Percakapan Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Perkenalan 2 Orang Di Bebagai Tempat

1. Didalam kelas (lingkungan sekolah)

Di kelas, Mulyadi memperkenalkan diri ke gadis yang dia anggap cukup menarik
perhatiannya. Karena dia ingin memberi kesan yang terlihat gaul, maka dia memluai dengan
melakukan percakapan bahasa inggris.
Mulyadi : Hi, I don’t think we have met.
Rania : Hi, it’s true, we never met before
Mulyadi : May I introduce myself? I am Mulyadi Pratama
Rania : My name is Rania Rifani.
Mulyadi : Sorry, what’s your name again?
Rania : Rania Rifani.
Mulyadi : What a beautiful name.
Rania : Thank you.
Mulyadi : How do I call you?
Rania : You can call me Nia. And what should I call you?
Mulyadi : Just call me Yadi.
Rania : Pleased to meet you.
Mulyadi : Pleased to meet you, too
Artinya atau Terjemahan Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Mulyadi : Hai, Kayaknya kita belum pernah bertemu
Rania : Hai, Iya benar, kita belum pernah bertemu sebelumnya
Mulyadi : Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri? Saya Mulyadi pratama
Rania : Nama saya Rania Rifani
Mulyadi : Maaf, Siapa namamu tadi?
Rania : Rania Rifani
Mulyadi : Nama yang bagus
Rania : Terima kasih
Mulyadi : Bagaimana saya memanggil kamu?
Rania : Kamu bisa panggil saya Nia. Dan saya harus panggil kamu apa?
Mulyadi : Panggil saja aku Yadi
Rania : Senang bertemu denganmu
Mulyadi : Senang bertemu dengan kamu juga
2. Di bus atau kendaraan umum
Nyonya Menir bertemu seorang turis asing di bus saat ingin pulang kerumahnya. Dia
mencoba memulai perkenalan diri dengan mereka.
Menir : Hello, where are you going?
Angel : Hello, I’m going to Dago Street. How about you?
Menir : I’m on the way home. My house is on Setiabudi Street.
Angel : Is it far from Dago?
Menir : No, it’s not. It’s only about 2km from Dago.
Angel : Is there any interesting places on Setiabudi?
Menir : There are many good restaurant and factory oulets. You have to visit
Angel : I think that will be my next destination.
Menir : By the way, my name is Menir. What is your name?
Angel : My name is Angel. Glad to meet you.
Menir : Glad to meet you, too. Where are come from?
Angel : I am from Paris, France.
Menir : What are actually you doing here? Are you studying? Or working?
Angel : Well, I am just having holiday here. Many friends of mine suggested
Bandung as holiday destination. They told me Bandung has so many
Interesting places to visit. So, I decided to visit this city to spend my
Menir : So, what is your plan after visiting Bandung?
Angel : I am going to visit Komodo Island next week. I want to see the biggest
lizard in the world.
Menir : That’s good destination. There are many beautiful beaches too.
Angel : Okay, I think I have to stop here. It’s Dago Street, isn’t it?
Menir : Yes, It is Dago Street. Nice to talk to you.
Angel : Nice to talk to you, too. See you.
Menir : See you, too.
Terjemahan atau artinya dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Menir : Halo, Mau kemana?
Angel : Halo, Saya akan pergi ke Jl. Dago. Bagaimana denganmu?
Menir : Saya dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah. Rumah saya di Jl. Stiabudi.
Angel : Apakah itu jauh dari Jl. Dago?
Menir : Tidak, Itu hanya sekitar 2 km dari Dago.
Angel : Apakah ada tempat menarik di Setiabudi?
Menir : Ada banyak restoran bagus dan factory outlet. Kamu harus datang ke
Angel : Kayaknya itu akan menjadi tempat tujuan saya yang selanjutnya
Menir : Ngomong-ngmong, nama saya menir. Siapa nama kamu?
Angel : Nama saya Angel. Senang bertemu denganmu.
Menir : Senang juga bertemu denganmu. Dari mana asal kamu?
Angel : Saya dari Paris, Perancis.
Menir : Sebenarnya apa yang kamu lakukan di Bandung. Apa kamu sedang
belajar? Atau berkerja?
Angel : Sebenarnya, saya hanya liburan disini. Banyak teman saya menyarankan
Bandung sebagai tempat tujuan liburan. Mereka bilang Bandung
mempunyai banyak tempat yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Jadi, saya
memutuskan unutk mengunjungi Bandung.
Menir : Jadi, Apa rencana kamu stelah mengunjungi Bandung?
Angel : Saya akan ke Pulau Komodo Minggu Depan. Saya ingin melihat Kadal
terbesar didunia
Menir : Itu tempat tujuan yang baik. Ada Banyak pantai yang bagus juga.
Angel : Oke, kyaknya saya harus berenti disini. Ini Jl. Dago bukan?
Menir : Iya, ini Jl. Dago. Senang berbicaa denganmu.
Angel : Senang juga berbicara denganmu. Sampai berjumpa kembali.
Menir : Sampai berjumpa juga.

