History of Dental Hygiene

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Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada

[email protected]

History of Dental Hygiene

As a dentist in the early 1900s, Dr. Alfred Civilion there was the passage of higher Medicaid provider
Fones was concerned about the number of patients rates. The limited number of dentists in Connecticut
losing their teeth due to dental caries and who provide services to the underserved is
periodontal disease. Convinced that the removal of significant. Nationally, dental hygienists are listed
plaque, calculus and sugared substances from the among the top ten fastest growing health care
surfaces of the teeth and gingival margins could occupations with the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLA)
reduce or prevent tooth loss, he began a crusade to predicting that the current population of over
persuade others in the dental and medical fields that 150,000 dental hygienists will grow by 30 percent by
some dental diseases could actually be prevented. 2016. Conversely, the dental profession is growing
This vision of disease prevention was almost at a much slower rate, with the number of dentists
unknown in a field where tooth extractions were who retire annually, approximately 6,000, outpacing
frequent treatments for dental problems. the approximately 4,000 dental school graduates
that enter the workforce each year. BLS data notes
Against the support of many health professionals, in that the population of dentists is not anticipated to
1906, Dr. Fones trained Irene Newman to be the first be able to meet the growing health care needs of
dental hygienist in the world. Her purpose was to the country over the next ten years.
provide preventive dental cleanings or prophylaxes
to his patients. The results were successful. So The Advanced Dental Hygiene Practitioner (ADHP)
successful, that he spent much of his time during the model developed by the American Dental Hygienists’
next years spreading the word about this new Association (ADHA) is a mid-level oral health
member of the dental team. In 1913, he opened provider designed to serve as the oral health
the Fones School of Dental Hygiene in Bridgeport, equivalent to the nurse practitioner. ADHA began
Connecticut and the philosophy of teaching dental the process to establish the new provider in 2004
disease prevention had then begun. The and over the past four years has solicited input for
Encyclopedia Britannica states, “dental hygiene was stakeholders in oral health on the development of
the most important development of the dental art the draft ADHP competencies.
appearing in 1911-1922”.
The ADHP will increase utilization of finite health
This new vision of Dr. Fones was two-fold. Not only care resources and will enable more patients to be
did he think it important for dental hygienists to seen and referred to dentists or other health care
work in private dental offices with patients who professionals for comprehensive care. ADHPs are
could afford its services, he thought it equally envisioned to work in collaboration with dentists and
important that dental hygienists provide outreach other members of the oral health care team to
services to those who could not afford private dental deliver quality oral health care services in a variety
care. He and Irene Newman instilled in their of public health settings, such as community health
students the benefits of both private and public centers, school-based health clinics, Head Start or
health dental hygiene. To this day, dental hygiene pre-school programs, long-term care facilities, and
programs in the United States are required to have a hospitals. The demand for oral health services is
clinical and public health component. In other particularly acute in such venues and the advanced
words, prevention and access to care continue to dental hygiene practitioner can help fill the need in
remain the philosophy of dental hygiene. underserved communities.

Positive actions have been taken in recent years in The ADHP concept takes into account the workforce
Connecticut to address the access to care issues realities our country, and Connecticut specifically,
specific to the state. The Connecticut General are facing. The model leverages the talents and
Assembly passed legislation that formalized its expertise of the existing dental hygiene workforce by
commitment to improving access to oral health care adding a new provider to the oral health care team.
by addressing a number of policy issues that impact The ADHP will be a licensed dental hygienist
the delivery of oral health care service. In 2007, educated at the Master’s-level and will have an

Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]

expanded role in treating patients by providing

diagnostic, preventive, restorative, and therapeutic
services directly to the public.

As society places an ever-growing demand on dental

disease prevention and access to care, the dental
hygiene profession continues to be in the forefront
of providing services to those who can and cannot
afford the care. The State of Connecticut is known
for its invention of the hamburger, the submarine,
the sewing machine, the subway sandwich, the
telephone, the Frisbee, wiffle ball, and more. Let’s
never forget that our State is also known for the
inventor and as the birthplace of dental hygiene.

