Is 16353 Product Manual

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PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019


ACCORDING TO IS 16353: 2015
This Product Manual shall be used as reference material by all Regional/Branch Offices &
licensees to ensure coherence of practice and transparency in operation of certification under
Scheme-I of Bureau of Indian Standards (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018 for
various products. The document may also be used by prospective applicants desirous of
obtaining BIS certification licence/certificate.

1. Product : IS 16353 : 2015


No. of Amendments : Nil

2. Sampling Guidelines:
a) Raw material :

b) Grouping guidelines : -
For Physical test – 8 kg
c) Sample Size :
For Chemical test – 2 kg

3. List of Test Equipment : Please refer ANNEX – A

Scheme of Inspection
4. : Please refer ANNEX – B
and Testing

5. Possible tests in a day :

(i) Insoluble Residue
(ii) Loss of ignition
(iii) Fineness
(iv) Setting time
6. Scope of the Licence :
“Licence is granted to use Standard Mark on Portland Cement clinker as per
IS 16353 : 2015”.


Manak Bhawan, 9, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110002
PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019


List of Test Equipment

Major test equipment required to test as per the Indian Standard

Tests used in with Clause Reference Test equipment
1 Fineness Clause 6.1 Blaine’s apparatus variable flow type
Stop watch with start-stop mechanism
Mercury for calibration
Balance, Standard weights
Standard Cement
Manometer liquid (di-butyl phthalate or light
mineral oil.)
Mercury of reagent grade or better, Pyknometer
Circular discs of filter paper of medium porosity
(mean pore diameter 7 µ).
Le-Chatelier’s flask
Constant temperature water bath to maintain
temp. within ± 0.1 ° C
2 Soundness by Autoclave Auto clave machine with thermostatic control to
Clause 6.1 Table 2 maintain pressure of 2.1 MPa for 3 hrs, pressure
to be attained within 1-1 ¼ hrs;
L-Shape thermometer LC 1 °C
Pressure gauge 0-42 kg/cm2 LC = 0.4 kg/cm2
Humidity chamber with temperature & RH
control 27 ± 2 °C, RH 90 to 100 %
Standard bar 308 mm, max
Bar moulds 25x25x282 mm
Length comparator with dial gauge
Mineral oil for covering moulds
3 Soundness by Le-chatelier Method Le-Chatelier’s water bath preferably with
Clause 6.1 Table 2 thermostatic control raising temperature from
27 ± 2 0 C to boiling in 27 ± 3 minutes
Le-Chatelier’s moulds with weights and cover
glasses minimum 8 nos.
Humidity chamber with temperature & RH
control 27 ± 2 0 C, RH 90 to 100 %
Steel scale 12" (304.8 mm)

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019

4 Setting time Vicat apparatus

Clause 6.1 Table 2
Needle for Consistency, IST& FST testings
Stop Watch
Balance - 1000g ± 0.1g and Standard Weights
1mg to 500 gm
Gauging trowel of weight 210 ± 10 g
5 Compressive Strength Vibration machine with timer & cube mould
Clause 6.1 Table 2 fitting assembly 12000 ± 400 vibration per min.
Compressive Strength machine
Poking Rod , Petroleum Jelly
Proving ring with all accessories suitable for
calibration of CST machine
Cube Moulds 70.6 × 70.6 mm, Poking rod
Gauging trowel (210 ± 10 g)
gauging plate, stainless steel(non-perforated)
Standard sand grade 1, 2 and 3 (as per IS 650)
Curing tank of appropriate size with water
circulation arrangement
Graduated glass cylinders 150 to 200 ml
Humidity chamber with temperature & RH
Control 27 ± 2° C, RH 90 to 100 %

