Notice of Commision of Felony 13cv1880 Affidavit
Notice of Commision of Felony 13cv1880 Affidavit
Notice of Commision of Felony 13cv1880 Affidavit
Douglas Vogt is invoking 28 U.S.C. §1746, states that the matters stated herein are true
CA in Business Administration. I was an accountant in Los Angeles and Seattle until I went into
business owning a typesetting company (Nova Typesetting) for eleven years, and had extensive
knowledge and experience in type, typesetting, form design, book and science journals including
math books. I currently own Archive Index Systems, Inc. since 1994, a company that sells
document scanners, wide format scanner, document imaging software and multi function
printers. I have extensive knowledge of how scanners function, their capabilities, and the
software that comes with them. My company also developed and sold document imaging
software as well as other imaging and scanning programs. I have sold and installed document
imaging systems in city and county governments, and thus have knowledge of municipal and
county document imaging programs and procedures, including the design and implementation of
such programs. Additionally, I have a working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Acrobat.
These factors will be crucial in understanding what has occurred with Obama’s Certificate of
2 I am also a science writer and a member of the Geological Society of America. I have
written three science books, two of which are philosophy of science books.
Certification of Live Birth (the short form also known as an abstract) (Exhibit 1) we assume
from the Hawaiian Department of Health with Alvin Onaka’s registrar’s stamp on it dated June 9,
2007 (Figure 1). His registrar stamp on this document is forgery for four reasons. I have
examples of legitimate Onaka Registrar stamps Figure 2 and they are created with a metal
embossing stamp that recesses the type. The machine that presses the stamp applies even
pressure the length of the stamp and the inking is created by a carbon ribbon. There is no
physical reason Onaka’s registrar stamp should be darker on the right side than the left side. The
other reason is the words “is a” should not be so much lighter than the rest of the words on the
three lines for the same reason. This registrar’s stamp looks like it was created with a self-inking
or rubber stamp and not a metal embossing stamp. The third reason is the baseline of the three
lines of type does not match the last line “State Registrar” which is almost unreadable. Those two
words slope up 1.2-degrees. It should be perfectly parallel to the other typed lines. And the fourth
reason is that the two words “State Registrar” are not all the same typeface. I copied the first “S”
and moved it to the last next to the “R” and you can see that they are not the same sizes by one
point. That is impossible on a metal embossing stamp. The difference in the baseline differences
if 1.2-degrees is not going to happen with professionally made metal embossing stamps.
Figure 1: The Hawaiian forged Registrars’ embossed stamp on the back of Barack Obama’s short form
Figure 2. Examples of legitimate Registrar stamps we received from the Hawaiian Department of Health.
4 The certificate number assigned to Mr. Obama’s Certificate was 10641. At that point Mr.
Obama and the Department of Health were committed to the data on that short form—right or
wrong. Next I will explain the procedures and legal significance of the certificate number and
how to tell if the certificate number is out of sequence thus indicating a possible forgery. Mr.
5 Whoever did the data entry into the Department of Health’s database to create Mr.
Obama’s short-form certificate made a critical error that they could not fix because it was on the
certificate they already made public. They were stuck with it and had to cover it up at all costs.
The error they made was the date of the registrars’ acceptance or filing date of August 8, 1961.
The reason this is the mistake is because the conspirators had already decided on stealing a dead
baby’s certificate number who was born on August 4, 1961 but died the next day. I believe her
name was Virginia Sunahara and I believe her certificate number was stolen by the conspirators
and used by the forger on Mr. Barack Obama II certificate (violation of Title 18, Sec.
1028A(a)(1)). Her certificate number was one that should have a filing date of the 11th not the
6 The error must have been discovered within one week after releasing Obama’s short form
because the conspirators released Patricia DeCosta short form certificate (Figure 3) with a
certificate number off by 199 days in order to throw off any investigators. I was able to find the
origin of Mrs. DeCosta’s birth certificate. It was supposedly first put up on a genealogy web site
created by one of her daughters. She responded to my letter and told me that she thinks she put
up the certificate in June of 2008. One of the Obama supporters used that short form to prove
that Obama’s short form birth certificate was also legitimate. Their purpose was really to cast
doubt on the sequence of the certificate numbers. Patricia DeCosta, was born May 14, 1930 and
died November 30, 1963. There were only 10,803 births in 1930. Her certificate number was
10,259 which is a number that would have been issue around December 12, 1930 not May 27,
1930. Her Certificate number is off by about 199 days. I will explain why in the following
section on the laws for the certificate numbers. The Department of Health is the only one that can
issue the short form with the seal on it so they must have issued this one to confuse any
investigators regarding the sequence of the certificate numbers. Figure 4 shown the Registrar’s
seal on the back of the form that has the some of the same kind of errors on it as does the Obama
Short form. The baseline of the words “State Registrar” is sloped up .8-degrees, the left-hand
margin does not line up for all three lines of type and the different font sizes from the beginning
of the words “State Registrar” to the end is again one point different. All of these problems
Figure 3. Patricia DeCosta’s Short form Birth Certificate released also in June 2008. The certificate
Figure 4. Registrar’s stamp on the back of Patricia DeCosta’s short form certificate.
7 I will be showing more of these forged Registrar’s stamps on other birth certificates and
you may be wondering why a forger would include blatant errors in a Registrar’s stamp when all
they had to do was just scan and copy an existing legitimate stamp. I believe the only reason is
the person or persons at the Department of Health wanted to claim plausible deniability if the
forgeries were ever discovered. The only problem with that logic is that the Department of
Health (DOH) is the only place that someone would have access to the database of records to
match up dead babies so as to take their birth certificate numbers and assign them to various
forgeries. In addition these short forms also appear to have the official DOH round seal affix to
the documents and we will assume that only they have possession of that seal.
Proof Mr. Obama’s Registration date is wrong and had to have been registered on August 11,
1961. The second point of forgery
8 On July 28, 2009, Eleanor Nordyke proudly showed copies of the two Certificates of
Live Birth for her two daughters in the Honolulu Advertiser newspaper during an interview
(Figure 5). The sisters were born August 5, 1961, a day after Barack Obama II. Their names and
certificate numbers are Susan #10637 and Gretchen #10638 (Figure 6). Their State Registrar’s
acceptance and filling date was August 11, 1961. Barack Obama’s filling date was August 8 but
his certificate number is 10641, three digits more than Gretchen’s, which is impossible. The
certificate number 10641 belongs to someone whose filing and acceptance date was the same as
the Nordyke twins and processed just after theirs. Hawaii averaged 46.9 births per day up to
August 1961. The Obama Certificate number should have been 141 to 188 numbers less than the
Nordyke twins.
Figure 5, Mrs. Eleanor Nordyke proudly showing her twin daughters birth certificates in July 28 2009.
Figure 6. The Certificates of Live Birth for the Nordyke twins, filled August 11, 1961.
9 Further proof Mr. Obama’s Certificate number was stolen from someone else is the
unusual placement of two of the Bates certificate numbers 0 and 6. Figure 7 shows all three
Bates certificate numbers. You will notice that the 0 and 6 are slightly above the baseline of the
rest of the numbers. This happens with some Bates numbering machines when the number
wheels do not properly seat to the baseline. The 0 (thousands) and 6 (hundreds) wheels just did
not seat all the way down on the baseline. If Mr. Obama’s acceptance and filling date was truly
August 8 then the hundreds wheel would have shown a 4 or 5. Because the six hundreds wheel is
above the baseline like the Nordyke twins this proves that the certificate number 10641 was filed
and numbered three digits after Gretchen Nordyke and accepted by the State Registrar on the 11th
of August not the 8th and is proof the filing date on both of Mr. Obama’s short and long-form
certificates are forged and that the Hawaiian Department of Health is involved in the forgeries.
They have to be involved because they are the only ones who have access to the database that
could match up births and deaths and choose a dead baby’s certificate number to give to Mr.
Figure 7. The three certificate numbers all with the raised “06” above the baseline. Mr. Obama’s Certificate
is 10641.
10 The first proof of forgery is the fact that the registration date cannot be August 8 but must
have been August 11, 1961 the same as the Nordyke twins. Stealing or forging a security feature
such as a certificate number is in violation of Title 18, Sect. 1028(d)(1) & (5)(A, B & C). Taking
another persons certificate number is in violation of Title 18, Ch 47, Sec. 1028A: Aggravated
The Laws Regarding the Certificate Number proving Obama’s Certificate number is out of
sequence for a registration date of August 8, 1961. The Third point of forgery
11 The birth certificate number goes by several names depending on the state and the
Federal government. The most common names are “state file number” and “birth number.” I
knew the birth certificate number was of paramount importance in proving Mr. Obama’s birth
certificate was a forgery I went ahead and read all 50 states and the District of Columbia’s,
statutes and administrative code regarding the filing and acceptance of birth certificates. The
§338-1 Definitions of terms. As used in this part unless the context otherwise indicates:
compilation, and preservation of data pertaining to births, adoptions, legitimation, deaths, fetal
§338-5 Compulsory registration of births. Within the time prescribed by the department of
health, a certificate of every birth shall be substantially completed and filed with the local agent
of the department in the district in which the birth occurred, by the administrator or designated
representative of the birthing facility, or physician, or midwife, or other legally authorized person
in attendance at the birth; or if not so attended, by one of the parents.
