9.nuclear and Particle Physics - NET-JRF

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 

Q1. The radius of a 64

29 Cu nucleus is measured to be 4.8  10-13 cm.
(A) The radius of a 27
12 Mg nucleus can be estimated to be
(a) 2.86  10-13 cm (b) 5.2 10-13 cm (c) 3.6 10-13 cm (d) 8.6 10-13 cm
Ans. : (c)
1/ 3
RMg  AMg 
1/ 3
 27 
Solution: Since R  R0  A      
1/ 3

RCu  ACu   64 
RMg 3 3
  RMg   4.8  10 13  3.6  10 13 cm.

RCu 4 4
(B) The root-mean-square (r.m.s) energy of a nucleon in a nucleus of atomic number A in
its ground state varies as:
(a) A4 / 3 (b) A1 / 3 (c) A1/ 3 (d) A2 / 3
Ans. : (c)
Q2. A beam of pions (π+) is incident on a proton target, giving rise to the process
  p  n  
(A) Assuming that the decay proceeds through strong interactions, the total isospin I and
its third component I3 for the decay products, are
3 3 5 5
(a) I  , I 3  (b) I  , I 3 
2 2 2 2
5 3 1 1
(c) I  , I 3  (d) I  , I 3  
2 2 2 2
Ans. : (c)
1 5 1 3
Solution:    p  n       ; I : 1 1  , I3 :  11 
2 2 2 2
(B) Using isospin symmetry, the cross-section for the above process can be related to that
of the process
(a)  n  p  (b)  p  n  
     

(c)  n  p  (d)  p  n 
     

Ans. : (c)

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
NET/JRF (DEC-2011)
Q3. According to the shell model the spin and parity of the two nuclei 125
51 Sb and 89
38 Sr are,
   
5 5 5 7
(a)   and   (b)   and  
2 2 2 2
   
7 5 7 7
(c)   and   (d)   and  
2 2 2 2
Ans. : (d)
Solution: 125
51 Sb ; Z  51 and N  74
Z  51

 s1/ 2   p3/ 2   p1/ 2   d5 / 2   s1/ 2   d3/ 2   f 7 / 2   p3/ 2   f5 / 2   p1/ 2   g9 / 2   g7 / 2 

2 4 2 6 2 4 8 4 6 2 10 1

7 7
 j  and l  4 . Thus spin and parity   
2 2
38 Sr ; Z  38 and N  51
N  51:

 s1/ 2   p3/ 2   p1/ 2   d5 / 2   s1/ 2   d3/ 2   f 7 / 2   p3/ 2   f5 / 2   p1/ 2   g9 / 2   g 7 / 2 

2 4 2 6 2 4 8 4 6 2 10 1

7 7
 j and l  4 . Thus spin and parity   
2 2
Q4. The difference in the Coulomb energy between the mirror nuclei 49
24 Cr and 49
25 Mn is

6.0 MeV . Assuming that the nuclei have a spherically symmetric charge distribution and

that e2 is approximately 1.0 MeV-fm, the radius of the 49

25 Mn nucleus is

(a) 4.9  10-13 m (b) 4.9  10-15 m

(c) 5.1  10-13 m (d) 5.1  10-15 m
3  1  10 15
Ans. : (b) R
3e 2
5  W
Z1  Z 2  
2 2

5 6
25 2  24 2   4.9  10 15 m .

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q5. The ground state of 12 Pb nucleus has spin-parity J  , while the first excited state
207 p

has J  p
.The electromagnetic radiation emitted when the nucleus makes a transition
from the first excited state to ground state are
(a) E2 and E3 (b) M2 or E3 (c) E2 or M3 (d) M2 or M3
Ans. : (c)
Solution: No parity change; J  2,3

For El type,    1 , (for no parity change l  2 )


For M l type,    1 , (for no parity change l  3 )

l 1

J  2 , No parity change  E 2 ; J  3 , No parity change  M 3

Q6. The dominant interactions underlying the following processes
A. K   p      , B.       K   K  , C.    p   0 are

