Pidato Ponpes Gontor

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The Importance of Education in Our Life


Good evening, the honorable, headmaster of Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School,
the head master of islamic teacher…

Assala Mu’alaikum Wr. wb

Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘adhim, Ar rauu fur rahiim, bil fadhlil ‘adhim wal ihsani
‘amim, wa asyhaduan laa ilaa haillallah wahdahula syarii kalah, al malikul karim, wa asyhaduan na
muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluhu, allazi qa lallahu ta’ala fii kitaa bihil karim, wa innaka la’ala khuluqin
‘adhim. Allahumma washalli wa baa rik ‘ala sayyidina muhammad, wa’ala aalihi wa ash habihi waman
tabi’ahum fi ha di imul qawim, amma ba’du.

My dear brothers and sisters.

First of all, let’s thank to Allah, who is understood service excellence and characteristics, who loves
his creatures with his three blessings, within witness that there is no god but Allah, there is no partner with
him, he gets us the path of islam on which there are goodness of the world and hereafter.

Peace and salutations be upon to choose and critter our greet muhammad shalallahu ‘alahi wasallam.

First of all. Let us thank to Allah SWT, bacause of his blessings we all can gather on this morning, sholawat and
prayer we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW , his family, his friends, and all of his followers

thanks to Mrs.Naning and my friend that i loved . who have given me the opportunity to speak today. this time i’ll
speak about the "Nurse".
The Santri Ideal

A word Santri is derived from the Arabic language "Santaro" meaning people who study Islam, or
somebody who worships in earnest, or a godly man. Indeed, all of us who study the Islamic religion and
always keep Allah's commandments can also be called as santri. Yet, the real santri is a Muslim who is in
their daily behavior will frequently strives to be a representation or embodies the ideal of Islamic teachings.
As written in the Al-Quran,‫وف ِب ْال ِعبَا ِد‬ َّ ‫َّللاِ ۗ َو‬
ٌ ‫َّللاُ َر ُء‬ َّ ‫ت‬ َ ‫اس َم ْن يَ ْش ِري نَ ْف‬
َ ‫سهُ ا ْبتِغَا َء َم ْر‬
ِ ‫ضا‬ ِ َّ‫“( َو ِمنَ الن‬And Among men is he who
sells himself to seek the pleasure of Allah; and Allah is affectionate to the Servants.”)
So, what is the Islamic ideal? There are five basic elements of behavior that must be undertaken by
santri. Those are personal level, the leadership attitude, science or knowledge, tolerance, and high etical
Ladies and gentlemen. First concerning about personal level, It is maintaining yourself to always
comply the islamic orders and prohibitions. The Islamnic Scientist said "Man arafa nafsahu fa qad 'arafa
Rabbahu," which means, "Who knows himself, he will know his God." Knowing ourselves is very exalted.
Why.....? This is due to the fact that those who understand himself will know the pros and cons. They are
also able to dispose their potential for success in the world life and in the next live. Then, let’s continue
grasping ourselves to recognize the advantages and shortcomings by always drawing closer to Allah.
Secondly, the leadership attitude. It means to position ourselves as a leader and pioneer goodness by
caring each other. In Islam a good leader is that who has at least four characteristics, namely:
(1) Siddiq means honest.
(2) Tabligh is delivered.
(3) Amanah is responsible.
(4) fathanah is intelegence.
Through these four qualities, santri will gain the character of great leadership.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, The third basic element of santri’s behavior is science or knowledge.
Santri should be expert knowledge and gradually own a great curiosity towards science. Messenger of Allah
said: tholabul ‘ilmi..... "Seeking knowledge is compulsory for every male and female Muslim". In this case,
Allah will bestow on virtue and glory to person who possess knowledge and will be eased his way into
heaven and continually prayed by the angels. Through knowledge, we can comprehend the true and essential
meaning of life.
The fourth element is tolerance. We should respect and tolerate other faiths while they don’t bother
us. Moreover, we should protect their rights as being demonstrated by Prophet Muhammad to non-Muslim in
Medina. The consequences of mutual tolerance will rise the spirit of religious piety. Concerning to tolerence,
the hadith of the Prophet stated, (cherish the person who is in the earth, so they who is in the heaven would
be a pity to you). Tolerance is not only requires a willingness to accept differences, but also need sacrifice
such as materially and spiritually, physically and mentally.
Well, we are going to decipher The last element of Islamic ideal, it is to put on high ethical
standards. A person who positioned himself as good santri should apply high ethical standards, both Islam
and social ethics. In the Islam, high ethical standards are called as iffah which is characterized by a strong
will to avoid the worst behavior and unfavorable attitudes based on Islam and social ethics. It can also mean
always try to maintain the dignity, honor, and self-esteem by always being consistent between words and
actions; discipline in overseeing the self-sanctity, and strong-willed uphold the reputation.
Ladies and gentlemen, Those are five elements that will make a credible santri who claims theirselves
as representative of the true Muslim and are able to provide for the nation's progress. All in all, let start to be
an ideal santri by implementing those five above-mentioned elements from ourselves. Hopefully, this short
speech is beneficial for you and me. Finally may Allah frequently guide us to do good deeds. Ameeen.
Ladies and gentlement, thank you and....
Wassalamu ‘alaikum.......
Islamic Brotherhood

