Guideline For Admission

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Admission Guide

for International Students

( Spring 2016 )
( Early & General Admissions )

인천대학교 대학원
Incheon National University Graduate School

본 모집요강은 한글 및 영어로 작성되었으며, 해석상의 차이가 발생할 경우 한글로 된 내용을 기준으로 합니

다. Admission guide has been prepared in both Korean and English versions. When interpretational
differences arise, the Korean version will have priority over the English version.
Admission Guide for International Students
( Graduate School, Spring 2016 )

1 Graduate
Graduate School
School Programs
Combined Admission
Field Departments Master’s Master·Doctoral Doctoral
Korean Language and Literature O O O
Korean Education as a Foreign Language O O O
English Language and Literature O O O
German Language and Literature O × ×
French Language and Literature O × ×
Japanese Language and Literature O O O
Chinese Cultural Studies O O O
Education O O O
Ethics O × ×
and Public Administration O O O
Social Urban Policy and Information Science O × ×
Sciences Political science and Int'l Studies O O O
(21 Dept.) Mass Communication O O O
Library and Information Science O × ×
Law O O O
Business Administration O O O
International Trade O O O
Economics O O O
Northeast Asian Trade and Commerce O × × Master’s
Social Welfare O O O
Urban Planning and Policy × O O
Mathematics O O O
Physics O O O
Natural Chemistry O O O
Life Sciences O O O
Sciences Doctoral
Customer and Child Studies O O O
(8 Dept.) and
Clothing and Textiles O O O
Beauty Care Industry O O O
Marine Science O × ×
Mechanical Engineering O O O
Electrical Engineering O O O
Electronics Engineering O O O
Industrial and Management Engineering O O O
Materials Science and Engineering O O O
Safety Engineering O O O
Energy and Chemical Engineering O × ×
Computer Science and Engineering O O O
Engineering Info. & Telecommunication Engineering O O O
(17 Dept.) Embedded Systems Engineering O O O
Civil and Environmental Engineering O O O
Environmental and Energy Engineering O × ×
Urban Construction Engineering O × ×
Architecture O O O
Mechatronics Engineering O × ×
(interdisciplinary program)
InternationalClimate Cooperation O O O
(interdisciplinary program)
Urban Convergence Engineering × O O
(interdisciplinary program)
Arts & Physical Physical Education O O O
Education Fine Arts O × ×
(3 Dept.) Design O O O
※The admission quota is subject to change.
2 Application
Application Eligibility
1. Master's Program

◯ Those who have or are expected to earn a Bachelor's degree

◯ Those who have received a Bachelor's degree or have been recognized by the Korean Minister
of Education as having the equivalent academic experience according to the relevant law.
◯ Early admission applicants should meet one of the following conditions:
-Overall GPA for the undergraduate coursework is 3.0 (out of 4.5) or higher (B or above
-Those who have a minimum of 3 years experience in the relevant field to which he/she is

2. Combined Master·Doctoral Program

◯ Those who have or are expected to earn a Bachelor's degree
◯ Those who have received a Bachelor's degree or have been recognized by the Korean Minister
of Education as having the equivalent academic experience according to the relevant law.
◯ Early admission applicants should meet one of the following conditions.
-Overall GPA for the undergraduate coursework is 3.0 (out of 4.5) or higher (B or above
-Those who have a minimum of 3 years experience in the relevant field to which he/she is

3. Doctoral Program

◯ Those who have or are expected to earn a Master's degree

◯ Those who have received a Master's degree or have been recognized by the Korean Minister of
Education as having the equivalent academic experience according to the relevant law.
◯ Early admission applicants should meet one of the following conditions:
-Overall GPA for the undergraduate coursework is 3.0 (out of 4.5) or higher(B or above
-Those who have a minimum of 5 years experience in the relevant field to which he/she is

