Long Duration (Senior) Specialists/Consultants and Short Duration (Senior) Fellows/Interns

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21 February 2019

Notification for

Long Duration (Senior) Specialists/Consultants

Short Duration (Senior) Fellows/Interns


17 March 2019 for Long Duration Positions

24 March 2019 for Short Duration Positions



1. The Government of Andhra Pradesh has set itself an ambitious vision to be amongst
the best three developed states by 2022 and the best developed state in the country by
2029. This focus has enabled the state to emerge as one of the fastest growing states
in the country, undertaking prestigious projects such as constructing a world-class
capital, Amaravati city. This process necessitates strategic, effective and efficient
management of finances with financial planning for short, medium and long term

2. Accordingly, the state Government has established a special unit, dedicated to

economic analysis and strategic support to the Finance Department called Financial
and Economic Analysis Division (FEAD).

3. This unit has the following responsibilities:

a. Undertake a perspective financial plan to achieve Vision 2022 and Vision
2029 and explore avenues for financial mobilization
b. Estimate the financial requirements for achieving Growth and Development
targets for various sectors and respective departments
c. Undertake necessary data analytics for optimizing revenue, expenditure,
budget and cash management with respect to developmental outcomes
d. Undertake necessary analyses/appraisal of departmental policies and
programmes and organizational structures and assist in optimal budgetary
allocations to achieve the state’s developmental goals
e. Provide necessary analytical support with regard to terms of reference of key
institutional bodies such as Finance Commissions, State Finance
Commission, Pay Revision Commissions, etc.
f. Aid in improving the satisfaction quotient of other departments by improving
their “ease of doing business” with Finance Department
g. Anchor the initiatives pertaining to Financial Inclusion, Digital Financial
Transactions, etc., in close coordination with State Level Bankers Committee
(SLBC) and other stakeholders
h. Establish tie-ups with other national and international developmental/
academic/ research organizations to fulfill the above responsibilities as
i. Formulate novel and innovative solutions for financing and promoting
development and growth
j. Other responsibilities assigned by the Finance Department from time to time.

4. This notification is issued for recruiting long duration Specialists/Consultants and
short duration Fellows/Interns to staff this unit. This is a challenging entrepreneurial
opportunity to influence the developmental trajectory of a new and thriving state,
which is facing many challenges and yet preparing itself for the opportunities ahead.


5. The job descriptions for long duration Specialist/Consultant positions are as listed
below, to be undertaken in collaboration with staff of FEAD, Finance Department
and other Departments of Government of Andhra Pradesh as well as its associated
institutions. In addition to those listed below, selected candidates will be expected to
undertake additional assignments with regard to functions of FEAD, as deemed

6. Candidates engaged as short duration Fellows/Interns will be assigned specific

projects drawn from these job descriptions, based on administrative needs and
candidates’ preferences. Selected Fellows/Interns will be given the flexibility to
formulate their own projects and will be sanctioned, depending on alignment with
FEAD functions and priorities.

7. The number of positions listed below is for long duration positions. The number of
short duration positions offered is not fixed and depends on administrative needs and
capacity, quality of candidates, their interests, etc.

8. Public Finance (1 Position)

a. Analyze the various aspects of public finance against FRBM stipulations and
applicable benchmarks, formulate an action plan for optimization, and anchor
its implementation
i. Revenues optimized with respect to their potential, cost of collection,
economic distortions, etc.
ii. Expenditure optimized with respect to overall quality, effectiveness,
efficiency and equity, etc.
iii. Budget optimized with respect to reducing gap between estimated and
actual, etc.
iv. Cash flow optimized with respect to duration in which payments are
made, revenue inflow and expenditure outflow, etc.
v. Debt with regard to sustainability indicators and cost of debt
vi. Investments optimized with respect to returns

vii. Funds comprising Public Account, Consolidated Sinking Fund, Rural
Development Fund, etc. optimized with respect to adequacy and other
necessary parameters.
b. Assist the Department in analyzing various departmental proposals that have
a significant impact on public finances.
c. Undertake perspective financial planning for the short, medium and long term
in terms of key fiscal indicators.
d. Study the processes of Financial Management, Budgetary Control, Financial
Reporting and suggest improvements as necessary.
e. Keep abreast of emerging ideas in developmental arena, emerging
technologies like Blockchain, fintech, etc., assess their applicability and scope
for implementation within the state.

