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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências

ISSN: 0001-3765
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Academia Brasileira de Ciências


Subclinical Diabetes
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, vol. 89, núm. 1, mayo, 2017, pp. 591-614
Academia Brasileira de Ciências
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2017) 89(1 Suppl.): 591-614
(Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences)
Printed version ISSN 0001-3765 / Online version ISSN 1678-2690

Subclinical Diabetes

Luís M.T.R. Lima

School of Pharmacy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro/UFRJ, CCS, Bss

24, Ilha do Fundão, 21941-902 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Manuscript received on June 19, 2016; accepted for publication on September 20, 2016

Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing in prevalence worldwide, and those non-diagnosed or
misdiagnosed comprise a significant group compared to those diagnosed. Accumulated scientific evidence
indicate that the current diagnostic markers (fasting glycemia, 2h glycemia after an oral glucose load
and HbA1c) are indeed late diagnostic criteria when considering the incidence of diabetes-related
complications and comorbidities, which are also at high risk in some groups among normoglycemic
individuals. Additionally, the earlier identification of future risk of diabetes is desirable since it would allow
better adherence to preventive actions such as lifestyle intervention, ultimately avoiding complications and
minimizing the economic impact/burden on health care expenses. Insulin resistance and hyperhormonemia
(insulin, amylin, glucagon) are non-disputable hallmarks of T2DM, which already takes place among
these normoglycemic, otherwise health subjects, characterizing a state of subclinical diabetes. Insulin
resistance and hyperinsulinemia can be computed from fasting plasma insulin as an independent
variable in normoglycemia. An overview of the current diagnostic criteria, disease onset, complications,
comorbidities and perspectives on lifestyle interventions are presented. A proposal for early detection of
subclinical diabetes from routine evaluation of fasting plasma insulin, which is affordable and robust and
thus applicable for the general population, is further suggested.
Key words: diabetes, diagnosis, insulin, subclinical diabetes, metabolic syndrome.

INTRODUCTION 1 well-being. However, such definition is context

and clinically dependent, and not an absolute
According to the World Health Organization
concept. The perception of apparent physical,
(WHO), health is defined by a complete state of
mental and social well-being by an individual or
by a health care provider is dependent upon the
  “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social societal context and standards of care for diseases,
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”. which are not immutable concepts. Such reference
Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization
as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York,
values are typically based on population-based
19-22 June, 1946. stratification of commonly found values and their
Correspondence to: Luis Maurício Trambaioli da Rocha e Lima correlation with acute markers of the onset of
E-mail: [email protected] diseases, which might not necessarily presuppose
* Contribution to the centenary of the Brazilian Academy of a “complete” health state. In fact, clinical markers
Sciences. might vary widely among societies and ethnically,

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


and the predisposition to the development, onset pattern of the dependence of circulating insulin
and progression of clinically diagnosed chronic levels (insulinemia) on glycemia has long been
diseases. Moreover, disease-related comorbidities known (Reaven et al. 1967, Kraft 1975), and was
has been found to be correlated with the stratification defined by DeFronzo as the “Starling´s curve of the
within normal ranges of clinical markers, raising pancreas” (DeFronzo 1988).
the concern whether a chronic disease would be Several studies and organizations have shown
already in course long before the clinical diagnosis, an unprecedented increase in the prevalence of
at a subclinical stage. In light of current scientific diabetes worldwide (NCD-RisC 2016), includ-
knowledge, we discuss below whether the concept ing T1DM (Harjutsalo et al. 2008, Patterson et
of subclinical disease would be applicable to type al. 2009, Dabelea et al. 2014, Forga Llenas et al.
2 diabetes mellitus. We further present suggestions 2015, Lamb et al. 2015), and the estimated num-
for an earlier diagnosis of the asymptomatic pre- ber of adults with diabetes has soared to over 380
disease state and for the prevention of future risk million (> 8 % world adult population, > 12% in
of diabetes, and consequently its complications and USA) (Menke et al. 2015), with a mean estimation
of over 37 % with pre-diabetes and over 45 % un-
diagnosed according to current diagnostic criteria
DEFINITION2 (Schmidt et al. 2011, Federation 2015, Mechanick
2015, Menke 2015). The prevalence of T2DM in
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a cluster of chronic younger individuals has also increased worldwide
metabolic diseases, with many distinct characteristic (Holden et al. 2013, Menke et al. 2015), creating a
although having hyperglycemia as a common new class of patients comprising children (Lustig
marker when poorly controlled. They also have et al. 2016), adolescents and young adults (Weiss et
in common the malfunctioning of the endocrine al. 2013, Song 2016). Such changes in phenotypic
pancreas, in particular the pancreatic β-cells, which manifestation of the disease raise concern due to
are highly susceptible to varying factors such as the life expectancy of this segment of the popula-
environmental, inflammation, immunogenicity tion and the higher cost associated with the treat-
and genetic background (Schwartz et al. 2016). ment of diabetes and related complications (Huo
In type 1 DM (T1DM) insufficient production of et al. 2016). These non-adult groups in modern
insulin occurs due to loss in β-cells. The ADA society are suffering from T2DM and metabolic
emphasizes that T2DM is “due to a progressive syndrome (MetS) (clinically diagnosed by 3 out of
loss of insulin secretion on the background of 5 measures: elevated waist circumference, elevated
triglycerides, reduced HDLc, elevated blood pres-
insulin resistance” (Association 2016). In fact, in
sure and elevated FBG (Grundy et al. 2005), and
type 2 DM (T2DM) the decrease in β-cell mass
consequently it is likely that in the short term they
and insulin production is preceded by a state
will form a new group of young-adult patients with
of hypeinsulinemia, as a compensation for an
life-long consequences for their own health, for
underlying state of insulin resistance (Yalow and
their families and also for public or private health
Berson 1960, Association 1998, Garber et al. 2016)
care provider. In this context, it urge the need for
(WHO 2015). The resulting inverted-U shape both earlier diagnosis of increased risk for diabe-
tes and related complications and comorbidities
  “Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases characterized
(Lima 2017), requiring interventions to revert these
by hyperglycaemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion,
insulin action, or both.” American Diabetes Association conditions, thereby minimizing the impact on their
(Association 2014) own health and on the health care system.

