Single Mode and Multi-Mode Optical Fibers Optiwave

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Experiment Name: Date:

Single Mode and Multimode Optical 5/3/2019


Ali Ra'ad
Mustafa Kareem
Muhammed Fadhil
Ameer Toran

1. The following transmitter and receiver circuits were connected, with a direct
transmission channel and the properties below. The properties of the
transmitted and received signals were observed.
Bit rate 2.5Gbps
Sequence Length 128bits
Samples per bit 64
Laser frequency 1552.52nm (third window)

2. The transmission channel was changed to a 50km single mode optical fiber.
Then the length was changed to 300km. The properties of the transmitted and
received signals were observed in both cases.
3. The transmission channel was changed to a multimode optical fiber, and the
properties of the transmitted and received signals were observed in the
following cases:
Case 1:
Bit rate 2.5Gbps
Laser frequency 1552.52nm (third window)
Length of fiber 1km
Case 2:
Bit rate 2.5Gbps
Laser frequency 850nm (first window)
Length of fiber 1km
Case 3:
Bit rate 100Mbps
Laser frequency 850nm (first window)
Length of fiber 1km
Case 4:
Bit rate 100Mbps
Laser frequency 850nm (first window)
Length of fiber 100m
Case 5:
Bit rate 10Gbps
Laser frequency 850nm (first window)
Length of fiber 100m
Case 6:
Bit rate 100Gbps
Laser frequency 850nm (first window)
Length of fiber 100m
1. Direct transmission:

Figure 1: Pulse Generator Output

Figure 2: Optical Modulator Output (time domain)

Figure 3: Optical Modulator Output (frequency domain)

Figure 4: Photodetector Output (noise and signal)

Figure 5: Photodetector Output (noise)

Figure 6: Low Pass Filter Output (noise and signal)

Figure 7: Low Pass Filter Output (noise)

2. Single Mode Fiber (50km):
3. Single Mode Fiber (300km)
4. Multimode Fiber case 1:

5. Multimode Fiber case 2:

6. Multimode Fiber case 3:
7. Multimode Fiber case 4:
8. Multimode Fiber case 5:
9. Multimode Fiber case 6:
1. In the direct transmission channel, almost all of the sent power is received
with very low losses, with the attenuation occurring due to noise and free
space losses.
2. In the single mode fiber case, when the length was 50km, the signal arrived
with almost only 10% of its original power, but it still maintained its original
form. When the length of the fiber was changed to 300km, the signal arrived
with 1% of its original power and lost its shape due to mixing with the noise
floor. These power losses occur due to the chromatic dispersion phenomenon
occurring within the fiber, with the Dispersion constant being 16.75ps/nm/km,
and a spectral width of almost 1nm (from figure 3) we can expect a delta ∆T:
∆T = Dc*L*∆λ = 16.75*50*1000*10^(-9) = 837.5 µs for L=50km
However, when L=300:
∆T = Dc*L*∆λ = 16.75*300*1000*10^(-9) = 5025 µs = 5.025 ms which is
relatively high.
3. In the multimode fiber case 1, the signal lost almost all of its power and mixed
with the noise floor. This happened due to the high operational frequency of
the laser (1552.52nm) which led to a very high number of modes in the fiber,
which itself led to high intermodal dispersion:
V = 2*a*π*sqrt(n1^2-n2^2)/λ
M = V^2/2 (SI)
M = v^2/4 (GI)
This attenuating effect was solved in case 2, when the frequency of the laser
was changed to 850nm, lowering the number of modes and the intermodal
In case 3, we notice that lowering the bit rate to 100MHz offered a relatively
better performance, because by lowering the bit rate, we increase the time of
the single bit, lowering the effect of ∆T.
In case 4, the length was decreased, which led to an almost 50% increase in
the received power. This happened because by decreasing the length,
dispersion also decreased:
∆T = L*n1^2*∆/c*n2
Cases 5 and 6 do the opposite of case 3, the bit rate was raised to 10GHz and
100GHz, well beyond the fiber's BL constant.

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