Good morning, My Friends.

I am so happy to see you in this occasion. Well, my name is Elsye Sitinjak. I come from
Metro. I was born in Medan, on October 22th, 1992. My family and I live at Jengkol street
number 25, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. My hobby is singing and shopping. I really love
music. Even, I have a dream to be a famous and great singer. I I ever won first winner in
singing contest when I was 15 years old. Teaching is the other thing that I love. Since I study
at English Department, I began to teach kids around my house. Besides that, I also join an
Eso at the university. Eso is kind of English Club. I learn many things from Eso. They teach
me how speak fluently. I think English became very important nowadays. That is why I am
very interested in learning English. I have two sisters and one brother. They are Dede
Sintinjak, Jeni Sitinjak and Robi Sitinjak. I really love them. They really support my career.
We often spend time together in the weekend. I think that’s all about myself. Thank you so
much for your nice attention.

Assalamualikum. Wr.Wb.

Artinya :

Selamat pagi, Teman-Teman.

Saya sangat senang bertemu Anda dalam kesempatan kali ini. Nah, nama saya Elsye Sitinjak.
Saya datang dari Metro. Saya lahir di Medan, pada 22 Oktober 1992. Keluarga saya dan saya
tinggal di Jalan Jengkol nomor 25, Kedaton, Bandar Lampung. Hobi saya bernyanyi dan
belanja. Aku benar-benar mencintai musik. Bahkan, saya memiliki mimpi untuk menjadi
seorang penyanyi terkenal dan besar. Saya pernah memenangkan juara pertama dalam kontes
menyanyi ketika saya berumur 15 tahun. Mengajar adalah hal lain yang saya suka. Karena
saya kuliah di Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, saya mulai mengajar anak-anak disekitar rumah saya.
Selain itu, saya juga bergabung dengan Eso di universitas. Eso adalah jenis English Club.
Saya belajar banyak hal dari Eso. Mereka mengajarkan saya bagaimana berbicara dengan
lancar. Saya pikir Inggris menjadi sangat penting saat ini. Itulah sebabnya saya sangat tertarik
untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Saya memiliki dua saudara perempuan dan satu saudara laki-
laki. Mereka adalah Dede Sintinjak, Jeni Sitinjak dan Robi Sitinjak. Aku benar-benar
mencintai mereka. Mereka benar-benar mendukung karir saya. Kami sering menghabiskan
waktu bersama di akhir pekan. Saya pikir itu saja yang dapat saya sampaikan. Terima kasih
banyak atas perhatian baik Anda.

Assalamualikum. Wr.Wb.

Hello everybody..

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Mulyadi. I come from Padang, West Sumatra. I
am a student of Law faculty at Muhammadiyah University. I was born in Padang, on
December 7th, 1991. I am now finishing my script because this is the fifth year of my study.
Here, I live at Teuku Umar street number 20 Metro. I live with my sister here. My family live
in Padang and I intend to return to Padang after I graduate from Muhammdiyah University.
At campus, I also open a Coffe Corner, a place to drink coffee at Law faculty Muhammdiyah
University.. From this shop, I can pay the course by myself. My parents are merchant in
Padang. My friends are like family for me. They often help me and amuse me up when I feel

When I come back to Padang I will never forget my friends in here. I also want to continue
opening a coffee corner in Padang. I really interested to be entrepreneur. Althought I want
definitely to be a lawyer. That is all about myself. I am so glad to know you all. Thanks for
your attention. Have a nice day.

Artinya :

Halo semua.

Saya ingin memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya Mulyadi. Saya berasal dari Padang,
Sumatera Barat. Saya seorang mahasiswa fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah. Saya
lahir di Padang, pada tanggal 7 Desember 1991. Saya sedang menyelesaikan skripsi saya
karena ini adalah tahun kelima saya menjadi mahsiswa. Di sini, saya tinggal di Jalan Teuku
Umar nomor 20 Metro. Aku tinggal bersama kakak saya di sini.