(a) A: strong, B: electromagnetic and; C: weak

(b) A: strong, B: weak and; C: weak
(c) A: weak, B: electromagnetic and; C: strong
(d) A: weak, B: electromagnetic and; C: weak
Ans. : (a)
(A) K   p      (Strong interaction)

1 1
I 3 :    1  1 (Conserved)
2 2
(B)       K   K  (Electromagnetic interaction)

(C)    p   0 (Weak interaction)

I3 :1  0 (Not conserved)

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q7. The binding energy of a light nucleus Z , A in MeV is given by the approximate formula

B A, Z   16 A  20 A 2/3 3
 Z 2 A 1 / 3  30
N  Z  2

4 A
where N  A  Z is the neutron number. The value of Z of the most stable isobar for a
given A is
1 1 1
A A2 / 3  A A A2 / 3  A A4 / 3 
(a) 1   (b) (c) 1   (d) 1  
2 160  2 2 120  2 64 
Ans. : (a)
B A A2 / 3 
Solution:  0  Z   1  
Z Z Z  2 160 

Q8. A spin-1/2 particle A undergoes the delay A  B  C  D , where it is known

that B and C are also spin-1/2 particles. The complete set of allowed values of the spin of
the particle D is
1 3 5 1 1 3 5 7
(a) ,1, , 2, , 3, ... (b) 0, 1 (c) only (d) , , , ,....
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Ans. : (c)
Solution: Spin of the left side and combined spin of the products must be same to conserve the
spin angular momentum conservation law.
Q9. Muons are produced through the annihilation of particle a and its anti-particle, namely
the process a  a       . A muon has a rest mass of 105 MeV/c2 and its proper life
time is 2 s . If the center of mass energy of the collision is 2.1 GeV in the laboratory
frame that coincides with the center-of-mass frame, then the fraction of muons that will
decay before they reach a detector placed 6 km away from the interaction point is
(a) e 1 (b) 1  e 1 (c) 1  e 2 (d) e 10
Ans. : (b)
 t N  2.1
Solution: N  N 0 e   e t  e  , where   2  10 6 s ,    10 3  20 and
N0 105

6  10 3
5 t 1 N 
t  2  10 sec . Thus    e 2
 1  e 1 .
3  10 8
 2 N0

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
NET/JRF (DEC-2013)
Q10. The intrinsic electric dipole moment of a nucleus Z X
(a) increases with Z , but independent of A
(b) decreases with Z , but independent of A
(c) is always zero
(d) increases with Z and A
Ans. : (d)
Q11. According to the shell model, the total angular momentum (in units of  ) and the parity
of the ground state of the 37 Li nucleus is

3 3
(a) with negative parity (b) with positive parity
2 2
1 7
(c) with positive parity (d) with negative parity
2 2
Ans. : (a)
Solution: Z  3, N  4

For odd Z  3; s12/ 2  p31 / 2   j  3 / 2, l  1 and parity   11  1 .

Q12. The recently-discovered Higgs boson at the LHC experiment has a decay mode into a
photon and a Z boson. If the rest masses of the Higgs and Z boson are 125 GeV/c 2 and

90 GeV/c 2 respectively, and the decaying Higgs particle is at rest, the energy of the
photon will approximately be
(a) 35 3 GeV (b) 35 GeV (c) 30 GeV (d) 15 GeV
Ans. : (c)
Solution: Assume H is symbol of Higgs boson, H  Z 

E H2  E Z2 1252  902
E    30GeV
2EH 2  125

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q13. In a classical model, a scalar (spin-0) meson consists of a quark and an antiquark bound
by a potential V r   ar  , where a  200 MeV fm -1 and b  100 MeV fm . If the
masses of the quark and antiquark are negligible, the mass of the meson can be estimated
as approximately
(a) 141 MeV/c 2 (b) 283 MeV/c 2 (c) 353 MeV/c 2 (d) 425 MeV/c 2
Ans. : (b)
Solution: At equilibrium separation the potential is minimum, thus the equilibrium separation
can be determined as
dV  r  b b 100MeVfm 1
a  0  r0   1
 fm
dr r  r0
a 200MeVfm 2

