Rules Pocketbook

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Carry fallen hero: fail def rolls to retreat, take rear of march order

If left behind, 5 in 6 chance his body is looted.

Empty Room Search:

1: Wandering monster table 2-4: Empty 5-6: Clue, SecDoor, HT
Secret door: 1-5: New room, surprises foes, 2x treasure; 6: New exit
Hidden Treasure: 3d6 x 3d6, roll on HT Complications table
Clue: 3 clues gets a secret, according to list on next page.

Explosive Six Rule: Whenever you roll a natural six, roll again and add.

Final Boss: Roll d6+num of bosses fought. 6+ is final. +1 life/attacks

3x treasure gp or 100 gp. 2x magic item. End of map=final boss

Level up: once per boss, once per 10 minions at -1. No re-rolls.
2 rolls if final boss is a dragon. Max lvl is 5, 4 for dwarf, 3 for elf/halfling.
Select one char, roll a d6 and get over current level. Chars cannot level
twice in a row. Secrets:
Weakness of a monster: All get +2 vs a chosen boss
Wandering Monsters Roll a d6 when going back through a room. On a 1, Deal with a monster: Chosen non-verm/final boss allows you to pass by.
roll on this Table: 1-2 vermin 3-4 minions 5 weird 6 boss Location of secret treasure: Pick an empty room, find 3d6 x 10 GP
No dragons, no final boss can be rolled here. Location of a magic item: As above, roll on magic items table
True name of a spiritual entity: One use. Heals 1 char full, rescue
Traps: from trap, inflict 4 pts on a boss, or kill up to 6 minions
Dart: The character must make a def roll or lose 1 life New spell: Elf or wizard gets new spell
Poison Gas: All make a defense roll, with no armor or shields, or lose 1 life. Secret to incr mag or spir pwr: Any caster gets 1 extra spell use per adv.
Trapdoor: Save vs trap level. -1 for light armor, -2 for heavy, +1 halfling/elf. Location of a scroll: Non-barbarian finds spell scroll of choice
Rogues add their level. If the char fails, lose 1 life if someone helps, or die if alone. Recipe for a potion: Kill 2xboss; then spend 50gp, get 1 heal pot per adv.
Bear Trap: d6 vs lvl, Rogue/elf/halfling as above. Failure loses 1 life and is at -1 Terrifying secret: Force failure on morale roll by any but final boss
for attack/defense rolls due to limp. Limping chars at -2 vs Bear Trap/Trapdoors Someone will pay big money for that: 3x value of jewel, gem, jewelry
Spears: Attacks two random chars. Roll Defense or lose 1 life Your enemy is in the dungeon: Swap a boss to Chaos Lord, +1 on ATK him
Giant Stone: Last char in line must roll Def without shield vs lv5 or lose 2 life. Someone has been imprisoned: Rescue from minion/boss; chains L4
Bring him out? Roll magic item, treasure, or double current GP
Rogue Disarm: Rogues in front line can disarm a trap before it strikes. You descend f/bloodline of dragon-slayers: Bar/Dwf +1 atk/def v dragons
Roll d6 + rogue’s level. Natural 6, or over trap’s level he spots it in time, else it Secret diet: 100gp before adv = +1 life. 50gp for Halflings
goes off as normal.

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