Inventory Management System: Technical Report

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Technical Report

Inventory Management System


Zeshan Riaz
Reg# 2017-ag-4316

Advised by

Rana Muhammad Saleem







(Zeshan Riaz)

1. Advisor/Member:

(Rana M Saleem/M Zeeshan Shafi)

2. Member:

(Hafiz Muhammad Haroon)

3. Member:

(Sidra Habib)

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my teacher
Mr. Rana Muhammad Saleem for his exemplary guidance, monitoring and constant
encouragement throughout the course of this project. His contribution in stimulating
suggestions and encouragement helped me to coordinate me project especially in writing
this project.

I would also like to thank the experts who were involved in the validation survey for this
project, Mr. Hafiz Muhammad Haroon, Sidra Habib without their passionate
participations and input. Finally, I must express my very profound gratitude to my parents
and to my friends, Class Fellow’s for providing me with unfailing support and continuous
encouragement throughout my two years of study. This accomplishment could not have
been possible without them. Thank You

Zeshan Riaz

Inventory management system plays a major role in deciding the success of the production
selling and purchasing of goods of the companies.

Companies often use inventory management software to reduce their carrying costs. The
software issued to track products and parts as they are transported from a vendor to a
warehouse, between warehouses, and finally to a retail location or directly to a customer.

It is user friendly and just asks the user to follow step by step operations by giving easy to
follow options. It is fast and can perform many operations for a company.

The goal of this project is to design and develop an inventory management system to fill
existing gaps in the electronic management of inventory.


1 CHAPTER 1 ...............................................................................................................1


1.1 Statement of Problem ................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Introduction Of Inventory ......................................................................................... 3

1.3 Meaning Of Inventory: - ........................................................................................... 3

1.4 Nature Of Inventories: - ............................................................................................ 3

1.4.1 Raw Materials: - ........................................................................................................ 4

1.4.2 Work in Progress: - ................................................................................................... 4

1.4.3 Packaging Material: - ................................................................................................ 4

1.4.4 Finished Goods: - ...................................................................................................... 4

1.5 Inventory Management ............................................................................................. 4

1.6 Types Of Inventories ................................................................................................. 5

1.6.1 Manufacturing Inventory: ......................................................................................... 5

1.7 Trading Inventory: ..................................................................................................... 6

1.8 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 6

1.9 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 6

1.10 Requirements and Constraints ................................................................................... 7

1.10.1 Functional Requirements: ..................................................................................... 7

1.10.2 Authentication ....................................................................................................... 7

1.10.3 Authorization......................................................................................................... 7

1.11 Non-Functional Requirements: ................................................................................. 8

1.11.1 Hardware requirements ......................................................................................... 8

1.11.2 Software requirements........................................................................................... 8

Since EMS application is a web-based application, internet connection must be

established. ................................................................................................................ 8

The EMS software personal database model will support MySQL environment as
DBMS........................................................................................................................ 8

2 CHAPTER 2 ...............................................................................................................9

METHEDOLOGY .............................................................................................................9

2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 9

2.2 Software Development Methodology Of Choice ...................................................... 9

2.3 The Waterfall Model ................................................................................................. 9

2.3.1 Modification of Waterfall Model ............................................................................ 10

2.4 Incremental Model: ................................................................................................. 10

2.5 MS SQL (Microsoft SQL Server) ........................................................................... 12

2.6 System Design ......................................................................................................... 12

2.6.1 Use case analysis ..................................................................................................... 12

2.6.2 Class diagram .......................................................................................................... 12

2.6.3 Use case diagrams: .................................................................................................. 13

2.7 Development Tools ................................................................................................. 16

2.8 Front End Technologies .......................................................................................... 16

2.9 System and Algorithm Flowcharts .......................................................................... 16

2.10 Activity diagram ...................................................................................................... 17

2.10.1 Activity Diagram ................................................................................................. 18

2.11 System Structure Chart DFD And ERD .................................................................. 19

2.11.1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) ................................................................................. 19

2.11.2 ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (ERD) ................................................. 20

2.12 STORYBOARD ...................................................................................................... 21

2.12.1 Sequence Diagrams ............................................................................................. 21

3 CHAPTER 3 .............................................................................................................23

RESULT & DISCUSSION ..............................................................................................23

3.1 Application Interface ............................................................................................... 23

3.1.1 Login Form .............................................................................................................. 23

3.1.2 Main Menu .............................................................................................................. 23

