Tradtional Housinf Acpects in Modern Contemporary Architecture
Tradtional Housinf Acpects in Modern Contemporary Architecture
Tradtional Housinf Acpects in Modern Contemporary Architecture
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the degree
I hereby declare that the work which is presented in the dissertation entitled
CONTEXT", in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE, submitted in the . Department of
ROORKEE, ROORKEE is an authentic record of my own work carried out
for a period of about one year from July 2006 to June 2007, under the
supervision of DR. MAHUA MUKHERJEE and DR. P. S. CHANT, Department
of Architecture and Planning, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY
The matter embodied in this dissertation has not been submitted by me for the award
of any other degree.
Place: Roorkee (PAK I C I PRI YA)
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best
of my knowledge.
makes one feel perplexed and faceless in this age of technology. The repercussion of
identity crisis in concurrence with the process of 'modernization' has always been an
environment could serve as a solution, with its richness in natural activity patterns and
diversity of expressions.
This thesis aims to draw an attempt to understand the critical issue: Relevance of
Traditional Built environment in the Modern Context. To deal with this issue with an
unprejudiced mind this research begins by accepting the limitations of the case study and
explore the explicit and implicit characteristics of the traditional environment and the
valuable knowledge that can be drawn with reference to the MODERN CONTEXT.
harmoniously surviving amidst the modern urbanized setup. Two case studies identified
for the research in the same area are deliberately distinct so as to understand the
pattern and sensitivity towards human needs is deployed. The integrated approach of
living. Insight gained from this study seeks to address the significance of sense of place
in the built environment. Universality of this research finding will also help in
( Lakshmi Priya R )
Page no.
Acknowledgements ii
List of Figures vi
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Traditional Architecture 1
1.3 Need for the Study of Traditional Architecture 2
1.4 Issues Concerning Traditional Architecture 3
1.5 Research Aim 4
1.6 Objectives 4
1.7 Scope of study 5
1.7.1 Scope
1.7.2 Limitations
1.8 Organization of the Thesis 5
1.9 Structure of the thesis 6
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Glossary of Terms 77
Bibliography 78
Fig 2.3 Axonometric view showing ventilation through the hall .19
Fig 4.8 Plan showing the location of the two case studies 42
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Fig 4.10 Parallel walls 43
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Fig 4.24 Sense of territory and hierarchical interaction spaces ..50
one unconscious of the essentials that are lost in the modern society. In the process, the
sense of belonging, the sense of identity, the comforts and the security of a familiar world,
all these are lost. The homogenization in the contemporary city forms are mainly due to the
demand on 'efficiency' and people play an insignificant role in the design of the physical
environment. The models of development in the modern society are seldom based on our
social needs and life style, alienating people socio- culturally. An understanding of the role
of architecture in effecting the social dimension by good design and thereby leading to a
genius and know-how from preceding generations of craftsmen and committed citizen.
Traditional architecture imply a sense of modesty individual creator within the sacred
creation of the universe, as well as the powerful intuition that concepts of beauty, harmony,
shoulders the responsibility of carrying on an inherited culture beyond the contingencies and
improvisations of the moment. In order to remain vital, alive and relevant it needs to be
earned, consolidated and enriched by each single generation in the perspective of universal
ideals of civilization. It implies a constant effort of appropriation of knowledge, experience
and cultural values, a permanent effort of intellectual, artistic and material reconstruction.
In his introduction to Hannah Arendt's "Crisis of Culture", the French writer Rene Char
comments: "Our heritage has been handed over to us without a testament," suggesting the
creative and inventive effort required to operate within the context of tradition.
the modern society, reclusive ness is creeping within family and work environment. This is
mainly due to the neglect of opportunities for spontaneous interaction among different user
groups. traditional built environment are excellent examples for us to understand how
physical design play an effective role in bringing people together and create a sense of
Traditional forms not only ties the community of one generation but also the successive
generations (Doshi.B.V, 1997),It provided qa wide variety of choices various activities, a
to combat placeless ness in the modern context. and to do this it is necessary to understand
the traditional built environment in terms of its dynamism and continuity so as to adapt itself
changing needs
Today, the desire for modernity has provoked the Indian client and the architect into
fantasies that have little or no connection to the locale and the prevailing conditions.
The stylized pediment, the bloated keystone, and fake capitals and columns have become the
most visible links to the past. The association with tradition now has little to do with the
nature of space, plan and habitation, and has been reduced to the cartoon quality of an
advertising bill-board.
Such architecture has arisen from motives that are intentional and self-conscious. Its
detachment from place, people and context has produced a kind of building that is no longer
the frame, the backdrop for society. The concern for climate, location, vegetation and living
pattern has been ignored as architecture is parceled along political and market boundaries.
Consequently, the modern architect can no longer comprehend the complex nature of rooted
ness His obsession with these signs and symbols seems nothing more than the continual
among the public. He has become incapable of suggesting anything more than just his
placed. In these conditions an imaginative assessment of the relation between the client and
society seems almost impossible. Unless architecture transcends its traditional .scope,
architects will do incalculable damage to the environment and to the existing patterns of a
traditional society.
To explore the explicit and implicit characteristics of the traditional environment and
the valuable knowledge that can be drawn as reference to the MODERN CONTEXT
particular case
■ To analyse the case with a help of a model derived from various theories and guiding
■ To provide guidelines to enhance the sense of place for new housing development in
1.7.1 SCOPE
The study will focus on the areas which help in understanding the relationship
between the place and people facilitating in creating a sense of place. Having a clear
understanding of the limitations of the case undertaken for the research, analysis of the built
environment will try to exploit the advantages of the case and not on criticizing on the
The study is confined to a specific community of the people and context and hence
will narrow down the scope of generalization of the inferences. Lack of time also limits the
number of cases that can be included in the study to increase the chances of generalization.