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Hamdan Wasyukru lillah Assolatuwassalamu ‘ala Rosulillah wa’ala ‘alihi washohbihi ajma’in.
Amma’ ba’du…

First of all, let’s thank Allah the All Mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing until we
can attend this meeting without any obstacles in this happy place and time.
Secondly, may salawat and salam be with our prophet Muhammad Peace Be upon Him, who has
guided us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the next world.
Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank Mr. Chairman who has given me opportunity to deliver my
speech in front of you all.
Standing in front of you all, I would like to present my speech under the title “Islamic
Allah said in the Holy Quran:

The believers are in single brotherhood, so make peace and reconciliation between your contending
brothers. And fear God, that ye may receive mercy. (Chapter: Al-Hujurat, verse: 10).
Moslems are not Arabian, Indonesian, Canadian, and American only, but Moslems are from various
countries, various sects and nations. Those who believe in Allah, one Qur’an, and prophethood of
Muhammad are brothers. They may live in various places but they are brothers, because of the same sense,
that they have to worship Allah.
The Islamic brotherhood is the way to create the Islamic greatness and harmony life in the world.
The enemies of Islam have always utilized all possible means to hinder this unity of Moslems. So, we
hope that with unity of world among Moslems, all the difficulties of Moslem leaders will be solved. The
whole obstacles of Moslem community are our responsibility. We must solve them together because we all
are brothers in Islam.
Those all what I can deliver to you. Thank you very much for your kindness and attention. I wish you
successful and prosperous. May Allah the Almighty continue to cover this blessed meeting with His mercy
and protection and make easy the path of Islamic awareness and realization for the Muslims and others who
may come to accept the light as well.
Finally, May Allah make us worthy to be His servants. Amen.

Wallahul Muwafiq Illa Akwamith Thariq

Wassalaamu’alaikum Warrahmatullaahi Wabarakaatuh
Let’s Improve Our Islamic Brotherhood to Make Our School in progress

Alhamdulillahi robbil alamin ,washolatu awassalam ala asrofil anbiya I walmursalin

