Basic Marketing Syllabus

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Universidad de Zamboanga - Ipil

School of Business and Management

Business Administration Department

Course Title : BM2

Course Credit : 3
Descriptive Title : Basic Marketing
Prerequisite Subject/s : None
Semester/School Year : 1st Semester, S.Y. 2018-2019
Curricular Year : 1st Year

Program Educational Outcomes (Business Administration program):

Upon completion of the BSBA program, students should:

1. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

2. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing, staffing directing and controlling.
3. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resource management, production and operations management,
information technology and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business situations.
4. Select the Proper decision making tools critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
5. Plan and implement business related activities
6. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as required by the business environment.
7. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
8. Exercise high personal moral and ethical standards.
9. Analyze the business environment for strategic direction

Course Description: This course is designed to familiarize the students with the principles and practices in marketing of goods and services. It is divided into five parts, namely: marketing
and the Filipino consumer, products, price and factors affecting price; place; and promotion of goods and services.
Course Requirements:
Pre-Mid : Case study in Partnering to Build Customer Relationships
Midterm : Case study in Consumer Markets & Consumer Buyer Behavior
Pre-Final : First Draft of Marketing Plan and Mock Defence
Final : Final Marketing Plan and Oral defence

Grading Criteria:

Pre- mid to Pre-Final Term Final Term

Quizzes …………………………………………….. 30% Final Marketing Plan .....………………………………50%
Recitation …………………………………………….. 20% Final Oral Defence .…………………………………50%
Major Exams …………………………………………….. 50%
Total …………………………………………….. 100% Total …………………………………..100%

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
a. Understand the basic principles, theories, concepts and dynamics of Marketing
b. Apply these principles and tools in case analysis and to practical business decision-making situations.
c. Integrate the concepts/techniques learned through application in the preparation of a comprehensive marketing plan
d. Appreciate and learn more about marketing as a career.

Course Policy:
a. Attendance: The highly accelerated pace of this course requires students to accept a great deal of responsibility for achieving their own learning outcomes. While in class, students are
expected to actively participate in discussions and groups activities, and not just listen to lecture. Outside class time, students are expected to spend hours of preparation which will
include reading assignments, homework preparations, and research and group meetings.

b. Class Participation: Each learner is expected to actively participate in discussions on the assumption that each brings a wide range of experiences to the learning process active
participation may include asking thoughtful questions, being willing to consider new ideas, helping the class, understand complex ideas, having a cooperative attitude and sense of humor,
and helping others comprehend the material. However, consideration of other students is strongly encouraged to avoid dominating class discussions.

c. Written Assignments: an importance component of this course is the completion of written assignments by the students. All written work is expected to meet college level basic
writing skills. Case studies are the primary method to evaluate students’ progress in this course. Learners are encouraged to apply case materials to their project papers.

d. Presentations: Presentation on assigned case studies and applications papers will be made in this class. Students will be required to prepare written analyses of each assigned case and
will also be required to present in class. Presentations made are to be professional in nature. The presentations should be well organized with the topic thoroughly covered with all Case
study questions answered. Handouts and visual aids are to be professional looking and appropriate for the material to be covered. Presentations should not be exceed the time given by
the faculty.
e. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY: Every student is responsible to know the standards of consuct and expectations of academic integrity that apply undertakings. Academic dishonesty will
not be tolerated and will result in the maximum penalty as defines in the Student Handbook:
1. Cheating during exams
2. Submitting spurious reports copied from previous materials other than his/her own
3. Copying another students work including assignments and reports
4. Receiving assistance from anyone else with take-home quizzes
5. Plagiarism

Course References:
a. Philippine Kotler and Gray Amstrong Principles of Marketing 14th edition

Learning Plan

Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool

PRE-MID 1. Define Marketing and Identify DEFINING MARKETING AND THE a. Lecture discussion Quiz 1: Defining Marketing and the
evidence of marketing in everyday life MARKETING PROCESS marketing process (pen and paper)
b. Consultation
 Introduction to Marketing Activity 1. Group Presentation on
2. Explain why customer is the c. Cooperative learning Marketing: Creating and Capturing
cornerstone of marketing  Marketing: Creating and Customer Value (rubric on Group
Capturing Customer d. Brainstorming
3. Demonstrate a clear understanding of e. Think, pair, share Activity 2. Group Presentation on
the marketing concepts  Partnering to Build
Partnering to build consumer Relationship
Consumer Relationship f. Individual Presentation
(rubric on Group Presentation)
4. Describe the role of marketing in g. group Presentation
Output: Case Study in partnering to Build
building and managing customer
relationship Costumer Relationship(rubric on case

5. Describe how different types of Pre-mid Examination

organizations, such as non-profits,
consumer-to-business (B2B)
organizations, use marketing.