9. Project Finance (1 Position)

a. Assist the Department in analyzing major infrastructural proposals from other
Departments, adopting Value for Money concepts and tools like Public Sector
Comparator as necessary, to assess these proposals or their business plans.
b. Suggest measures to improve mobilization of finances for infrastructural
projects and anchor their implementation.
c. Undertake financial planning/modeling to assess rate of return from major
d. Keep abreast of emerging ideas in project finance, assess their applicability
and scope for implementation within the state.

10. Financial Inclusion (1 Position)

a. Facilitate the preparation of Annual Credit Plan from Financial Institutions,
which is aligned with the developmental agenda of the Government.
b. Analyze the performance of various credit operations in the state with respect
to the developmental agenda of the Government and formulate necessary
incentive mechanisms for improving this performance.
c. Analyze the state of financial inclusion in the state against appropriate
benchmarks, suggest necessary interventions and anchor their
d. Keep abreast of emerging ideas in financial inclusion and assess their
applicability and scope for implementation within the state.

11. Human Resources (1 Position)

a. Assist the Department in analyzing various departmental proposals with
regard to changes in organizational structures, creation of posts, and other
related issues.

b. Assist the Department in analyzing various departmental proposals with
regard to compensation structures for professionals from market, duly
examining internal parity with respect to Governmental structure and external
parity with respect to comparable jobs in the market.
c. Analyze human resource management in the administration and suggest
measures for capacity building and improving effectiveness, within the overall
context of service rules and general employment conditions within the

12. Risk Management (1 Position)

a. Assess the financial impact on the state Government due to various risk
protection measures such as
i. Disaster Relief Measures
ii. Crop Insurance
iii. Market Intervention due to lower market prices for agricultural crops
iv. Health Insurance
v. Accidental Disability/Death Insurance
vi. Unemployment Allowance
vii. Relief to Sick MSMEs
viii. Government Guarantees Redemption etc.
b. Formulate a mechanism to estimate this financial impact for the short and
medium term.
c. Formulate a mechanism to optimize the financial/fund management
pertaining to these risk protection interventions and anchor its

13. Agricultural Economics (1 Position)

a. Analyze proposals from agricultural & allied sectors with regard to key
economic indicators – financial impact, farmers’ incomes, production,
productivity, etc., spanning instruments such as MSP, market intervention,
input subsidies, crop insurance, etc.
b. Undertake necessary impact assessments of programmes with significant
financial outlays – agricultural credit, input subsidies, direct income transfers,
irrigation programmes, drought proofing measures etc.
c. Estimate financing requirements for sustainable agricultural growth in the
short, medium and long run, with concomitant growth in farmers’ incomes.
d. Analyze the commodity markets, forecast agricultural price trends and suggest
necessary market interventions to the extent feasible and practical.

14. Economic Competitiveness (1 Position)
a. Keep abreast of economic trends, release of periodic reports, emerging ideas
and compile regular reports/dashboards on the state of global, national and
state economy, as applicable and necessary, to aid in regular policy
formulation process.
b. Analyze proposals from industries and service sectors with regard to key
economic indicators – financial impact, wages, GVA, production, investment,
employment, productivity, market distortions, competitiveness, etc.
c. Estimate financing requirements for sustainable industry and services growth
in the short, medium and long run, with concomitant growth in wages, jobs
created etc.
d. Suggest measures to improve the state of economic competitiveness and assist
in implementation of the same.

15. Social Sector (1 Position)

a. Analyze policy proposals from social sector – Health, Education, Pensions,
PDS, Welfare departments, etc., with regard to their intended outcomes and
financial outlays.
b. Analyze the impact of developmental programmes with significant financial
outlay in the Social Sector.
c. Estimate financing requirements for sustainable development in the short,
medium and long run.
d. Keep abreast of emerging ideas like Universal Basic Income and assess their
applicability and scope for implementation within the state.


16. Education: A postgraduate degree in related subjects to the position/sector from a

premier educational institution – Public Finance, Project/Infrastructural Finance,
Public Policy, Economics, Human Resources, Actuarial Science, Regulatory
Governance, Operations Research/Management, Agricultural
Economics/Management, Business Management, Accounting, Development Studies
etc. In exceptional cases, graduates may be considered.