4. Additional Eligibility for Foreign Applicants (should meet one of the following conditions)
◯ Certificate of Korean Proficiency Test Score : TOPIK Level 3 or higher. [SEE Attachment #4]; OR
◯ Certificate of English Proficiency Test Score : TOEFL【PBT(550), CBT(210), IBT(80)】, IELTS(5.5),
TEPS(550), TOEIC(700) or higher; OR
※Those applicants to the Natural Sciences, Engineering and Arts & Physical Education fields can submit
「Letter of Recommendation」 from the professor of the Department to which you are applying) [See
Attachment #6]
◯ For those who graduated (expected to graduate) in speaking countries (U.S.A., Canada, UK, Ireland,
Australia, or New Zealand), the Certificate of Graduation or Diploma will be substituted for Certificate of
English Proficiency Test Score; OR
◯ English Proficiency Letter describing his/her English proficiency by the advising professor from your
undergraduate or master’s program. (for applicants who completed their 4-year bachelor's degree in the English
medium, but not from English speaking countries, such as U.S.A., Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, or New
Zealand [See Certificate of English Proficiency' by INU professor, Attachment #5]
Admission Documents
3 (Documents ④, ⑦, ⑧ from the following list should be submitted via the Department to
which you are applying)

No. Documents List Master’s Master· Doctoral
① Application form (2 passport size photos attached). 1 copy ○ ○ ○
② Certificate of (expected) Graduation (Degree). 1 copy B.A B.A B.A + M.A
③ Transcript of academic records. 1 copy B.A B.A B.A + M.A
Letter of Recommendation from professor in your major. 1 copy
④ (Ph.D. candidates and foreign applicants only) [See attachment #1] - - ○
Research experience or publications within the last 4 years. 1 copy of
⑤ (Only for Ph.D applicants. Master’s thesis does not count toward - - ○
research publications)
Resume / Curriculum Vitae – 1 copy (For early admission applicants
⑥ and if applicable only) ○ ○ ○
Certificate of Eligibility for the Field of Study by Department chair. 1
⑦ copy. (For those applicants whose previous major differs from the ○ ○ ○
graduate fields of study) [See attachment #2]
Certificate of Credit Recognition. 1 copy (if applicable) [See attachment
⑧ (Maximum credits transferable : 12 credits for Master's and 15 ○ ○ ○
credits for Ph.D.)
⑨ Additional documents (for Foreign Applicants)
1) Photocopy of passport. 1 copy ○ ○ ○
2) Study plan (within 3 pages of A4 size paper). 1 copy ○ ○ ○
3) Certificate of Korean or English Proficiency Test Score*
*For non-native speakers of English or Korean

Submit ONLY ONE of the following:

-Certificate of Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) : TOPIK Level 3
or higher. 1 copy OR

※ If you submit TOPIK Level 3, you must submit Letter of Consent for
Submission of TOPIK Level 4 or higher prior to your graduation. [See
attachment #4] ○ ○ ○
- Certificate of English Proficiency Test : TOEFL【PBT(550), CBT(210),
IBT(80)】, IELTS(5.5), TEPS(550), TOEIC(700) or higher. 1 copy OR

- English Proficiency Letter describing his/her English proficiency by

the advising professor of University you attended (For applicants who
completed their 4-year bachelor's degrees in the English medium)
+ Submit 'Certificate of English Proficiency' by INU professor [See
attachment #5]
Bank balance certificate of applicant’s or sponsor (parents)’s. 1 copy
4) (15,000 USD / 15,000,000 KRW / 100,000元, deposited more than 3 ○ ○ ○
5) Letter of Consent for Degree Verification. 1 copy [See attachment #7] ○ ○ ○
For overseas (except China) applicants who have or are expected to
earn a Degree, following documents will be required:

(1) For those who earned a degree in the United States :

University accreditation document issued by Korea–US
Educational Commission (02-3275-4000, 02-3275-4011,
[email protected])
(2) For those who earned a degree in Japan : University
accreditation document issued by the Japanese Embassy
6) (02-739-7400) ○ ○ ○
(3) For those who earned a degree in other countries : Select one
of the following documents.
- University accreditation document issued by the Korean
Embassy. OR
- Overseas educational organization certificate by Korean
Consulate in your country. OR
- Apostille Legalization by government agencies of your
◯ Additional documents (for Chinese only)

Those applicants residing outside Korea Those applicants residing in Korea

without alien registration card with alien registration card

- Photocopy of ID Card (“SHENFENZHENG”). 1 copy

- Original copy of Household Register (“HUKOUBU”) including all family members

(notarized translation in Korean). 1 copy.
※ To be issued within 6 months from the date of application.