3.1.3 Customer Registration ............................................................................................. 23

3.1.4 Add Stock ................................................................................................................ 23

3.1.5 Transaction Form .................................................................................................... 23

3.2 Login ....................................................................................................................... 24

3.3 Main Page ................................................................................................................ 25

3.4 Customer Registration ............................................................................................. 26

3.5 Add Stock ................................................................................................................ 27

3.6 Transaction Form .................................................................................................... 28

3.7 Results ..................................................................................................................... 29

3.7.1 Problems Faced ....................................................................................................... 29

3.8 Limitations .............................................................................................................. 29

3.8.1 Custom report generation ........................................................................................ 29

3.8.2 Head of Department heads all Projects ................................................................... 29

CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 30

REFERENCE ...................................................................................................................31

Figure 2.1 Waterfall Model............................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.2 Incremental Model........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.3 Use Case Diagram Stock Management ........................................................... 13
Figure 2.4 Admin Use case ............................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.5 Class Diagram ................................................................................................. 15
Figure 2.6 Activity Diagram ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 2.7 Activity Diagram ............................................................................................. 18
Figure 2.8 Authorization & Authentication DFD ............................................................ 19
Figure 2.9 Entity Relationship Diagram ........................................................................... 20
Figure 2.10 Entity Relationship Diagram ......................................................................... 20
Figure 2.11 Add new user sequence diagram ................................................................... 21
Figure 2.12 Create Projects Sequence Diagram ............................................................... 22
Figure 3.1 Log in Form ..................................................................................................... 24
Figure 3.2 Main Page Form .............................................................................................. 25
Figure 3.3 Main Page ........................................................................................................ 25
Figure 3.4 Customer Registration ..................................................................................... 26
Figure 3.5 Add Stock ........................................................................................................ 27
Figure 3.6 Transaction Form............................................................................................. 28


1.1 Statement of Problem
The current system in the company under inventory management system which doesn’t
specify the safety stock which leads to scare for stocks at emergency.

• The data are not properly updated at the end of each day’s work. Records are not
maintained properly.
• Lack of space in the warehouse
• Too much of the wrong stocks
• Too little of the profitable stocks
• Lack of budget to purchase the stocks that are really needed
• many companies still base their forecasts on just adding 10% or some arbitrary number
to last year’s performance.
• Warehouse chores are often relegated to the back burner. You must cycle-count your
stocks regularly to reduce variance.

• Determine which of your products actually make money for you – Sales people often
focus on selling the products that are easy to sell. Often these are the low margin high
volume items.

• Prevent Going out of stock – Avoid products and suppliers with very long and
unpredictable supply chains.

• Train your staff – the skills to implement the solutions above are learnable and
trainable. These are professional skills that are learned best on the job and in through
the training programs that we offer.


The basic financial aim of an enterprise is maximization of its value. At the same time, a
large both theoretical and practical meaning has the research for determinants increasing
the firm value. Most financial literature contains information about numerous factors
influencing the value. Among those factors is the net working capital and elements creating
it, such as the level of cash tied in accounts receivable, inventories and operational cash
balances. A large majority of classic financial models’ proposals, relating to the optimum
current asset’s management, were constructed with net profit maximization in view. In
order to make these models more suitable for firms, which want to maximize their value,
some of them must be reconstructed. In the sphere of inventory management, the estimation
of the influence of changes in a firm’s decisions is a compromise between limiting risk by
having greater inventory and limiting the costs of inventory. It is the essential problem of
the corporate financial management.

The basic financial inventory management aim is holding the inventory to a minimally
acceptable level in relation to its costs. Holding inventory means using capital to finance
inventory and links with inventory storage, insurance, transport, obsolescence, wasting and
spoilage costs. However, maintaining a low inventory level can, in turn, lead to other
problems with regard to meeting supply demands. The inventory management policy
decisions, create the new inventory level in a firm. It has the influence on the firm value.
It is the result of opportunity costs of money tied in with inventory and generally of costs
of inventory managing. Both the first and the second involve modification of future free
cash flows, and in consequence the firm value changes.

Inventory changes (resulting from changes in inventory management policy of the firm)
affect the net working capital level and the level of operating costs of inventory
management in a firm as well. These operating costs are result of storage, insurance,
transport, obsolescence, wasting and spoilage of inventory.

