En Lo Ambiental

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Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience

2008, 8 (3), 318-328

doi: 10.3758/CABN.8.3.318

Cortical regions activated by the subjective sense

of perceptual coherence of environmental sounds:
A proposal for a neuroscience of intuition
Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany
and Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany

Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne, Germany
and Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, intuition is “the ability to understand or know something im-
mediately, without conscious reasoning.” In other words, people continuously, without conscious attention,
recognize patterns in the stream of sensations that impinge upon them. The result is a vague perception off
coherence, which subsequently biases thought and behavior accordingly. Within the visual domain, research
using paradigms with difficult recognition has suggested that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) serves as a fast
detector and predictor of potential content that utilizes coarse facets of the input. To investigate whether the OFC
is crucial in biasing task-specific processing, and hence subserves intuitive judgments in various modalities,
we used a difficult-recognition paradigm in the auditory domain. Participants were presented with short se-
quences of distorted, nonverbal, environmental sounds and had to perform a sound categorization task. Imaging
results revealed rostral medial OFC activation for such auditory intuitive coherence judgments. By means of a
conjunction analysis between the present results and those from a previous study on visual intuitive coherence
judgments, the rostral medial OFC was shown to be activated via both modalities. We conclude that rostral OFC
activation during intuitive coherence judgments subserves the detection of potential content on the basis of only
coarse facets of the input.

In everyday life, we all make decisions nonconsciously, intuition is regarded as a cognitive process that somehow w
without carefully examining and integrating each bit of in- produces an answer, solution, or idea without consciously
formation. Rather, we rely on a feeling of knowing what going through a logically defensible step-by-step process
decision to make, especially in the presence of uncertainty, (Hammond, 2007). Yet, such definitions leave room forr
perhaps due to time pressure or the importance of gauging several contrary assumptions about the nature of intuitive
the probability of consequences. These types of spontane- processes. Alternatively, some researchers have proposedd
ous judgment processes are collectively defined as intuition lists of the features of intuition, including such attributes
(see, e.g., Hogarth, 2001; Kahneman & Frederick, 2002). as holistic, associative, fast, and automatic (Epstein, 1973;
The process of intuition is hence characterized by a lack of Hammond, Hamm, Grassia, & Pearson, 1987). However,
awareness of how the outcome has been achieved (Hogarth, these listings leave open the question of how many attributes
2001). In this context, it is important to consider two is- are necessary for the recognition of intuitive processes. Forr
sues: First, the concept of intuition means different things some time, the literature on human judgment and decision-
to different people and has attracted the attention of several making eluded the problem of defining intuition by link-
schools and scholars. Second, the term intuition appears ing it almost exclusively to some well-defined simplifying
“intuitively clear,” yet a concise, generally accepted defini- judgment heuristics (for an overview, see Gilovich, Griffin,
tion has not yet been provided in the scientific literature (see & Kahneman, 2002; Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982).
Hogarth, 2001). Typically, intuition is defined negatively, In recent years, another view has been gaining influence
by contrasting it with analysis and logical thought—that is, in the field of judgment and decision-making, termed the

