The Methodology of Patternless Casting Manufacturing: Wei-Yuan Dzan

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FRP ship is high technology fine art. It has a hugeamount of technology and complicated high-value production.However, FRP ship form design, manufacture to navigation, takes along time. Take a forty meter ship for example, this takes an averageeight to twelve months to manufacture in Taiwan, and only takes threeto six months in SuehZan China. Even though the quality levelexceeds that of its Chinese counterpart, the production time is a lot
different, and it’s also a reason why ship owners from other countries
hesitate to give countermands. In order to improve our ship-makingefficiency, the main task for us is to investigate and strive to shortenour production times. The strength in making our ships is hightechnology specialized designing, choosing exacting material and precise processes, belonging to a typically unitary small amount of  production. The crucial productionof this industryis developing largeship patterns, if we can use five axes, NC control and the manufacturefacilities, we can obtain optimum ship design by making 3D modelsthrough the CAE directly.Using CAD/CAM software can turn the curve surfaces of the NCmachine program to accomplish producing a ship pattern. The design
 production system of 'Patternless Casting Manufacturing ‘PCM', is
exactly turning the production of ship pattern designs into a digitizedform, departingfromthe traditional wayof diagnosingship shapes andcarpentry. Not only can this control the precise shape and flow line of the design but it can also save over 60% of the time used in developing patterns.
Patternless Casting Manufacturing, the best design of the ship, NC machine.
I. I
 N Patternless Ship Casting, with recyclable media or resinsand as a casting material, we can apply the principles of dispersed/accumulated forming in the Rapid Prototypingtechnique, working on computerized slicing on 3D hull modelsand layered processes to speed up the ship moulding. In thisresearch we integrated Rapid Prototyping, Rapid Tooling, precisenumericalcontrols,and appliedthemtothe design oftheship surfaces with complicated geometric forms.The Rapid Prototyping creates the moulds of prototypes withcomplicated geometric forms and curvature, made by RapidTooling without traditional NC processes or clamping fixturesinvolved. The technique of precise numerical control applies precise stack moulding with recyclable or resin sand as castingmaterials, through layered manufacturing processes to mouldcomplicated,thinsurfaceswithgreat precision. This reducesthemanufacturing duration and costs for ships and large-scalemoulds. Therefore Patternless Ship Casting not only featuresaccessible materials, short periods, low costs, great quantity aswell as quality of moulds and rapidly nimble manufacture, butalso opens up a new field in large-scale mould manufacturing.II. T
Patternless Casting Manufacturing (PCM) is the integrationof Rapid Prototyping, Computer 3D digital design, numericalcontrol programs and Materials Science, which rapidly and precisely turns design concepts into functional prototypes or mould parts. Hereby, we are able to make fast evaluations andalterationsonproducts,thusshortening thetimeofdevelopment.With high rapidity and flexibility, it can be used widely in shipor big-scale mould fields.
 A. Theory of Rapid Prototype Technology
The industrial machining is as good as an additionalintelligence. It avoids faults or clamping fixtures changing inactual machining, by detecting any procedural or tool problem before the procedure starts, which reduces the costs of faultydesigns. Also it greatly shortens the product development period and allows quick confirmation of the machiningattributes because of the simultaneity of rapid manufacture andrapid machining. There is no need for concern aboutcutter-feeding paths and fixture or mould fabrication that is notnecessary for prototyping. It not only decreases the cost, butalso significantly improves the economic efficiency in the casesthat require smaller quantities. In initial development, after theCAD files of required patterns are configured, the fundamentalmodels produced before the actual manufacture, which aremade for design confirmation, product alteration, functiontesting and mould fabrication are what we call prototypes. Therapid prototyping system is capable of prototyping everycomplicated or detailed construction without the limitations of  blankmoulding,butalso managesto overcome model distortion problems. This is a definitely a major breakthrough in themachining industry.The principles of rapid prototyping are based on concepts of layered machining. The machining process of rapid prototypingis shown in Figure 1. While a 3 dimensional object is slicedalong one of the axes into thin layers, these layers could beregarded as 2 dimensional objects. Contrarily, while 2dimensional objects are piled up together they turn into 3dimensional objects. After a3 dimensional model is constructedon a computer and converted into an STL file, it would gothrough slicing, with the STL file turned into 2 dimensionallayers of the profile, each of these layers would be processedand piled up in the numerical controlling system. Finally the 3
The Methodology of Patternless CastingManufacturing
Wei-Yuan Dzan
dimensional object is produced [1]. The theory and process of rapid prototyping is shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1 Theory and process of rapid prototyping
 B. Variety of rapid prototyping 