6 Particle size distribution for clinker Scoope for sample collection

Clause 6.2, Table 3
IS Sieves – 5 mm & 50 mm
Weighing balance
7 IS 16353 : 2015 General equipments for Cement testing
a) To control humidity & temperature 1. Humidity chamber with temperature & RH
in lab control 27 ± 2°C, RH 90 to 100 %
2. Suitable arrangement to demonstrate
maintenance of temp. of 27 ± 2 ° C & RH 65 ±
5% constantly
b) For cement Sampling Mixing trays –adequate size including trays of 24
partitions for keeping hourly samples
c) To control the residue of cement Sieve of size 150 µ

d) To measure temperature Thermometers

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019

e) Lab ball mill (motorized) To grind the clinker, slag & gypsum sample in lab
ball mill for testing
f) To weigh the material 1. Platform type balance
2. Electrical balance
3 Weight box with weights (1 mg - 500 g)
9 General test equipments for chemical testing
Clause 5 , Table 1 of IS 16353 : 2015
Muffle Furnace with thermostatic control,
Range 0 – 1200° C
Oven with thermostatic control 0-300° C
Heater and hot plate
Distillation Assembly
Crucible: Platinum or Porcelain / silica
Filter paper (No- 1, 40, 41, 42)
Desiccators with cover & Desiccant
Water bath
pH meter/paper
Glassware - volumetric flask -0-250 ml, beaker 0-
250 ml, measuring cylinder 0-50,100,500, 1000
ml, burette 0-25/50 ml, conical flasks-
0-250 ml, pipette 0-5,10, 25, 50 ml
All chemicals required for complete chemical
analysis of cement
Tongs including platinum tipped tong
Wire gauge with asbestos sheet at the middle
Washing bottle
Mortar mixer- 4.75 l
Glass thermometer
All required chemicals as per IS 4032 for Portland
clinker testing.

The above list is indicative only and may not be treated as exhaustive.

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019



1. LABORATORY - A laboratory shall be maintained which shall be suitably equipped

(as per the requirement given in column 2 of Table 1) and staffed, where different tests given
in the specification shall be carried out in accordance with the methods given in the

1.1 The manufacturer shall prepare a calibration plan for the test equipments. The following
equipments shall be calibrated at a frequency shown against each and records kept.


1. Blaine’s apparatus Daily with licensee’s own Standard cement sample and
monthly with standard cement samples supplied by
2. Compressive Once in a month with Licensee’s own Proving Ring and
strength Testing the Proving Ring shall be Calibrated once in two years
machine from a NPL/NABL Accredited Calibrating body or NPL
or NPL accredited Proving Ring manufacturer.
3. Autoclave pressure Once in a month by licensee’s own dead weight pressure
gauge gauge tester OR once in six months from accredited
calibrating body or NPL/NABL accredited manufacturer
of such gauges.
4. Vibration machine Once in a month by licensee’s own Tachometer. The
tachometer shall be calibrated once in a year from
NPL/NABL accredited outside agency.
5. Dead weight Once in four years from NABL accredited Tester (if
pressure gauge available) Lab or OEM (original Equipment
Tester (if available) manufacturer) having NPL/NABL accredited calibrator.

2. TEST RECORDS – The manufacturer shall maintain test records in various formats,
Form 1 to Form 5 for the tests carried out to establish conformity.

3. LABELLING AND MARKING – Labeling and marking shall be as given below:

3.1 STANDARD MARK – The consignment of Portland Cement Clinker may also be
marked with the Standard Mark

3.2 MARKING - As per the requirements of IS 16353: 2015.

3.2.1 In addition to above, each consignment shall be accompanied by a certificate
bearing the manufacturer’s name or trade mark, the quantity of clinker and the word
‘Portland cement clinker’


4.1 For manufacturing units of Portland Cement Clinker: The tests, as indicated in
Table 1 attached and at the levels of control specified therein, shall be carried out on the
whole production of the factory which is covered by this scheme and appropriate records
maintained in accordance with clause 2 above.

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019


4.2.1 Routine analysis of various raw materials used in the manufacture of Portland
Cement clinker shall be made at intervals of a month or whenever there is a change in the
source/mine area stratification whichever is earlier and appropriate records of the
analysis and of the Physical composition of the mixtures shall be maintained in Form 2.

4.3. DELIVERY – Supplies of Portland cement clinker shall be done in compliance with
clause 10.1 of IS 16353 : 2015.

5. LEVELS OF CONTROL - The tests as indicated in column 1 of Table 1 and the levels of
control in column 3 of Table 1, shall be carried out on the whole production of the factory
which is covered by this plan and appropriate records maintained in accordance with clause 2

5.1. PRODUCTION DATA - The licensee shall send to BIS a statement of quantity
produced, marked and exported by him and the value thereof at the end of each quarter of the
operative period as per the enclosed proforma and shall also submit these details to BIS at
the end of the operative year duly authenticated by a Chartered Accountant.

