Childhood Poverty Chronic Stress Self-Regulation and Coping

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Childhood Poverty, Chronic Stress, Self-Regulation,

and Coping
Gary W. Evans1 and Pilyoung Kim2
Cornell University and 2University of Denver

ABSTRACT—Poverty is a powerful factor that can alter Today, nearly one in four American children grows up in poverty
lifetime developmental trajectories in cognitive, socioemo- (U.S. Census, 2011), with worldwide levels much higher. Poverty
tional, and physical health outcomes. Most explanatory work and other markers of disadvantage are powerful variables that
on the underlying psychological processes of how poverty can alter developmental trajectories, including cognitive develop-
affects development has focused on parental investment and ment (Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997; Heckman, 2006), socio-
parenting practices, principally responsiveness. Our primary emotional development (Bradley & Corwyn, 2002; Conger &
objective in this article was to describe a third, complemen- Donnellan, 2007; Grant et al., 2003), and physical health (Chen,
tary pathway—chronic stress and coping—that may also Matthews, & Boyce, 2002; Evans, Chen, Miller, & Seeman,
prove helpful in understanding the developmental impacts of 2012; Miller, Chen, & Parker, 2011), throughout life.
early childhood poverty throughout life. Disadvantaged chil- In the last two decades, many scholars have investigated the
dren are more likely than their wealthier peers to confront a underlying psychological processes that explain why childhood
wide array of physical stressors (e.g., substandard housing, poverty has such pervasive ill effects on human development.
chaotic environments) and psychosocial stressors (e.g., fam- Most of this research has focused on two pathways that are com-
ily turmoil, separation from adult caregivers). As exposure to plementary to the one we describe in this article. The first path-
stressors accumulates, physiological response systems that way to explain why poor children lag behind their more affluent
are designed to handle relatively infrequent, acute environ- peers is parental investment. One reason poverty is inimical for
mental demands are overwhelmed. Chronic cumulative stres- children is because children in poverty have less cognitively
sors also disrupt the self-regulatory processes that help stimulating environments, with less available print media, fewer
children cope with external demands. age-appropriate toys, fewer informal learning venues, fewer edu-
cational digital materials, and more exposure to television (Brad-
KEYWORDS—poverty; stress; self-regulation; coping
ley & Corwyn, 2002; Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997; Evans,
2004). Poor children also live in impoverished language envi-
ronments where fewer words are spoken and parents read to
them less often (Hoff, Laursen, & Tardif, 2002).
A second pathway linking poverty to human development is
Gary W. Evans, Departments of Design & Environmental Analysis
and of Human Development, Cornell University; Pilyoung Kim, the tendency of lower income parents to engage in harsher and
Department of Psychology, University of Denver. less responsive interactions with their children (Bradley &
This work has been supported by the W. T. Grant Foundation, the Corwyn, 2002; Conger & Donnellan, 2007; Grant et al., 2003).
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network Low-income families have more conflict and hostility, and are
on Socioeconomic Status and Health, and the National Institute on more likely to rely on corporal punishment than more affluent
Minority Health and Health Disparities of the National Institutes of families. Less responsive parenting in disadvantaged families
Health (5RC2MD00467).
includes less attention and social support to children’s emotional
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to needs as well as less instrumental support, such as helping chil-
Gary W. Evans, Departments of Design & Environmental Analysis
dren with school work or providing information or material assis-
and of Human Development, College of Human Ecology, Cornell
University, Ithaca, NY 14853-4401; e-mail: [email protected]. tance (e.g., less help finding part-time work and applying to
college, less available money).
© 2012 The Authors
Child Development Perspectives © 2012 The Society for Research in Child Development A third, but less well-studied pathway that may underlie
DOI: 10.1111/cdep.12013 childhood poverty and development is elevated chronic stress.