6. Explain how marketing creates value

for the consumer, the company,
and society
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
MID-TERM 1. Describe the major factors that influence UNDERSTANDING THE a. lecture discussion and recitation Quiz 1: Understanding the Marketplace
consumer purchasing MARKETPLACE AND and Consumers (pen and paper)
CONSUMERS b. group Activity
2. Explain the B2B buying process and Key  Analyzing the Quiz 2:Consumer Markets and Consumer
factor influencing B2b purchasing decisions marketing c. Seatwork Behavior
Environment (Pen and Paper)
3. Explain different buying process d. Brainstorming
Howenvironment and high-involvement  Managing Marketing Activity 1: Group presentation on
decisions Information Analyzing the marketing
Environment(rubric on presentation)
4. Describe the stages of the consumer
buying process  Consumer Markets & Activity 2:Group Presentation on
Consumer Buyer Business markets & Business Buyer (rubric
5. Identify major sources of available market Behavior on presentation)
 Business Markets &
6. Explain the role of marketing information Business Buyer Output: Case study on Analyzing the
in helping firms understand and reach the Behavior Marketing Environment (rubric on case
customers study)

7. Explain how CRM systems can help

organizations manage and gain customer Mid- term Examination
insights from marketing information

8. Use Marketing information to inform the

marketing strategy
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
PRE-FINAL 1. Evaluate how marketing strategies align CREATING A CUSTOMER-DRIVEN a. lecture discussion and Quiz 1: Creating a Customer Driven
with corporate strategies MARKETING STRATEGY AND MIX recitation Marketing Strategy and Mix (Pen and
2. Explain the inputs and components of a  Customer Driven Marketing b. group Activity
marketing strategy Strategy Activity 1: Marketing Plan Project Paper #
c. Seatwork 1 (Part 1 to 4) on Customer Driven
 Product, Services and Marketing Strategy (Rubric on Project
3. Define positioning and differentiation, Branding Strategies/New d. Brainstorming Paper)
and what they are important to marketing a Product Development
product or service Activity 2: Marketing Plan Project Paper #
 Pricing Considerations and 2 (Part 4 to 7) on Product, Services and
4. Explain the how marketers use brand Strategies Branding Strategies/New Product
positioning to align marketing activities and Development and Pricing Considerations
build successful brands
 Distribution Considerations and Strategies (Rubric on Project Paper)
5. Explain price elasticity and how it can be and Strategies
Activity 3: Marketing Plan Project Paper
used to set price
 Integrated Marketing #3 Part 8 to 10) on Distribution
6. Explain how integrated supply chain Communications Strategy Considerations and Strategies, Integrated
management supports an effective Marketing Communications Strategy and
distribution strategy  Understanding/Developing the Understanding/Developing the
Promotion’s Mix Promotion’s Mix
7. Explain integrated marketing Marketing Arithmetic: Preparing Financial
communication (IMC) and its connection to Projections(Rubric on Project Paper)
the organizations marketing strategy  Marketing Arithmetic:
8. Describe the key types of marketing Preparing Financial Projections
information including internal data, Output: Final Draft Paper and Mock
competitive intelligence and marketing Defence (rubric on Mock defence and
research Project paper)
9. Identify the key elements if the Pre-Final Examination
marketing plan

10. Present a marketing plan and explain

how the marketing plan is used by
marketing and the overall organizations
Term Learning Outcomes Content/Topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
FINAL 1. Describe the types of ethical and social SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY a. lecture discussion and recitation Output: Final Marketing Plan
responsibility issues that marketing must AND ETHICS
address  Marketing issues and b. group Activity Exit Assessment: Final Oral Defence
2. Explain the laws that regulate marketing c. Seatwork
 Laws regulates in
3. Explain how ethical dilemmas in business Marketing d. Brainstorming
to business marketing differ those in
consumer marketing
 Impact of Corporate
4. Outline measures companies take to Social responsibility
encourage ethical behavior

5. Explain how demonstrating corporate

social responsibility can impact marketing
Terms Assessment Methods Assessment tools Performance Target
PREMID Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on Pre-midterm topics with 75% level of proficiency
Activity 1 (Topic Rubric on Topic The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
Presentation by Groups) Presentation by Groups
Activity 2 (topic Rubric on Topic The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% pasing
presentation by groups) Presentation by groups
Performance Assessment Rubric on Case Study The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency on case study
(Case study)
Pre midterm Pen and Paper test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics covered for pre-midterm
MIDTERM Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75% level of proficiency
Activity 1 (topic Rubric on Topic The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
presentation by groups) Presentation by groups
Activity 2 (topic Rubric on Topic The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
presentation by groups) Presentation by groups
Performance Assessment Rubric on Case Study The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
(Case study)
Midterm Major Exam Pen and paper test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics covered for midterm
PREFINAL Quiz Pen and paper test Students are expected to gain knowledge on covered in the pre-final with 75% level of proficiency
Activity 1 (Project Paper) Rubric on Project paper The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
Activity 2 (Project Paper) Rubric on Project paper The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
Activity 3 (Project paper) Rubric on Project paper The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them with 75% passing
Performance Assessment Rubric on Mock Defence The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency in the validation of Marketing Plan
(Mock Defence)
Pre-Final Exam Pen and Paper test The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on topics covered for pre-final
FINAL Output (Final Marketing Rubric on Marketing Plan The students are expected to achieve 75% level of proficiency on Making a Marketing Plan
Exit Assessment: Final Oral Rubric on Oral defence The BSBA students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency in the validation of Marketing Plan

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by: Approved by:

Instructor Program Chairperson, BSBA &BSA Librarian Staff School Administrator

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