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


Table I
Current diagnostic criteria for diabetes and impaired glucose metabolism diagnosis.
Diabetes - FPG ≥ 126 mg/dL or - FPG ≥ 126 mg/dL - FPG ≥ 126 mg/dL
- 2h-OGTT ≥ 200 mg/dL or - 2h-OGTT ≥ 200 mg/dL - 2h-OGTT ≥ 200 mg/dL
- HbA1c ≥ 6.5 ¨% or - HbA1c – (*) - HbA1c ≥ 6.5 ¨%
- Casual glycemia ≥ 200 mg/mL - Casual glycemia ≥ 200 mg/mL
Impaired Pre-Diabetes TGD IGT
Glucose - FPG 100 mg/dL ~ 125 mg/dL or - FPG 100 mg/dL ~ 125 mg/dL - FPG < 126 mg/dL and
Metabolism - 2h-OGTT 140 ~ 199 mg/dL or - 2h-OGTT 140 mg/dL ~ 200 mg/dL - 2h-OGTT ≥ 140 < 200 mg/dL
- HbA1c: 5.7 % - 6.4 % - HbA1c – (*) IFG
- FPG 110 ~ 125 mg/dL and
- 2h-OGTT < 140 mg/dL
FPG – fasting (at least 8 h without caloric intake) plasma glucose. 2h-GTT – 2h - post-load plasma glucose after 75 g oral glucose
after at least 8 h fasting. IGT – Impaired glucose tolerance. IFG – Impaired fasting glucose. TGD –reduced glucose tolerance
(from Portuguese, “Tolerância à Glucose Diminuida”). * HbA1c – although a reference range is specified in consonance with the
ADA criteria, the SBD does not adopt the HbA1c as diabetes diagnostic criteria. Glycemia can be converted from mg/dL to mM
by dividing by 18.

CURRENT CRITERIA FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF ing to these criteria, the overt diabetes (i.e., estab-
DIABETES 3 lished, diagnosed) is preceded by two stages of
The diagnosis criteria of diabetes used by most
i) pre-diabetes (also known as frank diabetes):
diabetes societies worldwide has historically been
an impaired state (impaired fasting glucose
revised in order to include the most up to date evi-
- IFG - or impaired glucose tolerance - IGT)
dence correlating with the complications risk. Table
in which these markers are altered toward the
I summarizes the current diabetes diagnosis criteria
level of diabetes, and
by the American Diabetes Association - ADA (As-
ii) non-diabetic: within the normal reference
sociation 2016) and the World Health Organiza-
range (including normoglycemia FPG < 100
tion - WHO (WHO 2016, Colagiuri et al. 2011),
mg/dL, 2h-OGTT<140 mg/mL and HbA1c <
based on reference values of these clinical markers,
5.7 %).
which comprise HbA1c level over 6.5 %, a fasting
Fasting plasma insulin (FPI), c-peptide and pro-
plasma glucose level (FPG) over 126 mg/dL, or a insulin are not officially adopted as clinical markers
plasma glucose over 200 mg/dL 2 hour after an oral for diabetes, although recognized as possible
load of 75g glucose (named oral glucose tolerance markers of pancreatic function mostly in the form
test, OGTT). The use of HbA1c in the diagnostic of of the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA)
diabetes must be regarded with caution, since sev- in the estimate of β-cell function (HOMA-%B)
eral factors may affect the result, including erythro- or insulin resistance (HOMA-IR, the inverse of
cyte lifespan (Simmons and Hlaing, 2014). insulin sensitivity - HOMA-%S = 100/HOMA-IR)
Since 2001, a new set of criteria have become (Matthews et al. 1985, Wallace et al. 2004), a much
commonly used for diagnosis of diabetes. Accord- simpler parameter but strongly correlated with the
more complex and costly euglycemic clamp method
  “The definition and diagnostic classification of diabetes and (DeFronzo et al. 1979). Insulin, c-peptide and pro-
its pre-states should be based on the level of the subsequent
insulin have half-life of about 5 min, 30 min and
risk of cardiovascular complications”. Guidelines on diabetes,
pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases: executive summary. 90 min respectively (Zilker et al. 1988, Jones and
European Society of Cardiology (ESC) (Rydén et al. 2007) Hattersley 2013). Despite the longer half-life, only

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


about 3 % of pro-insulin remains non-cleaved, among others (Association 2016). However, by

and thus limiting its use as an analytical marker. the time of their diagnosis, patients with T2DM
Insulin and c-peptide are produced to the same have already an extensive (about 50 %) reduced
extent since c-peptide is the remaining portion of pancreatic β-cell function (DeWitt and Hirsch,
pro-insulin after cleavage. Taking into account the 2003), as well as signs of the prevalence of diabetes
6-fold longer half-life of c-peptide compared to complication markers such as microalbuminuria
insulin and the reduced influence of turnover due due to kidney damage (UKPDS 1998a, Stratton et
to other metabolic factors, measuring c-peptide al. 2000, Bash et al. 2008) and retinopathy (Nagi et
in the assessment of insulin resistance may be al. 1997, Kohner et al. 1998, Looker et al. 2012).
advantageous either fasted of during the OGTT. In In the United Kingdom Prospective Diabe-
the clinical practice, insulin measurements (either tes Study (UKPDS), all microvascular and mac-
FPI or during OGTT) can be prescribed and are rovascular outcomes were increasing related with
considered accessory diagnostic tool (Wu 2006). HbA1c as a positive, linear continuum, with little
Despite the wide use of these established difference for example between mean 5.6 % and
clinical markers, there has been rising concern over 6.5 % (Stratton et al. 2000). Although not evalu-
whether they would constitute a satisfactory panel ated for normoglycemic non-diabetic individuals,
for the clinical diagnostic of diabetes, undiagnosed it is unlikely that a drop to risk level equal to zero
diabetes and pre-diabetes or the early prediction events would occur in a transition of HbA1c from
of future diabetes and the cost-effectiveness of 5.6 to the 5.0 % level, which suggests that even
implementing as a general population-based at this lower level of HbA1c a high rate of events
approach (Zhang et al. 2005, Toscano et al. 2015). would take place. Also in the UKPDS, the increas-
In 1999 the DECODE group (Diabetes ing severity of retinopathy was associated with
Epidemiology: Collaborative analysis Of lower fasting serum insulin levels (Kohner et al.
Diagnostic criteria in Europe - DECODE - Study 1998), which suggest a late diagnosis of diabetes,
Group for the European Diabetes Epidemiology and correlates with an extensive loss of β-cell func-
Group), with data gathered from more than 25,000 tion upon diagnosis (DeWitt and Hirsch 2003).
individuals with a mean follow-up of 7.3 years, These data suggest that the advanced compli-
that the diagnosis of established diabetes by using cations of diabetes can be seen immediately upon
a FPG alone was insufficient to predict all-cause diagnosis, suggesting the current “glucocentric”
mortality, while the 2h glycemia from the OGTT (Yudkin and Montori 2014) clinical criteria may
provided a better prognostic information for this constitute a late diagnosis, and thus indicating a
outcome (DECODE Study Group 1999). need for earlier detection of insulin resistance and
In order to assess increased risk for diabetes, impaired pancreatic function.
the ADA recommends testing to all asymptomatic
individuals over 45 years old, or overweight or RISK OF FUTURE T2DM WITHIN
obese (body mass index BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 or ≥ 23 kg/ NORMOGLYCEMIC RANGE 4
m2 in Asian descendent) with additional risk factors
Prospective studies have long been conducted in
including physical inactivity, first-degree relative
the search for correlations between glycemic states
with diabetes, hypertension (≥140/90 mmHg or on
therapy for hypertension) or history of CVD, HDL 4
  “Insulin resistance is prerequisite for the development of type
<35 mg/dL and/or a triglyceride level >250 mg/ 2 diabetes and becomes manifest long before hyperglycaemia
dL (2.82 mmol/L or on therapy for dyslipidemia), is evident.”. “Insulin-resistant individuals develop type 2

