Trial Pahang Answers For Physics Paper 1 Trial 2010

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Trial Pahang

Answers For Physics Paper 1 Trial 2010

1. C 6. A 11.B 16. A 21. C 26. C 31. D 36. A 41. C 46. A

2. B 7. B 12.D 17.B 22. D 27. D 32. C 37. C 42. A 47.A

3. B 8. A 13.B 18 A 23. A 28. D 33. B 38. C 43. C 48. B

4. D 9. C 14. A 19 A 24.C 29. C 34. B 39. C 44. A 49. B

5. D 10.B 15. C 20. C 25.B 30. B 35. B 40. C 45. B 50. B

Pahang SPM Trial Exam 2010
Marking Scheme Physics Paper 2

Section A
Question 1 Answer Note
(a) 1 0.2 s With correct unit
(b) 1 - 0.4 s With correct unit
(c) 2 50.0s – (0.4 s) =50.4 s With correct unit
Total : 4 marks

Question 2 Answer Note

(a) 1 e.m.f induced/ current induced
(b) 1 North
(c)(i) 1
(ii) 1
(iii) 1


Total: 5 marks

Question 3 Answer Note

(a) 1 Force that oppose acted force forward
(b)(i) 1 W= mgh = 430 N With correct unit
(b)(i) 1 Resultant force, F =W sin 20° – 147.1 N
= 147.1 N – 147.1 N
1 =0N With correct unit
(c) 1 Stationary
1 Because balance force/ Force in equilibrium/
acted force = frictional force
Total: 6 marks
Question 4 Answer Note
(a)(i) 1 Thermionic emission
(a)(ii) 1 To accelerate electrons
(b) 1 Kinetic energy  heat energy + light energy
(c)(i) 1 Alternating current/ AC
(c)(ii) 1 Period, T = 3 × 0.02s = 0.06 s With correct unit
1 F=1/T = 1/0.06s = 16.67 Hz
(d) 1

s / div V / div

Total: 7 marks

Question 5 Answer Note

(a) 1 Atmospheric pressure/ Air pressure
(b)(i) 1 The volume of air trapped in the beaker diagram 5.1 is larger Quantities must be
(b)(ii) 1 The pressure of air trapped in the beaker diagram 5.2 is bigger same as stated in
(c)(i) 1 The higher the pressure, the lower the volume of air trapped questions.
(c)(ii) 1 Boyle’s law
(d) 1 Density of air < water
1 Water exerts upthrust
1 Upthrust > Weight of beaker + air trapped

Total : 8 marks
Question 6 Answer Note
(a) 1 Sources that have the same frequency and in phase.
(b)(i) 1 The wavelength of water wave in Diagram 6.1 is shorter
(b)(ii) 1 The distance between two consecutive nodal lines, x in Diagram
6.1 is shorter
(c)(i) 1 The shorter the wavelength of water wave, the shorter the distance
between two consecutive nadal lines, x.
(c)(ii) 1 Interference
(d)(i) 2


(d)(ii) 1 A: Bright
B: Dark/Dim
Total : 8

Question 7 Answer Note

(a) 1 Elastic potential energy
(b)(i) 1 X = 4.0 cm With correct unit
(b)(ii) 1 F = kx
1 k = 0.9 N cm-1 @ 90.0 N m-1 With correct unit
(b)(iii) F1 F
= 2
x1 x2
3.6 5
= =
4 x2
x 2 = 5.56 cm
l = 12 – 5.56 = 6.44 cm
1 With correct unit
(c)(i) 1 The higher the weight of load, the higher the compression
(c)(ii) 1 The spring will not return to its original shape// spoil
(d) 2 Use a larger diameter of spring wire
Add more springs in parallel
Use stiffer spring/ any two
Total: 10 marks

