists of comparing this
ratio with the constant P{H(f)IP{Hf), which is called the decision threshold.
L ( Y ) is called the likelihood statistic, and L ( Y ) is a random variable.
In classical hypothesis testing, decisions are based on the likelihood function
L (y ), whereas in the decision theoretic approach, the a priori probabilities and
costs associated with various decisions will also be included in the decision rule.
In signal detection we usually take into account costs and a priori probabilities.
If we have multiple observations, say Y lt Y2, ■ . . , Y„, on which to base
our decision, then the M AP decision rule will be based on the likelihood ratio

/r„r2, .... rjff.Q'i.yz, • • • . y j H Q

L ( y 1 . y i , ■ ■ ■ , y n) (6.4)
/y„r2, — y„|w0(}'i) > 2 > • • • . J#o)

When decisions are based on noisy observations, there is always a chance

that some of the decisions may be incorrect. In the binary hypothesis testing
problem, we have four possibilities:

1. Decide in favor o f H0 when H 0 is true.

2. Decide in favor o f H l when H l is true.
3. Decide in favor o f H l when H 0 is true.
4. Decide in favor o f H0 when H { is true.

Let Di represent the decision in favor o f //, . Then, the first two conditional
probabilities denoted by P (D 0\H0) and P ( D l\Hl) correspond to correct choices
and the last two, P ( D l \H0) and P ( D 0\Hl), represent probabilities o f incorrect
decisions. Error 3 is called a “ type-I” error and 4 is called a “ type-II” error. In
radar terminology, P ( D l \H0) is called a “false alarm probability” ( P F) and
P ( D 0\Hl) is called the “probability o f a miss” (P M). The average probability
o f error Pe is often chosen as the performance measure to be minimized, where

Pe = P ( H 0) P ( D i |H q) + P i H O P iD o lH ,)


In a binary communication system, the decision about the transmitted bit is

made on the basis o f a single noisy observation

Y = X + N

where X = 0, 1 represents the transmitted bit, and N is additive noise, which

has a Gaussian distribution with a mean o f zero and variance of l ( A and N are

independent). Given that P { X = 0) = I, and P ( X — 1) — \

(a) Derive the MAP decision rule.

(b) Calculate the error probabilities.


(a) Let
H 0- 0 transmitted
H t- 1 transmitted
We are given that P ( H 0) = !, P ( H i) - i

fY\Ha{y\Ha) = fy\x(y 10)


fr\Hl( y | t f . ) = f r \ x ( y |1)


From Equation 6.3 we obtain the likelihood ratio as

-2 < > - l)2

and the decision rule becomes

exp <
2 ^ - D H0

Taking logarithms on both sides, the decision rule becomes

»l l l
y ^ ^ + - In (3) - 0.622
Ho 1 V

That is, the decision rule partitions the observation space, y G

oo), into two regions R 0 — ( —00, 0.622), and = (.622, “ ). H 0 is
accepted when y G R 0 and Hi is chosen when y G Ri-

Figure 6.2 Decision rule and error probabilities for Example 6. 1 .

(b) From Figure 6.2, we obtain the error probabilities as

P (A )| tfi) = P (y G R o l H , ) = f f nHt(y \ H 1) d y
(■622 3 r 9 -|

= L \ 7 ^ eX P [ ~ 2 (>' - 1 )!J ^
= 2(1.134) = 0.128

P<,D,\H0) = P (y e P , |//0) = f f YlHo(y\H 0) dy

= 2(1-866) « .031
The average probability of an incorrect decision is

Pe = P ( / f 0)P(£>1|//0) + P ( H l) P ( D 0\Hl)

= 1 42(1-866) + ^ 2(1-134)

= .055

6.2.3 Bayes’ Decision Rule— Costs of Errors

In many engineering applications, costs have to be taken into account in the
design process. In such applications, it is possible to derive decision rules that
minimize certain average costs. For example, in the context o f radar detection,
the costs and consequences o f a miss are quite different from that of a false

alarm and an optimum decision rule has to take into account the relative costs
and minimize the average cost. We now derive a decision rule that minimizes
the average cost.
If we denote the decisions made in the binary hypothesis problem by D,,
i = 0, 1, where D 0 and D x denote the decisions in favor o f H 0 and H u re­
spectively, then we have the following four possibilities: (£>,, Hj), i — 0, 1, and
j = 0, 1. The pair (D ,, Hj) denotes Hj being the true hypothesis and a decision
of £>,. Pairs ( D 0, H 0) and ( D x, H x) denote correct decisions, and ( D x, H 0) and
(£>o, H {) denote incorrect decisions. If we associate a cost C,; with each pair
(Di, Hj), then the average cost can be written as

C = 2 2 C,jP(Di, Hj)
/ =0,1
/—0,1 (6.5)

= 2 2 CijP(Hj)P(Dt\Hj)

where P( Dt\Hj) is the probability o f deciding in favor of //, when Hj is the true
A decision rule that minimizes the average cost C, called the Bayes’ decision
rule, can be derived as follows. If R0 and Rx are the partitions o f the observation
space, and decisions are made in favor of H0 if y G R0 and H { if y G R ly then
the average cost can be expressed as

C = CmP ( D 0\H0) P ( H 0) + Ci0P(Di\H0) P ( H a)

+ C0lP ( H t) f f YlHi(y \ H i )d y

If we make the reasonable assumption that the cost of making an incorrect

decision is higher than the cost of a correct decision

Cio > c 00 and Coi > C^

and make use of the fact that R t U R0 = ( —°°, “ ), and R l 0 /?0 = 0, then we

C = CWP ( H 0) + C n P i H ,) + f {[PiHOiCo, - Cn)friH, ( y i # i ) ]

- [ P ( H 0)(C l0 - C00) f Y]H0 ( y |H 0)]} dy ( 6. 6)

Since the decision rule is specified in terms of R0 (and /?t), the decision rule
that minimizes the average cost is derived by choosing R0 that minimizes the
integral on the right-hand side of Equation 6 .6 . Note that the first two terms in
Equation 6.6 do not depend on R 0.
The smallest value o f C is achieved when the integrand in Equation 6.6 is
negative for all values o f y £ R0. Since C0i > C u and C w > C00, the integrand
will be negative and C will be minimized if R0 is chosen such that for every
value of y E R 0,

P ( H l)(C 0l - C n) f m t ( y l H , ) < P ( H , ) ( C W - C 00) / y|H[1 (y |H0)

which leads to the decision rule:

Choose H 0 if

/>(H ,)(C 01 - C n J / y p ^ l f f , ) < P ( H 0) ( C l0 - C 00) / y|„,,(y|tf„)

In terms of the likelihood ratio, we can write the decision rule as

| _ fy\ »X y\ ^ ) P (H o){C lo - c00) rfi7.

fy\H„(y \Hf>) h„ P(H i)(C(ii — C u)

Note that, with the exception of the decision threshold, the form o f the Bayes’
decision rule given before is the same as the form of the MAP decision rule
given in Equation 6.2! It is left as an exercise for the reader to show that the
two decision rules are identical when C w - Ca0 = Cot - Cu and that the Bayes’
decision rule minimizes the probability o f making incorrect decisions when
Coo = Ct, = 0 and Cio = Cot = 1.
B I N A R Y D E T E C T IO N W ITH A S I N G L E O B S E R V A T I O N 351

6.2.4 Other Decision Rules

In order to use the MAP and Bayes’ decision rules, we need to know the a
priori probabilities P ( H 0) and P(Hy) as well as relative costs. In many engi­
neering applications, these quantities may not be available. In such cases, other
decision rules are used that do not require P (H 0), and costs. Two rules
that are quite commonly used in these situations are the mirtmax rule and the
Neyman-Pearson rule.
The minmax rule is used when the costs are given, but the a priori proba­
bilities P (H 0) and P ( H ,) are not known. This decision rule is derived by ob­
taining the decision rule that minimizes the expected cost corresponding to the
value of P ( H ,) for which the average cost is maximum.
The Neyman-Pearson (N -P) rule is used when neither a priori probabilities
nor cost assignments are given. The N -P rule is derived by keeping the prob­
ability of false alarm, P(Di\H0), below some specified value and minimizing
the probability of a miss P ( D d\Hi).
Details of the derivation of the minmax and N -P decision rules are omitted.
Both of these decision rules also lead to the form

W y | # .) Hi
( 6 . 8)

where y is the decision threshold. Thus, only the value of the threshold with
which the likelihood ratio is compared varies with the criterion that is optimized.
In many applications including radar systems, the performance of
decision rules are displayed in terms of a graph of the detection probability

Figure 6.3a Conditional pdfs (assumed to be Gaussian with variance = cr2); PF;
and PD.

P f ----- ^

(A )

Figure 6.3b Receiver operating characteristic (ROC).

P (D l |//1) = P D versus the probability of false alarm P ( D l \H0) = P F for vari­

ous values o f the threshold. These curves are called the receiver operating
characteristic (RO C) curves. (See problems 6.7-6.13.) An example is shown
in Figure 6.3. Figure 6.3a shows the conditional probabilities with PD and PF
indicated. Note that 2A is the difference in the means. Figure 6.3b shows exam­
ple ROC curves as a function of the mean divided by the standard deviation.


In the binary detection problem shown in Figure 6.1a, the receiver makes its
decision by observing the received waveform for the duration of T seconds. In
the T-second interval, the receiver can extract many samples of Y (f), process
the samples, and make a decision based on the information contained in all o f
the observations taken during the symbol interval. We now develop an algorithm
for processing multiple observations and making decisions. We will first address
the problem of deciding between one of two known waveforms that are corrupted
by additive noise. That is, we will assume that the receiver observes

Y (f) = X (t) + N(t), 0 < t< T



•So(0 under hypothesis H a

X {t ) =
Sl (0 under hypothesis

- and s0(t) and s t(t) are the waveforms used by the transmitter to represent 0 and
1, respectively. In a simple case s0(t) can be a rectangular pulse of duration T
and amplitude - 1 , and Sj(f) can be a rectangular pulse of duration T and
amplitude 1. In any case, s0(f) and SiO) are known deterministic waveforms;
the only thing the receiver does not know in advance is which one of the two
waveforms is transmitted during a given interval.
Suppose the receiver takes m samples of Y(l) denoted by Y i, Y2, ■ ■ ■ , Ym.
Note that Yk = Y(tk), tk £ (0, T), is a random variable and y k is a particular
value of Yk. These samples under the two hypothesis are given by

y k - so.k + n k under H 0

yk — si,k + n k under H x

where j 0i* = s0(tk), and j lt* = are known values of the deterministic
waveforms s0(0 and ^rCO-

Y = [Y 1; Y2, . . . , Ym] T and y = [ y u y 2, ■ ■ ■ , y mY

and assume that the distributions of Y under H 0 and H t are given (the distribution
of Yi, Y2, ■ • • , Ym will be the same as the joint distribution o f N {, N2, . . . ,
Nm except for a translation of the means by s0.k or k = 1 ,2 , , m).
A direct extension o f the MAP decision rule discussed in the preceding section
leads to a decision algorithm of the form

n _ /Y t//,(y l# i) J P ( H 0)
{y) /v;„D
(y|^o) PW

6.3.1 Independent Noise Samples

In many of the applications involving radio communication channels, the noise
that accompanies the signal can be modeled as a zero-mean Gaussian random

process with the power spectral density

Snn(/) = j 2 \ f\ < B ( 6 . 10)
l 0

where N0I2 is the two-sided noise power spectral density and B is the receiver
bandwidth, which is usually the same as the signal bandwidth. N(t) with the
foregoing properties is called bandlimited white Gaussian noise. It was shown
in Section 5.5 that

E {N 2(t)} = N0B (6.11)


_ , , ., „ sin 2tt5 t _
R „ n( t) - N0B (2^ 5 t) (6.12)

If the receiver samples are taken at tk = k(l/2B), then Nk = N(tk), k = 1, 2,

. . . , m, are uncorrelated (since RNN ( k/2B) = 0) and independent, and hence
the conditional distribution o f Y is n-variate Gaussian with

£ { Y jH 0} = [s 0,i, s0i2, ■ • • , s0,,„]7'; covar{Y*, Y,■|H0} = hki(N0B)

£ {Y | H ,} = [su , s u2, . . . , SliM] r; covar{E*, Yj \Hl) = 5 kj(N0B)


1 (y* - siky
/v,„,(y|N,) = n= 1 V 2 ttct
2a-2 ,

where cr2 = N0B.

Substituting Equation 6.13 into 6.9, taking logarithms, and rearranging the
terms yields the following decision rule:

m m
k= 1
X y^o
k=\ Ho
cr2 In
.W ).



S; = [s,,i, Si,2, • • • , S/,m] r, i = o, 1

The weighted averaging scheme given in Equation 6.14 is also called a matched
filtering algorithm. The “ dot” products, y 7^ and y rs0, indicate how well the
received vector y matches with the two signals Sj and s0.

6.3.2 White Noise and Continuous Observations

When the bandwidth of the noise is much larger than 1/T, then we can treat
the noise as white with a power spectral density


The autocorrelation of the zero-mean Gaussian white noise becomes


and the receiver can obtain and process an uncountably infinite number of
independent samples observed in the interval (0, T).
A s ffi-> ® , the samples become dense, and the left-hand side of the decision
rule stated in Equation 6.14 becomes

This is the logarithm o f the likelihood ratio, and the receiver has to make its
decision by comparing this quantity against the decision threshold 7 . So the

decision rule becomes

[ Ty ( 0 * i ( 0 dt - f y ( t ) s 0(t) dt (6.18)
Jo Jo

A block diagram of the processing operations that take place in the receiver
is shown in Figure 6.4. The receiver consists o f two “ cross-correlators” (two
multiplier and integrator combinations) whose outputs are sampled once every
T seconds. When the output o f the correlator for signal sx{t) exceeds the output
of the correlator for s 0(f) by y, a decision in favor o f s,(r) is reached by the
receiver. Once a decision is reached, the integration is started again with zero
initial condition, and continued for another T seconds when another decision is
made. The entire procedure is repeated once every T seconds with the receiver
outputing a sequence of Is and Os, which are the estimates of the transmitted
The value of the decision threshold y can be determined as follows. Let

z = r

Then, the conditional distribution o f the decision variable Z under the two
hypotheses can be determined from

z = f [j , ( 0 + N ( 0 ] 0 i ( f ) - s o( 0 1 dt under H\

F ig u r e 6 .4 C o r r e l a t i o n r e c e iv e r f o r d e t e c t in g d e t e r m in is t ic s ig n a ls s0(t) and s^t)

c o r r u p t e d b y a d d itiv e w h it e G a u s s ia n n o is e .


Z = [ [s0(t) + N (f)][^i(f) - j 0(0 ] dt under H 0


Now, Z has a Gaussian distribution and the binary detection problem is equiv­
alent to deciding on H 0 or H x based upon the single observation Z. The MAP
decision rule for deciding between H a and H x based on Z reduces to

fz]n1(z\Hi) ih P (H „)
W * l# o ) P ( H X)

If fz\H, is Gaussian with mean |xt and variance u 2 (which can be computed using
the results given in Section 3.8), and fz\H0 is Gaussian with mean p,0 and variance
<j2, the decision rule reduces to

m + P-o + g2 j f P(H q)
2 M.i - M-o \P(Hi)


z = \ [ y ( t) s 0(t) dt
Jo Jo

Comparing the right-hand side o f Equation 6.19 with Equation 6.18, we see that
the decision threshold y is given by

M'o + p -i + <j 2 }n / P ( H 0)
( 6 . 20)
2 M-i — M-u n \ P (H ,)


A binary communication system uses the signaling waveforms shown in Figure

6.5 for transmitting equiprobable sequences of l ’s and 0’ s. A t the receiver input,
the signal arrives with additive zero-mean Gaussian noise N(t) with the power
spectral density

io-7, I/I < 106

$NN(f) ~
0 elsewhere

slW Soft)

0 1 ms 0 1 ms
P(lsent) = P (i?1) = V2 PCO sent)=,P(ff0) = V2

V4W W Y(t) = X ( t ) +N(t)

F ig u r e 6 .5 a S ig n a lin g w a v e f o r m s in a b in a r y c o m m u n i c a t i o n s y s te m .

F ig u r e 6 .5 6 D e n s it y fu n c t i o n s o f th e d e c i s i o n v a r ia b le .

(a) Suppose the receiver samples the received waveform once every 0.1
millisecond and makes a decision once every millisecond based on the
10 samples taken during each bit interval. What is the optimum decision
rule and the average probability of error?
(b) Develop a receiver structure and a decision rule based on processing
the analog signal continuously during each signaling interval. Compare
the probability of error with (a).


(a) We are given that Y(t) = X (t) + N(t). With the SNN( j ) given, we can
show that samples o f N(t) taken 0.1 milliseconds apart will be inde­
pendent, and hence, the decision rule becomes (Equation 6.15),
Hi l
y [si ~ s0] =£ —[sfs! — S(fso]
H0 2.

yT = [ j ' 1 , 3' 2, • • • , y m), m = 10

s f = [2, 2........... 2]

so = [ 1 , 1 , • • ■ , 1 ]
Hi 3m
2 * ?:
Ho ~2
Dividing both sides by the number of samples, we can rewrite the de­
cision rule as

1 £
— Zj 1-5, m = 10
m i h 0

which implies that the receiver should average all the samples taken
during a bit interval, compare it against a threshold value of 1 .5 , and
make its decision based on whether the average value is greater than
or less than 1.5. The decision variable Z,

Z =
has a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 2 under H t and 1 under H 0.
The variance of Z can be computed as

a 2Z = variance of

= <t n
1/ m


The average probability of error is given by

Pe = P ( H 0) T fz\H0(z\H0) dz
J 1.5

+ P ( H J J L5 / Z|Wi(z | //i) dz

when m = 10

when m = 1

Comparison o f the average error probabilities for m = 1 and 10 reveals

that averaging 10 samples reduces the error probability considerably,
(b) While the correlation receiver structure shown in Figure 6.4 is applicable
only when N (t) is white, we can use the receiver here as an approxi­
mation since the bandwidth o f N (t) is much larger than the bandwidth
o f the signaling waveform X {t). The optimal decision and processing
algorithm for the case o f nonwhite or colored noise is rather complicated.
A brief discussion of the algorithm will be presented in the next section.
However, when the noise bandwidth is much larger than the signal
bandwidth, the correlation receiver performance is near optimal.
The decision rule (from Equation 6.18) is

f I'W biW - *o(0] dt ^ y, T = 1 ms

0 H0


where y ' = y /T is the decision threshold whose value can be determined

from the distribution o f the decision variable.
In this example the decision variable Z,

has a Gaussian pdf with a mean o f 2 under H lt and a mean of 1 under

H0. The variance of Z can be calculated using the results given in Ex-

ample 3.18 as

2 BT
Where the B T product is equal to (106) (10-3). Hence

°z =
2000 2000
The reader can show that y' = 1.5 and

Pe = Q
V W ~\
= 0

6.3.3 Colored Noise

In the previous sections dealing with binary detection problems, we assumed

that the noise samples and hence the observations are independent. While this
assumption is valid in most cases, there are many situations in which the ob­
servations may be correlated. For example, consider the binary detection prob­
lem described in Section 6.3.1 but assume that the noise N(t) has an arbitrary
power spectral density function SNN(f) , which is nonzero in the interval [ ~ B ,
B] and zero outside. Now, if the receiver makes its decision based on m obser­
vations, then the MAP decision rule is

- fw (y\H i) 5 p (h o) ( 6 .21)
/W y | tfo ) p (h ,)

The conditional pdfs are Gaussian with

£ { Y |//0} = s0; E lY l H ,} = s,

£{[Y. - s,][Y - s,]r|H,} = Xw for / = 0, 1 ( 6 .22)

where X,v is the covariance (autocorrelation) matrix o f the noise samples N(f,),
i = 1, 2, . . . , m. That is the (i, j ) th entry in XN is

[X*]tf = £{A(OA(f;)}

(In the case o f uncorrelated samples, X A- will be a diagonal matrix with identical
entries of g n

Substituting the multivariate Gaussian pdfs and taking the logarithm, we


MMy)] = \ (y - *o)r V (y - So) - \ (y — s1)r 2 ^ ‘ (y - Sl)

y T X N' Sj - y TX y 1 Sq + - s f s0 — - s f X N S1 (6.23)

Now, suppose that X1; X2, . . . , Xm, are distinct eigenvalues o f X N and V 1(
V 2> • • . , V m are the corresponding eigenvectors of X N. Note that the m eigen­
values are scalars, and the normalized eigenvectors are m x 1 column vectors
with the following properties:

X N\i — X,V;, i = 1 ,2 , ,m (6.24.a)

y f V j = 8,y, i,j= 1 , 2, . . . , m (6.24.b)
V tX nV = X (6.24.c)
V rV = 1 (6.24.d)


[V „ v 2, . • •> VTm \m
1 xm (6.25)


"a. 0 •■ o'
0 X2 •• 0
0 0 •• K

Substituting Equations 6.24.a—d in Equation 6.23 and combining it with

Equation 6.2 1 , we obtain the decision rule as

y'k(s l,k ~ s'o,k)

jt-i x*. \ P (H d ) 2£ \k




So • , v £ s 0;r,

Jo,* = Vfso

s( ii • , VTnSlY, j{,* = v*s,
y' = [Vfy, V£y, . . • , v i y Y ,



are the transformed signal vectors and the observations.
The decision rule given in Equation 6.27 is similar to the decision rule given
in Equations 6.14 and 6.15. The transformations given in Equation 6.28 reduce
the problem of binary detection with correlated observations to an equivalent
problem of binary detection with uncorrelated observations discussed in the
preceding section. With colored noise at the receiver input, the components o f
the transformed noise vector are uncorrelated and hence the decision rule is
similar to a matched-filter scheme described earlier with one exception. In the
white noise case, and in the case of uncorrelated noise samples at the receiver
input, the noise components were assumed to have equal variances. Now, after
transformation, the variance of the transformed noise components are unequal
and they appear as normalizing factors in the decision rule.
The extension of the decision rule given in Equation 6.27 to the case of
continuous observations is somewhat complicated even though the principle is
simple. We now make use o f the continuous version o f the Karhunen-Loeve
expansion. Suppose g,(r), g2(t), . . . , and \2, • ■ • satisfy

j^ R nnO, u)gi(u) du = i — 1, 2, . . . (6.29)

Then we can expand N(t) as

m lim 2 Nigi(t)
/=! 1

N, = f N(t)gi{t) dt
J 0

where Nh i ~ 1, 2, 3, . . . , K, are uncorrelated random variables. Because

N(t) has a mean of zero it follows that £{N,} = 0, and from Section 3.9.3
E{Nj Nj} = X/Sfy. We can expand the signals j ,(/), s0(t), and the receiver input

Y(t) in terms o f gi(t), g2(t), • ■ • and represent each one by a set o f coefficients
1 = 1 , 2 , . . . , where

Su = f *i( 0 g i ( 0 dt, i = 1 , 2, . . . (6.30)


Soi = [ s0(Ogi(t) dt, i = 1 , 2, . . . (6.31)


y; = r Y ( t)gi(t) dt, i = 1 , 2, . . . (6.32)


Equation 6.32 transforms the continuous observation Y(t), t E [0, T] into a set
of uncorrelated random variables, Y[, Y'2, . . . . In terms o f the transformed
variables, the decision rule is similar to the one given in Equation 6.27 and has
the form

Y s 'o,k) 5 1 [p (H o)\ 1 y -yif*: ~ Sp2k

*-i X* \P(H0) 2 £ \k

The only difference between Equation 6.27 and Equation 6.33 is the number of
transformed observations that are used in arriving at a decision. While Equation
6.33 implies an infinite number of observations, in practice only a finite number
o f transformed samples are used. The actual number N is determined on the
basis the value of N that yields

+ \2 + ■■■■ + XN » \N+1 + XN+2 + • • •

That is, we truncate the sum when the eigenvalues become very small.


In the preceding sections o f this chapter we discussed the problem o f detecting

known signals. The only uncertainty was caused by additive noise. In many
applications this assumption about known signals may not be valid. For example,
in radar and sonar applications, the return pulse we attempt to detect might
have a random amplitude and phase. In such cases the signals would be functions
of one or more unknown parameters.
If the unknown parameter is assumed to be a constant, then its value can
be estimated from the observations and the estimated value can be used to

formulate a decision rule. Techniques for estimating parameter values from data
are discussed in Chapter 8 .
Another approach involves modeling the parameter as a random variable
with a known probability density function. In this case the solution is rather
straightforward. We compute the (conditional) likelihood ratio as a function of
the unknown parameter and then average it with respect to the known distri­
bution o f the unknown parameter. For example, if there is one unknown pa­
rameter 0 , we compute the likelihood ratio as

L(z) = f L(z|0)/e(0) dQ (6.34)


and then derive the decision rule. We illustrate this approach with an example.
Suppose we have a binary detection problem in which

n o = m + N(t)
y/.-, _ fji(0 = A under H u 0 < r< T
' ' | j 0(0 = 0 under H0

N(t) is additive zero-mean white Gaussian noise with a power spectral density
SNN(J) = Afo/2, and A is the unknown signal amplitude with a pdf

/a (a ) = ¥ exp 0 <a\ R > 0
= 0 a < 0

For a given value of A = a, the results of Section 6.3.2 leads to a decision

rule based on Z,

Z = f r [ * ( 0 + AI(0] dt

__ faT + W under Hx
[0 + W under H0

where W is Gaussian with

\L\V ~ 0


ow =

Hence the conditional likelihood function is given by

f Z\Hi,a
L(z\A = a) =
W T2 - 2 aT z ) ]
exp |f ------
2a 2
w J


L(z) = f L( z \A = a ) f A( a ) da

Completing the integration, taking the logarithm, and rearranging the terms, it
can be shown that the decision rule reduces to


This decision rule, called a square-law detector, is implemented as shown in

Figure 6 .6. Variations of this decision rule are used in many communication
systems for detecting signals of the form A cos(to0f + 0 ) where A and 0 are
unknown (random) amplitude and phase, respectively.

6.5 M - A R Y D E T E C T IO N

Thus far we have considered the problem o f deciding between one of two al­
ternatives. In many digital communication systems the receiver has to make a

Integrator Squarer Comparator

Figure 6.6 Square-law detector.

choice between one of many, say M, possibilities. For example, in a digital

communication system, each transmitted pulse may have one o f four possible
amplitude values and the receiver has to decide which one o f the four amplitudes
or symbols was transmitted during an observation interval. Deciding between
M alternate hypotheses, M > 2, is labeled as an M -ary detection problem.
If the decision is made on the basis o f a single observation y, the M AP
decision rule will involve choosing the hypothesis H, that maximizes the a p os­
teriori probability P(H,\y). Using Bayes’ rule, we can write P (H t\y) as

P(H,\y) =

and the decision rule becomes

Accept Hi if max {P iH ^ f^ H iy W j)} = P (H i)fY\Hi(y\Hi) (6.36)

The decision rule given in Equation 6.36 can be easily extended to the case
of multiple and continuous observations. We illustrate the M -ary detection prob­
lem with a simple example.


A digital communication system uses the signaling waveform shown in Figure

6.7a. Each transmitted pulse can have one of four equally likely amplitude levels,

Yti) = X m + N ( t )

Figure 6.7a Signaling waveform.


-3 2 -1 0 - y
2 3

Decide in favor Decide - 1 Decide 1 Decide in favor

of - 3 of 3

Figure 6.7b Conditional pdfs and probabilities of incorrect decisions.

3, —1, 1, or 3 volts. The received signal has the form

7 (0 = X (t) + N(t)

. where N (t) is a zero-mean Gaussian random process with the power spectral
density function

The receiver takes five equally spaced samples in each signaling interval and
makes a decision based on these five samples. Derive the decision rule and
calculate the probability of an incorrect decision.

SOLUTION: During the first “ symbol” interval [0, 10 ps], X {t) is constant,
and the samples o f Y(t) taken 2 ps apart are independent (why?). The MAP
decision rule will be based on

-O '* - A )2

where A, is the transmitted amplitude corresponding to the ;'th hypothesis and

(T2 is the variance o f N(t). Taking the logarithm of the conditional pdf and
collecting only those terms that involve A,, we have the decision rule,

choose //, if ^ ( y k — A ,)2 is minimum when A, = A,



; choose Hi if ( v — A/)2 is minimum when As = At

where y = ^ ^
3 t =i

Thus, the decision rule reduces to averaging the five observations and choosing
the le_vel “ closest” to y as the output. The conditional pdfs of the decision vari­
able Y and the decision boundaries are shown in Figure 6.7b. Each shaded
area in Figure 6.7b represents the probability of an incorrect decision and the
average probability of incorrect decision is

Pe = ^ P(incorrect decision|//,)F(//i)

= ^ [sum of the shaded areas shown in Figure 6.7b]

~ i (6>a ( v ^ 5

The factor 6 in the preceding expression represents the six shaded areas and
cr2/5 is the variance of Y in the conditional pdfs,

a 2 = J " SNN(f) df = 0.4

Hence, the average probability of error is

Pe = j Q ( V l 2 3 ) = .00025

In this chapter, we developed techniques for detecting the presence of known
signals that are corrupted by noise. The detection problem was formulated as
a hypothesis testing problem, and decision rules that optimize different per­
formance criteria were developed. The MAP decision rule that maximizes the

a posteriori probability of a given hypothesis was discussed in detail. The de­

cision rules were shown to have the general form

r ( \ _ fy\m(y\H 0 5
/W y l^ o )

where y is a function o f the observations, and y is the decision threshold.

In the case o f detecting known signals in the presence of additive white Gaus­
sian noise the decision rule reduces to

- so] 7'

This form o f the decision rule is called a matched filter in which the received
waveform is correlated with the known signals. The correlator output is com­
pared with a threshold, and a decision is made on the basis of the compari­
son. Extension to M -ary detection and detecting signals mixed with colored
noise were also discussed briefly.


S e v e r a l g o o d r e fe r e n c e s th a t d e a l w ith d e t e c t io n t h e o r y in d e ta il a r e a v a ila b le t o th e
in t e r e s t e d r e a d e r . T e x t s o n m a th e m a tic a l sta tis tic s ( R e f e r e n c e [1 ] f o r e x a m p l e ) p r o v i d e
g o o d c o v e r a g e o f t h e t h e o r y o f h y p o t h e s is t e s t in g a n d s ta tis tica l i n f e r e n c e , w h ic h is th e
b a s is o f th e m a t e r ia l d i s c u s s e d in this c h a p t e r . A p p l i c a t i o n s t o s ig n a l d e t e c t i o n a r e c o v e r e d
in g r e a t d e t a il in R e f e r e n c e s [ 2 ] - [ 4 ] . R e f e r e n c e [2 ] p r o v id e s c o v e r a g e at t h e in t e r m e d ia t e
l e v e l a n d R e f e r e n c e s [3 ] a n d [4 ] p r o v i d e a m o r e t h e o r e t ic a l c o v e r a g e at t h e g r a d u a t e
le v e l.

[1 ] R . V . H o g g a n d A . T . C r a ig , Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, M a c m illa n ,

N e w Y o r k , 1978.

[2 ] M . D . S rin a th a n d P. K . R a ja s e k a r a n , An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing

with Applications, W il e y I n t e r s c ie n c e , N e w Y o r k , 19 7 9 .

[3 ] J. M . W o z e n c r a ft a n d I. M . J a co b s , Principles o f Communication Engineering, John

W ile y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1965.

[4 ] H . T . V a n T rees, Detection and Estimation, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 6 8 .

6.1 Given the following conditional probability density functions o f an obser­
vation Y
fr\Ha(y\H0) — 1, 0 :£ y < 1


/viw.Oltfi) = 2 y, 0< y < 1

a. Derive the M AP decision rule assuming P ( H 0) =

b. Find the average probability o f error.

6.2 Suppose that we want to decide whether or not a coin is fair by tossing it
eight times and observing the number o f heads showing up. Assume that
we have to decide in favor of one of the following two hypotheses:

H 0: Fair coin, P(head) = ^

Hi. Unfair coin, P(head) = 0.4

(The case where H^ P(head) A \ is called a composite alternative hy-
pothesis and is discussed in Chapter 8 .)
a. Derive the MAP decision rule assuming P( H0) =

b. Calculate the average probability of error.

6.3 In a radar system, decision about the presence (H ]) or absence (H0) of a

target is made on the basis of an observation Y that has the following
conditional probability density functions:

= y>°


where A is the “ signal amplitude” when a target is present and N0 is the
variance o f the noise.
Derive the MAP decision rule assuming P( H0) = 0.999.

Figure 6.8 Conditional pdfs for Problem 6.4.


6.4 Figure 6.8 shows the conditional pdfs of an observation based on which
binary decisions are made. The cost function for this decision problem is

Coo = 1> Co, = C10 = 3, C„ = 1

Assume that P ( H 0) = g and P ( H ,) = f.

a. Derive the decision rule that minimizes the average cost, and find
the minimum cost.
b. Find the average cost associated with the decision rule
y § 0

and compare it with the average cost of the decision rule derived in
part a.

6.5 Assume that under hypothesis Ff, we observe a signal o f amplitude 2 volts
corrupted by additive noise N. Under hypothesis H0 we observe only the
noise N. The noise is zero-mean Gaussian with a variance o f 9. Thus, we

Y = 2 + N under Hi and Y = N under H0

3 ( 9
//v («) =
V^TT eXP \ 2nj

Assuming P( H0) = P ( H X) = i, derive the MAP decision rule and calculate

the average probability of error.

6.6 With reference to Problem 6.5, find the decision rule that minimizes the
average cost with respect to the cost function

Coo= 0, c„ = 1, C,0= Co, = 2

6.7 a. Show that the average cost associated with a decision rule can be
expressed as

C = Coo(l — P F) + CWPF + P ( //,)[ ( C „ — Coo) + (Co, — C „)P M

— (C,o — Cm) PF]
where PF is the false alarm probability and PM is the miss probability.

b. Show that the value o f P (/7,) that maximizes C (worst case) re­

(C „ — Coo) + (Co, — C n)PM — (C,o ~ Coo)P, = 0

(The preceding equation is called the minmax equation).

6.8 In a detection problem, ~ N ( - 1,1) and f ma ~ N{\, 1). (The notation

N(\l , o-2) denotes a Gaussian distribution with mean p. and variance cr2.)
a. Assuming P( H0) = h and P ( H X) = f , find the M AP decision rule.

b. With Coo = Cu = 0, C01 = 6, and C,„ = 1, P( H0) = i /> (//,) =

f, find the decision rule that minimizes C and the value o f Cmin.

6.9 With reference to Problem 6.8, assume that the a priori probabilities are
not known. Derive the minmax decision rule and calculate C. (Refer to
Problem 6.7 for the derivation of the minmax decision rule..)

6.10 In the Neyman-Pearson (N-P) decision rule, PF is fixed at some value a

and the decision rule is chosen to minimize PM. That is, choose the decision
rule that minimizes the objective function

J = PM + \(PF — cl)

where X 2: 0 is the Lagrange multiplier.

a. Show that J can be reduced to

/ = X(1 - a) + f [ f Y\Hl( y |#i) - MT|tfo(y| //0)] dy

J r0

b. Show that the N-P decision rule reduces to

fY\H0{y\Ha) Ha

and explain how X should be chosen.

6.11 Suppose we want to construct a N-P decision rule with PF = 0.001 for a
detection application in which

/y|//t ~ N ( - 2 , 4) and f Y|Wo ~ N ( 2, 4)

a. Find the decision threshold.

b. Find PD = (1 — PM) and comment on the value of PD.

6.12 In a receiver for binary data

/y|w,(>'i^i) ~ N ( A , a 2), f Y\H0(y\Ho) ~ N { —A , a 2)

P ( H 0) = P ( H 0 = |

Plot the receiver operating characteristic curves for A 2/u2 - 1 and

A 2/cr2 = 16. (A 2/cr2 is a measure of the signal quality at the input to the
detector. This ratio is referred to as the signal-to-noise power ratio.)

6.13 The conditional pdfs corresponding to two hypothesis are given:

0 < y

Suppose we want to test these hypothesis based on two independent sam­

ples Yi and Yz. Assume equally likely priors.

a. Derive the MAP decision rule for the test.

b. Calculate PMand PF.

6.14 The signaling waveforms used in a binary communication system are

Si(t) = 4 sin(2Tr/„ /) , 0 £ ( s T, I = 1 ms

s0(t) = - 4 sin(2ir/00 , 0 <f £ f

P [j,(t)] = P [ j0(0 ] = \

where T is the signal duration and / 0 = 10/T.

Assume that the signal is accompanied by zero-mean additive white
Gaussian noise with power spectral density of

Sm (f) = 10~3 W /H z

a. Find the decision rule that minimizes the average probability of

error Pe.

b. Find the value of Pe.

6.15 Repeat Problem 6.14 with

s,(t) = V 8 , 0<(/< r , T = 1 ms

soft) = - V 8 , 0 < t< T

and compare the results.

6.16 Show that the eigenvector transformation (or projection given in Equation
6.24) transforms the correlated components o f the observation vector Y
to a set o f uncorrelated random variables.

(0 , 1 )

(0 , - 1 )
Figure 6.9 Signal constellation for Problem 6.19.

6.17 Given that / Y|Ho and / Y|h,, Y — [Yt, Y2]T, have bivariate Gaussian distri­
butions with

£{Y|tf0} = [1, l ] r, E{Y|//,} [4, 4 V

covar{Y|//0} = covar{Y|//,} =

P ( H 0) = P { H X) = i

a. Find the MAP decision rule.

b. Find Pe.

6.18 Consider the M-ary detection problem with cost functions

Qj = 1 for i* j and C„ = 0 for i, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . , M - 1.

Show that the optimum decision criterion (that minimizes the average cost)
is to choose the hypothesis for which the conditional cost C(H,\y) is small­
est, where

C { H b ) = 2 * CvP(Hj\y)

( - 3 , 3} j — ---------1 — ---- p ---------- J (3, 3)

1 1 1 1
i i 1 1

- 3 , 1) 1--------------1 — _ Ifi'iL_i « . 1,
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
- 1 -------------- f O . - l
i i 1 1
i i 1 1

3, - 3 ) J-------------- 1 - - 1 -------------- 1,3, - 3

Figure 6.10 Signal constellation for Problem 6.20.

6.19 In an M -ary detection problem,

Y = Aj + N under Hjt j = 0, l ; 2, . . . . 7
where A, is the signal value associated with the ;th hypothesis and N is a
zero-mean bivariate Gaussian noise vector. The signal values correspond­
ing to H0, H u . . . , H7 are shown in Figure 6.9. Given that P (//,) =
1IM, and
0.1 0
2,v =
0 0.1
a. Find the decision boundaries that lead to a minimum Pe.

b. Bound the value of Pe using the Union Bound.

6.20 Repeat Problem 6.19 for the “ signal-constellation” shown in Figure 6.10.

Linear Minimum Mean

Squared Error Filtering

7.1 IN T R O D U C T IO N

The basic idea of this chapter is that a noisy version of a signal is observed and
the “ true” value of a signal is to be estimated. This is often viewed as the
problem of separating the signal from the noise. We will follow the standard
approach whereby the theory is presented in terms of developing an estimator
that minimizes the expected squared error between the estimator and the true
but unknown signal. Historically, this signal estimation problem was viewed as
filtering narrow-band signals from wide-band noise; hence the name “ filtering”
for signal estimation. Figure 7.1 shows an example o f filtering X(t) — S(t) +
N(t) to produce an estimator S(t) of S(t).
In the first section, we consider estimating the signal S(t), based on a finite
number of observations of a related random process X{t). This is important in
its own right, and it also forms the basis for both Kalman and Wiener filters.
We then introduce innovations as estimation residuals or the unpredictable part
of the latest sample. In the third section we consider digital Wiener filters, and
then in the fourth section, the filter is extended to an infinite sequence of
observations where we emphasize a discrete recursive filter called the Kalman
filter. Finally, we consider continuous observations and discuss the Wiener filter.
Both Kalman and Wiener filters are developed by using orthogonality and in­
In all cases in this chapter, we seek to minimize the expected (or mean)
squared error (MSE) between the estimator and the value of the random variable


S itt)

S 2 (t)


(b )

X lt )= S ilt ) + N li)

- t

F ig u r e 7 .1 F ilte r in g , ( a ) T h e t w o p o s s ib le v a lu e s o f S(t). ( b ) O n e s a m p le fu n c t io n
o f N(t). ( c ) T w o e x a m p le s o f p r o c e s s in g X ( t) t o p r o d u c e 5 ( t ) .

(or signal) being estimated. In addition, with the exception o f some theoretical
development, we restrict our attention to linear estimators or linear filters.
One other important assumption needs to be mentioned. Throughout this
chapter, we assume that the necessary means and correlation functions are
known. The case where these moments must be estimated from data is discussed
in Chapters 8 and 9.


First we consider estimating a random variable by a constant, and then we base

the estimator on a number o f observations of a related random variable in order
to reduce the mean squared error (MSE) of the estimator.

7.2.1 Estimating a Random Variable with a Constant

We show that the mean jjls of random variable S is the estimator that minimizes
the MSE. This is done by showing that the expected squared value o f (5 - a)
is always greater than or equal to the expected squared value of ( S - |jl.s) where

Ps = £ {5 } (7.1)


<tss = E{(S - |xs)2} (7.2)


£ {(S - a)2} = £ {[(5 - tLS) + ( p , - a)]1}

= £ {(S - Ps)2} + £{(P s - a)2} + £ {2 (5 - p j)(p .v - a)}
= O-JS F (ps - a f + 2(|X5 - a)E{S - p..s}

The last term is zero, thus

E { ( S ~ a) 2} = a ss + (p.j - af (7.3)

showing that the minimum MSE is the variance, and if the constant a is not the
mean, then the squared error is the variance plus the squared difference between
the estimator a and the “ best” estimator p.s.

7.2.2 Estimating S with One Observation X

Suppose that X and 5 are related random variables. Having observed X we seek
a linear* estimator 5 = a + h X of 5 such that £ {(5 — 5 )2} is minimized by

‘ This is actually an affine transformation o f X because o f the constant a , but we follow standard
practice and call the affine transformation “ linear.” As we shall see it is linear with respect to a
and h .

selection of the constants a and h. Note that our estimator S is a linear (affine)
function o f X and that the criterion is to minimize the MSE; hence the name, ■
linear minimum mean squared estimation. We assume that all necessary moments
of X and S are known.
We now show that the best estimator is

a xs
h = (7.4)
& xx

t (Jxs
« = - nv-x = M-s--------F-x (7.5)


Oxs — E { { X — McrX^ (7.6)

Taking derivatives of the MSE and setting them equal to zero we have, because
the linear operations o f expectation and differentiation can be interchanged

8E{(5 - a - h X f }
- 2 E{S - a - hX} = 0 (7-7.a)
dE{(S - a - h X f }
-2E{(S - a - hX)X} = 0 (7.7.b)

The coefficients a and h are now the values that satisfy Equation 7.7 and should
be distinguished by, say a0 and A0, but we stay with the simpler notation. Equa­
tion 7.7.a can be written

- a - h\i.x = 0 (7.8)

which is algebraically equivalent to Equation 7.5. Equation 7.7.b becomes

£{W S} - a\x.x - h E { X 2} = 0 (7.9)

Recognizing that

E { X 2} = a xx +
L IN EA R M I N I M U M M E A N S Q U A R E D E R R O R E S T I M A T O R S 381


<rxs = E { ( X - iix )(S - |xs)} = £ { * 5 } - n xlxs

Equation 7.9 becomes

O ats + = a ^ x + h u xx + h[Lx

Using Equation 7.5 in the foregoing equation produces

crxs + = A yU-s - h[L2

x + haxx + h[Ex


h = ^
a XX

Thus, the solutions given do provide at least a stationary point. We now show
that it is indeed a minimum.
Assume S = c + dX, where c and d are arbitrary constants then

E{(S - c - d X) 2} = E{[S - a - h X + (a - c) + (h - d ) X ] 2}
= £ {(S - a - h X) 2} + £ {[(a - c)
+ (h - d ) X } 2} + 2(a - c)E{S - a - h X}
+ 2(h - d)E{(S - a - h X ) X }

The last two terms are zero if a and h are the constants chosen as shown in
Equation 7.7. Thus

£ {( S * - c - d X f } = £ {(S - a - h X ) 2} + E{[{a - c) + {h - d ) X ] 2}

Now £{[(a - c) -+- (h - d ) X } 2} is the expected value of a nonnegative random

variable (there are no real values of a, h, c, d, or X that make {[(a — c) +
(h - d ) X ]2} negative) and thus

£ {(S - c - d X ) 2} > E{(S - a - h X ) 2}

which proves that a and h from Equations 7.4 and 7.5 minimize the MSE.

We now obtain a simpler expression for the minimum MSE. Since (see
Equation 7.7)

E[(S - a - hX)a} = 0 = E{(S - a - h X ) h X }

the minimum MSE is given by

E{(S - a - h X ) 2} = E{(S - a - hX)S}

= E{S2} - aE{S} - hE{XS}
~ ^ (J ^ 5 0"
= &ss + Es — Es + E .r E s ~ " \a xs + E .v E s )

= <rss - — (7.10)
v XX


£ {(S - a - h X f } = = crM ( l - pxvs) (7.11)


a xs
'xs ------ and

From Equation 7.11 it follows that if the correlation coefficient is near ±1 , then
the expected squared error is nearly zero. If pxs is zero, then the variance of S
is not reduced by using the observation; thus observing X and using it in a linear
estimator is of no value in estimating S.


The observation X is made up of the true signal S and noise. It is known that
E at = 10, Es = 11, &xx = 1, css = 4, = .9. Find the minimum linear MSE
estimator of 5 in terms of X. What is the expected squared error with this
estimator? Find the estimate of the true signal if we observe X = 12.

Using Equations 7.4 and 7.5 we obtain

= (1)(2)(.9) = Lg

a = 11 - (1,8)(10) = - 7

Thus S = —7 + 1.8AT is the best linear MSE estimator.

Using Equation 7.11, the minimum MSE is

E{(S - S)2} = 4[1 - (.92)] = .76

If X = 12, then the estimate is

S = - 7 + (1 -8)( 12) = 14.6

7.2.3 Vector Space Representation

If the inner product of two n-dimensional random vectors is defined by


X T = (AT!, . . . . AT.) and Y r = ( Y u . . . , Yn)

and T represents transpose. The length of a random vector X or norm is

Then with these definitions d(X, Y) = 0 implies the vectors X and Y are
orthogonal. The results o f Section 7.2.2 can be visualized in a way that will be

F ig u r e 7 .2 O r t h o g o n a l i t y P r in c ip le .

useful in future developments by referring to Figure 7.2. In this figure, all means
are assumed to equal 0.
Note that:

1. The error S - h X is orthogonal to X. (Equation 7.7.b with the

means = 0).
2. The best estimator of S is the projection o f S on the X axis.

In more complicated linear filtering problems that follow, we shall see that
these two conditions continue to be fundamental descriptors of the optimum
linear filters.

7.2.4 Multivariable Linear Minimum Mean Squared Error Estimation

We now assume that values of the random sequence J f(i), . . . , x ( n ) are
observed and that the value of S is to be estimated with a linear estimator of
the form

5 = h0 + 2 h,X(i)
i* I

such that E{(S ~ S)2} is minimized by the choice of the h„ i = 1, . . . , n.

Differentiating £ {(S - 5 )2} with respect to each /i , j = 0, 1, . . . n results
in ’ ’

E S hn i /i,x ( o j = o (7.12.a)

E 2 hiX(i) = 0,
XU) 1, ■ ■ . , n (7.12.b)

Note that Equation 7.12.b can be visualized as in the previous section as stating
that the error is orthogonal to each observation. In addition, Equation 7.12.a
can be visualized as stating that the error is orthogonal,to a constant. These two
equations are called the orthogonality conditions.
Equation 7.12.a can be converted to

Us - 2 hiii-xw (7.13)

and using this in the n equations represented by Equation 7.12.b produces

2 hiCxx{ i , j ) — a'sxu)> j — 1, 2, . . . , n (7-14)

/= i


CXx(i, j ) — E{[X{i) — (J-x(,)][2f(/) — h-a-o)]}


°S X U ) = £ {(S - P s )[^ (/) - tJ-A-(y)]}

Equations 7.13 and 7.14 can be shown to result in a minimum (not just a
saddle point) using the technique used in Section 7.2.2. (See Problem 7.8.)
The n equations of Equation 7.14 will now be written in matrix form. Defining

X r = [A X 1 ),* (2 ), . . . , X { n ) }
hr = [hx, h 2, . . . , hn]

^•XX — [ C x x ( * > /) ]

= [ o 's x ( l ) , Os;r(2)> ■ • • , t r Sj r ( , ) ]

Then Equation 7.14 can be written as

— 2 sx (7.15)

The solution to Equation 7.15 (or Equation 7.14) is

h = Xxx'X-sx (7.16)

provided the covariance matrix X xx has an inverse.


The signal S is related to the observed sequence X ( l ) , X(2). Find the linear
MSE estimator, S = h0 + hyX ( 1) + h2X { 2). The needed moments are:

M-s = 1
as = .01

M-x(i) = -02

Cxx( l, 1) = (-005)2

M-x(z) = -006

Cxx(2, 2) = (.0009)2

Cxx( 1, 2) = 0

o'sxo) = -00003

(Tsxji) — .000004

Using Equation 7.16

‘ .00003 ‘

0 (,0009)2_ .000004

.00003 6
hl ~ .000025 “ 5
.000004 400
hl ~ .00000081 ~ 81

Using Equation 7.13, we obtain

= 1 - | (-02) - ^ (.006) = .946

Thus the best estimator is

■946 + ^ > + l r ^

Now consider the case where S(n) is the variable to be estimated by 5(n),
and the N observations are S(n — 1), S(n — 2), S(n — 3), . . . , S(n — N),
that is, X ( l ) = S(n - 1), . . . , X ( N ) = S(n - N). Also assume S(n) is a
stationary random sequence with 0 mean. Then h0 = 0, and Equation 7.14


2 h tRss(i - j) = RssU), j = 1, 2, . . . , AT (7.17)

i= 1

where h,- is the weight of S(n - i), i = 1, . . . , N. Thus

R.sS{0) Rss( 1) Rss(2) ■■ Rss(N - 1) V > «0 )'

RssiX) Rss(0) Rss( 1) ■• R s s (N - 2) h2 Rss(2)
Rss(2) Rs.s( l) Rss(0) ■ ■ Rss(N - 3)

. RSS(N - 1) Rss(0) Jl:\_ RssW _

Equation 7.17 or 7.18 is called the Yule-Walker equation.

EXA M P LE 7.3.

If Rss(n) = a", find the best linear estimator o f S(n) in terms of the previous
N observations, that is, find

S(n) = hiS{n — 1) -t- h2S(n — 2) -t- • • • 4- hNS(n — N)


Equation 7.18 becomes

1 a a2 ■ • aN- r

53 ^ ^ *
ala • aN~2


------ ,
a'v- 1 • 1

*3 j
It is obvious that

hr = [a, 0, . . . , 0]

satisfies this set of equations. Thus

S(ri) = aS(n — 1)

is the minimum MSE estimator. Because S(n) is the “ best” estimator, and
because it ignores all but the most recent value of S, the geometric autocorre­
lation function results in a Markov type o f estimator. '

Returning to the problem of estimating S based on X(i ) , . . . W(n), we find

the residual error, given that the best estimator has been selected. This is very
important because not only is the best estimate of a signal needed, but one
needs to know whether the best estimate is good enough.
We now examine the MSE when the h,s are chosen in accordance with
Equations 7.13 and 7.14. The MSE is given by

E S - h0 - 2 W ) s - h0 2 h,X(j)
‘ =L

= E 2 h,X(i) 5 h0E S - h0

~ 2 hjE 2 W i)
i- 1

The last two terms are zero by the orthogonality condition, Equation 7.12. Thus

£ {(S - S)2} = E{S2} - h0v.s - £ h,E{X( i) S}

i= 1

Using Equation 7.13

E{(S - 5 )2} = cri + M-S - W- - 2 hilE{x (Os } ~ M^oP-s]

P{n) = E{(S - S)2} = aj - 2 ^ x (0s (7.19)

The notation P(n) is introduced to correspond to the symbol that will be

used in Kalman filtering. The minimum MSE P(n) when the best linear estimator
is used is also called the residual MSE.
It is important to observe that

E{(S - S )A (t)} = 0


E{(S - S)} = 0

by the orthogonality conditions. Also

S = h„ + 2 hiX(i)
2= 1

and hence

E{(S - 5)S} = 0 (7.20)

Thus with the optimal linear estimator

£ {( 5 - 5 ) 2} = E{(S - 5 )5 } (7.21)

One other equivalent form of the residual error is important. From Equation

E{SS} = £ { i 2} (7.22)

Using this result in Equation 7.21 produces

E{(S - S)2} = E{S2} - E{S2} (7.23)

This equation can be visualized using Figure 7.2. That is, if S = h X then the
square of the error, S — S, is equal to S2 — S2. If S is the projection of 5 on
a hyperplane, then the same conceptual picture remains valid.
We again consider S(n) and note that Equations 7.18 define the weights in
a finite linear digital filter when S(n) is a zero-mean wide-sense stationary process
and X(i ) = S(n - /), i = 1, 2, . . . , N. In this case Equation 7.19 becomes

P(N) = £ {[S (« ) - 5 (« )]2} = R ^ O ) - 2 h,Rss(i) ' (7.24)
1= 1


Find the residual MSE for Example 7.2 with the constants chosen in Example

Using Equation 7.19

P( 2) = E{(S - 5)-} = (.01)- - (.00003) - (.000004)

= .0001 - .000036 - .000020 = .000044.


Find the residual MSE for Example 7.3.


Using Equation 7.24

P( N) = E{[S(n) - 5(n)P} = Rss{0) - aRss( 1)

= 1 - a2

Note that this MSE is independent of N.

7.2.5 Limitations of Linear Estimators

We illustrate the limitations o f a linear estimator with an example.


Suppose we tried to find a linear estimator S = h„ + hxX when, unknown to

us, S is related to X by the equation

5 = X2


= 0 elsewhere

In this case from the assumed density of X and the relation S = X 2, the
moments are

E{X} = 0

£{S} = E { X 2} = i

E{XS} = E { X 3} = - x 3 dx = 0
l -1 2

Thus, using Equations 7.14 and 7.13

hY = 0

and using Equation 7.19

P( 1) = E{(S - S)2} = a !

Thus the best fit is a constant, and the MSE is simply the variance. The best
linear estimator is obviously a very poor estimator in this case.

Suppose we tried the estimator

S = h0 + h , X + h2X 2

This estimator would result in a perfect fit for the Example 7.6. (See Problem
7.10.) However, is this a linear estimator? It appears to be nonlinear, but suppose
we define X 0 = 1, X { = X and X 2 = X 2; then

S —H $ X q 4- h\X[ + h2X 2

is a linear estimator of the type discussed.

Thus, if one is willing to consider multivariate equations, then any polynomial
in X can be used, and in addition estimators such as

S = h0 + h {X + h2X 2 + h2 cos X + hA[ X 3 - 3 X + 19 ta n -'(X )]

can be used. This estimator is linear in the h2s and thus is within the theory

7.2.6 Nonlinear Minimum Mean Squared Error Estimators

In the last section limitations o f linear estimators were illustrated. We now show
that the minimum mean squared error estimator S* of S, given X ( l )
X(n), is

S* = £ {S | *(1 ), . . . , * ( « ) } (7.25)

Indeed, letting S represent any estimator based upon the observations

Xu ...,Xn

E{(S - 5 )2} = £ x{ £ s,x{(5 - 5): j * ( l ) , • ■ . , * ( « ) } }

= / ’ _ • • • /’ _ - S)2| * (l) = JCi........... X{ n) = x„}

x f x( i)... x(n)(xlt . . . , x„) dxi, . . . , dx„

Thus in order to minimize the multiple integral, because f x(l) x(n) > 0, it
is sufficient to minimize the conditional expected value of (S - S f . We show
that S* as given by Equation 7.25 does minimize the conditional expected value.
Let S be another estimator (perhaps a linear estimator).

E{(S - 5 )2|*(1) = x „ . . . , X ( n ) = *„}

= £ {(5 - S* + S* - 5 )2|*(1) = x „ . . . , X(n) = x j
= E{(S - S*)2| * (l) = x 1; . . , , X ( n ) = x„}
+ E{( S* - 5 )2|*(1) = . . .,X (n) = x j
+ 2E{(S - S*)(S* - S )| * (l) = x ,, . . . , X(n) = x„}

Note that given A^(l) = x,, . . . , X(n) = x„, the second term in the last equation
is a nonnegative constant and the third term is

2(5* - S){E{S\X([) = x „ . . . , X(n) = x j - 5*] = 0


E{(S - 5 )2|A'(l), . . . , X{n) } > E{{S - 5 * )2|*(1), . . . , X(n)} (7.26)

Equation 7.26 shows that the conditional expectation has an expected mean
squared error that is less than or equal to any estimator including the best linear


Find (a) the minimum MSE estimator (b) the linear minimum MSE estimator
of S based on observing X and the MSEs if

s —x

f x( x) = e~\ x > 0
= 0 x < 0

(a) By identification of the mean of a Gaussian random variable
5* = £ {5 1 ^ } = X + —

and by identification the MSE is the conditional variance, thus E{(S —

S*)2} = 1
(b) X is exponential. Thus
E { X } = 1; E { X 2} = 2; E { X 3} = 6

£{5} = Ex | A" + y j = 2

E{SX} = Ex ^ x [ x + y j j 5

Using Equations 7.4 and 7.5

a = 2 - 3 = -1

S = -1 + 3X
and the reader can show that E{(S — 5)2} = 2

The reader might wonder why linear mean squared estimators are stressed,
when we have just shown that the conditional expectation is a better estimator.
The answer is that the conditional expectation is not known unless the joint

distribution functions are known, a situation that is very rare in practice. On

the other hand, a linear minimum MSE estimator is a function o f only first and
second moments, which may be known or can be estimated.
However, in one iihportant special case, the minimum MSE estimator is a
linear estimator. This case is discussed next.

7.2.7 Jointly Gaussian Random Variables

If Xi and X 2 are jointly Gaussian, then a special case of Equation 2.66.a is

£{AT(1)|AT(2)} = + 9 - W ) - P2]



where p is the correlation coefficient between A ( l ) and X(2).

Note that the conditional expected value of jointly Gaussian random variables
is a linear estimator, that is, E { X ( 1)|A(2)} = h0 + /i,A (2). Moreover, com­
parison of Equation 7.27 with Equation 7.4 and Equation 7.5 shows that the
conditional expectation is exactly the same as the linear estimator.
Also we see from Equation 2.66.b that the conditional variance of A ( l ) given
X(2) is crj(l — p2) , which is in agreement with Equation 7.11.
Note that the conditional variance of A (l ) given X(2) does not depend upon
X(2). Indeed, since

£ {[A (1 ) - E{X{l)\X{2)}f\X{2)} = g( X(2)) = a f t l - p)2

is a constant and thus independent of X(2) and because

£ {[A (1 ) - £ {A (1 )IA (2 )}]2} = £ { * { * ( 2 ) ] } = E{v\( 1 - p2)} = a f(l - P2)

the conditional variance and the MSE’s are identical.

If a MSE estimator is based on N Gaussian random variables, then the
estimator (conditional mean) and MSE (conditional variance) are given in Equa­
tions 2.66.a and 2.66.b, respectively.


The joint density function of two random variables X and S is given by

(a) The marginal density functions of X and of S.
(b) fs\x-
(c) Simplify the expression found in (b) and identify the conditional mean
of S given X.
(d) Identify the conditional variance, that is

EsiX{[S -

(e) F i n d E ^ E ^ S - £ s)*(S|*)]2|*}




(c) The density is Gaussian with conditional mean xl2. Thus

= x} = |


£{S|A} ■= —, a random variable

(d) The conditional variance is 3/4 and in this case is a constant (i.e. in­
dependent of x).
(e) £*{3/4} = 3/4

7 .3 IN N O V A T IO N S

We now reconsider estimating S by observations, X ( l ) , X(2), . . . , X(n) using

the concept of innovations. We do this in order to resolve this relatively simple
problem by the same method that will be used to develop both the Kalman and
the Wiener filters.
For simplification we assume that

£ {S } = E{X(i)} = 0, i = l, . . . , n

and that all variables are jointly Gaussian. If the variables are not jointly Gaus­
sian but the estimators are restricted to linear estimators, then the same results
would be obtained as we develop here.
Now we can find the optimal estimator 5, in terms of X ( l ) by the usual
method (Note that subscripts are used to differentiate the linear estimators when
innovations are used.)

S, = h , X ( 1) (7.28)

The orthogonality condition requires that

£ {[S - * ! * ( ! ) ] AT(1)}= = 0 , (7.29)


E { X \ 1)}

Now we want to improve our estimate of S by also considering X{2). This

was done in Section 7.2.4, but we now consider the same problem using inno­

We define the innovation Vx(2) of X 2 to be the unpredictable part of 26(2),

that is

Vx (2) = X(2) - E { X ( 2)|26(1)} (7.31)

Because X(2) and 26(1) both have zero means and because they are jointly
Gaussian we know that

E { X ( 2)|AT(1)} = «,26(1) (7.32)

where (see Equations 7.4 and 7.27)

C2 Cjf(nA'(2)
a, — p — (7.33)

and p is the correlation coefficient between 26(1) and 26(2) and cr, =
V'(TW)^(/). Thus

Vx{2) = AT(2) - ^ AT(1) (7.34)


Note that

1. Vx (2) is a linear combination of 26(1) and 26(2).

2. E { V X(2)} = E | z (2 ) - ^ 2 6 ( 1 ) } = 0 (7.35)

3. E { VX{ 2)X(1)} = E X(2) - ^ 2 z ( i) * ( 1)

p c, ,
— per , c 2 — c; = 0 (7 .3 6 )

4. X(2) = Vx (2) + ^ 26(1) (7 .3 7 )


We now seek the estimator, S2, of S based on 26(1) and the innovation of 26(2),,
that is

S2 = h2X { 1) + h2Vx {2)

where 26(1) is the “ old” observation and Vx (2) is the innovation or unpredictable
[from 26(1)] part of the new observation 26(2).

