Bioplasma Concept of Consciousness

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NeuroQuantology | December 2011 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 | Page 681-691 681

Adamski A., Bioplasma concept of consciousness

Bioplasma Concept of Consciousness

Adam Grzegorz Adamski
The great theories of the twentieth century, such as quantum physics, cybernetics,
systems theory, synergetics, molecular biology, bioelectronics didn’t leave
psychology unaffected. Quantum physics is not only at the root of most of the
achievements of electronics, solid-state physics, laser science, nuclear physics,
biochemistry and molecular biology, but also forms the foundation of psychology.
This way of interpreting the mental phenomena shows that man is not only a purely
biological construct, but that bioelectronic, biochemical and informational processes
also play a role. They are responsible for the development of the mental processes of
man. Man's biological system uses for communication not only the biochemical
means, but also electromagnetic and acoustic waves, spin fields and bioplasma. An
important role in the history of research into the link between the plasma and the
life processes has been played by the works of Sedlak, Iniuszyn and Zona. Bioplasma
is a state of mutually interacting interconnected fields and positively and negatively
charged particles in an organic semiconductor. Bioplasma is seated in the protein
semiconductors, or piezoelectric organic compounds. To have charged particles and
excited states in both plasma and in the body, it is necessary to provide energy in
various forms. This process is done by the chemical release of energy through the
metabolic processes, and through the provision of energy from the outside, through
the human senses. Bioplasma is a tangible medium of life and is the ground of

Key Words: Biological system, bioelectronic, brain, consciousness, bioplasma

NeuroQuantology 2011; 4: 681-691

1. The bioelectronical aspect of the consciousness and mind are not separate
biological system1 from matter. The submicroscopic world of
The discussion in science about the roles that the human brain gives rise to consciousness,
quantum mechanics might or might not play mind. We are not able to make a sharp
in the theory of consciousness/mind has separation between the mind and the matter.
been becoming increasingly greater and Thus ultimately there is no “mind” that can
sharper. On one side of this debate stand be separated from “matter” and no “matter”
conventional neuroscientists, who assert that that can be separated from “mind”. The
brain science must look to the neuron for brain is a mixed physical system composed
understanding. On the other side are certain of the macroscopic neuron system and an
physicists, who suggest that the rules of additional microscopic system. The former
quantum theory might influence the consists of pathway conduction of neural
dynamics of consciousness. However, impulses. The latter is assumed to be a
quantum mechanical many-body system
interacting with the macroscopic neuron
Corresponding author: Adam Adamski
Address: Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach- Poland. Wydz. Etnologii
system (Adamski, 2006).
i Nauk o Edukacji w Cieszynie 43-400 Cieszyn, ul Bielska 65 Attempts to understand the brain and
Phone: + 512 919 624
e-mail: [email protected]
consciousness have been mostly based on
Revisions Required 2011-06-08 | Accept Submission 2011-08-12 restrictive Newtonian classical science and
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NeuroQuantology | December 2011 | Vol 9 | Issue 4 | Page 681-691 682
Adamski A., Bioplasma concept of consciousness