The equilibrium separation between particles is also estimated by uncertainty principle

r0  ct  r0  c ( where, Et  )
Where, c is the velocity of the virtual meson
 200 MeV . fm
r0  c 
E E MeV 
200MeV . fm 1
Using above two relation  fm
E MeV  2

E  200 2  283MeV  E  m  c 2
the mass of the meson m   283MeV / c 2
c 2

NET/JRF (DEC-2014)
Q14. Consider the four processes
(i) p   n  e   ve (ii) 0  p   e   v e

(iii)    e   ve (iv)  0    
which of the above is/are forbidden for free particles?
(a) only (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv) (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (i) and (ii)
Ans. : (d)

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Solution: (i) p  n  e  e [Not allowed]
 

It violate energy conservation. The mass of proton is less than mass of neutron. Free
proton is stable and can not decay to neutron. Proton can decay to neutron only inside the
nucleus, where energy violation is taken care by Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
(ii)  0  p   e   e [Not allowed]. In this decay charge is not conserved

(iii)    e   e [allowed through Weak interaction]

(iv)  0     [allowed through Electromagnetic interaction]

Q15. In deep inelastic scattering electrons are scattered off protons to determine if a proton has
any internal structure. The energy of the electron for this must be at least
(a) 1.25  10 9 eV (b) 1.25  1012 eV (c) 1.25  10 6 eV (d) 1.25  10 8 eV
Ans. : (b)
Solution: The internal structure of proton can only be determined if the wavelength of the
incoming electron is nearly equal to the size of the proton
i.e.   R  1.2 A1/ 3  fm   1.2 fm  1.2  1015 m

h h
According to de-Broglie relation,   
p 2mE

 0 150
This can be also written as    
  E  eV 

150 150
 E  eV     1.04  1012  E  1.04 1012 eV
1.2  10 
2 5 2
  0

    
 
The bet suitable answer is option (b).
Q16. If the binding energy B of a nucleus (mass number A and charge Z ) is given by

 2Z  A
aC Z 2
B  aV A  aS A 2/3
 asym  1/ 3
where aV  16 MeV , a S  16 MeV , a sym  24 MeV and aC  0.75 MeV , then for the most

stable isobar for a nucleus with A  216 is

(a) 68 (b) 72 (c) 84 (d) 92
Ans. : (c)

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
dB 2  2Z  A   2 2aC Z
Solution: For the most stable isobar for a nucleus  0  asym  1/ 3  0
dZ A A
2  2Z  216   2 2Z 4  2Z  216  3 2Z
 24  0.75 0   0
 216 
1/ 3
216 9 4 6

4  2Z  216  Z
   0  16  2 Z  216   9 Z  0  41Z  216  16  Z  82.3
9 4

Q17. The reaction 2
1 D 12 D 42 He   0 cannot proceed via strong interactions because it
violates the conservation of
(a) angular momentum (b) electric charge
(c) baryon number (d) isospin
Ans. (d)
Solution: 1 D 2  1 D 2  2 He 4   0 (Not conserved)
I: 0 0  0 1
This isopin is not conserved in above reaction.
Q18. Let us approximate the nuclear potential in the shell model by a three dimensional
isotropic harmonic oscillator. Since the lowest two energy levels have angular momenta
l  0 and l  1 respectively, which of the following two nuclei have magic numbers of
protons and neutrons?
(a) 42 He and 16
8 O (b) 12 D and 84 Be (c) 42 He and 84 Be (d) 42 He and 12
6 C
Ans. (a)
Solution: 2 He 4 has Z  2, N  2

and 8 O16 has Z  8, N  8 magic numbers  2,8, 20, 28,50,82,126 

Q19. The charm quark S assigned a charm quantum number C  1 . How should the
Gellmann-Nishijima formula for electric charge be modified for four flavors of quarks?
1 1
(a) I 3  B  S C (b) I 3  B  S  C
2 2
1 1
(c) I 3  B  S C (d) I 3  B  S  C
2 2