Moulding technique applies principles of rapid prototypingmachining and becomes a particular process featuring highefficiency. According to moulding manner, it can becategorized into two types: direct mouldingprocess and indirectmoulding process. In direct moulding process, moulds are produced directly without any mould insert involved, followed bypost processing. In indirect moulding process, a mould insertof required form is needed, then the mould is formed after casting procedure. Following is the list of some commonmoulding methods[2][3].Thefirst part is direct type molding process, include:(a)DTM:Rapid Tool, (b)EOS, DMLS(Direct Metalpowder LaseSintering), (c)EOS, DCP(Direct Croning Process), (d)3Dsystems,AIM(ACESInjectionMoulding), (e)SoligenCompany,DSPC(Direct Shell Production Casting), (f)Helisys Company,LOM(Laminated Object Manufacturing), (g)MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, 3D Printing, (h)Extrude HoneCompany, ProMetal, (i)Stanford University, SDM(ShapeDeposition Manufacturing), (j)Case Western ReserveUniversity, CAM-LEM (Computer Aided Manufacturing of Laminated Engineering Materials), (k)Stanford University,LENS(The Laser Engineered Net Shaping), (l)New York StateCentre for Advanced Technology, FPM(Freeform Powder Modeling), (m)3D System, SLA(Stereo LithographyAppatrtus)system, (n)CEMT, Japan, SOUP system, (o)Strastasy,FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling) system, (p)3D System andDTM, United States, SLS(Selective Laser Sintering) series,(q)Cubital, SGC(Solid Ground Curing), (r)Helisys andLOM(Laminated Object Manufacturing) system. The second part is indirect type molding process, include:(a)Silicon rubber mould, (b)Epoxy-aluminum mould, (c)3D System, 3D Keltool,(d)Metal spraying, (e)CEMCOM, NCC Tooling(NickelCeramic Composite), (f)Mitsubishi, MRM(MitsubishiChemical Rapid) and (g)Carnegie Mellon University, SprayMetal Faced Tooling.
C. 2.3 Rapid Prototyping property and attributes
To summarize all the kinds of Rapid Tooling techniquesabove; because of the influences of property, process andequipment, the scale moulds are mostly limited to 0.125 cubicmeters[4]. Besides, although the method from each companyhas its own character, these moulding systems share the samesort of concept or basic design theory . Thus, usually accordingtotheformofmaterialsintheprocess [5][6], the rapid mouldingsystem is categorized into 4 types: liquid, semi-liquid, powder,and solid. Each type refers to a different principle, attribute, and property. Direct moulding process has an especially highefficiency in large-scale mould developing. all types areexplained as below:1. Theory and characteristics of liquid methodThis method has been the first system commercialized withthe highest occupancy rate. The theory is making liquid photosensitive polymer, hardened and polymerized, into a thinlayer by laser lights such as He-Cd, Argon or UV. Then theoperatingliftislowered to cover themachining area witha layer of resin, the liquid surface is levelled with a scraper, the levelsurface is scanned with laser light to make it closely bound totheupperlayerandtheliquid resin is heated to solidifyand formit. The process will repeat until the 3 dimensional object is produced. The most distinguished feature of the liquid processisthehighaccuracy, the deviationiseliminated down to 0.1 mmto 0.025 mm. (3.) Also the low distortion rate, easy foretouching prototypes, is great for surface painting effects andso on.take, for instance, the SLA system from 3D System andSOUP system from CEMT, Japan [7].2. Theory and characteristics of semi-liquid methodThe theory uses a thermal head to melt the thermoplasticmaterial by heating it up to
[6] above the melting point,squeezing the melted material to the proper position layer bylayer until object is in the required form. The machining head iscontrolled by the machine arm moving along X-Y axes, and thematerial supplier moves along with two rollers. Also, becausethe final object is constructed on top of another spongy-likeobject, it is very easy to detach. For instance, the FDM systemfromStratasys, applying the hot melting method, melts the solidABS or another particular wax material with two sprayers, andthen sprays that to form each layer. When one of the sprayers isused for spraying ABS prototyping from semi-liquid material,the other one is in charge of spraying flexible or water-solublematerial. The most distinguished feature of this method is thatABS prototypes can be produced directly with the materialstrength, for which both are almost exactly identical, as with theABS parts frommass injecting production. This method is idealfor fast development for parts that need to be tested. Also it hasan accuracy as little as around 0.178-0.25 mm [8] which is idealfor parts that require detailed characteristics or accuratesurfaces.3. Theory and characteristics of powder methodThe theory of powder method is based on prototyping from acombination of plastic or metal powder with either lasesintering or glue bonding mode. The laser sintering mode isespecially distinguished for directly producing both Nylon prototypes with high strength, and the injection mould used for mass production. There are some common powder methods
3D Design
STL fileconverting
Laser ProcessingRP Parts
such as the SLS system from 3D (United States) and DTM, or the Z402 system from Z Corporaton, which both belong to the powder method in Rapid Prototyping.In SLS Rapid Prototyping system, a medium-high power laser is used for scanning the plastic powder, wax or metal layer  by layer, to heat up the scanned part to sintering temperature,then it melts, binds, and then forms into the prototype or mould.Its accuracy is about 0.25 mm. In industrial applications, one of the features of SLS is that the single system is capable of choosingtheproperpowdermaterial for different purposes suchas plastic parts, metal parts, or moulds. The direct sintering of  Nylon powder produces Nylon parts with high strength, whichare ideally used in the fields such as motor or machine industrythat require high strength and function testing when developing plastic parts. As for systems like Z402 from Z Corporation, thetheory is based on spraying the binder through a spray head to bind the powder of ceramic or mixed material, to form the prototypy with an accuracy of around 0.25-0.3 mm. Because of the rapidity, multiple colour combination, cheap price, and because the costs of materials required are far cheaper thenother RP systems, this method is ideal for product shape designconfirmation.
