SPE-112544-Annular Pressure Loss Predictions For Various Stand-Off Devices CFD
SPE-112544-Annular Pressure Loss Predictions For Various Stand-Off Devices CFD
SPE-112544-Annular Pressure Loss Predictions For Various Stand-Off Devices CFD
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Velocity, m/s
The fluid properties used for the base case analysis are listed
in Table 1.
Figure 2 – Mesh Zones Blade Blade
Velocity Viscosity Density OD ID
Length Width
For the fluid analysis option, for a typical momentum m/s Pa*s kg/m3 inch inch
inch inch
transport problem, 3D Navier-Stokes equation can be solved 0.5 0.1 1000 8 1/4 5½ 8 0.5
numerically by finite element method. The choice between
direct method and iterative method depends on the size of the Table 1 – Parameters for Base Case
problem and the criteria of the convergence.
IADC/SPE 11254 3
Parameteric Study
Blade Width: Viscosity, Pa.s
Several simulations have been carried out with various stand- 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300
off device profiles, dimensions and fluid properties. The 300 150
following paragraphs describe the results of the parametric
Blade Length:
Viscosity, Pa.s Blade length with a dimension of 5” inch has been studied for
0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 comparison. The results are shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8.
450 180 It can be seen that lower blade length results in lower
400 160 pressure drop across the device as expected. The same effect
Additional Pressure Drop, Pa
350 140 is seen with respect to viscosity also but a linear effect is
300 120 observed. It should be noted that the effects presented is for
250 100 the Newtonian fluids with the properties as described in
200 80 Table 1.
150 60
Blade width: 0.25" 40
Blade width: 0.50" Effects of Blade Length on Density
50 20
Blade width: 0.75"
0 0 120
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20
Additional Pressure Drop, Pa
Velocity, m/s
300 300
Figure 8 – Blade Angle and Viscosity Effects
The curvature of the blades increases the pressure drop due to
the secondary flow effect at the exit side of the devices due to 200
0 degree 200
15 degree
30 degree
Additional Pressure Drop, Pa
200 n = 0.70
n = 0.80
n = 0.90
100 100
700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300
Density, kg/m^3
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Figure 9 – Blade Angle and Density Effects Velocity, m/s
The shaded area represents the blades in the device, and the
Power-Law Fluid
total blade area can be calculated using the following
120 equation:
w 2
Ash = R 2 arc sin 2
/ 2 + w R −(w/ 2) 2
Additional Pressure Drop, Pa
2 w 2 2
− r arc sin / 2 + w r − ( w / 2 ) 2
60 2r
40 n = 0.70
n = 0.80
r = inner radius, m
20 n = 0.90
w = blade width, m
R = outer radius, m
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Total annulus area is:
Consistency Index, K
A = π R2 − r 2) (3)
The unshaded part in the Figure 14 representing flow channel
Figure 12 – Power-Law Index and Consistency Index where the fluid flow can pass through can be given as
Effects Ac = f c A = A − NAsh (4)
Power-Law Fluid f c is the area ratio between the channel and the total area,
and N is the number of blades.
When f c is close to 1, the blade width is not significant.
The wetted perimeter can be derived as
Addtional Pressure Drop, Pa
n = 0.70
150 n = 0.80 w w
n = 0.90 S = 2π (R + r ) − 2 N Rarc sin + rarc sin
2R 2 r (5)
+ 2 N R 2 − (w 2 )2 − r 2 − (w 2 )2
50 where
N= number of blades
The hydraulic diameter is further calculated as:
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 DH = 4 c (6)
Density, kg/m^3 S
Total pressure drop:
The total pressure drop ∆p, across the device can be given in
Figure 13 – Power-Law Index and Density Effects Eq.7, which comprised of different pressure components. The
details of these components and their effects are discussed
Model Development further in detail.
Figure 14 shows the schematic of the annular cross-section The total pressure drop (∆p) is given as
with a device. ∆p = ∆p s + ∆p f + ∆pv + ∆p fitting (7)
∆p s = static presser drop across the device
∆p f = frictional pressure loss component
∆p v = pressure drop due to velocity change
∆p fitting = pressure loss due to exit effect
Static pressure drop: ∆ps
Static pressure drop is caused by gravity effects and can be
expressed by:
∆p s = ρgL cos θ (8)
θ is the device angle from vertical position.