Keluarga saya tinggal di Padang dan saya berniat untuk kembali ke Padang setelah saya lulus
dari Universitas Muhammadiyah. Di kampus, saya juga membuka Coffe Corner, tempat
untuk minum kopi di Fakultas Hukum Universitas Muhammadiyah. Dari toko ini, saya bisa
membayar kuliah sendiri. Orang tua saya adalah pedagang di Padang. Teman-teman saya
seperti keluarga bagi saya. Mereka sering membantu saya dan menghibur saya ketika saya
merasa sedih.

Ketika aku kembali ke Padang Aku tidak akan pernah melupakan teman-temanku di sini.
Saya juga ingin terus membuka “Coffe Corner” di Padang. Saya benar-benar tertarik untuk
menjadi pengusaha. Walaupun saya pastinya ingin menjadi pengacara. Itu semua tentang
diriku sendiri. Saya sangat senang mengetahui Anda semua. Terima kasih atas perhatian
Anda. Semoga hari anda menyenangkan.

Text 3 :
Well, ladies and gentlemen!

Its honor for me be here to deliver my personal data to you all, before telling more about my
identity, i’d like to deliver my respect to all participants especially to the instructor of english
who has kindly invited me. So that I can standing here now. My name is muh. Afdal, I was
born on kolaka 12 january 1993. I came from Indonesia, I’m 20 years old. My religion is
moslem, and My hobbies are jogging and football. I’m student of marine and tecnology of
hasanuddin universty. My ambition is to be one of the most successful person Have you got
any question for me? Thank you very much.


Kehormatan bagi saya berada di sini untuk memberikan data pribadi saya kepada Anda
semua, sebelum memberitahu lebih lanjut tentang identitas saya, saya ingin menyampaikan
rasa hormat saya kepada seluruh peserta khususnya instruktur bahasa Inggris yang telah
berbaik hati mengundang saya. Sehingga saya bisa berdiri di sini sekarang. Nama saya muh.
Afdal, saya lahir di Kolaka, pada 12 Januari 1993. Saya datang dari Indonesia, Saya berusia
20 tahun, agama saya adalah muslim. Hobi saya adalah joging dan sepak bola. Saya seorang
mahasiswa kelautan dan teknologi dari universitas hasanuddin. Ambisi saya adalah menjadi
salah satu orang yang paling sukses. Apakah Anda punya pertanyaan untuk saya? Terima
kasih banyak.

Text 4 :

Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself in. My name is Ayu Dian Oktarin. I was
born in Lampung on 12 August 1998. I now live in Bandar Lampung city. Right now I stayed
at my uncle’s house.

Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small
things like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing nothing. Okay now about me
and my family, I am one of the two sisters, I have a little sister, and she is in high school. My
father is a fisherman named Muhammad Alli. While my mother is a plain housewife.I love
my family more than anything. Well that’s my introduction this time. Pleased to meet you

Selamat pagi semuanya, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Ayu Dian
Oktarin, saya lahir di lampung pada 12 agustus 1998. Sekarang saya menetap di kota bandar
lampung. Sekarang ini saya tinggal di rumah paman saya.
Sekaran izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri lebih jauh. Saya suka hal hal yang berbau
petualangan. hal hal kecil seperti membaca, menonton dan menghabiskan waktu luang saya
tanpa melakukan apa apa.Baiklah sekarang tentang saya dan keluarga saya. Saya satu dari
dua bersaudara, saya memiliki adik perempuan dia sekarang masih duduk di bbangku SMA.
Ayah saya adalah seorang nelayan namaya Muhammad Alli. Sedangkan ibbu saya adalah
seorang ibu rumah tangga biasa. Saya sangat mencintai keluarga saya lebih dari apapun.
baiklah itu saja perkelnalan dari saya kali ini. senang bertemu dengan anda/kalian/saudara

Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Tentang Perkenalan

Tia : Good afternoon Roy.

Roy : Oh, hi Tia. Are you going to eat gudeg too?

Tia : Yes I am. My cousin just come from Jakarta, and She want to try gudeg from jogja. Let
me introduce her to you. Her name is Ina. And Ina He is my friend Roy.

Ina : Nice to meet you Roy.

Roy : Nice to meet you too Ina. So you live in Jakarta?

Ina : Yes. I will be at Jogjakarta for this holiday. Tia and me are planning to go all around
Jogja. Right Tia?