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Ans. (d)
Solution: From Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula Q  I 3  B  S
For Quark it is generalized as Q  I 3  B  S  C
NET/JRF (DEC-2015)
Q20. Consider the following processes involving free particles
(i) n  p  e   ve (ii) p  n   

(iii) p  n      0   0 (iv) p  ve  n  e 
Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Process (i) obeys all conservation laws
(b) Process (ii) conserves baryon number, but violates energy-momentum conservation
(c) process (iii) is not allowed by strong interaction but is allowed by weak interactions
(d) Process (iv) conserves baryon number, but violates lepton number conservation
Ans. : (b)
Solution: (i) n  p  e   ve

q 0 1 1 0 (conserved)
1 1 1 1
spin     (not conserved)
2 2 2 2
Le 0 0  1  1 (not conserved)
(ii) Baryon number is conserved but energy and momentum conservation violated.
(iii) spin is not conserved
(iv) obeys all conservation laws.
Q21. Of the nuclei of mass number A  125 , the binding energy calculated from the liquid
drop model (given that the coefficients for the Coulomb and the asymmetry energy are
ac  0.7 MeV and asym  22.5 MeV respectively) is a maximum for

(a) 125
54 Xe (b) 124
53 I (c) 125
52 Te (d) 125
51 Sb
Ans. : (c)

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com  | Email: [email protected]  
Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
4  22.5 125  0.7  53 
4aa  ac A1/ 3 4aa A  ac A2 / 3
Solution: Z 0    Z0 
2ac A1/ 3  8aa A1 8aa  2ac A2 / 3 8  22.5  2  0.7  53 

11250  17.5 11267.5

 Z0    52.4  Z 0  52
180  35 215
Q22. A radioactive element X decays to Y , which in turn decays to a stable element Z . The
decay constant from X to Y is 1 , and that from Y to Z is 2 . If, to begin with, there are

1 1
only N 0 atoms of X , at short times ( t  as well as ) the number of atoms of Z
1 2
will be
1 12
(a) 12 N 0t 2 (b) N 0t
2 2  1  2 

(c)  1  2  N 0t 2 (d)  1  2  N 0t

Ans. : (a)
1 2
X   Y  Z
Solution: t  0 N0 0 0
t N1 N2 N3
dN dN
Rate equations N1  N 0 e  1t , 2  1 N1  2 N 2 , 3  2 N 2
dt dt
  e 2t  e  1 t 
N 3  N 0 1  1  2 
  2  1   2  1  
 1  22t 2  2  12t 2  
 N 0 1   1   t     1   t  
  2  1   2   2  1  
2 1
2  
 1  t 1 22t 2 2 2 1t 2 12t 2 
 N 0 1   1 2     
  2  1   2  1   2  1  2  2  1   2  1   2  1  2 
 1  2t 2 2  2t 2    t 2   1  1
 N0   2   1   1 2 N0  2    12 N 0t

  2 1 
   2  2 1
   2  2  
 2 1 2  1 2

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Q23. In the large hadron collider  LHC  , two equal energy proton beams traverse in opposite

directions along a circular path of length 27 km . If the total centre of mass energy of a
proton-proton pair is 14 TeV , which of the following is the best approximation for the
proper time taken by a proton to traverse the entire path?
(a) 12 ns (b) 1.2  s (c) 1.2 ns (d) 0.12  s
Ans. : (a)
Solution: The proton travel at nearly speed of light in LHC , therefore
d 27 103
t   9 105 sec
c 3 108
v2 t
Since, proton is relativistic, t0  t 1  2 
c 
1 m0 c 2 938 MeV 938  106 eV
 E   m0 c 2      1.34 104
 E 7 TeV 7 1012 eV
Thus, t0   9  105  1.34 104  1.2 108 sec  12 ns