Stage 1
Literature Review
• Collect information
Stage 2
Case Study
Purpose of Case Study
Descriptive — documentation
principles/theory formation.
Chapter one introduces the present scenario in architecture, its issues and the need for the
Chapter two deals with the methodology adopted for the research, the comprehensive
literature study of experts working in the domain traditional architecture and various
Chapter three deals with the various frameworks of urban design, frame work model to be
Chapter four introduces to case study with the background of the context. It covers a study
of typical Brahmin house in Dakshinachitra followed by the live case study, its analysis and
Chapter five discusses the main drawbacks of the contemporary development and proposal
of the guidelines for enhancing the sense of place from the study and conclusion
Cha s ter Two
In architectural research, the case study has become a dominant methodology. A case study
is expected to capture the complexity of a single case, and the methodology which enables
this to be done has developed within the social sciences. Such methodology is applied not
economics, but also in practice oriented fields such as environmental studies, social work,
education and management science. In architectural research case studies are very common.
The ability to act within professional practice is based on knowledge of a repertoire of cases.
These cases are based either on personal experiences or are model cases established within
The case might be given and studied with an intrinsic interest in the case as such.
How are generalizations made from a single case? Generalization from a case is not
statistical, it is analytical. A generalization can be made in three different modes. The first is
by the testing of hypotheses (theory) within a case, and, as a result, the definition of the
domain within which the theory is valid. Such testing is comprised of the emulation of
is inductive theory generation— conceptualization which is based on data from within the
research methodology
case. The result is a micro level theory consisting of related concepts. (Glaser & Strauss
1967). The third principle is naturalistic generalization. In such cases generalizations are
made from known cases and applied to an actual problem situation by making appropriate
Fig 2.1 various modes of generalization. Source: adapted from Johansson Rolf, Case Study
Methodology Reflected in Architectural Research, 2003
traditional culture(hence good) and self conscious design with modern cultures(hence
bad).Alexander's thesis was that traditional cultures were more likely to evolve stable
equilibria with their environments by virtues of their unself-conscious than the modern
cultures ,which by their nature were inherently unstable. He argued that the conceptual
structures or mental pictures that distinguished the self conscious culture were deeply
research methodology
corrupting and only serve to get in the way of such equlibria, preventing the more direct
relationships that more primitive cultures obtain with their environments. Consequently, the
only way to restore architecture to its former traditional values and qualities was to modern
(self conscious) design procedures, cutting out the architectural middleman and substituting
In his analysis on the determining and modifying factors of house form he suggests that
Vernacular buildings express "the needs and desires of people and the requirements of the
cultural and physical milieu without the interference of artistically self-conscious designers.
If we regard buildings as the result of the interaction of:
Man—his nature, aspirations, social organization, world view, way of life, social and
then the influence of man, particularly his personality, both in primitive and vernacular
building is less than we commonly find in our culture. and such influences as do exist are
not individual or personal, but of the group—and limited at that. Building of this type tends
toward a state of balance with nature rather than dominating it, which further reinforces its
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research methodology
superiority over the grand design tradition as a topic of study for the relation of the built
1. It needs to be socially and culturally valid. (Here traditional housing possibly works best.)
2. It should be sufficiently economical to ensure that the greatest number can afford it. (In
primitive and vernacular contexts most, if not all, people have houses.)
(In relation to climate traditional housing succeeds, in relation to sanitation and parasites it
usually fails.)
4. There should be a minimum of maintenance over the life of the building. (Here the
evidence is equivocal.)
If we accept that the utilitarian functions of the house are not primary, and at the same time
_ -------- d -„,..._ adition
by tit7.----
realize that even those functions may be better satisfied traditional housing than by new
housing in many areas, our altitude toward traditional housing may change.
Traditional may therefore be much more acceptable — if not in fact, desirable — than has been
accordingly. At the very least this offers fruit field for research.
After analysing the pri/mitive and vernacular architecture of various cultures to determine
the dominant factors governing the house form he concludes saying, "Our era is one of
reduced physical constraints, result is the problem of excessive choice, the difficulty of
selecting or finding constraints which arose naturally in the past and which are necessary for
the creation of meaningful house form. This great freedom of choice, and the fact that house
form can now be the domain of fashion, suggests the general validity of the concept of
research methodology
criticality and the primacy of socio-cultural factors, and all that this implies for the
understanding of house form, as well as its choice. However, we act as though criticalities
were high and close fit to physical "function" were essential. I have already commented on
the unspecialized nature of vernacular buildings and their consequent success over time.
There may lie the great lesson of vernacular building for our own day—the value of
"The beauty of some of the traditional buildings , gardens and landscape leaves a
considerable residue of the subconscious understanding in the mind —a help to solve some
present needs for the right placement of a building on the site ; for the need to frame
emphasize a view to open or construct a space ; a wish to get a definite degree of light or
shadow in a room."
Geoffrey conceded that this so-called vernacular architecture had an impact on the
development of his own philosophy. "In my personal search," he wrote in 1958, "I have
always looked to the past for the help that previous answers can give."
"The quality and values inherent to the traditional and human response to the environment
might be preserved without a loss of the advances of science. Science can be applied to
various aspects of our work, while it is at the same time subordinated to philosophy, faith
and spirituality",
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research methodology
In his book An Architect for the People, American architect James Steele wrote of Fathy,
"rather than believing that people could be behaviorally conditioned by architectural space,
Fathy felt that human beings, nature, and architecture should reflect the personal habits and
traditions of a community rather than reforming or eradicating them. While he was certainly
not opposed to innovation, he felt that technology should be subservient to social values and
appropriate to popular needs"
Laurie Baker has worked in India for over forty years now. He is one of the very few
architects who had the opportunity and the stamina to work on such a remarkably varied
spectrum of projects ranging from fishermen's villages to institutional complexes and from
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research methodology
over a thousand houses. Besides this, his work includes churches, numerous schools,
It is not only the, number of buildings that Laurie Baker has designed find the range of
architectural commissions he has executed that sets him apart from other architects. What
makes his work even more remarkable is the way in which he draws creative sustenance
from the environment in which he works, absorbing vernacular patterns of construction and
individual styles of living to such a degree that he is able to give his clients the comfort and
cafe of homes and institutions that/re firmly rooted in the soil upon which they stand. All
this is done keeping in mind the special needs of those who will inhabit or use these places.
