Finalized Goal & Implementation Plan Form: Additional Element(s)

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Finalized Goal & Implementation Plan Form

Name: Carly Weinand Date: 1/29/19

Goal: Based on the candidate’s self-assessment and feedback from the Program Supervisor and Supervising
Practitioner, the candidate has set the following S.M.A.R.T professional practice goal:
Essential Elements
During the Spring semester, I will design and 2.A.3: Meeting
CAP Professional implement specific modifications (activities and Diverse Needs
Practice Goal assessments) tied directly to IEP goals for
Additional element(s):
students A & L in all academic areas.
1.A.4 Well Structured

Implementation Plan: In support of attaining the goal(s), the candidate, Program Supervisor and Supervising
Practitioner agree on the following actions (add more rows as needed):
Action Related Supports/Resources from Timeline/Frequency
Familiarize self with Student IEPs, student MM (Special Ed teacher, Initial, upon renewal
student IEP goals and work samples 5th grade), ML (Gen. Ed.
profiles ELA Teacher, 5th grade),
CD (Gen. Ed. STEM
Teacher, 5th grade)
Collaborate with Meeting notes (team, MM (Special Ed teacher, Weekly
teachers and sped, informal) 5th grade), ML (Gen. Ed.
specialist to form an ELA Teacher, 5th grade),
understanding of CD (Gen. Ed. STEM
learning objectives Teacher, 5th grade)
Design and Modifications/accom MM (Special Ed teacher, Weekly
implement modations, student 5th grade), ML (Gen. Ed.
modifications/accom work samples, notes ELA Teacher, 5th grade),
modations that will about gen. ed. CD (Gen. Ed. STEM
scaffold learning Resources, Teacher, 5th grade), SA
observation notes (Program Supervisor)
Collect data to Student work samples, MM (Special Ed teacher, Weekly
determine students’ assessments 5th grade), ML (Gen. Ed.
current understanding ELA Teacher, 5th grade),
to inform CD (Gen. Ed. STEM
modifications Teacher, 5th grade)

Measure of Student Learning: In addition to attaining the professional practice goal, the candidate will also be
assessed based in part on their impact on student learning. The Supervising Practitioner, in coordination with
the Program Supervisor, has set the following measure(s) of student learning.

Measure of Student Learning Impact Rating Parameters

In math, I will provide scaffolding High (1) Correctly orders numbers and gives clear
to instruction for A & L throughout explanation showing understanding of
unit 6 (investigation 1) to allow number value
student access to content. (2) Correctly identifies largest decimal with
The impact of learning will be clear explanation of understanding.
measured through a 2 question Moderate (1) Correctly orders some numbers but does
assessment on comparing and not give a clear explanation showing
ordering decimals given during understanding of place value
session 1.8 addressing benchmark (2) Correctly identifies largest decimal but
1, write, compare and round provides a weak/confusing explanation.
decimals to the thousandths Low (1) Does not correctly order numbers and
give explanation that shows little/no
understanding of place value
(2) Incorrectly identifies largest decimal with
explanation not showing understanding

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