SMMT AQMS FMEA Alignment AIAG and VDA - en PDF
SMMT AQMS FMEA Alignment AIAG and VDA - en PDF
SMMT AQMS FMEA Alignment AIAG and VDA - en PDF
-Büro Pfeufer
New global FMEA standard
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– FMEA Alignment AIAG and VDA –
Join the conversation: #AQMS2018
Status November 2018
FMEA Alignment
Project Leader:
AIAG: Scott Gray
VDA: Jochen Pfeufer
FMEA Alignment of AIAG and VDA
Currently suppliers providing products to both N.A. OEM's and German are
required to assess their products' failure modes and effects differently, based
on differences between the Severity, Occurrence, and Detection rating tables in
the AIAG and VDA FMEA Manuals.
This causes confusion and adds complexity to the product development and
product improvement activities of the suppliers.
A common set of FMEA requirements/expectations will enable suppliers to have
a single FMEA business process and associated set of methods and tools to
produce robust, accurate and complete FMEA's that would meet the needs and
expectations of any of their customers.
Comparison of the FMEA Manual
AIAG and VDA (Ford, GM, FCA)
Main focus of the project was the standardization of the criteria
„severity“, „occurrence“ and „detection“ within the ranking tables.
During the discussion of the issues in the industry the team members of
AIAG and VDA agrees that would be a good opportunity to harmonize and
standardize other parts of the manual in addition.
Continental Teves AG Knorr-Bremse SfN GmbH
Daimler AG Nexteer Automotive*
Daimler Truck North America* ON Semiconductor
FCA US LLC Opel Automobile GmbH
Ford Motor Company Robert Bosch GmbH
General Motors* Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co KG
Honda of America Mfg., Inc. VOLKSWAGEN AG
Ing.-Büro Pfeufer (on behalf of VDA-QMC) ZF Friedrichshafen AG
Projects meeting and face to face meetings (1/3)
First contacts November 2014
Since May 2015 regular conference calls
(weekly / bi-weekly)
Meeting in CW 07/2016 (AIAG)
Design FMEA main results
Review of AIAG and VDA approach
Definition of 6 step approach
Clarification of inputs and outputs of the 6 steps
Review of Ranking Charts (S, O, and D)
RPN is replaced by Action Priority (AP)
DFMEA: Classification column special characteristics deleted
Projects meeting and face to face meetings (2/3)
Meeting in CW 17/2016 (VDA)
Process FMEA main results
Review of Process AIAG and VDA
Chapter Introduction
Disposition of PFMEA as 6 step approach
PFMEA: Classification column special characteristics remains
RPN is replaced by Action Priority (AP)
Projects meeting and face to face meetings (3/3)
Meeting in CW 04/2017 (AIAG)
Supplemental FMEA-MSR main results
Added chapter
“Supplemental FMEA for Monitoring and System Response (FMEA-MSR)”
Included comments to the draft of the team members/companies
Detailing of the rank charts
Review and revision of the chapters
Meeting in CW 12/2018 (VDA) after yellow book phase
Comments from Stakeholder
Disposition of Feedback
Review of all chapters
Editorial and technical revision
6 Steps of FMEA
D1: DFMEA Rank Chart Severity (S)
Product General Evaluation Criteria Severity S Corporate or Product
Line Examples
SEV Potential Failure Effects rated according to what the End User might experience
10 Affects safe operation of the vehicle and/or other vehicles, the health of operator or
passenger(s) or road users or pedestrians.
9 Noncompliance with regulations.
8 Loss of essential vehicle function necessary for normal driving during expected service life.
7 Degradation of essential vehicle function necessary for normal driving during expected
service life.
