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Uber Analytics Test

The Complete Course to Ace the Analytics Test for General Manager, Associate
General Manager, Operations and Logistics Manager and Marketing Manager
positions at Uber.




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Welcome to the complete book on Uber’s Analytics Test. If you are here, you
have made the right choice. The Uber Analytics Test is the second interview in a
series of interviews that you will have with Uber. This test has been reported in
General Manager, Associate General Manager, Marketing Manager and
Operations and Logistic Manager positions. Though of course, it can be asked in
a number of different positions.

The Uber interview starts with a phone screen with your recruiter. After the phone
screen is complete and assuming it goes well, the next step is a 2 hour timed
analytics test that is based on excel. This course covers every detail of that timed

The timed test attempts to test a number of different areas – your ability to work
under pressure, your ability to analyze data, your ability to communicate, your
knowledge of Uber’s model etc. etc. These are skills that you will be using on a
day to day basis on the job at Uber. In this book we have covered it all. At the
end of this book, you will have all the tools, skills and knowledge to ace the
analytics test at Uber.

However, if you need more help beyond this book – we have two other
resources for you.

Coursetake.com has partnered with Udemy to offer a complete course on

Uber’s analytics test. You can buy it from the link below.


Additionally, at Coursetake.com we sell an entire online course on the Uber

Analytics Test. If you like a more interactive teaching style, then the course is for
you. But not to worry, we’ve covered everything in this eBook.


So with that background, let’s get started with the book outline.

Book Outline

The entire book contains of the following 8 chapters.

1. Test Details – I n chapter 1, w e will cover w hat to expect on

the test. We w ill understand the details of w hat is expected.

2. Theory – Here w e will go through theory around Uber’s business model, pricing
strategy, metrics etc.

3. Quantitative Questions – First CSV – On the test you w ill be presented w ith 2 CSVs.
Questions are based on them and w e’ll cover both a number of questions and
answ ers in this section.

4. Quantitative Questions – Second CSV – We’ll go through questions and answ ers
based on the second file in this section.

5. General Multiple Choice Questions – We’ll then look at general questions aimed
at your know ledge of Uber’s business as a w hole. These are multiple choice
questions that w ill test your know ledge of Uber. Chapter 2 w ill come in handy

6. Short Answers – On the test, you w ill be expected to w rite a few short answer and
long answ er questions. These w ill test your general communication skills and how
you deal w ith certain situations. We’ll cover those short answers that you’ll be
expected to w rite.

7. Long Answers – We’ll then cov er long answers that you’ll be expected to w rite.

8. Additional Practice Questions and Answers – This section w ill give you 10
additional questions to practice. These are difficult questions and only for the
brav e of heart.

9. Conclusion – We’ll finally conclude the course in this section w ith some last
minute tips to help you ace the test.

Chapter 1 – Test Details

Uber Analytics Test Overview

The overall interview process at Uber starts with a recruiter screen about the
position that you are applying for. Once the recruiter is satisfied, he or she will
invite you to take the Uber Analytics Test. This test has been reported specifically
in the following positions:

1. General Manager
2. Associate General Manager
3. Operations and Logistics Manager
4. Marketing Manager

Not e: Successful completion of t his test is necessary t o move forward in t he

interview process i.e. t o Interview # 3.

After the recruiter screen, you will get an email as follows:

Email from Recruiter to Start the Test

Dear XYZ,

Thanks for t aking the t ime to chat with me! As promised, please see t he
following exercises.

Essent ially t his test is designed t o give us a sense of your experience managing
raw dat a, as well as your basic inst inct for numbers. Below are some important
t hings to remember when complet ing this exercise:

The t est is t imed (2 hours), and will begin as soon as you clink on t he link and
ent er your information so pay attention t o the two-hour t ime limit and make sure
t hat you st art this when you know you’ll be int erruption free for t he full two hours.

Since you’re doing analysis and downloading raw dat a, make sure you’re at a
comput er t hat handles Excel/CSV files well.

You MUST hit submit before t he two hours is up so t he test will have a record of
your answers.

It ’s good pract ice t o save your dat a/workbook in case we need t o ask follow up
quest ions.

<Link t o Test >

Let me know if you have any quest ions regarding t he t est! Thanks for your t ime in
t his process!

This test is administered by classmarker.

Once you click the link:

You will have to enter the following information:

1. First Name

2. Last Name

3. Email Address

4. What position(s) are you applying for?

5. Which city or cities is the position you’re applying for based in?

The form will look like the following:

Once you click on “Start Test”, the test will begin and you will have 2 hours to
complete the test.

Format of the Test

Now let’s understand the format of the test. The entire test consists of

A total of 32 questions divided as follows:

1. 28 multiple choice questions

2. 4 short and long answer questions

Additionally, the link will contain 2 downloadable CSV files. You will be using
these CSV files to manipulate data through the test and answering the 32

For the purpose of this book, we’ve provided you with sample CSV files that you
can use to practice all the questions that we’ve covered. Please download
them directly from the individual chapters. CSV file 1 is in Chapter 3 and CSV file
2 is in Chapter 4.

The 28 multiple choice questions contain:

1. 8-10 questions based on CSV file 1

2. 8-10 questions based on CSV file 2

3. 8-10 multiple choice questions that are business, operations, logistics and
marketing based (may or may not be based on the CSVs)

The 4 short and long answer questions contain:

1. 2 short answ er questions

2. 2 long answ er questions

You have a total of 2 hours to complete the test .

Students have reported that a total of 70% is needed to move onto the next set
of interviews.

Do note that you can revisit any question on the test , so don’t spend too much
time on any question. Move on and you can always come back to a question.

Time Breakdown

In order to complete your test in the given time frame, we advise you to break
your time according to the table below. Two hours will go fast, hence it’s
important to plan your two hours very wisely.

1. First CSV – 30 minutes

2. Second CSV – 25 minutes
3. General Multiple Choice Questions – 25 minutes
4. Short Answ ers – 10 minutes
5. Long Answ ers – 15 minutes
6. Rev ision and Submission – 15 minutes
7. Total – 120 minutes or 2 Hours
As mentioned earlier, you can always go back and forth throughout the test, so
make sure to keep 10-15 minutes in the end to go through all your answers and
check them for correctness. Some mistakes, errors happen all the time during a
timed test, so the last thing you want is to get penalized for “silly mistakes”.

What Do You Need to Succeed?

To succeed and to pass the Uber Analytics Test, you must be good at the
following areas:

1. Know Excel v ery w ell.

2. Be fast at manipulating data.
3. Understand the theory behind Uber’s business.
4. Understand Uber’s operations, logistics and marketing.
5. Communicate effectively.
6. Be creativ e.

At the end of this book, you should be well versed in each of these areas. So
with that information about the test out of the way, lets jump into Uber’s business
model and learn the theory around Uber.

Chapter 2 – Theory

On Demand Economy

An On-Demand Economy is defined as the economic activity created by

technology companies that fulfill consumer demand via the immediate
provisioning of goods and services.

Uber is one such company that pioneered the concept of the On-Demand

Uber is a platform that connects riders to independent drivers (“driver partners”)

who are nearby, all done via t he Uber mobile app.

Uber Business model

Riders open the Uber app to see the availability of rides and the price and can
then choose to request a ride. If a rider chooses to request a ride, the app
calculates the fare based on time and distance traveled and bills the rider

Uber divides the fare, usually 80% to the driver and 20% to Uber. Payment is
secure because riders pay only via credit card using Uber app. In the Uber
context, Demand is measured via Riders or Passengers, while Supply is measured
via Drivers or Driver Partners.

Uber Metrics

Let’s understand some basic terminology around Uber. Some of this terminology
is Uber specific and some of this from the industry. This terminology will help us
answer some of the multiple choice answers at ease.

App Openings (Eyeballs) – The number of customers who launch the Uber app
looking for vehicles.

App openings is a good measure of demand (more later).

Zeroes – The number of customers who open the app and see no Uber cars in
the area.