§338-11 Form of certificates. The forms of certificates shall include as a minimum the items
required by the respective standard certificates as recommended by the Public Health Service,
National Center for Health Statistics, subject to approval of and modification by the
department of health….
Sec, 2 Time allowed for birth reporting. A certificate of every live birth shall be filled within 7
Sec. 8. Transmittal of Certificates. Local registrars shall transmit certificates filed with them
weekly to the State Health Department, except that on the outlying islands …
Sec. 32. Registration Districts. Each County of the State shall constitute a vital statistics
registration district.
No amendments … shall be made on any birth, death . . . certificate after the assignment of a
state file number unless such amendments are fully documented according to the law and
B. A new birth certificate prepared following adoption, legitimation … shall contain the same …
14 I have included Table 1 which summarizes all the states and District of Columbia if they
mentioning the state file number was a consecutive number, if the Federal law or regulation is
mentioned and if they define the terms File, Filing and Registration in the state laws or
regulations. The results of my research are the following: Forty-one of the states mention the
state file number directly by one of the other names states may give it.
15 Sixteen of the states specifically mention that the certificate number is a sequential
number and starts with the number one at the beginning of the year. This mirrors the same
Fourteen of the States specifically mention that their laws are in accordance with the Federal
16 Forty-nine of the states and DC define the terms File, Filing and Registration as meaning
the same thing the Federal regulations state and many of them repeat it verbatim. The Model
State Vital Statistics Act and Regulations of 1977 and 1992 defines the terms as such:
Section 1. Definitions:
(c) “File” means the presentation and acceptance of a vital record or report provided for in this
Act for registration by the (Office of Vital Statistics [the state department of health]).
(d) “Filing, date of” means the date a vital record is accepted for registration by the (Office of
Vital Statistics).
(j) “Registration” means the acceptance by the (Office of Vital Statistics) and the incorporation
of vital records provided for in this Act into its official records.
17 That means the act of filing and registration happens at one time the same day by the
State Registrar or deputy Registrar. They will check the form for completeness and then accept it
by dating, signing and numbering the Certificate of Live Birth. That process is called filing and
registration. This irrefutably means that the date of acceptance by the State Registrar correlates to
the certificate number because it is a sequential number starting with the number one at 12:01
a.m. on January 1st. If you know the average number of birth per day in a state, you can calculate
within a few hundred numbers or less what the number should be just by knowing the Registrar’s
date of acceptance, and in reverse if you know the certificate number you can figure out within a
few days when the State Registrar should have registered the certificate. Table 2 shows 15 of the
Table 2. Fifteen good Certificates of Live Birth from Hawaii with good certificate numbers corresponding
Table 1: A list of the states who mention the certificate number and other pertinent facts. The 1 represents
a “Yes” answer.
The Certificate number and the State of Hawaii, the third point of forgery.
18 Hawaii has used the standard numbering format certainly since 1930 because Patricia
DeCosta’s birth certificate was issued that year and it used the standard format. Each state
registrar is responsible to record and maintain all the certificates the registrar certifies. As
mentioned before one of the file processing items is the certificate number (Birth Edit
Specifications for the 2003 Revision of the U.S. Standard Certificate of Birth, 3/18/2005). There
is a standard procedure the registrar goes through in the process called “filing.” By Hawaiian
state law a birth must be reported to the State registrar no later than seven days after birth. When
a birth certificate comes in from a hospital or clinic, the registrar much check that there are no
cross outs, all the fields have been filled out, the mother and doctor have both signed and dated
the form using black indelible ink. The registrar then stamps the certificate with a date stamp and
then uses a Bates numbering machine to print the unique certificate number on the upper right
hand corner of the form. Finally the registrar signs the form. After 2005 all the states had to
implement a electronic document imaging system to enable rapid access to the certificates.
Hawaii started the imaging system in 2001. Hawaii has only one office that issues certified birth
certificates and that is the main state office in Honolulu and for that reason box 20 is for the local
registrar will always have the same date as box 22 for the state registrar. There are no local
19 Since 1929 all states and territories were incorporated in the system of recording births
and deaths. All state registrars use the same uniform numbering system. The original standard for
this number, before the year 2000, was an 11-digit number in a xxx xx xxxxxx format. The
number begins with a 3-digit birth area code number (Hawaii is 151) followed by a 2-digit year
of registration (the year of birth) and lastly a 6-digit serial registration number (assigned
Reviewing a Birth Certificate Birth Area Code). After 2000 it became obvious that the two year
digit had to be expanded to a full four digit year. Figure 8 shows a Bates numbering machine that
has the same type face as the one used by the Hawaiian Department of Health.
20 The Third point of forgery is the stolen Birth Certificate number being out of sequence.
Figure 8: A Bates numbering machine the type commonly used to number Birth Certificates.
Honolulu Election Division from May 2008 to September 2008. I have included his sworn
That “Senior officers in the City and County of Honolulu Elections Division
certificate existed for Senator Obama in the Hawaii Department of Health and there
was no record that any such document had ever been on file in the Hawaii
That the same Senior officers “told me on multiple occasions that Hawaii
State government officials had made inquires about Sen. Obama's birth records to
officials at Queens Medical Center and Kapi’olani Medical Center in Honolulu and
that neither hospital had any record of Senator Obama having been born there …”
government of Hawaii, including then Governor Linda Lingle and various officials
of the Hawaii Department of Health, including Dr. Chiyome Fukino, the director of
the Hawaii Department of Health, were making representations that Senator Obama
was born in Hawaii, even though no government official in Hawaii could find a
long-form birth certificate for Senator Obama that had been issued by a Hawaii
City and County of Honolulu Elections Division to stop inquiring about Senator
Obama's Hawaii birth records, even though it was common knowledge among my
22 As stated in Tim Adams affidavit, the previous Director of the Department of Health, Dr.
Chiyome Fukino, (Exhibits 4 and 5) made two public releases. One on October 31, 2008 and the
other on July 27, 2009. On the first she states: “Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of
Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics … have personally seen and verified that the
Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in
accordance with state policies and procedures.” These statements are in spite of the claim by Tim
Adams that there was no evidence that a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) ever existed in the
Department of Health or in any Hawaiian hospital. It appears that a political decision was made
in Hawaii to cover up the truth and fabricate whatever was necessary to permit Senator Obama to
qualify to run for President. They willfully let a foreign agent become President of the United
The Problems for Senator Obama getting on the Hawaiian ballot in 2008.
23 As late as August 2008, two months before the election, the chairman of the Hawaiian
Democratic Party, Brian Schatz, refused to sign and confirm the constitutional eligibility, using
the correct legally required wording in the sworn Official Certification of Nomination (OCON)
affirming that Senator Obama was qualified to serve as President under the provisions of the
Constitution. There was no evidence that form was filled with the Elections Board by August 27
or September 5 so the Elections Office could not put Senator Obama on the Hawaiian ballot.
What happened was the National Democratic Party, headed by Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi,
submitted two different worded OCONs to the Hawaiian Election Board to get Senator Obama
on the Hawaiian ballot in time for the November election (Figure 9). The reason Schatz did not
sign it is because the Obama Champaign could not produce real proof of citizenship necessary to
be on the ballot. Keep in mind that Senator Obama’s campaign had already released the short
form birth certificate on June 12 2008, just a few months before, then why didn’t Mr. Schatz
accept the short form as proof of citizenship? I believe it is because what Senior Elections Clerk
Mr. Tim Adams swore on his affidavit, namely that there was no legal birth certificate from the
State of Hawaii, and that meant Senator Obama was born outside of the United States. It is most
likely that Mr. Schatz also knew that Senator Obama was not born in Hawaii and therefore not a
US citizen at all. The party certification then fell to the national chairperson of the Democratic
Party, Congresswoman Pelosi, to certify Senator Obama or else he would never have appeared
Figure 9. The DNC certifying Senator Barack Obama II, eligible to be their candidate for President and
conference for the press started at 8:48 a.m., about one and a half hours before President Obama
gave his news conference. The first news conference was conducted by Press Secretary Mr. Jay
Carney, the President’s White House Counsel Mr. Robert Bauer and the President’s Director of
Communications Mr. Daniel Pfeiffer. The news conference established the chain of custody for
the two Obama Certificates of Live Birth supposedly acquired, in person, at the Hawaii
Department of Health office by Judith Corley the President’s personal counsel at Perkins Coie,
Seattle, Washington. It did not establish the chain of custody for the PDF birth certificate that
was later put up on the White House web site some time that morning. I do not know who
created the PDF version, where it came from and who put it on the web site. Both points are very
resolution reporters’ copy I acquired from, an ABC affiliate, who attended that
news conference (Figure 10). The following is that chain of custody. The following are direct
the transcript of that news conference that established the chain of custody.