Fig. 2 The difference between traditional product developing process and PCM
4. Theory and characteristics of solid methodThe theory of the solid method in Rapid Prototyping iscutting some thin layered materials (normally paper) covered inadhesive into the shape, as these layers are the slices of 2D profiles of the target 3D object , and finish the 3D moulding process by hotpress uniting. The most common systems includethe LOM series from Helisys, United States and SAHP RapidPrototypingsystemfromKira,Japan.Theseprototypeshavenotonly the accuracy about 0.25 mm but also have quite goodstrengthand hardness, which makes themsuitable for producing prototypes of function testing parts and wax squirt mold.
 D. Comparing traditional and Patternless Casting  Manufacturing 
In Patternless Casting Manufacturing, the prototype of the productisconstructed inacomputer 3D designsystem, and thenthe slicing will be processed. The method is to approach the prototype with a triangular mesh to produce sliced layers, in thecase with less triangular mesh there will be a smaller sized file but lower accuracy. On the contrary, with more triangular mesh,there will be a larger files and higher accuracy. Besides that, thethickness of each layer also primarily effects the finesse of theobjects,because the thicker the layers are, the edges will be lesssmooth, especially on non-vertical or horizontal levels. The prototypes for the slicing are mostly processed in the form of STL file. After the 3D model is constructed, in the PCM prototyping system, the paths defined for each layer will beexecuted by the program to construct the mould prototype layer  by layer. The 3D model and layered construction method areshown in Figure 2.ProductConceptSystemDesignDetailDesign Manufacturing TestMassProductionSimulationConfirmatioProductConceptManufacturingSystemDesignTestDetailDesignMassProductionTraditionalProductDevelopingProcessPCMProduct DevelopingProcess ReductiontimeInterval
Fig. 2 The 3D model and layered construction methodFig.3 The difference between traditional product developing processand PCM
Traditional ship or product developing always includes thewhole sequential process of concept design, system design,detail design, producing and testing before the stage of mass production. However what PCM excels at is the best traditional product development for the the system design, detail design, producing and testing, all these are accomplished in thecomputer PCM system, with efficiency and accuracy. InDiagram 3. is the analysis of the difference between traditional productdevelopmentandPCM. Besides, PCMalso includesthefeature detailed below (Figure 3):1. The materials used in PCM are recyclable medias or resin sand, which lowers the costs.2. The PCM model is constructed in a computer 3Dmodelingsystem,whichmakesiteasiertorevisewithoutrequiring to remake the wooden or PU mould. Thisgreatly decreases the cost of manufacturing large scaleand complicated products.3. Aftertheship 3Dmodelhas beenconstructed, the mouldand numerical controlling program is then designed,which saves a lot of production time.4. In PCM there is no limit to any geometric form, and it is possible to carry out surfaces with any degree of complexity. Also, the parting surface is not necessarilyset as thebiggest section ofthe casting, whicheliminatesthe limits inherent in product design and processanalysis.5. It produces prototypes with recyclable media or resinsand in a short time, which after being processed properly, could take the place of wooden moulds as the basis of Rapid Tooling, leading to fast manufacturingand mass production of moulds.III. A
 A. Theory of PCM 
FRP ship mouldingorlargescalecastingare oftenin formsof completely hand-shaped wood, CNC computer cut woodtrimmed by hand, or CNC computer cut PU. Completelyhand-shaped wood method could result in different accuracy because the staffs have different levels of skills, or because it isdifficult to completely control the accuracy by hand. In themethod of CNC computer cut then trimmed by hand, the radianof 3D mould surfaces is not really controllable. The method of CNC computer cut PU is the only one which is more accurate.However the large CNC computer numerical contollingequipment often costs tens of millions NT dollars. Also PU isexpensive but not environment friendly. It is a heavy burden both economically and environmentally.In this research a new casting technique is adopted, whichuses casting sand or PLA as casting material, with the principleof dispersed/accumulated forming in Rapid Prototyping, then process the slicing on 3D model to obtain the closed curvesfrom sections of different height. Then use the techniques suchas section scanning, squeeze shaping, reasin catalyzing,injecting solidifying, to complete the mould casting. PCM inthis research excels in recyclable, cheap and accessiblematerials, short casting time, and high accuracy for large-scalecasting. It actually opens up a new field in ship or large scalemould casting. PCM (Patternless Casting Manufacturing) process is also the division or stacking according to RPtechnology, and it is a new shaping method different fromtraditional ones. PCM process is discribed in Figure 4.

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