17. For Intern positions, candidates pursuing graduation/post graduation will also be

18. Professional Experience: Candidates should at least have 2.5 years of experience
that is preferably related to the job description of the position/sector they are
applying to.

19. For Intern positions, minimum work experience requirements may be relaxed under
special circumstances.

20. Ideally, candidates would have already undertaken assignments related to the job
descriptions. Preferred (but not mandatory) experience for the above positions is as
listed below.
a. Public Finance: Analyzing Public Financial Management of a region
anywhere in the world, formulating an action plan for improvement and
taking part in implementation
b. Project Finance: Working in large infrastructural projects, and involved in
financial modeling and optimization, mobilizing finances, etc. in a reputed
c. Financial Inclusion: Working in retail banking units, fintech organizations or
on financial inclusion initiatives in any Government or reputed
developmental organizations.
d. Human Resources: Involved in assignments spanning design of
organizational structures, compensation structures for a large group in a
reputed organization.
e. Risk Management: Experience in formulation of insurance schemes,
estimation of risks, etc., in a reputed insurance firm
f. Agricultural Economics: Experience in analyzing agricultural economics,
undertaking agricultural research, involved in crop procurement, crop
development, commodity trading, farming, etc.
g. Economic Competitiveness: Involved in policy/research assignments
spanning economic analysis including estimation of financial requirements
within any Government or Government organisations, or reputed
developmental organizations.
h. Social Sector: Involved in policy/research assignments spanning human
development/social policy including estimation of financial requirements
within any Government or Government organisations or reputed
development organizations or experience in managing health/education
services in a reputed organisation.

21. Experience in Government, Government owned entities like NITI Aayog, erstwhile
Planning Commission, Commission for Agricultural Costs and Prices etc., or
international developmental banks is an advantage.

22. Where applicable, employees of Government, Government owned entities, Public

Sector Units may be considered for engagement on deputation basis.

23. Skillsets: Preferably (but not mandatorily), candidates should possess the following
skillsets or have familiarity with the following tools/concepts, as applicable for the
position they are applying to: Social/Economic Cost Benefit Analysis, Impact
Evaluation, Value for Money, Public Sector Comparator, Behavioral Economics,
Regulatory Impact Assessment, Blockchain etc.

24. Candidates are expected to possess not only technical skills but also entrepreneurial
skills in exploring development opportunities for the state and formulating their own
work plans to enable the state to seize these opportunities. Equally important, they
should possess personal skills in dealing with the administrative apparatus, duly
understanding the modus operandi of the state Government.

25. Knowledge of Telugu Language is an advantage, but not mandatory.


26. The tenure of appointment for long duration positions will be 2 years, extendable by
another term of 2 years. However, these appointments will be subject to periodic
performance assessments and either party may give a notice of 30 days for
termination of the engagement.

27. The tenure of appointment for short duration positions will range from 2 months to 6
months, with renewal of the term as deemed necessary and appropriate. As stated
above, these appointments also will be subject to periodic performance assessments
and either party may give a notice of 30 days for termination of the engagement.

28. Designation and Compensation will be commensurate to qualifications, experience,

nature of work experience and will be competitive within the overall context of
public and development sectors. Increments and performance bonus, if any, will be
linked to performance. Long duration designations may include Senior Specialist,
Specialist, Senior Consultant, Consultant, etc. Short duration designations may
include Senior Fellow, Fellow, Intern, etc.

29. These engagements will be based out of Andhra Pradesh Secretariat, Amaravati.
However, in special circumstances, in case of short-term engagements, this aspect
may be reconsidered.

30. Outstanding performers may be considered for longer-term engagements with the
Government of Andhra Pradesh or its associated institutions. However, successful
completion of the duration of appointment under this notification per se does not
confer any right on the candidate for any engagement with Government of Andhra
Pradesh or any of its associated institutions.