Q24. Let ES denotes the contribution of the surface energy per nucleon in the liquid drop

model. The ratio ES  27

13 
Al : ES  64
30 
Zn is

(a) 2 : 3 (b) 4 : 3 (c) 5 : 3 (d) 3 : 2

Ans. : (b)
2 1 1
E  Al   27  3  64  3 4
1 
B A3 
Solution: ES   A3 S   
A A ES  Z n  1 1
 64  3  27  3 3

Q25. According to the shell model, the nuclear magnetic moment of the 27
13 Al nucleus is (Given

that for a proton gl  1, g s  5.586 , and for a neutron gl  0, g s  3.826 )

(a) 1.913  N (b) 14.414  N (c) 4.793  N (d) 0

Ans. : (c)
Solution: 13 Al 27 : Z  13, N  14 for Z  13, S1/2 2 , P3/4 2 , P1/22 , d55/ 2  j  , l  2

 2 j  1  g S   N   2   1  5.586  N    4.793  N
1 1 5
Magnetic moment,  
2 2 2 

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NET/JRF (DEC-2016)
Q26. What should be the minimum energy of a photon for it to split an  -particle at rest into a
tritium and a proton?
(The masses of 4
2 He, 13 H and 1
1 H are 4.0026 amu,3.0161 amu and 1.0073 amu

respectively, and 1 amu  938 MeV )

(a) 32.2 MeV (b) 3MeV (c) 19.3 MeV (d) 931.5 MeV
Ans. : (c)
Solution: From conservation of energy
E  m c 2  m1H 3 c 2  m1H 1 c 2

or E   m1H 3  m1H 1  m   938 MeV  19.5 MeV

Q27. Which of the following reaction(s) is/are allowed by the conservation laws?
(i)    n   0  K 
(ii)    p   0  K 0
(a) both (i) and (ii) (b) only (i)
(c) only (ii) (d) neither (i) nor (ii)
Ans. : (a)
Solution: (i)    n   0  K 
q :1  0  0  1
B : 0 1  1 0
S : 0  0  1  1
Reaction is allowed
(ii)    p   0  K 0
q : 1  1  0  0
B : 0 1  1 0
S : 0  0  1  1
Reaction is allowed

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Q28. A particle, which is a composite state of three quarks u , d and s , has electric charge,
spin and strangeness respectively, equal to
1 1 1
(a) 1, , 1 (b) 0, 0, 1 (c) 0, , 1 (d) 1,   1
2 2 2
Ans. : (c)
Solution: charge, spin and strangers of Quarks u , d & s are given as
U D S Total
Charge 2 1 1 0
3 3 3
Spin 1 1 1 1 3
2 2 2 2 2
Strangeness 0 0 1 1
If a particle x is a composite of u, d & s , then net charge, spin and strangeness on x is
net charge  0
1 3
net spin  or and net strangeness  1
2 2
Q29. If in a spontaneous  - decay of 232
92 U at rest, the total energy released in the reaction is

Q , then the energy carried by the  - particle is

(a) 57Q / 58 (b) Q / 57 (c) Q / 58 (d) 23Q / 58
Ans. : (a)
Solution: Energy carried by the   particle is
 A4 228 57
KE   Q  Q Q
 A  232 58
Q30. The range of the nuclear force between two nucleons due to the exchange of pions is
1.40 fm . If the mass of pion is 140 MeV / c 2 and the mass of the rho-meson is

770 MeV / c 2 , then the range of the force due to exchange of rho-mesons is
(a) 1.40 fm (b) 7.70 fm (c) 0.25 fm (d) 0.18 fm
Ans. : (c)

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Solution: Range for nuclear force between nucleon will be R  ct  and c  199MeVfm
mc 2
199 MeVfm
R  0.25 fm
MeV 2
770 2  c
Q31. A baryon X decays by strong interaction as X         0 , where   is a member
of the isotriplet    ,  0 ,    . The third component I 3 of the isospin of X is

(a) 0 (b) 1/ 2 (c) 1 (d) 3 / 2

Ans. : (a)
Solution: X        0

I 3 :1
1 0

 I 3 for X is 0 .