In the designing of these varied projects. Laurie Baker takes half-forgotten vernacular
patterns of design and construction from the rural setting to dislocated urban residents
whose building choices arc of limited to the unsuitable structural concepts discarded in the
West every building that Baker designs, he asserts the appropriateness of traditional
construction to local conditions, adapting existing loc available materials and traditional
methods to contemporary structure. In both, his work and writings, Baker emphatically
rejects the 'inter national style' that lingers so perniciously in India. He believes that
individual needs stem from India's diverse environment, The varying cultural patterns and
lifestyles; and he feels these needs must he met through an architecture which is responsive
Mass housing and emphasis on the improvement of living conditions is all a result of the
new industrial economy. Humanistic considerations are no longer the primary logic for the
evaluation of design. This has led to a break from tradition and given us an increasing
research methodology
architecture adversely affects the psyche of the people inhabiting it. Though Baker is not a
founder, practitioner or product of the modern doctrine in any sense, he has in own career,
demonstrated similar concerns. But unlike the movement, in his endeavo-ir to improve living
conditions architecturally he seeks a purposeful link with tradition. He re-establishes the use
His use of these materials .strikes an unusual compromise between traditional practice and
modern principle—thus deftly illustrating how contemporary requirements of the house can
easily be met by such an adaptation. Baker looks upon the imitation of foreign techniques of
building and the superficial superimposition of Indian details as aspects that only exaggerate
the poverty of the country's architecture. He seeks to convey the conditions of a place
through the medium of building; the medium may be the material, the design or the
technique of construction, but in so doing every project also makes a larger statement of the
There are also striking similarities in the works of Hassan Fathy and Laurie Baker. Both
have taken on the role of architectural crusaders. Both consider themselves as only brief
sparks in the light of historical continuity. Both have expressed this belief through the
education and training of craftsmen, and the re-orientation of their craft to contemporary
purpose—the methodical inculcation of pride of labour and quality which they felt necessary
in order to systematically uncover all but forgotten techniques of construction. But while
Fathy's buildings have been looked upon as those of an eccentric and an incurable nostalgic,
Baker's buildings have an aura of quiet assurance, which comes as much from their
research methodology
He believes that 'traditional wisdom and lore in building, using renewable resources and
indigenous skills, may still offer wisely managed, economically effective and culturally
sometimes in the most extreme circumstances. At the same time, vernacular traditions are
appropriate in social and cultural terms - the skills and knowledge needed to maintain them
being handed down and adapted as necessary through generations, the design and use in
keeping with the norms, values and beliefs of their builders and owners.
The close relationship between vernacular houses and their owners' identity is instrumental
in the constitution of social, cultural or ethnic unity and pride. This is of major importance to
peoples and cultures confronted with the effects of globalisation and modernisation. If the
present and future global housing needs are to be met in environmentally and culturally
sustainable ways, the vernacular architecture of the world will need to be recognised and
supported. Not only will the vast majority of the world's population be living in vernacular
housing, there is in fact much to learn for Western architects and builders from the know-
Of course, supporting vernacular architecture does not provide an easy solution to the huge
problems at hand. In many cases, issues of sanitation and servicing will need to be addressed
if they are to match current demands, while depletion of resources and changes in climate
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research methodology
will require adaptations of materials and design. Yet, the enormous body of experience,
skills and wisdom of the world's vernacular builders should not be discarded or neglected.
modern architects and planners that is truly bilateral, allowing for the cross-fertilisation of
ideas and practices and a combined approach to the huge task of housing the world.
Different research papers have been studies to have a better ubderstanding on the various
approaches that are adopted in the study of traditional architecture across the global.
