Corrosion Durability of High Performance Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete

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Third International Conference on Sustainable Construction Materials and


Corrosion durability of high performance steel fibre

reinforced concrete
Homayoon Sadeghi-Pouya1, Eshmaiel Ganjian2, Peter Claisse3, Krishna Muthuramalingam4
Research Fellow, Department of Civil, Architecture and Building, Faculty of Engineering &
Computing, Coventry University, CV1 5FB, [email protected], Senior
Materials Engineer, Atkins, The Axis, Birmingham, UK, B1 1 TF,
[email protected]
Reader In Civil Engineering Materials, Department of Civil, Architecture and Building,
Faculty of Engineering & Computing, Coventry University, UK, CV1 5FB ,
[email protected]
Professor in Civil Engineering Materials, Department of Civil, Architecture and Building,
Faculty of Engineering & Computing, Coventry University, UK, CV1 5FB ,
[email protected]
MSc student in Civil, Architecture and Building Department, Coventry University, UK, CV1
5FB, [email protected]

High performance concrete containing steel fibre has gained popularity in recent decades for
use in aggressive environments such as coastal and marine structures. It is generally
acknowledged that steel fibres are added to improve the toughness, abrasion resistance,
flexural behaviour and impact strength of concrete. However, little information is available
about the rate of corrosion of fibres in concrete with pozzolanic cementitious matrix and its
effects on ductility and flexural capacity of reinforced concrete, which play an important role
in long-term serviceability of concrete structures. This paper presents the results of an
experimental study that was carried out by accelerating corrosion process to evaluate the
effect of corrosion of steel fibres on residual compressive and flexural strength concrete. The
mechanical properties of fibre reinforced concrete containing PFA and GGBS subjected to
accelerated corrosion were measured and results were correlated to the estimated rate of

Corrosion of steel is an electrochemical process with different reactions occurring at the
anodic and cathodic sites. A supply of water and oxygen is required to maintain the reaction.
In new concrete the pores solution pH is about 12.5. In these conditions a stable oxide
“passive” layer is formed on the surface of the steel which provides protection from
corrosion. If the concrete carbonates to the depth of the steel and/or chlorides are present at
above critical threshold the protection can be compromised. Products of corrosion generally
occupy a larger volume than the uncorroded steel. Unhydrated ferric oxide is about twice the
volume, once hydrated it may be up to 6 to 10 times the volume. (Broomfield, 1996).

Steel fibres have been used in external concrete slabs for some 30 years. The steel will be
protected by the background alkalinity of the cement paste. It has been reported by
researchers that corrosion is less active as compared to steel bar reinforcement (King and
Adler, 2001; Bernard, 2004). A fibre, being electrically discontinuous, is not capable of
giving rise to galvanic corrosion. If they do corrode, the small volume of the fibre is
insufficient to create the bursting stresses associated with the corrosion of larger diameter
reinforcement bars and therefore for well compacted concrete the corrosion of fibres is
restricted to the surface of the concrete (Lambrechts, 2003).
Janotka et al. (1989) also studied the corrosion resistance of steel fibres and steel bar
reinforcement in cement mortar incorporating various amounts of calcium chloride from 2 to
10%. The results showed that by addition of calcium chloride while the bar reinforcement
displayed corrosion at 2% calcium chloride, the fibres did not indicate any harmful corrosion
until the chloride content was 6%. The critical chloride threshold may thus be higher in fibre
reinforced concrete than in conventional reinforced concrete.
Corrosion durability of recycled steel fibre reinforces concrete under accelerated corrosion
(wet-dry condition) showed after 5 months of wet-dry process only the external part of the
specimen corroded but the internal showed very less signs of corrosion. After the corrosion
the strength in the concrete remained the same with only surface corrosion (Graeff et al.,


An experimental program was performed to evaluate the mechanical properties of the SFRC
specimens containing silica fume, PFA or GGBS subjected to accelerated corrosion.
A single source CEM 52,5N Portland cement complying with BS EN197-1 made by Hanson
Heidelberg UK was used in this study.

