Synopsis On Hyperloop

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(A new passenger transportation system)

A synopsis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Mechanical Engineering

Peer Ishfaq
Roll no: 16206145025

Department of Mechanical engineering

Institute of Technology
University of Kashmir

1. Introduction

Developments in high-speed rail have historically been impeded by the difficulties

in managing friction resistance, both of which become substantial when vehicles
approach high speeds. The vactrain concept theoretically eliminates these obstacles
by employing magnetically levitating trains in evacuated(airless) or partly evacuated
tubes, allowing for speeds of thousands of miles per hour.

Hyperloop is an elevated reduced pressure tube that contains pressurized capsules

driven within the tube by a number of linear electric motors. This system can achieve
an average speed of 548 miles per hour(962 kilometer per hour) and a top speed of
760 miles per hour(1220 kilometer per hour).This is an open source project and was
proposed by Elon Musk through his paper Alpha-a white paper in august 2012.The
concept was based on "a cross between Concorde, a Railgun and an Air Hockey
Table”. The project was first based on the vactrain design released by a joint team
from tesla and SpaceX.

Hyperloop is a system of sealed tubes through which a pod may travel free of air
resistance or friction conveying people or objects at high speed. In Hyperloop, the
pressured capsules or pods incorporated within the reduced pressure tubes ride on
air bearings driven by linear induction motors and axial compressors. This high
speed mode of transportation has the following characteristics: Collision free, High
speed, Immunity to weather, low power consumption and Energy storage for 24-
hours operation. According to alpha design, pods will accelerate to cruising speed
gradually using a linear electric motor and glide above their track on air bearings
through tubes above the ground on columns or below the ground in tunnels to avoid
the dangers of grade crossings.

2. Motivation

Maglev trains had always been an interesting project to me since my high school
days, i.e. how the magnetic field is manipulated to levitate a heavy object as well as
accelerating it with a high speed. Besides, whenever there is a time save by any
machine through a highly remarkable fast speed, there should be a point of interest
which became my motivation. Also, I have an interest in manufacturing of
automobiles, aircrafts etc. and this gives me motivation to work on the projects like
HYPERLOOP, where a top speed of 1220 kilometer per hour is to be achieved,
which is quiet amazing.

3. Related work

Since hyperloop transportation system is an open-source project, therefore a number

of companies and institutions have worked on it. In august 2013, a group of
engineers from both Tesla and SpaceX worked on the conceptual modeling of
hyperloop. The design described the pathway and cost of the system. According
to their design, pods would accelerate to cruising speed gradually using a linear
electric motor. In June 2015, SpaceX announced to build 1.6km test track to test pod
designs. On May 13,2016, MIT hyperloop team developed the first pod prototype
based on electrodynamic suspension for levitation and eddy current braking. On Jan
29,2017, the MITians demonstrated first ever low pressure hyperloop run in
worldwide hyperloop competition. Technical University of Munich-Germany
demonstrated fastest pod run.

Work by Hyperloop companies: Virgin Hyperloop One was established in 2014 by

Shervin Pishever and Brogan Bambrogan and on May 11,2016, it conducted the first
live trial of hyperloop technology demonstrating that, its linear electric motor could
propel a sled from 0 to 110 mph. In May,2017, it performed its full scale hyperloop
test, becoming the first company to test such full scale hyperloop. The system
integrated components like, vacuum, propulsion, levitation, sled, control systems.
and tube structures. Hyperloop Transportation technologies(HTT), a group of more
than 800 engineers and professionals, build test track for the project.

4. Proposed method and Methodology

A brief method is being proposed for the construction of hyperloop, having the
following components: Capsules, Tube, and Propulsion.

Capsule: Sealed capsules carrying 28 passengers each accelerate via a linear

magnetic accelerator affixed at various stations on the low pressure tube with rotors
contained in each capsule. For travel at high speeds, the greatest power requirement
is normally to overcome air resistance. Aerodynamic drag increases with the square
of speed and the power requirement increases with the cube of speed. The pressure
of air in hyperloop is about 1/6 the pressure of the atmosphere in Mars. This
operating pressure of 100 pascal reduces the drag force of air by 1000 times relative
to sea level. The capsules are also separated by approximately 37km on average
within the tube. The capsules are thus supported via air bearings that operate using
a compressed air reservoir and an aerodynamic lift.

Tube: The tube is made of steel and two tubes are to be welded together in a side by
side configuration to allow the capsules to travel both the directions. Pylons (tower
structures) are placed to support the tube. Solar arrays(panels) are placed at the top
of tubes in order to provide power to the system. These tubes are kept at partial
vacuum condition to allow high speeds. The low pressurized tubes minimize the drag
force on the capsule while maintaining the relative ease of pumping out the air from
the tube.

Propulsion: Linear accelerators are constructed along the length of the tube at
various locations to accelerate the capsules. Stators are located on the capsules to
transfer momentum to the capsules via the linear accelerators.

Methodology: The design of hyperloop is mainly based on the two following

concepts viz. Magnetic levitation and Aerodynamic levitation. The former is a
method by which an object is suspended with no support other than magnetic field,
magnetic force is used to counteract the effects of gravitational acceleration. Here
the external surface of a pod is homopolar magnet and the internal surface of tube is
magnetized to the opposite of capsule surface leading to repel each other uniformly.
Besides, there are extra pairs of magnets employed on rail surface and bottom of
capsules which accelerate the pod. The latter is the use of gas pressure to levitate
materials so that they are no longer in physical contact with any container. Here the
tubes are employed with air suction chambers along a specific circumferential curve
which suck air against the pod i.e. giving an opposite thrust to the pod equally from
each chamber along the respective curve and finally giving a uniform lift to the pod.
Besides, main suction gates are employed which suck the air to accelerate the pod
along the travel and are also employed to decelerate the pod by sucking the air
against the travel.

5. References

“Hyperloop Alpha”...... research paper by Elon Musk on august 13, 2013.

Hyperloop Wikipedia, 'Beyond the hype of hyperloop'..... an analysis of

Elon Musk’s proposed transit system.

“MIT hyperloop report”.

“Energy efficiency of an electrodynamically levitated pod” by Energy

Science Centre on nov,2017.

“Virgin Hyperloop One”.

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