UbD Template 2 WilliamsC

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Student E-Portfolios

Stage 1 Desired Results

 Students will understand the Students will be able to independently use their learning to…
purpose of an e-portfolio.  Demonstrate their skills on a proficient level to potential employers and/or
 Students will choose their learning prospective colleges.
artifacts based on summative work  Capture tangible learning experiences that better represent their character as a whole
created by their future plans and in addition to academics.
current accomplishments.  Formulate a solution to problems as a result of enhanced critical thinking skills.
 Students will demonstrate Meaning
knowledge of appropriate use of UNDERSTANDINGS ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS
websites, software applications, and Students will understand that…  How often do you utilize technology?
operating systems.  Time management skills are critical.  How will an e-portfolio cause you to
 Various online resources are available be more marketable for jobs and/or
for access to assist in fostering ideas college admission?
and problem solving.  Will jobs require you to have
 Online integrity is imperative and can technology skills?
be detrimental if not practiced.  What will building a website do to
 The significance of online privacy. boost your confidence?
 Content that they place on the  Does an e-portfolio showcase your
internet is permanent. personality and growth?

Students will know… Students will be skilled at…
 Information that is too sensitive to  Use of copyright images.
place in their e-portfolio such as  Updating their e-portfolio content as
identity protection. their career goals and perspective
 How to post and respond to blogs. changes for their intended audience.
 How to create and edit original work.  Online ethical behavior.
 How to generate a strong password.  Using digital environments to
 Appropriate content that is to be collaborate at a distance and foster
displayed within their e-portfolio. growth in themselves and other.
Stage 2 - Evidence
Evaluative Criteria Assessment Evidence
 Work selection. PERFORMANCE TASK(S):
 Intended Audience.  Weekly blog posts on thoughts about various topics discussed in class displays
 Consistency. knowledge of material.
 Design.  Professional language, spelling, and punctuation usage.
 E-portfolio content is consistent and serves a purpose.
 E-portfolio is creative, fair use is practiced, and site is easy to navigate.
 Career Goals. OTHER EVIDENCE:
 Resumes.  Assess career goals and expectations.
 Potential Colleges and/or Trades.  Assess resume design, grammar, and mechanics for intended audience.
 High School Graduation Plan.  Assess desired potential colleges/trades and their admission criteria.
 Quiz over graduation state requirements.
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction
 Have students view a video on e-portfolios. (W.H.) Video: What is an E-portfolio?
 Begin a class discussion on how technology has changed society. (E)
 Explore various online website builder platforms and discuss which better serves their creativity. (H,E,T,O)
 Provide instruction to students on how to design and create their e-portfolio. (W,H,E,R,T)
 Share assignments and expectations along with grade rubric. (W)
 Allow students to chart down their academic and career goals. (R)
 Begin students working on their resumes. (E,E,O)
 Begin students keeping a journal that will later be created into blogs.
 Allow students who desire to attend colleges/trades, create a list of potential schools and their admissions requirements. (R)
 Discuss the importance of content and consistency in the e-portfolio. (W, E, T)
 Demonstrate knowledge and care of computer hardware. (W,E)
 Discuss decisions regarding the selection and sharing of uniform resource locators (URLs) used in research, and take into
consideration their quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness. (W,E,E,O)
 Explore various sites and resources to utilize to create video blogs. (W,H,O)
 Demonstrate how to create a blog and allow students to begin to work on blogs. (E, R, T)
 Display to students how to transfer all finished content to their e-portfolio. (H, T, O)
 Allow students to evaluate e-portfolios and make creative changes. (H,E,R,T)
 Demonstrate to students how to properly cite sources and allow them to complete that task. (R,E,O)
 Begin a group discussion among peers on difficulties and triumphs in creating their e-portfolio. (H, E, E, O)
 Have students publish site and provide individualized feedback and affirmation. (W,H,E,R,E,T,O)
 Peer evaluation of e-portfolios. (H,E,R)
 Quiz on grading rubric (R,E)
 Have students participate in a Google Survey to get anonymous feedback and suggestions. (R, E)

W Help the students know Where the unit is going, What is expected, and Where are students coming from.
H Hook and Hold their interest.
E Equip students, Experience key ideas, and Explore issues.
R Revise and Rethink.
E Students Evaluate their work.
T Tailored or personalized.
O Be Organized.

Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005) Understanding by design (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curricul um Development ASCD

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