NET/JRF (DEC-2017)
Q32. 28 Ni , in
The spin-parity assignments for the ground and first excited states of the isotope 57
the single particle shell model, are
   
1 3 5 7
(a)   and   (b)   and  
2 2 2 2
   
3 5 3 5
(c)   and   (d)   and  
2 2 2 2
Ans. : (d)
Solution: Spin parity for 28 Ni 57 for ground state and first excited state

For 28 Ni 57 : P  28 , N  29  will decide the j P

So, for N  29 , ground state configuration,

1s1/2 21 p3/4 21 p1/2 21d56/ 2 2s1/2 21d3/4 21 f 78/ 2 2 p3/1 2

So, j  , l  1

Spin parity for ground state of 28 Ni
 
For first excited state,
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Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
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1s1/ 21 p3/ 21 p1/ 21d5 / 2 2s1/ 21d 3/ 21 f 7 / 2 2 p3/ 2  1 f 5 / 2
2 4 2 6 2 4 8 1

5 5
P  , l  3  spin parity   
2 2
Q33. The first excited state of the rotational spectrum of the nucleus 238
92 U has an energy

45 keV above the ground state. The energy of the second excited state (in keV) is
(a) 150 (b) 120 (c) 90 (d) 60
Solution: As per the shell model (Collective Model)
Rotational Energies,
Er  J  J  1 , I  is moment of inertia where only even value of J are allowed
i.e., J  0 , 2 , 4 , 6 ,........
Now, for ground state J  0 , E  0 keV

For first excited stat, J  2 , E  45keV (given)

2  2 45
So, 45 keV   2  3 or,  keV (i)
2I 2I 6
Now, for second excited state, J  4
2 2
E2   4  5 (put value of from (i))
2I 2I
45 900
or, E2   20   150 keV .
6 6
Q34. Which of the following process is not allowed by the strong interaction but is allowed by
the weak interaction?
(a) K 0   0  K 0       (b) p  n  d  p  p

(c)    K 0  p  n (d) p     n   
Ans. : (a)
Solution: (1) K0  0  K0    
Charge 0 0 0 1 1 Conserved
Spin 0 0 0 0 0 Conserved
1 1
I 1 1 1 Not conserved
2 2

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1 1
I3 0  1 1  I3  1
2 2
S 1 0 1 0 0 S  1
This interaction is not allowed by strong interaction but allowed by weak interaction.

Q35. The reaction 63
Cu29  p  63
Zn30  n is followed by a prompt   decay of zinc
Zn30  63Cu29  e   ve . If the maximum energy of the position is 2.4 MeV , the Q -

value of the original reaction in MeV is nearest to

[Take the masses of electron, proton and neutron to be 0.5 MeV / c 2 ,938 MeV / c 2 and

939.5 MeV / c 2 ,respectively.]

(a) 4.4 (b) 2.4 (c) 4.8 (d) 3.4
Ans. : (a)
Solution: For 63
Zn30 63 Cu29  e   e

Q1   Zn  30e   Cu  29e  e   Zn  Cu  2e  2.4 MeV

For 63
Cu29  p  63
Zn30  n

Q0   Cu  29e   p    Zn  30e   n 

 Cu  Zn  e  p  n   Q1  2e   e  p  n  Q1  e  p  n 

 2.4   0.5  938  939.5   4.4. MeV

Q36. A deuteron d captures a charged pion   in the l  1 state, and subsequently decays into
a pair of neutrons  n  via strong interaction. Given that the intrinsic parities of   , d and

n are 1, 1 and 1 respectively, the spin wavefunction of the final state neutrons is
(a) linear combination of a singlet and a triplet
(b) singlet
(c) triplet
(d) doublet
Ans. : (b)

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Solution: Parity must conserve intersections
 d nn
The parity of the initial state is
 1 P Pd   1  1 1  1

The parity of the final state is

 1 Pn Pn   1  1 1   1  1

l l l
l  0, 2,....

because the nucleons are identical fermions, the allowed states of two nucleons are
S0 , 3 P0,1,2 corresponding to l  0 and l  1 . Thus only l  0 (singlet) is allowed.