6 Loss of convenience function.
5 Degradation of convenience function.
4 Perceived quality of appearance, sound or haptics unacceptable to most customers
1 No discernible effect.
D2: DFMEA Rank Chart Occurrence (O) (Extract)
Occurrence Potential O for the Product Design
Use of Best Practices for product de-sign,
Occurrence criteria for potential Design Rules, Company Standards, Lessons
Failure Causes resulting in the Learned, Industry Standards, Material
History of product usage with-in the
Failure Mode, considering Specifications, Government Regulations and
company (Novelty of design, application or
Prevention Controls, rated for the effectiveness of prevention oriented analytical
use case)
intended service life of the tools including Computer Aided Engineering,
item(Qualitative rating) Math Modeling, Simulation Studies, and
Tolerance Stacks
OCC Estimated Occurrence Product Experience Prevention Controls
Occurrence during intended service First application of new technology anywhere
life cannot be determined at this without operating experience and / or under Standards do not exist and best practices have not
10 time, no preventive controls, or uncontrolled operating conditions. Use Case or yet been determined. Analysis is not able to predict
occurrence during intended service operating conditions vary widely and cannot be field performance.
life of the item is extremely high. reliably predicted.
9 DETECTION CAPABILITY: General test procedure not designed to specifically detect the cause and/or failure mode.
DETECTION CAPABILITY: Procedure is uncertain and/or there is limited experience with the new procedure.
TIMING: Post technical release and prior to production launch.
DETECTION CAPABILITY: Procedure is uncertain and/or there is limited experience with the modified procedure.
TIMING: Post technical release and prior to production launch.
DETECTION CAPABILITY: Proven product design and development verification procedure with new usage profile.
TIMING: Prior to technical release.
DETECTION CAPABILITY: Proven product design and development verification procedure with same usage profile as previous product.
TIMING: Prior to technical release.
DETECTION CAPABILITY: Detection of Causes (including Noise Factors) with virtual analysis which are highly correlated to operating
2 conditions and physical testing with high confidence.
TIMING: Prior to technical release.
1 Detection of Causes (including Noise Factors) Previously validated.
P1: PFMEA Rank Chart Severity (S) (Extract)
Process General Evaluation Criteria Severity S
Failure Effects rated for Manufacturing, Assembly, and End User as shown in PFMEA
SEV Your Process Ownership The Next Process Ownership(s) End User (when known)
Your Plant (when known) Ship to Plant Customer
10 Failure may endanger operator (machine Failure may endanger operator (machine Affects safe operation of the vehicle
or assembly), Possible long-term effects or assembly), Possible long-term effects and/or other vehicles, the health of
on health of production associates on health of production associates operator or passenger(s) or road
users or pedestrians.
9 Failure may result in in-plant regulatory Failure may result in in-plant regulatory Noncompliance with regulations.
noncompliance noncompliance
8 100% of product affected may have to be Line shutdown greater than full Loss of essential vehicle function
scrapped. production shift. Stop shipment possible. necessary for normal driving during
Field repair or replacement required expected service life.
(Assembly to End User) other than for
regulatory noncompliance.
… … … …
1 No discernible effect Defective product triggers no reaction No discernible effect.
plan. Additional defective products not
likely. Sort not required. Feedback to
© VDA QMC supplier not required.
P2: PFMEA Rank Chart Occurrence (O) (Extract)
Occurrence Potential O for the Process
Occurrence criteria for potential Failure Causes resulting in the Failure Mode within the manufacturing or assembly plant. Consider the
criteria in the Process Experience column and Prevention Controls column, when determining the best Occurrence estimate. There is no
need to evaluate and assign ratings to each of the individual factors.
Use of best practices for process design, fixture and
Occurrence rating considering process tool design and/or effectiveness of set-up and
History of process usage within
experience and prevention calibration procedures, error-proofing verifications,
the company
controls(Qualitative rating) preventive maintenance, work instructions, and
statistical process control charting
OCC Estimated Occurrence Process Experience Prevention Controls
Occurrence during manufacturing or
New process without
assembly cannot be determined, no
10 experience. New product Best practices and procedures do not exist.
preventive controls, or occurrence during
manufacturing or assembly is extremely high.