We know that Vx {2) and 26(1) are orthogonal (Equation 7.36). Thus Equation
7.15 becomes

C a (1)A(1) 0 hi

0 V v x ( 2 ) Vx (2)_ h 2_
_ °W .r (2)_

and ht is as given in Equation 7.30 whereas

= E{SVX{2)} =
x ( 2 )“} V V xiljV ;

Note that these expected values can be found using Equation 7.34. Furthermore,
E{SVX{2)} is called the partial covariance of 5 and 26(2), and the partial
covariance properly normalized is called the partial correlation coefficient. The
partial correlation coefficient was defined in Chapter 5.
We now proceed to include the effect of 26(3) by including its innovation,
M 3 ) . By definition

M 3 ) = 26(3) - £{26(3)|26(1), 26(2)} (7.40)

Now we note from Equation 7,37 that 26(2) is a linear combination of 26(1) and
Vx {2). Indeed

26(2) = Vx (2) + — 36(1)


Thus, knowing 26(1) and 26(2) is equivalent to knowing 26(1) and Vx {2), So

£ {3 6 (3 )| 36(1), 36(2)} = £{26(3)|26(1), Vx (2)} (7.41)

and using this in Equation 7.40 produces

M 3 ) = 26(3) - £{36(3)|36(1), Vx (2)} (7.42)

Now, because of the zero-mean Gaussian assumption

£ {36(3)| 36(1), M 2 ) } = ^ 2 6 (1 ) + b , V x (2 ) (7 .4 3 )


£ {Z (3 )Z (1 )}
E { X ( 3 ) V x {2)}
E { VX( 2)2}


Vx (3) = X (3) - b , X ( 1) - b2Vx {2) (7.46)

Note that

1. Vx (3) is a linear combination of W (l), X(2), and 3f(3).

2. E { V X{3)} = 0
3. E{VX{ 3 )X (1 )} = 0. E{VX{3)VX{2)} = 0 (7.47)

Now in the estimator

S3 = hxX ( l ) + h2Vx { 2) + h , V x ( 3) (7.48)

h! and h2 were found in Equations 7.30 and 7.39 and

E{SVX{ 3)}
E { V x (3Y}

The general case is discussed next.

7.3.1 Multivariate Estimator Using Innovations

We now describe the general linear estimator based on innovations.

S W /) (7.50)


Vx ( l) = X ( l ) (7.51)

VxU) = AT(y) - £ {A (/)| A (1 ), 1)}, j = 2,3, .. n (7.52)

. = E{SVx(j)}
' E{V\U)}

Furthermore, the residual MSE, P{n) is, using Equation 7.23

P(n) = £ {[S - Sn]2} = £ {S 2} - £{S;|}

= a s2 - (7.54)

= a s2 - 2 t f a Vx Q)Vx(j) (7.55)

where the last equation follows from orthogonality of Vx ( j ) and Vx (i), i ¥■ j.

At this stage, we have a general form for both the estimator and the error
in terms o f innovations. It can be shown that this estimator is equivalent to the
linear estimator of Section 7.2. (See Problems 7.11 and 7.12.)

7.3.2 Matrix Definition of Innovations

The remainder of this section describes the general relation between the set of
observations A ( l ) , X(2), . . . , X(n) and the innovations Vx ( l), Vx(2), . . . ,
v x{n).
We define the innovation, Vx (i) of X(i) to be

Vx ( l) = X ( l ) (7.56)

Vx (i) = X( i ) - E { X ( i ) |Z(1), . . . , X( i - 1)}, i = 1, 2, . . . , n (7.57)

and we further restrict our attention to the zero-mean Gaussian case such that
E{X( j ) \X( l ), . . . , X ( j — 1)} is a linear function, that is

E{ X( j ) \ X ( l ) , . . . , X ( j - 1)} = § b,X( i ) (7.58)


In this case, Vx (i) is a linear function of X(i), X(i - 1), . . . , 3 f(l). Equation
7.57 can be rewritten as

X( i ) = E {X ( i ) |Z(1), . . . , X ( i - 1)} + Vx (i) (7.59)


Note that Vx (i) is the unpredictable part of X(i). Equation 7.59 thus serves as
a decomposition of X( i ) into a predictable part, which is the conditional ex­
pectation, and an unpredictable part, Vx(/).
Thus, by Equations 7.57 and 7.58, the innovation Vx (i) is a linear function
of X(n). We argue later that X( n) is also a linear function of Vx (n). Indeed:

V * (l) = A-(l)

Vx (2) = X( 2) + 7(2, 1 )^ (1 ) (7-60)

Vx (3) = X (3 ) + 7(3, l)A -(l) + 7(3, 2 )X (2 ) (7.61)

where the y(i, j ) are constants, which will be Specified later.


* ( 1 ) = Vx( l ) (7.62)

X( 2) = Vx (2) + 1(2, l)Kv(l) (7-63)

2f(3) = Ev(3) + 1(3, l)Kv(l) + /(3, 2 )Vx (2) + 1(3, 1 ) ^ ( 1 ) (7.64)

and the l(i, j ) are constants which can be derived from set of 7 (i, j).
We now summarize the properties o f Vx (n) if X(n) is a zero-mean Gaussian
random sequence.

1. E{ Vx (n)\Vx (l), . . . , Vx (n - 1)} = 0 (7.65)

2. E{ Vx ( n) Vx (i)} = 0, n (7.66)
3. X x (n) = T X ( m) where T is a linear transformation or filter
4. X(n) = L X x (n) where L is another linear transformation or filter

We can find T and L as follows. We first seek a linear transformation T such


r x = v* (7.67)


X r = CAT(l), • • - , 26(n)]
T is an n x n matrix
V l = [ ^ ( 1 ) , ■ • ■ , Vx(n)]

where the covariance matrix of X x is diagonal.


Note that in order to be a realizable (i.e., causal— see Section 4.1.1) filter,
T must be a lower triangular matrix because VA-(1) must rely only on X( l ) ,
Vx(2) must rely only on X ( l ) and X( 2) , and so on. That is

' 7 ( 1 , 1) 0 0 0 "* (1 )“ > * (!)'

7 (2 , 1 ) 7 (2 , 2 ) 0 - 0 * (2 ) Vx(2)
7(3,1) 7(3,2) 7(3,3) 0 - 0 W(3)

y(n, 1) 7 (n, 2) 7 (n, 3) ••• 7 (n, «)_ X (n \ y x{n\

Note that Equations 7.67 and 7.68 are identical equations that generalize Equa­
tions 7.59-7.61.
We now recall that

£ {A r(/)} = 0,

and we will call Rxx(i, j) the covariance between Z ( l ) and X(2), that is

E { X ( i ) X { j ) } = Rx x ( i , j )

In order for the covariance matrix of V* to be a diagonal matrix and to satisfy

Equation 7.56 and Equation 7.57, T must be a lower triangular matrix with l ’s
on the diagonal. Thus, y(i, i) = 1, and in particular

7(1. 1) = 1 (7.69)

We can find y(2, 1) as follows

E { V X(1)VX(2)} = 0 = E{ X( l ) [ y( 2, l ) X ( l ) + X(2)]}
= 7(2, I f e O , 1) + Rxx{ 1 ,2 ) = 0

£ aw(1, 2)
***(1. 1)

To solve for 7 ( 3 , 1) and 7 ( 3 , 2) we use the equations

£ {^ (1 )^ (3 )} = 0

E{ VX(2) VX(3)} = 0

In a similar fashion, the entire T matrix can be found.


Find the transformation T when E{X{n)} = 0 and the covariance matrix o fX (l),
X(2), X(3) is

i *
1 i
i l

We know

1 0 0
r= y(2, l) 1 0
7(3,1) 7(3,2) 1

We find y(2, 1) from Equation 7.70 using h x .

7(2, 1) = - i

We find 7 ( 3 , 1) and 7 ( 3 , 2) from

E { V x ( 1 ) V x ( 3)} = 0
E {* (1 )[7 (3 , l)J f( l) + 7(3, 2 )* ( 2 ) F W(3)]} = 0
7(3, 1) F h(3, 2) + 1 = 0 (7.71)


E{ VX(2) VX(3)} = 0

£ { [ - i * ( l ) + ^ (2)][7 (3 , 1)AT(1) + 7(3, 2) X( 2) F AT(3)]} = 0

- h ( 3 , 1) - 4 7 ( 3 , 2) - i + 27 ( 3 , 1) + 7(3, 2 ) + i = 0


7(3, 2) = - i

Using this result in Equation 7.71 produces

7(3, 1) = 0


1 0 0
2 1 0
0 “ “ 2 1

We have demonstrated a procedure whereby a transformation (or filter) may

be found that produces white noise (the Vx are independent), which is the
innovation of X if X has zero-mean (what would occur if X had a nonzero
mean?). If we were considering other than Gaussian processes, then this trans­
formation would produce uncorrelated and orthogonal but not necessarily in­
dependent random variables.
It can be shown that the lower triangular matrix T has an inverse that will
also be lower triangular. Call

r 1= l (7.72)


X = L V*

Thus, Equation 7.72 defines L and we can recover X from V ¥ by passing it

through the filter L.


Find L and X in terms of V ¥ using the results of Example 7.9.



1 0 0

2 1 0

1 1
4 2 1


X ( l ) = Vx (l)

X{ 2) = i V x (l) + Vx (2)

X( 3) = \VX{1) + IVX(2) + Vx (3)


In the preceding sections we have shown how to find the “ best” linear estimator
of a random variable S or a random sequence S(n) at time index n in terms of
another correlated sequence X(n). The “ best” estimator is one that minimizes
the MSE between S(n) and the estimator S(n). However, the “ best” estimator
is actually “ best” only under one of two limitations; either it is “ best” among
all linear estimators, or it is “ best” among all estimators when the joint densities
are normal or Gaussian.
The best linear estimators are based on projecting the quantity to be esti­
mated, S, onto the space defined by the observations V ( l ) , X( 2) , . . . , X(n)
in such a fashion that the error 5 — S is orthogonal to the observations. The
equations for the weights are given in Equation 7.16 and the constant, if needed,
is given in Equation 7.13. It is also important to find how good the best estimator
is, and Equation 7.19 describes the residual MSE.
Finally, the concept of innovations was introduced in order to solve this
relatively simple problem in the same fashion that will be used to derive both
the Kalman and the Wiener filters. The innovation Vx (n) o f a Gaussian sequence
V (l ) , X(2), . . . , X{ n) is the unpredictable part of X( n) . That is, the best
estimator of X( n) given V (l ) , X( 2) , . . . , X( n — 1) is E{X( n) \X( l ) , . . . ,
X( n — 1)} and the innovation of X( n) is the difference between X( n) and
E{X( n)\X(l ) , . . . , X( n — 1)}. The innovations of a sequence are mutually
orthogonal. Thus, from a vector space picture, Vx (n) is the part of X( n) that
is orthogonal to the space defined by V ( l ) , . . . , X{ n — 1).
The weights of the best linear filter can be described in terms o f innovations
and Equation 7.53 gives these weights. Equation 7.55 gives the error in terms
of innovations.

Because of the orthogonality of the innovations, the weights of each inno­

vation can be computed independently of the other weights. This can be done
in a recursive form as will be demonstrated in the section on Kalman Filtering.
In the next two sections we discuss the form of these best estimators when
predicting, smoothing, and digitally filtering random sequences. Particular em­
phasis is placed on recursive (Kalman) filters when the signal can be modeled
as an autoregressive sequence.


In this section we consider the problem of estimating a random sequence, S(n),

while observing another random sequence, X( m) . This problem is usually ad­
dressed using the following terminology:

1. If we can observe a sample sequence X( m) , where m < n and we want

to estimate the value of S(n), then this problem is called prediction.
Further, if X ( j ) = S(j), then the problem is called pure prediction.
2. If we can observe a sample sequence X( m) , where m > n, and we want
to estimate the value of S(n), the problem is called filtering. Only in the
case where n = m can the process be accomplished in real time or on­
line, and in this case the filter is called a causal or realizable filter. When
m > n, the data must be stored and in this case the filter is often called
a smoothing filter or a noncausal (unrealizable) filter.

In this section, all processes are assumed to be wide-sense stationary and to

have zero mean unless stated otherwise.

7.5.1 Digital W iener Filters with Stored Data

We assume a simple model of the relationship between the signal S and the
measurement X. This is called the additive noise model and is represented by

X( n) = S(n) + v(n) (7.73)

where S(n) is the zero-mean signal random sequence, v(n) is the zero-mean
white noise sequence, and S(n) and v(n) are uncorrelated. Thus, since they have
zero means, they are also orthogonal.
We now assume that the data are stored and X( n) is available for all n, that
is, the filter is no longer finite. We seek the best, that is, minimum linear mean
squared error estimator S, where

S{n) = 2 Kk)X{n - k) (7.74)


Now for practical cases, because memories are finite, the sum in Equation
7.74 will be finite, and the method o f Section 7.2 can be used as illustrated in
Example 7.10 except that in some cases the required matrix inversion of Equation
7.16 would be either impossible or too slow. In this section, we explore other
The MSE given by

£ {[S (n ) - S( n)] 2}

can be minimized by applying the orthogonality conditions:

E S(n) ~ 2 h ( k ) X( n — k)
X { n - i)
} = 0 for all i (7.75)


Rxsii) = 2 h ( k ) R x x (i - k) for alii (7.76)

Because o f the infinite summation, matrix inversion is impossible and thus

will not result in a solution for h(k). However, if R x x (m) = 0, \m\ > M, then
Equation 7.76 reduces to a 2M + 1 matrix, which can be inverted resulting in
the weights h( —M) , h( —M + 1), . . . , h{0), . . . , h(M) .
In the case of an infinite sum, we take the Fourier transform o f both sides
of Equation 7.76 resulting in

Sxs(f) - H (f)S xx(f), |/i < i (7.77)


^ (/)= W / ) ’ l/l < i (7.78)

The resulting MSE is

P = £{[<>(«) - 5 ( « ) ] 2}

= E S(n) - 2 h ( k ) X( n - k)

= Rssifl) - 2 H k)R sx(-k) (7 .79)



P( m) = R ss(m) - 2) K k ) R s x { m ~ k) (7.80)

Then P(0) = P. Taking the Fourier transforms of both sides of Equation 7.80
results in

P f ( f ) = Sss( f ) - H ( f ) S sx( f ) , |/| < i (7.81)

where PF( f ) is the Fourier transform of P(m).


_ r+ 1/2 —
P( m) = PF( f ) exp(+;'2iT/m ) d f
J- 1/2


_ f +1/2
P = F(0) = [Sss( / ) - H ( / ) S W( / ) ] d f (7.82)
1 —1/2


If X (n ) = i ’(n), i.e., no noise, find the optimum unrealizable H ( f ) and P.

From Equation 7.78 we obtain

Sss(f) _ .
# (/) =
5 « (/)

and using Equation 7.82

r+ 1/2
P = [ M / ) - S « ( /) l df = 0
J - 1/2

Obviously, if S( n) can be observed with no noise, then S( n) = S(n), that is,

H = 1, h(n) = 8(n), and the residual error is zero.


Assume that X( n ) = S(n) + v(n), where v(n) is white with a 2 = 1. S(n) is a

zero-mean Markov or first-order autoregressive sequence, that is

R ss(n) = aMo 2

(a) Find R s x , Ssx, R Xx> Sx x , and / / ( / ) , the optimum unrealizable filter.

(b) If a = 1/2, crj = 1, find h(n), the optimum unrealizable or noncausal
weights in the time domain.


Rsx(m ) = E { S ( n ) X ( n + m)}
— £'{5,(n)[5,(n + m) + v(n + m)]}
= R ss(m) = aw o l

Ssx(f) = Ss s ( f ) = <J2
s ^ a 1/1 e x p ( - / 2 i n / )
/= -x

1 — 2a cos 2 it/ + a2’

(See Equation 5.12.)

Rxx(n) = R s s ( n ) + R , M )
a^Os + 8 (n)

o l ( l ~ a2) l
$xx(f) — i/l < 4
1 — 2a cos 2-nf + a2
1 + a2 + crj(l — a2) — 2a cos 2tt/
1 — 2a cos 2 ir/ + a2
l/l < 4

Finally using Equation 7.78

___________ 0-1(1 - a2)____________

H{f) =
1 + a2 + a ! ( l — a2) — 2a cos 2 tt/ ’
l/l < i

(b) If a i = 1, a = 1/2
# ( / ) = 2 — cos 2 it/ ’ 1/1 <

This can be seen to be the Fourier transform of

H(n) = .433 (,268)W

by using the result that

h(n) = cbM
has the Fourier transform
c ( l - b2)
c ( l - b2)_________________ 2b
1 + b2 - 2b cos 2 i t / 1 + b1
- ^ - - c o s 2^

Note that h(n) 0 when n < 0. This is unrealizable in real time or


7.5.2 Real-time Digital Wiener Filters

We consider the same problem o f Section 7.5.1 except that now we seek an
estimator of the form

S(n) = hkX( n - k) (7.83.a)


The filter defined by Equation 7.83.a is a realizable filter. That is, only present
and past values of X are used in estimating S(n). In this case, the filter can be
conceptually realized as shown in Figure 7.3. If, in fact, the correlation between
X and S is zero after a delay of more than M, that is

Rsx{ m) = 0, \m\ > M

then the filter can be made up o f M delays and M + 1 amplifiers resulting in

a realizable or causal finite response filter.
We seek a finite linear filter when X(0), . . . , X( n) can be observed

S(n) = 2 K X ( n - k)
k = 0

F ig u r e 7 .3 R e a l i z a t i o n o f a d ig ita l filte r.

and the solution is o f the same form given in Equation 7.16, that is

h — R o-R xi (7.83.b)


hr = [h0, hu . . . , hn]

"• Rxx(n)
Rxx( 1) Rxx(0) •• Rxx(n - 1)
Rxx(n) RXx(n ~ 1) - Rxx(P)

R-xs = E{ S{ n) [ X{ n) , X{ n - 1), . , * (0 )]}

In this case, Equation 7.16 is said to define a finite discrete Wiener filter. The
MSE is given in Equation 7.24.


Let S(n) be an ensemble of constant functions of time with E{ S( n)} = 0, and

E{ S2(n)} = <t|. X( n ) — S(n) + v(n) where v(n) is a zero-mean white noise
sequence with E{ v2(n)} = ctJ. Define y = o-J/crj as the noise-to-signal ratio
(1/SNR). Find h and P( n) as a function of n, if Xi n - 1) is the last observation,
i.e. h0 = 0.


R x s ( k ) — R s s ( k ) —cr 1

Rx x { k ) = cr! + 8 (k)a\


k = 0
m = k A 0

From Equation 7.83.b

cr! E hi + hpl = °s

Summing this equation for / = 1 to n results in

wtj 2 hi = n a 2
/= i ' =>


E hi «cr! 4- cr;

and using this result in the first equation, we have

4- cr; 4- = a!
h p l
r u r 's


s + al n + y’

Note that all hi are equal, as should be expected because S is a constant and
the noise is stationary. A lso note that the weights hi change (decrease) as n

P( S i ) = P (S 2) = Vi
2 2
p -s ~ °s = a

a • • • • • • • • • • • • Sjfa)

■0 ------------------------------------------- n


X(n) = X{n) = S xin) + An )

Sin) + \>in)
2 2 2


Xin) Xin) = <S2(rc) + v [n)

2 2
aS >


(e )

F ig u r e 7 .4 D i f f e r e n t c a s e s f o r E x a m p le 7 .1 3 . (a) T h e t w o p o s s ib le v a lu e s o f S(n).
(b) X ( n ) g iv e n S(n) = 5 ,( n ) and a ; a1, (c ) X ( n ) g iv e n S(n) = Sz(n) a n d ct;< § a 2.


Also note that this finite discrete Wiener filter is

S(n) = 2 X{ i )
n + y n fTi _] n + y + n +r -y

The last equation shows S( n) to be the weighted average of the mean of the
observations and the a priori estimate of 0. If the noise to signal ratio y is small
compared with n, then S is the simple average o f the observations. Figure 7.4
shows different cases for this example.
The MSE P(n) is given by Equation 7.24 as

^2 i
P{ n) = cts - 2
i=i n + 7
n ex;
“ CTs i -
n + 7. n +

which decreases with n.


Given the observations ^f(O), . . . , X(n), n a 2, with

f l« ( 0 ) = 4 ■
flw (i) = i

Rss( 2) = 1

Rss(n) = 0, n > 2

X( n ) = S( n) + v (« ), 5 and v areuncorrelated

R m(n) = 5, n = 0

= 0, elsewhere

Find the optimum realizable filter for S(n).



Rxs ( n ) — Rss(n)

Rxx( 0) = 1
Rxxil) = i
Rxx( 2) = ?
Rxx( n) = 0, n > 2

There are only two nonzero weights and these weights (/t’s) are the solution to
(see Equation 7.83.b)

1 i
i i
4 /to n 4i l

2 hi —
i _ h 2_

r i ran “2
/to 3 -i o ’ 4 3
2 2
h\ = ~ 3 ” 5 i 4
2 4
h2 0 3 _4_ 0

This is represented by the filter shown in Figure 7.5, and is usually called a finite
discrete Wiener filter.

Figure 7.5 Optimum filter for Example 7.14.


We now return to the general case represented by Equation 7.83. Unfor­

tunately this cannot be solved by inverting a matrix.
The orthogonality condition

£ {[$ (« ) - 2 hkX{n - k)\X{n - t)} = 0, i = 1, 2, . . . (7.84)


results in

Rxs(i) ~ 2 / hkRxx( i ~ k), i — 1,2,... (7.85)


Equation 7.85 is the discrete version of an equation called the W iener-Hopf

equation, and it cannot be solved by transform methods using power spectral
densities because Equation 7.85 is defined only for i > 0. Instead, it will be
solved by a method based on innovations that is similar to a solution for the
continuous W iener-Hopf equation due to Bode and Shannon [4]. This solution
is outlined next. However, practical digital filters are not usually based on this
solution. Recursive or Kalman filters are more common primarily because they
require less computational capability.

Outline o f the Solution to the Optimum Infinite Realizable Filtering Prob­

lem . The optimum unrealizable filter described by

S(n) = 2 h ( k ) X( n - k)

can be written as the sum of two parts


S{n) = ^ h( k ) X( n - k) + £ h ( k ) X ( n - k) (7.86)
*=-= *=■o

where the first sum requires future values of the observations, X( i ) , which are
not available in real time. The second sum is the realizable part.
Temporarily assume that X( n) is the zero-mean white noise, then the con­
ditional expected value of X( n - k ) for negative k (i.e ., values of X that occur
after time n) would be zero, that is

E { X ( n + 1)|X ( n ) , X ( n - 1), . . .} = 0

XM H if) S in)
S xx(f>

Figure 1.6a Optimum unrealizable filter.

because by the definition of zero-mean white noise, each value is independent

of all previous values and has an expected value of zero. Thus, because the
conditional expected value of X( n — k), k ■& —1, given . . . X ( —2), X ( —1),
AT(0) is zero, the best guess (conditional expected value) of the first sum of
Equation 7.86 is zero. Thus, those parts of the filter involving delays should be
kept while those involving advances should be eliminated (i.e., set equal to
zero). The problem would be solved if the input were white noise.
When the input is not white noise, X , the input, is first put into a digital
filter (an innovations filter), which effectively converts it to white noise, called
the innovations of X. Then the realizable, or real-time, part of the remaining
optimum filter is kept. The steps are shown in Figure 7.6.
Note that in Figure 7.6b

Svxvx( f ) = S * * ( /) | t f .( /) | 2

and if H x( f ) can be chosen such that

1. It is realizable, and
2. |W,(/)p = [Sx x ( f ) ] ~ l


SvxVx( f ) - Sxx(f) Sxx( f ) ~ *

or Vx is white noise. Vx is called the innovations of X, which were described


H it/1 H z {f)

1 VX M sxs(n
S in )

Sxx Cfl White noise SxxU I

Figure 1.6b Optimum unrealizable filter.




Figure 7.6c Optimum realizable filter.

Here we assume that such a filter can be found and we call it S£x ( f ) . Finding
it in this discrete case is not discussed in this book. However, a similar continuous
filter is described in Section 7.7.
Also note in Figures 7.6a and 1.6b that

# . ( / ) • H 2( f ) = H( f ) ; or s f x = S& ( / ) Sxx{ f )

Thus, the filters of Figure 1.6a and Figdre 1.6b are the same and each is that
given by Equation 7.78.
In the final step, shown in Figure 7.6c, the optimum realizable, (causal or
real-time) filter is H}, which is the real-time part o f H, because the input to H,
is white noise, that is the innovations o f X, and Equation 7.86 was used to justify
taking only the real-time part o f S(n) in the case o f white-noise input. This H}
is multiplied by //, assuming H t meets the conditions specified previously.
As stated, we do not emphasize the solution described for digital filters. A
solution is outlined in Problems 7.17-7.20. We emphasize recursive digital filters,
which are described in the next section.


Kalman filters have been effective in a number of practical problems. They allow
nonstationarity, and their recursive form is easy to implement. We describe the
general model, discuss the advantages of recursive filters, and then find the
optimum filter in the scalar case. Finally, we find the optimum Kalman filter in
the more general vector case.
We adopt the following notation for Kalman filtering: S(n), the signal, is a
zero-mean Gaussian sequence described by an autoregressive or Markov model
of the form

S(n) = a(n)S(n - 1) + W( n) (7.87)

where a{n) is a series of known constants and W( n) is white noise. Furthermore,

if S(n) is to be a stationary random sequence, then a(n) will be constant with

n. However, a(n) can vary with n resulting in a nonstationary sequence. (Wiener

filters are not applicable to nonstationary sequences.)
The model given in Equation 7.87 can be extended to a higher order auto­
regressive moving-average model o f the form

S(n) = ^ [a(«),5(/z — i) + W( n + 1 — /)]


In the later case, the higher order difference equation will be converted to
a state model of the form

S (« ) = A ( « ) S ( « - 1) + W ( « ) (7.88)

where the input or driving function, W (n), is white noise.

Equations such as Equations 7.87 and 7.88 that describe S{n) will be called
signal models or state models. Further, the observation X( n ) is assumed to be
of the form

X{ n ) = S(n) + v(n) (7.89)

where v(n) is white noise that is independent of both W( n) and S(n), and v(n)
is called observation noise. Equation 7.89 will be called the observation model.
We know that the optimal (minimum MSE) estimator of S(n + 1) using
observations W (l), . . . , X( n) is

S(n + 1) = E{ S{ n + 1)|X(1), . . . , * ( « ) }

If we assume that 5 and W are Gaussian, then this estimator will be linear.
If we delete the Gaussian assumption and seek the minimum MSE linear pre­
dictor, the result will be unchanged. We want to find this optimum filter in a
recursive form so that it can be easily implemented on a computer using a
minimum amount of storage.

7.6.1 Recursive Estimators

Suppose S(n) is an unknown constant. Then we could estimate S(n) having

observed X ( l ) , . . . , X( n - 1) by

G _ * ( 1 ) + AT(2) + • • • + X( n - 1)
n - 1

if X( n) = S( n) + v( n) and v( n) is stationary zero-mean white noise and we

agree that a linear estimator is appropriate, for example if X is Gaussian. That
is, S(n) is the average of the observations. Then, the estimate, o f S{n + 1)
would be

, ,, * ( ! ) + • • ■ + X(n)
S(n + 1) = — -------------------------

The problem with this form o f estimator is that the memory required to store
the observations grows with n, leading to a very large (eventually too large a)
memory requirement, However, if we simply express S(n + 1) in recursive
form, then

S(n + 1) = W n
-J i + m

------ S(«) + - X(n)

n n

This implementation of the filter requires that only the previous estimate
and the new observation be stored. Further,-note that the estimator is a convex
linear combination of the new observation and the old estimate. We will find
this is also the form of the Kalman filter.

7.6.2 Scalar Kalman Filter

We reiterate the assumptions

1. S(n) = a(n)S(n - 1) + W(n) (7.87)

2. W( n) is a zero-mean white Gaussian noise sequence, called the system
noise driving function. Its variance is assumed to be known and will be
denoted cr\v(n).
3. 5(1) is a zero-mean Gaussian random variable independent of the se-
• quence W(n). Its variance is also assumed to be known.
4. a(n) is a known series of constants.

Thus, S(n) is a Gauss-Markov sequence, or a first-order autoregressive

sequence. It also has the form o f a first-order state equation.

5. We observe
X( n) = S(n) + v( n) (7.89)

where v(n) is also zero-mean white Gaussian noise with variance, a ;(n ),
which is independent o f both the sequence W( n) and 5(1).

Our goal is to find the minimum MSE linear predictor o f S(n + 1) given
observations W (l), . . . , X( n) . Because o f the Gaussian assumption, we know

5 (n + 1) = E{ S( n + 1)|W(1), . . . , X ( n ) } (7.90)

will be linear and will be the optimum estimator. We want to find this conditional
expected value in a recursive form.
We know that the innovations process Vx and the observations X are linearly
equivalent. Thus,

S(n + 1) = E{ S( n + 1)|V*(1), . . . , Vx {n)} (7.91)

will be equivalent to Equation 7.90 and will be a linear combination of the

innovations, that is

S{n + 1) = 2 c ( n , j ) V x { j ) (7.92)

Note that this is not yet in recursive form.

We now seek the values of c{n, j). Note that

E { V x { j ) V x {k)} = 0, }* k
= Vv U) , j = k (7.93)

We now seek the values of c(n, ;') in this scalar case. A similar treatment of
the vector case is presented in the next section. In both cases we will:

1. Show that the optimum Kalman filter is a linear combination of (a) an

updating (projection) of the previous best estimator; and (b) an updating
(projection) of the innovation due to the most recent observation.
2. Find a recursive expression for the error.
3. Find a recursive expression for the weights to be used in the linear

Linear Combination o f Previous Estimator and Innovation. From Equations

7.92 and 7.93 it follows that fo r ; = 1, . . . , n

E{ S( n + 1) V x ( j ) } = c(n, j ) a 2
v( j ) (7.94)


We now show that for all j = 1

E{ S( n + 1 )V * (/)} = £ {5 (n + l ) y * ( / ) }

This follows because the error, S(n + 1) - S(n + 1), is orthogonal to the
observations X ( j ) , j < n, due to the orthogonality condition. Because the in­
novation Vx ( j ) is a linear combination of X( i ) , i < ;, the error is orthogonal
to v x( j ) , / S n, or

£ {[S (n + 1) - S(n + 1) }Vx ( j ) } = 0

This produces the stated result and when this result is used in Equation 7.94 we

c(n, j ) = ^ ~ (7.95)

Equations 7.95 and 7.92 result in

y E{ S( n + 1)VX(/)}
S(n + 1) = (7.96)
Vx U)
j-i <* W)

Now we use the state model, Equation 7.87, in order to produce a recursive

E{ S( n + 1) V x { j ) } = E{[ a{n + l)S (n ) + W( n + 1)]Vx (j)}

= a( « + l)£ '{5 (rt)V Ar( ; ) } + E { W { n + 1) V x ( j ) } (7.97)

But the last term is zero. To see this, note that W( n + 1) is independent of
S(k) for k < n and E [ W( n + 1)] = 0. That is

E { W{ n + 1 )S (*)} = 0, k<n

Now the observation model, Equation 7.89, produces

E { W( n + l ) [ X { k ) - v (*)]} = 0, k < n

But v(k) is independent of W{ n + 1) for all k and all n, thus

E { W( n + l ) X ( k ) } = 0, k<n

Now because Vx ( j ) is a linear combination o f X ( k ) , k ^ /, then

E { W( n + l ) V x ( j ) } = 0, j^n

Thus returning to Equation 7.97

E{ S{ n + 1) V x { j ) } = a(n + 1) E { S { n ) V x ( j ) } , j n (7.98)

Using Equation 7.98 in Equation 7.95 produces

a(n + l ) E { S ( n ) V x U) }
c{n, j ) =

and this result used in Equation 7.92 results in

a. [ i\ r , n ^ E{ S { n ) V x { j ) } (7.99)
S (n + 1) = a (n + 1) 2 , -------- T F ~ \ v xKJ)

Equation 7.96 is valid for all n and in particular, let n = n + 1; then

. E{ S ( n ) V x ( j ) }
S(n) = 2 j rr2 , ------- V x( J>
j= I a V \ l )

Using this result in Equation 7.99 produces the recursive form

+ e i s w v m
S{n + 1) = a(n + 1)
vv( n)
= S,(n + 1) + b ( n ) Vx (n) (7.101)


5,(n + 1) = a(n + l)S (n ) (7.101.a)


b(n) = a(n + 1) ^
v (n )
^ *s yet to determined (7.101.b)

Vx (n) = X ( n ) - S(n) (7.101.c)

(See Problem 7.22.)

We now have accomplished the first objective because Equation 7.101 shows
that the best estimator is a combination of Si(n + 1), which is [a(n + 1)
multiplied by S(n)], that is, an updating o f S{n), and b{n) times the innovation,
Vx {n), of X( n) . However, some elaboration will be instructive.
It will be helpful in order to prepare for the vector case to define

S2(n + 1) = b( n) Vx (n) (7.102)

Then we can write Equation 7.101 as

S{n + 1) = St(n + 1) + S2{n + 1)

Finally we define

k{n) (7.103)
a(n + 1)

then Equation 7.101 becomes, using Equation 7.101.a

S(n + 1) = a(n + l)5 (n ) + a(n + 1) k ( n ) V x (n) (7.104)

This important equation can be rewritten as (see Problem 7.24)

S(n + 1) = a(n + 1 ){5 («) + k ( n ) [ X( n) — 5 (n )]} (7.105)

This form shows that the initial estimate S(n) at stage n is improved by the
innovation o f the observation X{ n) at stage n. The term within the brackets is
the best (after observation) estimator at stage n. Then a(n + 1) is used to
project the best estimator at stage n to the estimator at stage n + 1. This
estimator would be used if there were no observation at stage n + 1 and can
be called the prediction form o f the Kalman filter.
This equation can also be written as

S(n + 1) = a{n + 1){[1 — k (n )]S (n ) + k ( n ) X( n ) } (7.106)


showing that the best estimator at stage that is the term in brackets, is a
convex linear combination o f the estimator S(n) and the observation X( n) .
At this stage we have shown that the optimum filter is a linear combination
of the previous best estimator S( n) and the innovation Vx (n) = X { n ) — S(n)
of X( n) . However, we do not yet know k(n). We will find k(n) by minimizing
the MSE. First we find a recursive expression for the error.

Recursive Expression for Error. Defining the error S(n) as

S(n) = S(n) - S( n) (7.107)

P( n) = £ { S 2(n)] (7.108)

Now from the definition of Equation 7.101.C and using the observation model,
Equation 7.89

Vx (n) = S(n) + v{ n) - S{n)

Using the definition from Equation 7.107 results in

Vx (n) = S(n) + v(n) (7.109)


E { S ( n ) V x (n)} = E{ S( n) S( n) } + E{ S{ n) v{ n) j
= E{ S[ n) S{ n) }
= £ {[S (n ) + 5 (n )]5 (« )}

The term £ { 5 ( « ) 5 ( n ) } is zero by orthogonality; thus,

E { S ( n ) V x (n)} = P( n) (7.110)


P{ n + 1) = E {S \ n + 1)} = E{[ S( n + 1) - S(n + l ) ] 2} (7.111)

We use Equation 7.104 for S(n + 1) and the state model, Equation 7.87, for

S(n + 1) resulting in

P(n + 1) = E{[a(n + 1) S( n) + a(n + 1) k( n) Vx (n)

— a(n + l)S(rt) — W( n + l ) ] 2}
= E{[a(n + l)[5 (n ) - 5(n)]
+ a{n + 1) k( n) Vx (n) - W{ n + l ) ] 2}

= a2(n + l)F (n ) + a2(n + \)k2{ n ) E { V 2

x {n)}
+ <Jw(n + 1) + 2 a2(n + 1) k { n ) E { S ( n ) V x {n)}
— 2 a2{n + 1) k ( n ) E{ S( n) Vx (n)}
- 2a{n + 1) E{ W( n + l)[5 (n ) - 5 (« )] }
- 2a(n + l ) k ( n ) E { V x ( n) W( n + 1)} (7.112)

Now, the fourth term o f Equation 7.112 is zero because o f the definition
o f innovations and the fact that S(n) is a linear combination o f Vx (l), . . . ,
Vx (n - 1). Similarly, the last two terms are zero due to the fact that W{n +
1) is orthogonal to S(n), S(n), and Vx (n). Using Equation 7.110 in Equation
7.112 results in

P( n + 1) = a2(n + l ) P ( n ) + a2{n + 1) k 2(n) E { V 2

x (n)} + u 2
w(n + 1)
- 2a2{n + \) k( n)P{n)


x (n)} = £ {[S (n ) + v{n) - 5 ( « ) ] 2}
= P{ n) + cr2(n)


P( n + 1) = a2(n + 1) k 2( n) [ P( n) + <x?(n)] — 2a2(n + 1) k( n) P( n)

+ a2{n + 1 )E («) + d 2
w(n + 1)
= a2(n + 1){[1 — k(n) ] 2P( n) + k2( n) ol { n) }
+ (J2
w{n + 1) (7.113)

We have now accomplished objective two; Equation 7.113 is a recursive expres­

sion for the mean-square error. P(n + 1) is the error at stage n + 1 using all
observations through stage n.

Minimum MSE Weight. Finally, we could differentiate P(n + 1) with respect

to k{n) and set the result equal to zero in order to find a minimum. (See Problem
7.26.) However, in order to prepare for the vector case, we take a different
approach in order to find the value of k{ n) that minimizes P( n 4 - 1).
Equation 7.113 can be rewritten as

P( n + 1) = a\n 4- 1) [ k2( n ) D 2 - 2 P( n) k( n) + C] (7.114)


D = V P («) 4 - o 'v ( n ) (7.115)

<rw(n + 1)
C = P( n) + (7.116)
a2{n 4 - 1 )

Completing the square in k{n)

P( n + 1) = a2{n + 1) [ k { n) D - B} 2 + C, (7.117)

where C t is some term not involving k(n). Comparing Equations 7.114 and 7.117
we find that

k ( n ) BD = P( n) k( n)


P(“ )
B = (7.118)

In order to minimize P{n + 1) by choice of k(n), the best one can do is to

make the term in the brackets of Equation 7.117 equal to zero. Thus choose

Kn) = | (7.119)

Using Equations 7.118 and 7.115 in Equation 7.119 we obtain

P{ n)
k(n) = (7.120)
P{ n) + al( n)

This third and last of the defining equations of the Kalman filter can be
viewed, using Equation 7.106, as stating that the optimal estimator weights X ( n )
directly proportional to the variance of S(n), while S(n) has a weight

1 - k(n)
P( n) + crl(n)

which is directly proportional to the conditional variance of X( n) .

If the expression for k( n) is now used in Equation 7.113, we find

[cr l ( n) P( n) ]
P(n + 1) = a2(n + + cr2
w(n + 1)
P{ n) + o'l(n) (7.121)

This can also be written

crt(n) P 2(n)
P(n + 1) = a2(n + 1) - P( n) +
[ P( n) + o•;(«)] [ P{ n) + <si(n)]2
+ cr2
w(n + 1) (7.122)

n —1
P(l) = cr: (Assumed value, usually larger than cr; and <rtv)
S(l) - S (Assumed value, usually zero)
1. Start Loop
Get data: ct;(«), tr^(n), a(n + 1); X( n)
k(n) = P(n)/[P(n) + < r ; ( n ) ]
S(n + 1) = a(n + 1) ( 5 ( r i ) + k(n) [X(n) - 5 ( n ) ] }
P(n + 1) = a2(n + 1)[1 - k(n)}P(n) + <r:w(n + 1)
n = n + 1
Go to 1.

7.7(a) Algorithm

The term in the large brackets of Equation 7.122 shows that the revision of
5(n) using X ( n ) produces a linear combination of their variances, which is less
than either variance. This reduced variance is then projected to the next stage
as would be expected from the state model, Equation 7.87, where the variance
is multiplied by the square of a(n + 1) and the variance of W( n + 1) is added,
as would be expected. Finally, the term in brackets o f Equation 7.121 can be
expressed in terms of k(n) to find

P(n + 1) = a2(n + 1)[1 — k( n) ] P( n) + a\(n + 1) (7.123)

Summary o f Scalar Kalman Filtering. We now summarize in Figure 7.7a the

Kalman filtering algorithm by using Equation 7.105, Equation 7.120, and Equa­
tion 7.123. Figure 1.1b shows it as a block diagram.
In the first step of the algorithm, k(n) is calculated using Equation 7.120.
In the next step, S(n) is revised by including the new information, that is,
the innovation due to the measurement X( n) , and the revision is projected to
the next stage using a(n + 1). The next step multiplies P{ n) by [1 — k(n)],
projects it to the next stage using a2(n + 1), and adds the variance contribution
o f the projection noise.
Note that in order to start the algorithm when n — 1, corresponding to the
first observation, 5 f(l); P( 1) and 5(1) are needed. These are usually assumed
in practice. Usual assumptions are 5(1) = 0 and E( l ) 2 o-jv(l), P( 1) 2


S(n) = .6 S(n — 1) + W( n)
X( n ) = S(n) + v(n)

VF(m) and v(/z) are independent stationary white-noise sequences with

<*w(n) = ^ :(« ) = \

The first observation is 5 f(l) and we start with the assumed values, 5(1) = 0,
E (l) = 1, and find the scalar Kalman filter.

SOLUTION: Following the steps in Figure 7.7

n i) 1 2
k{ 1) =
P( 1) + °T 3

5(2) = (-6) [ o + | [AT(1) - 0] J = ,4X(1)

P( 2) = (-6)2 1 - | 1 + \ = -37

We now perform one more cycle

5(3) =

= ,6[.4W(1) + .425^(2) - .172f(l)]

« .6[.23W(1) + A25X{2)]

« ,1385f(l) + .255W(2)

P ( 3) - (-36) p (.37) + \ - .326

Problem 7.28 extends this example.

If a(n) does not vary with n, and VV(« ) and v(n) are both stationary, that
is, <iw(n) and ul ( n) are both constants, then both k(n) and P(n) will approach
limits as n approaches infinity. These limits can be found by assuming that P( n +
I) = P(n) = P in Equation 7.121 and using Equation 7.120.

P — a2( 1 - k ) P + a 2w


Solving the resulting quadratic equation for P and talcing the positive value
results in

a {v + < j i ( a 2 - 1) + V [ cttv + o l { c r - l)]2 + 4ct;<j>

lim P(n) = P =

Using this value in Equation 7.120 produces the steady-state Kalman gain, k.


Using the data from Example 7.15, find the limits P and k.


.25 + ,5(.36 - 1) + V f.25 + .51.36 - l ) ] 2 + .5

P = -------------1----------- ----------L----------- ------------ ----------- « .320

.32 + .5

7.6.3 Vector Kalman Filter

We now assume a state model of the form

S(n) = A (/j)S (n - 1) + W (n) (7.124)

and an observation model of the form

X( n) = H (n)S(n) + v( n) (7.125)


S(n) = (m X 1) signal or state vector; a zero-mean Gaussian vector random

A (n) = (m x m) state matrix of constants, which is a description o f the /nth
order difference equation model o f the signal.
W (n) — (m X 1) vector sequence of zero-mean Gaussian white noise uncor­
related with both S (l) and the sequence v(n).
X( n) = ( j x 1) vector measurement or observation; a Gaussian random se­
H (n) = ( / x m) matrix of constants describing the relationship between the
signal vector and the observation vector.
v ( « ) = 0 x 1) vector of measurement error; a zero-mean Gaussian white-
noise sequence uncorrelated with both S (l) and the sequence W (n).
S (l) = (m x 1) initial state or signal vector; a zero-mean Gaussian random
variable with covariance matrix P (l).

We assume that the following covariance matrices are known.

E [ W ( k ) W T(i)] = Q (* ), k = i
= 0 k 7^ i (7.126)
E [ v ( k ) v T(i)] = R (* ), k = i
= 0 k i (7.127)

We now proceed as in the scalar case and the interested reader can compare
the steps in this vector case with those of the earlier scalar case.
The optimal vector estimator will be

S(n + 1) = £{S(rc + 1)|X(1), . . . , X (n )} (7.128)

Because o f the Gaussian assumptions it will be a linear combination of X (l ),

. . . , X (« ). Defining the vector innovations

V *(n ) = X (n ) - £ {X («)| X (1 ), . . . , X( n - 1)} (7.129.a)

= X (n ) - £ {X (/t)| V * (l), . . . . V x (n - 1)} (7.129.b)

we have

S(n + 1) = 2 C(n, k ) Y x (k) (7.130)

where C(n, k) is an (m x j ) matrix of constants to be determined.

We first assume S(n) is known where S(n) is given by Equation 7.128 or an
equivalent form with n set equal to n — 1, that is,

S(n) =« £ {S (n )| X (l), . . . , X (n - 1)}

= £{S («)|V ^(1), ■ - - , Vx (n - 1)} (7.131)

First we find

SAn + 1) = £ { S ( « + 1)|V^(l), . . . , Y x (n - 1)} (7.132)

where the subscript 1 indicates the optimal estimator that does not include Vx (n).
Using the state Equation 7.124 in Equation 7.132

S,(n + 1) = E{ A( n + l)S (n ) + W (n + l)|Vr ( l) , . . . Y x (n - 1)}

Si(n + 1) - A (n + l)S (n ) _ (7.133)

S (l), . . . , S(n) and hence W (n) is independent o f X (l), .

because the innovations \ x are a linear combination of X

E { W ( n + l)|VAr( l) , . . . , \ x (n)} = £ {W ( « + 1 )} = o

We now find

S2(n + 1) = E{S(n + 1 )|\ x {n)}


where the subscript 2 indicates an estimator based only on Y x(n)

The observation model, Equation 7.125, results in

£ {X (n )| V * (l), . . . , Vx (n — 1 )}
= E{H( n) S( n) + v(n )| V *(l), . . . , \ x ( n - 1 )}
= H (n)£{S(rt)|VA.(l), . . . , y x (n - 1 )}
= H (n )S («)

Using this result in Equation 7.129.b

v a- (« ) = X ( « ) - H (« )S (« ) (7.136)

Now we rely on the assumption that S, is a linear estimator and tha

:at all means
are zero. Thus S2(n + 1 ) is

S2(n + 1) = B (n )[X (/i) - H(n)S(«)J ( 7 . 137 )

where B(n) is an (m x j ) matrix of constants yet to be determined. In addition

wet* r;>n
can n \ uby
define K( (n) ,, ’

B (n) = A ( « + l)K (n )


K («) = A - \ n + l)B(rt)
(7.138 )

where we assume that A has an inverse, and K(n) is an (m x / ) matrix.


Because S(n + 1 ) must be a linear combination of Vx ( l) \ r (n ) and

“ c e V m ' ” depe" v " ; ' r d bo,b are ,he ^

case) tha? * ’ ’ ’ ’ Vjf ^ ’ we can state (as was shown in the scalar

S(n + 1) = Sj(n + 1) + S2(n + 1 )

= A (n + l)S(n) + A(n + l)K (n )[X («) - H («)S («)] (7.139)

This is the first o f the Kalman vector equations, which corresponds with the
scalar Equation 7.104. It can be rewritten as

S(n + 1 ) = A (n + 1){S («) + K (« )[X (n ) - H (« )S (« )]} (7.140)

or as

S(n + 1) - A (n + l){K (n )X (/i) + [I - K (/i)H («)]S (/i)} (7.141)

where I is the (m x m) identity matrix. These equations, just as in the scalar

th T b ^ )T n 7 u dpratmrgeViSi0n ^ ^ ^ X<"> ^ ***

0ndSK (I)e 7 e Stde?inethe eqUati° " * * the

S (« ) = S(rt) - S (n)
P ( * ) = £ [ S ( n ) S r( « ) ] (7.143)

where P (n) is an (m x m) covariance matrix. It follows that

P(« + 1) = E{S(n + l) S r(n + 1)}

£ {[S (« + 1) - S(n + l)][S (n + 1) - S(n + l ) ] 7} ( 7 . 144 )

resuhsfnqUati° n 7 'B 9 and the Stat£ m° del EqUatIon 7 '124 in Equation 7 .1 4 4

P(n + 1) = £ { [ A ( « + l)S (n ) + A (n + 1 )K (« )[X (« ) - H (« )S (« )]

- A (n + l)S (n ) - W (n + 1 )][A (« + 1)S(«)
+ A (n + l)K (n )[X (n ) - H («)S (n )]
- A ( a h - l)S (n ) - W (« + l ) ] 7-}

Now, using the definition o f VA-(n) from Equation 7.136 and Equation 7.142

P(n + 1) = £ { [ - A ( n + l)S (n ) + A 0 + l)K (n )Y x (n) - W (n + 1)]

x [ —A (n + l)S (n ) + A (n + l)K (n )V * (n ) - W (n + l ) ] r}

This quadric form is now expanded using the definition in Equations 7.143 and

P(n + 1) = A (n + l) P ( n ) A r(n + 1) + A ( n + l)K (n )£ { Y Ar(rt)Y j(n)}

x K T( n ) A > + 1) + Q (« + 1) + A ( n + 1) £{S (n )V J (n )}K 7'(rt)A7'(rt + 1)
- A (« + l)£ {S (rt)V j(rt)}K r(n )A r(rt + 1)
+ A (n + l)K (n )£ { V A-(n)Sr(rt)}Ar(rt + 1)
- A (n + l)K (n )£ { V A-(n)ST(rt)}AT(n + 1)
+ A ( n + l ) £ { S ( n ) W r( « + 1)} + £ {W (n + ^ S ^ n ^ A ^ n + 1)
- A 0 + l)K (n )£ { V Ar(rt)Wr(rt + 1)}
- £{W (n + l)V 5 (n )}K 7'(rt)A7'(rt + 1) (7.145)

Now the fourth and sixth terms are zero because S(n) is a linear combination
of V * (l), . . . V x (n — 1), which are orthogonal to V x (n). The eighth and ninth
terms are zero because W (n + 1) is orthogonal to S(n) and S(n). The tenth
and eleventh terms are zero because W (n + 1) is orthogonal to \ x (n). We now
evaluate the fifth and seventh terms. Using Equation 7.136 and the observation
Equation 7.125

V *(n ) = H (n )S (n ) + v ( n ) — H ( n ) S ( n )
= H (n )[S(n) - S(n)] + v ( n )

Now, the definition in Equation 7.142 produces

V x (n) = H (n )S (n ) + v ( n ) (7.146)


£[S (rt)V £(n )] = £{S(rt)S 7'(n)}Hr(n) + £ {S (n )v r(«)}

= £{S (rt)S r(rt)}H 7'(n)
= £ {[S (n ) + S(n)]ST(n)}H r(n)

and the last product is zero by the orthogonality condition. Thus

£ {S (r t)V £ 0 )} = P (n )H r(n) (7.147)


£ {V * (n )S r(n )} = H (« )P (« ) (7.148)

Thus Equation 7.145 becomes

P(n + 1) = A (n + l )P (n ) A r(n + 1)
+ A (n + T) K( n) E{ Yx ( n ) Y x ( n ) } K T( n ) A T(n + 1)
+ Q (n + 1) — A (n + l)P (n )H r(n )K r( n )A r(rt + 1)
- A (n + l)K (n )H (n )P (n )A r(rt + 1) (7.149)

Now, Equations 7.146 and 7.127 result in

E {V *(/i)V j(n )} = £ {[H (n )S (« ) + v (n )][H (n )S (n ) + v ( n ) H

= H (n )P (n )H 7'(n) + R(n)

This result in Equation 7.149 produces

P(n + 1) = A (n + l)P (r t)A r(rt + 1)

+ A (n + l)K (« )H (n )P (n )H r( « ) K r( n ) A r(« + 1)
+ A (n + l)K (n )R (rt)K r( n )A r(rt + 1)
+ Q (n + 1) - A (n + l)P (n )H r(n )K 7'(rt)A r(« + 1)
- A (n + l)K (n )H (r t)P (« )A r(rt + 1) (7.150)

Equation 7.150 is the second of the updating equations; it updates the covariance
matrix. We now wish to minimize by the choice of K (n) the sum of the expected
squared errors, which is the trace of P (n + 1). We proceed as follows. For
simplification, Equation 7.150 will be rewritten dropping the argument n and

P (n + 1) = A P A r + Q + A K (H P H r + R )K rA r
- A P H rK rA T - A K H P A 7 (7 .1 5 1 )

Now we use the fact that H PH r + R is a covariance matrix and thus a matrix
D can be found such that

H PH r + R = D D r (7.152)


P ( n + 1) = A P A r + Q - A P H rK rA r
- A K H P A r + A K D D rKrA r (7.153)

Completing the square in K and introducing the matrix B

P(n + 1) = A P A r + Q + A (K D - B )(K D - B )rA r

- A B B rA r (7.154)

Now, for Equation 7.153 to equal Equation 7.154, it is required that

B D rK r + K D B r = P H rK r + KHP


B = P H r( D r) “‘ (7.1.55)

We return to Equation 7.154 and seek to minimize the trace of P(n + 1) by a

choice of K. The first two terms and the last term are independent o f K. The
third term is the product of a matrix and its transpose insuring that the terms
on the diagonal are nonnegative. Thus, the minimum is achieved when

KD - B = 0


K = B D 1

Using Equation 7.155

K = P H r( D r) >D 1

n = 1
P(l) = a-I (Assumed value)
S(l) = S (Assumed value)

1. Start Loop
Get data: R(n), H(n)Q(/z); A(« + 1); X(n)
K(/t) = V(n)W(n)[H(nW(n)HT(n) + R (« )]-'
S(« + 1 ) = A(n + 1){S(«) + K («)[X («) - H («)S(«)]}
^ - + ” K(«)H («)]P («)}A r(« + 1) + Q(n + 1 )
Go to 1 .
Figure 7.8 Kalman filtering algorithm (vector)


K = PH r(D D r) 1

Using Equation 7.152

K = PH r( H PH r + R ) - (7.156)

Equation 7.156 defines the Kalman gain and corresponds with the scalar Equa­
tion 7.120. It, along with Equations 7.150 and 7.140, defines the Kalman filter
It Equation 7.156 is used in Equation 7.150, after some matrix algebra we
arrive at

P (n + 1) = A (n + l)[P (/i) - K («)H (n)P (n)]

x A T(n + 1) + Q(n + 1 ) (7.157)


P (« + 1) = A(n + 1){[I - K (n )H («)]P (n )}A r(/t + 1 ) + Q („ + 1 )

As in the scalar case, the term inside the brackets will be interpreted as the
revised MSE, and the remainder of the equation will be viewed as updating.
The vector Kalman filter is summarized in Figure 7.8.
Figure 7.8 is completely analogous with Figure 7.7 with matrix operations
replacing the scalar operations. In addition, in the vector case, the observation
X is a linear transformation H of the signal, while h was assumed to be 1 in the
scalar case. (See Problem 7.23.)


Assume that 5,(t) represents the position of a particle, and S2(t) represents its
velocity. Then we can write

Si (0 = P S2( t ) dj + 5,(0)

or with a sampling time of one second, this can be converted to the approximate
difference equation

S,(n) = S2(n - 1) + S,(n - 1)

We assume that the velocity can be described as a constant plus stationary

zero-mean white noise with unity variance

S2(n) = S2(n - 1) + W(n)

These equations form the state model

S(n) = S(n - 1) + W («)


0 0
Q(n) 0 1

We observe the position 5, with an error, which is also stationary zero-mean

white noise with unity variance. Thus, the observation model is

X ( n ) — H (/ i )S(/ i ) + v(n)

where X ( n ) is scalar, H (n) = [1 0] and R(&) = 1 is also scalar.


1 0
P (l) =
0 1

and S (l) = [o] find K (« ) and P (n) for n = 1 , 2 , 3, 4. Also find S(2), S(3), and


1 0 1 0
K (l) = 0 1
[1 0]
0 1 -r

1 1 1J X
S(2) = t o )]
0 1J l _ 0 _

Z (l)
. 0
i \ 1
1 1i r / 1 0 "l o' "l o ' "0 o'
P (2 ) =
0 1 U
0 1 _0_
[1 0 ]J
0 1 } 1 1
0 1

'1.5 1
1 2

The Kalman gains for n s 2 can be computed as

1.5 1.5 1
[1 0] + 1
1 1 2 r
i 1 0 1.5 1 1 0 0 0
P (3 ) [1 0]
1 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1

2 .6 _
2 '
K(3) {3 + l } - ‘

"l f 1 o' '.7 5 ' 3

P (4 ) = 0 1 u 0 1 .5 [1 0] 2
'l 0'
1 1
*3.35 2.1
2 1 2.6
’ 3.35 2.1 1
K(4) = {3.35 + 1}
^2 1 2.6 0
".7 7 0 l”

The reader can show that S(« + 1) has the form

[ £ ', ( « ) + k2(n)]X(n) + [1 — k ,(n ) - k 2( r t ) ] S i ( n ) + S2(n)

S(/; + 1)
k2(n)X(n) — k2(n)Sl(n ) + S2(n)

and hence

X( 2 )
S(3) =
,6X(2) - .2X(\)


1.25X0) + .35T(2) — .2X{\)

0.5.V(3) + AX(2) - ,2X{\)


In this section, we consider estimating the value of a continuous-time stationary

random processes. The ideas of the previous sections are again used. That is,
we seek to minimize the MSE and use the orthogonality condition and inno­
We want to find the estimator of

G(f) = S{t + a) (7 .158 )


The estimator G (f) will be restricted to be linear, that is

G(t) = S(t + a) h{t, d\ (7.159)

Note that this is the continuous analogue of the linear estimator of Section 7.5.
If the lower limit, a, in the integral of Equation 7.159 is — and b = t, that
is, we can observe the infinite past up to the present, then the estimator is usually
given the following names:

a > 0 prediction

a = 0 filtering
a < 0 smoothing

The most common measurement model and the only one considered in this
book is

X(i ) = S(t) + N(t) (7.160)

where S(t) and N{t) are independent.

We will also restrict our attention to stationary random processes, in which
case h will be time invariant and Equation 7.159 can be written as the convolution

G(t) = S(t + a) = P h(t - X)^(X) d\ (7.161)


The first step in finding the optimum solution is obtained quite simply from
the orthogonality condition

E G{t) - h(t - \)X(\) d\ = 0 a < L, £ b

where h now indicates the optimum filter, that is, the h that satisfies the or­
thogonality condition. Now, using the standard notation for the expected values

R xc(t - 0 = P 7 W S - V K ' - * )
a s ^ b (7.162)

This basic equation can be rewritten if G (f) = S(t + a) to

Rxs(t + a - 0 = f* Rxx( i - k)h(t - k) dk, a < £< b (7.163)


The MSE is

P(t) = P = E{[G(t) - G (f)]2}

Because both G{t) and G{t) are stationary, P(t) will not vary with time. Recalling
that the observations and the error are orthogonal

P = E G(t) - - \) d\ G(t)

— Raa(0) Rxa(t ~ X)h(t - k) dk (7.164)

7.7.1 Stored Data (Unrealizable Filters)

We consider the case where the data are stored, and the data'processing need
not be done in real time. In this case, the filter is called unrealizable or noncausal,
and the description o f the optimum filter is easy. We let a = and b = +°°
in Equation 7.163

R x s(t + « - ? ) = R x x (Z - W ( t - *■) dk (7.165)

For simplification, we will let t — E, = t . Then

R Xs( t + a) = R x x {t - t - k)h(t - k) dk

Next, let (3 = f — \ and

Rxs( T + a) = Rxx( t - P)A(P) dp (7.166)


This integral equation is easily solved for the optimum filter via Fourier trans­
forms. Indeed

^ 5(/)exp(;2'TT/a) = Sxx( f ) • H ( f ) (7.167)


H(f) = M fle x p Q Z y fr J s xx( f ) * 0 (7-168)

JxxKJ )

With H chosen according to Equation 7.168 the residual mean-square error is

(using the orthogonality condition)

P = E S(t + a) - AT(f - k)h(k) dk S(t

— 35

= Rss(0) ~ R s x ( - < x - k)h(k) dk (7.169)

If P ( t) = R ss{t) - \ P s*( t - a - X)/i(\) dX.

then P(0) = P.
Taking transforms of Equation 7.170 produces

PF( f) = Sss( f ) - 5iA-(/)e x p (-/2 T T /a )//(/)

where PF( f ) is the Fourier transform of P( t) and using Equation 7.167

PF( f) = Sssif ) - s sx( f )
\sxs(f)\2 (7.171)
= S « (/) -
Sxx( / )


f e ( / ) i 2~ (7.172)
P = P(0) = Sh ( / ) - df
$xx( f ) .

We now consider some examples.





We want to estimate S(t) (i.e ., a

tion is 0) with stored data, when the observa-

X{t ) = S(t) + N(t)


R ss(t) = exp —| t |

= 8 (t) + 3 exp( - |T|)

r sn( t ) = 0

Find the optimum unrealizable filter and the residual error


SsJ f ) = ------- i ____

(2 i f ) * + 1
Sxs(f) = Sss( f)

~ — + 1 + ----------- ^_____ = ( 2 -tt/ ) 2 + 9
(2 tt/ ) + 1 (2 tt/ ) 2 + 1 ( 2 -tt/ ) 2 + 1

Using Equation 7.168

/ / ( / ) = jffW . = 2
S xx(f) ( 2 tt/ ) 2 + 9

as resp° nse ° f lhe be ta n d by ,„ L ,i„ g « ( / )

- 1
H { f ) = ------- 1____ = 3 3
(2 ^ / ) 2 + 9 jlrrf + 3 +

h{t) = - e x p ( - 3 t ) , t Si 0

= ^ exp ( + 3 1 ), t< 0

Finally the error P is (using Equation 7.172)

j Sss(J)
M /) |:
Sss(f) + SNN( f)
Sss(f)SNN( f)
-f1-°° Sssif) + SNN( f ) ^
2[(2vf)2 + 7]
/-» [ ( 2 - it/ ) 2 + 1 ] [ ( 2 tt / ) 2 + 9]
d f = .833

where the integral is evaluated using [2 from Table 4.1 (page 235).