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


and the prognosis of diabetes and diabetes-related identified with normal FPG at baseline and were
risks. followed for up to 10 years (mean follow-up time
In a population-based survey of the island of of 6.8 years) or until diagnosed diabetic. The risk
Mauritius conducted with over 3,500 individuals of developing diabetes was positively correlated
in a follow-up of about 5 years, the incidence of with FPG in the normal reference value (quartiles
diabetes was shown to progressively correlate with categories: < 85 mg/dL, 85 to 89 mg/dL, 90 to 94
the FPG at baseline within the normoglycemic range mg/dL, 95 to 99 mg/dL) at baseline. The risk of
(< 100 mg/dL), increasing further for individuals in developing diabetes was 49 % higher for those
FPG categories above this level, i.e., IFG (Shaw et in the 90-94 mg/dL quartile compared with those
al. 2000). with FPG below 85 mg/dL. Those subjects who
In a retrospective cohort study from the developed diabetes also had some other baseline
Japanese city of Omiya, conducted with over characteristic distinct from the total study sample,
11,000 individuals for a mean follow-up of 7 years, such as higher BMI (mean values ranging from
the risk of developing diabetes was positively 32.7 to 33.5 kg/m2 versus 28 to 29.9 kg/m2), higher
correlated with the FPG at baseline irrespective of mean triglycerides (TG; 209 to 239 mg/dL versus
gender or age, both in the pre-diabetes range and in 142 to 164 mg/dL among the quartiles) and slightly
the normoglycemic range (Kato et al. 2009). The lower mean HDLc (47 to 49 mg/dL versus 52 to
adjusted hazard ratio for incidence of diabetes with 57 mg/dL among the quartiles) - which together
subjects with an FPG of 95 to 99 mg/dL was 2.3 are a characteristic of dyslipidemia. They also had
times the risk of those with FPG < 85 mg/dL at hypertension (41.4 to 49.6 % versus 19.4 to 21.2
baseline. % among the quartiles) and cardiovascular disease
In an Israeli study conducted with over 13,000 (CVD) (8.3 to 11.9 % versus 4.8 to 7.6 % among
men aged 26 to 45 years, with a mean follow-up the quartiles). These baseline characteristic of the
of 5.7 years, a significantly augmented risk of subjects who developed diabetes shows altered
developing T2DM was found in groups with FPG values in the markers of MetS and increased risk
in the normoglycemic range of 87 mg/dL to 90 mg/ of atherosclerosis, incidence of coronary heart
dL (Tirosh et al. 2005). The risk or progression to disease (CHD) and mortality (Alberti et al. 2009,
Wong et al. 2012). Although the risk of diabetes
T2DM was further strongly associated with higher
(4.0 %) was lower in the normoglycemic range
triglyceride levels (< 150 mg/dL or > 150 mg/dL)
group than in the group with pre-diabetes/IFG
or body mass index (BMI; <25 kg/m2, 25-29.9 kg/
within the same study setting (11.3 %), both groups
m2 or >30 kg/m2), both showed to be independent
(normoglycemic and IFG) had close profiles among
risk factors in this same study group.
the MetS markers (BMI, TG, HDLc, high blood
In a large study using data from the Kaiser
pressure) (Nichols et al. 2007:2). These data not
Permanente Northwest (KPNW) health organization
only call for the importance of evaluation of both
in Portland, Oregon (USA) a search for correlation
glycemic indicators, but also for the importance of
between normal FPG and the risk of development
the trends in MetS and insulin resistance markers.
of T2DM was conducted (Nichols et al. 2008).
To put this into perspective, a cohort study with
Over 46,000 individuals over 40 years of age were
56 normoglycemic individuals showed increased
insulin resistance (as assessed by fasting plasma
diabetes only if β-cell failure ensues. Thus, measures of β-cell
function might be expected to be a key predictor for future type insulin - FPI - and HOMA-IR), dyslipidemia
2 diabetes.”. (Abdul-Ghani and DeFronzo 2009) and subclinical inflammation (as evaluated by

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


ultrasensitive C-reactive protein, hsCRP) as follow-up trajectories. These data clearly showed a
independent predictors of coronary artery disease tight relation between the continuum in progression
as assessed by coronary artery calcium (CAC) of a clinical marker within the reference normal
score (Deveci et al. 2009, Budoff et al. 2013, Hecht range and the final onset of diabetes. Moreover, this
2015). In fact, MetS and diabetes increases the study shows that the diagnosis of overt diabetes is
likelihood of established CAC (Wong et al. 2003), preceded by more than a decade of asymptomatic
which is also suggestive of a late diagnosis when progression in metabolic dysfunction, including
considering the risks for progression of CVD. decreased insulin sensitivity and β-cell function,
Also, MetS and diabetes are additional risk factors even within their normal reference range.
in the progression of CAC (Wong et al. 2012), as The prospective Ansung-Ansan cohort study,
shown by the Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis part of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology
Study (MESA) conducted with over 6,810 adults Study, was conducted for 10 years in South Korean
individuals followed for about 4.9 years for incident involving over 4100 individuals surveyed for
CHD. chronic diseases. Those who progressed to diabetes
A UK retrospective study with 129 non- and pre-diabetes at endpoint showed at baseline
pregnant subjects evaluated the ability of the FPG significantly higher BMI, waist circumference,
in predicting the outcome of the OGTT (Wiener SBP, FPG, 2h-GTT, HbA1c and HOMA-IR, and
1995). The study found that in order to achieve the lower HOMA-%B compared to the group that
lowest risk of false positive diagnoses of diabetes did not progress, all values within their respective
it would be necessary to use an upper cut-off limit normal reference range (Ohn et al. 2016).
of 80 mg/dL as normoglycemic range of FPG, a Collectively, these gathered independent
threshold that would rule out the need of further studies conducted with varying ethnic groups bring
investigation by OGTT or any other clinical test. evidence that the risk of future diabetes significantly
Until diagnosis, diabetes can be unnoticed increases as a function of glycemic markers and
for over a decade under current clinical diagnosis β-cell function as a continuum starting within the
criteria, as seen in the Whitehall II prospective group of normoglycemic individuals. Below we
occupational cohort. The participants were present further data from studies correlating the
classified into two groups according to diagnosis risks of complications comorbidities related to
at the end of the follow-up, those who developed diabetes in study groups in the normoglycemic
and those who did not develop T2DM. During the range.
study with a mean follow-up of 13 years monitored
HOMA-%S and HOMA-%B, those individuals REFERENCE RANGE 5
which did not developed diabetes maintained a
low FPG in the lower 80 mg/mL range, individuals DIABETES COMPLICATIONS IN DIABETIC
which were ultimately diagnosed diabetic
continuously increased their FPG within the Several studies have shown decreasing risk of
normoglycemic range. Furthermore, the surge in diabetes complications in diabetes-diagnosed
FPG preceding diabetes diagnostic at endpoint was individuals that were subjected to a tight glycemic
accompanied by increase in 2h-OGTT, decrease
in HOMA-%S and in HOMA-%B, which were 5
  “Those with cardiovascular disease not identified with
continuously altered since baseline throughout the diabetes are simply undiagnosed”. (Kraft 2008)