Requests – The number of customers who make requests for an Uber car.

Completed Trip – The point from when a customer is picked up and dropped off

Completion Rate – The percentage of requests to the completed trips.

Driver Supply – The number of drivers on the road unoccupied.

ETA/Wait Time – The time a customer has to wait to be picked up by a driver.

Idle Time – The amount of time a driver has to wait between trips.

Peak Time – The time when demand is extremely high.

Working Shift/Work day – The work shift for a driver which is usually 8-10 hours.

Surge pricing

The concept is surge pricing is extremely important and is an important concept

that is used as part of Uber’s pricing strategy. You will most definitely receive tons
of questions around surge pricing and you have to be prepared. This section will
cover the basics.

In the event that there are relatively more riders than driver partners such that
the availability of driver partners is limited and the wait time for a ride is high or
no rides are available, Uber employs a ‘’surge pricing’’ algorithm to equilibrate
supply and demand.
The algorithm assigns a simple “multiplier” that multiplies the standard fare in
order to derive the “surged” fare. The surge multiplier is presented to a rider in
the app, and the rider must acknowledge the higher price before a request is
sent to nearby drivers.

Why Surge Pricing?

Driver partners are free to work whenever they want and must be incentivized to
provide services. Under these conditions, economic theory tells us that using
prices to signal to riders that rides are scarce and inducing driver partners to
forgo other activities will close the gap between supply and demand and lead
to improved outcomes for both riders (as a whole) and driver partners.

The first beneficial effect of surge is to increase the number of driver partners in
the area. Surge signals that this is a valuable time to be on the road.

This increase in driver partner supply is also a net win for riders in t he area
because more of them are able to take advantage of Uber services.

Surge pricing – Net Effect

App openings are a good representation of those who are in the market for
Uber’s services and thus provide a nice measure of demand.

During surge pricing, the number of app openings

increase a lot.

The second effect of surge pricing is to allocate rides to those that value them

While the number of app openings increases dramatically, the number of actual
requests doesn’t increase by as much. This comes from riders who open the
app, see the surge pricing is in effect and decide to take an alternate form of
transportation or chose to wait for surge pricing to end.

Most of the increase in prices was passed on to driver partners, who benefited
from the increased demand.

Completion Rate (percentage of requested rides that end in a completed trips)

doesn’t change.
In summary:

1. Surge filters out those riders only w ho value Uber.

2. Surge brings out more driv ers onto the road.
3. Both these effects equalize supply and demand.
4. Wait Times/ETAs do not increase w ith surge.

Not only did everybody that wanted an Uber ride (at the market clearing price)
get allocated one, but this allocation happened within a short amount of time.

No Surge Pricing When Demand is High

Let’s take a hypothetical case next:

What happens when the demand is high (via a

number of app openings) and NO surge kicks in?

In the absence of surge pricing, we might expect the gap between supply and
demand to be large.

1. Requests go up dramatically and then they drop drastically.

2. The ETAs increase dramatically.
3. Completion rates decrease dramatically.

The entire marketplace fails from an economic perspective causing a large

difference in demand and supply.
Hopefully, this chapter has given some insight into the theory on how Uber
operates and the all-important surge pricing algorithm. Let’s move immediately
into the meat of the action and start answering some questions based on the
first CSV.

Chapter 3 – Quantitative Questions
Based on the First CSV

CSV File 1 - http://passdropit.com/UvwHiKpE

Password - kp0u4Dpy6?Cy@dsq

In this chapter, we will cover the quantitative questions from the first CSV of the
Uber Analytics Test. But before we dive deep into questions and answers, lets
understand a basic approach on how you should be using the rest of the book.

Approach to the Book

Please follow the following steps while going through each question in the

1. Dow nload the CSV and set it up (more on this later).

2. Read the question here.
3. Answ er it on your ow n.
4. Look at our answ er and an explanation on how it w as done.

Go back and make changes, take notes or try it again.

Note: Do not cheat when attempting the answers on

your own.

Setting Up the CSV

If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to download the CSV from
the link provided earlier in the book. On the test, please follow the following
guidelines to answer each question.

1. Dow nload the CSV sand sav e it as an excel file – either xls or xlsx.
a. We w ill be using Piv ot tables and other important excel functions. These
cannot be used in CSV format, but the xls/xlsx format w ill help us
manipulate this data easily.
2. Name the original sheet – Original.
3. For each question
4. Copy and paste the data onto a new tab.
5. Call the tab 1, 2, 3… to represent the question number.
6. Manipulate the data, create piv ot tables, do your calculations on this new sheet.

Understanding the CSV

Let’s start by understanding the first CSV and what data is it showing us.

On each day, for each hour of the day, we have been given:

Demand Side

1. The total number of Eyeballs

2. The total number of Requests
3. The total number of Zeroes

Supply Side

1. The total number of Unique Driv ers

2. The total number of Completed Trips

All these terms should be clear from Chapter 2 – Theory.


We’ve covered 13 questions. You will get about 8-10 on the test . The actual file
might be different on the test, but the concepts learnt here are very similar.
Practice all these questions and you will be good to go on the test.

Question 1

Name the 72-hour period with the highest amount of zeroes?

A. Feb 4th to Feb 6th

B. Feb 7th to Feb 9th
C. Feb 10th to Feb 12th

Go ahead and attempt this question on your own.

Answer 1

The question calls for a period of 3 days (72 hours) and Zeroes. So we’ll create a
pivot table with that data.

1. Create a Piv ot Table w ith all your data.

2. Under Rows, showcase “Date” and under Values – “Sum of Zeroes”.

3. Group the Row Labels by Date.

4. Ensure that you group by 72 hour periods i.e. 3 days.

5. With some basic eyeballing, find the maximum number of zeroes.

The correct answer is A.

A. Feb 4th to Feb 6th

B. Feb 7th to Feb 9th
C. Feb 10th to Feb 12th

Question 2

Between the 1st and the 5 th of February, which date has the most completed

A. February 1st
B. February 2nd

C. February 3rd
D. February 4th
E. February 5th

Go ahead and give this question a shot.

Answer 2

Let’s use the same approach like we did with question 1.

1. Create a piv ot table w ith “sum of completed trips” and “date”.

2. Filter the “Date” data by selecting only the required dates (1 st Feb to 5t h Feb), as
asked in the question.

3. Use basic scanning to find the most completed trips.

The correct answer is C.

A. February 1st
B. February 2nd

C. February 3rd
D. February 4th
E. February 5th

Question 3

What hour of the day had the most completed trips on February 11?

A. 11:00
B. 09:00
C. 18:00

D. 15:00

Go ahead and give this question a shot …

Answer 3

1. Create a piv ot table w ith “Sum of Completed Trips” and “Time”, but this time also
add a “Date” filter.

2. Filter the data dow n only to “February 11t h” as asked in the question.

3. Scan the data to find the most number of trips and the appropriate time of the

The correct answer is D.

A. 11:00
B. 09:00
C. 18:00

D. 15:00

Question 4

What hour of the day from the 15-day period in February had the least number
of requests?

A. 01:00 to 02:00
B. 20:00 to 21:00
C. 10:00 to 11:00
D. 23:00 to 24:00

Answer 4

1. Create a piv ot table w ith “Sum of requests” and “Time”.

2. The answ er is in there and can be scanned, but let’s sort to ensure that w e are

3. Pick the answ er from the top of the list.

The correct answer is A. Pick it and move on.

A. 01:00 to 02:00
B. 20:00 to 21:00
C. 10:00 to 11:00
D. 23:00 to 24:00
Question 5

What is the percentage of all the eyeballs that occurred on Fridays?

A. 25%
B. 10%
C. 17%
D. 15%

Answer 5

1. Create a piv ot table w ith “Date” and the “Sum of Eyeballs”.

2. We need to conv ert the dates given to us to actual days e.g. Monday, Tuesday,
a. This can be done using a formula =TEXT (cell reference, “dddd”) in excel.
3. Do that for each row .