K. G. Volz, [email protected]

Copyright 2008 Psychonomic Society, Inc. 318


learning perspective (Hogarth, 2001; Plessner, Betsch, & the elements. As with the word triads, individuals in Bow-
Betsch, 2008). According to this view, intuition relies on ers et al.’s study were able to detect the coherent gestalts,
mental representations that reflect the entire stream of prior even if they were unable to express what those gestalts
experiences; it is assumed to capitalize on these stored rep- represented. These trials, on which participants exhibited
resentations to often provide direct access to the criterion a “feeling of warmth,” were classified as representing in-
to be judged. tuitive judgment processes.
Because the term intuition has multiple connotations In a previous imaging study in which we aimed to identify
and is used with an “intuitive” understanding, in the con- the brain regions involved in intuitive judgments of visual
text of the present article it is important that we specify coherence, we used a modified version of the Waterloo ge-
our understanding of the term’s meaning and of the na- stalt closure task. We presented participants with (individ-
ture of intuitive processes: In accordance with the learn- ual) fragmented black-and-white line drawings of common
ing perspective, we assume intuitions to be difficult-to- objects; the participants had to indicate, in a forced choice
articulate, affect-laden recognitions or judgments, based procedure, whether or not the given stimulus was coherent
on prior learning and experience, that are arrived at (Volz & von Cramon, 2006). The results revealed specific
through holistic associations (see Sadler-Smith, 2008). activation within the medial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) for
From an information-processing perspective (and follow- subjective coherence judgments, even when participants
ing the literature on priming), it has been suggested that were unable to name the object concerned. That is, the sub-
specific situational cues automatically activate, probably jective sensation that the presented stimulus was coherent
by a process of spreading activation (see Anderson, 1983), was associated with OFC activation. In line with results
a mnemonic network that integrates the entire stream of from Bar et al. (2006), neuroanatomical data (see Krin-
prior experiences that are critically related to an event. gelbach, 2005; Kringelbach & Rolls, 2004), and animal
This mnemonic network is also denoted as a chunk. studies (see Schoenbaum & Roesch, 2005; Schoenbaum,
Because of its associative preactivation, the chunk as a Roesch, & Stalnaker, 2006), our findings suggested that
whole is processed more fluently than expected, presum- OFC activation serves as “a rapid detector and predictor of
ably because the chunk’s constituents mutually facilitate potential content based on coarse aspects of the input” (Bar
their processing. This fluency is assumed to impinge on et al., 2006, p. 453). The fact that the OFC in a demanding
the current affective state in a positive way. Subsequently, object recognition task peaks 50 msec before the fusiform
the fluency-triggered affect may be used in explicit judg- gyrus, an area known to be involved in object recognition
ments. Crucially, it is not the fluency per se, but rather the processes, implies that OFC is used for extrapolation be-
affective derivatives of processing fluency, that can enter yond the directly accessible sensory information (see Bar
awareness and serve as a basis for deliberative judgments et al., 2006). Such coherence judgments are supposed to be
(see Reber, Wurtz, & Zimmermann, 2004). characterized by immediacy, self-evidence, extrapolative-
As examples of experimentally testable intuitions de- ness, and coerciveness.
fined in this way, consider judgments of coherence (se- In the present study, we sought to test whether the OFC
mantic or perceptual) that require spontaneous guesses generally—that is, in various modalities—provides a pre-
about whether things fit or are “out of kilter” (see Bowers, dictive initial guess that biases subsequent thought and ac-
Regehr, Balthazard, & Parker, 1990; Ilg et al., 2007; To- tion. Accordingly, we adapted our paradigm for the audi-
polinski & Strack, 2008). By using a semantic coherence tory domain. Our participants heard either short sequences
task, Topolinski and Strack (2007, 2008) have shown that of nonverbal environmental sounds or backward versions
(1) coherent word triads, which relate to a common remote of the same sounds, both superimposed with noise and/
associate, are processed more fluently than noncoherent or periods of zero sound energy. Hence, the backward
word triads, which lack such an associate; (2) the high versions matched the forward sounds on most acoustic
fluency of the coherent triads triggers a positive affect; features but differed in temporal sequence. That is, the
and (3) the mere visual presentation of a coherent triad au- temporal displacement of the elements of the meaning-
tomatically facilitates subsequent processing of the triad’s ful sound (the “organized whole”) resulted in a nonmean-
common remote associate. These findings support the as- ingful pattern. While listening, participants performed a
sumption that we have outlined: In the case of coherent forced choice sound categorization task; that is, they had
word triads, convergent associative spreading may bring to indicate as fast as possible for each sound whether or
about partial activation of a searched-for common remote not it was coherent, and hence whether it represented an
associate, which is embodied in a “gut” feeling. actual auditory event. This ability to recognize different
Individuals are able to efficiently judge not only the types of environmental (nonverbal) sounds is thought to
coherence of word triads, but also the coherence of visual derive, in part, from automatically abstracting the physical
stimuli, in the form of “gestalt closure stimuli” (Waterloo properties of a sound and matching them to the implicit
gestalt closure task; Bowers et al., 1990). In the Waterloo known attributes of given sound categories (see, e.g.,
gestalt closure task, distorted meaningful stimuli, consist- Medin & Coley, 1998). Accordingly, coherence judgments
ing of common objects, are paired with stimuli in which are taken to reflect intuitive judgment processes.
the pixel information of the meaningful gestalts is dis- The auditory nature of the stimuli here ruled out a very
located into nonmeaningful patterns. Accordingly, both short presentation time, like the one implemented in our vi-
the coherent and noncoherent stimuli consist of identical sual study (400-msec presentation of the stimuli), because
pixel information, differing merely in the arrangement of sound only develops structure over time. Accordingly, in