Question 8 Answer Note

(a)(i) 1 15 hours
1 Short time taken to decay/Can decay faster and they leave
harmless daughter nuclei
(a)(ii) 1 Gamma ray
1 Strong penetration power/ Can penetrate the soil
(a)(iii) 1 Liquid
Easier to dissolve in water/ Produce more even radiations.
(b)(i) 1 8/8  4/8  2/8  1/8
T1/2 T1/2 T1/2

t = n (T1/2)
1 = 3 (28 years) = 84 years
With correct unit
* 2nd method:
1 
Undecay value =   Original value
1 1 8
=  ×
8 2 8
2n = 8 n=3
t = 3 × 28 years = 84 years
(c) 1 Thickness control/Examine contamination in canned food/
Medical screening/treatment// smoke detector/ sterilizing/
(d)(i) 1 Mass defect = (2.014012u + 3.016029u) – (4.0022603u +
= 0.018863 u = 0.018863 × 1.66 × 10-27 kg
1 = 3.13 × 10-29 kg With correct unit
(d)(ii) E = mc2
= 3.13 × 10-29 kg× (3.0 × 108 ms-1)2
1 = 2.82 × 10-12 J With correct unit
Total: 12 marks

Section B

Question 9 Answer Note

(a)(i) 1 Refraction
(a)(ii) 1 Ratio of sin i / sin r // The ratio of speed of light in vacuum
relative to that speed through a medium
(b) 1 Refractive index of the glass is higher.
1 The density of glass is higher
1 The angle of refraction of light ray in glass is shorter
1 The higher the density of medium, the smaller the angle of
refraction of light.
1 The higher the density of medium, the higher the refractive

Light refracted
away from normal

Extrapolation to
show position of
the observing
image – 1 m

- He must shoot the target at the lower position of the image.

1- m
Objective lens

Total internal

45° 45°

45° 45°

Total internal

Distribution of marks:
1 mark - Labeled 90°prism
1 mark - Arrangement of prisms --- facing each other
1 mark - Location of objective lens
1 mark - Location of the eyepiece lens
1 mark - Light ray with 2 times total internal reflection at the 1st
1 mark - Light ray with 2 times total internal reflection at the 2nd

Modifications Reasons
Objective lens with More light passes
2 larger through the lens/
2 Eyepiece lens with Act as a strong
higher magnifying glass
power // Thicker
eyepiece lens

Total : 20 marks

Question 10 Answer Note

(a) 1 A wave in which the vibration of particles in the medium is
parallel to the direction of propagation of the wave
(b)(i) 1 The amplitude in Diagram 10.2 is higher
(b)(ii) 1 The peak value, a2 in Diagram 10.2 is higher
(b)(iii) 1 The higher the amplitude of vibration of tuning forks, the higher
the peak value
(b)(iv) 1 The higher the peak value, the louder the sound
(b)(v) 1 The higher the amplitude, the louder the sound
(c) 1 - Use ultrasound Max 4 marks
1 - Ultrasound is transmitted to the sea bed
1 - a receiver will then detect the reflected the reflected pulses
1 - the time taken by the pulse to travel to the seabed and return to
the receiver being recorded, t
1 - the depth of the sea can be calculated using the formula,

(d) Max 10 marks

Suggestions Reason
1 Loudspeakers are So that the distance between
positioned at quite a consecutive constructive /
1 distance away. destructive interference is
The two main To prevent multiple
1 loudspeakers are not reflections
1 positioned opposite to
each other
Fix soft boards/ Reflection effects can be
1 wooden/ materials reduced
which are sound
1 absorbers
Use thick carpet/ To prevent echo
1 Wooden floor/ Rubber
1 floor
Assemble a high power To produce a high amplitude
1 speaker system of sound wave

1 Assemble the speaker at Wide coverage // the wave is

1 a high place not blocked
Total : 20

Section C

Question 11 Answer Note

(a)(i) 1 Archimedes’ principle states that the buoyant force on an
object immersed in a fluid is equal to the weight of fluid
displaced by the object.
(a)(ii) 1 - Volume of air displaced equal to volume of a balloon
1 - Density of air decreased as a altitude increase
1 - Weight of displaced air become smaller
1 - At certain height weight of displaced air equal to weight of the
Characteristics Explaination
1 Large ballon To produce bigger buoyant
/ upthrust // Increase the
1 volume of the air displaced
Use 2 burners // Many To produce bigger flame //
burners heat up the gas in the
balloon faster
1 Synthetic nylon Light-weight/ strong /air-
1 proof material
1 High temperature of the air Reduce the density /weight
1 in the balloon of the air in the balloon
Hot air balloon Q is chosen Large balloon, use 2
1 burners / many burners,
1 use synthetic nylon and has
high temperature of the air
in the balloon.