4. Scan the data and find the “Fridays”.
5. Div ide the Friday totals by all total sum of all Eyeballs to get the answ er.

The correct answer is D.

What is the percentage of all of the eyeballs that occurred on Fridays?

A. 25%
B. 10%
C. 17%

D. 15%

Question 6

What is the weighted average of requests per driver for the 15-day data set?

A. 3.7
B. 2.4
C. 1.5
D. 1.3

Answer 6

1. Create a piv otal table w ith “Date” and Sum of Unique Driv ers and Sum of
a. This is because the question asks us for the requests per driver. So w e need

2. Now calculate the Requests per Driver using the formula.
a. =SUM(C4/B4) and copy it ov er to all cells
b. Note that w hen using Piv ot Tables, you w ill hav e to manually type these in
and cannot just select the cell as you are used to doing.

3. Finally take the av erage of this data in excel to get the answ er using the
follow ing: =Average(dataset)

The Correct Answer is B.

A. 3.7

B. 2.4
C. 1.5
D. 1.3

Question 7

Driver’s schedules are drafted in 4 hour shifts, and Uber wants to change this to 8
hour shifts. Calculate which shift has the highest request for the 15-day data set.

A. 00:00 to 7:00
B. 08:00 to 15:00
C. 16:00 to 23:00

Answer 7

1. Create a piv ot table w ith “Time” and “Sum of Requests”.

2. Group the data into 8 hour chunks as asked in the question.
a. Right click
b. Group and Outline
c. Group

3. Scan the data to pick the one w ith the highest number of requests.

The correct answer is B.

A. 00:00 to 7:00

B. 08:00 to 15:00
C. 16:00 to 23:00

Question 8

When the number of unique drivers increases so does the number of eyeballs?

A. true
B. false

Answer 8

In this question we will NOT use a PIVOT table.

Instead, we will use “Charts”.
1. Since w e are trying to explain the increase in eyeballs w hen unique drivers
increase, w e want to format the data as: Unique Driv ers (X) follow ed by Eyeballs

2. Now w e’ll create an X-Y Scatter chart to see the data w ith the trend line to see
the relationship between the tw o.

3. We can clearly see that there is NO positiv e relationship between the tw o data

The correct answer is B.

A. True

B. False

Question 9

On which day is the ratio the highest for the number of completed trips to

A. February 2, 2011
B. February 4, 2011
C. February 14, 2011
D. February 15, 2011

Answer 9

We’ll go back to pivot tables for this one. You will notice that almost all questions
in the Uber Analytics can be solved by using either pivot tables or charts, so
master these two tools and you will be golden.

1. Create a Piv ot Table using “Date”, “Sum of Completed Trips” and “Sum of
Requests”. This is data from the question.

2. Now calculate the ratio as asked. Remember that you hav e to type it in

3. Scanning the data should tell you that the ratio is the highest on w hich day.

The correct answer is D.

A. February 2, 2011
B. February 4, 2011
C. February 14, 2011

D. February 15, 2011

Question 10

If you have 10 drivers to add to one hour throughout the 15-day data set, which
hour would you add them to?

A. 03:00

B. 07:00
C. 13:00
D. 15:00
Go ahead and give this question a shot.

Answer 10

1. Create a Piv ot Table w ith Date, and “Sum of Eyeballs” and “Sum of Unique
Driv ers”.
a. Eyeballs represent “Demand” i.e. people browsing the Uber app looking
for rides.
b. Unique driv ers represent “Supply” i.e. driv ers current not on a ride.

Our goal is to ensure that we’re able to meet the demand by adding adequate

Note that “Requests” does NOT count for “Demand” here. We want to add
drivers when we see that a lot of people are browsing the app looking for

2. Create a Stacked Line Graph in Excel w ith the data.
a. What w e’re looking for here is places where the number of unique driv ers
is at its low est (supply is at minimum), but at the same time w e see that
demand is rising i.e. eyeballs are rising.

A quick scan of the data will give us the answer.

The correct answer is A.

A. 03:00
B. 07:00
C. 13:00
D. 15:00

Now if this stacked graph approach doesn’t work for you, then here is an
alternate approach that you can use, especially if you are more quantitatively

1. Calculate the Ratio of the Sum of Eyeballs to Sum of Unique Drivers for the data
2. This should tell us w hen the discrepancy between supply and demand is the

3. Take a look at the answ ers and the choice for Hour 3 is the highest.

Question 11

How many hours of data are in this data set?

A. 326
B. 276
C. 336
D. 476

Answer 11

This is an extremely simple question that is only asking you to count the number
of rows in the data.

1. You can do this using =COUNT(pick any one column in the data, w ithout the

The correct answer is C.

A. 326
B. 276

C. 336
D. 476

Question 12

Use the data to determine when the best end-of-day is for drivers.

A. 01:00
B. 03:00
C. 16:00
D. 20:00

Answer 12

You would want to end your day as a driver when the demand is at its minimum.
Remember what a good measure of demand is – eyeballs – people opening
the app and looking for drivers.

1. Create a Piv ot table w ith Time and Eyeballs.

2. From the answ er choices, select the one that has the low est value for eyeballs.

The correct answer is B.

A. 01:00

B. 03:00
C. 16:00
D. 20:00

Question 13

Which was the busiest 4-hour period in the data?

A. 1-4
B. 7-10
C. 12-15
D. 19-22

Answer 13

1. Create a Piv ot Table w ith “Time” and “Sum of Completed Trips”.

a. I t w ould be really busy if there w ere tons of completed trips during that

2. Now , group by 4 hour periods.

Then sort to find the maximum number of completed trips.

The correct answer is C.

A. 1–4
B. 7 – 10

C. 12 – 15
D. 19 – 22


So that’s it folks. 13 questions and answers from the first CSV. Hopefully you’re
getting a sense of the kind of questions you will be asked on the test.

Remember the approaches we used:

1. Almost alw ays w e started with a piv ot table.

2. Sometimes the answ er will be directly in the piv ot table.
3. At times, the piv ot table w ill need to manipulated a little like using a simple
4. Another approach is to use a chart to graph the data.
5. Finally, use the approach of elimination from the answ er choices.
6. Remember – common sense prev ails here as long as you understand the basics
of supply and demand.

Chapter 4 – Quantitative Questions
Based on the Second CSV

CSV File 2 – http://passdropit.com/v8yhUYhS

Password - Z#LQRVjs@xf7Q52C

In this chapter, we will cover the quantitative questions from the second CSV of
the Uber Analytics Test. After you are done with the first set of questions,
immediately you will be presented with the second CSV and questions on the
test will be based on the same.

Get Organized

As we did before, the first step is to get organized during the test. Please follow
the instructions as before.

1. Dow nload the CSV and sav e it as an excel file – either xls or xlsx.
2. Name the original sheet – Original.
3. For each question
a. Copy and paste the data onto a new tab.
b. Call the Tab 1, 2, 3… to represent the question number.
c. Manipulate the data or create piv ot tables on this new sheet.

Understanding the CSV

Similar to what we did in Chapter 3, let’s understand the concepts behind the
CSV and what has been given to us.

We have been given data on individual Uber drivers. UberDriver<X> is the name
or identity for each driver.

1. The number of Trips completed
2. Their rate of trip acceptance
3. The number of hours they are operational and
4. Their customer rating


With that background out of the way, let’s delve straight into the questions. As a
reminder, you will get about 8 – 10 questions on the test. The actual file might be
different on the test, but the concepts learnt here are very similar to what we’ve
shown here.

Question 1

Promotion # 1

A $100 bonus to each driver who is online for at least 5 hours, has accepted 78%
of requests, completes 15 trips, and has a 4 or 5 rating at this time.

The 4th of July is coming up and the maximum fleet is needed. We need to
determine which promotion to run to get more drivers on the road. How much
will drivers be paid with Promotion #1?

A. $500
B. $750
C. $775
D. $800

Answer 1

This question is asking us first to filter the data. You should recognize that upfront
and early in the question.

