Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited: SL No Shift Staff No. of Persons Minimum Qualifications
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited: SL No Shift Staff No. of Persons Minimum Qualifications
Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation Limited: SL No Shift Staff No. of Persons Minimum Qualifications
Tender for carrying out shift duties of 110KV or 66KV Sub-station located at
_________ __________owned by KPTCL in the jurisdiction of Transmission
Zone________________ in the State of Karnataka is invited from reputed
Electrical Contractors possessing class-1 or Super Grade Electrical Contractor
1. Bid Enquiry No. KPTCL/SEE/_______________
3. Contractual Period :- Initially the Period of Contract is for one year and
may be extended for a further period of up to one year, if the performance is
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satisfactory, but entirely at the discretion of the concerned Zonal Chief
Engineer Electy., KPTCL.
5. Schedule of Events :
Commencement of Registration and issue of
___/___/20__ at 10:00hrs
Electronic Bid Sheets
Last date & time for seeking clarifications ___/___/20__ at 17:00hrs
Last date & time for receipt of bids through
Electronic Mode only ___/___/20__ at 15:30hrs
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The bidder is required to ensure browser compatibility of the computer well in
advance to the last date and time for receipt of tenders. The department shall not
be responsible for non-accessibility of e-Procurement portal due to internet
connectivity issues and technical glitches.
Any clarifications, if necessary, can be had from the office of the undersigned,
during office hours on all working days prior to the date of opening of Tender.
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1. a.The tenderer should possess a valid class-1 or Super Grade Electrical
Contractor License issued by the Government of Karnataka. In case the
bidder is an individual, he should possess a minimum qualification of
Diploma in Electrical Engineering recognized by the Government of
Karnataka and in case of firms, the proprietor should possess a minimum
qualification of Diploma in Electrical Engineering recognized by the
Government of Karnataka or a person with a minimum qualification of
Diploma in Electrical Engineering recognized by the Government of
Karnataka should be in his employment apart from the staff in shift duties.
b. Other things being equal, Bidders with the following shall get
I. Engaged in construction of KPTCL Station as a Turn Key
contractor and should have completed at least one Station
II. Engaged in construction of KPTCL Station as a Labour
Contract and should have completed at least one station
III. Should have a minimum experience of one year in Shift duties of
KPTCL station as a contractor.
IV. Should have a minimum experience of three years in Shift duties
of 33/11kV stations of ESCOMs as a contractor.
In case, bidders in Category I, II, III & IV mentioned above quote the
same rate and the existing contractor who is maintaining the particular
station also quotes at the same rate as that of Category I, II, III & IV, then
the station shift duties shall be awarded to the existing contractor and in
case the existing contractor does not take up the award then selection
shall be done by drawing lots without giving any priority among
Category I, II, III & IV.
7. The successful Tenderers are not eligible to be awarded more than four
stations (either 220KV or 110KV or 66KV or any combination) in KPTCL
at a time.
Superintending Engineer Elecl., (Elec.),
W&M/M………………………Circle, KPTCL
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Copy for information with request to notify the same in their office notice Board
for vide Publicity to:
1) The CEE (Transmission), KPTCL, ……………Zone.
2) The Superintending Engineer (Elec.), O & M …………………….
3) Executive Engineer (Elec.), TL&SS Division, KPTCL ………….
4) Executive Engineer (Elec.),O& M Division ______________/ ________________
5) Executive Engineer (Elec.), Major Works Division,______________/
______________ /_______________________.
6) Executive Engineer (Elec.), R.T./_________________/___________
/_____________ / ______________/____________.
7) Copy to Executive Engineer (Elec.), (O)/DCA, W&M/M circle/
AEE concerned /
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2. The Contractor shall quote individually the rates for each Station in
figures and in words in the Tender – Annexure – 3 (enclosed) and the
same shall be valid for 180 days from the date of opening of the tender.
On the request of the bidder, KPTCL may extend the validity of the bid.
The rates quoted should include provision for payment of incidental
expenditures or any other expenditure that may be incurred by the
Contractor as per any rule or statutory regulation of State or Central
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payable by KPTCL on the EMD and Performance guarantee under any
The bidder shall sign and return the LOI within 7 days of its date to
signify acceptance of the contract. All the stipulations in the LOI shall be
fulfilled within the stipulated period failing which KPTCL reserves the
right to cancel the offer and forfeit the EMD deposited by the bidder.