-Photocopy of Alien Registration Card (front &

-Family Relations Certificate (including parents)
back) (For those residing in Korea with alien
(notarized translation in Korean). 1 copy.
registration card)

-Certificate of Death (Only if parent(s) is (are)

deceased). 1 copy

-2 passport size photos (without wearing glasses

and with white background)

- Verification Report of China Higher Education Qualification Certificate. 1 copy

[Issuing Authority : China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center - ]

◯ Additional documents (for overseas Koreans)

(1) Certificate of Registration of Korean Nationals Residing Abroad. 1 copy

(2) Certificate of the Entry/Exit (issued by the Immigration office). 1 copy

◯ Important Notes about Documents

- If your Transcript, Certificate of Graduation, Certificate of Degree, or Diploma, Household Register (HUKOUBU),

and Certificate of Family Relations are not issued in English, then they must be accompanied by the notarized

Korean translation.

- If your Transcript, Certificate of Graduation, Certificate of Degree is issued in English by your University, then a

Notarized Korean translation is Not necessary.

- Foreign students residing in Korea should submit a photocopy of his/her Alien Registration Card.

4 Selection
Selection Procedure
◯ Document Screening and Interview Test
5 Admission
Admission Schedule

Section Early Admission General Admission

Application Admission for Overseas Koreans & Foreign Students

& Document
2015.10.26(Mon.) ~ 10.29(Thu.) (Korean)
Period 2015.11.30(Mon.) ~ 12.03(Thu.)
2015.10.19(Mon.) ~ 10.29(Thu.) (Foreigner)

Process Online Application Only (Application by visit is NOT allowed)

Interview 2015.11.04(Wed.) 10:00 (if needed) 2015.12.9(Wed.) 10:00 (if needed)

2015.11.20(Fri.) 2015.12.28(Fri.)
List of students admitted will be posted on the Graduate School website
( )

2016.01.11(Mon.) ~ 01.14(Thu.)

Tuition Payment
Payment through
(Registration) ① Enter the Name of University(인천대학교) and your application Number.
② Check tuition fee detail and confirm your virtual bank account
③ Pay tuition into your virtual bank account

◆ Interview Notice : [See Attachment #8]

- Location of interview test, if needed, will be decided by each department office. The department
staff will contact you with details.
- Applicants for the Department of Fine Arts & Design should bring their portfolio to the interview.

6 Application
Application Submission
(1) Documents submission

a) Early admission applicants should submit supporting documents and on-line application either in

person or by post to the Incheon National University Graduate School by 2015.10. 29(Thu.) 18:00 PM
(Korean Standard time).

b) General admission Applicants should submit supporting documents and on-line application either in

person or by post to the Incheon National University Graduate School by 2015.12.03(Thu.) 18:00 PM

(Korean Standard time).

(2) Address : Office of the Incheon National University Graduate School

119 Academy-ro, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea (Postal Code 22012)

7 Graduate
Graduate Assistantships

☞ Entering international students Tuition Waiver

-TOEIC 800, TOEFL(CBT 230, iBT 88), TEPS 725,

IELTS 6.5, TOPIK level 6 or higher OR

-Certified degree from an accredited university in an Full tuition waiver

English speaking country (U.S.A., Canada, UK, Ireland, (not including admission fee)
Australia, New Zealand) with GPA of 3.0 for applicants
to the master’s degree program and a GPA of 3.5 for
applicants to the doctoral degree program(on a 4.5
Those who have graduated from universities in a
About 50% tuition waiver
2 sisterhood relationship with INU or from universities in
(not including admission fee)
※Those accepted by 「Letter of Recommendation」 from professor of Department to which you
are applying can not receive a scholarship.
☞ After enrollment for at least one semester (International
Tuition Waiver
students & overseas Korean citizens)
Full tuition waiver
1 GPA 3.75 or higher out of 4.5

About 50% tuition waiver

2 GPA 3.5 ~ 3.74 out of 4.5

※ For other scholarships or tuition waivers, please refer to the Korean Admissions Guide.

◯ General Information
- Students receiving tuition waiver are expected to work at least 20 hours per
week as assigned by the admitting department. They should submit a research activity
report at the end of each semester.
※ Students who fail to submit their research activity report prior to the
beginning of the next semester will be charged for the previous semester’s tuition
and lose their tuition waiver for the next semester.

8 Online
Online Application
Application Procedure
(1) Application Procedure
a) Access the website, register and user login.
b) Fill in the application form in order.
c) Attach a photo file.
d) Pay admission fee (60,000 KRW) and internet application handling fee (5,000 KRW).
e) Confirm the admission and check the confirmation e-mail.
f) Print out the application form and submit the documents (including 2 photos) to the
Incheon National University Graduate School.
g) Print out the application verification slip and bring it to the interview.
※ The department staff will contact you with details if an interview is necessary.