Z l Z T s 7 f ) t T S 5m U
d ing X(0 1 S(t) + N{0; S<t) 3nd are uncor-
7.9 s h o w ^ p S ° VedaP’ th3t Sssif) ' = ° ' Fl^ re

In this case using Equation 7.168

(/) Sss( f ) + SNN( f)
H (f) = 1 M / ) > 0, Sm ( f ) = 0
= 0 > 0, Sss( f) = 0
= undetermined S m ( f ) = 0 = Sss(f)


f" Sss(f)SNN( f)
P =
J - 5 s (/) + s m(f)

1.1.2 Real-time or Realizable Filters

We now turn our attention toward the same problem considered in the last
section with a seemingly slight but important change. Only the past and present
values of data are now assumed to be available, that is

G (f) = S(t + a) = I' X(\)hR(t - \) d\ (7.173)

where the subscript R denotes a realizable (causal) filter. Then the orthogonality
principle implies (see Equation 7.163)

Rxs(t + < * - € ) = j Rxx(£, - X)hR(t - k) dk, E, < t (7.174)

Letting t — £ = t

Rxs( t + a) = J Rxx(t - T X)/zR(r - X) dk, 0 < t (7.175)


Now letting (3 = t — X

Rxsir + a) = Rxxi t - 0)A«(P) dp, 0 < t (7.176)


Equation 7.176 is called the W iener-H opf equation. This integral equation
appears similar to Equation 7.166. However it is more difficult to solve because
of the range of integration and the restriction t s O precludes the use of Fourier
transform to directly find the solution. We will solve it using innovations, and
then we will prove that the solution does satisfy Equation 7.176. The steps that
follow in order to solve Equation 7.176 are

1. Assume the input is white noise and find the optimum realizable filter.
2. Discuss spectrum factorization in order to find a realizable innovations
3. Find the optimum filter with a more general input.

Optimum Realizable (Real-time) Filters with White Noise Input. If X(t), the
input to the filter, were white noise S(t + a) could, if all data were available,
be written as

where the first integral represents the past and the second integral represents
the future.
In this case, the optimum filter is defined by Equation 7.167. We will call
this filter the “ optimum unrealizable filter.”
Now assume that A(X) cannot be observed for X > f, that is, future X{k)
are not available now. Then it seems reasonable that if X(k) cannot be observed,
we should substitute for AT(X) the best estimate of A (X ), that is

£ { X (X )|A (£ ); £=£/}, X > f

And if X( \) is zero-mean white noise, then

£ { A '(X )|A '(0 ; 1} = 0, X > I (7.178)


Thus, referring to Equation 7.177, the last integral that represents the future or
unrealizable part o f the filter should be set equal to zero.
We have argued in this case where the input is white noise that the optimum
realizable filter is the positive time portion of the optimum unrealizable filter,
h{t), and the negative time portion o f h(t) set equal to zero. In equation form
the optimum realizable filter hRW with white noise input is

hRW(t) = h(t), t> 0

= 0 t< 0 (7.179)



(see Equation 7.168)

We next discuss spectrum factorization in order to characterize in the fre­
quency domain the positive time portion of h(t).
Note finally that if h(t) ^ 0 for t < .0, then (referring to Equation 7.177) this
would require the filter to respond to an input that has not occurred. Such filters,
which correspond to a person laughing before being tickled, are theoretically as
well as practically impossible to build and hence are called unrealizable or non­
causa! filters.

Spectrum Factorization. In this introductory book we consider only rational

functions, that is, we consider

where Pt and Pz are polynomials in f.

If Q { f ) is a power density spectrum, then by the fact that it is even, we know
that Pt and P2 can contain only even powers of / .
Although the following argument could be made by letting / be a complex
variable, we will instead discuss spectrum factorization by finding the two-sided
Laplace transform that corresponds with Q( f ) . That is, let 5 = j2ixf, and

The two-sided Laplace transform, if it exists, is defined by

L(s) = [ /(f)e x p (-j-f) dt


Find the Fourier transform Q ( f ) and the two-sided Laplace transform L(s) of

1{C) = exp(-|fj)


£ ? (/)= exp(-|r|)exp(-/27r/r) dt

exp(f)exp( —j lj t ft ) dt + e x p ( -f )e x p ( —jl-nft) dt

1 -1
exp[(l - /27r/)f]|" + e x p [- ( l + j2itf)t]\;
1 - ; 2 ir/ 1 + ; 2 tt/
1 1
1 - j2i tf 1 + / 2 t t/

1 + ( 2 tt/ ) 2

Note that the 1/(1 - j2i\f) came from the negative time part of / ( f ) , which
might be called / “ ( f ) , and 1 / ( 1 + ) 2 i t / ) came from the positive time part,
/ + ( f ) , of l(t). Similarly

2 2
L(s) =
1 - i2 (1 + j ) ( l - s)

Now, because Q ( f ) is even, L(s) will also be even. That is, both the numerator
and denominator o f L(s) will be polynomials in —s2. Thus, if st is a singularity

(pole or zero) of L(s), then —5, is also a singularity. Then L(s) can be factored

L(s) = L +(s)L~(s)

where L +(s) contains all of the poles and zeros in the left-half 5-plane that
correspond with the positive time portion of /(f), and L~(s) contains all o f the
poles and zeros in the right-half 5-plane that correspond with the negative time
portion of /(f). Also

L +(/co)|’- = |L"(/o >)|2 = L(/co) (7.181)


Refer to Example 7.20. Find L +(s) and L~(s) and l +(t) and /"(f).


“• -iT + T - - ( s - m

V2 V2
= IT 7 ’ = —

Further note that if

l +{t) = \'2 e x p ( - f ) , ts 0
= 0 t< 0


f V 2 exp(- 'f)e x p (-s f) dt
Jo 1+5

and that this integral will converge whenever Re(x) > —1. Also

j V 2 exp(- f)exp( —st) dt
1 —5

and that this integral will converge whenever R e(s) < + 1 . Thus

l +(t) = V 2 e x p (-r ), f > 0

= 0 t> 0
/~(t) = V 2 exp( + t), t< o
= 0 t> 0


Find L +(s) and L~(s) for

49 + 2 5 ( 2 - it f ) 2
Qif) = ( 2 t 7 / ) 2[ ( 2 t 7 / ) 2 + 169]


49 - 25s2
L(s) =
- s 2( - s 2 + 169)
(7 + 55)
L + (5)
0 ) 0 + 13)

(7 - 55)
L -0 )
( - 5 ) ( - 5 + 13)

We will now simplify the notation and say that

Q ( f ) = Q +( / ) Q '( / )

where Q +( f ) = L + i j l v f ) , and Q- (J) = L - ( j 2 i r f ) .

Optimum Realizable Filters. Now suppose that X ( t ) is a signal that has a

rational power spectral density function. If X ( t ) is the input to an innovations
filter, then the white-noise innovation of X ( t ) , Vx (t) is the output of this filter.
With the white noise Vx (t) as input, the positive time portion of the remaining
optimum filter should be the optimum realizable filter, just as was discussed in
the first subsection of Section 7.5.2. That is, compare the two systems shown in
Figure 7.10.

Sxs(ReKP0’2 irfa)
xw m n = ---------------- Sit)

F ig u r e 7 .1 0 a O p t im u m u n r e a liz a b le filt e r .

Note that H x ■ H2 in Figure 7.106 equal H in Figure 7.10a using the fac­
torization discussed in the preceding section, that is

Sxx(f) = S M f ) S M f ) (7.182)

Where Sxx(s/j2tt) contains the poles and zeros in the left-half of the s-plane
and its inverse transform is nonzero for positive time. Similarly Sx x (s/j2'n)
corresponds with the Laplace transform that has roots in the right-half plane
and whose inverse transform is nonzero for negative time. We can easily show
that Vx o f Figure 7.106 is white noise. Indeed

S Vx Vx(-f) Sxx(f), Sxx(f) > 0
Sxx(f) 1

We now have the optimum unrealizable filter / / ( / ) , as developed in Equation

7.167, described by

H ( f ) = / / , ( / ) H2(f) (7.183)


# ,(/) = (7.184)

F ig u r e 7 .1 0 6 A n o t h e r v e r s io n o f o p t i m u m u n r e a liz a b le filt e r .

= Sxs(J)exp(j2-nfu)

h2(t) = H2( f) ex p( /2 tt/ 0 df (7.186)

We now turn our attention toward the optimum realizable filter. Vx(t) is
white noise and the best estimate (conditional expected value) of future values
° f Vx (t) is zero. This justifies taking the positive time portion of H2{ f) and
implies that the equations that describe HR, the optimum realizable filter, are

H r(J) = (/)//,(/) (7.187)


h3(t) = h2{t), ta 0
= 0 t < 0 (7.188)

Hiif) = J 63( t ) e x p ( - / 2 iT/ 0 dt = \{ /l2 (0 e x p (-;2 7 r/t) dt (7.189)

When working problems, it may be easier to find / / , by Equation 7.184; find

t{2 by Equation 7.185; find H3 via spectrum factorization; and finally use Equa­
tion 7.187 to find the optimum realizable Wiener filter. Figure 7.11 shows the
optimum realizable filter. We formally combine these steps here.

« « (/) = « t(/)« 3 (/)

= c - \ A l hM QXP( - j l v f t ) dt
^xxU) Jo
= 1 ['■ Sxs(\)exp(j2-n\a)
Sxxif) Jo J-* ^xx(k)
x exp(y'2 'iTXt) dk e xp ( -j 2- nf t ) dt (7.190)

XU) ■SU)

Figure 7.11 Optimum realizable filter.


We now find the mean squared error with the optimum realizable filter.

P = E S{t + a) - I ” hR( $ X ( t - I) dti S(t + a) j

Rss ( 0) - J " * « © / ? « ( - a - 0 dti

Rss (0) - | j 5 +^/) i h 2 ( 0 e x P ( - / 2 i r f 0 dt

x e x p (/ 2 ir/£ ) df R s x ( - « - 0 d£


2(0 = r S x x (S )
exp(/2'ir\a)exp(/2'n,\t) dX.


P = /? «(0 ) - £ J “ exp(y2ir/g) / ? « ( - « - ?) d?

exp( - j l i r f t )
X d /A 2(t) dt

= /?, s(0) - Jo j s s x ( f ) e x p ( - / 2 T T f a ) ^ ^ J ~ ^ dfh>(t) dt (7.191)

Let / ' = — then

Sxs(f') / •„ r, \
P = R
J. « f ) eX p0M “)
e x p (/ 2 'ir/'t) d f ’ h2(t) dt

The term inside the brackets is H2( / ') by Equation 7.185; thus

P = P s(o) - r ako (7.192.a)


An alternate expression for P is (from pages 328, 329)

P = f [1 - # « ( /) ] [ ! - H*R(f)]Sss(f) + df (7.192.b)

A plot of the typical mean-square error in estimating S(t + a) versus a is

shown in Figure 7.12. We now present some examples of optimum filters, and
then conclude this section with a proof that Equation 7.190 is indeed the optimum
realizable filter.


Estimate G(t) = S(t + a ), given X(t ) = S(t) (no noise), and

R ss(t) — k exp( —c | t | ) , c > 0, k > 0


Sss(f) = k | e x p (c T )e x p (-/2 ir /¥ ) dr

+ k I e x p (-C T )e x p (-/2 T r /T ) d-r


k k 2 ck
c — j2irf c + ;2 tt/ c2 + (2 tt/ ) 2
2ck V 2 Tic V 2 Ik
Ss s
/ 2 rr, c - s c + s

Using Equation 7.184

c + / 2 tt/
Hi(f) =
V 2 dc

Now, Equation 7.185 results in

2 ck
c 2 - ( j 2 ir /)2)_
Hi(f) - eexpQ'2 ir/a)
V ®
c - jlixf_

V 2 ck e x p (/ 2 rr/a)
c +


h2(t) = V 2 ck exp[ —c(t + a)], /> -a

= 0 t < —a

(See Figure 7.13.)

If a > 0, then

h3(t) = V 2 c£: e x p ( -c a ) e x p (- c r ), t> 0

= 0 t< 0
H3(f) = X/2ck exp( —ca)
c +

« * ( / ) = H i( / ) « 3( / ) = e x p ( - c a )

Thus, the optimum filter is a constant and can be implemented as a voltage

transfer function as shown in Figure 7.14, where

— exp( —ca)
Ri + R2

Figure 7.13 h2(t) for Example 7.23.

The mean-square error, using Equation 7.192 for a > 0, is

P = k - j 2ck e x p [-2 c (r + a)] dt

P = k[\ — exp( —2ca)]

If a = 0, there is no error, and as a —> P —> k, where k is the variance of

S(t). As a —> so, S(t) and S(l + a) are uncorrelated; hence the minimum MSE
estimator o f S(t + a) is its mean, and the MSE is its variance.

+ ■W M V


h = vout/vin
Figure 7.14 Voltage transfer function for Example 7.23.



X (t ) = S(t) + N(t), S and jV are independent

( 2 tt/ ) 2[ ( 2 tt/ ) 2 + 169]

S n n ( J ) — 1

Find the optimum unrealizable and the optimum realizable filters for estimating

G(t) = S(t), i.e., a = 0


Sxsif) = Sss(f)
Sxxif) — Sss( f) + SNN(f)
(2tt/ ) 4 + 169(2tt/ ) 2 ' + 3600

(2 tt/ ) 2[(2 tt/ ) 2 + 169]

(/2 n /)2 + 1 7 ( / 2 tt/ ) + 60

sh(f) ( /2 'i T /) ( ;2 'r r / + 13)

Using Equation 7.168, the optimum unrealizable filter is

____________ 3600____________
H(f) =
(2tt/ ) 4 + (169)(2 tt/ ) 2 + 3600

Now, we seek the optimum realizable filter beginning with Equation 7.184:

(j2vf)(j2vf +13)
# .(/) =
0 2 it/ ) 2 + 17(/2 tt/ ) + 60

Using Equation 7.185

3600___________ ( - / 2 tt/ ) ( - ; 2 tt/ + 13)

(2tt/ ) 2[(2'it/ ) 2 + 169] [0'2irf )2 - 1 7 (/2 u /) + 60]
( ;2 tt/ ) ( ; 2 tt/ + 13)[(/2 tt/ ) 2 - 17/2n / +- 60]

The partial fraction expansion is

I I ( f s ... ^ , ^2 . n /) ■
2U) /2 tt/ j2itf + 13 ( /2 tt/ ) 2 - 17/2tt/ + 60


60 _8_
= A, =
13 13

and Y( f ) is not evaluated because these poles correspond with right-half plane
poles o f the corresponding Laplace transform.
h3(t) comes from the poles o f the corresponding Laplace transform that are
in the left-half plane. Thus

60 _8_
; / m _ 13 13 _ 4 (/2 tt/ ) + 60
3U> /2 tt/ jl-nf + 13 (j2-nf)(j2~nf + 13)


4 [/2 tt/ + 15]

H R(f) = =
(/2 tt/ ) 2 + 17(y'2rr/) + 60

It can be shown using Equation 7.192.b that the MSE is approximately 4.0.
Although synthesis is not directly a part of this book, it is interesting to note
that HR{f) can be implemented as a driving point impedance as shown in Figure

F ig u r e 7 .1 5 a H(m) o f E x a m p l e 7 .2 4 as a d r iv in g p o in t i m p e d e n c e .

1 MO . 1 /if

F ig u r e 7 .1 5 b H Ro f E x a m p l e 7 .2 4 as v o l t a g e t r a n s fe r fu n c t i o n .

7.15a. It may also be realized as a voltage transfer function shown in Figure



This is the same problem as Example 7.18, except now a realizable (real-time)
filter is required. The error with this optimum realizable filter is to be compared
with the error obtained in Example 7.18 with the unrealizable filter.

As in Example 7.18

(2-jt/ ) 2 + 9
( 2 ttf ) 2 + 1

Using Equation 7.184

1 ; 2 tt / + l
Sxx(f) /2 tt/ + 3

Equation 7.185 produces

(— + 1)
ft (/) =
[(2 tt/ ) 2 + 1] + 3]
2 B
(/2-rrf + 1 ) ( - / 2 tt/ + 3) j'2-nf + 1 + 3
2 _ 1
A =
(1 + 3) ~ 2

Using Equations 7.188 and 7.189

H,{f) = 7
/ 2 tt/ + 1

Finally Equation 7.187 produces

/2 tt/ + 3

Now the MSE, P, with this filter, using Equation 7.192.a, is

P = Rss( 0) - e xp ( - r ) dt

exp( —2 t ) d t

= 1 - 5■5 - 1 - 1 - B75

This error is somewhat greater than the .833 found for the unrealizable filter
that used stored data.

Proof that the Solution Satisfies the VViener-Hopf Equation. In the previous
section we argued that the solution given in Equation 7.190 solved the W iener-
H opf Equation 7.176. Here we formally show that it does.

Theorem. If

‘SjW(\ )e x p (/ 2 -iT\ot)
exp(/'2irXf) dX dt
[1 Sxx (^ )


R xs( t + « ) = f hR( $) Rxx(i - P) dp, 0< t < co


Proof. We show RHS —> LHS where hR( f ) = j FIR(f)cxp(j2^f\i) df.

RHS Rxxir - P) exp(/2TT/p) df e x p ( - /' 2 ir//) dt
- f Sxxif) Jo
■S^(\)exp(/2 -iT\a)
X 1
/: ' 5^ ( \ ) — ~ e x p ( /2^Xr) d x j dp

x exP (-/2 -rr /0 df [ Rxx( t - P)exp(;2Tr/P) dp


' L " f "* /’. sJajexp[-w('-T)1^

x J Rxx( v)exp(- j2'uf v) dv, V = T - p

= i co' dx l " dt I t h ) Sxx(-^ txp [ —/ ^ / ( ^ —t >] #

= / ' io ' dt f ( / ) exP [—d2'n-/Cf —T)J d /

= J " dX j R x x ( t — f )e x p (+ / 2 Tt\f) df

where ^ ( t - /) = 0 for t - / > 0 .

Now let t — f = _y in the last integral:

= f ” A « (P )/? ^ (t - p) dp = P M X) e* P ( / 2 * M exp(y2rr\T) dX
Jo 0 .0 - (X)

x [ ^A-^(>')exp(-/2TTX>') d>

But by hypothesis t > 0 and R xx{ t - t) = Rxx{ y) = 0, y > 0, thus

I Rx x ( y)exp(-jTv\y) dy = Sx x (\)

Using this result produces

f hR(ji)Rxx ( t - P) t/p = f exp(y2TT\T) S£t(\) ^

Jo J-x

= J S;w(\)exp[/2ir\(a + t )] d\

= Rxs(cc + t ) Q .E .D .

7.7.3 Relation Between Kalman and Wiener Filters

If the state model of the signal results in a stationary signal and if the observation
noise is stationary, then the Kalman filter approaches a steady-state form. This
special case of the discrete Kalman filter is a recursive form of the discrete
Wiener filter. Note that the state model together with a description of the input
noise can be converted to an autocorrelation function of the signal.
In addition to its increased generality (if a linear state model for the signal
may be found), the discrete Kalman filter has found many practical applications
because its recursive nature is a natural for computer implementation. Also note
that the calculation for the weights K(«) and the covariances P («), can be done
off-line before the data X (i) are available. Thus real-time estimation or filtering
is feasible.
A continuous version of the Kalman filter exists, but it was not discussed in
this introductory text. It is described, for instance, in Chapter 7 of Reference
Thus, both Kalman and Wiener filters exist in discrete and continuous forms.
Under stationary conditions the Kalman filters reduce to equivalent Wiener
filters. The primary advantages of the discrete Kalman filter are the recursive
form o f the filter and its ability to handle nonstationary data.

This chapter introduced the problem of how to estimate the value of a ran­
dom signal S(t) when observations of a related random process X(t ) are
available. The usual case is that the observation is the sum o f signal and
noise. We assumed that the objective o f the estimation was to minimize the
mean squared error (MSE) between Y(f) and the estimator S(t).

We begin by estimating S with a finite linear (affine) combination of observa­

tions. We showed that the optimal estimator was one that resulted in the er­
ror being orthogonal to all observations. This orthogonality condition was
used throughout the chapter as a basis for linear minimum MSE estimation.

Next the concept o f innovations, or the unpredictable part, o f observations

was introduced. The innovations of a sequence o f observations are uncorre­
lated. In addition, the innovations of observations can be used to estimate S,
and the optimal linear estimator based on the innovations is algebraically
equivalent to the optimal linear estimator based directly on the observations.
Because the innovations are uncorrelated, estimators using the innovations
have some computational advantages.

Optimal Wiener digital filters are exactly the same as those already discussed
when the number o f observations are finite. When there are more than a fi­
nite number o f observations, the optimal digital filter was suggested, but
practical solutions were not developed.

Instead, recursive digital filters in the form o f Kalman filters were suggested.
The scalar case was considered first, and the minimal MSE recursive filter
was shown to be a weighted average of (1) the old estimate projected forward
via the state equation and (2) the innovation o f the new observation. The
weights are inversely proportional to the mean squared errors o f these two

Finally, continuous observations were considered, and continuous Wiener fil­

ters were derived from the orthogonality condition based on continuous inno­
vations o f the observations.

If the state model or equivalently the autocorrelation function is unknown,

then the model structure and parameters must be estimated and the estimated
model is used to design the filter. This case is considered in the last chapter
o f the book.

The com m on theme o f this chapter was the estimation o f an unknown signal
in the presence o f noise such that the MSE is minimized. The estimators were
limited to linear estimators, which are optimum in the Gaussian case. Innova­
tions and orthogonality were used in developing both Kalman and Wiener es­


O p t i m u m fi l t e r i n g o r e s t i m a t i o n b e g a n w it h R e f e r e n c e [1 1 ], R e f e r e n c e [7 ] c o n t a in s a v e r y
r e a d a b l e e x p o s i t i o n o f th is e a r ly w o r k , a n d R e f e r e n c e [2 ] e x p la in s th is w o r k o n “ W i e n e r ”
f i l t e r i n g i n a m a n n e r t h a t f o r m s a b a s is f o r th e p r e s e n t a t io n in this t e x t . R e f e r e n c e [5 ]
in t r o d u c e d " K a l m a n ” f i l t e r in g . R e f e r e n c e [8 ] e m p h a s iz e s th e o r t h o g o n a l i t y p r in c ip le ,

a n d R e f e r e n c e [6 ] e m p h a s iz e s i n n o v a t io n s . R e f e r e n c e [1 ] is a c o n c i s e s u m m a r y o f “ K a l­
m a n ” t h e o r y . R e f e r e n c e s [3 ] a n d [9 ] a n d [1 0 ] p r e s e n t a lt e r n a t e tre a tm e n t s o f f i l t e r i n g
a n d R e f e r e n c e [4 ] is a v e r y r e a d a b le a c c o u n t o f th e m a te r ia l c o n t a i n e d in th is c h a p t e r ,
a n d it a ls o c o n t a in s s o m e in t e r e s t in g p r a c t ic a l e x a m p le s a n d p r o b l e m s .

[1 ] A . V . B a la k r is h n a n , Kalman Filtering Theory, O p t i m i z a t i o n S o f t w a r e , I n c ., 19 8 4 .

[2 ] H . W . B o d e a n d C . E . S h a n n o n , “ A S im p lifie d D e r iv a t io n o f L in e a r L e a s t S q u a r e s
S m o o t h i n g a n d P r e d ic t io n T h e o r y , ” Proceedings o f the IRE, V o l. 3 8 , A p ril 1950,
p p . 4 1 7 -4 2 4 .

[3 ] S. M . B o z ic , Digital and Kalman Filtering, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 7 9 .

[4 ] R . G . B row n , Introduction to Random Signal Analysis and Kalman Filtering, John

W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 8 3 .

[5 ] R . E . K a lm a n , “ A N e w A p p r o a c h t o L in e a r F ilte r in g a n d P r e d ic t io n P r o b l e m s ,”
Transactions o f the ASM E—Journal o f Basic Engineering, Ser. D , V o l. 82, M a rch
1960, p p . 3 5 -4 5 .

[6 ] H . J. L a r s o n a n d B . O . S h u b e r t , Probabilistic Models in Engineering and Science,

V o l . I I , J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 19 7 9 .

[7 ] Y. W. L ee, Statistical Theory o f Communication, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k ,

19 6 0 .

[8 ] A . P a p o u lis , Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes, M cG ra w -

H ill, N e w Y o r k , 19 65 a n d 19 84.

[9 ] M . D . S rin a th a n d P. K . R a ja s e k a r a n , An Introduction to Statistical Signal Proc­

essing with Applications, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1979.

[1 0 ] M . S ch w a rtz an d L . S h a w , Signal Processing; Discrete Spectral Analysis, Detection,

and Estimation, M c G r a w - H i l l , N e w Y o r k , 19 7 5 .

[1 1 ] N . W ie n e r , Extrapolation, Interpolation, and Smoothing o f Stationary Time Series,

J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1949.

7.1 The median m of X is defined by Fx (m) = .5. Show that m minimizes
E{\X — m\} by showing for a < m
E{\X - «|} = E{\X - m|} + 2 j (x - a ) f x(x) dx

and for a > m

E{\X - a|} = E{ \X — m\l T 2 f (a - x ) f x (x) dx

7.2 Assume that X is an observation of a constant signal plus noise, and that
1 - ( * - 1)21
fs(s) = exp
V Z tt 2

We observe X — 2. Use Bayes’ rule to find the new estimate o f 5. Assume

5 and N are statistically independent and that

Hint: First find f xis and use Bayes’ rule to find f six. Then use the mean
as the estimate.

7.3 We observe a signal 5(1) at time 1 and we want the best linear estimator
o f the signal 5(2) at a later time. Assume £'{5(1)} = £ { 5 ( 2 ) } = 0. Find
the best linear estimator in terms of moments.

7.4 Assume the same situation as in Problem 7.3, but now the derivative,
5 '(1 ), of the signal at time 1 can also be observed. £ {5 '(1 )} = 0. Find
the best estimator of the form

5(2) = a ,5 (l) + a25 '( l)

7.5 We wish to observe a state variable A o f a control system. But the ob­
servation Y is actually

Y = mX + N

where m is some known constant and A is a normal random variable,

which is independent of X. Find the best linear estimator of X

X = a + bY

in terms o f m and the moments o f X and N.

7.6 Show that if Y and X are jointly normal, then

E{Y\X = x) = a + bx

E{[ Y - (a + bX)Y\ = a } ( l - P2

Note that a and b are as prescribed by Equations 7.4 and 7.5 for the best
linear estimator.

7 .7 Find the estimator of S(n), a stationary sequence, given S(n — 1),

S(n - 2), and 5 ( « - 3) if p* = 0, f?55(0) = 1, Rss( 1) = .9, Rss(2) = .7,
Rss(3) = .6; that is, find hi, h2, and h3 in the equation S(n) = h i5 (l) +
h2S( 2) + h3S( 3).

7.8 Show that Equations 7.13 and 7.14 do minimize the mean-square error by
showing that

S - b0 - 2 W ) S ~h 0- ^ h,X(i)

where h0 and ht are as defined by Equations 7.13 and 7.14.

7.9 Find the residual MSE for data o f Problem 7.7.

7.10 S = X 2, and

= 0 elsewhere

Find h0, h u and h2 in the model

S = h0 + h lX + h2X 2

such that the mean-square error is minimized. Find the resulting minimum
mean-square error.

7.11 Show that S2 = h ^ j l ) + h2Vx (2) where Vx (2) as defined by Equation

7.34 is identical to S2 as defined by Equation 7.16 when the means are

7.12 Show that S3 = h{X { 1) + h2Vx{2) + h2VX(2) is identical to S2 as defined

by Equation 7.16 when the means are zero.

7.13 Show that Equations 7.44 and 7.45 are correct.

7.14 For X , a Gaussian random vector with zero means and

2 1

XX 1 3 1

1 4

Find r and L.

7.15 If Equation 7.74 is restricted to a symmetrical finite sum, that is,

S(n) = ^ h ( k ) X ( n - k)
k~ -M

Find the optimum filter h(k), k = —M, —M + 1, . . . , M.


7.16 Find the optimum realizable filter for the signal given in Example 7 12
with 07 = 1 and a = Vi. .

7.17 Show that if S(f) is the Fourier transform of R(i) and

5 - 4 cos 2ttf
10 — 6 cos 2tt/

5 - 2 (z + z ~ l)
10 - 3(z + z “ l)

$z( z) - X ^ ( 0-2 '


Sz[exp(j2Trf)] = S ( f )

7.18 Show that the function

5 - 2 (z + z -Q
10 - 3(2 + 2 - ‘)
has two zeros and 2 , and two poles $ and 3 .

7.19 Draw the digital filter corresponding to the poles and

zeros inside the unit
circle o f S(z) of Problem 7.18. That is, draw the digital
to filter corresponding

2z - 1
3z — 1

Show that if the signal corresponding to the psd S(f) o f Problem 7 17 is
put into a digital filter

__1 3z — 1
H{z) ~ 2 l ~ l
then the output has the spectrum o f white noise, that is, the output is the
innovation o f the signal corresponding to the psd S(J).’

Assume that 5(0) is a Gaussian random variable with mean 0 and variance
cr . W(n), « = 0 , 1 , . . . , is a stationary uncorrelated zero-mean Gaussian
random sequence that is also uncorrelated with 5 ( 0).

5 (« + 1) = a(n)S(n) + W(n)

where a(n) is a sequence of known constants

a. Show that S(n) is a Gaussian random sequence and find its

and variance. mean

b. What are the necessary conditions on a(n), ana tne variances of

S(0) and W(n) in order for S(n) to be stationary? ’
c. Find the autocorrelation function o f S(n).

7.22 Show that

E{X{n)\Vx (l), . . . , Vx (n - 1)} = S(n)

where S(n) is the linear minimum MSE estimator, and thus Equation
7.101.C is an alternate definition of the innovation.

7.23 I f X ( n ) - h(n)S(n) + v(n), where the h(n) are known constants, is used
in place of Equation 7.89 and other assumptions remain unchanged show
that Equation 7.102 becomes ’

X {n )
S2{n + 1) = b'(n) S(n)
where b ’ (n) and d(n) are constants

7.24 Equation 7.105 gives the best estimator of S(n + 1) using all observations
through X(n). Show that the best recursive estimator S(n) using all
observations through X (n ) is

S(n) = S(n) + k (n ) [X ( n) - S(n)]

= k (n ) X ( n ) + [1 - k(n)\S(n)
where S(n) and k(n) are as defined in the text.
Furthermore, show that

S(n + 1) = a(n + l ) i ( « )

This is an alternate form of the Kalman filter, that is, S(n), is often used.

7.25 Show that the expected squared error P'(n) of §( n) is given by

P'{n) = [1 - k(n)]P(n)
Also, show that

P(n + 1) = a\n + l ) P ' (n ) + a l ( n + 1)

7.26 Minimize with respect to k(n), P(n + 1) as given in Equation 7.113 by

differentiating and setting the derivative equal to zero. Show that the
resulting stationary point is a minimum.

7.27 Let Z = k xX + k2Y, where X and Y are independent with means [ix and
|Ay and variance <
j \ and <
j2y . k l and k2 are constants.
a. Find p z and <
j \.

b. Assume p* = py. Find a condition on k { and k2 that makes

M-x = M-y = M-z-
c. Using the result of (b ), find k^ and k2 such that ctz is minimized.

d. Using the results of (b) and (c) find cr2

z . Compare this with Equa­
tions 7.121 and 7.122.

7.28 Refer to Example 7.15. Find 5(4), P( 4), 5(5), and P (5).

7.29 Refer to Example 7.15

a. Find 5(1), 1(2), 5(3), and J(4) as defined in Problem 7.24 in terms
of X (l ), X(2), X(3), and AT(4). Show that the weight on 5(1) decreases
to zero. Thus, a bad guess of 5(1) has less effect.

b. How would you adjust P (l) in order to decrease the weight at­
tached to 5(1)?

7.30 Assume the model S(n) = .95(n — 1) + W(n)

ow{n) - o--(n) = 1

X (n ) = 5(n ) + v(n)
5(1) = 0, P ( 1) = 10

2T(1) = 1, AT(2) = 1.1, AT(3) = 1.2, AT(4) = .9, X(5) = 1.2

Find 5 (/), i = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

7.31 What is the steady-state gain, i.e. lim „_, k(n) for Problem 7.30?

7.32 Show in the vector case that Equation 7.139 is true following the steps
used from Equations 7.94-7.100 in the scalar case.

7.33 Explain why the cross-product terms are zero in the equation following
Equation 7.149.

7.34 Use Equation 7.150 and Equation 7.156 to produce Equation 7.157.

7.35 A ssum e X(t) = 5 (r ) + N(t), with

Sss(f) = (2 T t f f + 1
sNS(f) (2 ttf ) 2 + 4

Signal and noise are uncorrelated. Find the optimum unrealizable Wiener
filter and the MSE, when a = 0.

7.36 Assume that

Sss^ = (2tt/ ) 2 + 1

Sm(f ) ~ 1
Signal and noise are uncorrelated. Find the minimum MSE unrealizable
filter, H ( f ) for a = 0 and show that P = .577.

7.37 Assume that the signal and noise are as specified in Problem 7.36. How­
ever, the filter form is specified as

= 1 + j l i rf R C = 1 + /2 ir jT

Find T for minimum mean squared error and show that the MSE is .914
if the T is correctly chosen.

7.38 Find the optimum realizable filter for the situation described in Problems
7.36 and 7.37, and show that P = .732. Discuss the three filters and their

7.39 Find L +(s), L ‘ (s), / +(f), and where

—4s2 + (a + b)2
(ia2 — s2) (b2 — s2)

7.40 S(t) and N(t) are uncorrelated with

5 (f) = ___ ( M l ! ___

ss{}) [1 + (2m/)2]2

Sm (f) = ^

Find the optimum realizable Wiener filter with a = 0.

7.41 Contrast the assumptions of discrete Wiener and discrete Kalman filters.
Contrast their implementation. Derive the Kalman filter for Problem 7.36
and compare this with the results of Problem 7.38.

7.42 An alternate form of the vector Kalman filtering algorithm uses the ob­
servations at stage n in addition to the previous observations. Show that
it can be described by the following algorithm.
K (n) = P (n )H r(n)[H (n )P (n )H r(n) + R (n )]-‘

S(n) = S («) + K O )[X O ) - H (« )S («)]

P ' 0 ) = [i - K 0 ) H 0 ) ] P 0 )
S(n + 1) = A (n + 1)S(«)

PO + 1) = A r0 + l ) P '0 ) A r0 + 1) + Q O + 1)
This form is often used (see page 200 o f Reference [4]). In this form
P 'O ) is the covariance matrix reduced from P(n) by the use of the
observation at time n, and S is the revised estimator based on this obser­



Statistics deals with methods for making decisions based on measurements (or
observations) collected from the results o f experiments. The two types o f de­
cisions emphasized in this chapter are the decision as to which value to use as
the estimate of an unknown parameter and the decision as to whether or not to
accept a certain hypothesis.
Typical estimation decisions involve estimating the mean and variance of a
specified random variable or estimating the autocorrelation function and power
spectral density function of a random process. In such problems of estimating
unknown parameters, there are two important questions. What is a “ good”
method of using the data to estimate the unknown parameter, and how “ good”
is the resulting estimate?
Typical hypothesis acceptance or rejection decisions are as follows: Is a signal
present? Is the noise white? Is the random variable normal? That is, decide
whether or not to accept the hypothesis that the random variable is normal. In
such problems we need a “ good” method of testing a hypothesis, that is, a
method that makes a “ true” hypothesis likely to be accepted and a “ false”
hypothesis likely to be rejected. In addition, we would like to know the prob­
ability of making a mistake of either type. The methods of hypothesis testing
are similar to the methods o f decision making introduced in Chapter 6. However,
the methods introduced in this chapter are classical in the sense that they do
not use a priori probabilities and they also do not explicitly use loss functions.
Also, composite alternative hypotheses (e.g., p A 0) will be considered in ad­
dition to simple alternative hypotheses (e.g., p. = 1).

In this chapter, we discuss the estimators o f those parameters that often are
needed in electrical engineering applications and particularly those used in Chap­
ter 9 to estimate parameters of random processes. We also emphasize those
statistical (i.e., hypothesis) tests that are used in Chapter 9.
After a characterization of a collection o f observations or measurements
from a probabilistic or statistical viewpoint, some example estimators are intro­
duced and then measures for evaluating the quality o f estimators are defined.
The method o f maximum likelihood estimation is introduced as a general method
of determining estimators. The distribution o f three estimators is studied in order
to portray how estimators may vary from one try or sample set to the next.
These distributions are also useful in certain hypothesis tests, which are described
next. This chapter concludes with a discussion o f linear regression, which is the
most widely used statistical technique o f curve fitting.
Note that in the first seven chapters o f the book, we had assumed that the
probability distributions associated with the problem at hand were known. Prob­
abilities, autocorrelation functions, and power spectral densities were either
derived from a set o f assumptions about the underlying random processes or
assumed to be given. In many practical applications, this may not be the case
and the properties o f the random variables (and random processes) have to be
obtained by collecting and analyzing data. In this and the following chapter, we
focus our attention on data analysis or statistics.


If we want to “ determine” an Unknown parameter or parameters or to test a

hypothesis by using “ measurements,” in most cases of interest, attempts at
repeated measurements will result in different values. Our central problem is
to use these measurements in some optimum fashion to estimate the unknown
parameter or to test a hypothesis.
In order to use the measurements in an organized fashion to estimate a
parameter, it is standard practice to assume an underlying model involving
random variables and the unknown parameter being estimated. For example,
let m be the unknown parameter, N be the error in the measurement, and X
be the measurement. Then, we can assume a model of the form

X —m + N ( 8 . 1)

Note that in this model, m is an unknown constant whereas X and N are random
A very important special case o f this model occurs when the expected value
of N is zero. In this case, the mean o f X is m, and we say that we have an
unbiased measurement.

As most o f us remember from physics laboratory and from our common

experiences, it is often better to repeat the experiment, that is, to make repeated
measurements. This idea of repeated measurements is very important and will
be quantified later in this chapter. For now, we want to describe these repeated
measurements. The assumption is that the first measurement is A , = m + A ,,
the second measurement is X 2 = m + N2; and the «th measurement is X„ =
m + N„. The important assumption in models involving repeated measurements
is that the random variables, N u N2, . . . , Nn are independent and identically
distributed (i.i.d.), and thus X u . . . , X„ are also i.i.d.
With Equation 8.1 as the underlying model, and with the i.i.d. assumption,
the measurements can be combined in various ways. These combinations o f X u
X 2, . . . , X n are loosely called statistics. A formal definition of a statistic appears
in Section 8.2.1.
A very common statistic is

x = -'2 i x l ( 8 . 2)
« 11

The bar indicates an average of measurements and X is used to estimate m;

thus, it is also often called

m = x = - 2 X,
n 1

where the hat indicates “ an estimator o f.”

Thus, measurements are used to form statistics that are used to estimate
unknown parameters and also to test hypotheses. It is important for the statistics
to be based on a representative sample or representative measurements. Famous
failures to obtain a representative sample have occurred in presidential elections.
For example in the 1936 presidential election, the Literary Digest forecast that
A lf Landon, who carried the electoral votes only o f Vermont and Maine, would
defeat President Roosevelt by a 3 to 2 margin. Actually, Roosevelt received
62.5% of the vote. This error is attributed to samples chosen in part from the
telephone directory and from automobile registration files at a time when only
the more wealthy people had telephones and automobiles. This resulted in a
sample that accurately represented (we assume) telephone and automobile own­
ers’ presidential preferences but was not a representative sample from the general
voting public. Further analysis of sampling techniques have resulted in far more
accurate methods of choosing the sample to be included in the statistics used to
estimate the results of presidential elections. It is always important that the
measurements be representative of the ensemble from which parameters are to
be estimated. When considering random processes, both stationarity and er-
godicity are critical assumptions in choosing a sample or measurements that will
result in good estimators.

T h e basic prem ise o f estim ation is to determ ine the value o f an unknow n quantity
using a statistic, that is, using a fu nction o f m easurem ents. T h e estimator g ( X lt
X 2, ■ ■ ■ , X n) is a random variable. A sp ecific set o f m easurem ents will result
in X t = Xi and the resulting value g ( x , , x 2, . . . , x„ ) will be called an estimate
or an estim ated value.

8.2.1 Definition of a Statistic

Let X it X 2, . . . , X n be n i.i.d . ran dom variables from a given distribution
fu nction Fx . T h en Y = g ( X {, X 2, . . . , X„) is called a statistic if the fu nction
g does not depen d on any unkn ow n param eter.
F or exam ple,

— 1 "

is a statistic but

a 2 = 2 ---- ----- —

is not a statistic becau se it depends u pon the unknown param eter, |x.

8.2.2 Parametric and Nonparametric Estimators

W e use tw o classes o f estim ation techniques: parametric and nonparametric. T o
illustrate the basic differen ce betw een these tw o techniques, let us con sid er the
prob lem o f estimating a p d f f x (x). If we use a param etric m eth od , we might
assume, for exam ple, that f x(x) is G aussian with param eters p.x and a x w hose
values are not k n ow n . W e estimate the values o f these param eters from data,
and substitute these estim ated values in f x(x) to obtain an estim ate o f f x(x) fo r
all values o f x. In the n onparam etric ap proach , w e d o n ot assume a functional
form fo r f x (x), but w e attem pt to estimate f x(x) directly from data fo r all values
o f x.
In the follow in g sections w e present param etric and nonparam etric estim ators
o f probability density and distribution functions o f random variables. Param etric
and n onparam etric estim ators o f autocorrelation functions and spectral density
functions o f ran dom processes are discussed in C hapter 9.



In this section we describe three simple and widely used procedures for non­
parametric estimation o f probability distribution and density functions: (1) the
empirical distribution function (or the cumulative polygon); (2) the histogram
(or the bar chart, also called a frequency table); and (3) Parzen’s estimator for
a pdf. The first two are used extensively for graphically displaying measurements,
whereas Parzen’s estimator is used to obtain a smooth, closed-form expression
for the estimated value of the pdf of a random variable.

8.3.1 Definition of the Empirical Distribution Function

Assume that the random variable X has a distribution function Fx and that a
sample o f i.i.d. measurements X t, X 2, . . . , X„, of X is available. From this
sample we construct an empirical distribution function, F^x whi ch is an
estimator o f the common unknown distribution function Fx .
Before we define the empirical distribution function, the reader is asked to
make his own definition via the following example. Suppose the resistances of
20 resistors from a lot o f resistors have been measured to be (the readings have
been listed in ascending order) 10.3, 10.4, 10.5, 10.5, 10.6, 10.6, 10.6, 10.7,
10.8, 10.8, 10.9, 10.9, 10.9, 10.9, 11.0, 11.0, 11.0, 11.1, 11.1, 11.2. What is the
probability that a resistor selected from the lot has a resistance less than or equal
to 10.75?
If your answer is 8/20 because eight out o f the 20 measurements were less
than 10.75, then you have essentially defined the empirical distribution function.
More precisely

Fx|x,... *„(4*i> ■ ••, * » )

- number of measurements x u . . . „ x n which are no greater than x

Note that FX\X{....x„ is a distribution function; that is

fx|Ar„....x„(-00l"-) = 0

Fx |x,....x„(°°|-) = 1

F X |X, X „ ( X \X l ’ ■ ■ ■ > X n ) — F X [X,. X „(y\ X t ’ ' ' ' >

x > y


lim Fm x (x + Ax|xu . . . , x n) = Fx\Xl,...,xSAx i , ■••,*«)

A i-»0

A probability mass function can be easily derived either from the empirical
distribution function or directly from the data. The empirical distribution func­
tion and the empirical probability mass function for the resistance data are shown
in Figures 8.1 and 8.2. Problems at the end of this chapter call for construction
of empirical distribution functions based on the definition in Equation 8.3.

8.3.2 Joint Empirical Distribution Functions

We consider a sample of size n from two random variables X and Y ; Y\),
{X2, y 2), . . . , { Xn, Y„). That is, for each of the n outcomes we observe the
sample values o f both random variables. Then the joint empirical distribution


Figure 8.1 Empirical distribution function.


Figure 8.2 Empirical probability mass function.

fu nction is

Fx,Y\Xl,Yu...JCn,YXX0’ -V o K -tl > - V l ) ’ • • • > (X n> y«)]

num ber o f m easurem ents w here both -~t x 0 and y , — y p
~ n

H igher dim ensional em pirical distribution functions can be defin ed in a similar


8.3.3 Histograms
W h en m any m easurem ents are available, in ord er to sim plify both data handling
and visual presentation, the data are often grou ped into cells. That is, the range
o f data is divided into a num ber o f cells o f equal size and the num ber o f data
poin ts within each cell is tabulated. This approxim ation o r grouping o f the data
results in som e loss o f in form ation. H ow ev er, this loss is usually m ore than
com pen sa ted for by the ease in data handling and interpretation when the goal
is visual display.
W h en the grou ped data are plotted as an approxim ate distribution fu n ction ,
the plot is usually called a cum ulative frequ ency p oly g on . A graph o f the g rou p ed
data p lotted as an approxim ate probability mass fu n ction in the form o f a bar
graph is called a histogram.


The values o f a certain random sequence are recorded below. Plot a histogram
of the values o f the random sequence.

3.42 3.51 3.61 3.47 3.36 3.39 3.56

3.48 3.40 3.52 3.59 3.46 3.57 3.45
3.54 3.42 3.50 3.54 3.48 3.47 3.65
3.51 3.46 3.59 3.47 3.40 3.38 3.57
3.48 3.50 3.42 3.54 3.55 3.45 3.43
3.57 3.49 3.50 3.62 3.52 3.61 3.50
3.59 3.48 3.54 3.50 3.41 3.52 3.51
3.63 3.53 3.38 3.49 3.50 3.50 3.58
3.50 3.51 3.47 3.52 3.43 3.49 3.42
3.45 3.44 3.48 3.57 3.49 3.53 3.49
3.51 3.59 3.35 3.60 3.48 3.59 3.61
3.55 3.57 3.40 3.51 3.61 3.49 3.40
3.59 3.55 3.56 3.45 3.56 3.47 3.58
3.50 3.46 3.49 3.41 3.52 3.50 3.47
3.61 3.52

Values of the Random Sequence

Figure 8.3 Histogram for Example 8.1.


The idea is to split the data into groups. The range of the data is 3.35 to 3.65.
If each interval is chosen to be .030 units wide, there would be 10 cells and the
resulting figure would be reasonable. The center cell of the histogram is chosen
to be 3.485 to 3.515 and this, with the interval size chosen, determines all cells.
For ease of tabulation it is common practice to choose the ends of a cell to one
more significant figure than is recorded in the data so that there is no ambiguity
concerning into which cell a reading should be placed. As with most pictorial
representations, some o f the choices as to how to display the data (e.g., cell
size) are arbitrary; however, the choices do influence the expected errors, as
explained in Section 8.5. The histogram is shown in Figure 8.3.


A random variable has a normal distribution with mean 2 and variance 9. A

quantized empirical distribution function is shown along with the true distribution
function in Figures 8.4 and 8.5 for samples of size 200 and 2000, respectively.

-7 .0 - 6 .0 - 4 .0 -2 .0 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0

Figure 8.4 Comparison between the theoretical and empirical normal

distribution functions, n = 200.

Figure 8.5 Comparison between the theoretical and empirical normal

distribution function, n = 2000.

8.3.4 Parzen’s Estimator for a pdf

The histogram is extensively used to graphically display the estimator of a pdf.
Parzen’s estimator [9], on the other hand, provides a smoothed estimator o f a
pdf in analytical form as

A 1 n X ~ Xi
fx(x) = fx\Xl...,xSx \x i’ xn) (8.4)
nh(n) ,?i 8 7 m .

In Equation 8.4, n is the sample size, g( ) is a weighting function, and h(n) is

a smoothing factor. In order for f x (x ) to be a valid pdf, g ( y ) and h(n) must

h{n) > 0 (8.5.a)

g (y ) > 0 (8.5.b)


g(y) dy = 1 (8.5.C)

Figure 8.6 Parzen’s estimator of a pdf.

While the choice of h(n) and g(y) are somewhat arbitrary, they do influence
the accuracy of the estimator as explained in Section 8.5. Recommended choices
for g (y ) and h(n) are



The Parzen estimator is illustrated in Figure 8.6.


The basic purpose of point estimation is to estimate an unknown parameter with

a statistic, that is, with a function of the i.i.d. measurements. Assume that the
unknown parameter is 0 and that there is a sample that consists of n i.i.d.
measurements X,, . . . , X„. We then form a statistic g ( X t, . . . , X „), which
we hope will be close to 0. We will call

0 = g ( X u . . . , X n)

the point estimator of 0. A specific sample will result in X t = .c,, i = 1, . . . , n

and the resulting value of 0 will be called the point estimate of 0. Thus, the
estimator is a random variable that will take on different values depending on
the values o f the measurements, whereas the estimate is a number.
Before continuing this general discussion of estimation, some specific ex­
amples will be given.

8.4.1 Estimators of the Mean

The mean of a random variable X is usually estimated by the average X of
the sample, that is •

_ 1 "
M-jt (8.7)

where the X ’s are n i.i.d. measurements or observations from the population

with the distribution Fx .
X is the most familiar estimator o f p*. However, the following two estimators
of (jl, are sometimes (not often) used:

2 C^inax -^-imn)

. 1
2. x such that Fm ....*,(* 1* 1 , • • • , x n) = -

(called the empirical median)

Methods of comparing the quality o f different estimators are introduced in

Section 8.5.

8.4.2 Estimators of the Variance

The variance cry o f a random variable X is commonly estimated by

4 = -
2 (xt - xy (8.8.a)

or by the estimator S2 where

n - 12
(x, - xy (8.8.b)

8.4.3 An Estimator of Probability

Let p be the probability of an event A. Then a statistic that can be used to
estimate p is

where NA is the random variable that represents the number o f times that event
A occurs in n independent trials.
Note that p is similar to the relative frequency definition o f probability.
However, there is an important difference. The relative frequency definition
takes the limit as n goes to infinity. This causes NA/n to become a number
whereas for finite n, NA/n is a random variable with a nonzero variance and a
well-defined distribution function.

8.4.4 Estimators of the Covariance

The covariance <jx y is usually estimated by


or by

*XY = 2 (X ‘ ~ - y )
n A t=l

8.4.5 Notation for Estimators

Our interest in estimating the unknown parameter 0 will be reflected by writing
the distribution function of the random variable X by

Fx (x; 8)

or simply by F(x; 6) if X is understood to be the random variable. As an example,

consider a normal random variable with unit variance and unknown mean g..


(* ~ M')2

The only change is that our present emphasis on estimating the unknown pa­
rameter 0 causes us to change the notation in order to reflect the fact that we
now enlarge the model to include a family o f distributions. Each value of 0
corresponds with one member of the family. The purpose of the experiment,
the concomitant measurements, and the resulting estimator is to select one
member of the family as being the “ best.” One general way of determining
estimators is described in the next subsection. Following that is a discussion of
criteria for evaluating estimators.

8.4.6 Maximum Likelihood Estimators

We now discuss the most common method of deriving estimators. As before,
we use the notation Fix', 0) to indicate the distribution of the random variable
X given the parameter 0. Thus, if X\, X 2, ■ ■ • , X„ are i.i.d. measurements of
X, then f ( x „ x 2, . . . , x„; 0) is the joint pdf of X u . . . , X„ given 0, and because
o f independence it can be written

/ ( * ! , . . . , x n\ 0) = II f(x,; 9)

Now, if the values of X {, . . ■ , X„ are considered fixed and 0 is an unknown

parameter, then f ( x lt . . . , x„; 0) is called a likelihood function and is usually
denoted by

L(0) = f ( x t, . . . , x„; 0) = n 0)*X ( 8 . 10)


X is known to be exponentially distributed, that is

f (x; 0) = ^ exp( —x/Q), * 2 0, 0 > 0

= 0 x < 0

If a sample consists of five i.i.d. measurements o f X that are 10, 11, 8, 12, and
9, find the likelihood function o f 0.


~Xj -5 0
£(e) = II /(*<; 0) = fl ^ exp 6
= 0 5 exp
0 > 0
i=l 1=1 “

The value 0 that maximizes the likelihood function is called a maximum

likelihood estimator of 0. That is, a value 0 such that for all values 0

L(0) = f ( x l? 0) > f ( x t, : . . , xn; 0) = L(0) (8.11)

is called a maximum likelihood estimate of 0. Such an estimate is justified on

the basis that 0 is the value that maximizes the joint probability density (like­
lihood), given the sample of observations or measurements that was obtained.


Find the maximum likelihood estimate of 0 from Example 8.3.


L(0) = 0 5 exp ,0> 0

dL(0) -50 50 -50

-50~6 exp exp ,0 > 0

Setting the derivative equal to zero and solving for 0, the value of 0 that causes
the derivative to equal zero yields the estimate

0 = f = 10

Because a number o f the common probability density functions occur in

exponential form, it is often more convenient to work with the natural logarithm
of the likelihood function rather than the likelihood function. O f course, because
the natural logarithm is a strictly increasing function, the value of 0 that maxi­
mizes the likelihood function is the same value that maximizes the logarithm of
the likelihood function.


There is a sample of n i.i.d. measurements from a normal distribution with

known variance a 2. Find the maximum likelihood estimate of the mean.


" 1 (x, - P)2~

£(p-) = f ( * i. • ■■, p) = n exP 2a2
,= 1 V Z T T C T

Finding the value that maximizes ln[L(p.)] is equivalent to finding the value of
p. that maximizes L((x). Thus


nfi- = X xi

Thus, the maximum likelihood estimator is

Note that in this case the maximum likelihood estimator is simply X.



X is uniformly distributed between 0 and 0. Find the maximum likelihood es­

timator of 0 based on a sample o f n observations.

W ith

= 0 elsewhere

we have

v / = —
0„ 0 s x, < 0, i = 1 , 2,, . . . , n

where x,, i = 1, 2, . . . , n represent the values o f the n i.i.d. measurements.

The maximum of 1/0'' cannot be found by differentiation because the smallest
possible value o f 0 > 0 maximizes L(0). The smallest possible value o f 0 is
max(x;) because o f the constraint*, s 0. Thus, the maximum likelihood estimator
of 0 is

0 = max(W,)

8.4.7 Bayesian Estimators

If the unknown parameter 0 is considered to be a random variable with an
appropriate probability space defined and a distribution function Fe assigned,
then Bayes’ rule can be used to find x,r For instance if 0 is continuous
and the X/s are i.i.d. given 0 then

n fx,(x,; 0) / o(0)

The a p osteriori distribution function, Fe \Xl....or equivalently the a posteriori

density shown above, displays all of the “ information” about 0 . However, this
distribution combines the information contained in the assigned a p riori distri­
bution (e.g., / e), as well as the information in the sample. This combination
has led to an extensive debate as to whether Bayes’ rule is a philosophically
sound method for characterizing estimators. In this introductory chapter we do
not discuss Bayesian estimation at any length. We conclude this section with an
example and we remark that if the a priori distribution of 0 is uniform then the
conditional density function of 0 (given X x, , X n) is formally the same as
the likelihood function.

(a) (d)

(6) (e)

(c) if)
Figure 8.7 Bayes’ estimator.


A thumbtack when tossed has a probability P of landing with the head on the
surface and the point up; it has a probability 1 - P of landing with both the
head and the point touching the surface. Figure 8.7 shows the results of applying
Bayes’ rule with f P assigned to be uniform (Figure 8.7a). This figure shows
f P\k;n, that is, the conditional density function of P when k times out o f n tosses
the thumbtack has landed with the point up.
A study of Figure 8.7b will reveal that, after one experiment in which the
point was up, the a posteriori probability density function of P is zero at P =
0 and increases to its maximum value at P = 1. This is certainly a reasonable
result. Figure 8.7c illustrates, with the ratio o f kin = I, that the a posteriori
density function o f P has a peak at I, and, moreover, that the peak becomes
more pronounced as more data are used to obtain the a posteriori density
function (Figures 8.7c/, 8.7c, and 8.7/).

Point estimators can be derived from the a posteriori distribution. Usually

0 = £{0|AT,, . . . , X n}, that is, the mean o f the a posteriori distribution is used
as the point estimator. Occasionally the mode o f the a posteriori distribution is
used as the point estimator.


As demonstrated in Section 8.4 there can be more than one (point) estimator
for an unknown parameter. In this section, we define measures for determining
“ good” estimators.
What properties do we wish 0 to possess? It seems natural to wish that 0 =
0, but 0 is a random variable (because it is a function of random variables).
Thus, we must adopt some probabilistic criteria for measuring how close 0 is
to 0.

8.5.1 Bias
An estimator 0 of 0 is called unbiased if

£{0} = 0


If Xi, . . . , X„ are i.i.d. with mean p, then

17 /v ^ x X x + X z + ••• + X„
X = M- = g ( X u • • - , X n) = ------------------------------

is an unbiased estimator of the mean p, because

E{Xt + * 2 - + /i Ix
E {X } = £{|i} = M-

If £{0} = a ¥= 0, then 0 is said to be biased and the bias b or bias error, is

6[0] = £{0 } - 0 (8.12)


Compute the expected value of a 2 = —2 f=1 (X-, — X ) 1 and determine whether

it is an unbiased estimator of tr2. (Note that the subscripts are omitted on both
p, and a 2).

First we note, because X, and Xj are independent, that

£ {(AT, - m-) ( Z Xi - |

= E{{X, - ^)2} + Z E{ X, - ^ } £ { X ; - p} = cr2

Now, looking at one term of the sum

E {( X S- x y -} = E X ~ Z ^ Xi

= E Xi - p + p — 2 xi
i a
= E Xi; - P - - 2 (X, - p)
n i= 1
1 A
= E{( X, - p ) 2} - - E \(Xi - p) 2 (X, - p) + - 2 ^
i= i

Combining this with the first part of the solution, we obtain

E{(Xi - X ) 2} = a 2 - - a 2 + - cr2
n n


£ { a 2} = - 2 E{( X, - X ) 2} = E{{X, - Z ) 2}

? or

2 2^ 1 ,
£ { a 2} - a 2 H---- a- 1 - (8.13)

Thus, cr2 is a biased estimator of cr2. However, it is easy to see that

s2 = 2 (Xi - xy
n - 1 1=1

is an unbiased estimator of a 2.
Notice that for large n, cr2 and 5 2 are nearly the same. The intuitive idea is
that one degree o f freedom is used in determining X . That is, X , X x, ■ ■ ■ ,
X n„ x determine X n. Thus, the sum should be divided by n — 1 rather than by
rt. (See Problem 8.27.)

We have seen that X is an unbiased estimator of |x but there are many other
unbiased estimators o f p. For instance, the first measurement is also unbiased.
Thus, some other measure(s) o f estimators is needed to separate good estimators
from those not so good. We now define another measure.

8.5.2 Minimum Variance, Mean Squared Error, RMS Error, and

Normalized Errors
If the estimator 0 has a mean of 0, then we also desire 0 to have a small variation
from one sample to the next. This variation can be measured in various ways.
For instance, measures of variation are £{|0 - 0|}, [maximum 0 - minimum
0], or £ {(0 - 0)2}. Although any of these or other measures might be used,
the most common measure is the mean squared error (MSE), or

MSE = £ {(0 - 0)2}

If 0 is unbiased then the MSE is simply the variance o f 0. If £ {0 } = m, then

£ { ( 0 - 0 )2} = (0 - m)2 + cr| (8.14)

This important result may be stated as

MSE(0) = [Bias(0)]2 + Variance(0)


MSE = b2 + Var[0]

Equation 8.14 may be shown as follows:

£ {(0 - 0)2} = £ {(0 - m + m - 0)2}

= £ {( § - m) 2} + 2(m - 0 )£ {0 - m} + E{{m - 0)2}
= erg + 2 (m - Q)(m - m) + (m - 0 )2
= erg + (m - 0 )2
We return to the example of estimating the mean of a random variable X
when a sample o f n i.i.d. measurements X l, • • • , X n, are available. Although

the variances of the estimators X and are different. Indeed

Var[ ATJ cr2

V a r[Z ] Var (8.15)

The average X has a lower variance and by the criterion of minimum variance
or o f minimum MSE, X is a better estimator than a single measurement.
The positive square root o f the variance o f 9 is often called the standard
error of 0 and sometimes also called the random error. The positive square root
of the MSE is called the root mean square error or the RMS error.
For a given sample size n, 9„ = g(Ar1; . . . , X n) will be called an unbiased
minimum variance estimator o f the parameter 0 if 0„ is unbiased and if the
variance o f 0„ is less than or equal to the variance o f every other unbiased
estimator of 0 that uses a sample of size n.
If 0 ¥= 0, the normalized bias, normalized standard deviation (also called the
coefficient of variation), and the normalized RMS error are defined as follows:

Normalized bias — eb — (8.16)

Normalized standard error = er = — (8.17)
V E {(0 - 0 )2}
Normalized RMS error - e - (8.18.a)
Normalized MSE -
, £ { ( 9 -. 6 ) 2} (8.18.b)

8.5.3 The Bias, Variance, and Normalized RMS Errors of Histograms

In order to illustrate the measures of the quality of estimators introduced in the
last section, we use the histogram as an estimator of the true but unknown
probability density function and evaluate the bias, variance, and normalized
RMS error. The true but unknown probability density function of X is f ( x ) ,
and there are N measurements to be placed in n cells each of width W.
Now, in order that the area under the histogram equal one, the height of
each cell will be normalized by dividing the number V, of samples in cell i by
NW; thus, the area of cell i is

(Area),- = Vk =


n n

^ Nj = N then ^ (Area),- = 1
;=i i=i

Thus, the estimate /,( x ) , o f / ( x ) for x within the zth cell is

JL for x ifL < x < x uu (8.19)

/;(* )

where x i L and x LU are respectively the lower and upper limits o f the zth cell.
Note that N and W are constants, whereas N, is a random variable.