exclusively material realm. Although the extreme of the universe. However, there are
powers of understanding of human senses caveats: the quantum specificity indicates
and the scope of Newtonian science are that this property is not determined
limited to three spatial dimensions, the beforehand, i.e. before measurement.
scope of our universe is not. Many of the Quantum physics is a non-local and non-
natural phenomena happening within our realistic theory. Quantum entanglement and
universe transcend the three dimensional the property of "non-separability" are
scene. Therefore it is not possible to assume properties that are fundamentally quantum;
that the mechanisms of operation of the they do not exist in the "classical physics"
brain and consciousness remain imprisoned (Gribbin, 1998b).
within the confines of Isaac Newton's three There is general agreement that the
dimensional material universes. Attempts to seat of consciousness is the brain. When a
understand the brain-mind problem within person is awake, information about his/her
Newton's universe over the centuries have surroundings is presented to his/her brain
introduced divisions and concepts that have by his/her sense organs. The brain processes
become detrimental to having a new look at and computes millions of bits of information
it from the point of view of modern science, presented to it every second by the sensory
more specifically quantum mechanics. organs and present the processed
Intellectual acrobatics within the domain of information to consciousness. Through this
classical science to find solutions to a process consciousness remains aware of the
problem that transcends the limits of classic surroundings and we say that the person is
science cannot yield any valid solution. In conscious of his/her surroundings. When
trying to interpret the mechanisms of this link between consciousness and the
operation of the human brain and surroundings is interrupted and
developing a model for consciousness that consciousness is not able to be aware of
explains all practical observations, it is events in its surroundings we say that the
necessary first of all to jettison traditional person is unconscious (Baaquie and Martin,
baggage and clean up the scene. It is also 2005).
necessary to enlist all the observed
properties of the brain and consciousness Beside traditional, well-known
and ensure that the developed model chemical reactions, there arises a new reality
explains all of them (Atmanspacher, 2004; pertaining to the bioelectronic model of life.
Adamski, 2007; 2008). In this model, it is assumed that the
biological system exhibits physical properties
Quantum mechanics rests upon two of biological mass and functions as a
fundamental properties. Firstly, it is based quantum construction. Basic organic
on the superposition principle compounds, such as proteins, nucleic acids
(superposition of vector states of the Hilbert or melanin, are semiconductors and possess
space). Secondly, it is based on a the ability to activate charges without
fundamental phenomenon called quantum participation of ions. Semiconductors are
entanglement. This phenomenon manifests good converters of chemical, thermal and
itself by the fact that a system of two, or electromagnetic energy into electric energy,
several, quantum entangled particles is and the other way round. They also possess
"non-separable". In technical terms this other features such as increased conduction
means that the wave function of the two- accompanying an increase in temperature, a
particle system does not factorize into a significant jump in conduction in the
product of a wave function for each particle. presence of minimal donor or acceptor
The quantum system describing the two- admixtures, the photoelectric phenomenon,
particle system is a global system, not a local i.e. increased conduction under the influence
one. Moreover, in such a system the particles of photons and quantum emission of the
are heavily correlated. Therefore, if we electromagnetic wave. A semiconductor can
measure a certain property of one of the two be a quantum generator of electrons and
particles, destroying in this way the "non- photons (Gribbin 1998a). In an alternating
separability" of the system, we can predict electric field, proteins, amino acids, DNA,
with certainty the corresponding property of RNA, as well as plant and animal tissues are
the other particle, even if it is at the other
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subjected to electrostriction and become of information from the environment not

quantum generators of phonons, that are the only via sense receptors, but also through the
acoustic wave. This occurs because the entire mass of the biological organism,
structures in question are at the same time understood as organic piezoelectrics,
piezo- and pyroelectric, which means they pyroelectrics and semiconductors. This
possess the capacity for thermal and means that the organism receives
mechanical polarization (Athenstaedt, 1972; information from the environment not only
1987). through receptors, but also beyond the
Piezoelectrics convert mechanical sphere of sensory experience in the manner
energy into electric energy, while typical for semiconductors, that is with
pyroelectrics convert thermal energy into conversion to electric energy.
electric energy (Chełkowski, 1979; p.324). The biological mass has been utilized
Acoustic effects may take place not only in by nature to create an electronic device
piezoelectrics, but also in semiconductors. A working analogically to the technical
semiconductor can manage electrons in their electronic systems, but on the basis of
induced state. In such cases, nonradiative organic semiconductors, piezo- and
recombination transmits the energy to the pyroelectrics. The device is powered by
molecular network in the form of quantum chemical energy of a metabolic origin, by
acoustic vibration. The transition from the electromagnetic energy received among
induced state to the basic state has got thus other things by melanin, which combines
two possibilities: the generation of photon or with the photoelectric effects, as well as by
the generation of phonon. Biological mass is thermal and mechanical energy converted by
then continually shaken and “quantum- piezo- and pyroelectrics into electric energy
chatty” (Sedlak, 1988; p.63). (Sedlak, 2000).
Life is a result of all the chemical, Modern electronics use biomolecules,
electrical, magnetic, optical and acoustic such as DNA, RNA, proteins and pigments as
events occurring in the living organism, in an electronic material. Additionally, certain
the system of organic semiconductors, piezo- biological structures treats as natural
and pyroelectrics (Sedlak, 1988; p.119). This electronic device, for example cellular
means that biological tissues have ample microtubules, cytoskeleton and neurons as
capacity for activating electrons, generating biological microprocessors (Hameroff and
fields and for constant or variable Rasmusssen, 1992), whereas enzymes as
polarization independent of the chemical natural diodes and transistors (Cardenas,
character and ion transportation. Biological 1991). Apart from the attempts at using
mass can thus be electrically active in a non- biomaterials, particularly enzymes in the so-
chemical manner. Therefore life takes place called biocomputer biotechnology, they are
not in a chemical or electronic system, but to broadly used in constructing biosensors
some extent among these two processes. In a (Bartlett and Pratt, 1993; Wnuk, 1996).
living organism, chemical and electronic Interesting here is Liberman’s concept of
reactions have been “sewn up”. In this way, a biomolecular quantum computers, which
“quantum seam of life” has come into sees the nerve cell as a computer (Liberman,
existence as the smallest functional unit in 1996).
the biological system. The entire “quantum The basic energy source for this
link of life” takes place in the molecular device is chemical energy understood as
network shaken by acoustic quanta (Sedlak, electrons bound and freed in the
2000; p.71). metabolizing process. Impoverishment of
The idea of the coupling of chemical metabolism in man causes a change
bioelectronical and biochemical process in in electromagnetic fields and waves in the
the human organism is alien to the classical particles of the human organism, as it is in
research on the psychological life. This new the case of old age. In this period of life the
approach postulates a holistic account of the organic semiconductors grow old and their
human being and his environment. The exchange no longer gets through – there is a
model, in referring to psychology, is very disproportion between catabolism and
inspiring, because it postulates the reception anabolism in favor of the former and with