(c)(i) 1 Mass = density x volume With correct unit

1 Mass = 0.169 kg m-3 x 1.2 m3 = 0.20 kg

(c)(ii) Calculate mass of displaced air correctly
1 m = 1.3 kg m-3 x 1.2 m3 =1.56kg
Calculate weight of displaced air correctly and state that
bouyant force equal to weight of displaced air
1 Weight of displaced air = bouyant force
= mg = 1.56 x 10 With correct unit
1 = 15.6N
Total : 20 marks

Question 12 Answer Note

(a) 1 A fuse is a very thin wire, which either melts or vaporizes when
too much current flows through it
(b) 1 - A parallel circuit can run several devices using the full voltage Max 4 marks
1 of the supply.
1 - If one device fails, the others will continue running normally
1 - If the device shorts, the other devices will receive no voltage,
preventing overload damage.
- A failure of one component does not lead to the failure of the
other components.
- More components may be added in parallel without the need
for more voltage.
- Each electrical appliance in the circuit has it own switch.
(c)(i) 1 - The electrical appliance use 240 V of voltage to generates 500
W of power.
(c)(ii) 1 Current = Power/Voltage With correct unit

1 Current = 500/240 = 2.08 A

(c)(iii) 1 Efficiency = Output Power x 100 % With correct unit
Input Power
Output Power = 85 x 500
1 Output power = 425 W

Characteristics Explanation
Thin fuse wire Less space needed/ to carry a
limited electrical current/ less
mass hence low heat
capacity/ shorter time to heat
up to melting point and blow.
Ceramic cartridge Can withstand higher
temperature because sparks
created by high voltage,
240V can be huge/
Fuse rating is 13 A Maximum rating must be
higher than normal current.
Low melting point For fast blow/ Melting faster
when excessive current flow/
Easy to cut the current flow.
R is chosen because Because it has thin fuse wire,
ceramic cartridge, fuse rating
is 13 A and low melting

Total : 20 marks


No Answer Marks
1 a) (i) Distance between 2 coherent sources of sound waves, a 1
(ii) Distance between two consecutive instances of loud sound, x 1
(iii) Distance between loudspeakers and where soun is
detected/frequency of sound waves/ wavelength of sound 1
b) (i) a = 1.0m x = 15.2cm All correct 2M
a = 1.5m x = 10.3 cm 4 correct 1M
a = 2.0m x = 7.3 cm 3 correct 0M
a = 2.5 m x = 5.9 cm ( accept : ± 0.1
a = 3.0 m x = 4.7 cm cm)
/ m-1 x / cm x/m
1.00 15.2 3.04
0.67 10.3 2.06
0.50 7.3 1.46
0.40 5.9 1.18
0.33 4.7 0.94

Tabulate data
1. Shows a table which have and x
1 1
2. State the correct unit ( : m-1 and x : m)
3. All values x are correct 1
4. Values of are consistent to 2 decimal point 1
5. Values of x are consistent to 2 decimal point