Volume 7, Number 1, 2013, Pages 43–48

44 Gary W. Evans and Pilyoung Kim

According to the model we summarize, disadvantaged children et al., 2003). Furthermore, many urban poor children live in
must contend with a wide array of stressors that strain and even- neighborhoods and attend schools made up mostly of low-
tually damage their biological and psychological regulatory income individuals (Brooks-Gunn, Duncan, & Aber, 1997). We
systems. In the rest of this article, we summarize two major com- know little at this time about the cross-level interactions of child
ponents of the chronic stress model of childhood poverty. In the and parent stressors or the potential interactions between
first section, we show that some of the harmful effects of child- stressors in the household and those in the low-income neigh-
hood poverty are caused by elevated environmental demands borhoods in which poor children live and the schools they
that strain the biological response systems that maintain organ- attend.
isms’ equilibrium. In the second section, we show that childhood One implication of the ecological context of childhood poverty
poverty also damages self-regulatory capacities that help chil- is that disadvantaged children not only face a greater confluence
dren manage environmental demands. of cumulative risk factors but do so across multiple domains of
risk. Physical and psychosocial environments are more likely to
CHILDHOOD POVERTY AND CHRONIC STRESS be inadequate across the settings directly experienced by the
child (e.g., home, child care, school, and neighborhood). More-
Environment of Childhood Poverty over, these settings are often embedded in relatively more
One reason poverty is stressful for children is because of the impoverished contexts inhabited by other important adults and
environments in which they grow up. Numerous social and phys- peers in the child’s life. For example, parents are more likely to
ical stressors are correlated with income, including family con- work in unhealthy settings that are also more stressful. Thus,
flict and turmoil, family dissolution, maternal depression, disadvantaged children experience more suboptimal environ-
exposure to violence, as well as elevated parental harshness and mental conditions and do so in a wider array of developmentally
diminished parental responsiveness (Bradley & Corwyn, 2002; salient contexts.
Conger & Donnellan, 2007; Grant et al., 2003). Poor children
are also more likely to live in homes that are more chaotic, with Chronic Physiological Stress
greater structural problems, noise, crowding, toxins, and aller- Another reason to consider chronic stress as an underlying
gens. Poor children live in neighborhoods that have less social mechanism linking poverty to child development is physiologi-
capital; are exposed to more toxins and pollutants, crime, and cal outcomes. For most chronic diseases, early childhood depri-
street traffic; and have fewer places to engage in physical activ- vation predicts morbidity in adulthood, regardless of whether
ity and less access to healthy foods (Evans, 2004). there is later upward social mobility. These outcomes might
Exposure to multiple stressors may be a signature feature of reflect the idea that deprivation is embedded early in life, per-
childhood poverty with far-reaching consequences. Not only manently scarring individuals or leading to a history of multiple
are poor children likely to be exposed to higher levels of each insults that accumulate to do damage (Cohen, Janicki-Deverts,
of the many individual psychosocial and physical stressors Chen, & Matthews, 2010; Evans et al., 2012; Miller et al.,
listed previously, they are especially likely to be exposed to a 2011). Current research has suggested that both perspectives
confluence of multiple stressors. This is important because are possible.
exposure to multiple risk factors outweighs the adverse devel- A principal pathway for how poverty influences physical dis-
opmental sequelae of being exposed to a single risk (Evans & ease is elevated chronic physiological stress. Relative to their
Kim, 2010; Sameroff, Seifer, & McDonough, 2004). For exam- more advantaged peers, low-income children have more sympa-
ple, accumulation of risk exposures throughout childhood thetic nervous activity (e.g., elevated blood pressure), more
mediates the link between social class at birth and middle-age elevated hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis (HPA) activity
social attainment (Schoon et al., 2002). Similarly, elevated (e.g., dysregulated cortisol), more dysregulated metabolic
cumulative risk exposure mediates the link between poverty activity (e.g., elevated adiposity), and greater inflammation
and chronic physiological stress (e.g., resting blood pressure, indicative of compromised immune function (e.g., elevated
overnight stress hormones) as well as multiple markers of psy- cytokines; Chen et al., 2002; Evans et al., 2012; Miller et al.,
chological well being (e.g., symptoms of aggression, anxiety, 2011). These income-related alterations in markers of chronic
and depression, self-regulatory ability, learned helplessness) stress with well-documented physical morbidity outcomes can
(Evans & English, 2002; Evans, Gonnella, Marcynyszyn, Gen- begin early. For example, as shown in Figure 1, family poverty
tile, & Salpekar, 2005). elevates basal cortisol measures beginning at 7 months through
Not only are low-income children themselves more likely to age 4 (Blair, Raver, Granger, Mills-Koonce, & Hibel, 2011).
experience a greater array of physical and psychosocial stres- A more useful indicator of chronic stress, allostatic load
sors, their parents and peers are more apt to be confronted by (McEwen & Gianaros, 2010; Seeman, Epel, Gruenewald,
many of the same environmental demands. Poverty-related stress Karlamangla, & McEwen, 2010), reflects chronic wear and tear
affects parents’ competencies as well as interpersonal relation- on the body caused by the mobilization of multiple systems as
ships among family members (Conger & Donnellan, 2007; Grant they respond to changing environmental demands. Allostatic