Tia : Yes. Tomorrow we will start by visiting Jogjakarta Palace. We have a week to visit
interesting places in jogja.

Roy : Wow. So it will be a busy week for you two.

Tia : Yes, it will be.

Ina : But it will be fun.

Roy : Yes, sure it is fun to have a holiday at Jogja. OK. Nice to meet you Ina. Enjoy your
time at Jogja.

Ina : Thank you. See you next time.

Roy : By Tia.
Tia : By.


Tia: Selamat siang Roy.

Roy: Oh, hi Tia. Apakah kamu akan makan gudeg juga?

Tia: Ya. Sepupuku baru datang dari Jakarta, dan Dia ingin mencoba gudeg jogja. Mari
kumemperkenalkan dia padamu. Namanya adalah Ina. Dan Ina Dia adalah temanku Roy.

Ina: Senang bertemu Anda Roy.

Roy: Senang bertemu Anda juga Ina. Jadi kamu tinggal di Jakarta?

Ina: Ya. aku akan berada di Jogjakarta untuk liburan ini. Tia dan aku berencana untuk pergi
di sekitar Jogja. Begitukan Tia?

Tia: Ya. Besok kita akan mulai dengan mengunjungi Keraton Jogjakarta. Kami memiliki
seminggu untuk mengunjungi tempat-tempat menarik di jogja.

Roy: Wow. Jadi itu akan menjadi minggu yang sibuk untuk kalian berdua.

Tia: Ya, itu akan menjadi sibuk.

Ina: Tapi akan menyenangkan.

Roy: Ya, yakin itu menyenangkan untuk memiliki liburan di Jogja. OKE. Senang bertemumu
Ina. Nikmati waktumu di Jogja.

Ina: Terima kasih. sampai ketemu lain kali.

Roy: Sampai jumpa Tia.

Tia: sampai jumpa.

Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris 3 Orang Tentang Perkenalan

Doni : Lina, let me introduce to you my friend from basket club.

Lina : OK. What his name.

Doni. Lina, This is Toni. Toni, this is Lina.

Toni : Hi. Nice to meet you, my name is toni.

Lina : Nice to meet you too. I am Lina.

Toni : So you are Doni classmate?

Lina : Yes. Actually we are always at the same class since elementary school.

Doni : Yes. Sometimes I feel bored to be always one class with Lina.

Lina : That’s should be my words. So, you are play basket Toni?

Toni : I like basket. But I am still learning.

Doni : No. He is the best player in our club.

Lina : Really? That’s great.

Toni : Well. Not that good. Basket is about team game.

Lina : I guess so.

Doni : By the way Lina, our sshool basket club will play at tournament this weekend. So, will
you watch it?

Toni : Yes. You must watch it. Doni and me will play.

Lina : Sure. I will give my best support to you two.

Toni : Good. Thank you.

Doni : Oh, the bell is ringing. We must go to class. Let’s go to class Lina. See you Toni.

Toni : See you at the basket club. Nice to meet you Lina.

Lina : Nice to meet you too.


Doni: Lina, izinkan aku memperkenalkan kepada mu temanku dari klub basket.

Lina: OK. Siapa namanya.

Doni. Lina, ini adalah Toni. Toni, ini adalah Lina.

Toni: Hi. Senang bertemumu, namaku toni.

Lina: Senang bertemu kamu juga. aku Lina.

Toni: Jadi kamu teman sekelas Doni?

Lina: Ya. Sebenarnya kami selalu di kelas yang sama sejak SD.

Doni: Ya. Kadang-kadang aku merasa bosan untuk selalu satu kelas dengan Lina.

Lina: Itu seharusnya kata-kataku. Jadi, kamu bermain basket Toni?

Toni: aku suka basket. Tapi aku masih belajar.

Doni: Tidak. Dia adalah pemain terbaik di klub kami.

Lina: Benarkah? Itu bagus.

Toni: Yah. Tidak sebaik itu. Basket adalah tentang permainan tim.

Lina: Aku rasa begitu.

Doni: Ngomong-ngomong Lina, klub basket sekolah kita akan bermain di turnamen akhir
pekan ini. Jadi, apakah kamu akan menontonnya?

Toni: Ya. kamu harus melihatnya. Doni dan aku akan bermain.

Lina: Tentu. Aku akan memberikan dukungan yang terbaik untuk kalian berdua.

Toni: bagus. Terima kasih.