Figure 10. The 12news web page that had the link to the high resolution scan of the reporters handed out
26 Robert Bauer, a former attorney at Perkins Coie, stated that a letter (Exhibit 6) was
addressed to the Director of Health, Loretta Fuddy on April 22, 2011 to request the Department
to release two certified copies of Barack Obamas COLB and they were to be given to his
attorney Ms. Judith Corley of Perkins Coie. The White House letter was electronically sent to the
office of Perkins Coie (Exhibit 7), where Ms. Corley added a cover letter explaining she would
personally go to Hawaii and pick up the two certified copies and bring them back to Washington
MR. CARNEY: Good morning, everybody. You can read the paperwork we just handed
out in a minute. Let me just get started. Thank you for coming this morning. I have with
Bauer, the President’s White House Counsel, who will have a few things to say about the
documents we handed to you today. And then we'll take your questions. I remind you this
is off camera and only pen and pad, not for audio. And I give you Dan Pfeiffer.
MR. PFEIFFER: Thanks, Jay. What you have in front of you now is a packet of papers
that includes the President’s long-form birth certificate from the state of Hawaii, the
original birth certificate that the President requested and we posted online in 2008, and
then the correspondence between the President’s counsel and the Hawaii State
Q When you posted this did you post the other side of it where the signature is?
MR. PFEIFFER: We posted both sides and when it was looked at it was looked at by —
the fact checkers came to headquarters and actually examined the document we had. [The
That settled the issue. In recent weeks, the issue has risen again as some folks
have begun raising a question about the original -- about the long-form birth certificate
you now have in front of you. And Bob will explain why -- the extraordinary steps we
had to take to receive that and the legal restraints that are in place there.
MR. BAUER: Early last week the decision was made to review the legal basis for
seeking a waiver from the longstanding prohibition in the state Department of Health on
releasing the long-form birth certificate. And so we undertook a legal analysis and
determined a waiver request could be made that we had the grounds upon which to make
that request.
And by Thursday of last week, I spoke to private counsel to the President and
asked her to contact the State Department of Health and to have a conversation about any
requirements, further requirements, that they thought we had to satisfy to lodge that
waiver request. She had that conversation with the state Department of Health on
Thursday — counsel in question is Judy Corley at the law firm of Perkins Coie, and you
have a copy of the letter she subsequently sent to the department with the President’s
written request.
The department outlined the requirements for the President to make this request.
He signed a letter making that request on Friday afternoon upon returning from the West
Coast. And private counsel forwarded his written request — written, signed request —
along with a letter from counsel, to the state Department of Health on Friday.
The department, as I understood it, after reviewing the law and reviewing the
grounds asserted in the request, came to the conclusion that a waiver could be
appropriately granted. We were advised that the long-form birth certificate could be
copied and made available to us as early as Monday, April 25th -- the day before
yesterday. And we made arrangements for counsel to travel to Honolulu to pick it up and
Q I guess I just want to make sure that we’re clear on this. Even though this one says
“certificate of live birth” on here, this is different than the other certificate of live birth
MR. PFEIFFER: Yes. The second page there is the one that was posted on the Internet.
Q Okay.
MR. PFEIFFER: And that is a copy of the one that has been kept at the Hawaii
Department of Health.
Q Okay. And this is the one that would be referred to — that people have been asking
MR. PFEIFFER: They are both — the second one is the birth certificate. The one on the
top is what is referred to as the long-form birth certificate. As you can see — and Bob can
walk you through it — it contains some additional information that is not on the second
page, which was the birth certificate which was released during the campaign.
certificate. The birth certificate, as you can see, has signatures at the bottom from the
attending physician, the local registrar, who essentially oversees the maintenance of the
records. It contains some additional information also — that is to say, the original birth
certificate — it contains some additional information like the ages of the parents,
The core information that’s required for legal purposes and that is put into the
information is abstracted, if you will, from the original birth certificate, put into the
So the long form, which is a certificate, has more information, but the short form
has the information that’s legally sufficient for all the relevant purposes.
MR. BAUER: That’s correct. It is in a bound volume in the records at the state
Q And this is going to sound — I mean, you can just anticipate what people are
going to — remain unconvinced. They’re going to say that this is just a photocopy of a
piece of paper, you could have typed anything in there. Will the actual certificate be on
MR. PFEIFFER: He will not, and I will not leave it here for him to do so. But it will —
the State Department of Health in Hawaii will obviously attest that that is a — what they
MR. BAUER: And you’ll see the letter from the director of the Health Department that
Q But do you understand that this could quiet the conspiracy theorists?
MR. PFEIFFER: There will always be some selection of people who will believe
something, and that's not the issue. The issue is that this is not a discussion that is just
happening among conspiracy theorists. It’s happening here in this room; it’s happening
on all of the networks. And it’s something that, as I said, every major political figure of
both parties who’s actually out trying to talk about real issues is asked about this by the
media. And so the President decided to release this. And I'll leave it to others to decide
whether there’s still — there will be some who still have a different — have a conspiracy
about this.
Q You’ve got two certified copies, according to this study. You have these
physical —
.... End.
27 Mr. Bauer’s quote established that he requested the acquisition of the Birth Certificate
and that Ms. Corley was to go to Hawaii and pay for the two certificates. Loretta Fuddy, Director
of the Department of Health, replied to the Presidents letter (Exhibit 8) by stating “I am making
copy.” What computer-generated means is the short form certification of the COLB that the
Obama campaign displayed in June 2008 which was generated only from the database
information keyed in at the Department of Health. What Certification means is that the
Department of Health is certifying that they possess an original hospital generated Certificate of
Live Birth. That is what they gave the Obama campaign back in 2008. Loretta Fuddy states in
her letter something very important as to what we are seeing. “I have witnessed the copying of
the certificate and attest to the authenticity of these copies.” That means she personally
witnessed the photocopying of the original paper form of Barack Obama’s alleged COLB onto
28 On the same day as the news conference Hawaiian Governor Neil Abercrombie sent out a
news release (Exhibit 9) which stated: “On April 25, 2011, pursuant to President Obama’s
request, Director Fuddy personally witnessed the copying of the original Certificate of Live
Birth and attested to the authenticity of the two copies. Dr. Alvin Onaka, the State Registrar,
certified the copies.” [Emphasis added] His letter is implicating Dr. Onaka personally put the
round Department of Health seal and the registrar’s stamp on the two certificates. I will prove
that no such department seal was ever on the COLB and the registrar’s stamp is a forgery.
29 What the Governor and Director Fuddy supposedly gave the President was a direct
photocopy of the original COLB that is bound in the book (Figure 11). It did not come from the
department’s document imaging system which contained black and white or grayscale Group4
Tiff images. The image shown at the April 27th announcement was supposedly the black and
white photocopy image on the security paper from the copier. The curvature on the left-hand
gutter of the page was supposed to have been caused by placing the book on the glass of the
copier without removing the page from the post binder book.
Figure 11. The Registrar, Dr. Alvin Onaka, retrieving one of the books containing original birth certificates.
30 At this point, we are led to believe that the chain of custody went to Judith Corley, who
supposedly picked up the envelope on Monday from the Health Department office and then took
a plane to Washington D.C. and delivered the two Certificates of Live Birth, with seals, to the
White House by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. During the news conference Mr. Pfeiffer replied to a
reporter’s questions by stating “As Bob said, it arrived by plane—the President’s personal
counsel went to Hawaii and brought it back and we got it last night.” That must have cost the
President well over $7,000 to pay for last minute airplane tickets and the lawyer’s hourly time to
make this delivery. All of this was totally unnecessary. The fee ($14.00) could have been paid by
wire transfer in one day, the letters could have been sent by e-mail or fax or even express mail.
The UPS cost for picking up an envelope in Hawaii and delivering it by 8:30 a.m. the next day to
Washington DC is only $83.00. Keep in mind there was no rush in getting these forms. The only
reason I could think of why a personal currier was sent is if the currier was delivering something
valuable to people in Hawaii such as money for services rendered and you did not want any trail
of the transfer of money. That is the only reason I can think of why Ms. Corley had to personally
go to Hawaii.
31 At this point, the chain of custody transferred to Mr. Robert Bauer who had the two
stamped and sealed COLBs. The White House communications staff made copies of the three
letters and copied one of the Certificates and placed them into folders and gave them to the
attending news reporters. I received the scan of the reporters’ copy of the COLB from TV (Exhibit 10). This further verifies the chain of custody for the reporters
copy and that Robert Bauer was in charge of the acquisition of the two COLBs from Hawaii.
Plausible Deniability
32 The news conference conducted by Daniel Pfeiffer and Robert Bouer presented a classic
case of plausible deniability because they were not going to let President Obama see the birth
certificate that he just paid over $7,000 to acquire and they made the point of saying that they
were not going to leave it in the White House for the President to see it. When President Obama
did his news conference he never directly mentions the birth certificate that was presented a little
over an hour before. He only mentions the Certification of Live Birth (the short form abstract)
that was released in June of 2008. They set up a classic case of plausible deniability because they
knew that what they were presenting was a forgery and they were defrauding the United States
and its citizens. This was one of the reasons I got involved in the investigation. Other people at
the 8:48 a.m. news conference also knew it was a forgery because they laughed after a news
person said “Will the actual certificate be on display or viewable at any — (laughter.)” The Joke
The Involvement of General Electric, National Broadcasting Company and Savannah Guthrie.