the present paradigm all of the sound stimuli were trimmed visual reminder of the response key assignment. Participants placed
to 5 sec in duration. This relatively long presentation time, the index and middle fingers of the right hand on the “left” and
however, could increase the likelihood of coherence judg- “right” response buttons, respectively. Within each trial, an auditory
stimulus was presented for 5 sec, concurrently with the response key
ments, which are not based on a feeling, but rather resemble
assignment. As soon as the participant pressed a response key, which
fully formed judgments. That is, judgments for the forward- was possible throughout the entire presentation of the auditory stim-
played sound stimuli correctly identified as coherent (hits) ulus, the visual reminder turned red to indicate that the response
were likely to result from an easy-to-articulate recognition had been recorded. Each auditory stimulus was played from start to
process rather than from recognition that appeared driven finish, regardless of when the participant made a response. The next
simply by a feeling. By definition, intuition draws on think- trial began after a mean interstimulus interval of 2 sec, during which
ing processes that are largely nonconscious. Hence, it was a fixation cross was displayed.
The auditory stimuli were short sequences of nonverbal environ-
not possible to ask participants about the nature of their mental sounds or temporally reversed (backward) versions of these
judgments. Instead, we played sound stimuli backward, be- same sounds, both superimposed with pink noise (i.e., essentially
cause their components still contained clues of coherence, white noise, but with energy in inverse proportion to frequency and,
which could activate a chunk. Accordingly, in the present hence, more energy in the bass than in the treble) and/or periods of
sound recognition task, the backward-played sound stim- zero sound energy. The sound samples were compiled from a CD
uli incorrectly classified as coherent (false alarms [FAs]) collection of professionally recorded sounds (i.e., sound effects;
Digimore Ltd.). Examples are the ringing of a church bell, the gur-
were taken to reflect intuitive judgment processes. This gle of a wastewater disposal line, or the rattling of cutlery (see the
was because the global composition of a backward-played Appendix for a complete list). All sound stimuli were trimmed to
sound stimulus exclusively distinguishes it as (objectively) 5 sec in duration and temporally reversed for the backward presen-
noncoherent. Since the recognition process was here made tation (using Audition software, version 1.5; Adobe Systems, Inc.).
difficult by the distortion manipulation, though, the assess- The temporally reversed sounds matched the physical features of
ment of coherence for these stimuli was likely to be based the original sounds in overall intensity, duration, spectral content,
spectral variation, and acoustic complexity. To make recognition
on parts of the stimulus sensed to be coherent rather than
more difficult, and thus to increase reliance on a feeling of coher-
on the overall arrangement. Accordingly, especially for ence, 93% of the sound stimuli were distorted, as described now:
FAs, we expected activation within medial OFC with the First, 7% of the sound stimuli were superimposed with pink noise,
backward-played stimuli. which is similar to natural sounds, such as a waterfall. The level of
After the fMRI session, we played back to the partici- the noise signal was specifically adjusted for each sound stimulus.
pants only those sound stimuli they had earlier classified Another 43% of the sound stimuli were distorted by reducing the
as coherent, and they had to write down their ideas about sound energy of the signal to zero for a specific number of 200-msec
periods (see below). Since this procedure results in an amplitude plot
what the stimuli represented. According to the fluency that looks like a picket fence, these were termed fence stimuli. Six
conception of intuitive processes that we have outlined, types of fence stimuli were generated, which differed in the tem-
the repeated presentation of a stimulus previously classi- poral arrangement of the breaks—that is, the length of the pickets
fied as coherent should facilitate its recognition by means was varied pseudorandomly, so that the signal was presented for
of confluent semantic spreading. Thus, the participants 200, 250, 300, 400, 600, or 800 msec. The remaining 43% of the
who came up with many ideas about the stimulus sources sound stimuli were distorted by applying both the fence procedure
and superimposed pink noise. In an initial pilot study, 8 participants
were considered to be more intuitive, so we expected this (not included in the f MRI experiment) screened the forward- and
group to show enhanced OFC activation in the initial task, backward-played sound samples, retaining 68 forward-played and
relative to those who provided relatively few ideas about 71 backward-played sound stimuli. In a second pilot study, another
what the auditory stimuli represented. 8 participants (also not in the f MRI experiment) performed a forced
Since our area of interest (OFC) is known to be sensi- choice sound categorization task. For a probability of hits of .59 and
tive to susceptibility artifacts and geometric distortions a probability of false alarms of .32, the discriminability index dΠwas
.71, indicating a relatively difficult categorization task. Furthermore,
when standard echo-planar imaging (EPI) is used, we used
participants’ response strategies were revealed to be conservative;
instead a spin-echo (SE) EPI sequence and a distortion that is, they responded “no” more often than an ideal observer would
correction procedure (according to the method described (C  .11; see Abdi, 2007). To foster uncertainty in the f MRI experi-
by Jezzard & Balaban, 1995; see the Method section ment, the difficulty of the paradigm was not changed, but to induce
below for more details). a more liberal response strategy (i.e., responding “yes” more often
than an ideal observer), the participants were instructed to categorize
sound stimuli as coherent whenever they could verbalize, describe,
METHOD or visualize the likely sound source, or whenever they had implicit
knowledge or a general sense of familiarity about the source. Hence,
Participants we emphasized that participants need not be able to name the spe-
A group of 14 right-handed, healthy volunteers (7 female; mean cific stimulus in order to categorize it as coherent.
age 25.5 years, SD 3.7, range 19–31) with no history of neurological, In the actual f MRI experiment, the participants were presented
psychiatric, or auditory symptoms participated in the fMRI experi- with 150 stimuli (68 forward-played sound stimuli, 71 backward-
ment. Informed consent was obtained from each participant accord- played sound stimuli, and 11 null events) in a pseudorandom order
ing to the declaration of Helsinki. The experimental standards were and were asked to perform a sound categorization task. The response
approved by the ethics committee of the University of Leipzig. All assignments were balanced across participants. All trials lasted for
data were handled anonymously. 8 sec—that is, four scans with a repetition time (TR) of 2 sec. To
allow for measurements to be taken at numerous time points along
Materials the blood-oxygenation-level-dependent signal curve, the onset of
Stimuli, task, and experimental session. The experimental each stimulus presentation relative to the beginning of the first of the
materials consisted of auditory stimuli presented binaurally and a three scans was varied randomly in four time steps (0, 500, 1,000,