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


control by the use of intensive pharmaceutical cross-sectional epidemiological studies with the
therapy protocols. We refer here to two major trials, Pima Indians, an Egyptian study, and the third
one with T1DM and other with T2DM. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
The Diabetes Control and Complication Trial (NHANES) (WHO 2015, Colagiuri et al. 2011).
(DCCT) conducted with 1,441 T1DM individuals
with a mean follow-up of 6.5 years showed that the Cardiovascular disease
intervention arm under intensive pharmaceutical
In the US San Antonio Heart Study, over 2,560
therapy, with a tight glycemic control close to
Mexican-American and non-Hispanic individuals
normal reference values, presented reduction
non-diabetic at baseline were followed for 8 years.
of long-term complications such as retinopathy,
The risk of CVD was evaluated and the HOMA-IR
nephropathy and neuropathy (DCCT 1993). The
and FPI were found to be independent risk factor
rate of progression of retinopathy fell as HbA1c
with FPG and 2h-OGTT within the normoglycemic
decreased. These benefits observed in the DCCT
range (Hanley et al. 2002).
showed long-term, sustained effects as observed
A diagnosis of T2DM has been considered
by the lower risk of microvascular (DCCT-EDIC
an independent risk factor for CVD (Valenti et al.
2000), cardiovascular outcomes and myocardial
2016). The prospective DECODE study comprising
infarction as seen in the Epidemiology of Diabetes
Interventions and Complications study (EDIC), a European 22-cohorts involving over 29,700
mean follow-up of 17 years of the DCCT (Nathan individuals in a median follow-up of 11 years
et al. 2005). The UK Prospective Diabetes Study reported an increasing risk of all-cause CVD and
(UKPDS) study conducted with T2DM individuals non-CVD mortality for individuals with 2h-OGTT
followed for over 10 years showed that a tight levels within the normoglycemic range (below
glycemic control resulted in decrease of risk of 140 mg/dL or 7.7 mM) (DECODE Study Group,
CVD, all-cause mortality, microvascular including European Diabetes Epidemiology Group 2003)
nephropathy (UKPDS 1998b) with sulphonylurea In a longitudinal population-based prospective
of insulin, and macrovascular diseases (myocardial study conducted in the Japanese town of Hisayama,
infarction, sudden death, angina, stroke, peripheral a total of 2,851 individuals were followed for about
disease) with metformin (UKPDS 1998a). 7 years and CVD were found to correlate with
HbA1c within the non-diabetic range (Ikeda et al.
In a 10-year follow-up of the Dutch Hoorn
The risks of complications of diabetes (such as cohort study involving 1,647 non-diabetic subjects
neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, CVD, (eligible for final data analysis), HbA1c was shown
vascular, among others) have also been observed to be an independent predictor of CVD (Van’t Riet
as a function of metabolic dysfunction among et al. 2012)
normoglycemic individuals. In the Italian Bruneck study conducted with
over 910 adults followed for 15 years, the inci-
dence of CVD was increasingly higher in the upper
The trend in increasing of the prevalence of any quartiles of HOMA-IR or FPI at baseline even after
retinopathy has been seen as a HbA1c dependent adjustment for varying risk factors (Bonora et al.
variable within the normal reference range in 2007).

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


In the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and In a Canadian prospective study involving over
Lifestyle (AusDiab) study conducted with over 2100 non-diabetic adult men, the risk of ischemic
10,000 subjects over 25 years of age in a follow- heart diseases (IHD) was shown to be independently
up of 7 years, the hazards for all-cause mortality correlated with fasting hyperinsulinemia compared
and CVD mortality were independently correlated to matched patients with no occurrence of IHD
with 2h-OGTT and HbA1c even within their within the 5 years of follow-up (Després et al. 1996).
normal reference range (Barr et al. 2009). Also in Although the risk of IHD was independent from
the AusDiab cohort, conducted with general non- dyslipidemic state, it showed a synergic effect with
diabetic population and involving over 8,530 adults increasing triglyceride. In another population-based
over 35 years of age followed for about 5 years cohort study (NHANES III) involving over 13,100
the incidence of fatal or non-fatal CVD showed non-diabetic individuals over 20 years, c-peptide
a progression correlated with HOMA-%S, with a was found positively correlated with increasing
hazard ratio of about 2.0 when comparing the first risk of CVD deaths in nondiabetic patients and
and fifth quintiles (Barr et al. 2010). with decreasing levels of serum HDLc (Li et al.
In a UK-based prospective population study 2015). These studies did not exclude pre-diabetic
in which over 10,000 adults were followed for groups. Although well-known that the risks of CVD
an average of 6 years, an increased risk for fatal is increased in pre-diabetic and diabetic compared
and non-fatal coronary heart disease (CHD) to non-diabetic population (Stratton et al. 2000),
cardiovascular events and total mortality associated the risk of first time stroke among normoglycemic
was found with increasing HbA1c levels in the Swedish population was positively correlated with
normal reference range (Khaw et al. 2004). fasting pro-insulin and insulin levels, even more
In the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities pronounced in women (mean OR 13.7) than in men
(ARIC) Study, several evidences of diabetes (mean OR 3.4) (Lindahl et al. 2000).
complications have been associated with HbA1c The Spanish cohort from the Canary Islands
in the normal, non-diabetic reference range (< conducted with over 6,600 adults from the general
5.7 %). In an ARIC prospective case-cohort study population showed elevated c-peptide fasting levels
conducted for over 8 years of follow-up with associated with increasing risk of coronary disease
over 1,320 non-diabetic adults, a progressive - acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and coronary
increase in risk of CHD was found as a function artery disease (CAD) - within normoglycemic
of HbA1c in the normal reference range among individuals (Cabrera de León et al. 2015), which
those in the normoglycemic range (NCD-RisC also correlated positively with increasing obesity,
2016). Another ARIC study with over 10,880 non- TG hypertension and HOMA-IR, and lower HDLc.
diabetic individuals in a mean follow-up of 8 to 10 In a cohort study with 1,073 non-diabetic
years found a correlation of HbA1c within normal adult patients in the normoglycemic range (for
reference range with increasing risk of incident FPG, HbA1c) which survived AMI, they found
ischaemic stroke (Selvin et al. 2005b). A median an independent association of incident multivessel
follow-up of 14 years conducted with over 11,090 coronary artery disease (CAD) with HOMA-
non-diabetic adults found a positive correlation IR (Karrowni et al. 2013). In this same cohort,
between the incidence rate of new diagnosed the quantiles of HOMA-IR was statistically and
diabetes, CHD and stroke with HbA1c in its normal positively correlated with increasing FPG, FPI,
range.(Selvin et al. 2010) HbA1c, hsCRP, TG, and BMI.