Maximization of the owners’ wealth is the basic financial goal in enterprise management.
Inventory management techniques must contribute to this goal. The modifications to both
the value-based EOQ model and value-based POQ model may be seen in this article.
Inventory management decisions are complex. Excess cash tied up in inventory burdens
the enterprise with high costs of inventory service and opportunity costs. By contrast,


higher inventory stock helps increase income from sales because customers have greater
flexibility in making purchasing decisions and the firm decrease risk of unplanned break
of production. Although problems connected with optimal economic order quantity and
production order quantity remain, we conclude that value-based modifications implied by
these two models will help managers make better value-creating decisions in inventory

1.2 Introduction Of Inventory

Inventories constitute the most significant part of current assets of a large majority of
companies in India. On an average, inventories are approximately 60% of current assets in
public limited companies in India. Because of the large size of inventories maintained by
firms, a considerable amount of feuds is required to be committed to them. It is therefore,
absolutely imperative to ménage inventories efficiently and efficiently in order to avoid
unnecessary investment. A firm neglecting the management of inventories will be
jeopardizing its long run profitability and may fail ultimately. It is possible for fore a
company to reduce its levels of inventories to a considerable degree e.g. 10 to 20 percent,
without any adverse effect on production and sales, by using simple inventory planning
and control techniques. The reduction in excessive inventory carries a favorable impact on
a company’s profitability.

1.3 Meaning Of Inventory: -

Inventory is the physical stoke of goods maintained in an organization for its smooth
sunning. In accounting language, it may mean stock of finished goods only. In a
manufacturing concern, it may include raw materials, work-in-progress and stores etc. In
the form of materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the
rendering of services.

In brief, Inventory is unconsumed or unsold goods purchased or manufactured.

1.4 Nature Of Inventories: -

Inventories are stock of the product a company is manufacturing for sale and components
that make up the product. The various forms in which inventory exist in a manufacturing
company are raw materials, work in progress and finished goods.


1.4.1 Raw Materials: -

Raw materials are those inputs that are converted into finished product though the
manufacturing process. Raw materials inventories are those units which have been
purchased and stored for future productions.

1.4.2 Work in Progress: -

These inventories are semi manufactured products. They represent products that need more
work before they become finished products for sales.

1.4.3 Packaging Material: -

Packaging material includes those items which are used for packaging of perfumery
product i.e. cap of the bottle, pump, coller,liver, box etc.

1.4.4 Finished Goods: -

Finished goods inventories are those completely manufactured products which are ready
for sale. Stock of raw materials and work in progress facilitate production. While stock of
finished goods is required for smooth marketing operation. Thus, inventories serve as a
link between the production and consumption of goods.

The levels of four kinds of inventories for a firm depend on the nature of its business. A
manufacturing firm will have substantially high levels of all three kinds of inventories,
while a retail or wholesale firm will have a very high and no raw material and work in
progress inventories. Within manufacturing firms, there will be differences. Large heavy
engineering companies produce long production cycle products, therefore they carry large
inventories. On the other hand, inventories of a consumer product company will not be
large, because of short production cycle and fast turn over.

1.5 Inventory Management

As the cost of logistics increases the manufacturers are looking to inventory management
as a way to control costs. Inventory is a term used to describe unsold goods held for sale
or raw materials awaiting manufacture. These items may be on the shelves of a store, in
the backroom or in a warehouse mile away from the point of sale. In the case of


manufacturing, they are typically kept at the factory. Any goods needed to keep things
running beyond the next few hours are considered inventory.

"Inventory" to many small business owners is one of the more visible and tangible aspects
of doing business. Raw materials, goods in process and finished goods all represent various
forms of inventory. Each type represents money tied up until the inventory leaves the
company as purchased products. Likewise, merchandise stocks in a retail store contribute
to profits only when their sale puts money into the cash register.

In a literal sense, inventory refers to stocks of anything necessary to do business. These

stocks represent a large portion of the business investment and must be well managed in
order to maximize profits. In fact, many small businesses cannot absorb the types of losses
arising from poor inventory management. Unless inventories are controlled, they are
unreliable, inefficient and costly.

Inventory management simply means the methods you use to organize, store and replace
inventory, to keep an adequate supply of goods while minimizing costs. Each location
where goods are kept will require different methods of inventory management. Keeping an
inventory, or stock of goods, is a necessity in retail. Customers often prefer to physically
touch what they are considering purchasing, so you must have items on hand. In addition,
most customers prefer to have it now, rather than wait for something to be ordered from a
distributor. Every minute that is spent down because the supply of raw materials was
interrupted costs the company unplanned expenses

1.6 Types Of Inventories

Depending up on the type of organization the inventory can be classified into two basic
types. They are as follows:

1.6.1 Manufacturing Inventory:

It is the inventory maintained by a manufacturing organization.

