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A) Identify The Different Forms of Poetry. B) Recognize The Elements of Poetry. Create A Poem Using The Elements of Poetry

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Poetry (Grade 7)

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson students should be able to:

a) Identify the different forms of poetry.

b) Recognize the elements of poetry.
c) Create a poem using the elements of poetry

II. Subject Matter

Topic : Poetry

Reference : https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/other/


Materials : Visual Media

Values : cooperation, curiosity, discipline

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher Activity Student’s Activity

A. Prayer

Let us all stand and Pray In the name of the Father and the Son and

the Holy Spirit.Amen

B. Greetings

Good Morning Class! Good Morning Maam!

You may now take your seats. Thank You Maam!

C. Attendance

The teacher will call the names of the

students. The teacher will also ask

how the students are doing.

D. Review

The teacher will ask about the past The past lesson was all about short stories

lesson that she have discussed in the Maam!

class yesterday.
A short story is a piece of prose fiction that
What is Short Stories?
typically can be read in one sitting and
focuses on a self-contained incident or
series of linked incidents.

B. Developmental Activities

A. Motivation

The teacher will now let the students

listen to a poem through the use of audio


The teacher will ask about what they can

say with the poem that they have just


Aside from letting the students listen on

how the poem will be spoken she will also

let the students read another poem

through the use of visual aid.

This time she can now introduce the new

B. Presentation

After introducing poems the teacher will

now discuss that the poem is one

example of Poetry.

What is Poetry?

-A piece of writing that partakes of the

nature of both speech and song that is

nearly always rhythmical, usually

metaphorical, and often exhibits such

formal elements as meter, rhyme, and

stanza structure.

- There are different forms of poetry.

- Sonnet, Limerick, Haiku,

Narrative, Epic,Couplet,Free
 Sonnet - a short rhyming
poem with 14 lines. The
original sonnet form was
invented in the 13/14th
century by Dante and an
Italian philosopher named
Francisco Petrarch. The form
remained largely unknown
until it was found and
developed by writers such as
Shakespeare. Sonnets use
iambic meter in each line and
use line-ending rhymes.
 Limerick - a five-line witty
poem with a distinctive
rhythm. The first, second and
fifth lines, the longer lines,
rhyme. The third and fourth
shorter lines rhyme. (A-A-B-B-
 Haiku- This ancient form of
poem writing is renowned for
its small size as well as the
precise punctuation and
syllables needed on its three
lines. It is of ancient Asian
 Narrative - A narrative poem
tells the story of an event in
the form of a poem. There is
a strong sense of narration,
characters, and plot.
 Epic - a lengthy narrative
poem in grand language
celebrating the adventures
and accomplishments of a
legendary or conventional
 Couplet - two lines of verse
which rhyme and form a unit
alone or as part of a poem.
 Free Verse - A Free Verse
Poem does not follow any
rules. Their creation is
completely in the hands of
the author. Rhyming, syllable
count, punctuation, number
of lines, number of stanzas,
and line formation can be
done however the author
wants in order to convey the
idea. There is no right or
wrong way to create a Free
Verse poem.
-The teacher will give example each of
every given types of poetry.

There are key elements in making a poem. These

are the elements.
 Images - the mental pictures
the poet creates through
 Diction - the selection of
specific words
 Form - the arrangement of
words, lines, verses, rhymes,
and other features.
 Cadence - A rhythmic change
in the inflection of sounds
from words being spoken.
Sometimes referred to the
flow of words.
 Couplet - two lines of verse
that rhyme at the end and
are thought as one unit
 Meter - A rhythm that
continuously repeats a single
basic pattern.
 Rhyme - Words that end with
similar sounds. Usually at the
end of a line of the poem.
 Rhyming - Two lines of a
poem together with the same
 Rhythm - A pattern created
with sounds: hard - soft, long
- short, bouncy, quiet - loud,
weak - strong.
 Stanza - A part of a poem
with similar rhythm and
rhyme that will usually repeat
later in the poem.
 Verse - A line of a poem, or a
group of lines within a long

-The teacher will also give examples to every

given elements of poetry.

C. Application

The students will create a free verse poem using

the elements of poetry which will be written in a
½ crosswise yellow paper and then after the
activity, the students will present their output.

D. Generalization

The teacher will summarize his/her topic and ask

students if they understand the lesson that is
What are the forms of poetry and its elements?
(the teacher will call one of the students to

answer her question.)

IV. Evaluation

Choose the letter of the correct answer by encircling it.

Read the question properly and choose the correct answers.

1. A piece of writing that partakes of the nature of both speech and song that
is nearly always rhythmical, usually metaphorical, and often exhibits such
formal elements as meter, rhyme, and stanzaic structure?
a. Novel
b. Shorty Story
c. Poetry
2. It is an element of poetry in whichwords end with similar sounds.
a. Rhyming
b. Rhyme
c. Rhythm
3. This is an ancient form of poem where writing is renowned for its small size
as well as the precise punctuation and syllables needed on its three lines?
a. Haiku
b. Sonnet
c. Free Verse
4. An element of poetry wherea rhythm continuously repeats a single basic
a. Rhythm
b. Meter
c. Verse
5. A lengthy narrative poem in grand language celebrating the adventures and
accomplishments of a legendary or conventional hero.
a. Narrative
b. Epic
c. Sonnet

V. Assignment

Create a Sonnet and Haiku. Put it in a 1 whole bond paper it should be encoded.

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