(2) Notes
a) All the information must be entered correctly. Applicants shall be responsible for any
disadvantages caused due to errors on the application form or required documents
being improperly prepared.
b) If any ineligible or unqualifying factors are found, applicant shall be disqualified.
c) After the application documents have been submitted, they may not be modified or
cancelled, and the application fee will not be refunded.
※ Inquiries regarding submitted application : or call 1588-8988

9 Important
Important Notes

(1) List of students admitted will be posted on the Graduate School website( )
(2) Acceptance and admission shall be cancelled under the following disqualifying condition
(Paid tuition fees and other will not be refunded)

* If the information on the documents submitted or the former degree (Bachelor's, Master's)
is found to be falsified, acceptance and admission shall be denied.

(3) Documents submitted will not be modified, cancelled, and returned and application fee will
not be refunded under any circumstances.

(4) Those who have graduated or are expected to graduate in foreign countries must submit the
notarized copy of certificate of (expected) graduation and transcript with the university
contact address(es). (For degree verification)

(5) Those who have not graduated at the time of application must submit an notarized copy of
certificate of graduation and transcript before matriculation.

(6) Any matter not specified in this admissions guide regarding international admissions is
subject to the decision of the University's Graduate School Admission Committee.

(7) For additional inquiries, please contact the Office of Graduate School
a) Phone : +82-32-835-8012~4
b) Webite :
입 학 원 서
(Application for Admission)

201 Year (Spring/Fall) Semester

석사/ Master’s ( )
수 험 번 호
박사/ Doctoral ( ) (Registration Number,
(Degree program)
석․박사/ Joint Degree ( ) For Office Use Only)
전 형 구 분
특별전형, Early ( ) / 일반전형, General ( )
(Admission Period)
지 원 학 과
학과 (Department)
한글 한 자
성 명 (Korean) (Chinese)
(Full Name) 영 문 Family Name: 국적
(English) Given Name: (Nationality)
(4 X 5 cm)
생년월일 / /
Date of Birth yyyy/mm/dd
Passport 성별 남/여
Number Gender M/F

Country of Expiration / /
원 Issue Date yyyy/mm/dd

전화번호 ( ) -
Applic 연락처
Home Phone Country Code
Contact E-mail
ant 휴대전화 ( ) -
Cell Phone Country Code
직 장 명
Name of 전화번호 ( ) -
Employer Work Phone Country Code
(if applicable)
Proficiency TOEFL score
Korean(Topik) : level
in English/ TOEIC score
Korean OTHER (hold a degree from a
university in an English speaking country)
년 월 ~ 년 월 대학교 대학 학과(졸업․졸업예정)
yyyy mm ~ yyyy mm University College Department 국가
학 Country
력 년 월 ~ 년 월 대학교 대학 학과(졸업․졸업예정)
Study yyyy mm ~ yyyy mm University College Department Country
history 년 월 ~ 년 월 대학교 대학 학과(졸업․졸업예정)
yyyy mm ~ yyyy mm University College Department
년 월 ~ 년 월 직장명: 직위:
yyyy mm ~ yyyy mm Place of employment: Position: 국가
경 년 월 ~ 년 월 직장명: 직위:
yyyy mm ~ yyyy mm Place of employment: Position: Country

Career 년 월 ~ 년 월 직장명: 직위:
history yyyy mm ~ yyyy mm Place of employment: Position:
년 월 ~ 년 월 직장명: 직위:
yyyy mm ~ yyyy mm Place of employment: Position: 국가

위와 같이 귀 대학교 대학원에 입학하고자 소정의 서류를

갖추어 지원합니다. I hereby declare that all the above

information is true and correct. I will be fully responsible if any of
the information is false.

