The Dualistic
The Dualistic
The Dualistic
Interest on profits may be shared among existing Ryan and Smith were the main competitors in the shoe
partners according to the ratio of capital industry. Due to unhealthy competition between them,
invested by each of them. Such amount is called On May 15, 2014, they decided to form a new
Interest on Capital.Usually, this interest rate is partnership entity with the name of RS & Co by merging
decided and mutually agreed among partners is out their businesses. On 15th May, 2014, their accounts
written in the deed document. balances are as follows:
Ryan: Required:
Accounts receivable: $ 51,000, inventory at: $ 56,000 & a. calculate the capital of each partner.
machinery at: 30,000. b. record entries in the general journal of the
Smith: partnership firm for the above mentioned transactions.
Accounts receivable: $16,000, factory equipment: c. prepare balance sheet on the formation of the
$10,000 partnership firm in the classifed form.
1. Record the journal entries to form the new Solution
partnership, a. Calculation of initial amount of capital
2. Make initial balance sheet of the newly Initial capital of Mr Alan
established firm. Cash 300,000
Solution Office equipment 500,000
RS & Co. Total capital 800,000
Partnership Accounting Journal Entries Initial capital of Mr Bond
Cash 700,000
Particulars Debit Credit Office equipment 100,000
In order to record the investment of Mr. Total capital 800,000
Ryan, the following entry would be Initial capital of Mr Charlie
recorded: Machinery 560,000
Cash 16,000 Cash 240,000
Accounts receivable 51,000 Total capital 800,000
Inventory 56,000 b. General Journal Entries
Machinery 30,000 Date Particulars Debit Credit
Factory equipment 56,000
Accumulated depreciation – factory 24,000 Cash
equipment Office equipment
Accounts payable 64,000 Mr. Alan’s Capital 300,000
Ryan capital 121,000 (To record investment in 500,000
partnership business by Mr.
In order to record the investment of Mr. Alan)
Smith, the following entry would be
recorded: Cash
Cash 24,000 Merchandise
Accounts receivable 16,000 Mr. Bond’s Capital 700,000
Inventory 40,000 (To record investment in 100,000
Machinery 96,000 partnership business by Mr.
Factory equipment 10,000 32,000 Bond)
Accumulated depreciation – machinery Cash
Accounts payable 76,000 Machinery
Smith capital 78,000 Mr. Charlie’s Capital 240,000
RS & Co. (To record investment in 560,000
Balance Sheet partnership business by Mr.
As at May 15, 2014 Charlie)
Cash 40,000 b. Balance Sheet
Accounts receivable 67,000
Accounts payable
Inventory 96,000
140 As on
Machinery 126,000 121,000
Ryan Assets Capital & Liabilities
Less: acc dep (32,000) 78,000
Factory equipment 66,000 Mr. Alan’s
Less: acc dep (24,000) 1,240,000 Capital
Merchandise 800,000
339,000 339,000 100,000 Mr. Bond’s
Office 800,000
500,000 Capital
equipments 800,000
560,000 Mr. Charlie’s
Partnership Question Partnership Formation machinery
Mr Alan, Mr Bond and Mr Charlie created a partnership
business with equal amount of capital as follows: 2,400,000 2,400,000
Mr Alan - cash 300,000, office equipment worth INR Partnership Accounting Example On Jan 1, 2017
500,000. Raju, Sanjay and Tendulkar formed a shoe
Mr Bond - cash 700,000 and merchandise for the manufacturing partnership. Each of the partners have
balance amount. strong reputation in the shoe industry and as a result,
Mr Charlie - machi nery worth INR 560,000 and cash for their venture could bring about significant benefits for
the balance amount. every partner. They agreed to share profit & loss in the
ratio of 1:2:3 respectively. The said ratio is based on the 450,000. Apart from this, each partner invested
basis of capital contribution of each partner. necessary cash to meet the capital requirement.
Raju, who is the oldest among all partners contributed
with a cash money of INR 60,000 and machinery costing Required
INR 120,000. i. prepare journal entries to record the capital
Sanjay who has vast experience in supply chain investment of Aiman and Fazila.
management contributed with furniture of INR 100,000 ii. prepare balance sheet of the newly formed
and with cash. partnership.
On the other hand, Tendulkar just contributed with cash Solution
balance. Savers Partnership
General Journal Entries
Date Particular
a. record entries in the general journal of the
partnership. Cash
Solution Aiman capital
First, we need to calculate capital of each partner. (To record the investment of Aiman)
Raju's capital (60,000 + 120,000)
180,000 Cash
As Raju's shae of capital is 1/6th, so we can calculate Equipment
total capital of the firm as follows: Fazila capital
Total capital of the partnership firm (6x180,000) (To record the investment of Fazila)
10,80,000 Savers Partnership
Now, we can easily calculate Sanjay and Tendulkar's Balance Sheet
capital a s follows: As on ………..
Sanjay's capital (10,80,000 x 2/6) Assets Equities
Tendulkar's capital (10,80,000 x 3/6) Cash 225,000 Aiman capital 400,000
540,000 Furniture 325,000 Fazila capital 600,000
Point to be noted: It should be noted that the value at
As chief accountant of the partnership firm, you are
which assets and liabilities are taken into the
required to prepare journal entries to record formation of
partnership are important for us. It does not matter
the firm.
what are their original value. The relevant value for
partnership formation is the agreed value among the
partners. So, simply ignore the actual value of the assets
AA & Co.
or liabilities.
Journal Entries
Question: Aiman and Fazila fomed a retial outlet for
grocery named "Savers" with a capital investment of Date Particulars Debit Credit
1,000,000 of which Aiman has 40 % share while Fazila Cash 80,000
has 60 %. Other assets 400,000
Aiman contributed with furniture which costs INR Accounts payable 100,000
400,000 at an agrred value of 325,000. On the other Alan capital 380,000
hand, Fazila contributed in the partnership with (To record investment from
equipment costing 350,000 but at an agrred value of Alan)
Cash 120,000
Other assets 480,000
Accounts payable 160,000
Albert capital 440,000
(To record investment from
Cash 40,000
Alan capital 40,000
Albert capital 20,000
Cash 20,000