and 1,500 msec). The purpose of this procedure was to enhance the plied to the functional slices, so that these slices were also registered
temporal resolution of the image acquisition (Birn, Cox, & Bandet- within the stereotaxic space. This linear normalization process was
tini, 2002; Miezin, Maccotta, Ollinger, Petersen, & Buckner, 2000). improved by a subsequent processing step in which we performed an
Since recognition of backward sound trials would be facilitated by additional, nonlinear normalization (Thirion, 1998). Slice gaps were
previous experience with the corresponding forward sound, and scaled using a trilinear interpolation, generating output data with a
vice versa, a given sound stimulus was always presented in a differ- spatial resolution of 3  3  5 mm (i.e., 45 mm3).
ent distortion version than during its preceding presentation. This The statistical evaluation was based on a least-squares estima-
procedure was possible because we produced 72 stimuli altogether, tion using the general linear model (GLM) for serially autocorre-
each in 14 variations. After the experimental session, those stimuli lated observations (random-effects model; Friston, 1994; Friston,
that participants had previously categorized as meaningful auditory Frith, Turner, & Frackowiak, 1995; Worsley & Friston, 1995). An
objects were played back for them, and they were asked to describe event-related design was implemented—that is, the hemodynamic
each sound source. Subsequently, the participants filled out a ques- response function was modeled by means of the experimental condi-
tionnaire capturing their preference for intuition versus deliberation tions for each stimulus (where the “event” was the onset of stimulus
(Betsch, 2004), and they were thanked and debriefed. presentation). The design matrix was generated utilizing a synthetic
hemodynamic response function and its first and second derivatives
MRI Scanning Procedure (Friston et al., 1998), with a response delay of 6 sec. The model
Imaging was performed with a 3T scanner (Medspec 30/100; equation, including the observation data, the design matrix, and the
Bruker Optics, Ettlingen, Germany). The participants wore custom error term, was convolved with a Gaussian kernel of dispersion of
earplugs (HearSafe Group, Cincinnati, Ohio) and were presented 4-sec FWHM to deal with the temporal autocorrelation (Worsley &
with binaural sound stimuli. To ensure that participants could easily Friston, 1995). Contrast images—that is, estimates of the raw-score
hear the sound stimuli via custom headphones (Resonance Tech- differences between specified conditions—were generated for each
nology Inc., Northridge, California), the volume was individually participant. The single-participant contrast images were entered into
adjusted before scanning. Since we expected activation within the a second-level analysis based on Bayesian statistics (Neumann &
OFC, and this cortical area is known to be affected by strong suscep- Lohmann, 2003). In the approach of Neumann and Lohmann, both
tibility gradients, we used an SE sequence, which has been shown posterior probability maps and maps of the sizes of the effects of in-
to be less sensitive to susceptibility-related signal dropout than are terest within groups of participants are calculated on the basis of the
gradient-echo (GE) sequences (Norris, Zysset, Mildner, & Wiggins, resulting least-squares estimates of the parameters of the GLM. The
2002; Schmidt, Boesiger, & Ishai, 2005). The drawback of using SE- output of this Bayesian second-level analysis was a map showing
rather than GE-based fMRI, however, is the lower statistical power probabilities that the contrast was larger than zero. For visualization,
of SE sequences, because the advantage in sensitivity of the SE EPI a threshold of 99.9% was applied to these probability maps.
is counteracted by the noise produced by switching the magnetic The reasons to use a Bayesian second-level analysis with fMRI
field gradients on and off. However, since task difficulty in terms data are manifold: Comparison between traditional analysis, based
of auditory perception was desired, this issue was not regarded as on t statistics, and Bayesian second-level analysis has shown that
a major drawback, particularly because the noise affected all tri- the latter is more robust against outliers. Furthermore, the Bayesian
als, and thus its effect was not condition-specific. Any geometric approach overcomes some problems of null-hypothesis significance
distortions due to static magnetic field inhomogeneities were char- testing, such as the need to correct for multiple comparisons, as
acterized by a field-map scan at the end of each session. By use of well as providing estimates for the size of an effect of interest and
the resulting field maps, a distortion correction was applied to the for the probability that the effect actually occurs in the population
functional-imaging data via the method described by Jezzard and (Neumann & Lohmann, 2003). That is because the use of Bayesian
Balaban (1995), without intensity correction and with a nonlinear statistics precludes the need to correct for false positives, because
interpolation (i.e., an Akima spline). Seventeen axial slices (4-mm no test is performed in which an initial hypothesis could be falsely
thickness, interslice gap 1 mm, field of view 19.2 cm, data matrix rejected. Rather, the probability of a contrast is calculated directly
64  64 voxels, and in-plane resolution 3  3 mm) parallel to the from our model parameters ( ; values).
bicommissural plane (AC–PC) were acquired using an SE EPI se-
quence (TR 2 sec, echo time [TE] 75 msec). Because we used an
SE sequence with a TR of 2 sec, it was only possible to collect 17 RESULTS
axial slices, thus excluding posterior parietal areas, dorsal prefrontal
areas, and the most ventral part of the cerebellum from the imaging Behavioral Results
volume. Prior to the functional runs, 17 anatomical, T1-weighted, Participants responded on average to 97.2% (SE E 1.2) of
modified driven-equilibrium Fourier-transform images (Norris, the trials. They categorized 57.8% (SEE 3.2) of the trials as
2000; Uǧurbil et al., 1993) were acquired (data matrix 256  256
coherent—that is, featuring sound stimuli that represented
voxels, TR 1.3 sec, TE 10 msec), as well as 17 T1-weighted EPI
images with the same spatial orientation as the functional data. The meaningful auditory events. In all, 74% (SE E 2.7) of the
latter were used to co-register the functional scans with previously forward-played sound stimuli were judged to be coherent
acquired high-resolution full-brain 3-D scans. (hits), and the remaining 26% (SE E 2.7) of those stimuli
were incorrectly classified as noncoherent (misses). In
Data Analysis addition, 59% (SE E 4.1) of the backward-played sound
The MRI data were processed using the software package LIPSIA
(Lohmann et al., 2001). Functional data were corrected for motion stimuli were correctly classified as noncoherent (correct
artifacts using a matching metric based on linear correlation. To rejections [CRs]), whereas 41% (SE 4.1) were incor-
correct for the temporal offset between the slices acquired in one rectly classified as coherent (FAs). In line with the signal
scan, a cubic-spline interpolation was applied. A temporal high-pass detection theory (SDT) approach, two parameters were
filter with a cutoff frequency of 1/109 Hz was used for baseline cor- estimated from the experimental data: the strength of the
rection of the signal, and a spatial Gaussian filter with a 5.65-mm signal (d Œ) and the strategy of response of participants
full width at half maximum (FWHM) was applied. The anatomi-
cal slices were co-registered with the full-brain scan that resided in
(C, as well as a variant of C called ;; see Abdi, 2007).
the stereotaxic coordinate system and were transformed by linear With d Π .87, the mean of the signal distribution was
scaling to a standard size (Talairach & Tournoux, 1988). The trans- almost one standard deviation away from the mean of the
formation parameters obtained from this step were subsequently ap- noise distribution, indicating that the task was relatively

