BIM and Asset Management
BIM and Asset Management
BIM and Asset Management
BIM is mandated by UK Government for central government funded projects from 2016,
under the Government Construction Strategy. The majority of developments since this
strategy was launched have focused on BIM for design and construction.
However, a core objective of the strategy is to maximise whole life value and minimise
whole life costs and risks. To support this objective ICE and IAM are jointly developing an
Application Guide on Enhancing Asset Management through BIM.
This short factsheet introduces the planned Application Guide; its purpose, scope and
content; and seeks feedback and contributions from the target readers to ensure that the
Guide meets the needs of the users.
Purpose BIM
The purpose of the Application Guide is to This Application Guide is intended for use by BIM is the management of information
explain how the BIM practices and the following types of organisations and roles: through the whole life cycle of a built
technology can be applied to significantly • Asset Owner / Asset Manager – asset. It delivers value by underpinning
enhance the efficiency and effectiveness responsible for asset management policy, the creation, collation and exchange of
of asset management and thereby the strategy, planning and decision-making for shared models and corresponding
resulting benefits. optimising the cost, risk and performance of intelligent structured data. Using BIM
assets over their lifecycles brings about improvements in three
important ways:
ICE Thought Leadership
The scope of this guide covers all types • Designer / Constructor – consultants
• It provides a “single source of
of built or constructed assets/facilities and contractors responsible undertaking
truth” for asset data and information for
found in economic infrastructure systems projects, such as for the design and/or all parties to share during design,
(i.e. roads, railways, ports, airports, construction of the asset/facility; or its renewal/ construction, and throughout the
water and sanitation, environmental replacement/enhancement during service operational phase of assets.
protection, energy production & • Asset Operator – responsible for • It brings people, processes,
distribution, industrial and operating/utilising the asset/facility in delivering information and technology closer
communication facilities, etc.) and social services/outcomes for the users/customers at together.
infrastructure systems (i.e. buildings for defined service levels • It clarifies how we create and
• Maintainer / Facilities Manager – share data and information, by stating
housing, offices, schools, hospitals,
the requirements for who provides data,
prisons, etc. responsible for asset maintenance/facilities
when and how they provide it, and what
This is intended to be an introductory management to ensure the asset/facility checks need to be undertaken to ensure
guide. It presents how and where BIM delivers the required level of service it is accurate.
can be applied to unlock the benefits of performance optimally (i.e. reliability,
asset management. availability, safety, serviceability, sustainability,
security, etc.).