Bias o f / ,(x ). The expected value of /, ( x ) is

E {fi(x)} = ~ E{Ni}, x,<L < x < x uu (8.20)

Nj is a binomial random variable because each independent sample has a constant

probability P{i) of falling in the ith cell. Thus

E{N,} = N P (i) (8.21)


P{i) f ( x ) dx ( 8 .22)
X ,.L

Using Equations 8.21 and 8.22 in Equation 8.20

E [ f ;( x ) ] f ( x ) dx, i,L s X < x iM (8.23)

In general, Equation 8.23 will not equal f ( x ) for all values o f x within the
zth cell. Although there will be an x within the zth cell for which this is an
unbiased estimator, for most f ( x ) and most x, Equation 8.19 describes a biased
estimator. In order to illustrate the bias, we will choose x Ci to be in the center
o f the zth cell and expand f ( x ) in a second-order Tayor series about this point,

that is

(x - Xcf
/ 0 ) = / 0 J + f ’ (xc) ( x - x c.) + f " ( x c) < X < Xu

In this case, using Equation 8.23

1 CXc^W/2 T (x
f ( x c.) + f ' ( x c.)(x - x c.) + f " ( x c.) dx
w L".mi L


a yV
E [f i {x ) ] = f ( x c.) + f " ( x c.) x u < x < x i%u (8.24)

Thus the bias, or bias error, o f / , ( * ) when it is used as an estimator of f ( x c.)

is approximately

W _2
b [fi(x )] ~ f " ( x Ci) Hl (8.25)

The normalized bias is

f " ( x c) W 2
f ( x Ci) 24

Note that the bias and the normalized bias increase with cell width.

Variance o f f , ( x ) . Using Equation 8.19 and the fact that V, is a binomial

random variable, the variance o f f i ( x ) is

V a r [/> )] = yV[E(/)][l - P {i)], Xi.L s x < x itU (8.27)


where P(i) is given by Equation 8.22 and approximately by

P {i) = [ ''Uf ( x ) dx = W f ( x c) (8.28)


Thus, using Equation 8.28 in Equation 8.27

V a r [/,(x )] = ^ f ( x c.)[l - W f ( x Ci)], x u ^ x < x uu (8.29)

The normalized standard error er assuming f ( x c) is being estimated is

V v a r /,-(*) 1
Vl - W f ( x c) (8.30)

The variance and normalized standard error decrease with W for N fixed. Thus,
the cell width has opposite effects on bias and variance. However, increasing
the number N of samples reduces the variance and can also reduce the bias if
the cell size is correspondingly reduced.

Normalized MSE of / ,(x). The MSE, is

MSE = b2 + V a r [/,(x )]

= [/"(* c ,)]2 ^ ~ /(* « )[ 1 - W f ( x c) ] (8.31)

and the normalized MSE is

'/ X ) l 2 [1 - Wf(Xc,)]
J ( x c) \ 576 N W f ( x c)

The normalized RMS error, e, is the positive square root of this expression.
Note that W f ( x c.) is less than one; thus increasing W clearly decreases the
variance or random error. However, increasing W tends to increase the bias. If
fV—* and W —* 0 in such a way that N W —* °° (e.g., W = 1 /V N ) then the
MSE will approach zero as /V —> Note that if f " ( x c.) and higher derivatives
are small, that is, there are no abrupt peaks in the density function, then the
bias will also approach zero.
Usually, when we attempt to estimate the pdf using this nonparametric
method, the estimators will be biased. Any attempt to reduce the bias will result
in an increase in the variance and attempts to reduce the variance by smoothing
(i.e., increasing W) will increase the bias. Thus, there is a trade-off to be made
between bias and variance. By a careful choice of the smoothing factor we can
make the bias and variance approach zero as the sample size increases (i.e., the
estimator can be made to be asymptotically unbiased).

8.5.4 Bias and Variance of Parzen’s Estimator

We now consider the bias and variance of the estimator given in Equation 8.4.
Parzen has shown (see Reference [9]) that if g (y ) satisfies the constraints of
Equation 8.5 and the additional constraints

V g ( v ) l —*■ 0 as M - * 00


J y 2s \ y ) dy < CO

then the bias and variance of the estimator

fx (x ) 2 s
nh(n) V h(n)


B ia s [/* (* )] = - f " x { x ) ^ - f " y 2g ( y ) dy (8.33)

Variance[ f x ( x )] = — ^ j g 2( y ) dy (8.34)

for large values of n.

The foregoing expressions are similar to expressions for the bias and variance
o f the histogram type estimator (Equations 8.25 and 8.29). Once again if h(n)
is chosen such that

h(n) —* 0 as n —* »


nh(n) —» as n —> °°

then the estimator is asymptotically unbiased and the variance of the estimator
approaches zero. h(n) — 1 / V « is a reasonable choice.

8.5.5 Consistent Estimators

Any statistic or estimator that converges in probability (see Chapter 2 for def­
inition) to the parameter being estimated is called a consistent estimator of that
For example

*n = - £

has mean p and variance crVrz. Thus, as n -»■ °°, X„ has mean p and a variance
that approaches^. Thus, X„ converges in probability to p (by Tchebycheffs
inequality) and X„ is a consistent estimator of p. (See Problem 8.15.)
Note also that both

- 2
n « - * .)’


;r h 2 « - s '-) 1

are consistent estimators of a 2.

8.5.6 Efficient Estimators

Let 0, and 02 be unbiased estimators of 0 . Then we define the (relative) efficiency
of 0, with respect to 02 as

V ar(02)

In some cases it is possible to find among the unbiased estimators one that
has the minimum variance, V. In such a case, the absolute efficiency of an
unbiased estimator 0 , is

For example, X is an unbiased estimator o f p and it has a variance o f a 2/

n. The mean o f a normal distribution could also be estimated by m, the median
o f the empirical distribution function. It can be shown that m is unbiased and
that, for large n

Thus, the efficiency of m with respect to X is approximately


In most engineering problems the best point estimate of an unknown parameter

is needed for design equations. In addition, it is always important to know how
much the point estimate can be expected to vary from the true but unknown
parameter. We have emphasized the MSE of the estimator as a prime measure
of the expected variation. However, in some problems, one is interested in
whether the unknown parameter is within a certain interval (with a high prob­
ability). In these cases an interval estimate is called for. Such interval estimates
are often called confidence limits. We do not emphasize interval estimates in
this book. We will conclude the very brief introduction with one example where
the distribution of the statistic is particularly simple. This example defines and
illustrates interval estimates. Distributions of other common statistics are found
in the next section, and they could be used to find interval estimates or confidence
limits for the unknown parameter.


V is a normal random variable with <rx = 1. The mean p, of X is estimated using

a sample size of 10. Find the random interval I = [(A — a), (A + a)] such
that P [p E /] = P [ X - a < f i s l + a ] = 0.95(‘7 ” is called the 95% con­
fidence interval for p*).

It is easy to show that

is normal with mean p, and variance cr2/n = 1/10 (see Problem 8.22). Thus,
( A — p,)/VTl is a standard normal random variable, and from Appendix D we
can conclude that

P -1 .9 6 =£

These inequalities can be rearranged to

^ - 1.96 V I < p. s X + 1.96 V I * X + .62

The interval [ X - 0.62, X + 0.62] is the 95% confidence interval for p.


In Section 8.5, we discussed the mean and variance o f estimators. In some cases,
for example in interval estimation, we may be interested in a more complete
description o f the distribution o f the estimators. This description is particularly
needed in tests o f hypotheses that will be considered in the next section. In this
section we find the distribution o f four o f the most used estimators.

8.7.1 Distribution of X with Known Variance

If X u . . . , X „ are i.i.d. observations from a normal distribution X with mean
(x and variance <j 2, then it is easy to show that

is also normal with mean p and variance cr2/n (see Problem 8.22). Note also
that the central limit theorem implies that, as n —» X will be normal, almost
regardless o f the distribution of X.
Note that ( X - p )/(o 7 V n ) is a standard (p = 0, cr2 = 1) normal random


X, is normal with mean 1000 and variance 100. Find the distribution o f X n wheri
n = 10, 50, 100.


From the previous results, X„ is normal with mean 1000, and the variances of
X„ are

V a r [* 10] = 10
V ar[X50] = 2
VarfA'ioo] = 1

Note that with a sample o f size 100, X loo has a probability o f .997 of being within
1000 ± 3.

8.7.2 Chi-square Distribution

We assume that X u . . . , X m are i.i.d. normal random variables with mean 0

and variance <
j 2. Their joint density is

f ( x lt x 2, , x„) = :(jm exp

We now define Z, = X J a, i = 1, m. Thus, Z, is standard normal.

We first find the probability density function of Y; = Zf. Since

P{ Y, s y) = p( - Vy < Z, ^ Vy)

we have
506 S T A T IS T IC S


dFy(y) -y
f r ,( y ) y 1/2 exp }> > 0
dy V 2 tt
0 y < 0 (8.35)

The probability density function given by Equation 8.35 is called chi-square with
one degree o f freedom. (Equation 8.35 may also be found by using the change-
of-variable technique introduced in Chapter 2.)
From the characteristic function of a standard normal density function, we
have (see Example 2.13)

E {Z j} = 1


E {Z f} = 3


E {Y t} = E { Z } } = 1 (8.36)


Var[Yj] = E {Y j} - = E {Z f} - 1 = 2 (8.37)

The characteristic function 'T of Y; is

^ y ,(w) = Jg exp( + /to y )y - |/2 exp dy

= ( 1 - / 2 w) - 12 (8.38)

Now we define the chi-square random variable

m m
2 x 2
Xm = s Y, = s z: 2
j=i i*i

The characteristic function of xh is Equation 8.38 raised to the mth power, or

i|Vm(w) = (1 - j2o))~ml2 (8.39)

and it can be shown (see Problem 8.23) that

= 0 y < 0 (8.40)

where T(n) is the gamma function defined by

r(n) = I y"~l e x p ( - y ) dy, n > 0

The gamma function has the following properties:

T (1/2) =
T (l) = 1
T (« ) = (n - 1 )T(n - 1 ), n > 1


T(n) = (n - 1 )!, n a positive integer

Equation 8.40 defines the chi-square pdf; the parameter m is called the degrees
o f freedom.
Note that if R = V x f then R is called a Rayleigh random variable. Fur­
thermore, M - V x i is called a Maxwell random variable. The density functions
for various degrees of freedom are shown in Figure 8 .8 . Appendix E is a table
of the chi-square distribution.
Using Equations 8.36 and 8.37, it is apparent that the mean and variance of
a chi-square random variable are

E { x l } = m E {Z }} = m (8.41)

E { ( x i - rn)2} = m V ar[y,] = 2m (8.42)

508 S T A T IS T IC S

Figure 8.8 G r a p h s o f p r o b a b i l i t y d e n s it y fu n c t i o n s o f xi fo r m - 1,
4 , 10, an d 20.

8.7.3 (Student’s) t Distribution

Let Z be a standard normal random variable and Ym be an independent chi-
square variable with the density as given in Equation 8.40. Then the joint density
o f Z and Ym is

---------------- v("i/2-l) exp Zl y > 0

fz.Y,SZ> y ) = ^y== exp
2"'nY(ml2) y
= 0 y < 0

We define a new random variable Tm by


We find the density o f Tm by finding the joint density of

z rrt and U =

and then finding the marginal density function of Tm. The joint density Tm and
U is given by

f r „ , u ( u) — f z,Ym ( t ~^r=, 11 I W

.( m l 2-1)

V 2 tt 2mllr(m l2)
x e x p f - f b + i ; u > 0

The marginal density o f Tm is

frJ O = f
Jo0 V 2 tt 2 m/T (m /2 ) Vm


u f-
w i + -
2 m


('» - 1)12
1 2w
frit) exp( - w) dw
V 2 t7 2m,2r ( m /2 ) V m Jo
Jo t~
1 + 1 +
2 (m+0 2 m + 1
(m-t-l) - r
V 2 ^ 2m/2r ( m /2 ) V m ( 1 +


m + 1

f r l 0 = ^2 \ ( ,n + 1)
V - ttw r ( m / 2) ( 1 +
510 S T A T IS T IC S

m —3

0 -3 2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3

Figure 8.9 Two examples of the T„ density.

The probability density function given in Equation 8.45 is usually called the
(Student’s) tm density. Note that the only parameter in Equation 8.45 is m, the
number o f independent squared normal random variables in the chi-square. A
sketch of f Tm is shown in Figure 8.9 for two values of m and Appendix F is a
table of the tm distribution.

8.7.4 Distribution of S 2 and X with Unknown Variance

In the appendix to this chapter, we show that for n i.i.d. normal random vari­

ables, n a 2, X and S2 are independent random variables, and that (n — 1)52/
has the standard chi-square distribution with m = n — 1 degrees of freedom.
Also V n ( X — |x)/.S has the (Student’s) tm distribution with the m = n - 1.


If there are 31 measurements from a normal population with cr2 = 10, what is
the probability that S2 exceeds 6.17?


= P(xlo > 18-5) * .95

where .95 is obtained from Appendix E with 30 degrees of freedom.



Nine i.i.d. measurements from a normal random variable produce a_ sample

mean X and a sample standard deviation S. Find the probability that X will be
more than .77S above its true mean.


since V n ( X - \x)/S has a rm distribution with m = 8 , that is, f8, we find

P{{X - |x) > .77S} = P{tg > 2.31} * .025

where .025 is obtained from Appendix F.

8.7.5 F Distribution
We seek the probability density function of the ratio of two independent chi-
square random variables. To this end consider two independent variables, U
and V, each of which has a density given by Equation 8.40 where U has the
parameter W| degrees of freedom, and V has oi; degrees o f freedom. The joint
density of these two independent R V ’s is

fv,v(u, v) = 1___________ M(»|'2- 1)

2 (»>, +m,)/2r ( m ,/ 2 ) r (m z/2)

«>0, ua 0 (8.46)

We define new random variables F and Z by

F = and Z —V

We now find the joint density o f F and Z and then integrate with respect to
z to find the marginal density of F. From Equation 8.46 and using the defined

f f,z (^, z) — zX
r R r r

z / m,\ m,z
X Z (™ 2 / 2 -l) e x p
+ 1 X, z > 0
2 \ m2 m2 ’
m ,/2

fM — f
j ( / n i + rrj2)/ 2 - 1

r ly ) r (y l

z / m tX
x exp + 1 rfz
2 \ m2


z / m,X
F = z — + 1



(m|+m2)/2- 1
„ , i w,X
/ f (X)
r |y j r ( ^ 2 ) 2 (m' +mJ'2 J°
f 2^ < ^ 7 +1
x e x p (-y )
+ 1
vw 2
m. ^(ra,/2-l)
m, + m 2
+ ra,)/2 X> 0
+ 1

0 elsewhere (8.47)

The distribution described in Equation 8.47 is called the F distribution. It is

determined by the two parameters m, and m2 and is often called Fm m2. Appendix
G is a table of the Fmum2 distribution.


Let F10j2o be the ratio of the two quantities

“ (x, - x ,y


y (X, - x 2f
,4 20

where X x is the sample mean o f first 11 samples and X 2 is the mean of the next
21 samples. If these 32 i.i.d. samples were from the same normal random
variable, find the probability that F10i20 exceeds 1.94.

From Appendix G

P { F iax > 1.94) ~ .10.


Aside from parameter estimation, the most used area of statistics is statistical
tests or tests of hypotheses. Examples of hypotheses tested are (1) The addition
o f fertilizer causes no change in the yield o f corn. (2) There is no signal present
in a specified time interval. (3) A certain medical treatment does not affect
cancer. (4) The random process is stationary. (5) A random variable has a normal
We will introduce the subject o f hypothesis testing by considering an example
introduced in Chapter 6 and as we discuss this example, we will define the
general characteristics of hypothesis testing. Then we will introduce the concept
o f a composite alternative hypothesis. This will be followed by specific examples
o f hypothesis tests.

8.8.1 Binary Detection

A binary communication system transmits one o f two signals, say 0 or 1. The

communication channel adds noise to the transmitted signal. The received signal
(transmitted signal plus noise) is then operated on by the receiver (e.g., matched
filter) and a voltage is the output. If there were no noise, we assume the output
would be 0 if 0 were transmitted, and the output would be 1 if 1 were transmitted.
However, the noise can cause the voltage to be some other value.
We will test the hypothesis that 0 was the transmitted signal and, as in Chapter
6 , we will call this hypothesis H0. The alternative, that is, that a 1 was transmitted,
will be called Hi. The receiver’s output voltage Y is the output of the transmitted
signal plus the noise assumed to be Gaussian with mean 0 and variance 1. Hence,




For reasons that will be more apparent when composite alternatives are
considered, the first hypothesis stated above, that is, that a 0 was transmitted,
will be called the null hypothesis, H0. The alternative that a 1 was transmitted
will be called the alternative hypothesis, H {. Obviously, these definitions could
be reversed, but in many examples one hypothesis is more attractive for des­
ignation as the null hypothesis.
We must decide which alternative to accept and which to reject. We now
assume that we will accept H0, if the received signal Y is below the value y and
we will accept Hi if the received signal is equal to or above y. Note that the
exact value of y has not yet been determined. However, we hope that it is
intuitively clear that small values o f Y suggest Hg, whereas large values of Y
suggest Hi (see Chapter 6 and Figure 8.10).
The set of values for which we reject H0, that is, Y > y, is often called the
critical region of the test. We can make two kinds of errors:

Type I error: Reject H0 (accept Hi) when H0 is true.

Type II error: Reject H { (accept H0) when H { is true.

The probability o f a type I error, often called the significance level of the
test, is (in the example)

P(type I error) = P ( Y > y|H0)


The probability of a type II error is

T(type II error) = P {Y < "y|f/i)

(*■ - l )2 dk (8.51)

By choosing 7 such that P (Y 2 y\H0) = a we can control the probability of

a type I error. It is usual practice to set a at say .01 or .001 or .05, depending
on our desire to control the type I error, or the significance level of the test. In
this example, we will choose a to be .05 and say that the significance level is
5% . Thus, using Equation 8.50

05 ' [' x k “p
= Q(y) (8.52)

where 2 ( 7 ) is one minus the distribution function o f a standard Gaussian random

variable. Thus, using the table of Q( 7 ) in Appendix D

7 ~ 1.65

With 7 set at 1.65, then the probability of a type II error is, using Equation 8.51

fl.6 5 1 (X - 1) 2~l
P(Type II error) = \ —£ = exp d\

1 - <2(.65) = .7422

Thus, in this example, the probability o f a type II error seems excessively high.
This means that when a 1 is sent, we are quite likely to call it a zero.
Can we reduce this probability of a type II error? Assuming that more than
one sample o f the received signal can be taken and that the samples are inde­
pendent, then we could test the same hypothesis with


and expect that with the same probability o f a type I error, the probability of
a type II error would be_reduced to an acceptable level. If, for example, n =
10, then the variance o f Y would be 1/10 and Equation 8.52 would become

.05 = exp (8.53)

and with z = VlOX.

.05 = exp dz


Q (V l0 y ) = .05 => .52
V lO

and the type II error is reduced to

r.5 2 l
P(type II error) =» —= z exp (*• - i r d\
J -?o V.2'ir .2
- .48Vl0 1
V ^ 6XP

Note that not only is the type II error reduced to a more acceptable level,
but also the dividing line 7 for decision is now approximately halfway between
0 and 1 , the intuitively correct setting of the threshold.
The previous example could have been formulated from a decision theory
point of view (see Chapter 6). The significant difference is that here we follow

the classical hypothesis-testing formulation. A priori probabilities and loss func­

tions are not used and the protection against a type I error is given more emphasis
than the protection against a type II error. Both approaches, that is, hypothesis
testing and decision theory, have useful applications. The next subsection in­
troduces a case where the hypothesis-testing formulation provides some definite
These ideas are used in the following sections and in problems at the end o f
this chapter to illustrate the use o f t, chi-square, and F distributions in hypothesis
tests. Then nonparametric (or distribution-free) hypothesis tests are illustrated
by the chi-square goodness-of-fit test.

8.8.2 Composite Alternative Hypothesis

In the example discussed in the previous section the alternative to the null
hypothesis was o f the same simple form as the null hypothesis, that is, p, = 0
versus |x = 1. Often we are interested in testing a certain null hypothesis versus
a less definite or a composite alternative hypothesis, for example, the mean is
not zero In this composite alternative case, the probability of a type II error is
now a function rather than simply a number.
In order to illustrate the effect of a composite alternative hypothesis, we
return to the example o f the previous section with this important change. The
null hypothesis remains the same

H0: M-y — 0

However under the composite alternative hypothesis the exact level or mean of
the received signal is now unknown, except we know that the transmitted signal
or mean of Y is now greater then zero, that is

H\\ py- = 5 > 0 (8.54)

In this case the probability o f a type I error and the critical region remain
unchanged. However, the probability of a type II error becomes

P[type II error] = P [Y < y l# !]

1 - Q ( l ~ 5) (8.55)

If the significance level o f the test were set at .05 as in the previous section,

Figure 8.11 Probability of type II error (power function).

then y = 1.65 as before. In this case, the probability o f a type II error is plotted
versus 5 in Figure 8.11.
A plot like Figure 8.11, which shows the probability o f a type II error versus
the value of a parameter in a composite alternative hypothesis, is called the
power o f the test or the power function.

8.8.3 Tests of the Mean of a Normal Random Variable

Known Variance. Assume that the variance of a normal random variable is
10; and that the mean is unknown. We wish to test the hypothesis that the mean
is zero versus the alternative that it is not zero. This is called a two-sided
composite alternative hypothesis. We might be interested in such a hypothesis
if the random variable represented the bias of an instrument. We formulate the
problem as follows:

H0: p = 0

Hp p. = 8 A 0

Assume 10 i.i.d. measurements are to be taken and that we accept H0 if |X| <
7 . The variance o f X is

2 &x 10
CFtj 1

Now the probability, a ^ o f a type I error, that is, rejecting H n when it is true,
is the probability that X is too far removed from zero. _
This does not completely define the critical region because X could be too
large or too small. However, it is reasonable to assign half o f the error probability
to X being too large and half of the error probability to X being too small.

P ( X > 7 |H (8.56)
°> “ 2
P ( X < - 7 |n (8.57)
°) -2
P (|A | 7) = 1 - a (8.58)

If a = .01, then from Appendix D with = 1 , 7 = 2.58, and the critical region
R is

R * ( X < —2.f U { X > 2.58} (8.59)

Unknown Variance. Next we consider the same null hypothesis, that is p, =

0 versus the same alternative hypothesis (ji A 0 that was just considered except
we now assume that the variance of X is unknown. In this case we use the

T =

to set up the hypothesis test. In Section 8.7.3 it was shown that this random
variable has the tm distribution, and at the a level of significance,

P > t„

For instance if n — 10 and ot = .01, then f9i 0o5 = 3.25 (from Appendix F) and
the critical region R is

R = { —^ = < -3 .2 5 1 U 1 3.25 < — ~ l

Is/VIO J l 5/VlOj

Thus we would compute X and S from the sample data, and then if the ratio


falls within the critical region, the null hypothesis that p, = 0 would be rejected.

8.8.4 Tests of the Equality of Two Means

As an example of the use of a test of hypothesis, we consider testing whether
two means are the “ same” when the variances are unknown but assumed to be
equal. A typical application would be the following problem. We want to know
whether a random sequence is stationary in the mean. We calculate X x and £[
from one section of the record, and X 2 and S2 from a different (independent)
section of the record. We hypothesize that the sequence is stationary in the mean
and wish to test this null hypothesis.
Our problem is to test the hypothesis

H0: p.l — (x2 = 0 (8.60)


Hi', ixj — = 8 ¥= 0 (8.61)

The random variable W = X t — X 2 will have mean p.[ — p.2, and if X x and
X 2 are independent, it will have variance u\/n, + u 2ln2. Further if = u2,
then the variance is [ ( l / « i ) + ( 1 / « 2) ] ctt , and if X { and X 2 are normal and we
assume that they_have the same variance then the difference in means will
be estimated by Xi — X 2 and will be estimated by

s (*■-*.)2+2
L;=i y=i
( x * i+ j -*2)2
(«i + n2 - 2)

Thus if A!j and X 2 have the same mean, then

________ X, - X 2_____________ ___

T (8.62)

5 (x , - x , y + § ( x „ l+ j - x y

ni + n2 — 2

will have a t distribution with nx + n2 — 2 degrees of freedom. Thus, Equation

8.62 can be used to test the hypothesis that two means are equal. The critical
region in this case consists of the set of values for which

\T\ > t„l+«2 —2; a/2


We wish to test whether the two sets o f samples, each o f size four, are consistent
with the hypothesis that p.] = p.2 at the 5% significance level. We shall assume
that the underlying random variables are normal, that cr, = o-2 = <r, X x and
X 2 are independent, and the sample statistics are

X , = 3.0 X2 = 3.1

S\ = .0032 S\ = .0028


From Appendix F we find that f6; 025 = 2.447. Thus, the computed value of
T must be outside ±2.447 in order to reject the null hypothesis. In this example,
using Equation 8.62

1 l\ [(.0032)3 + (.0028)3]
\4 + 4 / 6

Thus, the hypothesis o f stationarity o f the mean is narrowly rejected at the

5% level of significance. It would not be rejected at the 1% significance level
because in this case the computed value o f T must be outside ±3.707 for rejec­

8.8.5 Tests of Variances

In a number o f instances we are interested in comparing two variances. A primary
case of interest occurs in regression, which is discussed later in this chapter.
The central idea is to compare the sample variances S? and .S'? by taking their
ratio. In Section 8.7 it was shown that such a ratio has an F distribution. This
result depends on the assumption that each of the underlying Gaussian random
variables has a unity variance. However, if X does not have a unity variance,
then Y — X l a will have a unity variance, and it follows that the ratio

( f l /a ? )

will have an F distribution. Furthermore, if both samples are from the same
distribution, then cr? = cr?. If this is the case, then the ratio o f the sample
variances will follow the F distribution. Usually, it is possible to also hypothesize
that if the variances are not equal, then Sl will be larger than S2. Thus, we
usually test the null hypothesis

H0: cr? = cr?


Hi', cr? > cr?

by using the statistic, 5?/5?. If the sample value of SySj is too large, then the
null hypothesis is rejected. That is, the critical region is the set of Sl/S2 such
that Sj/Sj > Fm^mi, where Fmi,„z is a number determined by the significance
level, the degrees o f freedom of S\, and the degrees of freedom of S2.


Find the critical region for testing the hypothesis

rj . t t
n 0. cry — 0*2


Hi', ct\ > crj


at the 1% significance level if Sj is based upon 8 observations, and thus has 7

degrees o f freedom and S\ has 5 degrees o f freedom.


The critical region is determined by the value o f 01. This value is found in
Appendix G to be 10.456.
Thus, if the ratio S\IS\ > 10.456, the null hypothesis should be rejected.
However, if S\IS2 ^ 10.456, then the null hypothesis should not be rejected.

8 . 8.6 Chi-Square Tests

It was shown in Section 8.7.2 that the sum o f the squares o f zero-mean i.i.d.
normal random variables has a chi-square distribution. It can be shown that the
sum of squares o f certain dependent normal random variables is also chi-square.
We now argue that the sum o f squares of binomial random variables is also chi-
square in the limit as n —*
That is, if X x is binomial, n, p u that is

i =. 0, 1 , . . . , n

where p t + p 2 = 1 and we define


then Y will have a distribution which is standard normal as shown by the central
limit theorem.
If we now define


then, in the limit as n —* Z Un = Y 2 has a chi-square distribution with one

degree o f freedom as was shown in Section 8.7.2. In order to prepare for the
multinomial case, we rearrange the expression for Z Un by noting that

and we define X 2 = n — X x; thus

X, - npl = n - X 2 - n( 1 - p 2) = np2 - X 2

Then Equation 8.64, using Equation 8.63, can be written

^ _ (X l - npi)2 (X 2 - np2f
-^l.n ~ “r (8.65)
npi np2

Now, let X u . . . , have a multinomial distribution, that is

Px,....x:„0i> • • • > im)

Pi "■PS ( 8 . 66)
6 ! ••• U


S Pi = l and S h = « (8.67)
;= i /= i

It can be shown that for large n, Z „,_t „ where

( 8 . 68)

has approximately a x L i distribution as n —» <». (The dependence of the A",’s

require w s 5 for the approximation)
The random variable Z m_ Xn can be used in testing the hypothesis that the
i.i.d. observations X u . . . , X„ came from an assumed distribution. A typical
null hypothesis is

' P i = Pi.o

Pi = Pi.a

Pm — Pm.O (8.69)

The alternative hypothesis then is

f P i ^ Pi.o

H t-

.Pm * P,r (8.70)

If the null hypothesis is true, then Z m_l nwill have an approximate chi-square
distribution with m — 1 degrees of freedom. If p 10, p 2,o» • • • , p m.o are the true
values, then we expect that Z m_I n will be small. Under the alternative hy­
potheses, Z m_i,„ will be larger. Thus, using a table of the chi-square distribution,
given the significance level a, we can find a number \m-i;a such that

P ( Z m- 1,„ S: x L i J = <*

and values of Zm- Un larger than Xm-u* constitute the critical region.


A die is to be tossed 60 times and the number of times each of the six faces
occurs is noted. Test the null hypothesis that the die is fair at the 5% significance
level given the following observed frequencies

Up face 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of observances 7 9 8 11 12 13


Under the null hypothesis the expected number of observations of each face is
10 (npi), and hence

y - S' {X' ~ 10)2 _ 2 l il H 11 11 11 —9 c

~ h 10 “ 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 ~

Note that this variable has 6 - 1 = 5 degrees of freedom because the number
o f observations in the last category is fixed given the sample size and the observed
frequencies in the first five categories.
Since from Appendix E, Xs;.o5 “ 11.07 > 2.8, we decide not to reject the
null hypothesis that the die is fair.

testing whether certain observations are consistent with an assumed proba­

bility density function, the chi-square goodness o f fit test is often used. The
procedure is to divide the observations into m intervals. The number of obser­
vations in interval / corresponds with X, in Equation 8.68 and the expected
number in interval i corresponds with npt. ^
The number d o f degrees of freedom in this case is

d = m - 1 (8.71)

where m 1 is the number of degrees of freedom associated with the m intervals

these”obsen'ations^ * P3rameterS ° f ^ aSSU" ed pdf * * eStl™ ted *o m


^ St w 6 h»,yPOl? eS thC 1% siSnificance leveI that X is a normal random

variable when the 73 observations are (these are examination scores of students).

Number of Observations

Score Number of Observations

72 4
71 2
70 3
69 4
68 5
67 2
66 1
62 3
60 1
59 1
54 1
48 1
44 1


The sample mean is

X = 75.74


52 « 426873 - 73(75.74)2
S « 10.61

The observation intervals, expected values (each is 73 times the probability that
a Gaussian random variable with mean 75.74 and variance 112.5 is within the
observation interval) and observed frequencies are

Interval Expected Observed
95.5-100 2.3 2
90.5-95.5 3.7 3
85.5-90.5 7.1 7
80.5-85.5 10.8 12
75.5-80.5 13.3 12
70.5-75.5 13.1 14
65.5-70.5 10.5 15

Interval Expected Observed

60.5-65.5 6.7 3
55.5-60.5 3.7 2
0-55.5 1.8 3

Because two parameters, that is, p. and cr2, of the normal distribution were
estimated, there are 10 - 1 — 2 = 7 degrees of freedom, and

, (2-3 - 2 ) 2 {.If ( . l )2 ( 1 .2)2 (1-3)2

X? 2.3 3.7 7.1 10.8 13.3
(,9 )2 (4.5 )2 (3.7 )2 (1.7 )2 (1.2 )2
13.1 10.5 6.7 3.7 1.8
= .039 + .132 + .001 + .133 + .127 + .062
+ 1.93 + 2.04 + .781 + .800
= 6.045

The value o f x 2. 01 is 18.47; thus, 6.045 is not within the critical region (>18.47).
Therefore, the null hypothesis o f normality is not rejected.

8.8.7 Summary o f Hypothesis Testing

The basic decision to be made in hypothesis testing is whether or not to reject
a hypothesis based on i.i.d. observations X x, X 2, . . . , X„. The first step in
hypothesis testing is to find an appropriate statistic Y = g ( X u X 2, . . . , X„) on
which to base the test. In many cases, the test statistic will be a normal, t, F,
or x 2 variable. The selection of a test statistic, while intuitively obvious in some
cases (e.g., X for tests involving p. when cr2 is known) is often guided by the
maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters associated with the null and
alternate hypothesis.
After a test statistic, say Y, is selected, the next step is to find f Y[h0 and
f Y\H,- These densities are used to find the critical region for a given significance
level and also to find the power (probability of a type II error) of the test. If
any of the parameters of fy\Ha and jV|H, are not known, they must be estimated
from data and the estimated values are used to set up the test.
The introduction o f composite alternative hypotheses (e.g., p. ¥= 0) enlarged
hypothesis testing from the form introduced in Chapter 6 . With a composite
alternative hypothesis, we do not consider accepting the alternative hypothesis
(what value are we accepting?); rather, we either reject or fail to reject the null

For testing against a one-sided (e.g., jjl > 0) alternate hypothesis, we use a
one-sided test. When the alternate hypothesis is two-sided (p. # 0) a two-sided
test is used.


In this section we seek an equation that “ best” characterizes the relation between
X , a “ controlled” variable, and Y, a “ dependent” random variable. It is said
that we regress Y on X , and the equation is called regression. In many applications
we believe that a change in X causes Y to vary “ dependency.” However, we
do not assume that X causes Y; we only assume that we can measure X without
error and then observe Y. The equation is to be determined by the experimental
data such as shown in Figure 8.12.
Examples are the following:

X y
Height of father Height of son
Time in years Electrical energy consumed
Voltage Current



Figure 8.12 Linear regression.



Impurity density Strength

Height Weight
Quantity purchased Price
Sales Profit

There are three parts of the problem to be solved: (1) What is the definition
of the "best” characterization of the relation? (2) What is the “ best” equation?
and (3) How good is the “ best” relation?
The accompanying model is Y = Y + e, where e is the error. Our ini­
tial approach to this problem will restrict consideration to a “ best” fit of
the form Y = b0 + bxX , that is, a straight line or linear regression. Thus, errors
between this “ best” fit and the observed values will occur as shown in Figure
The errors are defined by

ex — Y\ — Y\ — Y[ (b 0 -t- b\X\)

e„ = Y„ - Y„ = Y„ - (b0 + b {X n) (8.72)

Thus, we can from Equations 8.72 derive the set

Yj = b„ + b xXi + e „ i = 1, . . . , n (8.73)

As was done in estimation in Chapter 7, we choose to minimize the sum of the

squared errors. We have now assumed the answer to the first problem by defining

Figure 8.13 Error terms e, = Y, - Y,.


that the best fit is one that minimizes e2 where

n rt

e2 = 2 ef = 2 W - (bo + h.X,)}2 (8.74)

f=l /=1

and n is the number of observations (n = 5 in the example of Figure 8.13). In

the following part of this section, all sums are from 1 to n.
We cannot change the values of X, and Y,-; they are the data. We can minimize
e2 only by choosing b0 and bx, that is, the intercept and slope of the line. We
now proceed to choose the best values of b0 and b u which we will call b0 and
b i, respectively, and we will show that

, 2 {X,Yt - X Y )
bl ~ 2 ( x i - x 2)






1 i-*



First, we differentiate Equation 8.74 partially with respect to b0 and and

set the result equal to zero.

— = - 2 2 (Y, - b 0 - btXi) (8.79)

fip 2
^ = - 2 2 ( X ^ Y , - b0 - b M ) (8.80)

Setting these two equations equal to zero and assuming the solution produces
the values b0 and bx which minimize e2. The value of e2 when b0 and bv are used
will be called e2. Thus

2 ( Y , - bo - bxXi) = 0

2 (Xi)(Yi - ba - BxX t) = 0

We then rearrange these two equations into what is usually called the normal

2 Y, = nb0 + bx 2 X-t (8.81)

X X,Y, = k 2 X, + bt 2 X } (8.82)

Dividing Equation 8.81 by n and rearranging results in

b0 = Y - b fx

Using this result in Equation 8.82 produces

2 ( X & ) = (Y - bxX ) 2 X, + k 2


X (X'Y,) - Y2 (Xd 2 (XiY,) - n X Y

2 X J - X 2 X. ~ 2 XI - nX2

To show that Equation 8.83.a is equivalent to Equation 8.75, consider the nu­
merator of Equation 8.75.

2 (X,Y, - X Y ) = 2 (X,Y.) - 2 (X Y ) = 2 ~ nXY

It can also be shown in the same fashion that the denominators are equal (see
Problem 8.39).
We have shown that differentiating Equation 8.74 and setting the result equal
to zero results in the solution given by Equations 8.75 and 8.76. We now prove
that it is indeed a minimum. Define

Yf = a0 + a xXi

We now demonstrate that

c-* = 2 (y, - Y? y ^ 2 [ y , - ( k + k m = e2

thus showing that ft0 and ft, as defined by Equations 8.75 and 8.76 do indeed
minimize the mean squared error:

e: * = ^ [y« - («o + a iX d f
= 2 [ ( y / “ £o ~ bxX ) + (ft„ - a0) + (ft, - a x)Xi)]2
= 2 (Yi ~ b0 - ft,*,-)2 + 2 [(b 0 - flo) +•<&! - a.)*,]2
+ 2(ft0 - fl0) 2 (y, - ft0 - ft,*,)
+ 2(&, - a,) 2 a ,( t , - b0 - ft, a ,)

The last two terms are equal to 0 by Equation 8.81 and Equation 8.82. Thus

e2* = 2 - b 0 - bxX tf + 2 [(ba ~ flo) + (£, - a,)*,.]*

= g2 + 2 [^0 - flo) + (ft, - « ,) A”,-]2
= e2 + C

where C > 0 because it is the sum of nonnegative terms.

Thus, we have shown that ft,, and ft, as given by Equations 8.75 and 8.76 do
in fact minimize the sum of the squared errors.
An alternate form of Equation 8.75 can be obtained by noting that

2 (X, - X){Y, - Y) = 2 X K - X 2 Y-, - Y 2 X , + nXY

= X X 'Y> - n X Y


2 ( * . ~ X )(Y, - Y)
_ _ _ _ _

where the equivalence of the denominators of Equation 8.75 and Equation 8.83.b
is shown similarly.
To summarize, the minimum sum of squared errors occurs when the linear
regression is

Y = b0 + bxX (8.84.a)
s;;S r


where b0 is given by Equation 8.76 and b\ is given by Equation 8.75. The errors
using this equation are

e, = Y, - Y, = Y, - (&0 + bxX,) (8.84.b)

and are called residual errors. The minimum sum of residual squared errors is

e2 = £ e? (8.84.C)


For the following observations shown in Figure 8.14,

X y
-2 -4
-1 -1
0 0
+1 +1
+2 +4

find the “ best” straight-line fit and plot the errors.


X = 0 Y = 0
2 X M = 8 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 18

2 ^ 1 = 4 + 1 + 1 + 4=10

- 18

K = 0

Thus using Equation 8.84.a

y,- = i.8 Xi

Figure 8.15 Plot of e versus x , Example 8.19.


A table of the equation values and the residual errors follows:

Xi Yi Yi e, e?
-2 -4 - 3 .6 -.4 .16
-1 -1 - 1 .8 + .8 .64
0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1.8 -.8 .64
2 4 3.6 + .4 .16

The residual errors can be plotted versus X as shown in Figure 8.15.

We have found a best fit and shown the errors that result from this fit. Are
the errors too large or are they small enough? The next subsection considers
this important question.

8.9.1 Analyzing the Estimated Regression

Note that the linear regression

Yi = b0 + b.Xi

can be rewritten using Equation 8.76 as

Y, - Y = b^X, - X ) (8.85)

Continuing to look at the residuals errors, we show the sum o f the residual
errors is zero. Using Equation 8.85, we have

Y, = Y + bx( X t - X )

Subtracting this equation from Yt and summing, we obtain

2 e, = 2 (Yi - Y.) = ^ (Yi - Y ) - b x 2 (X- - X) = 0

i= 1

We now show an important result for analyzing residual errors:

X (Yi ~ Y ) 2 = 2 (Yi ~ Yi)2 + 2 ( Y - Y)2 (8.86)

The left-hand term is the sum of the squared error about the mean; the first
right-hand term is the sum of the squared error about the linear regression; and
the last term is the sum o f the squared difference between the regression line
and the mean.
Equation 8.86 can be derived as follows;

Y, - Y i = Y i - Y + Y - Yt
= (Yi - Y ) ~ (Y - Y)

Squaring and summing both sides

2 (Yi ~ Yi)2 = 2 [(Y, - Y ) - (Y; - Y)]2

= 2 ( Y i - T)2 + 2 ( Y - Y ) 2
- (Yi - Y )( Y - Y) ■ (8.87)

Using Equation 8.85, the third (last) term in the foregoing equation may be
rewritten as

- 2 2 (Y - Y)(Y, - Y) = - 2 X (Yi - Y )b {(Xi - X )

= - 2 b { 2 ( Y, - Y)(X, - X )

Equation 8.83b produces

- 2 X (Y - Y)(Y, - Y) = - 2 b \ 2 (Xi - X ) 2

Using Equation 8.85 again results in

- 2 X ( Y - Y)(Yi - Y) = - 2 2 ( Y - Y)2

Substituting this result in Equation 8.87, we have

2 (Yi - Yi)2 = X (Y< - Y)2 - 2 (Y, - Y)2


Adding 2 (Y t - Y f to both sides produces Equation 8.86 and completes the

From Equation 8.86 we have a very useful way o f evaluating how good the
fit (regression) is. If the fit is good, then most o f the original variance about
Y will be contained in the second term and the residual sum o f squares will be
relatively small. Thus we look at

sum o f squares due to regression 2 Yf

sum o f squares about the mean 2 (Y t - Yf

R 2 x 100 represents the percentage variation accounted for by Y.

It is obvious that both numerator and denominator of R2 are nonnegative,
and if the denominator is zero, all y,s are equal. Thus assuming all y,s are not

R2 > 0

Further, from Equation 8.86 and the fact that sums o f squares are nonnegative

2 (y‘ - Y f s 2 (Y - Y)2

Thus 1, and hence we have now shown that

0 < R2 < 1

Furthermore, a large R 2 implies a good fit and a small R 2 implies a fit that
is of little value. A very rough rule of thumb is that R2 > .8 implies a good fit.
For a better measure of fit, the concept of degrees o f freedom is needed.

8.9.2 Goodness o f Fit Test

Returning to Equation 8.86 we can rewrite it as

S = S, + S2 (8.88)


S = £ M - Yf (8.89)

Si = £ - ft )2 (8.90)

S2 = £ (ft - Yf (8.91)

The degrees o f freedom associated with a sum of squares indicates how many
independent pieces of information are contained in the sum of squares. For

£ Yj

has n degrees o f freedom if it has n independent observations Yu Y2, . . . , Yn

On the other hand

2 (» - y )2

has ( « - 1) degrees o f freedom because given Yu Y2, . . . , y „_ ,, and Y we

can determine Yn from the fact that

£ iXi - Y) = 0
i= I

Thus, the sum S has (n - 1) degrees of freedom.^ The sum 5) has [n - 2)

degrees o f freedom since two “ parameters” b0 and ft are included in Y,. Since
S = S, + S2, this leaves S2 with one degree of freedom. It is the degree of
freedom necessary to determine ft. We can use the sum o f squares 5, and S2 to
formulate a ratio that can be used to test the goodness o f fit o f a regression
Let us first examine the terms in Equation 8.88 under the assumption that
we have a very good fit (i.e., X and Yhave a strong linear relationship). In this
case Y, Y, and hence the term S, will be small and the terms S and S2 will be
of the order of n a 2y. On the other hand, if the fit_is poor (i.e., X and Y are not
linearly related), b{ in Equation 8.75 - * 0, Y, -* Y and S2 will be very small (-*
0) compared to 5) and S.
Now, if we form the ratio, F, where

S2/l £ (ft - n 2
F = (8.92)
^ / ( n - 2) X (Yi - f t ) 2/ ( « - 2)

then, F will have a larger value when the fit is good and a smaller value when
the fit is poor.
If = 0, then the ratio given in Equation 8.92 has an F distribution (assuming
that the underlying variables are normal) with degrees o f freedom nx = 1 and
n2 ~ n - 2, we can use an F test for testing if the fit is good or not. Specifically,
if Ha is the null hypothesis that b2 = 0 (indicates a bad fit), then

Accept H 0: Bad fit if F < E1,„_2;a

Accepts He. Good fit if F > Fl n_2;a

where Fj.„_2;a is obtained from the table o f F distribution and a is the significance


Test whether the fit obtained in Example 8.19 is good at a significance level of


From the data given in Example 8.19, we calculate S2 = 32.4 with one degree
of freedom and Sj = 1.6 with three degrees o f freedom. Hence

„ 32.4/1
F = ■ = 60.75 with nt = 1 and n2 = 3.

From Appendix G we obtain Fu ,0 l = 5.54 and since F = 60.75 > 5.54 we judge
the fit to be good.

Statisticians use an analysis o f variance table (AN O VA) to analyze the sum
of squared errors (5, 5), and S2) and judge the goodness o f fit. The interested
reader may find details o f A N O VA in Reference [3]. Commercially available
software packages, in addition to finding the best linear fit, also produce ANO VA


In this section we generalize the results o f the previous section by seeking a

linear equation that best characterizes the relation between X u X 2, . X „, a

set o f n “ controlled” variables, and Y, a “ dependent” random variable. Ex­

perimental data are again the basis of the equation. Examples are as follows:

X, *2 Y
Height of father Height of mother Height of child
Time in years Heating degree days Electric energy consumed
Voltage Resistance Current
Impurity density Cross-sectional area Strength
Height Age Weight

We first assume that there are two “ controlled” variables and minimize the
mean-square error just as was done in the case o f simple linear regression. This
results in a set o f three linear equations in three unknowns that must be solved
for b0, bx, and b2. Next we solve the simple linear regression problem again,
this time by using matrix notation so that the technique can be used to solve
the general case o f n “ controlled” variables.

8.10.1 Two Controlled Variables

We assume that

Y — bo + + b^Xi (8.93)

Yi — b$ + b\X\j + b iX ji + €i (8.94)

Si = Y{ - t = Yi - b0 - b xX u - b2X 2J (8.95)
n n
= 2 e,? = 2 - b Q - blx lti - b2x 2,,y- (8.96)
1=1 /=!

Just as in the last section, the sum o f the squared errors is differentiated with
respect to the unknowns and the results are set equal to zero. The b’s are replaced
by the b's, which represent the values of the b's that minimize e2.

ab0 -2 £ (Yi - So - b ,X u - b2X u ) = 0

- 2 2 ( X u ) (Y t ~ — ~~ b iX u ) — 0

- 2 2 { x 2,d(Yt - b0 - b tX u - b2x u ) = 0 (8 .9 7 )

Rewriting these three equations produces:

b0 + b j t i + b2X 2 = Y (8.98)

k I X u + b , Z X I + b2 'Z X UX 2J = 2 (8.99)

So 2 + Si 2 * i X i + 4 2 * 1 / = 2 ^2.,-^ (8.100)

These three linear equations with three unknown coefficients define the best
fitting plane. They are solved in Problem 8.43. We now introduce matrix notation
in order to solve the general n controlled variable regression problem. In order
to introduce the notation, the simple (one “ controlled” variable) linear regres­
sion problem is solved again.

8.10.2 Simple Linear Regression In Matrix Form

Assume that there is a single “ controlled” variable X and 10 (paired) obser­
vations, ( X h Y,)


X = b = bo e = b = b0
e i0
y, 0_ _! X a_

Y is a 10 x 1 vector
X is a 10 x 2 matrix
b and b are 2 x 1 vectors
e is a 10 x 1 vector

The equations that correspond with Equations 8.73 and 8.74 are

Y = Xb + e (8.101)
e re = S e? (8.102)

The resulting normal equations that correspond with Equations 8.81 and 8.82

X rY = X TXb (8.103)

The solutions for b0 and 6, as given in Equations 8.75 and 8.76 are

b = ( X TX ) - ' X TY (8.104)

In this case, the inverse (X TX)~' will exist if there is more than one value of
X. In the case of more than one controlled variable, the inverse may not exist.
We will discuss this difficulty in the next subsection.
The resulting simple linear regression is

Y = Xb (8.105.a)

the resulting errors using b are

e (8.105.b)


= Y - Y, (8.105.C)


2 (8.105.d)

In checking the matrix forms versus the earlier scaler results, observe that

1 X,
1 - 1
X TX =
-Yi ••• X w
1 X 10

« 2 xt
2 X; 2 x]

r 2 y, l
2 X,Y,

Note that the solution is given in Equations 8.104 and 8.105 and the reader can
verify this result is the same as Equations 8.75, 8.76 and 8.84.

8.10.3 General Linear Regression

Assume that there are (p - 1) controlled variables plus a constant, such that
p parameters must be estimated. The matrix equation describing this multiple

linear regression is

Y = Xb + e (8.106)

The best (minimum mean-square error) estimator will be

Y = Xb (8.107)


Y and Y are n x 1 vectors

X is an n x p matrix of observations
b and b are p x 1 vectors of parameters
e is an n x 1 vector o f errors

e re = (Y - X b ) T(Y - Xb)
= Y rY - brX rY - Y rXb + brX rXb
= Y rY - 2brX rY + b rX rXb (8.108).

Note that Equation 8.108 is a scalar equation. The normal equations are found
by partially differentiating Equation 8.108 and setting the results equal to zero,
that is

3b b=6

This results in the normal equations (see Equations 8.98, 8.99, and 8.100):

X rXb = X rY (8.109)

Finally the solution is

b = (X rX ) - 1X rY ( 8. 110)

In this case the inverse of the matrix (X TX) may not exist if some of the
“ controlled” variables X t are linearly related. In some practical situations the
dependence between X t and Xt cannot be avoided and a colinear effect may
cause (X TX) to be singular, which precludes a solution, or to be nearly singular,
which can cause significant problems in estimating the components of b and in

interpreting the results. In this case it is usually best to delete one of the linearly
dependent variables from the set of controlled variables. See Reference [3].

8.10.4 Goodness of Fit Test

A goodness of fit test for the multiple linear regression can be derived from
Equation 8.86:

£ ( Y t- Y f = £ (y , - Yd2 + £ (y - E)2
i=i i=i ■ i=i
(n - 1) degrees o f ( « - p ) degrees o f (p - 1) degrees of
freedom freedom freedom

Proceeding along the lines of discussion given in Section 8.9.2, we can form the
test statistic

2 (Y, - Y )V (p - 1)

F ~ 2 (Y, - Y,yi(n - p )

and test the goodness o f fit as

Accept H„: Poor fit if F < Fp_

Accept H{. Good fit if F > Fp_ y„^p.a

where a is the significance level o f the test.

8.10.5 More General Linear Models

Suppose one tried to fit the model Y — b0 + b {X to the data


-2 4
-1 1
0 0
1 1
2 4

One would find that bx = 0 and that the fit is useless (check this). It seems
obvious that we should try to fit the model Y = b0 4 - + b2X 2. But is this

linear regression that we have studied? The answer is “ yes” because the model
is linear in the parameters: b0, bu and b2. We can define X x = X and X 2 = X 1
and this is a multiple linear regression model. There is no requirement that the
controlled variables X t be statistically independent; however colinear controlled
variables tend to cause problems, as previously mentioned.
Thus, standard computer programs which perform multiple linear regression
include the possibility o f fitting curves o f the form Y = b0 + bxX + b2X 2 +
b2X l or Y = b0 + bxX x + b2X 2 + b2X\ + b4X xX 2 + b5X\, and so on. These
models are called linear regression because they are linear in the parameters.
We present an example.


For the data given here:


-5 51 (a) Plot the points (X ,, F,), i = 1, 2, . . . , 15 and

-3 18 compute 2 (X j — X ) 2 and S(y, — F)2.

-3 19
(b) Fit Y = b0 + b yX andjin d 2 (F , - f , ) 2 and
-2 11 compare it with 2(y, - Y )2. Sketch the regres­
-1 4 sion line.
-1 5
0 1 (c) Fit y = b'0 + b [ X + b^X2 and find 2(y, - Y,)2
1 8 and compare it with £(y, - Y ) 2. Sketch the
regression line.
2 15
2 13 Fit y = bl + b'[X + b"_(rW. Find S(F,- - Y,)2
3 28 and compare with S( y, — Y )2. Sketch the regres­
4 41 sion line.
4 40
(e) Comment on which is the best fit.
5 63
5 57


(a) The points are shown plotted in Figure 8.16 and

2 (X , - X ) 2 - 140.6

2 (F, - Y )2 « 5862.8

Y = 22.848 + 2.843X
2 it - F,)2 = 4725

Figure 8.16 G e n e r a l lin e a r r e g r e s s io n , E x a m p le 8 .2 1 .

(c ) Y = 3.81 + 1.025* + 2.07 1*2

X (Y, - Y,y = 40

(d) Y = 14.54 + 1.805* + 0.00185 exp(2.0 |*|)

2 (* - Y ) 2 = 1060

(e) The data, along with the fits, are shown in Figure 8.16. It is clear from
the plot and from the squared errors given above that (c) is the best fit.

After measurements and statistics were discussed, this chapter presented the­
ory and applications of three basic statistical problems. The first was how to
estimate an unknown parameter from a sample of i.i.d. observations or mea­
surements. We emphasized point (rather than interval) estimators, and we
also emphasized classical (rather than Bayesian) estimators. The maximum

likelihood criterion was used to derive the form of the point estimators, and
the bias and variance or MSE were used to judge the “ quality” of the esti­

The second statistical problem discussed was how to test a hypothesis using
observations or measurements. Specific tests discussed were tests of means,
difference between means, variances, and chi-square tests of goodness of fit.
All o f these tests involved the following steps: (1) finding the statistic Y =
g ( X u X 2, • • ■ , X „) on which to base the test, (2) finding f Y\Hqand f Y\Hs, and
(3) given the significance level, finding the critical region for the test and
evaluating the power o f the test. This differed from the hypothesis testing of
Chapter 6 primarily because the alternative hypotheses are composite.

Finally, the problem of fitting curves to data was discussed using simple linear
regression and multiple linear regression. This is another case of finding lin­
ear (affine) estimators. It differs from Chapter 7 because here we assume that
the required means and covariances are unknown; thus they must be esti­
mated from data. This estimation, that is, curve fitting, differs from the pa­
rameter estimation discussed at the beginning of the chapter because in curve
fitting the value of the dependent random variable is to be estimated based
upon observation(s) of one or more related (controlled) random variables.
Parameters of a distribution are estimated from a sample (usually more than
one observation) from that distribution.


M a n y b o o k s o n sta tistics a r e a v a ila b le o n th e t o p i c s c o v e r e d in this c h a p t e r ; w e g iv e a

s h o r t list. H o g g a n d C r a ig [7 ] is an e x c e ll e n t i n t r o d u c t o r y l e v e l te st o n m a t h e m a t ic a l
sta tistics. T h e s e c o n d h a lf o f this text c o v e r s th e t o p ic s o f p o in t e s t im a t io n , h y p o t h e s is
te s tin g a n d r e g r e s s io n . R e f e r e n c e s [2 ] a n d [4 ] p r o v i d e s im ila r c o v e r a g e o f t h e s e t o p i c s ;
w h ic h a r e p r e s e n t e d w ith e m p h a s is o n e n g in e e r in g a p p lic a t io n s in [ 5 ] , [6 ], a n d [8 ].
B e n d a t a n d P ie r s o l [1 ] p r o v i d e an e x c e lle n t t r e a tm e n t o f th e a p p lic a t io n o f sta tistica l
t e c h n iq u e s t o th e m e a s u r e m e n t a n d a n a ly s is o f r a n d o m d a t a w ith a n e m p h a s is o n r a n d o m
sig n a l a n a ly s is . F in a lly , an e x t e n s iv e t r e a tm e n t o f r e g r e s s io n m a y b e f o u n d in [3 ],

[1 ] J. S. B e n d a t a n d A . G . P ie r s o l, Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Proce­

dures, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1971.

[2 ] P. J. B i c k e l a n d K . A . D o k s u m , Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected

Topics, H o l d e n - D a y , S a n F r a n c i s c o , 1977.

[3 ] N . R . D r a p e r a n d H . S m it h , Applied Regression Analysis, 2 n d e d . , J o h n W il e y &

S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1981.

[4 ] D . A . S. F r a s e r , Statistics: A n Introduction, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 19 5 8 .

[5 ] I. G u t t m a n a n d S. S . W il k s , Introductory Engineering Statistics, J oh n W ile y & S o n s,

N e w Y o r k , 1965.

[6 ] W . W . H in e s a n d D . C . M o n t g o m e r y , Probability and Statistics in Engineering and

Management Science, 2 n d e d . , J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 19 80.

[7 ] R . B . H o g g a n d A . T . C r a ig , Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, 4 th e d . , M a c ­

m illa n , N e w Y o r k , 19 78.

[8 ] J. B . K e n n e d y a n d A . M . N e v i l l e , Basic Statistical Methods For Engineers and

Scientists, 3 rd e d . , H a r p e r a n d R o w , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 8 6 .

[9 ] E . P a r z e n , “ E s t im a t io n o f a P r o b a b ilit y D e n s it y F u n c t io n a n d Its M o d e , ” Annals

o f Mathematical Statistics, V o l . 3 3 , 1 9 6 2 , p p . 1 0 6 5 -1 0 7 6 .

8.13 A PPEN D IX 8-A

Theorem: J f X,, i = 1, . . . , n, are i.i.d. Gaussian random variables, then for

n a 2; (1) X and S2 are independent random variables; (2) (n - 1)52/ ct2 has
the standard chi-square distribution with m = (n — 1) degrees of freedom; and
(3) V n ( X - p.)/S has the (Student’s) t distribution with (n — 1) degrees of
The proof consists of finding the conditional characteristic function of (n —
l ) 5 2/cr2 given X. We show that this conditional characteristic function is inde­
pendent of X demonstrating the first result. Second we will note that this char­
acteristic function agrees with Equation 8.39, demonstrating the second result.
Finally, we_use the fact that S2 is independent of X , and a simple ratio shows
that V n ( X — p.)/S satisfies the conditions of Section 8.7.3 and is t with (n -
1) degrees of freedom.

Yl = X , Y2 = X 2, . . . , Yn = X, (A8.1)


X { = nX - 2 X , = nYl - 2 Y,
i ~2 f- 7

The joint density of the n i.i.d. Gaussian random variables is

Y (-T - M-)2
exp Aj 1^2 (A8.2)


n n
2 (*. - P -)2 = 2 (-T - X + JC - p .)2

2 (v - x f ) + n(x - p.)2 +■ 2(x - n) 2 0< - x )


The last sum is zero, thus

£ (xt ~ P-)2 = E 0 ; - x ) 2 \ + n 0 - p)

Using this in Equation A8.2

X ( X i - x ) 2 4 - n(x - p )2 . (A8.3)
exp «
,/ —1_______________________
2a 2

The transformation A8.1 has a Jacobian of n; thus, using Equations A8.1 and

JV,...r„Oi, ■ ■ ■ , y n)
x exp (ny i - y 2 y* - y i ) 2
2(7 2

+ E (j'/ - y i)2 + n ( y i - p )2 (A8.4)

f y 2... y-jj-,, is Equation A8.4 divided by f y , ( y t), that is

Oh - p)2l
fv,(yi) = fx(y i) = exp < -
V 2 tt c r /V n 2 < j2l n J


fr,,r}... y„\y,(yi, ■ ■ ■ >y n\^ i)

= fx 2,x„...,xjx(y2 , . . . , y„|yO = Vn

X exp
2<j 2
(nyi - yz y„ - j' i)2 + 2 (yt - j' i)2
i= 2

The conditional characteristic function of (n — l)S 2/cr2 given Y x = yq is

;o)(n — 1)52
E < exp y,
. 2 <7co
q dy2, , dy„
x exp 2 ^ ! exp 2<j2


q = («yq - y 2 - . . . - y n - y i )2 + (_y. _ y

= 2 (*, - T )2 = ( « - l)s 2


jo)(n - l)i*2
£ exp
(« - l)/2

(1 - /2a))(n~1)/2 J_„ 2™ 2 ,

X 6XP 1 2 ^ ^ ~ ;2W^ | ^ 2 , • • • ,

The multiple integral can be shown to be equal to 1 because it is the (n -

1) dimensional volume under the conditional density of Equation A8.5 with c 2
replaced by [cr2/ ( l — j'2uj)]. Thus

~i (n- 1)/2
j(x>(n — 1)S2 1
E < exp r . = y, = (A8.6)
.(1 - /2co)J

Note that Equation A8.6 is the same as Equation 8.39 with n - 1 = m. Thus
(n - l)S 2l a 2 has a conditional standard chi-square distribution with (n - 1)
degrees of freedom.
Furthermore, because the conditional characteristic function of ( n — l)^ 2/
a 2 given Yx = y { or X = yq, does not depend upon yq, we have shown that.
.Aand (n - l)S 2/cr2 are independent. Thus, (n — l)S 2/a2is also unconditionally
chi-square. We have thus proved assertions (1) and (2).

Finally, because X and (n - l )S 2/ar2 are independent and (n - l)S 2/cr2 has
a standard chi-square distribution with (n - 1) degrees of freedom and because
V n ( X - |x ) / ct will be a standard normal random variable, then for n i.i.d.
measurements from a Gaussian random variable

Vn(X - p,)/cr
T„., (A8.7)
l(n - l ) S 2/cr2
V (n - 1)

.44. Thus

V7i ( X -- P-)
Tn-i = (A8.8)

will have the density defined in Equation 8.45, thus proving assertion (3).