1. After copying the data ov er to a new sheet, apply filters from the “Data” tab.

2. Apply indiv idual filters, based on the data prov ided in the question.
3. Get the final set of data.

4. Calculate the total amount paid by using the follow ing formula and then select
the correct answer. =Number of Driv ers x $100. I n our case, w e have a total of 8
driv ers left after filtering.

The correct answer is D.

A. $500
B. $750
C. $775

D. $800

Question 2

Promotion #2
A $5 bonus per trip to each driver that completes at least 15 trips and has a
rating of at least 4 or 5 for these trips.

How much will be paid to the drivers for Promotion #2?

A. $950

B. $1765
C. $1500
D. $2465

Answer 2

This question is very similar to the previous question. So we’ll approach it in the
same way too.

1. Filter the data once again like w e did before.

2. Count the total number of trips. I n our case = 300
3. Calculate the total cost by =Number of Trips * $5

The correct answer is C.

A. $950
B. $1765

C. $1500
D. $2465

Question 3

How many drivers will be included in Promotion #1 and not in #2?

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

Answer 3

A simple way to do this is to copy the individual drivers into a new sheet from
both Promotions 1 and 2, which we got in the previous answers.

Then manually compare the two lists to see which drivers in Promotion 1 are NOT
in Promotion 2.

The answer is 0.

The correct answer is A.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3

Question 4

Uber wants to give out awards to its drivers. Please determine which drivers will
be given awards.

Award criteria

Complete more than 23 trips in an 8 hour shift with an 80% acceptance rate and
a rating of 4 or 5.

A. Uber Driver 101

B. Uber Driver 24
C. Uber Driver 83
D. Answers B & C

Answer 4

1. Create a Piv ot Table w ith Row s as the Name of the Driv ers and then filters based
on criteria given to us in the question.

2. Apply the appropriate filters based on the question and find the final list of
driv ers.

The correct answer is clearly C.

A. Uber Driver 101

B. Uber Driver 24

C. Uber Driver 83
D. Answers B & C

Question 5

Calculate the net income for a driver in a year

Income: $300/ day gross and work 5 days a week and has 2 weeks’
Expenses: Gas is $100/week, insurance is $400/month, and Prius lease is

A. $25,500
B. $37,000
C. $50,200
D. $55,700

Answer 5

The simple answer to this is that we are need to calculate

Income – Expenses and we need to do this for the year

1. Quickly lay all this data out in Excel by placing the data in the follow ing format:

Day, Week, Month and Year

The reason we do this is because we’ve been given data in different units of
time and the answer is also expected in a particular time unit.

2, Place all the data given in the cells and then multiply it by the appropriate

Year = x50 Weeks (52 – 2 weeks’ holiday)

Year = x12 Months
Week = x5 days

The correct answer is C.

A. $25,500
B. $37,000

C. $50,200
D. $55,700

Question 6

An Uber driver wants to upgrade from an UberX to an Uber Black driver. The
driver needs to purchase a new vehicle. They want to upgrade to a 2015
Hyundai Sonata.

How much more a week will they have to make to earn the same net income
per year?

Resale value of Prius is $12,000

2015 Hyundai Sonata costs $61,500

A. $590
B. $690
C. $700
D. $990

Answer 6

The sheet we laid out in the previous example will help us going forward.
We simply calculate the net cost of New Car which is $61,500 - $12,000 for a
total of 50 weeks i.e. $990 a week instead of the old lease of $300.

Next we use goal seek to update the $300 a day to something new to get the
same Net Income of $50,200 a year.

We get the output as $438 a day or $2190 a week, which is a difference of $690
from before.

The correct answer is B.

A. $590

B. $690
C. $700
D. $990


So that’s it folks. 6 questions and answers from the second CSV. You should
notice the difference in these questions, a little similar to what we saw before
but a little more calculation heavy.

Remember the approaches we used:

1. Almost alw ays w e started with a piv ot table. But in these questions, you may filter
the data directly.
2. Once the filtering is done, the answ er will lie directly in the filtered data.
3. For the calculation heav y questions, create a good model for the problem.
4. Then use goal seek to make any updates and find the new answ er.
5. Don’t make any mistakes w hen filtering the data. Uber is testing how detail-
oriented you are w hen looking at data.

Chapter 5 – General Multiple
Choice Questions


These questions test your general knowledge on Uber’s strategy, pricing model,
operations, marketing etc. They should go fast if you know what you are doing.
Make sure to understand all the theory at the beginning of this course to be
effective at answering these.

We’ve covered 16 questions and answers. You should get about 10 on the

Remember to go through chapter 2 in detail before you start this chapter.

So let’s dive directly into the questions and answers.

Question 1

Which of the following metric is the most helpful for a driver deciding which hour
to go online and start accepting requests?

A. Driver monthly average rating

B. When eyeballs are high
C. Surge pricing
D. Business day end/Work shift of the Driver
Answer 1

Answer A can be eliminated immediately. Looking at his or her driver rating

shouldn’t have any bearing on a driver going online.

B and C are tempting answers. With B, you might think that when demand is
high, that’s when I can start my day as a driver and with C a very similar
explanation. However, read the question carefully – it says when would a driver
go online and start accepting requests.

He or she would do so based on the work shift of the driver.

The correct answer is D.

A. Driver monthly average rating

B. When eyeballs are high
C. Surge pricing

D. Business day end/Work shift of the Driver

Question 2

An Uber driver needs to increase their daily fare amount, which metric should
the driver focus on?

A. Eyeballs

B. Surge pricing
C. Idle time
D. Passenger rating

Answer 2

C and D can be eliminated immediately. Both of them have no bearing on


Answers A and B sound promising. A has to do with demand – a metric that

could have a bearing on the daily fair amount.

Economic theory tells us that as demand goes up, prices increase. Hence, the
answer has to be a metric to do with an increase in demand, eyeballs in our

Remember that surge pricing is all about equalizing supply and demand at the
clearing price.

Let’s look at it another way:

Say on a normal day, a driver completes 5 rides and on average makes $10 per
ride. So his or her total fare amount for the day is 5 x 10 = $50. (assuming no Uber
cut for simplicity).

With surge pricing, let’s assume that that he or she can now charge $20 per ride,
but due to surge, the number of rides he or she completes is only 2. So his or her
total fare is $40. No guarantee that the total fare will be higher, but there is a
guarantee that each ride fair will be higher (due to multiplier effect). Surge is
saying “Yup, we know you don’t drive on this day. But can you come out right
now. You will earn a lot for the ride(s) you complete.”

When the demand is high, he or she will complete more rides. Say 10. At the
average price of $10, he or she will make $10 x 10 = $100.

The important thing to remember here is that the total fare for a driver is a
function of the price per ride and the total number of rides he or she completes
in a day.

The correct answer is A.

A. Eyeballs
B. Surge pricing
C. Idle time
D. Passenger rating

Question 3

As a company that prides itself in efficiency, Uber needs to know how to

calculate if the fleet is used with the highest efficiency possible. What data
should Uber focus on to determine this?

A. Average ETA and average eyeballs

B. Average completed trip time and average driver fare
C. Average eyeballs and average requests
D. Average completed trip time and average driver supply

Answer 3

They key here is “highest efficiency”. We have to find an answer that has to deal
with efficiency as compared to other metrics.

A: Average eyeballs has to do with demand and not so much efficiency. This
can be eliminated.

B: The average driver fare has nothing to do with efficiency, again can be

C: Can be eliminated similar to A.

D: The lower the average completed time, the better it is for Uber’s efficiency.
Similarly, the more the driver supply, it means Uber is operational efficiently.

The answer is D.

