Gen Info Practice Test With Answer Keys PDF

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CSE Online Masterclass

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1. The administration of all the courts in the country is under
A. Chief Justice of SC D. Solicitor General
B. Secretary of Justice E. Ombudsman
C. Tanodbayan

2. Which of he following institutions is the least crowded?

A. Bilibid Prison municipality
B. City Jails
C. Correctional Institute for Women Club
D. Penal colonies

3. An accusation in writing charging a person with an offense subscribed by public prosecutor

and filed with the court is known as
A. Complaint C. Information E. All of these
B. Warrant D. Subpoena

4. How many justices composed the Supreme Court including the Chief Justice?
A. 10 b. 12 c. 14 d. 15

5. Arbitrary Detention is a crime against

A. Person c. Fundamentals laws of the state
B. Law of nation D. National security

6. Who serves as the lawyer of the state in criminal cases?

A. Prosecutor B. Lawyer C. Counsel D. Judge

7. The following are the officers authorized to conduct preliminary investigation, except
A. Provincial Fiscal
B. Judges or Municipal Trial Courts
C. Judges or Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
D. Judges or Metropolitan Trial Courts

8. What pillar of the Criminal Justice System is responsible in evaluation of evidence?

A. Police B. Prosecution C. Court D. Correction

9. Among the following, which one is not a component of American concept of Criminal Justice
A. Prosecution B. Police C. Court D. Correction

10. Whose exclusive original jurisdiction the violation of city and municipal ordinances?
A. Barangay B. MTC C. RTC D. Supreme Court

11. How many members compose the “Pangkat?”

A. 1 member C. 2 members
B. 3 members D. 4 members

12. Which of the following has the same meaning as respondent?

A. Complainant C. Offended
B. Plaintiff D. Accused

13. The authority vested in a court to the exclusion of other courts or other kind of courts is
A. exclusive C. concurrent E. none of the above
B. appellate D. general

CSE Online Masterclass
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0977-3064209

14. A complaint was filed against Gabriel, a swindler. After preliminary examination, the judge
issued a warrant to arrest him. PO1 Kim went to the house of Gabriel and arrested him.
When Gabriel demanded to see the arrest warrant, PO1 Kim replied that it will be shown
later. What did PO1 Kim conduct?
A. a warrantless arrest C. an illegal arrest
B. an illegal detention D. a legal arrest

15. Which of the following means a lien or property given as security for the amount of the bail?
A. recognizance C. cash deposit
B. property D. corporate surety

16. Who is the forgotten man in the criminal justice system?

A. police C. judge E. criminal
B. prosecutor D. victim

17. All are the basic causes of crime, except

A. passion C. personal gain E. poverty
B. pride D. none of these

18. The fact that the roles constructed by the State as a corporate body is a feature of criminal
law which is
A. Penal Sanction C. Uniform E. Neither
B. Specificity D. Politically

19. Which of the following does Prosecution belong?

A. Executive C. Judiciary
B. Legislative D. either

20. When a person charged with a criminal offense is said to be informed of the nature and
cause of the accusation?
A. Trial C. Judgment E. B and D
B. Arraignment D. Pre-trial

21. What is the form of government where only one man rules?
A. Unitary D. Dictatorship
B. Aristocracy E. Monarchy
C. Monocracy

22. Which of the following best defines Right of Suffrage?

A. Right to be elected C. Right to vote
B. Right to hold public office D. Right to go abroad

23. What is the law that re-imposes the death penalty for heinous crimes?
A. RA 6075 B. RA 6195 C. RA 8177 D. RA 7659

24. Which of the following literally means “to produce the body?”
A. Habeas Corpus C. Corpus Delicti
B. Corpus Christi D. Habeas Causa

25. What is the compulsory process to insure the attendance of witnesses and presentation of
evidence before the court?
A. Summons C. Affidavit
B. Subpoena D. Writ of Execution

CSE Online Masterclass
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0977-3064209

26. It states that public office is public trust and that public officers and employees must, at all
times, be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty and
efficiency; act with patriotism and justice and lead modest lives.

1. Public Trust
2. Constitutional Rights
3. Accountability
4. Responsibility

27. Who shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment?

1. House of Blue Ribbon Committee

2. House of Representatives
3. House of the Senate
4. Speaker of the House

28. R.A. 6713 is an act to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being a public trust,
granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service, enumerating prohibited acts and providing
penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes.