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the deficiency of the latter. Along with that, semiconductions in biological membranes
the electronic action becomes less effective. where active protons are fundamental
Quantum efficiency decreases and the centers of energy and information
amount of the semiconductor which is water transduction play an important role in the
diminish and cannot be supplemented from structure and functioning of biosystems
the outside (Sedlak, 1987). (Morowitz 1978; Conrad, 1990).
Dehydration of the organism Sławiński (2001) claims that life
increases with age and the reserves of processes and light are inseparable and
melanin decrease as the organism grow internally connected due to their
older. Melanin has the ability to bind protons electromagnetic nature. Light plays a
and electrons (Matuszak, 2001). Melanin significant energetic and regulatory role in
deficiency disturbs that relation, whereas an living organisms and in the entire ecosystem,
increase of the melanin content in the for instance in photosynthesis, in the process
biological system is accompanied by an of seeing, in biological rhythms, etc. Changes
increased circulation of electrons and hence in the intensity of photon emission are
an increased number of electron inductions, functionally connected with disturbances of
highly enhanced generation of photons by homeostasis and their measurements specify
radioactive recombinations and generation the state of organism's vitality and the
of quantum acoustic states, that is phonons, capacity for environmental adaptation
by non-radiative transitions. Delocalized (Sławiński, 1990).
electrons and protons, as well as proton

Biological system

Biochemical model Bioelectronical model

Biological mass as an electronic

(proteins, melanins, DNA, RNA)

- pyroelectric

Biochemical processes Bioelectronical processes

(electrons) (electrons, photons, phonons)

Life is a set of chemical reactions In this new paradigm bioelectronics

coupled with the processes of bioelectronics starts to draw a cognitive psychology
death is a disruption of these processes. showing the quantum of human knowledge
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in terms of quantum processes. Electronic information related to his own person. It