1 (7)
c) 1
Draw graph x against
1.  The responding variable, x at y axis
2.  The manipulated variable, at x axis
3.  Sates the unit of variable correctly
4.  Both axis with the even and uniform scale
5.  5 points correctly plotted
6.  A smooth best fit straight line
7.  Minimum size (50% of graph paper)
No of ticks Score
7 5
5-6 4
3-4 3
2 2
1 1 5
d) x is inversely propotional to a OR x is directly proportional to 1
No Answer Marks
2 a) Extrapolation on graph to cross y-axis where h=0m 1
Correct answer with unit
1.00 x 105 Nm-2 1 (2)
b) (i) Large triangle ( 4 x 3 larger square)on graph 1
Correct substitution (refer to triangle drawn) exp:
(1.6 ×10 5 ) − (1.0 ×10 5 ) 1
0.7 − 0
Correct answer with correct unit
k = 5999.3 Nm-3 1 (3)

(ii) Method with correct substitution refer to answer in (i)

0.12 (5.999.3) 1

Correct answer
ρ = 719.92 kgm-3 1 (2)

c) Line on graph at h = 0.5 m 1

Correct substitution OR final answer with unit (accept ±

the value half of small square )
1 (2)
5 5 -2 5 -2
P = 1.043 x 10 + 1.0 x 10 Nm OR 2.043 x 10 Nm
d) (i) Increase 1

(ii) The higher the density, the higher the pressure and
produce the higher gradient of graph P - h 1 (2)
e) Describe the method to avoid parallax error
The eye at the same level of meniscus of water 1
3. a) Correct inference refer to actual situation and correct
The distance between paper to the lens / focal length is 1
depends on the thickness of lens.
b) Correct hypothesis with correct direction (refer to variables
that choose for the experiment)
The higher the thickness of lens, the longer its focal length 1
c) i) Aim of the experiment
To Investigate the relationship between the focal length
and the thickness of lens. 1
ii) Variables (MV and RV should can be measured)
MV : The thickness of lens 1
RV : The focal length
FV : Refractive index of lens / the diameter of lens / 1
type of lens

iii) List of apparatus (ruler and vernier

caliper/micrometer screw gauge must be in the list)
5 convex lenses of different thickness but same
diameter, light box/candle with flame, low voltage
power supply, screen, plasticine, ruler and 1
micrometer screw gauge/ vernier caliper
iv) Arrangement of apparatus (Should be relevant and

o a.c

screen lens with holder ray box (far

from the
lens as a distance
object) 1
v) Procedures
1. The thickness of lens is measured using the vernier 1

caliper/micrometer screw gauge and record.

2. The lens is adjusted until the clear sharp image of 1

filament is obtain on the screen.The distance

centre of lens to the screen is measured as the focal
3. The experiment is repeated use another four
thickness of lenses. (accept without values
because the
thickness is unknown and measured before the


1. relationship between u and v where f is measure
1 1 1
the formula u + v = f
2. use distance object (outside object) to determine
focal length of lens 1

vi) Show the table

Thickness / cm Focal length / cm

vii) State the graph should be drawn or draft the graph

Draw a graph, the focal length against the thickness of

OR focal length / cm

Thickness / cm
Total Marks 12
4. a) Correct inference refer to actual situation and correct
direction 1
The brightness of lamp depend on the speed of wheel.
b) Correct hypothesis with correct direction (refer to variables
that choose for the experiment)
The higher the speed of magnet, the higher the current induced 1
c) i) Aim of the experiment
To Investigate the relationship between the high of
magnet and the current induced. 1
ii) Variables (MV and RV should can be measured)
MV : Speed (of the magnet) 1
RV : current (induced)
FV : Numbers of turns of the coil / the diameter of 1
coil / the

thickness of wire

iii) List of apparatus (ruler and galvanometer must be in

the list)
coil/selonoid made of copper wire, ruler , galvanometer
and connecting wire

iv) Arrangement of apparatus (Should be relevant and





1. The apparatus is set up as the diagram shown.
2. The strong magnet is released at 10 cm of height.
3. The division of the galvanometer’s pointer deflect 1
4. The experiment is repeated at the height of magnet
15cm, 20 cm, 25 cm and 30 cm

vi) Show the table

height / cm division

vii) State the graph should be drawn or draft the graph

Draw a graph, the division against the height of

OR division
height / cm
Total Marks 12

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