No evidence of a Hawaiian Department of Seal on the Obama COLB. The forth point of
33 The following is what I believe is the involvement in this forgery of General Electric,
NBC and Savannah Guthrie. This is strictly my opinion after connecting the dots in this case.
NBC is owned by General Electric. The Today Show is the property of the NBC network. GE
Capital is a subsidiary of GE and was in bad financial shape in 2008 because of bad loans it
made prior to the real estate crash in 2008. After making a deal with the Obama administration, it
was allowed to get relief from Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Temporary
Liquidity Guarantee Program. It did it by selling its bad debt amounting to $340 billion to the
FDIC and paid a fee of only $2.3 billion. This story was reported by Jeff Gerth and Brady
Dennis, two reporters from the Washington Post, on June 29, 2009.
“At the same time, GE has avoided many of the restrictions facing other financial
“The company did not initially qualify for the program, under which the
firms. But regulators soon loosened the eligibility requirements, in part because of
“. . . The government's actions have been "powerful and helpful" to the company,
GE chief executive Jeffrey Immelt acknowledged in December.”
34 So General Electric and GE Capital owed the Obama administration their business so
when President Obama and his handlers knew they had to produce a forged birth certificate
because Jerome Corsi’s book Where’s the Birth Certificate? was going to be released in early
May 2011, the administration needed someone they could trust to say they examined the forgery
and state publically that the round DOH seal was present on the COLB and the document looked
legitimate. They needed someone the public would recognize and maybe even a lawyer who
35 The last question asked at the morning news conference was by a reporter that could not
see any seal on it and that is why Mr. Pfeiffer had to tell him that there was a Department of
Health (DOH) seal on it. I will next prove there was no DOH round seal on the two documents
36 I think what happened was an executive at GE talked to an executive at NBC and told
them what they needed. That executive contacted the executive producer of The Today Show and
37 At that time Savanna Guthrie was the White House correspondent and the co-anchor of
the MSNBC program The Daily Rundown (2008 to April 2011). Before then she was the legal
analyst and correspondent for the network. Sometime after the 8:48 a.m. news conference,
Savannah Guthrie was allowed by someone at the White House to examine the newly presented
Obama COLB. At that time we know of two pictures she took. Figure 12 show what she wrote
on her Titter account and a video of her on MSNBC report that day. “I saw the certified copy of
the long-form POTUS birth certificate today, felt the raised seal, snapped this pic.” On May 9th
2011, just twelve days after she did her little performance of examining Obama’s COLB, she had
a new contract with NBC to become the co-host of the 9:00 a.m. NBC Today Show, which I am
sure included a very large increase in her salary. On June 29, 2012 she was again promoted to co-
host of The Today Show, which I am sure included another substantial increase in her salary.
Figure 12. Savannah Guthrie stating that she felt a raised seal from the Hawaii DOH.
No evidence of a Department of Health Round Seal on the COLB, the forth point of forgery.
38 The Department of Health Seal of any type is not clearly visible on the Obama COLB.
Figure 13 shows the area where the remnant of a round “seal” should be seen. On the left is the
PDF from the White House web site and on the right is the picture taken by Savanna Guthrie,
supposedly when she was inspecting the COLB and “feeling” the seal. You can barely see
anything other than some lighter spots in a circle. Figure 14 shows the same two after I enhanced
Figure 13. Latent image of the DOH seal on the PDF copy. On the right and Savannah Guthrie’s copy both
barely noticeable.
Figure 14. The PDF copy and Savannah Guthrie’s copy after the enhanced color adjustment had been
39 The only way I was able to see a remnant image of a seal was by changing the color
saturation, brightness and contrast on both. Figure 15 shows the reporters copy and it shows
nothing at all. That is why the reporter asked the question. I tried many combinations on the
reporters copy trying to get the image to show up but nothing could be seen. That is very
important and this is why. It proves there was no real embossed seal on the COLB certificate that
supposedly came from Hawaii. The embossed seal is part of the paper because it puts holes and
groves in the paper. It should not be only part of the image of the green paper. That means the
latent image of the seal was only part of the image of the security paper and not part of the paper
Figure 15. Where the seal should be on the Reporters copy but nothing shows up.
40 As you remember the White House made copies from their copier and gave them to the
reporters. Most copiers use a green light source. When copied the green color of the safety paper
drops out. Exhibit 11 shows seven legitimate color DOH seals that can be clearly seen with
minimal adjustment of brightness and contrast. The center and right middle two are from Mr.
Obama’s COLBs and you can clearly see the difference. On his COLBs there is only a latent
image, but on the others you can clearly see the impression the embossing made to the paper.
They came from long form COLBs and short form abstracts and you can visibly see an
embossed seal on a certificate even a copy of a copy as shown in Exhibit 12 and you can still see
the round seal clearly but you can’t see it at all on the Obama copy.
41 Embossed seals damage the paper deliberately by tarring it in specific places thereby
creating the pattern we call the seal. In this process it also damages the type and lines on the
form. It can’t help but doing that. You can see that in Exhibit 11 with the two examples on the
top and bottom right and center. We should have seen this kind of distortion on the Obama
COLB but we do not, which is just another indication that no embossed seal was ever on the
Obama COLB. This is the forth point of forgery and proves that Savannah Guthrie never felt
any embossed seal on the COLB she supposedly examined. It is also why the Mr. Pfeiffer and
Robert Bauer did not let anyone else see the birth certificates they received from Hawaii which
implicated them as being willing participants in the forgery and its presentation to the public.
The wrong form width proves their acquisition scenario false, the fifth point of forgery.
42 Paul and I had figured out the exact line length of the 1961 COLB forms measured from
the bold vertical line on the left hand side to the end of the line on the right side. The original line
length was 7-inches (504 points). The United State Treasury had made an agreement with the
copier manufacturers to make sure their B&W and color copiers did not reproduce exactly 100%
but slightly reduce the size horizontally and vertically by about 1-2%. I had received a copy of
Virginia Sunahara’s death certificate from the Hawaiian DOH and it had a line length of 6.875-
inches which represents a 2% reduction, which is normal. The Governor and the director Fuddy
wrote that Mr. Obama’s COLB was a direct copy “of the original Certificate of Live Birth” and
copied on a copying machine which had the green security paper in it. That means someone took
the book containing supposedly Obama’s COLB and copied the original paper copy and copied it
onto the green security paper. The glairing problem is that the Obama COLB is 6.125-inches
wide which represents a 12.5% reduction and that is not a standard reduction from a copying
machine and there was no reason to reduce the size of the COLB. The reduced size was apparent
on all three copies (the reporters, Savannah Guthrie’s and the PDF copy). The forger made the
COLB image width what microfilm copies would have been reduced to when printed out. What
they showed does not agree with what they stated in the news release and Fuddy’s letter (Exhibit
8). This is definite proof their whole story is not true. The size difference is a point of forgery. It
also means the Department of Health is involved in the forgeries at a management level. I was
surprised they would make such a big mistake. This is the fifth point of forgery.
10. This is not true. Barack H. Obama Sr. was 27 years old at the time of the birth. Exhibits 13
and 14 show both his Certificate of Eligibility and entry control documents that clearly show he
was born on June 18, 1934. That would make him 27 years old at the time Barack Husain Obama
Jr. birth. I believe I know who the researcher was who collected the information (I reveal his
name in the sealed affidavit) which was put on the birth certificate but that person only went to
the Harvard University records (Certificate of Eligibility Student forms) that stated he was born
on June 18, 1936 (Exhibit 15). I wondered why the father lied on those forms. After researching
Students of high school or college range; 2. Age between 14 to 26 years; 3. Good academic level
(overall GPA of at least a C), and a few others. The father lied on his eligibility form because he
had to show he was 26 or under to get into Harvard as a foreign student. The lie of the alleged
father had caught the son. This is the sixth point of forgery on the COLB.
44 The second content error is found in form box 9 “Race of Father” which states “African.
The federal and state coding for race did not include that word. The proper word would have
been “Negro” (Figure 16). This is found in the CDC, Department of Vital Statistics, Instruction
Figure 16. The various acceptable race classifications used in 1961 by the Department of Vital Statistics
and Hawaii.
The Typewriter Evidence
Recreating the 1961 Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth
45 The first step in analyzing Mr. Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) was creating
our own original COLB and go through the copying steps that the Hawaiian Department of
Health and the White House said they did. This section will further prove that their scenario of
46 Since Paul and I did not have access to an original COLB so Paul typeset our own Obama
COLB for forensic testing (Exhibit 16). The typefaces used on the original 1961 form were
Futura book and demi for the top titles and Cheltenham Book but it was typeset using hot metal
type from a Linotype machine which does not exist anymore. The forger probably did not have a
blank form nor could the Department of Health (DOH) find a 1960s vintage blank form available
so their next choice would have been to scan or copy an original COLB and give it to the forger.
This is what I will prove happened. Paul used the ITC photo type version of these typefaces but
they are slightly different from the hot metal version. The ITC version uses thinner horizontal
lines than the hot metal version. That will be the only difference you will see in our recreation.