Q37. Which of the following elementary particle processes does not conserve strangeness?
(a)  0  p  k    0 (b)    p  k 0   0

(c)  0   0  n (d) K 0      
Ans. : (d)
Solution: (a)
 0  p  k   0
S: 0 0 1 1
  p  k 0  0
S: 0 0 1 1
0  0 n
S: 0 0 0
K0     
Not conserved
S : 1 0 0

H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016
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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
NET/JRF (DEC-2018)
Q38. Assume that pion-nucleon scattering at low energies, in which isospin is conserved is
 
described by the effective interaction potential Veff  F  r  I .I N , where F  r  is a
 
function of the radial separation r and I and I N denote, respectively, the isospin

 I 3/ 2
vectors of a pion and the nucleon. The ratio of the scattering cross-sections
 I 1/ 2
3 1
corresponding to total isospins I  and is
2 2
3 1 5 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 4 4 2
Ans. : None of the options is matched.
Solution: The isospin of pion is I  1

The isospin of nucleon is I N 
3 1
 Total isospin is I  ,
2 2
There are three different  - mesons
1,1  1,   , 1, 0   0 , 1, 1   

and two nucleons, a proton and a neutron

1 1 1 1
,  P , ,  n
2 2 2 2
we can write the states corresponding I 
3 3 1 1
,  1,1 ,    p
2 2 2 2

3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 
,  1, 0 ,  1,1 ,    p   n
2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3

3 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1  2 0
,  1, 1 ,  1, 0 ,    p   n
2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3

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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
3 3 1 1
,  1, 1 ,    n
2 2 2 2
2 2
 2  1   1   2
2 2

  I 3 / 2  1             1
2 2

 3  3  3  3
2 1 1 2
 1    1  4
3 3 3 3
The states corresponding to I  are
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2  1 0
,  1,1 ,   1, 0 ,   n   p
2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 
,  1, 0 ,   1, 1 ,   n   p
2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 3
2 2
 2  1   1   1   2
2 2 2

  I 1/ 2             
 3  3   3   3   3 

2 1 1 2
    2
3 3 3 3
 I 3 / 2 4 2
Thus  
 I 1/ 2 2 1
The best possible answer is option (d)
Q39. A nucleus decays by the emission of a gamma ray from an excited state of spin parity 2
to the ground state with spin-parity 0 what is the type of the corresponding radiation?
(a) magnetic dipole (b) electric quadrupole
(c) electric dipole (d) magnetic quadrupole
Ans. : (b)
Solution: I i  2 , I  0

 L  2 and parity change

 The transition is of electric quadrupole  E2  nature.

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Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498
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Institute for NET/JRF, GATE, IIT‐JAM, M.Sc. Entrance, JEST, TIFR and GRE in Physics 
Q40. The low lying energy levels due to the vibrational excitations of an even-even nucleus are
shown in the figure below.
0 E4  1.35 MeV
2 E3  1.25 MeV
4 E2  1.17 MeV
 2E

jp E1  0.56 MeV


0 E0  0 MeV
The spin-parity j p of the level E1 is

(a) 1 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 2

Ans. : (d)
Solution: Quadrupole oscillations are the lowest order nuclear vibrational mode. The quanta of
vibrational energy are called phonons. A quadrupole phonon carries 2 units of angular

momentum. Therefore, the parity is P   1   ve


Also, the even-even ground state is O  . The 1 phonon excited state is 2 . The 2 phonons
excited states are 0 , 2 , 4 . Thus correct option is (a)

1.35 ___ 0 

1.25 ____ 2  2 -phonons
1.17 ____ 4 

0.56 ____ 2 :1 -phonon

0 ____ 0 : Ground state


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