The question posed in this paper is whether traditional Thai houses perform better than a
typical contemporary Thai house in creating comfortable internal conditions. And if they do
how it is possible for the contemporary house to benefit from the advantages presented in
the design of the traditional house in terms of thermal performance while maintaining
thermal comfort conditions for its occupants. The thermal performance of both types of
Thailand. The results indicate that improved performance might be achieved by combining
selected lessons from the traditional design e.g. improved shading, regional variations in
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research methodology
window size related to orientation, and adoption of adjustable ventilation and window
In the comparative analyses, the simplest indicator of overheating, the duration during which
temperatures are too high, provides some evidence to support the proposition that the
traditional house designs are superior to the contemporary in providing thermal comfort for
all three climatic zones of Thailand selected. This supports the argument that traditional
architecture is indeed well adapted to the climatic variations across Thailand, and can
provide longer periods of thermal comfort when houses are operating in a purely passive
mode. it is concluded that the traditional housing of Thailand does provide useful indicators
passive environmental control. The design of the contemporary house may and should be
informed from that of the traditional house, however, issues of lifestyle requirements and
research methodology
environmental performance of the vernacular architecture is rarely touched upon. This study
is a contribution to filling this gap. The main focus of this paper is the vernacular dwellings
in Zhou Zhuang Village, which is located on the edge of Shanghai. This paper describes
The spatial poetry and drama of these courtyard houses is evident to the visitor, while the
measurements which started in February 2006. This study hopes to reveal how these
1) Traditional architecture in the Dakhleh Oasis, Egypt: space, form and building
Francesca De Filippi
research methodology
architecture in the New Valley (Egypt), funded by the Italian and Egyptian Ministries of
Foreign Affairs, between the Politecnico di Torino (Italy), and the Assyut University
the traditional architecture in the old settlements (Balat, Al Qasr), pointing out both the
typological and the technological aspects (local materials and construction processes),
The appreciation and successful protection of the vernacular heritage depend on the
involvement and support of the community, continuing use and maintenance. The
achievement of this result will allow to maintain or revive lost abilities and offer sustainable
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research methodology
The new cities, built of corrugated steel and cinder block, now sit next to the older
settlements. They are ordered on a grid pattern with wide streets, housing projects and
public squares. The public and private may be clearly marked in the plan of the new cities,
as is the intended function and ideological intent of space. But these designations tend to
The goal to keep the fabric of the village in its current original form should be managed
balancing preservation and use, perhaps allowing changes (also in functions) which will
School of Architecture
July 1996
Li" means neighborhoods, "Long" means lanes. These two words combine to describe an
urban housing form which characterizes the city of Shanghai. In dissociable from the growth
of Shanghai from 1840s to 1949, lilong settlements still comprise the majority of housing
stock in the city center today. Inherited traditional dwelling patterns prevailing in the
southeast China, profound transformation due to drastic social changes during that era
research methodology
produced lilong housing. Though, these transformations were demonstrated by the evolution
its physical form, and an architectural analysis of its indigenous spatial pattern and
advantageous design features - will help understanding of lilongs' architectural, historic and
cultural values. This understanding is crucial to the work of improving existing lilongs, and
also essential for building of new housing projects which are humane, and pleasant living
environments. It is from these points of view that the author embarks on this study.
The overall goal of this study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of lilong housing
as a settlement pattern. Though there are many sub-goals involved to achieved the general
1) Documents the various types of the physical form of lilong housing, evolution of lilongs
The thesis reviews the social, economic context of lilong housing, particularly the history of
Shanghai from 1840s to 1949.1t clarifies different house models which make up the five
types of lilongs, and examines the evolution of this settlement form from a ground-related,
has a narrative of 11 case studies of lilong settlements, examine the livability of each
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research methodology
lilong, and elaborating the advantages and disadvantages of each one analyzes urban
characteristics of lilong settlement forms, examine its density in a comparison with prevalent
■ permeability
environment can offer valuable information proving its relevance in the modern context.
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Chapter Three
be instrumental in creating a model of framework of analysis to suit the case under study. It
is useful to note the key content of few attempt made to analyze / identify the desirable
Lynch (1981, pp. 118-1 9) identified five performance dimensions of urban design:
1. Vitality, the degree to which the form of places supports the functions, biological
2. Sense, the degree to which places can be clearly perceived and structured in time and
space by users. -
3. Fit, the degree to which the form and capacity of spaces matches the pattern of behaviours
4. Access, the ability to reach other persons, activities, resources, services, information, or
places, including the quantity and diversity of elements that can be reached.
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framework of analysis
5. Control, the degree to which those who use, work, or reside in places can create and
Two meta-criteria underpinned the five dimensions: those of efficiency, relating to the costs
of creating and maintaining a place for any given level of attainment of the dimensions; and
of justice, relating to the way in which environmental benefits were distributed. Thus, for
Lynch the key questions were: (i) what is the relative cost of achieving a particular degree of
vitality, sense, fit, access, or control? (ii) Who is getting how much of it?
In their paper 'Towards an Urban Design Manifesto', Jacobs and Appleyard (1987, pp.
115-116) suggested seven goals that were 'essential for the future of a good urban
1. Liveability: A city should be a place where everyone can live in relative comfort.
2. Identity and control: People should feel that some part of the environment 'belongs' to
3. Access to opportunities, imagination and joy: People should find the city a place where
they can break from traditional moulds, extend their experience, and have fun.
4. Authenticity and meaning: People should be able to understand their (and others') city,
its basic layout, public functions and institutions, and the opportunities it offers.
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framework of analysis
5. Community and public life: Cities should encourage participation of their citizens in
6. Urban self-reliance: Increasingly cities will have to become more self-sustaining in their
7. An environment for all: Good environments should be accessible to all. Every citizen is
4. A manmade environment that defines public space, particularly by its buildings (as
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framework of analysis
During the late 1970s and early 1980s, a team at the then Oxford Polytechnic
for urban designers (Bentley et al., 1985). The approach stressed the need for more
The approach respectively focused on seven key issues in making places responsive: those
personalisation. It was later suggested that resource efficiency, cleanliness and biotic support
be added, to include the ecological impact of urban forms and activity patterns (Bentley,
1990). Based on their experience in practice and teaching, McGlynn and Murrain (1994)
proximity and concentration), legibility and robustness (resilience). Bentley (1999, pp. 21
5-1 7) has subsequently proposed a 'responsive city typology' consisting of the deformed
grid, the complex use pattern, robust plot development, the positive privacy gradient, the
In 1989, His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales offered a framework for
of ten principles was developed by the then-president of the Royal Town Planning Institute
and founder of the UK-based Urban Design Group, Francis Tibbalds (1988b, 1992):
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framework of analysis
2. have the humility to learn from the past and respect your context;
6. cater for all sections of the community and consult with them;
The three urban design theories explained by Roger in his book provides a
(1) figure-ground theory; (2) linkage theory; and (3) place theory.