A. Average ETA and average eyeballs

B. Average completed trip time and average driver fare
C. Average eyeballs and average requests

D. Average completed trip time and average driver


Question 4

What is the best way for Uber to determine the success of the following

Give your friends an Uber code and if they sign up with your code you will both
get a $10 Uber credit towards your next ride to be used within a month of sign-

A. The Uber user gives their code to 5 friends and 4 of the friend’s sign-up
using the code.
B. The Uber user gives their code to 10 friends and 8 of the friends sign up
and 4 complete trips using the $10 credit .
C. The Uber user gives their code to 20 friends and 15 people sign-up directly
afterwards but don’t input any code.
D. The Uber user gives their code to 4 friends and all of them sign up and
complete trips using the $10 credit .

Answer 4

The key to this answer is very simple. Think of it in terms of “Conversion”. If I0

people come to my site and only 5 people signup, that’s a 50% conversion as
compared to when all ten signup. I’d prefer a 100% conversion.

Hence, we want to look for answers that give us the highest conversion. A
promotion is successful when the conversion is the highest possible.

A: In A, we have an 80% conversion on signing up and there is no information

given on using the code. Let’s assume 0% for now.

B: In B, 80% conversion on signing up and then a 50% conversion on using the

C: 75% conversion on signing up and 0% on using the code.

D: 100% conversion on singing up and 100% conversion on using the code.

The best answer is D.

A. The Uber user gives their code to 5 friends and 4 of the friend’s sign-up
using the code.
B. The Uber user gives their code to 10 friends and 8 of the friends sign up
and 4 complete trips using the $10 credit .
C. The Uber user gives their code to 20 friends and 15 people sign-up directly
afterwards but don’t input any code.

D. The Uber user gives their code to 4 friends and all

of them sign up and complete trips using the $10

Question 5

The user from Q4 who gave their Uber promo code to friends accumulated $40
worth of credit on their account. They want to make the most out of it, so what
would be the best time for them to take an Uber?

A. Friday at 10pm
B. Tuesday at 2pm
C. Thursday at 5pm
D. Saturday at 11 pm

Answer 5

The best answer is B. Let’s see why. Answers A and D are weekend nights. Busy
nights when mostly likely surge pricing is in play. Similarly, C is after work hours,
where tons of people are looking for rides. Only in Answer B, Tuesday, the promo
code can be used successfully and the Uber service can be tested out at
normal prices.

The correct answer is B.

A. Friday at 10pm

B. Tuesday at 2pm
C. Thursday at 5pm
D. Saturday at 11 pm

Question 6

Uber received 400 driver applications in a city in one month. 95% of these have
valid licenses. Of these, 80% meet t he minimum age requirement. Of these, only
60% have a car and insurance and only 40% pass the background check, 30%
of these applicants didn’t come to the Uber driver training meeting.

 Uber drivers need a v alid and current driver’s license to work.

 There is an age minimum in this specific city of 21.
 Uber needs to increase its v ehicle fleet, so applicants with cars are given priority.
 Ev ery Uber driver must pass the necessary background check.
 Uber requires drivers to attend a driv er training meeting w ith the first 2 months.

How many drivers can Uber hire to start working right away?

A. 0
B. 22
C. 73
D. 182

Answer 6

The tip to answer this question is really to ensure that you keep applying the
percentage filters to the original 400 pool for each of the different conditions
that have been laid out.
 Uber drivers need a v alid and current driver’s license to work – apply the 95%
 There is an age minimum in this specific city of 21 – apply the 80% filter.
 Uber needs to increase its v ehicle fleet, so applicants with cars are given priority
– apply the 60% filter.
 Ev ery Uber driver must pass the necessary background check – apply the 40%
 Uber requires drivers to attend a driv er training meeting w ith the first 2 months –
No need to apply the filter, as driv ers can take the training ov er the next 2
months. They can start driv ing immediately.

= 400 x 95% x 80% x 60% x 40%

= 73

The correct answer is C.

A. 0
B. 22

C. 73
D. 182

Question 7

A driver has an 8 hour shift at the end of the month and they need to double
their fare amount to pay their month-end bills. What metric should the driver NOT
use to help increase their total fare?

A. Demand
B. Driver supply
C. Surge pricing
D. Requests

Answer 7

One thing should be obvious in the answer choices given to you. 3 of the
answers have to do with demand and only one factor is supply related.
Demand factors will help you increase your tot al fair. Drivers should pay
attention to these demand factors and not care so much about supply factors
to help them increase their fair.

The correct answer is B.

A. Demand

B. Driver supply
C. Surge pricing
D. Requests

Question 8

As an Uber customer, what driver ratings have the possibility to cause a bad
rider experience?

A. High cancellation rate

B. Low acceptance rate
C. Low completed trips rate
D. High overall average

Answer 8

Think about your experience as an Uber rider (and hopefully you’ve taken an
Uber ride). B, C, and D won’t affect as much on a day to day basis when you
take a ride. It’s frustrating to you when your Uber driver cancels on you and you
are waiting to go somewhere. The experience is extremely poor for a rider.

The answer is A.

A. High cancellation rate

B. Low acceptance rate
C. Low completed trips rate

D. High overall average

Question 9

Given your knowledge of surge pricing, what are the best determinants for
when to kick-in surge pricing in an area?

A. Available drivers is low

B. Eyeballs are high
C. Requests are high
D. All of the above

Answer 9

Remember from Chapter 2 on surge pricing, surge kicks in when demand is high
and supply is low. Answer A tells us that supply is low. Answers B and C tell us that
demand is high. In each of the cases mentioned in the answers, surge will kick in.

The answer is D.
A. Available drivers is low
B. Eyeballs are high
C. Requests are high

D. All of the above

Question 10

After surge pricing has started, which of the following metrics will not increase?

A. Driver supply
B. Requests
C. Fares

Answer 10

Let’s go through our basics of surge pricing and understand each answer in

Recall this statement from Chapter 2:

“The second effect of surge pricing is t o allocate rides t o those

t hat value them most.

While t he number of app openings increases dramatically, t he

number of actual requests doesn’t increase by as much. This
comes from riders who open t he app, see t he surge pricing is in
effect and decide t o t ake an alternate form of transportation or
chose t o wait for surge pricing t o end.”

Looks like the answer is B, but let’s confirm that the others are wrong.

A: Driver supply will increase as more drivers will come on to the road.
C: Fares will increase for obvious reasons. There is a multiplier effect to price.

The correct answer is B.

A. Driver supply

B. Requests
C. Fares

Question 11

Select all that apply. What are the best metrics for determining the
successfulness of a driver?

A. Number of completed trips

B. Location of pick-ups
C. Time of pick-ups
D. Diver rat ing
E. Revenue generated for Uber
F. Amount of idle time

Answer 11

Let’s solve this via elimination and look at each metric in detail.

Number of completed trips – The more completed, the better the driver. Hence
A is in the list.
Location of pick-ups – he or she does a great job in picking up his or her
customers. That’s great. Hence, B is in the list.
Time of pick-ups – He or she is very punctual. That’s great. C is also a good
Driver rating – Customers love him or her. D is a great choice too.

Revenue generated for Uber – this guy or girl is making us money. Great. E is also
Amount of idle time – Uber doesn’t expect its drivers to keep driving. In fact,
that’s Uber’s value prop – work your own hours. This can’t be held against a
driver. The only answer that can be eliminated is F.

The correct answers are A, B, C, D and E.

A. Number of completed trips

B. Location of pick-ups
C. Time of pick-ups
D. Diver rating
E. Revenue generated for Uber
F. Amount of idle time

Question 12

Which metric will have the greatest negative effect on customer experience?

A. Cancellation rate
B. Accept ance rate
C. Driver supply
D. Zeroes

Answer 12

We already spoke about this question before. The most frustrating experience is
the cancellation rate metric. Do note that D is also a close answer. The time
when you open the app and then you see no Uber cars available can also be
frustrating. However, the best answer in our opinion is the cancellation rate.

The correct answer is A.

A. Cancellation rate
B. Acceptance rate
C. Driver supply
D. Zeroes

Question 13

What is the main purpose of surge pricing?

A. For Uber to make money

B. To increase the average trip duration
C. To decrease the average ETA
D. To decrease the driver supply

Answer 13

Let’s solve this via elimination and look at each answer in detail.