Error (Failure Cause) detection in-station through use of controls that will detect error and prevent discrepant product
from being produced. Proven testing or inspection method from identical processes under the same
2 Very high operating/boundary conditions (machines, material). Test/inspection/measuring equipment capability from identical
processes confirmed through gauge repeatability and reproducibility evaluations. The required error proofing
verification is performed.
Discrepant product cannot be physically produced due to design (part geometry) or process (fixture or tooling design).
1 Almost certain
The effectiveness was demonstrated on this product.
Design FMEA Action Priority (AP) (Extract)
S O D AP Justification for Action Priority - DFMEA
High priority due to safety and/or regulatory effects
9-10 6-10 1-10 H
that have a high or very high occurrence rating
High priority due to safety and/or regulatory effects
9-10 4-5 7-10 H
that have a moderate occurrence rating and high detection rating
5-8 4-5 5-6 H High priority due to the loss or degradation of an essential or convenience vehicle
function that has a moderate occurrence rating and moderate detection rating
Medium priority due to the loss or degradation of an essential or convenience vehicle
5-8 4-5 1-4 M
function that has a moderate occurrence and low detection rating
DFMEA Form (Software)
PFMEA Form (Spreadsheet)
PFMEA Form (Software)
6 Steps of Supplement FMEA-MSR
MSR1: Rank Chart Severity (S) FMEA-MSR
Product General Evaluation Criteria Severity S Corporate or Product
Line Examples
SEV Potential Failure Effects rated according to what the End User might experience
10 Affects safe operation of the vehicle and/or other vehicles, the health of operator or
passenger(s) or road users or pedestrians.
9 Noncompliance with regulations.
8 Loss of essential vehicle function necessary for normal driving during expected service life.
7 Degradation of essential vehicle function necessary for normal driving during expected
service life.
6 Loss of convenience function.
5 Degradation of convenience function.
4 Perceived quality of appearance, sound or haptics unacceptable to most customers
3 Perceived quality of appearance, sound or haptics unacceptable to many customers
2 Perceived quality of appearance, sound or haptics unacceptable to some customers
1 No discernible effect.
MSR2: Rank Chart Frequency (F) FMEA-MSR
Supplemental FMEA for Monitoring and System Response (FMEA-MSR)
Frequency criteria (F) for the likelihood of occurrence of the cause in relevant operating situations during the
design life of the vehicle
FRQ Frequency criteria
10 Frequency unknown or known to be unacceptably high during the design life of the vehicle
9 Failure cause is likely to occur during the design life of the vehicle
8 Failure cause may occur often in the field during the design life of the vehicle
7 Failure cause may occur frequently in the field during the design life of the vehicle
6 Failure cause may occur somewhat frequently in the field during the design life of the vehicle
5 Failure cause may occur occasionally in the field during the design life of the vehicle
4 Failure cause may occur rarely in the field during the design life of the vehicle
3 Failure cause is predicted to occur in isolated cases in the field during the design life of the vehicle
2 Failure cause is predicted to be significantly below the acceptance level but isolated cases cannot be excluded during
the design life of the vehicle
1 Failure cause cannot occur or is predicted to be significantly below the acceptance level during the design life of the
vehicle. Rationale is available.
MSR3: Rank Chart Monitoring (M) FMEA-MSR
Supplemental FMEA for Monitoring and System Response (FMEA-MSR)
Monitoring Criteria (M) for Failure Causes, Failure Modes and Failure Effects by Monitoring during Customer Operation
MON Monitoring criteria
10 The fault/error/failure cannot be detected at all or not during the fault tolerant time interval. No monitoring / diagnosis of the function by
the system.
9 The fault/error/failure can almost never be detected in relevant operating conditions. The response may not reliably occur during the fault
tolerant time interval.
8 The fault/error/failure can be detected in very few relevant operating conditions. The response may not always occur during the fault
tolerant time interval.