Manufacturing Inventory consists of following three parts:

• Raw Materials (RM) which are processed to manufacture the final product.
• Work In Progress (WIP) which refers to the intermediate product which is obtained by
processing the raw material but is not fully converted into final product.


• Finish Goods (FG) that are the fully processed final products that are being
manufactured and are ready to be dispatched.

1.7 Trading Inventory:

It is the inventory maintained by a trading organization with a purchase and sale business.
Trading Inventory consists of goods that are purchased from a supplier or manufacturer
and sold to customers with a certain margin of profit.

1.8 Objectives
The basic managerial objectives of inventory control are two-fold; first, the avoidance
over-investment or under-investment in inventories; and second, to provide the right
quantity of standard raw material to the production department at the right time.

The objectives of inventory control may be summarized as follows:

If the right type of raw material is available to the manufacturing departments at the right
time, their manufacturing efficiency is also increased. Their motivation level rises and
morale is improved. Information about availability of materials should be made
continuously available to the management so that they can do planning for procurement of
raw material.

A proper inventory control brings certain advantages and economies in purchasing also.
Every attempt has to make to effect economy in purchasing through quantity and taking
advantage to favorable markets.

1.9 Scope
Inventory management or inventory control is a very useful technique for managing the
stocks and sales records of a Super-market which is our selected domain of
implementation for the software.

The super-market stores and sales various products which includes packed foodstuffs and
drinks, milk products, glossary, decorative items, cosmetics and many other products of
day to day use.


Also there are some household goods like washing powders, cleaning equipment’s, etc.
Managing all these products, sufficient stocks, sales records, also analyzing sales and
reordering from time to time is a difficult job.

Our software helps to manage the daily sales records and assist in billing process as well.
It also includes reordering level and reordering quantity.

our software will prove to be extremely useful to adjust the purchase and sales strategies
leading to an increase in profit.

1.10 Requirements and Constraints

1.10.1 Functional Requirements:
1.10.2 Authentication
• Login- The user can login to the HRMS system with his/her username and password.
• Logout- The user can log out from the HRMS system.
• Login failure- If the user does not exist in the database or the user has not yet been
authorized by the HRMS admin.

1.10.3 Authorization
• User role check- After logging in, the user role will be checked from the database and
the user interface will be displayed according to their role.
• Automated inventory tracking: Any inventory management software should be able
to automate your inventory tracking at the least. You should be able to know the
quantity available, committed, ordered and out of stock items at just a glance. Also,
check out the method of stock tracking used in the software.
• Order management: You should also be able to create and manage sales order,
purchase orders, invoices, and bills.
• Warehouse management: If you have warehouses in multiple locations, then
inventory management software you’re signing up for should also give you a
centralized control and access to information over all your warehouses.
• Order fulfillment: Many inventory management software also provides integration
with various shipping carriers.


• Integrations: This is a very significant aspect. Along with shipping carrier

integrations, you would also need integrations with online marketplaces.

1.11 Non-Functional Requirements:

Performance requirements

There is no restriction on the number of the users to be added to the database.

1.11.1 Hardware requirements

• EMS should be able to work on a computer with the following minimum hardware
• OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8 and Linux
• CPU: Pentium III (700MHz) and above
• Memory: 128 MB and above
• Capacity: 4GB of hard drive
• Others: Network interface card, mouse, keyboard, and monitor.

1.11.2 Software requirements

• Since EMS application is a web-based application, internet connection must be
• The EMS software personal database model will support MySQL environment as

2.1 Introduction
This chapter gives a detailed outline of the software development methodology used in this
project following up the various existing software development methodology discussed in
chapter two. The strength and weaknesses of the chosen methodology have been outlined.
Further, the functional and non-functional requirements of the system are explained in
detail and the use cases which are a list of steps, typically defining interactions between a
role and a system, to achieve a goal. Class diagrams have been given to show detailed data
modeling of the system which will be translated into code.