Roger illustrated in his book, that, The figure-ground theory is founded on the study of the
relative land coverage of buildings as solid mass (figure) to open voids (ground)... Each
urban environment has an existing pattern of solids and voids, and the figure-ground
approach to spatial design is an attempt to clarify the structure of urban spaces and the
generic patterns of mass and voids in a city or district... He also added that, The figure-
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framework of analysis
Roger explained about Linkage Theory: Unlike the figure-ground theory, which is primarily
based on patterns of solid and void, the linkage theory tries to organize a system of
connections, or a network, that establishes a structure for ordering spaces (p.97). These
linking elements can be streets, pedestrian ways, and linear open space, etc., that physically
connect the parts of a city. It places emphasis on the circulation diagram rather than the
The place theory goes one step beyond figure-ground and linkage theories in that it adds the
components of human needs and cultural, historical and natural contexts (Roger, 1986,
p.98). It gives physical space additional richness by incorporating unique forms and details
indigenous to its setting. In place theory social and cultural values, visual perceptions of
users, and an individual control over the immediate public environment are important
Each of these approaches has its own values, but is interrelated. Combining the three, it can
environment - the mass-void relationship, organization pattern, and its sensitivity to human
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framework of analysis
the broad range of design considerations involved in evaluating the quality of places and the
quality of living. They represent distinct and vital attributes, significant enough to have
universal application to all environments, and broad and flexible enough to be utilized and
explored in any given condition (Sherwin, 1992, P.180). Following is a brief outline of the
FUNCTION requires that the design work effectively for the convenience and comfort of all
its users.
1). Linkage
2). Security
3). Comfort
4). Diversity
ORDER assures that users can become oriented to the environment and understand it.
1). Coherence
2). Clarity
3). Continuity
4). Balance
framework of analysis
IDENTITY denotes a visual image of the environment that reflects special or unique
1). Focus
2). Unity
3). Character
APPEAL characterizes a design that gives pleasure to its users over time.
1). Scale
2). Appropriateness
3). Vitality
4). Harmony
Each of the above frameworks has a different degree of prescription regarding desirable
physical and spatial form. Analyzing a traditional built environment will require a more
serious dealing with the identity and its response to human needs which can help in drawing
As the analysis of the research undertaken will focus on the merits of the case study and
hence a study comprising of built/ open relationship, sense of place, organization pattern
Chapter Four
a temple and a street adjacent to it. Iyers used to live as joint families in these exclusive
streets. The houses were simple and had a design of their own. The design was the same in
The houses are long with the rooms functionally arranged forward to back. One walk into
the "thinnai" or sit-out balcony, a living room, a family room, and on to the kitchen and then
the backyard with a small garden, a well and a cow shed. One could close eyes and walk
straight back through all the rooms and on to the street. There are no real bedrooms. The
folk sleep in the family room or other unnamed rooms. Couples are generally allotted one of
these rooms for their privacy and there are unwritten and unspoken domains for each person.
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case studies
The houses are generally dark and cool inside with fittings and the sparse furniture made of
exquisitely carved teak. Most Brahmin houses are around the agraharam and their primary
purpose in life is to continue the family tradition of priesthood, piety and the simple life.row
housing pattern reduced the exposure of external wall surfaces to the sun, as the houses were
constructed wall to wall, and also reduced the flow of heat into the house. The narrow
openings enhanced the velocity in which air flowed into the building. The movement of
warm air around the house was minimised and helped to keep the interiors cool and
To further minimise the discomfort of warm climate, direct openings and large volumes
were avoided, they said and added that clear-storey openings were provided for effective
On the street side, where the walls were exposed to direct sun and rain, the use of 'thinnai'
and 'pandhal' provided shade and protection while the steep pitched roofs at an angle of 45
degree drained rainwater efficiently. The successive layers of country tiling in the roof INTRODUCTION
depiction of the way of life prevalent in South India. A trip down Dakshinachitra takes you
back to traditional home architecture from Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. A typical
village space, with exhibitions and workshops of the arts and crafts and performing artists of
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case studies
South India. Started with the objective to revive, preserve and promote the arts and crafts
of South India, it also serves as heritage education for visitors from outside South India
and also for children who have never had the opportunity to experience their culture.
More than four years old, Dakshinachitra was founded by the Madras Craft Foundation.
Conceived by its Chairman Deborah Tyagarajan, it is has been brought to life by the British
Architect, Lawrie Baker. As soon as you reach Dakshinachitra, you are shown an 18-minute
orientation video, which gives you an idea as to what the place is all about. A sudden peace
and quiet fills my heart as we begin the trek down this 10-acre land. The orientation video
speaks of the cycle of life as being harmonious with nature. It gives you an insight into the
various cultural, socio-economic and climatic factors that influenced the architecture in the
olden days. These are real 18th and 19th century houses where people lived at some point
of time; they have been dismantled and reconstructed at Dakshinachitra. Following are the
■ Merchant's house
■ Agriculturist's house
The Brahmin house has been relocated from the agricultural village in Ambur. In Tirunelveli
district in the south of Tamil was one situated on a Brahmin street, lined with similar
houses on both sides, not unike the cluster of houses in the street at Dakshina Chitra
case studies
.The Brahmin street in Ambur village formed the Vishnu Agraharam (temple street).All the
Brahmins living in the agraharam of over 30 house are related in some way. Like many
agraharams in Tamil Nadu this one was becoming deserted. Except for a few elderly couples
and widows and a few who own some land or active priests in the temple ,most have moved
away from the agraharam for better education and employment opportunities .this particular
Fig 4.2 Plan and section of the Brahmin House. construction material depending on their
Source: DakshinaChitra
location .
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case studies
Connected by a common wall and tend to be narrow in width and very long. They are often
without the interior courtyard and have open spaces in the backlight and air frequently
comes from the clerestory which substitutes for the open courtyard in the flat roofed houses.
Agraharam houses were documented from six different regions in Tamil Nadu before
deciding on the Tirunelveli regional style. The Ambur house originally had a longer
courtyard for the cows , followed by another long enclosed area ,planted rather wildly ,with
led down to a stepped river embankment .Due to the space restrictions at Dakshina Chitra
the second courtyard was made smaller and the third has been omitted . The upper floor was
used for sleeping, drying and storing grain and for general storage .the house one had a
small loft room above the kitchen to accommodate sleeping quarters but this also has been
- 36 -
case studies
harbour and has one of the finest beaches of the State. Though many still call it Madras, it is
now officially known as Chennai. The city sprawls over more than 70 sq. km and rather than
claiming a centre retains its former regional hubs.