47 There is one thing that is standard with all typewriter forms and that is the line spacing
(also known as leading). All typewriter line spacing is based on picas. Single line spacing is one
pica or 12 points and double spaced is two picas or 24 points. There are 72 points to an inch. So
when you set up the form you have to make the lines on the form two picas apart so all the typist
has to do is put the paper in, set the margins and the first line and start typing. So I knew the lines
on the birth certificate had to be two picas apart and I figured out the line length was seven
inches long. I used this basic information to resize horizontally and vertically all the birth
certificates presented to us for examination including the ones found on the internet. After Paul
typeset our birth certificate form we both used our own typewriters to type in the text using
nylon ribbons like the old manual typewriters used. Elite type has an escapement of 6 points and
Pica has 7.2 points. Mr. Obama’s birth certificate was typed using the Elite typeface.
The appearance of the typewriter type is not what it should look like, the seventh point of
48 I printed out our completed blank form at 1200 dpi (dots per inch) because that most
closely resembled a printed original. The next step was typing in all the text that was on the Mr.
Obama COLB using the Elite typeface and a nylon ribbon just as the hospital did back in 1961,
Figure 17 shows the top of our form and what the original should have looked like if copied flat.
Figure 18 is a magnification showing the fuzzy appearance around the typewriter letters which
are caused by the ribbon and that is normal and what we should see.
Figure 17. This is what the Obama COLB should have looked like copied flat from the original.
Figure 18. Close up look at the typewriter type. The speckle marks around the type is caused by the
49 The next step was copying our original onto the security paper using my Canon Copier
which uses a 1200 dpi CCD for the camera. I copied our COLB by placing it in a soft-bound
book the same size as the DOH has so I could duplicate the same curve on the left-hand edge of
the form. I also copied it on a Konica-Minolta Bishub 501 (scans at 600 dpi, prints at 600 dpi), a
Xerox WorkCentre 5745 (scans at 600 dpi, prints at 1200 dpi) and a Canon ImageRunner
Advantage (scans at 600 dpi, prints at 1200 dpi). The appearance of the grayscale on the left
hand edge is created by using a bitmap process called diffusion dither bitmap pattern and each
copier manufacturer has their own proprietary algorithm program for producing it. Figure 19
gives you a close up of what that looks like from my Canon copier. I compared the other copier
outputs and they looked about the same. What was so important about this test was that I
immediately realized that the white halo around all the type and lines on Mr. Obama’s COLB,
the reporters copy, Savannah Guthrie’s and the PDF copy, could not possible be caused by the
copiers. The experiment proved the algorithm that creates the diffusing dither bitmap cannot
produce the white halo at all. What causes the white halo will be explained later.
Figure 19. A diffusion dither to create the effect of a halftone on our COLB.
50 At this stage I should have the same resolution quality that the Presidents COLB
displayed, but remember Paul and I only had at our disposal the reporters’ copy that was a copy
of a copy and that was in turn scanned and put onto the news medias’ web page. The best copy I
found was from (Exhibit 10) and it was scanned at 600 dpi and saved at 300 dpi
and then put on their web site. So my next step was scanning our copy of the copy at 600 and
300 dpi to see what matched. The 600 dpi matched the reporters copy because of the size of the
pixels. Figures 20 is an enlargement of a small section of our COLB and Figure 21 is the enlargement of the same section both at the same enlargement and resolution.
As you can clearly see the form type is near the same in density and quality on both, but still the
reporters copy it is not as sharp in appearance which may indicate that the Department of Health
gave the forger a paper copy of an original rather than a high resolution scan. In other words
their image may have one more copying stage. The typewriter type quality is much different and
cannot be ignored.
Figure 20. Our COLB at 600 dpi copy of a copy of our test COLB.
Figure 21. at 600 dpi copy of a copy of the Obama COLB.
51 This test told us two important things. The first was that the forger was given one or more
copies or scans of original paper birth certificates and the only one that would have them is the
Hawaiian Department of Health. The form type quality is too good to have come from a
microfilm scan. The typewriter type did not look anything like what it should have been if it
came from a copy of an original, so I had to perform another test. I had one of my service bureau
customers microfilm our version of the COLB and then scan the finished microfilm both using
binary (black & white) and grayscale and used the best resolution available in 2001. The test was
done at different exposures. Figure 22 shows the black and white version and Figure 23 shows
the grayscale sample. You can clearly see that the Cheltenham form type is no where near the
quality that we see on the reporters’ copy of Mr. Obama’s COLB. The typewriter type on our
grayscale COLB in Figure 23 still looks better than Mr. Obama’s typewriter type. On Figure 28
and 29 I compared the type quality between our COLB after it was converted to a PDF and Mr.
Figure 22. Our sample COLB and scanned in binary or black and weight mode.
Figure 22. Our sample COLB from a microfilm copy and scanned in grayscale mode.
52 We have a printout of a scanned copy of Virginia Sunahara’s death certificate (Figure 23).
The typewriter type on her certificate looks better than Mr. Obama’s.
Figure 23. Text from Virginia Sunahara’s death certificate which is a copy from a scan.
53 The reason Mr. Obama’s typewriter type has holes in it and appear quite degraded
compared to our COLB or Virginia’s death certificate is because of a scanning process called
thresholding. When you convert a grayscale image to a binary (black and white) image the
program will ask you what thresholding setting you want. If a pixel is a light gray and the
threshold setting was set too high, the conversion process will replace the gray pixel with a white
pixel. It does not matter if the forger was working from microfilm or direct scanned copies; the
results would be the same. Our conclusion is the forger must have used letters and whole words
from microfilm and scanned copies of birth certificates and the wholes in the typewriter type are
the results of the thresholding during the conversion process from grayscale to binary. The
typewriter type appearance on the COLB is not what it should look like. It also shows that the
forger received copies or scans from the Hawaiian Department of Health because they are the
54 You will also notice from the reporters copy in Figure 21 the green safety paper
background disappeared, that is because most copiers use a green wavelength light source which
will act as a dropout color. The seventh point of forgery is that the typewriter type appearance
on the COLB, with holes and notches in the letters, are not what it should look like.
The White Halo on the form, the eight’s point of forgery.
Figure 24. Reporters copy Figure 25. White House PDF copy. Figure 26. Savannah Guthrie’s copy
Obama form. Figure 24 shows the upper left hand corner of the reporters’ copy. Figure 25 is the
White House PDF copy and Figure 26 is the picture Savannah Guthrie took. The first two clearly
shows the white halo on both sides of the lines and the type. Even Savannah Guthrie’s picture
shows the faint white halo. Figure 19 and 27 shows our COLB but shows no halo around the
type. The Obama COLB is the only birth certificate we have seen that shows the white halo.
56 The unsharp mask feature is found in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and what it does is
sharpen up the type or images by removing a few pixels surrounding it and replacing it with a
white pixel. A graphic artist would use this feature if the edges of type were hazy or speckled and
that is what I believe the forger did in this case with the fuzziness around the typewriter type
caused by the ribbon and also just bad copies given to her.
Figure 28. Our recreated COLB PDF what the White House PDF should have looked like.
Figure 29. The White House COLB PDF clearly showing the white halo caused by unsharp mask feature
57 The Obama COLB should have looked like what our PDF version of the COLB which is
Figure 28. Figure 29 is the same section but of Obama’s COLB PDF. You can clearly see the
white halo around all the type and lines on Obama’s COLB. The file size of our optimized PDF
version was only 371k and the Obama’s COLB PDF was 376k.
COLBs you have to think in terms of the deliverable the forger had to create and give to the
Department of Health. The forger delivered four forgeries. The first one was a Certificate of Live
Birth on white paper just like the hospital would have delivered to the Department of Health
(DOH) back in 1961. The second deliverable was two 8½ by 11 inch printed finished COLBs
with the green security paper image already on the COLB along with the registrar’s stamp and a
latent image of the round DOH departmental seal. To be clear on this, the image of the COLB
was not printed on legitimate security paper but was rather just an image of the security paper
along with the COLB. The third deliverable was the PDF copy of the COLB which was done in
haste. It was based on the finished product in stage two with major changed on the type quality
from stage one. The fourth deliverable was another PDF copy done in June of 2012 for a legal
case they had in Mississippi. The DOH lawyer was Mr. Tepper so I will call that PDF the Tepper
Unsharp Mask Feature and the White Halo and why it showed up on the second forgery
59 The question is: Why is the white halo from unsharp mask on the second deliverable?
Figure 30 is what our COLB looks like after I applied unsharp mask. Figure 31 show the settings
I used to match what the forger did comparing it to the same section of the COLB. There was no
escaping the fact that unsharp mask was used on the Obama COLB. This is proof of computer
manipulation of the Birth Certificate. The use of unsharp mask gives it away that the document
was a computer generated forgery and the use of unsharp mask is proof of forgery.
Figure 30. Our COLB with unsharp mask applied to the image.
Figure 31. The settings used to create the unsharp mask displayed in Figure 25.