ρ = density, kg/m3
Figure 14 – Schematics of Cross Section Friction loss: ∆pf
The friction losses for common geometries, such as circular
tube and annulus sections, have analytical solutions.
6 IADC/SPE 112544
Analogically comparing with these well-known solutions, the V is the fluid bulk velocity
pressure drop in this case can be expressed in the form of: ρ is the fluid density
V µL Entrance and exit effect: ∆pfitting
∆p f = C f c (9)
Ac Pressure losses also occur as the flow enters and leaves
It should be noted here that in Eq.(9), the pressure drop devices and it can be estimated to be:
calculated is not dependent upon the density and is treated as ρV 2
constant. So this quantity can be read from y-axis intercepts ∆p fitting = C fitting (14)
in the density plots. The pressure loss calculated above relates to the specific
Eight simulation data were analyzed and the results with the characteristic values of Cfitting. Blade width can affect the
geometrical parameters are listed in Table 3. value of Cfitting, as it changes the entry and exit stream
velocity. The effect of blade width on Cfitting has been studied
Blade Blade Blade in Figure 15. It can be seen from the figure that the effect is
Case Length, Width, Angle, V, m/s Cc not appreciable and almost constant for smaller blade width.
inch inch °
1 8.0 0.50 0 0.5 234.1 1
2 8.0 0.50 0 0.3 236.3 0.9 Blade width: 1/4"
3 8.0 0.50 0 1.0 232.4 0.8 Blade width: 1/2"
4 8.0 0.75 0 0.5 231.4 0.7 Blade width: 3/4"
Fit Coefficient
5 8.0 0.25 0 0.5 230.2 0.6
6 5.0 0.50 0 0.5 241.3 0.5
7 8.0 0.50 15 0.5 227.4 0.4
8 8.0 0.50 30 0.5 243.6 0.3
Table 3 –Simulation Cases and Results of Cc
The values of coefficient Cc are found to be in the range of
0 500 1000 1500
227 to 243. The average of the values 235 is used in our
Reynolds Number
To account for the non-Newtonian effects on the pressure
drop calculation, the Reynolds number can be added to the Figure 15 – Fitting Coefficient
Eq.(9) without dimensionally changing the equation and can
be expressed as: For three blade widths, the Cfitting coefficients can be
V 2 DρL averaged as 0.22, 0.41, and 0.61 respectively. The correlation
∆pc = 235 c cos θ (10)
A ⋅ Re to calculate the C fitting for various blade widths is found to
where be:
θ = device deviation from vertical position, ° C fitting = 32.2 w (15)
Considering the blade angle of the devices, the effective Where
width, effective length and effective velocity are given as w is the width of the blade in meter.
below Cfitting is zero when the blade width is zero.
w' = w cos ϕ ∆p fitting = 16.1wρV 2 (16)
L' = L cos ϕ (11) Furthermore, the angle of the blades will have appreciable
V ' c = Vc cos ϕ influence on the pressure drop as described in the foregone
paragraphs. Based on the analysis the effects the pressure
where drop including the blade angle can be given as
φ is the blade angle
Pressure drop caused by velocity change: ∆pv ∆p fitting = (16.1e 0.052ϕ w) ρV 2 (17)
This term represents the pressure drop caused by velocity Using all the components of the pressure drop the total
change and can be given as: annulus pressure loss due to a stand-off device can be
∆p v =
ρ Vexit 2 − V 2 ) (12)
predicted by using Eq.(7). The respective components can be
estimated with the equations given in Eq.(8), Eq.(10), and
2 Eq.(16). The equations have to be corrected using Eq.(11),
Using the blade angle, the exit velocity can be written as
Eq.(12) and Eq.(17) if the stand-off devices have angular
V blades.
Vexit = (13)
cos ϕ
where The following case study presents results from model
analysis together with pressure drop predictions.
IADC/SPE 112544 7
V = velocity, m/s
θ = device deviation from vertical position, °
25000 ϕ = blade angle, °
30000 ρ = density, kg/m3
35000 κ = ratio of inner and outer radius, r R
40000 µ = viscosity, Pa·s
∆p = pressure drop, Pa
sh = shadded area
1 = inlet
2 = exit
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