8.1 The diameters in inches of 50 rivet heads are given in the table. Construct
(a) an empirical distribution function, (b) a histogram, and (c) Parzen’s
estimator using g { y ) and h(n) as suggested in Equation 8.6.

.338 .342
.341 .350
.337 .346
.353 .354
.351 .348
.330 .349
.340 .335
.340 .336
.328 .360
.343 .335
.346 .344
.354 .334
.355 .333
.329 .325
.324 .328
.334 .349
.355 .333
.366 .326

.343 .326
.341 .355
.338 .354
.334 .337
.357 .331
.326 .337
.333 .333
8.2 Generate a sample o f size 100 from a uniform (0, 1) random variable by
using a random number table. Plot the histogram. Generate a second
sample of size 100 and compare the resulting histogram with the first.

8.3 Generate a sample o f size 1000 from a normal (2, 9) random variable and
plot the empirical distribution function and histogram. (A computer pro­
gram is essential.)

8.4 Using the data from Example 8-1, compute X and S2 from
a. The data in column 1
b. The data in column 2
c. The data in column 3
d. The data in column 4
e. The data in column 5
f. The data in column 6
g. The data in column 7

Compare the results. Is there more variation in the estimates of the mean
or the estimates of the variance?

8.5 When estimating the mean in Problem 8.4, how many estimators were
used? How many estimates resulted?

8.6 Let p represent the probability that an integrated circuit is good. Show
that the maximum likelihood estimator o fp is A c /n where N c is the number
o f good circuits in n independent trials (tests).

8.7 Find the maximum likelihood estimators of p. and a 2 from n i.i.d. mea­
surements from a normal distribution.

8.8 Find the maximum likelihood estimator of \ based on the sample X u X 2,

■ ■ ■ , X n if

x = 0, 1, . . . ; \ > 0.

8.9 Assume that the probability that a thumbtack when tossed comes to rest
with the point up is P, a random variable. Assuming that a thumbtack is
selected from a population of thumbtacks that are equally likely to have
P be any value between zero and one, find the a posteriori probability
density of P for the selected thumbtack, which has been tossed 100 times
with point up 90 times.

8.10 The number o f defects in 100 yards of metal is Poisson distributed; that

P ( X = k\A = X) = e x p (-X )

Given one observation was 10 defects, find

/ a|*(X|10)

if is equally likely between 0 and 15.

8.11 The noise in a communication channel is Gaussian with a mean of zero.

The variance is assumed to be fixed for a given day but varies from day
to day. Assume that it can be 1, or 2 and that each value is equally
likely. One observation of the noise is available and its value is j. Find
the a posteriori probabilities o f each of the possible values of <r2.

8.12 X is uniformly distributed between 0 and b but b is unknown. Assume

that the a priori distribution on b is uniform between 2 and 4. Find the a
posteriori distribution o f b after one observation, X = 2.5.

8.13 Does e = t b + er? If not, find an equation that relates these quantities.

8.14 If K is the number of times an event A occurs in n independent trials,

show that Kin is an unbiased estimator of P( A) .

8.15 Use Tchebycheff s inequality to show for all e > 0

lim P[\X„ - |x| > e] = 0

8.16 ■a. Why do you average “ laboratory readings” o f one parameter?

b. Would one ever want to use a biased estimator rather than an
unbiased one?

8.17 Find the bias of the maximum likelihood estimator of 0 that was found in
Example 8.6.

8.18 If an unknown parameter is to be estimated using (noisy) measurements,

give examples where the mean of the measurements would not be a good
estimator of the parameter.

8.19 The median m is defined by

Fx (m) = .5

Find m the estimator o f the median derived from the empirical distribution

8.20 a. If X is uniform (0, 10) and 20 cells are used in a histogram with
200 samples, find the bias, MSE, and normalized RMS error in the his­

b. Repeat part (a) if X is normal with a mean of 5 and a standard

deviation of 1.5.

8.21 §! and 02 are two independent unbiased estimators of 0 with variances

a\ and <s\, respectively. Suppose we want to find a new unbiased estimator
for 0 o f the form 0 = a0j + (302. (a) Find a and (3 that will minimize the
variance o f 0. (b) Find the variance of 0.

8.22 If X u . . . ,X „ are i.i.d. observations from a normal random variable with

mean p and variance a 2, show that

is normal with

E[ X] = p
c r-

8.23 Let Y = X 1, where X is a normal random variable with mean 0 and

variance 1. Show that Y has the density as given in Equation 8.35 by the
usual transformation of variable technique. Also find the characteristic
function o f Y (Equation 8.39), starting with Equation 8.40.

8.24 Let

Z =
n fr.
where the X/s are normal and independent with mean zero and variance
cr2. Show that \

V ar[Z] =

8.25 Show that the product of f Yl as given in the equation following Equation
A8.4 and as given in Equation A8.5 produce Equation A8.4.

8.26 Find the variance of S2.

8.27 Explain why 2 (X , — X )2 has only (n - 1) degrees of freedom when there

are n independent Xj's. Try n — 1, and a numerical example for n — 3.

8.28 With five i.i.d. samples from a normal R.V., find the probability that

a. 5 2/<r2 s .839

b. S2Ia 2 s: 1.945
c. .839 < 5 2/ a 2 < 1.52

8.29 With 31 i.i.d. samples from a normal R.V., find approximately

a. P[(X - p )/(5 /V 3 li] > 1.7

b. />[(* - p)/(5/V3Tj] > 2.045

8.30 If a 2 is known rather than being estimated by S2, repeat Problem 8.29 and
compare results.

8.31 Refer to Example 8.16. Find a such that P[F15.a > 4.876].

8.32 If one suspected that the two samples in Example 8.16 might not have
come from the same random variable, then one computed the ratio,
S2/SI = 7, what is the conclusion?

8.33 X is a normal random variable with a 2 = 8. If we wish to test the hypothesis

that p = 0 versus the alternative p ^ 0, at the 5% level o f significance,
and we want the critical region to be the region outside of ± 1 , how many
observations will be required?

8.34 If X is normal and the variance is unknown, find the critical region for
testing the null hypothesis p = 10 versus the alternative hypothesis p #
10, if the significance level of the test is 1% . Find the answer if the number
o f observations is 1 ,5 , 10, 20, 50.

8.35 Refer to Problem 8.34. If X = 12 and 5 = 2, when there are 21 obser­

vations, should the null hypothesis be accepted or rejected?

8.36 Test at the 10%, 5% , and 1% levels o f significance the hypothesis that
a 2 = a j if both 5 2 and 5? have 20 degrees o f freedom, that is, find the
three critical regions for F.

8.37 Test the hypothesis that the following data came from an exponential
distribution. Use 1% significance level.

Interval Number Observed

0-1 20
1-2 16
2-3 14
3-4 11
4-5 8
5 -6 8
6-7 4
7-8 2
8-9 3
Test the hypothesis that the following data cam
bution (8, 10). Use 5% significance level.
Interval Number Observed
8-8.2 7
8.2-8.4 8
8.4-8.6 9
8.6-8.8 10
8.8-9.0 9
9.0-9.2 11
9.2-9.4 9
9.4-9.6 8
9.6-9.8 7
9.8-10.0 8
8.39 Show that

2 X,2 - n X 2 = ^ (X , - :* ) 2

Show that the sum of squares accounted for by r<

2 ( f , - Y )2 = b t h xyr, - —

8.41 Compare Equations 8.75 and 8.76 with Equations 7.4 and 7.5.

8.42 Show that

2 x}*2
2 (x, - x y
where cr2 is the variance of Y.

8.43 Solve Equations 8.98, 8.99, and 8.100 for b0, b1( and b2.

8.44 Show that

a. Equations 8.101 and 8.73 are identical.

b. Equations 8.102 and 8.74 are identical.
c. Equation 8.103 produces Equations 8.81 and 8.82.
d. Equation 8.104 produces Equations 8.75 and 8.76.

8.45 The height and weight of 10 individuals are given below:

Height X
(inches) 68 74 67 69 68 71 72 70 65 76
Weight Y
(lbs) 148 170 150 140 148 160 170 165 135 180
a. Find the best fit of the form Y = bQ + b xX and compute the
normalized RMS error of the fit. The normalized RMS error is defined

'2 (Y, - y ,)2T 2

2 { y< - yy

b. Test if the fit is good at a significance level of 0.1.

8.46 The input-output data for a (nonlinear) amplifier is given:

Input X 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.9

Output Y 0.95 0.22 0.39 0.44 0.52 0.56 0.50

a. Find the best fit of the form

Y = b , X - b3X 3
b. Compare the fit obtained in (a) with the best linear fit.

8.47 For the data given:

l 4 9 11 3 8 5 10 2 7 6
*2 8 2 -8 -1 0 6 -6 0 -1 2 4 -2 -4
y 6 8 1 0 5 3 2 -4 10 -3 5
a. Find the best fit of the form

Y = b0 + b lX l

and compute the normalized RMS error of the fit.


b. Find the best fit of the form

Y = b'Q + b'^X, + b 2

and compute the normalized RMS error o f the fit and compare with (a).
c. At a significance level of 0.01, test if the fits obtained in (a) and
(b) are good.

8.48 It is hypothesized that the peak load o f an electrical utility is dependent

on the real (adjusted for inflation) personal income ( / ) of its service ter­
ritory, the population (P ) in its service territory and the cooling degree-
days (C ) in the time period of interest. Given the following data, show
L = -23771 + .277/ + 5.109R + 1.115C
and R2= .9 , FX16 = 5 1 .8 5

Year Real Cooling

and Peak Personal Degree
Quarter Load Income Population Days

Q1 2 8 8 5 .0 0 3 6 9 8 3 .7 2 3 2 0 0 .0 0 1 1 .0 0

Q2 3 7 6 2 .0 0 / 3 7 0 0 6 .0 5 3 2 3 1 .0 0 4 1 4 .0 0

Q3 4 2 1 8 .0 0 3 6 5 6 3 .0 6 3 2 5 1 .0 0 1 4 2 1 .0 0

Q4 3 0 0 4 .0 0 3 6 6 1 1 .0 0 3 2 7 1 .0 0 1 0 5 .0 0


Q1 2 7 3 9 .0 0 3 5 5 7 4 .6 3 3 2 9 1 .0 0 1 .0 0

Q2 3 6 1 8 .0 0 3 5 6 7 7 .6 1 3 3 1 1 .0 0 3 7 8 .0 0

Q3 4 4 6 4 .0 0 3 5 2 6 7 .6 9 3 3 1 1 .7 5 1 4 4 0 .0 0

Q4 3 2 9 2 .0 0 3 6 4 5 3 .8 8 3 3 0 5 .5 0 6 4 .0 0


Q1 3 1 6 4 .0 0 3 6 1 4 5 .1 3 3 3 1 0 .2 5 0 .0 0

Q2 4 0 4 7 .0 0 3 6 1 5 1 .4 9 3 3 1 0 .0 0 5 8 5 .0 0

Q3 4 6 5 1 .0 0 3 6 0 8 2 .9 5 3 3 0 7 .7 5 1 3 5 4 .0 0

Q4 2 8 1 3 .0 0 3 6 4 5 3 .8 8 3 3 0 5 .5 0 7 1 .0 0


Q1 3 4 0 0 .0 0 3 6 3 5 3 :2 6 3 3 0 3 .2 5 1 1 .0 0

Q2 3 8 1 3 .0 0 3 6 1 5 2 .6 0 3 3 0 1 .0 0 5 4 8 .0 0

Q3 4 4 3 9 .0 0 3 5 9 4 4 .7 4 3 3 0 5 .2 5 1 3 3 4 .0 0

Q4 3 1 3 7 .0 0 3 5 9 6 5 .6 1 3 3 0 5 .0 0 3 9 .0 0


Q1 3 0 2 3 .0 0 3 5 9 1 0 .2 9 3 3 0 3 .3 6 2 6 .0 0

Q2 4 0 3 3 .0 0 3 6 0 1 7 .6 4 3 3 0 3 .9 5 6 7 3 .0 0

Q3 4 6 9 8 .0 0 3 5 4 2 8 .0 8 3 3 0 5 .2 9 1 4 3 2 .5 0

Q4 2 9 6 0 .0 0 3 5 5 5 1 .6 0 3 3 0 6 .0 1 1 0 5 .0 0

Estimating the Parameters of

Random Processes from Data


In the first part of the book (Chapters 2 through 7), we developed probabilistic
models for random signals and noise and used these models to derive signal
extraction algorithms. We assumed that the models as well as the parameters
o f the models such as means, variances, and autocorrelation functions are known.
Although this may be the case in some applications, in a majority of practical
applications we have to estimate (or identify) the model structure as well as
estimate parameter values from data. In Chapter 8 we developed procedures
for estimating unknown values of parameters such as means, variances, and
probability density functions. In this chapter we focus on the subject of estimating
autocorrelation and power spectral density functions.
Autocorrelation and power spectral density functions describe the (second-
order) time domain and frequency domain structure o f stationary random proc­
esses. In any design using the MSE criteria, the design will be specified in terms
of the correlation functions or equivalently the power spectral density functions
of the random processes involved. When these functions are not known, we
estimate them from data and use the estimated values to specify the design.
We emphasize both model-based (or parametric) and model-free (or non-
parametric) estimators. Model-based estimators assume definite forms for auto­
correlation and power spectral density functions. Parameters of the assumed
model are estimated from data, and the model structure is also tested using the
data. If the assumed model is correct, then accurate estimates can be obtained
using relatively few data. Model-free estimators are based on relatively general
assumptions and require more data. Thus, models can be used to reduce the
amount of data required to obtain “ satisfactory” estimates. However, a model

that substitutes assumptions for data will produce “ satisfactory” estimates only
if the assumptions are correct.
In the first part o f this chapter we emphasize model-free estimators for
autocorrelation and power spectral density functions. The remainder o f the
chapter is devoted to model-based estimators using A R IM A (autoregressive
integrated moving average) models. We use this Box-Jenkins type of parametric
estimator because we feel that autoregressive and moving-average models are
convenient and useful parametric models for random sequences and because
Box-Jenkins algorithms provide well-developed and systematic procedures for
identifying the model, estimating the parameters, and examining the adequacy
of the fit. Software packages for processing data using the Box-Jenkins pro­
cedure are commercially available.
Throughout this chapter we will emphasize digital processing techniques for


In order to estimate any of the unknown parameters of a random process (e.g.,

mean, autocorrelation, and spectral density functions), the usual practice is to
estimate these parameters from one sample function o f the random process.
Thus, ergodicity is assumed. Also, it was shown in Chapter 3 that stationarity
is necessary for ergodicity. Thus, stationarity is also assumed. The standard
practice is to test for stationarity but not to test for ergodicity. The reason for
this apparent oversight is simply that many sample functions from the ensemble
are needed to test for ergodicity, and many sample functions are usually either
impossible or very expensive to obtain. This reason or excuse does not negate
the fact that in both analysis and design the important sample function of the
random process is the one(s) that the system will see in use. Thus, the sample
function(s) from which the parameters of the random process are estimated must
have the same parameters as the random process the system will see in its use.
This is the essence of the ergodic assumption. Because in the rest of this chapter
we assume ergodicity, this important assumption must be considered when es­
timating parameters of a random process and when using the estimated param­
eters in analysis and design. If we estimate parameters from one sample function,
then that one sample certainly must be representative or a “ good sample.”
In the case of Gaussian random processes that are used to model a variety
of phenomena, wide-sense stationarity implies strict-sense stationarity. Fur­
thermore, we have shown in Section 3.8.2 that if the autocorrelation function
of a zero-mean Gaussian random process satisfies

then the process is ergodic. Thus, if we can assume that the process is Gaussian
and that this condition is pnet, .then testing for stationarity is equivalent to testing
for ergodicity.

Various tests for stationarity are possible. For instance, one can test the
hypothesis that the mean is stationary by a test o f hypothesis introduced in
Section 8.8.4. In addition, the A R IM A model estimation procedure suggested
later in this chapter provides some automatic tests related to stationarity, and
in fact suggests ways o f creating stationary functions from nonstationary ones.
Thus, stationarity can and should be tested when estimating the parameters of
a random process. However, practical considerations militate against completely
stationary processes. Rather, random sequences encountered in practice may
be classified into three categories:

1. Those that are stationary over long periods o f time: The underlying
process seems stationary, for example, as with thermal-noise and white-
noise generators, and the resulting data do not fail standard stationarity
tests such as those mentioned later. No series will be stationary indefi­
nitely; however, conditions may be stationary for the purpose of the
situation being analyzed.
2. Those that may be considered stationary for short periods o f time: For
example, the height o f ocean waves may be stationary for short periods
when the wind is relatively constant and the tide does not change sig­
nificantly. In this case, the data and their subsequent interpretation and
use must be limited to these periods.
3. Sequences that are obviously nonstationary: Such series possibly may be
transformed into (quasi-)stationary series as suggested in a later section.

9.2.1 Stationarity Tests

Given a sample from a random sequence such as shown in Figure 9.1, we wish
to decide whether X (n ) is stationary. O f course, one would hope to decide this
on the basis o f knowledge of the underlying process; however, too often such
is not the practical case. We now discuss some elementary tests for stationarity.
One requirement o f stationarity is that f XM does not vary with n. In partic­
ular, the mean and the variance should not vary with n. A reasonable method
of determining whether this is true is to divide the data into two or more se­
quential sections and calculate the sample mean and the sample variance from
each section. The sample means may be compared informally by plotting or they
may be formally tested for change using t tests as described in Section 8.8.4 of
this book. Similarly the sample variances may be compared by plotting or by
using F tests as described in Section 8.8.5.

9.2.2 Run Test for Stationarity

The tests suggested before used the t and the F distribution; thus they required
the underlying distribution to be Gaussian. A test that does not require knowl­
edge o f the underlying distribution is the run test. It is used to test for randomness

Figure 9.1 S a m p le fu n c t io n o f a r a n d o m s e q u e n c e .

or for nonstationary trends in the data. First we will describe the test and then
we will suggest how it can be applied to test for stationarity. In Section 9.4.7,
we use this test for “ whiteness” of a noise or error sequence.
Assume that we have 2N samples. N of these samples will be above (a) the
median and N of these samples will be below (b) the median. (Ties and an odd
number of samples can be easily coped with.)
The total number of possible distinct arrangements of the N a’s and the N b's
is (2#). If the sample is random and i.i.d., then each of the possible arrangements
is equally likely. A possible sequence with (N = 8) is

a a b b b a b b b b a a a b a a

The total number of clusters of a’s and b’s will be called R for the number
of runs. R = 7 in the foregoing sequence.
It can be shown [12] that the probability mass function for R is

This random variable has a mean and variance given by

E{R} = N + 1 (9.2)
, N( N -1)
_ O AT 7~ (9.3)
2N - 1

If the observed value o f R is close to the mean, then randomness seems rea­
sonable. On the other hand, if R is either too small or too large, then the
null hypothesis of randomness should be rejected. Too large or too small is de­
cided on the basis of the distribution of R. This distribution is tabulated in
Appendix H.


Test the given sequence for randomness at the 10% significance level.

In this sequence N = 8 ,

£■[/?] = 9


Using R as the statistic for the run test, the limits found at .95 and .05 from
Appendix H with N = 8 are 5 and 12. Because the observed value of 7 falls
between 5 and 12, the hypothesis o f randomness is not rejected at the 10%
significance level.

In order to test stationarity of the mean square values for either a random
sequence or a random process, the time-average mean square values are com­
puted for each of 2 N nonoverlapping equal time intervals by (continuous data)
M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 565

or by (sample data)

tj G (7) _i , Tj)
i y i y=l

where 7)_, and 7) are respectively the lower and the upper time limits o f the z'th
interval and jV, is the number o f samples in the z'th interval. The resulting sample
mean square values can be the basis of a run test. That is, the sequence
X j , i = 1, 2, . . . , 2 jV is classified as above (a) or below (b) the median and
the foregoing procedure is followed. It is important that the interval length (7) —
7)_i) should be significantly longer than the correlation time of the random
process. That is if

r ,-,)

then R xx(t ) ~ 0 is a requirement to use the run test as a test for stationarity of
mean square values as described.


In this section we address the problem of estimating the mean, variance, auto­
correlation, and the power spectral density functions o f an ergodic (and hence
stationary) random process X(t), given the random variables A'(O), A'(l), . . . ,
X ( N — 1), which are sampled values o f X(t). A normalized sampling rate of
one sample per second is assumed. Although the estimators o f this section require
some assumptions (or model), they are relatively model-free as compared with
the estimators introduced in the next section.
We will first specify an estimator for each o f the unknown parameters or
functions and then examine certain characteristics o f the estimators including
the bias and mean squared error (MSE). The estimators that we describe in this
section,/will bej similar in form to the “ time averages” described in Chapter 3,
except )ye will'use discrete-time versions o f the “ time averages” to obtain these
estimators. Problems at the end of this chapter cover some continuous versions.

9.3.1 Mean Value Estimation

With discrete samples, the mean is estimated by

_ , N- 1

* - s 2 m (9.4)
' V /=<)

It was shown in Chapter 8 that X is unbiased. In addition, the variance of

X is

V a r[*] = — 2 2 (9.5.a)
(=0 ;=0


cr,7 = covariance of X(i ) , X ( j )

In the stationary case

V a rA
varL m J -- NCxx{0)
N2 + 2{-NJp
+ - 1} rc xx(l)
m 4. 2{ N— —
+ ----- m

+ + Jp Cxx(N ~ !) (9-5.b)

If Cxx(i) = 0, i t4 0, that is the process is white, then

Var[A] =

9.3.2 Autocorrelation Function Estimation

With digital data we can estimate the autocorrelation function using

j N - k - 1

Rxx(k) = N _ "k Z X (i )X( i + k), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N - 1 (9.6)

R x x ( ~ k ) = Rxx(k)

Note that because of finite sample size (N), we have the following effects (see
Figures 9.2 and 9.3).
M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 567

------------------------------ N points-----------------------------

Shift k points N —k points are used

to estimate Rxx&)

F ig u r e 9 .2 E s t im a t io n o f Rxx(k).

1. With N data points we can only estimate Rxx(k) for values of k less than
N, that is
f 1
RxAQ = j J f T J 2 X [i )X( i + k), k < S (9.7)

0 k > ,V
Rxx(~~k) = Rxx(k)

This is equivalent to truncating the estimator for |/r| > N.

2. As k —> N, we are using fewer and fewer points to obtain the estimate
of Rxx(k). This leads to larger variances in the estimated value o f Rxx{k)
for k —>N.
568 E S T I M A T I N G THE P A R A M E T E R S O F R A N D O M P R O C E S S E S


This portion This portion

is set = 0 This P°rt'on 's estimated js se^ _ g
(truncated) (truncated)
Figure 9 .3 T r u n c a t e d e s t im a t io n o f Rxx(k).

It is easy to show that

E{Rxx{k)} = Rxx{k), k < N

that is, the estimator is unbiased if k < N. However, it is difficult to compute

the variance of Rxx(k) since it will involve the fourth moments of the form

E{X{ n)X{n + m ) X ( k ) X ( k + m)}

In the case of Gaussian processes, these moments can be evaluated (see Section
2.5.3) and the variance of Rxx(k) can be computed. (Problem 9.8.)


Assume that we are estimating the autocorrelation function of a zero-mean white

Gaussian random process with

rx, k = 0
Rxx(k) 0 A: A 0

Find the variance of Rxx(k).

M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 569

S O L U T IO N :

For k = 0

&xx(P) = Tr ?2 M O P
N /=0
N- 1
2 E{ [ X(i ) f} =

V a r { ^ ( 0 ) } = £ { [ ^ v ( 0)]2} - t o * ( 0)F

£ { [ ^ ( 0)]2} = ^iv ^ {l i2=o y=o

2 m opm op

2 [ £ ( M 0 ] 4} + (N - l ) v x2 E{[X(i)]2}
N 2 _ i=0

x) + iV(iV - 1) ctx]
N + 2

and hence

Var[/W 0)] = <4 ~ t o ) 2 = 2J~

Similarly, it can be shown that

V ar[£™ (*)] = a i, 1 < |A:| < A

Note that as k - + N, the variance increases rapidly.

9.3.3 Estimation of Power Spectral Density (psd) Functions

The psd function of a stationary random process is defined as

Sxxif) = J ^wr(T)exp(-7'2ir/T) <h


Based on the foregoing equation, we can define an estimator for the psd as

Sxx(f) = J Axx(T)exp( —; ' 2 t t t / ) ch (9

where £ « ( t) is an estimator of Rxx(T). In the discrete

case we can estimate
^x x ( t ) using the estimator


Sxxif) = 2 Rxx(k)exp(-j2Trkf),


Rxx(k) — 1 X { i ) X( i + k), k = 0, 1, 2,
N 1

is the estimator of the autocorrelation function defined in the preceding section

The estimator given in Equation 9.9 has two major drawbacks Firft Equa
ion 9.7 is analogous to time domain convolution which ,s computadonallv
intensive. Second, the variance of the estimator is too large; and there fe no
fh ^ n d EqUatIOn 9'9 Wl!1 yield a nonnegative value for the estimate of

of thpes < b e overcome by using 3 D F T ' based estimator

S ecdon f X o 1 >anf rm (nD r r ) - We haVe relied 0n the ^mpling theorem

1 / 2 R wh ‘ „ ■ Samp‘e In the tlme domain at a sampling interval Ts if Ts <
> 'r l 15 6 bandwidth of the random process, that is, Sxx( f) = 0
hJ f h- n subsec)uent work we have normalized the sampling interval 7V to
be 1 , which requires that B < h This has resulted in ihe 8 . • t0
Ifl 1 fn,r . , ' “ as resulted in the otten-u sed restriction
1/1 2 for Fourier transforms o f sequences. *

we ~ ? f° r ^ f‘ ° r 1 > tl + Tm’ then by an identical type o f argument

normahzeT T6 - 1 3t an interVal h < 1/2V If we have
f = U N th * (n) = 0 for « < 0 or n > N - 1, then if we choose
Js 1IN then we can completely represent the signal x(t) If this is the case
then we have the usual Fourier transform of a sequence ’

X F( f ) - 2 * (« )e x p (-/2 ir« /), 0< / < 1

r ^ r er e, r takei1‘ the PrinciPle part o f the cyclical X F( f) to be 0 < f <

( ather than |/j < 2 as before). Now set / = k/N, k = 0, 1 , 2, /V - 1
and we have

Xf (^ ) = 2 * 0 )exp ( - ; 2 tt 7 7 /> k = 0, . . . ,N - l (9 .1 0 .a)

and x(n) can be recovered fro-m X F(k/N) by the iinverse transform

1 ^ __ ( k
N *?0 X f W 6XP ( +j2lT 7 7 / ’ H = ° ’ ' ’ •’ N ~ 1 (9-10.b)

quations 9 lO.a and 9.10.b define the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) It
can be shown that a time-limited signal cannot be perfectly band-limited- how­
ever, tor practical purposes, we can record a signal from 0 to TM, which is
approximately limited to no frequency component at or above B. Discrete Four-
ier transforms (DFTs) based on such algorithms are readily available (see A p ­
pendix B). If N is chosen to be a power of 2, then fast Fourier transform (FFT)
algorithms, which are computationally efficient, can be used to implement Equa-

Periodogram Estimator o f the psd. In order to define this estimator let us

introduce another estimator for the autocorrelation function,

S -k - 1
Rxx(k) 2 X (i )X( i + k),
N i=0 k = 0, 1 , . . . , N — 1 ( 9. 1 1 .a)

^ t^ t/At/hisif stimator differs from Rxx{k) given in Equation 9.6 by the factor
(A - k)/N, that is

Rxx(k) = Rxx(k), k = 0, . . . , N - 1 (9.11 .b)

Now if we define

d{n) = \ 1’ n = _
(0 elsewhere (9-12)

then it can be shown (Problem 9.21) that

Rxx{k) = — 2 [d(n)X{n)][d(n + k )X ( n + k)], k = 0, . . . , N - 1


The Fourier transform of Rxx(k), denoted by Sxx(f), is

$xx(f) = E Rxx(k)exp(-j2Trkf), |/| < \

= 2 t; E d(n)X(n)d(n + k )X { n + k) exp( - j l T t k f )
k= - ® L /V rt= - ®


x d(n + k ) X ( n + ^)exp(-y'2'ir(n + & )/)

Substituting n + A: = m in the second summation, we obtain

& * ( / ) = £ ATjf ( / ) W ) = £ IW ) | 2, |/| < | (9.13)

where .Yf ( / ) is the Fourier transform of the data sequence

-*> (/) = 2 d(n)X(n) exp(- j 2Ttnf )

= 2 X(n) exp( - }2Tt nf )

The estimator Sxx( f ) defined in Equation 9.13 is called the periodogram of

the data sequence A'(O), ^ f(l), . . . , X ( N - 1).

Bias of the Periodogram. The periodogram estimator is a biased estimator of

the psd, and we can evaluate the bias by calculating E{Sxx( f )}

{J. R-XX(/c)e x p (-y 2 ir/c/)

= E £ {^xAr(k)}exp( -j2Ttkf)

2 d(n)d(n + k)

x E{X( n)X(n + k)}&xp{—jl-nkf)

M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 573

2 d(n)d(n + k)
=i k=-
Rxx( k) ex p (- j 2i rk f) _

= £ q»(k)Rxx(k)exp(-j2TTkf), |/| < | (9.14)


qN(k) = ^ 2 d(n)d(n + k)

'l - | , |)fc| < N

=- N (9.15)
0 elsewhere

The sum on the right-hand side of Equation 9.14, is the Fourier transform of
the product of q»(k) and Rxx{k)\ thus

E{§xx{ f) } = [ Sxx( a) Q N( f - a) da (9.16.a)

J - 1/2

where Q x ( f ) is the Fourier transform of qN(k)? that is

QM) - i (9.16.b)
sin irf

Equations 9.14 and 9.15 show that Sxx( f ) is a biased estimator and the bias
results from the truncation and the triangular window function [as a result of
using 1/N instead of l/(N — \k\) in the definition o f /?**(*)]. Equation 9.16
shows that Sxx is convolved with a (sine)2 function in the frequency domain.
Plots of qx (k), its transform Q x( f ) , and the windowing effect are shown in
Figure 9.4.
The convolution given in Equation 9.16.a has an “ averaging” effect and it
produces a “ smeared” estimate of Sxx( f ) . The effect o f this smearing is known
as spectral leakage. If Sxx( f ) has two closely spaced spectral peaks, the period­
ogram estimate will smooth these peaks together. This reduces the spectral
resolution as shown in Figure 9.4.b.
574 E S T I M A T I N G THE P A R A M E T E R S O F R A N D O M P R O C E S S E S

qNm Q„(f)



sxx<n * qnt )

F ig u r e 9 .4 P e r i o d o g r a m e s t im a t o r , ( a ) W i n d o w fu n c t io n s qs(k) and QN(f).

( b ) E f f e c t o f w i n d o w in g .

However, as N is increased, QN( f ) —* 8(f ) resulting in

« fl /2
E{Sxx( f ) } = I Sxx( a)8(f — a) da = Sxx( f )
J- 1/2

Thus Sxx( f ) is asymptotically unbiased.

Variance of the Periodogram. In order to compute the variance o f the period­

ogram we need to make some assumptions about the psd that is being estimated.
Assuming X(n) to be a zero-mean white Gaussian sequence with variance a 2,
M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 575

we can compute the variance of the periodogram at / = p/N as follows. The

periodogram at f = p/N is given by

Z X («)ex p - p = 0, . . . , [N/2]
N N ~N~I
=Al+B] (9.17)


( iTxnp
a ’ ~ V n x ( " )c“ V N


‘ vs
1 V x(")sm
^ l~
w • ( 2™ P (9.18.b)

Both A p and Bp are linear combinations of Gaussian random variables and hence
are Gaussian. Also because X( n ) is zero-mean

E { A P} = E{Bp) = 0


Var{ A p} = E{Aj}Pi
,V- i
<J ^ ^ / 2irnp\
— > cos- ----------
N \ N J
cr- p A 0,
T’ 7


(See Problem 9.9.) Thus


p A 0,

N(0, cr2), P = o. 2

Similarly, it can be shown that

( o-A N
n°’7 )’ p ¥= 0 ,

0 P = o,
_2 _


Covar{ A p, Bp\ = Covar{ Ap, Bq} = Covar{/lp, A q}

= Covar{Bp, Bq} = 0 for all p A q

Since A p and Bp are independent Gaussian random variables, Sxx(p/N)

(from Equation 9.17) is the sum of chi-square random variables. We note that

p A 0, (9.21)



and hence (see Equation 8.42)

p A 0,

Var (9.23)

Equation 9.23 shows that, for most values of f , Sxx( f ) has a variance of cr4.
Since we have assumed that Sxx{ f ) = cr1, the normalized standard error, er, of
M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 577

the periodogram estimator is

V v a r Sxx( f) cr2
— = 100%
Sxx(f) cU


If X(n) is a zero-mean white Gaussian sequence with unity variance, find the
expected value and the variance of the periodogram estimator o f the psd.


Rxx(k) — 1> k = 0
= 0 elsewhere

Using Equation 9.14

E{Sxx( f ) } = ?*(<)) -1 = 1

Using Equation 9.23

1, p * 0,

Note that because of the white Gaussian assumption, both the mean and the
variance are essentially (except at the end points) constant with p.

Thus, the periodogram estimator has a normalized error of 100%— a rela­

tively poor estimator. In addition, the variance (and hence the normalized error)
does not depend on the sample size N. Unlike most estimation problems, where
the variance of the estimator is reduced as the sample size is increased, the
578 E S T I M A T I N G THE P A R A M E T E R S O F R A N D O M P R O C E S S E S

o. —

Frequency (Hz)
( a ) N= 4096

Frequency (Hz)
(6) N = 1024
Figure 9.5 Periodogram of a random binary waveform plus two tones.

variance of the periodogram cannot be reduced by increasing the sample size.

However, increasing the sample size N will produce better resolution in the
frequency domain. (See Figure 9.5 for an example.)
The periodogram estimator can be improved by averaging or smoothing.
Two (weighted) averaging techniques that are widely used involve averaging
estimates obtained from nonoverlapping sections o f the data or averaging the
M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 579

estimates in the frequency domain. Appropriate weighting (or window) functions

are applied to control the bias and variance of the averaged estimators.

Trade-off Between Bias and Variance. Before we develop averaging tech­

niques, let us examine the source of the bias and variance in the periodogram.
Since the periodogram may be viewed as the transform o f Rxx(k), let us examine
the estimator Rxx(k). With reference to Figure 9.3, suppose that we estimate
Rxx(k) for \k\ = 0, 1, . . . , M and use the estimated values of RXx(k) to
form an estimate of Sxx(f). Now, when M < N, and N > 1, we obtain
“ good” estimators o f RXx(k) for \k\ s M. However, the bias o f Sxx(f) will
be larger since the estimated autocorrelation function is truncated (set equal to
zero) beyond k > M. As we increase M —* N, the bias of Sxx( f ) will become
smaller, but the variance o f the estimator of RXx(k) will be larger as k —> N
since fewer and fewer points are used in the estimator. Thus, for a finite sample
size, we cannot completely control both bias and variance; when we attempt to
reduce one, the other one increases.
When the sample size is very large, we can reduce both the bias and variance
to acceptable levels by using appropriate “ windowing” (or averaging) techniques
as explained in the following section.

9.3.4 Smoothing of Spectral Estimates

We can take the N measurements A (0), A (l ) , . . . , X ( N - 1), divide them
into n sections, each of which contains N/n points, form n different estimators
o f the psd, and average the n estimators to form an averaged spectral estimator
o f the form

Sxxif) = - i Sxx{ f ) k (9.24)

n k= 1

where Sxx( f ) k is the spectral estimate obtained from the kt\\ segment o f the
data. If we assume that the estimators Sxx( f ) k are independent (which is not
completely true if the data segments are adjacent), the variance of the averaged
estimator will be reduced by the factor n. However, since fewer points are used
to obtain the estimator Sxx( f ) k, the function (Equation 9.16.b) will be
wider than in the frequency domain, and from Equation 9.16.a it can be
seen that the bias will be larger.
A similar form of averaging can also be done by averaging spectral estimates
in the frequency domain. This averaging can be done simply as

1 P + ‘
SXX 2 ^xx (9.25)
k 2m + 1 N

Frequency (Hz)

{ a ) N = 1024

Frequency (Hz) -

(6) N -1 0 2 4

Figure 9.6 E ffe c t o f s m o o th in g , (a) U n s m o o t h e d ; ( b) s m o o t h e d ,

w i n d o w siz e = 7 .
M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 581

Equation 9.25 represents a running average in the frequency domain using a

sliding rectangular window of width 2m + 1 points. Once again, if we assume
that the estimators o f adjacent spectral components are independent (this will
not be true in general), then the averaging will reduce the variance. However,
as in the case of averaging in the time domain, the bias will increase (as shown
in Figure 9.6). Note that averaging will reduce spectral resolution and closely
spaced spectral components will be merged together.
The averaging techniques described in the preceding paragraphs are simple
running averages that use rectangular (or uniformly weighted) averaging win­
dows. The variance is reduced while the bias increases. By using nonuniformly
weighted window functions, we can control the trade-off between bias and vari­
ance and produce asymptotically unbiased and consistent estimators for the psd.
In the following section we describe some of the windowing techniques that are
widely used.

Windowing Procedure. Windowed or smoothed estimators o f power spectral

density functions are implemented using the following three steps:

Step 1. Compute Rxx(k) using Equation 9.6 or the following DFT/FFT


l.a. Pad X (n ) with N zeroes and create a padded sequence X P(n)

whose length is at least 2N points. The following FFT method
will be computationally most efficient if 2 N is chosen equal
to a power of 2. This padding is necessary to avoid the circular
(periodic) nature of the DFT, which can cause errors in con­
volution and correlation operations.

l.b. Compute X P F(m/2N) according to

26, = 2 X P(n)exp
2N 2N 1
m = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . , 2N - 1

l.c. Obtain Rxx( k ) from

( j2trkm\
Rxx(k) —
2N 2 XP
2N expl^ r jj
0, 1, 2, . . . , N - 1 (9.26.a)

l.d. Compute R x x (k) as

Rxx(k) — Rxx{ k ) , k = 0, 1, . . . ,N - 1
N - k
0 k> N - 1
R xx(-k ) = R xx ( k ) (9.26.b)

Step 2. Apply a weighted window and truncate Rxx(k) to 2M + 1 points

Rxx(k) — Rxx(k)k(k)
|*| = 0, 1, 2, . . . , M, M «= N (9.26.c)
where \(*) is a window function to be discussed later.
Step 3. Pad Rxx(k) with zeroes^for |*| > M and take the DFT to obtain
the smoothed estimate SXx ( f ) as

(«) ‘ R"w“p(-^xr)
|p| = 0, 1, . . . , y (9.26.d)

Steps l.b and l.c, if completed via FFT algorithms, produce a computationally
efficient method of calculating an estimate of RXx(k). Truncating in Step 2, with
M N, is equivalent to deleting the “ end points” of Rxx(k), which are estimates
produced with fewer data points and hence are subjected to large variations.
Deleting them will reduce the variance, but also will reduce the resolution, of
the spectral estimator. Multiplying with * (* ) and taking the Fourier transform
(Equation 9.26.c) has the effect

_ r i/2
E{SXx( f) } = Sxx( a ) W M( f — a) da
J - 1/2

where WM(J) is the Fourier transform o f the window function \ (*). In order to
reduce the bias (and spectral leakage), \(*) should be chosen such that WM(f)
has most of its energy in a narrow “ main lobe” and has smaller “ side lobes.”
This reduces the amount of “ leakage.” Several window functions have been
proposed and we briefly summarize their properties. Derivations o f these prop­
erties may be found in References [10] and [11], It should be noted that most
of these windows introduce a scale factor in the estimator of the power spectral

Rectangular Window.

1, |*| < M, M < N

Hk) (9.27.a)
0 otherwise

sin M + |) 2 tr /

WM(f) (9.27.b)
sin(rr/ )

Since WM( f) is negative for some / , this window might produce a negative
estimate for the psd. This window is seldom used in practice.
M O D E L -F R E E E S T I M A T I O N 583

Bartlett Window.

_\k\ \k\^M, M < N

m M’
w M(f) (9.28.b)

Since WM(f) is always positive, the estimated value is always positive. When
M = N — 1, this window produces the unsmoothed periodogram estimator
given in Equation 9.11.

Blackman-Tukey Window.

1 uk
\(k) = 2
1 4- cos
|A:j £ M, M < N
0, otherwise

WM(f) = 4 D m ( 2itf - — ) + D m \2trf + + - D,m( 2 tt/ )



sin M + 2-17f

D M(2itf) (9.29.c)

Parzen Window.

m =
2I1--I f
M )’ < t S M <N

<9-m a )

w M(f) = 1 - | sin2(-rr/) (9.30.b)
4 A/ 3
- sin(ir/ )
584 E S T I M A T I N G THE P A R A M E T E R S O F R A N D O M P R O C E S S E S

Note that WM(f) is nonnegative and hence Parzen’s window produces a non­
negative estimate of the psd.

9.3.5 Bias and Variance of Smoothed Estimators

Expressions for the bias and variances of smoothed estimators are derived in
Reference [11]. We present the results here.
For the Bartlett, Blackman-Tukey, and the Parzen windows, the asymptopic
bias and variance are given by

B i a s { ^ ( / ) } = C, (9.31)



where C) and C2 are constants that have different values for the different windows
and S'xx(f) is the second derivative of Sxx(f).
If we choose M = 2V iv as suggested in the literature on spectral estimation,
then as the sample size N —* we can see from Equations 9.31 and 9.32 that
both the bias and variance of the smoothed estimators approach zero. Thus, we
have a family of asymptotically unbiased and consistent estimators for the psd.



The model-free methods for estimating autocorrelation and spectral density

functions previously discussed in this chapter are often useful. However, if a
simple analytical expression for Rxx(T) or Sxx(f) is required such as in Wiener
or Kalman filtering, then model-based estimators are used. In addition, fewer
data are required to estimate a few parameters in a model than are needed for
a model-free estimate; thus a model is used as a partial substitute for more data.
In the remainder of this chapter, we discuss such estimators.
In this section a simple form of the autocorrelation function (or spectral
density function) is assumed, and the parameters of this function are estimated.
When one adopts such an approach, there is the concomitant obligation to
investigate whether the assumed model is consistent with the data. Thus, the

iterative steps in this procedure are as follows:

1. Assume a form o f the autocorrelation function (or a model structure or

2. Estimate the parameters o f this model.
3. Check to see whether the assumed model is consistent with the data. If
not, return to Step 1 and start with a revised model.

In this part of the chapter, we propose to use a priori knowledge or as­

sumptions to select the form o f the model o f the random sequence. If this
knowledge (or assumptions) results in a good approximate model of the actual
sequence, then the resulting estimators of both the autocorrelation function and
power density spectrum are usually superior (i.e., smaller MSE with equivalent
data) to the model-free estimators that were described previously.
Many random sequences encountered in engineering practice can be ap­
proximated by a rational transfer function model. In such a model, an input
driving sequence e(n) is related to the output sequence X ( n ) by a linear dif­
ference equation:

P q
x (n) = 2 <!>„,*(« - 0 + 2 e,.*e(n - k) (9.33)
i' =l k=0

where 9? 0 - 1 , <|>p p A 0, 0f, f/ =£ o, and e(ri) is a zero-mean Gaussian white noise

This is the autoregressive moving average [A R M A (p, <7)] model discussed
in Section 5.2. These models can be reduced to state models as needed in Kalman
filtering and to a rational transfer function

9 ( /)
H(f) = (9.34)


© (/) = 2 e?.*exP( —/ 2 tt/ / c) (Moving average part) (9.35)

$ (/) = <f>p,/exp(-y'2 -ir/t) (Autoregressive part) (9.36)


Sxx(f) = \H(f)\2S M ) = H ( f ) H ( - f ) S M ) (9.37)

where Sxx(f) is the power spectral density function of the random sequence
X (n ) and

See(f) = <*%, l/l < \ (9.38)

Thus, the remainder of this chapter is devoted to estimating the parameters

of an autoregressive moving-average model. The estimates can be used in the
model to obtain estimates of Rxx{k) or Sxx{f). The procedure for estimating
the parameters of A R M A models has been well-developed by Box and Jenkins
[3], and a large number of computer programs have been developed based on
their work. We will introduce the Box-Jenkins iterative procedure, which con­
sists o f the four steps shown in Figure 9.7. These steps are discussed in the
following sections.


Estimated Figure 9.7 Steps in Box-Jenkins method of

model estimation of random sequence models.


Figure 9.8 A sample sequence with a linear


9.4.1 Preprocessing (Differencing)

The first step in model identification is testing for stationarity. Such tests were
discussed in Section 9.2. We now consider as a part of this “ Box-Jenkins”
estimation process the possibility of transforming nonstationary sequences into
quasistationary sequences.

Transformation of Nonstationary Series. In this section, we emphasize differ­

encing to create stationarity. However, we mention that other types of trans­
formations might be equally valuable. For example, assume the sequence X(n)
is such that the mean and variance both increase with time and that the standard
deviation is proportional to the mean. (The standard deviation of electrical load
of a utility is usually proportional to the mean.) Thus, if we transform X(n) to
Y(rt) = In X(n), then although the variation in mean still exists, the variance
is now (approximately) constant (see Problem 9.22).

Differencing to Remove Linear Mean Trends. Assume W(n) has a linear trend
superimposed upon a white noise sequence. A plot o f a sample sequence is
shown in Figure 9.8. W(n) is clearly a nonstationary sequence. However, its
first difference Y(n), where

Y(n) = W(n) - W(n - 1 ), n > 1 (9.39)

will be stationary.



W(n) = .5 + 2 n +■ A(rt) (9.40)

588 E S T I M A T I N G THE P A R A M E T E R S O F R A N D O M P R O C E S S E S

where A(n) is a zero-mean stationary sequence. Find the difference W{n) -

W{n - 1 ), and show how to recover the original sequence from the resulting
stationary model.

SOLUTION: Defining Y{n) = W(n) — W(n - 1 ) we have

Y(n) = .5 + .2n + A{n) - .5 - .2(n - 1) - A( n - 1)


Y{n) = .2 + A(n) - A(n - 1) (9.41)

This sequence is stationary because the difference of two jointly stationary se­
quences is stationary. Furthermore the nonzero mean, .2 in the example, can
be removed as follows

X{n) = Y(n) - .2 (9.42)

This is stationary with zero mean, and can be modeled as an A R M A sequence.

If a reasonable model is found for X(n) [e.g., X{n) = kX{n - 1 ) +
\e(n - 1) 4- e(n)], then we can find the model for the original sequence, W(n),
by using Equations 9.42 and 9.41. Indeed

Y(n) = .2 + X (n ) (9.43)

and from the Equation 9.39

W{n) = W ( 0 ) + y ( l ) + Y{ 2 ) + ••• + Y(n), n > 1

= W(n - 1) + Y(n) (9.44)

That is, the original series is a summation of the differenced series plus
perhaps a constant as in Example 9.4. Because of the analogy with continuous
processes, W(n) is usually called the integrated version of Y(n), and if Y(n)
(or X (n ) in the example) is represented by an A R M A model, then W(n) is said
to have an A R IM A model where the / stands for “ integrated.”
A general procedure for trend removal calls for first or second differencing
of nonstationary sequences in order to attempt to produce stationary series. The
resulting A R M A stationary models are then integrated (summed) the corre­
sponding number of times to produce a model for the original sequence. The

total model is then called A R IM A (p, d, q), where p is the order o f the auto­
regressive (A R ) part of the model, d is the order o f differencing (I), and q is
the order of the moving average (M A ) part of the model.

Differencing to Remove Periodic Components. If W(n) represents the average

monthly temperature, then it seems reasonable that this series will have a pe­
riodic component of period 12. That is, January 1988 temperature should be
close to January temperatures of other years. This series will definitely not be
stationary. However, consider the sequence X ( n ) where

X (n ) = W(n) - W(n - 12), n > 12 (9.45)

This series may well be stationary.



W(n) = 1 - cos 2tt ^ + A(n) (9.46)

where A ( n ) is stationary. A sample function of W(n) is shown in Figure 9.9.

Find the periodic difference and recover the original series from the stationary

S O L U T IO N :

If X( n) = W{n) — W(n - 12), then X (n ) = A ( n ) — A( n - 12), which is

stationary. Further W(n) may be recovered from X (n ) by

W(n) = W(n - 12) + X ( n ) (9.47)

Periodic components can best be detected by knowledge o f the underlying

process (e.g., weather or tides); however, they can also be detected by observing
the data, either directly or through the spectral density function estimator dis­
cussed in section 9.3.3. Then they can be removed by the proper differencing
and the resulting series can be checked for stationarity.

9.4.2 Order Identification

The purpose of “ model identification” within the context of A R IM A (p , d, q)
models is to obtain a reasonable guess o f the specific values of p, the order of
the autoregressive part o f the model; d, the order of differencing; and q, the
order of the moving average part of the model. Note that “ reasonable guess”
was used, because knowledge o f the underlying process should also influence
the model and because the total procedure of model estimation is iterative.

Identifying the Order of Differencing. We start by differencing the process

W( n) as many times as necessary (however, practically seldom more than two)
in order to produce stationarity. We use plots of the process itself, the sample
autocorrelation coefficient, and the sample partial autocorrelation coefficient to
judge stationarity as will be explained.
Recall that an A R M A (p , q) model has an autocorrelation coefficient rxx(m)
that satisfies a pth order linear difference equation for m > q. Thus, for distinct
roots of the characteristic equation, obtained when solving the pth order dif­
ference equation satisfied by the autocorrelation function (see Section 5.2), we

rxx{m) = A XT + ••• + A p\” , m > q (9.48)

and all o f the roots k, must lie within the unit circle. If |k;| = 1 then the auto­
correlation coefficient will not decay rapidly with m. Thus, failure of the auto­
correlation to decay rapidly suggests that a root with magnitude near 1 exists.
This indicates a nonstationarity of a form that simple differencing might
transform into a stationary model because differencing removes a root o f mag-


ARMA {p, q) Behavior Behavior
Order of fxxik) Of §k,k
(1, 0) Exponential decay (sign may <(>u is the only nonzero partial
alternate) autocorrelation coefficient
(0, 1) (xxO) is the only nonzero Exponential decay
autocorrelation coefficient
(1. D Exponential decay for k > 2 Exponential decay for k a 2
(2, 0) Sum of two exponential Only 4>u and cf>22 nonzero
decays or damped
(0, 2) Oniy rjcO) and rw(2) are Dominated by mixtures of
nonzero exponentials or damped

nitude one. That is, if rxx(m) has a root of 1, then it can be shown that W( n),

W(n) = (1 - z ~ l) X ( n ) (9.49)

( z _1 is the backshift operator) has a unit root o f rxx(m) factored out, and thus
may be stationary. Thus, it is usually assumed that the order of differencing
necessary to produce stationarity has been reached when the differenced series
has a sample autocorrelation coefficient that decays fairly rapidly.

Identifying the Order of Resultant Stationary ARM A Model. Having tenta­

tively identified d., we now observe the estimated autocorrelation coefficients
(a.c.c.) and partial autocorrelation coefficients (p.a.c.c.) of the differenced data.
Recall from Chapter 5 that the partial autocorrelation coefficient $ mjn of an
autoregressive sequence of order p is zero for m > p. Also the autocorrelation
coefficient, rxx(m) of a moving average sequence o f order q is zero for m > q.
Table 9.1 describes the behavior of A R M A (p, q) autocorrelation and partial
autocorrelation coefficients as a function o f p and q. This can be used with the
estimated a.c.c. and p.a.c.c. in order to identify models in a trial and error
However, it should be noted that estimated autocorrelation coefficients and
partial autocorrelation coefficients can have rather large variances, and the errors
for different lags can also be highly correlated. Thus, exact adherence to the
foregoing rules cannot be expected. In particular, estimated a.c.c.’ s and p.a.c.c.’s
cannot be expected to be exactly zero. More typical plots are those shown in
592 E S T I M A T I N G THE P A R A M E T E R S O F R A N D O M P R O C E S S E S

l.o r-



Lag number k

Figure 9.10 Sample autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation

coefficients, (a) Sample rxx(k)\ (b) Sample 4>xx{k).

Figure 9.10. Judgement and experience are required in order to decide when
a.c.c.’s or p.a.c.c.’s are approximately equal to zero.


Identify p and q tentatively from the sample autocorrelation coefficients and

partial autocorrelation coefficients in Figure 9.11.

S O L U T IO N :

(a) A R M A (1, 0). The sample autocorrelation coefficient decays exponen­

tially and the sample partial autocorrelation coefficient appears to be
nearly zero for i > 2 .
(b) A R M A (0, 1). Reverse of (a).
(c) A R M A (2, 0). rxx is sinusoidal while = 0, / > 3 .

Sample Partial
autocorrelation autocorrelation
coefficients coefficients

* li


.T.m .
l **
InTTT.l t.
( 6)

It l i t TTT T
i * ***....~k


tTt. t t, li


(e )

F ig u r e 9 .1 1 S a m p le a . c . c . a n d p . a . c . c . f o r E x a m p le
9 .6 . C u m u la t iv e p o w e r s p e c t r a l d e n s it y fu n c t io n s o f
r e s id u a ls .

(d) A R M A (0, 2).

(e) Questionable. It could be A R M A (1, 0) with <|>u negative or A R M A
(0, 1) or higher order and mixed. A trial-and-error procedure is nec­

Thus, the order of both the autoregressive and the moving average parts of
the model can be guessed as described. In practice, usually both p and q are
small, say p + q < 10. Commercial computer algorithms that plot p .a.c.c.’s and
a.c.c.’s for various trial models are readily available, and some packages auto­
matically “ identify” p, d, and q.

9.4.3 Estimating the Parameters of Autoregressive Process

We now assume that the first and second steps of Figure 9-7 have been accom­
plished, that is, that differencing of order d has been accomplished in order to
create a stationary model and that we have identified the order of the resulting
A R M A (p, q) model. In this and the following sections we consider the third
step, that is, estimating the parameters o f the identified model, starting with the
A R model.
We will seek the maximum likelihood or approximate maximum likelihood
estimators of the parameters of a function of the form

X(n) = 2 <1>Pj X ( n - i) + e(n), n = 1,2,... (9.50)

where A (n ) is the random sequence i = 1, . . . , p are the autoregressive

parameters to be estimated, e(n) is stationary Gaussian white noise with

£ {e (n )} = 0
n = ]
n ¥= j


If we use the maximum likelihood approach for estimating and a 2 using

the data x ( l) , x(2), . . . , x( N) , we first obtain the likelihood function

and then find the values of 4>p,i and cr2 that maximize L. Although this approach
is conceptionally simple, the resulting estimators are somewhat difficult to ob­

Instead of using the likelihood function L, if we use a conditional likelihood


L c = fx\%„(x(p + 1), x ( p + 2), . . . , x ( N) ;

4>P,i, • • • , cr2|x(l), x(2), . . . , x ( p ) ) (9.51)

then the resulting estimators are easy to compute. Note that

L = L cf Xp(x( 1), x{2), . . . . x { p ) ) (9.52)

and hence by using Lc to find the estimators, we are essentially ignoring the
effects o f the first p data points.
If p, the order o f the autoregressive model, is small compared with N, the
number o f observations, then this “ starting transient” can be neglected and
Equation 9.51 can be used to approximate the unconditional density and thus
the likelihood function.
From Equation 9.50 with X( i ) = x(i), i = 2, . . . , p, we obtain

e ( p + 1) = x ( p + 1) - 2 4>P,iX(p + 1 - i)
1= 1

e ( p + 2) = x ( p + 2) - X 4>P,ix iP + 2 ~ i)
i= 1

e(N) = x(N) - X - 0, N » p
l« 1

The conditional likelihood function Lc is obtained from the linear transformation

defined as

L c = n
j = p +1
U p U i)
- t KMj -
i- 1
\A (9-53)

where |/| is the Jacobian o f the transformation,

The reader can show that the Jacobian of the transformation is 1, and hence

exp 0 (9 .5 4 )
Lc s x(j) X 4 v x(/
(V^TTcr)2 2c r 2 1

Equation 9.54 can be written as the logarithm lc, o f the conditional likelihood

- ( N - p) (N-p)
4(4yu 4>p,2> ■ ■ ■ <IW>o'2) ln(2-rr) — In cr2
x { j ) ~ E 4>Pjx(.j ~ i) (9.55)
2<r2 E

In order to estimate <j>p>1, . . . , 4>pp, the important quantity in Equation 9.55

is the sum o f squares function (it is the only part o f lc affected by the choice of

S(4>p.l » • - <fw) = E * (;') ~ E 4>P.iX(j - 0 (9.56)


This can be minimized (it is a.negative term in Equation 9.54) by partially

differentiating with respect to the 4>p,, just as was done in the earlier section on
regression. A conditional maximum likelihood estimator o f a 2 is obtained by
differentiating Equation 9.55 partially with respect to a 2. We illustrate with some
special cases.

First-order Autoregressive Model. We consider the model given in Equation

5.4 with power spectral density given in Equation 5.11, and autocorrelation
function given in Equation 5.9. We seek maximum likelihood estimates o f 4>i,i
and a 2, which is the variance o f the noise, that is, ajj. We note that these
parameters determine the autocorrelation function, autocorrelation coefficient,
and power spectral density.
As stated earlier, we will often use just the conditional likelihood function
because o f the difficulty in starting the difference equation. The logarithm lc o f
this function is

W , .1, O'3) = ------ 2— ln 2qT------ 2— In ^

- E [*(;') - <t>u* ( ; - l)] 2 (9-57)

ZQr j=2

We will maximize lc by differentiating Equation 9.57 partially with respect

to cr2 and cj),A, and setting the derivatives equal to zero, trusting that this pro­
cedure will result in estimators that fall within the allowable range [ ( —1 <
<f>u < + 1); a 2 > 0].

Because 4>u appears in only the last or the sum of squares terms, the max­
imum likelihood estimator of 4>u is the one that minimizes

S(4>i,i) = 2 [ * ( ;) - - l)]2 (9.58)

/ =2

This results in the estimator (the observations are now considered to be random

= ~ s -------------------- = rxx(l) (9.59)

2 X M - i)

Note that this is simply the sample correlation coefficient at lag 1. In order to
find an estimator for a 2, we differentiate Equation 9.57 with respect to a 2 and
set the result equal to zero. This produces an estimator for cr2 in which the
residual sum of squares

e2 = 2 T O ) - $ .,.* (/ - l)]2 (9-60)


is divided by N — 1. However e2 has ( N — 2) degrees of freedom since there

are ( N — 1) observations and one parameter has been estimated. Therefore an
unbiased estimator of a 2 in the first-order autoregressive model is

2 *2( « ) = j f n 2 [x{n) ~ ~ (9-61)

’ That is, e(n) is the observed value of e(n) with the estimated value used
for «)>!,!.
Thus, Equations 9.59 and 9.61 can be used to estimate the parameters in a
first-order autoregressive model. The estimated values of cr and <f>u can be used
to obtain an estimate o f the psd o f the process (according to Equation 5.11) as

S x x (f) = !/!< (9-62)
1 - 2 $ , , 1c o s ( 2 tt/ ) T 2

An example is given in Problem 9.28. Note that Sxx( f) will be biased even if
4>w and cr* are unbiased. This will be a good estimator only if the variances of
4>u and ct2 are small. Similarly the autocorrelation function can be estimated
by replacing the parameter in Equation 5.10 by its estimate.

Second-order Autoregressive Model. We now differentiate the sum of the

squares in order to find estimators o f <f>2,i and (j>2,2 in the model

X ( n ) = <|>2ilX (n - 1) + $ 2,2X ( n - 2) + e(n) (9.63)

Differentiating and setting the resulting derivatives o f the sum of squares

function equal to zero results in

X X(j)X(j - 1) = 2 x\i - 1) + <l>2,22 X U - 1) X U - 2)

2 X ( i ) X ( j - 2) = 2 XU - l ) X ( j - 2) + $2.2 2 X 2( j - 2) (9-64)

where all sums in Equation 9.64 are from j = 3 to j = N.

If N is large, then dividing both equations by N - 2 results in

RxxU) ~ + ^2,2^JTAf(l) (9.65)

&xxU) “ ^2,i^jrjr(l) + ^2,2^xx(0) (9.66)

The sample autocorrelation functions can be estimated from data by any o f the
standard methods; here we use

&xx(n) = ~ ~ n 2 X ( i ) X ( i + n)

Equations 9.65 and 9.66 can be solved for 4>2,i and 4>2,2 as follows:

l^ ^ ( l) R x x (l) \ „
1Rxx(2) ^ xy (0)1 _ ^ x x (l)[^ x x (0 ) ~ &xxU-)\
\RXX(0) £**(1)] ~ [^xx-(O)]2 - [ A w (l)] 2
\R x x U ) Rxx( 0)|

Note that if Equation 9.67 is divided by R ^ (0 ) in both numerator and

denominator, and if the estimators are assumed to be true values, then this

equation becomes a special case of the inverted Yule-Walker equation, (Equa­

tion 5.32). Also

Rxx(0)R xx(2) — [ R XX ( M

The residual sum o f squared error can be used to estimate a 2, that is

= -jfZ T i { i TO ) - - !) ~ $2.2*0- - 2)]2J (9.69)

where N — 4 is used because there are N - 2 observations and 2 degrees of

freedom were used in estimating 4>2,i and $ 2,2- Estimates of a 2, ty2,u and 4>2,2 can
be used to obtain the estimate of Sxx(f). Note that the variance estimated is
the variance of e(n), that is, <j%.