wa ala alihi alihi wa ashabihi ajmaiin , amma ba”du.
Dear chairman , Dear juries , Dear followers of English speech contest And all audiences ladies and gentlemen
Before I speak ,let”s thank to Allah the Almighty , Who has given us Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet
together in this Place . Let’s deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad saw, Who has brought us
from the darkness to the brightness, so we are always in the right way
And I don’t forget to thank to the master of ceremony who has given me a little time to speak in front of
You all.
Dear ladies and gentlemen
In this occasion ,I would like to speak in front of you all under the title “ let’s improve our Islamic brotherhood
to make our school in progress “
As we know that our country ,Indonesia , consist of many ethnic groups and each ethnic
groups has different culture ,has different religion, has different tradition , and language .we live in
heterogent condition , so we sometimes find the clash .we sometimes find disintegration and find many trouble in
many sectors and factors, so that we are as young generation has responsible to make this condition always peace
full and joy full, don’t make disintegration , don’t make dissension, in any matters ,we must understand each other
if we find dissension we must tolerate each other if we find trouble in all problems !because we live in the
unity country, the peace full country although we have many tribes in different culture and religion , we must be
united in one nation, one mother land , and language Indonesia , we must be united because we have slogan
Bhineka tunggal ika ( The unity in diversity ) .
Dear ladies and gentlemen
We are as moslems have Islamic brotherhood, because all the moslems are brothers, As Allah said
In the holy quran :
Innamalmu'minuna ikwatun faashlihu bayna akhowaykum. wattaqullaha la allakum turhamun
Indeed every believer is brother so you must correct among All ! .and fear to The God ( Allah ) in order you will get
the Blessing .
And it was said in hadist : Almuslimuna walmuslimiina kal jasadil wahid faidza sholuhat sholuhal jasadu kullih
faidza fasadat fasadal jasadi kullih It means every moslems look like one body if one of our body is fine all
body will sense fine ,if one of our body sense destroyed
All body will sense destroyed too !
So we area as moslems must strengthen our brotherhood , especially as moslems student
We must be united , don’t be separated , we must be united to improve our achievement , to reach our idol ,
to reach our ambition, to make us in progress in our future so we must be united As one of the song : all
the moslems be united , all the moslems be united , be united be united be united be united all of
the world Can you sing it . Oke ladies and gentlemen
We must be united please don’t be separated ,we must keep our unity where ever and whenever ,
united we stand divided we fall as the proverb said .
No disintegration , no terrorism , we must be peace ! peace the juries ! peace the audience ! peace all
the followers of English speech contest ,peace all of MTs students .
Dear ladies and gentlemen
To make the MTs Students always in progress ,to make the Mts students always in victory and superior we must pray
to the God The almighty , Oh the Lord of the world give us the easy of our study !
Oh the Lord of the world give us the strength to get the use full knowledge , Oh the Lord of the world give us the
guidance to reach the achievement . Oh the Lord of the world avoid us from badness ,avoid us from stupidity , avoid
Those are what I can deliver to you at this moment ,thank a lot for your attention and I ask
forgiveness for my mistakes , and the lass I say : Wabilahi taufik wal Hidayah Wasalamu alaikum war wb.
Islamic Brotherhood

The believers are in single brotherhood. So make peace and reconciliation between your contending
brothers. And fear God that you may receive mercy (Chapter: Al Hujurat, verse: 10)

Muslims are not Arabian, Indonesia, Canadian or American, but Muslims are from various sects
and nations. Those who believe in God, one Quran and prophethood of Muhammad are in
brothers, because of the same obligation they have to worship Allah.

The Islamic brotherhood is the way to create the Islamic greatness and harmony life in the

The enemies of Islam have always utilized all possible means to hinder this unity of world among
Muslims, the difficulties of Muslim community are our responsibility to solve and do together, as
we all are brothers in islam.

Ukhuwah Islamiyah

Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang beriman itu bersaudara karena itu damaikanlah antara kedua saudaramu dan bertakwalah
kepada Allah supaya kamu mendapat rahmat (Surah: Al Hujurat, Ayat: 10)

Muslim bukanlah orang Arab saja, Indonesia, Kanada atau Amerika, akan tetapi muslim bisa berasal dari
berbagai Negara, suku dan bangsa. Yakni orang-orang yang beriman pada Tuhan, Al Quran dan kerasulan
Muhammad adalah saudara. Mereka bisa jadi tinggal di berbagai tempat, tapi tetaplah mereka itu bersaudara,
karena adanya persamaan kewajiban menyembah Allah.

Persaudaraan Islam merupakan salah satu cara menciptakan kebesaran Islam dan keharmonisan hidup di

Musuh-musuh Islam selalu menggunakan berbagai macam cara untuk menghalangi persatuan umat Islam. Maka
kita berharap dengan kesatuan umat Islam sedunia segala kesulitan masyarakat Islam menjadi tanggung jawab
kita untuk menyelesaikan dan bekerja bersama-sama, karena semua umat Islam adalah bersaudara.

Honourable : All Juries

Honourable : All Teachers

Honourable : Mr. Chairman

Please accept my greetings which regards safety for all Muslim Ummah

First, before going on my speaking let’s thanks to Allah SWT who has given us mercy and blessing untill we can
meet together in this place.