Doni: Oh, bel berdering. Kita harus pergi ke kelas. Ayo Lina. Sampai jumpa Toni.

Toni: Sampai jumpa di klub basket. Senang bertemu kamu Lina.

Lina: Senang bertemu kamu juga.

PATIENT : Good evening, doctor.

DOCTOR : Good evening, sir. What's your trouble?
PATIENT : I haven't been feeling well lately.
DOCTOR : What exactly is the problem?
PATIENT : I often feel quite sick. Have had a lot of pain in the stomach
for several days. I've also had severe headaches for over two days.

DOCTOR : What's your appetite like?

PATIENT : Not at all good. I don't feel like eating anything. I feel full up
all the time.
DOCTOR : Have you had any fever?
PATIENT : Well, I do feel feverish all the time. I've also had a bad taste
in the mouth sincc I've been sick.
DOCTOR : All right, let me take your temperature first. There! Give me
your wrist, please. There's nothing wrong with the pulse. Now take off
your pullover. And your shirt too. Loosen your clothes a little. I'll examine
you, if you lie down on that couch. Do you feel any pain here?

PATIENT : Yes, some.

DOCTOR : And here?
PATIENT : Oh, that's quite painful!
DOCTOR : All right. You may get dressed now.
PATIENT : I hope there's nothing serious, doctor?
DOCTOR : No, nothing serious. I'm prescribing two kinds of tablets. Take
one before meals. And the other after meals for three days. Don't eat any
fried or spicy food. Drink milk and have milk foods as much as you can.
And do take some rest.

PATIENT : Do I need to stay away from work, doctor?

DOCTOR : No, not at all. Just take it easy and have rest whenever you
can. Come and see me if the trouble does not go quickly.
PATIENT : Thank you very much, doctor. Good-bye!

Todd: Oh, hey, Keri! You cook, right! You're a pretty good cook.

Keri: I'm OK.

Todd: OK. I want to make an omelet, so actually this is really silly, I've never made one
before. How do you make an omelet?

Keri: OK, Well, I can teach you how I make them, which is the same way my father and
grandmother make them, which is a little special.

Todd: OK. Yeah! Yeah!

Keri: First you take some eggs and crack them in a bowl, and whisk them up, quite, so
they're quite high and fluffy, and in a hot pan, and you need a pan that's that's kind of small,
that the sides go up at an angle. You put some oil and heat it up, so it's quite hot, and then you
take your whipped up eggs, or whisked up eggs, and pour them into the pan, and as it's
cooking, if you take a spatula, and push the bottom layer of the egg, to the side, to the sides,
and then to the middle, so the uncooked egg gets to the bottom of the pan.

Todd: Oh, OK. Wow!

Keri: OK. And keep doing that until most of the egg is cooked so you should have a nice
thick omelet and then flip it over, you'll only have to cook that side lightly. Put your fillings
on the top and fold it over and let it sit just long enough to melt the cheese.

Todd: Wow. That sounds really good.

Keri: Mm, it is.

Todd: Wow. What fillings do you recommend?

Keri: Um, well, if you want to do a real simple one, you can just use some pre-made salsa
and cheese, and that's easy, or you can do something like cut up some ham and cheese,
onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, anything that you like. If you want to make a spinach omelet
then you have to add the cooked spinach to the egg mixture. So it's actually cooked in it. It's
inside bacon and sour cream is nice and Jack cheese.
Todd: Oh, OK. I'll have to give that a try.
Keri: OK. Sure.

SHOP ASSISTANT : Good afternoon, madam. What can I do for you?

CUSTOMER : Good afternoon, I'd like to look at some shirts.
SHOP ASSISTANT : Cottons or synthetics, madam?

CUSTOMER : Terycots, if you have some.

SHOP ASSISTANT : Sure, madam. Over here, if you don't mind. We have an excellent
range of shirts in terycot. These striped ones are new arrivals.

CUSTOMER : I rather fancy those blue ones with red stripes.

SHOP ASSISTANT :' Well, they're men's shirts. But nowadays . . .
CUSTOMER : Could you take them out, please?
SHOP ASSISTANT : What's the collar-size, madam?
CUSTOMER : Fifteen.
SHOP ASSISTANT : Fifteen? Are you sure, madam?
CUSTOMER : Yes. I'm sure.
SHOP ASSISTANT : Here you are, madam.
CUSTOMER : How much is it?
SHOP ASSISTANT : That's two hundred and nineteen rupees ninety-five paise. Plus taxes.
Would you like to try it on?
CUSTOMER : Try it on? No. Could you gift-wrap it? You see, it's a gift to my husband on
his birthday!
SHOP ASSISTANT : I see! (Later) Here it is! I've stuck on it a little card saying 'Happy
CUSTOMER : That's very kind of you, young man. Bye!
SHOP ASSISTANT : Good-bye, madam. Call again.