20 년(yyyy) 월(mm) 일(dd)

Office Use Only 지 원 자 (인)
Applicant’s name(Print) (Signature)
(4 X 5 cm)
인천대학교 대학원장 귀하

To the Dean of Incheon National

University Graduate School
수 험 표
Interview Card for International Applicants Residing in Korea (not
required for non-residents)

201 Year (Spring/Fall) Semester

수 험 번 호
Number, For
Office Use
석사/ Master´s( )
박사/ Doctoral( )
Degree program
석․박사/ Joint Degree( )
전형구분 특별전형, Early( ) /
Period 일반전형, General( )

지원학과 학과
Department department
성 명 Family Name:
Full Name Given Name:

(4 X 5 cm)

수험생 유의사항
Information for applicant
1. 면접일시 및 장소 : 대학원 홈페이지 게시판에 공지
Interview date and location: Check the Graduate School Homepage
가. 수험생은 면접당일 30분전까지 면접대기기실에 입실하여야 한다.
A. Applicant should arrive at the interview room 30 minutes
prior to the interview appointment time.
나. 전형장소 : 해당학과 사무실
B. Interview location: Main office for the department where
you are applying (Please refer to attachment # 8)

2. 면접고사 준비사항 : 수험표, 주민등록증(신분증), 필기도구

Things to bring with you to the interview : Inteview card,
your foreign registration card (ARC), writing utensil

3. 합격자 발표 : 대학원 홈페이지에 공고

Interview results will be posted on the Graduate School Homepage

인천대학교 대학원
Incheon National University
Graduate School
[ 붙임.Attachment #1 ]

전공분야 교수 추천서
(Letter of Recommendation from Professor in Your Major)

지원자성명 지원학과
(Name of
Applicant) (Department)
생년월일 지원과정 석사 M.A. ( ) 박사Ph.D. ( )
(Date of Birth) (Course) 석·박사 Joint Degree ( )
☞ 추천 내용은 본 대학원 석사․박사 학위과정의 학생 선발 결정에 중요한 자료로 이용되오니 정확하게 평가하
여 주시기 바랍니다. Details of your recommendation are crucial to the applicant's admission and for
selecting students for the Masters' and doctoral course of the INU Graduate School. Please evaluate with
care and accuracy.
☞ 아래 각 항목의 해당란에 ○ 표를 하십시오. Please tick (√) as appropriate.
평 가 항 목 탁월 우수 보통 비고
(Evaluation Details) (Excellent) (Good) (Fair) (Remarks)
○ 인성은 어떠합니까?
(Character and personality)
○ 연구 및 학점 수행 능력이 있습니까?
(Potential to conduct research and advanced study)
○ 창의력이 있습니까?
(Creativity and originality)
○ 전공 지식을 광범위하게 지니고 있습니까?
(Extensive knowledge in major field)

위 사람은 201 년 월 일 _______________대학교 _____________ (대학․대학원) ____________

학과 졸업(예정)자로서 귀 대학원에 진학할 자질이 있다고 인정하여 추천합니다. This is to certify
that the above-mentioned person has graduated (expected to graduate) from ______________
University _______________ Department (Graduate School) and has academic talent sufficient for
studying in the graduate school. I hereby write a recommendation on behalf of the person above.

201 년(YYYY) 월(MM) 일(DD)

○ 추천인 (Recommender) :
인천대학교 (Incheon National University) ________________대학원 (Graduate School)

________________학 과 (Department)

직위 (Title) :
성명 (Name) : 서명 (Signature)

인천대학교 대학원장 귀하
To the Dean of the Incheon National University Graduate School
※ 추천인이 봉투에 넣어 밀봉한 후 날인하여야 하며, 지원자가 원서접수시 제출함(Seal the recommendation
letter in an envelope and sign your name across the seal. Applicants should submit this form with your
application documents.)
[ 붙임.Attachment #2 ]

지원학과 수학능력 확인서

( Certificate of Eligibility for the Field of Study)
비동일 학과, 전문․특수대학원 출신
구 분 (Section) (Those who apply to a department different from that of their previous
major and who graduated from a specialized graduate school.)
지원자 성명 수험번호
(Name of
Applicant) (Application No.)

지원학과 지원과정 석사 M.A. ( ) 박사 Ph.D. ( )

(Department) (Course) 석·박사 Joint Degree ( )

위 사람은 201 년 월 일 _______________대학교 _____________ (대학․대학원) ____________

학과 졸업(예정)자로서 지원학과의 이수과정을 수학 할 능력이 있음을 확인합니다.

This is to certify that the above-mentioned person has graduated (expected to graduate)
from __________ University _______________ Department (Graduate School) and is eligible
for completing the curriculum for the field of study.