31. The tentative timelines for the long duration Specialist/Consultant positions are as
follows, which may change subject to administrative exigencies and number of
applications received:
a. Deadline for Receipt of Applications: 17 March 2019
b. Interview Call for Shortlisted Candidates: 25 March 2019
c. Interviews for Shortlisted Candidates: Between 26 to 06 April 2019
d. Announcement of Selected Candidates: 10 April 2019
e. Joining Date: 16 April 2019 to 31 May 2019, however, extensions may be
considered as necessary

32. The tentative timelines for this short duration Fellow/Intern positions are as follows,
which may change subject to administrative exigencies and number of applications
a. Deadline for Receipt of Applications: 24 March 2019
b. Interview Call for Shortlisted Candidates: 01 April 2019
c. Interviews for Shortlisted Candidates, as deemed necessary: Between 02 to 10
April 2019
d. Announcement of Selected Candidates: 15 April 2019
e. Joining Date: 22 April 2019 to 31 July 2019, however, extensions may be
considered as necessary


33. The Applications Materials for all the long duration and short duration positions
should have the following three documents:
a. Curriculum Vitae (Maximum 3 page): In your CV, please emphasize and
elaborate all the work experiences and academic qualifications that are

relevant to the position you are applying to, in some detail, especially those
pertaining to the points listed above in Qualifications section.
b. Policy Brief: Draft a policy brief, duly providing adequate justifications where
necessary, covering the following:
(Maximum 1200 words, excluding relevant Charts and Tables, which can be
annexed to this brief):
i. Choose any issue/aspect corresponding to the sector you are applying
ii. Assess the performance of the state of Andhra Pradesh (or of
Government of Andhra Pradesh) in this sector against suitable
iii. Suggest aspirational but realistic targets for improving the state’s
performance in this issue/aspect and specify timelines for achieving
them, and
iv. Formulate policy measures that the Government of Andhra Pradesh
can implement to achieve the suggested targets within the timelines
c. Presentation: A presentation covering all the salient points of the policy brief
(Maximum 3 slides, including annexures).

34. All efforts will be made to ensure that selected candidates can pursue their work
presented in their applications to its logical conclusion – policy measures
implemented by the state Government.

35. All the above three documents (Curriculum Vitae, Policy Brief and Presentation, in
the same order) should be e-mailed to the following address in a single pdf with
filename Firstname_Lastname.pdf.
a. [email protected] for long duration
Specialist/Consultant positions
b. [email protected] for short duration Fellow/Intern

36. Please note that only the file sent as attachment to the above email ids will be
captured and no other content including the body of the email will get captured.
Therefore, please use the form below to provide any other information you wish to,
which is not captured in your application.

37. After mailing your application, the applicant should register at the following link
before the application deadline. This form asks for basic professional details as well
as the sector you are applying to.

a. https://goo.gl/forms/dYWxLowk1isGkKh22 for long duration
Specialist/Consultant positions
b. https://goo.gl/forms/OOSzZ4aSrjzuca5K2 for short duration Fellow/Intern
c. Only registered candidates at this link whose application is also received
will be considered for the selection process.

38. The email for mailing the application as well as the registration link will be de-
activated at the deadline stated in the Timelines Section. Therefore, candidates are
requested to apply reasonably early and not wait till the deadline.

39. A candidate may apply for multiple positions/sectors through separate applications
and separate registrations. A candidate may also apply for both long duration and
short duration positions through separate applications and separate registrations. If a
candidate is applying for both long duration and short duration in the same sector,
then both the applications can have the same policy briefs and presentations.


40. Applicants will be shortlisted based on the merit of their application. Shortlisted
applicants will be invited for a personal/telephonic/video based interview. The
interview slots will be scheduled in consultation with the shortlisted applicants.

41. The Government of Andhra Pradesh reserves the right to not fill one or more of the
above positions if it does not find suitable candidates during the selection process.

42. The offer of appointment will be conditional upon producing Graduation

Certificates, Transcripts, Experience Certificates, etc.


43. To facilitate necessary research for candidates, some indicative sources for Andhra
Pradesh, not necessarily exhaustive, are listed below:
a. Finance Department Website for Budget
b. Socio Economic Surveys of Government of Andhra Pradesh
c. White Papers released by Government of Andhra Pradesh
d. Database of Government Orders of Andhra Pradesh
e. RBI’s Handbooks on State Finances
f. State Level Bankers Committee Reports of Andhra Pradesh

44. Candidates have to undertake their own research, as necessary, and not rely solely on
the above sources. All the application materials shall have to be the work of the
candidate alone. Any references used shall be cited accordingly. Any other support
received during the compilation of the policy brief or making the presentation shall
be duly acknowledged within the application materials.


45. Please feel free to send your queries, to [email protected]. Generally, all queries
will be answered within two working days. However, no application will be accepted
through this email id.


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