60 The reason why the forger used unsharp mask and why it is visible on the second
deliverable was because the first deliverable was only to match a white hospital COLB form that
the DOH gave to the hospitals to fill out after a birth had occurred. In that instance the white halo
would never show up. What I believe happened is the original assumption was that the first
forged deliverable form would have been used by the Registrar and just copied on their DOH
copier onto the green security paper and then the Registrar would stamp it with his embossed
metal signature stamp, date it and then apply the round DOH seal to it and then deliver it to
Judith Corley. But that didn’t happen. Evidently someone in the Registrar’s office got cold feet
and would not put the real stamp or the DOH round seal on it so the forger had to take her first
deliverable with the white halo on it and transfer it to an image of the green security paper and
then put a mocked-up Registrar stamp (with deliberate errors on it, which I will explain later)
along with a faint image of some round seal and a date stamp. The image file I believe was
printed on an 11 by 17-inch ink jet printer and then trimmed down to the finished 8.5 by 11-inch
standard paper size. Since all three exhibits of the Obama COLB exhibit this white halo that
would indicate all of them were produced from the same computer file and proves computer
manipulation and origin of the COLB. Proof of computer manipulation to generate the COLB is
Figure 29. There should not have been very much of a color shift between our copy and the
White Hoses’ copy because I used the exact same security paper. Most publishers use Adobe
Acrobat to transmit a composed book or magazine to the printer because Adobe keeps all the
color information the printer needs to accurately reproduce the pictures. A color shift difference
can be caused by the forger calibrating her scanner different than the factory default settings,
which are usually correct. The other reason for the color shift could be due to adjusting the color
so the output on the color printer matched the same color of the security paper. This is what I
believe has happened here. There is also a degraded appearance in the security papers design
due to applying sharpening features and reducing the resolution of the green security paper down
to 150 dpi. This is all evidence of computer manipulation and is the ninth point of forgery.
Creating a Grid to Analyze the Type and the Basic Standards for Typewriters
62 The function a typewriter does very well is placing a letter exactly in the same place
every time as seen in Figure 32. There are two different typeface standards used in typewriters.
The first is called Elite which measures 12 letters per inch and the other is called Pica, which are
10 characters to the inch. The typewriter letter spacing will always be the same even if one of the
metal type arms is slightly bent, it will always hit in the same exact place every time. If a
document has letters that are inconsistently place on the document that would indicate a cut and
Figure 32. An example of exact even letter spacing, line spacing from a 1960s vintage typewriter.
63 I will be extensively referring to typographic terms to explain what I found so let’s start
out with the basic units of measure. I will be using the terms picas and points extensively. There
are six picas to an inch and each pica is divided into 12 points. So there are 72 points to an inch.
The spaces between lines are called leading. Typewriters use 1 or 2 picas for the line spacing.
The width of a letter is called escapement and an Elite typeface has an escapement of six points
and this is the typeface that was used on Obama’s COLB. Exhibit 17 shows our COLB form and
the Elite typeface from my typewriter fitting the six point grid from the beginning to the end of
the line. Also notice each line of typewriter type rests on the gird lines as it should. I used the
grid feature in Adobes’ Photoshop program to place over the COLB and all the Obama copies but
mind. First it will always have the same leading line after line. A single line space will always be
one pica and double spaced will be two picas (24 points). So when form designers and
typesetters created these typewriter forms, they had this in mind. Line spacing is accomplished
by a typewriter by a notched gear at the end of the platen (Figure 33) so the leading is always
consistent and becomes a standard to look for on a forgery if we see the typewriter leading
Figure 33. 1960s era manual typewriter showing how it creates the uniform line spacing.
65 The first task was deciding where to place the grid on Obama’s COLB. The first line of
type is Obamas’ full name but it was six points more than the two pica spacing, but I could
understand why. It was larger because box 1a has a height of three picas and the typist could
have just started typing and only adjusted the next line after the name was typed in. So I ignored
that leading problem because there was a good explanation. I set the grid to the type on the box 2
Figure 34. The left side of the first four lines of the Obama COLB showing leading problems from line 2 to
box 7a.
66 As you can see by the next line the word Honolulu is one point above the baseline. By
line 6c the name of the hospital is three points above the baseline. On the next line in box 7a the
city is one point above the baseline. Figure 35 shows the right side of the same lines. The first
line started out on the baseline but by the time it got to the month, day, year and time it was all
off. August is one point above the baseline but the year and time is already one point below. The
“X” on the box 6d line is one point below the baseline but the words just before it is three points
Figure 35. The right side of the first four lines of the Obama COLB.
67 Figure 36 shows the next four lines of the form. You will notice line 7d is two points
above the baseline even though the line above was on it. Lines eight and ten are at least
consistent both being one point above the base line. When I examine the right side of the same
lines in Figure 37 we see that by box 7e the “X” is one point below the baseline, a change of
three points down. The type in box 8 Shown “BARACK” one point above the baseline but
“HUSSEIN” starts creeping up to a little over 1.5 points. Box 9 “African” also does not match up
to the type in box 8. There is no reason it should have changed. The type in boxes 12a and 12b
Figure 36. Right side of Obama’s COLB showing lines 7d to 10 with inconsistent leading.
68 The last typewriter lines are shown on Figure 38. Again you see inconsistencies between
the three lines. They should all be the same leading but they are not. All of these leading
variations are a very good indication that the document is a forgery and that the forger either did
not know the basic features of a manual typewriter or just didn’t think anyone would care about
Figure 38. The left side of the last typewritten lines of the form.
return lever the carriage will stop at the left-hand margin every time. The problem with the
Obama COLB is only three of the line starts at the left-hand margin and none of the three start at
exactly at the same place. Figure 39 shows the left-hand margin of the Obama COLB showing
that the first three lines do not mach up. Figure 40 shows a close-up without the empty lines. The
word “Male” looks like it was placed on the form without consideration of using the grid but the
other lines were. This is a big mistake the forger did because the rest of the lines more or less fit
into the one pica grid, which should hold two letters. You can see that even using the excuse of
the curved page does not explain what we are seeing because all the lines have about the same
amount of curvature. Also notice the text from lines up just fine so the cure is not the reason why
the work “Male” is too far to the left. Regarding the age “25” in box 10, I will assume the typist
was trying to center the number in the box so I’ll say that is OK, but when we come to the next
Figure 39. Left hand margin of Obama’s COLB. Figure 40. Close-up of Obama’s COLB left hand
70 I had acquired twelve other legitimate COLBs dated 1957 to 1967, which was the period
that the Department of Health used this particular form. Figure 41 shows the left-hand margin of
six of them. You will notice three of them are from the same Kapiolani hospital that supposedly
Obama was born. Notice all these examples show the proper left-hand margin with the words
lining up.
71 I found seven of the nine lines on the Obama birth certificate had words that were on the
same baseline, but words on the same line did not align with the rest. This is also impossible for
a typewriter unless the typist were to release the roller (platen) and adjust the position up or
down manually. There would be no reason for a typist to do that in the middle of typing a line.
You will also notice that all of them have consistent line spacing. The irregular line spacing on
Mr. Obama’s COLB proves forgery and shows that no typewriter did it. The Obama COLB most
likely was created as a result of the letters being positioned by eye on a computer monitor using
Adobe Photoshop.
Figure 41. Six other COLBs from the same period of time all with proper left-hand margins.
72 Of the twelve legitimate COLBs I acquired from Hawaii none of them illustrated the
same left-hand margin inconsistencies as Mr. Obama’s COLB does. This is the eleventh point
of forgery.
Dancing Type, lower case letter found above the baseline, the twelfth point of forgery
73 Paul and I noticed that some lower case letters were not on the baseline and some capital
letters were above the baseline so he did an experiment. The test involved applying different
pressures on the shift key used to go from lower case to upper case (Figure 42). The way it works
is the entire mechanism holding the keys moves down when the shift key is held down causing
the cap letter to strike in place of the lower case letter because both characters are on the same
key and type arm. This test established that lower case letters can only go below the baseline and
Figure 42. Shift key test showing that lower case letters can only go below the baseline.
Figure 43. Examples of lower case letters above the base line on the Obama COLB.
Figure 44. Examples of lower case letters above the base line on the Obama COLB.
Figure 45. More examples of letters above the baseline that should not be.
74 If the typist does not press the shift key down completely before the letter is struck the
result would be a capital letter a bit higher than the baseline of the word. Also less common
would be when a letter was typed before the shift key was fully released that would cause the
following lower case letter to be lower than the baseline. Once Paul had established that rule we
both decided to check the baselines of everything on the certificate to see if any cap letters were
below the baseline of a word and if any lower case letter was above the baseline of a word.
Figures 43, 44 and 45 show nine lower-case letters marked with arrows that were above the
baseline of the words. This by itself proves forgery because that is absolutely impossible for any
manual typewriter to do that because the mechanism does not allow it. This is the twelfth point
75 A typewriter will place letters in exactly the same place (escapement) every time because
there are mechanical stops that are spaced every six points apart the entire length of the carriage.
The tab set and the space bar uses these stops to know where to start the next letter or word. That
means if you start a typed line the letters and words have to be located at one of those stops. If
you find that words at the beginning of a line are not fitting in the six point grid with words at the
end of the line then it means the document is a forgery, if an alternate explanation cannot be
found. I have found no alternate explanation for this spacing problem on Obama’s COLB.