difficult. One way to express the location of participants’ The questionnaire capturing the preference for intuition
response thresholds is in relation to what is called the versus deliberation (PID; Betsch, 2004) revealed a domi-
ideal observer, who conjointly minimizes the probabili- nant preference for intuition in 6 participants and a prefer-
ties of a miss and an FA. In the present experiment, the ence for deliberation in the rest. None of the correlational
ideal observer was characterized by a d Πof .44, an estima- analyses of the percentages of signal changes with PID
tion of C of .21, and a ; of .84. That is, our participants turned out to be significant. Hence, the general prefer-
were obviously, but not perfectly, discriminating between ence for intuition or deliberation in decision-making, as
coherent and noncoherent sound stimuli (as indicated by indicated by the PID, seems not to have governed or influ-
their d Π .87), and they showed a liberal response strat- enced the processing of auditory coherence judgments.
egy—that is, in case of doubt, they would rather say that
an auditory signal implied coherence than that it did not. Imaging Results
This response pattern, which ensures hits (successful rec- To reveal brain regions particularly involved in the
ognition) at the cost of increased FAs (failure to reject), processing of intuitive judgments, trials for sound stimuli
emphasizes a motivational orientation toward a relatively incorrectly categorized as coherent (FAs) were compared
risky processing style in which alternatives are actively with those for stimuli correctly categorized as coherent
sought (see Crowe & Higgins, 1997). (hits). Since both types of stimuli were answered to with
Over the course of the experimental session, mean re- “yes,” confounding effects due to response mode were ex-
action times (RTs, in milliseconds) differed significantly cluded. As expected, activation was revealed within the
between the four response categories [F(3,11)
F  49, p left rostral medial OFC, lateral OFC, right frontal oper-
.0001]; that is, participants responded significantly faster culum (FOP), inferior frontal gyrus, left anterior medial
( SE: 2,453118)
on trials they judged to be coherent (M temporal pole, and middle temporal gyrus (MTG), as
than on those they judged to be noncoherent (3,242138) well as bilaterally within the superior temporal gyrus (see
[t(13)  7.58, p .0001]. With regard to the latter tri- Table 1 and Figure 1A). The reverse contrast (i.e., hits vs.
als, a post hoc test for misses and CRs revealed no sig- FAs) did not reveal any activation foci in the OFC.
nificant RT differences [t(13)  0.76, p  .46], yet the Although the backward- and forward-played data sets
post hoc test for hits and false alarms showed that partici- were ideally matched for overall duration, intensity, spec-
pants responded significantly faster on hits (2,240127) tral variation, spectral content, and acoustic complexity,
than on FAs (2,665114) [t(13)  8.14, p .0001]. they differed in that the backward-played sound stimuli
Hence, irrespective of the assignments of fingers to (FAs and CRs) were distorted in the temporal domain,
button responses, the group-averaged RT to the sound thereby altering the temporal phase and onset of events.
stimuli judged to be coherent was 2.5 sec, as compared Accordingly, one could argue that the activation in the con-
with 3.2 sec to those judged to be noncoherent. The sig- trast of FAs versus hits reflects differences in the temporal
nificantly longer RTs for “noncoherent” judgments may acoustic properties of the backward- versus the forward-
imply that greater processing demands were required played sound stimuli, rather than differences in intuitive
when judging sound stimuli to be unrecognizable. Con- recognition of these stimuli per se. However, when we ex-
sequently, this suggests that those regions preferentially clusively compared the backward-played sound stimuli,
engaged by the recognizable environmental sounds were whether categorized as coherent (FAs) or noncoherent
not simply modulated by an overall greater task difficulty (CRs), we still found significant activation within the left
or task demands. A comparison of the forward-played rostral medial OFC (x ( , y, z: 17, 51, 15). In addition,
(2,493133) and backward-played (2,998129) sound significant activation was observed within the left MTG
stimuli revealed a significant RT difference [t(13)  (56, 39, 6), inferior prefrontal gyrus (47, 30, 6),
11.73, p .0001], in that the forward-played stimuli and superior temporal gyrus (56, 9, 0). This result sug-
were responded to more quickly, as well as a significant gests that OFC activation reflects intuitive recognition
difference in the rates of correct responses [t(13)  2.34, rather than stimulus differences. Yet the reliability of this
p .036]. That is, the forward-played stimuli elicited cor- proposition is limited by the fact that FAs and CRs differ
rect responses in 74% of the trials, whereas only 59% of in response mode (“yes” vs. “no”).
the backward-played stimuli were correctly identified as To overcome the possibly confounding effects of re-
noncoherent. With regard to the four different versions of sponse mode and temporal phase, two further analyses
the stimuli—that is, no distortion, superposition with pink were indicated: (1) an interaction contrast of the two fac-
noise, fence distortion, and fence distortion with superim- tors stimulus-dependent splittingg of trials (objectively
posed pink noise—significant differences were observed coherent/noncoherent) and performance-dependent split-
in neither RTs [F(3,11)
F  0.35, p  .63] nor percentages tingg (subjectively coherent/noncoherent), as well as (2) a
correct [F(3,11)
F  1.82, p  .18]. conjunction analysis of all three possible direct contrasts
After the experimental session, only those sound stim- with FAs—that is, FAs versus hits, CRs, and misses. The
uli that participants categorized as coherent were played latter calculation was implemented because direct con-
to them again, and they were asked to name each stimulus trasts between FAs and the other three response categories
if they could. In all, 74% of those stimuli could be cor- would have suffered from unequal numbers of trials. The
rectly named (median 80%, range 42%–90%); the rest interaction contrast revealed significant activation within
were either unknown (13%) or associated with a feeling the left rostral medial OFC for objectively incorrect re-
of familiarity (13%). sponses (FAs and misses; see Table 1 and Figure 1B).