1. Preamble
2. Code of Ethics
3. Code of Government Officials
4. Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees

29. The following are duties and responsibilities of Public officials and Employees except:

1. Act promptly on letters, inquiries, calls or any other form of communications sent by the
2. Submit performance reports of the agency or office regularly
3. Accept gifts from the public upon prioritizing their queries.
4. Process documents and papers expeditiously.

30. It is a written instrument containing the proposition and required number of signatories and
shall be in a form determined by and submitted to the Commission on Elections.

1. Bill
2. Law
3. Proposition
4. Petition

31. It is the electoral process by which an initiative on the Constitution is either approved or
rejected by the people.

1. Referendum
2. Plebiscite
3. Petition
4. Initiative

CSE Online Masterclass
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0977-3064209

32. It is the power of the electorate to approve or reject a legislation through an election called for
the purpose.

1. Referendum
2. Plebiscite
3. Petition
4. Initiative

33. What are the 3 main branches of the Government of the Philippines?

1. Senate, Supreme Court, Congress

2. Presidential, Unicameral- Parliamentary, Bicameral-Parliamentary
3. Legislative, Executive, Judicial
4. The Legislature, The Senate, The Supreme Court

34. The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and how many Associates

1. 12
2. 13
3. 14
4. 15

35. The Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines this 2014 is _________.

1. Air Force Commanding General Jeffrey Delgado

2. President Benigno Aquino III
3. Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno
4. AFP Chief Lieutenant Gen. Emmanuel Bautista

36. The executive power shall be vested in the _________.

1. President of the Philippines

2. House of Representatives
3. The Supreme Court
4. The Congress

37. The legislative power shall be vested in the _________ which shall consist of a Senate and a
House of Representatives.

1. Congress of the Philippines

2. House of Ombudsman
3. The Supreme Court
4. Bureau of Internal Revenue

38. The Senate shall be composed of how many senators elected at large by voters of the

1. 21
2. 22
3. 23
4. 24

CSE Online Masterclass
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0977-3064209

39. How long shall the term of office of the senators be commenced?

1. 3 years
2. 4 years
3. 5 years
4. 6 years

40. The term of office of the President and Vice-president of the Philippines shall be up to how
many years?

1. 3 years
2. 4 years
3. 5 years
4. 6 years

41. The members of the House of Representatives shall be elected for a term of _______.

1. 3 years
2. 4 years
3. 5 years
4. 6 years

42. The following shall be exempted from taxation except:

1. Lands and buildings

2. Churches and convents
3. Charitable institutions
4. Non-profit cemeteries

43. The Congress, by a vote of ____ of both Houses in joint session assembled, voting
separately, shall have the sole power to declare a state of war.

1. Two-thirds
2. One-half
3. Three quarters
4. Minority

44. It states that “no person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of
law, nor any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.”

1. Article VI
2. Bill of Rights
3. Republic Act
4. Court Order

45. All of the following is TRUE except:

1. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself

2. No person shall be imprisoned for non-payment of debt or poll tax.
3. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall not be enacted.
4. No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs and aspirations.

CSE Online Masterclass
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0977-3064209

46. The following are citizens of the Philippines except:

1. Those fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines

2. Those who are born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine
citizenship upon reaching the age of majority
3. Those who are naturalized citizens of the Philippines in accordance with law.
4. All of the above are true.

47. It is the right and obligation by all citizens, who are at least 18 years of age, and qualified by
law, to vote in the election of national and local officials of the government without literacy,,
property, or other substantive requirement.

1. Suffrage
2. Election
3. Voting power
4. Civil Right

48. The three inherent powers of the state are the following except one:

1. Police Power
2. Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power of Taxation
4. Power to Impeach

49. It is the power of the State to promote public welfare by restraining the use of both liberty and
property of all people.

1. Police Power
2. Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power if Taxation
4. Power to Impeach

50. It is the power of the State to take properties for the purpose of public use upon payment of
just compensation.

1. Police Power
2. Power of Eminent Domain
3. Power if Taxation
4. Power to Impeach

CSE Online Masterclass
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0977-3064209

25. B
27. 2
1. A 28. 4
2. D 29. 3
3. C 30. 4
4. D 31. 2
5. C 32. 1
6. A 33. 3
7. D 34. 3
8. B 35. 2
9. A 36. 1
10. B 37. 1
11. B 38. 4
12. D 39. 4
13. A 40. 4
14. C 41. 1
15. B 42. 1
16. D 43. 1
17. C 44. 2
18. C 45. 3
19. A 46. 4
20. A 47. 1
21. D 48. 4
22. C 49. 1
23. D 50. 2
24. A

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