Fine Aggregate
Natural siliceous sand available in the laboratory with maximum particle size 4.75mm was
used in this research. The density of sand used was 2670 kg/m3.

Coarse Aggregate
Crushed lime stone coarse aggregate obtained from local supplier with a maximum
aggregate size 10mm was used to make concrete specimens.

A poly carboxylate based super-plasticiser Fosroc Auracast complying with EN 934-2200
was used in concrete mixes. The recommended dosage of use was 0.3 to 1.2 liters per 100 kg
of concrete material.

Silica fume, Fly Ash and GGBS
Fly ash was a single source material conforming to BS EN 450-1 (2005). Fly ash was
supplied and stored in air tight containers. Silica fume was a single source powder as
supplied and stored in air tight containers. The material conformed to BS EN 12363-1
(2005). GGBS obtained from Hanson conforming to BS 42461 was used in this study.

Mixing, Casting and Curing

The final mix proportions of concrete specimens from trial mixes carried out are shown in
Tables 1. 3% chloride (as sodium chloride salt) per weight of cement was added to all
concrete mixes in order to accelerate the corrosion.
Mixing and casting of concrete was carried out in accordance with the current British
Standard BS 1881-125 (1986). Fibres were the final material to be added to the fresh concrete and
mixing continued for 4 minutes to ensure dispersion of the fibres throughout the concrete. A mixed
metal oxide coated titanium rod was placed in each specimen as part of preparation for
accelerated corrosion test. On demoulding at 24 hours, all concrete specimens were cured in
hot water curing conditions for 7 days (50°C ± 2°C) and then transferred to corrosion tank
containing 3% chloride salt solution.

Table 1. Concrete mix proportions

Coarse Fine Super
Materials Cement replacement Water Fibre
Aggregate Aggregate Plastisicer
UNIT Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 Kg/m3 3

SF 500 50 668 801 237 8 40

GGBS 208 312 1064 710 156 7.8 40

OPC 250 - 1116 655 190 4.8 40

PFA 375 175 1064 710 190.6 9 40

Figure 1. Hot curing of concrete specimens

Measurement of Compressive Strength

100mm cubes were tested in compression to BS EN 12390-3 (2009).

Measurement of Modulus of Elasticity (E-value)

Modulus of elasticity was measured in accordance with BS 1881-121 (1983). Prior to
testing, demec studs were glued at 1/3 points on the generatrix of 150mm Ø x 300mm
cylinders to allow measurement of deflection over a 100mm gauge length. A basic stress of
0.5N/mm² was applied and loading applied to 1/3 fc of measured compressive strength of the

Measurement of Split Cylinder Indirect Tensile Strength

Split cylinder indirect tensile strength was measured in accordance with BS EN 12390-6
(2009). The test was carried out on 150mm Ø x 300mm cylinders.

Measurement of Flexural Strength

Flexural strength was carried out in accordance with BS EN 12390-5 (2009) on prism
specimens of 510 × 100 × 100mm.

Accelerated Corrosion Test

All specimens were placed in the tank containing salt solution and connected to the positive
end of the power supply at titanium rods using cupper core cables. The negative connection
of the circuit was provided using a piece of bare steel electrode partly submerged in the
solution. Figures 2 and 3 show the accelerated corrosion test setup. A constant 3A current
was passed through the solution and specimens for 1 month. This is equivalent to
approximately 50-60 years life of a typical bridge exposed de-icing salts. In this arrangement
steel fibres acted as a consuming anode to maintain the current flow through the concrete

specimens. Mechanical properties of specimens were measured before and after exposure to
accelerated corrosion condition.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the accelerated corrosion test used

Figure 3. Corrosion tank used for accelerated corrosion test

Visual Inspection
Concrete specimen were examined after 1 month exposure to the accelerate corrosion
condition. Expect surface corrosion and a few microcracks in the control OPC sample no
sign of significant corrosion or spalling was observed. Figures 4 and 5 shows the state of
specimens before and after accelerated corrosion test. It was found that steel fibres were less
susceptible to corrosion. This is likely to be due to discontinuity of steel fibres in the mix or
small surface of fibres.