Written by Meg Zayan, RDH, MPH, EdD


A Dental Hygienist dental diseases

5. Apply fluoride or other material to help
prevent tooth decay and/ or stop tooth
What is a dental hygienist?
Dental hygienists are educated and trained members 6. Help reduce halitosis (bad breath)
7. Support smokers and tobacco users who
of the health care team who support the important
wish to quit
role of preventing disease and treating disease as 8. Work in nursing homes, schools, clinics,
part of maintaining good overall health. assisted living facilities, dental offices, and
numerous other settings
Across the world there are approximately 500,000
dental hygienists in over 30 countries who are Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, effective home care
providing care for children and adults of all age and regular visits with a dental hygienist are
groups. essential to maintaining a smile for a lifetime!

What does a dental hygienist do? Community Health

A dental hygienist provides a range of services and
education to support the overall health of their
Oral health care services provided by dental
clients. Besides individualized home care, these may
hygienists in the community environment can help
include, but are not limited to:
develop improved health outcomes for families, the
1. Assess a person’s health and oral health
aged and special needs patients. In addition to
status and disease risk to create a dental
providing a significant source of education,
treatment provision and the ongoing support of
treatment plan
health messages, community health programs can
2. Provide dietary advice to reduce the risk of
reflect the goals of government and other health
tooth decay and erosion
care advocates.
3. Evaluate and treat periodontal (gum)
4. Remove dental plaque, calculus (tartar) and http://www.ifdh.org/dt/IFDH_What_is_a_Dental_Hy
staining to reduce the risk of common genist.pdf

Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Gadjah Mada
[email protected]

What is dental hygiene? prevention of disease. The oral health

Int J Dent Hygiene 5, 2007; 13–21 promotion and disease prevention foundations
Cobban SJ. Edgington EM. Compton SM. An argument of dental hygiene are consistent with the health
for dental hygiene to develop as a discipline
promotion and disease prevention perspective
associated with Hygieia. Dental hygiene has
The Canadian Oxford Dictionary (9) describes a progressed considerably since it originated.
Dental Hygienist as a person trained and
licensed to act as a dentist’s assistant, In 1982, the University of Manitoba hosted the
specializing in oral hygiene, and cleaning and first conference on dental hygiene research,
scaling teeth. It is unfortunate that the inviting leaders from both Canada and the USA
Dictionary describes a dental hygienist as a to consider the role of research in further
dentist’s assistant as dental hygienists do not development of dental hygiene (17). In 1984,
function in that capacity in practice. It further the American Dental Hygienists Association
defines a Hygienist as a specialist in the (ADHA) sponsored a conference to articulate
promotion and practice of cleanliness for the the evolving functional roles of dental
preservation of health, and Hygiene as the hygienists. Outcomes of that conference
branch of knowledge that deals with the suggested a view of the dental hygienist as a
maintenance of health and the conditions and licensed professional within a healthcare team.
practices conducive to it. They identified roles and functions used by all
dental hygienists as including clinician, oral
The word hygiene derives from Greek health educator, manager, consumer advocate,
mythology, from Hygieia the goddess of health, change agent and researcher.
cleanliness and sanitation. She was one of the
daughters of Asclepius, the god of healing (15). The ADHA also convened a theory development
She was associated with the prevention of panel in 1992. This panel conceptualized dental
sickness and the continuation of good health, hygiene as ‘…the study of preventive oral
and was typically represented as a young healthcare, including the management of
woman feeding a huge sacred snake which is behaviours to prevent oral disease and promote
wrapped around her body. Her sacred snake is health.’ (7). The panel went on to identify the
depicted with the rod of Asclepius as the major concepts studied in a discipline of dental
symbol for medicine. hygiene would be health/oral health, dental
hygiene actions, the client, the environment,
The origins of the practice of dental hygiene their interactions and the factors that affect
bear many similarities to the mythology. Early in them. These major concepts in turn can be used
the 20th century Fones, a dentist, saw a need to derive theoretical and conceptual
for preventive oral hygiene programmes for frameworks to guide research that contributes
children, and developed a plan to prepare to a metaparadigm that is dental hygiene.
women to provide this preventive care (16). He
opened the first school of dental hygiene in
1913. In 1934, he wrote of dental hygienists
that ‘She must regard herself as the channel
through which dentistry’s knowledge of mouth
hygiene is to be disseminated.’ (16, p. 3).
Although the use of the term ‘dental nurse’
was then in common use, Fones did not like the
association, at the time, between ‘nurse’ and
‘disease’ and preferred the term ‘hygienist’
because of its association with health and

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