5.1 All the production which conforms to the Indian Standard and covered by the licence
should be marked with Standard Mark.

6. REJECTIONS – Disposal of non-conforming product shall be done in such a way so as to

ensure that there is no violation of provisions of BIS Act, 2016.

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019

Table 1 – Levels of Control (Grinding/Packing Unit)

(1) (2) (3)

Clause Requirement Test Methods requirement Number Frequency Remark
Clause Reference R: required (or) of Clinker Clinker delivered /
S: Sub- sample manufactured in supplied
a day
5 Table 1 Chemical Requirement
i) 𝐶𝑎𝑂 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite -
2.8𝑆𝑖𝑂2 + 1.2𝐴𝑙2 𝑂3 + 0.65𝐹𝑒2 𝑂3 IS 4032 sample sample
ii) AF Ratio 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite -
IS 4032 sample sample
iii) C3S 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite May be carried out
IS 4032 sample sample if so desired by the
iv) C3A 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite purchaser
IS 4032 sample sample
v) C3S + C2S 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite
IS 4032 sample sample
vi) Total Sulphur content 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite -
calculated as Sulphuric IS 4032 sample sample
anhydride (SO3)
vii) Free lime 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite -
IS 4032 sample sample
viii) Chloride content 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite This test shall also be
IS 4032 sample sample carried out whenever
there is any change in
source of any raw
material. Please also
see note 2 below Table
1 of IS 16353 : 2015
ix) Magnesia 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite -
IS 4032 sample sample

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019

x) Alkali content (expressed as 5 IS 16353 R One - - Pl see note under

Sodium Oxide Na2O) IS 4032 Table 3 of
IS 16353: 2015.
xi) Total loss on ignition 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite -
IS 4032 sample sample

xii) Insoluble residue 5 IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Weekly composite -

IS 4032 sample sample

6.1 SO3 6.1 IS 16353 R One - - These tests shall be

done on grounded
clinkers, used for
6.1 Fineness 6.1 IS 16353 R One - - physical testing.
IS 4031
(Part 2)
6.1 Table 2 Physical Requirement
i) Soundness 6.1, IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Daily Composite -
(Le-Chatelier method and Table 2 IS 4031 sample sample
Autoclave method) (Part 3)
ii) Setting Time 6.1, IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Daily Composite -
Table 2 IS 4031 sample sample
(Part 5)
iii) Compressive strength 6.1, IS 16353 R One Daily Composite Daily Composite -
Table 2 IS 4031 sample sample
(Part 6)
6.2 Particle size of clinker 6.2 IS 16353 - - - - As per agreement
IS 4031 between manufacturer
(Part 8) and purchaser

Note -1: Daily composite sample shall be made out of hourly samples for the required period (Pl see IS 3535 Methods of sampling hydraulic cements). Weekly composite sample
shall be made out of daily composite sample. If clinker is dispatched directly from clinkerization unit without storing, weekly composite sample may not be required.
If Clinker is manufactured using same proportion of raw materials from more than one kiln, sample from each kiln shall be tested for requirements as per the above table.
If clinker is manufactured using different proportion of raw materials from more than one kiln, sample from each kiln shall be tested for all requirements as per the above table.

Note-2: The control unit and levels of control as decided by the Bureau are obligatory to which the licensee shall comply with.

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019

Form No. 1

Date of receipt of Date of Name of Material Source of supply and consignment Details of analysis for specified requirements
material testing No.

Form 2
Shift Quantity Passed for Standard mark Rejected Remark

Form No. 3

Date of Total loss on Insoluble Alkali C3S C3 A C3S+ SO3 MgO Chloride Free LSF Alumina Sample Remarks
manufacture ignition residue content C2 S lime factor Pass/Fail
as Na2O

Form No. 4

Date of grinding Fineness SO3 Soundness Setting time Compressive strength Particle Sample Remark
Le-Chatelier Autoclave Initial Final 3 days 7 days 28 days size of Pass/Fail

PM/ IS 16353/ 1/ February 2019

Form No 5
Sl. No Date of Result of Calibration (Test records indicating details of standard values and observed values Name of equipment Sl.No.
calibration for each equipment to be kept in proforma for which various columns be devised; as required) Action taken if equipment (If any) &
found defective Remarks

Note: The above records are to be kept separately for each equipment.


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