붙 임(Attachment) : 학점인증서(비동일 학과 및 전문특수대학원 출신) 1부

Certificate of Credit Recognition (for those students whose major is different from that
of their previous major and who graduated from a specialized graduate school). 1 copy

201 년(YYYY) 월(MM) 일(DD)

○ 확인자 (Verifier) :
학과추천교수 (Professor of the Department) : 서명 (Signature)

학과장 (Department Chair) : 서명 (Signature)

인천대학교 대학원장 귀하
To the Dean of the Incheon National University Graduate School
[ 붙임.Attachment #3 ]

학 점 인 증 서
( Certificate of Credit Recognition )
수험번호 학번
(Application No.) (Student No.)
지원자 성명 지원학과
(Name of (Department)
생년월일 지원과정 석사 M.A. ( ) 박사 Ph.D. ( )
(D a te of Bi r th ) (Course) 석·박사 Joint Degree ( )
위 사람은 본 대학원에 지원함에 있어 아래와 같이 학점 인증이 되기에 학점인증서를 제출
합니다. (This is to certify that the above-mentioned person, as applying for the INU
Graduate School, has ( ) credits recognized as below).

구분 취득학점 (Credit Earned) 인정학점 (Credit Recognized)

NO. 과 목 명 학점 성적 교과목코드 과목명 학점 성적
(Course Title) (Credit) (Grade) (Course Code) (Course Title) (Credit) (Grade)

201 년(YYYY) 월(MM) 일(DD)

붙 임 (Attachment) : 성적증명서(Official Transcript) 1 부 (1 copy)

○ 확인자 (Verifier) :
인천대학교(Incheon National University) _______________대학원 (Graduate School)
_______________학 과 (Department)
학과장 (Department Chair) : 서명 (Signature)

인천대학교 대학원장 귀하
To the Dean of the Incheon National University Graduate School
[ 붙임.Attachment #4 ]

한국어능력시험 성적증명서 제출 관련 서약서

(Application for the Submission of TOPIK Score)
지원학년도/학기 지원과정 석사 M.A. ( ) 박사 Ph.D. ( )
Application Year 201 년(Year)/ 학기(Semester)
& Semester (Course) 석·박사 Joint Degree ( )

지원학과 전형구분 특별전형 Early Admission ( )

(Department) Type) 일반전형 General Admission ( )
(Application No.)

성 명 한 글 영 문 한자
(Full Name) (Korean) (English) (Chinese)

주민등록번호 성 별
(Alien Reg. No.) (Gender)
연 락 처 자택전화 휴대폰
(Contact) (Home Phone) (Cell Phone)

 관련근거 : 교육부 글로벌인재육성과-5492(2010.9.17)

(Related Regulation : Ministry of Education-5492(2010.9.17)

○ 위 본인은 2014학년도 전(후)기 대학원 외국인 전형에 응시함에 있어 제출 서류 중 학위청구

논문심사 신청서 제출시 한국어능력시험 성적증명서(TOPIK) 4급 이상 자격증을 학위청구 논문심
사 신청서와 동시에 제출하고, 만일 제출치 못할 경우 학위청구논문 심사 자격이 없음을 서약하
고, 이와 관련 어떠한 이의도 제기하지 않을 것임을 약속하며 본 서약서를 제출 합니다. I, when
applying for the defense of Master's thesis or Dissertation, hereby declare that I will
submit my certificate for "Test of Proficiency in Korean, TOPIK Score Level 4 or higher"
along with my application for the defense, and that if not, I will not be eligible to apply
for the defense. By submitting this letter, I confirm that I will not contest this matter
under any circumstances.

201 년(YYYY) 월(MM) 일(DD)

지원자 (Applicant) : 서명 (Signature)

인천대학교 대학원장 귀하
To the Dean of the Incheon National University Graduate School
[ 붙임.Attachment #5 ]

영 어 능 력 확 인 서
(Certificate of English Proficiency)

▢ 정식 인가 대학 또는 대학원 전체과정을 영어로 이수한 외국인 유학생

Foreign applicants who completed their undergraduate and/or master’s degree course work in
English medium at accredited institutions.