5. The successful Contractor shall bind himself to abide by the rules and
conditions in force and shall execute a necessary agreement in a Non
Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs.200/- value as per Format No. 3 (enclosed)
within 15 days from the date of LOI, failing which KPTCL reserves the
right to cancel the offer and to forfeit the Earnest Money Deposit. Further
the station shift duties may be entrusted to the next lowest Tenderer, at
the L-1 rate at the discretion of KPTCL. The final acceptance of any
tender will rest with the Superintending Engineer (Elec.), W&M / M
_______ (Incorporate office address).
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d. The tenderer should furnish the details of previous experience of
this nature of station shift duties done if any, duly supported by
copies of documents, and performance certificates issued by the
concerned Executive Engineers (Elec.),TL&SS of KPTCL.
e. Consent letters of the proposed shift staff and their medical
certificate from Govt. Doctor on their general health and suitability
for shift duties before taking up the duties in the station.
f. Any other licenses / permits required under the State / Central Act
applicable to the contractor.
9. The wages to the workers engaged by the Contractor for shift duty shall
be notified from time to time.
11.The successful Tenderer/Contractor shall carry out the Shift Duties in the
manner applicable in the Corporations‟ Schedule of duties (the list of
duties to be carried out is broadly indicated in Annexure „2‟).
13.The Contractor shall ensure that all the personnel engaged by him are
adequately trained in the use of Fire Fighting Equipments maintained in
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the Station and the contractor shall provide the fire-fighting certificates
from the recognized agency before taking the work.
14.The Contractor shall maintain all the Fire Fighting Equipments of the
Station properly. Consumable items in this respect shall be provided by
KPTCL. The contractor shall produce the fire-fighting certificates from
the recognized agency before taking the work.
15.The Contractor shall properly maintain all the necessary FIRST AID
KITS in the Station and should ensure that all the personnel engaged by
him are adequately trained in administering First-aid services in case of
16.The Contractor shall provide all the personnel engaged with color Photo
Identification Card duly signed by the concerned Executive Engineer and
the Agency within two weeks from the date of the award of the Contract
and ensure that the shift staff should always wear the Photo-Id on duty.
The Agency shall display the Shift chart indicating the names of staff on
shift along with their color photos in the notice board of the Sub-Station.
In case of any change of personnel, the same should be intimated to the
concerned Superintending Engineer Elecl., W&M/M Circle within three
days of such occurrence.
17.The Contractor shall ensure that all the personnel engaged by him should
be capable of handling and rectifying normal trouble shooting
QUICKLY and EFFICIENTLY so as to keep the duration of interruption
at the barest minimum levels.
18.The Contractor shall ensure that all the personnel engaged by him have
sound knowledge regarding „PERMIT TO WORK SYSTEM‟ and
„ACCIDENT REPORT‟ procedures as per the prescribed proforma. The
Contractor should issue and receive work permits observing all safety
measures and intimate the same to immediate supervisory officer in
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19.For the acts of negligence/mal-operation /deliberate acts of misconduct
by the personnel engaged by the Contractor, the Contractor is liable to
pay penalty. The Contractor can offer his explanation for consideration
by Review Committee of Executive Engineer (Elec.), TL&SS/
Superintending Engineer (Elec.). W&M/M Circle.
The Contractor may further appeal to the concerned Chief Engineer
Electy., (Transmission) for final decision on payment of penalty levied
by Review Committee. The decision of Chief Engineer Electy
(Transmission) in this regard shall be final and binding.
24.Period of Contract:
Period of Contract is for one year and may be extended for second year
or part thereof, if the performance is satisfactory, but entirely at the
discretion of the concerned Zonal Chief Engineer Electy., KPTCL. If
Contract is not extended prior to the completion of contractual period,
the contract ceases automatically forthwith without any further notice.
25. The Contractor shall ensure that each batch of the personnel shall do one
shift per day of eight hours each. If, it is noticed that a member of the
batch or the batch as a whole does more than one shift per day, the
Tender awarded to the Contractor is liable to be terminated.
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26.The Contractor shall ensure that specified numbers of staff are
maintained throughout the Contract period. In case of less number of
staff found working, proportional wages shall be cut in the bill and the
contract shall be liable for termination.
27.No break in the shift duty is allowed. The shift staff should continue the
shift duties till his reliever assumes charge.