7 Low probability of detecting the fault/error/failure and/or responding during the fault tolerant time interval by the system or the driver.
6 The fault/error/failure will be detected by the system or the driver and respond in many operating conditions.
5 The fault/error/failure will be detected by the system or the driver and respond in very many operating conditions.
4 The fault/error/failure will be detected by the system or the driver and respond in most operating conditions.
3 The fault/error/failure will be automatically detected by the system and respond during the fault tolerant time interval with a high
2 The fault/error/failure will always be detected automatically by the system and respond during the fault tolerant time interval in all relevant
operating conditions.
1 The fault/error/failure will always be detected automatically by the system and respond during the fault tolerant time interval and in any
operating condition.
FMEA-MSR Action Priority Logic (AP) (Extract)
S F M AP FMEA-MSR Action Priority Logic Remarks
Poor monitoring leads to violation of safety
10 3-10 4-10 H Safety requirements not fulfilled.
10 4-10 3 H Safety and reliability requirements not fulfilled.
Good monitoring leads to warnings and
Reliability requirements not fulfilled. Safety
10 5-10 1-2 H unscheduled workshop visits. Reputation of
requirements fulfilled.
product and company at risk.
3-2 5-6 1-6 L Nuisance warnings with moderate frequency Poor perceived quality
3-2 2-4 1-10 L Nuisance warnings with low frequency Poor perceived quality
1 1-10 1-10 L No discernible effect
FMEA Action Priority (AP)
Action Priority (AP) Action Expectation
High The team must either identify an appropriate action to improve
prevention and / or detection controls or justify and document why
current controls are adequate.
Medium The team should identify appropriate actions to improve prevention and /
or detection controls, or, at the discretion of the company, justify and
document why controls are adequate.
Handling of existing FMEA
Existing FMEAs conducted with an earlier version of the FMEA handbook
may remain in their original form for subsequent revisions.
Optionally, the team may decide to transfer the data to the latest form and
update the FMEA in accordance with the latest FMEA procedure, in order to
take advantage of improvements associated with the latest FMEA procedure.
FMEA that will be used as a starting point for new program applications
should be converted to comply with the new format.
However, if the team determines that the new program is considered a minor
change to the existing product, they may decide to leave the FMEA in the
existing format.
New projects should follow this FMEA procedure if not otherwise defined
unless company procedure defines a different approach.
Know-How Protection of Design and Process FMEA
The sharing of intellectual property between suppliers and customers is
governed by legal agreements between suppliers and customers and is
beyond the scope of this handbook.
However, unless otherwise required by contractual agreement, for
reasons of Intellectual Property (IP) protection the DFMEAs and PFMEAs
prepared by suppliers for standard or "off the shelf" products should
generally be considered proprietary information not given to the
Such information may be shown upon requested by special agreement.
Statement of FMEA Presentation
The presentation represents the status of the yellow print of the AIAG VDA FMEA Handbook.
This presentation status is not fixed and nonbinding.
The open industry stakeholder review of the draft version of the AIAG VDA FMEA Handbook,
1st Edition, has been completed.
Thousands of comments/responses were received from FMEA practitioners around the world. The
AIAG and VDA are collaborating diligently to review and disposition all stakeholder comments.
The final AIAG VDA FMEA Handbook is scheduled for release in late 2018.
Trainings to the new manual of FMEA in 2018 will be provided after release of the final manual
(Red Print) by AIAG, VDA-QMC, and their licensees.
Therefore, any training being offered prior to publication is invalid, inaccurate, and potentially
misleading as it is based on the first draft version of the document.
Supplier efforts to implement or transition to the new AIAG-VDA FMEA methodology should only occur
after the new handbook is published.
Ing.-Büro Pfeufer
New global FMEA standard
Your Workshop Title Goes Here
– FMEA Alignment AIAG and VDA –
Join the conversation: #AQMS2018