Figure 4. Concrete specimens before accelerated corrosion test

Figure 5. Concrete specimens after accelerated corrosion test

Mechanical Properties
Figures 6-9 show mechanical properties of specimens before and after corrosion. It can be
seen that specimens did not suffer from any significant strength or stiffness loss.

Compressive Strength (MPa)

Figure 6. Comparison of compressive strength before and after accelerated


25 25

20 20
Tensiile Strength (Mpa)
Tensile Strngth (Mpa)

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
a Concrete mix b Concrete mix

Figure 7. Comparison of indirect tensile strength a) before and b) after

accelerated corrosion

25 25

20 20
Flexural strength (Mpa)

Flexural strength (Mpa)

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
Concrete Mix Concrete Mix
a b

Figure 8. Comparison of flexural strength a) before and b) after accelerated


36.5 36.5
36 36
Elastic Modulus (Gpa)

Elastic Modulus (Gpa)

35.5 35.5
35 35
34.5 34.5
34 34
33.5 33.5
33 33
32.5 32.5
Concrete Mix Concrete Mix
a b

Figure 9. Comparison of elastic modulus a) before and b) after accelerated


The data show that indirect tensile strength of specimens containing cement replacement
materials increased marginally during accelerated corrosion test. This is in line with expected
high performance of these mixes. The flexural strength and stiffness of the concretes tested
thus far was consistent and correlated with the compressive strength data. In general results
indicated that steel fibre concrete specimens were not significantly affected by corrosion
except minor surface rust stain.

Steel fibre reinforced concrete specimens containing SF, PFA and GGBS as cement
replacement were exposed to accelerated corrosion test. Mechanical properties of specimens
were measured before and after corrosion. The following conclusions can be drawn:

1) The impressed current procedures used to accelerate corrosion in steel fibre

reinforced concrete can be considered as a good technique to imply corrosion in
concrete specimens in a small period of time.
2) Steel fibres appear to present less damage than the normal steel bar used normally in
corrosion tests. OPC specimens developed more external rust.

3) From flexural and tensile behaviour of corrosion steel fibre concrete it was observed
that the performance of specimens was not reduced by corrosion attack. The same
conclusion can be extended to compressive results, which showed that, even if
specimens are externally corroded, this has no influence on the compressive strength
of the specimens. Marginal increase in the strength of specimens after corrosion test
is likely due to the age of the specimen.

4) The overall analysis of the results showed that corrosion of fibres can be noticed
only externally. Less sign of corrosion was observed in specimens containing
cement replacement materials i.e. SF, PFA and GGBS.

Bernard, ES. (2004) Durability of cracked fibre reinforced concrete, Shotcrete: more
engineering developments, pp 59-66
Broomfield, J. P. (1996). Corrosion of steel in concrete: understanding, investigation and
repair. Taylor & Francis.
Graeff, Â. G., Pilakoutas, K., Lynsdale, C., & Neocleous, K. (2008). Corrosion Durability of
Recycled Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete. In Concrete Communication conference pp. 19-
Janotka, I., Krajčí, Ľ., Komloš, K., & Frťalová, D. (1989). Chloride corrosion of steel fibre
reinforcement in cement mortar. International Journal of Cement Composites and
Lightweight Concrete, 11(4), 221-228.
King, MR and Adler, AJ. (2001) The practical specification of steel fibre reinforced concrete
(SFRC) for tunnel linings, Proceedings of underground construction conference, London,
published by Brintex Ltd.
Lambrechts, A. et al. (2003) Durability of steel fibre reinforced concrete, Proceedings of the
sixth CANMET/ACI durability of concrete conference SP212, ACI, Michigan, USA

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