Table 1 According to our assumption that participants could be
Laterality, Anatomical Specification, and T Talairach Coordinates considered more intuitive if, in the postsession question-
( , y, zz) for Activation According to the Second-Level Bayesian
Analysis, for Direct Contrasts and Conjunction Analyses
ing, they provided many ideas about the stimuli they had
previously designated as coherent, we calculated a me-
Area x y z
dian split for the contrast of FAs versus hits. The results
False Alarms  Hits revealed activation within the left rostral OFC, bilaterally
L. rostral medial orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) 17 51 12 within the central OFC and the FOP/anterior insula, and
L. lateral OFC 50 39 9
R. inferior frontal gyrus 37 51 6
within the right anterior temporal lobe for the group who
R. inferior frontal gyrus 37 33 15 had generated many ideas (see Table 1 and Figure 1D).
R. frontal operculum (FOP)/anterior insula 40 18 6 If activation within the OFC simply reflects the moni-
L. superior temporal gyrus (STG) 56 9 0 toring of reward value of the coherent sound stimuli,
R. STG 52 6 3 activation within this area should also be elicited by
L. anteromedial temporal pole 44 18 21
L. middle temporal gyrus (MTG) 53 54 12 forward-played sound stimuli, irrespective of a partici-
pant’s response. Yet the resulting pattern of activation for
Interaction Contrast
(Stimulus- and Performance-Dependent Splitting) the contrast of forward- versus backward-played sound
L. rostral medial OFC 20 48 12
stimuli involved three foci excludingg the OFC: Signifi-
R. anterior inferior frontal gyrus 43 42 3 cant activation was found within the left inferior prefron-
R. inferior frontal gyrus 34 39 15 tal cortex, within the right inferior temporal gyrus, and
R. FOP/anterior insula 43 21 3 within the left posterior temporal gyrus near the junction
Conjunction of Three Contrasts of FAs with the parietal lobe (see Table 1). Thus, we may exclude
L. rostral medial OFC 17 52 13 the possibility that activation in the OFC simply reflects
L. lateral OFC 47 35 9 the monitoring of reward value.
Ventromedial prefrontal cortex 0 43 3 The present study was aimed at investigating the mul-
R. FOP/anterior insula 39 18 5
R. inferior frontal gyrus 43 30 15 timodality of OFC activation during intuitive judgment
L. STG 56 12 3 processes. Hence, a conjunction analysis with our previ-
R. STG 52 5 3 ous study was suggested—that is, a test for a logical AND,
L. anteromedial temporal pole 42 18 21 so as to identify those brain regions that are commonly
L. MTG 59 42 3
activated by intuitive judgment processes in both auditory
Group Comparison High  Low Responders and visual coherence tasks (see Nichols, Brett, Anders-
(Postsession Questionnaire)
son, Wager, & Poline, 2005; Volz & von Cramon, 2006).
L. rostral OFC 32 51 9 The conjunction between the contrast from our visual
L. central OFC 26 36 6
R. central OFC 25 39 6 study (coherent  noncoherent trials) and the contrast
L. FOP/anterior insula 44 18 6 FAs versus hits from the present, auditory study revealed
R. FOP/anterior insula 46 18 3 significant activation within the left rostral medial OFC,
R. insular cortex 46 3 0 left MTG, and right FOP/anterior insula (see Table 1 and
R. anterior temporal lobe 37 3 30
Figure 1E).
Conjunction Auditory and Visual Experiment
L. rostral medial OFC 21 48 12 DISCUSSION
R. FOP/anterior insula 43 15 9
L. MTG 50 52 11
In the present fMRI study, we attempted to examine the
Forward-Played Stimuli  Backward-Played Stimuli
neural substrates of coherence judgments in the context
L. inferior frontal gyrus 47 9 21
R. inferior temporal gyrus 46 51 6
of auditory discovery, which we comprehended as reflect-
L. temporoparietal junction area 38 57 18 ing intuitive thinking processes. Specifically, according
R. temporoparietal junction area 40 69 24 to the learning perspective, we conceived of intuitions as
Note—All activation foci were set to posterior probabilities of 99.9%. difficult-to-articulate, affect-laden recognitions or judg-
ments, which are based on prior learning and experience
(see Sadler-Smith, 2008). Particularly, we proposed that
Furthermore, activation was observed within the right in- implicit extracted clues of coherence activate a relevant
ferior frontal gyrus and FOP/anterior insula. To test which mnemonic network, which integrates the entire stream
factor was driving this effect, we calculated percentage of prior experiences that make up the gist of the entity
signal changes within the left rostral medial OFC (20, (also denoted as a chunk). k In the present forced choice
48, 12); the results revealed FAs to be the driving factor paradigm, participants were presented with either short
for OFC activation (see Figure 1F). Likewise, significant sequences of nonverbal environmental sounds or tempo-
activation within the rostral medial and lateral OFC was rally reversed versions of the same sounds, both of which
observed for the conjunction analysis of the three FA con- were superimposed with pink noise and/or with periods
trasts, as well as activation within the ventromedial pre- of zero sound energy. While listening, participants per-
frontal cortex, right FOP/anterior insula, inferior frontal formed a sound categorization task; that is, they had to
gyrus, left MTG, and anteromedial temporal pole, and bi- indicate as fast as possible, for each sound, whether or
lateral activation within the superior temporal gyrus (see not it was coherent. This ability to recognize different
Table 1 and Figure 1C). types of environmental (nonverbal) sounds is thought