28. Contractor shall alone be responsible for paying monthly wages to his
employees before 5th of each month. The contractor shall pay the
monthly wages to the employees engaged by him only through cheques
by depositing the necessary amount to their Bank accounts opened in
each employees name and produce the copies of cheques through which
payments were arranged together with his bills claiming the tender
amount for the subsequent month regularly.
30.The Contractor shall submit the list of candidates at the time of bidding
along with relevant documents like Xerox copy of final year marks card /
degree certificate / diploma certificate / ITI / ITC / JOC / SSLC or 10th
standard marks card / experience certificate if any while applying to the
tender. Contractor should at least furnish a list of 150% of the number of
required personnel so that the tender approving authority will select the
candidate from the list furnished. The Contractor can also furnish details
of fresh graduates / diploma holders possessing the relevant degree /
diploma certificates at the time of tender.
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31.The Contractor whose work is not satisfactory and in whose tenure
electrical accidents (attributable to the contractor) have taken place will
not be considered for future tenders.
The amount payable per month to the contractor for the services
rendered shall be minimum of Rs.1,12,000/- for 110KV or 66KV
Station, which shall include all expenses including wages, ESI, EPF,
taxes, statutory charges, etc and any other charges. Any tenderer quoting
less than this will not be considered.
33.The Contractor shall provide all the personnel engaged by him with
Uniform and shoes to be worn while on duty.
36. (a) The successful contractor shall provide the list of candidates
(finalized by the tendering authority) who will be in shift for
particular station, certified Xerox copy of Adar or Voter ID
card along with the agreement. They should also furnish back to
back agreement signed by candidate with the contractor
indicating the amount of salary that is going to be deposited and
details of EPF and ESI which will be deposited in their account.
(b) The contractor shall provide candidates bank account nos, EPF
and ESI account numbers in back to back agreements.
(c) The contractor shall provide guarantee that the person provided
will serve for at least one year.
37. The successful contractor/bidder shall enter into an agreement as per the
format enclosed herewith KPTCL.
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Monthly wages
Sl No. of
Shift Staff Minimum Qualifications payable per person
No persons in Rs.
1 Shift Engineer 4 (Four) 3 years Diploma in Electrical
Gr-II / Electrical & Electronics 12,000
2 Shift Helpers 4 (Four) ITI/ITC/JOC (passed after
SSLC) or Wireman
Certificate issued by Chief
Electrical Inspector, GOK
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6. The Shift staff should attend only one shift per day and if it is noticed
that shift staff are attending more than one shift per day, the Contract
shall be liable to be terminated.
7. The Contractor should provide three different batches of shift operators
and helpers attending the day-to-day works.
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Duties and Responsibility of Contractor
1. Shift duties round the clock on all Seven days in a week as per normal
conditions of the Corporation, and in a Shift one Shift Engineer and one
Shift Helper should always be present.
3. Whenever any breaker trips due to line fault with relay indications, the relay
indication shall be noted, reset & then the shift Staff of the Contractor
should test charge the breaker once after a couple of minutes. If it again
trips, the Assistant Executive Engineer (Elec.), KPTCL or any other
authorized officers including the concerned O&M staff should be intimated
and await for further instructions.
4. For issuing line clear and NFBC, the shift staff of the Contractor shall open
the breaker at both ends, GOS and earth the line and display LC Boards on
breakers and GOS under the supervision of KPTCL Engineers.
5. Shift staff of the Contractor should record Hourly readings for 24 hours
correctly, including Power Transformer winding temperature, oil
temperature and pressure of SF-6 breakers.
6. Shift staff of the Contractor should provide all the statistics required to the
higher office.
7. Shift staff of the Contractor should assist the KPTCL staff in attending minor
troubles in the breakers, maintenance of batteries, earthings, lubrication of
equipment etc., including periodical maintenance.
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9. The Shift staff of the Contractor should strictly perform the duties pertaining
to operating of the equipments like opening and closing of breakers/GOS for
load shedding viz., fixing of load shedding Boards on the breakers and GOS.
10.The Shift staff of the Contractor should assist the KPTCL staff, in any work
connected to the Receiving Station whenever asked to do so.
12.Contractor should maintain all the required records, daily log books,
Attendance Register and monthly Payment Register of the Shift Staff at the
Station and produce the same for verification by any Inspecting Officers of
13.Contractor should instruct his shift staff to maintain telephone call register
and to submit the copy along with telephone bill.
