Lead Generation Machine
Lead Generation Machine
Lead Generation Machine
While there’s no doubt that your brand has a website, how well is it really working for
you? Are visitors actively engaging with it? Is it generating leads?
The truth is, great websites are indispensable for lead generation. In a world where
70% of buyer journeys occur before leads ever talk to sales teams, websites are still
the primary way potential customers learn about brands. The recipe for a great website
includes three main ingredients: essential information, engaging content, and effective
conversion points.
Information and content are the main attractions; they’re the real reason people visit
your website in the first place. But forms are important too; they’re how you capture
and qualify leads. It’s important to build your website to meet the needs of your users —
educate them with information, drive their experiences with content, and make it easy
for them to convert with forms.
Also, unlike other platforms, your website is your own channel: So, what’s the secret recipe for website lead generation success?
a virtual sandbox of your own that you can build and customize Here’s a hint: your website content should be so good and so
to fully reflect your brand’s personality, voice, and design. No helpful that your visitors don’t mind filling out a brief form in
other digital channel allows brands to showcase what they’re all order to access it. Compelling content and concise forms are key
about quite like an official website. As your home and hub on to lead generation, and websites are where they live.
the web, your website will always be the ultimate destination for
people who want to learn about and engage with your brand — i.e.
potential leads.
To make meaningful decisions about website content and design, Try to think like a lead. In fact, try to think like a few different kinds
marketers need to reflect upon themselves, their brands, and of leads — from someone who’s familiar with your company, to a
what they need their websites to accomplish. What does website prospect who might have heard of you once or twice, to someone
success look like to you? Maybe it’s increased traffic, a higher who’s totally new to your brand. What’s the ideal path, or most
SEO rank, more clicks and engagement, better page-to-page successful website visit scenario, for each of these different kinds
conversion rate, or more completed forms and downloaded of people? Ultimately, each of them should feel enthusiastic
content. Before you design or redesign your website, start by about filling out a form, downloading content, and engaging
clearly defining what you need the site to do for your brand. further with your brand. Think about what you can change about
your website to achieve that result for each of the different
customer journeys these leads may take.
What’s the one thing, above all else, that you’d like to improve How much is there to do on your website, and what different
about your website? kinds of content do you have (blog posts, videos, interactive,
etc.)? Is anything missing?
Storytelling is essential to
building websites that deliver
great customer experiences.
In the story of a potential lead’s customer journey, their visit to
your website is the rising action. In this case, the optimal climax
for their story would be filling out a form and downloading
content before they leave your website.
For that to happen, you need to answer their questions with clear
and engaging content that doesn’t confuse or bore them. Fit your
calls to action into the story, and deliver real value with every click.
You should even consider giving away some content for free.
To start off, we ask for usual basic information: a first name, last
name, email address, and phone number. You’ll find these fields
on just about every website form ever written. But our form isn’t
just any website form — Pardot is a B2B SaaS company, and our
form is designed to start building a relationship with B2B buyer
leads. That’s why we also ask for business information: a job
title, company name, company size, and country location. These
details help us narrow down our search and create meaningful
points of connection with potential leads.
Give users the opportunity to there should always be a next step. Set realistic goals for your website
convert on offers that correspond to Consider adding a contextual CTA so you can track its success over
their buyer journeys. Don’t expect a to the end of each page or section time. Some examples of these goals
user to fill out a Contact Sales form of your website. might be: visits, form views, form
as the first CTA on your homepage! completes, pipeline generated, or
deals closed.
Track every metric that Make sure your Give users more to do
matters to you navigation is uncluttered after they convert
Web visitors (even anonymous Make website exploration simple, and Offer relevant new content and
ones) create a wealth of measurable make sure that your navigation tells information paths to users after
information. Use web analytics tools to a story that makes sense — think of it they’ve submitted a form or
track SEO, SEM, site browsing behavior, as a table of contents that answers downloaded content. Make sure there
and more — and use that data to inform common user questions. are no dead ends.
your website updates.
Make sure every part of your Consider including additional
Most websites have Google navigation ties into the story CTAs after a user takes an action,
Analytics installed, and you should you’re telling. If there are too like filling out a form or watching
set aside the time to really dig into many navigation items, users may a video. Good examples might
this data. Try setting up events become overwhelmed and feel include thought leadership content
to track form views and form confused about where to go. or customer stories.
completes to discover which CTAs
convert most often.
Create helpful content Follow-up with sales about Develop an ‘ideal path’
your audience is asking for leads from your website and direct users through it
Research what your target market really Alignment with your company’s sales How would your ‘dream lead’ navigate
wants — from content and information team is essential to developing a your website? What actions would they
to experiences — and build your website that truly converts visitors. take, and what content would they access?
website to clearly deliver that to them Connect with sales to develop a plan Make that path easy for users to take.
and answer those questions. for every stage of the buyer journey.
Marketing automation is an important
part of turning your website into a
lead generation machine!
Pardot is B2B Marketing Automation on the World’s #1
CRM–a powerful solution for driving conversions and
personalizing experiences on your website.