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


Cancer In conjunction, these data reported above,

among others studies reported elsewhere, illustrate
In the Japan Public Health Center-based prospective
that the risks of incidence of diabetes-related com-
study (JPHC Study Group) which followed over
plications and comorbidities correlate with markers
29,000 individuals which were cancer-free at
of glucose metabolism in a dose-dependent manner
baseline. And after a median follow-up of 8.5 years,
within the normal reference range for non-diabetic.
they found increasing risk of cancer in individuals
Consequently, these data indicate the existence of
with higher HbA1c levels within both non-diabetic
initial manifestation of diabetes-related complica-
and diabetic ranges (Goto et al. 2016).
tions in subclinical conditions not detected by the
In an Italian prospective case controlled study,
current diagnostic approach. The missing link re-
involving over 10,000 women followed for over 5
lies on the identity of one or more causal agents, or
years, FPG within the normal reference value of
even the identification of a common independent
non-diabetic was found associated with increasing
risk factor that would better describe the increased
risk of breast cancer (Muti et al. 2002, Sieri et al.
risk of progression to diabetes and related com-
plications and comorbidities among normoglyce-
Dementia mic individuals. The clinical markers FPG, OGTT
and HbA1c are glycemic proxies highly influenced
During a median follow-up of 6.8 years of over by a large subset of variables (Rydén et al. 2016),
2,000 patients, the Adult Changes in Thought including insulin secretion and insulin resistance,
(ACT) study found a progressive increasing glucagon control, glucose absorption (during the
risk for development and diagnosis of dementia GTT), cortisol, stress hormones, among others.
as a function of glycemia at baseline in groups Among these factors, insulin secretion - along with
without diabetes (Crane et al. 2013), suggesting amylin cosecretion - have been shown to be regu-
insulin resistance and increased microvascular lated accordingly in order to keep the glucose ho-
complications in the central nervous system as meostasis, and thus pancreatic β-cell function is a
underlying causes. valuable tool to be investigated.
In a US cohort from northern Manhattan
involving adults over 65 years of age and no sign of SUBCLINICAL DIABETES DIAGNOSIS:
dementia at baseline, the odds of Alzheimer disease
(AD) and dementia was increased over 100 % in
individuals with hyperinsulinemia (Luchsinger et After diagnosis, the progression of T2DM is well
al. 2004). characterized by the decline in pancreatic β-cell
function (Butler et al. 2003, DeWitt and Hirsch
Renal diseases
2003, Association 2016). However, the decrease in
In the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) β-cell function and insulin secretion with the pro-
Study, a community-based cohort with over 1,800 gression of both frank and overt diabetes is preced-
diabetic participants, a positive association between ed by a hyperhormonemia state, in which hormonal
chronic kidney disease (CKD) - in the absence of
  “Islet dysfunction is critical for development of IGT and type
albuminuria and retinopathy - and a broad HbA1c
2 diabetes and (…) these pathophysiological events already
concentration range, including the normal reference start when subjects are normal glucose tolerant”. (Ahrén,
values (<5.7 %) 2009)

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


(both insulin and amylin) secretion by the β-cells Pancreatic Polypeptide (PP)
attempts to offset the glucose load and the varying
The pancreatic polypeptide (PP) is secreted by the
degree of insulin resistance, keeping glycemia in
PP cells and has long been shown to be elevated
the normoglycemic range (Abdul-Ghani and De-
in T2DM individuals (Floyd et al. 1976). In fact,
Fronzo 2009). Such observation makes the case
during an OGTT the insulin levels in pre-diabetic
for pancreatic hyperhormonemia as a major onto-
are higher than in non-diabetic individuals, while
genic hallmark of diabetes. It follows that evalua-
PP levels and glucagon are similar between these
tion of hormonal levels become a natural candidate
groups. However, in T2DM subjects both insulin,
as a more specific and sensitive clinical diagnostic
PP and glucagon levels are elevated during an
proxy in normoglycemic individuals, otherwise
OGTT (Chia et al. 2014), bringing evidences for a
healthy and non-diabetic according to the current further multihormonal hypothesis.
glucocentric diagnostic approach.
Amylin is a 37 amino acid hormone belonging to
Glucagon the calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) family
discovered in 1987 (Cooper et al. 1987, Westermark
Glucagon is an hormone secreted by the α-cells et al. 1987) and is concomitantly released along
from pancreatic islets with varying systemic with insulin by the same secretory granules of the
physiologic roles including the maintenance of pancreatic β-cells (Guerreiro et al. 2013). Among
normoglycemia under fasting, as long recognized the physiologic functions, amylin has a central role
by evidences from Unger, Cahill and colleagues in the regulation of glucagon secretion (Young,
(Marliss et al. 1970). The evidences that glucagon 2005). During OGTT in non-diabetic (30 min
levels in individuals with overt diabetes were OGTT peak <145 mg/dL, 1h OGTT < ~ 130 mg/
elevated lead the proposal of the “bihormonal dL, 2h OGTT < ~90 mg/dL) obese adults, both
hypothesis” of T2DM in 1975 by Unger and Orci insulin (1h peak ~ 57 mU/L, ~400 pM) and amylin
(Dobbs et al. 1975, Unger and Orci 1975), by (1h peak ~ 8 pM) are cosecreted (Thomaseth et al.
which hyperglycemia was explained by the lack 1997). They are secreted at an apparent constant
of insulin regulation of glucose metabolism and ratio in non-diabetic individuals, reaching a serum
paracrine antagonization of excessive secretion of concentration ratio at 1 h peak of about 50mol:
glucagon, currently recognized as a key strategy in 1mol insulin:amylin. In normoglycemic individuals
the therapeutics of diabetes (Godoy-Matos 2014, progressing toward pancreatic impairment, a
Hay et al. 2015, Sisnande et al. 2015, Bower and parallel hyperhormonemia (hyperinsulinemia and
Hay 2016). In fact, reduced insulin secretion and hyperamylinemia) follows, with an increase in the
acute glucagon secretion upon stimulation with relative amount of amylin to insulin as a function
arginine is observed in IGT individuals years of progression from NGT to IGT and finally T2DM
before diagnosis, as found by Ahrén and colleagues (Ludvik et al. 1991, Thomaseth et al. 1997, Kahn
(Larsson et al. 1995, Ahrén 2009). Such traits et al. 1998).
are found in subjects that were normoglycemic From this islet hormonal panel we notice that
and normoglucagonemic at baseline, but already insulin and amylin are hormone that may be found
showing higher FBI at baseline within normal elevated in fasting state as well as after an oral
reference range. glucose load in some normoglycemic non-diabetic