14.Contractor should instruct his staff to very strictly adhere to the Security
measures of the station and should maintain inventory register of materials
in the station yard.
15.Contractor should instruct his staff strictly not to allow unauthorized persons
to enter the station premises/yard.
16.Contractor should ensure that no illegal activities are carried out in the
station premises / station yard.
17.The contractor should instruct his staff not to meddle with the relay setting
of the breakers set up by RT Staff, tap setting of the Power Transformers
unless otherwise directed by the Asst. Exe. Engineer El.,/Asst. Engineer El.,
(Maintenance) or the Nodal officer concerned, to avoid mal operation of the
relay and tap changers.
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18.At the time of submitting the monthly bill, the Contractor should submit
copies of the cheques, regarding payments made to his employees for the
previous month, together with the copies of challans with code Nos. for
having remitted EPF, ESI and all other statutory payments / contributions to
the concerned authorities on behalf of the staff deployed by him, and also
the copies of bank statement for having credited the monthly wages to the
individuals Bank account of the workers engaged by him.
19.In case of exigencies, Contractor must provide suitable staff for replacement
of SV lamp accessories, potheads, CT‟s, PT‟s LA‟s GOS and GOS contacts,
HT Jumps, cables etc.,
21.The Contractor should ensure that his staff posses sensitive HEARING as
well as VISION Capacities in order to grasp any variation in the sound and
arcing in the Switchyard. Suitable medical certificates shall be enclosed in
this regard. If any abnormality is sensed, they should IMMEDIATELY bring
the same to the notice of the station in charge.
22.The Contractor should ensure that his staff are Polite and posses
EXEMPLARY & PLEASING mannerisms while dealing with KPTCL
officers as well as General Public – either through phone or in person.
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M/s. __________________________ ,
Dear Sir,
Please quote your lowest rate for arranging shift duties at 110KV or 66KV Sub-
Station located at ____________ of this Circle and return the form duly filled in and
signed within due date and time.
I hereby declare that I have thoroughly gone through each and every clause of the
tender documents and that I have taken into account all the statutory payments to be
made at their stipulated percentage and have incorporated the same along with the
miscellaneous charges at Sl No.5 (other charges) of the above table. I further agree to
abide by all the terms and conditions of Tender document.
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Whereas the KPTCL is desirous of entrusting the shift duties and carrying out
operations of Station round the clock to qualified Contractors who possess valid
Class-1 and above Electrical Contractor License issued by Government of
Karnataka, and who possess qualifications such as, a Degree / Diploma in
Electrical Engineering from a recognized University / Institution of the State ;
Whereas the „Contractor‟ has offered to the KPTCL through his letter dated
………………. offering the services for carrying-out Shift Duty of the above
Station, round the clock, all the Seven Days in a week of the contract period and
attend to the duties on the terms and conditions specified in the Tender
Notification No. ……………dated …..….. & notes to tender notification, duties
and responsibilities of the contractor and all the Annexures to the said tender
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2. The Contractor agrees to carryout shift duties and efficiently operate station
round the clock on all days in the week during the contract period and
attend to the station shift duties by engaging qualified Engineers and helpers
in accordance with the directions and specific Instructions given in this
behalf from time to time and as per standard norms and practices of
Electrical Engineering.
4. The Contractor agrees for the Period of Contract as for „one year‟. If the
performance is satisfactory, KPTCL at its discretion may extend the
contract for one more year or part thereof. If Contract is not extended to the
completion of initial one year, the contract shall stand terminated
automatically without any further notice after the expiry of the contract
5. The Contractor agrees not to sub-lease this work to any other person/
agency and if, it is found that this work has been sublet, then the work
award shall stand cancelled automatically at the cost of Contractor and
Contractor is not entitled to any damage/compensation on account of such
6. The Contractor agrees to maintain proper records and books and daily log,
etc., of the Station as prescribed from time to time.
7. The Contractor agrees to co-ordinate the said work with that of KPTCL
Officers and Engineers as per directions given.
8. The KPTCL will have a privacy of contract only with the “Contractor”, it
will have nothing to do with the workers engaged by the contractor and their
conditions of employment etc.,
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9. The Contractor agrees for due observation and implementation of Statutory
Conditions or requirements under Labour Laws applicable and persons
engaged at cost.
10.The Contractor agrees to maintain the records for having remitted the EPF
and ESI contributions in respect of workers engaged and produce the copies
of challans towards payments made duly furnishing the Code numbers
assigned by the concerned authority to KPTCL while claiming the Tender
amount every month.