Procedure for General Autoregressive Models. For the autoregressive model

* («) = X - 0 + e(/j)

the usual procedure is to approximate the maximum likelihood estimator by the

conditional maximum likelihood estimator, which reduces to the usual regression
or minimum MSE estimator (see Problem 9.32).
In general, minimizing the conditional sum of squares will result in a set of
equations o f the form

Rxx( Q) ' ' ‘ Rxx(p ~ 1) $JJ,1 R x x ( 1) "

_Rx x { p - l) ••• Rxx(S>) _Rxx(p)


R xx(n) = — - — 2 * ( ; ') * ( ; ~ n), n s p

•'v P j=P+1

The set o f equations (9.70) can be solved recursively for the using the
Levinson recursive algorithm. Levinson recursion starts with a first-order A R
process and uses Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization to find the solutions through

a /7th order A R process. (See Reference [8].) One valuable feature o f the
Levinson recursive solution algorithm is that the residual sum o f squared errors
at each iteration can be monitored and used to decide when the order o f the
model is sufficiently large.

9.4.4 Estimating the Parameters of Moving Average Processes

Estimating the parameters o f a moving average process is more complicated
than estimating the parameters of an autoregressive process because the like­
lihood function is more complicated. As in the case of an autoregressive process,
both the conditional and the unconditional likelihood functions can be consid­
ered. Note that in a first-order moving average process

e(n) = - 0 e ( n - 1) + X ( n ) (9.71.a)

or using the z ~1operator and assuming that this model is invertible (see Equation

e(n) = 2 ( - e ) ' * ( « - j ) (9.71.b)

1= 0

For example, using Equation 9.71.a

e (l) = -0<?(O) + AT(1)

e{2) = X{2) - 0<?(1) = X(2) - 0AT(1) 4- 02e(O)
e(3) = A (3 ) - 0e(2) = A (3 ) - 0A (2) + 02A (1 ) - 03e(O) (9.71.c)

Equation 9.71 shows that not only is the error a sum o f the observations,
but is a nonlinear function of 0. Thus, the sum o f squares of the e{i) is nonlinear
in 0. Differentiating this function and setting it equal to zero will also lead to a
set of nonlinear equations that will be difficult to solve. Higher-order moving
average processes result in the same kind of difficulties. Thus, the usual regres­
sion techniques are not applicable for minimizing the sum o f the squared errors.
We will resort to an empirical technique for finding the best estimators for moving
average processes.

First-order Moving Average Models. In this case o f a moving average model,

as in the autoregressive case, we maximize the likelihood function by minimizing
the sum of the squared error terms, but the error terms are complicated as
illustrated in Equation 9.71.
To minimize this sum of squared errors, we use a “ trial and error” process.
That is, we will assume a value, say Oj, and a value o f e(0), then calculate the


n X(n)
1 ’ .50
2 .99
3 -.4 8
4 -.2 0
5 -1.31
6 .81
7 1.82
8 2.46
9 1.07
10 -1 .2 9

sum o f the squared errors. Then, with the same starting value e(0), we assume
another value, say 02, and calculate the sum of the squared errors. This is done
for a number of values of 0 and the 0, that minimizes the sum of the squared
errors is the estimate §. The observed value of error e{n) will be denoted by
e(n) where e(/i) = X(n) — §e(n - 1).


Assuming that the correct model is

X ( n ) = Qe(n - 1) + e(n) (9.72)

Estimate 0 from the data in Table 9.2.

TABLE 9.3 e(n) IF 6 = .5 FOR EXAMPLE 9.7

n X(n) e(n) = X(n) - .5 t( n — 1)

0 0
1 .50 .50
2 .99 .74
3 - .4 8 -.8 5
4 - .2 0 + .22
5 -1.31 -1 .4 2
6 .81 + 1.52
7 1.82 1.06
8 2.46 1.93
9 1.07 .10
10 -1 .2 9 -1 .3 4


0 -.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 0 .1
X e2(n)|0 26.5 23.5 21.1 19.1 17.5 16.0 14.9
e .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9

X e2(n)|0 13.9 13.1 12.7 12.6 12.9 14.1 16.8 22.7

t =I

For illustration we start with an initial guess o f 0 = .5 and calculate the sum of
the squared errors as shown in Table 9.3. The value e(0), o f e(0) is assumed to
be zero. This reduces the likelihood function to be the conditional [on e(0) =
0] likelihood function.
Table 9.4 gives the sum of squared errors for various values of 0. From this
table it is clear that the sum o f squared errors is minimum when 0 = .5. Thus,
the best or (conditional) maximum likelihood estimate is 0 = .5, if only one
significant digit is used.
Note that the estimate in Example 9.7 is based on, or conditional on, e(0) =
0. A different assumption for e(0) might result in a slightly different estimate.
However, when N S> 1, then the assumed value o f e(0) does not significantly
affect the estimate o f 0.
Problem 9.33 asks for an estimate based on the procedure described, and
Problem 9.34 asks for an estimate when the initial value e(0) is estimated by a
backcasting procedure.

Second-order Moving Average Model. Estimation of the parameters of the

second-order moving average model

X ( n ) = 02,ie(n - 1) + d2,2e ( n - 2) + e ( n )

is carried out in basically the same manner as for the first-order moving average
process. Once again, the likelihood function is a nonlinear function o f the pa­
rameters. Thus, the same trial calculation o f the sums o f squares is used. There
are two modifications required.
First, two values o f e, e(0) and e( —1), must be assumed, and they are usually
assumed to be zero. Second, the plot o f the sum o f squares versus values of 02,i
and 022 is now two-dimensional.


Using the data from Table 9.5, estimate 02,i, 02,2> <j 2n, and a 2
x in a second-order
moving average model.

The conditional sum o f squared errors is shown in Table 9.6 for selected values
o f 02,i and 022. From this table, the best estimators o f 02,i and 02,2 are

02! = .50 and 02>2 = —.10

The variance of e, a 2
N can be estimated from

y *\n) 97.481
a 2s
N - 2 98

where the summation is the minimum sum of squares (97.481 in the example)
and N — 2 is the number o f observations minus two, the degrees o f freedom
used in estimating 02,i and 022.

TABLE 9.5 X(n), n = 1......... 100 (READ ACROSS) FOR EXAMPLE 9.8

1.102 0.699 2.336 1.026 -0 .2 0 6

1.486 0.768 0.690 -0.001 -1 .1 5 0
-0 .2 7 3 -0.941 1.746 0.300 -1 .4 9 4
0.192 0.023 1.633 1.188 -2 .2 4 3
-0.961 -0 .7 7 0 0.535 1.263 0.377
-0 .4 8 0 0.091 1.007 1.169 0.346
-0 .0 5 2 -0 .1 8 6 0.033 0.106 1.402
0.879 -1 .4 9 0 1.031 1.127 0.824
-0 .4 7 8 -1 .7 0 7 0.877 1.257 0.830
-1 .5 3 4 -1.411 0.468 -0 .0 6 6 . -1 .5 6 0
-1 .8 0 3 -1 .1 0 0 0.274 2.362 1.834
0.778 1.172 -0 .5 0 3 -0 .1 0 0 -1 .5 2 7
-2 .0 1 9 -1 .4 9 8 -2 .2 5 9 -1 .2 7 2 -0 .0 3 3
-0 .0 9 6 2.723 -0 .2 4 3 -2 .2 5 6 -0 .4 6 2
0.509 -1 .2 4 0 -0 .1 9 4 0.217 0.899
-0 .6 8 3 -0.621 0.001 0.978 0.808
0.419 0.667 -0 .6 9 4 0.355 1.121
-0 .1 3 0 -0 .8 9 5 -1 .3 6 6 -0 .2 4 7 0.741
0.047 -0 .6 6 2 -1 .2 2 5 -0 .9 8 8 -0 .3 1 3
0.312 -0 .747 -1 .8 1 6 -1 .8 9 8 -1 .5 9 2


021 AND 022
'SS\0 2 ,2
^2,1 -0 .1 4 -0.13 -0.12 -0.11 -0.1 0 -0.0 9 -0 .0 8
0.45 97.749 97.730 97.732 97.756 97.801 97.863 97.944
0.46 97.681 97.648 97.640 97.654 97.690 97.746 97.820
0.47 97.640 97.593 97.572 97.576 97.602 97.649 97.716
0.48 97.629 97.566 97.531 97.522 97.537 97.575 97.633
0.49 97.650 97.568 97.517 97.493 97.496 97.523 97.572
0.50 97.706 97.602 97.532 97.492 97.481 97.495 97.534
0.51 97.798 97.671 97.579 97.521 97.493 97.493 97.519
0.52 97.932 97.777 97.661 97.581 97.535 97.518 97.530
0.53 98.109 97.923 97.779 97.675 97.607 97.572 ' 97.568
0.54 98.336 98.113 97.938 97.806 97.714 97.658 97.635
0.55 98.615 98.351 98.140 97.977 97.857 97.777 97.732
0.56 98.954 98.643 98.391 98.192 98.040 97.932 97.864

Then using Equation 5.45.a

o i = (02,i + e L + l)o-5/ * (-52 + . l 2 + 1)(.995) = 1.25

An estimate of can also be obtained from (1/99) [X(i) - X] 1 and

it is approximately 1.25.

Procedure for General Moving Average Models. The procedure for estimating
the parameters of the general moving average model

X(n) = 2 9 qj e { n - i) + e(n)

= 2 9„,/£(« - /). 9,0 = 1

is the same as that given previously. However, when q is 3 or larger, the opti­
mization procedure is much more difficult and time consuming. We do not
consider this case in this introductory text. We should note that the optimization
is aided if reasonable first guesses of the parameters are available (see Section

One can obtain a slightly better estimate o f the sum o f the squared errors
by a reverse estimation of e(0), e( - 1 ) , . . . , e( - q + 1) (see Problem 9.34),
but for reasonably long data sequences, this extra effort is usually unnecessary
because the initial values have little significant effect on the final estimates.
Note that again in this case, the maximum likelihood estimator is closely
approximated by the minimum MSE estimator based on the conditional sum of
squares and the deviation is significant only for small N. However, one cannot
minimize the sum of the squares by differentiating and setting the derivatives
equal to zero as was done in the autoregressive case.

9.4.5 Estimating the Parameters of ARM A ( p, q) Processes

If the order p o f the numerator and the order q of the denominator of an A R M A
( p , q) model are identified, then the conditional likelihood function is maximized
by minimizing the sums of the squared errors of a sequence o f observations,
starting with, e(l — q), e(2 - q ) , , e(0) all assumed to be zero. The pro­
cedure including the trial-and-error minimization of 2~=f,+1 e2(n) is the same as
with a moving average process. An example of an A R M A (1, 1) process illus­
trates the procedure.

TABLE 9.7 X(n). n = 1___ , 100 (READ BY ROWS)

0.203 0.225 -1 .0 1 8 -0 .2 4 9 -0 .5 4 5
1.015 1.064 0.323 -1 .7 4 0 -0 .6 0 0
-1 .8 7 4 -1 .2 5 5 0.211 - 1.097 -1 .9 3 6
1.284 -1.261 -0 .9 9 3 1.393 0.127
-0 .4 9 4 -2 .9 1 3 0.278 -0 .0 6 9 0.569
0.810 0.900 0.956 1.119 -0.231
-0 .3 9 4 0.227 -0 .7 6 5 0.884 0.461
1.084 0.998 1.370 -0 .2 4 8 -1 .2 3 4
-1 .467 -1 .628 -1 .1 3 5 -0 .9 2 2 0.450
-1 .065 0.791 1.659 -0 .0 5 5 -0 .2 7 3
-2 .3 3 6 -0 .3 7 0 0.289 -0 .5 0 4 0.239
-0 .5 1 6 -1 .346 -1.321 -0 .4 6 7 0.738
-0.671 0.961 -0.771 0.561 0.163
-0 .1 3 6 0.214 0.150 1.734 1.366
0.100 -0 .2 5 0 0.945 -0 .0 5 3 1.297
1.041 0.647 -1.531 1.348 -0 .0 6 3
0.300 0.347 1.352 -0 .9 1 3 0.477
-1 .3 8 4 -0.471 1.464 -0 .1 1 8 1.156
0.156 -0.016 0.696 -0 .3 3 8 0.909
0.150 0.242 2.595 -0 .4 7 7 -0 .4 8 3


0,,, AND <j>,,

0U \ -0 .4 0 -0 .3 6 -0 .3 2 -0 .3 1 -0 .3 0 -0 .2 9 -0 .2 5
0.40 98.998 97.647 96.745 96.584 96.448 96.336 96.122
0.43 97.936 96.916 96.317 96.228 96.163 96.121 96.176
0.44 97.636 96.724 96.223 96.158 96.116 96.097 96.240
0.45 97.364 96.558 96.155 96.113 96.094 96.097 96.327
0.46 97.120 96.418 96.111 96.092 96.095 96.121 96.437
0.47 96.902 96.304 96.092 96.096 96.121 96.169 96.570
0.48 96.712 96.215 96.097 96.124 96.171 96.240 96.725
0.49 96.549 96.153 96.128 96.176 96.246 96.336 96.904
0.55 96.147 96.323 96.829 97.004 97.199 97.413 98.461
0.60 96.563 97.178 98.093 98.367 98.659 98.969 100.391


Consider the data in Table 9.7. Find the estimates o f cj>u , 0U , and <j 2

The sum of squares for various values of < J > i and 0 La are shown in Table 9.8.
The resulting estimates are 0u = .46 and <}>u = —.31. (Note 0M = .47 and
4>!, = —.32 are also possible choices.) The variance a N 2 o f e is estimated from


1 e2(n)
= .99 (9.73)

9.4.6 ARIM A Preliminary Parameter Estimation

In sections 9.4.3, 9.4.4, and 9.4.5 we presented a general method o f estimating
A R M A parameters after differencing in order to produce stationarity and after
deciding the order p o f the autoregressive part o f the model, and the order q
o f the moving average part. However, the trial and error procedure involved
when q 0 is easier when preliminary estimates of the parameters are available.
Here we discuss how to obtain such preliminary estimates from the sample a.c.c.
and the sample p.a.c.c.

Briefly consider the first-order moving average model. For zero-mean ran­
dom variables the sample autocorrelation coefficient at lag 1 can be estimated

2 X{n)X(n - 1)
rXX{ 1) = ------------------
2 X 2(n)

and from Equation 5.41.a it can be seen that

1 + 0?.i

Then a preliminary estimator o f 0,a is

= 2 iT T > l ' t V r = ^ ;jm

It can be shown that only one o f these values will fall within the invertibility
limits, —1 < 0U < + 1 , if the correlation coefficients are true values. If the
correlation coefficients are estimated, then usually Equation 9.74 will produce
only one solution within the allowable constraints.
In a second-order moving average model (see Equation 5.45)

02,1 + 0 2 , 102,2
rXx { l ) (9.75)
l + 02,i + el,2


_____ 0^2_____
r x v ( 2 ) — (9.76)
1 + 02,1 + 0 l2

These two equations can be solved for the initial estimates, §2,i and 02,2 by using
the estimated values for rx x { 1) and rx x (2).
Initial estimates for a mixed autoregressive moving average process are found
using the same general techniques. The autocorrelation coefficients for the first
p + q values o f lag are estimated from the data, and equations that relate these

values to the unknown parameters are used to arrive at preliminary estimates

for the unknown parameters.
For instance for the A R M A (1, 1) process (see Equations 5.56 and 5.54.b)

(1 + 4>i,i8u )(4>u + 9 U )
(1 + 0f,i + 2<t>u 0u )


rxx{ 2) = < t> u ^ (l) (9.78)

These two equations can be solved in order to find initial estimates of (j>u and
0i,! in terms o f the estimates, rx x ( l) and rx x (2).
In all cases the allowable regions for the unknown parameters must be ob­
served. Then these initial estimates should be used in the more efficient (i.e.,
smaller variance) estimating procedures described in previous sections. (If N is
very large, then the initial estimates may be sufficiently accurate.)

9.4.7 Diagnostic Checking

We have discussed identifying A R IM A models and estimating the parameters
o f the identified models. There is always the possibility that the identified model
with the estimated parameters is not an acceptable model. Thus, the third and
indispensable step in this iterative Box-Jenkins procedure is diagnostic checking
of the model (see Figure 9.7).
One cannot decide via statistical tests that a model is “ correct.” The model
may fail a statistical test because it is actually not a representative model (wrong
p or wrong d or wrong q, or poorly estimated parameters) or because the process
has changed between that realization that was tested and the realization that
exists at the time o f use. Similarly, serendipity could result in a model that is
not representative of the realization at the time o f test, but is sufficiently rep­
resentative of the process being modeled to produce useful analysis and suc­
cessful designs. However, the model must be checked. Furthermore, if the model
“ fails” the tests then a new and improved model should be proposed and the
stages of identification, parameter estimation, and diagnostic testing should be
In this section, we introduce several diagnostic tests of a proposed A R IM A
( p , d, q) model. All tests are based on the residual errors. First, if the residual
errors are white, then they are random, and the run test described in Section
9.2 can be used directly on the residual errors without any additional processing.
Tests based on the autocorrelation function of the residual errors are introduced
in the next section. We also propose another test based on the power spectral
distribution function o f the errors. In all cases, the first essential check of a

model is to observe errors. If one identifies, for example, an A R IM A (1, 0, 1)

model and has estimated the parameters 4>u and 0U , then using these estimates
and the same data, the observed errors e(n), where

e(n) = X ( n ) - $ u X { n - 1) - 8u e(/i - 1) (9.79)

should be plotted and inspected. If possible and economical, the errors of a

different realization or different time sample of the same process using the
identified model and estimated parameters from the previous realization should
be examined.
In addition, the sample autocorrelation coefficients and the sample partial
autocorrelation coefficients of the errors should be plotted and inspected. They
should look like sample functions from white noise.

A Test Using the Sample Autocorrelation Function of Residual Errors. In

autoregressive moving-average models, e(n) is white noise. Thus, if the model
is correct and the parameters are well established, then the residual errors e(n)
should be uncorrelated except at lag 0. However, the question is, how much
deviation from zero is too much to discredit the model?
There are a number of tests of the errors based on the sample autocorrelation
coefficients rtt of the errors. One is based on the sum of squares of the observed
correlation coefficient of the errors.
The rather complicated and significant correlation between the sample cor­
relation coefficients ree(m) of residual errors has led to tests based on the sum
of the squares of the first k (say 20) values of ree(m).
It is possible to show* that if the fitted model is appropriate, then

C(k) = (N - d) 2 n . ( m) (9.80)

is approximately distributed as

X k-p-q

where ree is the sample correlation coefficient of the observed errors e(m ), for
example, e(m) = X ( m ) — X ( m ) , N — d is the number of samples (after dif­
ferencing) used to fit the model, and p and q are the number of autoregressive
and moving average terms respectively in the model.
Thus, a table of chi-square with (k - p — q) degrees of freedom can be
used to compare the observed value of C with the value x l - P-q;a found in a table

*See Section 8.2.2 of Reference [5].



of a chi-square distribution. An observed C larger than that from the table

indicates that the model is inadequate at the a significance level.


Using the data o f Table 9.9, which are the observed errors e (« ), after an assumed
A R IM A (1, 0, 2) model has been fit, test for randomness using a chi-square
test with the first 20 sample autocorrelation coefficients, at the 5% significance

Using Equation 9.80

C(20) = 100 £ r l ( m ) = 341

From Appendix E, x ,7 05 “ 27.6. Thus, the hypothesis of random errors is



0.092 0.390 -0 .7 2 8 -0 .8 8 6 -1 .0 9 7
0.128 1.244 1.142 -0 .9 7 9 - 1.449
-2.751 -3 .4 5 4 -2 .3 6 3 -2 .9 3 6 -4 .5 2 6
-2 .396 -3 .0 6 3 -3 .9 3 2 -1 .7 8 2 -1 .3 5 3
-2.021 -4 .7 2 7 -3 .6 7 4 -2 .7 3 0 -1 .9 2 3
-0 .9 2 0 -0 .1 1 9 0.598 1.373 0.697
-0 .0 1 9 0.276 -0 .4 5 0 0.487 1.014
1.765 2.408 3.209 2.306 0.532
-0.862 -2 .0 2 9 -2.501 -2 .702 - 1.636
-2 .3 3 9 -1 .3 2 8 0.655 0.240 , -0 .4 2 8
-2 .7 0 8 -2 .5 9 5 -1 .4 8 6 -1 .7 6 0 -1 .3 5 2
-1 .6 3 4 -2 .8 3 5 -3 .6 5 8 -3 .3 6 0 -1 .9 3 9
-2.342 -1 .2 5 4 -1 .8 1 6 -1.241 -0 .8 1 9
-1 .0 1 6 -0 .7 2 5 -0 .4 9 3 1.232 2.320
1.695 0.945 1.766 1.516 2.452
3.166 3.121 0.988 2.178 2.140
1.928 2.082 3.122 1.723 1.780
0.380 -0 .1 4 6 1.687 1.409 2.115
1.999 1.497 2.003 1.408 2.041
1.996 1.817 4.177 3.036 1.690

Durbin- Watson Test. If we wish to examine the residual errors e (n) after fitting
an A R IM A model, the Durbin-Watson test is often used. The observed errors
e(n) are assumed to follow a first-order autoregressive model, that is,

e(n) = pe(n — 1) + a(n) (9.81)

where a(n) is zero-mean Gaussian white noise. Under this assumption if p —

0, then the e(n) would also be white noise. If p = 0, then

2 [« (« ) ~ 6(n “ !) ] 2
D = ^ v-------------------- (9.82)
X e2( ; )
; =i

would have an expected value o f approximately 2 (for large N ). (See Problem

However, if p > 0 then D would tend to be smaller than 2. On the other
hand, if p < 0, then D would tend to be larger than 2.
In order to test the null hypothesis that p = 0 versus the one-sided alternative
p > 0, the procedure is as follows and uses a table of the Durbin-Watson statistic
(see Appendix I).

1. If D < dL (where D is from Equation 9.82, and dL is found in Appendix

I corresponding with the significance level of the test, the sample size N
and the number of coefficients that have been estimated, k = p + q),
reject H0, and conclude that errors are positively correlated.
2. If D > du (from Appendix I), accept H0.
3. I f d t < D < du, the test is inconclusive.

To test the null hypothesis p = 0 versus the alternative p < 0 the procedure

1. Use 4 - D rather than D.

2. Then follow the previous procedure.


Use the data from Example 9.10 and test the hypothesis p = 0 at the 5%
significance level versus the alternative, p > 0.


From Equation 9.82 we obtain


2 [eO ) - e( « - i)]
/. =*>
D = 100 « .246
2 *2( j )

This is considerably below 1.61 which is dL in Appendix I for 100 degrees

of freedom with 3 coefficients (called regressors in Appendix I) having been
estimated. Therefore we can conclude that p > 0, and the errors are correlated.
Thus, a different model is needed.

A Test Using the Cumulative Estimated Power Spectral Density Function of

the Residual Errors. When the aim of the model is to estimate a power spectral
density function, we must check whether or not the model has adequately cap­
tured the frequency domain characteristics. If the residual errors are white, as
they will be with a “ good” model, then

S M ) = ri, l/l < \ (9.83)

It has been shown by Bartlett* that the cumulative spectral density function
C ( f ) of the residuals provides an efficient test for whiteness, where

0 < / < \ (9.84)


Note that if Sct( f ) is as given in Equation 9.83 then C ( /) would be a straight

line between (0, 0) and (i, <r%-). Because a 2N is not known, then its estimator

cr 1
N - d - p - q „ =I

*See Section 8.2.4 of Reference [3].


( a ) A p p r o x i m a t e l y w h it e re s id u a ls

( b ) N o n w h it e re s id u a ls .

F ig u r e 9 .1 2 C u m u la t iv e s p e c tr a l d e n s it y
fu n c t io n s o f re s id u a ls .

is used where N, d, p, q, are as defined in the foregoing chi-square test. The

plot shown in Figure 9.12a represents a reasonable fit. On the other hand, lack
of whiteness can be seen in Figure 9.12£>. This figure indicates that there is
significant deviation from white noise with an excess of power at about / = f.

The primary purpose of this chapter was to introduce the subject of estimat­
ing the unknown parameters o f a random sequence from data. The basic
ideas of statistics that were introduced in Chapter 8 were applied to estimat­
ing the mean value, the autocorrelation function, and the spectral density
function. Throughout this chapter, the random sequence is assumed to be sta-

tionary, and if only one sample function is available, which is often the case,
then ergodicity is also assumed. Tests for stationary were discussed in Section
9.2, and simple transformations to induce stationarity were discussed in Sec­
tion 9.4.1.

Two basic approaches to estimating unknown parameters o f random processes

were introduced in this chapter. The first, which is called model-free estima­
tion, basically calculates estimates of the mean, autocorrelation function, and
power spectral density function from a time-limited sample function(s), that
is, realization(s), of the random process. The advantage o f this method is that
the data primarily determine the important descriptors o f the random process.
The disadvantage is that more data are required in order to reduce the vari­
ance of the estimator to an acceptable level. In addition, it was shown that
simple estimators of the power spectral density function will have a variance
that does not decrease as the amount o f data increases. Thus, some averaging
or smoothing is necessary, and window functions for smoothing were

The second basic approach to estimating unknown parameters of random

processes is called a model-based approach. This approach was presented by
introducing the Box-Jenkins method o f estimating the parameters o f A R IM A
model. After differencing (the I in A R IM A ) the data in order to produce
(quasi-) stationarity, the orders of the resulting autoregressive (A R ) moving-
average (M A ) model were “ identified” using the sample autocorrelation and
partial autocorrelation functions. Then the ( p + q) parameters of the
A R M A model were estimated. These estimates of the parameters can be
substituted in mathematical expressions to obtain estimates o f psd or auto­
correlation functions. Finally, diagnostic checking of the residual errors was

This model-based approach has the advantage o f needing fewer data for esti­
mators with acceptably small variance, that is, the model is a substitute for
data. If the assumed model is adequate, this is a definite savings; if not, the
use of the estimated parameters in the assumed model is likely to result in
poor designs and analysis based on the model. Another advantage o f the
A R M A parametric models is that the form o f the resulting model is very con­
venient for both analysis and design of communication and control systems.


T h e lite r a t u r e o n s p e c tr a l e s t im a t io n is v a st a n d is e x p a n d in g at a r a p id r a te . R e f e r e n c e s
[8 ] a n d [9 ] p r e s e n t c o m p r e h e n s i v e c o v e r a g e o f r e c e n t d e v e l o p m e n t s in p a r a m e t e r e s t i­
m a t io n , m o s t o f w h ic h e m p h a s iz e a u t o r e g r e s s iv e m o d e l s . In c e r t a in im p o r t a n t a p p lic a ­
t io n s , t h e s e r e c e n t ly d e v e l o p e d t e c h n iq u e s r e s u lt in m o r e e f f ic ie n t e s t im a t o r s th a n th e


g e n e r a l m e t h o d s i n t r o d u c e d h e r e . R e f e r e n c e s [7 ], [1 0 ] a n d [1 1 ] c o v e r b o t h p a r a m e t r ic
a n d n o n p a r a m e t r ic m e t h o d s o f s p e c t r a l e s t im a t io n . R e f e r e n c e s [ 8 ] , [9 ] a n d [1 0 ] a r e r e c e n t
t e x t b o o k s th at h a v e e x c e lle n t t r e a tm e n t s o f s p e c t r a l e s t im a t io n m e t h o d s . R e f e r e n c e [7]
c o m p a r e s a v a r ie ty o f t e c h n iq u e s th a t a r e n o t c o v e r e d in th is c h a p t e r a n d c o n t a in s s e v e r a l
in t e r e s tin g e x a m p le s .
T h e b o o k b y B o x a n d J e n k in s [3 ] c o n t a in s a n e x c e ll e n t c o v e r a g e o f fittin g A R I M A
m o d e l s t o d a ta . M u c h o f th e m a te r ia l in t h e s e c o n d h a lf o f th is c h a p t e r is d e r i v e d f r o m
[3 ], R e f e r e n c e [6] c o v e r s s im ila r m a te r ia l.
R e f e r e n c e [2 ] is th e c la s s ic r e f e r e n c e o n n o n p a r a m e t r ic e s t im a t io n o f p o w e r s p e c t r a ,
a n d [1 ] h a s b e e n a w id e ly u s e d t e x t o n th is m a te r ia l.
C u r r e n t a r t ic le s d e a lin g w it h s p e c t r a l e s t im a t io n m a y b e f o u n d in t h e r e c e n t is s u e s o f
th e IE E E Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.
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cedures, S e c o n d E d it i o n , W i l e y I n t e r s c ie n c e , N e w Y o r k , 1 9 8 6 .

[2 ] R . B . B la c k m a n a n d J. W . T u k e y , The Measurement o f Power Spectra, D over,

N e w Y o r k , 1958.

[3 ] G . E . P. B o x a n d G . M . J e n k in s , Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control,

H o l d e n - D a y , S a n F r a n c is c o , 1 9 7 6 .

[4 ] N . R . D r a p e r a n d H . S m it h , Applied Regression Analysis, 2 n d e d ., J oh n W ile y &

S o n s, N e w Y o r k , 1981.

[5 ] J. D u r b in , “ T e s t in g f o r S e r ia l C o r r e l a t i o n in L e a s t -S q u a r e s R e g r e s s i o n w h e n S o m e
o f t h e R e g r e s s o r s a r e L a g g e d D e p e n d e n t V a r i a b l e s ,” Econometrica, V o l. 3 8 , 1970,
p . 410.

[6 ] G . M . J e n k in s a n d D . G . W a tt s , Spectral Analysis and Its Applications, H o ld e n -

D a y , S an F r a n c is c o , 1 9 6 8 .

[7 ] S. M . K a y a n d S . L . M a r p l e , J r ., “ S p e c t r u m A n a ly s is — A M o d e r n P e r s p e c t iv e ,”
Proceedings o f the IEEE, V o l. 6 9 , N o . 11, N o v . 1981.

[8 ] S. M . K ay, Modern Spectral Estimation—Theory and Applications, P r e n t ic e -H a ll,

E n g l e w o o d C liffs , N .J ., 1986.

[9 ] S. L . M a r p l e , J r ., Digital Spectral Analysis, P r e n t i c e - H a l l , E n g l e w o o d C liffs , N .J .,

19 8 6 .

[1 0 ] N . M o h a n ty , Random Signals, Estimation and Identification, V a n N ostra n d and

R e i n h o l d , N e w Y o r k , 19 8 6 .

[1 1 ] M . B . P rie s tly , Spectral Analysis and Time Series, A c a d e m ic P ress, N e w Y o r k ,

19 81.

[1 2 ] S . S. W ilk s , Mathematical Statistics, J o h n W il e y & S o n s , N e w Y o r k , 1962.


9.1 a. Test the stationarity of the mean o f the sample

.1; - . 2 ; - . 3 ; .2; .4; .1; - . 1 ; .5; - . 3 ;

.2; - . 2 ; - . 3 ; - . 4 ; - . 1 ; 1; - . 2 ; .1; - .2 .

by comparing the sample mean o f the first half with the sample mean of
the second half and testing, at the 1% significance level, the null hypothesis
that they are the same.

b. Test for stationarity o f the variance by using the F test on the

sample variances of the first and second part.

9.2 X (n ) is a stationary zero-mean Gaussian random sequence with an auto­

correlation function

Rxx(k) = e x p ( -0 .2 £ 1
Show that X(ti) is ergodic.

9.3 Generate (using a computer program) a sequence o f 100 independent

Gaussian random variates, W(n), n = 1, 2, . . . , 100, with E{W{n) } =
0 and Var{W (n)} = 1. Using W(n), generate 100 samples of

X ( n ) = 10 + (0.01)(n)W (n), n = 1, 2, . . . , 100

Divide the data X ( n ) into 10 groups o f 10 contiguous samples each and
test for stationarity of mean-square values using the run test at a signifi­
cance level of 0.1.

9.4 If Xi and X 2 are jointly normal with zero means, then show that

E{X\X\} = E {X]\E{X\} + 2 E2{ X lX 2}

Hint: E { X j X l } = E{E[X\X% X2\i = E{X\E{X\\X2}}

= £ {* i[a f(l - + r2 ^ * 2]}


E { X $ = 3ct2
Hint: See Example 2.13.

9.5 X {n ) is a zero-mean Gaussian random sequence with

Rxx{k) = exp( —0.2/c2)

Assume that RXx(k), at k = 10, is estimated using 100 samples of X (n )
according to

1 90
«xx(10) = — 2 X ( i ) X ( i + 10)

Find the variance of £ ^ (1 0 ).

9.6 Show that Equation 9.5.b follows from Equation 9.5.a in the stationary

9.7 If RXx(n) = a", n > 0, 0 < a < 1, find Var[X].

9.8 Show that the variance o f Rxx(k) as given in Equation 9.7 for a Gaussian
random sequence is for 0 < k < N
^ N -k-1

(N _ k\2 Z (N — k - \m\)[R2
\i y K) m =~(N-k-l)

+ R xx(m - k)RXx{m + A:)] - |x4

9.9 Show that

/ 2ttnp\ N
2 cos2
n—0 V N ) 11 p A 0,

= N, P = o, ' E

9.10 Find the mean, variance, and covariance o f A p and Bp defined in Equation
9.18, that is find E{A„}, E{BP}, Vai{Ap}, Var{Bp}, Covar{Ap, A q} and
Covar{/4p5 ,}.

9.11 With N = 500 and M = 25,

a. Plot the Barlett, Blackman-Tukey, and the Parzen windows in the

time domain (i.e., plot \(k), |A| = 1, 2, . . . , M).

b. Plot WN(f) for these windows, for |/| = p/N, p = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,


9.12 Using a computer program, generate 1000 samples o f the realization of

the process

X ( n ) = [W W + W{n - 1)]
n = 1,2,3, , 1000

where W(n) is an independent Gaussian sequence with zero-mean and

unit variance.

a. Find Rxx(k) and Sxx(f).

b. Using the data, obtain the periodogram based estimate o f Sxx(f)

and compare the estimated value o f Sxx(f ) with^the true value o f Sxx(f)
obtained in part (a), that is, sketch Sxx(f) and Sxx(f).

9.13 With reference to Problem 9.12, divide the data into 10 contiguous seg­
ments o f 100 points each. Obtain Sxx(f) for each segment and average
the estimates. Plot the average o f the estimates Sxx(f) and Sxx(f).

9.14 Smooth the spectral estimate in the frequency domain obtained in Prob­
lem 9.12 using a rectangular window o f size 2m + 1 = 9. Com­
pare the smoothed estimate Sxx(f) with Sxx(f).

9.15 By changing the seed to the random-number generator, obtain 10 sets of

100 data joints using the model given in Problem 9.12. Obtain the spectral
estimate Sx x(f) for each of the 10 data sets. Using these estimates, com ­
pute the sample variance of $xx(f) as

where Sxx{ f) is the average o f the 10 estimates. Plot VarfJyvlf)} versus

f for |/| = p / N , p = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ,50.

9.16 With reference to Problem 9.12, apply the Barlett, Blackman-Tukey, and
Parzen windows with M = 25 and plot the smoothed estimates of Sxx(f).

9.17 With continuous data and

Show that

a. p. is unbiased

9.18 Refer to Problem 9.17. Let X be band-limited white noise with

Show that

^ 4 BT

Note that there are 4B T independent samples in the sampling time 2 T.

9.19 If we estimate E { X 2(t)} of an ergodic process by

Show that

a. X 2 is unbiased.

b. [ % :W - M-A- - 2p.J-o-^ - 0-^] dT

and if \xx = 0 and X is Gaussian, then


9.20 Refer to Problem 9.19. If A"is zero-mean Gaussian band-limited ( B) white

noise and B > IIT, show that
- cr4
V ar{^-}
i j= —

if CXx is as in Problem 9.18.

9.21 Using Equations 9.11, 9.12 and 9.13, show that

a- R x x (k ) = ^ E d ( i ) X ( i ) d ( i + k ) X ( i + k) ,

k = 0, . . . , ' n - 1

b. i**■(/) = E Rxx exp(-;'2'rrw /)

m = —»

9.22 X ( n ) is a ran dom sequen ce with

a X(n) ~ CM-A»

Y (n ) = In A'(n)


1.065 0.711 -1 .0 7 9 -0.731 -1 .1 6 5
0.115 0.263 -0 .4 7 8 -2 .0 0 6 -0 .0 6 8
-0.581 0.022 1.611 -0 .3 0 9 -1 .8 8 3
1.177 -1 .7 7 3 -2 .1 7 6 0.891 -0 .2 5 0
-0 .802 -2 .4 0 9 1.446 1.577 1.400
1.311 0.709 0.205 -0.031 -1 .5 3 9
-1 .5 1 2 -0 .2 0 7 -0 .6 9 8 1.392 1.442
1.853 1.685 1.542 -0 .5 8 2 -2 .0 4 3
-2.207 -2 .2 5 3 -1.541 -0.951 0.796
-0 .3 6 6 1.643 2.850 0.516 .-0 .1 4 3
-2 .3 2 3 -0 .6 5 8 -0 .0 1 6 -1 .4 2 2 -0 .6 3 4
-0 .9 1 8 -1 .3 6 4 -0 .6 0 7 0.799 2.085
0.269 1.353 -0 .6 8 7 -0 .1 0 7 -0 .5 6 7
-1 .2 8 0 -0 .6 7 6 -0.341 1.675 1.711
0.473 0.419 1.782 0.427 1.088
0.459 -0 .5 9 5 -2.821 0.423 -0.321
0.002 0.847 2.114 -0 .0 8 7 1.095
-0.721 -0 .4 8 8 1.318 -0 .9 7 5 -0 .1 5 3
-0.771 -0 .8 0 2 0.656 0.105 1.640
1.159 0.887 3.042 -0 .7 2 4 -1 .542


0.199 0.304 -0 .9 3 7 -0 .6 6 9 -0 .6 1 2
0.828 1.517 0.732 -1 .6 6 4 -1 .3 4 8
-2 .0 7 7 -1 .9 5 0 -0 .1 6 6 -0 .8 8 7 -2 .2 9 8
0.602 -0 .6 2 4 -1 .4 6 8 1.071 0.752
-0 .4 5 0 -3 .1 2 0 -0 .8 8 0 0.166 0.613
1.097 1.223 1.277 1.433 0.131
-0 .5 8 6 0.019 -0 .6 8 9 0.569 0.842
1.246 1.402 1.698 0.212 -1 .4 4 4
-2 .0 1 7 -2 .1 9 7 -1 .7 0 3 -1 .2 4 7 0.212
-0 .7 6 6 0.419 2.046 0.608 -0 .3 5 9
-2.491 -1 .3 2 5 0.230 -0 .3 1 4 0.085
-0 .3 7 8 -1 .5 4 0 -1 .8 2 7 -0 .9 9 2 0.653
-0 .2 9 0 0.718 -0.351 0.229 0.406
-0 .0 9 0 0.148 0.229 1.782 2.045
0.564 -0 .3 1 7 0.767 0.285 1.221
1.530 0.987 -1 .3 5 9 0.653 0.484
0.229 -0 .4 5 4 1.460 -0 .4 0 4 0.040
-1 .2 0 3 -1.051 1.326 -0 .5 1 3 1.086
0.603 -0 .0 1 9 0.646 -0 .0 9 2 0.730
0.500 0.255 2.661 0.522 -0 .7 9 9

Find approximately the standard deviation of Y{n) using a Taylor series


9.23 If an estimated A R M A model is

X( n) = .9X( n - 1) - .2X( n - 2) + .5e(n - 1) + e(n)

find the corresponding autocorrelation function, autocorrelation coeffi­

cient, and power density spectrum.

9.24 Examine the data set given in Table 9.9 for stationarity by

a. Plotting the data.

b. Plotting X versus n.

c. Plotting S2 versus n.
d. Plotting rxx versus n.

e. Plotting X {n ) x X( n - 1) versus n

9.25 If Xx(n) and X 2(n) are jointly wide-sense stationary sequences

a. Show that Y(n) = X {(n) — X 2(n) is wide-sense stationary.
b. Find the mean and autocorrelation function of Y(n)

9.26. Find the first difference o f the sequence

a. 1, 1.5, 2.0, 3.5, 3.0, 4.0.
b. Create the original series from the first difference.

9.27 The data W{n) in Table 9.10 (read across) have a periodic component.
Plot the data and find a reasonable guess for m in the model
X (n ) — (1 — z~m) W( n) = W( n) — W(n — m)

Plot X(n). Recover W(n) from X(n).

9.28 Estimate the parameters <f>u and cr2 o f a first-order autoregressive model
from the data set in Table 9.11 (read across).


0.208 -0 .9 7 9 -0 .7 2 9 -0 .5 5 8 0.916
1.633 0.729 -1 .8 1 4 -1 .5 2 9 -2 .0 1 3
-1 .8 0 7 0.068 -0 .5 9 2 -2 .1 7 5 0.677
-0 .3 5 7 -1 .4 1 4 1.104 0.931 -0 .4 5 6
-3 .2 2 5 -0 .9 4 9 0.436 0.846 1.182
1.203 1.173 1.286 -0.031 -0 .7 9 3
-0 .0 9 3 -0 .6 6 5 0.577 0.924 1.246
1.335 1.568 0.047 -1 .6 7 9 -2 .1 6 8
-2 .1 4 5 -1 .5 0 4 -0 .9 6 7 0.478 -0 .5 3 2
0.473 2.135 0.646 -0.541 -2 .6 5 4
-1 .4 0 2 0.430 -0 .0 6 9 0.159 -0 .3 3 3
-1.541 -1 .8 2 5 -0 .8 0 4 0.877 -0 .0 8 5
0.727 -0 .3 2 3 0.163 0.410 -0 .0 9 6
0.102 0.219 1.771 2.054 0.432
-0 .5 7 8 0.587 0.268 1.159 1.497
0.886 -1 .5 4 0 0.446 0.548 0.226
0.402 1.421 -0 .4 3 5 -0 .1 2 6 -1.241
-1.082 1.414 0.691 1.044 0.535
-0 .1 4 6 0.529 -0 .1 2 3 0.660 0.492
0.195 2.587 0.518 -1 .0 4 9 -0.561


0.302 0.284 2.439 0.922 0.039
1.466 0.708 0.828 -0 .0 3 4 -1.051
-0.268 -1 .0 3 5 1.813 0.076 -1 .2 1 5
0.135 -0 .0 8 0 1.696 1.067 -2 .0 7 2
-0.827 -0 .9 9 6 0.604 1.102 0.455
-0.427 0.134 0.938 1.167 0.382
0.029 -0 .1 8 6 0.045 0.080 1.414
0.810 -1 .3 5 8 1.121 0.895 0.996
-0 .5 1 6 -1 .5 6 5 0.840 1.075 0.942
-1 .5 2 4 -1 .2 4 5 0.303 -0.131 -1 .4 9 4
-1.771 -1 .1 7 6 0.189 2.273 1.780
0.941 1.230 -0 .4 9 6 0.044 -1 .6 4 4
-1.879 -1.631 -2 .3 0 5 -1 .2 9 9 -0 .1 8 7
-0.147 2.735 -0 .4 0 0 -1 .8 9 2 -0.571
0.397 -1 .2 6 7 -0 .0 7 9 0.043 0.967
-0.758 -0 .4 5 3 -0 .1 2 8 0.997 0.736
0.514 0.672 -0 .6 7 9 0.449 0.988
-0.075 -0 .8 1 7 -1 .3 6 7 -0 .2 6 0 0.623
0.043 -0 .6 0 0 -1 .2 1 8 -0 .9 9 0 -0 .3 8 5
0.264 -0 .7 7 7 -1 .7 3 7 -1 .9 2 4 -1 .6 5 8

9.29 Differentiate Equation 9.57 partially with respect to ar2and set the resulting
derivative equal to zero in order to find the maximum likelihood estimator
of a 2.

9.30 Why are “ Equations” 9.65 and 9.66 only approximations? Show the exact
form that follows from Equation 9.64.

9.31 Estimate the parameters <fj2li, <P

2,2, and ct2 of a second-order autoregressive
model from the data set in Table 9.12 (read across).

9.32 Give the matrix form of the estimators for an orderp autoregressive model.
Hint: See Section 8.10.3.

9.33 Given the data in Table 9.13, estimate 0 in the model X(n) = 0<?(« — 1)
+ e{n).

9.34 In the previous problem, estimate the unconditional sum of squares using
the following procedure:

a. Assume that a(101) = 0.


b. Backcast the model (assuming a value for 0) using a(n) =

X (n) — 6a(n + 1), n = 100, 99, . . . , 1. where a(n) is a white -noise se­
quence. It is different from e(n) but it has the same probabilistic char­

c. Assume that a(0) is equal to zero, that is, its unconditional ex­
pectation because it is independent of X( n) , n a 1.
d. At the end of the backcast, AT(0) can be found.
e. Using this AT(0), as opposed to assuming it is equal to zero, find
X ( l ) from X ( n ) = 0e(n - 1) + e(n). That is, e(0) = AT(0) - 0e( —1)
and because e ( - l ) = 0, e(0) = AT(0). Then e (l) = AT(1) - 0e(O) and
subsequently all e(n) and the sum of squares can be calculated.

9.35 Compare the estimated unconditional sum of squares in Problem 9.33 with
the conditional sum of squares from Problem 9.34.

9.36 Estimate 4>t I; 9U, and crjy in the model

X ( n ) = (\>lAX (n - 1) + 0u e(n - 1) + e{n)

using the data in Table 9.14.


0.199 0.340 -0 .8 4 3 -0.771 -0 .8 9 0
0.560 1.471 1.090 -1 .2 5 3 -1.411
-2.527 -2 .6 0 0 -1 .0 4 9 -1 .4 8 3 -2 .7 4 5
-0.167 -1 .0 9 5 -1 .6 8 3 0.541 0.593
-0 .2 5 5 -3 .1 0 8 - 1.485 -0 .5 9 4 0.305
1.023 1.443 1.687 1.962 0.757
-0 .1 3 0 0.119 -0 .6 6 4 0.483 0.820
1.487 1.786 2.260 0.904 -0 .9 1 5
-2 .0 3 8 - 2.688 -2.491 -2 .1 1 9 -0.571
-1 .2 2 4 0.090 1.835 0.963 0.086
-2 .3 4 4 -1 .7 1 9 -0 .4 4 6 -0 .6 3 6 -0 .1 1 9
-0 .5 2 4 -1 .6 5 5 -2 .2 2 5 - 1.589 0.019
-0 .5 4 0 0.606 -0 .3 5 6 0.268 0.376
0.038 0.204 0.273 1.870 2.427
1.307 0.290 1.030 0.543 1.505
1.884 1.585 -0 .7 7 9 0.768 0.509
0.486 0.600 1.657 -0 .0 0 5 0.306
-1.160 -1 .1 8 3 0.919 0.513 1.323
0.895 0.365 0.845 0.132 0.901
0.681 0.538 2.858 1.136 -0 .1 2 8

9.37 Let e( n) be a zero-mean unit variance white Gaussian sequence, and

X ( n ) = 3 X ( n - 1) — .2e(n — 1) + e(n)
a. Find rxx{k).

b. Generate a sequence X ( l ) , . . . , A(100) using a random number

generator. Find the sample autocorrelation coefficient rxx{k).
c. Change the seed in the random number generator and repeat part
(b). Compare the results.
d. Use either sequence and estimate the A R M A model.

e. Calculate and plot e(n) using the estimated model.

f. Plot rte(Ar) from the results o f part (e).

9.38 Solve Equations 9.75 and 9.76 for 02,i and 02,2 if L w (l) = -4 and
rx x (2 ) = .1 .

9.39 Solve Equations 9.77 and 9.78 for , and 0!! if rx x ( 1) = .4 and
rXx( 2) = -I-


0.543 -0 .1 2 2 1.178 -0 .4 0 5 -1 .2 5 7
0.611 -0 .5 5 3 0.543 -0 .8 4 7 0.131
-0 .8 0 6 -1 .7 1 0 -0 .6 7 7 -0 .1 5 9 -0 .2 0 7
-1 .4 9 6 -1 .2 1 4 -0 .4 7 6 0.388 1.537
0.539 0.289 -1 .6 0 2 0.202 2.797
1.244 0.549 -0 .2 2 9 0.909 - 1.479
-0.411 0.470 -1 .0 7 7 0.698 0.328
-0 .2 3 5 0.579 -0 .9 6 6 0.658 0.367
0.576 -0 .4 4 4 -0 .1 5 2 -0 .2 6 0 -0 .8 1 4
1.604 -1 .4 7 9 1.154 1.166 -0 .3 6 8
-0 .3 5 2 0.751 -0 .0 4 6 -1 .7 5 7 1.999
-0 .0 3 3 ” -0 .1 9 7 -0 .5 1 5 2.229 0.194
-0 .5 1 4 1.530 0.115 0.181 -0 .5 8 3
0.536 0.863 -0 .3 1 3 -1 .2 1 6 -0 .3 5 2
-0 .3 2 3 - 1.215 -0 .5 4 2 -2 .1 6 4 -0 .5 4 4
-0 .3 2 0 -0 .3 6 4 -0 .1 9 9 -1 .3 7 6 -0 .8 5 3
-1 .5 2 7 2.056 -0.651 0.742 -2 .1 0 7
-1 .7 1 6 0.516 -0 .9 1 6 -1 .2 6 6 -1 .6 0 0
0.863 -0 .8 7 8 0.090 0.992 1.020
0.438 -0.741 0.789 0.640 -0 .3 5 2

9.40 At the 5% level o f significance, what is the acceptable range o f C(20) as

given by Equation 9.80 in order to fail to reject the hypothesis that the
residuals o f an ARIMA (0, 1, 2) model are white when a 2 = 1?

9.41 Show that if e(n) is a zero-mean white noise sequence with variance cr2,
then the expected value o f D as given by Equation 9.82 is approximately
equal 2.

9.42 Test the error sequence shown in Table 9.15 for whiteness using the run

9.43 Test the error sequence shown in Table 9.15 for whiteness, that is, p =
0, using the Durbin-Watson test.

9.44 Test the error sequence shown in Table 9.15 for whiteness using a cu­
mulative spectral density plot.

9.45 Test the error sequence shown in Table 9.15 for whiteness using a chi-
square test on the sum o f the sample autocorrelation coefficients.

Fourier Transforms

X (f) = J x (t)e x p (—j2irft) dt

x(t) = J X (f ) e x p (j 2 n f t ) df

p |x(r)P dt = |*(/)|2 df
J -0 0 J - X


Name of Theorem Signal Fourier Transform
(1) Superposition a,x,(t) + a2x2(t) a, X,(/) + a2X 2( f )
(2) Time delay x(f - f0) X(/)exp(-/2ir/f0)
(3) Scale change M a t) |a|-'X(//a)
(4) Frequency x(t)exp(/2ir/0t) X(/ - /o)
(5) Modulation x(f)cos 2tt/ 0t 1W - / 0) + 4X(/ + /□)
d"x( t)
(6) Differentiation
d t"

(7) Integration j' x ( t ') d t' ( j2 r s f ) ~ 'X ( f ) + fX(0)8(/)

(8) Convolution J x, ( f - f')xj(f') d t' X,{/)X2(/)

= J x,(f')x2(f - f') d t'

(9) Multiplication x,(f)x2(f) f X ,{f - f ) X 2{ f ) d f

= f X,(/')X2(/ - /') d/'

S o u rc e : K. Sam Shanmugan, D ig ita l a n d A n a lo g C o m m u n ic a tio n S y s te m s , John Wiley

& Sons, New York, 1979, p. 581.


Signal x(f) Transform X(/)

( 1) A

s in tt/ t A
t A t A t s in e / t
- t /2 0 t 72 tt / t

( 2) a

„ sin2 ti/ t ,
St , ". = St sine2 / t
-T 0 T (tt/ t )2

(3 ) e ~ “ 'u ( f )
a + y'2Tr/
2 t
(4) exp( —| t ) / T )
1 + (2 - tt/ t )2

(5) exp[ —-tt(t/x)2} t exp[ - tt ( / t )2]

1 /( 2 W )

s in 2 T rH /f
( 6) = s in e 21/Vf
2vW t -w o IV

(7) exp[/{2-jT/ J + <t>)l exp(j4>)8(/ - /,.)

(8) cos(2trf ct + 4>) |S(/ - /Jexp(/(j)) + k U f + f c) e x p ( - ji> )
(9) 8(f — f0) exp(-/2-rr/f0)

(10) j ) 8(f — mTs) E » / -

j + 1 , f > 0
(11) sgn f =
t~ 1 , f < 0 tt/

1, t > 0 1
(12) o(f) = I 2 » (/) +
0, f < 0 /2 tt/
S o u rc e : K. Sam Shanmugan, D ig ita l a n d A n a lo g C o m m u n ic a tio n S y s te m s , John Wiley
& Sons, New York, 1979, p. 582.

Discrete Fourier Transforms

The DFT and the inverse DFT are computed by

2 x(n)exp k = 0, 1, 2, . . . , N - 1
N ~~N

■s% Xr{ v ) " ‘ °' u2' ■■■ 1

If x{n) is even,
^ |<N

k = 1 ,2 , ,
= X*F ( - kIN)


Time Sequence x(n) DFT X F

exp(2TT jf0n) fa ~
N 1 k = m
N 0 otherwise
m <2
COS 2 -77/00 /o = N k = m
N otherwise
m <2
sin 2 - n f 0n f - -
/o N 2/ k = m
N f \ n ) otherwise
m < 2 0
for n = 0
x(n) = for all k
x(n) = 0 s |n| < A/, < j
elsewhere sin

1 for n = n0 - j2 iz k n0
x(n) = exp
otherwise N

Z Transforms


1. 8, 1, all z

2. 1, ks= 0 (1 - z-'). 1 < |z|

3. k, k 0 z -'(1 - z ^ ' ) “ 2. 1 < |z]

4. k". k 3= 0
( - 4 ) 1,- r r ' ,<l2'
z-11 - z - ’ )” '. 0 < |zj
5. n =s k
(w' )
(1 + ZW”, 0 < |z|
6. ("1 0 « k n

7. a\ k 3= 0 (1 - a z ' 1) - ' . |a| < |zj

8. k^O
^ - z - ^ jll - a z -')-', |a | < |z|

9 a*. k< 0 -(1 - a Z~ ')~', |z| < |a|

10. ^a 1 k< 0 - ( - z | ) n - a z - r 1, |z| < Jotj

11. a all k 2
(1 - a 2)[(1 - az) (1 - a z " 1) ] ^ 1, | a| < |z| <

1 - 1 n(1 - z-'). 1 < |zj

12. k> 0

13. c o s ak , 1 ? 0 (1 - z ~ ' c o s a)(1 - 2 z ‘ x o s a + Z " 2) ~ ', 1 < |z|

14. sin ak , k 3= 0 z ^ ' s i n a( 1 - 2 z " ' c o s a + z -2) ' 1. 1 < |z|

15. a cos a k + b s in a k , k s O [a + z ~ ' ( b s in a - a c o s a)]

(1 - 2 z ~ ' c o s a + z " 2) - ' , 1 < |zj

1 d + ’c COS a ' (c + dz*')(1 - 2z ~ 'c o s a + z " 2) - \ 1 < jz|

16. a COS a k + s in ak,
V s in a

k ?0
17. cosh a k k » 0 (1 - z ' ' c o s h a)(1 - 2 z ~ ' c o s h a + z -2 ) \
18. si n h a k , k 0 ( z ~ ’ s i n h a)(1 — 2 z 'c o s h a + z V ,

m a x | |a j,

S o u rc e : R. A. Gabel and R. A. Roberts, S ig n a ls a n d L in e a r S y s te m s , Third Edition John

Wiley & Sons, New York, 1980, p. 186.

Gaussian Probabilities
(1) P { X > \LX + yu x ) = Q (y ) = J - ^ = exp ( —^~j dz

(2) <2(0) = Q ( - y ) = 1 - G O ), when>- > 0

(3) GO) = exp when y > 4

(4) erfcO ) = ■
— = | exp( —z 2) dz = 2 Q (V 2 y ), y > 0.


y Q(y) y Q(y) Y Q(K) Q(y) Y
.05 .4801 1.05 .1469 2.10 .0179
.10 .4602 1.10 .1357 2.20 .0139
.15 .4405 1.15 .1251 2.30 .0107 10-3 3.10
.20 .4207 1.20 .1151 2.40 .0082
.25 .4013 1.25 .1056 2.50 .0062
10 3
.30 .3821 1.30 .0968 2.60 .0047 3.28
.35 .3632 1.35 .0885 2.70 .0035 2
.40 .3446 1.40 .0808 2.80 .0026
.45 .3264 1.45 .0735 2.90 .0019
10-4 3.70
.50 .3085 1.50 .0668 3.00 .0013
.55 .2912 1.55 .0606 3.10 .0010
.60 .2743 1.60 .0548 3.20 .00069
.65 .2578 1.65 .0495 3.30 .00048 10-4
.70 .2420 1.70 .0446 3.40 .00034 2
.75 .2266 1.75 .0401 3.50 .00023
.80 .2119 1.80 .0359 3.60 .00016 10-5 4.27
.85 .1977 1.85 .0322 3.70 .00010
.90 .1841 1.90 .0287 3.80 .00007
.95 .1711 1.95 .0256 3.90 .00005 1C)-6 4.78
1.00 .1587 2.00 .0228 4.00 .00003
S o u rc e : K. Sam Shanmugan, D ig ita l a n d A n a lo g C o m m u n ic a tio n S y s te m s , John Wiley
& Sons, New York, 1979, pp. 583-84.

co" C T
33 CD


ZJ z r
0) T '

Percentage Points of the Xm Distribution

That is, values of xL;» where m represents degrees of freedom and
exp{-y/2} dy = 1 - a.
2F(m/2) \2,
For m < 100, linear interpolation is adequate. For m > 100, V2xm is approximately normally distributed with mean
V 2 m — 1 and unit variance, so that percentage points may be obtained from Appendix D.
.995 .990 .975 .950 .050 .025 .010 .005
1 392704 x 1 0 - 10 157088 x 1 0 "9 982069 x 10~9 39 3214 X 10~6 3 .8 4 1 4 6 5 .0 2 3 8 9 6 .6 3 4 9 0 7 .8 7 9 4 4

2 .0 1 0 0 2 5 1 .0 2 0 1 0 0 7 .0 5 0 6 3 5 6 .1 0 2 5 8 7 5 .9 9 1 4 7 7 .3 7 7 7 6 9 .2 1 0 3 4 1 0 .5 9 6 6
3 .0 7 1 7 2 1 2 .1 1 4 8 3 2 .2 1 5 7 9 5 .3 5 1 8 4 6 7 .8 1 4 7 3 9 .3 4 8 4 0 1 1 .3 4 4 9 1 2 .8 3 8 1
4 .2 0 6 9 9 0 .2 9 7 1 1 0 .4 8 4 4 1 9 .7 1 0 7 2 1 9 .4 8 7 7 3 1 1 .1 4 3 3 1 3 .2 7 6 7 1 4 .8 6 0 2

5 .4 1 1 7 4 0 .5 5 4 3 0 0 .8 3 1 2 1 1 1 .1 4 5 4 7 6 1 1 .0 7 0 5 1 2 .8 3 2 5 1 5 .0 8 6 3 1 6 .7 4 9 6
6 .6 7 5 7 2 7 .8 7 2 0 8 5 1 .2 3 7 3 4 7 1 .6 3 5 3 9 1 2 .5 9 1 6 1 4 .4 4 9 4 1 6 .8 1 1 9 1 8 .5 4 7 6
7 .9 8 9 2 6 5 1 .2 3 9 0 4 3 1 .6 8 9 8 7 2 .1 6 7 3 5 1 4 .0 6 7 1 1 6 .0 1 2 8 1 8 .4 7 5 3 2 0 .2 7 7 7
8 1 .3 4 4 4 1 9 1 .6 4 6 4 8 2 2 .1 7 9 7 3 2 .7 3 2 6 4 1 5 .5 0 7 3 1 7 .5 3 4 6 2 0 .0 9 0 2 2 1 .9 5 5 0
9 1 .7 3 4 9 2 6 2 .0 8 7 9 1 2 2 .7 0 0 3 9 , 3 .3 2 5 1 1 1 6 .9 1 9 0 1 9 .0 2 2 8 2 1 .6 6 6 0 2 3 .5 8 9 3

10 2 .1 5 5 8 5 2 .5 5 8 2 1 3 .2 4 6 9 7 3 .9 4 0 3 0 1 8 .3 0 7 0 2 0 .4 8 3 1 2 3 .2 0 9 3 2 5 .1 8 8 2
11 2 .6 0 3 2 1 3 .0 5 3 4 7 3 .8 1 5 7 5 4 .5 7 4 8 1 1 9 .6 7 5 1 2 1 .9 2 0 0 2 4 .7 2 5 0 2 6 .7 5 6 9
12 3 .0 7 3 8 2 3 .5 7 0 5 6 4 .4 0 3 7 9 5 .2 2 6 0 3 2 1 .0 2 6 1 2 3 .3 3 6 7 2 6 .2 1 7 0 2 8 .2 9 9 5
13 3 .5 6 5 0 3 4 .1 0 6 9 1 5 .0 0 8 7 4 5 .8 9 1 8 6 2 2 .3 6 2 1 2 4 .7 3 5 6 2 7 .6 8 8 3 2 9 .8 1 9 4
14 4 .0 7 4 6 8 4 .6 6 0 4 3 5 .6 2 8 7 2 6 .5 7 0 6 3 2 3 .6 8 4 8 264190 2 9 .1 4 1 3 3 1 .3 1 9 3

15 4 .6 0 0 9 4 5 .2 2 9 3 5 6 .2 6 2 1 4 7 .2 6 0 9 4 2 4 .9 9 5 8 2 7 .4 8 8 4 3 0 .5 7 7 9 3 2 .8 0 1 3
16 5 .1 4 2 2 4 5 .8 1 2 2 1 6 .9 0 7 6 6 7 .9 6 1 6 4 2 6 .2 9 6 2 2 8 .8 4 5 4 3 1 .9 9 9 9 3 4 .2 6 7 2
17 5 .6 9 7 2 4 6 .4 0 7 7 6 7 .5 6 4 1 8 8 .6 7 1 7 6 2 7 .5 8 7 1 3 0 .1 9 1 0 3 3 .4 0 8 7 3 5 .7 1 8 5
18 6 .2 6 4 8 1 7 .0 1 4 9 1 8 .2 3 0 7 5 9 .3 9 0 4 6 2 8 .8 6 9 3 3 1 .5 2 6 4 3 4 .8 0 5 3 3 7 .1 5 6 4

mm. £
Percentage Points of the x™Distribution (C o n tin u e d )
That is, values of x i;. where m represents degrees of freedom and
exp{—y l2 ) dy = 1 - a.
Jo 2r(ml2) \2,
For m <100, linear interpolation is adequate. For m > 100, V2x^is approximately normally distributed with mean
V2 m - 1 and unit variance, so that percentage points may be obtained from Appendix D.
.995 .990 .975 .950 .050 .025 .010 .005
19 6.84398 7.63273 8.90655 10.1170 30.1435 32.8523 36.1908 38.5822
20 7.43386 8.26040 9.59083 10.8508 31.4104 34.1696 37.5662 39.9968
21 8.03366 8.89720 10.28293 11.5913 32.6705 35.4789 38.9321 41.4010
22 8.64272 9.54249 10.9823 12.3380 33.9244 36.7807 40.2894 42.7956
23 9.26042 10.19567 11.6885 13.0905 35.1725 38.0757 41.6384 44.1813
24 9.88623 10.8564 12.4011 13.8484 36.4151 39.3641 42.9798 45.5585

25 10.5197 11.5240 13.1197 14.6114 37.6525 40.6465 44.3141 46.9278

26 11.1603 12.1981 13.8439 15.3791 38.8852 41.9232 45.6417 48.2899
27 11.8076 12.8786 14.5733 16.1513 40.1133 43.1944 46.9630 49.6449
28 12.4613 13.5648 15.3079 16.9279 41.3372 44.4607 48.2782 50.9933
29 13.1211 14.2565 16.0471 17.7083 42.5569 45.7222 49.5879 52.3356
30 13.7867 14.9535 16.7908 18.4926 43.7729 46.9792 50.8922 53.6720
40 20.7065 22.1643 24.4331 26.5093 55.7585 59.3417 63.6907 66.7659
50 27.9907 29.7067 32.3574 34.7642 67.5048 71.4202 76.1539 79.4900
60 35.5346 37.4848 40.4817 43.1879 79.0819 83.2976 88.3794 91.9517
70 43.2752 45.4418 48.7576 51.7393 90.5312 95.0231 100.425 104.215
80 51.1720 53.5400 57.1532 60.3915 101.879 106.629 112.329 116.321
90 59.1963 61.7541 65.6466 69.1260 113.145 118.136 124.116 128.299
100 67.3276 70.0648 74.2219 77.9295 124.342 129.561 135.807 140.169
S o u rc e : I. Guttman and S. S. Wilks, In tro d u c tio n to E n g in e e rin g S ta tis tic s , John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1965, pp. 316-17.