지원 학년도/학기 201 년 (Year)/ 학기 지원과정 석사 M.A. ( ) 박사 Ph.D. ( )

(Year & Semester) (Semester) (Course) 석·박사 Joint Degree ( )
전형구분 특별전형 Early Admission ( )
(Department) Type) 일반전형 General Admission ( )
출신대학교 학교명 학교주소
(Institution (Name of (Address of
Graduated) Institution) Institution)
성 명 영 문 Last Name:
(Full Name) (English) Given Name:
여권번호 성 별
남M / 녀F
(Passport Number) (Gender)
연 락 처 휴대폰
(Contact) (Cell Phone)

상기 학생은 영어능력이 우수하여 대학원 과정에서의 학업과 영어논문 작성에 어려움이 없음을 확
인하며, 만일 대학원의 전반적인 학업수행에 있어 문제 발생 시 그에 상응하는 책임을 감수할 것을
서약합니다. I confirm that the student above has sufficient English proficiency to pursue
advanced study and write a dissertation in English at the Graduate School. I declare that I
will take full responsibility for his or her ability to conduct graduate study.

201 년(YYYY) 월(MM) 일(DD)

○ 확인자(Verifier) 소 속 : INU대학원 (Graduate School) ____________학과 (Department)

학 과 장 (Department Chair) : 서명 (Signature)

지도교수 (Advising Professor) : 서명 (Signature)

인천대학교 대학원장 귀하
To the Dean of the Incheon National University Graduate School
[ 붙임.Attachment #6 ]

교수 추천서
(Letter of Recommendation from Professor)

▢ 이공계 및 예·체능계 학과 지망 외국인 유학생 (Foreign Applicants who are applying to the Natural
Sciences, Engineering or Arts & Physical Education fields.)

지원 학년도/학기 지원과정 석사 M.A. ( ) 박사 Ph.D. ( )

201 년(Year)/ 학기(Semester)
(Year & Semester (Course) 석·박사 Joint Degree ( )

지원학과 전형구분
(Admission 특별전형 Early Admission ( )
(Department) Type) 일반전형 General Admission ( )

출신대학교 학교명 학교주소

(Graduating (Name of (Address of
Institution) Institution Institution)
성 명 영 문 Last Name:
(Full Name) (English) Given Name:
여권번호 성 별
(Passport Number) (Gender)
연 락 처 자택전화 휴대폰
(Contact) (Home Phone) (Cell Phone)

상기 학생은 영어능력이 우수하여 대학원 과정에서의 학업과 영어논문 작성에 어려움이 없음을 확
인하며, 만일 대학원의 전반적인 학업수행에 있어 문제 발생 시 그에 상응하는 책임을 감수할 것을
서약합니다. I confirm that the student above has sufficient English proficiency to pursue
advanced study and write a dissertation in English at the Graduate School. I declare that I
will take full responsibility for his or her ability to conduct graduate study.

20 년(YYYY) 월(MM) 일(DD)

○ 확인자(Verifier) 소 속 : INU대학원 (Graduate School) __________ 학과 (Department)

학 과 장 (Department Chair) : 서명 (Signature)

지도교수 (Advising Professor) : 서명 (Signature)

인천대학교 대학원장 귀하
To the Dean of the Incheon National University Graduate School
[ 붙임.Attachment #7 ]

학력조회 확인서 学 历 查 询 确 认 书
(Letter of Consent for Degree Verification)
유의사항(Note) 注意事项
1. 외국대학에서 수학한 지원자는 필수로 제출해야 합니다. 在国外大学学习的志愿者必须提交。
(This form is mandatory for applicants who graduated from college or university in foreign countries.)
2. 영어, 한국어로 기재하세요 必须用英文填写。(Please make sure to fill out in English or Korean)
3. 이 문서를 수기로 작성하지 마시고 워드로 작성하십시오. (Please fill out this form using your
computer or please print out and type. Do not print out and fill in by hand.)
4. 대한민국에서 학교를 졸업한 외국인 학생은 작성할 필요가 없습니다.
(Students who have graduated from university in Korea don't have to submit this form.)
5. 기재한 정보가 허위로 판명될 경우 모든 책임은 학생에게 있습니다.
(Information provided by the student should be true. If not, the student is liable for inaccurate information.)