Remember what happens when surge pricing kicks in:
1. The supply of driv ers in the road is low and/or decreasing.
2. On the demand side, there are tons of more eyeballs and requests than the
supply out there.
3. ETAs are increasing.
4. So fares increase to entice drivers to come on the road to meet the rising
5. Once the economy stabilizes, prices go back dow n.

Let’s go through the answers now:

1. For Uber to make money – not really. We’re not ev en sure if they w ill make more
money as trips aren’t getting completed.
2. To increase the av erage trip duration – not really. This seems unrelated.
3. To decrease the av erage ETA – yes this makes sense. We w ant customers to be
happy as ETAs are rising during surge pricing.
4. To decrease the driver supply – it’s actually the opposite. We w ant to increase it.

The correct answer is C.

A. For Uber to make money

B. To increase the average trip duration

C. To decrease the average ETA

D. To decrease the driver supply

Question 14

In estimating how many trips a driver is likely to be able to complete during peak
business hours with Uber, which of these metrics is least relevant?

A. Average time spent by each client in car

B. Average pickup time
C. Average number of unique drivers
D. Average idle time

Answer 14

Let’s go through the answers now:

Average time spent by each client in car – The more the average time spent in
a car, the more the time it will take to complete a trip, which means there might
be fewer unique drivers on the road. This helps in estimating.
Average pickup time – Same argument as above.
Average number of unique drivers – This tells us how many unoccupied drivers
are on the road. This has no direct bearing on the estimation in question.
Average Idle time – How many times a driver spends waiting to start a trip. This
helps as well in estimating how many trips a driver is able to complete during
peak business hours.

The answer is C.

A. Average time spent by each client in car

B. Average pickup time

C. Average number of unique drivers

D. Average idle time
Question 15

During peak demand hours, all of the following will likely go up except:

A. Average arrival times

B. Driver earnings per hour
C. Ratio of completed trips to requests
D. Zeroes

Answer 15

Let’s go through the answers now:

Average arrival times – As it gets busier, there is more demand and less supply,
so arrival times will increase.
Driver earnings per hour – Most likely this will go up. Surge hasn’t kicked in yet, so
the fewer drivers on the road are completing many more trips.
Ratio of completed trips to requests – This will go down. The number of requests
will go up (remember surge hasn’t kicked in yet). The number of completed trips
will likely go down, so the ratio will go down.
Zeroes – More customers will see areas where there are no cars, so Zeroes will go

Remember here that we cannot assume that surge pricing has kicked in or not
as the question does not mention it.

The correct answer is C.

A. Average arrival times
B. Driver earnings per hour

C. Ratio of completed trips to requests

D. Zeroes

Question 16

Which of the following metrics will affect surge pricing?

A. Average ETAs
B. Average trip duration time
C. Number of Requests
D. Number of Drivers

Answer 16

This is a tricky question and very open ended in nature. We’ve seen this question
been reported, so be prepared to catch the subtleties.

During surge pricing, a lot can happen:

 Average ETAs increase.
 Number of requests go up.
 Average trip duration times go up.

But all these DO NOT affect it. They are just outcomes of what happens during
that time. The real reason for surge is when the supply is really low. Even if
demand is at normal levels, if supply is low, surge will kick in.

Hence, what affects surge is the number of drivers.

The answer is D.

A. Average ETAs
B. Average trip duration time
C. Number of Requests

D. Number of Drivers


So that’s it folks. We covered 16 questions. I hope you now have a sense of the
kind of questions you will get on the exam. You might get questions directly from
here or some variation of the same.

The point is to ensure that you read the question correctly and not get bogged
down in the details.

Eliminate answers quickly and just move on to the right answer. Remember you
only have 2 hours, so move on.

Chapter 6 – Short Answer Questions

As mentioned in earlier chapters, on the test you will be expected to write a few
short answer questions. Basically 2-3 sentences to answer a specific question.
The answers need to be short, concise and to the point. This is not the time to
ramble along with your answers.

In this chapter, we’ll look at a few categories of questions that we have seen
come on the test.

What to expect on the test?

You’ll get 2-3 short answer questions on the test. The main goals here are to:

1. Communicate effectively.
2. Be fast.
3. Be creativ e.
4. Be organized.
5. Be positiv e about Uber’s business w hen speaking about the company.

With that background out of the way, lets jump straight into the questions.

Question 1

In a paragraph, explain to someone who is not familiar with the term, what
surge-pricing is and the main reasons behind why it’s a good choice for Uber?

Answer 1

This question is in the category of “Definitional Questions”. Chapter 2 will

become useful here, where in we’ve covered the theory around Uber. So do
check it out before you attempt this question.

Here is an approach to answering these kind of questions:

If why is
Define the Give an asked -
Term example Give 3

Here is one possible answer that you can use:

Surge pricing is a dynamic pricing strategy in which prices increase when the
supply of drivers is low relative to the amount of demand. For example: On New
Year’s Eve there is a lot more demand for drivers. Hence, surge pricing kicks in.

surge pricing encourages more drivers to come out on the road. As the
economy stabilizes, high prices come back down.

The main advantages for Uber are as follows:

1. Maximize the number of completed rides.

2. Price only increases when there is a shortage in driv er supply.
3. Giv es the customer the choice to pay extra or not. So only those customers that
v alue Uber at the time are serv ed.

Question 2

In 3 to 5 sentences, convince a chauffeur driver to switch to become an Uber


Answer 2

This question is in the category of “Convince Drivers”. An approach to answering

these questions is as follows:

Pick a goal for
the response. Give 3 positive
Focus of the reasons.
needs of a driver.

One possible answer could be as follows:

I strongly believe that you should become a driver partner at Uber. The reason
for the same are as follows:

1. As an Uber driver, you are your own boss and you get to set your ow n w orking
2. Requests for your service are made through the Uber app and you can choose
to accept a customer or not v ia the same.
3. Transactions are fast and easy to conduct as you don’t hav e to accept credit
cards or cash. Payments are managed through the Uber app and are secure.

Question 3

In a short paragraph, explain how to engage local community groups with Uber.

Answer 3

This question is in the category of “Community Outreach”. An approach to

answering these kind of questions is as follows:

Pick a focus
area e.g. Give 3 ways
MADD Pick the to engage
(Mothers target them - with
against customer specific
drunk examples.

Ideally, you would want to pick something that is local to the city operations
that you are applying for.

One possible answer is as follows:

I’d engage local community groups with Uber in the following ways:

1. Build relationships and partner w ith organizations similar to MADD (Mothers

against Drunk Driv ing) or Goodwill to encourage more Uber usage.
2. Offer donations to the local community group for any signups to Uber. At the
same time, I ’d offer promo codes for v olunteers of the organization to
encourage more Uber usage.
3. I ’d use Uber’s marketing resources to promote the local community groups
through social media and content marketing to encourage more conversations
around the group’s specific cause.

Question 4

How should you respond to the city officials claiming that Uber disadvantages
older drivers unfamiliar with technology?

Answer 4

This question is in the category of “Convince Skeptics”. The approach to

answering these questions is as follows:

Pick a goal for the
response. Focus on Give 3 positive
the needs of older reasons.

One possible answer to this question using the framework above could be:

I would respond to city officials by giving them the following 3 reasons as to why
Uber is an advantage to older drivers:

1. The Uber Business – At Uber, driv ers are allowed to set their own hours and be
their ow n boss. This w ould w ork well for older drivers w ho might need to w ork
during specific hours or days of the w eek.
2. Technology – Uber’s technology is meant to enhance the experience for both
riders and driv ers and replaces some of the older technology used in current
a. For example: requests for your service are made through the Uber app
and you can choose to accept a customer or not v ia the same.

b. Additionally, transactions are fast and easy to conduct as you don’t hav e
to accept credit cards or cash. Payments are managed through the Uber
app and are secure.
3. Support – Uber offers high quality support and is continuously optimizing support
processes to deliver more quality for riders and driv ers everywhere. By doing so,
Uber is able to grow and strengthen the entire Uber community.