Table of tm Distributions

TABLE F.1________________________________________
Values of fm;owhere m equals degrees of freedom and

+ n v y r i - g
J— V T rm r(m / 2 ) \ mj

Percentage Points of the tm Distribution

\ a
m .25 .1 .05 .025 .01 .005
1 1.000 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657
2 .816 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925
3 .765 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841
4 .741 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604
5 .727 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032
6 .718 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707
7 .711 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499
8 .706 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355
9 .703 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250
10 .700 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169
11 .697 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106
12 .695 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055
13 .694 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012
14 .692 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977

TABLE F.1 (C o n tin u e d )

Values of tm:a where m equals degrees of freedom and
- i m + 1)/2
f w r [ ( m + 1 )/ 2 ] +£
df = i - a
J— VTrmr(m/2)
Percentage Points of the tm Distribution
\ a
m .25 .1 .05 .025 .01 .005
15 .691 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947
16 .690 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921
17 .689 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898
18 .688 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878
19 .688 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861
20 .687 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845
21 .686 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831
22 .686 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819
23 .685 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807
24 .685 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797
25 .684 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787
26 .684 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779
27 .684 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771
28 .683 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.763
29 .683 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756
30 .683 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750
40 .681 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704
60 .679 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660
120 .677 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617
CO .674 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576
S o u rc e : I. Guttman and S. S. Wilks, In tro d u c tio n to E n g in e e rin g S ta tis tic s , John Wiley
& Sons, New York, 1965, p. 319.


Table of F Distributions

Values of F „,2.a, where (m„ m 2) is the pair of degrees of freedom in Fmvmj and
+ m2)l 2
r((m , + m z)/2! /# n, \ 071/2 [ F - _ •„
x ' - 1 2) — dk = 1 — a
r ( m 1/2 ) r ( m 2/2 ) \ m2 / Jo m2 j

Percentage Points of the Fm,,m2 Distribution

a = .1 0

\ tn,
h 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 3 9 .8 6 4 4 9 .5 0 0 5 3 .5 9 3 5 5 .8 3 3 5 7 .2 4 1 5 8 .2 0 4 5 8 .9 0 6 5 9 .4 3 9 5 9 .8 5 8

2 8 .5 2 6 3 9 .0 0 0 0 9 .1 6 1 8 9 ,2 4 3 4 9 .2 9 2 6 9 .3 2 5 5 9 ,3 4 9 1 9 .3 6 6 8 9 .3 8 0 5

3 5 .5 3 8 3 5 .4 6 2 4 5 .3 9 0 8 5 .3 4 2 7 5 .3 0 9 2 5 .2 8 4 7 5 ,2 6 6 2 5 .2 5 1 7 5 .2 4 0 0

4 4 .5 4 4 8 4 .3 2 4 6 4 .1 9 0 8 4 .1 0 7 3 4 .0 5 0 6 4 .0 0 9 8 3 .9 7 9 0 3 .9 5 4 9 3 .9 3 5 7

5 4 .0 6 0 4 3 .7 7 9 7 3 .6 1 9 5 3 .5 2 0 2 3 .4 5 3 0 3 .4 0 4 5 3 .3 6 7 9 3 .3 3 9 3 3 .3 1 6 3

6 3 .7 7 6 0 3 .4 6 3 3 3 .2 8 8 8 3 .1 8 0 8 3 .1 0 7 5 3 .0 5 4 6 3 .0 1 4 5 2 .9 8 3 0 2 .9 5 7 7

7 3 .5 8 9 4 3 .2 5 7 4 3 .0 7 4 1 2 .9 6 0 5 2 .8 8 3 3 2 .8 2 7 4 2 .7 8 4 9 2 .7 5 1 6 2 .7 2 4 7

8 3 .4 5 7 9 3 .1 1 3 1 2 .9 2 3 8 2 .8 0 6 4 2 .7 2 6 5 2 .6 6 8 3 2 .6 2 4 1 2 .5 8 9 3 2 .5 6 1 2

9 3 .3 6 0 3 3 .0 0 6 5 2 .8 1 2 9 2 .6 9 2 7 2 .6 1 0 6 2 .5 5 0 9 2 .5 0 5 3 2 .4 6 9 4 2 .4 4 0 3

10 3 .2 8 5 0 2 .9 2 4 5 2 .7 2 7 7 2 .6 0 5 3 2 .5 2 1 6 2 .4 6 0 6 2 ,4 1 4 0 2 .3 7 7 2 2 .3 4 7 3

11 3 .2 2 5 2 2 .8 5 9 5 2 .6 6 0 2 2 .5 3 6 2 2 .4 5 1 2 2 .3 8 9 1 2 .3 4 1 6 2 .3 0 4 0 2 .2 7 3 5

12 3 .1 7 6 5 2 .8 0 6 8 2 .6 0 5 5 2 .4 8 0 1 2 .3 9 4 0 2 .3 3 1 0 2 .2 8 2 8 2 .2 4 4 6 2 .2 1 3 5

13 3 .1 3 6 2 2 .7 6 3 2 2 .5 6 0 3 2 .4 3 3 7 2 .3 4 6 7 2 .2 8 3 0 2 .2 3 4 1 2 .1 9 5 3 2 .1 6? 8

14 3 .1 0 2 2 2 .7 2 6 5 2 .5 2 2 2 2 .3 9 4 7 2 .3 0 6 9 2 .2 4 2 6 2 .1 9 3 1 2 .1 5 3 9 2.1220
15 3 .0 7 3 2 2 .6 9 5 2 2 .4 8 9 8 2 .3 6 1 4 2 .2 7 3 0 2 .2 0 8 1 2 .1 5 8 2 2 .1 1 8 5 2 .0 8 6 2

16 3 .0 4 8 1 2 .6 6 8 2 2 .4 6 1 8 2 .3 3 2 7 2 .2 4 3 8 2 .1 7 8 3 2 .1 2 8 0 2 .0 8 8 0 2 .0 5 5 3

17 3 .0 2 6 2 2 .6 4 4 6 2 .4 3 7 4 2 .3 0 7 7 2 .2 1 8 3 2 .1 5 2 4 2 .1 0 1 7 2 .0 6 1 3 2 .0 2 8 4

18 3 .0 0 7 0 2 .6 2 3 9 2 .4 1 6 0 2 .2 8 5 8 2 .1 9 5 8 2 .1 2 9 6 2 .0 7 8 5 2 .0 3 7 9 2 .0 0 4 7

19 2 .9 8 9 9 2 .6 0 5 6 2 .3 9 7 0 2 .2 6 6 3 2 .1 7 6 0 2 .1 0 9 4 2 .0 5 8 0 2 .0 1 7 1 1 .9 8 3 6

20 2 .9 7 4 7 2 .5 8 9 3 2 .3 8 0 1 2 .2 4 8 9 2 .1 5 8 2 2 .0 9 1 3 2 .0 3 9 7 1 .9 9 8 5 1 .9 6 4 9

21 2 .9 6 0 9 2 ,5 7 4 6 2 .3 6 4 9 2 .2 3 3 3 2 .1 4 2 3 2 .0 7 5 1 2 .0 2 3 2 1 .9 8 1 9 1 .9 4 8 0

22 2 .9 4 8 6 2 .5 6 1 3 2 .3 5 1 2 2 .2 1 9 3 2 .1 2 7 9 2 .0 6 0 5 2 .0 0 8 4 1 .9 6 6 8 1 .9 3 2 7

23 2 .9 3 7 4 2 .5 4 9 3 2 .3 3 8 7 2 .2 0 6 5 2 .1 1 4 9 2 .0 4 7 2 1 .9 9 4 9 1 .9 5 3 1 1 .9 1 8 9

24 2 .9271 2 .5 3 8 3 2 .3 2 7 4 2 .1 9 4 9 2 .1 0 3 0 2 .0 3 5 1 1 .9 8 2 6 1 .9 4 0 7 1 .9 0 6 3

25 2 .9 1 7 7 2 .5 2 8 3 2 .3 1 7 0 2 .1 8 4 3 2 .0 9 2 2 2 .0 2 4 1 1 .9 7 1 4 1 .9 2 9 2 1 .8 9 4 7

26 2 .9091 2 .5 1 9 1 2 .3 0 7 5 2 .1 7 4 5 2 .0 8 2 2 2 .0 1 3 9 1 .9 6 1 0 1 .9 1 8 8 1 .8841

27 2 .9 0 1 2 2 . 5 1 Q6 2 .2 9 8 7 2 .1 6 5 5 2 .0 7 3 0 2 .0 0 4 5 1 .9 5 1 5 1 .9 0 9 1 1 .8 7 4 3

28 2 .8 9 3 9 2 .5 0 2 8 2 ,2 9 0 6 2 .1 5 7 1 2 .0 6 4 5 1 .9 9 5 9 1 .9 4 2 7 1 .9001 1 .8 6 6 2

29 2 .8871 2 .4 9 5 5 2 .2 8 3 1 2 .1 4 9 4 2 .0 5 6 6 1 .9 8 7 8 1 .9 3 4 5 1 .8 9 1 8 1 .8 5 6 0

30 2 .8 8 0 7 2 .4 8 8 7 2 .2 7 6 1 2 .1 4 2 2 2 .0 4 9 2 1 .9 8 0 3 1 .9 2 6 9 1 .8 8 4 1 1 .8 4 9 8

40 2 .8 3 5 4 2 .4 4 0 4 2 .2 2 6 1 2 .0 9 0 9 1 .9 9 6 8 1 .9 2 6 9 1 .8 7 2 5 1 .8 2 8 9 1 .7 9 2 9

60 2 .7 9 1 4 2 .3 9 3 2 2 .1 7 7 4 2 .0 4 1 0 1 .9 4 5 7 1 .8 7 4 7 1 .8 1 9 4 1 .7 7 4 8 1 .7 3 8 0

120 2 .7 4 7 8 2 .3 4 7 3 2 .1 3 0 0 1 .9 9 2 3 1 .8 9 5 9 1 .8 2 3 8 1 .7 6 7 5 1 .7 2 2 0 1 .6 8 4 3

00 2 .7 0 5 5 2 .3 0 2 6 2 .0 8 3 8 1 .9 4 4 9 1 .8 4 7 3 1 .7741 1 .7 1 6 7 1 .6 7 0 2 1 .6 3 1 5
T A B L E O F F D IS T R IB U T IO N S 639

APPENDIX G ( C o n t in u e d )
a = .10
\ m,
10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 CO

1 6 0 .1 9 5 6 0 .7 0 5 6 1 .2 2 0 6 1 .7 4 0 6 2 .0 0 2 6 2 .2 6 5 6 2 .5 2 9 6 2 .7 9 4 6 3 .0 6 1 6 3 .3 2 8

2 9 .3 9 1 6 9 .4 0 8 1 9 .4 2 4 7 9 .4 4 1 3 9 .4 4 9 6 9 .4 5 7 9 9 .4 6 6 3 9 .4 7 4 6 9 .4 8 2 9 9 .4 9 1 3

5 .2 3 0 4 5 .2 1 5 6 5 .2 0 0 3 5 .1 8 4 5 5 .1 7 6 4 5 .1 6 8 1 5 .1 5 9 7 5 .1 5 1 2 5 .1 4 2 5 5 .1 3 3 7
4 3 .9 1 9 9 3 .8 9 5 5 3 .8 6 8 9 3 .8 4 4 3 3 .8 3 1 0 3 .8 1 7 4 3 .8 0 3 6 3 .7 8 9 6 3 .7 7 5 3 3 .7 6 0 7

3 .2 9 7 4 3 .2 6 8 2 3 .2 3 8 0 3 .2 0 6 7 3 .1 9 0 5 3 .1 7 4 1 3 .1 5 7 3 3 .1 4 0 2 3 .1 2 2 8 3 .1 0 5 0
6 2 .9 3 6 9 2 .9 0 4 7 2 .8 7 1 2 2 .8 3 6 3 2 .8 1 8 3 2 .8 0 0 0 2 .7 8 1 2 2 .7 6 2 0 2 .7 4 2 3 2 .7 2 2 2

2 .7 0 2 5 2 .6 6 8 1 2 .6 3 2 2 2 .5 9 4 7 2 .5 7 5 3 2 .5 5 5 5 2 .5 3 5 1 2 .5 1 4 2 2 .4 9 2 8 2 .4 7 0 8
8 2 .5 3 3 0 2 .5 0 2 0 2 .4 6 4 2 2 .4 2 4 6 2 .4 0 4 1 2 .3 8 3 0 2 .3 6 1 4 2 .3 3 9 1 2 .3 1 6 2 2 .2 9 2 6

9 2 .4 1 6 3 2 .3 7 8 9 2 .3 3 9 6 2 .2 9 8 3 2 .2 7 6 8 2 .2 5 4 7 2 .2 3 2 0 2 .2 0 8 5 2 .1 8 4 3 2 .1 5 9 2

10 2 .3 2 2 6 2 .2 8 4 1 2 .2 4 3 5 2 .2 0 0 7 2 .1 7 8 4 2 .1 5 5 4 2 .1 3 1 7 2 .1 0 7 2 2 .0 8 1 8 2 .0 5 5 4

11 2 .2 4 8 2 2 .2 0 8 7 2 .1671 2 .1 2 3 0 2.1000 2 .0 7 6 2 2 .0 5 1 6 2 .0 2 6 1 1 .9 9 9 7 1.9721

12 2 .1 8 7 8 2 .1 4 7 4 2 .1 0 4 9 2 .0 5 9 7 2 .0 3 6 0 2 .0 1 1 5 1 .9 8 6 1 1 .9 5 9 7 1 .9 3 2 3 1 .9 0 3 6

13 2 .1 3 7 6 2 .0 9 6 6 2 .0 5 3 2 2 .0 0 7 0 1 .9 8 2 7 1 .9 5 7 6 1 .9 3 1 5 1 .9 0 4 3 1 .8 7 5 9 1 .8 4 6 2

14 2 .0 9 5 4 2 .0 5 3 7 2 .0 0 9 5 1 .9 6 2 5 1 .9 3 7 7 1 .9 1 1 9 1 .8 8 5 2 1 .8 5 7 2 1 .8 2 8 0 1 .7 9 7 3

15 2 .0 5 9 3 2 .0 1 7 1 1 .9 7 2 2 1 .9 2 4 3 1 .8 9 9 0 1 .8 7 2 8 1 .8 4 5 4 1 .8 1 6 8 1 .7 8 6 7 1 .7551

16 2 .0 2 8 1 1 .9 8 5 4 1 .9 3 9 9 1 .8 9 1 3 1 .8 6 5 6 1 .8 3 8 8 1 .8 1 0 8 1 .7 8 1 6 1 .7 5 0 7 1 .7 1 8 2

17 2 .0 0 0 9 1 .9 5 7 7 1 .9 1 1 7 1 .8 6 2 4 1 .8 3 6 2 1 .8 0 9 0 1 .7 8 0 5 1 .7 5 0 6 1.7191 1 .6 8 5 6

18 1 .9 7 7 0 1 .9 3 3 3 1.8868 1 .8 3 6 8 1 .8 1 0 3 1 .7 8 2 7 1 .7 5 3 7 1 .7 2 3 2 1 .6 9 1 0 1 .6 5 6 7

19 1 .9 5 5 7 1 .9 1 1 7 1 .8 6 4 7 1 .8 1 4 2 1 .7 8 7 3 1 .7 5 9 2 1 .7 2 9 8 1 .6 9 8 8 1 ,6 6 5 9 1 .6 3 0 8

20 1 .9 3 6 7 1 .8 9 2 4 1 .8 4 4 9 ’ 1 .7 9 3 8 1 .7 6 6 7 1 .7 3 8 2 1 .7 0 8 3 1 .6 7 6 8 1 .6 4 3 3 1 .6 0 7 4

21 1 .9 1 9 7 1 .8 7 5 0 1 .8 2 7 2 1 .7 7 5 6 1.7481 1 .7 1 9 3 1 .6 8 9 0 1 .6 5 6 9 1 .6 2 2 8 1 .5 8 6 2

22 1 .9 0 4 3 1 .8 5 9 3 1 .8111 1 .7 5 9 0 1 .7 3 1 2 1 .7021 1 .6 7 1 4 1 .6 3 8 9 1 .6 0 4 2 1 .5 6 6 8

23 1 .8 9 0 3 1 .8 4 5 0 1 .7 9 6 4 1 .7 4 3 9 1 .7 1 5 9 1 .6 8 6 4 1 .6 5 5 4 1 .6 2 2 4 1.5871 1 .5 4 9 0

24 1 .8 7 7 5 1 .8 3 1 9 1.7831 1 .7 3 0 2 1 .7 0 1 9 1.6721 1 .6 4 0 7 1 .6 0 7 3 1 .5 7 1 5 1 .5 3 2 7

25 1 ,8 6 5 8 1 .8 2 0 0 1 .7 7 0 8 1 .7 1 7 5 1 .6 8 9 0 1 .6 5 8 9 1 .6 2 7 2 1 .5 9 3 4 1 .5 5 7 0 1 .5 1 7 6

26 1 .8 5 5 0 1 .8 0 9 0 1 .7 5 9 6 1 .7 0 5 9 1.6771 1 .6 4 6 8 1 .6 1 4 7 1 .5 8 0 5 1 .5 4 3 7 1 .5 0 3 6

27 1 .8 4 5 1 1 .7 9 8 9 1 .7 4 9 2 1 .6951 1 .6 6 6 2 1 .6 3 5 6 1 .6 0 3 2 1 .5 6 8 6 1 .5 3 1 3 1 .4 9 0 6

1 .8 3 5 9 1 .7 8 9 5 1 .7 3 9 5 1 .6 8 5 2 1 .6 5 6 0 1 .6 2 5 2 1 .5 9 2 5 1 .5 5 7 5 1 .5 1 9 8 1 .4 7 8 4
29 1 .8 2 7 4 1 .7 8 0 8 1 .7 3 0 6 1 .6 7 5 9 1 .6 4 6 5 1 .6 1 5 5 1 .5 8 2 5 1 .5 4 7 2 1 .5 0 9 0 1 .4 6 7 0

1 .8 1 9 5 1 .7 7 2 7 1 .7 2 2 3 1 .6 6 7 3 1 .6 3 7 7 1 .6 0 6 5 1 .5 7 3 2 1 .5 3 7 6 1 .4 9 8 9 1 .4 5 6 4
40 1 .7 6 2 7 1 .7 1 4 6 1 .6 6 2 4 1 .6 0 5 2 1.5741 1.5411 1 .5 0 5 6 1 .4 6 7 2 1 .4 2 4 8 1 .3 7 6 9

60 1 .7 0 7 0 1 .6 5 7 4 1 .6 0 3 4 1 .5 4 3 5 1 .5 1 0 7 1 .4 7 5 5 1 .4 3 7 3 1 .3 9 5 2 1 .3 4 7 6 1 .2 9 1 5

120 1 .6 5 2 4 1 .6 0 1 2 1 .5 4 5 0 1 .4821 1 .4 4 7 2 1 .4 0 9 4 1 .3 6 7 6 1 .3 2 0 3 1 .2 6 4 6 1 .1 9 2 6

X 1 .5 9 8 7 1 .5 4 5 8 1.4871 1 .4 2 0 6 1 .3 8 3 2 1 .3 4 1 9 1.2951 1 .2 4 0 0 1 .1 6 8 6 1.0000


IDIX G ( C ontinued)
a = .05

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 1 6 1 .4 5 1 9 9 .5 0 2 1 5 .7 1 2 2 4 .5 8 2 3 0 .1 6 2 3 3 .9 9 2 3 6 .7 7 2 3 8 .8 8 2 4 0 .5 4
2 1 8 .5 1 3 1 9 .0 0 0 1 9 ,1 6 4 1 9 .2 4 7 1 9 .2 9 6 1 9 .3 3 0 1 9 .3 5 3 1 9 .371 1 9 .3 8 5
3 1 0 .1 2 8 9 .5 5 2 1 9 .2 7 6 6 9 .1 1 7 2 9 .0 1 3 5 8 .9 4 0 6 8.8868 8 .8 4 5 2 8 .8 1 2 3
4 7 .7 0 8 6 6 .9 4 4 3 6 .5 9 1 4 6 .3 8 8 3 6 .2 5 6 0 6 .1 6 3 1 6 .0 9 4 2 6 .0 4 1 0 5 .9 9 8 8

5 6 .6 0 7 9 5 .7 8 6 1 5 .4 0 9 5 5 .1 9 2 2 5 .0 5 0 3 4 .9 5 0 3 4 .8 7 5 9 4 .8 1 8 3 4 .7 7 2 5
6 5 .9 8 7 4 5 .1 4 3 3 4 .7 5 7 1 4 .5 3 3 7 4 .3 8 7 4 4 .2 8 3 9 4 .2 0 6 6 4 .1 4 6 8 4 .0 9 9 0
7 5 .5 9 1 4 4 .7 3 7 4 4 .3 4 6 8 4 .1 2 0 3 3 .9 7 1 5 3 .8 6 6 0 3 .7 8 7 0 3 .7 2 5 7 3 .6 7 6 7
8 5 .3 1 7 7 4 .4 5 9 0 4 .0 6 6 2 3 .8 3 7 8 3 .6 8 7 5 3 .5 8 0 6 3 .5 0 0 5 3 .4 3 8 1 3 .3 8 8 1
9 5 .1 1 7 4 4 .2 5 6 5 3 .8 6 2 6 3 .6 3 3 1 3 .4 8 1 7 3 .3 7 3 8 3 .2 9 2 7 3 .2 2 9 6 3 .1 7 8 9

10 4 .9 6 4 6 4 .1 0 2 8 3 .7 0 8 3 3 .4 7 8 0 3 .3 2 5 8 3 .2 1 7 2 3 .1 3 5 5 3 .0 7 1 7 3 .0 2 0 4
11 4 .8 4 4 3 3 .9 8 2 3 3 .5 8 7 4 3 .3 5 6 7 3 .2 0 3 9 3 .0 9 4 6 3 .0 1 2 3 2 .9 4 8 0 2 .8 9 6 2
12 4 .7 4 7 2 3 .8 8 5 3 3 .4 9 0 3 3 .2 5 9 2 3 .1 0 5 9 2 .9961 2 .9 1 3 4 2 .8 4 8 6 2 .7 9 6 4
13 4 .6 6 7 2 3 .8 0 5 6 3 .4 1 0 5 3 .1 7 9 1 3 .0 2 5 4 2 .9 1 5 3 2 .8 3 2 1 2 .7 6 6 9 2 .7 1 4 4
14 4 .6 0 0 1 3 .7 3 8 9 3 .3 4 3 9 3 .1 1 2 2 2 .9 5 8 2 2 .8 4 7 7 2 .7 6 4 2 2 .6 9 8 7 2 .6 4 5 8

15 4 .5 4 3 1 3 .6 8 2 3 3 .2 8 7 4 3 .0 5 5 6 2 .9 0 1 3 2 .7 9 0 5 2 .7 0 6 6 2 .6 4 0 8 2 .5 8 7 6
16 4 .4 9 4 0 3 .6 3 3 7 3 .2 3 8 9 3 .0 0 6 9 2 .8 5 2 4 2 .7 4 1 3 2 .6 5 7 2 2 .5 9 1 1 2 .5 3 7 7
17 4 .4 5 1 3 3 .5 9 1 5 3 .1 9 6 8 2 .9 6 4 7 2 .8 1 0 0 2 .6 9 8 7 2 .6 1 4 3 2 .5 4 8 0 2 .4 9 4 3
18 4 .4 1 3 9 3 .5 5 4 6 3 .1 5 9 9 2 .9 2 7 7 2 .7 7 2 9 2 .6 6 1 3 2 .5 7 6 7 2 .5 1 0 2 2 .4 5 6 3
19 4 .3 8 0 8 3 .5 2 1 9 3 .1 2 7 4 2 .8 9 5 1 2 .7 4 0 1 2 .6 2 8 3 2 .5 4 3 5 2 .4 7 6 8 2 .4 2 2 7

20 4 .3 5 1 3 3 .4 9 2 8 3 .0 9 8 4 2 .8 6 6 1 2 .7 1 0 9 2 .5 9 9 0 2 .5 1 4 0 2 .4 4 7 1 2 .3 9 2 8
21 4 .3 2 4 6 3 .4 6 6 8 3 .0 7 2 5 2 .8401 2 .6 8 4 8 2 .5 7 2 7 2 .4 8 7 6 2 .4 2 0 5 2.3661
22 4 .3 0 0 9 3 .4 4 3 4 3 .0 4 9 1 2 .8 1 6 7 2 .6 6 1 3 2 .5 4 9 1 2 .4 6 3 8 2 .3 9 6 5 2 .3 4 1 9
23 4 .2 7 9 3 3 .4 2 2 1 3 .0 2 8 0 2 .7 9 5 5 2 .6 4 0 0 2 .5 2 7 7 2 .4 4 2 2 2 .3 7 4 8 2 .3201
24 4 .2 5 9 7 3 .4 0 2 8 3 .0 0 8 8 2 .7 7 6 3 2 .6 2 0 7 2 .5 0 8 2 2 .4 2 2 6 2 .3 5 5 1 2 .3 0 0 2

25 4 ,2 4 1 7 3 .3 8 5 2 2 .9 9 1 2 2 .7 5 8 7 2 .6 0 3 0 2 .4 9 0 4 2 .4 0 4 7 2 .3 3 7 1 2 .2821
26 4 .2 2 5 2 3 .3 6 9 0 2 .9751 2 .7 4 2 6 2 .5 8 6 8 2 .4741 2 .3 8 8 3 2 .3 2 0 5 2 .2 6 5 5
27 4 .2 1 0 0 3 .3 5 4 1 2 .9 6 0 4 2 .7 2 7 8 2 .5 7 1 9 2 .4 5 9 1 2 .3 7 3 2 2 .3 0 5 3 2 .2501
28 4 .1 9 6 0 3 .3 4 0 4 2 .9 4 6 7 2 .7141 2 .5 5 8 1 2 .4 4 5 3 2 .3 5 9 3 2 .2 9 1 3 2 .2 3 6 0
29 4 .1 8 3 0 3 .3 2 7 7 2 .9 3 4 0 2 .7 0 1 4 2 .5 4 5 4 2 .4 3 2 4 2 .3 4 6 3 2 .2 7 8 2 2 .2 2 2 9

30 4 .1 7 0 9 3 .3 1 5 8 2 ,9 2 2 3 2 .6 8 9 6 2 .5 3 3 6 2 .4 2 0 5 2 .3 3 4 3 2 .2 6 6 2 2 .2 1 0 7
40 4 .0 8 4 8 3 .2 3 1 7 2 .8 3 8 7 2 .6 0 6 0 2 .4 4 9 5 2 .3 3 5 9 2 .2 4 9 0 2 .1 8 0 2 2 .1 2 4 0
60 4 .0 0 1 2 3 .1 5 0 4 2 .7581 2 .5 2 5 2 2 .3 6 8 3 2 .2 5 4 0 2 .1 6 6 5 2 .0 9 7 0 2 .0401
20 3 .9 2 0 1 3 .0 7 1 8 2 .6 8 0 2 2 .4 4 7 2 2 .2 9 0 0 2 .1 7 5 0 2 .0 8 6 7 2 .0 1 6 4 1 .9 5 8 8
3 .8 4 1 5 2 .9 9 5 7 2 .6 0 4 9 2 .3 7 1 9 2 .2141 2 .0 9 8 6 2 .0 0 9 6 1 .9 3 8 4 1 .8 7 9 9

APPENDIX G (Continued)
a = .05
\ m i
m2 >Ss\. 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 00 j

1 2 4 1 .8 8 2 4 3 .91 2 4 5 .9 5 2 4 8 .01 2 4 9 .0 5 2 5 0 .0 9 2 5 1 .1 4 2 5 2 .2 0 2 5 3 .2 5 2 5 4 .3 2

2 1 9 .3 9 6 1 9 .4 1 3 1 9 .4 2 9 1 9 .4 4 6 1 9 .4 5 4 1 9 .4 6 2 1 9 .471 1 9 .4 7 9 1 9 .4 8 7 1 9 .4 9 6 ;

3 8 .7 8 5 5 8 .7 4 4 6 8 .7 0 2 9 8 .6 6 0 2 8 .6 3 8 5 8 .6 1 6 6 8 .5 9 4 4 8 .5 7 2 0 8 .5 4 9 4 8 .5 2 6 5 |

4 5 .9 6 4 4 5 .9 1 1 7 5 .8 5 7 8 5 .8 0 2 5 5 .7 7 4 4 5 .7 4 5 9 5 .7 1 7 0 5 .6 8 7 8 5 .6 5 8 1 5 .6 2 8 1 1

5 4 .7 3 5 1 4 .6 7 7 7 4 .6 1 8 8 4 .5 5 8 1 4 .5 2 7 2 4 .4 9 5 7 4 .4 6 3 8 4 .4 3 1 4 4 .3 9 8 4 4 .3 6 5 0 ;

6 4 .0 6 0 0 3 .9 9 9 9 3 .9 3 8 1 3 .8 7 4 2 3 .8 4 1 5 3 .8 0 8 2 3 .7 7 4 3 3 .7 3 9 8 3 .7 0 4 7 3 .6 6 8 8

7 3 .6 3 6 5 3 .5 7 4 7 3 .5 1 0 8 3 .4 4 4 5 3 .4 1 0 5 3 .3 7 5 8 3 .3 4 0 4 3 .3 0 4 3 3 .2 6 7 4 3 .2 2 9 8

8 3 .3 4 7 2 3 .2 8 4 0 3 .2 1 8 4 3 .1 5 0 3 3 .1 1 5 2 3 .0 7 9 4 3 .0 4 2 8 3 .0 0 5 3 2 .9 6 6 9 2 .9 2 7 6

9 3 .1 3 7 3 3 .0 7 2 9 3 .0 0 6 1 2 .9 3 6 5 2 .9 0 0 5 2 .8 6 3 7 2 .8 2 5 9 2 .7 8 7 2 2 .7 4 7 5 2 .7 0 6 7 : 1

10 2 .9 7 8 2 2 .9 1 3 0 2 .8 4 5 0 2 .7 7 4 0 2 .7 3 7 2 2 .6 9 9 6 2 .6 6 0 9 2 ,6 2 1 1 2 .5 8 0 1 2 .5 3 7 9

11 2 .8 5 3 6 2 .7 8 7 6 2 .7 1 8 6 2 .6 4 6 4 2 .6 0 9 0 2 .5 7 0 5 2 .5 3 0 9 2 .4 9 0 1 2 .4 4 8 0 2 .4 0 4 5

12 2 .7 5 3 4 2.6866 2 .6 1 6 9 2 .5 4 3 6 2 .5 0 5 5 2 .4 6 6 3 2 .4 2 5 9 2 .3 8 4 2 2 .3 4 1 0 2 .2 9 6 2 ;

13 2 .6 7 1 0 2 .6 0 3 7 2 .5331 2 .4 5 8 9 2 .4 2 0 2 2 .3 8 0 3 2 .3 3 9 2 2 .2 9 6 6 2 .2 5 2 4 2 .2 0 6 4

14 2 .6021 2 .5 3 4 2 2 .4 6 3 0 2 .3 8 7 9 2 .3 4 8 7 2 .3 0 8 2 2 .2 6 6 4 2 .2 2 3 0 2 .1 7 7 8 2 .1 3 0 7 :

15 2 .5 4 3 7 2 .4 7 5 3 2 .4 0 3 5 2 .3 2 7 5 2 .2 8 7 8 2 .2 4 6 8 2 .2 0 4 3 2 .1 6 0 1 2 .1 1 4 1 2 .0 6 5 8 .

16 2 .4 9 3 5 2 .4 2 4 7 2 .3 5 2 2 2 .2 7 5 6 2 .2 3 5 4 2 .1 9 3 8 2 .1 5 0 7 2 .1 0 5 8 2 .0 5 8 9 2 .0 0 9 6

17 2 .4 4 9 9 2 .3 8 0 7 2 .3 0 7 7 2 .2 3 0 4 2 .1 8 9 8 2 .1 4 7 7 2 .1 0 4 0 2 .0 5 8 4 2 .0 1 0 7 1 .9 6 0 4 |

18 2 .4 1 1 7 2 .3421 2 .2 6 8 6 2 .1 9 0 6 2 .1 4 9 7 2 .1 0 7 1 2 .0 6 2 9 2 .0 1 6 6 1 .9681 1 .9 1 6 8 '

19 2 .3 7 7 9 2 .3 0 8 0 2.2341 2 .1 5 5 5 2 .1141 2 .0 7 1 2 2 .0 2 6 4 1 .9 7 9 6 1 .9 3 0 2 1 .8 7 8 0 ;

20 2 .3 4 7 9 2 .2 7 7 6 2 .2 0 3 3 2 .1 2 4 2 2 .0 8 2 5 2 .0391 1 .9 9 3 8 1 .9 4 6 4 1 .8 9 6 3 1 .8 4 3 2

21 2 .3 2 1 0 2 .2 5 0 4 2 .1 7 5 7 2 .0 9 6 0 2 .0 5 4 0 2.0102 1 .9 6 4 5 1 .9 1 6 5 1 .8 6 5 7 1 .8 1 1 7 i

22 2 .2 9 6 7 2 .2 2 5 8 2 .1 5 0 8 2 .0 7 0 7 2 .0 2 8 3 1 .9 8 4 2 1 .9 3 8 0 1 .8 8 9 5 1 .8 3 8 0 1 .7831

23 2 .2 7 4 7 2 .2 0 3 6 2 .1 2 8 2 2 .0 4 7 6 2 .0 0 5 0 1 .9 6 0 5 1 .9 1 3 9 1 .8 6 4 9 1 .8 1 2 8 1 .7 5 7 0 i

24 2 .2 5 4 7 2 .1 8 3 4 2 .1 0 7 7 2 .0 2 6 7 1 .9 8 3 8 1 .9 3 9 0 1 .8 9 2 0 1 .8 4 2 4 1 .7 8 9 7 1 .7 3 3 1 ;

25 2 .2 3 6 5 2 .1 6 4 9 2 .0 8 8 9 2 .0 0 7 5 1 .9 6 4 3 1 .9 1 9 2 1 .8 7 1 8 1 .8 2 1 7 1 .7 6 8 4 1 .7 1 1 0

26 2 .2 1 9 7 2 .1 4 7 9 2 .0 7 1 6 1 .9 8 9 8 1 .9 4 6 4 1 .9 0 1 0 1 .8 5 3 3 1 .8 0 2 7 1 .7 4 8 8 1 .6 9 0 6 |

27 2 .2 0 4 3 2 .1 3 2 3 2 .0 5 5 8 1 .9 7 3 6 1 .9 2 9 9 1 .8 8 4 2 1 .8 3 6 1 1 .7 8 5 1 1 .7 3 0 7 1 .6 7 1 7

28 2 .1 9 0 0 2 .1 1 7 9 2 .0411 1 .9 5 8 6 1 .9 1 4 7 1 .8 6 8 7 1 .8 2 0 3 1 .7 6 8 9 1 .7 1 3 8 1 .6 5 4 1 |

29 2 .1 7 6 8 2 .1 0 4 5 2 .0 2 7 5 1 .9 4 4 6 1 .9 0 0 5 1 .8 5 4 3 1 .8 0 5 5 1 .7 5 3 7 1.6981 1 .6 3 7 7

30 2 .1 6 4 6 2 .0921 2 .0 1 4 8 1 .9 3 1 7 1 .8 8 7 4 1 .8 4 0 9 1 .7 9 1 8 1 .7 3 9 6 1 .6 8 3 5 1 .6 2 2 3 1

40 2 .0 7 7 2 2 .0 0 3 5 1 .9 2 4 5 1 .8 3 8 9 1 .7 9 2 9 1 .7 4 4 4 1 .6 9 2 8 1 .6 3 7 3 1 .5 7 6 6 1 .5 0 8 9

60 1 .9 9 2 6 1 .9 1 7 4 1 .8 3 6 4 1 .7 4 8 0 1.7001 1.6491 1 .5 9 4 3 1 .5 3 4 3 1 .4 6 7 3 1 .3 8 9 3 i
120 1 .9 1 0 5 1 .8 3 3 7 1 .7 5 0 5 1 .6 5 8 7 1 .6 0 8 4 1 .5 5 4 3 1 .4 9 5 2 1 .4 2 9 0 1 .3 5 1 9 1 .2 5 3 9 |

00 1 .8 3 0 7 1 .7 5 2 2 1 .6 6 6 4 1 .5 7 0 5 1 .5 1 7 3 1.4591 1 .3 9 4 0 1 .3 1 8 0 1 .2 2 1 4 1.0000



DIX G ( C o n t in u e d )
a = .025

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 6 4 7 .7 9 7 9 9 .5 0 8 6 4 .1 6 8 9 9 .5 8 9 2 1 .8 5 !9 3 7 .1 1 9 4 8 .2 2 9 5 6 .6 6 i9 6 3 .2 8
3 9 .3 5 5 3 9 .3 7 3 3 9 .3 8 7
2 3 8 .5 0 6 3 9 .0 0 0 3 9 .1 6 5 3 9 .2 4 8 3 9 .2 9 8 3 9 .3 3 1

1 6 .0 4 4 1 5 .4 3 9 15.101 1 4 .8 8 5 1 4 .7 3 5 1 4 .6 2 4 1 4 .5 4 0 1 4 .4 7 3
3 1 7 .4 4 3
9 .6 0 4 5 9 .3 6 4 5 9 .1 9 7 3 9 .0 7 4 1 8 .9 7 9 6 8 .9 0 4 7
4 1 2 .2 1 8 1 0 .6 4 9 9 .9 7 9 2

7 .3 8 7 9 7 .1 4 6 4 6 .9 7 7 7 6 .8 5 3 1 6 .7 5 7 2 6 .6 8 1 0
5 1 0 .0 0 7 8 .4 3 3 6 7 .7 6 3 6
5 .9 8 7 6 5 .3 1 9 7 5 .6 9 5 5 5 .5 9 9 6 5 .5 2 3 4
6 8 .8 1 3 1 7 .2 5 9 8 6 .5 9 8 8 6 .2 2 7 2
5 .8 8 9 8 5 .5 2 2 6 5 .2 8 5 2 5 .1 1 8 6 4 .9 9 4 9 4 .8 9 9 4 4 .8 2 3 2
7 8 .0 7 2 7 6 .5 4 1 5
4 .8 1 7 3 4 .6 5 1 7 4 .5 2 8 6 4 .4 3 3 2 4 .3 5 7 2
8 7 .5 7 0 9 6 .0 5 9 5 5 .4 1 6 0 5 .0 5 2 6
5 .0 7 8 1 4 .7 1 8 1 4 .4 8 4 4 4 .3 1 9 7 4 .1 9 7 1 4 .1 0 2 0 4 .0 2 6 0
9 7 .2 0 9 3 5 .7 1 4 7

4 .4 6 8 3 4 .2 3 6 1 4 .0 7 2 1 3 .9 4 9 8 3 .8 5 4 9 3 .7 7 9 0
10 6 .9 3 6 7 5 .4 5 6 4 4 .8 2 5 6
4 .0 4 4 0 3 .8 8 0 7 3 .7 5 8 6 3 .6 6 3 8 3 .5 8 7 9
11 6 .7 2 4 1 5 .2 5 5 9 4 .6 3 0 0 4 .2 7 5 1
4 ,1 2 1 2 3 .8 9 1 1 3 .7 2 8 3 3 .6 0 6 5 3 .5 1 1 8 3 .4 3 5 8
12 6 .5 5 3 8 5 .0 9 5 9 4 .4 7 4 2
4 .9 6 5 3 4 .3 4 7 2 3 .9 9 5 9 3 .7 6 6 7 3 .6 0 4 3 3 .4 8 2 7 3 .3 8 8 0 3 .3 1 2 0
13 6 .4 1 4 3
6 .2 9 7 9 4 .8 5 6 7 4 .2 4 1 7 3 .8 9 1 9 3 .6 6 3 4 3 .5 0 1 4 3 .3 7 9 9 3 .2 8 5 3 3 .2 0 9 3

6 .1 9 9 5 4 .7 6 5 0 4 .1 5 2 8 3 .8 0 4 3 3 .5 7 6 4 3 .4 1 4 7 3 .2 9 3 4 3 .1 9 8 7 3 .1 2 2 7
6 .1 1 5 1 4 .6 8 6 7 4 .0 7 6 8 3 .7 2 9 4 3 .5 0 2 1 3 .3 4 0 6 3 .2 1 9 4 3 .1 2 4 8 3 .0 4 8 8
6 .0 4 2 0 4 .6 1 8 9 4 .0 1 1 2 3 .6 6 4 8 3 .4 3 7 9 3 .2 7 6 7 3 .1 5 5 6 3 .0 6 1 0 2 .9 8 4 9
18 5 .9 7 8 1 4 .5 5 9 7 3 .9 5 3 9 3 .6 0 8 3 3 .3 8 2 0 3 .2 2 0 9 3 .0 9 9 9 3 .0 0 5 3 2 .9 2 9 1

5 .9 2 1 6 4 .5 0 7 5 3 .9 0 3 4 3 .5 5 8 7 3 .3 3 2 7 3 .1 7 1 8 3 .0 5 0 9 2 .9 5 6 3 2 .8 8 0 0

20 5 .8 7 1 5 4 .4 6 1 3 3 .8 5 8 7 3 .5 1 4 7 3 .2 8 9 1 3 .1 2 8 3 3 .0 0 7 4 2 .9 1 2 8 2 .8 3 6 5

3 .4 7 5 4 3 .2 5 0 1 3 .0 8 9 5 2 .9 6 8 6 2 .8 7 4 0 2 .7 9 7 7
21 5 .8 2 6 6 4 .4 1 9 9 3 .8 1 8 8
22 5 .7 8 6 3 4 .3 8 2 8 3 .7 8 2 9 3 .4 4 0 1 3 .2 1 5 1 3 .0 5 4 6 2 .9 3 3 8 2 .8 3 9 2 2 .7 6 2 8

23 5 .7 4 9 8 4 .3 4 9 2 3 .7 5 0 5 3 .4 0 8 3 3 .1 8 3 5 3 .0 2 3 2 2 .9 0 2 4 2 .8 0 7 7 2 .7 3 1 3

5 .7 1 6 7 4 .3 1 8 7 3 .7 2 1 1 3 .3 7 9 4 3 .1 5 4 8 2 .9 9 4 6 2 .8 7 3 8 2 .7 7 9 1 2 .7 0 2 7

5 .6 8 6 4 4 .2 9 0 9 3 .6 9 4 3 3 .3 5 3 0 3 .1 2 8 7 2 .9 6 8 5 2 .8 4 7 8 2 .7 5 3 1 2 .6 7 6 6
5 .6 5 8 6 4 .2 6 5 5 3 .6 6 9 7 3 .3 2 8 9 3 .1 0 4 8 2 .9 4 4 7 2 .8 2 4 0 2 .7 2 9 3 2 .6 5 2 8
27 5 .6 3 3 1 4 .2 4 2 1 3 .6 4 7 2 3 .3 0 6 7 3 .0 8 2 8 2 .9 2 2 8 2 .8 0 2 1 2 .7 0 7 4 2 .6 3 0 9

28 5 .6 0 9 6 4 .2 2 0 5 3 .6 2 6 4 3 .2 8 6 3 3 .0 6 2 5 2 .9 0 2 7 2 -7 8 2 0 2 .6 8 7 2 2 .6 1 0 6

29 5 .5 8 7 8 4 .2 0 0 6 3 .6 0 7 2 3 .2 6 7 4 3 .0 4 3 8 2 .8 8 4 0 2 .7 6 3 3 2.6686 2 .5 9 1 9

30 5 .5 6 7 5 4 .1 8 2 1 3 .5 8 9 4 3 .2 4 9 9 3 .0 2 6 5 2 .8 6 6 7 2 .7 4 6 0 2 .6 5 1 3 2 .5 7 4 6

40 5 .4 2 3 9 4 .0 5 1 0 3 .4 6 3 3 3 .1 2 6 1 2 .9 0 3 7 2 .7 4 4 4 2 .6 2 3 8 2 .5 2 8 9 2 .4 5 1 9

60 5 .2 8 5 7 3 .9 2 5 3 3 .3 4 2 5 3 .0 0 7 7 2 .7 8 6 3 2 .6 2 7 4 2 .5 0 6 8 2 .4 1 1 7 2 .3 3 4 4

5 .1 5 2 4 3 .8 0 4 6 3 .2 2 7 0 2 .8 9 4 3 2 .6 7 4 0 2 .5 1 5 4 2 .3 9 4 8 2 .2 9 9 4 2 .2 2 1 7

5 .0 2 3 9 3 .6 8 8 9 3 .1 1 6 1 2 .7 8 5 8 2 .5 6 6 5 2 .4 0 8 2 2 .2 8 7 5 2 .1 9 1 8 2 .1 1 3 6

ENDIX G ( Continued)
a = .025

10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 CO

1 9 6 8 .6 3 9 7 6 .7 1 9 8 4 .8 7 9 9 3 .1 0 9 9 7 .2 5 1 0 0 1 .4 1 0 0 5 .6 1 0 0 9 .8 1 0 1 4 .0 1 0 1 8 .3
2 3 9 .3 9 8 3 9 .4 1 5 3 9 .4 3 1 3 9 .4 4 8 3 9 .4 5 6 3 9 .4 6 5 3 9 .4 7 3 3 9 .4 8 1 3 9 .4 9 0 3 9 .4 9 8
3 1 4 .4 1 9 1 4 .3 3 7 1 4 .2 5 3 1 4 .1 6 7 1 4 .1 2 4 1 4 .081 1 4 .0 3 7 1 3 .9 9 2 1 3 .9 4 7 1 3 .9 0 2
4 8 .8 4 3 9 8 .7 5 1 2 8 .6 5 6 5 8 .5 5 9 9 8 .5 1 0 9 8 .4 6 1 3 8 .4 1 1 1 8 .3 6 0 4 8 .3 0 9 2 8 .2 5 7 3

5 6 .6 1 9 2 6 .5 2 4 6 6 .4 2 7 7 6 .3 2 8 5 6 .2 7 8 0 6 .2 2 6 9 6 .1 7 5 1 6 .1 2 2 5 6 .0 6 9 3 6 .0 1 5 3
6 5 .4 6 1 3 5 .3 6 6 2 5 .2 6 8 7 5 .1 6 8 4 5 .1 1 7 2 5 .0 6 5 2 5 .0 1 2 5 5 .9 5 8 9 4 .9 0 4 5 4 .8 4 9 1
7 4 .7 6 1 1 4 .6 6 5 8 4 .5 6 7 8 4 .4 6 6 7 4 .4 1 5 0 4 .3 6 2 4 4 .3 0 8 9 4 .2 5 4 4 4 .1 9 8 9 4 .1 4 2 3
8 4 .2 9 5 1 4 .1 9 9 7 4 .1 0 1 2 3 .9 9 9 5 3 .9 4 7 2 3 .8 9 4 0 3 .8 3 9 8 3 .7 8 4 4 3 .7 2 7 9 3 .6 7 0 2
9 3 .9 6 3 9 3 .8 6 8 2 3 .7 6 9 4 3 .6 6 6 9 3 .6 1 4 2 3 .5 6 0 4 3 .5 0 5 5 3 .4 4 9 3 3 .3 9 1 8 3 .3 3 2 9

10 3 .7 1 6 8 3 .6 2 0 9 3 .5 2 1 7 3 .4 1 8 6 3 .3 6 5 4 3 .3 1 1 0 3 .2 5 5 4 3 .1 9 8 4 3 .1 3 9 9 3 .0 7 9 8
11 3 .5 2 5 7 3 .4 2 9 6 3 .3 2 9 9 3 .2 2 6 1 3 .1 7 2 5 3 .1 1 7 6 3 .0 6 1 3 3 .0 0 3 5 2 .9 4 4 1 2 .8 8 2 8
12 3 .3 7 3 6 3 .2 7 7 3 3 .1 7 7 2 3 .0 7 2 8 3 .0 1 8 7 2 .9 6 3 3 2 .9 0 6 3 2 .8 4 7 8 2 .7 8 7 4 2 .7 2 4 9
13 3 .2 4 9 7 3 .1 5 3 2 3 .0 5 2 7 2 .9 4 7 7 2 .8 9 3 2 2 .8 3 7 3 2 .7 7 9 7 2 .7 2 0 4 2 .6 5 9 0 2 .5 9 5 5
14 3 .1 4 6 9 3 .0 5 0 1 2 .9 4 9 3 2 .8 4 3 7 2 .7 8 8 8 2 .7 3 2 4 2 .6 7 4 2 2 .6 1 4 2 2 .5 5 1 9 2 .4 8 7 2

15 3 .0 6 0 2 2 .9 6 3 3 2 .8 6 2 1 2 .7 5 5 9 2 .7 0 0 6 2 .6 4 3 7 2 .5 8 5 0 2 .5 2 4 2 2 .4 6 1 1 2 .3 9 5 3
16 2 .9 8 6 2 2 .8 8 9 0 2 .7 8 7 5 2 .6 8 0 8 2 .6 2 5 2 2 .5 6 7 8 2 .5 0 8 5 2 .4 4 7 1 2 .3 8 3 1 2 .3 1 6 3
17 2 .9 2 2 2 2 .8 2 4 9 2 .7 2 3 0 2 .6 1 5 8 2 .5 5 9 8 2 .5 0 2 1 2 .4 4 2 2 2 .3 8 0 1 2 .3 1 5 3 2 .2 4 7 4
18 2 .8 6 6 4 2 .7 6 8 9 2 .6 6 6 7 2 .5 5 9 0 2 .5 0 2 7 2 .4 4 4 5 2 .3 8 4 2 2 .3 2 1 4 2 .2 5 5 8 2 .1 8 6 9
19 2 .8 1 7 3 2 .7 1 9 6 2 .6 1 7 1 2 .5 0 8 9 2 .4 5 2 3 2 .3 9 3 7 2 .3 3 2 9 2 .2 6 9 5 2 .2 0 3 2 2 .1 3 3 3

20 2 .7 7 3 7 2 .6 7 5 8 2 .5 7 3 1 2 .4 6 4 5 2 .4 0 7 6 2 .3 4 8 6 2 .2 8 7 3 2 .2 2 3 4 2 .1 5 6 2 2 .0 8 5 3
21 2 .7 3 4 8 2 .6 3 6 8 2 .5 3 3 8 2 .4 2 4 7 2 .3 6 7 5 2 .3 0 8 2 2 .2 4 6 5 2 .1 8 1 9 2 .1141 2 .0 4 2 2
22 2 .6 9 9 8 2 .6 0 1 7 2 .4 9 8 4 2 .3 8 9 0 2 .3 3 1 5 2 .2 7 1 8 2 .2 0 9 7 2 .1 4 4 6 2 .0 7 6 0 2 .0 0 3 2
23 2 .6 6 8 2 2 .5 6 9 9 2 .4 6 6 5 2 .3 5 6 7 2 .2 9 8 9 2 .2 3 8 9 2 .1 7 6 3 2 .1 1 0 7 2 .0 4 1 5 1 .9 6 7 7
24 2 .6 3 9 6 2 .5 4 1 2 2 .4 3 7 4 2 .3 2 7 3 2 .2 6 9 3 2 .2 0 9 0 2 .1 4 6 0 2 .0 7 9 9 2 .0 0 9 9 1 .9 3 5 3

25 2 .6 1 3 5 2 .5 1 4 9 2 .4 1 1 0 2 .3 0 0 5 2 .2 4 2 2 2 .1 8 1 6 2 .1 1 8 3 2 .0 5 1 7 1 .9811 1 .9 0 5 5
26 2 .5 8 9 5 2 .4 9 0 9 2 .3 8 6 7 2 .2 7 5 9 2 .2 1 7 4 2 .1 5 6 5 2 .0 9 2 8 2 .0 2 5 7 1 .9 5 4 5 1 .8781
27 2 .5 6 7 6 2 .4 6 8 8 2 .3 6 4 4 2 .2 5 3 3 2 .1 9 4 6 2 .1 3 3 4 2 .0 6 9 3 2 .0 0 1 8 1 .9 2 9 9 1 .8 5 2 7
28 2 .5 4 7 3 2 .4 4 8 4 2 .3 4 3 8 2 .2 3 2 4 2 .1 7 3 5 2.1121 2 .0 4 7 7 1 .9 7 9 6 1 .9 0 7 2 1 .8 2 9 1
29 2 .5 2 8 6 2 .4 2 9 5 2 .3 2 4 8 2 .2 1 3 1 2 .1 5 4 0 2 .0 9 2 3 2 .0 2 7 6 1 .9591 1 .8861 1 .8 0 7 2

30 2 .5 1 1 2 2 .4 1 2 0 2 .3 0 7 2 2 .1 9 5 2 2 .1 3 5 9 2 .0 7 3 9 2 .0 0 8 9 1 .9 4 0 0 1 .8 6 6 4 1 .7 8 6 7
40 2 .3 8 8 2 2 .2 8 8 2 2 .1 8 1 9 2 .0 6 7 7 2 .0 0 6 9 1 .9 4 2 9 1 .8 7 5 2 1 .8 0 2 8 1 .7 2 4 2 1 .6 3 7 1
60 2 .2 7 0 2 2 .1 6 9 2 2 .0 6 1 3 1 .9 4 4 5 1 .8 8 1 7 1 .8 1 5 2 1 .7 4 4 0 1.6668 1 .5 8 1 0 1 .4 8 2 2
2 .1 5 7 0 2 .0 5 4 8 1 .9 4 5 0 1 .8 2 4 9 1 .7 5 9 7 1 .6 8 9 9 1.6141 1 .5 2 9 9 1 .4 3 2 7 1 .3 1 0 4
2 .0 4 8 3 1 .9 4 4 7 1 .8 3 2 6 1 .7 0 8 5 1 .6 4 0 2 1 .5 6 6 0 1 .4 8 3 5 1 ,3 8 8 3 1 .2 6 8 4 1.0000

G (Continued)
a = .01

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 4 0 5 2 .2 4 9 9 9 .5 5 4 0 3 .3 5 6 2 4 .6 5 7 6 3 .7 5 8 5 9 .0 5 9 2 8 .3 5 9 8 1 .6 6 0 2 2 .5
2 9 8 .5 0 3 9 9 .0 0 0 9 9 .1 6 6 9 9 .2 4 9 9 9 .2 9 9 9 9 .3 3 2 9 9 .3 5 6 9 9 .3 7 4 9 9 .3 8 8
3 3 4 .1 1 6 3 0 .8 1 7 2 9 .4 5 7 2 8 .7 1 0 2 8 .2 3 7 2 7 .911 2 7 .6 7 2 2 7 .4 8 9 2 7 .3 4 5
4 2 1 .1 9 8 1 8 .0 0 0 1 6 .6 9 4 1 5 .9 7 7 1 5 .5 2 2 1 5 .2 0 7 1 4 .9 7 6 1 4 .7 9 9 1 4 .6 5 9

5 1 6 .2 5 8 1 3 .2 7 4 1 2 .0 6 0 1 1 .3 9 2 1 0 .9 6 7 1 0 .6 7 2 1 0 .4 5 6 1 0 .2 8 9 1 0 .1 5 8
6 1 3 .7 4 5 1 0 .9 2 5 9 .7 7 9 5 9 .1 4 8 3 8 .7 4 5 9 8 .4 6 6 1 8 .2 6 0 0 8 .1 0 1 6 7 .9 7 6 1
7 1 2 .2 4 6 9 .5 4 6 6 8 .4 5 1 3 7 .8 4 6 7 7 .4 6 0 4 7 .1 9 1 4 6 .9 9 2 8 6 .8 4 0 1 6 .7 1 8 8
8 1 1 .2 5 9 8 .6 4 9 1 7 .5 9 1 0 7 .0 0 6 0 6 .6 3 1 8 6 .3 7 0 7 6 .1 7 7 6 6 .0 2 8 9 5 .9 1 0 6
9 1 0 .561 8 .0 2 1 5 6 .9 9 1 9 6 .4 2 2 1 6 .0 5 6 9 5 .8 0 1 8 5 .6 1 2 9 5 .4 6 7 1 5 .3 5 1 1

10 1 0 .0 4 4 7 .5 5 9 4 6 .5 5 2 3 5 .9 9 4 3 5 .6 3 6 3 : 5 .3 8 5 8 5 .2001 5 .0 5 6 7 4 .9 4 2 4
11 9 .6 4 6 0 7 .2 0 5 7 6 .2 1 6 7 5 .6 6 8 3 5 .3 1 6 0 5 .0 6 9 2 4 .8 8 6 1 4 .7 4 4 5 4 .6 3 1 5
12 9 .3 3 0 2 6 .9 2 6 6 5 .9 5 2 6 5 .4 1 1 9 5 .0 6 4 3 4 .8 2 0 6 4 .6 3 9 5 4 .4 9 9 4 4 .3 8 7 5
13 9 .0 7 3 8 6 .7 0 1 0 5 .7 3 9 4 5 .2 0 5 3 4 .8 6 1 6 4 .6 2 0 4 4 .4 4 1 0 4 .3 0 2 1 4 .1 9 1 1
14 8 .8 6 1 6 6 .5 1 4 9 5 .5 6 3 9 5 .0 3 5 4 4 ,6 9 5 0 4 .4 5 5 8 4 .2 7 7 9 4 .1 3 9 9 4 .0 2 9 7

15 8 .6 8 3 1 6 .3 5 8 9 5 .4 1 7 0 4 .8 9 3 2 4 .5 5 5 6 4 .3 1 8 3 4 .1 4 1 5 4 .0 0 4 5 3 .8 9 4 8
16 8 .5 3 1 0 6 .2 2 6 2 5 .2 9 2 2 4 .7 7 2 6 4 .4 3 7 4 4 .2 0 1 6 4 .0 2 5 9 3 .8 8 9 6 3 .7 8 0 4
17 8 .3 9 9 7 6.1121 5 .1 8 5 0 4 .6 6 9 0 4 .3 3 5 9 4 .1 0 1 5 3 .9 2 6 7 3 .7 9 1 0 3 .6 8 2 2
18 8 .2 8 5 4 6 .0 1 2 9 5 .0 9 1 9 4 .5 7 9 0 4 .2 4 7 9 4 .0 1 4 6 3 .8 4 0 6 3 .7 0 5 4 3 .5 9 7 1
19 8 .1 8 5 0 5 .9 2 5 9 5 .0 1 0 3 4 .5 0 0 3 4 .1 7 0 8 3 .9 3 8 6 3 .7 6 5 3 3 .6 3 0 5 3 .5 2 2 5