Child Development Perspectives, Volume 7, Number 1, 2013, Pages 43–48

Poverty, Stress, and Coping 45

-1.70 stress. In one study (Miller et al., 2011), genes controlled by the
glucocorticoid receptor were less active among those who grew
up in low-income households. Because cortisol levels were
equivalent across groups, the study concluded that this was evi-
Log Cortisol (μg/dl)

dence of glucocorticoid insensitivity, which occurs when cells

-1.90 do not fully register cortisol signals through the glucocorticoid
receptor, yielding a more reactive physiological stress response.
-2.00 In addition, the severity of asthma is related to the overexpres-
sion of genes that regulate inflammatory processes and to stress
responses among children living in poor families, but not among
those living in affluent families.
In addition to poverty-related stress directly altering genetic
-2.20 phenotypes, genes can also moderate children’s vulnerability to
7 months 15 months 24 months 48 months the chronic physiological stress that goes along with disadvan-
tage. Chronic stressors accompanying poverty, such as parental
Figure 1. Resting cortisol levels among low- and middle-income children insensitivity, chaos, family instability, and financial pressure,
from age 7 months through age 4. each interacting with specific genetic polymorphisms to alter
Note. Data adapted from Blair et al. (2011). The solid line denotes low
income; the dashed line denotes middle income. vulnerability (Kim & Evans, 2011). As an illustration, in one
study, allostatic load for low-income African American adoles-
cents was significantly elevated only among the subset of young
adults with the short allele of a serotonin transporter gene
Cumulative Risk
13 yrs (5-HTTLPR; Brody et al., in press). This variant of the gene is
b = 1.26* b = .18* associated with hypervigilance and high reactivity to environ-
mental events, including chronic stress. Low-income youth with
Proportion Life in Allostatic Load the long allele did not manifest elevated allostatic load. In
Poverty 17 yrs
0 – 9 yrs b = .48* summary, low-income children experience elevated chronic
(b = .24) physiological stress that’s caused, in part, by the higher levels of
cumulative risk factors they encounter.
Figure 2. The mediating effects of cumulative risk at age 13 (additive com-
posite of housing quality, crowding, noise, family turmoil, child separation CHILDHOOD POVERTY, SELF-REGULATION, AND
from family, and exposure to violence) between proportion of life in poverty COPING
(birth to age 9) and allostatic load at age 17, statistically controlling for allo-
static load at age 9.
Note. Data adapted from Evans and Kim (2012). Childhood poverty not only increases stress levels but interferes
with regulatory systems that enable children to manage the
many environmental demands typically accompanying poverty.
load, which is typically assessed by indices of cumulative physi- Self-regulation and coping rely on multiple processes—attention
ological dysregulation across multiple response systems (e.g., control, working memory, inhibitory control, delay of gratifica-
elevated HPA, elevated SAM, poor metabolic control, elevated tion, and planning—that can be directly compromised by
inflammation), is elevated among poor children (Evans & chronic stress (Blair, 2010; Blair & Raver, 2012).
Schamberg, 2009; Goodman, McEwen, Huang, Dolan, & Adler,
2005; Worthman & Panter-Brick, 2008). Childhood Poverty and Self-Regulation
Furthermore, as seen in Figure 2, the prospective longitudinal Low-income children have multiple self-regulatory deficits.
relation between early childhood poverty and elevated allostatic Their parents and teachers rate them as less competent in
load in young adults is mediated by cumulative risk exposure self-control, they have more trouble delaying gratification, they
during adolescence (Evans & Kim, 2012). Similar findings on manifest attentional-control problems, they exhibit weaker
cumulative risk exposure mediation have been documented inhibitory control, and they have diminished capacity for work-
across a wide range of individual indices of physiological stress ing memory (Blair, 2010; Blair & Raver, 2012; Evans et al.,
(Evans & Kim, 2010). Thus, not only does childhood poverty 2005; Hackman, Farah, & Meaney, 2010). Moreover, some of
increase chronic physiological stress, some of these effects may the adverse impacts of poverty on children’s self-regulatory
be accounted for by elevated cumulative risk exposure among skills are moderated by self-regulatory skills: Low-income chil-
disadvantaged children. dren with better self-regulatory skills are more resilient to
Experiencing deprivation in early childhood may also influ- adverse psychological outcomes (Blair, 2010; Blair & Raver,
ence the expression of genes involved in responses to chronic 2012).