Question 5

There is no traditional office or meeting place where all of the Uber drivers go
before their shifts. How do you suggest to build a community between the

Answer 5

This question is in the category of “Community for Drivers”. One approach to

answering this question is as follows:

Look at Uber
drivers of your
Use the Rule of 3.
city as extended

Here is a sample answer in this category.

I suggest using the following methods to build a community among drivers:

1. Events – Plan w eekly events at a local community center w here drivers can meet
and share their experiences. At the same time celebrate one-off events like
holiday parties w ith driv ers.
2. Social technology – Use whatsapp groups or Facebook pages for drivers to
connect real time.
3. Push Technology – Use a city specific portal for drivers with profiles all drivers with
their contact information. As new drivers join, their pictures and details w ill be
emailed to the entire group.


Hopefully you’ve gotten a flavor of the kind of questions that you might get on
the exam and an approach to answering them.

Here are a few more variants that you can practice with.

Convince Drivers
1. I f the ow ner of multiple fleets is in an elev ator ride with you, how do you
conv ince him to sign up for Uber in 2 minutes or less?
2. How can you conv ince a driv er to upgrade to a 25% commission w hen he or she
is making 20% right now ?

Community Outreach

1. I llustrate several values you think are important to maintaining and strengthening
Uber’s relationship w ith drivers. How would you contribute to this community?

Uber’s Brand
1. How w ould you help position your brand if you w ere Uber’s competition in your

Chapter 7 – Long Answer Questions

This is the final part of the test – answers to long answer questions. This is probably
the most time consuming section. Most likely you will get only 1-2 questions on
the test, both of which can be answered well if you follow the guidelines here.

What to expect on the test?

You’ll get 1-2 long answer questions on the test. The main goals here are to:

1. Communicate effectively.
2. Be organized.
3. Represent the company appropriately in the media, w ith partners, with
customers and w ith driv ers.
4. Market and sell Uber’s services appropriately.

Question 1

Write a letter aimed at Uber drivers who have an acceptance rate of between
70% and 79% to encourage them to accept more requests. Use CSV file 2.

Answer 1

This answer is the category of questions called “Communication to Drivers”. The

following approach can be used to answer these questions.

Start by sharing End with
Address the issue
positive data or motivation or
or problem.
results. encouragement.

In this specific case, remember that they have asked you to use date from one
of the CSV files. So please do make sure that you do so.

Here is one possible answer that can be used using the framework described in
this section.

To Valued Uber Drivers!

We are excited to write to you today with some good news: Uber is in more
demand than ever in you city! We have a current fleet of 119 Uber drivers and
are seeing demand increase for rides every month.

That being said, we want to encourage all of our drivers to accept as many
requests as possible. This is not only good for you and for Uber, but is also good
for our valued customers!

Last month there were 85 drivers with an acceptance rate above 80%! This is a
fantastic achievement and we want to encourage all Uber drivers to strive for
the highest acceptance rate they can achieve.

Your Uber Support Team.

Question 2

Write a letter to restaurants asking if they would like to join the new UberEATS
service starting in San Francisco.

Answer 2

This question is in the category of questions – “Communication to Partners”. Here

is one approach to answering this question.

Describe Describe Provide a

the the way to
service. benefits. sign-up.

Here is one possible answer to this question:

Dear Restaurant Owners,

Uber has an exciting new opportunity to share with you. We recently rolled out a
new service: UberEATS in San Francisco. The concept is simple – customers who
use the Uber app have the option to slide over to the EATS section, enter their
address, and view menus of restaurants in their radius. Then they place the
order, pay through the app, and an Uber driver picks it up to deliver it.

This is a great way for your restaurant to grow its business and increase the
awareness of your yummy food without having to increase staff or dine-in wait
times. There is no messy transaction at the door with a delivery person and you
don’t accrue any additional charges for hiring more staff.

The benefits are huge. You pick one dish to serve to customers, your food gets
delivered hot and ready, the transaction is done through the app so the
payment is delivered to you directly from Uber, and your restaurant reaches
new customers.

To start using UberEATS, please contact me through phone or email and we’ll
get started.

The UberEATS Team

Question 3

Write a media statement to respond to mischaracterizations that a taxi leader
shared in an op-ed in the biggest local newspaper.

Answer 3

This is in the category of questions – “Communication to Media”. Here is an

approach to this kind of question.

Describe the
situation and Respond to End with next
Uber's the situation. steps.

Instead of providing you with an answer here, here is a letter that an Uber GM
wrote to the press regarding a sexual assault case in Dallas on one of his drivers.

Conclusion and Other Variants

So there you go. A bunch of long answer questions. Hopefully, you will get
questions similar to what we’ve covered here. But if you don’t not to worry, here
are a few variants for you to practice with, that we’ve seen appear on the test.

Communication to Drivers
1. Write a letter to Uber drivers about anything you w ant. How would you make the
driv ers work during holidays?
2. Write a 2-3 paragraph email to Uber’s partner drivers on any topic you’d like. You
could be discussing a new product launch (e.g., uberX), getting them excited for
a major ev ent (New Year’s Ev e), or you can use data from either of the CSV files
to communicate something that might help driv ers improve their business.

Communication to Media
1. Someone w as killed in an Uber and the new s and social media is on fire. Draft
the blog post to do some damage control.

Chapter 8 – Additional Practice
Questions and Answers

Uber continuously updates its test and adds a number of new questions and
answers. The bar for the test is consistently getting harder and harder. The latest
version of the test is Version 31. In this chapter, we’ve added a few more
questions, specifically related to Uber’s 3.1 version of the test.

We’ve covered 10 additional questions and answers for practice in this chapter.
Note that these questions are tough, so if you don’t get them immediately,
don’t get discouraged. Just keep trying and you will ace the test.

Question 1

There are 3 uberX drivers in your area which are 3 minutes, 6 minutes, and 11
minutes away. Assume the closest driver receives your request and all uberX
drivers accept trips 75% of the time.

What is the probability that the driver furthest from your location will accept your

A. 12.5%
B. 36%
C. 8.3%
D. 4.7%

Answer 1

The driver who is furthest away is driver 3 – who is 11 minutes away. But before
we go ahead with the answer, lets convert this question into words:

The probability that driver 3 accepts the request =

Probability that driver 1 doesn’t accept the request AND
Probability that driver 2 doesn’t accept the request AND
Probability that driver 3 accepts the request

Let’s calculate each of these separately and then multiply the 3 answers.

Probability that driver 1 doesn’t accept the request = 25% (1 – 75%)

Probability that driver 2 doesn’t accept the request = 25% (1 – 75%)
Probability that driver 3 accepts the request = 75%

Hence, t he probability that driver 3 accepts the request = 25% x 25% x 75% =
0.0469 = 4.69%

The correct answer is D.

What is the probability that the driver furthest from your location will accept your

A. 12.5%
B. 36%
C. 8.3%

D. 4.7%
Question 2

In Seattle, there are 1500 uberX drivers and 1000 UberBlack drivers. Every year,
uberX and UberBlack drivers increase by 20% and 50%, respectively.

How many years will it take for there to be more UberBlack vehicles?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Answer 2

The easiest way to answer this question is to quickly do this in excel.

Start by creating two columns one for UberX and one for UberBlack. In year 0
you have 1500 and 1000 UberX and UberBlack drivers respectively. In year 1, you
have 1500 x (1 + 20%) UberX drivers and 1000 x (1 + 50%) UberBlack drivers.

Similarly, you can grow these in the other years too to get the excel sheet

Clearly, you can see that in Year 2, the number of UberBlack drivers are more
than the UberX drivers.

The correct answer is B.

How many years will it take for there to be more UberBlack vehicles?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Question 3

Uber wants to raise its fare of $10 per trip by 50%. The number of trips are
expected to decrease by 20%. If Uber usually has 5000 rides per month, what will
be its change in revenue after this fare increase?