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


individuals, while glucagon and PP are more likely and correlate with the levels of FPI (Kraft 2008).
to be altered in diagnosed diabetic subjects. These varying levels of insulinemic response to
OGTT - or even meals - among those otherwise
considered healthy individuals, provides evidence
Yalow, Berson and colleagues have reported a for varying degrees of insulin resistance among
large variability in plasma insulin concentration normoglycemic subjects. These data have also
in normoglycemic patients undergoing OGTT been repeatedly observed by other groups.
(Yalow and Berson 1960, Yalow et al. 1965), When comparing groups of normoglycemic
also corroborated by subsequent study by Reaven non-obese and obese adult individuals, the latter
and colleagues (Reaven et al. 1969). In another shows both an increased FPI and 24-h insulinemic
study with individuals undergoing GTT, Reaven response, with minor difference in the 24-h
and colleagues have further found a biphasic glycemic profile (Polonsky et al. 1988). In a
dependence of insulinemic response on glycemia, study with normoglycemic obese (BMI ~ 35 kg/
at first reporting a steep increase within the cm2) Latino and Afro-American youth, the group
normoglycemic range which preceded a descent was hyperinsulinemic (FPI > 27 U/mL), and
phase as a function of increasing glycemia consequently insulin resistant (HOMA-OR > 4.3)
within the IGT and diabetic ranges (Reaven et al. and also an IGT with high insulinemic profile
1967) (Fig. 1a). Kraft has further confirmed the during OGTT (Lustig et al. 2016). However, even
hyperinsulinemic response to an oral glucose load among lean, normoglycemic and normolipidemic
during an extended OGTT - up to 5 hours - among (fasting) young individuals a subgroup with
normoglycemic individuals, which anticipates the elevated FPI can be found - yet “normal” (< 13
decline in insulin response observed in the overt mU/mL) - showing a hyperinsulinemic and
diabetes (Kraft 1975, 2008) (Fig. 1b). The varying dyslipidemic 24h profile - in particular high TG
degrees of insulinemic responses during OGTT and de-novo hepatic lipogenesis (Petersen et al.
were stratified into quintiles (so-called “Pattern”) 2007). In another study, Finnish individuals were

Figure 1 - Insulinemic response following an oral glucose load. a) Insulinemic response in individuals following an oral load of
glucose. Data from (Reaven et al. 1967). b) Insulinemic response in normoglycemic individuals following an oral glucose load.
Each curves (I, II, III and IV) represent a Pattern (quantile) with average of the insulinemic responses from a large subset of
individuals following an oral glucose load. Data from (Kraft 2008). c) Correlation between FPI and 2h insulinemia following an
oral glucose load. Data form (Johnson et al. 2010).

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


screened for their degrees of insulin resistance glycemic control, individuals in the normoglycemic
using euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp, and range show increasing insulin resistance, which
the results were compared with their FPI (Laakso manifests itself through increasing insulinemia both
1993). In the group with NGT, the prevalence of fasting and in response to an oral glycemic load.
insulin resistance increased as a function of their This increasing insulin resistance is phenotypically
FPI, matching similar prevalence of those in the manifested as an increasing insulinemia, which is
frank (IGT) or overt (diagnosed) diabetic groups reflected as a steep decline in HOMA-%S (Figs.
at a FPI of 13 mU/L and above. In the San Antonio 2a, b) and a linear increase in HOMA-IR (Fig. 2c).
Metabolism (SAM) study conducted with 388 obese According to this model, it is noted that an increase
and non-obese subjects (NGT, IGT and T2DM), the from 2 mU/L to about 15 mU/L in FPI is followed
insulin secretion during OGTT showed a typical by an 8 fold decline in HOMA-%S, from 400 to 50
inverted-U shape when plotted as a function of (as interpolated from Fig. 2b). These modeled data
FPG, showing the decline in insulin secretion are confirmed by experimental results, showing
preceded by an hypersinsulinemic phase in the the extensive increase in prevalence of insulin
normoglycemic range (Gastaldelli et al. 2004). This resistance within the normal reference range of FPI
study also found that the insulin secretion along (< 13 mU/L) and normoglycemic range (Laakso
the OGTT correlated with the degree of insulin 1993).
resistance as assessed by euglycemic insulin clamp. From decades of independent studies it be-
It also found that the decline in β-cell function is comes evident that an early multihormonal disfunc-
an exponential continuum as a function of FPG tion takes place in as an attempt to control glycemia
(or 2h-OGTT), beginning in the normoglycemic in the context of the metabolic degeneration. More
range. In a retrospective US study a group of over importantly, this analysis shows that FPI is a direct
675 subject with FPG in the normoglycemic range, and reliable indicator of insulin resistance in other-
FPI and HOMA-IR positively correlated with wise healthy non-diabetic normoglycemic individ-
2h-OGTT insulin (Johnson et al. 2010) (Fig. 1c). uals. In fact, the importance for the assay of FPI in
the evaluation of insulin resistance before the onset
of the clinical diabetes has long been recognized
SYNDROME by the ADA for almost 20 years, as stated in their
official statement “Consensus Development Con-
We recall that HOMA is a measure calculated from ference on Insulin Resistance” (Association 1998).
results of measurements of fasting glycemia and In that report, the non-recommendation for the rou-
insulinemia during routine blood work. HOMA is tine screening of fasting insulin relied for the most
well accepted due to its simplicity and an analytic part in analytical limitations, in the absence of clear
power comparable to clamps, golden standards for cut-point criteria, and in the lack of correlational
evaluation of insulin resistance but a complex test evidence between insulin resistance and outcomes.
not suitable for routine clinical diagnostic. Although The present body of evidence indicates that the
well known as a suitable proxy for evaluation of glucocentric approach (FPG, HbA1c and OGTT)
β-cell function and insulin resistance in individuals does not conclusively predict future risk of diabetes
diagnosed with frank or overt diabetes, HOMA can and related complications/comorbidities. Given
also be a direct evidence for β-cell function in the that insulin resistance is the underlying basis for
normal reference range, and thus an appropriate glucose intolerance leading to rise in glycemia
- and affordable - proxy. In order to keep a tight and all others diagnostic markers for diabetes and