20 8 .0 9 6 0 5 .8 4 8 9 4 .9 3 8 2 4 .4 3 0 7 4 .1 0 2 7 3 .8 7 1 4 3 .6 9 8 7 3 .5 6 4 4 3 .4 5 6 7
21 8 .0 1 6 6 5 .7 8 0 4 4 .8 7 4 0 4 .3 6 8 8 4 .0 4 2 1 3 .8 1 1 7 3 .6 3 9 6 3 .5 0 5 6 3 .3 9 8 1
22 7 .9 4 5 4 5 .7 1 9 0 4 .8 1 6 6 4 .3 1 3 4 3 .9 8 8 0 3 .7 5 8 3 3 .5 8 6 7 3 .4 5 3 0 3 .3 4 5 8
23 7 .8 8 1 1 5 .6 6 3 7 4 .7 6 4 9 4 .2 6 3 5 3 .9 3 9 2 3 .7 1 0 2 3 .5 3 9 0 3 .4 0 5 7 3 .2 9 8 6
24 7 .8 2 2 9 5 .6 1 3 6 4 .7 1 8 1 4 .2 1 8 4 3 .8 9 5 1 3 .6 6 6 7 3 .4 9 5 9 3 .3 6 2 9 3 .2 5 6 0

25 7 .7 6 9 8 5 .5 6 8 0 4 .6 7 5 5 4 ,1 7 7 4 3 .8 5 5 0 3 .6 2 7 2 3 .4 5 6 8 3 .3 2 3 9 3 .2 1 7 2
26 7 .7 2 1 3 5 .5 2 6 3 4 .6 3 6 6 4 .1 4 0 0 3 .8 1 8 3 3 .5 9 1 1 3 .4 2 1 0 3 .2 8 8 4 3 .1 8 1 8
27 7 .6 7 6 7 5 .4 8 8 1 4 .6 0 0 9 4 .1 0 5 6 3 .7 8 4 8 3 .5 5 8 0 3 .3 8 8 2 3 .2 5 5 8 3 .1 4 9 4
28 7 .6 3 5 6 5 .4 5 2 9 4 .5 6 8 1 4 .0 7 4 0 3 .7 5 3 9 3 .5 2 7 6 3 .3 5 8 1 3 .2 2 5 9 3 ,1 1 9 5
29 7 .5 9 7 6 5 .4 2 0 5 4 .5 3 7 8 4 .0 4 4 9 3 .7 2 5 4 3 .4 9 9 5 3 .3 3 0 2 3 .1 9 8 2 3 .0 9 2 0

30 7 .5 6 2 5 5 .3 9 0 4 4 .5 0 9 7 4 .0 1 7 9 3 .6 9 9 0 3 .4 7 3 5 3 .3 0 4 5 3 .1 7 2 6 3 .0 6 6 5
40 7 .3 1 4 1 5 .1 7 8 5 4 .3 1 2 6 3 .8 2 8 3 3 .5 1 3 8 3 .2 9 1 0 3 .1 2 3 8 2 .9 9 3 0 2 .8 8 7 6
60 7 .0 7 7 1 4 .9 7 7 4 4 .1 2 5 9 3 .6 4 9 1 3 .3 3 8 9 3 .1 1 8 7 2 .9 5 3 0 2 .8 2 3 3 2 .7 1 8 5
20 6 .8 5 1 0 4 .7 8 6 5 3 .9 4 9 3 3 .4 7 9 6 3 .1 7 3 5 2 .9 5 5 9 2 .7 9 1 8 2 .6 6 2 9 2 .5 5 8 6
6 .6 3 4 9 4 .6 0 5 2 3 .7 8 1 6 3 .3 1 9 2 3 .0 1 7 3 2 .8 0 2 0 2 .6 3 9 3 2 .5 1 1 3 2 .4 0 7 3

APPENDIX G (Continued)
a = .01
m2 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120
1 6 0 5 5 .8 6 1 0 6 .3 6 1 5 7 .3 6 2 0 8 .7 6 2 3 4 .6 6 2 6 0 .7 6 2 8 6 .8 6 3 1 3 .0 6 3 3 9 .4 6 3 6 6 .0
2 9 9 .3 9 9 9 9 .4 1 6 9 9 .4 3 2 9 9 .4 4 9 9 9 .4 5 8 9 9 .4 6 6 9 9 .4 7 4 9 9 .4 8 3 9 9 .4 9 1 9 9 .5 0 1
3 2 7 .2 2 9 2 7 .0 5 2 2 6 .8 7 2 2 6 .6 9 0 2 6 .5 9 8 2 6 .5 0 5 2 6 .4 1 1 2 6 .3 1 6 2 6 .2 2 1 2 6 .1 2 5
4 1 4 .5 4 6 1 4 .3 7 4 1 4 .1 9 8 1 4 .0 2 0 1 3 .9 2 9 1 3 .8 3 8 1 3 .7 4 5 1 3 .6 5 2 1 3 .5 5 8 1 3 .4 6 3

5 1 0 .0 5 1 9 .8 8 8 3 9 .7 2 2 2 9 .5 5 2 7 9 .4 6 6 5 9 .3 7 9 3 9 .2 9 1 2 9 .2 0 2 0 9 .1 1 1 8 9 .0 2 0 4
6 7 .8 7 4 1 7 .7 1 8 3 7 ,5 5 9 0 7 .3 9 5 8 7 .3 1 2 7 7 .2 2 8 5 7 .1 4 3 2 7 .0 5 6 8 6 .9 6 9 0 6 .8 8 0 1
7 6 .6 2 0 1 6 .4 6 9 1 6 .3 1 4 3 6 .1 5 5 4 6 .0 7 4 3 5 .9 9 2 1 5 .9 0 8 4 5 .8 2 3 6 5 .7 3 7 2 5 .6 4 9 5
8 5 .8 1 4 3 5 .6 6 6 8 5 .5 1 5 1 5 .3 5 9 1 5 .2 7 9 3 5 .1 9 8 1 5 .1 1 5 6 5 .0 3 1 6 4 .9 4 6 0 4 .8 5 8 8
9 5 .2 5 6 5 5 .1 1 1 4 4 .9 6 2 1 4 .8 0 8 0 4 .7 2 9 0 4 .6 4 8 6 4 .5 6 6 7 4 .4 8 3 1 4 .3 9 7 8 4 .3 1 0 5

10 4 .8 4 9 2 4 .7 0 5 9 4 .5 5 8 2 4 .4 0 5 4 4 .3 2 6 9 4 .2 4 6 9 4 .1 6 5 3 4 .0 8 1 9 3 .9 9 6 5 3 .9 0 9 0
11 4 .5 3 9 3 4 .3 9 7 4 4 .2 5 0 9 4 .0 9 9 0 4 .0 2 0 9 3 .9 4 1 1 3 .8 5 9 6 3 .7 7 6 1 3 .6 9 0 4 3 .6 0 2 5
12 4 .2 9 6 1 4 .1 5 5 3 4 .0 0 9 6 3 .8 5 8 4 3 .7 8 0 5 3 .7 0 0 8 3 .6 1 9 2 3 .5 3 5 5 3 .4 4 9 4 3 .3 6 0 8
13 4 .1 0 0 3 3 .9 6 0 3 3 .8 1 5 4 3 .6 6 4 6 3 .5 8 6 8 3 .5 0 7 0 3 .4 2 5 3 3 .3 4 1 3 3 .2 5 4 8 3 .1 6 5 4
14 3 .9 3 9 4 3 .8 0 0 1 3 ,6 5 5 7 3 .5 0 5 2 3 .4 2 7 4 3 .3 4 7 6 3 .2 6 5 6 3 .1 8 1 3 3 .0 9 4 2 3 .0 0 4 0

15 3 .8 0 4 9 3 .6 6 6 2 3 .5 2 2 2 3 .3 7 1 9 3 .2 9 4 0 3 .2 1 4 1 3 .1 3 1 9 3 .0 4 7 1 2 .9 5 9 5 2 .8 6 8 4
16 3 .6 9 0 9 3 .5 5 2 7 3 .4 0 8 9 3 .2 5 8 8 3 ,1 8 0 8 3 .1 0 0 7 3 .0 1 8 2 2 .9 3 3 0 2 .8 4 4 7 2 .7 5 2 8
17 3 .5 9 3 1 3 .4 5 5 2 3 .3 1 1 7 3 .1 6 1 5 3 .0 8 3 5 3 .0 0 3 2 2 .9 2 0 5 2 .8 3 4 8 2 .7 4 5 9 2 .6 5 3 0
18 3 .5 0 8 2 3 .3 7 0 6 3 .2 2 7 3 3 .0 7 7 1 2 .9 9 9 0 2 .9 1 8 5 2 .8 3 5 4 2 .7 4 9 3 2 .6 5 9 7 2 .5 6 6 0
19 3 .4 3 3 8 3 .2 9 6 5 3 .1 5 3 3 3 .0 0 3 1 2 .9 2 4 9 2 .8 4 4 2 2 .7 6 0 8 2 .6 7 4 2 2 .5 8 3 9 2 .4 8 9 3

20 3 .3 6 8 2 3 .2 3 1 1 3 .0 8 8 0 2 .9 3 7 7 2 .8 5 9 4 2 .7 7 8 5 2 .6 9 4 7 2 .6 0 7 7 2 .5 1 6 8 2 .4 2 1 2
21 3 .3 0 9 8 3 .1 7 2 9 3 .0 2 9 9 2 .8 7 9 6 2 .8 0 1 1 2 .7 2 0 0 2 .6 3 5 9 2 .5 4 8 4 2 .4 5 6 8 2 .3 6 0 3
22 3 .2 5 7 6 3 .1 2 0 9 2 .9 7 8 0 2 .8 2 7 4 2 .7 4 8 8 2 .6 6 7 5 2 .5 8 3 1 2 .4 9 5 1 2 .4 0 2 9 2 .3 0 5 5
23 3 .2 1 0 6 3 .0 7 4 0 2 .9 3 1 1 2 .7 8 0 5 2 .7 0 1 7 2 .6 2 0 2 2 .5 3 5 5 2 .4 4 7 1 2 .3 5 4 2 2 .2 5 5 9
24 3 .1 6 8 1 3 .0 3 1 6 2 .8 8 7 2 .7 3 8 0 2 .6 5 9 1 2 .5 7 7 3 2 .4 9 2 3 2 .4 0 3 5 2 .3 0 9 9 2 .2 1 0 7

25 3 .1 2 9 4 2 .9 9 3 1 2 .8 5 0 2 2 .6 9 9 3 2 .6 2 0 3 2 .5 3 8 3 2 .4 5 3 0 2 .3 6 3 7 2 .2 6 9 5 2 .1 6 9 4
26 3 .0 9 4 1 2 .9 5 7 9 2 .8 1 5 0 2 .6 6 4 0 2 .5 8 4 8 2 .5 0 2 6 2 .4 1 7 0 2 ,3 2 7 3 2 .2 3 2 5 2 .1 3 1 5
27 3 .0 6 1 8 2 .9 2 5 6 2 .7 8 2 7 2 .6 3 1 6 2 .5 5 2 2 2 .4 6 9 9 2 .3 8 4 0 2 .2 9 3 8 2 .1 9 8 4 2 .0 9 6 5
28 3 .0 3 2 0 2 .8 9 5 9 2 .7 5 3 0 2 .6 0 1 7 2 .5 2 2 3 2 .4 3 9 7 2 .3 5 3 5 2 .2 6 2 9 2 .1 6 7 0 2 .0 6 4 2
29 3 .0 0 4 5 2 .8 6 8 5 2 .7 2 5 6 2 .5 7 4 2 2 .4 9 4 6 2 .4 1 1 8 2 .3 2 5 3 2 .2 3 4 4 2 .1 3 7 8 2 .0 3 4 2

30 2 .9 7 9 1 2 .8 4 3 1 2 .7 0 0 2 2 .5 4 8 7 2 .4 6 8 9 2 .3 8 6 0 2 .2 9 9 2 2 .2 0 7 9 2 .1 1 0 7 2 .0 0 6 2
40 2 .8 0 0 5 2 .6 6 4 8 2 .5 2 1 6 2 .3 6 8 9 2 .2 8 8 0 2 .2 0 3 4 2 .1 1 4 2 2 .0 1 9 4 1 .9 1 7 2 1 .8 0 4 7
60 2 .6 3 1 8 2 .4 9 6 1 2 .3 5 2 3 2 .1 9 7 8 2 .1 1 5 4 2 .0 2 8 5 1 .9 3 6 0 1 .8 3 6 3 1 .7 2 6 3 1 .6 0 0 6
120 2 .4 7 2 1 2 .3 3 6 3 2 .1 9 1 5 2 .0 3 4 6 1 .9 5 0 0 1 .8 6 0 0 1 .7 6 2 8 1 .6 5 5 7 1 .5 3 3 0 1 .3 8 0 5
CO 2 .3 2 0 9 2 .1 8 4 8 2 .0 3 8 5 1 .8 7 8 3 1 .7 9 0 8 1 .6 9 6 4 1 .5 9 2 3 1 .4 7 3 0 1 .3 2 4 6 1.0000

D1X G ( C o n t in u e d )
a = .005

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1 16211 20000 21615 22500 23056 23437 23715 23925 24091

2 1 9 8 .5 0 1 9 9 .0 0 1 9 9 .1 7 1 9 9 .2 5 1 9 9 .3 0 1 9 9 .3 3 1 9 9 .3 6 1 9 9 .3 7 1 9 9 .3 9
3 5 5 .5 5 2 4 9 .7 9 9 4 7 .4 6 7 4 6 .1 9 5 4 5 .3 9 2 4 4 .8 3 8 4 4 .4 3 4 4 4 .1 2 6 4 3 .8 8 2
4 3 1 .3 3 3 2 6 .2 8 4 2 4 .2 5 9 2 3 .1 5 5 2 2 .4 5 6 2 1 .9 7 5 2 1 .6 2 2 2 1 .3 5 2 2 1 .1 3 9

5 2 2 .7 8 5 1 8 .3 1 4 1 6 .5 3 0 1 5 .5 5 6 1 4 .9 4 0 1 4 .5 1 3 1 4 .2 0 0 1 3 .961 1 3 ,7 7 2
6 1 8 .6 3 5 1 4 .5 4 4 1 2 .9 1 7 1 2 .0 2 8 1 1 .4 6 4 1 1 ,0 7 3 1 0 .7 8 6 1 0 .5 6 6 1 0 .391
7 1 6 .2 3 6 1 2 .4 0 4 1 0 .8 8 2 1 0 .0 5 0 9 .5 2 2 1 9 ,1 5 5 4 8 .8 8 5 4 8 .6 7 8 1 8 .5 1 3 8
8 1 4 .6 8 8 1 1 .0 4 2 9 .5 9 6 5 8 .8 0 5 1 8 .3 0 1 8 7 .9 5 2 0 7 .6 9 4 2 7 .4 9 6 0 7 .3 3 8 6
9 1 3 .6 1 4 1 0 .1 0 7 8 .7 1 7 1 7 .9 5 5 9 7 .4 7 1 1 7 .1 3 3 8 6 .8 8 4 9 6 .6 9 3 3 6 .5 4 1 1

10 1 2 .8 2 6 9 .4 2 7 0 8 .0 8 0 7 7 .3 4 2 8 6 .8 7 2 3 6 .5 4 4 6 6 .3 0 2 5 6 .1 1 5 9 5 .9 6 7 6
11 1 2 .2 2 6 8 .9 1 2 2 7 .6 0 0 4 6 .8 8 0 9 6 .4 2 1 7 6 .1 0 1 5 5 .8 6 4 8 5 .6 8 2 1 5 .5 3 6 8
12 1 1 .7 5 4 8 .5 0 9 6 7 .2 2 5 8 6 .5 2 1 1 6 .0 7 1 1 5 .7 5 7 0 5 .5 2 4 5 5 .3 4 5 1 5 .2 0 2 1
13 1 1 .3 7 4 8 .1 8 6 5 6 .9 2 5 7 6 .2 3 3 5 5 .7 9 1 0 5 .4 8 1 9 5 .2 5 2 9 5 .0 7 6 1 4 .9 3 5 1
14 1 1 .0 6 0 7 .9 2 1 7 6 .6 8 0 3 5 .9 9 8 4 5 .5 6 2 3 5 .2 5 7 4 5 .0 3 1 3 4 .8 5 6 6 4 .7 1 7 3

15 1 0 .7 9 8 7 .7 0 0 8 6 .4 7 6 0 5 .8 0 2 9 5 .3 7 2 1 5 .0 7 0 8 4 .8 4 7 3 4 .6 7 4 3 4 .5 3 6 4
16 1 0 .5 7 5 7 .5 1 3 8 6 .3 0 3 4 5 .6 3 7 8 5 .2 1 1 7 4 .9 1 3 4 4 .6 9 2 0 4 .5 2 0 7 4 .3 8 3 8
17 1 0 .3 8 4 7 .3 5 3 6 6 .1 5 5 6 5 .4 9 6 7 5 .0 7 4 6 4 .7 7 8 9 4 .5 5 9 4 4 .3 8 9 3 4 .2 5 3 5
18 1 0 .2 1 8 7 .2 1 4 8 6 .0 2 7 7 5 .3 7 4 6 4 .9 5 6 0 4 .6 6 2 8 4 .4 4 4 8 4 .2 7 5 9 4 .1 4 1 0
19 1 0 .0 7 3 7 .0 9 3 5 5 .9 1 6 1 5 .2 6 8 1 4 .8 5 2 6 4 .5 6 1 4 4 .3 4 4 8 4 .1 7 7 0 4 .0 4 2 8

20 9 .9 4 3 9 6 .9 8 6 5 5 .8 1 7 7 5 .1 7 4 3 4 .7 6 1 6 . 4 .4 7 2 1 4 .2 5 6 9 4 .0 9 0 0 3 .9 5 6 4
21 9 .8 2 9 5 6 .8 9 1 4 5 .7 3 0 4 5 .0 9 1 1 4 .6 8 0 8 4 .3 9 3 1 4 .1 7 8 9 4 .0 1 2 8 3 .8 7 9 9
22 9 .7 2 7 1 6 .8 0 6 4 5 .6 5 2 4 5 .0 1 6 8 4 .6 0 8 8 4 .3 2 2 5 4 .1 0 9 4 3 .9 4 4 0 3 .8 1 1 6
23 9 .6 3 4 8 6 .7 3 0 0 5 .5 8 2 3 4 .9 5 0 0 4 .5 4 4 1 4 .2 5 9 1 4 .0 4 6 9 3 .8 8 2 2 3 .7 5 0 2
24 9 .5 5 1 3 6 .6 6 1 0 5 .5 1 9 0 4 .8 8 9 8 4 .4 8 5 7 4 .2 0 1 9 3 .9 9 0 5 3 .8 2 6 4 3 .6 9 4 9

25 9 .4 7 5 3 6 .5 9 8 2 5 .4 6 1 5 4 .8 3 5 1 4 .4 3 2 7 4 .1 5 0 0 3 .9 3 9 4 3 .7 7 5 8 3 .6 4 4 7
26 9 .4 0 5 9 6 .5 4 0 9 5 .4 0 9 1 4 .7 8 5 2 4 .3 8 4 4 4 .1 0 2 7 3 .8 9 2 8 3 .7 2 9 7 3 .5 9 8 9
27 9 .3 4 2 3 6 .4 8 8 5 5 .3 6 1 1 4 .7 3 9 6 4 .3 4 0 2 4 .0 5 9 4 3 .8 5 0 1 3 .6 8 7 5 3 .5 5 7 1
28 9 .2 8 3 8 6 .4 4 0 3 5 .3 1 7 0 4 .6 9 7 7 4 .2 9 9 6 4 .0 1 9 7 3 .8 1 1 0 3 .6 4 8 7 3 .5 1 8 6
29 9 .2 2 9 7 6 .3 9 5 8 5 .2 7 6 4 4 .6 5 9 1 4 .2 6 2 2 3 .9 8 3 0 3 .7 7 4 9 3 .6 1 3 0 3 .4 8 3 2

30 9 .1 7 9 7 6 .3 5 4 7 5 .2 3 8 8 4 .6 2 3 3 4 .2 2 7 6 3 .9 4 9 2 3 .7 4 1 6 3 .5 8 0 1 3 .4 5 0 5
40 8 .8 2 7 8 6 .0 6 6 4 4 .9 7 5 9 4 .3 7 3 8 3 .9 8 6 0 3 .7 1 2 9 3 .5 0 8 8 3 .3 4 9 8 3 .2 2 2 0
60 8 .4 9 4 6 5 .7 9 5 0 4 .7 2 9 0 4 .1 3 9 9 3 .7 6 0 0 3 .4 9 1 8 3 .2 9 1 1 3 .1 3 4 4 3 .0 0 8 3
20 8 .1 7 9 0 5 .5 3 9 3 4 .4 9 7 3 3 .9 2 0 7 3 .5 4 8 2 3 .2 8 4 9 3 .0 8 7 4 2 .9 3 3 0 2 .8 0 8 3
7 .8 7 9 4 5 .2 9 8 3 4 .2 7 9 4 3 .7 1 5 1 3 .3 4 9 9 3 .0 9 1 3 2 .8 9 6 8 2 .7 4 4 4 2 .6 2 1 0

APPENDIX G ( Continued)
a = .005
\ j> 1
m2 \ 10 12 15 20 24 30 40 60 120 cc
1 24224 24426 24630 24836 24940 25044 25148 25253 25359 25465
2 199.40 199.42 199.43 199.45 199.46 199.47 199.47 199.48 199.49 199.51
3 43.686 43.387 43.085 42.778 42.622 42.466 42.308 42.149 41.989 41.829
4 20.967 20.705 20.438 20.167 20.030 19,892 19.752 19.611 19.468 19.325
5 13.618 13.384 13.146 12.903 12.780 12.656 12.530 12.402 12.274 12.144
6 10.250 10.034 9.8140 9.5888 9.4741 9.3583 9.2408 9.1219 9.0015 8.8793
7 8.3803 8.1764 7.9678 7.7540 7.6450 7.5345 7.4225 7.3088 7.1933 7.0760
8 7.2107 7.0149 6.8143 6.6082 6.5029 6.3961 6.2875 6.1772 6.0649 5.9505
9 6.4171 6.2274 6.0325 5.8318 5.7292 5.6248 5.5186 5.4104 5.3001 5.1875
10 5.8467 5.6613 5.4707 5.2740 5.1732 5.0705 4.9659 4.8592 4.7501 4.6385
11 5.4182 5.2363 5.0489 4.8552 4.7557 4.6543 4.5508 4.4450 4.3367 4.2256
12 5.0855 4.9063 4.7214 4.5299 4.4315 4.3309 4.2282 4.1229 4.0149 3.9039
13 4.8199 4.6429 4.4600 4.2703 4.1726 4.0727 3.9704 3.8655 3.7577 3.6465
14 4.6034 4.4281 4.2468 4.0585 3.9614 3.8619 3.7600 3.6553 3.5473 3.4359
15 4.4236 4.2498 4.0698 3.8826 3.7859 3.6867 3.5850 3.4803 3,3722 3.2602
16 4.2719 4.0994 3.9205 3.7342 3.6378 3.5388 3.4372 3.3324 3.2240 3.1115
17 4.1423 3.9709 3.7929 3.6073 3.5112 3.4124 3.3107 3.2058 3,0971 2.9839
18 4.0305 3.8599 3.6827 3.4977 3.4017 3.3030 3.2014 3.0962 2.9871 2.8732
19 3.9329 3.7631 3.5866 3.4020 3.3062 3.2075 3.1058 3.0004 2.8908 2.7762
20 3.8470 3.6779 3.5020 3.3178 3.2220 3.1234 3.0215 2.9159 2.8058 2.6904
21 3.7709 3.6024 3.4270 3.2431 3.1474 3.0488 2.9467 2.8408 2.7302 2.6140
22 3.7030 3.5350 3.3600 3.1764 3.0807 2.9821 2.8799 2.7736 2.6625 2.5455
23 3.6420 3.4745 3.2999 3.1165 3.0208 2.9221 2.8198 2.7132 2.6016 2.4837
24 3.5870 3.4199 3.2456 3.0624 2.9667 2.8679 2.7654 2.6585 2.5463 2.4276
25 3.5370 3.3704 3.1963 3.0133 2.9176 2.8187 2,7160 2.6088 2.4960 2.3765
26 ' 3.4916 3.3252 3.1515 2.9695 2.8728 2.7738 2.6709 2.5633 2.4501 2.3297
27 3.4499 3.2839 3.1104 2.9275 2.8318 2.7327 2.6296 2.5217 2.4078 2.2867
28 3.4117 3.2460 3.0727 2.8899 2.7941 2.6949 2.5916 2.4834 2.3689 2.2469
29 3.3765 3.2111 3.0379 •2.8551 2.7594 2.6601 2.5565 2.4479 2.3330 2.2102
30 3.3440 3.1787 3.0057 2.8230 2.7272 2.6278 2.5241 2.4151 2.2997 2.1760
40 3.1167 2.9531 2.7811 2.5984 2.5020 2.4015 2.2958 2.1838 2.0635 1.9318
60 2.9042 2.7419 2.5705 2.3872 2.2898 2.1874 2.0789 1.9622 1.8341 1.6885
120 2.7052 2.5439 2.3727 2.1881 2.0890 1.9839 1.8709 1.7469 1.6055 1.4311
CO 2.5188 2.3583 2.1868 1.9998 1.8983 1.7891 1.6691 1.5325 1.3637 1.0000

S o u rc e : I. Guttman and S. S. Wilks, In tro d u c tio n to E n g in e e rin g S ta tis tic s , John Wiley & Sons,
New York, 1965, pp. 320-29.

Percentage Points of
Run Distribution

VALUES OF rNa SUCH THAT Prob [R > rN.J = a

N 0.99 0.975 0.95 0.05 0.025 0.01
5 2 2 3 8 9 9
6 2 3 3 10 10 11
7 3 3 4 11 12 12
8 4 4 5 12 13 13
9 4 5 6 13 14 15
10 5 6 6 15 15 16
11 6 7 7 16 16 17
12 7 7 8 17 18 18
13 7 8 9 18 19 20
14 8 9 10 19 20 21
15 9 10 11 20 21 22
16 10 11 11 22 22 23
18 11 12 13 24 25 26
20 13 14 15 26 27 28
25 17 18 19 32 33 34
30 21 22 24 37 39 40
35 25 27 28 43 44 46
40 30 31 33 48 50 51
45 34 36 37 54 55 57
50 38 40 42 59 61 63
55 43 45 46 65 66 68
60 47 49 51 70 72 74
65 52 54 56 75 77 79
70 56 58 60 81 83 85
75 61 63 65 86 88 90
80 65 68 70 91 93 96
85 70 72 74 97 99 101
90 74 77 79 102 104 107
95 79 82 84 107 109 112
100 84 86 88 113 115 117
S o u rc e : J. S. Bendat and A. G. Piersol, R a n d o m D a ta : A n a ly s is a nd M e a s u re m e n t
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1971, p. 396.
a n d P ro c e d u re s ,


Probability k := Number of Regressors (Excluding the Intercept)
in Lower Tail 1 4 5
2 3
Sample (Significance
Size Level = a) di du dL du dL du dL du dL du
.01 .81 1.07 .70 1.25 .59 1.46 .49 1.70 .39 1.96
15 .025 .95 1.23 .83 1.40 .71 1.61 .59 1.84 .48 2.09
.05 1.08 1.36 .95 1.54 .82 1.75 .69 1.97 .56 2.21
.01 .95 1.15 .86 1.27 .77 1.41 .63 1.57 .60 1.74
20 .025 1.08 1.28 .99 1.41 .89 . 1.55 .79 1.70 .70 1.87
.05 1.20 1.41 1.10 1.54 1.00 1.68 .90 1.83 .79 1.99
.01 1.05 1.21 .98 1.30 .90 1.41 .83 1.52 .75 1.65
25 .025 1.13 1.34 1.10 1.43 1.02 1.54 .94 1.65 .86 1.77
.05 1.20 1.45 1.21 1.55 1.12 1.66 1.04 1.77 .95 1.89
.01 1.13 1.26 1.07 1.34 1.01 1.42 .94 1.51 .88 1.61
30 .025 1.25 1.38 1.18 1.46 1.12 1.54 1.05 1.63 .98 1.73
.05 1.35 1.49 1.28 1.57 1.21 1.65 1.14 1.74 1.07 1.83
.01 1.25 1.34 1.20 1.40 1.15 1.46 1.10 1.52 1.05 1.58
40 .025 1.35 1.45 1.30 1.51 1.25 1.57 1.20 1.63 1.15 1.69
.05 1.44 1.54 1.39 1.60 1.34 1.66 1.29 1.72 1.23 1.79
.01 1.32 1.40 1.28 1.45 1.24 1.49 1.20 1.54 1.16 1.59
50 .025 1.42 1.50 1.38 1.54 1.34 1.59 1.30 1.64 1.26 1.69
.05 1.50 1.59 1.46 1.63 1.42 1.67 1.38 1.72 1.34 1.77
.01 1.38 1.45 1.35 1.48 1.32 1.52 1.28 1.56 1.25 1.60
60 .025 1.47 1.54 1.44 1.57 1.40 1.61 1.37 1.65 1.33 1.69
.05 1.55 1.62 1.51 1.65 1.48 1.69 1.44 1.73 1.41 1.77
.01 1.47 1.52 1.44 1.54 1.42 1.57 1.39 1.60 1.36 1.62
80 .025 1.54 1.59 1.52 1.62 1.49 1.65 1.47 1.67 1.44 1.70
.05 1.61 1.66 1.59 1.69 1.56 1.72 1.53 1.74 1.51 1.77
.01 1.52 1.56 1.50 1.58 1.48 1.60 1.45 1.63 1.44 1.65
100 .025 1.59 1.63 1.57 1.65 1.55 1.67 1.53 1.70 1.51 1.72
.05 1.65 1.69 1.63 1.72 1.61 1.74 1.59 1.76 1.57 1.78
S o u rc e : D. C. Montgomery and E. A. Peck, In tro d u c tio n to L in e a r R e g re s s io n
A n a ly s is , John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1982, p. 478.

Aliasing error (effect), 193. 195 m odel, 250

Almost periodic process, 142 partial autocorrelation coefficient (p .a .c.c.).
Almost sure convergence, 89 263, 264
Alternate hypothesis, 514 power spectral density, 255, 260, 262
A nalog communication system, 325 preliminary parameter estimates, 606
effects o f noise, 323 second-order, 256
preemphasis filtering, 329 transfer function, 251
receiver design, 325 variance, 253, 257, 259
Analog to digital converters, 196, 199 Y ule-W alker equations, 261
Analytical description o f a random process, Average value, s e e Expected values
121 Axioms o f probability, 12, 13
Analytic signal, 319
A p o s t e r i o r i probability, 344, 345, 492 Backshift operator, 255, 266
Approximation: Baire functions, 56
o f distribution o f Y , 81 Band-limited processes, s e e Bandpass
o f Gaussian probabilities. 87 processes
A p r i o r i probability, 346, 351, 475, 492, 517 Band-limited white noise, 314
Arrival times, 295, 296 properties, 315
Assumptions for a point process, 297 Bandpass processes, 146, 209
Autocorrelation function, 122 amplitude and phase, 322
bounds on, 143, 340 definition, 146
complex process, 122 Hilbert transforms, 319
continuity, 144 quadrature form, 317, 322
derivative o f a process, 163, 165 Bandwidth, 146, 209, 214, 240
crgodicity, 179 definition, 147
estimation o f, 566 effective, 147
input-output relations for, 221, 223, 229 o f filters, 209
linear system response, 221,228, 229 noise bandwidth, 248
Poisson process, 132, 302 o f a power spectrum, 147
properties, 143, 206, 207 rms bandwidth, 209, 309
random binary waveform, 135 o f signals, 146
random walk, 129 Bartlett window, 583
relationship to power spectrum, 145 Bayes decision rule, 348, 349
shot noise, 310 Bayesian estimators, 491
time averaged, 169 Bayes' rule, 19, 25, 31, 468
W iener-L evy process, 130 densities, 37
Autocovariance function, 122 Bernoulli random variable, 206
Autoregressive integrated moving average Bias o f an estimator, 493
(A R IM A ) model, 5S8 for correlation, 568
Autoregressive moving average (A R M A ) definition, 494
process, 271 for histograms, 497
A R M A (1, 1) model, 273 o f periodogram, 572
A R M A ’( p . q ) model, 273 o f smoothed estimators, 584
autocorrelation, 272 for spectral density, 572
estimators of, 585. 605 Binary communication system. 31, 357
m odel, 271 Binary detection, 343, 352, 514
power spectral densities, 271 colored noise, 361
properties o f, 271-275 continuous observations, 355
transfer function, 271 correlation receiver, 356
Autoregressive (A R ) process, 245, 250, 421 error probabilities, 346
autocorrelation coefficient, 254, 259, 261 M A P decision rule, 345
autocorrelation function, 253. 257, 258, 261 matched filter, 355
estimators o f parameters, 594 multiple observations, 352
first-order, 252 single observation, 343
mean, 253, 257, 261 unknown parameters, 364

Binomial random variable. 29. 100 Complement o f an event (set), 11

mean. 29. 100 Complex envelope, 118
probability. 29 Complex random variable. 46. 47
variance. 29. 100 Complex-valued random process, 118, 210
Birth and death process, 292 Conditional expected value, 28, 38, 48, 101,
Bivariate Gaussian. 46 - 102. 395
conditional mean. 103. 395 definition, 28
conditional variance. 395 as a random variable. 397
Blackman-Tukey window. 583 Conditional probability. 16
Boltzmann's constant, 314 Conditional probability density function, 36
Bounds on Probabilities. 78-81 definition. 37
ChernofT bound, 78 multivariate Gaussian, 51, 103
Union bound, 79 Conditional probability mass function, 25
Box-Jenkins procedure, 586 Conditional variance, 395. 468
Brownian motion. 127 Confidence interval (limits), 503
Butterworth filters, s e e Filters Consistent estimator, 502
Continuity, 160
Campbell's theorem. 310 o f autocorrelation. 144
Cartesian product, 16 in mean square, 161. 162
Cauchy criterion, 94, 108, 163 Continuous random process, 177
Cauchy density function, 102 Continuous random sequence, 177
Causal system, 216, 217 Continuous random variable, 33
Central limit theorem, 89, 90, 91 Continuous-time process. 117
Chain rule o f probability, 17 Convergence, 88-95
C hapm an-Kolm ogorov equation. 205. 284. 289 almost everywhere, 88-95
Characteristic function, 39. 40, 102 almost sure, 89
definition. 39 in distribution, 89, 95
inversion. 40 everywhere, 88
moment generating property, 40 in mean square, 94, 95
normal random variable, 41. 42. 104 in probability. 93, 95
for several random variables, 40 sums, 91
for sum o f independent random variables, Convolution, 326
41, 42, 67. 68, 102 o f density functions, 67
Chebychev's inequality, s e e Tchcbycheff discrete form. 219
inequality integral form, 227
Chernoff bound. 78 Correlation, 27, 38
Chi-square distribution, 505, 549. 576. 609 o f independent random variables, 27
definition. 506 o f orthogonal random variables. 27
degrees o f freedom, 506 o f random variables. 27
goodness-of-fit test using, 523, 545, 609 Correlation coefficient. 27, 122, 124, 398
mean and variance o f, 507 Correlation function. 122
plot o f, 508 autocorrelation, 122
statistical table for, 632 autocovariancc, 122
Chi-square tests, 523 for complex valued process. 122
degrees o f freedom, 526 cross-correlation, 122
Classical definition o f probabilities, 13 cross-covariance, 122
Classification o f random processes, 117 o f derivative o f a process, 165
Classification o f systems, 216 properties, 143
Class o f sets, 12 for stationary process. 143
Coherence function, 149 time averaged, 169
Colored noise, 361 Correlation time. 148
Combined experiments, 16 Cost o f errors, 348
Combined sample space, 16 Countable set, 9
Communication systems: Counting process, 297
analog, 325 Counting properties o f a point process,
digital, 330 297

Covariance, 27. 38, 49 using sample autocorrelation function, 609

complex random variables, 47 Differencing, 587
definition, 27, 38 for periodic component removal, 589
o f independent random variables, 27 for trend removal, 587
o f orthogonal random variables, 27, 50 Differentiation, 160, 162
partial, 399 Differentiator, 232
Covariance function, 122, 124 Digital communication system, 336
Covariance matrix, 50, 313 effects o f noise, 336
definition, 50 Digital filter, s e e Filters
after linear transformation, 70 Digital Wiener filter, 411
positive semidefiniteness, 105 Dirac delta function, 39
symmetry, 50 Discrete Fourier Transform (D F T ), 570
Critical region. 514, 515 table, 629
Cross-correlation function, 124 Discrete linear models, 250, 275
basic properties of, 144 Discrete random process, 117
definition, 124 Discrete random sequence, 117
o f derivative o f a process, 165 Discrete random variable, 24
Fourier transform o f, 148, 149 Discrete-time process, 117
relation to cross-spectra, 148 Disjoint sets, 11
o f response o f linear systems, 221, 228 Distribution free, 77
Cross-power spectral density. 148, 149 Distribution function, 22, 222
Cumulant generating function, 42, 68, 92 convergence in, 89
Cumulants, 42, 68, 92 joint, 23
properties, 22
Decision rule, 344 o f random processes, 119
Bayes, 348 o f random vectors, 47
;V/-ary, 366 Distribution o f X and S 2, 504, 510
M AP, 345 Distributive law, 11
m in-m ax, 351 Durbin-W atson test, 611
Neytnan-Pcarson, 351 table for, 649
square law, 366
threshold, 346
Decision theory. 343 Effective bandwidth, 147
Decom position, quadrature, 317 Effective noise temperature, 314
Degrees o f freedom, 495, 506 Efficiency, 503
for chi-square distribution, 506, 508 Efficient estimator, 502
for chi-square goodness-of-fit test, 525, 526 Eigenvalues, 106, 213, 362
for F distribution, 5 11 Eigenvectors, 106, 213, 362
for periodogram estimate, 576 Empirical distribution function, 479, 480, 483
for t distribution, 508, 510 Empty set, 9
Delta function. 39 Ensemble:
DeM organ’s laws, 12 member, 114
Density, s e e Power spectral density function. for random variable, 21
Probability density function (pdf) for stochastic process, 111, 113, 114
Derivative o f random process, 162 Ensemble average, 122
autocorrelation, 165 Ergodicity, 166, 176, 177, 561
condition for existence, 163 autocorrelation, 179
definition, 162 definition, 177
MS derivative, 163 in distribution, 182
Detection o f signals, 341 jointly. 182
binary, 343, 352, 514 o f mean, 178
M - ary, 366 normal processes, 183, 185
square law, 366 o f power spectrum, 180
Diagnostic checking 608 tests for, 182
Durbin-W atson test, 611 wide sense, 182
using cumulative psd, 612 Ergodic random process, 177, 178

Error: o f a linear function, 101

covariance matrix, 435 o f a random process, 121
mean squared MSE, 496 Exponential density function, 303
minimum M SE, 382, 389
recursive expression for, 426 Factorial moments, 28
residual MSE, 389 Failure rate, 291
RM S, 496 False alarm probability, 346
Estimate, 485 Fast Fourier transform, 571
Estimating: F distribution, 511
multivariate, 384 applied to goodness-of-fit in regression, 539
with one observation, 379 applied to sample variance, 513, 522
random variable with a constant, 379 definition, 511
vector space representation, 383 statistical table for, 638
Estimators: FFT, 571
for autocorrelation function, 566 Filtering, 224, 230, 328, 377
Bayesian, 491 minimum M SE, 377
for covariance, 487 Filtering problem, 224
distribution of, 504 Filters, 239
for distribution function, 479 autoregressive, 251
efficient, 502 autoregressive moving average, 272
linear, 379 bandpass, 231, 240
linear minimum MSE, 380 bandwidth definition, 146, 239
maximum likelihood, 488 Butterworth, 239, 242, 248
for mean, 486, 565 causal, 411
minimum MSE, 379 digital, 251, 266, 272, 407, 412
model based, 584 finite (response),.411
model free, 565 highpass, 240
multivariate using innovations, 400 idealized, 240
nonlinear, 393 Kalman, 419, 421, 432
nonparametric, 478 lowpass, 235, 240, 241
notation for, 487 matched, 355
for parameters o f A R M A process, 606 moving average, 266
for parameters o f A R process, 594 noise bandwidth, 241
for parameters o f M A process, 600 noncausal, 407
parametric, 478 prediction, 443
for pdf, 479, 481 quadrature, 319
point, 485 realizable, 411, 417
for power spectral density, 569 recursive, 251
for probability density, 481, 487 relation between Kalman and Wiener, 465
for probability distribution, 479 smoothing, 407, 443
unbiased minimum variance, 497 W iener, 407, 442
for variance, 486 Finite sums of random variables, 91
Event, 12 First-order autoregressive model, 252
on combined sample space, 16 Fourier series expansion, 185, 187, 213
complement, 11, 15 Fourier transform, 39, 155, 219
independent, s e e Statistical independence o f autocorrelation function, 145
intersection, 10 o f cross-correlation function, 148, 149
joint, 16 discrete, 570
mutually exclusive, 11, 15 inverse, 219, 232
probability of, 12, 13 properties of, 626
statistically independent, 20 table o f pairs, 627
union, 10 Fourth-order moment, 55
Expected values: o f a Gaussian random variable, 41
conditional, 27, 48 Frequency-dom ain analysis, 142, 145
definition, 26, 38 Frequency smoothing, 579
o f a function o f random variables, 27, 38 Functions o f random variables, 61

Gamma function, 507 Independent increments, 126, 301

Gaussian density function, 44 Independent noise samples, 353
conditional, 51 Independent random processes, 124
marginal, 51 Independent random variables, 25
m-dimensional (m-variate). 50 Inequalities:
standard, 45 cosine, 102
two-dimensional (bivariate). 41, 46. 51 Schwartz, 102
univariate, 43 Tchebycheff, 27, 77
Gaussian distribution: triangle, 102
table of, 631 Innovations, 397, 471
Gaussian random process, 127, 212, 312 definition, 397
definition, 127, 313 estimators using innovations, 400
model for noise, 314 filter, 402
Gaussian random variable(s): matrix definition. 401
characteristic function o f, 41 partial covariance, 399
conditional density function of, 51 Input-output relations:
linear transformation o f, 52. 53, 69, 70 for multiple-input system, 230
marginal density function of. 52, 53 for single-input system, 223
moments, 41 Integral o f a random process. 16
properties of, 50-53 autocorrelation, 165
Gaussian random vector, 43, 51, 102 condition for existence, 166
Gauss-M arkov process, 127 definition, 165
sequence, 421 Integrals:
Geom etric random variable, 100 table, 235
G oodness-of-fit test, 523, 525. 545 time-average, 160, 165, 168
Gram -Charlier series, 83 Intensity o f transition, 289
Interarrival times, 296
Hermite polynomials, s e e Tehebyehett- Intersection o f sets, 10
Hernrite polynomials interval estimates, 503
Highpass filter, 240
Hilbert transforms, 319
Histograms, 479. 481, 482 Jacobian. 59, 63, 71
bias, 499 Joint characteristic function, 54
definition, 481 o f Gaussian random variables, 54
variance, 502 Joint distribution function, 23
Hom ogeneous Markov chain, 2S2 Joint event, 16
Hom ogeneous process, 298 Jointly ergodic random processes, 182
Hypothesis, 344, 475 Jointly Gaussian random variables, 395
alternate, 344, 514 Jointly stationary, 136
com posite, 371, 517 Joint probability, 16
null, 344, 514 Joint probability density function. 36. 37
simple, 517 Joint probability mass function, 25, 32. 33
Hypothesis testing, 513-528 Joint sample space, 15, 16
critical region, 515
for equality o f means, 518, 520
for equality o f variances, 522 Kalman filter, 419, 471
for goodness o f fit, 523 alternate forms, 471, 473
power o f a test, 517 comparision with Wiener filter, 465
procedure for, 514 MS error, 427
type I, II error for. 514 scalar, 421, 429, 471
steady state, 431
Identically distributed random variables, 477 vector, 432, 439, 473
Impulse response o f linear systems, 219, 227 Kalman gain, 428, 437
Independence, s e e Statistical independence steady state, 43
Independent and identically distributed (i.i.d. ), Karhunen-Loeve expansion, 188, 363
477 Kolmogorov equations, 289

Laplace transform (two-sided), 451 Markov sequences, 139, 249, 276, 295
Lattice-type random variable, 28 asymptotic behavior, 284
Law o f large numbers, 93. 94 chains, 276
Leakage, spectral, 573, 582 C hapm an-K olm ogorov equations, 284
Levinson recursive algorithm, 599 hom ogeneous, 282
Likelihood function, 488. 595 state diagram, 277
conditional, 595 state probabilities, 279
Likelihood ratio, 346, 350 transition matrix, 281
Limitations o f linear estimation, 391 transition probabilities, 279
Limiting state probabilities, 285 Martingale, 126, 129, 205, 206
Limit in mean square, 161 M-ary detection, 366
Linear filter, 377 Matched filter, 355
Linear MS estimation, 377-474 for colored noise, 362
Linear regression, 529 for white noise, 355
Linear system. 215, 216 Matrix, covariance, 50, 313
causal, 215, 217 Maximum a p o s t e r i o r i (M A P ) rule, 345, 350,
impulse response, 219 368
lumped parameter, 215. 216 Maximum likelihood estimator, 488
Linear time invariant system: o f probability, 553
causal, 216 o f a -2 in normal, 553
continuous time, 227 o f \ in Poisson, 553
discrete time, 218 o f p. in normal, 553
output autocorrelation function, 221, 223, Maxwell density, 57
229, 230 Maxwell random variable, 507
output mean-squared value, 234 Mean square (M S):
output mean value, 221, 222, 228, 229 continuity, 161, 162
output power spectrum, 224, 228, 230 continuous process, 162, 211
stable. 219, 220, 227 convergence, 94
stationarity o f the output, 222, 229 derivative, 162, 163
transfer function, 219, 230 differentiability, 162, 211
Linear transformation, 402 integral, 165, 211
o f Gaussian variables, 70 limit, 94
general, 66 value, 234, 564
random processes, s e e Linear system Mean squared error (M SE ), 327, 379, 469,
o f random variable, 66 496,560
Linear trend, correction for, 587 definition, 327, 496
Lowpass filter, s e e Filters for histograms, 500
Low-pass processes, 146, 173 for Kalman filters, 429, 437
sampling theorem, 190, 191 recursive expression for, 427
for Wiener filters, 456
Mean squared estimation, 377-474
Marginal probability, 16, 25 filtering, 407-466
Marginal probability density function, 36, 37 recursive filtering, 420
Markov chain, 276, 295 Mean value, 26
continuous time, 276, 289 o f complex random variables, 47
homogeneous, 282 conditional, 27
limiting state probabilities, 285 estimate of, 486
long-run behavior, 284 o f function o f several random variables, 81
state diagram, 277 normalized RM S error for, 497
two-state, 286, 291 o f random variable, 26
Markov processes, 126, 249, 276 o f system response, 221, 228
birth death process, 292 o f time averages, 170
C hapm an-Kolm ogorov equations, 289 Mean vector, 49
homogeneous, 282 Measurements, 476
transition intensities, 289 unbiased, 476
Markov property, 126, 205 Median o f a random variable, 467, 555

Memoryless nonlinear system, 217 Multivariate Gaussian. 50-55

Memoryless transformation, 217 characteristic function. 54
Minimum of i.i.d, random variables, 7.0. 72 conditional densities, 51
Minimum mean squared estimation. 377 covariance matrix, 50
Minimum MSE estimators: density, 50
linear, 379 fourth joint moment. 55
multiple observations, 384 independence, 51
nonlinear, 393 linear transformation. 51
orthogonality principle, 384 marginal densities, 51
using one observation. 379 moments. 53
Minimum MSE weight, 428 Mutually exclusive events. 11, 15
Minmax decision rule, 351 Mutually exhaustive sets, 11
Mixed distribution, 61
Mixed-type probability law, 35
Narrowband Gaussian process, 314, 322
Mixed-type random variable, 35
Narrowband processes. 317
Model identification:
envelope of, 322
A R fl), 596
phase of, 322
AR(2), 598
quadrature decomposition of. 317, 318
ARM A process. 605
Neyman-Pearson rule, 35 i, 373
AR process, 594
Noise, 314
diagnostic checking, 608
in analog communication systems, 322
differencing, 587
band-limited, Gaussian. 314, 315
Durbin-Watson test, 611
colored, 361
M A (i), 600
in digital communication systems, 330
MA(2), 602
white, 314
moving average process, 600
order, 590 white Gaussian, 314
Noise bandwidth, 241, 248
order of ARMA models, 592
Noise temperature, 314
Modulation, 160
Nonlinear estimators, 393
Moment generating function, 39, 40, 89, 90
Moments: Nonlinear systems, memorylcss. 217
Nonlinear transformations, 73
central, 26
Nonparumetric estimation procedures, 478.
factorial, 28
479, 560, 565
of a multivariate Gaussian pdf, 53, 54, 55
Nonstationary random process, 117
Moments of a random variable:
examples of, 138
from characteristic function, 40, 54, 55
Normal density function, see Gaussian density
from moment generating function, 40
Monte Carlo technique, 73-76
Normal distribution function, see Gaussian
Moving Average (MA) process:
autocorrelation coefficient, 268, 269
Normal form in regression, 532
autocorrelation function, 267, 269, 270
Normalized errors, 497
estimation, 600
bias, 497
first-order, 266
MSE, 497
mean, 267, 269. 270 .
RMS error, 497
model, 265, 266
standard error, 497
partial correlation coefficient, 268
Normal processes, see Gaussian random
power spectral density, 268, 269, 270,
Normal random variable, see Gaussian random
second-order, 269
transfer function. 265
Null hypothesis, 513
variance, 267, 269, 270
Null set, 9
MSE, see Mean squared error
Nyquist’s sampling theorem, 190, 193
MS limit, 94
Multidimensional distribution, Gaussian, 50
Multinomial probability mass function, 30 Observation model, 420
Multiple input-output systems, 238 Observation noise, 420

Optimum unrealizable filter: Positive semidefiniteness, 105

continuous, 418 Power:
discrete, 417 from autocorrelation function, 146
Order identification, 590 average, o f a waveform, 146, 231
o f A R M A m odel, 591 from power spectral density, 146, 231
o f differencing, 590 Power and bandwidth calculations, 146
Order statistics, 70-73 Power spectral density function, 142, 207, 208,
Orthogonal, 27, 124 209
random process, 124 basic properties of, 143, 144, 146
random variables, 27 definition, 143, 145
Orthogonality conditions, 385, 389, 408, 423, ergodicity, 180
443 estimation of, 569
Orthogonality principle, 384 examples of, 153-160
Output noise power, filters, 241 input-output relations for, 223, 224, 230
Output response, linear systems, 221, 228 random sequence, 150
two-sided, 146
Partial autocorrelation coefficient (p .a.c.c.), Power o f a test, 518
262 Power transfer function, 230
definition, 263 Prediction, 407, 443, 457
Partial covariance, 399 Prediction filter, 407
Parseval's theorem, 186 Preprocessing, 587
Parzen’s estimator for p d fs, 479, 484, 485 Probabilistic m odel, 13
bias, 501 Probabilistic structure, 116
variance, 501 Probability, 12
Peak value distribution, 72 a p o s t e r i o r i , 344, 345

Periodic process, 186 a p r i o r i , 346

Periodogram, 571 axioms o f, 13

bias, 572 classical definition, 13
estimator for psd, 571 conditional, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
smoothing. 579 o f detection, 351
variance, 574 o f error, 356, 348
windowing, 581 o f false alarm, 346
Point estimates, 485 joint, 15, 16, 17, 18
Point estimators, 485 marginal, 15, 16, 17, 18
Point processes, 249, 295, 312 measure, 12
assumptions, 297 o f miss, 346
counting process, 297 relative frequency, 13
interarrival time, 296 state, 279
Poisson, 298 transition, 279
shot noise, 307 Probability axioms, 13
time o f occurrence, 295 Probability density function (p d f), 33, 34
waiting time, 296 approximation, 83
Poisson increments, 300 basic properties of, 34
Poisson point process, 298 Cauchy, 102
homogeneous. 298 chi-square, 505
superposition, 302 conditional, 37, 48
Poisson process, 131, 206, 249 o f discrete random variables, 39
applications to queues, 303 estimation of, 481, 484
assumptions, 131. 132, 298 examples o f, 35, 43-46
autocorrelation, 132 exponential, 303
mean, 132 F, 511
properties, 300 Gaussian, 43, 44, 50
Poisson random variable, 29, 30, 32 joint, 36, 47
mean, 30, 100 marginal, 36, 48
probability, 30 normal, 43, 44
variance, 30, 100 o f N random variables, 47

properties, 34 derivative o f, 162

o f random vectors, 49 discrete, 117
Rayleigh, 507 distribution function o f, 119
o f sums o f random variable's, 67 equality of, 124
r, 508 ergodic, 178
transformation o f. 59 formal definition, 119
o f two random variables, 36 Gaussian, 127, 212, 312, 313
uniform, 43 integral of, 165
Probability o f detection, 351 jointly ergodic, 182
Probability distribution, 13 jointly stationary, 136
Probability distribution function. 22 lowpass, 147
Probability o f event. 12 mean. 122
Probability generating function, 28 methods o f description. 119
Probability mass function, 24, 25, 29, 33 iV-order stationary, 136
binomial, 29 notation, 114
multinomial, 29 periodic component in, 144
Poisson, 29 Poisson, 131
uniform, 29 random binary, 132
Probability measure, 12 sample function, 114
Probability o f miss, 346 stationary, 135
Probability space, 12 strict-sense stationary, 135
Product space, two dimensional, 16 wide-sense stationary, 136
Pulse response, 219 Wiener, 127
W iener-Levy, 130
Quadrature representation, 317, 321 Random sequence, 117
Quadrature spectral density, 321. 322 continuous, 117
Quantization. 189. 196. 197, 201 discrete, 117
for Guassian variable. 201 input-output, 221
MS error, 199 power spectral density, 149
nonuniform, 200 Random telegraph process, 338
uniform. 197 Random variabie(s), 8, 21
Quantization error, 197, 200 binomial, 29
Quantizer, 196 Cauchy, 102
Queues, 303 characteristic function of, 39
state diagram of, 305 chi-square, 505
complex, 46
R \538 conditional density, 37
Random binary waveform, 132, 133, 156, 175, continuous, 33
246 correlation, 27, 38
autocorrelation, 135 covariance, 27, 38
powdr spectral density, 156 definition, 21
Random experiment, 9 discrete, 24
Randomness tests, 564, 608 expected value, 27, 38
Random process(es): F. 511
autocorrelation function, 122, 142 Gaussian, 43, 50
autocovariance function, 122 independence, 24, 26, 37
bandpass, 147 lattice type, 28
classification, 117 marginal density, 36, 37
coherence function, 149 marginal distribution, 25
com plex, 118, 210 mean, 26, 38
continuous-time, 117, 160 mixed, 35
correlation coefficient, 124 moments, 26
cross-correlation function, 124 N-dimensional, 47
cross-covariance function, 124 normal, 43, 44, 45
cross-power spectrum, 148 orthogonal, 27
definition, 113, 119 Poisson, 29, 30

Random variable(s)— ( C o n t i n u e d ) S ct(s), 9

Rayleigh, 322, 507 complement, 11
5 : , 5 16 countable, 10
standard deviation, 27 disjoint, 11
0 508 elements of, 9
transformation o f, 55, 56, 57, 66 empty, 9
uncorrelated, 27, 38 equality o f, 10
uniform, 29, 43 finite, 10
variance of, 27, 38 infinite, 10
vector, 47 intersection, 10, 11
Random vectors, 47 mutually exclusive, 11
Random walk, 127, 128, 205, 206 null, 9
Rate function, 298 uncountable, 10
Rayleigh random variable, 507 union, 10
Realizable linear system, 411, 417 Shot noise, 250, 307
Realizable Wiener filter, 417, 448, 453 autocorrelation function, 310
digital, 411 Campbell’s theorem, 310
Realization o f a process, 114 mean, 309
Receiver design, 325 spectral density, 311
Receiver operating characteristic (R O C ), 352 Signal detection, 341, 364
Recursive estimators, 420 Signal estimation. 342
Recursive filter, 251, 419 Signal m odel, 420
Regression, 529 Signal to noise ratio, 330
analysis o f linear, 536 Signal vector, 432
analysis o f variance, 540 Significance level, 514
general, 543 Smoothing filter, 407
goodness o f fit, 538, 545 Smoothing o f spectral estimates, 579, 580
matrix form, 542 bias and variance, 584
multivariable, 540 over ensemble, 579
nonlinear, 546 over frequency, 579
normal equations, 532 Space (entire), 9
scalar, 529 Spectral decom position, 185
simple linear, 529 Spectral density, power, s e e Power spectral
Relative frequency, 13 density function
Residual errors, 534 Spectral factorization, 246
RMS bandwidth, 209 Spectral leakage, 573
R oot mean squared (R M S) error, 497 Spectrum factorization, 450
Run test, 562 Square law detection, 366
description o f 562, 563 Stable linear system, 219, 227
probability mass function, 563 Standard deviation, 27
for stationarity, 562, 563, 564 Standard error, normalized, 497
statistical table for, 648 Standard Gaussian (normal). 45
State diagram, 277, 280
Sample function, 114 State matrix, 432
Sample (set), 477 State m odel, 420, 468
Sample space, 12, 16 State vector, 432
Sampling o f random signals, 189, 190 Stationarity, 135, 229, 561
aliasing effect, 193 asymptotically, 141
lowpass, 190 cyclo, 142
Sampling theorem, 191 in an interval, 142
Schwartz inequality, 102 strict sense, 135
Sequences o f random variables, 88 tests for, 142, 562
Series approximations o f p d fs, 83 wide-sense, 136
Gram -Charlier series, 83 Stationary increments, 142
Series expansion, 185, 187 Stationary random process, 117, 135
Set operations, 10, 11 asymptotically stationary. 141

autocorrelation of, 142 Taylor series, 81, 90, 498

cyclostationarv. 142 Tchebycheff-Herm ite polynomials, 82 -86. 108
jointly stationary. 136 Tchebycheff inequality, 27, 38, 77-80, 94
linear transformation of, 229 Tests:
mean square value o f, 231 for ergodicity, 561
mean value of, 136 goodness-of-fit, 525
N t h order stationarity, 136 runs, 562
output o f LTIVC systems, 222, 229 for stationarity, 561
stationary increments, 142 Tests o f hypothesis, 513
strongly (strict-sense), 135 chi-square, 523
tests for, 142 equality o f two means, 520
weakly (wide-sense), 136 goodness-of-fit, 538
Statistic, 477 mean value with known variance, 518
definition, 478 mean value with unknown variance, 519
Statistical average, s e e Expected values variances, 522
Statistical independence, 20, 25, 37 Thermal noise, 314
Statistical tables, 631-649 Time averages, 166, 168
chi-square, 633 autocorrelation, 169, 213
Durbin-W atson, 649 convergence, 166
F, 638 mean, 169, 213
Gaussian, 631 mean and variance of, 170
run distribution. 648 power spectral density, 169
f, 636 Time series, 110
Steady-state behavior: Transfer function, 219, 459, 462
Kalman filter. 432 Transformation:
Markov sequence, 284 o f Gaussian random variables. 51, 52. 69
Steady-state distribution, 285 linear, 66, 402
Stochastic process, s e e Random process memoryless, 217
Strictly stationary process, 135 o f nonstationary scries. 587
Strongly stationary process, 135 o f random variables, 55 -65
Student’s t distribution, 508, 509, 549 linear, 66-70
applied to sample means, 519, 520 nonlinear, 73, 81
definition, 508, 509 Transition matrix, 282
percentage point of, 636 Transition probabilities, 279
plot of, 510 /z-step, 279
statistical table for, 636 one-step, 279
Subexperiments. 16, 17 Trend removal, 587
Subset, 10 Triangle inequality, 102
Sum o f squared errors, 530, 597, 602 Two-sided psd. 146
Sums o f random variables, 67 Two-sided tests, 529
density function of, 67 Two-state Markov chain, 286, 291
Superposition of, Poisson process, 302 Type 1, II error, 346, 514
Synthetic sampling, .veeavlonte Carlo technique

/, s e e Student's t distribution Unbiased estimator, 493

Tables of: Uneorrelated random processes, 124
chi-squarc distribution, 633 Uncorrelatcd random variables, 27
Discrete Fourier transforms, 628-629 Uncountable set, 10
Durbin-W atson distribution, 649 Uniform density function, 43
F distribution. 638 mean, 43
Fourier transform pairs, 627 variance, 43
Gaussian distribution, 631 Uniform quantizing, 198
integrals, 235 Union bound, 79
run distribution, 648 Union o f events, 10, 15
t distribution, 636 Union of sets, 10
Z transforms, 630 Unrealizable filter, 417, 444

o f autocorrelation function estimator, 569
o f complex random variables, 47
definition, 27
estimate o f, 486
o f histograms, 498
o f mean estimator, 566
o f periodogram, 574
o f smoothed estimators, 584
o f time averages, 170
Vector measurement, 432
Vector-valued random variable, 47

Waiting time sequence, 296

Weakly ergodic process, 182
Weakly stationary process, s e e Wide sense
White Gaussian noise, 314
White noise, 314
autocorrelation function o f, 315
band-limited, 315
input to Wiener filters, 449
power spectral density o f, 314
properties, 315
Wide sense ergodicity, 182
Wide sense stationarity, 136
Wiener filter, 407, 442
continuous time, 442
digital, 407
discrete time, 407
mean squared error, 409, 445
minimum mean squared error o f, 445
nonrealizable, 408, 417, 444, 445
prediction, 443
realizable, 417, 448, 455
real-time, 448
smoothing, 443, 453
W ien er-H op f equation, 449
solution, 464
W iener-Khinchine relationship, 145
W iener-L evy process, 130
Wiener process, 127, 129, 130, 205
properties, 130
Windowing, 581
Bartlett, 583
Blackman-Tukey, 583
Parzen, 583
Rectangular, 582

Yule-W alker equations, 262, 263, 387

Z transform, 220
table, 630

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