Secondly, peace and salutation may always send to our prophet Muhammad SAW Who has brought us from the
darkness to the lightness.

And I don’t forget to say thanks to Mr. Chairman who has given me a little time to speak in front of you all by the

Allah says in the Qur’an:

Laqod kaana lakum fii rosulillahi uswatun hasanatu liman kaana yarjulloha walyaumil akhiri wa dzakarolloha
katsiro (al-ahzab: 21)

There has been a good example for you / role model in the Messenger of God for those who hope in God andthe
Last Day, and the people who remember Allah much. (Al-Ahzab: 21)

My brothers in faith..

In commemoration of the Prophet’s mawlid or the birth of Prophet warning us, not just a meaningless warning.
That we must understand each memorial is held or every 12 Robi’ul awwal in which the Prophet Muhammad was
born is the moment that we can follow his footsteps. The beauty of his morality that we know from the Qur’an
and hadith is not just an example of what we should see, and we watch it, but the morality of mandatory imitated
and followed him to every person who claims that he is Rosululloh Ummah.

All Muslim rohimakumulloh Rosululloh said:

Innama bu’istu li utammima makaarimal akhlaq (alhadist) Meaning: I actually sent to my people to perfect noble

From the hadith we know that Rosululloh sent by God in order to enhance human morality. If we claim to be
followers of the prophet Muhammad then let us set an example for the people around us. Do not expect others
follow our example if we do not do what we talked about.

May be enough here my speech thank you very much for your attention and I back your pordon for more or less.

Billahi hidayah wattaufiiq …


Yang Terhormat: Semua,

Terhormat: Semua Guru,

Terhormat: Pak Ketua

Tolong terima salam saya yang menganggap aman bagi semua umat Islam

Pertama, sebelum terjadi berkat berbicara membiarkan saya kepada Allah SWT yang telah memberi kita rahmat
dan Berkat sampai kita bisa bertemu bersama di tempat ini.

Kedua, kedamaian dan salam selalu bisa dikirim ke nabi kita Muhammad SAW yang telah membawa kita Dari
kegelapan sampai terang.
Dan saya tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Bapak Ketua yang telah memberi saya sedikit waktu
untuk berbicara di Depan kamu semua dengan judulnya:


Allah berfirman di dalam Al Qur’an: Laqod kaana lakum fii rosulillahi uswatun hasanatu liman kaana yarjulloha
walyaumil Akhiri wa Dzakarolloha katsiro (al-ahzab: 21)

Ada contoh bagus untuk Anda / teladan dalam Rasulullah bagi mereka yang berharap

Di dalam Tuhan dan Hari Akhir, dan orang-orang yang mengingat Allah banyak. (Al-Ahzab: 21) Saudara-
saudaraku dalam iman .. Dalam peringatan maulid Nabi atau kelahiran Nabi memperingatkan kita, bukan hanya
Peringatan berarti Bahwa kita harus mengerti setiap peringatan yang diadakan atau setiap 12 Robi’ul awwal Di
mana Nabi Muhammad SAW lahir adalah saat dimana kita bisa mengikuti jejaknya. Itu Keindahan moralitasnya
yang kita tahu dari Alquran dan hadis bukan sekedar contoh dari apa kita harus melihat, dan kami menonton,
tetapi moralitas ditiru wajib dan mengikutinya ke Setiap orang yang mengklaim bahwa dia adalah Rosululloh

Semua muslim rohimakumulloh Rosululloh berkata:

Innama bu’istu li utammima makaariari akhlaq (alhadist)

Artinya: Saya benar-benar menyuruh bangsaku untuk menyempurnakan moralitas yang mulia.

Dari hadis kita tahu bahwa Rosululloh diutus oleh Tuhan untuk meningkatkan moralitas manusia. Jika kita
Mengaku sebagai pengikut nabi Muhammad maka mari kita teladan bagi masyarakat sekitar kami. Jangan
berharap orang lain mengikuti teladan kita jika kita tidak melakukan apa yang kita bicarakan. Mungkin cukup di
sini ucapan saya terima kasih banyak atas perhatian anda dan saya kembali pordon anda lebih atau kurang.

Billahi hidayah wattaufiiq …

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