Chennai is the home of the ancient Dravidian civilization, one of the oldest articulate
cultures in the world. It is a city where the landscape of the past lives easily with more
recent history. For more than 2000 years, the area has been popular with seafarers, spice
traders and clothe merchants. The 16th century saw the arrival of the Portuguese, followed
by the Dutch. In 1639 the British East India Company established a settlement in the fishing
hamlet of Chennaipatnam. Fort St. George was constructed and George Town grew in the
area of the fort. It was granted its first municipal charter in 1688 by James H making it the
oldest municipality in India. Between the 18th and 19th centuries, French and British traders
competed for supremacy. The French were forced to retreat to Pondicherry and the British
established their control over the rest of the region. In the 19th century, the city became the
seat of the Madras Presidency, one of the four divisions of British Imperial India. After
Popularly regarded as the "Gateway to the South", Chennai presents a culture that is
distinctly different from that of northern India. Music, dance and all other art forms of the
South are cherished and nurtured in this city which, though industrialized, continues to be
traditional and conventional in many ways.
case studies
Originally called Thiru-alli-keni, Triplicane was once a suburb of Mylapore and was wedged
between the temple township and the Chepauk Palace. Dominated by a temple, as are most
communities in Tamil Nadu, Triplicane was for many years a Brahminical stronghold and
provided much of the clerical work-force required by the East India Company.
literally means the 'charioteer of Arjuna'. Fig 4.5 Parthasarathy Temple at Triplicane
Partha is another name for Arjuna and Sarathy means charioteer. Lord Krishna served as the
charioteer of the Pandava Arjuna in the Great War of Mahabharatha. The Parthasarathy
Scholars suggest that the Pallavas built it as early as the 8th century. However, additions and
renovations were constantly made over the next four centuries. The Pandyas and Cholas
contributed some changes. Traces of the architectural signs of the Vijayanagar kings, who
ruled as late as the 16th century, are also evident in the temple structure.
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case studies
As with Mylapore, or rather more so, the temple and its environs retain the traditional
flavour. The four streets around the temple still have old-world houses and in spite of the
invasion of modern gadgets like TVs, cars and dish antennas, something of the old
Triplicane remains intact. Much of the lifestyle here still resembles that which prevailed in
the region 200-300 years ago. Though the Parthasarathy temple dominates life at Triplicane,
the area has a healthy mix of Christian, Muslim and Hind communities. North of the temple
is Amir Mahal, the home to the Nawab of Arcot, who lives there to this day. The royal
family of Arcot was among the most important in south India in the 18th century. And while
the arrival of the British considerably undermined their power and position in the south, the
Arcot family still wields a lot of clout. Near Amir Mahal is the splendid Wallajah mosque
built by the present Nawab's ancestors. Also known as Badi Masjid (Big Mosque), the
Along the Marina promenade, today hidden by modern buildings, is the Chepauk Palace,
one of the first examples of Indo Saracenic architecture in the city. Built around 1768, it is
popularly believed to be the handiwork of Paul Bentfield, a close friend of the Nawab. It is
interesting to note that the palace is in the Indo Saracenic style because the dominant
architectural style of 18th century Raj was, in fact, the Classical. The palace, on Wallajah
Road, originally consisted of Khalsa Mahal and Humayun Mahal, linked by Chisholm's
Tower. The East India Company annexed the palace in 1855 to house the Government
Survey School.
case studies
continues to be an important hub of the city, though the commercial din often drowns out the
more pleasant aspects of life here. With a preponderance of lodges and boarding houses,
most of the single men who work in the city can be found here, which in turn has led to a
number of eateries coming up in this area. From roadside dhabbas, or kai-endhi bhavans as
they are known locally, to family-run `mess'es Triplicane presents a unique facade.
The two case studies identified for the study is located in the Peyalwar street in Triplicane,
parallel to the Parthasarathy temple. The varying size of both the study areas have been
deliberately chosen to understand the variations of the house form as the size varies. It
would also help in understanding the continuity between various derivatives of house forms.
Both the case studies maintain individuality yet surviving harmoniously amidst other row
housing in the same street. The first case study is a linear housing much smaller in scale
compared to the second agraharam case study. The second case study reflects an agraharam
- 40 -
case studies
ugh not a typical agraharam due to the context in which it was developed. Both the case
Located in the Peyalwar Street that is bounded by the high Temple wall on one side, the
houses the employees of the temple. The residents of this linear housing belong to low
income group earning their livelihood through the various functions of the temple.
-41 -
case studies FORM
sense of direction.
The house has a simple plan dictated by the linear form. The house entrance in the
front street is guarded by a thinnai. Rooms are arranged in a linear form according to the
form and face the linear courtyard. Common services like toilets and well are on the rear
side of the rooms. The two entrances both in the front and rear keeps the house well
connected with their immediate environment. The courtyards and the corridors are the main
- 42 -
case studies
The courtyards and the circulation space in the rear forms the open space within the
house. With the little scope for more open space within the linear form, maximum utilization
of the courtyard spaces are achieved by the difference in the height of the built areas
- 43 -
case studies CIRCULATION
The courtyards, corridors, pathways are placed in a manner where it is used to the
maximum without any dead spaces. The circulation spaces are multifunctional at various
areas where they are also used as resting places, interaction places.