Child Development Perspectives, Volume 7, Number 1, 2013, Pages 43–48

46 Gary W. Evans and Pilyoung Kim

Childhood Poverty and Coping Strategies tion. Childhood deprivation has been linked to reduced hippo-
Childhood poverty is also associated with maladaptive campal volume, exaggerated amygdala responses to adverse
coping strategies among older children and youth. Coping stimuli, altered prefrontal cortical (PFC) activity and structure
strategies that engage environmental demands tend to be (including reductions in volume), and disrupted connectivity
adaptive. For example, active engagement by solving between the PFC and amygdala. Chronic stress accompanying
problems or seeking support protects children from the childhood poverty appears capable of disrupting top-down con-
adverse effects of stressors on mental health (Compas, trol of emotional responses while simultaneously heightening
Connor-Smith, Saltzman, Thomsen, & Wadsworth, 2001). amygdala sensitivity to negative emotions such as anger (Hack-
In contrast, efforts to disengage, such as avoidance or man et al., 2010; McEwen & Gianaros, 2010).
withdrawal, are associated with elevated internalizing and
externalizing symptoms in children exposed to various SUMMARY AND NEXT STEPS
stressors (Compas et al., 2001).
Low-income adolescents are more likely to use disengagement We are beginning to understand some of the reasons why child-
coping strategies, which has been found to elevate internalizing, hood poverty is harmful for human development over the course
externalizing, and social difficulties among low-income children of life. Prior work has focused on underlying pathways associ-
and adolescents (Wolff, Wadsworth, & Santiago, 2010). How- ated with parenting, particularly investments in cognitive
ever, low-income children who rely primarily on engagement enrichment along with parental responsiveness and warmth.
coping strategies, such as problem solving or cognitive reap- Emerging research suggests a third, complementary pathway
praisal in response to poverty-related stress, exhibit fewer between childhood poverty and human well-being—elevated
adverse psychological symptoms (Wolff et al., 2010). Reframing chronic stress. Disadvantaged children are more likely to have
the meaning of stressors as less threatening and holding more to deal with multiple, suboptimal physical and psychosocial con-
optimistic/hopeful beliefs buffer the adverse impacts of low ditions. The accumulation of multiple stressors brought on by
income on children’s inflammatory levels and degree of asthma childhood poverty pressures response systems to marshal
(Chen & Miller, 2012). This combination of shift and persist resources to meet the numerous environmental demands that
coping strategy also tempers the relation between early child- threaten bodily equilibrium. The elevated chronic stress accom-
hood deprivation and elevated allostatic load among middle- panying childhood disadvantage also disrupts the development
aged adults (Chen & Miller, 2012). of robust self-regulatory and coping capacities necessary for
growing children to learn how to manage environmental
Poverty, Parenting, Self-Regulation, and Coping demands.
The two additional pathways linking childhood poverty to Among the gaps in our knowledge of childhood poverty,
adverse outcomes—parental investment, and parental respon- stress, and self-regulation, we highlight five issues. First, we
siveness and warmth—are important in thinking about poverty, have little data on developmental trajectories in relation to
self-regulation, and coping. Exposure to poverty increases early childhood poverty. Most poverty stress studies are cross-
distress among parents, which negatively affects the quality of sectional and the few longitudinal studies do not have data on
parent–child interactions (Conger & Donnellan, 2007; Grant three or more developmental periods necessary to examine
et al., 2003). Less responsive and harsher parenting both con- developmental trajectories with growth curve modeling.
tribute to deficits in self-regulation (Blair, 2010; Blair & Raver, Second, how the timing and duration of exposure to poverty in
2012). Positive parent–child relations, in contrast, can buffer the childhood affect development has not been well integrated with
impacts of childhood poverty on children’s well-being. For exam- any of the three underlying mediating processes (i.e., parental
ple, maternal responsiveness was found to attenuate the impacts investment, parenting quality, and chronic stress) linking pov-
of childhood deprivation on inhibitory control (Sarsour et al., erty to developmental outcomes. Whether early deprivation
2011), the metabolic syndrome, a precursor to diabetes (Miller becomes embedded in the organism, in essence creating a scar
et al., 2011), and multiple markers of inflammation (Miller et al., that continues to fester, or whether repeated experiences of pov-
2011). Parental investment may also be related to the develop- erty over life influence human potential in a cumulative manner
ment of self-regulatory skills in children. Low-income parents is a critical issue. These two perspectives are not mutually
who talk less to their children tend to have children with poorer exclusive—there could be critical periods for poverty exposure
language skills, which limits children’s ability to regulate as well as alterations in subsequent developmental trajectories
their emotions because of deficits in emotional expression and in relation to subsequent experience of disadvantage and/or
communication skills (Hoff et al., 2002). salutary phenomena (e.g., upward social mobility).
Third, some of poverty’s ill effects on children appear to be
Poverty, Stress, and the Brain caused by exposure to multiple stressors. The confluence of risk
Lastly, childhood poverty is associated with altered structure factors brought on by deprivation may be a unique and key fea-
and function of brain regions involved in stress and self-regula- ture of poverty for human development. More research is needed

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Poverty, Stress, and Coping 47

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Child Development Perspectives, Volume 7, Number 1, 2013, Pages 43–48

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