interpretation of the living system is proving covers not only the actual survival of
to be very inspiring, it takes into account the individuals, but is able to return to the past
fact that the organ recipients of information appreciation of the course of his life, his
from the environment are not only receptors difficulties, mistakes, achievements, and
inducing sensuous, perceptual and motor plan his future tasks and goals in life
systems, but also a whole bunch of biological (Zaborowski, 1998).
organism construed as biological Awareness coworks with the brain,
piezoelectrics and semiconductors (Sedlak, but the brain can function during different
1979). states: sleep, anesthesia, meditation, being
under the influence of drugs. A disease and
2. Bioplasma and its role in building above mentioned states cause impairment of
the structure of consciousness consciousness, called altered states of
In the discussions on consciousness we consciousness. Distorted observation appear
encounter many difficulties, which arise in these altered states of consciousness, such
from the lack of unified theory of as visual perception distortion of time and
consciousness, both in the natural sciences space, the sense of separation from the
and psychology. Do we really know what body's own self, the needs and the problems
consciousness is in the ontological sense, of life. Glare, joy, ecstasy and a sense of
whether it is a structure, a process, an act, a fusion with others and the world also may
product or any other phenomenon? Human occur. Awareness may also have the nature
consciousness includes not only knowledge of an act of cognition, of decision, of
of reality, but also self-knowledge or imagining something (Wojciszke, 1980).
awareness of the human mind itself by its
own actions, feelings, thoughts and motives Sedlak recognizes that the integrating
of conduct, their own situation in the world factor of the biological system is bioplasma
and society. Awareness of himself as a main Hameroff (1990), Hameroff and Penrose
characteristic of personality is not an innate (1996), Fröhlich (1968) and Zohar believe
characteristic. It is developed gradually in that the consistency of the biosystem is due
the course of our lives, from early childhood to the Bose-Einstein condensate. According
through school years, adolescence, to to Popp (1979; 1983) coherent light emitted
adulthood (Lauster, 1995). from DNA is used to create a Bose-Einstein
condensate and the structure of
In psychology, according to consciousness. Cells are informed by the
Zaborowski, consciousness is understood as development cell structure and by the
a process of encoding and processing electromagnetic field are called biochemical
information about himself and integrating it processes in the cell. Biophoton radiation is
with the surrounding world. Psychological light with a high degree of coherence. This
ground encoding process is attention, consistent information is able to repair the
information processing relates to memory faulty system and lead to a harmonious state.
and thinking, and integration of information Popp found that they can manage the
associated with consciousness. Reflective process of awareness and are responsible for
self-consciousness is associated with its nature, because light is the element
integrating information about himself on the determining the processes of life. What is
basis of notions, patterns and abstract bioplasma according to the interpretation by
thinking. It is the highest stage of human Sedlak? In order to explain this term it is
psychological development; it has a factor necessary to define the plasma. Plasma is a
integrating mental phenomena as memory, natural center, which combines chemical and
attention, thinking, imagination, emotional physical effects. Changes in chemical
experiences that have developed in the composition and physical factors affect
course of human evolution (Zaborowski, changes in its concentration, particle mass
1998). and the size of their electric and magnetic
Self-awareness gives us a sense of charges, which leads to changes in
personal history and identity. It conforms oscillation. Plasma has a great natural
functions to integrate, select and reconcile dynamics - all of its particles constantly