The house creates a strong sense of place which makes the residents of all age groups
prefer this residence even if they are given a choice of moving out with better facilities then
the existing. Opportunities for interaction create a sense of community amongst the
Interaction Places
- 44 -
case studies
the house. The two entrances of the residence provides the platform for relationship with the
of transition from street to house with thinnai serving as the outdoor interaction place for the MULTIFUNCTIONALITY
Flexibility of various spaces not only helps in overcoming constraint of the size of the
house, but also adds a variety and interest to the linear spatial planning.
For instance, the two linear courtyards and the corridors not only serve the function of
circulation but also are excellent interaction places for the residents. Even the way of
Though simple in form, plan and catering to a low income group, the treatment of various
spaces in terms of scale, light and shade etc gives an enduring architectural quality to the
- 45 -
case studies
Fig 4.20
Serial vision
- 46 -
case studies FORM
Each house has two to three rooms with toilets grouped at the rear side of the
housing. the house reflects the simple life led by the Brahmin community. Every house has
a thinnai in the entrance. Simple in plan with rooms arranged back to back, the housing
shows some interesting planning, at the entire settlement level with open spaces and
- 47 -
case studies
interaction places. Predominantly a ground floor structure with few houses in first floor in
some areas.spatial planning one part of the settlement resembles a linear housing and is a
A sense of territory is eatablished at different levels, the entry gateway defining the
settlement and the platform in front of the house defining the residents domain.
Interaction spaces
Space constraints within the residences creates active interaction spaces outside the
houses. starting from thinnai to the platform ,the house establishes a strong relationship with
case studies
the lane. Common interaction space provides opportunities for both active and passive
The housing establishes a hierarchy in interaction spaces for the residents. The
thinnai. the plat form, the informal ambience of the lane, the common open spaces of the
provides opportunities for various levels of interaction for family, neighbours and also
amongst other residents of the housing there by creating a healthy community living as a
case studies
Ac3.17oOdS CS-3-77
r7. , .
Though there is little scope for creating, an intere
st due to simple
planning and a wall to wall arrangement of the residences , the housing creates an interest
through the variety in the roof forms , enclosure space as one moves into the settlement. SECURITY
The effective interaction amongst the residents , and the healthy community living
have assured the residents with security .the pedestrian friendly lane provides the needed
safety and security for the elders and the children group of the resident
The two case studies though have many differences (size, form), many common
Regardless of the various constraints of area importance interaction spaces are is evident
in both the cases. Whether it is the courtyards, thinnai, of the linear housing or the open
spaces, thinnai and platform of the Agraharam Housing, both proves to be excellent
A relationship between the house and street in both the cases encourages street life and
helps in developing a relationship with the immediate environment (people and place)
case studies
The built environment in both cases creates place all user group feel 'included' within
the community living. thinnai providing the needed comfort for the elder group for its
proximity from the house, the street and the open space suits the young crowd for their
interaction , the wells and hand pump areas provides spontaneous and casual interaction
among the other residents.
The various factors that encourage a community living among the residents also creates
a sense of security and safety for the residents. the transition spaces from house to street and
the healthy relationship among the residents provides an effective natural surveillance.
A sense of place is created by making people develop a positive relationship with the
Though simple in plan, an element of interest is created in both the case studies. The
different roof form which blends with the overall housing yet creating an uniqueness in
agraharam housing, the treatment of the courtyards and the serial vision in the linear housing
The analysis of the undertaken case studies focuses on the merits of both the cases
with the aim of exploiting the maximum from each case study which will prove useful in
Cha s ter Five
`connected' to the rest of the world there is always the underlying psychological
Lack of Identity
The search today for innovation in architecture mostly leads to an imitation of western
models .Modern architecture and urban design is devoid of variety and richness. Another
serious issue concerning new development today is alienation of people from their
environment. Lack of social interaction spaces in the built environment makes people
reclusive. The standardized and homogeneous built environment makes people faceless.
- 52 -
Resulting lack in sense of place makes people detached from their living environment .Such
an environment will have negative impact on the wellbeing ness of individuals of the
Contemporary city form and architecture are inappropriate to the context in all terms,
physical , social and cultural. Understanding the local architectur0 language and a
purposeful research of regional architecture can only provide solutions of the homogenous
Indirect impacts
Direct impacts
■ Unsafe
f. ■ Lack of sense of community
■ Insecurity
■ Lack of participation
■ Crime
■ Lack of societal development
■ Social irresponsibility
■ Social instability
- 53 -
The significance of public domain in fostering the sense of community is lost in the new
development confining people to their individual homes .The circle of confinement is only
reducing more and more in the modern housing development. The relationship between
house and street is completely erased in the name of safety and security which had only led
Fig 5.2 Architect's conception of interactive project is arguably the most infamous
corridors. Source: Hoffman,Why They Built
Pruitt-Igoe. public housing project ever built in the
United States. The project's recreational galleries and skip-stop elevators, once heralded as
architectural innovations, had become nuisances and danger zones. disrepair, vandalism, and
crime plagued Pruitt-Igoe. Large numbers of vacancies indicated that even poor people
- 54 -
unsalvageable and razed the remaining buildings. Architectural critics cite it as proof of the
One critic even asserted that its destruction signaled the end of the modern style of
architecture. The lack of interaction places should now be addressed as a social problem
having discussed its impacts on the societal development and well being ness. Built
environment moulds the community. An interactive community will develop the ability to
the ability to maintain and build on its own resources and the resiliency to prevent and/or
- 55 -
Sense of community
- 56 -
The built environment can be considered as a system of settings within which human
activities take place. The behavior, lifestyle, values and activities of particular groups are
unique to each situation; therefore, research findings can not be generalized to every type of
environment. But the principle underlying in creating that identity can be generalized.
The following guidelines would help in restoring the dying interaction between the
1 ) Objective
To enhance the experience of personal space by individual user or the user group and create
a positive and motivated environment within the domain of the user/user group.