A FAs vs. Hits B Interaction Contrast



z = –12 z = –12

C Conjunction FA Contrasts D Median Split


z = –12 z = –8
0 3

E Conjunction With Visual Exp. F Signal Change in rmOFC (%)

rmOFC 0.15




z = –12
0 2

1. Group-averaged activations are shown on axial slices taken from an indi-

vidual brain normalized and aligned to the T Talairach and T
Tournoux (1988) stereotaxic
space. (A) Direct contrast between trials participants incorrectly judged to be coherent
(false alarms, or FAs) and trials they correctly judged to be coherent (hits). (B) Inter-
action contrast between objectively and subjectively coherent/noncoherent trials (i.e.,
stimulus- and performance-dependent splitting of trials). (C) Conjunction analysis of
all possible FA contrasts. (D) Results of the median split for the contrast of FAs ver-r
sus hits for the group who provided many solutions in the postsession questionnaire,
given trial stimuli they had previously indicated as coherent. (E) Conjunction analysis
of auditory (see panel A) and visual coherence judgments. The contrast in the latter
modality was taken from a previous study on visual coherence judgments (Volz & von
Cramon, 2006). (F) Percentage of signal change within the rostral medial OFC ((x 
20, y  48, z  12). cOFC, central orbitofrontal cortex; lOFC, lateral orbitofrontal
cortex; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; rmOFC, rostral medial orbitofrontal cortex;
rOFC, rostral orbitofrontal cortex.

to be accomplished in part by automatically abstracting dividuals learn that specific abstracted cues are associ-
the physical properties of a sound and matching them to ated with preferred outcomes, so that a “probabilistic
the implicit known characteristics of given sound catego- matrix” evolves. Most of this knowledge is supposed to
ries. Since forward-played sound stimuli were likely to be implicit and to depend on the amount and the timing
be correctly classified as coherent on the basis of fully of experience with the specific cue–outcome relations
formed judgments, we conceived that FAs could in part (see Bar, 2007). This notion is compatible with the idea
reflect intuitive judgment processes, because the tempo- that experts develop an intuitive understanding within
rally reversed sounds matched the physical features of the their field of expertise through the acquisition of a large
original coherent sounds in all respects except their tem- number of chunks associated with the relevant action
poral sequence. Accordingly, the majority of the physi- knowledge. Recently, Raab and Johnson (2007) speci-
cal features of the backward sound stimuli could activate fied the locus of this expertise effect in the accessibility
a chunk. We chose to apply a distortion manipulation so and quality of an initial solution, rather than in the sub-
as to encourage participants to (implicitly) evaluate the sequent deliberation. That is, the readout of a specific
various acoustical features of the stimuli otherr than their mnemonic network seems to be more decisive than it
temporal sequence. would be following strategic effects. An interesting fu-
The present imaging results revealed rostral medial ture object of investigation would be a comparison of
OFC activation that was likely specific to intuitive coher- OFC activation between experts and novices.
ence judgments in the auditory domain. Furthermore, a The task in the present auditory paradigm was chosen
conjunction analysis between the present results and those as a problem at which we are all experts—namely, the
from a previous study on visual intuitive coherence judg- detection of coherent meaningful sounds in the environ-
ments (Volz & von Cramon, 2006) revealed that the rostral ment. This task would not, per se, necessarily require in-
medial OFC is a common neural substrate for coherence. dividuals to rely on affect-laden recognition judgments.
Hence, we conclude that, in both the visual and auditory Yet the distortion manipulations we applied, such as the
modalities during intuitive coherence judgments, the OFC lack of reliable auditory information and of feedback,
is likely to subserve the detection of potential content suggest that an intuitive approach would be needed.
from coarse aspects of the sensory input. All in all, on the Accordingly, to perform successfully despite the diffi-
basis of the present data and of previous studies on object culties, individuals probably had to rely on prior learn-
recognition (Bar, 2007; Bar et al., 2006), we here propose ing and experiences, which subsequently biased their
a very preliminary neurocognitive model of intuitive judg- thoughts and actions. It has been suggested that this bias-
ments in the auditory domain. ing signal arises in the OFC and that it is experienced as
The OFC is said to be involved in sensory integra- an initial guess and embodied in a “gut feeling,” both of
tion, emotion regulation, and the representation of the which suggest a specific course of action. The notion of
affective value of reinforcers (see Arana et al., 2003; a biasing somatic signal is consistent with the findings of
Bechara, H. Damasio, & A. R. Damasio, 2000; Gott- A. R. Damasio and colleagues using the Iowa gambling
fried, O’Doherty, & Dolan, 2003; Kringelbach, 2005; task with both healthy participants and OFC-damaged
Kringelbach & Rolls, 2004; O’Doherty, Deichmann, patients (see, e.g., Bechara, A. R. Damasio, H. Damasio,
Critchley, & Dolan, 2002). These functional accounts & Anderson, 1994; Bechara, Tranel, & Damasio, 2002;
stem from human f MRI and lesion studies. Specification Damasio, 1994). In this task, participants choose cards
of the OFC’s function derives mainly from animal stud- either with high rewards and occasional large penal-
ies (see Boulougouris, Dalley, & Robbins, 2007; Roesch ties or with low rewards but no penalties. Healthy par-
& Schoenbaum, 2006; Saddoris, Gallagher, & Schoen- ticipants initially choose from the high-reward deck but
baum, 2005; Schoenbaum & Roesch, 2005; Schoenbaum later bias their choices to the low-reward deck. At first,
et al., 2006): Single-cell recordings in rats and monkeys this change in behavior cannot consciously be justified;
have revealed that, early in learning, neurons in the OFC instead, participants report basing their choices on a
will respond to one outcome but not to another—for in- mere feeling until the penalties become apparent. Re-
stance, when a rat learns to discriminate between two search has suggested that this “gut” feeling is reflected
odors on the basis of the outcomes they predict (e.g., in anticipatory skin conductance response (SCR) activ-
sucrose or quinine solution). In this case, the neurons ity in response to a possible outcome of the action (e.g.,
begin to respond in anticipation of their preferred out- Bechara et al., 2000). OFC-damaged patients also prefer
come. After learning, the neurons come to be already the high-reward deck at the beginning, but they fail to
activated by the cues that predict the preferred outcome, modify their responding; it has been suggested that this
thereby signaling the expected outcome even before a pattern reflects an inability to generate the outcome ex-
response is made. From their study, Schoenbaum et al. pectancies necessary to compare the relative values of
concluded that the selective activity within the OFC rep- the preferred and unpreferred outcomes (Schoenbaum
resents the expectation of an individual on the basis of & Roesch, 2005). Interestingly, these patients also fail to
its experience of likely outcomes. These results nicely generate anticipatory SCRs before picking a card (see,
fit with our assumption that the OFC rapidly detects po- e.g., Bechara et al., 2002).
tential content by serving as a repository of current as- In general, we assume that whenever situational con-
sociations between particular cues and outcomes, given straints preclude flawless processing, individuals may
the current circumstances. During daily experience, in- rely less on an analytic, rule-based, and explicit process-

