Nirav Modi
Nirav Modi
Nirav Modi
This case study will help me to gain knowledge about how the banking
system works in granting such a huge amount of loan and what were
the strategies used by Nirav Modi to incorporate such a scam.
Nirav Modi ,his wife Ami Modi ,brother Nishal Modi and his uncle
Mehul Choksi are partners in diamond R US , Steller Diamonds and
Solar Exports which has retail shops situated in New York , Dubai and
Hong Kong.
PNB said that they can help him in a getting a foreign currency loan to
buy diamonds , by a giving a guarantee which is “ Letter Of
Understanding” ; a Letter Of Understanding is a provision of bank
guarantee , in a which a bank allows its customer to raise money from
another Indian bank’s foreign branch in the form of a short term credit .
It serves the purpose of a bank guarantee but it should also be noted
that customer should pay the margin money to the bank issuing the
LOU ( Letter Of Understanding )
Now , the foreign bank is ready to lend Nirav Modi the money , because
PNB gave gauntantee in the form of Letter Of Understanding(LOU) .
There is complete process as to how the loan is finally lended . After the
LOU is given to Nirav Modi , an account is created by PNB called a
‘Nostro’ account to which the overseas bank lends the loan .
NOTE : Overseas bank lends money to PNB’S Nostro account and not to
Nirav Modi . Overseas bank does not even know Nirav Modi . They just
know that PNB has given a guarantee and in any case the customer
does not pays , overseas bank will collect money from PNB .
Nirav did not pay back the money to PNB .Nirav Modi asked a PNB
official to issue another LOU for the debt owed plus interest. (so , say
for example he had initial LOU OF $ 10 million ,the second LOU will be $
11 million to cover the principle and the interest amount of the first
LOU ) . This went on and on until Nirav Modi fell into a debt trap and
the money easily increased into a larger amount , so large to handle
anymore. From sources it was found that PNB have lost Rs 280 crore on
the Jan 2018 LOUs but then the actual amount came out to ne Rs
11,400 crore .
PNB has alleged that the money raised against these LOUs may not
have actually been used to pay for imports but rather for other
purposes , it can even be money laundering .
There would have been no problem if Punjab National Bank would have
done things right , they did not take collateral worth the loan granted ,
had they taken the loan , they would have sold the property and could
have made the repayment to the overseas bank.
Nirav modi bribed the employees at PNB and made his way out for the
biggest banking scam in Indian history .
It is said that if the court announce Modi and Choksi fugitives under
the new ordinance passed .
All the assets of Modi and Choksi in India and Abroad will be liable for
confiscation and can be sold to repay all the debt , even before the trail
begins . Probe Agency said that all the firms of Modi and Choksi have
inflated the value of diamonds ,pearls and jewellery lying in their units
in SEZs( Special Economic Zones ) in Hyderabad and Surat as well as
vaults . The Enforcement Directorate (ED) Is goint to move a special
court this week for “immediate confiscation” of valued assets worth
over Rs 3500 crore of diamond jewellers Mehul Choksi and Nirav Modi
.ED filed an application under section 12 of the ordinance at court in
Mumbai to confiscate their properties in India , United Kingdoms and
the UAE .