Bunga : (to her husband Ashraf). Why don't we come to the market
more often?

Ashraf : I don't find it a very enjoyable place.

Bunga : But I do. I want to come here every day.
Ashraf : Come here every day, then. Who stops you? You have nothing
better to do . . .
Bunga : Now, don't shout, dear. I didn't say I will come here every day; I
said I want to come here.
Ashraf : Let's not argue any more. Let's quickly do the shopping and go
home. The children must be getting impatient.

Bunga : OK, here's the shopping list. We'll first buy toiletries and
groceries and then go to the vegetable stall.

Ashraf : That's right. Let's go to the department store next door.

SHOP ASSISTANT : What can I do for you, madam?
Bunga : We're new to this store and we don't know where things are.
Can you tell us where the groceries are? And the toiletries?

SHOP ASSISTANT : For the groceries turn right, madam, and then walk
straight on until you come to the end of the corridor. And for the
toiletries, just turn left and you walk right into them.

Bunga Thanks.

Later in the vegetable stall.

Ashraf : I want these 15 items. Please make me the bill quickly.

COUNTER CLERK : I'll take only a minute, sir. Here's the bill.
Bunga : Most of the vegetables I wanted to buy are stale. Some of them
are even rotten. You should've thrown them away.

COUNTER CLERK : Sorry, madam. In fact, yesterday the wholesale

market was closed, and so we couldn't bring in fresh supplies.

Bunga : But that doesn't mean you should sell rotten vegetables.
COUNTER CLERK : Sorry, madam.
Bunga : I won't come to this place again.
Ashraf : Not until next week! Bye!

A : Howe are you feeling today, Bud?

B : I am feeling much better today.
A : I hope you will be up and around soon.
B : Thank you, Alex. The doctor said I could come back home tomorrow.
A : It is a good news, our friend will be glad to see you at school again.
B : But the doctor said I had to take a rest a couple of days
A : oh, that’s no problem, I do hope you will soon come back at school.
B : Thanks, after taking enough rest, as soon as possible, I will go to school, I miss you all.
A : Yeah, we always miss you, my friend.
B : (Smiles)

A : Bagaimana keadaanmu sekarang, bud?

B : Saya rasa lebih baikan sekarang.
A : Saya harap kau akan segera sembuh.
B : Terima kasih, Lex. Dokter bilang saya bisa pulang besok.
A : Itu kabar baik, kawan-kawan kita pasti akan senang ketemu kamu lagi di sekolah.
B : Tapi dokter bilang saya harus istirahat dahulu beberapa hari.
A : Oh, tidak mengapa. Saya harap kau akan cepat berangkat ke sekolah lagi.
B : Terima kasih, setelah cukup istirahat, secepatnya saya akan berangkat ke sekolah, saya
rindu kalian semua.
A : Ya, kami juga rindu kamu, kawan.
B : (Senyum)

Percakapan bahasa Inggris tentang Hobby

Arya : Hi Erna, why do you collect many stamps?

Erna : Ohh…. Hi Arya. I am collecting the stamps for my collection.
Arya : What do you mean?
Erna : Yes, actually my hobby is collecting stamps.
Arya : Why do you like collecting stamps?
Erna : Because I like to see the unique pictures of the stamps. How about you, what is
your hobby?
Arya : Hmm… I think I don’t have hobby. Should we have a hobby?
Erna : Not really. But in our lives we must have something we like most which is called
Arya : So, hobby is a pleasure. Then, I think I have a hobby now.
Erna : Of course, so what is your hobby?
Arya : I like to read comics especially detective Conan.
Erna : That is your hobby. Reading comic. Do you have all of detective Conan’s collection?
Arya : Yes, I do. I even go to the black market because the original comics have not yet
been published. How about your stamps collection?
Erna : So far I have collected stamps from some countries but I still should find other
Arya : Do you need much money for your hobby?
Erna : Yes of course I need much money because I order the stamps so it costs little bit
Arya :Wow…. Your hobby is expensive.
Erna :Yeah but I like to do it.
Arya : Okay good luck with your hobby.
Erna : Thank you.

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