■ Allow flexibility in spaces so as to readily adapt to the user/ user group's instinctive
- 57 -
■ Augment the natural activity patterns of the user/user group through spatial planning
Provision for visual access with the immediate outdoor (nature/ street life)
will creates a sense of connectedness
62_ j Objective
To encourage interaction between the user group to create a healthy environment within the
■ Provide shared spaces that will increase family bonds and allow for more interaction
■ Allow visual access from different work spaces which can be permitted in some
- 60 -
living room
family room
dining room
Levels of permeability of the partition walls enhances visual access as well as provides
privacy when required
■ should avoid spaces that encourages isolation between the family members
- 62 -
Recessed windows and dwarf walls creates an interest to the furniture arrangement
and also provides options in the interactive environment
1. Objective:
- 63 -
- 64 -
■ Provide both formal and informal spaces for interaction to create a variety of social
interaction spaces
Street furniture with tree shading serves as formal interaction places for
elder group encourages them to experience and be a part of the street life.
■ encourage street life by giving providing temporary and permanent spaces for
2. Objective:
To strike a balance between territoriality and sense of privacy of the user groups in the
■ Create clear transition spaces between from the street to the house through various
■ Emphasize the entrances of the houses and define the domains of every resident to
Gateways and boundary wall provides a sense of territoriality for the residents.
Allowing permeability of the defining elements (gates, compound wall. boundary wall)
helps in reducing the strong sense of territoriality and creates a feeling 'of being a part
of a whole'.
1. Objective:
To encourage interaction between different user groups thereby creating communal harmony
■ Zoning the various groups so as to avoid isolation of any group and create social
- 69 -
Provision for mixing of different groups (economy) and yet maintaining their domain is
necessary for development of a participatory community and creates a social integration
Interaction between different user groups adds variety the interactive environment and
prevents isolation of any specific group.
■ Provision of visual access between various areas of interest within the development
2. Objective:
To create a sense of identity for the place to make the user group relate themselves to the
■ Create house forms as derivatives from the indigenous style so as to meet the modern
- 71 -
■ Create gateways which would empahsise the boundary of the new development
- 73 -
■ Define the street entrances with landmarks, landscape, symbols which are known by
environment and the architectural and cultural patterns of those outside our own. It is
necessary to take into account "the perceptions and motivations to which research in
- 74 -
Traditional forms and the aesthetic values adhered to are parts of our language of symbols of
social consequence. These symbols become critical instruments of personal and community
identity, and in fact serve as justification for, or factors of, social orders. The difficulty lies
in the observer's ability, or lack of ability, to overcome the restraints of the orders and
preconceived notions from his or her own culture. Exploration and analysis of these symbols
also relate to people's methods of architectural communication, and the aesthetic values that
may be
perceived. Ethnographic studies, giving equal weight to intention and response and their
language of a group employs both utilitarian and aesthetic values, and attempts to
understand what meaning these values produce This brings out the very important
abides in forms that may be considered only part of a useful function."( Glassie, p.5)
The meanings, the social values that are explored in the studies on traditional architecture
penetrate through the concepts of aesthetics and into core human belief structures and the
ways that such beliefs become manifest, are abstracted into, built form. Still even deeper
interpret the phenomena of places which are not easily apparent to the eye. Traditional
architecture is a major part of our daily experience, and thus it reflects a quality or "sense of
place" that comes about through the interaction of our physical environments and cultural
- 75 -
The proportions, the forms, the patterns of material, light, dark, circulation of air, the roof,
and the garden shape this sense. "Sense" of place may often be equated to comfort, or to a
phenomena that are elementary and intrinsically meaningful within the organized realms of
everyday life and that are at the same time open, indeterminate and ambiguous at the
margins. "(Mugerauer, p. 55). Traditional architecture is not the only type of built structure
which posses this power, but it is, nonetheless, one of its dominant strengths.
To summarize the guidelines, it helps in enhancing /creating a sense of place in any new
The issue is addressed at various levels to reinforce the positive outcome when
At individual level
To make the user/user groups to be familiar and comfortable within their domain
At house-street level
At neighbourhood level
■ Agraharam
An Agraharam is a name used to refer to streets or villages in which only Brahmins reside.
■ Thinnai
platform outside the house that projects towards the street from the house's front wall
■ Brahmins
A Brahmin (anglicised from the Sanskrit adjective brahmana "belonging to Brahma", also
considered to be the Priest class (varna) in the Indian caste system of Hindu society
■ Iyer
Iyer are a section of Tamil Brahmins (a priestly Hindu class / caste from India)
- 77 -
Alexander ,Christopher -Notes on the Synthesis of Form, Harvard University Press, 1964.
Alexander ,Christopher — The Timeless Way of Building, Oxford UP,New York, 1979
Bentley ,Ian Responsive Environments: A Manual for Designers, The Architectural
Press: London
Corbusier ,Le- Journey to the East, The MIT Press, Cambridge,Massuchusetts, London,1987
Hadnut,Joseph — Architecture and the Spirit of Man, Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
Mikellides, Byron and others — Architecture For People: Exploration in a New Humane
Scott, Geofray — The Architecture of Humanism.: A Study in the History of Taste ,Matheren
Trancik, Roger - Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design, Wiley, John & Sons,
Incorporated ,June 1986
Wiltkover Rudolf- Architectural Principles: In the Age of Humanism, Alec Tiranti Ltd,
London, 1952
Wang,David C, Groat ,Linda N.- Architectural Research Methods, John Wiley & Sons,
Development Magazine
Wala, Heman- "Effects of Changed Lifestyle on Fuction of Houses:A Case Study of Pol
Foundation 2001
- 80 -
- 81 -
Fig A.1 Ladder to reach the Fig A.2 Entry to the house
upper storey
Fig C.5
- 84 -
Fig C.8 first floor residences Fig C.9 lane leading to the housing
- 85 -