12.The Contractor agrees to possess & maintain the following T & P materials:
A good rechargeable torch with cells (visibility 50 feet), Spanner set Ring /
DE, Screw Spanner– 1 No. Screw Drivers of sizes one set, Rain Coat – 3
sets, Cutting Plier – 2 Nos, 2 pairs of rubber hand gloves tested to 15kV,
hand hammer, mortar pan, mumties, multimeter, crowbar 4‟ length, Test
lamp / Hand lamp.
13.The Contractor shall provide consumable items like Dettol, torch cells, PVC
insulation tape, cotton waste, cheese cloth, petroleum jelly, phenol, First aid
kit, broom sticks, fuse wires, HRC fuses on LT side at Contractor‟s cost
throughout the contract period.
14.The Contractor agrees to deploy the following staff for carrying out Shift
(a) Shift Engineer Gr-II - 4 Nos.
(b) Shift Helpers - 4 Nos.
apart from house keeping staff.
15.The Contractor agrees to abide by the terms & conditions of the Notes to
Tender Notification and to carryout the duties / operations as mentioned in
Annexure – 2 of the tender.
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16.The Contractor agrees to take Insurance cover to the Workers/ Employees
engaged, insured against risks of electrical & mechanical accidents while
performing operations and a copy of such insurance certificate shall be
produced. The Contractor or his staff is not entitled to claim any
compensation from KPTCL in this regard.
17.The Contractor agrees to ensure that all the personnel engaged Engineers/
Helpers are adequately trained in the use of Fire Fighting Equipments
maintained in the station.
18.The Contractor agrees to maintain all the Fire Fighting Equipments of the
20.The Contractor agrees to maintain properly all the necessary FIRST AID
KITS in the Station and ensures that all personnel engaged Engineers/
helpers are adequately trained in administering first aid services in case of
25.The Contractor agrees to deploy staff having basic knowledge with regard
to relay control scheme adopted in the station for the lines (Grid) connected
to other adjacent stations. Long duration interruptions shall be checked &
analysed by the station in charge AE‟s / AEE‟s / EEE's. Penalty shall be
leviable on the Contractor by KPTCL in case of negligence/mal-operation /
deliberate acts of misconduct by shift/maintenance staff-either equivalent
cost of damages and /or loss of revenue of KPTCL/ESCOMs. This cost
shall be recoverable from the Contractor either by adjusting or out of the
money payable to Contractor or from the Contractor personally.
33.The Contractor agrees to ensure that each batch of the personnel shall do
one shift per day of eight hours each. The Contractor agrees for termination
of the tender awarded, if, it is noticed that a member of the batch or the
batch as a whole does more than one shift per day.
35. (a) The successful contractor shall provide the list of candidates (finalized
by the tendering authority) who will be in shift for particular station,
certified Xerox copy of Adar or Voter ID card along with the agreement.
They should also furnish back to back agreement signed by candidate
with the contractor indicating the amount of salary that is going to be
deposited and details of EPF and ESI which will be deposited in their
(b) The contractor shall provide candidates bank account nos, EPF and
ESI account numbers in back to back agreements.
(c) The contractor shall provide guarantee that the person provided will
serve for at least one year.
36.The Contractor shall provide all the personnel engaged with color Photo
Identification Card duly signed by the concerned Executive Engineer and
the Agency within two weeks from the date of the award of the Contract
and ensure that the shift staff should always wear the Photo-Id on duty. The
Agency shall display the Shift chart indicating the names of staff on shift
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along with their color photos in the notice board of the Sub-Station. In case
of any change of personnel, the same should be intimated to the concerned
Superintending Engineer Elecl., W&M/M Circle within three days of such
38.The Contractor agrees to pay the monthly wages to the personnel engaged
only through cheques by depositing the necessary amount to the personnel‟s
Bank accounts opened in each personnel name and produce the copies of
cheques through which payments were arranged together with bills claiming
the Tender amount for the subsequent month regularly.
40.The Contractor agrees for KPTCL to en-cash the Bank Guarantee / Cash
furnished as Performance Guarantee in case the contractor requests for
termination of the agreement any day within the period of agreement unless
terminated by KPTCL.
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In witness where of the Contractor have executed this Agreement on the day
and year first above written.
Designation …………………
Rubber Stamp
Witness Witness
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