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"feel" the behavior of other particles, media and transformer (Sedlak, 1972).
responding to the changes in their The habitats of bioplasma are protein
movement. Movement of each endowed with semiconductors, piezoelectric or organic
a cargo particle is made with a number of compounds such as melanin, neuromelanin,
other oppositely charged particles. This melatonin, DNA, RNA, etc. Bioplasma needs
property is a consequence of the impact of for the functioning energy in different forms.
electric and magnetic fields, thermal, To the nature of bioplasma belong the
chemical and changes in dielectric properties symmetry of electric, magnetic, but also the
of the medium. Plasma has many properties length and symmetry of matter, which is
that are not observable in other physical unity in diversity and carries the mark of
states. One of the most important features is integrating factor information. Changing the
a collaborative community response to all information disclosed in the electrical profile
particles on the distortion of the balance. and change biofield plasma. This refers to
Interaction of particles in the plasma leads changes in temperature, pressure, gravity,
not only to the change of direction but also of electric fields, magnetic, torsion, chemical
the speed of the exchange of energy between changes, acoustic and optical. Each type of
the particles. As a result of collisions a energy delivered to the plasma increases the
particle undergoes a small angular electrical symmetries, gives the speed of
displacement. This means that there is a particles, and prevents destabilization
change of momentum of the particle, and processes, namely degradation of bioplasma
therefore in the process of collision defined (Sedlak, 1980; Zon, 1994).
part of the kinetic energy of accelerated
particles will be transferred to their partners. Bioplasma in the body performs the
Plasma responds to magnetic and electric same tasks that are assigned to
fields. If the electric field parallel to the consciousness in psychology. Thanks to
magnetic direction is along her it will bioplasma the organism may be considered
accelerate or delay the particles (Sedlak, of its structure and function together. Here
1975; 1994). at the bottom of the quantum of life there is
no difference between life and
An important attribute of bioplasma consciousness, between the psyche and the
is combination of different kinds of fields bios. There is unity and the quantum level in
and particles (Sedlak, 1970). Therefore it is the protein environment formed a vital link
concluded that bioplasma is characterized by between the electrons, photons and phonons
a common system for wave energy and mass in piezoelectric medium organic
(particles such as electrons, photons, semiconductors. Here merged interaction
phonons (Sedlak, 1980). Bioplasma is between the chemical and electronic process
organized by its surroundings, but also has (Sedlak, 1973).
the ability to self-organize, which may occur
by the magnetic fields generated by the An example of this may be
orderly movement of a sufficient number of ontogenetic development of man, in which
charged particles. It is a phenomenon known the important role of merit for two periods,
as the plasma pinch. Plasma is a natural preschool period and the period of
material and the material life of the universe adolescence. The period of adolescence is a
(Sedlak, 1977). Bioplasma is linked to life's period of enormous changes of biological,
processes (metabolism and electronic physiological, but also psychological. These
processes in semiconductors protein (Sedlak, activate the processes of quantum states that
1979). have an impact on the development of
bioplasma in the brain and the whole
According to Sedlak bioplasma has its biological system. Increased level of
own "diffraction grid”, electromagnetic and bioplasma in the nervous system of man
acoustic, therefore, any disturbance to the contributes to the emergence of reflective
power grid is information for the biosystem. consciousness (Sedlak, 1979; Zon, 1984;
Bioplasma all "knows" what happened in and 1986).
around it performs. Inform the energy
situation and the whole part. Bioplasma is a The end stage of ontogeny may be
generator of information, its coordinator, characterized by the weakening of the degree
of collectivity in interactions within the
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clusters in the plasma biosystem, decrease of ability of melanin to absorb light, retention,
the coupling between them, or the storage and recovery of energy. It protects
disintegration of the plasma in clusters of against oxidative stress by reactive free
plasma. The disintegration of the plasma radicals: peroxyls, hydroxyls and singlet
from the organ can lead to the dysfunction of oxygen quenching of excited states (King,
the entire biological system and ultimately to 2001).
his death. A similar point of view about Melanin is made up of neurotrans-
bioplasma is presented by Injuszyn mitters and is able to change a light in tone,
(Injuszyn, 1972; 1974) who believes that the and vice versa. Color and light is processed
concentration of plasma takes different in the music for the whole body. Each
values in different parts of the body. Of the frequency produces its own color note
tissue structures and cellular highest (Nicolaus, 1997; p.354). Melanin is not only
concentration of plasma electron-electron semiconductor, but also at room
and a whole proton and saturation wave temperature superconductor. Melanin in
process is characterized by bioplasma spinal terms of electronic and physical is
cord and brain.
characterized by such features as:
According to the authors attributing
somatic awareness, reflective, subconscious • donor-acceptor properties,
and unconscious influences to bioplasma is • the ability to proton conductivity
justified. In the theories presented by (Matuszak, 2001),
different authors, one sees the information
• the ability to absorb all wavelengths
center such as: the electromagnetic spin,
of light,
torsion fields, or Bose-Einstein condensate.
Significant role in the formation of mental • properties photoconductor and
states and sensory is played by melanin, amorphous semiconductor
neumeromelanin and melatonin. These (Strzelecka, 1982),
substances play a very important role in the • increased resistance to light and
human ontogenesis, in shaping: adolescence ultraviolet light,
and the reflective, consciousness abstract
thought and higher feelings. The period of • generation of electrons and photons,
adolescence in the child's biological system is • high demand for oxygen (Prota,
a continuous increase in melanin and 1993),
melatonin, during adolescence there is a
• selective vulnerability to phonons,
reduction of these substances, and every year
which means that cells with melanin
there is less of them in the body. With the
are selectively sensitive to sound
decrease of melanin and melatonin, an
waves. (Sarna and Swartz, 1985),
increase in free radicals, which were
previously absorbed by these substances, can • melanin may function as a
be observed. This results in an increased transmitter of photons and phonons
activity of different torsion fields (vortex in the process of reverse (McGinnes
fields) that have an impact on the growth of a et al., 1974);
density wave bioplasma and this in turn • paramagnetic properties (Schultz et
gives rise to the development of the mind in al., 1987).
the form of abstract thinking and reflective
consciousness. • melanin is piezoelectrics and
pyroelectrics , which allows it to
Melanin has the ability both to absorb transform mechanical, thermal
reactive hydroxyl free radicals, quenching acoustic energy, electricity, and with
singlet oxygen and excited states of some it the electric field,
photo sensitizers, and inhibition of lipid
peroxidation (Pilas et al., 1988), on the other • aggregate all types of metal ions,
part to produce radicals. In this context, • combines the effects of important
melanin can act as both an oxidant and vitamins and innumerable quantities
reducer (Sarna, 1992). of drugs, protects against UV ionizing
The most important feature is the radiation by producing solid free