A. - $3000
B. + $7000
C. - $5000
D. + $10000

We’ll calculate both the old and new separately and then take the difference.

Price = $10
Number of Trips = 5000
Total Revenue = $10 x 5000 = $50,000

Price = $10 x (1 + 50%) = $15
Number of Trips = 5000 x (1 – 20%) = 4000
Total Revenue = $15 x 4000 = $60,000

The total increase in Revenue is +10,000 (60,000 – 50,0000).

The correct answer is D.

What will be its change in revenue after this fare increase?

A. - $3000
B. + $7000
C. - $5000

D. + $10000

Question 4

Uber has 4000 rides per month in a city which has an average fare of $20 per
trip. If Uber starts a promo, what is the maximum fare reduction percentage
before Uber starts to lose revenue? Assume the maximum number of trips can
only increase by 60%.

A. 25%
B. 37.5%
C. 16%
D. 45.5%

Answer 4

First we’ll calculate the average revenue from the current case.
Total Revenue = 4000 trips * $20/trip = $80,000

Apply 60% increase to the number of trips

Total Number of Trips = 4000 trips * 160% = 6400 trips

The breakeven point is $80,000. Any reduction beyond that means Uber will lose

Next we find the fare price reduction

$80,000/6400 trips = $12.50/trip.
$20 - $12.50 = $7.50 fare reduction
$7.50 / $20 = 37.5%

Additionally, you can create a quick table in Excel.

You can find the Revenue = Average Price x Number of Trips multiple times for
each answer choice and then select the one where the reduction in Revenue

The correct answer is B.

What is the maximum fare reduction percentage before Uber starts to lose

A. 25%

B. 37.5%
C. 16%
D. 45.5%

Question 5

200 applicants have applied to partner with Uber. 25% of these drivers do not
have a driver’s license. 60% of licensed drivers do not have insurance. 10% of
licensed and insured drivers are younger than 21. What is the highest number of
eligible candidates?

A. 120
B. 85
C. 54
D. 49

Answer 5

The best way to answer this question is by drawing out a chart covering each
scenario till you get to the answer.

As you can see, out of the 200 applicants, 25% don’t have a license, which
means 75% do. That ’s 150 applicants. Out of these 150 applicants, 60% do not
have insurance, which means 40% do. That ’s 60 applicants. Out of these 60 10%
are younger than 21, which the remaining 90% are older. That ’s 54 applicants –
this gives us the number we’re looking for.

The correct answer is C.

What is the highest number of eligible candidates?

A. 120
B. 85

C. 54
D. 49

Question 6

100 applicants have applied to partner with Uber. 20% of all drivers do not have
a license. 40% of all drivers do not have insurance. 10% of all drivers are younger
than 21. What is the minimum number of eligible candidates?

A. 25
B. 10
C. 5
D. 18

Answer 6

This question is similar to the previous question, but we’ll use the Venn Diagram
format in this one.

As you can see that there are 3 cases here that overlap – applicants who are
over 21, applicants who have a license and applicants who have insurance.
Eligible applicants are the ones who intersect all three circles.

Based on the data given in the problem, we can easily calculate what the
entire circles represent.
20% of the drivers do not have a license, which means 80 do.
40% of the drivers do not have insurance, which means 60 do.
10% of all drivers are younger than 21, which means 90 are 21 and older.

Now if we take the difference of all the circles, you get the diagram here. The 10
represents the number of applicants that have a license and are over 21, but
they could or could not have insurance – we don’t know. Similarly, the 30
represents the number of applicants that are over 21 and have insurance, but
they could or could not have a license – we don’t know. As you can clearly see
that minimum number of eligible candidates here would be 10 based on the
data given to us. (either 10 could be eligible, 20 or 30 could be eligible – the
minimum is 10)

The correct answer is B.

What is the minimum number of eligible candidates?

A. 25

B. 10
C. 5
D. 18

Question 7

Lauren, Matt, and Oliver want to take an Uber vehicle to work. They play rock-
paper-scissors to decide who gets to choose their seat. If Lauren always leads
with scissors, what is the probability that the round will be a draw?

A. 11%
B. 4%
C. 14%
D. 21%

Answer 7

In the test you can quickly list out all the combinations and the answer will be
right in front of you.

There are a total of 9 combinations. Remember Lauren always leads with
Scissors. The only case when there is a draw is the last case i.e. when all three
are scissors. So the answer is 1/9 = 11%

The correct answer is A.

If Lauren always leads with scissors, what is the probability that the first round will
be a draw?

A. 11%
B. 4%
C. 14%
D. 21%

Question 8

Usain Bolt holds the world record for fastest human footspeed at 12.4 m/s (27.8
mph) during the 100-meter sprint at the 2009 Berlin World Championships. An
UberBlack 2016 Jaguar XF with const ant acceleration can reach a speed of 26.8
m/s (60 mph) in 5 seconds.

If the Jaguar XF starts the 100-meter sprint when Usain Bolt is 5 seconds away (at
top speed) from the finish line, would the Jaguar XF win?

A. Yes
B. No

Answer 8

In the first 5 seconds, Usain Bolt would’ve covered 62m of the 100-meter race.

12.4 m/s x 5 seconds

To complete the entire remaining of the race, it will take him another 3.06 sec

100 / 12.4 m/s = 8.06 seconds

Therefore, the difference is 8.06 – 5 seconds = 3.06 seconds. This is the exact time
when the Jaguar will start.

So for the Jaguar to win, it needs to complete the 100 meters in less than 3.06
= 100 / 26.8 = 3.73 seconds

Hence, the Jaguar cannot win.

The correct answer is B.

If the Jaguar XF starts the 100-meter sprint when Usain Bolt is 5 seconds away (at
top speed) from the finish line, would the Jaguar XF win?

A. Yes

B. No

Question 9

Aaron, Cameron, and Tom have a morning commute of 1, 2, and 4 hours,

respectively. They decide to start taking Uber using one shared account and
split the total fare proportionally by distance of total commute. If the total
monthly bill was $6000, how much will Cameron have to pay?

A. $2580
B. $2410
C. $1710
D. $1360

Answer 9

The total proportion of Aaron, Cameron and Tom’s payments are: 1 : 2 : 4

This means the Cameron’s proportion of the payment will be 2/(1 + 2 + 4) = 2 / 7
Hence, we mult iply 6000 x 2/7 = $1710

The correct answer is C.

How much will Cameron have to pay?

A. $2580
B. $2410

C. $1710
D. $1360

Question 10

If a license plate in New York has 4 single digit numbers, how many plates don’t
have any repeating numbers?

A. 5250
B. 6000
C. 6280
D. 5040

Answer 10

The best way to answer is this question is by writing out the 4 slots for each digit
_____ _____ _____ _____

The first slot can contain any of the 10 single digits. The second slot can contain
the any of the remaining 9, the third the remaining 8 and the fourth the
remaining 7.

Multiply them all to give you the total number of combinations of plates.

__10__ X __9__ X __8__ X __7__ = 5040

The correct answer is D.

If a license plate in New York has 4 single digit numbers, how many plates don’t
have any repeating numbers?

A. 5250
B. 6000
C. 6280

D. 5040

Chapter 9 – Conclusion

Before you take the Analytics Test, here are some tips to do well:

1. Stay calm. Tw o hours is plenty of time.

2. At the same time keep mov ing and don’t spend too much time on a specific
question. Remember you can back to it.
3. Keep a calculator, pen and paper ready to scratch your thoughts/notes.
4. I t is not the end of the w orld if you don’t get the job. Who cares? There are many
other out there.
5. I f you stay positiv e and complete this guide, there is NO reason you should NOT
mov e to the next round.

Now that you have gone through the eBook in its entity, we believe that you will
benefit from it whenever you will appear for the Uber Analytics Test. Remember,
even after reading this eBook guide, the most essential part of this complete
process is to have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself that you can ace this test.

Best of Luck

For any questions. Email us at [email protected] and we will answer as

soon as possible. Don’t forget to check us out at www.coursetake.com.


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