지원자 정보 (Applicant Information) 志愿者信息

Name of Applicant (Korean/English)
생년월일 Date of Birth 지원학과
出生年月日 志愿专业
출신학교 정보 (Academic Information) 毕业学校信息
Graduating Institution
학위번호 혹은 학번
Degree Number or Student ID
Address of Graduating
Type of Degree □학부(Bachelor's Degree)本科 □석사(Master's Degree)硕士 □박사(Doctor's Degree)博士
Date of (Expected) Graduation
재학기간 및 등록학기 재학기간/Period of Attendance/在校时间 : 년/Year/年 월/MM/月
Period of Attendance
在校时间及已修学期 총/Total/共已修 ( )학기이수/Semesters Completed/学期已修
졸업학교 홈페이지 주소
Website of Graduating
학력조회 담당부서 주소
Student Records Office Address
학력조회 담당자 성명
Name of Head of Student Records
학력조회 담당자 전화번호
Phone Number for Head of
Student Records Office
학력조회 담당자 팩스번호
Fax Number for Head of Student
Records Office
E-mail for Head of Student
Records Office

201 년/Year/年 월/MM/月 일/DD/日

        지원자(Applicant’s Name) : ______________________________ 서명 (Signature)
[ 붙임. Attachment #8 ]

Interview Locations & Phone Numbers of Department Offices

College Department Office & Room No. (82+32-) or Note
Korean Language and College of Humanities
Literature (Building #15, Room 529)

Korean Language College of Humanities 835-8110

Education for Foreigners (Building #15, Room 529)

English Language and College of Humanities

Literature (Building #15, Room 404)

German Language and College of Humanities 835-8130

Literature (Building #15, Room 512)

French Language and College of Humanities

Literature (Building #15, Room 533)

Japanese Language and College of Humanities 835-8150

Literature (Building #15, Room 433)

College of Humanities
Chinese Cultural Studies 835-8790
(Building #15, Room 434)

Education College of Social Sciences 835-8160

(Building #13, Room 214)

College of Social Ssciences

Ethics 835-8310
(Building #13, Room 303)
& College of Social Sciences
Public Administration 835-8330
Social (Building #13, Room 404)
Urban policy and College of Engineering
administration (Building #8, Room 503)

Political Science and College of Social Sciences 835-8590

International Studies (Building #13, Room 305)

College of Social Sciences

Mass Communication 835-8340
(Building #13, Room 306)

Library and Information College of Social Sciences 835-8750

Science (Building #13, Room 506)

College of Social Sciences

Law 835-8320
(Building #13, Room 430)

Business Administration College of Business 835-8510

(Building #14, Room 102)

College of Business
International Trade 835-8520
(Building #14, Room 205)

Economics College of Business 835-8530

(Building #14, Room 321)

College of Business
Northeast Asian Studies 835-8710
(Building #14, Room 324)
Interview Locations & Phone Numbers of Department Offices
College Department Office & Room No. (82+32-) or Note
Mathematics College of Natural Sciences 835-8720
(Building #5, Room 209)
College of Natural Sciences
Physics 835-8910
(Building #5, Room 215)
College of Natural Sciences
Chemistry (Building #5, Room 414) 835-8230
Sciences College of Natural Sciences
Life Sciences (Building #5, Room 319) 835-8912

Consumer & Child Studies College of Natural Sciences 835-8250

(Building #5, Room 417)
College of Natural Sciences
Clothing & Textiles 835-8260
(Building #5, Room 337)
College of Engineering
Mechanical Engineering (Building #8, Room 205) 835-8410

College of Engineering
Electrical Engineering (Building #8, Room 217) 835-8922

Electronics Engineering College of Engineering 835-8923

(Building #8, Room 327)
Industrial and College of Engineering
Management Engineering (Building #8, Room 404)
Materials Science and College of Engineering
Engineering (Building #8, Room 306) 835-8270

College of Engineering
Safety Engineering (Building #8, Room 333) 835-8290

Energy and Chemical College of Engineering 835-8670

Engineering (Building #8, Room 523)
Engineering Computer Science and College of Info. & Technology
Engineering (Building #7, Room 403)
Information and
Telecommunication College of Info. & Technology 835-8280
(Building #7, Room 210)
Embedded Systems College of Info. & Technology
Engineering (Building #7, Room 310)
Civil & Environmental College of Engineering
Engineering (Building #8, Room 220) 835-8924

Environmental and Energy College of Engineering 835-8982

Engineering (Building #8, Room 555)
Urban Construction College of Engineering
Engineering (Building #8, Room 529)
College of Engineering
Architecture 835-8470
(Building #8, Room 439)
Physical College of Arts & Phy.Ed.
Education (Building #16, (#16-Room 308) 835-8580
Arts &
Physical Fine Arts College of Arts & Phy.Ed. 835-8560
(Building #16, Room 315)
College of Arts & Phy.Ed.
Design 835-8555
(Building #16, Room 317)

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