76 The Obama COLB did not fit the six point grid when the form was correctly sized to
actual (Exhibit 18). Both of us tried but could not do it. If I set the grid to the type on the left
hand side I could get the vertical type to line up but past that the type was progressively getting
shorter. Figure 46 shows you a small section of the problem I was facing.
Figure 46. A six point grid showing the type being slightly compressed and not fitting the grid.
77 I had ample legitimate samples of microfilmed birth certificates from other people which
I had sized and the letters fit the grid perfectly and some from the same hospital that most likely
used the same typewriter. Figure 47 is some lines from a 1960 COLB from a different hospital in
Hawaii. You will notice that all the words from the beginning of the line to the end fit within the
Figure 47. A 1960 Hawaiian COLB with the words on the entire line fitting within the grid.
78 The next step was expanding the line width until I found what width made the type fit the
grid. I had to expand the width to 521 points (7.2-inches) to make the text and letters on the left
side and the right side fit the grid (Figure 48). The problem was that the words in the middle did
not fit. They stretched too far to the right. The next question is why is this so badly sized? There
could be two explanations for this problem. The first being the forger could have been fooled by
the sizing of the microfilm copies and did not figure out the correct line length of the form. The
forger may not have cared and thought no one would notice. The other explanation is if the
forger was working with a smaller monitor and when she moved from the left side of the form to
the right side she accidently moved the image off the grid a few points and didn’t notice it. This
kind of mistake is easy to do. These are the only explanations I can envision why the type
doesn’t fit the grid along the entire line. The miss alignment starts past two inches from the left
that would not fit the grid. At this point it is not necessary for me to go through each line of the
form; the errors seen on Figure 48 and Exhibit 18 are self evident.
Figure 48. The Obama COLB stretched to 221 points so the left and right words fit the grid but the middle
words do not.
79 Another example proving our conclusion is whole words that the forger did not have to
piece together, common words like “Honolulu” and “Gynecological” that were on other COLBs.
Figure 49 and 50 are some examples from the 504 point correct adjusted reporters copy. As you
can see these words do not fit the grid and are slightly compressed, but after expanding the line
to 521 points these words fit the grid. You will also notice that number 3 “Honolulu” has
different letter spacing for the “o” and the “lu” than the other two. A form that was typed with a
single typewriter cannot have two different letter spacing on the same repeated word. This is a
further indication that #3 was hand pasted together. A definite proof of forgery.
Figure 49. Form sized to 504 points but the last few letters start moving to the left.
Figure 50. Form sized to 504 points but the last few letters start moving to the left.
80 Figure 51 shows all the typewriter words on the form. You will notice that some of the
words fit the grid and other do not, thus indicating that there is nothing wrong with the grid size
in relation to the form but that some of the words were sized wrong when the forger placed them
on the form.
Figure 51. All the form words placed in a 6 point grid. Some words and letters fit and some do not.
81 The forger also misplaced commas and the “X” in some of the boxes. Figure 52 show the
spacing of all the commas and Figure 53 shows the problem with the “X” boxes.
Figure 52. Punctuation problems with only #1, 3 and 5 are in the same location, numbers 2 and 4 are not.
Figure 53. The “X” on line one does not fit within the grid.
82 Typewriter word spacing is so basic to forensic examination and testing that this word
spacing problem alone renders Mr. Obama’s birth certificate a bad forgery. The punctuation
83 The term kerning means to bring together two letters that would appear to far apart if set
without kerning. Typesetters would do this with letter combinations such as TA, To and LT, etc.
The point being manual typewriters cannot do kerning. The only way it can appear is if a key is
bent to the right or left and appears to have been kerned next to another letter. The following
examples in Figure 54 show type that are kerned or touching, which they should not be. For all
of these letters I examined all of their occurrence on the form, including the corresponding
Figure 54. Kerned or touching letters.
84 What this again indicates is that the forger hand placed letters to build words but did not
pay much attention to the placement of the letters within a grid. This is the fifteenth point of
85 We refer you to Figure 32 which shows part of a page of lower case letters showing that a
typewriter will place letters always in the exact same location every time. Paul and I both did the
letter spacing analysis and found ample proof that the letters in most of the non-common words
were pasted together, commonly known as a “cut and past job” even though nothing is actually
being physically cut. Its all done in Photoshop. Figure 55 shows a column of “a” with a single
grid box so you can see how the letters changes placement from one “a” to another. This is
86 I decided to stack some of the letters with the words containing them and place them in
the six point grid so you can see that various letter placements in relationship with the whole
word. Figure 56 shows the letter “a”, Figure 57 displays the letter “c”, Figure 58 shows the letter
“e” and Figure 59 shows the letter “l”. I set the six point grid to the first letter in the word.
Figure 55 Figure 56, “a” stacked vertically
Figure 55. All the letter “a”s from the Obama COLB showing the uneven placement of the letter.
Figure 56. The stacked “a” shows variations of where it was placed but it did not matte when in the word.
Figure 57, “c” stacked vertically shows variations of where it was placed.
Figure 58. “e” stacked vertically shows variations of where it was placed.
Figure 59. The stacked “l” shows variations of where it was placed and different fonts for the same letter.
87 The next analysis I performed was to compare two letter combinations to see if they were
consistent. Figure 60 shows seven such letter pairs and they all seem to have different spacing.
You will also notice that we are looking at multiple fonts for the same letter, which of course is
impossible on a typed form unless it was a cut and pasted from more than one form and different
typewriters. The common words copied to the COLB had no such letter spacing problems and
were consistent. A typewriter does not have a mind of its own to decide which words it will
88 It is assumed that a major hospital in a major city that might do over seven births in a day
Figure 60. Nine letter pairs showing different letter spacing and multiple fonts for the same letter.
89 My results show that letter spacing throughout the entire document is the result of a cut
and past job except for some very common words that were lifted from other COLBs. Letter
90 A typewritten document will only have one typeface and size displayed on it. If an
examiner finds two or more different typefaces or sizes for the same letter it is a clear sign the
document had been forged. This section will show the different letter designs I found on the
Obama COLB, further proving it is a forgery and obviously should never happen. Some of the
type was taller and some wider than normal elite typeface so those must have been pica
typefaces. Either the forger did not know the difference or was working with a condensed
microfilm copy and didn’t see the difference. I have proven earlier that the forger was using
copies from other microfilm COLBs but didn’t size the form correctly.
91 I am sure the forger took letters and whole words from other COLBs but the forger did
not think that different hospitals used different typewriters that would have different type fonts.
92 The reason different typewriter manufacturers created their own typeface designs were so
they did not have to pay royalties to another company. Many times the design change was very
slight but as long as they changed it a little they do not have to pay royalties. Sometimes I saw
the design change was very slight but as typographers we both noticed the difference. Because I
was also working from degraded images of the type I was very forgiving and if the difference
could be explained, I passed on it. I made my observations by enlarging the images within Adobe
93 Figure 61 shows two different capital “H” in the document. The Letter “H” shows up nine
times. #1, 3, and 4 are slightly slanted to the right indicating a bent arm in the typewriter. The
Figure 61. Two different “H” typefaces, one with a bent slanted H.
94 Figure 62 shows sixteen different fonts with two or more different typefaces or sizes.
Some of these differences are very slight and some are very noticeable. Sometimes the difference
is only the serifs at the end of the letter and other times it is a complete redraw. The result being I
found sixteen examples of different letter designs used on the same form using the reporters’
handout copy. The letter “W” is much wider than the rest and does not fit in the six point grid. It
could have come from a pica typewriter and not elite. This is a separate point of evidence of
Figure 62. Examples of two different typefaces or sizes for the same font.
95 Figure 63 shows an example of rotated type. This is a very special case and you will find
out why the forger rotated the “e” in “Male” 6.7% in box 2. All the other lower case “e” are
normal. This is an obvious sign of a forged document but there is a reason the forger did it and is
Figure 63. The “e” on the left was rotated 6.7% deliberately.
96 Finding sixteen different typewriter fonts or size differences on the same form is of
course impossible if only one typewriter is used. To find this on any document only means one
Miss Alignment of type baseline to the forms lines, the eighteenth point of forgery.
97 The next point of forgery is caused by the fact that the form was not perfectly flat on the
glass then the forger scanned it so some of the lines are slightly curved up on the left-hand side
starting from box line 7a down to about box line 13. The difference is only about 1.5 points
overall. The problem is that the typewriter line is straight but the form line below slightly curves
down so we see a half to one point difference where there should be no difference. Figure 64
shows the difference in the three lines. What we should be seeing is the typewriter line following
any curves in the paper as we do on the left-hand top edge of the form. I did not go to the end of
lines 8 and 10 because that type was already not pasted down on the same baseline as the left
side of the form so I used type in the middle where the difference was not as great but was still
Figure 64. Baseline differences between the form itself and the baseline of the type.
98 Both the Registrar’s stamp and the DOH seal are made of metal. The Registrar’s stamp is
99 State and Federal statutes make it a crime to forge or alter the birth identification number
(the State File Number), the registrar stamp or the Department of Health round embossed seal.