2.2 Software Development Methodology Of Choice

Having briefly discussed a few software development methodologies in chapter two, the
incremental method was favored for the following reasons:

• It allows for development of high-risk or major functions first

• Each release delivers an operational product
• Customer can respond to each build
• Uses “divide and conquer” breakdown of tasks
• Lowers initial delivery cost
• Initial product delivery is faster
• Customers get important functionality early

2.3 The Waterfall Model

Waterfall model is a step-by-step model and it is conceded an old model. And it is
important to note that this model provides the base of all other models. And it is easy to
maintain. Because of the cascade from one phase to another, this model is known as the
waterfall model. In this model first phase must be complete before the start of next phase
so it is easy to maintain. And flows of this model is one sided so in this method we cannot
go back and iterate it. This model is also known as linear sequential model. This model is
depicted in Figure 2.1 Waterfall Model

It suggests a systematic, sequential approach to develop a system and it consists of five
stages (phases).

Real projects rarely follow the sequential flow that the model proposes. In general, these
phases overlap and feed information to each other. Hence there should be an element of
“iteration” and “feedback”. A mistake caught any stage should be referred back to the
source and all the subsequent stages need to be revisited and corresponding documents
should be updated accordingly. This feedback path is shown in the following diagram.

2.3.1 Modification of Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model is a documentation-driven model. It therefore generates complete and

comprehensive documentation and hence makes the maintenance task much easier. It
however suffers from the fact that the client feedback is received when the product is finally
delivered and hence any errors in the requirement specification are not discovered until the
product is sent to the client after completion. This therefore has major time and cost related

2.4 Incremental Model:

This approach interleaves the activities of specification, development, and validation. The
system is developed as a series of versions (increments), with each version adding
functionality to the previous version. This model is depicted in Figure 2.2 Incremental


Figure 2.1 Waterfall Model

Figure 2.2 Incremental Model

2.5 MS SQL (Microsoft SQL Server)
Microsoft SQL Server is Microsoft’s relational web hosting database used to store website
information like user information, it’s mostly used on windows servers and it is not free. It
has advanced features such as buffer management, logging and transaction, concurrency
and locking, replication services, integration services, stored procedures and triggers. MS
SQL databases work well with C# and also integrate well with other Microsoft products.
MS SQL has been used to support large enterprise applications worldwide, its most
common use is to store data for Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems in
large organization that need to keep track of their customers data for example mobile phone
service providers, this database though is not platform independent and is also expensive
to implement. A lot of web-based help desk systems around the world created using
ASP.NET or C# are all supported by MS SQL database.

2.6 System Design

2.6.1 Use case analysis
A use case defines a goal-oriented set of interactions between external users and the system
under consideration or development. Thus, a Use Case Scenario is a description that
illustrates, step by step, how a user is intending to use a system, essentially capturing the
system behavior from the user's point of view.

In order to create relevant use cases for the system, the following actors for the system
have been identified

• Head Of Department (HOD)

• Human Resource (HR)
• Admin
2.6.2 Class diagram
In the class diagram below, the Employee and Admin classes inherit from the User class.
The employee class is also parent class to Human Resource class, Head of Department
class and Ordinary employee class. An ordinary employee may include lecturers,
accountants and all other employees that do not interact with the system with many
privileges. These employees carry out the same operations.

2.6.3 Use case diagrams:

Figure 2.3 Use Case Diagram Stock Management


Figure 2.4 Admin Use case


Figure 2.5 Class Diagram

2.7 Development Tools
This part of the chapter is an account of the technologies that could be used in the
development of the system.

2.8 Front End Technologies

Front end-is a term used to characterize program interfaces and services relative to the
initial user of these interface and services. It usually refers to the client side of an
application. A front-end application is one that users interact with directly. Turban et al
(2008, p45) defines front end as the portion of an e-seller’s portal, electronic catalogs, a
shopping cart, a search engine and a payment gateway.

2.9 System and Algorithm Flowcharts

Activity Diagrams are used to model different aspects of a system. The following activity
diagram is used to model the leave application function.

2.10 Activity diagram

Figure 2.6 Activity Diagram

2.10.1 Activity Diagram

Figure 2.7 Activity Diagram

2.11 System Structure Chart DFD And ERD
2.11.1 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Figure 2.8 Authorization & Authentication DFD


Figure 2.10 Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 2.9 Entity Relationship Diagram


2.13.1 Sequence Diagrams
Sequence diagrams help in the identification of a detailed level of the operations required
to implement the functionality depicted by a use case model.

Scenario 1: Admin add new Stock

• The user logs in by providing correct username and password.