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


Figure 2 - Insulin sensitivity as a function of fasting plasma insulin according to HOMA2 model. The HOMA2 model as
implemented in the HOMA calculator ( (Wallace et al. 2004) was used to diagram the
insulin sensitivity (HOMA2-%S, the inverse of insulin resistance) and insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR) as a function of fasting
plasma insulin. a) HOMA2-%S, linear scale; b) HOMA2-%S, log-log scale. c) HOMA2-IR. Numbers in the legends correspond
to the FPG levels used in simulation, within the normoglycemic range (from 70 to 99 mg/L). Notice that insulin sensitivity shows
a steep dependence on the fasting insulin (a) behaving as a double exponential decay function and thus linear in log-log scale (b).
Interpolation of this data allows the observation of a decrease in half of insulin sensitivity when FPI rises from 2 to 5 mU/L FPI,
and a further decrease in half from 5 to 10 mU/L. Even within the normal reference range of FPI (up to 13 mU/L), a shift from 2 to
10 mU/L in FPI corresponds to a decrease to about 25 % of initial insulin sensitivity, a clear sign of advanced insulin resistance (c)
and thus subclinical diabetes in the normoglycemic range.

pre-diabetes and that insulin resistance may builds T2DM (Sanyal et al. 2015), and thus a subclinical
up even in normoglycemic individuals, the direct stage of MetS. Furthermore, other anthropometric
assessment of insulin resistance should constitute markers associated to MetS should be evaluated
the diagnostic panel in the screening of diabetes, since accumulation of MetS markers are indicative
requiring solely a FPI and/or a confirmatory OGTT of increased insulin resistance (Garg et al. 2011).
with insulin measurement. These MetS markers include subcutaneous,
The insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) abdominal and intravisceral fat (BMI, waist to
by means of FPI may be evaluated along with a hip ratio), cardiovascular and atherosclerotic
broader metabolic panel prospecting the intraorgan outcomes (such as carotid intima-media thickness
origin of insulin resistance, in particular hepatic - CIMT (Pais et al. 2016), coronary artery calcium
by means of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), - CAC, also known as calcium score (Valenti et
alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate al. 2015)), blood pressure, inflammation (hsCRP)
aminotransferase (AST) (Unwin et al. 2015, and atherogenic dyslipidemia - high circulating
Oniki et al. 2016) and ferritin (Brudevold et triglycerides, low HDLc, high apolipoprotein B
al. 2008). Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or high LDL particle number (Leroux et al. 2000,
(NAFLD) spectrum has been considered an hepatic Pourfarzib et al. 2014), high small LDL particles
manifestation and/or precursor of MetS (Smits et and oxidized LDLc (Boizel et al. 2000), some of
al. 2013, Lonardo et al. 2015) and even elevated them assessed as the lipoprotein insulin resistance
levels within the normal reference range have been index - LPIR score, which shows strong association
associated with markers of MetS, NAFLD and with HOMA-IR (Shalaurova et al. 2014) (Fig. 3).

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


INTERVENTION IN THE PREVENTION OF for over 100 years, long before the availability
DIABETES7,8 of insulin and other drugs for diabetes (Mazur
2011). Modern studies have been confirming the
We present below a brief perspective on some of
caloric restriction protocol and the reversal of
them to shed light on the manageable aspect of
organ dysfunction and the reversal of diabetes
the metabolic dysfunction by means of lifestyle
markers (Steven et al. 2016) and has been also
recognized by the ADA as an intervention in the
MEDITERRANEAN DIET APPROACH improvement of insulin resistance (Association
1998). According to this protocol, not only is total
Lifestyle intervention showed effective in the caloric intake decreased, but also the glycemic
prevention of T2DM in non-diabetic individuals at load, which introduces confounders, making it
high risk of CVD who followed a Mediterranean diet difficult to extrapolate the individual benefits of
approach (high in vegetables, olive oil, fish, nuts, each component in a multivariate analysis.
fiber, polyphenos, α-linoleic acid, and minimally
Although some authors argue that isoenergetic
processed in natura products, low linoleic acid and
meals varying in content of macronutrient may
ultraprocessed food items) for a mean follow-up of
behave similarly in the short term (Hall et al.
5 years (Salas-Salvadó et al. 2011, Estruch et al.
2015), metabolic markers and the long term impact
2013, 2016, Babio et al. 2014).
of a large set of variables influences considerably
The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
the metabolism according to the macronutrient
study (DPP 2002) conducted with high risk group
distribution (Gardner et al. 2007), insulin resistance
showed a 58 % reduction in the risk of diabetes by
status (Ebbeling et al. 2007, McClain et al. 2013),
lifestyle intervention, which included the National
the content of resistant starch (Leeman et al.
Cholesterol Education Program Step 1 (NCEP
2005) and the use of seasoning components such
Step 1) diet, similar to a Mediterranean Diet (Kris-
as vinegar (Ostman et al. 2005), fats as olive oil
Etherton et al. 2001). The lifestyle intervention in
and butter (Bozzetto et al. 2016), among others
the DPP proved to be superior to metformin (850
variables. Given that the post-prandial insulin
mg b.i.d.) intervention, both compared to placebo.
spike may take about 5 h to reach the baseline level
CALORIC RESTRICTION (Gannon and Nuttall, 2004), the meal distribution
over the course of the day should be taken
Another approach in the control of diabetes markers into account since it is likely to impact the 24 h
is caloric restriction. This approach has been used insulinemic profile (Kahleova et al. 2014).
It is also recognized the existence of large
  “Rather than screening whole populations for diabetes, population variability in glycemic response
primary care teams should focus efforts on earlier detection,
lifestyle advice and intensive treatment of risk factors among to similar meals (Zeevi et al. 2015), the intra-
individuals at high risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.” individual variability in glycemic response to
Forouhi and Wareham 2014 different meals with equivalent macronutrient load
8 (e.g., carbohydrate: starch + sugar) (Hätönen et
  “First line “treatment” for pre-diabetes by whatever definition
is lifestyle advice. And because the risk factors overlap with al. 2006), which poses further uncertainty on the
those of other non-communicable diseases, the question is why adequacy of total caloric restriction protocols, the
focus attention on a specific group of people with a diagnosis validity of the calorie-in-calorie-out model (Hall et
of pre-diabetes while ignoring the remainder of the healthy
population who would benefit from the same advice.”. Yudkin al. 2015), and the usefulness of the glycemic index
and Montori 2014 (Jenkins et al. 1981, Atkinson et al. 2008) model.