Altering any one of these or forging one is a federal crime under subsection Title 18, section 506
100 After I resized all three copies of Barack Obama’s COLB to the correct actual size I
noticed that the date and the Registrar’s stamps appeared to be in exactly same place (Exhibit
19). When I finally got original COLBs I immediately saw that both the registrar and date stamps
are two separate embossed stamps and there was no chance of two COLBs having these two
hand embossed stamps in exactly the same location. I had multiple originals and copies of these
certificates and no two were exactly the same. I then created a clear overlay from the Exhibits
and saw that the line spacing was the same on all three. From this study it became obvious that
all of Obama’s COLB copies came from a common origin. The white halo around all the type on
the registrar’s stamp should also not be on a photocopy. Another cause for suspicion is that the
date stamp and the registrar stamp are both too straight on the paper and there is no good reason
why it should be that way. These are two hand stamped elements and there is no reason they
should be made straight. None of the other originals and copies of COLBs were like that. That is
an indication that they were manually placed in Photoshop and made straight.
101 Figure 65 shows the Registrar’s stamp on the PDF copy and the reporters copy. I have
also included an enlargement of the “TXE” error. As I mentioned the Registrar’s stamp is a metal
embossing stamp and we can assume was produced by a professional stamping company that
makes seals. The seal is first typeset and would not have any line spacing or poorly made letters
on it before it would be cast in metal. I found the following errors on the Registrar’s stamp that
should not be there but was put there deliberately and the reason will be explained in the sealed
Figure 65. The Registrar’s stamp on Mr. Obama’s COLB from the reporters and PDF copy.
102 The first error is the damaged letter “H” in the word “THE” in the second line to look like
“TXE.” The second point is the italic script E found under the capital “A” in Alvin (Figure 66).
The third item is a line deliberately put on the script “n” in the word Alvin. Figure 67 shows a
close-up of what I found. The forth item is the white halo around all the type on Onaka’s stamp.
The white halo is created by the feature unsharp mask mentioned before.
Figure 67. Close up of the short line placed on the “n” in Alvin.
103 Everyone should understand that NO professional stamping house, whether rubber or
metal stamps or seals, would make these mistakes. It’s not professional and just would not
happen especially if the company knew the stamp or seal was for a government agency that
would be used hundreds of thousands of times in an official manner. So what you are seeing is
104 I have other copies of the same registrar stamp (Figures 1 and 68) but they do not display
the same errors on them even though they are both forged. The first shown (Figure 68) was
stamped on March 15, 2011, which is just 41 days before Mr. Obama got his and it uses the same
exact registrar stamp. Figure 69 is an enlargement of the same stamp. The line on the script “n”
is not present. There is no script E found under the capital “A” in Alvin. The “H” in “THE” is
just perfect and there are no color density differences of the type in that area. There is no
evidence of the halo around all the type. All four of the errors only showed up on Mr. Obama’s
105 When I look at the registrar’s stamp on Obama’s short form dated June 6, 2007 (Figure 1)
the stamp has no such aberrations even though I wrote it may also be forged because of the ink
density problems.
Figure 68. The Same Registrar stamp from a different forgery received just 41 days before Mr. Obama got
his but with different errors on it but not the same as Obama’s.
Figure 69. Close up of the registrar stamp from the same time period with no line across the “n” in Alvin,
the “H” in THE does not look like an “X” and there is no script “E” under the “A.”
106 I was wondering how an embossed metal stamp that produces recessed type could leave
an inked impression. I figured it out by using my biological microscope and examined the three
genuine certificates I got from the Hawaiian Department of Health (Figure 2). I examined the
registrar’s stamp under different magnifications and discovered the black was not caused by ink
of any type because it did not seep into the cotton paper. The black specks and flakes were on the
surface and sticking to the surface cotton fibers. The way the DOH makes the date stamp and
registrar stamp visible is with using something like a carbonized ribbon over an inch wide. I
personally know that Ricoh sells this type of wide ribbons so I know they do exist.
107 I have not focused on the PDF copy of Mr. Obama’s COLB because there was almost no
chain of custody for it and I also thought that it was only intended to create confusion and also to
hide the bad letter spacing and multiple type faces. The forger used JBIG2 compression in
creating the PDF. It did succeed in rendering the type analysis useless on the PDF copy. I will go
into it here because the very use of it helps prove the intent of the forger to hide some of her
108 JBIG2 compression was developed to provide a compression that would produce a one-
third to one-fifth file size over standard compressions. What it does is pattern match and replace
with a smaller code that matches the pattern found in the programs library. It is not really OCR
(optical character recognition) its bitmap pattern matching. The way it works is the program
creates a library of similar bitmapped patterns it recognizes while analyzing the page. Let’s say it
see a pattern that is an “o.” The next time it seen the same pattern, within a certain error range,
the program replaces that pattern with a small code representing that “o” pattern. It does this with
as many patterns it can match up. The output file can be much smaller because it does not have
to actually repeat a lot of similar bitmapped letters. The problem with this system is that it ruins
the ability to make individual letter comparisons for forensic examination. That was the reason
the forger went through the extra steps to use JPEB2 output. What ruined it for the forger was
that the White House used one of the two high resolution copies they got from Hawaii, to make
the copies for the newsman for the Wednesday morning news conference. That is the only reason
Paul and I got a high resolution copy to examine. Figure 70 shows some of the repeated letters I
found on the Obama PDF. You will notice all the similar letters have exactly the same bitmapped
image. That is the tell-tail sign if JPEG2. Figure 71 is my test from our PDF.
Figure 70. Examples of duplicate letters caused by JBIG2 compression on Obama’s COLB PDF.
Figure 71. Examples of duplicate letters caused by JBIG2 compression on my test COLB PDF. There
were a lot more matching letters but this is enough to prove my point.
109 I want to state now that I was able to replicate the layers that appeared on Mr. Obama’s
COLB PDF. What I learned from doing it was that the forger had to go through an additional
four steps to convert the type using JBIG2 compression and she had to use two programs to do it.
110 The attorney Orly Taitz had a lawsuit in Mississippi against the Mississippi Democratic
Party. The Lawsuit was filled some time in May 2012. The defendants’ attorney was Scott Tepper
from the Law Firm of Garfield and Tepper of Los Angeles, CA. Because of this lawsuit the
attorney Tepper wrote a letter dated May 25, 2012 to Loretta Fuddy, Director of the Hawaiian
Department of Health, requesting her to verify the existence of Mr. Obama’s COLB at the
Hawaiian Department of Health. He had attached a PDF copy of the original White House PDF
COLB to his letter and he also filed it with the court which had a filling date of May 4, 2012.
That copy of the PDF COLB looks just like the one that is on the White House web site and it
matches what we also have. Alvin Onaka was then gave the job to answer Mr. Tepper which he
did in a Verification of Birth letter dated May 31, 2013 (Exhibit 20). Onaka in his letter states “. .
. reviewed by me on the date of this verification, a copy of which is attached with your request,
matches the information contained in the original Certificate of Live Birth for Barack Hussein
Obama, II on file with the State of Hawaii Department of Health.” Onaka used a signature stamp
instead of signing the letter but he initialed the stamped signature wit “ATO” indicating he
stamped. The legal old seal was then embossed over his signature certifying it was him. Mr.
Tepper after receiving Alvin Onaka’s file and new PDF file then modified his May 4, filing on
June 6, 2012 and attached the new PDF of the COLB just received from Alvin Onaka.
111 The one big problem was that the new PDF COLB was changed. It was modified by
globally changing the color to be much lighter and greener in appearance (Exhibit 21). The
reason they did that was to hide the white halo around all the type and lines. They knew it should
not have been there and they couldn’t explain it away. We already explained how the white halo
was created by using unsharp mask. By globally increasing the green value on the image it
almost completely erased the white halo as seen on Exhibit 21. Paul and I were able to replicate
the same effect using Photoshop. Figure 72 shows our results and Figure 73 shows the settings
Figure 73. The settings used to replicate the same appearance of the Tepper PDF COLB received from
Alvin Onaka.
112 The altered Tepper COLB from Mr. Onaka proved several things that are very important.
The first is that the only way to alter the color, hue and saturation levels of the image is within
Adobe Photoshop. You cannot do it using only Acrobat because it does not have these settings to
adjust the color. So we must conclude that someone at the HDOH had to have local access to the
forger and had the forger of the previous delivered forgers modify the color settings in the
original file and create a new PDF COLB file which the forger delivered back to someone at the
DOH. This was the fourth deliverable that I wrote about earlier. This shows another direct
connection between the forger, the previous forgeries and the Hawaiian Department of Health.
113 Since Dr. Alvin Onaka did not directly sign the letter but only a signature stamp was
used, we really do not know if Dr. Onaka signed it even with the initials after the name but since
the Department official seal had been stamped over his name it would lead everyone to that
conclusion. This may just be one more attempt at plausible deniability on the part of the registrar
but that will have to be investigated by a Federal Grand Jury but it still does not release the
114 Conclusion and request for order of discharge from 18 U.S.C. §4 and 18 U.S.C §2382
Further Affiant Sayeth Naught. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is
Bellevue, WA 98006
By: _____________________________