• If username and password are not found on the database access into the system is

• If the credentials are identical to the ones found on the database, access is granted.

Figure 2.11 Add new user sequence diagram


Scenario 2: Admin Create Projects

• The user logs in by providing correct username and password.

• If username and password are not found on the database access into the system is

• If the credentials are identical to the ones found on the database, access is granted.

• The user creates a project and assigns members.

• The user input is written to the database.

Figure 2.12 Create Projects Sequence Diagram



3.1 Application Interface
3.1.1 Login Form

This is the first page of inventory management system. This is a admin log in page in this
module Enter username and password if both are correct then display main page otherwise
display error. We can also reset the password. Login Form as shown in Figure 3.1 Log in

3.1.2 Main Menu

This figure is about Inventory Management System. This is the front page of Employee
management system. There are different modules is this picture. Each Module has its own
functionality. There are six modules in this figure are as follows. Main Form as shown in
Figure 3.3 Main Page

3.1.3 Customer Registration

This model is about registration of customer. In this model we registered the customer.
Each customer has its own Id we can also search update delete record of customer using
customer ID. Customer Registration form as shown in Figure 3.4 Customer Registration

3.1.4 Add Stock

This module is about add stock. In this module we enter the stock that we have purchased
from the company. There are different fields in this form we fill the field according to
stock. And also check the stock is available or not.Add Stock form as shown in Figure 3.5
Add Stock

3.1.5 Transaction Form

This Module is about Transaction. In this module we enter the transaction record that we
have sale and purchase. All the transaction saves in this form. We can also delete search
update transaction. Transaction form as shown in Figure 3.6 Transaction Form

3.2 Login

Figure 3.1 Log in Form


3.3 Main Page

Figure 3.3 Main Page

Figure 3.2 Main Page Form


3.4 Customer Registration

Figure 3.4 Customer Registration

3.5 Add Stock

Figure 3.5 Add Stock


3.6 Transaction Form

Figure 3.6 Transaction Form

3.7 Results
The software product produced was fairly good, it achieved most of the user requirements,
the user interface is good and is very easy to navigate, and even novice users can find their
way around the web application easily. The client-side validation is excellent. The lack of
integration with a payroll system is the major drawback and the system was also unable to
generate structured reports i.e. reports based on specific information the Human Resource
is interested in.

3.7.1 Problems Faced

The biggest challenge faced was getting hold of Stock information for Organization. The
project was initially aimed at implementing an inventory system for UNZA but that proved
to be a challenge because information is very critical. This led to the implementation of a
generic system thereby drawing a few assumptions were possible meaning that
requirements kept on changing as different views were put into consideration as compared
to software which has a specific customer

3.8 Limitations
3.8.1 Custom report generation
In the designed system, the Admin can generate a report containing all the information
from supplier, sale and purchase credit. Sometimes, the admin may be looking for specific
data information e.g. stock credit, marketing and location in cases where a transfer is to be
made, this poses a challenge because the admin will always have to generate a report of all
the information about an inventory, some of which may be not be needed.

3.8.2 Head of Department heads all Projects

The head of department creates a project and assigns tasks to a project team; therefore, he
becomes the project manager. This brings about a challenge in cases where a project must
be managed by an employee that does not have the role of head of department.


“Inventory control is exercise when you order an item. If you do a poor job then everything
after is inventory correction”

Inventory is the physical asset of a company that can create problem if there is shortage,
while in production and also if it’s in excess even after production. Inventory is constantly
changing as quantities are sold and replenished.

Hence it can be understood that efficient inventory management can take the company to
new heights and inefficient inventory management can ruin the company.

Company is highly concentrated on domestic market; it increases the market level of

company because trend of domestic market is changing.

The study on Inventory management in SFP Sons (India) Pvt. Ltd about A BC analysis for
items is predicting future inventory requirements etc.
From the study it is predicted that future sales have to be achieved and inventory level have
to be maintained.
ABC Analysis was carried out to identify the fast moving and important items.
The company has to periodically review the inventory to avoid production loss.
The results of the study can be further extended for future research.

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• TECH HRM (Human Resource Management System), Retrieved: November 4,
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• Centralized Inventory Information, Retrieved: July 8th, 2014. From:
• HR and Inventory Management Software, Retrieved: July 8th, 2014. From:
• What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)? Webopedia. Retrieved: January 17,
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• Zhiming, L, July 2002, Object-Oriented Software Development with UML
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