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radicals. Summary
Melanin accumulates in the cells of Piezoelectric properties acquired the body,
the nucleus, where the genetic material each with its creation on earth and they are
(DNA) is, in order to protect the genetic code required to run bioelectronics processes that
from the damage from the UV-rays (Prota, are necessary for the functioning of the body.
2000). These processes occur throughout the body,
but are especially noticeable in the system:
These properties of melanin reveal cardiovascular, musculoskeletal while
that it has large resources of bioplasma, walking and gymnastics, breathing
which affects the development and mechanoreception , bar reception, sense of
degradation of personality. Further hearing, as well as during sexual arousal, etc.
understanding of melanin will bring So the essence of a biological system to
essential contribution to the development of piezoelectricity, pyroelectrics and
psychology, especially in understanding what semiconductor.
constitutes the essence of the nature of the
psychological processes. Possession of Semiconductors communicate using
melanin, neuromelanin and bioplasma in the electric and magnetic fields, piezoelectric
body forces the science to the new again, using electric fields and acoustic
interpretation of the mechanism of waves. Body as a semiconductor-
functioning of sensory perception and the piezoelectric system is sensitive to any kind
nature of mental human processes. of information to field inspection - a
magnetic, electrical, thermal, mechanical,
With the semiconductor properties of gravitational soliton fields, torsion and
proteins and melanin electrons can travel bioplasma, which affect the structure of the
over long distances without losing energy. human psychosomatic and also determine
Ionic currents expire at short distances the development, integration and instability
because the ions are much larger than of his personality. Melanin and
electrons. In semiconductors the electron neuromelanina during its synthesis becomes
energy of the protein would be preserved and a source of wave solitons, torsion fields and
passed on as information. In terms of bioplasm. Bioplasm is understood as a
biological bioelectronics system has several dynamic system in an organic semiconductor
channels - a channel electron, proton, consisting of piezoelectric fields and particles
solitons, electromagnetic, acoustic, torsion with positive and negative charge which
fields and bioplasm through which life is these processes interact with each other
continually identifies and continues, in its Bioplasma is the result of the biofield. The
essence is unchanged despite the evolution. total energy bioplasma consists of thermal
Therefore biocommunication may be using motion, particles energy kinetic, the floating
the wave and field, wave electromagnetic, particles, the electric field, magnetic,
electronic and acoustic, the latter due to electromagnetic, torsion and solitons
electrostriction biological PVDF cylinder. (Adamski, 2009).
Piezoelectric phenomenon is to change
mechanical energy into electrical energy, In conclusion, it is clear that the
together with the development of electricity human biological system and particularly the
is accompanied by the electric field brain is such a device that operates based on
(Krajewski, 1970). the biochemical processes-ionic conductivity,
but also about the processes bioelectronics.
Piezoelectric placed in the alternating In the cell processes, bioelectronic
electric field is deformed by generating an communication is made through fields and
acoustic wave. This phenomenon is referred waves.
to as electrostriction or quantum-acoustic
effect. The ability of piezoelectric crystals to Biocommunication wave includes the effects
polarize the expense of mechanical and of electromagnetic wave (McFaden, 2002;
ability to deform the expense applied electric Sławiński, 1990), acoustic (Adamski, 2006a)
fields allows you to consider them in the and solitons (Brizhik 2002; 2003), field
category of electromechanical transducers again involves the action of the electric field
(Krajewski, 1970). (Athenstaedt, 1967), magnetic and
electromagnetic (Popp, 1983), gravity

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(Shipov, 1994), torsion (Akimov et al., 1995; creates the structure of life and
Hu et al., 2003; Shipov, 1993; 1995; 1997), consciousness, it means that life and
bioplasma (Sedlak, 1979). Torsion fields are consciousness in the brain last until they
moving at a rate of N9, where N is the speed exhaust all the processes. When these
of light in vacuum (Shipov, 1997). processes expire, loss of consciousness and
A whole range of biocommunication death of the organism occur.

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