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


Figure 3 - Schematic diagram of the continuum of risk of common diabetes complications as a function of glucose metabolism
markers. A continuous color gradient is depicted ranging from lower (green, lower left side) to higher risks (red, upper right
side). a) Schematic representation of the progression of risks (log scale) of future complications and/or comorbidities related
to currently adopted official diabetes clinical markers (FPG and/or HbA1c and/or 2h-OGTT) and at normoglycemic range
(subclinical diabetes). Diagram inspired on the UKPDS (Stratton et al. 2000) and ARCS (Selvin et al. 2005a) studies. b) The
progression of complications / comorbidities of diabetes in the subclinical range (within the normal reference ranges, without
established diabetes symptoms) of glycemic and lipid markers. Glucose metabolism state for FPG, FPI/c-peptide/pro-insulin,
HbA1c, 2h-OGTT glucose. Dyslipidemia states for TG, HDL, TG/HDL ratio, oxLDL. Diagram inspired on the study of (Tirosh
et al. 2005). c) Schematic representation of the biphasic behavior of insulin secretion as a function of progression of diabetes. At
low, normoglycemic reference values of glucose indicators, insulin secretion is increased in order to compensate for building
insulin resistance. Diagram inspired by Reaven (Reaven et al. 1967), Kraft (Kraft 1975), and DeFronzo (Gastaldelli et al. 2004)
studies. d) Schematic representation of the clinical markers associated with hyperinsulinemia within normal reference ranges.

CARBOHYDRATE /GLUCOSE LOAD RESTRICTION sensitivity, pancreatic function and improves

evident risk markers such as TG, HDL, insulinemia
Taking into account the needs for decreasing in the and glycemia should be considered.
risk of future diabetes and complications thereof, A direct correlation between glycemic load
a lifestyle interventional approach that decreases from dietary carbohydrate and physiologic insulin
endogenous insulin requirements, improve insulin requirement - currently known as food insulin

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


index (FII) - is well-established. It is well-known The average load of essential micronutrients

that glucose load induces expressive increase in expressed as percentage of the dietary reference
glycemia and insulin, while other macronutrients intake (DRI) show a positive correlation with
loads do not significantly change both markers the overall content of protein in unprocessed or
(Robertson et al. 2002, Bao et al. 2009). Prioritization minimally processed food items (Fig. 4a), while
of meal preparations with low FII and thus with displaying a lower prevalence in starch- and sugar-
low bioavailable glucose from total carbohydrate rich food items (Fig. 4b and Fig. 4c, respectively),
contents such as starch and sugars along with which are the main origin of exogenous glucose
the preferred use non ultra-processed food items (USDA 2014). Limiting the intake of essential
(Canella et al. 2014) is likely to compose a strategy micronutrients can pose an increasing risk for
to decrease the excessive demand upon pancreatic the prevalence of diabetes and other metabolic
function, to overcome long-term hyperinsulinemic disorders (Ames 2006, Miao et al. 2013, Kaur and
status, reduction in insulin resistance and in the Henry 2014). Given that the insulin demand is
likely of development of MetS-related outcomes. directly related to exogenous glucose (Bao et al.
For several decades now, the role of glycemic 2011), decreasing the consumption of starch and
load in the long term rise of triglycerides has sugar - rich food items is a better strategy for the
been known, and it is worsened according to the control of both established diabetes and prediabetes
individual insulin responses (Reaven et al. 1967). (Feinman et al. 2015, Tóth and Clemens 2015) as
The hypertriglyceridemic effect of fructose from well as subclinical diabetes (Lima 2017). There is
sugars and its impact on markers of MetS is also no minimum human requirement for exogenous
well documented (Lim et al. 2010), and its dietary glucose since the human body can produce glucose
reduction has been shown to be associated with (Institute of Medicine 2005, Cahill 2006) and
improvement in MetS markers (Schwarz et al. use it along with ketone bodies as main energetic
2015, Lustig et al. 2016) source in many organs including brain (Cunnane
Moreover, it has been postulated that most and Crawford 2003, Institute of Medicine 2006),
metabolic diseases show increased risk under an provided adequate amounts of nutrient-rich protein
hyperinsulinemic condition (Cordain et al. 2003, and good-quality lipids are consumed.
Kopp 2003). In fact, a study with over 4,150
participants from Northern China followed for over CONCLUSIONS 9

4.2 years suggested that even when participants

There has been intense debate whether the current
in a cohort were normalized for similar baseline
thresholds for diagnosis of diabetes should be
characteristics (BMI, age, age, smoking, waist
decreased and if HbA1c and other additional metrics
circumference - lower limit of 81 cm - SBP, DBP,
could compose a more complete risk assessments
normoglycemic range (about 4.8 mM = 87 mg/
panel for diabetes and its complications (Cefalu
dL), fasting plasma insulin (about 7 mU/L), total
2016, Yudkin 2016). The extensive scientific
cholesterol, HDLc (about 50 mg/dL), obesity,
hypertension and hyperlipidemia, but with SBP
9  “From a clinical perspective, the most practical way of
and triglyceride (in the upper normal range),the assessing insulin resistance would seem to be the measurement
study found correlation of increasing consumption of insulin concentration in plasma”. “Plasma insulin levels
of starchy foods with the probability of MetS, whether measured in the fasting state or after a glucose load
are a powerful predictor for the risk of type 2 diabetes”.
indicating the existence of the disease and their Consensus Development Conference on Insulin Resistance
probable complications and comorbidities. American Diabetes Association (Association 1998)

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


Figure 4 - Correlation between the average content of essential micronutrients and macronutrients load. The average load of 28
essential micronutrients in non-processed food items (“,raw” keyword filter, resulting in 1.325 food items) was calculated from the
whole USDA database (SR27) in the basis of % of the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI; males, 31-50 years old) for each 100 g product
and reported here. As a quick reference for high micronutrient load, consider the distribution above 50 % DRI. Essential amino
acids were not included in order to avoid bias by skewing data toward high micronutrient in protein. a) Ternary plot representing
the proportion of macronutrient (PTN = protein, CHO = carbohydrate, FAT = lipids) as % energy. Each symbol represent one non-
processed (“,raw”) food item and the size is proportional to the average load of the 28 essential micronutrients expressed as % of the
DRI. b) Average load of 28 essential micronutrients (% DRI, male, 31-50 years old) in 100 g unprocessed food item as a function
of sugar content. c) Average load of 28 essential micronutrients (% DRI, male, 31-50 years old) in 100 g unprocessed food item
as a function of starch content. Notice the LOG-LOG scale. Data from USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference,
Release 27 (USDA, 2014:27) (SR27; and Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for adult male 31-50 years-old
( Micronutrients: Ca, Fe, Mg, P, K, Na, Zn, Cu, F, Mn,
Se, VitA, VitE, Vit D (D2 + D3), Vit. C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Vit B6, Folate (total), Vit. B12, Choline
(total), Vit. K (phylloquinone), Folate (food), Linoleic Acid (LA), α-linolenic acid, and also included EPA+DHA (not in sr27, but
known for its limited endogenous production and requirement from exogenous source (Mozaffarian and Wu 2012).

An Acad Bras Cienc (2017) 89 (1 Suppl.)


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