5 Min Safety Talk - Effective Workplace Housekeeping

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Tips for Effective Workplace Housekeeping
To some people, the word “housekeeping” calls closed. Do not store items in stairwells. Use and inspect personal
to mind cleaning floors and surfaces, removing Keep materials at least 18 inches away from protective equipment
dust, and organizing clutter. But in a work setting, automatic sprinklers, fire extinguishers and and tools
it means much more. Housekeeping is crucial to sprinkler controls. 18-inch distance is required, PPE is used to reduce or minimize the exposure
safe workplaces. but 24 to 36 inches is recommended or contact to injurious physical, chemical,
The practice extends from traditional offices • Clearance of 3 feet is required between piled ergonomic, or biological agents. A hazard cannot
to industrial workplaces, including factories, material and the ceiling. If stock is piled more be eliminated by PPE, but the risk of injury can be
warehouses and manufacturing plants than 15 feet high, clearance should be doubled. reduced.
that present special challenges such as Check applicable codes, including Life Safety • Make sure to wear the proper PPE for every job
hazardous materials, combustible dust and Code, ANSI/NFPA 101-2009 and task based on the potential risks
other flammables. Experts agree that all • Hazards in electrical areas should be reported,
workplace safety programs should incorporate •Make sure the PPE is in good working condition
and work orders should be issued to fix them and properly fits the employee wearing it
housekeeping, and every worker should play
a part. Here are some tips for effective Prevent falling objects
•Wear PPE when cleaning up spills or other
workplace housekeeping: Recognizing existing and potential hazards and material, such as broken glass or plywood
Prevent slips, trips and falls developing safe habits will help create a safer,
more productive work environment: • Wear basic PPE – such as closed-toe shoes and
To help prevent slip, trip and fall incidents, the safety glasses – while performing housekeeping
Canadian Center for Occupational Health and • Shut file cabinet drawers when not in use
• Regularly inspect, clean and fix tools and remove
Safety recommends the following: • Open one filing cabinet drawer at a time to any damaged tools from the work station
• Report and clean up spills and leaks prevent a tip-over
Determine frequency
• Keep aisles and exits clear of items • Store heavy objects close to the floor and out
of walkways While OSHA regulations require that each working
• Consider installing mirrors and warning signs to surface be cleared of debris, including solid and
help with blind spots • Store tools, equipment and materials properly liquid waste, at the end of each work shift or job,
• Replace worn, ripped or damage flooring to prevent falling or sharp edges being exposed whichever occurs first, to fully realize the benefit
• Consider installing anti-slip flooring in areas • Stack materials to prevent sliding, falling of a clean workplace, it is recommended that
that can’t always be cleaned or collapsing good housekeeping be maintained throughout the
• Use drip pans and guards Clear clutter course of the job and workday.
• Eliminate slippery conditions, such as snow, A cluttered workstation creates more than just an Create written rules
ice, oil and grease, from walkways and working eyesore – it can create a hazardous environment Make sure to put housekeeping policies in writing
surfaces as necessary where workers can get injured. Workers should and specify which cleaners, tools and methods
Eliminate fire hazards take time throughout the day and at the end of should be used under which conditions.
The Supervisors’ Safety Manual from the National every shift to: Benefits of good
Safety Council includes these precautionary • Tidy up their desk or workstation housekeeping practices
measures for fire safety: • Return tools and other materials to storage after According to OSHA, good housekeeping implies
• Keep combustible materials in the work area using them that a workplace is kept in an organized,
only in amounts needed for the job. When they • Dispose of materials that are no longer needed uncluttered, and hazard-free condition. Safe work
are unneeded, move them to an assigned safe environments lead to healthier workers, higher
storage area • Keep aisles, stairways, emergency exits and worker morale, and increased productivity.
doors clear of clutter
• Store quick-burning, flammable materials in
designated locations away from ignition sources • Empty trash receptacles before they overflow
• Avoid contaminating clothes with flammable • Ensure all cords are properly secured
liquids. Change clothes if contamination occurs and covered Visit nsc.org/members
• Make sure cups, glasses and containers
• Keep passageways and fire doors free of
have lids on them to prevent spills
for more safety tips
obstructions. Stairwell doors should be kept

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