ing mode than on an associative, holistic, and implicit reciprocal (Pandya & Yeterian, 1985). The analysis of the
one, so as to maintain flexibility and freedom of action coarse auditory input is supposed to occur in parallel with
(see Stanovich & West, 2000). The latter mode of pro- the more systematic, and probably slower, propagation of
cessing can provide a quick and low-effort evaluation the same information along organized auditory process-
of the stimulus or set of cues by relying on associative ing pathways, involving secondary and tertiary auditory
information, particularly on information about the value processing domains in the superior temporal gyrus and
of likely outcomes. As we have outlined above, research extending up to the junction with the parietal lobe (Kaas &
has suggested that the OFC plays a crucial role in the Hackett, 2000). The coarse representation of the input, we
generation and use of outcome expectancies (see Roesch suggest, activates specific outcome expectancies within
& Schoenbaum, 2006). Accordingly, when a situation the rostral OFC, which in turn may activate the most
requires tapping into implicit knowledge, we suggest probable interpretation of the input in recognition-related
that freedom of action is preserved by the OFC’s detect- regions within the temporal cortex. By combining the ini-
ing potential content and subsequently biasing thought, tial guess from the OFC, based on the fuzzy input, with
inquiry, and action. Possibly, this guiding signal is con- the output of the more systematic analysis, recognition
veyed as an affective reaction (somatic signal) mani- is supported by confining the number of possible object
fested in anticipatory SCRs. representations.
From the results of the contrast of FAs versus hits and
the conjunction of all three FA contrasts, we further con-
clude that whenever participants (incorrectly) indicated The authors thank Ricarda I. Schubotz for helpful comments on the
coherence, they had indeed “heard” the putative sound final draft of this article, Eva Weig for developing the stimulus materi-
source and had aimed at detecting the salient event bound- als and for assistance in the data collection, Kerstin Flake for support
concerning graphical matters, and Tracy Farr for help with proofreading.
aries. We assume this because of activation within the Correspondence related to this article may be sent to K. G. Volz, Max
MTG, FOP, and right inferior frontal gyrus. The MTG has Planck Institute for Neurological Research, P.O. Box 41 06 29, D-50866
been shown to be crucial for the recognition of familiar Cologne, Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).
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Environmental Sounds
African drums Apes Banging of a door
Bell (3 versions) Bell at a level crossing Bell in a shop
Cowbell Bells of Big Ben Birds (2 versions)
Bouncing people Breaking dishes (2 versions) Breaking glass (5 versions)
Chicken clucking Church bell (2 versions) Clacking keys
Clanging metal Clapping Clock
Dishwasher Doorbell Drums (2 versions)
Eaves gutter Fire Gate creak
Glockenspiel (3 versions) Hammering (2 versions) Hammering on metal (2 versions)
Harp Metronome Piano
Pigs (2 versions) Rattling coins Rattling dishes
Ringing bell Roasting meat Rolling glass bottle
Rolling piece of metal (2 versions) Running person Ship’s bell (3 versions)
Shooting (3 versions) Shower (2 versions) Splashing water
Table tennis Triangle Unscrewing a bottle
Washing dishes Water gurgling in drain Water in a washbasin (2 versions)
Water running Whistling person

(Manuscript received October 21, 2007;

revision accepted for publication April 18, 2008.)

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